SML Movie - Jeffy's Punishment! - Full Episode

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oh man the dinner table is set and it looks so beautiful uh Julia everybody come and sit at the table and get ready for dinner oh man I'm so ready for dinner wow shfp set the table really nice hey Junior you want to see a magic trick yeah I'll bet you five bucks that I can pull this tablecloth off the table so fast it won't even move the dishes I bet you can't yes I can all I got to do is say the magic words ABA dbra you ready Junior yeah I'm ready all right here we go no all right I'll go get your five bucks Junior what was that loud noise what happened to my dishes Junior don't blame me Jeffy bet me five bucks five bucks Junior oh thanks Jeffy Jeffy bet me five bucks they can pull the tablecloth without without moving the plates well he moved them they're right there they did move that's why I won five bucks you know what do Mario Mario what's wrong Chef peee your son hey Dan can I talk to you for a second hold on Chef Pee what's wrong Jeffy now Chef pee's about to tell you a whole bunch of Lies oh is he oh yeah and not a single thing is going to be true but what I did want to tell you was I've gone the whole day without saying the f word well I'm really proud of you Jeffy thanks Daddy what's wrong shfp your son broke all of the dishes in the kitchen he did what debatable what actually what happened was I was doing a magic trick and I pulled the table clock really fast and the dishes hit the floor so technically the floor broke the dishes Chevy why would you pull the tablecloth and break all the dishes cuz it was a Magic Trick Daddy I want to be a magician okay fine I'll admit it I'm an amateur magician is that what you wanted me to say wow daddy you're a really good parent you're supposed to be encouraging my hopes and dreams but no I guess I'll just give up and go be a garbage man or something yeah go be a garbage man and clean up the mess just made in the kitchen well there wouldn't be a mess in the kitchen if Chef Pee would buy plastic plates for me to practice with or even better he should buy paper plates cuz then he could just use them and then throw them away and he wouldn't even have to worry about dishes Mario just come and look at the mess I'm going go look at the mess hey Daddy I'll bet you five bucks there's not a mess in the kitchen okay I bet you five bucks well hold on you got to give me a 30 minute Head Start to go clean it up no Jeffy all right well then fine be disappointed look Mario Jeffy I'm a doggy in the streets but a freak in the sheets you should yeah yeah Jeffy I'm so tired of you making M all the time you threw off my groove Jeffy I don't what no Jeffy I'm so tired of you making mess and doing bad things just stop well Danny I have a wild imagination and I'm just being creative JY breaking stuff and doing bad things is not being creative well I'm a young spirit and I need to frog oh I just wish there was something I could do to you to punish you so youd learn something um well you could give me a spanking I'm not giving you a spanking Jeffy because every time I give you a spank and you go iy poppy you don't even doesn't even hurt you well I promise I won't go iy poppy okay here give me a spanking like a good hard one like put a little bit of hate behind it seey see see that's why I don't give you spank Jeffy I wish there was another way to punish you where you'd learn something no poy butt no I said do not go on the ouch where's your shot call remote wait a minute shot shot collar H Daddy I have an idea what why don't we put the shot collar on you and every time you yell it'll shock you I got a better idea Daddy this is not what I had in mind all right Jeffy now every time you do something bad I'm going to shock you does it hurt do you want to find out kind of then do something bad just kidding daddy it doesn't work a I was hoping you would believe me all right Jeffy every time you do something bad I'm going to shock you okay well I just won't do anything bad yeah like I believe that I bet you can't go 24 hours without doing something bad you know what if you go a whole day without doing something bad you can take it off okay and now I'll put it on you and I'll shock you every time you do something bad okay that's a deal so how about this from 600 p.m. today till 6:00 p.m. tomorrow you can't do anything bad all right deal 24 hours without doing anything bad just so I can shock you one time that's a deal daddy easy peasy you're going to lose the bet because you're going to do something bad no I won't all right well I think it's dinner time Jeffy oh good I'm hungry what's for dinner come on all right Jeffy look what's for dinner Oh Daddy you rascal so you going to eat them Jeffy or you going to throw your plate on the ground like you always do well as much as I would like to add to the collection of broken plates on the floor I so badly want to shock you so I'm going to eat every single one of these disgusting green boogers where a huge smile on my face I would love to see that all right Daddy watch me [Music] work oh man D those were some disgusting green beans but it's going to be worth it when I can hold down that button and shock you until your eyes pop out of your head that's going to be peep PE I can't believe you just ate those Jeffy but you're going to mess up soon you're going to mess up eventually no I won't daddy cuz it's going to be worth it well well you still have to go to school tomorrow and you better be there on time and you better not get in trouble at school okay Daddy I'm