SML Movie: Joseph's Imaginary Family!

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oh man i can't wait for dinner to be ready all right junior the mac and cheese is done oh man i love mac and cheese i know i'm gonna put some in your bowl okay oh yeah put in my bowl daddy what did you say i said put it in my bowl wait why did you say it like that junior how did i say it he said put it up for that or something like that i didn't say that chef phoebe whatever look i'm gonna put a little bit more in there and i got to spread it okay oh yeah spread it junior why are you saying it like that stop talking like that chevy i don't know what you're talking about look just get your juicy juice and i'm gonna put the straw in okay hold it oh put your strawberry juice box daddy you know what put it in yourself okay junior oh you want to put it myself shut up look i gotta go get your dad just shut up do it myself oh man it's dinner time all right bowser i need to put some mac and cheese in your bowl oh put it in my bowl daddy wait why are you guys singing like that there's someone at the door it might be my friends no junior no frizz are invited this is a family dinner okay okay well let me at least tell him it's a family dinner uh hello what's up dude oh i can smell this dinner time i brought my bowl well chef if you made macaroni and cheese tonight oh put it in my pool daddy well actually my dad said you can't eat with us tonight he wants it to be a family dinner but but put it in my bowl daddy i can't put it in your bowl daddy oh but i need it i know but maybe you can eat with us next time but it's supposed to be a family dinner so i'll see you later joseph did you tell him to leave yeah i told him to leave dad i can see chef pee pee put it in your bowl oh yes he did he put it all in my bowl why are you guys singing like that joseph well i thought i told you to tell them to leave junior look joseph go and find your own family somebody close the blinds woman i told you i don't like my fool touching what's wrong with you [Music] [Music] junior the weirdest thing just happened joseph just showed up outside my window while me and my family were eating dinner and he said ooh put it in my bowl daddy yeah he did that to me too oh hold on this time at my door i'll call you back cody uh hello hey dude oh hey joseph why do you sound so sad can i come inside or is your family night not over with oh you can come inside it's over with okay all right joseph what's wrong you sound really sad well dude i saw you eating food with your family and it made me feel real bad because i don't have a family and then i went to cody's house he was eating with his family his mom's a whale she's fat but it doesn't matter i want a family i want a whale for a mom oh that's really sad joshua i mean i don't know how that feels because i have a family but i mean i wish you did have a family joseph dude i just want to be tucked in by someone every night i got an idea joseph i i think there's a family that really wants to adopt you wait really yeah i just saw him the other day uh let me just go grab a piece of paper and some sharpies oh okay dude i'm so lonely hey joseph guess what what dude there's a new family here ready to adopt you wait what a new family yep this is your new family wait who are these people oh they're the paper uh the paper the maches the machetes yep their their last name is the maches and and that's your new dad his name is bobert bobert well nice to meet you bobert oh it's nice to meet you too joseph we always wanted another song oh really well i always wanted a family i'll be your best son and this is your new mom her name is karen oh hi karen i've been wanting a mom too well i don't get any respect around here all i do is cook and clean and no one respects me oh dude she sounds like a karen yeah and this is your little brother jacob oh my god jacob shut up oh so annoying yeah he's a really annoying baby and this is your really super hot stepsister stacy whoa stacy's banging dude yeah she is yeah you said step sister right [Laughter] oh calm down joseph it's your new family but yeah she is smoking hot so now that you got a new family how do you feel oh dude i feel awesome i feel wanted you know what the first thing i want to do is have dinner with them we really yeah so mom get to cooking mom what's it look like i'm doing joseph don't you see the pan in my hand i'm already caught the dinner that's the spirit mom oh last one to the dinner table is a rotten egg [Applause] all right joseph your whole family's here oh you guys are right next this is so slow so joseph what are you and your family going to eat um tell chef pee pee to cook or something but but joseph they're pieces of paper they can't eat no they're not dude they're real people they have emotions isn't that right jacob shut up jacob you're adopted uh she pure emotion now get shopping me to cook or something okay joseph put it in my pool daddy put it in my bowl daddy i'm tired of hearing that hey chef pee pee what are you doing i'm just cleaning the kitchen oh clean my kitchen daddy julia no no we're not doing that stop saying that wherever you learned that from get it out of your head oh well i need to do something for me chef pee pee what well joseph's family's over here visiting and he wants you to cook for him wait two questions joseph has a family and why would i cook for them oh well i don't know he just really wants you to cook for him so can you make them something i don't know what they would eat but wait wait i gotta see this family first all right chef pee pee here's joseph's family wait joseph where's stacy uh she's in the bathroom definitely not under the table why would she be there oh okay wait wait julia these are drawings well i mean no they're not they're joseph's family don't waste my time junior okay i'm going back to the kitchen but chef pee pee wait wait dude he's not gonna uh cook for me oh no but i guess i'll just go draw something up for you i love it when he cooks for me all right