SML Movie: Jeffy's Fairy Godparents!

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marvin are you ready to go out on our date night sure baby let's go okay but did you find a babysitter to watch jeffy jeffy doesn't need a babysitter he's 17 years old i don't think that's a good idea to leave jeffy home alone all he's going to do is watch tv look jeffy did you just stop the couch with a knife no i just saw you do it your mind you ran i didn't think you were gonna lie to my face jeffy stop stabbing the cuff of the knife give me a thousand dollars to stop what no i'm not giving you a thought jeffy stop it if you stab that couch one more time you are grounded mister oh no [ __ ] but jeffy jeffy we were going to leave you home alone oh that's not a good idea that is that give me that give me that baby find a babysitter on craigslist i don't care how bad she is make sure she has huge cans what you got another night guys give me the gift give me the nut jeffy that is it you are grounded and we're gonna get the meanest babysitter we can find all right marvin i just called the babysitter she'll be here any second does she have huge cans there will be no cans jeffy well what if she recycles you didn't think about that did you daddy huh face there she is i'm gonna answer the door hello hi i'm the babysitter vicky you must be jeffy's dad yes i am jeffy's upstairs i can't wait to meet the little angel well come on inside all right jeffy i want you to meet your babysitter vicky hi yo whoa my name is heaphy jeffy why are you talking like that talking like well ow okay i'll stop say hi to vicky in your normal voice okay i promise i'll stop this time hi jeffy it's so nice to meet you now you two run along on your little date i'll take good care of jeffy oh okay all right maybe let's go bye jeffy hey daddy real quick solid 0 out of 10 stars on the cans her chest is flatter than her back jeffy you be nice to the babysitter i'll try all right squirt i can't do that can you three things stay out of my way go to bed early and do the dishes okay well i got three things for you one get bigger cans two get braces and number three get bigger cans i just can't get over that go do the dishes 101 get out of it i won't kill you and i'll order pizza with the money your parents left all right just don't get green beans on your pizza i don't like green beans oh i'll make sure i don't get green beans jeffy there's a dizzy i ordered the pizza i hate her all right all clean am done with the dishes and i'm ready for pizza wait you ate all your pizza don't worry twerp i saved you a piece what green beans i hate green beans what kind of toy do you got there it's my cat piano and it makes cat noises book give me that wait give me my cat piano back oh i'll give it back after i break it good you're back here hey stop hitting my turn piano whoops why would you break my champiano oh good look now you're in bed i don't want to see your face for the rest of the night i know we need your feet for your wedding tonight oh magic 8 ball when will my wiener ever be 4 inches never oh stupid eight ball hey jeffy i'm cosmo hello i'm wanda and we're your fairy god parents so what do you think jeffy i think i'm calling the cops you can't do that if you tell anyone about us we'll disappear forever well that's what i want leave but don't you want your wishes wishes you guys grant wishes yep we sure do we're magic magic so i can wish for whatever i want as long as it follows the rules oh there's rules that's gay yeah you just can't wish for anyone to fall in love with you or wish for anyone to die hmm well i do wish that my cat piano wasn't broken oh well that's easy you guys fixed my cat piano you guys really are magic we sure are we can grant any wish well almost any wish that is awful just like you're cooking hmm i'm gonna check on that ugly twerk oh no my babysitter's coming you guys gotta hide well what do you want us to hide at i don't know um goldfish go fish i don't have any cards he said goldfish you idiot well this isn't obvious at all this isn't going to work can you guys be like a smaller goldfish oh i got an idea what's going on in here i heard fun and i hate fun oh nothing i was just playing my cafe i know i thought i broke that what's this you know the rules no snacks in your room oh no cosmology rwanda these goldfish are loud poor cosmo oh my head hurt she sure chewed you out you could say that again she sure chewed you out wait you guys are alive of course we are what goes in must come out that's one mean babysitter i don't know i kind of like her fangs yeah i hate her i wish she would fall down the stairs done and done i'm gonna go downstairs for a drink [Music] that's gotta hurt i hope she had a nice fall no i wish a bowling ball would fall on her head what if it kills her i wish a bowling ball would fall on her head how about a male concussion i'll take it okay uh-oh still right one that's baseball you idiot now lighter on fire well i think she's gonna be out for a while let's go have some fun okay so jeffy what's something you always wanted to wish for pee pee shucking fairies well you already got one of those you'll be surprised that it's not me wink wink jesus well i wish i had a big boobie to squeeze coming right up boom boom boom so how did you like your