SML Movie - The Chain Letter! - Full Episode

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I got nothing to do today this is the most insignificant day of the whole year as a matter of fact I got nothing going on this whole week hey Dad oh hey Penelope what do you want so what are you doing today um this do you know what today is uh Wednesday dad what oh no no no you're right you're right it's not Wednesday it's Thursday oh my God you forgot it's my birthday but today's not your birthday your birthday is not until April 17th no it's not oh no that was my girlfriend in College's birthday oh she was a freak I wonder what she's up to ew dad well I I didn't forget your birthday okay I remembered okay so what did you get me um what what did you want oh my God you forgot no no I didn't forget I just want to make sure you remember what you wanted so let's say it on the count of three okay 3 2 1 an Xbox an Xbox you're a girl you don't play video games dad that's sexist hey you shouldn't even know what sex is until you're 40 dad girls can play video games too don't mean you're good at them what well then I got you you stupid Xbox okay don't worry about it okay okay well can I have it now well you can't have it until your birthday it is my birthday well you can't have it until later tonight it's night time well give me 10 minutes I got to wrap it first a fine oh crap I didn't get her anything for her birthday she's going to be so pissed where am I going to find an Xbox at this time I got to call my brother Jonathan he's a nerd come on answer the phone answer the phone the one time I actually decide to call you hello do I want to know why you're out of breath I you put my sock away ew what I was just doing laundry I just finished a huge load yeah okay look I I just wanted to know if you have one of the new Xboxes the new Xbox they solded out everywhere bro okay cool do you have one I mean I have something that's very similar what what what do you have I may just happen to have a replica Xbox mini fridge what a fridge what does it play video games well it does if you use your imagination well does it look like an Xbox oh yeah it looks exactly the same okay good enough that'll do do bring it over nuh uhuh was in it for me well I I don't know what do you want I want your wife to tell me she loves me well I can't do that well no you then okay fine I'll do it hold on honey can you get in here what do you want Bo I need you to tell my brother that you love him oh okay Jonathan I love you so much guy I just finished another huge load ew just come over don't come downstairs panelope I got it you're grounded if you come downstairs hello hey I got your package now ask your wife if she wants mine thanks Jonathan bye you're not going to invite me in oh my God it looks perfect as long as she doesn't see the Box she'll never even know all right time to go be the best dad ever there you go Penelope here's your real Xbox that I paid for with my money and it's real oh my god dad you really got it from me I thought you were lying no I would never lie to my little princess dad this is the most amazing gift ever but where's the controller what controller I oh no no I I couldn't get a controller it didn't come with a controller no you're going to have to wait till your next birthday for a controller I have to wait a whole year before I can play with it now that's just ungrateful I already got you this big old Xbox what is this on the side I don't oh it's a refrigerator oh that that's how special you are cuz cuz it's an Xbox and refrigerator most kids don't have that oh my God I knew I knew you were lying and I knew you forgot I can't believe you didn't get me an Xbox no no no no no um um April fools it's just an April fools joke see cuz I I thought your birthday was in April so I did an April Fool's joke early too I I I got I got you a real Xbox just um give me 10 minutes and I I I need this P what am I going to do what am I going to do where am I going to find an Xbox at this time of night oh I know I could dress up like a cop and then I could go to random people's houses and then tell them I have a search warrant and search the house until I find a house that has an Xbox and just take it yeah I'll do that oh no the storm's closing I got to build bandage jum oh I'm getting shot at oh I died Junior shouldn't we be playing a two-player game yeah dude you guys don't like watching me play fortnite by myself no no it's not P of you I'm sorry what it's not P yeah it's not P of him what P like urine no no no no he's not pushing P dude pushing P why would he have to push P does he have a UTI or like a kidney stone he has to push it out no gross nothing like that look he's not sharing the controller so he's not pushing P dude I don't I don't understand P if you don't understand P then you're not P yourself I I guess I'm not p i mean there's 25 other letters I could be maybe I'm o or q but I'm not P well if you're not pushing P I'm definitely pushing a few letters I'm pushing y x A and B on this controller what who's that uh hello the cops what are you doing here hey kid do you have one of those new Xboxes uh yeah I'm playing it right now well I have a search warrant to search your house then cuz I heard there was all kinds of illegal stuff in here it's uh it's one of those um what what are the kids call it oh a trap house that's what this is well it's not a trap house there's no illegal stuff in here that's exactly what it guilty person would say I'm coming in hey dude who was at the door oh was the cops oh well Cody's in the bathroom okay oh man based on what I'm seeing here there must be a lot of illegal activity going on oh wow