SML Movie - Truth Or Dare! - Full Episode

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guys I got donuts oh thanks baby um mommy what are donuts they're good Jeffy well of course you would say nuts are good you're a girl but Jeffy don't say that they have nothing to do with nuts then why are they called donuts what I don't know are they made out of nuts no are they made out of dough yeah like 100% dough okay so then where did the nuts come in at did the chef rub his nuts all over him Jeffy don't say that no no one rubbed their nuts on him well do they look like a nutshack no well then show me baby show them okay Jeffy look look what they look like Danny that looks nothing like a nut sack see I told you it has nothing to do with nut sacks it's it's just dough call them dough circles well I think they look like big Cheerios that's what they are they're really big Cheerios and they're really good you should have some oh okay D I'm going to give me a big Cheerio which one do I want um D why is this big Cheerio gold what baby did you order a golden donut no I don't know how that got in there why did we get a golden donut look Marvin let's watch TV hey there do you like donuts if you do go buy a box of donuts and if you find the golden donut you'll win a lifetime supply of free donut go buy them now wow we really just won a lifetime supply of donuts we're going to get so fat Marvin um actually I won the lifetime supply of donuts because I found the golden donut but I bought them Jeffy but baby don't argue look we're not going to claim that prize because that's so unhealthy we don't need a lifetime supply of donuts you're right Marvin well then can I go claim your prize no Jeffy we don't need a lifetime supply of donuts that's so unhealthy oh man Daddy all right well if you need me I'll be in my room just eating these donuts and not going to go claim the prize for a lifetime supply of donuts and become the Donut King or anything yep do if you need me I'll be in my room D okay Jeffy here ye here ye I am the ruler of the donuts I am the Donut King wa Jeffy how'd you get so many donuts well Junior I found this golden donut and I won a lifetime supply of donuts and now every time I want some they send me hundreds of them cuz I'm the Donut King well can I get a donut no Junior I'm sorry but if I give one to you I'll have to give one to all the peasants oh you you just have hundreds of them so I thought I could probably have one H well how about this junior if you want a donut from the King something amazing you must bring to trade to trade yeah you got to trade me something cool for a donut uh well can I just give you money no I don't want money Junior I want something cool what could I trade you for a donut um oh I know I I got something how about this it's a megaphone it makes you talk really loud give me sh PE PE all right Junior you got yourself a trade you may pick out one donut yay I get a donut they're thinging a show pee I feel so sick from eating Donuts I ate way too many donuts see this is exactly why we weren't going to claim the lifetime of supply of donuts because they just make you feel so awful after you eat them look morvin the news uh breaking news k there's a worldwide dut shortage ever since this kid won a lifetime supply of donuts and requested that all of them be brought to his Donut Kingdom he didn't Jeffy we told you not to claim those donuts Jeffy yes Father we told you not to claim those donuts bow to the king what bow to the king I'm not bowing to you bow King no Jeffy Marvin maybe we should just bow and get it over with I'm not bowing to him Danny your Sho untied thanks for Bowing to the king I didn't bow to you Mommy your toes are untied what thanks for Bowing to the king we did not bow to you Jeffy look we're getting rid of all these Donuts D we can't get rid of my Donuts because I'm the Donut King and this is my Donut Kingdom Jeffy I told you not to claim those donuts dang you don't get a lifetime supply donuts and not claim them Jeffy look we're going to get rid of all these Donuts right now okay please leave the kingdom I'm not I'm not leaving there not a kingdom God yes my le I requested that they leave the dut Kingdom and they're not leaving leave the Donut Kingdom it's not a kingdom it's a Bed full of donuts in my house the king wants you to leave he's not even a king that's a burger king crown look leave or you'll be sorry what are you going to do about it dolphin boy okay that's racist and if you don't leave I'm going to give you a tail whooping a dolphin tail whooping I'm going to whoop you with my tail is what I'm saying baby let's just get out of here they're a bunch of bullies oh look look look at that on the TV Karen there's a dut shortage huh how about that no buy I don't want to look at the TV I just want to cuddle with you it's cuddle time yeah that's great Karen my phone's ringing no buddy you got to cuddle with me it's cuddle time cuddle time it's answer the phone time K get get off got to answer the phone hello wait really the chief wa oh my God okay I'll be right over buddy what's going on it's the chief he's dying oh no chief chief what's going on I'm dying guy no no no no no don't don't don't say that what's wrong wrong right here oh Dr something Wong what is wrong Wong a girl no no I mean what's wrong with him oh he dying he dying real fast he donut blood sugar be going and crash he need donut he need donut right now really sir you need a donut yeah guy whenever you become the chief of police you have to have a dut every 24 hours or else you die oh no but but Chief the donuts are sold out all over the world ever since that damn kid had to go and win that stupid contest well guy it looks like I'm going to die then tell my wife I was cheating on her no no sir you're going to tell her that yourself because you're going to make it you really think so guy I know so sir I'm going to get a donut well you better hurry cuz the heart rate monitor video only 4 minutes long okay okay I'm going to hurry right now I'll go hurry up damn it Marvin what ever since Jeffy kicked you out of Donut Kingdom you've been angrily eating those baked beans yeah I like baked beans when I'm stressed out I eat baked beans it's my new thing every character has a thing my new thing is baked beans it's a little weird no every character has a favorite food like