SML Movie - The Stain! - Full Episode

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Marvin are you ready to go trick-or treating I'm ready I'm ready oh my gosh I love your SpongeBob costume baby who are you supposed to be I'm Sandy you don't look like a squirrel you're an astronaut well she wears an astronaut outfit no one's going to understand who you are unless you're a squirrel Marvin people are going to know who I am especially when I talk like this howdy y'all hey Daddy I'm ready to go get some cookies well Jeffy you can't be Cookie Monster you're supposed to be Patrick I don't want to be Patrick it makes me look like I have a big pinish on my head we're all supposed to be SpongeBob car what the who's mommy supposed to be I'm Sandy howdy y'all you look like an astronaut I told you you know what I'm not going trick-or-treating me either well then who's going to take me Marvin take Jeffy trick-or-treating I don't want to go because our costumes don't make sense cookie monzer and SpongeBob never hang out Daddy they hang out all the time Cookie Monster and Spongebob smoked out loud outside the Crusty Crab no they don't yes they do okay let's hurry up and go trick-or-treating and then we'll come back good so guys are you ready to go trick-or-treating yeah me and Ken I oh wow you're Mr Incredible yeah you know what's crazy these muscles aren't even fake I'm just that swole and look at Ken he's Mrs Incredible he's got that gach what's gat you know like Gat damn look how thick that ass is oh wait where's Joseph oh he's the back part of my camel costume dude why do I have to be in the back because you have two costumes you're the back part of the camel and your Rosa Parks God this sucks I don't want to be in the back oh oh no I shouldn't had a toast for breakfast oh dude it smells like a butt go I'm going home but Joseph come back now I have no back part of my camel costume I mean damn Junior I'll get in your costume if it means I get to have my face in your ass all day wait really yeah there's someone at the door wait so I am I in the camel or not hello hey Junior oh hey Penelope hey guys hey Timmy why'd you throw Ken shut up hey Timmy I didn't think you could go trick-or-treating oh well my parents don't believe in Halloween because they think it's like worshiping the devil or something so I totally snuck out and look at my costume it's Pac-Man because I like to eat balls that's not what Pac-Man sounds like oh that's exactly what he sounds like Oh you mean Pac-Man no no not really wait penel what are you supposed to be I'm Lilo and Stitch you can't be Lilo and Stitch okay well I'm Lilo with Stitch well Lilo has black hair not orange hair it's just a costume Junior and Lilo doesn't have glasses either shut up Junior well neither does Mr Incredible what Mr Incredible doesn't have glasses either yeah he does when he's teaching his kids like homework he puts the glasses on not when he's Mr Incredible look Cody I like your costume oh thank you well in that case yeah Penelope your costume sex H well what are you supposed to be junior I'm half a camel because Joseph stopped being the back half e I'll be your back half no Timmy I already called dibs look guys no one's going to be my back half let's just go trick-or-treating okay I'll get the grocery bags help help Mr Spider-Man help what do you need ma'am oh Spider-Man can you please take this bowl out for the triot treas for me who who what the hell do you think you're doing these are my cookies and cream Hershey's nobody gives away my cookies and cream Bo it's for the kids well okay that's fair but can we at least take the cookies and cream out no bo you don't need to eat that candy you're pre-diabetic yeah pre I'm not there yet give me a chance Bo take the bowl of candy out by the front door okay but why do they have to be full-size candy bars how much money do you think I make Bo it's once a year you can share well I don't need to share I already pay my taxes I share enough Bo take the bow out now fine stupid trick-or-treaters stupid Halloween okay you know what I'm taking the cookies and cream these are mine put them back [ __ ] okay fine but I'm putting up a sign that says only take one because these are full size and Spider-Man doesn't get paid for saving the city okay that works okay now I'm going to sit right here and watch to make sure everybody only gets one piece of candy B at that point just hand out the candy to the kids hell no I'm not going to personally hand out my cookies and cream to all these kids like congratulations here you go you unemployed child why did kids get the candy they don't have jobs they didn't earn it Bo hush I'm just going to sit here and watch okay guys this house says please take one so make sure to only grab one I can only eat one if I want to keep my hungy figure wait Penelope isn't this your house yeah can I get two since I'm your boyfriend no Junior they're fullsize candy bars wait is that your dad watching us in the window yeah okay guys no one take the cookies and cream it's his favorite or the Reeses or the Reese's okay um Cody can you surprise me put one in my bag surprise you with a wing in your butt what nothing here's a Twix all right thank you Penelope Bo did I just hear you tell those kids not to take Reeses no no I I said uh don't be racist cuz I'm giving them candy and advice a Bo you're such a good Spiderman yeah Spider-Man hates racism and people taking his candy all right Jeffy this house says please take one so pick your favorite please take one bowl what no Jeffy don't take the whole Bowl yes Jeffy take the whole bowl no no Jeffy what if they have a camera or something hey [ __ ] didn't you see the sign it says take one room that room hey hey get back here you [ __ ] Karen Karen what Bo that kid was only supposed to take one and he took most of the bowl Bo you did this last year you got all crazy about your Reese's Pieces but look Karen he only left me one Reese's and one cookies and cream left Bo that's all you need no it's not I'm going to find him and I'm going to put him in jail Bo you're getting cranky of course I'm cranky somebody stole my candy and you're also dressed like a mermaid like last year be more creative Karen wow are you guys done trick-or-treating already no we saw a Hash Slinging Slasher no we went to one house and the sign said take one piece of candy and Jeffy took the whole Bowl Jeffy you can't do that well I did so sucked my ass Marvin how could you let him do that I told him no and he did it anyway Daddy what are you going to learn I'm going to do what