actually going to wake up early and I'll even walk to school the shock call is such a good idea but I don't want him to shock me I have to get him to mess up all right Jeffy you have to go to bed and if you pee the bed that counts as doing something bad daddy don't worry I have a Clos pin and I closed the hole off so I'm not peeing the bed tonight well if you if you still have an accident that counts as doing something bad and then you won't be able to shock me tomorrow Daddy rest the sure you will be shocked tomorrow night promise no no you're going to mess up I know you are you pee the bed almost every night so uh good night Jeffy good night Daddy all right so all I have to do now is fill up a glass of water and pour it on jeffy's bed and make him look like he had an accident and then he can't shock me tomorrow all right all I have to do is pour the water on the bed and make it look like Jeffy peed so he can't shock me tomorrow you piece of shrimp Daddy what are you doing uh I wanted to start a garden in your room and I wanted to grow strawberries oh really well let me tell you what I think happened I think you were pouring the water in the bed to make it look like I peed the bed so I could get in trouble and you would shock me uh let me tell you something Daddy I'm not going down that easy so you hot bottom out of this room and you go to bed yes sir yeah that's what I thought Mr stupid dang trying to get me in trouble I'm not going to sleep all night long all right craft today we're going to have a quiet day because I have a huge headache I'm talking big not like my egg roll but big you know so today you guys are going to be quiet okay I don't care what you do you can draw you could color you could take a nap well I don't care you could literally go home okay I literally don't care just as long as you guys be quiet okay and I'm going to take a nap on my desk and you guys better not wake me up because if you do I'm going to give you guys a lot of homework I'm talking a 100 pages of homework 100 pages of schoolwork and you can't go home until you finish it all so leave me alone wait so we can even whisper dude shut up I don't want any homework but you're the one getting louder you dud you're don't one talking I just asking the question shut up guys shut up do you think I can eat my fish and chips in class no here you're making a lot of noise you're going get us homework why would you want to eat in class well wait he just wants to get homework cuz he's a nerd a big nerd another one a nerd oh I hate wearing this stupid collar you're wearing a dog collar I didn't know you were a dog I'm a doggy in the streets but a freaking the sheit to said yeah yeah dude shut up I don't want any homework when stop talking to me man the TV remote is dead in my room I guess I'll just watch it in here where's that remote there it is oh I think I'm just going to go ahead and take a nap did I hear a noise huh was it any of you who made a noise huh huh just must have been a bad dream that I had but anyway if you make a noise then you're going to think you're in a bad dream from all the homework you're going to get yet so shut up Jeffy why' you makeing noise do you want us to get homework yeah Jeffy shut up yeah Jeffy be quiet oh shut up doggy I swear if you make us have homework I'm going to punch you in the face oh why is my daddy shocking me oh oh maybe his fat butt sitting on the remote I really don't want homework I got an idea what if I just hide in my new backpack I got from SML Link in the description comes in two separate designs and also has a lunchbox maybe that'll muffle the sound why isn't it working shut up grass Jeffy just go home just leave you're making too much noise I don't want homework yeah dude leave yeah leave yeah dude just get out of here I'm leing that is it crass I said no noise and now you all are going to get a bunch of freaking homework way to go Jeffy now we have a bunch of homework oh yeah dude you're a loser boo oh man my stomach was hurting Daddy I got in trouble at school today you did yes yes that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about you said you were going to shock me you said you were going to shock me oh well shock this oh shock some of this oh what happened to I'm want to be a good boy what happened to I'm not going to get in trouble you know what oh shock this Daddy I was sitting in class and all of a sudden you shocked me to make me scream during class so I got in trouble no no I didn't I swear I didn't I haven't even touched this okay well then maybe your fat butt sat on it and you didn't even know cuz you were too busy watching TV you fatty what no I was in the bathroom the whole time you were in the bathroom the whole time I was at school for 8 hours you constipated fatty no Jeffy look I did not touch this you just got in trouble because you can't help yourself and since you got in trouble in school I'm going to shock you Daddy you know what oh oh oh you want to sit there and shock me I got something for you shock this all right let's see how you like it Winky Winky eggy baby Jeffy take the thing off me no Daddy you tried shocking me today while I was at school so I would get in trouble and lose the bed no I didn't Jay take it off me now no Daddy and let's also remember when I was trying to go to bed and you tried pouring water in the bed had to make me look like I peed the bed and I would get in trouble no I was walking the Gard yeah Garden this daddy oh and also let's remind ourselves of dinner last night where you made me eat green beans so now I'm going to shock you for every green