SML Movie - Jeffy's Imaginary Friend! - Full Episode

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all right craft today we're going to be learning about the doooo bird the doooo bird is extinct the reason why the doooo bird is extinct is because he smell like doooo and no one want to make with him the word extinct means de no longer existing grow in China soon to be extinct oh so that means Joseph's parents are extinct don't remind me dude all right crft you are probably wondering why you have proh on your desk the proh is not for you to eat okay the proh is for you to do your partner project I want each and every one of you to pick a partner and you're going to combine your proh to create an animal that you think may have gone extinct we get to choose Partners Cody do you want to be my partner yes Junior I never thought you'd ask oh dude I wanted to be your partner well why don't you be a partner with toad oh yeah dude be my partner come on Joseph oh okay dude I'll be your partner okay we all pick partners then look how long my tongue is hey Patrick you want to be my partner okay Mr bullet man oh oh teacher I don't have a partner Jeffy why you cry like real [ __ ] because you have no friends you get extra prao a all right crft now everyone take their preo home and bring your project back tomorrow so I can grade hey Daddy hey Jeffy how was school it was terrible daddy we have a partner project and the teacher told me to pick a partner but I don't have any friends well Jeffy the reason why you don't have any friends is cuz you wear a diaper and you're 14 and you have a pencil up your nose and you're one of those kids that run to lunch I just really like Naruto believe it well Jeffy look if you wanted some friends you just got to make some friends Jeffy make some friends yeah make some friends okay Daddy Dy said I got to make my own friends so I did I made bung hole and he's going to be my best friend forever I just wish he could have been red no I like being blue bung hole you're real of course I'm real you just made me without any pee PE going in jines ah who needs those when you have your imagination okay bung do you want to be my best friend forever of course I do forever and ever just you and me nobody else okay bung hole well then you can help me with my partner project I am your partner project Jeffy just ose me okay that's a good idea bung hole can I show you to my daddy yeah let's go see him all right let's go bung hole hey Daddy want to see my bung hole ew Jeffy no I don't want to see it you show it to me all the time but this time it's blue ew Jeffy why is your butthole blue not my butthole my bung hole see he's my best friend say hi bung hole hey there Mr jeffy's dead I'm bung hole see Jeffy who are you talking to there's no one there I'm talking to bung hole hey bung hole tell my DD a joke that's so funny bung hole where does he come up with this Jeffy there's no one there who are you talking to I'm talking to bung hole daddy he's right here and he's blue Jeffy there's no one here there's no one Nam bung hole there's no one there's no blue thing daddy he's right here and he just told you a joke Jeffy you sound insane right now you don't even know what you're talking about but did you get to the Flintstone gummies again no I couldn't get to cap off well you know what Jeffy I'm going to call a doctor cuz you sound crazy Jeffy oh but he's right here your dad's so silly Jeffy why couldn't he see you bung hole I don't know maybe he needs glasses maybe bung hole okay you called the doctor what seems to be the problem all right doctor so my my son Jeffy is talking to someone and he says they're right here but there's no one there so he sounds insane show him Jeffy well Mr doctor man I have a best friend named bunghole and he's right here but my daddy says he can't see him so I think my Daddy needs glasses see what I'm talking about okay I think I see what's going on here he just has an imaginary friend what imaginary friend are those even real things oh yeah everybody's got one isn't that right booger you the man Brooklyn guy you the man you the man you the man I there a man it's you shut shut the [ __ ] up okay okay but as long as you know in your heart of hearts that you are the man the manest of man I ever seen thank youcome I I know who who who you talking to talking to my imaginary friend booger you see when I was in elementary school I picked my nose and all the kids made fun of me for it and so I started talking to the booger and it told me how cool I was and it just never really went away yeah cuz cuz you're the man even Elementary School you were the man I you were a child but you were still the man you you explained that thank you I've heard it I've heard it man the man okay so uh so imaginary friends are normal oh yeah it's totally normal and he'll probably grow out of it eventually okay so um you can't make him get like you can't get rid of him or anything oh no no it should go away on its own I mean unless you the man then it stays cuz the man needs his man sometimes it goes away if he's lucky okay I'm I'm going to go blow my brains out sorry you to me all right Jeffy so the doctor said it's completely normal for you to have an imaginary friend or whatever you want but he's not imaginary daddy well Jeffy he's not real he's not really there you know what I'm just going to make dinner okay Jeffy but he's right here you see that Jeffy your daddy tried to get rid of me he did yeah but you know what we should do what we should kill him kill him yeah or we could play hide and seek with this dead body all right Jeffy here's your dinner a big plate of green beans I gave you extra for your imaginary friend man I hate green beans yeah I don't want to eat these green beans bung hole you know I'm really starting to not like your daddy Jeffy he would look a lot better with his head cut off what yeah throw this plate of green beans at him throwing the green beans at him usually I just throw my green beans on the floor no throw it at him kill him Jeffy so [Music] stupid Jeffy why' you that play gy Jeffy Jeffy bung hole told me you doing you could have K me Jeffy there's no such thing of a bung hole you're just making that up Jeffy but it was bung hole you no you're grounded you're grounded come with me you're grounded that's it Jeffy you're grounded you're not allowed to do anything but go to school come home go to your room and then go to school okay a daddy but it's not my fault it was bung hole Jeffy there's no such thing as someone called bung hole you