joseph i drew i mean made you some pizza oh thanks dude oh stacy just came back she was busy in the bathroom i guess she was uh brushing her teeth or something [Laughter] oh joseph that's your stepsister i know stepsister no blood relation well here's some pizza if you want to cut yourself a slice here's some scissors okay uh stacy wants to know if this stuff crushed um it's whatever your imagination thinks it is okay dude let me make tissue pizza oh dude i'm so full oh that pizza was delicious hey you want the last slice dude oh no i'm on a no paper diet oh okay uh hey dad can we watch a movie oh no son you know it's past your bedtime all the kids need to go to sleep but dad no butts unless it's your mother she's got a fat one oh i guess it's time to go to sleep stacy oh oh joseph you and stacy need to sleep in separate beds fine come on stacy all right stacy do you want to be on top or bottom he did choose what beds you want mom dad stacy can't sleep she said there was a monster in their bed oh joseph that's your stepsister i mean joseph go back to sleep right now you're interrupting me and your mother but dad i want a midnight snack i mean stacy already had hers let's just say she's good at oral got me [Music] joseph does it one more word out of you you're grounded karen make sure he's going to sleep huh wasting our time go to bed mister oh yes ma'am you need to go asleep mister it's way past your bedtime i'm sorry mom jeez i don't want to hear it i'm gonna sit right here and make sure you don't leave the room you're gonna fight okay gosh yeah yeah dad dad i'm all confirmed there's a monster in my bed joseph that's your stepmom dude she's a total pill that is it joseph you are grounded give your little brother a bath he won't stop crying [Applause] but dad no butts mister unless it's your mother's oh i know already oh come on little brother oh shut up jacob you're the worst little brother in the world you know what i'ma give you your bath okay look i'm fine you're in the bathtub now all right just watch up okay i'll be back in a second all right jacob are you done with your bath oh well at least she stopped crying oh no no no okay okay okay i'm just not going to tell anybody i'm not going to tell anybody everything's fine everything's fine hey mom hey dad hey stacy hey junior what's wrong joseph oh nothing nothing oh joseph did you get done giving your little brother a bath uh yes sir yes sir yes yes i did well good you're ungrounded now oh thank you dude i love my family i love them so much oh and the greatest thing about it they'll never die unless i you know put them in water or something they'll never die oh no i don't want to have to control these pieces of paper for the rest of my life you say something uh no no i'm just talking to myself i don't want joseph to think that these pieces of paper are gonna stay alive forever i have to convince them that piece of paper will die eventually uh joseph your grandparents will be here real soon wait i have grandparents yuppie they'll be here in the next five minutes oh my god my grandparents came to see me yeah i'll just let me go draw real quick okay dude all right joseph your grandparents came to visit you oh really yeah here's your grandpa drew oh hey there young man hey grandpa and here's your grandma babs oh he's a fine looking one let me give him your grandma's kisses and write my lipstick i think your grandma died no not grandma she just got here oh no someone give her melt the mouth oh i do it grandma i think your grandma died oh no oh no not my wife what are we supposed to do i guess we're gonna have to have a funeral i guess it proves that piece of paper can die joseph so i could lose my family yeah any day now so i'm gonna go draw a casket for oh man i'm so sorry joseph that you lost your grandmother we're all gathered here today to celebrate the life of babs oh i'ma miss my grandma babs she lived a long and beautiful life yeah she can get her grandpa jeez i just want to let everyone know that today is an open casket viewing so if you want to see the body one last time i'll show it to you now joseph that's your grandmother dude that was her favorite grandson and i'm a dog she's not alive anymore oh yeah i put her to rest i don't know what to do with you i mean oh i don't know what to do about joseph he's being so annoying jacob oh no wait oh yeah hey grandpa tell me some of those crazy stories from back in the day did you have a tv hey there somebody call 911. wait who called the cops well i found the body of jacob floating in the bathtub he died what he died hey my baby who would do this to our son well uh it was uh it was a joseph hall signs point to him but i ain't got any evidence so uh just do with that info what you will well he kept crying look look nobody wants to hear a baby cry and scream for hours and hours it gets annoying oh my god joseph i don't want to see you ever again yeah joseph we don't want you to be our son no more guys let's get out of here who ain't got new teeth oh look at that joseph she just lost all your family what they're gonna leave me yeah they left you because you uh what you did to jacob oh no i have no one um right where i started yeah joseph but look maybe one day somebody will adopt you is not those pieces of paper you know look one day you'll have a nice happy family [Music] hey fat boy you wanna fight yeah do you wanna fight okay you wanna fight what hey fat boy you wanna fight all right you wanna fight that's right you wanna fight tonight hank fat boy you wanna fight got out you wanna fight
Channel: SML
Views: 25,103,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, puppet, funny, jokes, joseph, josephs imaginary family, bowser jr, bowser junior, nintendo, junior, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, comedy, skit, adventure, drawing, art, hilarious, cooking, chef, laugh, logan, family, imaginary, super mario, mario
Id: nCuxpgDe4wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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