you know like Woody like shrimp and Shrek like cheesecake I I like baked beans that that's my thing now there's someone at the door hold on hello oh hey hey hey is your son who want all the donuts here yeah he's upstairs in his dut Kingdom his what his Donut Kingdom every since he won all those donuts he made a kingdom in his room okay well I really really need one of those donuts well so does everyone in the world they made a line outside his room what really yeah there's a line so if you want a donut just go join the line okay okay what oh come on this line is ridiculous I know tell me about it I've been here for 45 minutes what 45 minutes hey hey hey poy hey poy let me skip you no come on hey hey Logan Logan let let me get in front of you no oh come on okay I can see why the movie never came out yeah you guys were too busy waiting in line for donuts wait is that Elena Elena can I get in front of you no the SML crew sucks I'm disliking all your videos hey hey poopy how's your bum arm oh haa okay this sucks I'm going to go talk to the god I've been in line for 30 minutes what's taking so long sorry ma'am The Donut King is very busy you'll just have to be patient okay coming through sorry sorry hey no skipping oh come on you play like one character a I play two characters I play your wife Bo okay okay don't even start hey man no skipping come on I'm a cop I'm an officer of the law don't you have like a line skip pass no no you'll just have to wait in line like everybody else what hey what's that where nice try all right send the next one in all right next oh me me me me me hey I said next hey hey I'm here I'm here I was next just don't ask anybody else okay can I have a donut now bow to the king what bow to the king oh yes yes yes your highness anything for a donut okay can I have one if you want a donut from the King something amazing you must bring to trade to trade yeah you got to trade me something for for a donut okay I have cash can I just give you that no I want something cool for a donut okay look look man I have a 20 how about I just give you a 20 no you got to trade me something cool see I got like this pocket bowling game I got this megaphone I got a flashlight and a stapler you got to trade me something cool if you want a donut okay so just like junk no something cool I don't okay okay look man my boss is dying okay and he if he doesn't get a donut he's going to die all right so I really need do you not have a heart bored what I don't know what to get oh you can have my hat do you want my hat I'll give you my hat no I already have a crown that says Burger King what okay maybe my tie I'll give you my whole outfit no you got to trade me something or else leave the kingdom well I don't have anything to trade I I I I don't I don't know what to give just give me a damn donut leave the kingdom what no no I need leave the kingdom no I'm going to take a donut don't call him he's already pissed hey what's up your highness kick him out of the Kingdom oh good he skipped in life anyway oh oh come on come on and stay out I don't want to see your face in the dut kingdom ever again well fine I I don't want to be in the stupid doughnut Kingdom anyway it's stupid and dumb I do really need a dut though where am I going to get one oh oh Karen she's not banned yeah just get her okay okay Karen here take this go go B I don't understand what you're trying to get me to do here it's very simple Karen I just needed to take this digdug machine into the dut Kingdom and give it to the dut King in exchange for a donut but Bo I don't understand why you don't just go to the store get a donut what Karen don't you think if it was that simple I would have done it already they're sold out everywhere haven't you seen the news I'm sorry that I'm not as obsessed with donuts as you are I'm not obsessed with donuts Karen hey Kitty oh it's a k cat this is crazy well it's not crazy Karen just go talk to the dolphin Bo hey do you understand how ridiculous this sounds listen to what you're telling me to do you need me to talk to a dolphin to get to the Donut Kingdom to trade the Dig duug machine for a donut from The Donut King to get to the doctor to give you a Dy boss on his deathbed yes can you do it okay Bo but this just sounds crazy okay here take it go oh why is she taking so long hey bu I got your donut okay and you got the donut wait wait why is there a bite taken out of it oh I got hungry on the way out k i okay I guess it doesn't matter it's fine but wait where's your dress oh uh I really wanted to keep the digdug machine Bo good choice all right Karen you got the donut I can save my boss hey we better hurry chief chief I got the Donut oh you're too late he die no all right hold on let me just restart the [Music] video chief chief quick eat the donut guy you saved my life I do anything for you sir e all right Daddy I gave away all my Donuts you gave away all your Donuts I sure did so the Donut Kingdom is no more what did you trade for all your Donuts well someone traded me a Ferrari for all my Donuts a Ferrari for all your Donuts yep well you know what I'm glad you don't need that many donuts anyway those are unhealthy you need to eat something healthy like baked beans e baby look what I just found I found the golden baked bean you know what that means baked beans for the rest of my life oh no all hail the baked bean King who wants to trade me a Ferrari for all my baked beans Marvin guess what came in the mail today these nuts my grandparents ashes a wait your grandparents ashes like both of them yeah Marvin they wanted to be mixed together for all eternity wait so they're both inside this thing ew that their ashes yes Marvin they died they were cremated they wanted to be put in this Priceless one-of-a-kind vase that's been passed down from generation to generation in my family well can we put it like in the closet or something I don't want to look at it it's weird oh no Marvin they Love Kitchens they said when we die put us in the kitchen okay well I'm not going to sit in the kitchen and look at your grandparents death sand okay I'm going to go upstairs oh okay all right guys are you ready to kick the soccer ball in the house yeah but Junior what if we break something Cody are you 40 years old what if we break something yeah be a kid for once well I just don't want to get in trouble we're not going