SML Movie: Elf On The Shelf!

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[Music] man i hate wrapping presents hey chef pee pee what are you doing oh oh i'm just putting your christmas gifts under the christmas tree all of these are my gifts wait i only have three gifts for christmas that's lame i mean cena's gonna bring you more these are just a gift from me and your dad oh can i open up one today please no christmas is only a week away you can wait a week please let me open up one today please no junior you're gonna wait a week okay what if i open up one while you're in the bathroom that's why i have this wait what it's a elf on the shelf on the table what's the elf on a shelf on a table he just watches and makes your little boys like you don't open their christmas grips before christmas what about little girls it doesn't matter the gender junior how many genders are there there's only two genders actually there's over 70 gender i don't care about your conspiracy theories look if this elf catches you over your christmas gifts before christmas he's gonna kill you kill me oh yeah i've seen it then before yeah he killed my twin brother you had a twin brother yeah i had a twin brother he opened the christmas gifts and then yeah he got killed so don't open your gifts he's gonna kill me who's that uh hello hey junior what's up dude uh hey guys uh what are you doing here what's wrong junior you seem spooked chef peepee just told me something really scary did he tell you that in 2050 the world population will reach 10 billion people which means it won't be enough food to feed everybody which means it'll be a famine so everybody will kill everybody for food don't tell me that i'll be like 60 by then there's no way i can fight for food oh guys what chef pee pee told me was way scarier than that what really yeah come inside okay all right dude show me what's scarier than world hunger that what's that it looks like an elf on the shelf it's an elf on a shelf on a table chef pee pee says if he sees me opening up my christmas gifts before christmas he'll kill me well then just don't open your gifts before christmas ha this stupid dog he's not gonna do anything dude he's just as useless as cody's stupid doll he's not a dog joseph he's a man with feelings and emotions and five jobs but but that's just a stupid elf toy it's not gonna do anything wait that elf is not gonna kill me no of course not he just said that to scare you yeah what is this stupid elf gonna do huh huh what you gonna do stupid okay yeah yeah what are you gonna do stupid help you're not gonna do anything you guys are right i shouldn't be scared of that elf let's open up my gifts before christmas okay why don't you just wait a week and open them on christmas i didn't know your name was cody on a shelf i didn't know you were that lame oh everyone everyone grab a gift let's open upstairs okay all right guys did everyone grab a gift yeah i got one dude this is going to be so naughty shh i don't want chef pee pee to hear us come on [Music] all right guys what do you think these gifts are take a guess ooh let's see oh definitely legos legos that's so cool that they got me legos joseph what do you think that one is hmm [Applause] just take a guess joseph but i don't want to be wrong dude i'm trying to get it right you know it's your gift just take a random guess you know what i don't even care what your guess is you know what i think it's a tennis racket well that's a dumb guess what what do you think yours is junior um whatever it is i hope it's not fragile i think it's a fortnight toy oh you better hope in some tennis balls to go with this tennis racket well let's just open and see what it is okay guys i was right it's a fortnite toy throw throw burrito cody you told me that was legos that was just a guess it wasn't a fact wow dude i was so close with my tennis rack i guess that has nothing to do with tennis no no dude it is sports related so i was the closest guest no i was the closest guest i actually guessed that mine was a fortnight toy junior he's not from fortnite yes he was he was in the last season not everything is from fortnite what do you think spider-man's from fortnite yes and batman and rick and morty no junior those things existed before fortnight no fortnite made those things hey dude can i open up your lebron james to play with him yeah you can open it i'll open up my uh fortnite toy and play with it i guess he'll open up throw throw burrito oh man this toy is so cool the storm's coming oh dude lebron so stretchy hey cody don't throw a burrito at me i'm sorry that's the name of the game it's what i'm supposed to do what if i threw this fortnight toward you well that would actually hurt you [Music] let's go see what it is guys someone knocked over my christmas tree who would do that maybe it was the wind but we're inside air conditioners make wind cody i wouldn't exactly call it wind what would you call it then oh so all the wind outside comes from an air conditioner duh that's why it gets cold in the winter so there's just a big air conditioner in the sky yeah that's why they call them airplanes what are you talking about they make the cold air duh it's really looking like you want to kiss me right now joseph just made up and do it i might just do it what if it was the elf it's a stupid elf it can't do that it's not real it can't push over a tree dude yeah junior joseph's right it's just a toy it probably just fell over on its own you know if a christmas tree falls in the living room and no one's around to hear it does it still make a sound yes that's why we came in here to check out what the sound was duh idiot but but we were around to hear it so if we weren't around to hear it would it have still made a sound you're right guys so that elf didn't do that maybe it did just fall over because of the wind yeah let's go upstairs and play with my toys so cody how do you play this burrito game i think you just throw burritos at people there has to be more to it i'm gonna read the rules guys the elf what i know what you did he spelled no wrong wait no that's how you spell no no it's supposed to be spelled k-n-o-w that would be cano now junior when you're saying you know something it starts with a k this elf is illiterate stop making fun of his height dude what do you mean you know what we did we didn't knock over that christmas tree not that what what is that you opened your gifts before christmas see except that he is right he's gonna try to kill us dude that elf isn't real i'm gonna show you he's not real what are you gonna do with him joseph oh i'll show you what i'm gonna do with him follow me dude there dude you don't have to worry about him ever again but isn't he alive he's a doll dude yeah he's just a toy well then how do those papers