boob be pretty scary huh well that's not really what i had in mind but i want a big round boobies oh why did you just say so hi so how do you like your poobie not poopy a booby a female breast you know what forget it i don't even want it anymore well what else do you want to wish for well i never got my cheese pizza so i wish for a cheese pizza ooh can i have something no poopy get out of here shoes i finally got my cheese pizza did somebody say cheese that was a good one oh no junior and cody are coming you guys gotta hide let's try the goldfish rat again and let's try not to get eaten this time okay hey jeffy what are you doing oh no way bro you get goldfish you got cheese pizza hell yeah hey junior how much to eat one of these fish a goldfish uh i'll eat one if you eat one okay i'm down hey jeffy can we eat your fish i don't care oh sweet oh i'm like dunk my head and try to grab with my mouth yeah it's like bobbing for apples but the apples are alive and they don't want to die yeah that'd be sick i think my head's too big for the bowl yeah and i really don't want to get my hair wet it takes forever to braid these hey jeffy have you ever taken out of the bowl we'll totally eat them okay all right whoa that was a close one you were gonna let him eat us well he's been eating before that's true man junior that pizza looked good do you want to ask jeffy if he'll let you take a bite of his pizza yeah sure i don't have cuties hey jeffy can we have your pizza what was that um nothing nothing what was that i thought i saw fairy godparents no you didn't see that you didn't do that what happened to your goldfish i ate them you were supposed to let us eat them no he's too damn greedy too greedy well can we have your pizza yeah sure take it just go oh okay oh well it came off the plate cody i got it i got it double close one we have to be more careful if anyone were to see us we'll disappear forever yeah i got it i know your rules all right jeffy any more wishes you want to make yeah i wish i had paper like cash cash green cash cash what i wish i had money but jeffy if you wish for money then that will take it from someone else i don't care i wish i had money okay oh marvin i'm stuffed yeah this dinner was so good your bills uh all right let me just grab my money here you go was that some kind of magic trick sir where'd my money go uh it was right here did you see it go anywhere did it blow away no uh uh oh oh oh i am so sorry uh well i don't have any more money well then you must wash dishes wash dishes baby do you have any money no i don't have any money oh i thought that was all the money i had there you go we're only a hundred bucks i wanted hundreds of thousands of dollars but jeffy that's stealing i wish i had hundreds of thousands of dollars okay now this is more like it jeffy this is wrong well i don't want to know what ride is what are you even gonna buy with this you could have just wished for it money cars and clothes and hoes i'll drink to that huh oh who threw that bowling ball at me i bet it was that twerp i'm gonna make him pay 100 200 300 400 oh no the babysitter's coming not icky vicky hi guys what are you doing in here twerp tongue cash where did all this money come from and who said you could have fish i'm gonna go flush him down the toilet no you're not who's gonna stop me oh i wish the cops were here to arrest you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where where the hell am i i was just in the shower and where did all this money come from wait am i am i a stripper officer what are you doing here i don't know she hit me what really what no i didn't arrest her well i don't know that i can just arrest him oh rester well but i i don't think simon says arrest her i i i wish you'd arrest her well for some reason i have the sudden urge to arrest you why i don't know but i think i have to come on she better not drop the soap she's going to an all-female prison cosmo oh jeffy why don't you give some of this money to charity i wish i had all the charities money jeffy let's talk about this oh no my parents are home early you guys gotta hide go back to being goldfish jeffy we're home what jeffy where'd you get all this money from my fairy odd parents they're disguised as goldfish oh [ __ ] what happened to them they disappeared because i wasn't supposed to tell you about them but good news is we still have all this cash well we could have used some of this money at the restaurant i thought i had money and then when i checked my wallet it was empty so we had to wash dishes all night well i had to wash dishes too and there's a shattered one downstairs so you might want to clean that up what happened to your babysitter oh she got arrested for hitting me tonight's been a whole thing i just don't really want to talk about [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 16,135,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, fairy godparents, fairly oddparents, puppet, puppets, show, junior, cody, brooklyn guy, wishes, wish, vicky, logan, lance, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, pooby, entertainment, adventure, laugh, joke, jeffys fairy godparents, cosmo, wanda, marvin
Id: gXvNf1y3D-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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