SML Movie: Brooklyn Guy The Liar!

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boydy do you know what today is uh my last off day before I have to work tomorrow nobody today is your daughter's birthday no it's not didn't she just have a birthday that was a year ago Boyne there's no way it's her birthday hey Dad what are we doing for my birthday today oh my God you were serious uh you know like big birthday stuff oh my God I didn't forget I I never forget your birthday then where's my birthday cake uh I I I have I have it I definitely have it it's it's in the fridge over there just um give me like 15 minutes to 20 with traffic foreign God I hate Walmart now it's all self-checkout you know I already have enough jobs I shouldn't have to check out my own groceries and then when you go to leave there's somebody there to check your receipt like yeah I'm gonna steal a 10 cake they hire somebody to check your receipt but not to check you out that makes a lot of damn sense not that this has anything to do with your cake because I got that out of the fridge but what took so long was there was a train in front of the fridge a 180 car train and also I had to decorate it so there's that happy birth pen Lobby uh yeah I ran out of room dad that's not spell my name yeah I just did don't worry about it just look how pretty your cake is Dad how old am I uh yeah yeah you know Penelope it's rude to ask a lady your age but I'm not asking a lady I'm asking my dad my age uh we'll just count the number of candles that's how old you are there's ten you think I'm ten I think you're a 10 out of 10 daughter I can't believe you forgot my age my age Dad hey I didn't I didn't forget your how old you feel I mean that's really what matters look let's just sing happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday pet Lobby happy birthday to you okay blow out your candles make a wish I wish my dad wouldn't lie for a whole day okay well that was a stupid wish I mean you know I'm a liar I bought this cake from Walmart because I obviously forgot your birthday I I don't know why I just said that did you get me any presents Dad no I'm a cheapskate you know I don't get your presents your cake is your present eat it why am I saying these things what is wrong with me why would I say those things Whitney how can you say those amazing daughter like I don't know I mean they were true but I just felt like I couldn't lie boy name baby get just stressed out do you want to fool around no I'm not attracted to you I I mean I can't with my eyes and think about other people like last night I thought about you being the girl in The Taco Bell drive-through and she really wasn't even that attractive she was just more attractive than you uh you know what I'm actually gonna go to work early that's the truth I'm gonna go do doctor things hey everybody doctor what are you doing here you're not supposed to work tonight yeah I just didn't want to have sex with my wife so I thought I'd come here and get some overtime hours uh hey Luke how you doing how is he he's not gonna make it past tomorrow I know hey doctor will I live to see my birthday um when's your birthday in two days no no you're gonna die tomorrow doctor what are you doing what are you doing I'm sorry I just can't lie you doctor is my son gonna be okay no but you have used boobs and I really want to squeeze them doctor get out of here I'm sorry I'm sorry you're right I'm sorry ma'am we're doing everything we can to save your son but your son's still gonna die so can I please squeeze your boobs I'm gonna close my eyes and think about you when I'm making my wife tomorrow doctor get out okay yes I'm sorry stupid stupid what is wrong with me today why can't I lie doctor what is the matter with you that was so inappropriate back there yes I know I'm sorry Nurse Jackie I don't know what's going on with me I just can't lie today so you do want to grab that woman's breast duh of course I want to grab them they're huge did you see him I want to grab him I want to squeeze them suck on them cell together you have to make it up to that kid back in there yeah yeah you're right you're right I'm a professional I can do this uh I'll dress up like Spider-Man kids love Spider-Man good thinking doctor hey Luke today you're gonna have a special visitor is it someone with a cure for my cancer um not exactly hey there Luke it's me the doctor um I think you meant hey Luke look it's me Spiderman nope Spider-Man's not real I'm the doctor and I'm dressed like this because you're gonna die doctor oh you're not the real Spiderman nope see it's me the doctor and your mom has really big cans and I just love to squeeze them foreign I'm just I'm gonna go I'm I'm sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna go okay so for some reason I can't lie so being a doctor is kind of hard but being a cop should be easy because cops are supposed to be honest you know protect and serve and all that so this shouldn't be too bad oh my God that guy's doing way too fast I gotta pull that guy over hey there sir you know how fast you were going oh I'm sorry Mr Officer see my wife she's in the hospital and I'm trying to make it there I don't believe you do you have any drugs in the car whoa why don't you say something like that cause I'm black yeah yeah it is I'm racial profiling I knew it I'm sorry you can go I'm sorry have a nice day no I want to speak to you all police manager guy did you racially profile a black man during a traffic stop yes I did I do it all the time God you're not supposed to be honest about it what's wrong with you I don't know sir I just can't lie for some reason well you can't be your cop until you get that straightened out take some time off I can't take some time off I need the money and I have a drinking