to get in trouble hey Jeffy I'm going to kick the ball to you first okay I got it I got it my turn watch this oh what was that it sounded like you broke something it sounded like you broke something Cody that's what you sound like if you ever want to know what you sound like that's what you sound like okay that doesn't change that you broke something okay how do you know I broke something because there was a loud crash from the kitchen but what if there's a speaker in there that plays crashing glass sounds what why would you have that you know there like little machines that play nature noises maybe it's on the crashing glass sound channel yeah yeah that sounds very relaxing crashing glass sounds I'd like to fall asleep to that guys do you think I broke something no see look guys it's three against one so I didn't break anything okay let's go check okay what do I get when there's nothing broken there uh $5 okay I'm about to get $5 okay oh no what happened here junior this is the thing you broke wait so there's not a machine that makes broken glass noises in here no you don't have one of those yes I do and what is all this stuff I think it's someone's ashes wow they have a serious smoking problem if they have that much ashes but no Junior I mean like human ashes like this used to be people dude this is a lot of people all right guys okay what are we going to do about this what are we going to do junior you're the one who broke it no we all broke it cuz we all kicked the soccer ball but you hit it last no Jeffy hit it last no you hit it last guys it doesn't matter that Jeffy hit it last we just have to focus on cleaning it up so I'm going to swe up the ashes and let's put it inside a vase it looks just like it Junior where are we going to find a vase it looks just like this one hey guys look at this vase I found that looks just like that one Jeffy come on we needed that Grandpa Grandpa all right who did it Jeffy did it what yeah yeah Jeffy did it Jeffy did it yeah Jeffy did it oh screw you guys that's it Jeffy you're grounded but I didn't do it your friends ratted you out and said you did it so you're coming with [Applause] me all right Jeffy that's it you're grounded but I didn't break the face yes you did well I didn't break the first vase but I broke the second vase there was only one vase Jeffy no there wasn't there were two vases no so what of a Kind Priceless I had to down Generation generation my exactly there was only one vase Jeffy guys if there were two vases go ahead and hit the like button and the Subscribe button proed them wrong Jeffy there was only one phase and you broke it cuz your friend said you broke it my friends are no longer my friends anymore because they framed me Jeffy gets framed it's the title of the video Jeffy you're grounded for a month this house is a prison go to your room daddy I'm going to prove to you that my friends framed me okay then do that then but you're the one who broke it it's okay baby we'll go sweep it up and we'll put it in like a litter box or something what all right guys what color do you think goes next oh dude totally the orange one oh definitely orange no what's up dags oh hey Jeffy sorry we had to blame it on you because of you guys I lost TV for a month oh that's rough yeah that sucks dude yeah sorry Jeffy you guys better go tell my dad the truth or else I'm going to ruin all of your lives but but they they already think you did it so just take the blame on this one so you've chosen death I hope you guys enjoy it dude what is Jeffy going to do I don't know he's not going to do anything all right guys I think blue is next no [Music] all right guys I think we put him in the perfect order you guys cannot be serious well you can't do it any better yeah guys I think I'm just going to go get Ken and go home wait where'd you leave Ken at oh he's on the couch downstairs I left Ken right here wait wait what's this if you ever want to see Ken again admit that I didn't break the vase Jeffy must have taken Ken Junior you have to go admit that you broke the vase right now but no I'm not going to get grounded just so you can get your stupid dumb doll back but Junior I need Ken back well look nothing's going to happen to Ken but but what if he hurts him dude he's a doll yeah he's a doll how is he going to hurt a dumb doll he's not going to hurt him who's that who is that uh hello hello oh down there dude hey Cody there's a package here for you but to me but this is your house I know that's weird we should open it so Cody why did a package for you come to my house I don't know it's really weird what' you order new glasses new glasses yeah new glasses why would I order new glasses because you love to collect glasses and wear them but do you think I wear glasses because I collect glasses no I wear glasses because my eyes don't work right so did you order new eyes new eyes yeah okay I'm just going to open the box now it's kid head where's the rest of it wait there's no more pie in there no it's just his head Junior we have to go tell the truth right now no I'm not going to tell the truth just because you got kin's head but Junior look what he did to him maybe the other pieces will come in the mail see look that might be another box with another piece to him come on hello Mom Dad what are you doing here we're very disappointed in you Cody what what did I do you ate a Baconator Cody we're Jewish we're not supposed to eat pork well I didn't eat a Baconator oh yeah well then why did we find this Baconator rapper in your room along with a note that says hahaa I ate this bacon at from Wy so you going to laugh in our face ooh you're going to burn in Jewish hair for that why would I leave a note about something I'm not allowed to do because you're just that cocky Cody you didn't think you'd get caught why couldn't you just have eaten a Dave's double I did I love Dave's doubles I get them all the time I don't want to hear you coming home right now okay we're going to give you a spank andat tell the truth Junior I don't want to get grounded whoa dude Cody's life is ruined just like Jeffy said well do you think jeffy's going to try to ruin our lives nah I don't have parents so I'd love to see them try Give Me Your Best Shot who's at the door hello Joseph mommy yes I came back because I love you and I want to be a family again really yes M why you guys