SML Movie: Jeffy Goes To The Water Park!

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oh Dennis Junior your 5:00 appointment is ready oh is that Harold oh yeah it's Harold Harold how's it going buddy oh nothing PR much you know having a good day oh well have you been brushing your teeth oh of course yes sir let me see them pearly whites all right oh no Harold oh what's wrong doctor it seems like you have a few cavities oh cavities no no no I've been a good good good boy uh well you know what I said about cavities wait wait what did you say I said if you had any c ities I'd have to drill into all your teeth my teeth no hold them down Joseph okay do what I got you all right this is only going to hurt a lot I full those oh my God what am I do I'm e all right just a few more teeth no more teeth last one all right you have no more teeth how's that now you can't get any more cavities all now now get out of here yeah get out of here you think I did a good job of course dude he won't get any more cavities now noav has no more teeth oh wait who's that hello what's up oh it's Cody hey Cody what's up hey what what's up what's up what what's what's up what what's you came over here what's up well aren't you going to ask what's underneath the napkin oh food I didn't even notice no it's not food well what is it what well let me come in and I'll show you so Cody what's under that thing oh you'd like to know wouldn't you yeah that's why we asked you dude yeah what is it why don't you take a guess um is it a machine that can grab stuff from the past no we already did that oh is it a baby making machine no we did that too then what is it tell us well guys it's a robot wa a robot yeah meet Meo your personal robot assistant yeah what can he do what can't he do junior that's the real question can he fly a plane no can he drive a car no uh can he solve world hunger no well there's a lot of things he can't do but but I mean he could do all kinds of cool stuff what like what well oh you see that coke over there yeah whose Coke is that that's juli that's my Coke he you like Coke yeah you want to take a sip of that coke yeah meibo do it he's he's moving yeah he does that waa look at him he's he's just calibrating you know he's going to get ready to grab that coke yep that's cool see that's all folding out it's going to be great that that's really cool Cody yeah there you go meibo you you grabb that coke yeah so you like Coke junor it's a yeah yeah well you're you're about to get some yeah yeah he he's just getting ready you know he wants to make sure he comes at at the right angle yeah yeah yeah so uh how long youve been drinking Coke a few years yeah I'm a Pepsi man myself but uh you're about to have the best damn Coke your life believe me yep do you ever have a cat come to you no yeah exactly you you're about to Junior it's 2016 this is this is the future uh-huh yep see see he's just he's just getting ready he's just getting getting warmed up you know yeah yeah I he'll grab it he he yeah yep so so so that coke is going to come to me oh absolutely it's going to come right to your mouth you won't even have to lift a finger wow yeah it's amazing isn't it can you do it with a Sprite uh yeah he can do it with any beverage come at it there you go see he's almost got it wait any second now you going to be delic enjoying a delicious Coke I mean it's going to be the best Coke see there you go he's gripping it is going for the kill there we go yes he's actually going to get it yeah he is oh get ready to drink the best Coke of your life okay here you go oh meibo come on okay I'm ready to have oh no no don't he he'll bring it to you oh really oh yeah don't worry okay see see he's already he's already almost wait waito he's he's working at I wanto don't wor don't worry I want I want something to drink oh it's comingo it's coming give me a drink give me drinko no over here he's just teasing you he's just teasing you with it no but Meo I I uh he dropped my Coke on the ground no no see he detected that you've already had too many carbs today and you've been drinking too much soda so you know he just wanted to uh prevent you from getting diabetes what oh yeah so you know that say thanks to meibo thanks meibo so you guys want to play some board games or what uh yeah let's play some board games sure okay guys we're going to play joking Hazard wait joking Hazard what's that it's a really fun cool offensive game with cuss words and sexual jokes um and it's really cool how do you play what you do is you take these cards and you put them in a row like a comic strip and whoever has the funniest comic strip wins oh that's cool yeah so what we're going to do is we're all going to make two comic strips and whoever has the funniest one wins oh dude start making them all let's make them okay so everybody has their cards yeah all right Cody you're going to go first show off one of your Comics first okay okay so in my strip the guy says I think I might be straight and then the other guy shows him his butt and he says I made a mistake and that's how I met your father you see it's funny because he thought he was but then it turned out he was actually gay I got a better one I got a better one okay guys in my first one they're just staring at each other and then a guy goes fart and then the other guy goes fart and then the other one poops and then he super poops and then I'm so goddamn turned on right now it's so it's so funny got turned on my yeah it's so gross all right Joseph you think you beat mine oh totally dude all right put yours oh watch this okay dudes it starts off with I heard your father passed away and then he sits on his head and then and then that was the last time I ever saw him oh my God he shot on his head why why would he sit on his head I don't know he probably thought it was a toilet seer but but his father passed away I know right oh my God Cody show your next one okay okay so in this one he says hey sexy I'm required by law