I want cuz I don't give a [ __ ] that must be trick-or-treaters Marvin take some of jiffy's candy and give it away that's a good idea if you touch my candy I will kill you in your sleep Jeffy we have to give away some of this candy you're not going to eat all of it fine I guess you can give away this one piece a Hershey's kiss that just fell on the floor yep hello sponge boy mebob it's me Mr Krabs and I like money so I sure hope you're handing out house payments for Halloween this year uh no Mr Krabs I thought my pineapple was paid off you're about to be living in a [ __ ] Pineapple if you don't give me your goddamn house payment oh listen I'll work more shifts at the Crusty Crab yeah that or else I'm going to dump an entire chum bucket on your wife without the a look I I have a Hershey Kiss for you there you go Mr Krabs kiss the back of my ball sack Marvin and it's dirty it's like a mud flap for my [ __ ] okay all right so you better have your house payment by tomorrow or else I'm going to come back at Squig work okay this is the worst Halloween ever who's that hello give me my Goddamn candy all right listen little boy you can ask for candy nicely give me my [ __ ] candy you goon where is your parents young man I don't have parents you're an angry orphan you stole my candy no my son stole candy from a guy with an orange mustache oh really did he look like me yeah get out of my way I need to see a son my candy no it's my candy you stole it from me but he's the Cookie Monster and this is cookies and cream cookies make me cream yeah me too but you stole mine so now I can't cream look Jeffy just give him his candy back oh no I don't just want the candy back I want revenge so you're under arrest for theft wait can you do that of course I can do that I'm a cop and I'm also Spider-Man I can super do that come on let's go to the courthouse it's just candy uh sir we don't know what you just said and I'm not even sure what your costume is supposed to be what is it like an alien you you didn't read the subtitles I'm from Mars Attacks the the movie from the 9s you know Tim Burton no okay [ __ ] it fine it's hot in there anyway anyway today we'll be hearing the case of Brooklyn tea Guy versus Jeffy Jeffy you are being accused of stealing candy on Halloween Mr guy please explain well your honor I had a big old bowl of candy outside my house and I had this sign that said please take one one and that little [ __ ] took the whole damn Bowl including my cookies and cream Hershey so I want him to go to jail for the rest of his life oh man do I just not [ __ ] care it's Halloween people are supposed to take candy if you wanted them to only take one piece of candy you should have handed them one piece of candy instead of just leaving a bowl out like a lazy [ __ ] oh God I'm so pissed how do you not know what movie this is from Jesus I spent $50 on this mask okay you know what I'm pissed so how about this how about for the rest of the night all crime is legal including murder until midnight literally anything goes do whatever you want I don't care you know what I'm actually going to go out and kill people too I'm going to kill anybody who doesn't know what this is from so I'll give you a 5minute head start what all crime is legal including murder oh I'm going to kill him for taking my cookies and cream Hershey's breaking news m a judge has just ordered that there are no laws until midnight all crime including murder is legal Marvin all crimes are legal even murder there are some people I wish I could murder you better change your costume to protect your anonymity that's where find a Nemo live what yeah he and his dad lived in the anonyms and it shot them douge what are you doing here well I came to ask for some money but then I heard that all crime is legal so now is I'm just going to steal it weren't you going to steal it anyway yeah go out go just go all right Jeffy get in here sorry Daddy my cookie cutter was clogged I was constipated listen Jeffy all crime is legal until midnight oh well in that case I pooped in the sink am I still in trouble yes Jeffy you're grounded but I thought all crime was legal that's not a crime it's just bad so listen we're going to stay inside the house so none of us die can you please go lock all the doors okay all right I hired all of you to break into this house and kill a kid that looks like Cookie Monster cuz he stole my candy okay so you're going to go in there you're going to kill him and you're going to get the candy but you're not going to eat the candy got it all right now we're going to go over code names you your name is Birdman yeah exactly and your name's going to be uh my name is Kyle okay well Kyle's not a scary name Kyle well my my middle name is Brad oh Brad's not scary either no your name's going to be uh gas mask or gassy I like gassy and your name is going to be uh pumpkin head that's [ __ ] gay okay well fine I like the the Great Pumpkin or uh the Jack yeah for Jack a lantern that works okay all right you guys ready to do this come on all right is everybody ready okay on the count of three we bust in and kill them 1 2 3 oh oh [ __ ] the the door is locked the door is locked every buddy sorry I I didn't think this through does anybody know how we can get in there Kyle's got a hammer I'm not Kyle I'm gassie take a no pumpkin head his name is gassy my name's a [ __ ] pumpkin head it's Jack okay okay okay I think I think I think Birdman's right everybody needs to shut the [ __ ] up now how the hell are we going to get into this building I got a hammer that's what I said okay thank you use the hammer on the door can too oh no my Hammer it's broken it's okay gassie it's not okay well do you have any other weapons no okay well then you can go home uh okay it looks like it's just us let's go kill Cookie Monster Marvin it sounds like someone broke in the house no one can break in the house the door's locked unless they used a big Goofy Hammer Marvin it sounds like someone broke in the house okay then let's go hide in the playroom closet no no Danny don't be expecting that you two stay here I got a plan okay you two go upstairs check the playroom closet they always run in there when they're scared Birdman you don't have to keep cocking that I mean I agree it does sound cool yeah just go ahead yeah yeah that door right there okay now shoot it open oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no no that's bad that's bad oh my God I'm so sorry I thought he knew what he was doing why would you stand behind him with a machete like that you know that shotgun