SML Movie: The Volleyball Game!

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uh Star Wars seen it Lord of the Rings seen it uh Titanic seen it Kung Fu Panda seen it Ice Age seen it uh Black Panther ooh haven't seen it what you haven't seen black panther dude no I heard Superman and Spider-Man and Iron Man weren't in it what why would they be in it it's black panthers time to shine well I don't know what he does what he turns into a panther like he turns into an actual cat well no like a mechanical Panther technology and stuff you know so he's Iron Man kind of I don't want to see it I'll just watch Iron Man what we didn't even have to buy this box to play this game we could just ask questions yeah it was a waste of money hey Joseph do you hear a really loud annoying sound dude it's your girlfriend oh hey penel what are you doing here I didn't make the volleyball team big whoop nobody surprised what's that supposed to mean well you can't be shocked that you didn't make a men's volleyball team it was a girls volleyball team Junior they have a team yes people actually watch it yes enjoy it yes no way lying and they wouldn't let me play with them well don't be sad penel no one's even going to watch that team play there's plenty of people that watch women's sports Junior no they don't you know the WNBA loses money every year and the NBA pays to keep it alive to shut you guys up there's plenty of famous women athletes too name one Serena Williams she plays tennis wait she has time to play tennis even after her talk show that's Wendy Williams Jr well sorry all I know is that women like to Yap and they all have talk shows like opal WI and Ellen degenerous and Rachel Ray and the view but they have little Wayne that's whoopy Goldberg what no is little Wayne on The View yeah that's wef baby told you girls are good at sports Junior no they're not not even volleyball I bet a girls volleyball team would beat a boys volleyball team any day of the week dulu she like a cuckoo clout dulu dulu I could literally get a bunch of my friends and we could beat that volleyball team that you were trying to join I bet you couldn't come on Joseph let's go get Cody and Jeffrey and a coach and we'll go beat your girls volleyball team yeah this going to be Kake dude I got it I got it oh no that's all me that's all me God damn it Elizabeth why are you so afraid of the ball I'm not scared of the ball coach I'm scared of Wilma Wilma's just going through a transition right now sorry coach my hormones are all types of [ __ ] up it's okay Wilma just be ready for the game okay Co all right boys this game's going to be cake cuz they are girls and what have girls ever done for the world men invented airplanes the richest man in the world is a man is that a coincidence I think not a man invented peanut butter and rees's peanut butter cups are delicious so there's no reason we should lose this volleyball game well they look like they're really good well I didn't even look at them cuz I don't look at girls I look at men pause I I look at men when they're playing sports I'm not gay well we've never even played volleyball a day or life well it doesn't matter because men are so smart at sports that we can just pick it up naturally so let's go go out there and kick some non penis having ass yeah hello and welcome to the first ever boys versus girls volleyball tournament today we will finally answer the question of which gender is best at sports boys or girls let's meet the girls starting lineup Elizabeth Southern Mississippi State University chassid Bel homeschooled Wilma East Rutherford mental institution Jessica slamson always win University let's go ladies now it's time to look at the boys starting lineup oh we didn't do starting lineups cuz we're not taking this that seriously cuz we're going to win so easily but this is Junior Cody Joseph and Jeffy from Wu Dum Elementary School okay well let's play ball okay girls how to up you bunch of [ __ ] okay Coach okay we're going to be going up against some [ __ ] ass boys and one of them is my son he's got weak ankles so don't be afraid to go for him and he loves balls so hit him in the face yes coach oh God damn it chassity belt give me a gum sorry how many times do I have to tell you no gum next time I'm going to make you swallow it she's used to that coach yeah you're telling me Elizabeth fix your knee pads you don't want bruise knees sorry coach Wilma fix your tits your nipples are looking at the moon [ __ ] my bad coach I swear to God if you girls lose this game you're going to be playing volleyball in Uganda I love black panther okay now let's get out there and show these boys how to hit a [ __ ] ball yes sir all right boys go in I mean if you don't you're going to be embarrassed in front