bean that I had to eat tyone when you going eat my booty like groceries my booty be like Walmart all full of snakes after you take another shower baby you know my weed can't get wet Tyrone I know it's been a month but I'm still upset why did you leave me for another woman damn it Judith we've been through this already look your ass is getting old and wrinkly look look put it this way if you was taking a flight would you want to take a flight on a old wrinkly saggy titty ass airplane no you would want to take a flight on a smooth sexy private jet with a curvy ass and big titties yeah I guess I would want to ride on the jet with the big titties damn right and see you're the old wrinkly you know plane and this is my private jet right here so how about you going and find another okay yeah what's up baby Tyrone why is she still living with us I don't know she weird yeah you enjoying your massage K oo your muscles are hard as plastic you have a rough day at work Mom read the sign much no girls allowed Cody can you turn me into a big tittied airplane with what your your father says he only likes airplanes with big titties so I want to be one oh Mom I I I don't think that's about airplanes at all oh well your father says that I'm getting old and I'm wrinkly I just wish I was young and hot again like when I was 12 all the guys were hitting on me at the bus stop in the grocery store you know I I guess yeah if it means that much to you I guess I could make you younger but it would take me a couple hours to build a machine so I better get started okay okay Mom it took me all night but the machine's finally finished I call it the jailbait 3000 anybody I shoot with this thing is going to turn into a 12-year-old all right Mom prepare to get blasted Cody I'm young and hot again now I can date hot young guys thank you so much oh okay you're welcome Mom whatever oh man school starts in like an hour I hate school so much hey Cody did you do my homework last night what no no sorry Junior I didn't have time listen here nerd you're supposed to do my homework every night you want me to fail no sorry I I was just up all night what you get another piece of kin stuck inside you no I got that out it was just problems with my mom oh she was keeping you up all night going oink oink oink oink oink cuz she's a pig yeah that oh well Cody you remember you're supposed to feed her slop in the morning not at night okay I'll remember that yeah keep your pig in line do my homework all right C today we're going to be celebrating the Happy Chinese New Year the year of the pit yeah Jesus Christ Cody they dedicated a whole year to your mom dude your mom's a pig a big fat stinky pig oink yeah why the piggy go to the market why because your mom need more food cuz she's a pig yeah dude she's a piges all tell her down tell her down stop calling kid my pig all right for Chinese New Year year of PE who want to come up here and draw pee I don't know how draw PE I know how cook pig no draw Pig who want to draw Pig oh me me me I want to draw Cody's mom no I actually draw Cody's mom better no I've seen her L too we're going need a bigger board than that I want to draw I want to draw I want to draw her all right Junior you draw big yay I get to draw Cody's mom a no fair dude of course he gets to draw it all I you to draw big pig oh I'll draw a big pig cuz Cody mom's a big pig uh I'm going to need a lot more room than this I use all the room you need right here oh okay I'll try to fit her but it's going to be tough and done all right look so I draw a big pig and it says hi I'm Cody's mom oink oh that's a big pig yeah it's a really big pig she sure is hey Cody you see the drawing I did of your mom yeah sure did it uh looks just like her yeah I had I had to shrink her down a lot to fit her on the board but uh I think I did pretty good hey everybody I'm I'm Julie and I'm a new student who's DTF dude a new student Cody is that your mom no no why why would you even say that Cody I know a pig when I see one that looks like your mom well well it's not oh new student H sheit is a girl why your parents don't leave you a park that's what we do in China anyway uh we we don't have any new desks for a new student so you going to have to sit with Cody okay I'll sit next to my Cody Ken Cody that's your mom no no no it's not it's it's my girlfriend what girlfriend niggaer you Dat Dog well I I I did but then but then I I I saw her rump and I said that that's a good that's a good girl rump I I'm into girls now not not dude rumps Cody quit being icky I'm your mommy see look she said she say she's your mommy no no I I I just call her mommy like like when we're banging you know like you do like yeah you take that mommy Cody stop it yes I am his mother see look she's like your mommy how is that your mom she's so young okay I hit her with a youth machine because she wanted to be young again so she could start dating oh so she's a piglet now a baby pig oink oink oink yeah sure does she know it's the year of her what all right craft headle down see a girl your PE get happy get get a little big think about baseball okay class so who ready to learn about the year of the pit it all started in 200 BP before p with great great egg roll pass this note to your friend a note from my mom okay I wonder what it says make big the running AC the field I hope he said keep God Fu up he too many Cody what does oink mean all right CR so your homework for tonight is to write a 10,000w book report on all the things you know about P 10,000 words oh that sounds like a lot of paper I'm poor 10,000 words usually I complain