has crazy recoil oh my God oh my God what do we do okay okay look you can't blame yourself for this okay that was a crazy accident Hey Hey look it's the purge so you won't even get in trouble okay you're right okay uh let's go get him yes sir okay they should be hiding in there now open the door gotcha wait there's so much [ __ ] in there they couldn't possibly be hiding in there where are they get off get off you bastard you killed my last goon Marvin it's sounds like Jeffy killed them a Daddy help me I'm going to get you yeah yeah yeah I'm scary who are you oh you can't tell cuz of the Mask hold on it's me yeah I yeah I was going to kill if you keep screaming I'm going to kill you too okay see I was mad cuz he stole my candy so get out of my way so I could you know kill him wait it's after midnight what's it it's 12:03 oh rats kid you are so lucky if it was before midnight I'd be cutting you into little bits right now all right looks like you win this time oh wow we're safe here Jeffy take that wait a minute it's not July 29th I Googled a picture of midnight on iPhone home screen oh yeah I can tell cuz that screenshots old as hell iPhones don't even have that anymore what time is it really it's 11:59 11:59 I only have 1 minute to kill you I mean I could do it but I'd have to rush it and it wouldn't even be fun and I'd have to fight you for the axe and that would take forever and I'd probably cut my fingers there not even worth it I hope this doesn't make things awkward with us from now on actually you know what uh it's not really me Brooklyn guy it's um G gets bad over stolen candy guy yeah it's I'm a different person so next time you see me it'll be Brooklyn guy not not me yeah I'm different I I haven't used that ly in a while okay yeah bam who wants to hear some Jeffy Tunes I've been in the beat laboratory cooking up some nasty beats now who wants to hear it no Jeffy we're really tired please just go to bed well let me just hit this button 11 times no Jeffy just go to bed no I don't have to no I don't have to I don't have to go to bed right now I want to stay up all night and play some fortnite I never want to go to sleep again go to bed don't have to don't have to don't have to ever ever sleep again for I'm going to eat lasagna and maybe a banana singing Jeffy weffy Doo all the day hell yeah did you can concut I'll be here all week [ __ ] now we totally watchous rightous totally dude oh Jeffy please go to bed all right how about three more songs no all right how about four K little kitty for how to meow all it can say now all it can say [Music] now Marvin we're going to need this monster to stay up with Jeffy all night yeah just go ahead and open it what a monster I want a sip oh no no Jeffy no it's a very dangerous scary drink so when you drink it it turns you into a monster so you don't want to drink that well you guys were going to drink it no no no we weren't no we weren't Rose found it and it's very dangerous so we were going to go pour it out so no one could drink it well I'll pour it out for you no only adults should pour it out so I want to pour it out I got my way I got my way Jeffy are you really going to pour it out yep Marvin if he drinks that we're screwed he he's not going to drink it he's not going to drink it he's afraid of monsters and maybe he believed our lie do I really want to pour this out or do I want to turn into a big scary [Music] monster Marvin do you think Jeffy poured out that monster yeah I think he did w daddy Jeffy did you drink that monster does a rocking horse have a wooden pecker of course I did you told me he was going to turn me into a monster but now I feel like I'm the flash Jeffy oh my God he's going to be up forever now Arvin is Jeffy asleep let me check yeah he fell asleep he finally passed out oh thank God okay if we stay really quiet then he won't wake up and we can go to sleep okay Marvin I'm awake Marvin quit go we shut the door before they ring the doorbell again okay hello hello sir I'm a traveling Bell husband I was wondering if you want to buy any bells shh please be quiet oh sorry I didn't know I was supposed to be quiet your bells are really loud oh yeah they're the loudest in town let me show you what I gotten stop check this out not really a bell but it's really loud it's a windsh what can can you please put that down sure and then if you need anything industrial size we have this great tambourine I I please be quiet just please it's so loud it broke my glasses and we have a maid Bell okay okay that's really cool stop please if you ever have a fantasy about being a hotel M check this out can you please stop it so you're not going to buy anything no wow wasting my time unbelievable I have to make a living you know give me my glasses back oh my my God what the hell was that Marvin it was a bell salesman what does that even mean I don't know did Jeffy wake up almost we have to keep it down well nothing else is going to make noise tonight we're going to be okay okay Mar go fix it go stop it okay all right guys lizard got his back heck yeah it is best believe it dude all right let's rock okay stop stop stop stop stop stop what do you want old man my son is trying to sleep in the other room yeah well rock and roll never sleeps listen if you don't stop playing that music I I'm going to do something bad what are you going to do about it old man what hey what hey get give the back bro that's my guitar that's what you get for making noise well I'll admit that was pretty punk rock but I'm still going to tell my dad Marvin what was all that noise it was a kid playing the guitar it's a night of all nights well don't worry I stopped it well how did you get them to stop I took the guitar outside I smashed it look it was the only way to get them to stop they were too cool to stop playing at least Jeffy didn't wake up let's try to go to sleep okay who Could That Be hello hey son is this him yeah Dad that's the guy that smash my guitar oh so you don't want to like to smash little black boys guitars huh shh keep it down it ain't no keep it down the world needs to know about your racism you like to smash little gay black boys guitars because you stuck in your ways you want to hear your shoe music no he's white no I know he's white look little n's ex is black and a gay rock star why can't my son be a black gay rock star yeah you tell him dad well listen I promise you it has nothing to do with the color of her skin can you just keep it down and just be quiet look I smashed this guitar cuz it was loud what guitar is loud you idiot are you going