problem and I have to be able to afford my booze okay maybe I'll try my lawyer job okay so I read your case and it says you're being accused of trying to kidnap a girl yeah uh-huh that was me I did that guilty as [ __ ] I I really wish you hadn't told me that well I want you to get me off and I don't want you to win the case wait so you want me to lie yes do your job okay I I will do my best all right [Music] Mr screwball here I wasn't calling attendance I'm sorry you are being accused of trying to kidnap a child how do you bleed not guilty seems very believable I suppose I'll have to ask the victim Jenny wobble knees Jenny Wales did this clown try to kidnap you yes that's the mean clown that tried to kidnap me well I can't believe you you're a child and your knees are quite wobbly I suppose I have no choice but to declare Mr screwball Innocent but first I will ask your attorney do you think screwball is guilty uh yeah you do know that if you say not guilty I will find him innocent and you will win this case no yeah I know that but like I know he's guilty I mean he told me he did it so I know he's guilty what are you doing you're supposed to lie excuse me but what yeah yeah I think he's guilty he's really guilty okay then well I suppose I find screwball guilty I sentence you to a year in prison you're the worst lawyer ever you're supposed to lie yeah yeah I know I just I can't lie today for some reason but I mean you do deserve to be in jail you are a terrible person okay I'm gonna try my firefighting job because there's no reason why not being able to lie should be a problem here hey mate there's a house on fire we gotta go quick okay okay let's go let's go someone please help don't worry ma'am we're here oh my God that that is an Inferno oh it's you booby lady I want to squeeze him no I want to do that because I'm scared I I don't want to die your sons are dead um [Music] he's handing the pizza and they hand me the money it's that easy I can do this Marvin where's that pizza we ordered I'm starving it'll be here any minute baby Pizza there's someone at the door that might be the pizza hello hey I got your pizza I scratched my balls and picked a few pepperonis off and ate them on the way over here but they were still pretty good that'll be 20 bucks uh here's 20 um no tip no I don't have anything for tip is that okay no no I'm I'm actually pretty pissed off about that I have a family to feed I have a drinking problem I'm not sexually attracted to my wife anymore and I let two kids die today so it's been pretty rough honestly well do you want to come inside and eat some pizza yes yes I would like that very much thank you all right you can put the pizza right there Marvin what is the pizza it's a man doing here he was really sad so I offered him some pizza we don't have enough Pizza to share Jiffy eats half a pizza just to himself that's right Mommy ew I'll show you which pieces it was this one and this one oh and over here I tried one of the pepperonis and it was too chewy so he spit it back out onto the pizza nope nope I'm good I don't I'm sorry if I'm being overly honest I just can't lie today but you can't lie no I've been trying all day and I just can't lie for some reason you can't tell a single lie no nothing you've got to be able to lie grab that pin right there what uh this one yeah say that pin is red oh okay this pen is okay this pen is okay the pen that I hold in my hand is real blue the goddamn pen is blue oh God I can't lie when did this start happening I don't know it was like earlier today it was my daughter's birthday oh my God that's it my daughter wished for her birthday that I couldn't lie for a whole day so I mean I guess I could probably just wait till tomorrow and then start lying my ass off but I wanna lie now how can you reverse it um oh I know I'll get my daughter over here and then get her a new birthday cake and then whenever she blows out the candle she can wish for me to lie again okay I'll call her right now dad you called me here to this random person's house yeah Penelope I got you another birthday cake why uh well you wish came true and it's ruining my life wish what wish well you wish that I couldn't lie for a whole day and now I can't you can't lie this is the best day ever have you been saving up for my college no I spend the money on stuff I want okay well do you love me um kind of sometimes I mean sometimes I regret having you because you remind me so much of your mother but hey don't worry about that just blow out your candle make another wish I need for you to wish that I can lie why would I want you to start lying well Penelope I need to do it for my jobs okay it comes in handy way more than you think uh fine I wish my dad would start lying again okay okay good good good let me try it out let me try it out this pen is what the hell Penelope well I said it but I didn't mean it that's gay come on come on here okay I'm gonna light it again light it light this candle again and I need you to blow it out and this time I need you to mean it okay okay I wish my dad could lie again okay okay this pen is really on Penelope you got three and a half hours left in the day Dad okay you know what fine I'm just gonna go to bed for the rest of the day and I'm gonna lie tomorrow I'm gonna lie to everybody [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 7,462,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, comedy, skit, enrtertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, penelope, brooklyn guy, brooklyn guy the liar, liar, lie, liar liar, marvin, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, adventure, court, screwball, logan, lance
Id: hMvbU-WbcrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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