just made that person up so he could do bad stuff you're grounded a bungo this is only your fault you got me in trouble a I was only trying to protect our friendship Jeffy remember we're best friends forever and ever a okay bung hole we have to go to bed cuz we got school tomorrow okay Jeffy all right crft I hope everyone have their preo project I'm come around the crft and you're going to tell me what animal you made and why it would have gone extinct all right Patrick and Bor Bill what do you guys make I made a poop with bubblegum in it cuz my mommy says not to eat bubblegum cuz it's going to get stuck in your poop so this is what my poop would look like if I ate all the bubble gum you were supposed to make an animal that could have gone extinct uh well this this could have been an animal that that got eaten and then turned into poop you guys get D+ I'll take it all right Junior Cody what do you guys make uh well we made a dog with a big crank oh big crank how did Big crank go extinct uh well his crank was so big he couldn't walk yeah so he starved cuz he couldn't move yeah okay you guys get A+ yes all right to and Joseph what do you guys make oh we made a frog with chickenpox on it and how did the frog go extinct because the wasn't a cure for chicken box duh okay okay uh be minus because you didn't cover entire frog body with chicken boox only his back man Jeffy we're going to get an A+ on this project yeah all right Jeffy where's your project at he's right here beside me I made a bung hole say hi bung hole he said hi where is he I don't see it he's right here beside me you don't see him no and since you don't have your project you fail you get F A hey guys you an F Jeffy yeah and now my Daddy's going to ground me cuz I failed no he's not you want to know why why because we're going to kill him kill him yeah throw your chair at him but I'm getting trouble do it all right crass I hope you all enjoyed working on your proh project oh [ __ ] dude jeffy's hardcore is the teacher okay good job Jeffy he'll never give you enough again if you say so bung hole hey Daddy I got arrested at school today Jeffy you got arrested at school yep he assaulted his teacher through a chair right at his head and the teacher's pressing charges Jeffy why would you throw a chair at your teacher it wasn't me Dad it was bum hole he told me to do it okay look just because your imaginary friend tells you to do something doesn't mean you actually have to do it but he might kill me if I don't do it what okay that's a red flag uh maybe we should arrest this imaginary friend too yeah we should all right where are you come here where is he I I got him all right you're under arrest you're coming with me stop stop resisting oh no he's get a knife come here I'm choking him okay you guys saw that right I I had to kill him he had a knife let me just uh let me just plant one there we go yeah he had a knife he was going to stab me but bum hole is right here oh well then who did I just kill oh oh I I killed booger oh thank God no problem uh I'll just get rid of this body come here all right so boo is dead but we still have to arrest jeffy's imaginary friend so Jeffy tell your imaginary friend he can either come quietly or he's going to end up like booger over there oh oh bung hole you have to turn yourself in now Jeffy why would I do that without putting up a fight die copper but what' he say he got a gun oh [ __ ] what if I get shot with imaginary bullets do I still die like how does this work take this he just shot you oh I I well I I don't really feel anything so I I guess imaginary bullets can't hurt me so so so what are we going to do I I don't know I can't hurt him and he can't hurt me so what don't you think about imaginary friend and then you get your imaginary friend to kill his imaginary friend well I just killed my imaginary friend well can did you pick your nose again no I promised I would never do that again come on it's for your job it's for it's for it's for Freedom okay call me a nose picker what do it a nose picker yeah I am a nose picker nose picker yeah I'm just nose picker nose picker stupid nose picker n you're the man poing guy you're the man I was just up in every telling God I was like this man's the man God and he said he really wants to meet you but he can't cuz you're never going to die cuz cuz you're the man you're the man Brooklyn guy I missed you man hey hey hey booger you know yeah what's up man you know who thinks I'm not the man nobody cuz you're the man well actually that guy over there says I'm not the man the the not not not the kid in the helmet the other one the blue FY one yeah I guess I I can't really I can't really see him but he says that he's the man and I'm not what how could he be the man if you're the man man I don't know but you should go show him I'll be right back Dy they killing B make stop oh my God Bo you can stop shooting he's dead now how do you even have that much ammo daddy there's blood everywhere make him stop calm down you don't have to teabag his corpse I can't say [ __ ] what's going on okay okay so here's what happened my imaginary friend pulled out a gun and shot his imaginary friend I think Jeffy what's going on your hand D bug hole's dead well that's good I I can't see what's going on that's good that's that's good let me let me tell you it's it's good that you have a red couch cuz there's blood everywhere oh okay so his imaginary friend gone is your imaginary friend gone oh no my imaginary friend's right here yeah you're the man Brooklyn guy you're the man actually you know what Boer you're the man no no no no you're the man Brooklyn guy you you're the man no no no no you're the man booger n you're the man no no you're the man nope you are the man no no no you're the man no you're the only man no come on booger though you're the you're the man God damn it booger I'm telling you you are the you're the man booger you are the only man godamn you booger Bo I'm telling you you're I'm not the man cuz you're the man there can only be one man do you have to go yes I I'm sorry we should we should probably go thank you for getting rid of Jeffy imaginary friend Daddy I miss ble so much Jeffy look look look look Jeffy you don't need an imaginary friend because you have the best friend right here your dad I'll be your best friend you said I ran to lunch well you you do you do Jeffy but I I'll I'll run the lunch with you okay let me just do what you do hey Jeffy what are you doing oh hey Junior look I'm just coloring a picture of me killing green beans cuz