SML Movie - Jeffy's Teddy Bear! - Full Episode

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H hey Daddy what you doing well Jeffy I just got done cleaning out the attic and I found an old box of stuff from when I grew up you want to see yeah Daddy what's in the box uh oh look my old Pac-Man machine I used to play this for hours I loved it that's so cool Daddy can I see it yeah you can play with it do whatever you want with it I'm like Chuck this [ __ ] what Jeffy do not throw my stuff I'm sorry Daddy it's old and sentimental and stuff it means something to me oh look my old guitar I used to pick up so many women with this oh that's so cool kind sh yeah I don't even know how to play it what Jeffy I said you not thr my stuff I'm sorry dadd I forgot I picked up women with that uh oh look my old pencil girlfriend one of the girls I picked up with my guitar you know oh no I used to make out with her you're not going to touch her no oh look my old joke toothpaste a damn it Daddy you got toothpaste on the couch what's a joke Jeffy it's not real wow oh look my old my old teddy bear I used to take him everywhere I loved him daddy can I please see an T bear he looks so cute what well no Jeffy I I love it it was my best friend I don't want you to get him dirty or anything D I won't get him dirty I just want to see how soft he is yeah look you can hold him but you can't have him Oh Daddy I love the berry so much can I please have him no he was my bear and he's my best friend and no one else can have him no one can touch him but dadd I love him so much can I please have the Barry please well I mean I am old and I have no use for him but he is my best friend please Daddy all right fine Jeffy you can have the bear but you better not lose him thank you so much Dad I love the Barry so much can me a Mr Barry going to the park yeah just don't get them dirty and just please be safe with him he was my best friend growing up yay let's go to the par Mr Barry sometimes it's just got to grow up you know all Mr Barry you ain't have fun to park let's go all right Mr Barry you want to play hide and seek I'll go hide and you [Music] count hey Dy oh Jeffy how long you been standing there oh not long dadd just long enough to see you stick that pinch on your butt no no I didn't do that I accidentally sat on it I thought you supposed to be at the well we weren't Daddy but uh but Barry told me something so we came home early go ahead and tell me what you said Barry Oh Jeffrey's a way better owner than you are Daddy all you did was keep me in a box for years and Jeffy took me to a park and got me ice cream and [ __ ] well Jeffy that's that's really nice that you did all that for Mr Barry but he had to go in the box cuz we were playing hide-and-seek for a very long time but yeah so can you just leave me alone so I can have private time with a pencil all right Daddy but real quick can I take Mr bar to school yeah you can do whatever you want with him just don't lose him or get them dirty or or or or or destroy okay okay D come on Mr B and show you to all my friends okay where's that penil all right craft today we're going to be answering the question why did the chicken cross the road very simple answer as to why chicken cross road everyone knows the chicken crossed the road to get to the egg r on the other side egg roll very delicious and the chicken knows it very delicious egg roll the chicken crossed the to get to the edal did you hear that Mr Barry are you talking to your teddy bear you loser yeah cuz I sure as hell ain't talking you what are you 2 years old who even brings their teddy bear to school you can't leave your house without your teddy bear my teddy bear is my best friend so leave me alone why because you don't have any real friends to hang out with oh be them up Mr Barry you really think your teddy bear could beat me up yeah stop it put him down leave him alone no he's my teddy bear Now teacher this kid stole my bear a Jeffy why you cry like real [ __ ] buy Bill give your baby back your toys so he can stop crying all right fine here's your bear back you little crybaby hey everyone he can't go to school without his little toy yeah who brings a toy to school you loser yeah loser don't listen to him Barry one day you're going to be real and you're going to prove them all wrong Daddy I had a bad day at school well what happened Jeffy well people were making fun of me because I was talking to Mr Barry well Jeffy people probably don't think it's normal for you to talk to a stuffed animal but he's my best friend Daddy I know he was my best friend too and I got made fun of when I took him to school so you know how about you just go to bed and think about it but it's 3:30 p.m. daddy or you just go to bed and let me have some private time but it's 3:30 in the afternoon I I know perfect time to go to bed everyone's tired at 3:30 right but what about dinner uh it's going to be green beans are you going to eat that no well there there you go she go to bed cuz there's nothing EA to stay up for anyway oh oh man Mr Barry I wish you were real then you could be up that