to tell you I'm a registered sex offender and then the other guy says why are you looking at me like that I'm 11 years old and then he says I just need to get my dick wet and then he kisses him on the mouth and then he says I that was inappropriate I apologize and then he says wo nice boner and then they make out pretty high that right he should have sat on his head yeah that would have been funny if he would have sat on his head like yours yeah um all right my turn get all this stuff out yeah getting out of the way okay guys this one is gold it starts off with I have three days to live and then the other guy says before you finish is there any way this is going to get me laid and then they do it and the guys like that was fantastic and then 8 months later he's pregnant oh it's so funny he's pregnant a guy got pregnant a male he's a male but wait he only had 3 Days to Live how is he still alive 8 months later that what that doesn't make sense cuz he has a child yeah he he has a baby he's he has to take care of the baby yeah he's not going to leave the baby behind but but he only 3 Days to Live I mean he can't just not die so so so what do you think the baby's just going to take care of himself yeah he can't die he has a baby but but he has responsibilities now Cody he did it with another man dying he's still going to die it's gay Cody you're supposed to like it yes well I do I do like it I just Joseph just get your other card Cody ruined understand okay guys it starts off like this I ran over your dog my wife left me how could this day get any worse and then the gun push his butt in his face oh my god oh he stuck his butt in his face his day got worse his day get so much better what what well see he he started off having a really bad day and and then it got a lot better cuz he got someone's butt in his face right that's a bad day that that that would make my day great it's it's great when you have somebody stick their butt in your face right how about we play another game yeah Cody you pick the next game yeah okay okay guys I want to rematch in Jenga why you lost last time yeah you suck at this game Cody I'm not going to lose this time whatever I'm going to go first I'm going to go first go H what piece do I want this one don't make it fall I'm not going to make it fall cuz I'm a beast I'm a beast I'm a beast cheated dude no I didn't cheat it's your turn Joseph oh it's my turn which one do I want don't make it fall I'm not going to make it fall um how about this one thought I was going to get that one but I got the other one all right Cody it's your turn but don't make it fall like last time I'm going to let meibo take my turn for me ohoo what your turn Junior okay guys now we're going to be playing Cards Against Humanity now I've never played before so Cody how do we play oh well we put down a black card and then everybody puts down a white card and whoever has the funniest card gets a point oh cool that's I'm going to get the most points no I'm going to get the most I'm the funniest put down the first card here we go I got 99 problems but blank ain't one okay I'll go first right let's see oh okay I got 99 problems but my balls on your face ain't one that's funny you yeah oh I think I got a better one okay what is it I got 99 problems but crumbs all over the goddamn carpet ain't one but instead of crumbs it's Coke because your stupid Neo spell Coke all oh yeah yeah stupid me look look I got one I got one okay I got 99 problems but a snapping turtle BT in the tip of my penis a one wait wait wait wait so so you do have that yeah that's a problem you you have 100 problems that's a problem that's I didn't know it was a problem do I need to go to a daughter that would hurt yeah that's a problem all right I'm another card in the new Disney Channel original movie Hannah Montana struggles with blank for the first time all right Cody you go first oh okay I got one uh in the new Disney Channel original movie Hannah Montana struggles with three dicks at the same time for the first time oh that's that's that's a lot of penis too much oh my God I got one I got one oh it's better to be funny dude all right all right in the new Disney Channel original movie Hannah Montana struggles with having anuses For Eyes For the First Time at butt for she see dude I think I got one okay in the new Disney Channel movie uh Hannah monana struggles with uh 8 O of sweet Mexican black tar heroin that that's that's pretty real yeah wow she I think she actually has that problem yeah she probably would I don't know I haven't seen her in a while and that'd be for the first time she's been missing for 2016 not the first time all right time for another card a romantic candle lit dinner would be incomplete without oh I got the perfect one for this one a romantic candle lit dinner would be incomplete without Daniel Radcliffe's delicious [ __ ] yeah what that's specific dude yeah wait wait well didn't you see Harry Potter it's rocking a romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without penis breath wait wait wait you want penis breath dude no I don't want penis breath why would you want that on your dinner no I I thought it said you don't want that for dinner I mean I I think anything would be incomplete without penis breath what whatever dude better let me see okay so a romantic candle in dinner will be incomplete without shoot that is too hot right right well not really cuz it's too hot yeah you wouldn't want to eat it it would be bad we's screw this game dude let's play something else you guys always got something to say about mine okay okay well then um let's let's play one more game like I can't choose right okay guys the last game of the night is clue how do we play Cody oh well we have to solve a murder a murder yeah what who's the murderer yeah we don't know that we have to figure that out how are we going to find that out it's a board game well we collect Clues to figure out what room the murder took place in and with