ready to tell the truth Jeffy you ruin my life then tell the truth Jeffy just stop doing this didn't tell the truth oh man oh oh it's really hot in that thing all right kid you get my 100 bucks yeah it's right here on my diaper you can go ahead and grab it thank you man you really made that guy feel pretty bad yeah got me grounded oh I mean I'd feel bad if I were you but whatever uh let me know if you need anything else I got a whole bunch more costumes all right thanks M my famous soup is almost ready oh hey Jeffy what are you doing wait why are you getting closer to me stop it stop it stop [Applause] it I'm so sorry Joseph dude my whole life is ruined just tell the truth well I don't want to get grounded dude just tell the truth Junior dinner's ready oh dinner's ready oh man I'm so hungry what did Chef peipe make me oh he made you his famous soup what wait what's in this Chef Pee PE no I know he made the suit but what's in this Chef Pee PE Chef you K it baby yep and I'm going to keep going until you tell the truth no I want your baby back are you going to tell the truth oh yes okay fine I'll go tell your dad I'll go tell that you didn't do it all right good oh man you got Junior so good yep here's your 100 bucks thank you very much that'll teach him a lesson mhm okay you want the truth okay Jeffy did not break your stupid dumb grandparents face I broke it I was the last one to kick the chocolo ball and I'm the one who broke it so ungr we can stop killing our families mother father I demand in your apology wait so Jeffy you did not break that vase nope well I broke the second one but not the first one so your friends lied yes they framed me wait the title of the video Jeffy gets framed we should have paid attention yeah I've been telling you guys that well Jeffy we're sorry for grounding you we just we just thought you did it now kiss my hand kiss your hand kiss my hand ow now don't you ever try to take my TV away from me again now which one of you is going to go sweep up Grandma and [Music] Grandpa 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 all right Joseph the pins are set up Julie you better not be making a mess in there I'm not going to make a mess oh dude I can't wait to get a strike all right guys we're playing extreme bowling so Joseph you're going to throw that bowling ball into the kitchen and hit the pins but uh how am I supposed to see the pins if I'm blindfolded look look you're staring right at the pins just trust me so if you throw it straight you'll get a strike okay okay dude this seems like a really bad idea a Shut Up For Eyes you don't know what you're talking about anyway well yeah Cody I've never had a bad idea in my entire life okay all right Joseph so just throw it Forward okay okay I'm going to bed dude did I get a strike it sounded like a strike to me kind of I'm going get the ball okay my turn actually I don't feel like playing this game anymore but but but it's my turn I know that's why I don't want to play anymore yeah me neither dude let's go upstairs and think of another game to play yeah okay fine you know what I'll get the ball and do it myself stupid Junior didn't want to get the ball for me watch this strike what one left are you kidding me okay fine at least I can go for the spare well come on that's not even possible so Joseph since Cody went home you want to go get ice cream yeah bro you know I love ice cream yeah chocolate's my favorite all right guys what are we doing dang it uh Cody we thought you went home well no I was just downstairs and I got a wicked strike you should have seen it God I wish you went home yeah me too so Cody since you're still here what do you want to do uh we could play board games ew you want to know why they're called board games because they make you bored good one dude yeah right well no they're called board games cuz you usually play them on a board what well what about twister it's on a mat mat games well like the spinny things on a board God you're so ugly right who's at the door oh it's probably your parents coming to pick you up no it's not Hello Cody's parents please be the hello uh dude there's no one here hello did we get ding-dong ditched I don't know dude but I'm scared maybe it was a ghost Ken wait what's Ken doing here did Cody leave him at the front door I don't know dude then who knocked uh hold on um Cody Ken was at the door all by himself hey Ken how was the party sick did you motorboat oh you motorboating son wait wait Ken was at a party yeah I called him an Uber cuz I didn't want him driving not after that party he had too many pickles wait so how did Ken knock on the door with his hands duh he's a dog dude how can he knock on the door when he's a dog oh yeah he's not alive how can he knock on the door and take uers but he's not a dog he's alive all right guys how about this let's just think of a fun game to play that's not a board game so what game should we play gy no Hopscotch no Yi no hula hoop no Yi no jump rope no Yi I'm not playing YSI oh guys how about we play uh tag tag you're it oh tag you're it uh tag you're it tag you're it oh come on Cody you ruined the game how did I ruin it because you tagged Ken he can't tag us back yeah yes he can well show us uh tag I it when that doesn't count you just leaned into it that's dumb he's not alive yeah that's a double tag how about this how about this how about we create our own game H oh I know what if there was a game where if you dared someone to do something they had to do it no matter what but if they didn't want to do a dare if you ask them a question they had to answer it like a truth sounds like yachi to me yeah yeah yeah it could be called Truth or yatsi yeah I like that yeah truth or yatsi no that's dumb no no or no this is dare so dare or truth or yatsi oo I like that one yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no dare or truth like dare or truth that's what it's called yeah no I think Truth or Dare sounds better that sounds awful Cody it doesn't roll off the tongue as well as dare or truth we're going to call it dare or truth okay so the rules are if I dare you to do something you have to do it but but but if you don't want to do a dare I'll ask you a question and you have to answer no matter how bad it is okay okay so Joseph dare or truth H dare you know I'm dare deil okay I dare you to wear Cody's glasses