boy that made fun of us they didn't really know you were real let's go to sleep Mr [Music] Barry [Music] Jeffy it's time to go to school wake up anal Jeffy get up it's time to go to school Jeffy it's time to go to school just get up where did my berry go Jeffy did you lose my teddy bear you said you want to sleep with it but you can't find it no dad he was laying right here and now he's not here Jeffy you better not have lost my teddy bear that was my teddy bear when I grew up with it well Daddy I don't know where he went he must have ran away well Jeffy look you have to go to school we'll find him afterwards but you better not have lost him come [Music] on all right class today we're going to be learning about hibernation hibernation is when B eat too much food at chinye buffet and you have to kick his ass out 999 doesn't give you the whole Buffet it only get you two plate and then they want to turn around and sleep for 6 months to let food digest no so the moral of the story here is kids is that bear no longer allowed in tiny Buffet it make us go bankrupt hey loser where's your teddy bear I don't see it is it doing hibernation like the teacher said no he ran away teddy bears can't run away [ __ ] they're not alive Barry you came back what wait wait break that ass CL cheeks break that ass go oh that's a big [ __ ] you trying to get more than two plate huh you leave you leave you're not welcome in classroom or Buffet you leave Sho Sho oh bar I love you so much let's get out of here all right Mr Barry you want to go to the park all right let's [Music] go we your turn Mr [Music] Berry oh man Mr tberry I'm having so much fun you want to go play hide and seek yay well I'm going to go hide you count oh my God is that a bear in a park playing hide and seek with children this is dangerous I got to go alert the news breaking news a bear is running loose at a children's park let's cut to our live helicopter feed now oh my God what you're watching is live footage of a bear trying to eat children at a park he can smell the blood this is Winnie the Pooh and he's looking for his honey and his honey is children's blood it now appears that he has settled for a twocan oh my God if you have small children turn them away now as he's violating this toucan and it also appears that we have some onlookers videotaping and laughing wow what a disgrace this is no laughing matter I'm getting word now that police are on the scene and are going to attempt to stop this bear oh man Mr Barry you found me oh my God that Bear's about to attack that child it's a good thing I brought my gun that's just painted to look like a Nerf gun just so I could shoot it in the playground even though it's a very real gun that fires real bullets that definitely will kill him cuz it's a real gun and not a Nerf gun get away from that kid you son of a [ __ ] bang uh-oh uh-oh he's coming at me stay away stay away bang I got him I actually got him daddy Jeffy I broke my pistol my teddy Bear got shot wait wait what turn on the new find out okay breaking news M police have shot and killed the bear that was running around the Children's Park here's officer Brooklyn T guy with a statement hello everybody uh my name is Brooklyn T guy I am the officer that shot and killed this bear uh at the time of the attack we thought it was a real bear but after we got it back to the station and cut it open we realized it's it's just a teddy bears it's a big old stuffed animal uh we thought maybe there was a person in there but no no no nothing it's it's just a big old big old living teddy bear that was that was brought to life as if by a child's wish and nothing else so uh it's dead now so um oops she a g look well this doesn't make any sense he wasn't alive he's just a teddy bear he wasn't alive dad he was running around and we were playing at the park what doesn't make any sense Jeffy hold on let me go into the door let me see what that is uh hello hey there uh I'm the cop that shot your son's living teddy bear and I just wanted to bring you his Cor in casee his son still wants to play with him normally that would sound really bad but he's just a stuffed animal and now that I'm looking at him I I probably should have known that he was a stuffed animal not a real bear but I was feeling really trigger happy and it just felt good to shoot something but anyway I I I just came to apologize so uh here my apology all right i' I've never been very good at apologies bye godam it all right Jeffy I got your teddy bear back oh I like them better when he was alive well Jeffy teddy bears aren't supposed to be alive I mean when I was younger I wish he was alive but look now you have a huge teddy bear and bigger is always better that's what she said oh I guess so D well look just grab them and go lay down with them look you can lay them like this look you can make teddy bear Angels yeah just pick them up and go back to your room oh man Barry why' you have to get shot oh I wish you were alive again where's your stupid giant bear he died he deserved it Barry you're alive oh no get me man it's nice to lay down and relax after a