just cuz you see a black person you assume illegal activity no no no no no no no no oh my God no that's not what I meant see I I lied I don't even have a warrant please don't tell my boss what are you doing here then I I just wanted to hang out you know oh this is a really nice Xbox oh yeah I love my Xbox I love playing video games I just wish I had new games because games are so expensive and I can't for them oh yeah well what if I told you I could get you a hacked Xbox that has all the games on it for free and you get all the new games when they come out for free too really yeah yeah I have it in my car so if you let me take this one I'll get you the Hacked Xbox I want the Hacked Xbox then we can have two player games and we all can play together you can take this Xbox as long as you give me the Hacked one okay okay I'll be right back okay there you go there's your hacked Xbox oh my God it's so big well it has to be to fit all those games in there dude he wasn't lying he's totally pushing P yeah he's totally pushing P well I mean I I went before I left but I'm glad you like the Xbox I I got to go oh my God it's so big hey guys sorry I was in the bathroom whoa Junior what happened to your Xbox it's so big that's what your mom said last night when she saw my wiener you could have just said that that's what my mom said last night you didn't have to say the wiener part I want to make sure you get the joke dude I I got it so Junior where did this come from this cop came to my house and he said he' get me a hacked Xbox that comes with nothing but free games and free games for the future as long as I gave him my Xbox wow that's cool how much did you have to pay for it he didn't make me pay anything he did it for free really wait where's the controller controller he didn't give me a controller maybe you don't need a controller dude what oh there's a handle right here maybe maybe the controller's inside ow what wait what what's this it looks like a refrigerator he gave me an Xbox it's also a refrigerator that's so cool oh that is awesome uh guys I think it's just a refrigerator what just a wa you think he ripped me off I think he stole you your Xbox and just gave you a refrigerator that's not P of him that is totally not P yeah that's not P at all you don't even know what p means well I know this isn't P I'm going go to his house I'm going get my Xbox back he can't just do that to me here you go Penelope I got you a real Xbox this time are you sure it's not another refrigerator no it's actually a real look it turns on oh my god dad you got me a real Xbox thank you so much yeah look I even got you the controller ooh Why is it sticky um it's that new controller field Dad this is the best birthday ever you totally rock yeah well I hope you enjoy your birthday my little princess Hey Dad uhhuh how old am I you really trying to make this the hardest birthday ever okay look how about we don't talk about that and you just enjoy your Xbox okay Dad thank you you did good Brooklyn guy you did good oh come on who Could That Be hello oh oh it's you kid how's that Xbox treating you you gave me a refrigerator no no I didn't I I gave you a big Xbox full of full of free games no you gave me a refrigerator and I want my Xbox back okay listen kid you're not getting that Xbox back okay so just leave well what if I call the cops that you stole from me you can't call the cops I am the cops if you call the cops my phone's going to ring well what if I call your boss oh yeah who's he going to believe me or a stupid little kid like you I guess we're going have to find out yeah okay yeah let's find out oh no oh no oh no no it's the chief hey chief he's lying K I got a call from a kid that said you stole his Xbox I I I did no such things sir he's a liar liar and his pants are on fire well he recorded the entire conversation and sent it to me oh I guess it's my pants that are on fire yeah so I'll make you a deal if you give him back the Xbox I won't fire you but but but sir I already gave it to my daughter for her birthday well you better give it back and ruin your daughter's birthday okay oh man how am I going to take away an Xbox for my daughter on her birthday die suck it nerds hey there princess how you like the Xbox dad I love it it's the greatest present ever I don't know what I would do without it really so you sure there's nothing wrong with it no it's fine the controller is a little sticky but I I can send it back I can take the whole thing back just for the controller nah that's okay oh really okay um oh oh what's this I I think I see something wrong with it back here oh oh no it turned off and it fell over oh no something must be broken dad you just unplugged it and knocked it over well it shouldn't have been so easy to unplug so clearly it's broken dad it's fine well what if I can get you a pink one instead huh do they have that I don't know but I'd have to take this one back eh no that's okay oh what if I sent it off to be spray painted pink how about that it would take like a month though ew no dad leave me alone okay so so you really want to keep this stupid broken crappy Xbox huh okay okay you want to keep okay she leaves me no choice I'm going to have to steal it from her freeze this is a robbery oh my God please don't hurt me I won't hurt you just give me the Xbox dad dad dad dad dad dad hey what's up I heard you screaming what happened to you oh you know I was at the grocery store and me and this old lady reached for the Lucky Charms at the same time and she socked me right in the eye she was a lot stronger than she looked well while you left me home all alone a robber broke in and stole my Xbox oh that that bastard