what weapon but with what weapon he used more than one weapon yeah it's multiple weapons on here well no no he only used one weapon what wait how do you know that what because those are the rules that's oh you're the murderer I'm not a murderer you got to be the murderer you're looking suspicious right now M how do you know he only used one weapon because that's how the game works no no no he he could have used multiple weapons he knows way too much yeah how do you know he only used one weapon because because that's how it always is there's only one weapon no you're the murderer get himo get him get I need you no no that'll show Sol that murder we solved the murder Cody was the murderer yeah fresh baked cookies oh and it's all for me but I got to finish cooking hold on [Music] what the hell wait wait wait wait give me my what the wait what the hell are you give me my Tyrone when you going to eat my booty like groceries my booty be like Walmart all full of snakes after you take another shower baby you know my weave can't get wet Tyrone I know it's been a month but I'm still upset why did you leave me for another woman damn it Judith we've been through this already look your ass is getting old and wrinkly look look put it this way if you was taking a flight would you want to take a flight on the old wrinkly sag of titty ass airplane no you would want to take a flight on a smooth sexy private jet with a curvy ass and big titties yeah I guess I would want to ride on the jet with the big titties damn right and see you're the old wrinkly you know plane and this is my private jet right here so how about you going to find another [ __ ] okay yeah what's up baby Tyrone why is she still living with us I don't know she weird yeah you enjoying your massage Ken oo your muscles are hard is plastic you have a rough day at work get all this tension in your mom read the sign much no girls allowed Cody can you turn me into a big tittied airplane with what your father says he only likes airplanes with big titties so I want to be one oh Mom I I I don't think that's about airplanes at all oh well your father says that I'm getting old and I'm wrinkly I just wish I was young and hot again like when I was 12 all the guys were hitting on me at the bus stop in the grocery store you know I I guess yeah if it means that much to you I guess I could make you younger but it would take me a couple hours to build the machine so I better get started okay Mom it took me all night but the machine's finally finished I call it the jailbait 3000 anybody I shoot with this thing is going to turn into a 12-year-old all right Mom prepare to get blasted no Cody I'm young and hot again now I can date hot young guys thank you so much oh okay you're welcome Mom whatever oh man school starts in like an [Music] hour I hate school so much hey Cody did you do my homework last night what no no sorry Junior I didn't have time listen here nerd you're supposed to do my homework every night you want me to fail no sorry I I was just up all night what you get another piece of kin stuck inside you no I got that out it was just problems with my mom oh she was keeping me up all night going oink oink oink oink oink cuz she's a pig uh yeah that oh well Cody you remember you're supposed to feed her slop in the morning not at night okay I'll remember that yeah keep your pig in line do my homework all right craft today we're going to be celebrating the Happy Chinese New Year the year of the pig yeah Jesus Christ Cody they dedicated a whole year to your mom dude your mom's a pig a big fat stinking Pig yeah yeah why the piggy go to the market why because your mom need more food cuz she's a pig yeah dude she's a big she SL all tell her down tell her down stop calling kid M Pig all right for Chinese New Year year of PE who want to come up here and draw peig I don't know how to draw peig I know how cook pig now draw Pig who want to draw Pig oh me me me I want to draw Cody's mom no I draw Cody's mom better no I've seen her like to we going need a bigger board than that I want to draw I want to draw I want to draw all right Junior you draw B yay I get to draw Cody's Mom oh not fair dude of course he gets to draw it oh you to draw a big pig oh I'll draw a big pig cuz Cody's mom's a big pig uh I'm going to need a lot more room than this oh use all the room you need right here oh okay I'll try to fit her but it's going to be tough and done all right look so I draw a big pig and it says hi I'm Cody's mom oink oh that's a big pig yeah it's a really big pig she sure is hey Cody you see the drawing I did of your mom yeah sure did it uh looks just like her yeah I had I had to shrink her down a lot to fit her on the board but I think I did pretty good hey everybody I'm Julie and I'm a new student who's DTF dude a new student Cody is that your mom no no why why would you even say that Cody I know a pig when I see one that looks like your mom well well it's not oh new student sheit is a girl why your parents don't leave you a park that's what we do in China anyway uh we we don't have any new desks for a new student so you going to have to sit with Cody okay I'll sit next to my Cody Ken Cody that's your mom no no no it's not it's it's my girlfriend what girlfriend [ __ ] you did dog well I I I did but then but then I I I saw her rump and I said that that's a good that's a good girl rump I I'm into girls now not not dude rumps Cody quit being icky I'm your mommy she look she she say she's your mommy no no I I I just call her mommy like like when we're banging you know like you do like yeah you take that mommy Cody stop it yes I am his mother see look at she said your mommy how is that your mom she's so young okay I hit her with a youth machine because she wanted to be young again so she could start dating oh so she's a piglet now a baby pig oink oink oink oink oink yeah sure does she know it's the year of her what all right Cass headle down see a girl your pee get happy get get a