but this book report on a pig is going to be easy I already got all 10,000 words I got fat I got stinky I got ugly I got Porky MC porson well Porky MC porson is two words well I got fatan and I got your mom yeah that actually Cody can your mom come over and help me with my book report tonight I need to look at her so I can think of all 10,000 words but okay no right Junior me and my mom came over to help you with your 10,000w pig essay oh thank you so much Cody I really need to look at her so I can get all those words Cody your friend's really cute back off mom he's mine all right guys so uh let me let me get started all right so uh Cody's mom is a pig but she's also uh fat uh huge uh round um massive uh Cody what's another synonym for fat uh rotund oh rotund that's a good one another one uh gargantuan ooh gargantuan oh Behemoth don't forget Behemoth oh yeah that's a good one Behemoth okay Behemoth oh yeah oh don't forget lard and rly poly round ugly hold on let me look at her again uh uh oh I have one chubby uh junior junior chubby oh I like that one why not that's fat chubby means fat uh no I don't I think I like pretty what oh oh I see what you mean pretty like pretty fat no like like pretty beautiful no no Junior we're talking about fat words you have to be mean right cuz she she's fat like a pig Cody why would you say that about your own mother I I don't he he says that all the time what I've never heard him say that yeah Cody why would you say that about your own mom she's not fat she's gorgeous oh F you guys hey uh so I know we just met and everything but would you like to go like sip on a Gogurt together okay let's go no no no don't sip Gogurt oh it's so messy sorry I opened it too fast and I squeezed too hard and it just went all over the place sorry it was my first time it's okay I like the Gogurt what the hell's going on here oh hey Cody I was open up a Gogurt and I squeezed too hard see I just came out all over the place I'm sorry oh well well I'm still upset mom come on let's get you washed up well Cody I'm going to go ask my dad for some advice uh hey Dad what do you want junior I'm watching TV well there's this girl I like and I need advice on asking her out girl ew gross coties who talks to girls anymore well Dad I really like her I need advice the only advice I have is um lie to her yeah don't tell her the truth just uh lie to her never show up on time spit in her face be gross you know and um be a bad boy girls love Bad Boys okay and no doesn't mean no think about it just just think about it whenever you you're at a restaurant and they ask you do you want dessert and you say no and they still bring it you know you're going to eat the dessert right yeah of course I eat I mean they already brought it out of course that's some good advice dad right if no me no you wouldn't be alive Junior so just whip it out you know she's going to be like oh my God it's already out what should I do oh can't do nothing about it it's surprise surprise oh good advice Dad thank you mhm that's how I got your mom all right Mom we got you all cleaned up now let's go home what's up trash Junior what are you doing just being cool like I always am hey ugly yeah want to be my girlfriend oh yeah of course you do knew you weren't going to say no if you said no it's still mean yes Cody your friend's really cool no he's not Mom hey ho yeah want to go to the movies oh okay yeah get on your leash come on oh I heard this movie is really good it's How to Train Your Dragon of course it's a good movie oh um can I have a drink this popcorn's making me really thirsty how about you drink your own spit oh okay Daddy I already bought you popcorn what more do you want from me you think I'm made of money of course I am but not going to spend it on you now shut up the movie's starting no no bad Dragon you do not poooo in the house you poooo outside bad bad Dragon he's training that Dragon yeah oh did I say you could talk no shut up okay the movie's on God I'm trying to watch the movie talking and stuff bad bad Dragon okay bad you see that that's your peee you don't pee peep in the house you peee outside and rub your nose in it no you do this outside outside he's rubbing his nose in it so um you want to make out okay oh [Music] yeah what is this Shrek once I kiss you you turned into an ogre it's a big fat ogre Pig e what happened to you I thought you loved me no you're a big fat ugly pig again and it e you're gross get away from me lady ew oh ken if Junior ends up being my stepdad I'm going to lose it oh Cody your friend doesn't like me anymore he says I'm all old and wrinkly what happened oh well I guess the machine wore off after you had true love's first kiss oh Cody you're fat mom tried to eat me when I was at the movie theater or something e there she is ew fat pig oink oink or maybe the machine just wore off well Cody who am I going to date now um have you seen Junior Cody him that one that's the one I want next hey there big boy ew stay away from me e cies Kies cies cooies oh yeah he's my and that crass is why the mech Ru with fortnite it2 OP it don't matter how much you build it'll steal Hiroshima and Nagasaki your entire Squad see that's you and your entire Squad right there after the me show up and that's some no skit who just so happened to land next to one at the beginning of the match but don't worry even if you find a way to destroy it they'll still send 30 more throughout the entire game any questions crass I missed the baller I would just Camp the whole game well there's no mechs in Minecraft the game we should all be playing instead