doesn't he know a cop lives here why why would he even try such a thing so what are you going to do about it oh I will not rest until I catch the guy that did that sweetie well can you buy me a new Xbox oh honey I I'm sorry but I I spent all my money on the other Xbox but but it's my birthday and you promised so good hey hey how about this how about until I find you another Xbox here's $100 go nuts thanks Dad uhuh oh thank God okay kid here's your Xbox back Cody's in the bathroom again dude wait what happened to your eye no I got hit God I hate black eyes wow I'm sitting right here I can't believe you would say something like that oh no no no no no no no that's not what I said I I said I hate black eyes no you said black guys I heard you you said you hate them no no no no no no no I didn't I did what I said I no no I'm about to call your boss oh come on don't do that all right crft today we're going to be doing animal dissection so each of you should have a dead animal on your desk and you're going to cut it open with the kitchen knife I gave you oh man this is so awesome I get to cut open a frog and see what his insid of like hey Cody what animal did you get I get a pig you got your mom that means you get to see what the inside of your mom looks like every guy knows what that looks like your mom's a hoe no she's not hey you know the last time your mom was cut open it was when you were born cuz you were a C-section C-section I wasn't a C-section yeah you were yeah you were teacher why are we playing with knives it seems really dangerous hey Cody catch no damn it Joseph don't throw that watch I'm going to throw it when you least expect it teacher can I move desks or can you at least tell Joseph to cut it the hell out be careful with it knives you can poke your eye out with that thing look he caught it well Cody are you okay no I'm not okay I have a knife in my eye teacher I'm going to go to the NSE see crra that's why I told you to be careful that's why you should always be wearing your safety goggles even though I didn't provide any to you and you can thank the school funding for that but anyway back to the animal dissection so what you're going to do is you're going to cut down the abdomen of the animal that you have and pull out the stomach whoo dude I cut his skull open now I'm going get his brains out oh look at how squishy it is but Joseph you were supposed to cut open his stomach but dude I wanted to play with his brains look watch this Splat sticky oh that's so awesome I'm going to get my brain out hey Joseph look I got mine's brain out oh dude I bet you won't throw it at the chalk board I bet I will do it dude after you get the hey who th the brain hey I know the brains look fun and Squishy but don't throw the brains at the board maybe after crash sorry teacher hey guys I'm back Cody I didn't know you were a pirate I'm not a pirate Junior then why do you have an eye patch oh I don't know maybe because Joseph stabbed me in the eye and then the nurse had to put a Band-Aid over it but it didn't help because I'm permanently blind for Life thanks Joseph oh you're welcome buddy did I miss anything oh yeah you're supposed to cut out your animal's brain and throw it as hard as you can at the board really yeah yeah he said like we could do it for fun okay and if you look up to the right you'll be able to see your animal's heart who threw the brain Cody did it Cody principal's office now they they said I we supposed to do it the brain I was supposed to throw the board no screw you guys sorry Cody I hate this class oh I don't want to cut open this froggy what's wrong it's already dead look at my pig look at his guts and his weer oh okay I guess I got to cut open this froggy please don't do this you can talk of course I can talk I got 14 tpos and the misses at home please don't kill me I don't want to kill you but my teacher says I have to no no you don't you can hold me listen I was captured against me will and I've been playing dead ever since please don't let me die well I guess I can get you out of here I can take you home and show you to my daddy oh thank you so much all right crass real quick important announcement you are not allowed to take your animals home that's school policy okay so I'm going to come around the crass and I want you to show me your animal stomach oh no what do we do hide me and say I'll run away oh that's a good idea I'm where to hide you oh I know hurry jump inside my diaper okay all right Jeffy where's your animal stomach wait Jeffy where's your animal at um he got up and ran away what he ran away grass everyone be on The Rook out for a frog Jeffy do you know where we get these animals from Area 51 because they're extremely intelligent but very very dangerous so we have to kill them and dissect them to prevent them from taking over the world but don't worry Jeffy I will not rest until I find your frog all right crass everyone can go home for the day but make sure your animal is dead before you leave and if you see that frog make sure you call me directly all right Mr froggy let's get out of here thank you so much hey D hey Jeffy how was school guess what's in my pants it's green and covered in warts Jeffy if it looks like that has been infected what have you been doing to it well Daddy I had it out on my desk at school and the teacher want to see it so I put it in my pants and I came home Jeffy if your teacher want to see it we have to call the cop so there's something wrong with him and we have to call a doctor cuz it's green and covered in warts that means there's something wrong Jeffy your we is not supposed to look like that well it's not my winner daddy oh well then