SML Movie: Brooklyn Guy's Early Christmas!

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and done finished another one what are you doing baby I'm making snowflakes with Jeffy oh those look so good thank you how does yours look Jeffy mine look like dick Jeffy you made it look like dick you said my snowflakes look like dick Marvin that's mean no he literally cut out the word dick on his and what is this supposed to be penises Jeffy there's someone at the door I'll get it hello Knock knock hello what do you mean Hello I said knock knock you're supposed to say who's there but I already see you I know who's there I I was doing a knock knock joke but you rang the doorbell and I already opened the door that's why I said knock knock but have you never done a knock knock joke before not at my actual door just let me in you ruined my joke who's at the door Marvin it was the C shut up let me tell the joke knock knock who's there no Bell no Bell who no Bell that's why I knocked but we have a doorbell and he rang it you keep ruining my jokes okay fine here's another one knock knock who's there Heywood Heywood who Heywood you blow me see he liked it why are you here well it's sad boy hours cuz I just found out I'm going to jail for 21 days but you're a cop you can go to jail yeah surprisingly cops can break laws too yeah I got a DUI again for the sixth time and you're going to go to jail for it yeah they plasted the video of it all over the news so whatever you do please don't watch the news baby turn on the news a breaking news m a police officer was arrested for a DUI and thought he was above the law we have the shocking body cam footage here [ __ ] [ __ ] hey mate you've been drinking tonight hey you you can't pull me over okay I'm a cop I pull people over not you how much have you had to drink tonight I I I have only had six beers but they come in a pack of six so basically one so you can't arrest me you're not making this easy on me mate you know my body Cam's on oh the body cam where where was your body C is that it hey bu cam [ __ ] you okay I do what I want I'm above the law oh man you know I'm going to have to place you under arrest go ahead and step out of the vehicle I'm going to run please don't I'm going do it here I go mate you're not going anywhere you know the car's in park [ __ ] well yeah you're under rest I guess you got me oh wow you were ugly disgusting drunk yeah well your snowflake looks like dick you said my snowflake looks like dick it was his snowflake not mine oh oh my God I'm so sorry your joke's not funny anymore a now we're all sad so why are you here telling us you're going to jail well there is a problem cuz I mean this is a video after all so the judge sentenced me to 21 days in jail and he gave me this go to jail card see it says go to jail go directly to jail do not pass go do not collect any cash so I've been suspended without pay and I have to report to jail tomorrow of course I already told my wife I had to go to jail today my problem is I'm going to be in jail on Christmas and now I'm worried I might not get any presents from s Santa so I was thinking I could spend the night here and maybe go up to the North Pole and try to trick Santa into thinking Christmas is tonight so I can get my presents early but won't you be on the naughty list because of the DUIs oh I don't think Santa cares about some DUI I mean the song says you better not pout you better not cry not you better not get a DUI but it also says be good for goodness sake and DUI are bad H well that's why when I'm in the North Pole I can put my name on the nice list you're not sad that you're not going to see your wife or daughter on Christmas hell no I suck at giving gifts anyway I'm only good at receiving them like oral yeah last year I gave my daughter a Blu-ray copy of the movie Zora cuz she wanted Sephora you know like the makeup and I got confused so on Christmas we all sat around watching Zora we were all really disappointed both by the movie and my mistake and I also gave my wife some pretty bad top oh so you have to go to the North Pole well I wanted you to come with me oh can I go yeah sure the more of the areer everybody can come can I come no [ __ ] you come on guys let's go [Music] okay here you go santah huh I brought you your milk and cookies for dinner oh thanks pepper where's my chocolate chip cookies well this is Oreos it's Welk's favorite cookie it's not my favorite and what the hell is this 2% reduced fat well you've been gaining a lot of weight Santa I know I've been gaining some weight and plus you know I'm lactose intolerant good one sna pepper you're a weird little [ __ ] but I like you sna it's time to check your list oh I hate checking the list but Santa you got to check it twice okay it's all there Santa you got to check it twice okay Santa you didn't really check [Music] it that that better you didn't look I'm having my milk and cookies but Santa the lettuce from the children came in for Christmas the deadline's already passed they're going to get what they get can I have a cookie Santa oh sure pepper go ahead thank you oh the DAR thing stuck I hate when it get stuck I don't want to rip it cuz then the cookies will go sale I almost got it hold on sorry Santa come on pepper hurry up I think I'm getting it let's kind it all all right time's up pepper a wow Santa you're so strong look there's Santa he's eating his milk and cookies and look there's the naughty and nice book now I just need somebody to distract him while I check and see if my name is on the nice list if not I'll add it how are we going