to get mad at planes because they they loud too or or crowds cuz they chill and they loud no no look what can I do to get you to leave I need to be compensated for that guitar right now how much was the guitar well we got it at a thrift store so it was $40 but we got a 50% discount cuz I did a favor for the manager I call it the mouth discount yeah she know how to use her mouth to get that discount all I have is 100 give here let's go baby I a got no cash who could that have possibly have been Morphin it was the parents of the kids guitar I smashed why do you have to smash the guitar listen it's all dealt with listen no more people are going to be ringing the doorbell and no more people are going to be playing instruments let's just finally sleep since jeffy's sleeping okay is that a lawn mower no one mows their lawn this late at night Marvin not those damn Huger je hey howdy neighbor what are you doing cutting my grass it's 2:00 in the morning well just cuz it's dark outside doesn't mean the stops growing listen my son's sleeping I don't want you to wake him up can you do this like in the morning no can doly do neighbor see I got to cut my grass every 8 hours if I want to win next year's lawn of the Year trophy so you're not going to stop nope hold on what are you doing with that bat going bat and practice I got him to stop thank God maybe we can finally get some sleep morvin silence your phone hello hey Marvin what do you want I'm just doing my pilot job flying a plane you know those red eye flights it's actually pretty boring up here that's why I called so I don't fall asleep well listen right now is not a good time to talk oh hey I'm actually coming up in your neighborhood right now you want me to fly as low as I can see if I can Buzz your house do not do that go go go go go go go go did you see me no I didn't see you oh hold on let me Circle back and try again do not try it again go time go go go go go did you see me that time no no I didn't see you that time how did you not see me Marvin I'm in a giant plane it's a 7:47 I can't believe you didn't see me I wasn't outside oh well you want me to try again no I'm trying to sleep well actually I have to cuz now I'm going the wrong way so go outside go go go go go go did you see me that time yes I saw you yay oh damn it see now I don't have enough fuel to get to where I'm going so I got to go back to the airport so go let time go what the hell was that oh sorry I I kind of scraped your roof there there's definitely some roof damage I I probably should have flown high sorry about that hey I can fix it though I do roofs don't fix it just stop calling me and leave me alone I can't believe Jeffy did not wake up during all that oh my God the fire alarm shy why is there that fire Marvin today's my birthday and I wanted to make a huge candle and blow it out so I'm making hot Cheetos well blow it out well saying happy birthday for me what happy birthday happy birthday to you take it louder happy birthday to you happy birthday no sing the real version that is the real version no no it's not saying the real version what are you talking about happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you cuz today is your birthday never heard that version cuz today is your birthday blow it out I'm I'm going to go turn off the fire detector why was the fire alarm going off it's Chef pe's birthday so listen he was trying to make a candle look look as long as Jeffy is still sleeping we're good let's try to go to bed who's on the roof I have no idea chair CL who could be on the roof hey morvin sh don't shush me you bit I thought you're supposed to be flying a plane oh no they canceled the flight cuz there was some structural damage to the the bottom of the plane from where I hit your roof speaking of which I'm really sorry about that I tried to fix it the best I could cuz I felt so bad so I just kind of patched it with some Scotch tape and wood I really hope your insurance covers that can you just be quiet my son's trying to sleep oh hey man he's a heavy sleeper can you just go oh yeah but how cool was that plane though right it looked cool when it flew over right oh it was the coolest thing I've ever seen I never seen a plane fly that low yeah you saw it Oh yeah I saw it so what airline was I flying for like what color was the plane oh uh uh silver no it was bright yellow because I was flying Spirit Airlines what other Airline do you think would let me fly that dangerously well listen I'm sorry I didn't go outside my son was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up what other friend do you have that would endanger the life of 200 passagers just to say hi you're never going to get that kind of friendship anywhere else I can't believe jeffy's still sleeping through all that okay let's go to bed Marvin did you just turn on the TV did you sit on the remote no breaking news new okay a plane had to make an emergency landing after scraping the top of a house in other breaking news Okay a highspeed police chase ended in front of a house and the armed suspect has entered the home through a hole in the roof and police have the place surrounded now Marvin you don't think that's our house do you no just look for the remote the TV's really loud okay oh it's right here turn off the TV okay okay let's go to sleep nobody move oh my God freeze you bastard drop the knife drop the gun or I'll kill him can you guys be quiet let him go or I'll blow you away well you might as well blow me away cuz I'm not going back to jail sorry about that Marvin yeah shooting them's really for the best it's it's better than putting him back in prison and then feeding him for several years on taxpayer money until eventually we just let him go on good behavior and he maybe eat some can you just please be quiet man I'm feeling really pumped I'm going to fire a few Victory shots into your ceiling oh that feels really good oh wow your son's still sleeping yeah can you please just be quiet oh sorry I'll leave what the hell was that uh nothing Jeffy just go back to sleep well I'm not tired anymore so I'm going to take off my eyelids and I'm going to ride my horsey no Jeffy go back to bed oh my God I we never get some sleep hey dadd can I blow up balloons with my helium tank where'd you get a helium tank Jeffy we got him one Marvin so he could blow up his own balloons and save money I don't remember doing that sure is that a yes sure sure Jeffy all right good you pop I on name we really bottom that yeah Marvin all right Jeffy that's enough air not enough air Jeffy it's going to