I hate green beans wo that's such a cool drawing Jeffy you're really good at drawing thanks Junior I'm artistic just like my daddy artistic mhm don't you mean artistic yeah Junior that's what I said artistic my daddy was really good at drawing and painting he was an artist he was an artist that's so cool do you think you can draw me oh sure Junior hold on let me get some paper okay it's going to be so cool just stay really still Junior okay and done what you think about that Junior wa Jeffy that looks just like me yeah Junior I told you I was autistic oh I really really wish I was good at drawing like you are well Junior why don't you try drawing me what try drawing you mhm I mean I guess I could try it's not going to turn out as good as yours though well just try Junior it can't be that bad okay um where's your pencil I got to draw it first and then color it where where's your pencil at oh Junior I know where a pencil is where what in your nose uhhuh you want me to use that one yeah Junior hold on let me get out for you okay I mean I guess I guess I'll use it h go Junior what ew what's that green stuff on it bers oh okay I guess I that's so gross oh all right um I need a piece of paper hold on get that all right um what pose are you going to be in mm that one uhhm are you sure uhhuh okay hold really still all right mhm oh yeah that oh yeah uhhuh okay almost done and done all right Jeffy what do you think about that wow Junior that's really cool are you sure you're not on itic because that looks really awesome I I mean I don't think I'm autistic I mean I could be I I don't think it looks that good well Junior I know what good is and that's good Junior if it wasn't good when I say this doodle doodle pencil fart junior is that me wait Jeffy that's the drawing that was on the paper that's my drawing why did it come your life Junior I don't know you said doodle doodle p a fart he came off the piece of paper look he's not even on the paper anymore uh hey hey draw can you can you talk yeah wait wait where did he go Junior I don't know but wait why would the drawing come to live is it wait does it have something to do with the pencil that was in your nose I don't know Junior wait so I'm going to try drawing something else and if it comes to life after you say doodle doodle penil fart then we'll know that we can make our drawings come to life okay Junior let try something okay let me try all right Mario when are we ever going to do anything besides watch TV whenever you take your clothes off what wait wait baby I'm trying to watch TV stop bothering me Jeffy stop bothering me I'm trying to watch TV what doing Jeffy I said I'm trying to watch TV do not bother me I got a mayonnaise t on my head Jeffy Jeffy that that's really nice but I'm trying to watch TV Jeffy if you keep bothering me I'm going to put you in timeout okay what why because you're being bad you're bothering me so if you keep bothering me I'm going put you in timeout so leave leave yeah God keeps bothering me I don't want anyone to bother me I just want to watch TV Junior what's that oh it's my autom maginary friend gumbo he died and I want him to come back to life well Dole doodle pin F gumbo go you back to life Junior what is that supposed to be I don't know I just one day I imagined him but now he's back gumbo I missed you so much oh that's cool Junior hey I want to draw something so I can come back to life okay here use the piece of paper you have to use your pencil uh gumbo I think you're on the pencil yeah yeah yeah there it is get the pencil all right now start drawing something oh gumbo I missed you so much and done whoa Jeffy what's that supposed to be it's a piggy yeah yeah g it's a piggy it's a piggy Jeffy make your draw and come to life I want to see the piggy P hey the piggy he's alive hey Mr Piggy what doing where you going make your piggy come back gumbo no no gumbo you have to stay here you have to stay here play with me what gam do you want to play gumbo okay let's just not go anywhere near water okay I don't want to lose you again hey daddy have you seen a piggy running around here somewhere that's it Jeffy I said if you can't bothering me you're going to timeout so now you're going to timeout when the [ __ ] did you say that [ __ ] like 5 minutes ago when you came in here I said do not bother me again if you bother me again you're going to timeout so now you're going to timeout are you [ __ ] hi Daddy you never said that [ __ ] to me Jeffy Mario said if you bothered him one more time you would go into timeout so now you're going into timeout for bothering me you two both must be [ __ ] high because I was in my [ __ ] room drawing a picture of a piggy and then he jumped up and hopped off the [ __ ] page that did not happen Jeffy and now you go to timeout for 5 minutes oh [ __ ] you in your 5 minutes I'm innocent [ __ ] D this is horeshit Jeffy I want you to look at the corner for 5 minutes and what the [ __ ] the corner going to do it's going to teach you discipline how the [ __ ] is it going to do that Daddy look at the corner dadd this ain't teaching me [ __ ] look at the corner I got a [ __ ] piggy to catch [ __ ] there is no piggy Jeffy look how the [ __ ] are you going to tell me there look at I saw the godamn piggy up the [ __ ] paper look at the corner Jeffy godam my daddy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] mommy's a [ __ ] too I just don't know what's wrong with him I don't know why he won't listen well Mario you did warn him that if he bothered you again you would put him in timeout yeah he bothered me again mhm I just don't know where he gets his language from I know he always has to cuss I think he learned it from his mother his real mom yeah she was pretty trashy it just wasn't a good environment at all [ __ ] [ __ ] not believing me about the godamn piggy I saw the [ __ ] P the piggy I'm get you piggy I'm going to get you piggy Jeffy I said stay in the corner but dang the piggy was right there is no piggy Jeffy now there is Dad you're going to your room Jeffy that's it you're going to your room [ __ ] you daddy my dad I don't want to go to bed yet you don't have to go to bed Jeffy you just have to stay in the crib all night cuz now you're grounded I don't even know why the [ __ ] I'm grounded dad you know why you're grounded Jeffy you know exactly what you did no the [ __ ] I don't you get back here and talk to me like a man [ __ ] no no no you're going to stay in that crib all night Jeffy you're grounded you know exactly what you did well [ __ ] you Daddy you a