little big think about baseball okay class so who ready to learn about the year of the peak it all started at 2,000 BP before Pig with great great egg Rody pass this note to your friend okay here it's a note for my mom okay I wonder what it says I need to make pig big pig and the pig were so big were running across the field I hope he said great to keep the P CU God [ __ ] up he make too many P how what does oink mean all right craft so your homework for tonight is to write a 10,000w book report on all the things you know about P 10,000 words oh that sounds like a lot of paper [ __ ] I'm poor 10,000 words usually I complain but this book report on a pig is going to be easy I already got all 10,000 words I got fat I got stinky I got ugly I got Porky MC Parkinson well Porky MC Parkinson is two words well I got fat again and I got your mom mom yeah that actually Cody can your mom come over and help me my book report tonight I need to look at her so I can think of all 10,000 words okay all right Junior me and my mom came over to help you with your 10,000w pig essay oh thank you so much Cody I really need to look at her so I can get all those words Cody a friend's really cute back off mom he's mine all right guys so uh let me let me get started all right so uh Cody's mom is a pig but she's also uh fat uh huge uh round um massive uh Cody what's another synonym for fat uh rotund oh rotund that's a good one another one uh gargantuan ooh gargantuan oh Behemoth don't forget Behemoth oh yeah that's a good one Behemoth okay Behemoth oh yeah oh don't forget lard and rly poly round ugly hold on let me look at her again uh uh oh I have one chubby uh junior junior chubby oh I I don't like that one why not that's fat chubby means fat uh no I don't I think I like pretty what oh oh I see what you mean pretty like pretty fat no like like pretty beautiful no no Junior we're talking about fat words you have to be mean right cuz she she's fat like a pig Cody why would you say that about your own mother I I don't he he says that all the time what I've never heard him say that yeah Cody why would you say that about your own mom she's not fat she's gorgeous oh F you guys hey uh so I know we just met and everything but would you like to go like sip on a Gogurt together okay let's go no no no don't sip Gogurt oh it's so messy sorry I opened it too fast and I squeezed too hard and it just went all over the place sorry it my first time it's okay I like the Gogurt what the hell's going on here oh hey Cody I was open up a Gogurt and I squee too hard see I just came out all over the place I'm sorry oh well well I'm still upset mom come on let's get you washed up well Cody I'm going to go ask my dad for some advice uh hey Dad what do you want junior I'm watching TV well there's this girl I like and I need advice on asking her out the girl ew gross cooties who talks to girls anymore well Dad I really like her I need advice the only advice I have is um lie to her yeah don't tell her the truth just uh lie to her never show up on time spit in her face be gross you know and um be a bad boy girls love Bad Boys okay and no doesn't mean no think about it just just think about it whenever you're at a restaurant and they ask you do you want dessert and you say no and they still bring it you know you're going to eat the dessert right yeah of course I'd eat I mean they already brought it out of course that's some good advice dad right if no me no you wouldn't be alive Junior so just whip it out you know she's going to be like oh my God it's already out what should I do oh can't do nothing about it it's surprise surprise oh good advice thank you mhm that's how I got your mom all right Mom we got you all cleaned up now let's go home what's up trash Junior what are you doing just being cool like I always am hey ugly yeah want to be my girlfriend oh yeah of course you do knew you weren't going to say no if you said no it still mean yes Cody your friend's really cool no he's not Mom hey ho yeah want to go to the movies oh okay yeah get on your leash come on oh I heard this movie is really good it's how to train your Dragon of course it's a good movie oh um can I have a drink this popcorn's making me really thirsty how about you drink your own spit okay Daddy I already bought you popcorn what more do you want for me you think I made of money of course I am but not going to spend it on you now shut up the movie starting no no bad Dragon you do not poooo in the house you poooo outside bad bad Dragon he's training that Dragon yeah oh did I say you could talk no shut up okay the movie's on God I'm trying to watch the movie talking and stuff bad bad Dragon okay bad you see that that's your peee you don't peee in the house you peee outside and rub your nose in it no you do this outside outside he's rubbing his nose in it so um you want to make out okay oh [Music] yeah what is this Shrek once I kiss you you turn into an ogre it's a big fat ogre Pig e what happened to you I thought you loved me no you're a big fat ugly pig again and it e you're gross get away from me lady e oh ken if Junior ends up being my stepdad I'm going to lose it oh Cody your friend doesn't like me anymore he says I'm all old and wrinkly what happened oh well I guess the machine wore off after you had true love's first kiss oh Cody your fat mom tried to eat me when I was at the movie theater or something ew there she is ew fat pig oh o oink o oink or maybe the machine just wore off well Cody who am I going to date now um have you seen Junior Cody him that one that's the one I want next hey there big boy ew stay away from me e cies cies cies cies cies cooies oh yeah he's mine Tommy be quiet I'm trying to sleep oh tmy stop being hungry it's it's the middle of the night you're not supposed to be hungry in the middle of the night okay tmy you win I'll go wake up Chef peee maybe you can go get us a Happy Meal Chef peeee turn like shf peee [Music] chef chef chef peipi chef pef what do you want