pop it's not going to pop Jeffy yes it is stop it no not it's going to pop Jeffy it's not going to pop I told you why did it pop because you put too much air in it I didn't put air in it I put helium in it what you know what I'm talking about Jeffy you put too much helium in it all right well I'm just going to blow up another Bon wait I'm out of bedon B yeah Jeffy so look it looks like you're done playing with your stupid balloon can you go to the store and buy me more bedons no well then I'm just going to search this house top the bottom for more bons I think we have some in the kitchen Jeffy great why'd you tell them where the balloons are I'm sorry all right Danny I found the box of bedons I'm going to start blowing them up now all right don't put a lot of helium in at this time okay Daddy Marvin do you think Jeffy would make me a pink balloon oh yeah oh oh I want a balloon too hey Jeffy can you make me a balloon here you go daddy here's the first balloon Jeffy what is that it's a balloon well where'd you get it at underneath your bed let go of it why it's a gross balloon Jeffy gross balloon yeah you don't you don't use those well I have no more bedons left well Jeffy why don't you try sucking the helium suck the helium how much is it going to pay me what well usually when you suck something they pay you no no no no no Jeffy no no she's talking about suck the helium I know no look it makes your voice all funny watch hey Jeffy look it's me Marvin why did it do that well that's just what helium does Jeffy look you try it okay hey guys what doing why did you do that well that's just what helium does Jeffy look keep going keep going hey I'm Elmo take all my balls why' it do that well look Jeffy how about you take the helium tank in your room and keep playing with it okay Daddy okay finally got him out of here all right guys you ready to play Pac-Man oh yeah dude yeah Junior you know I love gobbling balls yummy God I hate you what hey guys check out [ __ ] all right now we got that together well that's cool what a six helium tank Jeffy where'd you get it my dad bought it for me dope dope dope dope dope dope dope dope yeah let me show you what it does hey guys I'm Elmo and I got the tickle ships what it do that I don't know that's just one a NS well Cody you should try it okay hey I'm Cody I sound like Alvin or one of the Chipmunks especially from The Squeakquel not Chipwrecked though I haven't seen that one or the road chip cuz I can't watch that until I watch chip wrecked it probably sucks ass anyway why do you do that I don't know Joseph you should try it okay I'll try it oh dude this sounds so cool my mom abandoned me no one loves me why to do that I'm going try it what do I sound like guys oh my God I sound like SpongeBob Chef Pee make me a crabby patty D why does it do that why does it do that why does it do that why does it do that that's so cool hey Jeffy you know what you should do you should try to suck the entire helium tank all right bet well guys I don't think that's a good idea that seems dangerous where does it say that's dangerous well it probably says that somewhere on here well it does say Lo n the oo on on you explaining well oh yeah it does say that I don't know what that means but it does say that do you think that's bad well probably Jeffy suck the entire tank right now all right I'm going hit it good [ __ ] do that I'm going to go annoy my Daddy hey Daddy oh I can tell you're still sucking helium Jeffy yeah Daddy I'm sucking it like the girl on the straight Corner that you told me about last Friday night what he doesn't know what he's talking about baby his brain messed up from all the helium it's just so funny because like why does it do that I don't know Jeffy it's just what helium does Marvin why is this voice still so high pitched it should have worn off by now well Jeffy how much helium have you sucked the whole tank what Jeffy that could kill you well no one told me that Marvin we need to call a doctor right now okay I'm on it hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor so my son look at me when you talking to me well Len I'm telling myself said look at me when you're talking to me God damn it look into my eyes now tell me what is going going on what the hell is going on well my son when he talks it's weird Jeffy talk hey guys it's me Jeffy why does it do that well we know why his voice sounds like that because well it sounds to me like his balls haven't dropped but he didn't sound like that yesterday well maybe he got kicked in the nuts and it made his voice higher cuz sometimes when you get kicked in the nuts it makes your voice higher well no we know what happened ask me how I know what ask me how I know that when you get kicked in the nuts sometimes it makes your voice get higher but we know why his ask me how I know how do you know well when I was younger I was the king at kicking people in the nuts you don't have legs exactly and this is the story of how I lost my legs don't worry baby birds I'll feed you this is what happened so back in high school I was in PE class playing this game called kickball now I'd never really heard of kickball and I didn't understand the rules but I thought I could probably figure it out so they rolled this big red ball to me and I thought that was some kind of obstacle so I jumped over it and then I ran up and I kicked the guy in the mound right in the balls and the ball crunch was so satisfying he squealed like a little girl and then after that I was just addicted to kicking balls I ran around all the bases kicking everybody in the balls everybody on the playground was just laying on the ground holding their balls and I thought I was the Kickball champion cuz everybody was calling me ball buster Brooklyn until the PE teacher ran up and told me to go to the principal's office for kicking people in the balls so I kicked him in the balls and then I went to the principal's office and the principal told me that I was suspended for kicking people in the balls so I kicked him in the balls too and then they called the cops and as you can imagine I kicked them in the balls and they were not happy about that at all so sent me to jail you know they took my mug shot I kicked the photographer in the balls and then they sent me to my cell and I kicked my cellmate in the balls so then they sent me to the electric chair and I kicked the Executioner in the balls and then after that they didn't know what to do so they called my parents and my parents came and got me and my dad said I was grounded for kicking people in the