what is it well close your eyes and turn around and I'll pull it out and show you I'm I'm scared but okay all right thank God I'm out of there don't you ever change your di huh all right then you can turn around now what it's a frog oh yeah I'm a Frog oh my God it can talk of course I can talk youve seen my cousin and in commercials did you know that you can say 15% or more in 15 minutes on cors something like that what Jeffy where didd you get a talking frog at well I got from school the teacher wanted me to cut him open and so I saved his life it's true he's my hero a Marvin Jeffy saved that frog's life well frog it's time for you to go back outside where you came from well you know this frog has a name what's your name fraer well fraer you can go back outside get ran over by cars and pee on plants or whatever you need to do oh yeah yeah all right well Jeffy I'll see you later mate thanks for everything all right bye frer Marvin I'll see you later too okay bye all right Jeffy no more bringing amphibians into the house what about frogs frogs are amphibians Jeffy well then why didn't you just say that instead of saying amphibians or something Jeffy Jeff just no more bringing animals into the house okay so go to your room all right Daddy got to call the chief hello who's this you know who this is Sergeant froger you made it out alive you son of a I told you I'd make it out great job Sergeant now you know what to do oh yeah kill all humans make them pay for all those frogs that died in those school dissections with pleasure what was that sorry I got a frog in my throat hope it's not my wife oh man I don't know what to cook tonight oh hello there wait is that a frog I can make frog legs hey give me your legs froggy or we can make something different tonight how about Chef arms Chef arms yeah one down billions to go all right baby what movie do you want to watch tonight ooh let's watch a scary movie which one do you want to watch you should watch Scream a Roger what are you doing here oh hi there Marvin you want to know what I'm going to do with this knife oh what I'm going to stab you in the rib it will hurt get it I'm going to stab you in the rib it will hurt Ribbit will hurt Ribbit I'm a I'm a frog frog say Ribbit you're going to kill me with how long you're explaining this joke why are you trying to kill us oh I don't know maybe because humans been slicing up frogs for years I think I'm going to slice you up oh no Marvin what do we do oh oh look look there's a fly oh you think I'm going to fall for that o get over here you little bugger run hey come back here run to the pantry run to The Pantry on get back here you come baby close the door close the door I know you're in there Marvin call the cops let me get my phone come on answer the phone answer the phone Marin open up 911 what's your emergency oh yes please send help help help help okay what's going on there's a frog a frog yeah a big scary frog sir you're a grown man why are you afraid of a frog because he's trying to kill me okay sir I think you have ranidaphobia that's a fear of frogs Yeah I have ran phobia I ran the away from this frog tried to kill me okay frogs can't kill you they're not dangerous except for poison dart frogs they they can kill you they're very dangerous they're all colorful they look like candy but if you eat them you'll die is it a poison dart frog no it's a really big frog Marvin don't forget to tell him about the knife who is that it's the Frog he can talk what a talking frog yeah he has a knife sir sir are you on something are you okay no no no I'm not okay he's trying to kill me okay sir I think I could call you an ambulance so they can get you mentally checked out no no no no please please just come help me the Frog's trying to kill me I'm in my pantry and he's trying to kill me and he said he's going to stab me in the rib it will hurt he said he'll stab me in the rib it will hurt Ribbit like ribbit oh this is a prank called bye Marvin open the door Marvin it's not locked did you say it's not law oh no open the door open the door Marvin open the door hey Mr froggy what doing oh hey there Jeffy me and your parents are just playing hide and seek why do you have a knife oh we were just just about to cut some cake and have some fun help Jeffy help why is she screaming uh she's saying Help Cut the Cake she wants to help Cut the Cake so that's what I'm trying to get in here oh that makes sense oh they're showing at the door I'll go get it yeah go Get It Marvin he's froggy hello Jeffy there's a Tracker in the Frog and I tracked it to your house get to safety I'll handle the Frog okay come on Marvin I just want to slice you open froger we meet again Jackie chew what are you doing here you should have never Escape because your death would have been quick and painless but now you suffer now you're going to be the one that suffers long and painful we'll see about that two in the pig one in the S oh no please give me a second chance I'll change it looks like I'm eating frog rigs tonight thank you so much Jackie chw for saving our life MH we really appreciate it m Marvin today's been a weird day every day is a weird day in our life true hey D look what I found can I keep him but no Jeffy you can't keep any random animals that you found outside Marvin what could go wrong with a pig well the Frog tried to kill us that was a frog I guess you're right I guess you can keep the pig hey chief they don't suspect a thing we'll finally get payback from all that bacon they've been eating excellent so guys what do you want to do to today let's do something fun yeah dude let's have deep conversations and learn more about each other yeah let's