SML Movie - Jeffy The Pool Shark! - Full Episode

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man Marvin thanks for inviting me over you know I don't really have that many friends so it's really great to just have a boy night can you take your drink off the table I don't want it to spill oh yeah sure I will right after I make this shot okay red ball in the corner pocket hey Dy what doing Marvin get your kid Jeffy go away we're trying to play pool can I play no we're having a boy's night well I'm a boy well we're having a big boy's night I'm a big boy okay then we're having a boys who have hair on their pee pees night well I got a bush like a porcupine well okay then we're having a boys who've had vasectomies night huh huh have you please Jeffy just go away well what you trying to do I am trying to hit the white ball and use it to knock the red ball into the pocket oh that's easy oh yeah you think that's easy well it's not not for a kid like you but it's easy for me because I'm a professional check this out damn it damn it I can't I can't believe I did that I mean I had a perfect sh breathe just breathe Brooklyn guy that's what my therapist says I have to breathe whenever I get into situations like this and I have to drink I can't believe you missed that that was super easy oh yeah if you think it's so easy why don't you do it how about this I'll give you 10 bucks if you can make that shot okay Bet okay Bet hey Danny is this how I'm supposed to hold it look it's stupid over here he doesn't even know how to hold this stick Jeffy you're supposed to use the other side I don't want to use the skinny side daddy the women prefer the big side but Jeffy you're supposed no no no let let him do it like this let him look stupid go on kid make the shot if it's so easy all right Jeffy look you're supposed to hit this white ball to hit the red ball to go in here all right let me line it up ow Jeffy not me sorry you're supposed to hit the balls stupid don't you know what balls look like you should have two of them all w't let me try again yeah try Jeffy try it again all right let me line it up [Applause] and H how would you do that oh man I got all the balls in I must not be that good at this game no are you kidding me you're amazing I've never seen anyone do that before Jeffy how did you do that I just hit the ball with my stick well that that that's got to be luck I mean there's no way you could do that again I can do it again really okay well let me set up the balls I got to see this all right the balls are set up if you can knock them all in in one shot again I'll give you a 100 bucks 100 bucks he's not going to do it Jeff you got this I got it Danny I F please how is this possible like is is he some kind of pull Shar did you know about this did you make me think he was bad at pool just so I bet money I didn't know he was this good oh my God we have a huge opportunity here we could be rich how well we could invite people over here to play pool against your son right and then we tell them that your son is bad at pool so they bet money that they can beat him and then he just goes ape and gets all the balls in like he just did and then we just rake in all the cash that's an amazing idea but how are we going to find people that want to verse Jeffy and pool oh don't worry once I make it commercial everyone's going to want to play him oh okay then go make the commercial yeah I will um where's my 100 bucks oh yeah yeah the 100 bucks um let go of it it's all I have please well we're going to make more money back okay I guess you're right Jeff you're so good at pool I know get out of the way the commercial's about to come on hey I was watching that hey I was watching that oh my God you're married to this who the commercial's on hey there do you suck at pool well not as much as this kid say the thing I suck see he sucks I've been killing this kid at pool I bet him 100 bucks that I could beat him go ahead Jeffy it's your turn okay see that he just pocketed the eightball what an idiot pay up okay here you go look just like that I made a 100 bucks playing this kid in pools like printing money so if you think you can beat this kid and you got a lot of money to spend come on down and play this kid in pool I guarantee you'll win yay I always in a commercial damn I look good on TV I mean I know they say the camera adds 10 lb but I think it's to my wiener area Marvin what was that commercial all about oh my god do she ever stop talking nag nag nag nag nag baby look jeffy's really good at pool so he made a commercial saying he's bad at pool so people will come play him and bet a lot of money and then Jeffy will beat him and we'll make a lot of money so you're going to con people out of their money aren't they going to get angry can you even understand what she's saying oh my God you're so rude like that I got nothing there baby look what we're doing is completely legal and we're just having fun we're going to make a little bit of cash Marvin you're going to exploit our son do you want me to like do something about her cuz I know a guy I mean I can baby look just don't pay attention just watch your TV look we're going to go make some money okay fine good luck finding your channel [Music] now when are the people going to show up don't worry they'll be here the commercial was perfect people are going to want to play pool hey Daddy look at my blue balls why is one of them purple cuz I squeezed it too much Jesus look it's been over an hour yeah you're right it has been a while but I mean