horrible tooth fairy and eat your buddy go collect teeth or put eggs in the yard or some [ __ ] daddy Jeffy shut up and just be quiet no D there's a [ __ ] Biggy and you know it shut up Jeffy [ __ ] you all right gumbo are you ready for some cookies and milk no yeah grab a cookie grab a cookie you like cookies what drawing Jeffy um you want some cookies gumbo you don't want him to have a cookie nuh but but gumbo you have to share nuh gumbo don't be like that um uh okay uh can you have your milk nuh-uh milk milk milk come on Gumbo he can have your milk you can have the mil I'll get you some more milk okay I'll be right back I'll get you some milk what I doing this where he go all right gumbo we didn't have any milk where did gumbo go milk what milk you killed gumbo by born milk on him how could you do that goo why' you do that hey why did you don't do that you get back here you killed my friend how you get back here you killed my friend kbo you killed goo I want to kill you I want stop doing that I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill you oh God I'm going to find a way to kill him I'm going to find a way to kill him do you think I was too harsh on Jeffy well you did yell at him a lot Mario yeah I I guess I did I mean I might unground him what ja May what apparently not harsh enough oh my god oh Jeffy Jeffy I said stay in your room what the [ __ ] are you talking about dadd I've been here the whole time Jeffy don't lie to me what the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] Li Jeffy you lost your phone now you're double ground for what cuz you left the room Jeffy no the [ __ ] I did that here the whole goddamn time Jeffy don't act like you didn't walk past the room and say mayonnaise to me mayonnaise [ __ ] yeah mayonnaise say [ __ ] man are you [ __ ] high Jeffy that you're double grounded and also no more TV no you're [ __ ] delusional as [ __ ] Daddy get the [ __ ] back here and whenever crack your [ __ ] smoking I want some jeery shut up and you're going to be in your room forever daddy listen to the words coming out of my mou [ __ ] you Jeffy stay in your room do not leave your room again I'm going to get to the botom of this and what I do I'm going to beat the [ __ ] out of you Daddy I'm not in the move for this stuff today Mario why is Jeffy acting so bad today I don't know he's acting worse than normal it all started with that stupid Pig you're right the pig I don't know why he brought up the pig there is no pig is that a pig that that's a pig Mario Jeffy was telling the truth that's why he was getting so mad when I said there was no Pig but what oh I go talk to him I got to go talk to him so what do you [ __ ] want well um we uh we wanted we wanted to apologize oh you wanted to apologize I'm dying to know for what um well we we saw the we we we saw the pig oh you saw the piggy ding ding ding ding ding Jeffy was right great yeah yeah yeah you you were right we want to say we we're sorry we're we're sorry Jeffy for for grounding you well hor [ __ ] I need at least 20 bucks before icept down [ __ ] apology um C can you go in my wallet and see if I if I if I have $20 I'm sorry Jeffy I really am all you had was a $100 bill Mario well that'll work um that's too it smells like I forgive you okay okay Jeffy we're even I'm sorry for grounding you oh and one more thing D what just a little something for the road and for your trouble what take that and suck on it Daddy what I mean I I was in the wrong I did I did ground him for no reason yeah popsicles hey Jeffy I got something for you what is it it's a piece of paper paper give me see oh I'll let you see it cuz it's where you came from he's on the piece of paper it actually worked he's stuck in the paper now there's only one thing to do with this oh yeah you're never coming to life ever again so guys what do you want to do today well today's my birthday I don't know dude what do you want to do I don't know I'm bored you want to play board games ah n that's boring dude today's my birthday we should do something fun yeah you want to ask Cody what he wants to do yeah let's do that today's my birthday though all right let's ask Cody okay today's my birthday Cody what do you want to do today I want to celebrate my birthday oh cool when is it it's today today is your birthday yeah that's what I've been saying you should have just said something I did several times you did yeah well well how old are you turning I'm 12 F12 F the police F the pig H yeah oh well what do you want to do for your birthday I don't know what to do junior we should do something really fun okay like what uh let's watch TV oh how exciting are you cool then you need to come to the coolest party ever Chuck-E-Cheese after dark you can turn up with the one and only Charles entertainment cheese and experience an all new type of ball pit come now must be 10 years or older to enter bring your ID wa we should totally go to that oh yeah dude it looks so awesome yeah that's the perfect place to go yeah we should go tomorrow oh yeah dude or today why do we go today well because today is it's Saturday and we don't have school tomorrow oh yeah dude we can stay there all night we can stay there all night yeah but today is also my birthday oh yeah you did just tell us that dude I totally forgot yeah we can celebrate you turning 12 man F12 he's probably wearing a wire snitch all right Joseph you're acting abs absolutely ridiculous one more Outburst like that and you're going home dude I'm sorry maybe I'm overreacting maybe I'm overreacting yeah yeah so anyway we can go celebrate your birthday Cody cuz you're turning you're turning that age yeah I mean you have to be 10 years and up right and and I'm 11 and Joseph's 11 and you're 12 man all right all right I'm calm down I'm going calm down all right so everyone grab your IDs and let's go to Chuck-E-Cheese okay oh man guys I can't wait for this party he hey IDs I got to see your ID to make sure you're 10 or older oh guys you got your IDs oh yeah oh hey Roy what's up my man go on in what you didn't ID Roy come on dude it's Roy giard he doesn't need an ID he can get to the Super Bowl without a ticket if he needed to but he had a ticket but he didn't pay for it I'll tell you that much okay well um here's my ID let's see here uh you're 11 years old all right go on in awesome here's my ID let's take a look yeah you're 11 go on in here's mine uh let's see ooh no sorry kid it says right here you're 3 years old but no I'm not I'm 12 well what's the problem he says I can't get in cuzz I'm 3 years