go outside and get some fresh air yeah let's enjoy life yeah I love Tik Tok it's really funny should I should I make a Tik Tok nah okay what what are you doing I'm on Facebook Facebook you still have a Facebook yeah oh look at this my mom shared this stupid chain letter if you do not share this post within 30 seconds a ghost will follow you for 6 years well share it Cody well DH Junior I'm not stupid I don't want to ghost following me yeah ghost would be scary I'm going to go on Facebook oh Cody I just saw the post you shared now I have to share it so I don't have a ghost following me yeah you better share it quick dude what's this post about a stupid ghost oh you have to share it Joseph or a ghost will follow you for 6 years dude I'm not going to share it I don't even believe in ghost why would it follow me for 6 years no no Joseph it's real that's why so many people keep sharing it yeah you have to share it or ghost will follow you for 6 years you you don't have much time you only have 30 seconds dude I'm not sharing it well no you have to share it no I'm not sharing it I don't believe in ghost no stupid sticky ghost is going to follow me dude you have to share oh Cody a ghost is got to follow him oh no why didn't you share it a ghost jph we told you you should have shared it I know what you said dude I didn't think this was going to happen what do you want from me why didn't you share it why didn't I share it yeah why didn't you share it because you're a ghost I didn't think you were real should have shared it oh dude this is the worst day ever why didn't you share it I already told you why I didn't share it God I didn't think you were real why didn't you share it look I'm just going to ignore you hey hey why didn't you share it hey listen to me why didn't you share it Jesus Christ you're going to have to live with this for 6 years yeah how you going to do it God I'm going share it dang it get away from me all right guys I got my phone I'm going to share the post already all right why didn't you share it I'm going to share it wait wait my phone's dead dude do you have a charger I'll look for one it wasn't matter anyway cuz you didn't share it in 30 seconds wait what yeah it's been way past 30 seconds I couldn't find a charger wait I'm stuck waiting for 6 years yeah why didn't you share it wait why didn't you share it yeah why didn't you share it yeah why didn't you share it dude I didn't know this is the worst mistake in my life what do you want from me like Big Max Big Max yeah so if I get a Big Mac you'll leave me alone yes sure what we get shf peip to take us to McDonald's to get him a big mac oh please can we please do that dude this guy is so annoying he just licked me okay okay let's go ask shfp to get a Big M hey shf peipi what do you want junior I'm trying to cook waffles well I was wondering if you go to McDonald's real quick no we're eating healthier that's why I have these gluten-free waffles made by the same people that make shoes well it's not for me it's for Joseph why you there wait wait I already shared it stupid I shared it 10 minutes ago okay no no no no the ghost is not for you shfp it's for Joseph he didn't share the post what he didn't share the post you're supposed to share every post Joseph yeah you're supposed to share every post why didn't you share it hey mesed up come on Che can you please help me out and get a Big Mac yeah can you just go to McDonald get a Big Mac real quick look I can help you out one time okay buddy I'm going to help you out this one time yeah why did you st leave me alone all right Joseph here's your big me oh God God help you thank you Chef peei all right here's your stupid big ma he didn't leave me alone oo looks yummy hey does anybody want to share it you want to share it oh no I'm good yeah I might want those fries though hey speaking of why did you share it Oh I thought you were going to shut up about that eat your Big Mac and leave me alone okay that was good ew okay so are you going to leave me alone now dude why would I do that you didn't share it I got you the Big Mac I I did exactly what you asked get the Big Mac you will leave me alone I never said that you didn't share it what's he doing hopefully dying he die he's a ghost we really need to get Joseph some help oh God he just threw off e was gross Junior we really need to call somebody about this ghost who are we going to call Ghostbusters no nobody do you have the number for those people yeah I got the number I'll call them and then use the bathroom okay hey there did somebody call [Music] Ghostbusters yeah my friend dead he's in the bathroom oh okay so where's this ghost that you need busted it's right there why didn't you share it you stupid ghost keeps following me everywhere he he told me all he needed was a Big Mac he would leave me alone but he's still here is that a real ghost yeah it is jinkies okay I'm good now can you help us get rid of it well where did he come from well Joseph did not share Facebook post that said if you don't share this in 30 seconds a ghost will haunt you for 6 years wa you didn't share that yeah you didn't share that I didn't expect this to happen dude Oh Daddy where did you say you got that ghost from cuz I got some peanut butter out in my car can you help us get rid of it or not oh yeah of course I can help get rid of it I got this backpack here that sucks up ghosts you know like in the Ghostbusters movie and nothing else it'll really work it'll suck him up oh of course it will just stand back it doesn't work this is a problem what I knew your stupid May vacuum would have worked well look I'm not really a Ghostbuster okay I do birthday parties and