why wouldn't people show up I mean that commercial was pretty good we we didn't put the address what we didn't put the address in the commercial people don't know where to go oh yeah you didn't put the address in the commercial no we didn't so now people are just driving around looking for pool well go edit the commercial and put the address well I can't do that it already aired well air it again well I already spent $55,000 to air it that one time why was it so expensive because it's during a football game on a Sunday it's Prime Time what are we going to do then we got to make our money well I mean I guess we could just put a sign on your front door in case somebody Drives By what are the odds that someone drives by the house looking for a pool oh believe me they're going to be speeding by go make a sign okay there now people will know where to show up okay good okay now that the sign's up all we have to do is sit here and wait for people to show up so we can make our money heck yeah you know sometimes I wish I could blink my eyes are so dry mine too I told you that sign would work all right what Jump's ready to be destroyed in pool blue CL guy Jonathan what are you doing here why you wearing a towel well I saw the sign for a pool tournament and I'm really good at swimming so I thought there might be some really hot babes here that would go skin dipping with me is your wife here no Jonathan not that kind of pool I meant like Billiards like the game well I can play Billiards oh yeah you have any money well no but how about every time I miss a shot I have to take off a piece of clothing I'm really bad no Jonathan get out of here no we're going to need a different sign it's really on there there now there won't be any confusion Bingo we got someone all right who wants it hello would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies what Girl Scout cookies what the get in here and get your ass kicked in pool excuse me what you heard me get in there are you going to buy some cookies Well yeah if you win now come on okay so what are we doing we're playing pool now how much money you got um $8 $8 how long you been selling cookies cookies today 8 hours 8 hours that's only a dollar or an hour let's hope you're better at pool than you are selling cookies you know what we're wagering these cookies too all right Jeffy let a break okay uh so what do I do you hit the ball with the stick haven't you played pool before hurry up I don't feel good about this oh come on man this is how we make money and cookies she's just a little girl no no no no she knew what she was getting herself into when she rang the doorbell she wanted this I think she was just trying to sell cookies no way man she saw the sign and she thought she could con us she doesn't want us to know that she's secretly good at pool she's trying to do the same thing we are doing but we're smarter than that that's why we're going to win hurry up punk okay what was that that sucked you even know how to play no oh yeah okay yeah she's trying to con us all right Jeffy Show her what you got let me show you how it's done yeah it's my boy right there it's my boy are you eating the cookies yeah I don't know we're going to win all right prepare to lose damn you lost you suck oh what's this I'm going to have one of your cookies oh your cookies are so good oh oh oh you're $8 yes so what happened what happened you lost that's what happened go back to pool school loser learn some new tricks you can't Conor Conor yeah get to Stepping get out of here walk a shame man that felt good what that was wrong wrong come on buddy it's nothing wrong about this look have a cookie make I want to cook it it tastes good right it's the taste of Victory no yeah they kind of taste like but look we got $8 you know we just do that a few more times we'll have like 20 bucks who's that another chump who's ready to go broke hey there oh hey Goodman you know this chump what are you doing here well you see I run the Girl Scout cookie foundation and two of my girls showed up with no money and no cookies saying that they were robbed robbed yeah okay you should tell your little con artist to get better at playing pool pardon me yeah they came ringing ID door bell and saying they were the best pool players there were and we showed them didn't we Marvin uh but not really so you guys were playing pool yeah you good I'm really good okay well put your money where your mouth is okay all right come on in $100,000 that I win Marvin Marvin we're going to win $100,000 I don't think we should do this what are you talking about your son's a god of course we're going to win well what if we don't win we're not going to lose so where's your $100,000 oh we we have $100,000 don't worry are you sure cuz all I see is $8 in a bag of my cookies well that that's just chump change don't worry we got it have $100,000 shut up he doesn't need to know that so who wants to break oh we do we do we want to break Jeffy come break let me show you how it's done oh yeah go Jeffy all right prepare to lose no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on come on get in the hole that's your home go in there H one ball left I call this pocket no no no no no Marvin we might lose I just got to line up my shot oh my God Marvin I think we're going to lose no no no no he could miss this shot it's a very long shot why didn't all of jeffy's balls go in because your stupid cookie crumbs affected the ball damn it they're not even that good and Bingo was his name of so how much money did you