old well how's he 3 years old well he was born on February 29th and there's only been three of those since 2008 so he's 3 years old you're 3 years old Cody no I'm 12 oh sorry kid you can't get in yeah that sucks Cody we'll see you back at my house but but but guys sorry kid you're going to have to get off the property no they wouldn't let me in I'm not 3 years old I just want to go to Chuck E cheese man Joseph that was the coolest party ever dude I no look at all these tickets I know and look at my squishy Chuck-E-Cheese head oh dude look at my laser gun wa oh dude it's awesome well guys you went without me Cody why didn't you go well I tried but they wouldn't let me in why wouldn't they let you in because they thought I was 3 years old Junior you were standing right next to me when it happened well are you 3 years old no I'm 12 man F 12 I swear to God if I see 12 I'mma bust a cap in their butt like go home what yeah go home that's it you're kicked out of the video I give you I gave you one last one and get out can I get a ticket yeah take the ticket you're gone that's it no unacceptable unacceptable I'm sorry about that Cody yeah he needed to go yeah he did so what you're 3 years old or something but no I'm not 3 years old Junior I'm 12 okay then why did they think you were 3 years old okay Junior look I was born on February 29th now that day has only happened three times since I've been born so technically I've only ever had three birthdays okay so you're 3 years old that makes sense no Junior I'm 12 then why haven't you had 12 birthday birthdays Junior look the important thing is that I don't want to be born on February 29th well the only thing you can do is go back in time and stop yourself from being born on that day well I guess I could get a cardboard box and write time machine on it and make it into a time machine well let's do that all right I'll be right back I'm going to The UPS Store okay behold Junior time machine time machine time machine patent pending waa a time machine what's it do well it's a time machine Junior let's you TR forward and backward in time okay so this is what I was thinking I think we should go back in time to the day before your parents boed and make them boink on that day so that you're born a day before Oh that's a good idea didn't even think of that okay so how do we do it uh well you got to put a quarter in it a quarter yeah well I figured if I was going to make a time machine I might as well make a little bit of money off of it well now we have to pay a quarter I don't even have a quarter well I have one quarter but we have to get this right on the first try okay well put it in okay okay so what day do we have to go like 9 months before you were born uh so that would be May 28th 20 7 yeah yeah so so 9 months and one day before you were born yeah okay uh so May 28th 2007 um well Junior those buttons don't work they're just Bits of Paper oh yeah okay well we just get in it yeah yeah just just kind on okay all right Cody we're here we at your parents house on May 28th 2007 we just have to make your parents do it today instead of tomorrow but Junior how are we going to make my parents do it just leave that at me Cody good night Tyrone I really hope robbers don't break in and kill us in our sleep oh no baby the good Lord wouldn't let that happen plus my cousin already locked up hey hey baby you want to fool around a little bit oh not tonight Tyrone I have diara a come on baby so now I know you're lying because that hasn't stopped us before no means no Tyrone don't make me write a me too tweet all right all right you right I got to respect your wishes as a woman your body your choice oh Tyrone you're so sexy and hot uh have me right now oh baby you changed your mind no Tyrone I said no and that's final come on baby you must be bipolar or something cuz I heard something totally different Tyrone don't make me call the police all right all right God oh Tyrone I Chang my mind I want to do it right now oh baby you can have me get off of me Tyrone I'm calling the cops that's it baby we married all right you coming with me and you're going to jail for a long time yeah that's right lock them up but baby I'm sorry no means no Tyrone now you have fun rotting in jail oh God Junior you got my dad arrested I was just trying to make him do it but my mom had diarrhea oh so she's not going to have diarrhea tomorrow when they do it well no I guess not and now they're not going to do it tomorrow because my dad's in jail and now I'll never even be born okay okay how about we go to May 29th the day they did it and we stop them from doing it yeah I guess that would be easier all right let's get in the time machine go to May 29th okay we need a quarter ah dang it um is there a quarter around here H oh look Cody look at look what's behind your ear wa yeah okay let's go okay we're here on May 29th let's stop your parents from doing it okay but try not to get anyone arrested this time no one's going to get arrested so Tyrone my diarrhea is all cleared up and I'm ready to go baby you know how to get me there oh and we ran out of toilet paper too hold on don't tease me now don't tease me oh Tyrone I'm here you sent me a picture of your sausage and you told me to come taste it what Tyrone who is this woman baby I have never seen this woman in my entire life well that's what you said about the last few women who walked into our room okay okay on God I've cheated on you three times three different women she ain't one of them what are you talking about Tyrone we've been seeing each other for years now you said you love me oh I think I see what's going on here huh you want a Minaj okay what what that mean well that means me and her together okay yeah yeah that's what I want I want that yeah come on join us no no no no he he said he said he just wanted me by myself just me and him not his ugly wife he called you ugly what no I say that baby oh I wanted the uh thing you asked for the Minag Twigs oh okay well come on hop in yeah come on come on no no he didn't want a Minag twig he want he wanted one twig he wanted me he wanted me to have his he he he just wants me by myself Tyrone I don't understand how about we just start and then she can join if she wants to B no no no don't do it don't do it baby ji sorry Cody I couldn't stop him Junior you could have just taken one for the team you know what give me the wig I'll do it Cody it's not worth it Junior I don't want my birthday to be on February 29th I want to go to Chucky Cheese Cody it's not worth getting with your parents