don't you see I'm sleeping God I'm I'm hungry Chef peipe I'm really really hungry uh what time is it um um 2 in the morning 2 in the morning and you're hungry yeah yeah I'm really really hungry my tummy's like I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm really hungry why don't you just go in the kitchen and fix yourself something to eat get a snack no I don't I don't want something in the kitchen I I want a Happy Meal please no no I know no we're not doing this Happy Meal thing anymore no I'm sorry I'm not taking you to get a Happy Meal last time all you wanted was the toy out of it no never no I promise I mean I still want the toy but I want the food too because I'm really really hungry so so I'll get I'll I'll eat the food and I'll play with my toy at the same time if you please just take me please no I can't do it I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm sleeping right now let me let me go back the resting no I really really want a Happy Meal I really want a Happy Meal please Che I'm crying [ __ ] out of here I want a Happy Meal get out of here please I'm going to tell my dad if you don't give me a Happy Meal go and tell him I don't care I'm just trying to sleep why do you need a Happy Meal at 2: in the morning re be real it's food in there but I I don't like the food in there I just want a Happy Meal and if you don't give me a Happy Meal I'm going to go tell my dad I don't care you know what go tell your dad tell him what's up I got it come I'm about it over here I'm about that life you're about that life huh you could give my son anything to eat but B it's two in the morning and I'm tired I don't care you going to go and get my son anything he wants that means anything if he wants a Happy Meal get it I'm watching Charlie right now I'm not going to stop and go and get him something to eat he's not my responsibility trolley and friends is on at 2:00 in the morning when is it not on hey Chef peip are you ready to get me my happy meal no I am not ready to get a stupid Happy Meal but I have to oh I promise you when I'm finished with this job I'm going to cut you in half and I'm going to use your intestines as noodles or maybe maybe I'm going to play jump rope with it and then I might I might use it as a telephone wire so you ready to give me my Happy Meal come on man just come on come on yay Happy Meal yay I get to sit in the front seat like a big boy now put on your seat belt like a big boy now I I don't want to put on a seat belt it's stupid put on your seat belt like a big boy no no I don't want to put on the seat belt it's dumb no you're going to put on your seat but I'm not getting a ticket over you damn it I can't believe I'm getting a ticket because of you why didn't you buckle up excuse me sir yes officer here's your ticket for uh your pastor nowhere seat Bel why' you get a ticket chef peee because of you what do you mean why did I get a ticket you the one it's not buckled up excuse me sir yes off sir you've been drinking tonight I smell it on you your uh your peoples are dilated my eyes are not dilated I promise you my only had five beers officer stop um okay then I guess I I I promise you I have not been drinking all day please please officer I just really need to go and get some food right now all right well um just uh make sure youall buckle up okay yes I don't like wearing your sheet Belt have a nice day you're going to wear theing seat Bel I promise you you're going to wear it be careful pulling out over here yeah yes officer have a nice one screw you I'm hungry Chef Pee dude if you don't shut the hell up I'm going to order your food I'm pulling up now jeez okay walk myd whenever ready um what did you want again I I want a Happy Meal can I get that Happy Meal please wait no wait a chicken nugget one can I get a chicken nugget Happy Meal please what with a Coke with a Coke can I get a coke with that chicken nugget Happy Meal the purest Coke you have wait the toy the toy where girl can I get a a boy toy please a boy toy you might be a girl I don't know no no I'm I'm a boy I want a boy toy it has to be a boy toy it has to be and I can't forget the toy they can't forget it okay a boy toy oh God what kind of song um um um what kind of sauce do you want barbecue sauce barbecue sauce please thank you order uh yes ma'am no no no I want a milkshake can I have a milkshake please no it's too late you should have asked ear I want a milkshake can you make the lady come back can you um add a milkshake to it please please size milkshake and what kind of milkshake um um what kind what what flavors do they have what flavors do you have ma'am please uh strawberry chocolate and vanilla okay I want I want I want um a a chocolate and a vanilla like both together you can't do that you can't they just said you can't do that but but but but okay well then get two of them I want a chocolate and a vanilla we're not getting both I want both yay I got my Happy Meal Happy Meal Happy Meal happy don't forget your milkshakes too the two Milkshakes that you begged for but I have to have my chocolate and vanilla Chef PP I love my chocolate vanilla milkshakes so you just have to have milkshakes now just both of them what what what are you going to do with two milkshakes you can't even drink one by yourself but but but they they look cool and and they and this one would be lonely if it didn't have another milkshake to keep keep it company yeah wow you just have imaginary milkshake friends now yeah yeah I love my milkshakes CHP this this Happy Meal box is really scary no it's not it's a Happy Meal remember this is what you wanted a Happy Meal do you see that smile it's beautiful wait it's scary can you can you give me a different box no I can't get you a different box what do you need a different box for it's happy look at that beautiful white smile just Lous kiss it kiss it no I'm not oh I just want a new box I want a new Happy Meal go get me another one no no no we're not getting another