of fortnite dude I don't have electricity so I can't play games I just put a bunch of ants in my mouth and see how many can bite my tongue oh my high score is 15 oh the mechs are easy to kill all you got to do is 360 no scope them from across the map and then go boneless on the entire Squad [Music] all right craft don't forget that tomorrow is bring your favorite toy to school day so you're going to bring your favorite toy to school and you going to show it to the crass we can bring a toy to school tomorrow that's so awesome but I don't know what toy is my favorite I have so many awesome toys no you already know what toy I'm bringing tomorrow wait Junior we can bring a toy to school tomorrow yeah we can bring a toy that's so pee PE yeah so awesome I don't know what toy to bring though daddy today in school was showe PE but you actually enjoyed school today Jeffy yeah Daddy cuz the teacher said that tomorrow is bring your favorite toy to school day Jeffy it sounds like you made that up no Daddy he really said that so I get to take my favorite toy to school tomorrow okay well then just go through all your toys and find your favorite toy then okay Daddy H which toy is my favorite oh pee PE turkey snaky what was that Jeffy Jeffy what is this huge mess Jeffy why are you doing that I can't find my favorite toy daddy well that doesn't mean you have to make a huge mess Jeffy look let's just look through the toys like normal people daddy take me to the store and buy me a new toy Jeffy I don't have the money to buy you a new toy right now well what am I going to do about my project tomorrow well I have an arcade card with points on it so we can go to the arcade and try to win you a new toy okay Daddy let's do that all right J but I only have a few points so what we have to do is we have to get enough points and enough tickets to get you a prize okay okay Daddy Oh Daddy I want to win a big colorful ball all right Jeffy well here's your game card okay all right Dad yeah just go in there and win okay okay [Music] then Jeffy did you ever win a ball Jeffy Jeffy where' Jeffy go Jeffy how'd you get in there Jeffy I don't even know thatd yes you do Jeffy get out I can't daddy you got to win me you're not worth my money Jeffy I'm not going to spend money to try to win you out of there all right daddy well just stay in here with Mr Monkey you're not staying in there with Mr Monkey he likes Thanos daddy Jeffy if you don't get out I'm going to get a worker all right all right so what's the problem that what how'd your kid get in there I don't know he must have crawled in or something but I want you to get him out what how well I don't know use the key or something unlock it ooh I don't have the key you don't have the key you work here yeah but I swallowed it what you swallowed it yeah Bob was like I bet you won't swallow that key and I was like I bet I will so I swallowed it well go use the bathroom and get it out no man I am backed up okay how am I get my son out I don't know the only way you can get them out is you got to win them well I don't know how to play this game yeah and it's pretty rigged I don't think you're going to get them out of there come on just help me get them out of there dude what do I have to do uh well I used to be a pro claw machine player in college so I guess I could give it a shot all right let's try to get them out all right let's win this all right I'll tell you where to go all right uh go to the right uhhuh a lot more to the right yeah all right start going back start going back okay okay uh start going a little bit more to the right uh Jeffy can you move to the left Jeffy move to the left all right I think I got it no no no no no more to the right my son's right there here we go okay this is looking good no it's not my son's right there oh I got a good feeling about this one no no my son is right there you missed my son completely Come to Papa what you missed my son come on come on come to the daddy right here come on come on come on he's right there oh the monkey and the ball the monkey and the ball come on give it give it here come on no no no that was my monkey what do you do when you took my monkey you supposed make your monkey you were supposed to get my son oh well I really wanted the monkey no you're supposed to get my son try again an aim for my son okay all right go for my son this time all right fine all right so a lot to the right okay a lot more to the right all right a lot more to the right back back back it up start backing up all right more to the right okay more to the right all right uh Jeffy go to the left I'm going to go I'm going for it no no no more monkey no not that one no I don't want that one I want I wanted Mr Monkey no no don't give me that one's stupid I don't want that one you're supposed to go for my son but but the monkey was right there it was so close oh my god look oh my God I can get all three of them no God why does he keep doing that go for my son fine let me do it more to the right uh-huh and more to the right okay I'm going start going back looking good yeah am I close uh you're pretty close all right what what uh okay I I think you got it all right Jeffy you're coming out of there all right looking good yeah oh yeah I got Jeffy I definitely got Jeffy here we go here we go Jeffy yes I got Jeffy you got him and the ball I got both of them oh this is perfect yeah I got Jeffy out of there oh thank God oh my God oh my God Jeffy oh come on Jeffy you get out of there right now you get out of there man Jeffy you're getting out of there this time all right tell me where to go all