to go to Chuck-E-Cheese yes it is I want to go Cody look I got a better idea how about we go to the day you were born and we stop your mom from giving birth until March 1st what how are we supposed to stop her Junior I don't know distract her what distract her from child birth well hard her to hold it in like holding in a poop I'm not a poop Junior I'm a baby I know you're a baby you're 3 years old and you act like it all the time what okay fine Junior we'll try your idea yes let's go to February 29th 2008 and stop your mom from giving birth until March 1st okay fine we need another quarter H hold on there's probably one in the couch cushions oh yeah okay here's one all right put it in all right let's go all right Cody we're here February 29th 20 8 now I have to stop your mom from giving birth well how you going to do that Junior just watch and learn Cody watch and learn oh push baby push well hold on I think I see the head yeah that's definitely a girl we having a baby girl oh what the baby oh I have no idea doctor doctor it's an emergency we need you in the emergency room stat someone has Corona virus what what is that oh I forgot it's 2008 uh uh some kid was running down the stairs with scissors oh no no yeah he had two pairs of scissors oh both eyes both eyes oh man you hate to see it so they need you in there to operate stat but but I'm delivering this baby oh listen here fish breath we need you right now in the emergency rooms look I'll take over okay but have fun all right ma'am I need you to listen to me oh I I know I'm already pushing well no no no I need you to do the opposite I don't push suck it back in what yeah did you know that today it's illegal to have babies wh why it's a new law whatever baby's born today we have to send it into space they NASA puts it on a spaceship and sends it to Pluto oh no can you believe this the government don't want us having mixed babies y yep that that's what it is so if you have a baby today they're going to send it to Pluto so you better just keep it sucked up but but I'm in so much pain come on baby you can hold it you can hold it for one more day yeah your baby's going to be in a lot of pain when they send them to Pluto yeah yeah we don't want that yeah so just hold it till March 1st okay I'll try for the baby yeah just keep it hold in hold it in yeah just keep doing that oh oh I can't hold it anymore come on baby just hold it a little bit longer a couple more hours yeah just hold it for a few more hours oh I can't come on baby all right I'm back a doctor I can't hold it anymore all right let me take a look mhm now hold on all right there's something fishy going on here that's a balloon a balloon yeah help me get this balloon out a balloon is she had a balloon in her shirt you're you're not even pregnant you're just faking Judith what's going on here oh Tyrone I have a confession to make I can't really get pregnant wait what you can't get pregnant I told you I wanted to have a baby I know but I thought you'd be mad so I just hit a balloon in my shirt for the last 9 months so how are we going to have a kid that can hopefully get successful so we can live off of his money well you guys could just adopt adopt yeah you know just adopt a kid H I guess we could adopt a kid I mean I wouldn't have to pay child support since he's not mine right but I don't know what do I look adopted I have no idea but yeah you should adopt a kid oh Tyro let's adopt a kid an exotic one okay we can do that baby come on let's go get a ex KY she wasn't pregnant Cody your mom wasn't actually pregnant what Junior that's impossible this is my birthday maybe we got the date wrong or something no no Cody what if you're adopted Junior I'm not adopted I look just like my parents you do well yeah I mean well I look like my mom you know I I have her you know like her her um well like I look like my dad you know how he has that and I I kind of I look Junior I'm adopted yeah I'm adopted that actually explains a lot now that I'm thinking about it so who's your real parents Junior I have no idea but my my whole life has been a lie you're adopted [Music] yeah well we should go back to my house cuz I want to play with my squishy Chuck-E-Cheese head oh okay yeah but um I'm out of chain oh I I found a quarter in my pocket oh great yeah so um let's go okay make the noises Cody oh up beep oh yeah my squishy Chuck-E-Cheese head look how squishy Cody it's pretty squishy Junior what's wrong Cody you're acting like you found out you're adopted or something I did find out I was adopted no kidding Junior you was the one who told me is that right Junior you have the memory of a goldfish Cody who cares if you're adopted or even born in the first place all that matters you're here now thanks a lot Junior that really helps you know I wish my parents had told me that I was adopted it's just that they hid it so well where's my adopted orphan son it hi Dad look I've been looking for your orphan butt everywhere dad am I adopted adopted is a strong word son okay but Dad who are my real parents I am your real father and I will whoop you like your real father if you don't get back to the house and blow out the candles on your adoption day cake yes sir well Cody when are we going to find out who your real parents are we'll find out someday Junior like next episode on Dragon Ball Z all right Cody you can just go home okay happy 12th birthday man F12 I swear to God if I see them PS again oh so Joseph what do you want to do today I don't know dude I'm kind of bored guys guys quick turn on the news you're not going to believe this what's going on Cody just just turn on the news okay breaking news Australia is on fire over 1 billion animals have perished in this horrific incident and firefighters are working tirelessly to put out the fires a Cody that's really sad sh no no no not that keep watching and now to the weather this week's draw the weather winner is Cody nutkiss and his drawing predicts that it's going to be rating cats and dogs and look he literally Drew cats and dogs falling from the sky how clever and Cody also wins a $25 Applebee's gift card congratulations see I did it I won they picked me they put my drawing on the news you see the news does this thing where they have you draw a picture of the weather and when you win they put your picture on TV and I did it I won I won a $25 Applebee's gift card this is awesome this is the perfect day the world is exactly as it should be today I wouldn't change anything about the world oh I'm going to go to Applebees I'm going to get