long day of working hey Chef peipi what do you want Bowser I just laid down well I need to talk to you okay Bowser what do you want to talk about well what did you do today did you do anything different no I just cooked and clean like I do every day hm that's nice well I just wanted to let you know that I install cameras all around the house to keep my eye on you wait what what did you do that for Bowser to keep my eye on you you idiot and I I think we should watch today's footage to see what you did H watch it with me hey shpi what Bowser when's my food going to be ready well I'm cooking it right now it should be ready soon well if it's not ready in 5 minutes I'm going to put you in the face oh I can't stand Bowser he's always yelling at me want me to do stuff you want your food Bowser you want it so bad yeah that'll teach him taste my spit I hate doing dishes I don't want to do this [ __ ] anymore chefi what you want [ __ ] um I'm really thirsty can you give me a glass of water before I go to [Music] bed here's your water bed weather sh be take that [ __ ] yeah baby oo yeah get it all L peee I hope you like the taste of pews Bowser I haven't bathed in weeks you see what you did shpi look bow I can explain I wanted you to pee in my food not spit in it wait what look that was unacceptable now I got to cut your pain wait I only make $5 a month now it's $250 so sit right there and think about what you did B I hit my life I wish I could just disappear and never come back hey shfp what you want [ __ ] oh I I can't sleep can we play a game play a game I just supp to be sleep right now Junior well I can't sleep I really want to play a game like why don't we play hideand-seek together hide and seek what am I five well come on Chef peipe I'll let you hide first hide first yeah I'll let you hide go try to find a really hard hiding spot where I can never find you never find me yeah a really hard hiding spot oh I like this I like this okay Junior we can play hide and seek all right I I'll start counting what number you want me to count to 100 okay, 100,000 mhm I don't think I can count that high well you better try junior or you're never going to find me oh okay uh 1 2 3 4 so where should I hide where should I hide I don't want anybody to ever find me the attic no nobody ever goes up there that's the perfect hiding spot okay I'm in the attic man this is actually pretty nice it's quiet up here I don't have to worry about anybody bothering me or wanting to cook or clean or even Bowser wanting me to do any other stuff and Junior will never find me now I can just lay back and relax 54 55 56 57 58 uh 100,000 Ready or Not Chef PE here I come okay where would Chef pip hide um well he's a chef so he would obviously hide in the oven um he'd obviously hide in the microwave no he'd obviously hide in the cabinet where's Shey be hiding at in the trash can no in the pantry no in the refrigerator no huh where's chef peipi at chef peipi chef peipi chef huh where are you oh my God they actually can't find me I love this this is the perfect hiding spot I'm going to live up here forever Shahi Shahi oh I can't find shf peipi anywhere he's really good at hiding shf peipe Chef no dude Su June bug what are you guys doing here it's really late oh me and my parents got in a big fight cuz they caught me and Ken boinking so we figured we'd just come over here till things cool down oh what about you Joseph oh dude I usually just sleep in your bushes My Bushes why don't you sleep at your house oh dude I locked myself out the rash have taken over oh well I kind of I kind of need you guys help so can you come inside yeah dude so what do you need help with dude yeah Junior do you need somebody to help you practice making out because I'm really good you can just ask Ken here I do full tongue I'm like a snake no I don't need help with that I need help finding Chef Pee Pee oh is he missing kind of I mean we're playing hide-and-seek and I can't find him well have you looked everywhere yeah the kitchen so you basically just looked in the kitchen well that's where Chef pe's always at is the kitchen so I only looked in the kitchen stop bothering me well maybe he could be hiding somewhere else like like where like the moon no Junior somewhere else in the house huh well I don't know where he's at maybe he ran away dude you think he ran away did CH really run away it's possible guys he's a grown man not a puppy that wouldn't be running away that's just called leaving oh well I give up shfp if you're hiding come out I give up he's not coming out guys I don't know where he's at o I have an idea what why don't we just try to get your dog to find him Cody are you stupid how's my dog going to find him I can't find him how's my dog going to find him well no we could just give your dog some of Chef pee's clothing and then he could smell it and use that scent to find Chef peee like a police dog yeah does your dog know how to do that though dude I don't know um let me see chomy chomy who's your good boy okay all I need now is a piece of Chef pee's clothing oh I got you covered there Junior boom wa what