Happy Meal just make sure you have your toy so we can get to the house please yeah there's a toy in here oh thank God oh I'm so full Chef peee I couldn't take another bite hold on you you're full you only ate like two fries and took a bite out of a nugget are you serious yeah I'm so full about the pop and what about your milkshake you only took a sip out of that hold on where's the other one you had two of them where is it well don't get mad but I threw one of them away what okay okay look see see the chocolate milkshake and the vanilla milkshake didn't get along they didn't like each other so the chocolate milkshake was like bad vanilla milkshake so I threw the vanilla milkshake away and I was like I got a chocolate one are you okay shpi chocolate milkshakes and vanilla milkshakes can't talk so they wouldn't argue yes they were arguing you didn't hear of you know what just just eat your apple slices it's something healthy at least you get something healthy in your sister no I don't want I don't want I don't want apples slices those are dumb I don't even know why I try you know what I'm just going to go to sleep forget you and forget the Nugget I just want my toy yay my toy hey Chef peee it's a Pokemon toy I don't care just let me sleep bastard call the Pokémon toy oh this box is really scary get out of your box you're really scary I'm going to go play with my toy in my room this toy is stupid what is it supposed to do McDonald's make stupid toys they're stupid and cheap I guess I can just go to sleep I'm going to go turn off the light who was that who who's there Dad Dad come here my dad dad that is scary happened bastard that'll get [Laughter] you shut beep everybody's a Happy Meal maybe it's safe inside my closet oh it's so dark I can't see anything wait where's my flashlight oh there it is [Music] come on Junior be still I am being still get your fingers out of my butt what the hell I'm a dinosaur for Halloween does it look awesome no no it doesn't look awesome it's typical Junior of course you're going to be a dinosaur well at least I'm not a Muslim for Halloween I'm not a damn Muslim I'm Mario what's wrong with you no the M on your hat stands for Muslim no it stands for Mario look like saying you're a Muslim oh my God Junior I swear to God at the door I bet it's my friends and I bet they look cooler than you I hope so nuh look Cody Ken cannot be Iron Man I'm already Iron Man well he looks way hunkier than you do whatever dude wao guys cool costume I know right I'm Iron Man and I'm the Incredible Hunk well well Cody it looks like you're ripping through the costume no I'm just so hunky I'm busting out of it whatever oh and Ken he's also Iron Man oh yeah no there's only one Iron Man and I'm Iron Man well then why doesn't Ken have any of the armor on well he wanted to wear the armor but I said who needs armor when you have abs like these my god dude oh well anyway guys look at my costume you're jealous huh oh cool you're riding a dinosaur yeah no I am a dinosaur what you're a you're a dinosaur no no it can't be yeah I am a look I am a dinosaur you would be inside the dinosaur if you were a dinosaur junior you're more like siese twins with a dinosaur yeah you have like two heads no I am inside the dinosaur hey Joseph guess what this guess what this dinosaur and your mom have in common what dud I've been inside both of them damn look look my mom's dead oh no she's not I saw at school the other day well she died last night that's up come inside guys okay W man I'm ready to go trick-or-treating guess who I am wait wa you're Mario that's what that's what you are oh yeah yeah of course then what am I Bowser look at me what am I I don't know gay no I was supposed to be Mario I planned this two weeks ahead look I got the mustache and everything come on Bowser you knew this well I'm not about to change my outfit look I cut off Mario's nose I should be Mario for Halloween look I'm not changing my outfit Bouncer look I spent two weeks designing this stupid outfit just to go trick- or-treating with your stupid brats okay well look I'm not going anywhere dressed like you so I'm just going to watch Charlie and friends anyway I think that's what you wanted anyway God oh my God Bowser is so stupid all right Chef P all my friends are here we're ready to go trick-or-treating oh you guys are ready oh nice costumes thanks yeah thanks I'm Iron Man I'm need Incredible Hunk I don't know about hunk but okay um oh do you guys got your buckets so we can go trick or treating well there's my bucket right there it's Thomas oh is Dad coming no no no he changed his mind he got jealous because I'm Mario and he wanted to be Mario but that's dumb I really want to go trick-or-treating with Dad but anyway guys get y' Buckets Okay who wants to go stupid trick-or-treating anyway it's for kids I'm a grown man I don't need any candy I'll just sit and watch my TV show show who can live without Charlie Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience the Charlie in for this Halloween special yes Lord it's so good oh coochie coochi Co you cute baby oh hi guys I'm Charlie it is Halloween today but I'm not going trick or-treating cuz it's evil I'm too busy praying and baptizing babies so are you ready to get baptized little baby are you all right thank you Jesus come on a new baby oh wait wait I think you might need to be baptized one more time all right one more DP thank you Jesus what happened to the lies I'm not going to panic cuz I know Jesus is with me now let me finish baptizing this baby wait where did the baby go oh oh there he is what the hell Jes Charlie you giving me the heie jebi man breaking news breaking news we just receed word that the candy company has dropped a barrel of razor blades and poison into their Candy Factory so Wily Wonka is gonna be pissed off okay so make sure you watch your kids and check their candy for razor blades and poison H razor blades and poison and Candy oh no no not my baby he's not going