right all right doing Gooding good forward forward a little bit Yeah uh-huh uh-huh okay more to the right yeah a little to the right uh uh maybe back a little maybe I think that's it I think that's it oh that's good all right wait for it to stop swinging yeah it keeps swinging a lot okay Jeffy you get out of there this time just hop in just just hop into the prize thing you hold on come on Jeffy here we go come on Jeffy oh yes yes yes wait we might have them stop playing games Jeffy don't you play games with me okay here he comes here he comes he comes hold on hold on Jeffy oh I think we got him I think we got him and the ball oh this is perfect yes yes yes yes we got both Jeffy you get out of there oh yes everybody wins Jeffy you do not climb back in there okay all right Daddy get out of here come on all right Jeffy with this game you have to hit as hard as you can and so you can get the lights to go all the way to the top so it takes a lot strength okay okay D but Jeffy that was very weak look you're supposed to go all the way to the top you only got it right there well that as hard as I can hit it Dad well hold on let me swipe it again okay all right Jeffy pretend this time that that thing right there is bullying you okay Daddy oh you want to bully me buy well how about this you won the jackpot Jeffy yay I won the jackpot yeah I think you broke it let's go all right Jeffy this one's called ski ball okay so all you do is you grab a ball like this and you roll it up and you try to make it that thing okay okay Dad you you try you got it in Jeffy you're doing good oh okay do do it a little bit better what Jeffy you cannot throw it oh yeah we got to roll it up there Jeffy oh okay okay you're doing pretty good Jeffy you got roll a you got to roll a little harder no a a lot harder Jeff you have to roll a lot you have to roll a lot harder Jeff a lot harder like a lot [Applause] [Music] a all right Jeffy let's play a different game come on okay oh hey you all done playing yeah can you tell me how many tickets I have sure uh it feels like you got about 200 tickets here the card gets heavier I can tell oh well what can I get for 200 tickets oh not much uh I guess I can give you this unicorn necklace daddy look there's a jffe I want your jff well ask him oh no sorry that giraffe right there is over 1,000 tickets and how many tickets do I have you have 200 I I just told you that a daddy I really want the G ra well you don't have enough tickets Jeffy you only have 200 and it's a th000 but I want the G ra well you don't have enough tickets I want is there any way I can buy the Giraffe with my own money no sorry you can't do that unless you're a boofy Rewards member a boofy Rewards member okay fine we sign me up for the boofy Rewards membership well I'm sorry I can't do that why not it's not boofy season it's not boofy season why you make it boofy season well I can't make it boofy season boofy season starts in the summer oh okay well then I'll give you the money and then when it becomes boofy season you can just charge it then okay fine but you got to say the boofy Pledge the The boofy Pledge yeah repeat after me okay I am boofy I amofy I am goofy I am goofy now rub your belly and say boofy boofy boofy boofy boofy boofy boofy boofy boofy I can't believe you idiots actually fell for that there's no such thing as boofy rewards me oh my God you guys are such idiots just take your stupid giraffe y I got aaff was like a dollar anyway okay oh man D I love my new favorite Gan raft toy all right Jeffy look we'll just go to bed so you'll be ready for school tomorrow okay so you have your toy all right daddy oh man Junior I am so honored that you brought me in for your career day project you're actually inspired by me uh yeah sure whatever Junior why did you bring in Chef PE as your favorite toy wait what nothing nothing Cody doesn't know he's talking about he's just obsessed with his stupid kend doll just pay attention to class all right class today is bring your favorite toy to school day today so I hope you all brought your favorite toy to school so who wants to come up first and show off their toy to the crass favorite toy day yeah shpi uh let's go up let's go up M all right Junior what's your favorite toy my favorite toy is my personal chef pee PE I am not a toy Junior listen class Junior told me today was career day and he had to bring someone that he looked up to yeah yeah and I brought shef peipi cuz I do look up to him but he is a toy because I like grabbing his ears and making him mad the p on my ears he's like a Simon says you got to do the opposite to make him mad okay Junior A+ All Right Chef you got me an a oh God thanks for the a Chef peee Junior you lied to me and told me that I inspired you why would you inspire me Chef you're a 30-year-old Chef who doesn't get paid to cook and I've never seen you with a girlfriend I'm next all right Cody what's your favorite toy my favorite toy is Ken he's my boy toy he's hunky and he's an astronaut he's a rocket scientist he's a lawyer and he's a doctor he's a dog Cody shut up Joseph all right Cody B minus you're weird ghost it out fine oh I'm next I'm next all right Joseph what's your favorite toy oh my my favorite toy is this onion that I found on my way to school today an onion what it do oh it makes me cry but I would do that anyway cuz my life is so sad oh okay you get a See For Crying okay my turn all right Jeffy what's your favorite toy my favorite toy is my Gina now I wanted the arcade I like to car around in my daer like a kangaroo oh that's a giraffe not a kangaroo D minus I take it