is that that is Chef pee's underwear how' you get Chef pee's underwear oh I have a Personal Collection that's like a trophy and he was sweating a lot in those let me tell you oh okay well uh all right Chompy smell the underwear do you know where sheipi is what there he's looking at the ceiling stupid dog he's not on the ceiling what an idiot dog yeah Choy she is not Spider-Man he can't be on the ceiling get out of here oh stupid dog that didn't work it didn't work well Cody your stupid dog idea didn't work well Junior it's your dog it's not my fault he's an idiot hey you don't call my dog an idiot I don't come to your house and call your mom fat yes you do junior you do that all the time I know but that's because she is yeah Junior your dog is an idiot he can't even perform simple tasks he can perform simple task he can uh he can uh lick peanut butter off anything you put it on anything yeah like literally anything like if you put peanut butter on a spoon he'll lick it off for hours really yeah this one time I put peanut butter on my hand and he kept licking it over and over and over again M mhm uh yeah uh actually you know what Junior I I I feel really bad for calling your dog an idiot I I think I'm going to go a oliz yeah you should go apologize to him right now yeah that's that's what that's what I'm going to go do yeah go do it come on K I don't call my dog an idiot so Joseph what am I do about Chef peee I don't know where he's at I don't know dude uh junior uh where is your peanut butter oh are you making a sandwich yeah yeah yeah you you could say that uh for your dog oh for me really actually it's it's uh for the both of us yeah oh well the peanut butter should be in the pantry Pantry got it I just I'm really afraid that shef be left for forever and I really want to find him well why don't you file a mission purchase Report with the police we can call him right now dude with the police H I don't know I mean like do get a little too serious I mean all we were doing was playing hide-and-seek Junior uh so the peanut butter was not in the pantries there anywhere else it could be not in the pantry uh it could be in the refrigerator refrigerator all right thank you like if I call the cops and shp's like hiding like behind the couch or something they're going to get I'm going to get in trouble right I mean he should have came out by now dude I think it's pretty serious you should call the police yeah you're right Joseph I'm going to call the police okay dude uh hello uh yeah hey you called the file a missing person's report oh yeah my personal chef is missing oh boohoo poor you oh you got to cook for yourself now what do you need help finding your ma too well he kind of was a made too oh wow what a loss oh who's going to clean for you and cook for you oh that's so sad well he's also my best friend all right fine come on in all right kid tell me what what happened all right so me and my personal chef are playing hide and seek and I can't find him you [ __ ] you waste of police resources 911 is for serious emergency stop it stop it please stop it sorry all right I just get so mad when you waste my time like that well I'm been playing hide-and-seek with shpep and I can't find him and I already told him I give up he hasn't came out well get good scrub I'm a hideand-seek master I find bodies all the time dead ones might as well call me office ofall cuz I'm seeing dead bodies all the time well do you think you can help us find him no it's not my fault that you suck at hide and seek please please you're a police officer you're supposed to help can you help us find Chef peipi please all right fine let me show you how a pro plays hide-and seek do you know where he's at I get the feeling he's around here somewhere but but this is the front door let's take a look here uhhuh but that's outside yeah yeah it is I suck in hide and seek wait what hey get back here huh well Joseph the cop didn't help I'm sorry dude I don't know what to say well where's sh peipi at we're never going to find him oh dude what if he's dead don't say that don't you say ch's dead I'm I'm sorry dude but it's a possibility people die every day Junior well I mean I'm going ask my dad where he's at maybe my dad knows oh okay Dad Dad Dad what do you want junior have you seen Chef Pee PE anywhere yeah the last time I seen him he wasn't peeing in my food oh how long ago was that oh it was a few hours ago he was l on the couch oh well me and shfp are playing hideand-seek and I can't find him wait he's hiding yeah from me oh this no way look Junior I hid cameras all around the house so he can't hide you did yeah so let's check the cameras okay come back here dog lick the peanut butter Junior what is it stupid friend doing to our dog uh I I don't I don't know um check another camera I'mma check the outside camera oh I guess I got to sleep in the bushes ow ow ow ow oh so Brickly wait Junior why is your friend trying to sleep in our bushes I don't know he doesn't really have a house but check check another camera all right I'm going to check the upstairs camera Junior's never going to find