of the whole country but I'm not even worried about that cuz you're boys and they're girls and this is going to be easy H now to just sit back and watch them kick some ass oh number nine is so hot come on ladies start jumping up and down some more Jonathan what the hell are you doing here I always come to the girls volleyball games I never miss them why do you have lotion uh that's because my hands get so dry from clapping uh-huh and why do you have a blanket it gets cold in here and if you were to remove that blanket would your pants be down you know they don't fit me right I have to wear a belt for my pants but I forgot it yeah right get it Jeffy get it Cody it's coming to you okay I actually hit it are you okay Cody you just got beat up by a girl that's not a girl junior he has his pronouns on his arm yeah yeah I'm here I'm here oh girls just scored it's now 1 to zero did I mention first to five wins oh hell no number Nine's not even a girl number nine is a beautiful woman no no no I'm not standing for this hey hey this isn't fair your team's supposed to be all girls but number nine has a bulge he's one of those Transformers he's going to be a girl someday this doesn't count one serving zero dude I got this we're not going to lose to a bunch of [Applause] girls wo we scored a point you suck girls yeah you suck girls yeah we're going to win yeah [ __ ] why' you miss that I don't know never mind we're winning even with a boy on your team God damn it time out everybody huddle up you let them score a [ __ ] point it's tied coach give me a ponytail give it yeah that's right you mouth off to me one more time and I'm tearing it off now I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm seeing out there a bunch of girls chastity belt chastity belt give me the [ __ ] phone holy Jesus 3 million snap score I told you coach those knee pads ain't for volleyball well you can get this back after you win the game now if you let them scroll one more time I'm going to shave all of your heads and don't e the hair to stin Jude me first now get out there and show them why girls roll and Boys Roll girl power yeah all right Cody you're going to serve what do I do you hit the ball over the net what from way back here what am I Steph Curry you got it Cody do it okay what no he gets a redo yeah yeah that sucks Reserve okay Cody punch it as hard as you can in the air okay you punched it into the bleachers you said punch it hard oh girls ball one7 one get it get it get get get it oh [ __ ] girls score 21 oh [ __ ] he kicked it this isn't soccer two serving one CH belt what Cody why didn't you hit it I was scared yeah girls score 31 yeah Cody you suck you little [ __ ] that's my son I gave birth to him so I can say that three serving [Music] one Cody try girls 4-1 if they score another point they win you boys better not lose to a bunch of girls and one guy for serving one yeah yeah uh junior he keeps pointing at me well hit the ball Cody get it get it get it okay this is my moment my time to shine don't screw this up Cody I screwed it up oh we lost Cody girls [Applause] win you just lost to a bunch of girls and one guy wait a minute ref hey ref number nine has a dick is that so let me check this out number nine can I interrupt your motor boating so I can look inside your trousers yes sir oh golly big ain't it oh okay penis penis everybody girls are eliminated boys win yeah boys win yeah boys are better we clearly showed them tonight come on let's go get pizza and ice cream huddle up girls okay girls we clearly won tonight but since Wilma has a penis we're going to stop by Target to get some scissors to snip that off more like hedge clippers am I right yeah and we're going to get some Rises to shave all your heads can I get my phone back ponytail give it now oh ow oh all right girls get in the car guess what Penelope us boys just beat the women's volleyball team you no you didn't Junior uh yeah we did then what was the final score 5 to one yep who had five the girls team then you didn't win Junior well the girls team got disqualified for having a man on their team which shows men are better than girls at everything at everything everything everything I'm going home wait wait you I didn't mean it I mean girls are better at talk shows I mean but we do have Dr Phil and Steve Harvey dude oh I love Steve Harvey he looks like Mr Potato Head I love Mr Potato [Music] Head
Channel: SML
Views: 4,383,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, the vollyeball game, volleyball, sports, sport, girls, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, hilarious, brooklyn guy, junior, joseph, cody, laugh, fun
Id: zT05mNJ4ZLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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