hey Daddy I passed what Jeffy you passed what grade did you get I got a D minus a D minus why didn't you get an A because I told him to teacher I was a kangaroo oh well still a D minus is the highest grade you've got all year so I'm proud of you yep I think I deserve to eat some pizza yeah Jeffy let's go out and get some pizza since you passed come on yay oh man I can't wait to laugh my head off at Charlie and friends it's the funniest show ever oh Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience freeze this sticker oh hi guys I'm Charlie and I'm at the ATM I'm about to get this bread here's the bread I can't believe I left it here I'm going to go and make a sandwich oh Charlie that is so hilarious I thought you were talking about money not actual bread and that's not a refrigerator that's an ATM you silly goose you can't keep your bread in there and you didn't even check the expiration date oh my God he is a fool wait wait speaking of bread I kind of want some pizza hey baby so I heard you wanted my dingdong I only got one left but it has your name on it so uh just let me know when you're ready for some cream filling okay shut up oh I gotta go by oh what Bower shpi I'm hungry and I want you to order me a pizza why don't you order it yourself Bowser because I'm shy I don't like to talk on the phone I'm an introvert look I sit in my room all day and watch TV what part of that do you not understand so here's $100 okay I want you to order my pizza and bring me my exact change back and if you don't I'm going turn the stove on put your face on it and turn Chef PE into a a chef grill cheese face yeah so uh order my pizza and bring my change back and I'm going to take your ding dong wait no not my ding dong that's for the ladies Bowser I guess I order the pizza [Laughter] oh my God that is so funny oh dude it is hilarious all right Junior do not ask him what's funny you're only going to give him the attention he wants everybody got to see this oh my God everybody got to see this still not going to ask him I don't I don't care what's on his phone I don't care hey Joseph huh what's funny on your phone oh my phone oh nothing it's not even that funny uh so what you want to do dude I want to buy Animal Crossing but it cost like $60 I don't have $60 well why don't you just get money from Chef peee you're right Chef has a lot of money let me go ask him okay uh hello yes I would like to order a pizza hey shipi Junior shut up up I'm trying to order this pizza for your dad yes I would like to order a pepperoni pizza o add pickles Junior pickles don't go on no pizza well add ketchup J ketchup don't go on the pizza either why would I put ketchup on the pizza order mustard on it J mustard don't go on the pizza either that's stupid why I put mustard on Pizza well can I borrow $60 chpi Junior I don't have $60 okay I have to pay for a pizza what about this 100 right here that goes to the pizza Junior how much does the pizza cost the pizza cost $20 okay well then why can't I use like 60 of this oh because your dad wants all of his change so I can't give you any money okay well why don't you say the pizza cost like $80 a pizza don't cost $80 what's wrong with you you stupid sorry Chef peee excuse me I'm so sorry look I have to walk away from this annoying brat what's funny Joseph oh nothing you ain't get it sh gave me $100 whoa that man's generous how did you get him to give you so much money uh well uh I told him that he forgot my birthday last year and he didn't give me anything so he got me $100 right now dude you should tell him it's my birthday Joseph you know he doesn't care about your birthday oh you're right nobody cares about me so now I get to buy my $60 game wait wait dude how much money would you have left after you PID for that game well my game is $60 okay chefi ordered a pizza and that's $20 so I'm going to have $20 left over dude can I borrow $5 so I can get some candy from the gas station well it's my dad's money but I don't see why not a thanks man you're such a good friend who get me some candy too okay okay uh what kind of candy do you want just surprise me oh I can surprise you dude but don't spend all the money only spend $5 oh I won't spend it all dude you can trust me I only spend $5 dude look at all this candy I bought wao Joseph that's a big bag of candy dude I know I got Snickers Reeses Kit Kats oh dude I even got ner rope ow oh you lucky they didn't have that 200 years ago so that cost $5 huh that bag of candy cost $5 uh no it cost $20 $20 Joseph you only supposed to spend $5 dude I tried not to spend all your money but when I saw that candy I went Bonkers come on it was Snickers Kit Kats Reese's well I mean I can still buy my game and shef can still buy his pizza Joseph what's that another bag another bag of candy yeah how much was that $60 $60 yeah so you spent $80 on Candy okay so at least shpi can still buy his pizza I'll just miss out on my game uh no he's not going to be able to buy that pizza why I bought a scratch off ticket and lost I have a problem you you spent all the money yes I spent all the money no you spent $100 on Candy $80 on candy and 20 on a scratch off ticket Joseph what look how am I supposed to buy my game you're not going to buy your game dude we could just play Operation with your mouth after you eat all this candy okay well then how are she be going to buy the pizza well he's not going to buy buy that pizza what what are we going to eat nothing nothing yeah yeah dude look he doesn't need pizza we have candy he can just mun on that well Joseph Okay I lied to you shef peipi didn't give