balls and that that might teach me a lesson so I kicked him in the balls and then they sent me to a therapist to figure out why I was kicking people in the balls so much and my therapist said it had something to do with unresolved feelings about my mother so I kicked him in the balls and then they said sent me to a mental institution and they put me in a straight jacket but my legs were still free so I kept kicking people in the balls and then they put me in straight pants so I couldn't kick anybody in the balls and then my parents and the teachers and the doctors and the cops and Bill Clinton who was president at the time they all got together and were trying to figure out what to do about me cuz I Was a Serial ball kicker and then they decided that they needed to amputate my legs cuz I just could not be trusted with legs anymore so they amputated my legs and I haven't kicked anyone in the balls ever since but if I had my legs back I K you in the balls I kick you in the balls I'd somehow surgically give you balls and then kick you in the balls no ball would go left unkicked I don't know how you have legs and you're not just kicking balls all day because it's wrong well you're a better man than me anyway I think your son's voice is probably high pitched because you get kicked in the balls no he did not get kicked in the balls we know why his voice is high pitched oh well then why did you let me tell my very long story because you wouldn't let me talk oh well then go ahead and talk all right jeffy's voice is high pitched cuz he sucked helium oh I've sucked helium before yep I owed him money couldn't pay him back any other way yeah helium Martinez owed him 5050 bucks couldn't pay him back so he had to take him out back and then we Oh you mean helium the gas yeah yeah no that that's what I meant too yeah helium the gas yeah that's that's what I sucked I sucked the gas yeah I actually have a whole story about it yeah yeah yeah me and my grandpa Joe were at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and we stole fizzy lifting drinks right and we started floating up toward the ceiling but then there was a big fan up there so then we realized if we burp it makes us go lower so oh wait that that didn't happen to me that happened to Charlie Bucket in the movie Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory I'm just going to stop talking now yeah so jeffy's voice is high pitched it's just stuck that way Jeffy talk y my name is Nico bolock H well I don't know have you tried burping at worked for Charlie Bucket Jeffy try to burp well I've done all I can do H well see the thing is he sucked an entire tank of helium oh my God that's dangerous he could have died well is he going to no I mean if he was going to die he probably would have done it already huh oh oh I have an idea h how about this have you tried sucking on that gas that makes your voice deeper there's a there's a gas that makes your voice deeper yeah yeah yeah it's a sodium hexif floride I think yeah yeah you suck it and it makes your voice deeper it's like the opposite of helium well we'll grab it we'll give it to Jeffy his voice will go back to normal I mean that [ __ ] ain't cheap Jack it's like 400 bucks a liter it is yeah and I have a liter at my house but it's going to cost you well um all I have is $100 H okay well you know what for you buddy I'll take a 75% loss but you know you can't be too careful all right it checks out I'm going to go get that all right I got it and it's actually sulfur hexafluoride not sodium hexafluoride duh it's me being stupid how could I mix that up so if Jeffy inhales this his voice will go deep yeah it should okay you ready Jeffy yeah [Music] go it smells like [ __ ] wait it does oh god oh what is that oh God that's terrible that's the worst thing i' ever smell what is that is that that is not what it's oh man it's my gamergirl fart jar what yeah I bought a jar gamer girl farts for like 1,000 bucks off only fans but why would you do that I don't know I thought I might be into it she said that she only ate deviled eggs and cream cheese for a whole week and she had seedi so I don't know that's disgusting I just thought I might be into it but I'm not well I'm kind of into it what so you don't have the fluide the hexa stuff no I do I just got the jars mixed up hold on I'll get it okay this is the jar of sulfur hexafluoride are you sure that's what this is yes it says it right there and it looks just like the other jar where is the other jar I threw it off the couch oh man I need that I paid good money for this get in there okay yeah I like this I think I'm going to live in here like Sandy Cheeks what that's disgusting hey this this is a new loaf for me all right so if Jeffy breathes then his voice will be like normal yeah I think so all right all right Jeffy breathe this his voice is really deep it's not normal oh hey hey how about this say Luke I am your father Luke I am your father H it's not the same how we going to fix his voice it's deep now oh I have an idea all we need to do is just get a little bit of helium well I already sued all the helium out of the tank oh well that's not good wait what about that up there look at that balloon wait that's not a balloon that's a ew says the guy with the gamer girl fart draw on his head touche all right Jeffy look that balloon up there it's really gross but we're going to bring it down here you're going to suck a little bit of helium out of it okay all righty how am I going to get all right Jeffy here's the balloon so what you're going to do is you're going to suck the helium out until your voice goes back to normal okay all right how is this h no suck a little bit more that's what I said what about now daddy that's perfect Jeffy your voice is back to normal yay today was a big success I'm going to go buy more of these jws don't judge me well Jeffy don't suck helium ever again okay hey daddy where's the cup I'm supposed to pee in because I already found the one I was supposed to poop in you're not supposed to poop in a cup Jeffy too late it was running ew Jeffy that's disgusting why would you do that cuz he labeled poop that's just a picture hold on I got to go head the door pour that out hello Marvin you have to let me in inside I have to show you what I bought okay all right morvin bam adabo is also on this team but he's not as good as Jimmy Butler you bought a Jimmy Butler Jersey oh not just any Jimmy Butler Jersey see in his last game Jimmy Butler scored 56 points which is the most points that any Miami Heat players ever scored in the playoffs