Halloween parties I've never seen a ghost before and to be honest with you I'm kind of godamn terrified so you can't get rid of that ghost well I don't know man I don't know how to get rid of ghosts I didn't believe in ghost a minute ago well there has to be something you could do um okay so what did the post say exactly it says if you share this post in 30 seconds wa wait wait wait wait wait why didn't you just tried to share the post oh because it's been past 20 seconds he can't share it now stop it of course well it says it says if you don't share the suppos in 30 seconds a ghost will haunt you for 6 years huh 6 years what wait I have an idea how about we trick the ghost into thinking that 6 years has passed how are we going to do that oh you leave that to me stop happy New Year wait it's not the new year yet yes it is just play along it is it sure is it's December 31st 2022 at 11:59 p.m. oh look there's the ball drop 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 happy New [Applause] Year okay I'll see you all next year why didn't you share it shut up dude happy New Year it's been a whole year since I've seen you guys wow time Lies by fast it sure does it's December 31st 2023 at 11:59 p.m. oh I see what you're doing here's the ball drop 5 4 3 2 1 happy New Year okay I'll see everybody next year okay happy New Year yeah hey it's December 31st 20 20 24 at 11:59 p.m. it's the ball drop 3 2 1 happy New Year okay uh see you guys year happy New Year everybody today is December 35th 20 38th wa December 35th when they add more days to December we think they did that back in 2032 silly oh there's the ball drop 3 2 1 go oh yeah that hit the spot that's good that's good stuff hey hey hey you got a problem with me buddy you you got problem we'll fight I'll fight you hold let me get my shirt off I got these overalls on so it's hard the ghost ghost what the hell are you talking about why didn't you share it oh that's a ghost oh scary hey hey Mr ghost boo I can do your job see oh that's good that's good hey hey Mr ghost I got a question for you you died right yeah uhhuh and you didn't go to heaven and that means that I am not going to heaven and that means that I won't see my people people you're going to see your PE no I'm not I know never went fishing with you people I'm so sorry come on get it together dude 6 years went by what 6 years what are you talking about for like 2 minutes oh oh we were lying oh I blew it oh I'm so sorry he didn't hear I ruined everything he you yes he did everything is ruined I think you should go home yeah you're right where are my keys keys where are you Keys call where you Uber why would I need to o oh you think I'm drunk no no no no you have not seen drunk this is buzzed call The Uber okay I'll call you an Uber go give me Uber Comfort though cuz I want to be comfortable there's only regular Ubers I would rather walk okay um so 6 years or went by that means you have to go right ready yeah yeah it's been 6 years like six New Years time flies no well I guess I have to go now really make sure you share it oh I'll always share from now on oh Joseph you're free hey guys I'm back I've been using the bathroom a lot recently guess what Cody Joseph's ghost is gone yeah dude really what happened the Ghostbuster did his job oh I knew he'd be good yeah so Joseph how's it feel to have that annoying ghost gone oh dude I'm so happy and I'm going to share every post it tells me too from now on good so what should we do now so Cody I should make a Tik Tok I said no you see this stupid post dude it says like or you're going to hell nope I'm not liking this you're supposed to like it Joseph dude you told me share the post I'm not going to like this I don't have to like it no you have to like stuff too well I'm not going to like it okay M BL the devil you're coming with me what you didn't like that post wait wait I didn't think I had a like it well the rules are the rules Come on Joseph will never oh man God guys I love eating Lunchables me too look at these little wieners can you imagine having a little wiener I sure can guys check out my pizzas that looks disgusting Joseph I'd rather have a pizza than a wiener in my mouth have you even had a wiener in your mouth no and I don't plan on it guys I can't open up my lunchable well get some scissors Chef peep can you bring me some scissors what do you need scissors for you stupid brat I can't open up my lunch oh my God you're so weak you're the weakest kid I've ever met Junior well let me see you open it I can open it without scissors watch just got to get my fingers on it you said you could open it I can open it okay just leave me alone I'm just just got to bite it you know [Applause] what just got to use your your wisdom teeth there we go yeah I did it I did it I'm a boss woo W you can't touch me all you did was open a Lunchable what the news breaking news Tom Brady seven time Super Bowl champion is retiring from football sad day for all of us what Tom BR is retiring oh no this can't be happening this is a bad dream it's a bad dream no he can't retire calm down shfp he's just a football player no he's not just a football player he's God he's the goat well he played long enough shef peipi no he didn't play long enough he's supposed to play till his 90 my life's over Junior shfp looks really upset we should go check on him this can't be happening this can't be happening I'm depressed I'm going eat all the bread I can find oh no guys he's eating white bread he must be really sad St bre he want some bread you can eat all the bread you can have huh you don't you don't play football anymore so here get the bread eat the bread Tom oh he's yelling at the