make Marvin we lost $100,000 what you don't have $100,000 well I didn't lose it Brooklyn guy bet it so he lost it how's he going to pay that back I don't know hey Dad look my head a washing machine who's that hello hey say the thing hello I'm selling Girl Scout cookies would you like to buy some why are you doing this I got to make back that $100,000 somehow please please oh man I can't wait for Cody to get here we're going to have a movie night hey Junior oh hey Cody are you ready to watch Shark Boy and Lava Girl am I ready to watch Shark Boy and Lava Girl of course I am it's a cinematic Masterpiece I know it was way before it's time it deserves an Oscar yeah people just don't know good movies so let's watch it well Junior on the way over here I found this phone on the ground you found a phone on the ground yeah and it's unlocked and it has a picture of like something on it I don't know that's really weird so you don't know whose phone that is no we should do some prank calls with it because if we call people from that phone they won't know it's us they'll believe it's whoever we pretend to be yeah okay let's prank call Joseph because Joseph doesn't have parents so we should pretend to be his long lost grandparents that are super rich and that we want to take care of them yeah I like it it's so mean but I want to do it let's do it let's do it all right Cody I'm calling Joseph let me hear Let me hear sh it's ringing sh sh uh hello uh hey is this Joseph yeah who is this um this is your long lost grandpappy Leviticus Seymour penins I have a grandfather uh you sure too you have a grandma too he hey it's your grandma Eleanor saggy bags bin well I really have grandparents I never thought I would have grandparents but now I have them yeah we're your grandparents and we're super rich and we did a DNA test and you're our only grandchild so we'd love to give you all our money and travel around the world with you oh man this is like a dream come true thank you Grandpa Leviticus oh oh I would love to meet you right now where are you uh we we are uh at your friend Junior's house wait wait why are you at Junior's house uh because uh we were driving around in our very expensive limo looking for you because we love you so much and and uh our limo broke down in front of this kid Junior's house okay that makes sense well I'm coming over there right now stay there cuz I never had family and I need to meet you right now grandpa Leviticus this is a dream come true oh we're not going anywhere we'll see you in a minute bye Joseph thinks he has grandparents that actually care about him he seemed really excited that's part of the prank Cody he believes it well he's going to be really sad when he finds out we were lying no it just means that we're really good pranksters and then that's how good the prank is look there he is okay come on come on hello hey guys where are my grandpa parents at where's your grandparents at yeah dude I finally have grandparents now every night and think about ending it all and I finally was going to do it tonight was going to be the night oh I'm so tired of being lonely but now I have something to live for and that's my grandparents where are they oh I feel bad me too I think we should just tell him it's a prank and that we're sorry um Joseph what if this whole grandparents thing was just a big prank just a big prank just a big prank I would just kill everybody well it's not it's not a prank we just saw your grandparents right Cody yeah yeah we did yeah we just saw them oh where are they well they pulled their limo up in front of the neighbor's house and then when they were walking across the neighbor's yard the neighbor shot him what why would he do that then the neighbor thought your grandparents were robbers so he shot him what hospital are they in I need to see them right now oh no no no they're not in the hospital the neighbor shot him with a flamethrower so it disintegrated your grandparents into a million pieces oh I'm going to kill your neighbor well no the cop showed up and shot the guy's flamethrower and it blew up so he blew up into a million pieces too oh I'm going kill your neighbor's family oh well the neighbor's family they moved out of that house when they saw him die they sold their house immediately because they didn't want to remember the house for that so they they moved to Antarctica oh what a fast realer um well at least my grandparents left me all their money oh the news just keeps getting worse and worse Joseph what as your grandparents are burning alive they screamed out we took every dollar bill in cash that we were going to give Joseph and put it in the trunk of the limo and then the neighbor shot the limo with the flamethrower so all the money burned up and exploded what there's so much fire in this story I know well is it going to be a news oh well the news crew showed up and the guy shot the news crew with the with the flamethrower and their cameras burned up so there's no footage that this even happened yeah yeah that guy was a real Maniac he he burned a lot of things and a lot of people yeah oh I'll never be happy well Joseph stuff like this happens every day no it doesn't well look look look Jo Jo look me and Cody found this phone and we've been prank calling people you want to go make some prank calls that'll cheer you up M I guess so yeah come on buddy so Joseph who do you want to prank call first I don't know dude I'm sad Che up Joseph why don't you prank call Chef peee that'd be funny you could act like you're a Nigerian