and he did it while wearing this jersey and he signed it oh it smells like Jimmy take a whiff take a whiff it Jimmy ew it smells like sweaty man yeah he is a man more of a man than I'll ever be he could have my wife how much did you pay for this jersey oh you know $250,000 $250,000 yeah it's my entire life savings but look it's worth it because I got this stinky shirt I don't think I would ever pay that amount of money for a shirt oh yeah or would you buy a shirt that Jesus wore I guess yeah exactly and that's him that's Jimmy Jesus Christ Butler cuz he had to walk on water to get that 56 points cuz we beat the Milwaukee sucks I mean bucks hey I like that team yeah well you must like sucking Jimmy cuz we're up 3-1 on your [ __ ] ass and it's about to be 41 tonight nuh-uh okay yeah okay whatever well thank you for showing us this jersey hey hey you want to see my favorite plays of that game not really look I'll show you I got him on my phone right here look watch him get this three to take the lead Here Comes Jimmy White open for the lead oh Jimmy yeah Jimmy woo Jimmy go H can you say clutch clutch daddy that's Hy Butler right there I mean that was really cool oh that's nothing you should see this next play watch oh here comes Jimmy Butler he's filthy this man doesn't wipe all three Jimmy have my babies Jimmy Marry Me Marvin was that not the nastiest thing you've ever seen Jimmy didn't have to do that to them that was not consensual what you just watched the Bucks get me toed or should I say me to toed for Jimmy well wasn't that a two-pointer not a three okay yeah he stepped on the line and it was worth two but it doesn't matter because he still won that's why the Jersey was worth so much you could have at least got him to wash it smells so bad no it's full of Jimmy Juice I actually rung it out into a cup and drank it hoping I would absorb his power but it didn't work all it did was make me very sick speaking of sick I have to pee and I think I have a UTI can I use your bathroom well we don't have a peac cup oh usually I pee into a Mountain Dew bottle while I'm sitting on the couch so I don't have to get up while I'm watching Jimmy that's probably why I have a UTI anyway I'm going to go pee all over your toilet seat Daddy what am I supposed to do with this cup of diarrhea I said pour it out Jeffy not the JY Jeffy you told me to pour it out I said in the sink oh okay oh my God he pour diarrhea all over the Jimmy B Jers yeah e oh my God what are we going to do we got to clean it oh get some bleacher or some wipes or some napkins or I don't know what to do somebody's in here and it's going to be a while too cuz I'm taking a Milwaukee Buck in the toilet cuz I'm [ __ ] hard yeah I thought I had to pee but then my bowels have a surprise for me okay here Marvin I got some paper towels paper towels is not good enough baby we need bleach Marvin we can't use bleach on our nice red couch we have to get the stain out of the Jimmy Butler Journey Marvin I have have an idea let's take it to the sink downstairs and use Dawn dish soap it gets oil off of duckies what come on just trust me Marvin hey Daddy show one's in the bathroom and I can't pour this down the sink well they go pour it in the bathtub I don't know okay see Marvin look the duckies I don't know what that means just trust me Marvin you're getting all blue Just Hold On Marvin see look it's helping it still just looks blue and soapy Marvin trust me go at the stain remover okay okay I got the stain remover Morgan look the stain's almost gone it actually worked That's The Power of Dawn dish soap are you sponsored by them not sponsored I just love animals okay so what do we do now Marvin go turn on some extra light to make sure we get all the stain out okay where's the light uh Mor stop no that's the garbage disposal oh my God how's the Jersey did it stu oh pull it pull it okay morvin what look it's all cut up in the corner oh my God the garbage disposal did that why did you turn on the garbage disposal Marvin I didn't know that's what the switch did how long have you lived here I don't do the dishes Chef peipi does well Marvin what do we do okay uh why don't you grab some scissors and we can cut the bottom of the Jersey off he doesn't know how long the Jersey was ooh that's a good idea Marvin but the Jersey is still soaking wet we have to dry it off we can put it in the dryer no we can't have the Jersey shrink we have to dry it off another way ooh we could get the iron yeah go grab the iron okay oh my God those cuts are so bad rub a dub dub huny boy in the tub oh no what if I drown good thing I have a hunky lifeguard watching me oh no I'm drowning somebody needs to give me ass to mouth hey Cody oh hey Jeffy what are you doing here I'm going to dump diarrhea in your bath what what ew ew that's gross K let's get out of here come on all right Marvin I have the iron it's hot please be careful with it I'll Be Careful With It Marvin hey Danny I poured the diarhea in the tub while someone was taking a bath why would you do that Jeffy that's disgusting but that's what you told me to do no I said pour it in the tub not while somebody was in it well they don't teach you that in school Jeffy go stand in the corner for how long 6 minutes that's like forever what if I starve okay 5 minutes okay but if I die I'm going to call Child Protective Services on your ass you're 18 years old Jeff you can't call Child Protective Services well in that case I'm not going to stand in the corner go stand that ass in the corner no to make it 4 minutes I'll think about it okay 4 minutes just go what about 3 and a half oh Jeffy I don't care how long you stay in the corner I just want you to learn your lesson what about 2 minutes go stand in the corner all right I'll do it for 1 minute and see how I feel oh my God what is wrong with him why does he act like this all right I'm back what Jeffy that was only like 5 seconds I got scared of what earthquakes we don't have earthquakes in Florida Jeffy well I thought I heard one what Jeff go to your room and play video games will that make you learn your lesson maybe just go to your room oh my God why is Jeffy like this it's his fault we even in this situation if he would have poured his diarrhea all over the Jersey we wouldn't be doing this is it dry oh my God I forgot what take it off oh okay oh my God Marvin I'm so sorry you [ __ ] you you burn the signature off Jeffy distracted me with this chit jaat oh my God what are we going to do I don't know I mean it's dry now but oh my God to take it upstairs take it upstairs right