an appetizer and an entree and a drink and that's it cuz it's only $25 and Applebees kind of sucks but I don't care because I won but but but Cody a billion animals died yeah what what oh no Junior that was just a drawing it's not really going to rain cats and dogs well no no not your drawing the Australian fire it's killing a lot of animals oh that yeah that's that sucks I guess but what about my drawing though there's something we got to do I want to be able to help the animals me too dude H I guess you could donate money what's donating money going to do Cody it's going to throw money at the fire it's going to make the fire bigger yeah it's made of paper it's going to spread yeah yeah idiot what you're not going to throw money money at the fire you're going to use the money to pay firefighters oh okay let's do that okay um I don't have any money Joseph do you have money dude I don't have money I'm poor oh Cody do you have money well I have a $25 Applebee's gift card but that's off limits oh okay well then how can we raise money to donate to Australia there something we got to do um H oh Cody I got an idea what if you made a machine that could make more animals okay like I can just make a machine that just makes animals yeah yeah yeah you make machines all the time so so why don't you make machine that can make more animals because a billion animals died so we got to make a billion animals to replace those animals yeah I mean I guess it is a YouTube video and I've made weirder stuff so okay I'll try yeah Cody go make it go make it you can do it I really hope it works I know right shpi I'm hungry well I'm cooking spaghetti o Bowser ew that's disgusting I don't want that you know what I want some good oldfashioned country fried fingerlicking chicken that means you got to catch it alive take his head off and cook it for me fresh FR e that's so disgusting Bowser and it takes so much effort can I just buy it from the store no I want it fresh so get to it okay Bowser God where am I going to find chicken guys guys I did it I actually did it what did you do it what tell us about it well I went home well actually first I went to Apple bees how was that well it was very mediocre because there was a hair in my food and it was kind of cold but then I went home and my stomach hurt because I ate Applebees you know how it is and then I finally got around to making this machine so what it do well can turn anything into an animal anything anything oh dude that's so cool that's really cool wait what's that white stuff oh that's my every jungle animal converted unpredictably like any Thursday immediately or now what's that mean it's an acronym oh where didd you get the white stuff well let's just say I had to milk some animals even ones that don't have UTS if you know what I mean oh okay so it can turn anything into an animal yeah like you can turn this remote into an animal yeah sure oh turn the remote into an animal I want to see I want to see it wo oh it turned into a hedgehog those are illegal in California really why I don't know I I just found that out huh well anyway it's really cool your machine turned a remote into a hedgehog I know right hey dude what should we name it huh I don't know we should name it something original H how about Tyler no Joseph everybody names their hedgehogs Tyler oh you're right what oh ooh ooh how about Sonic oh you like the restaurant exactly that was Sonic the Hedgehog will be the first person to ever name our Hedgehog that I know right yeah Sonic the Hedgehog genius yeah it's really original you should TR copyrighting that oh hey Sonic the Hedgehog that sounds like a video game I know right oh okay hey Sonic we'll put you on the ground okay oh that's so cool Cody you made that machine yeah what should we turn into an animal next oh how about me dude but Joseph you're already a turtle well that doesn't count I want to be a new animal how about like a T-rex or something something cool okay yeah yeah Cody turn Joseph into an animal yeah come on come on okay whoa Joseph you're a squirrel wait I'm a squirrel dude yeah well I am craving nuts welcome to m World well Cody why did it turn into a squirrel well it's unpredictable Junior I can't control what animal it turns into well well Joseph are you happy being a squirrel oh dude I love it now I can actually go and touch a power line oh go go touch one okay dude squirrels don't get electrocuted when they touch power lines yeah oh okay so uh we should go turn sha peipi into an animal okay yeah let's go do it bows won't even know the difference I'm not going to cook a live chicken hey shf peipi what do you want junior oh you got me KFC no that's not for you that's for your dad look he wanted me to cook a live chicken and I'm not going to do that well instead of cooking a live chicken what if you were a chicken what Cody yeah when I said what if you were a chicken you're supposed to turn shefy into a chicken well I can't control what it turns people into junior it's unpredictable okay well when I say what if you were a chicken try to turn shef into a chicken okay but he's probably not going to be a chicken what if you were a chicken what are you idiots up to Cody just shoot him okay H SHP you're a chicken oh no Junior he's actually a sloth they're really slow what they are sure what did you do to [Music] me me and Cody turned into a sloth of this animal Ray thing turn me back right now you B basketball start turd he said turd all right Chef you can keep being silly me and Cody going to turn more stuff into animals see you later oh man Chef's funny as a sloth yeah funny funny funny sloth all right what else should we turn into an animal well Junior we've been turning people into animals but we're really supposed to be turning objects into animals oh yeah we got to help Australia we got to make 1 billion animals so let me go grab a bunch of random object to turn into animals okay okay all right Cody I grabbed a bunch of random stuff from around my house I got the Pixar ball oh okay I got Simon says all right and I got my Thomas Thomas but Junior you love Thomas I know Cody but we got to save Australia okay I also got blue- eyes white dragon no Junior not blue eyes white dragon I know he's super valuable but Cody we got to make a billion animals yeah okay I guess you're right I also got my copy of Flushed Away for the GameCube no oh Junior not flushed away for the GameCube no Junior put that back it's too valuable I know Cody it's super valuable and no one else has it and they would die for it but Cody we have