for the rest of the video e not his glasses I don't want to be a nerd all day oh you're not going to be a nerd you're not going to have his pimples or his big fat head or his ugly teeth just his glasses all right so Cody um take off two of your four eyes but but I can't see without my glasses take them off it's part of the game you're not going to ruin someone else's dare yeah fine oh I hate these glasses haha Joseph you're four eyes now dude I can't even see anything they're so blurry yeah they prescription what he's hideous I know he's the ugliest person I've ever seen right I wish I could get my eyes remed I'd have to see them ever again me too what's wrong Cody you're the ugliest person I've ever seen in my entire life like those eyes are ugly no no no I have beautiful blue eyes no I can kick a field goal between your eyes like your eyes have a straining orders on each other like they can't go within 100 fet of each other Savage your eyes are like the Earth and the moon what like like you have to take a rocket to get to the other one that's how far it is when Moses parted the Red Sea he parted your eyes oh no yeah you're just so ugly Cody Junior just ask me dare or truth okay dare or truth uh dare um I dare you to ask out a girl ew that's what she's going to say when you ask her where are we going to find a girl at this time of night anyway just go outside and if you see one ask her out what what if she says yes that's not going to be a problem she is not going to say yes okay I'll ask Ken Ken is it okay he says it's okay as long as he doesn't say yes she's not going to say yes trust me she's not going to say yes let's go find a girl wow I love looking at their stars all right Cody there's a girl ask her out what is she doing outside it's like midnight she's looking at the stars it's cloudy there are no stars just ask her oh my God what you were just so ugly Cody every time I look at you just reminds me how ugly you are you have fetal pickle syndrome how many pickles did your mom have when she was pregnant with you Junior just shut up I'm not ugly girls love me then ask her out okay excuse me ma'am would you like to go ow ow I can't close my eyes I don't have eyelids oh it burns it burns ow ow ow dude what happened to you she sprayed me in the face with Silly String pepper spray did she say yes or no I took that as a no yeah she turned around and saw his ugly chameleon eyes and she freaked out and sprayed him Junior it's your turn oh yeah it's my turn all right Junior dare truth a dare I never turned down a dare okay I dare you to take Chef pee's underwear that he's wearing right now and wear it on your head and then give it to me afterwards E I don't want to wear Chef peip dirty underwear on my head you have to do it Junior it's a dare yeah hey you have to do it dude it's just underwear you're right all right I'll do it I'm not going to back down from this dare I'm not going to lose God I can't sleep knowing there's a big mess downstairs hey shpi no Junior I don't want to see your face because you made a big mess downstairs that's cute I got a question shpi what do you wear underwear yes I wear underwear like every other human being do you have some on right now yes I have on some right now don't sleep naked can I have them no what what look they're dirty they're gross and they're stinky why would you want them I need them on my head what what kind of sick fetish is that Junior look I just need them on my head no I need them on my ass so you can't have them look shfp me and my friends made up this game called dare or truth and it's wait wait wait you mean truth or dare you didn't make up that game yes we did it's called dare or truth anyway it's been around forever Cody dared me to get a pair of your underwear and wear it on my head and I cannot lose this game so give me some of your underwear shfp well sorry you lost this game because I I need to put them on my butt I need them on my head no no no I need them on my butt Okay shfp I lied to you rumor has it around town is that you have dooo stains in your underwear I don't have no doooo stains in my underwear man everyone in town thinks you have dooo stains on your underwear and I wanted to see your underwear to prove to them because I don't think you have D underwear but I don't cuz Cody and Joseph and Dad and everyone around town thinks you have dooo stains in your underwear so if you could just show me your underwear and show me there's no doooo stains then you know what there's my underwear Junior do you see any doooo stains on it huh huh huh um not really but there might be some microscopic dooo stains so I think I need to wear them on my my head so my eyes can get a better look what weirdo all right guys guess who's the king of dare or truth waa dude you actually got them whoa let me smell them I can't believe you guys dared me to do that you guys did dare me to do that right somebody said it I think it was Ken all right Joseph it's your turn uh how about truth why don't your parents love you I don't even know the answer dude Savage all right Cody dare or Truth uh truth are you straight hey wao hey we're having a good time here we we don't got to ruin it you know Junior give me my underwear back no they're mine I I I mean no yeah shf peipi no I have to keep them on my head it's part of a dare well I have to keep them on my butt so give me my underwear back how about this shf peipi if you play dare or truth with us I'll give them back I'm not playing truth or dare with you why are you saying it like that yeah it's weird it's called dare or truth not Truth or Dare so look if you play we'll give you your underwear back fine then dare how about that dare um I dare you to make make out with Cody hey Chef B I don't want to do it but you know it's a dare so Puck her up I'm not making out with Cody well then you're going to lose you're not going to get your underwear back well I guess I lost then ah you lost Chef peipi we get to keep your underwear all right Junior it's your turn dare or Truth uh dare I really like the dares okay then ooh I dare you to put Cody's glasses in the garbage disposure okay but no that's not fair Ken Ken hasn't even had a turn well he's a doll he can't play this game well yeah he can hey hey Ken dare TR truth oh dare you dirty dog okay with something weird you uh oh oh I know uh Ken I dare you to