out okay you move okay okay baby what are we going to do the signature is burn off the bottom of it's cut the top of it still stained I don't know what to do well Marvin hear me out look if we flip it over right it looks okay on the front and we could fake the signature and sign right here on the two still cut the bottom part off and hope he doesn't flip it over I mean yeah yeah yeah we could just say that it was always signed on the front the whole time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we could do that yeah I like that yeah okay okay okay you grab the scissors and you start cutting and I'll grab a Sharpie okay yeah yeah okay baby I got the Sharpie okay I cut the bottom part off oh yeah that that looks real good thank you so I'm going to sign the two I forgot how the signature looked just like Jimmy Butler okay um I'll try okay baby I just signed it Marvin you didn't even write in cursive I don't know how to sign Jimmy butler's name in cursive I only know how to sign my name in cursive you didn't capitalize the J look I did the best I could it's still signed by him right yeah I guess it's okay oh no baby the Jersey it smells like Dawn diso it's supposed to smell like sweaty man oh no Marvin what do we do now Jeffy get in here yes daddy Jeffy when's the last time you washed your balls strong two weeks daddy do they smell bad let me check yeah they're bad day they're ripe okay can you please rub this jersey all over your balls sure dadd oh yeah get up in there There You Go Daddy pleasure doing business with you oh god oh that's disgusting Jeffy oh my God okay I think the Jersey is perfect uhhuh o Go Jimmy Go Jimmy Go Oh Jimmy Butler okay there we go I think I'm done watching highlights should I wipe no because Jimmy doesn't wipe because he's nasty and I want to be nasty just like Jimmy I'm going to have dirty cheeks just like Jimmy should I flush no because that's how nasty I am if Jimmy's going to be nasty I'm going to be nasty too hey hey everybody I'm back from the bathroom did you have a good time was the toilet nice was the lights bright enough for you in there wow I didn't know you guys were so interested that yeah I mean I [ __ ] a lot but I didn't wipe because Jimmy doesn't wipe what a good boy good pooper good job wow I'm getting weirdly turned on by this I I think I have an appreciation Kink cuz it doesn't happen very often God I need to go to therapy oh my God Jimmy signed the front to that's so cool cuz he signed the back in cursive and it makes sense that he would do it twice cuz Jimmy does everything twice that's why he's number 22 it's two twice yeah he even shoots threes twice that was a two yeah but that makes sense cuz it's like two twice you know then two is twice the points of one yeah so you know what I think you should do I think you should walk home and only look at the front of your jersey but I want to stay here and watch the Heat game with you guys oh that that could only happen if we had cable which we don't what are you talking about you guys watch TV all the time well we lost our TV remote so we canceled the cable because we thought we' never watch TV again the remote's right here oh well we still don't have cable look it's working you guys have have cable oh oh damn it why damn it aren't you happy you have cable I'm just mad at the whole situation okay well I want to see the back of my Jersey no no no no no no no we've been looking at the back of it all day why don't we only look at the front of it I mean the front's so cool it says heat yeah it it does say heat and hey I mean I have heat on mine too but this is the away jersey this is the home Jersey oh thank you for telling us that you know what I I really like it I do really want to see the back of no no no no no no no don't look at the back because you don't want to jinx Jimmy Butler before the it's a jinx to look at the the name of your favorite player before a game but it is yeah it's just like seeing your wife on on your wedding day it's bad luck wow that explains why all of my marriages have failed it's because I saw my wife on my wedding day Marvin that's before the wedding uh before the wedding if I ever get married again I'm not showing up to the wedding at all I'm not even going to look at her oh okay well look I think you should just take your jersey home you know what I really do want to see the back because it doesn't matter if it's a jinx Jimmy Jimmy doesn't need the luck okay bad luck Jimmy what the [ __ ] happened to my jersey oh listen listen listen listen I want you to look at I want you to look at it if if you look at it really closely right look at it really closely you see it might look burnt right it looks burnt yeah oh that's because it is but but if you if you remember Jimmy was on fire during that game yeah of course he was on fire he Jimmy yeah yeah he was shooting threes and the they're called the Miami Heat because what they do is they add this flame [ __ ] and the material to the Jersey so when a player plays really well they can light the player on fire and you can only see it in person and so after the game he was so hot during that game that once he handed you to the Jersey it it started burning up because it was exposed to sunlight huh I mean everything you're saying makes sense and it makes sense it' be on the back too cuz he does carry the team on his back yeah yeah he played so good that day he carried the whole team on his back and that's why the back of the Jersey burnt and that's why he signed the front of the Jersey too because he knew the back of the Jersey was going to burn up and and and that's that that's why that happened yeah Jimmy is so smart but still though I I don't remember the Jersey being this short oh well the bottoms of theey JY they they they burn off too because he gets so hot down there from running around his genitals oh yeah that's true Jimmy does have a hot dick I I've said that about him it really heats up when he plays okay I'm just really glad my jersey is okay yeah your Jersey's fine it's exactly how it was it's what what's happened it happened okay good let's watch the Heat game bucks are going to win yeah yeah well no they're not okay so so shut up hey hey Marvin I I think it should be a boys only watch party huh how about you go watch the WNBA oh wait I forgot nobody watches that I'm glad we burnt and cut up your jersey what
Channel: SMLs
Views: 525,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7p0G8sr7ioY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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