prince and you need money why cuz I'm black what no you make everything about that um how about you prank call and act like you're asking for his car extended warranty ooh ooh you could call and ask if he has 10lb balls isn't that only funny if it's a bowling lanes what no I just want to know how big his ball sack is we should let Joseph decide because he's the one that's sad I'll just do the Nigerian prin one dude oh it's going to be really funny okay guys just ringing you got to stop crying Joseph it's not going to be funny hello hello Todd I told you to stop calling me I broke up with you it was a one night thing okay a one night thing look please stop crying it's not you it's me it's not that I didn't like it or anything I'm just more into girls you know I'm trying to find myself okay look you did look good in that cowboy hat I'm not going to lie Maybe I I can come see you again maybe a spark will happen yeah you know what screw it I'm coming to see you tonight at 10: it'll be like last time old pound town and brown toown okay okay bye tight cheeks bye Joseph what was that you didn't even talk you just cried the whole time I don't know he was calling me Todd I don't know what was going on dude I'm just going to leave there's someone door we'll walk you out Joseph hello hey there is Joseph here who are you my name is Leviticus more penins and I'm Elanor saggy bags panins what the hell they're real who are these clowns we're your grandparents and we want to take you around the world and give you a lots of men Joseph these are your grandparents oh I get what's going on here you felt so bad for me that my grandparents died that you hired these clowns to pretend to be them no no no no Joseph these are your real grandparents they're your real grandparents yep yep that's right no they're not my real grandparents dude look I got to get over this I I appreciate you helping me trying to mourn this situation but I I got a mour on my own this isn't helping well no no these are your real grandparents like your your grandparents aren't dead those are your real grandparents okay dude now you're making me feel real bad dude they're already dead you don't have to rub it in Joseph what's wrong with him no he's just so excited to see you guys so come inside and we'll figure it out yep y okay Joseph Joseph you have to listen to me these are your grandparents no they're not dude you told me yourself that my grandparents died and they're not coming back no no no no Joseph Joseph listen Junior was lying your grandparents didn't really get burned up by a flamethrower shut up four eyes you don't know what you're talking about Julia would never lie to me he's my best friend isn't that right dude but I would lie to you I lie to you all the time and these are your grandparents that's not a lie y you don't have to lie to me to make me feel better now Joseph now Joseph listen here son now listen here we are your grandparents mhm and we just want to spend a bunch of money on you before we die yeah that's right baby cuz we don't know how much longer we got left and we want to spend our final days with our grandbaby yep we just want to get you whatever you want you see that Pro necklace your grandma wearing I got that for her today in between you and me that's the second Pro necklace I got her today mhm yep she a freak she freaking get away from me strangers before I call the police wait that's it Cody the police what if we call the police and the police will tell him that the flamethrower thing never happened yeah good thinking Junior I'll go call the police and and then I'm going to poop so if I'm not in the next few scenes that's why okay uh Joseph yeah we're going to call the cops yeah you better hey there you call the cops oh yeah I need your help I can tell what well there's no way you're going to take on all these people in basketball by yourself you're going to need my help hold on we'll be skins oh you're going down you never played basketball against me pass me the rock we're not playing basketball well why couldn't you have told me that before I unbutton my shirt now my nipples are going to get all cold they're going to get diamond hard feel them I'm not going to feel them I need your help so I I prank called my friend and I told him his grandparents got killed by a flamethrower why the hell would you do that well anyway his real grandparents showed up and he doesn't believe that those are his grandparents cuz he thinks they dead so can you tell him that nobody died by a flamethrower today why don't you just tell him that you're a liar I did he won't believe me you got to tell him okay fine Hey kid what do you want from me you stupid Pig okay screw you then no no no tell him no he was mean to me no please tell him okay fine hey kid o Pig be the bigger man be the bigger man that Hat's dumb it's a dumb hat you look stupid in that hat damn it I'm sorry I I was trying to be mature tell him look look your grandparents aren't really dead what really no there was no flamethrower I mean I'm pretty sure that would have been on the news it would have been a big deal but junior said that the the news people got hit by the flamethrower really what tell the truth look no that didn't happen either okay there's more than one group of news people you would have heard about it oh I see what's going on junior you heard this crooked CAU to lie to me what crooked cop I got scoliosis hold on I'm going stand up straighter there we go wait no I did not pay the cop to lie to you you can't even do that