take your shirt off and let me pour chocolate syrup all over your hunky sexy body cuz that'd be so gross right like no one no one would want to do that that's weird Cody yeah yeah exactly that's why I'm daring him to do it come on guys all right Ken are you ready for this very embarrassing dare like it's so weird that I wouldn't even do it cuz it's just a weird Cody is gross yeah I know I know it's why it's weird hurry up and pour the chocolate syrup dude oh you're just as excited as I am all right Ken get [Music] ready that's enough Cody no more all right Cody stop huh that's that's enough chocolate syrup who Who Dares me to lick it off huh all right jph let's go yeah it's such a weird dare right oh man Cody's so weird I know he's the weirdest person ever all right Joseph it's your turn dare or truth truth why do you keep shoing truth dare is cooler truth is safe dude I guess you're right all right since you're homeless uh where is the weirdest place you've slept ooh man the places I slept in a McDonald's dumpster ones o I slept in a Chuck-E-Cheese ball pin and I one time I dug up a grave and I slept in the coffin talk about a maple coffin with a velvet inside oh man it was comfortable all right guys I cleaned off Ken wait how' you clean off Ken I don't have any paper towels oh I don't need paper towels the tongue is Nature's paper towel oh my God that is the scariest thing I've ever seen all right um Kody skipped his turn because he just did a weird dare all right so it's my turn um someone ask me dare or truth all right Junior dare or Truth uh dare I always do dare I'm not a crybaby I dare you to punch your dad dad in the face but I'll get grounded you got to do it Junior yeah you got to do it it's a dare dude you're right I never back down from a dare dad dad dad dad what do you want junior oh you're wearing Chef pe's underwear on your head you like doing that too man that's in oh and the doodo staining on the back it's like a design or something okay well how are you feeling dad oh feeling pretty good just chilling I'm kind of hungry though what you're hungry yeah are you in the mood for a knuckle sandwich ow you call that a hit I'll show you a hit I went I went through the Dare Cody Junior's getting his butt beat Cody sorry I had to grab the underwear off his head all right Jeffy it's time to eat your green beans green beans Daddy I don't like green beans I know Jeffy but you have to eat them no baby can you help me feed them okay Marvin Jeffy just open your mouth open your mouth for the green beans I don't know how to open my mouth Jeffy you're opening your mouth right now baby say something to him Jeffy please eat your green beans a okay Mommy a wait really Jeffy you have to eat your green beans hold on Daddy one J it where you going I don't know what's he doing read it Daddy where'd you get that at Jeffy I know Jeffy you have to eat your gra B oh no Marvin look breaking news okay world renowned painter jacqu Pierre Francois has died he reportedly fell off a bridge and landed on a canvas and with his last dying breath he named the painting The as his body hit the canvas the painting sold for $200 million and is currently hanging up in my living room he leaves behind his million dooll Fortune to his only son who is unknown at this time oh Marvin that's so sad well I don't know who he is what' he do he was a famous painter he got got famous for putting paint in his nose and sneezing it on the canvas he got famous for sneezing on a canvas yeah it's genius um Danny I finished all my green beans you finished all your green beans yep what are you sure you didn't Dum them behind the couch nope I'm going to go check all right go check Mommy I lied Daddy's going to be mad oh Jeffy Jeffy you lied they're all behind the couch those aren't my green beans Jeffy then who are they I don't even know tell the truth Jeffy oh okay mommy um I rub my pee over that remote control e well that's it Jeffy you are grounded you're going stand in the corner my phone's ringing all look I'm going to answer the phone and then you're go stand in the corner what's your corner uh hello hey is this Marvin uh yeah who's this this is the police I mean uh no no this is it Marvin oh this the ma I clean his house okay first of all that was racist and second uh what what accent was that supposed to be was it like Chinese or something I was going for like Hispanic oh no no you got to work on that okay look you know it's me what do you want oh yeah we got a woman here who filed a missing person's report she says she's looking for her son she like dropped him off at some random place a long time ago but she says he wears like a blue helmet and a yellow shirt that's Jeffy that's Jeffy yeah you can sit her here wait wait wait I'm sorry did you say Jeffy yes Jeffy oh no no I'm sorry I must have called the wrong person I I'm looking for Jerry Jerry yeah I have Jerry written down I think it's Jerry but no it's Jeffy you describe Jeffy perfectly I have her son tell her to come pick up pick him up he is right at my house like come to my house right now okay I'll send her over but if she's disappointed cuz Jerry's not there it's Jeffy send her to my house I have him I have him I have Jeffy okay I'll send her oh my God oh my God the happiest day of my life all right Jeffy when Marvin gets back you're going to apologize for dumping green beans behind the couch okay mommy baby baby baby the greatest news I've ever Marvin wait before you say anything else there's something Jeffy needs to tell you what M daddy you're bald that's what he had to tell me no Jeffy say the other thing okay Daddy do you know how to spell hippo what h i p p oh yeah harder daddy oh you know what I don't really even care look the cops just called what the cops yeah and they said that jeffy's real mom is looking for him and she's coming to get them right now so no more Jeffy no NOP no more Jeffy no more Mommy and Daddy nope nope no more Mommy and Daddy you get to be free I get to be free oh not again Marvin when is she going to get here I don't know the sooner the better right so so I think we should get Jeffy ready and we should go wait by the front door so when she gets here we can just drop him off and just say bye forever come on let's go all right Jeffy any minute now your real mom's coming to get you and I never have to see you ever again mommy