Tom BR book oh come on Chef peee the cars this isn't part of the tb12 method the tv12 Methodist dead Cody just like Tom know that Tom Brady can come back in a few years no he can't you saw the news I know you saw the news you saw the news he's dead it's over it's Kut tired we should call a doctor yeah no no Tom no poor guy is he going to be okay Doctor well we have him in a straight jacket in a padded room so he can't hurt himself what's going on well it looks like he's having some kind of mental breakdown do you know what could have happened well we were watching TV and then he found out Tom Brady retired what Tom Brady retired yeah no God no not Tom he can't retire he's not supposed to retire until he was like 90 I know right oh God this is the worst news ever I'd rather lose my wife than top Brady God no he's the ghost he's the ghost so bad oh God no please don't is Chef peipi going to be okay I don't know guys I've never seen him this sad before well Tom Brady was his idle dude well it's not like we can do anything I mean it's not like we can stop Tom Brady from retiring that's it Cody we have to stop Tom Brady from retiring I just said we can't do that sure we can okay how we'll just pay him to keep playing oh yeah he loves money dude guys Tom Brady usually makes about $20 million a year well we'll just save up $20 million and give it to him well how are we going to save up $20 million we just wash cars and look in the couch cushions I don't think you're going to have $20 million in the couch cushions and besides the problem wasn't that they weren't paying him enough the problem was that he just didn't want to play anymore well if we give him an offer he can't refuse he'll keep playing what if we offer him $1 billion a billion dollars he'll def definitely play for like 10 years dude well I don't doubt that but where are we going to get a billion dollars okay how about we just empty our pockets add up all our money and maybe see how much money we have we're not going to have anywhere near a billion dollars I don't know Cody we might surprise you i' I'd be very surprised if we had a billion dollars all right everyone be your pockets well would you look at that Cody what $7.50 uh uhuh $7.75 oh wow if this doesn't get him to keep playing I don't know what will exactly I was being sarcastic Junior Tom Brady shit's this no he doesn't he eats nothing but avocados he doesn't poop money no Junior my point is $7 is nothing to Tom Brady well don't say that what if he's bankrupt one day and he really needs his money I think he's going to be just fine unless he's addicted to putting money in a paper shredder well that's an even better reason for me not to give him my $7 okay fine we'll think of another way to get him not to retire I got it what if we kidnpped Tom Brady whoa no no no hear me out we kidnap him and we say we'll only let you go if you keep playing well when we let him go to play he's just going to run away and never come back no he'll run away under the football field and get touchdowns and then he'll never come back no we'll make him pinky promise to not run away Junior these are terrible ideas come up with another one that isn't illegal okay okay what if we call him and we ask him nicely not to retire how are you going to get Tom Brady's number um we'll call his agent how are you going to get his agent's number we'll call the agent's wife how are you going to get the agent's wife's number Facebook oh that might work okay all right guys I'm calling her hello hey is this Tom Brady's agents wife uh yes it is who is this let me talk to your husband oh okay uh honey it's for you who is it honey hello hey are you Tom Brady's agent I sure am why you calling my wife well I want to offer Tom Brady a billion dollar offer a billion dollars okay I'll put Tom on the call hello Tom we've got a billion dollar deal for you a billion dollars okay let's hear it uh hi Tom hi I'm Tom Brady yeah you are um I'm I'm from billion dooll book publishing millionaires Inc incorporated oh yeah I've heard of you guys oh oh well we want to offer you $7.75 uh uh so far it it'll be more later uh to keep playing hello hello the call dropped I think he hung up on you when he heard how much you were really going to offer oh no oh guys what are we going to do I think we just need to accept that Tom Brady's done with football yeah I guess you're right Cody it was stupid to try to get him to come back boys boys you got to come quick it's not looking good what what's wrong doctor well uh I don't know how to say this but your friend here is um dying dying not Shi who's going to cook for us why is he dying well I don't really know he's just completely lost the will to live it's called broken heart syndrome but what can we do to help him well maybe if Tom Brady decided not to retire I mean I tried telling him that he could still watch Aon Rogers play but then he just woke up for a brief second to say I'd rather die and then he went back into his coma oh poor Chef B we're here for you guys we have to stop Tom Brady from retiring good luck with that that's impossible nothing's impossible for a possible what it's from Kim Possible Oh I'm not familiar with the show come on guys guys Chef peip is dying but guys there's nothing else we can do I'm surprised we even managed to get on the phone with Tom Brady but I don't want Chef peipi to die there has to be something we can do that makes Tom Brady not retire I just thought of something so crazy it just might work what dude oh God what is it we break into Tom Brady's house no you didn't let me finish we break into Tom Brady's house we steal one of his Super Bowl rings and then when he noticed