me I'mma hide in the Attic he's in the Attic in the Attic okay I'm going to go get him dad all right go get him son oh man that was a relaxing nap ooh I got to pee really bad um but I can't go downstairs cuz I don't want anybody to find me I'm not ready to go back to my ordinary life um where can I pee ooh maybe I can go and pee over here I can't believe Chef peipe was hiding in the Attic Chef peipe are you okay what you want [ __ ] well sh I found you tag you're it all right I'm going to go hide it's time for you to count [Music] um can I help you yeah you're in my seat no this is my seat no actually this is my seat I don't see your name on it but actually you do see it says Cody right there that's me oh well I'm not moving but you just clearly saw this is my seat it has my name Cody it's not your seat anymore it's Harry seat you haven't been to school in months yeah dude but this is my seat why don't you run along and stick your little toy up your bum what do you think I've been doing for the last few months get out of here weirdo okay Ken Daddy has to do some business hey bro you want to fight cuz I'll fight all right bring it okay well hold me back Ken hold me back hold me back I'm going to hit him let go me Ken he's not holding you back dude he's a dog yeah yeah he was he's really strong you're lucky my boyfriend's here to hold me back I'd break your jaw you wouldn't do anything yeah well you know what I'm going to do now I'm going to tell the teacher teacher he's in my seat snitch oh do you hear something crou it sounds like a student who hasn't been at school in a few months oh come on I didn't want to get sick well if you're so afraid of getting sick why don't you go sit by yourself in the closet in the closet but I already came out go sit in the closet weirdo but how am I going to learn anything if I'm in the closet well you didn't learn anything the last few months you missed school B come on Ken we don't need them stupid dumb closet dumb teacher you know what I like it here the closet is for the cool kids all the cool kids are in the closet that's right it's me and you Ken you hear that everybody all the cool kids are in the closet what are you saying Cody I can't hear you I said all the cool kids are in the closet the Cool Whip is where no the the cool kids are in the oh right CR stop talking does anybody know the answer to this curus problem o ooh I know I know the answer is 18 x^2 - 9 very good Harry that is correct now does everybody see how Harry got the right answer wow Harry you're a genius yeah dude you're the smartest kid on earth thank you oh come on teacher that answer was easy I knew that Cody get back in your closet stupid Harry everyone thinks he's so smart you don't think he's smart do you Ken Ken Ken what's going on here what what's that Ken what you want to be with him cuz he's smarter than me oh that is it you can steal my seat and you can steal my smartest kid in the class status but you cannot steal my boyfriend you want to go oh yeah we're going no F what's 98 * 73 7,154 what's 54980 divid 5 10,996 what does e equal mc² what's the Pythagorean Theorum a 2 + b² = c² recite pie 3.1415 265 359 all right break it up nerds I don't want any more Bloodshed there's only one way to solve this we're going to have the smartest kid in the crass competition and Cody Harry you two are going to go home and invent something and then tomorrow you're going to show the inventions off to the crft and whoever has the best invention will be known as the biggest nerd in the crass and the loser is going to be known as the stupid with this kid in the class and have to sit in the closet for the rest of the year oh you're on I'm going to be the biggest nerd in the class I hope you enjoy that closet cuz you're going to be sitting in there for a long time I bet you're not even going to show up for school tomorrow oh I'll be here with your boyfriend wrapped around my arm and with the coolest invention we'll see about that I'll win your heart back Ken I have to win this competition I have to invent something way cooler than Harry's invention so I can get my seat and my boyfriend back H but what do I invent ooh if I make this basketball shot then I'm going to win the competition and Harry's an idiot and I'm the best ow ow Jesus okay okay that one didn't count that didn't count okay okay this time if if if I make this basketball shot then I'm going to win the competition and everyone's going to say that I'm the hunkiest and the coolest and the smartest and then Harry's just going to disappear off the face of the Earth okay here we go oh that was so close Okay that one didn't count either that one didn't count this one this one counts if I make this one then everyone's going to say that I'm the smartest and the best okay this time if I make it then I I'm smart and I I don't know just please make it dang it okay maybe I should focus Less on playing basketball and more on inventing ooh ooh what if I invented a robot that could play basketball yeah or or I can invent a basketball that goes in the hoop when you throw it okay Cody it's time to get