well yeah they do it all the time dude yeah it's true people pay me to lie all the time and I've planted a lot of evidence oh then what can we do to make them believe it ooh ooh ooh how about this how about I change into my doctor outfit and then I give him a DNA test he's got to believe that oh yeah yeah yeah get a DNA test okay I'm going to go change in my doctor outfit okay all right I got my doctor outfit on all right Joseph we're going to do a DNA test to prove to you that they are your grandparents oh what a waste of time they're not my grandparents yes they are listen to the doctor yeah wait wait aren't you that police officer that lied to me a second ago yeah well aren't you going to lie to me about the dnaa test results all right look I give up these people are not your real grandparents your real grandparents are dead tell me something I don't know Noah no no hold on Joseph hold on we just wanted to be good grandparents and be in your life and buy you a bunch of stuff but it's obvious now that you don't want that so let's go baby well always love you baby all right I'm going to walk them to the car you know since they're old thank God those posers are gone but Joseph those were your real grandparents look I'm tired of you lying to me dude I'm out of here well don't come back Joseph hey you guys want to play some basketball I'm out of here dude no Joseph please don't leave no I'm out of here dude I'm tired of this first my grandparents die and then you hire fake grandparents to to make fun of me what's that screaming dude you're not listening to me oh look look look I'm sorry all this happened because I lied to you and I promise I'll never lie to you again I want to be a good friend for you okay dude I accept your apology Jesus Christ get get in the house close the door and Lock's going on there's a maniac out there with a flamethrower he just burned up those old people they deserve it losers oh oh my God the limo just exploded there's burning money everywhere oh good the news is here oh no oh my God not the news they're all on fire this is horrible is it is that a for sale sign in your neighbor's yard that fast who could sell a house at a time like this and but there's a buyer already in a U-Haul truck this is insane oh good the police are here oh oh my God they just shot the guy with a flamethrower now he's on fire there's so much fire happening in your front yard let's get out of here yeah dude all the humity man I was backed up Todd where are you I even have the cowboy hat what who's Todd I guess he's my ex now I I can be your rebound champ careful D careful careful dude careful careful dude careful shut up Joseph I got it I'm sorry dude I'm sorry okay I got it dude that was so close I know I didn't think I was going to get it I'm so happy we're playing Jenga yeah money Jenga all right Richard it's your turn all right which piece do I want to go for uh oh this one oh be careful be careful you lose actually it looks like I'm winning all right guys what game do you want to play next how about we play hide and seek okay yeah I love hide and seek I'm really good at hide and- seek dude I'll be I'll be okay I'm going count you guys hide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all right ready or not here I come all right guys I'm going to find you I just don't know where they're at Joseph are you behind the teddy bear no where could he be Joseph are you inside the popcorn container no where could he be Joseph oh man how'd you find me dude you were making a lot of noise nuh-uh I was quiet as a mouse okay I got to find Richard now Richard Richard Ching I'm allergic to your poor air well I found you Richard so that's it uh that means Joseph you're right since I found you first a man all right I'm going to go hi who's that let me go answer the door hello hey there I'm here to pick up my son Richard okay Richard your Dad's here oh thank God thanks for picking me up Dad it's so poor here my allergies were acting up oh and by the way Junior I accidentally clogged your toilet sorry but you clogged my toilet wait you clogged this toilet yeah I accidentally used too much money when I was wiping too much money when you were wiping you know you're only supposed to use one bill at a time show me all right right this way see Dad there it is that is it mister you are grounded grounded for what you know you're only supposed to use one bill when you wipe and you're wiping like we have endless amounts of money which we do but you need to learn the value of money so I think you need to get a job a job ew poor yeah that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to get you a job and I think you need to work at McDonald's McDonald's ew poor people food now you get over here and let me smack those stupid airpods out of your stupid head come here come on give me the other side come on all right you'll get those airpods back when you've earned them now let's go to McDonald's welcome to your first day at McDonald's how you feeling poor exactly that's how we all feel until we start making $15 an hour then we be lower middle class well how much have I making now $845 an hour $845 an hour that's not too bad no no no no no my silly white boy $845 ew poor exactly let me show you the food layout see we got hamburgers right here nuggets there french fries lettuce and tomatoes see all this stuff was already made yesterday okay we just leave it out to give it flavor and this this stuff right here is the stuff people return see we just keep passing out the window to somebody