me the money it was my dad's money and I stole it I was just going to give him the change back but what's my dad going to do when he doesn't get change nothing dude just give him candy he won't get mad look who gets mad nobody gets mad at the guy in the van who has candy and offers a lollipop you just do what he says for the lollipop I guess you're right Joseph yeah I know I'm right maybe people won't even notice I stole $100 she'll probably just use a credit card or something exactly don't worry about it dude oh man when is the pizza going to be here oh that must be the pizza right now oo I hope it's a hot pizza lady so I can give her my dingdong hey baby oh I'm so sorry I thought you were a woman oh yeah I get that a lot but uh do you got my $20 for this pizza oh oh yes sir I got it uh excuse me let me get it out of the kitchen all right where is that money wait wait I I know I put that money right here where's that money come on where's that money uh come on the piece of man's waiting on me God dang it where's that money oh I don't want Bowser to put my face on this freaking sto where is that money wait junior junior where is that money junior did you take my money wait hold on just a second sir J oh no sh coming oh no I'm out of here dude and I'm going take because these J Junior what did you do with the $100 that was sitting on the kitchen counter what $100 don't play with me Junior you know what $100 you stole the $100 that was on the calendar sh I don't know what you're talking about oh so you don't know what I'm talking about no then how did you buy all this candy huh come here you stupid th you thought you could get away huh ah come here come here it died Junior what did you do with $100 okay look shfp I wanted to buy a game that was $60 and then you still would have had 40 left over and you could have bought the pizza and gave dad change but Joseph took my $100 and he bought $100 worth of candy what oh Junior your dad is going to kill me wait wait and there's the pizza man downstairs look you're going to go and explain to the pizza man how we can't pay for this pizza don't make me do that oh no you're going to go and do it okay Chef peei God what am I going to do uh hey look I've been waiting out here for like for you to come and pay for this pizza so is you going to pay for this pizza or is I'm going to run it over with my car well how much is the pizza uh $20 well see that's what you're mistaken sir because this pizza is supposed to be free wait wait free yeah look on the box it says free pizza it's supposed to be free well if my eyes do not deceive me it does look like it say free on there yeah it's free because we won the piece of the pie Awards wait wait you you won an award yeah award yeah and and cuz we had enough points see the box says it so this is supposed to be a free pizza we're not supposed to pay for it oh okay okay that makes sense okay well here's your pizza then for winning thank you so much sir mhm congratulations my beautiful face I don't want Bowser to burn it sh peee I got the pizza wait what how I got it for free wait wait you didn't do any special favors for this pizza did you no look the box says free pizza wait that doesn't mean it's free Junior well the guy didn't know that so he gave it to me okay that solves the pizza problem but what about the change problem how are we going to get the change for your dad well let's just tell him that we tip the pizza guy $80 why would we tip the pizza guy $80 jior that's stupid well maybe he's homeless why would there be a homeless guy delivering pizza well maybe he's hungry I I don't know look look you're going to go and explain to your dad what happened to that money okay okay Chef P God I don't want to burn my face all right dad here's your pizza oh man I've been starving oh thank you Junior wait where's my change uh there is no change you know what sh it's time for your face to get cooked well no no no dad there was $80 in change but I gave it to the pizza delivery guy as a tip wait what why would you tip the pizza guy $80 well because he had no arms or or legs or or eyes or eyes or a body it it was just a head wait really dang that's sad yeah he was a ghost wait a ghost ghost yeah so I tipped him $80 so he wouldn't spook us oh okay okay I see what you're doing nice thinking Junior you know get on the ghost good side so he doesn't spook us yeah he doesn't scare us yeah you want to be a friend with a ghost he said he'll be our best friend now oh really wait our best friend yeah he wants to be our best friend you should invite him over here tell him to come here I want to meet him well he said he had to go to the cemetery for like a week he had to go come on he's a ghost Junior look he can pop up anywhere tell him to come here or I'mma think you're lying okay okay so we better go and get that ghost right now okay I'll go get him I'm going have a ghost friend I'm going have a ghost friend oh man my dad wants to see a ghost how can I be a ghost oh how can I be a ghost how can I be a ghost man oh man I can't wait to see that ghost boo it's a ghost hey hey Mr ghost I'm sorry you scared me thank you so much for the $80 oh you're welcome it's nice to help about a friend in need well I have to go now wait wait you have to leave already yes I have to do ghost things oh that sucks well can I at least get a hug no no no no no Junior uh uh uh look at that look at that
Channel: SMLs
Views: 148,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DxwpKYNF6M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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