serious let's see um o what if I invented a hat that whenever you wore it it would tell you what house you belong to in Harry Potter no that's stupid um ooh what about a blanket that whenever you wore it it turned you invisible like like an invisibility cloak no that's stupid too maybe I should just sneak over to Harry's house and see what he's inventing so I can get some ideas not not not not not cuz I'm stupid but because I'm curious yeah I'll do that okay this is Harry's house now to just peep in the window and see what I see uh oh oh his dad's changing well all right let's see what Harry's inventing yes yes I think I've done it mother I found the cure for cancer that's very nice Harry are you going to take that to school for your invention tomorrow yes mother and I'm going to beat that nink poop Cody what there's no way I can beat that I got to get home and invent something oh man there's no way I'm going to win tomorrow Harry made the coolest invention in the world I can't beat that I just have to invent something man I got to think about this no no not now no no okay fine wait I've got it why don't I invent a stupid Ray and then I can shoot hairry with it so he'll be too stupid to show his invention yeah that's it but that would be cheating and cheating is wrong I think I have to go ask my dad for advice about this uh Dad yes sir is cheating bad it's cheating bad what's wrong with you boy look I think that we need to have the talk the answer is simple son cheating is not bad it's only bad when the woman does it because she does it out of love we as men we only do it off of impulse it's only lust think about it if you're married to a four and the 10 calls you you got to do it it's it's only simple math son so cheating's not bad no look cheating is like Wheels on the car you ain't going to get nowhere if you don't cheat oh yeah see cheating is also complicated though so you know you got to block calls block text sometimes you you even got to turn off your location oh but what happens when you get caught oh you got to lie lie lie lie even if you caught red-handed lie again see lying is like the steering wheel to the car that you cheating in it's going to get you to wherever you need to go to cheat oh so you're saying I need to cheat to get what I want mhm exactly let me me tell you a story son I cheated on your mama last night wait is this hypothetical no it's a real story shush yeah I went to the grocery store and I seen this girl with a whole lot of w what's W dad oh it's waffles and pancakes all in the bucket yeah yeah I saw that [ __ ] and I was like M I'm hungry I want some breakfast so I asked her about a [ __ ] and I ate a [ __ ] uh oh yeah yeah good [ __ ] uh- oh oh wait Dad I I think I understand what you're saying yeah yeah so I should cheat exactly you always going to win if you cheat oh okay thanks Dad mhm that's what I'm here for son all right I've done it I've invented the stupid Ray now tomorrow at school whenever I shoot Harry with this he'll be too stupid to show his invention I just have to make sure I go before him now I have to try it but on who Joseph what's wrong with you I'm so ready for this competition oh Harry what did you invent it's a secret hey idiot you ready to lose you're going to lose four eyes but but we both were you know what it doesn't matter what did you invent your year in samples drink some water you'll just have to wait and see what did you invent a stupid little toy no I bet you'd like to know what I invented that's why I asked don't worry you'll find out soon enough all right craft today is the smartest nerd competition it's going to be Cody versus Harry so who wants to go first ooh ooh me me me me it's Cody Cody Cody wants to go first me H who wants to go first I've got me all right Cody I guess you can go first yes all right Cody what did you invent I invented a stupid Ray a stupid Ray sounds pretty stupid oh it is anybody I shoot with this gun becomes stupid well how do we know if it works I think we should try it on a volunt here from the class ooh Harry I think I see your hand up I didn't have my hand up doly thank you so much for volunteering Harry what a good SPO wow Cody what a cool invention now go back to your seat in the closet thank you all right Harry you're up next come on Harry you have to go up there what does that mean you have to take your invention up there go up there go up there go up there just take one of those and go up there okay what are you doing V Harry what is [Music] that oh let's all give Harry a big round of applause wow that was just incredible truly truly inspiring stuff oh man man I don't know if I won this one man too close to call all right PR based off what I've seen the winner of the smartest nerd competition is Cody oh yeah yeah take that hairy you doofus I want I'm the smartest nerd yeah yeah you take that I'm the smartest smartest nerd in the in the class oh man this isn't right what would Tom Brady do go to the Buccaneers that's not right I can't do this teacher I don't deserve to win what do you mean Cody well you see I only won because I played dirty I