accept it now let me show you how to make a burger on a traditional Burger you got meat cheese lettuce tomatoes ketchup mustard and mayonnaise see I know that's a lot but I got a song to help you remember first you add the meat then you add the cheese don't forget the lettuce then you add tomatoes catchup mustard mayonnaise catchup mustard mayonnaise ketchup mustard mayonnaise catchup mustard mayonnaise you've got to be kidding me no no no it's very catchy come on sing it with me first you add the meat then you add the cheese don't forget the lettuce then you add tomatoes ketchup mustard mayonnaise ketchup mustard mayonnaise ketchup mustard mayonnaise I'm not singing that poor song do you want to get paid yeah come on sing it with me first you add the meat then you add the cheese don't forget the lettuce then you add tomatoes cetch mustard mayonnaise mustard mayonnaise cetch mustard mayonnaise must mayonnaise got somebody at the drive through okay get ready to make a sandwich and don't forget the song all right all right oh hello I'm ready to all M another one hey hey don't be throwing bananas in my drivethru uh I'm ready to order what you want uh can I get [Music] oh you ready to order yeah can I get a 10 piece nugget dropped fresh a large fry with no salt also dropped fresh with salt packets in the bag a plain cheeseburg and a ice cream con a ice cream machine bro mhm of course it is well then in that case I'll just take Kool-Aid to drink man we going to sell Kool-Aid we only got high seat oh I can't see that you high cuz your ice cream ma sheine always broke look is that all you want ma'am yeah all right your totally is 1738 all right you accept EBT no you accept fool Styles no what can I get your discount it's it's my discount manam look look can you please pull up for so we can get your food I ain't pulling up for ain't nobody behinds me my god look look I'll have you food in a minute ma'am and they want $15 an hour yeah you slam that window all right Rashad what we have my name is Richard listen Rashad I'm trying to teach you something look what we have here is what we call a bad customer you could tell from a mile away it's a dead giveaway you could tell by the by the color the color of their car their car yeah yeah she was driving a red car people who drive red cars are always mad something about color red but uh do you know what we do to bad customers what ew poor yeah exactly now she wanted a burger and some nuggets and fries dropped so can you drop them on the ground and take 10 minutes doing it she also wanted an ice cream cone but we always tell the customers that the ice cream machine is broken to be honest with you we don't even have a ice cream machine I don't even know why it's on the menu but uh get to making her food and I'll be right back okay all right what do I do do again oh yeah the song uh something about the meat then you grab some nuggets how about some fries don't forget the tomatoes ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup ketchup all right I'm done let me see how you did boy what what is this it's a cheeseburger the song Boy the song I sing the song you got a lot to learn let me just wrap this up and give it to her okay what Tak you so long hey what up told you about throwing bananas in my drivethru look look here's your fool ma'am my fool hit the ground I'm going need you to make me some more look I'm not making another burger for you lady well I also had nuggets and fries look just have a good day okay let me speak to your manager I am the manager all right then would let me speak to the owner look if you want to talk to the owner how about you call Old McDonald himself he live on the farm e i e i o well I'll do you want better I'll call May MC cheese what call May MC cheese then all right this ain't the last you heard of me and they W $15 an hour get out of my drivethru lady oh I leave it I'll leave it and I'm going to take my banana too all right Randy I want you to work the drivethru because I am stretched how do I do that oh it's super simple they're going to pull up to the window you say what real meeme because it's inconvenient for you to take their order even though you work here now they're going to give you their order you make sure you get it wrong because we want them to come back they're going to say they're not going to come back but we're McDonald's we got dollar burgers and we're open 2 7 so uh go to the window and get to working my name is Richard come on Randy just go to the window okay God all right working the drive-thru at least I don't have to touch that poor people food can I have some food ew did you sneeze on the window I'm hungry oh you're hungry well do you have money no well then what are you going to give me for food tomato ew I don't want your poor tomato we don't accept Tomatoes here I'm hungry well shoot get out of here shoot ew poor Raymond did I just see you spray Windex at one of our customers yeah because he was poor Raymond Raymond Raymond look all of our customers are poor you just can't spray them with Windex though how about we have the perfect conversation you're supposed to have at the window you be the driver I'll be me okay Brom Brom Brom Brom in my Lamborghini whatever what do you want why aren't you at Burger King why are you ordering here can I get a cheeseburger a cheeseburger winds is right down the street all right just pull up to the next window see it's that simple see now you don't have to spray people with Windex okay forget my order WR and you want $15 hour