I don't want to go I don't want you to go either Jeffy what Jeffy don't call her mom anymore she's not your mommy anymore your real mommy's coming to get you we never have to see him ever again that must be her all right Jeffy look stand up straight stand up straight stand up stand up straight Jeffy look look good come on come on all right guys the moment we've Jeffy stop crying all right guys the moment we've all been waiting for hello Jeffy is that you come to Mommy sweetie you're jeffy's mom yes I am thank you so much for taking care of him I've been so worried I'm Nancy by the way oh sorry I'm a little sick and I think I'm also a little bit bre oh can I come in I have to meet the people who've been taking care of my baby no daddy no oh thank God my Jeffy is safe my poor baby yeah jeffy's 100% safe hey do you have coffee or maybe something with alcohol in it alcohol aren't you pregnant I don't even know hey I'll spit on you for a dollar spit on me for a dollar no I I didn't say yes oh my God it take me to a hospital take me to a hospital look look you can take Jeffy I just I have one question before you go okay why did you drop him off a year ago go oh I needed somebody to babysit while I was at the grocery store it took you a year to go to the grocery store it was very hard to find well that's that sounds like a good story to me all right Jeffy go with her no daddy that's not what happened Jeffy stop talking crazy close your mouth before I smack it wait wait Jeffy what really happened all right mommy this is what happened all right we're here where we at Mommy see I don't want to be your mommy no more so you're going to find a new mommy and daddy a new mommy and dad yeah you're going to go over to those apartments and you're going to knock on every door until somebody answers and then whoever answers is going to be a new mommy and daddy no but I don't want a new Mommy and Daddy I want to live with you I love you Mommy I don't love you you're ugly and you're stupid and you waste my time so go get out of here can I show them my pel yeah sure whatever you want just go but mommy what if I forget my name oh Jesus Christ all right all right let me write it and there you go your name's on your shirt says Jeffy Jeffy yeah so if you forget your name just look at your shirt okay now get out of here well what if they don't want to be my new mommy and dad uh um all right all right putting this note on your shirt there you go what does the Note say mommy it says you're a good boy now get out of here say I'm a good boy yeah no go go all right mommy leave God GL to get rid of him I'm m [Music] me how was your day at work Bo oh it sucked it was such a long day who is that you expect expecting someone no I'm not going to answer it it's probably like a candy salesman we don't want any candy no one [Music] answered huh who's at the door oh they probably woke me up from my dream hello hey you want to see my pain wait your P wait who are you what are what are you doing here oh my name is Jeffy she Shing on my shirt Jeffy and that's what really happened Jeffy told you you away mommy sure does love us smokes Jeffy you have to go with your mom now Daddy please don't make me go with old mommy she hits me and she calls me bad names but she's your real mom Jeffy Marin I don't think she takes care of him but but but that's his real mom oh yeah that's the spot right there oh I wonder what that smells like oh oh yeah that is that is two months and no shower right there oh you want to whiff what no I don't want to whiff all right come on Jeffy we got to go get some money I I I mean go home no I don't want to go with you old mommy Jeffy you got to go with her come on please Daddy come on Jeffy you be a bad boy momy needs to get paid dad daddy I'm sorry Daddy I'm sorry about the green P I won't move my P [Music] anymore daddy daddy well he's gone now Marvin I can't believe you let that terrible woman take Jeffy away well look he's not a responsibility anymore that's his real mom and I don't care about Marvin she beats him dude well I'm leaving all right fine leave I don't care about you leave fine fine leave bye fine come here Jeffy you're coming home with Mommy now want to go with you old Mommy I don't like you Jeffy how dare you say that to your own mother I gave birth to you in a porter party now listen here you little your mommy's lottery ticket now okay see your daddy was a famous painter and he died and he left you millions of dolls so now whenever you're 18 that money's going to be mine and you can live with whoever the hell you want I don't want to live with you Mommy I don't like you you're going to live with Mommy and you're going to like it okay all right now now shut up this is a stolen car I don't want to attract any more attention Okay jeffy's gone forever and that's all that matters it's just me myself and I I finally get some peace and quiet and I I finally get to relax that's all I care about I just I just want to relax Jeffy oh hey yeah God what are you doing here oh yeah I saw you were having a moment I I thought I'd cheer you up with this piano I I saw everything that happened oh am I a bad person yeah yeah you suck well listen I just want some piece and quiet so can you leave okay stupid cat piano Jeffy would always annoy me with this thing I just I just want some peace and quiet I'm hungry what did you just say I'm hungry what did I tell you about being hungry you wait till next week when the check comes in you've been a bad boy you don't get to eat this week a huh this is kind of fun but no I don't want to hear it it's stupid and it's annoying and it's dumb and I don't want to hear it anymore I just want peace and quiet I don't want to hear that dumb stupid piano that Jeffy used to play no I I don't care about it I just I just want to sit here by myself in the in the quiet no no no no no no no oh great now it's [Music] raining Jeffy what oh my baby Jeffy Jeffy get back here um maybe maybe I can watch some TV no no no no I I I just want to be quiet just just nice and quiet just sit here by myself who's that that's probably Rose hello Daddy can I please live with you what Jeffy where didd you come from how'd you get here I jumped out of mommy's car cuz she was hitting me and said I couldn't eat for a week well good oh no Dave please Dave please I'm sorry let me live with you but no