to distract Santa Claus I got an idea pepper these cookies taste like [ __ ] I think they're expired no I just put one in my ass you just got the wrong cookie pepper you're a weird little [ __ ] but I like you hey Santa I just subscribed to Mrs Claus's only fans what let me see that come on elves quick morvin pass me the book here you go let me see let me check naughty first oh no I'm right there I'm number four wait a minute I'm on the naughty list too Marvin we didn't come here to fix yours you still Haven told Christmas to be nice I'm going to jail hold on let me just scratch this out okay now I got to put it in nice okay I'm going be the lookout okay I added my name to the nice list well actually I spelled my name wrong the first time cuz I'm dyslexic but now all we have to do is convince Santa that tonight is Christmas so he delivers my presents hey you're messing with the naughty on nicel Santa jump her morvin jump her yes get her Marvin why the hell are you wearing that elf suit I was thinking that I could dress like an elf and tell Santa that tonight's Christmas and he'll believe me oh oh good idea Marvin wish I thought of that oh [ __ ] he's coming I'll hide under the table oh I can't believe Mrs Claus created an only fans page and only charging four bucks to see pictures of her hooa you can get a four for four at Wendy's for that probably tastes better and a little less fishy funny Santa where's your glasses pepper oh I I dropped them on the ground oh hopefully you didn't stick this one in your ass too what no oh I NOP not that one oh I hope so well tonight's Christmas what yeah like tonight's Christmas like tonight's the night you have to go deliver the presents but the reindeer are not even ready and Rudolph's getting neutered and he's got balls big as [ __ ] well I guess you got to deliver the presents without Rudolph I guess so watch out New York City okay let me get the sleigh good idea morvin let's get back home I didn't know Santa made 911 jokes what are you doing Santa loading the gifts on the slay to deliver tonight Santa are you feeling okay Christmas isn't for another two weeks but you told me Christmas was tonight I did not yes you did no I didn't peppermint don't lie to me cuz I'll bend you over my knee and spank you I wish I lied to you Santa but I didn't well who did I don't know let me check the security cameras oh it looks like some guy broke in and wrote his name in your book what Brooklyn and he added it to the nice list I'm going to teach him a lesson oh teach me a lesson Santa B me over and spank me like a naughty school boy peppermint you're a naughty [ __ ] but I love you oh my god Marvin I can't believe that actually worked it did yeah I put my name in the nice list so now Santa's going to come deliver presents tonight hey do you guys have any pajamas I'm just so excited I want to go to sleep right now so Santa comes why do you need pajamas well I don't want to sleep in my cop uniform I got to sleep in something loose cuz I get raging morning wood and it hurts oh I don't think I have pajamas that are your size what size is that fat no I wasn't calling you fat I just don't know if we're the same size what were you calling me then I I wasn't calling you anything yeah okay well you can make it up to me by spooning me I'm not going to spoon you well I was going to be the big spoon oh okay yeah what good night good night get over here think you can go to bed all Caked Up like I ain't got a sweet tooth like I ain't trying to get a cavity what you thought this was man what nothing just kidding what are you doing what you hear that I think that's Santa Claus it does sound like Santa Claus let's go check oh Marvin look at that it's Santa Claus and look at all those presents they're all for me well actually he thinks it's Christmas so those presents are for everyone oh yeah well most of them have got to be for me because I'm on the nice list but you're not so you're not getting any presents I forgot I'm on the naughty list man he has really taking his sweet time with those presents huh well he's got a fat dumpy though oh now he's just scratching his ass H hurry up he's gone okay present time oh look at all these presents oh this big one has to be for me no it's not for you what about these down here no none of these are for you either oh where are my presents uh look this one says Brooklyn guy mine back off oh I can't wait to see what it is it could be anything I had so many things on my list it could be an Applebee's gift card it could be a Denny's gift card a Chili's gift card or maybe it's a weighted blanket so I feel trapped yet comfortable oh I got to check oh let me see let me see let me see what Cole why' he give you Cole I don't know how is this possible I put my name on the nice list uh look behind you [ __ ] you Brooklyn oh well now I guess I know what they mean when they say he knows if you've been bad or good I guess he found out I put my name on the nice list well I guess I guess I'll go to jail sad now well I have a gift for you yeah what is it wait what what's that what a get out of jail free card Marvin this is the best Christmas gift of all not going to [Music] prison
Channel: SML
Views: 3,551,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, joke, brooklyn guys early christmas, christmas, santa claus, marvin, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, rose, north pole, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, laugh, gifts
Id: 41KyOd63X24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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