to make a billion animals we got to save Australia look we're two 10year olds we'll go down in history for saving Australia okay but this better count for two animals cuz this is quite a sacrifice I know Cody so start with Flushed Away Junior I don't know if I can do it do it Cody okay Cody what is that that's a Nar Junior it looks like a whale with a unicorn horn it's a pretty lousy exchange for Flushed Away in the GameCube is what it is it looks like it's supposed to be in water yeah it is I'm going to go put it in the bathtub you take the machine and just keep turning things into animals okay okay let's turn some stuff into animals blue-eyed white dragon oh cool a turtle okay go walk to Australia buddy all right let's go turn some more stuff into animals all right Thomas I love you so much but it's animal time oh coola buny rabbit go to Australia Australia okay um Simon says Whoa cool a dog I think okay Australia that's where you're going okay the Pixar ball oh call a cat all right uh Kitty you're going to go to Australia okay yeah okay okay all right um what else can I turn into it ooh Ken I mean I turned Thomas into an animal so Cody can sacrifice Ken for an animal whoa Ken you turned into a chicken wait wait Chien that makes sense Ken you're a chicken all right Ken now go to Australia and help out all the animals I feel so good helping out the planet Chef peipi is my fried chicken ready what what is this I told you I wanted fresh chicken not store bought chicken what is wrong with you Junior turn me into uh what's wrong with you chefi did you have a stroke or something look I wanted fresh chicken and you're going to make me a fresh chicken okay you know what there's a fresh chicken right there I'mma to take it to the stove and you're going to fix it for me you got that come on all right Chef peee the chicken is in the pan all you have to do is cook it now get the cooking God all right junor the Narwhal is all set up in the bathtub you make any more animals oh yeah Cody I made a bunch of animals I made a turtle I made a rabbit I made a cat I made a dog and I made a chicken oh good job Junior so what do you want to turn into an animal now um H what if we turn the couch into an animal oh that'd be awesome that'd be a really big animal all right let's try it okay whoa Cody we're on a giraffe oh sick that's so cool yeah wait Junior where's Ken who Ken he was sitting on the couch and now the couch is a giraffe where is he oh uh I haven't seen Ken I haven't seen him all day did you even bring him over to my house what yeah he was sitting right here on the couch what happened to him uh well I mean if the couch is a giraffe then maybe uh maybe he's on the giraffe's head hold on let me check hey how you doing no he's not up here either oh okay well since you're way up there I got something to tell you so I might have accidentally on purpose turned Ken into an animal what you turned Ken into an animal I turned him into a chicken because you know I I thought that you know I turned Thomas into an animal and I didn't care so I thought maybe you wouldn't care if I turned Ken into an animal and he turned into a chicken what you turned Ken into a [Applause] chicken chicken well Cody calm down we're just trying to help Australia Junior it doesn't matter we could have turned anything in the world into an animal why did it have to be my boyfriend well can I turn Thomas I didn't think you care but calm down look can't you just turn Kim back into a a doll no I have to make a whole new machine to do that all right Cody so go make a new machine and then I'll go try to find Ken okay okay just hurry up and find him okay oh [ __ ] why is that on fire call 911 thank God I got here in time to put out that fire this chicken almost got burned I got here just in time it's cooked perfectly what do you think started the fire uh well you forgot to pluck the feathers off of the chicken before you started cooking it so they caught fire and also the chef's a sloth so that's a problem the chicken had feathers so was it a a new chicken oh yeah it was a fresh chicken I mean it it must have been alive just literally a few minutes ago a few minutes ago uh oh no hey sloth uh you mind if I have some of your chicken it looks pretty good sure yes oh no Cody's going to be so mad when he finds out all right Junior I made a new machine to bring Ken back what's this one called this one's called the bring us together to help others love everything machine it's also an acronym well does it work well I haven't tried it yet okay well then try it on the giraffe and see if it turns into a couch oh okay Cody the couch is back it worked thank God okay so where's Ken Ken yeah you were supposed to find find him oh oh yeah chicken yeah yeah I I found him I I found him okay well then where is he oh he's downstairs but look I I'll do it I'll change him back give it to me wait why can't I go oh because um what you see uh oh I got us in this mess and I should get us out of it so let me do it okay here you go yeah yeah okay just stay right here don't come downstairs I got it I'm take care of it okay oh man this is a pretty good chicken oh hey kid you want some chicken it's delicious uh no thank you suit yourself oh man I really hope this works yeah it's actually really chewy what what I'm eating a toy what uh my my toy how did that get there sorry firefighter um I'll just take this back to my toy room thanks for helping with Australia what all right Cody uh Ken's all back to normal oh ken I'm so happy to see you whoa Ken I don't remember you being so dummy thick I didn't realize I was dating Shakira cuz those Hips Don't Lie yeah he he's all back to normal like that that's how he usually looks but why does he have tape on him uh tape yeah there's tape don't don't remove that uh he's doing a new workout to get a bigger butt so oh okay yeah so don't don't remove the tape but yeah everything's back to normal yeah yeah I'm just really sad that we didn't get to help Australia we were supposed to make a billion animals Cody yeah I guess all we can do now is just donate and that's what you can do just go donate to Australia in the link in the description yeah what what what Cody why' the power go out I don't know uh hey does anybody know this squirrel he chew through a power line outside and now the whole neighborhood's out of power oh Joseph
Channel: SMLs
Views: 211,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uzhW41U5rGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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