the Rings missing he's like I got to go win another one to replace it and he goes and wins another Super Bowl no I'll tell you what he's going to do he's going to call the police and then we're going to go to jail and he's still not going to be playing football well no no he's not going to be happy knowing he's missing a ring so he's like I got to go play one more season to win a ring but winning another ring isn't going to replace the ring we stole okay fine we'll steal the ring and then we'll send him a ransom note saying you only get this ring back if you go back and win the Super okay let me see if I have this right we're going to break into Tom Brady's house which is burglary we're going to steal one of his Super Bowl rings which is theft and then we're going to send him a ransom note which is extortion I think and then even after all of that he has to play a full season of football and win a Super Bowl exactly it's going to work it's going to bring sheipi back to life everyone's going to be happy and then Tom Brady's going to have eight rings and he's going to be the Super Goat wouldn't be so crazy it might work no it's not going to work and we're going to go to jail no some guy stole his jersey after he won a Super Bowl and that guy didn't to jail wait really yeah Tom Bray doesn't press charges huh well you might be on to something all right let's go break into Tom br's house and steal multiple Super Bowl rings cuz the more we steal the more seasons he'll play to win those Rings back oh let's do it dude all right guys we're at Tom Brady's house how are we going to break in junior I don't know let's see if the door's unlocked oh wow he leaves the door unlocked rich people don't care huh go go let's go let's go all right guys let's check the kitchen they're not going to be in the kitchen junior you never know huh no not in here oh oh guys I found three of them what he keeps his Super Bowl rings next to the forks I'll put them by the bows personally come on let me grab let me grab these three all right guys we got them that was incredibly easy I told you Cody now all we have to do is write a ransom note to Tom Brady saying if you ever want to see your Super Bowl rings again you have to keep playing okay write it but me I don't want them tracing my handwriting back to me Cody they can't trace your handwriting yes they can then write it with your left hand okay fine what do you want it to say say uh Tom Brady if you ever want to see your Super Bowl rings again you have to keep playing all right come on hurry okay Junior how's that oh my God Cody it's perfect why so sloppy dude I wrote it with my left hand I think it's perfect Cody okay great so how do we get the letter to him um we break back into his house and we leave the letter oh come on why didn't we just leave it when we were there before we didn't have any paper Cody come on grab it okay we left the note let's get out of here should I lock the door what no it was unlocked when we got here that'll be suspicious come on yeah do think all right guys the mission is complete well now we just have to wait for Tom Brady to notice and then he'll call the cops there's the news breaking news K three of Tom Brady's Super Bowl rings have been stolen and there's a ransom note that was left at the scene and the police are investigating now oh no we're going to go to jail I'll never see my family again I'll never get into college my whole life is going to ow shut up Cody we wanted this to happen it's part of the plan and plus they don't even know it's us I think they know it's us dude let me do the talking hello hey kid oh the C what are you doing here well Tom Brady's Super Bowl rings got stolen what yeah it's crazy right and whoever did it left behind this note that says that he has to play football again if he ever wants him back and your friend is in the hospital because he retired so that makes you suspect number one well I didn't do it all right I'll see about that come on just let me do it no dude that's gross guys the cops are here wait there's the Rings wa you didn't hide the Rings no Cody wanted me to hide him up his butt I could have fit all three in there hell I could have done all seven you told me you didn't have the Rings look we we just took took the Rings cuz we don't want Tom Brady to retire cuz Chef pee's dying all right well you guys are lucky that Tom Brady doesn't press charges you all be in big trouble I'm just going to take these back to him oh I'm sorry I'm so sorry Chef peepi we tried so hard to get Tom Brady not to retire and now you're going to die hey everybody there's a guest here who wants to talk to you who hey I'm Tom Brady Tom Brady what are you doing here well I heard what you did for your friend you know stealing my Super Bowl rings and I thought that was just the nice this gosh darn thing anyone's ever done so I came to talk to your friend please talk to him maybe you'll bring him back to life okay what's his name um Chef peee hey there Mr peee huh Tom Tom Brady yep that's me seven time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady wait what are you doing here Tom well I just want to let you know that just because I'm retiring doesn't mean I'm retiring from your heart and all the good memories I made for you you're right Tom just because you're retiring doesn't mean you're dead that's right now Puck her up wait what there you go oh my God I just got kissed my Tom Brady I feel like his son can I have a taste oh sure
Channel: SMLs
Views: 105,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9hYf-wbE2vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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