Jeffy you remember that time you locked me out of my house yeah well check this out I just locked you out it's payback I'm sorry Daddy I just really want to live with you I'm so hungry and I haven't eaten all day well whose fault is that I tried to feed your green beans you threw them behind the couch I'm sorry Daddy I'll eat all the green beans ever I don't want to hear it Jeffy just go live with your mommy please just please please let me live with you it's cold out here and old mommy hits me and calls me mean names please Daddy I only want to live with you please please Daddy all right Jeffy I'll let you come inside for 10 minutes until your mom comes back really Daddy yeah but only until your mom comes back okay okay thanks Daddy all right Jeffy you're going to sit right here until your mom comes back to get you um Daddy what were you doing with my cat piano oh uh I accidentally stepped on it when it was on the ground so I put it up here so I wouldn't accidentally step on it again were you playing my cat piano D no no I would never play this stupid dumb annoying cat piano it's childish and annoying and it's really loud and I love the peace and quiet so I I want it to be quiet you're not going to play it no Daddy I don't want to annoy you well well good well good I I wouldn't want you to play this anyway it's dumb and annoying and makes a lot of noise and I like I like the peace and quiet so that would be dumb if you played it I mean I guess if you want to play it you can play You're let me play My CAO just this once just because it's it's really quiet and my ears are ringing it's making me have a panic attack so just just just play it a little bit just a little bit oh thanks Dad who's that it might be your mom oh no Daddy please don't tell her I'm here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hello is Jeffy here uh what's going on on I was at McDonald's getting Jeffy a Happy Meal and then he said he had to go to the bathroom and then he ran away is that what happened yeah yeah is Jeffy here uh well uh is he here or not uh uh let me let me uh let me let me just look around and see if he's here okay please hurry just give me a second please find him please don't make me go with her Daddy please but but that's your mom Jeffy but she hit it'sit me Dad please just let me make a phone call real quick all right Jeffy I made a phone call you're not going to make me go back with her are you daddy Jeffy just go sit on the couch we'll talk about it in a minute okay Daddy hello did you find Jeffy uh yeah I found him oh thank God let me give you a hug no no no no I don't I don't I don't need I don't need a hug look he he's just in the couch in the living room so so so come inside oh thank you all right jeffy's in here oh Jeffy my baby oh please don't hit me please oh Mommy would never hit you sweetie I love you hey do you think you can give me and Jeffy a minute alone I need to give him some kisses no Daddy please don't leave me alone with her please I'll be right back Jeffy no Jeffy get your ass over here Jeffy come here Jeffy why you R away from me I you never run away from mommy you know your momy I told you never to run Jeffy you going to go with home me now Jeffy Jeffy what's going on [Music] here all right ma'am you're under arrest for child abuse she also spit on me e wait wait wait wait wait I got to go see my Jeffy he's going to make me Millions hold on I'll be right back make her Millions what what is she talking about daddy is your old mommy going to go to jail I don't know yet Jeffy well she's being charged with child abuse spitting on you and a whole bunch of other stuff yes great so what happens to Jeffy now well what this means for you is since I know he's not your kid you don't have to take care of him anymore I don't no no you could send him to foster care I mean you could adopt him if you want to uh well I I think foster care would be best I mean I lived with Jeffy for a year and it just it just didn't work out really you don't have any good memories of living with him good memories with Jeffy no but wow wow that was really fast yeah I just I think foster care would be best daddy please let me live with you I promise I'll be your bestest boy ever I just I just what are we doing hold on I just please Daddy please I know what what what was that I guess I'll adop you're going to have to speak up I can't hear you I adop I'm sorry give me that one more time I guess I'll adopt him oh okay you'll adopt him great okay well now that you're his legal guardian I can show you this piece of paper I found in his mom's purse wait wait a minute I think I have the second half of this well go get it what are you waiting for all right what's it say if lost please contact his father his father is jacqu Pierre franois who's that the jacqu Pierre Francois who is that he's Jac Pierre franois who is that he's Jac Pierre franois who is that he's Jac Pierre FR who is that he's a famous painter and he died earlier to dat he died yeah he left Mill millions of dollars to his unknown son which I guess is Jeffy I'm rich AF so jeffy's a millionaire yeah well I mean he can't get the money until he's 18 but you know so so when Jeffy turns 18 he gets millions of dollars yeah well well well just just for the record I I adopted Jeffy before I ever knew he was rich right yeah you were thinking about sending him to a foster home oh no no no I never thought about that when do he turn 18 well according to this he's 12 right now so so just six years and and Jeffy gets millions of yeah easy okay I mean but like I just want you to know Jeffy I adopted you before I knew you were worth millions of dollars good yeah yeah so I want everyone I want everyone to know that I'm a good person right yeah yeah we know okay all right well thank you so much officer all right thanks all right bye all right Jeffy are you ready to spend our first night together as a real family yeah Daddy come on let's go Marvin I think it's so sweet that you decided to adopt Jeffy what I think it's sweet you decided to stop Jeffy yeah I think I did the right thing Marvin aren't you going to tell him to stop no not this time this one's for me
Channel: SMLs
Views: 684,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SkV516s8q_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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