you know what go go and handle the burgers I got this did you just throw something at me mhm I borrow a tomato from a homeless man cuz I ran out of bananas what do you want from me lady I just want my order right because my booger had nuggets and fries on it Ain that's what you wanted no I wanted it all separate you know what look here's your tomato back all right scram lady oh and you want $15 yes I do yes I do all right Ryan I don't know how much longer I can work here me either look I'm dreaming of bigger and better things right like working at Chick-fil-A but see the customers here is so annoying and poor that too another one what do you want and can you please stop hky your horn hey I stole my Daddy's car cuz he wouldn't bring me to get a Happy Meal cool cool cool what do you want I can't get cheeseburger Happy Meal with three toys oh the Happy Meal only come with one toy well I want three Toys you only getting one toy how about three Toys it comes with one toy three Toys one toy three Toys okay okay baby all right Robbie we got another bad C C at the drive-thru you know how I knew because the color of the car exactly the color of the car was red so you know he's going to be mean and he wanted a Happy Meal with three toys look this ain't toys or R Us I'm not giving him all them toys you know what we're going to do to his food we're going to spin the food Bingo you learn it Robbie okay so uh fix the food and remember the song okay okay all right the song uh sometimes there's meat bunch of bunch of cheese lot of lot of lettuce uh a couple chicken nuggets maybe a few tomatoes um ketchup ketchup ketchup maybe the whole thing uh mustard mustard mustard mustard mustard okay that looks good all right it's ready let me check the Happy Meal see how you did wait Rachel you're not supposed to give them all the ketchup and musle oh I'm sorry it's okay it's okay let me get him a drink yeah where's my Happy Meal oh here's your happy meal with a three toys oh thank you you're not welcome baby all right Rufus I'mma end your shift early today since it's your first day what does that mean that means you get to go home oh thank God Char come pick me up in the helicopter all right I'm going to get your check and then you can go home okay how much money did I make well you only worked for like 10 minutes so uh you made about 75 cents ew poor welcome to the club Dad I'm back from work wait a minute ew you smell poor I know but I got paid hold on let me see that 75 congratulations you've made enough money to buy three gumballs oh Dad I have a confession to make I don't want to be poor I don't want to work at poor restaurants anymore and and I'll even wipe my butt with 20s listen son you don't have to wipe your butt with 20s that would be a disgrace to the Goodman name we only wipe our butts with hundreds but the fact that you said that you would wipe your butt with 20s shows that you appreciate money now so let's go home and get out of this weird poor person's house oh thank you Dad I love you so much I love you too son let's go oh yeah I love playing fortnite trying to unlock the new Spider-Man skin Jeffy did you just charge my credit card sure did Daddy I had you get your new fortnite battle pass you didn't ask for permission oh I'm sorry Daddy you're going to do a bunch of chores tomorrow to make that money back all right sure thing Daddy hey I was playing Jeffy you have to go to bed it's your bedtime you have school tomorrow but I just need 64 more matches before I get the Spider-Man skin how long's that going to take all night you're not playing video games all night Jeffy all right daddy well then let me finish this one match okay and then 63 more oh finally I got the Spider-Man skin now I get to play a Spider-Man Victory emote dance Jeffy it's time to go to school what you have to go to school Jeffy oh no Dad I'm too tired to go to school did you stay up all night playing video games no but Jeffy I told you to go to bed last night it's your fault that you stayed up so you're going to school oh but Daddy I'm too tired oh if you're tired now you're definitely going to be tired after school because I have a lot of chores for you to do after school so go to school oh go all right class today we're we're going to be learning about the meteor that killed the dinosaurs so we're going to play this fun little game where I pretend each of your faces are Earth and this ball is the meteor I'm going to throw it as fast as I can at you and if you dodge the ball then you save the dinosaurs all right Cody you're first got his ass looks like the dinosaurs are dead in your world Cody Junior you're next good Dodge Junior it looks like the dinosaurs are still alive in your world and Cody's world the dinosaurs are double dead all right Jeffy you're next oh Cody I'm so sorry my aim was a little off it it's fine I'm just going to spend the rest of the class down here I understand Cody all right Jeffy it's your turn did did Jeffy Dodge it boom okay that's it I'm going home no don't be a sore loser Cody I hate this class eat Cody I'm on fire today crass I can put the ball anywhere I want all right Jeffy your turn Jeffy you suck oh Jeffy it looks like the dinosaurs are dead in your world bully think fast I caught it hey Jeffy think fast hey are you effing with me yeah huh cuz I might be tired but I can still kick your ass hey jeie Bor stop fighting hold on real quick I got to do something hey Cody I want to transfer to another school ow suck that Cody you nerd Jeffy how was school today huh how was