move the wind i told you that well then who wrote on those papers the wind how many times have i got to say it okay i guess let's go play with those toys all right dude you won't have to worry about that elf ever yeah i again understand it how is this even possible how could he possibly have gotten out of the trash can snap out of it cody thanks junior but how is this even possible he was in the trash can once you throw something in a trash can you can never get it back that's gross hand me that stupid elf i gotta go to extreme measures hand them to me oh i'm getting real tired of you dude joseph what are you gonna do i'm gonna cut him into pieces apparently he can walk but he won't be walking after this good thinking joseph i don't want to watch oh i do i like seeing stuff like this missing limbs cut him joseph okay dude there cut him into six pieces he's not coming back after that that was gnarly thanks for doing that joseph yeah dude now let's go play with your toys okay well dude at least you won't have to worry about that elf ever again yeah how is this even possible dude that elf is alive he's real he's going to kill us we shouldn't open up your gifts oh god hey guys my christmas gifts can help us kill that stupid elf shoot him fortnite guy jesus christ he's bulletproof uh lebron james shameless okay okay there's only one thing that can save us now throw throw burrito man i suck at this well i pissed my pants because of how scared i am i'm gonna go home and change shorts but joseph what do we do oh we gotta call the police dude let's call the cops of that stupid elf hey there somebody call the cops yes officer that elf is trying to kill us what that elf that's just an elf on the shelf it's a little toy that parents pretend is alive to scare their kids or something wait so he's not alive oh no he's just a harmless little toy unless you open your christmas presents early then he'll kill you kill us can you protect us well why would i need to protect you it's not like you guys would open your christmas presents early wait what's all this wrapping paper about we opened up christmas presents early what are you crazy this thing's gonna murder you it is oh yeah of course i get 911 calls all the time oh my son opened his christmas presents early and our elf on the shelf murdered him oh god there has to be something you can do you have to protect us you're the cops oh i don't know kid this thing won't stop until you're dead uh i guess i could try arresting him yeah i'll arrest him put in the election chair do whatever you have to do all right but i can't guarantee that'll protect you all right mr elf on the shelf or should i say mr elf in the jail cell all right come on oh thank god that cop arrested him yeah dude i think we were safe what's that let's go see what it is happened he was too fast he stabbed me in the armpit i think it went in my heart through my armpit what do we do there's nothing you can do you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout i'm telling you why that elf is batshit crazy why did you have to open your christmas presents early why oh no dude we have to tell chef no no no didn't chef people know i opened my christmas gifts early how many more lives do we have to lose you're right let's go touch it baby baby he's gonna kill by the owl that'll show that stupid brat for opening his christmas gifts early hey do you have that 20 bucks you were gonna give me for helping you fake this after we're finished come on i'm not done yet i want to scare him a little more he seems pretty scared to me no i'm not done i got some more ideas you know i could be out saving lives right now come on giving a speedy ticket it's not saving lives yeah you're right all right what do you want to do next ah joseph what does that mean chef peepee just got killed by the elf no not yet what do we do there's nothing else we can do junior we cut them into pieces we threw them in the trash can we called the cops we have to tell santa tell santa yeah the elf works for santa so maybe santa can discipline him you're right that's what insane is elves so it's santa's responsibility to take care of his rogue elves so how do we call santa you can't call santa stupid he he doesn't have a phone he's like the plug you have to write him a letter oh you're right let's write santa a letter oh where do we write the letter to uh we have to send it to china yeah yeah cause the north pole is in china all the toys come vagina that's right that's why all the toys say made in china yeah okay let's write saying that letter all right dude i wrote the letter dear santa one of your elves gone crazy please help also two years ago you gave me coal why did you do that not cool bro next time you do that we fighting on god how's that that's perfect joseph thanks bro i really got the message across yeah i think you did too i'm gonna put this in the mailbox okay dude okay i hope it gets to santa quick all right joseph i put the letter in the middle ah how'd you get inside the mailbox joseph joseph are you okay no dude i'm dead no what can i do what can i do to stop this i'm sorry [Music] you finally asked the magical question what magical question what can you do to fix this yes yes what can i do to fix this oh i could bring all your friends back to life but all you have to do is be a good boy until christmas okay okay i can be a good boy all you have to do is clean up yeah clean up the entire kitchen no the entire house and and make sure that you give chef pee pee back rubs don't be a bad little boy don't be a total brat okay i i won't be a brat i'll do whatever chef baby says yeah now go in your room and count to 30 and when you get done counting uh go to the kitchen and start cleaning okay everything will be back to normal okay we all go to my room and count to 30. i totally got him oh chef pee pee you really gonna give me twenty dollars for faking this yes joseph yes i'll give you twenty dollars thanks so much for cleaning the kitchen and being a good boy junior yeah you know i'm just being nice and cleaning on my own i know i know but remember the elf is watching you so keep cleaning or he'll kill you well i know i know hey junior i changed my shorts what'd i miss oh i made a deal with the elf that he won't kill me because he killed joseph and he killed a cop so i have to keep cleaning or he'll kill me what [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 14,465,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, elf on the shelf, elf, scary, horror, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, hilarious, logan, puppet, puppet show, puppets, show, laugh, chef, brooklyn guy, lovell, entertainment
Id: uTJMNL7u0V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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