trick-or-treating this year oh Junior come here junior uh yeah Dad oh you're not going trick- or dream this year why these silly white people putting razor blades and poison and Candy they're at it again what what no they're not yes they are I just seen it on the news but I mean what if it's not true it's on the news I'm of course it's true everything's on the news is true but Dad that's just a myth they don't put razor blade and poison candy they do this year and you're not going trick-or-treating okay well then what am I going to do instead I don't know um maybe you could uh o carve this pumpkin right here with this very sharp knife but but but Dad I don't want to carve a stupid is that even a thing yeah yes that is a thing that's something you do on Halloween so just carve a pumpkin what why because those razor blades and candy that's not a good combination and you'll get sick you might die well well are you sure giving me a really sharp knife is a good substitute maybe I don't know but I'm pretty sure you're not going to be swallowing this knife okay all right Dad I'm going go and watch some Charlie all right whoa dude that sucks your dad won't let you go trick-or-treating yeah that's too bad Junior well yall aren't going trick-or treating without me are you dude I want some candy yeah and Ken says if he doesn't get something sweet in his mouth you know what please guys don't go trick- or- treat without me please how about you just carve this pumpkin with me and it might be fun you you know really Junior nobody cars pumpkins anymore like last time they car pumpkins was like the 1920s we have internet now oh come on guys please don't go Tre without me I'm be really sad how about this how about y'all watch me carve this pumpkin and and if it's not fun y'all can leave but if it is fun y'all can stay and then we can look at the pump if you can make a cool design out of it I guess I'll give up trick-or treating yeah I guess okay so how how how do I carve how do you do this I mean make a design I don't I don't know how you started put a hole in it I'm just going to stab it yeah way I'm going to take all my aggression out on it okay sure uh uh uh guys uh the knife is stuck it's what it can't be stuck dude I look I can get it wa see see see it's stuck stand back guys I can do this I'm super hunky okay try try it yeah it's just not going to happen guys you can't do it oh no I can do it I I just don't want to wear myself up before uh for for trick-or-treating really yeah I'm just going to go trick-or-treating guys guys guys please don't go tricker without me please don't go it's not fair that I can't go well why don't you just sneak out dude your dad's always watching TV oh well I mean I guess he wouldn't notice yeah I guess I could sneak out I mean screw my dad right yeah screw Ian who listes the parents right right yeah I mean they don't know anything and and he stays in his room so all you have to do is just walk out the door I could sneak out I could sneak out guys yeah Junior you're such a rebel yeah um so yeah cuz let's think about it he didn't say I couldn't go outside he just said I couldn't go trick or-treating yeah yeah Junior I forgot something yeah Dad oh I forgot to tell you you can't leave the house to go trick- or-treating and you really can't leave the house to go anywhere at all wa why because there's monsters out there on Halloween and they will eat you up and they'll kill your friends what no they won't that doesn't exist yes it does I know I know I trick-or-treated before before so just do like good kids do just stay in the house and carve your stupid pumpkin but my knife is Chuck it's not my fault you should have got a smaller knife but you gave me the knife look look look you just want to play the blank game just look stay in the house you better not leave those monsters will eat you oh oh guys oh oh man Junior that sh yeah well bye look where are yall going trick or-treating you can't go trick-or-treating so while we here yeah guys guess what what if I still go trick-or-treating even though my dad said no waa Junior I cannot explain all the levels of turned on I am right now no but for real guys he said I can't even go outside well what if I still disobey him and I still go outside well if you have the balls dude oh I have the balls you want to see them no if you're down oh anyway guys let's let's go trick- or-treating okay I guess so wait wait wait wait guys before we leave what should I really leave this knife in the pumpkin I mean I don't want to treat it like Joseph's mom and leave it inside her all night's dead you let's go trick or-treating oh guys we're sneaking out hey Junior where are you going uh uh I'm uh you better not be going trick-or-treating no no I'm uh Say by to my friends no you're going trick-or-treating Junior no I'm not shut up oh you're lying yeah I'm lying uh shf we're we're not going trick-or-treating I'm just saying bye to him oh you saying bye what just say bye then uh uh well uh well I have to walk him to the door why would you have to walk him to the door Junior uh to make sure it doesn't hit him on the way out well I'll do that I'll walk him to the door no no no you you can't walk up to the door why is that uh why can't you walk the door maybe get Gorilla something yeah gorilla eat a chef yeah okay Chef B you can't go outside because uh there's a chef eating gorilla outside you don't eat you oh Chef eating gorilla yes oh my God that's the first I never heard of that before yeah it's really D just came let me make sure that no no I don't want you to die I don't want you to die you can't go near the door don't don't even go like 10 ft near the door dude I know there's not no gorillas outside just tell me why are you going to the door Junior because I um I uh uh I want to make sure that Chompy doesn't get out you know my dog I love him so much I don't want him to run outside I guess so Chompy is a little stupid mud yeah so I'm just going to walk him in the door