shot Harry with my stupid Ray so that he'd be too stupid to show his invention so you outsmarted him wait wait yeah yeah I did outsmart him that means I'm smarter than him so that means I do deserve to win yeah yeah give me my seat back Harry all right Harry get in the closet you idiot wait Cody are they going to be dum forever now it wears off after a few minutes you Dingus you cheated well if you ain't cheating you ain't trying now get in the closet this won't be the end of me whatever oh ken you want me back so Cody what was Harry's invention that you were so scared of oh I don't know it's like a like a cure for something I don't know so guys you want to watch TV did did did you not wash your hands you can run you can hide but you will be SE tonight hide and seek the movie it's in theaters it's rated on it's really scary you have to watch it or you're a coward it's scary he hides he seeks he does everything you will be found you will die it's scary go watch it right now it's a theaters tonight go watch it right on hide and seek the movie that movie looks so scary my heart is Raising yeah my heart's raising too dude we have to see it though we have we have to see it tonight tonight tonight guys we can't see it it's rated R what what Cody I think you're just scared but no guys the movie's rated R rated R for scaredy cat cuz you're a big scaredy cat start with an R well the word rhyme starts with an R yeah I'm right I'm right got him guys it doesn't even matter cuz we have to be 18 to see a rated R movie what 18 we look 18 yeah yeah I look 18 we do not look 18 well uh uh Cody I mean look at your big muscles only an 18-year-old have muscle like that hunky muscle yeah yeah you're right I I like 18 yeah hunky you're really huny you guys don't we look 18 I'm 18 deep yeah we're going we're going to at least try Cody come let's try all right wait wait wait how are we going to get there though I got that cover Joseph he's a chef and his name rhymes with [Music] Tepe sh baby what's Dam can you take me and my friends to the movies what what no I'm cooking right now Idiot but we want to go see hide and seek wait that's a rated on movie you can't see that that's scary well it's not scary we can handle it right guys we can handle it no no no you're going to pee in the bed and I have to wash your sheets and I'm not going to wash your dirty sheets I'm not going to pee in the bed I promise you if you just take us no no you're going to pee in the bed look it's a rated on movie anyway how did you plan on getting in uh we were going to sneak in I got to sneak in I can't I can't allow you to sneak in that's illegal Junior SHP you're such a square keep jacking my Ste what and your harshing my buzz and me and my friends just want to go see a flick okay so stop being a fart knocker and take us look I don't care how many cool words you're trying to use I don't care it's not going to change my mind okay so just get out of my kitchen a come on guys Chef pe's a buzz killer yeah H guys how are we going to get to the movies um can we walk walk Junior it's like 5 miles yeah dude is that far yeah yeah well how long would it take I don't know Junior a long time well how long's a long time I don't know Junior went out walking well how are we supposed to get there Cody oh my mom can drive us she can yeah dude she has a license but she's dead don't remind me just have your fit Joseph all right Cody how we get to the movies oh we could dig in Uber is that a candy no no it's kind of like a taxi but it's somebody's personal vehicle and they just like d you Joseph Joseph Joseph you're crying is like up here I need you to tone it down to like here okay no an Uber's like like somebody drives you around in their car what what Like a Stranger yeah just like a stranger but we're not supposed to talk to strangers well it's worked okay for me so far well all right Cody I'll Trust you call an Uber all right okay Joseph she's never coming back shut up all right all done uh it says he'll be here in 30 seconds wow 30 seconds yeah I guess we was just in the neighborhood all right so let's let's head outside then guys we're going to the movie okay um excuse me sir are you are Uber yeah are you um hunky monkey 69 yeah yeah that's me what hunky monkey 69 so weird okay you guys can get in the back all right okay all right where you going we're going to the movie theaters we're going to see the movie Hide and Seek oh wao I heard that was a really scary movie yeah really scary we can't wait to see it yeah and it's also rated all you got to be 18 to get in there oh well uh we're 18 you're 18 yeah we're we're 18 I'm 18 well you kind of look like a child actually you kind of look like a turtle wait a talking Turtle what what are you what you're a bunch of freaks Jesus get out of my car what what even are you go go a guys how are we going get to the movies now I don't know I don't know D um we can still walk yeah I I guess all right guys let's start walking it's not going to take that long it's only 5 miles come on guys we can do it dude Cody how much longer well Junior considering we can still see