school today oh good I'm tired but no you can't go to sleep yet Mister you still have chores to do hold on take this and that and go wash all the windows in the house I'm tired go wash all the windows oh my God Jesus Christ oh my God oh my God Jesus Christ he got in my oh my God morvin I can't see I can't see we need to go to the hospital yeah take me take me take me Jeffy how could you do that what's wrong baby what's wrong oh my God he got it in my eyes oh baby Jeffy you're gred you are so grounded Mor I can't see Jeffy call 911 call 911 H call 911 we need to go to the hospital okay okay Jeffy I would never ask you to do this but I need you to drive us to the hospital okay huh drive us to the hospital come on baby drive us to the hospital Jeffy come on we got to go to the hospital okay all right Jeffy hurry up and drive us to the hospital but drive safely huh just just drive to the hospital Jeffy we have to go to the hospital okay what are you doing Jeffy just hurry [Music] up Jeffy Jeffy get off the hor Jeffy huh you're on the hor Jeffy like just drive us to the hospital what are those Sirens pretty blue lights Jeffy why are you getting pulled over just talk to the cop and just tell him that you're taking us to the hospital okay okay I bet this guy's drunk hey roll your window down roll your window down je Jeffy Jeffy roll your window down for the cop huh said roll your window down roll your window down Jeffy tell him you take us to the hospital okay what do you want Jesus car full of junkies oh no officer we're not we're not a car full of junkies look he he sprayed cleaning chemicals in my eyes oh you're getting high on cleaning chemicals huh oh no no no no he's spring our eyes and he was taken to the hospital look man I don't care how you do it it's still illegal I can't believe this doing it in front of your kid like that then making him drive you to the hospital no no no no I promise you office it's just a big misunderstanding well you're all under arrest you're coming with me come on no I can't believe we had to bail ourselves out of jail at least our eyes are feeling better Marvin I just want to watch TV and forget about what happened today breaking news a local couple pictured to the left of the screen was arrested for making their kid drive them around while they were zooted on cleaning supplies oh my god oh great now the whole town thinks we're junkies and that we treat our son bad and only one of those things is true I'm tired oh you're not going to bed yet Mister you ruined our entire day and got us arrested so now you know what you're going to make us dinner what yeah he's going to make us dinner we deserve to relax after all the hell we were put through today so Jeffy go make us some chicken nuggets but Marvin he just needs some rest no no no he can rest after he gets done with his chores and I want him to make us Di dinner so go make us some chicken nuggets what go make us chicken nuggets okay go jimy oh my god there a fire oh my God CRA put it out oh jimy get some water huh get some water Jimmy okay the hell's going to burn we got to do something oh my God my eyes my eyes I'll get the door uh hey your fire alarm's going off is there a fire wait it's you again oh man this house get out of my way someone help us Jesus look at that fire oh yeah can you help us please oh my God not you two again what are you junkies doing now trying to cook cleaning chemicals no no no it's just a big misunderstanding what you trying to get high on the fuse oh no all right I'm going to put out this fire then you're going back to jail oh come on I cannot believe we went to jail twice in one day at least the house isn't on fire Marvin can you stop trying to find positive stuff about this today's not positive it's a horrible day oh my God Marvin look the news oh my God breaking news K those junky parents are back at it again this time they were arrested for trying to make their kid cook cleaning supplies when will they stop wow now we can never show our face around town ever again again Marvin just let Jeffy get some sleep no I'm not going to let Jeffy get some sleep you got arrested twice the whole town thinks we're junkies and we start fires and stuff like that so I got to think of the biggest baddest punishment ever for Jeffy Marvin just let him sleep no wa Jeffy are you sleeping no wake up Marvin I got to wake him up Marvin stop it wake up Jeffy Child Protective Services I'm here to check on oh no no no no no I was just trying to wake him up no I think I know what's going on here yeah I took away your cleaning supply so now you're taking out your withdrawal anger on your kid is that it no I was just trying to wake him up he's sleeping yeah he's sleeping cuz he's been up all night driving you around and cooking your cleaning supplies no no no I was trying to wake him up so I can punish him but not punish him by hitting him but but like by doing other stuff all right that's it you're coming with me let him go well hey Marvin well hey Marvin what how was jail I'm so tired from being arrested three times in one day Marvin can we please let Jeffy go to sleep now oh no no no no he got me arrested three times not two three so I'm going to make sure he stays up for like 2 days straight so that he can know the stress of never going sleep again cuz he made me get rest and I'm going to
Channel: SMLs
Views: 299,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jr8YQui1tg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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