I'll be right back yeah make sure you didn't pee out the door too okay uh I'm definitely not sneaking out okay let's go guys all right guys are y'all ready to go trick-or-treating yeah yeah dude I can't believe I snuck out hey guys what's up Jo yeah dude what's up you like my costume isn't it awesome where did you get a Thomas costume at oh I got it from the store it's on sale they're really sucks Junior I wish I would had a Thomas costume of a stupid dumb dinosaur I mean dinosaurs are pretty cool but Thomas is better told shut up toad all right guys there's a house over there let's go get candy okay okay guys the first house I hope we get a lot of candy open up no your father I'm your oh okay that was sad wait man you know I I've been practicing that in the mirror since this morning I've been been practicing just just waiting for the kids to come around you're the first kids and then and then this happens now you supposed to be Darth V I was supposed to be Darth vad it now now I'm just a lonely man in in a costume with no mask I mean it would have been pretty cool if you had had mask it would have been but but it wasn't it fell off it fell off it did you you you you've been you've been practicing that for like a while I've been practicing really hard you know for for for for for for a long time the next kids that come make sure the MTH stays on okay I'll I'll change that too before they get here and so uh you got uh got candy and oh candy cand I might I don't hang on I got something let me let me check okay okay see I I I didn't have candy but but I I got these tortilla shell things here from last night's burrito night burrito shells yeah that's all I got so you don't have any candy no no I I forgot to buy some so I mean you that's all you can just reach in okay I'll try to grab one you know what you've been a good sport so you just take the whole bag H the whole bag of just take them I'm not going to use them they'll probably out of date anyway man burrito shells dude we just have so much fun with that they smell kind of is that still beefing oh my god well anyway thank you for the burrito shows make sure to get candy for the next kids and also uh change your fire alarm I I'll get right on there yeah it's kind of distracting towards the whole outfit have a lot of problems uh well I'm sorry sorry sir thank you sir happy Halloween yeah oh I got to get candy for the kids oh shabi where's Junior um junior junior Juni I honestly don't know Bowser well did he go trick-or-treating he better not win trick-or-treating uh did he go trick- or treating you know what he probably did Bowser I'm I'm I told him not to go but he he probably did any anyway you know he's disobedient what oh my God you know what I I want you to scare him I mean scare him to death make sure he runs back into the house I want so scared that you're going to have to scare him again wait really okay I'll do that that sounds fun all right guys we're at the second house so uh let's see who lives here the devil the devil as the devil what wow you're the devil and you dressed up as the devil yep isn't it wacky yeah we we came to this house last year gave us thumb he gave us thumb tacks last year how what are the thumb tacks they they were we didn't eat them because they're dangerous they pointy I guess that makes sense yeah so can you give us some real Candy this year some real Candy give something somewhere oh he's going give us real Candy oh dude I hope it's like you know one of those Hershey bars or something I like chocolate racist peanut butter cups and and there's some drugs there too what drugs yes you know you want the party okay there's a penny in there too you can you can take that with you we get okay maybe we'll get lucky happy Halloween this will teach that little [Laughter] brat ah that house is pretty lame right guys yeah it was yeah oh my God guys that was so hilarious you guys deserve your $20 hold on I'mma get it Cody that was jome yeah he was so scared I bet he won't ever do that again Junior what are you doing nothing um I uh you weren't outside were you no no no no I was uh I was just scared because I saw a bug on the ceiling a bug on the I don't see any bugs on the ceiling no no I just I was the air conditioner that that that's what it was it scared me are you sure yeah I didn't see my friend get murdered or anything oh oh you sure you you sure you didn't see your friends get murdered no no no no that didn't happen that would be something I would be about no no um I just I just need to go to bed Dad I just need to go to bed good job shfp you did good oh I'm not finished yet Bowser I have some old friends I want to have some fun with him okay okay okay I didn't just see Joseph die I didn't see Cody guy I didn't see Jo I did they're dead maybe maybe they're not dead maybe maybe they're just sleeping in a big bottle of blood I should have listened to my dad he said if they went outside then then my friends would die but no okay maybe I just need to maybe I just need to think about non-scary things non-scary things uh what stuff that's that's not scary uh uh YouTube comments yeah I can think about YouTube comments no no we won't think about YouTube comments um um I I'll just the people are just haters I I'll just go to sleep how about that I'll just go to sleep monsters aren't even real monsters aren't even real like they're not real at all like they they don't exist they don't exist at [Music] all all right I got my Bowser costume on I am ready to go trick-or-treating Black Yoshi are you ready to go trick-or-treating I'm ready I'm black Yoshi why are you yellow I man I'm going to be SpongeBob F what well I mean I mean I guess that's kind of cool are you ready to get a lot of candy oh no man I got enough candy get in here girl
Channel: Junior 2023
Views: 44,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RvLSnx3EhiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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