your house from here I'd say we've been walking for like 30 seconds so like we've walked a mile no Junior a mile is 5,280 ft is that 5,280 ft no I'd say that's like 200 ft at best so we only got 5,000 more ft to go right well times 5 cuz it's 5 miles yeah yeah Cody can you carry me no Junior well you're carrying Ken well but but and you have muscles and you're hunky so you could carry me right he does have a point I I do have come on carry me at least carry me half the way all right climb on okay all right Cody go I want to be car okay guys we're here we made it to the movie theaters thanks Cody guys just remember him hunky okay all right all Cody this is the plan you're going to go up there and you're going to buy a ticket to happy pony for that that's out yes I I really wanted to see that okay so you're going to go buy a ticket for it and then you're going to meet us at the side entrance okay okay okay yeah I can do that okay do right now all right Cody should be opening this door any minute okay okay where is he Joseph I don't know dude happy Pony happy Pony happy pony oh my God can happy pony 4 is [Music] amazing OMG guys happy pony 4 was the best I mean you you don't even have to see the first three to get it there's a musical in it it's amazing what the f Cody yeah dude what hell we were waiting by the side entrance for 2 hours um an hour and 58 minutes and believe me it was an hour and 58 minutes of pure joy that was amazing Cody you're supposed to let us in so we can see hideand-seek yes that's the movie We're trying to see dude all all right Joseph this is what you're going to do you're going to go buy a ticket to happy pony 4 okay and watch it Joseph it's great no you're not going to watch it you're going let in the side inance okay all right I got that dude stupid Cody come on go come on all right dudes come in go go go go go go go oh my God guys I can't believe we stuck into a movie I know dude so awesome I can't wait to get scared dude so scared yeah you guys you guys happy pony 4 though oh my God the cinematography it's Oscar worthy it's going to win go shut the movie starting the movie starting oh my God oh my God guys is that the secret is I'm so scared I'm so scared me too anybody home who's that who's there it's me I'm going to count down from 50 better hide 50 [Music] 49 48 47 oh my God I got 43 no don't hide there 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 3 2 31 30 29 28 27 2 this is 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 16 17 wait I screwed up hang on 1 1 16 15 14 15 1 12 I got a I got a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ready or not here I go he's coming he's coming Cody I know ready or not he's coming oh my God I'm going to find you I don't care where you're hiding I'm going to find you I'm the hide and seek master I can find anybody got you he got him he got him he got him what was that for Jesus Cody I told you not to get up in my [ __ ] man watch a scary movie I'm on ases back off okay he got him though I know he found him yeah je that was intense no no no please don't kill me please please please please what it's your turn to find me wait wait wait what he didn't kill him I guess not wait the Killer is going to hide now how how does that work I don't know what where is he I found you dang it yeah can I have my knife back oh yeah sure thanks now I'm going to kill you now he's kill him now why would he find him why would he find him to SC oh my God guys that movie was so scary you remember when he hid you remember when he SE yeah oh God we shouldn't have watched it we shouldn't have watched it no guys I'm so scared where did you go uh uh uh we we we went outside well you were outside for a long time well uh we uh went egged somebody's house right egg somebody's house Junior that's way worse than what we really did yeah we egged somebody's house oh why do you seem nervous then uh because the owner came out and while we were egging his house and we murdered him and we we buried him in the backyard Junior stop confessing to things we didn't do oh well okay then as long as you didn't go to that movie uh no no we we we didn't go see hide and seek the scariest movie ever we saw happy pony 4 wait you did go to the movies yes but we saw happy pony 4 Cody tell them about it tell them all about it it was great there was a musical and they sang a song about friendship and oh my God it was wonderful okay okay I guess so okay that was a close one guys oh my God guys that was way too close CHF almost found out yeah I don't think we should have seen that movie we should have just saw happy pony 4 yeah yeah happy pony 4 would have been a lot better cuz that movie was scary like I'm talking super scary too scary dude like he found the seeker and the Seeker still killed him have nightmares have nightmares don't remind me 49 who that what is that oh my God we watch the movie oh my God I got to hide
Channel: SMLs
Views: 598,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y0DBJ5RSHvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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