SketchUp Live Modeling Bathroom Fixtures

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hey guys how's everybody doing this Friday hello hello hi time for Sketchup live so go on gam Borg Martin in the desert Chris coming from Canada I'm doing pretty good it's Friday so that's pretty sweet I've got a holiday weekend coming up so that's kind of cool too all right we'll get very but just another minute or so to hop on I want to short anybody you know make sure everybody gets the full experience jiejie is absolutely long-weekend Canada today is on July 1st I didn't know that I didn't know I mean I assumed Canada had a date I just didn't know when that day was hello from Indonesia hello from the United States all right let's do this this thing over here alright somebody didn't come back one sec it's got a camera issue right now go find something I can poke well that's not your definition of fun you're in the wrong place I'm watching that baby it's good you got to watch it now before Netflix takes it down exactly excuse me it was as loud loud noise okay camera turned off there for a second I don't know I don't what that was about but back up and running now that's the important part yeah I hope you guys are all everybody's doing good it's Friday and this just give a couple shoutouts here and this guy's gonna get totally spoiled because the best bus ever competition winner Brian Saldana posted on the forum last week that he needed help designing this sink so he just kind of said some like and you can read it it's right here please help me that was in the morning before we start streaming I was kind of waking up stretching the fingers that kind of thing and I just said well give it a shot real quick so about 20 minutes or so I model the sink and sent him a file and I did not accept the payment his $50 I told him to save it didn't seem Ithaca tomorrow that while at work and then charge him that seemed like a conflict of interest of some sort so anyhow this this was a thing that happened so I created this sink and posted it and what happened was see Jay Ryan or another form user posted in our ongoing what would you like to see modeled thread that I should go grab some spec sheets from manufacturers and maybe model some fixtures for one of these and that seemed like a great idea so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna hop in and we're gonna actually model some fixtures a handful of them so that's where we're going now so I fell behind on some haze highs how's it Angola Texas y'all hello from what just lost video again one moment please surge suppressor protector just fixing some video errors will be you bet thanks for coming by guys all right getting one one moment I'll be right back guess what we're live modeling can you tell the stream a cosmic events-- yep that's exactly what we are modeling oh good things you know this is all my fault because start set up around 10 and I was completely done at like 10 40 and I was like oh I so got this thing down this is so easy to set up now no big deal so by saying those words out loud I really yeah I brought this by myself this was the problem a bad power strip the cameras plugged into it and it wouldn't stay on so I mean hell let's try this all again hey happy Friday alright I'm good glad you guys see you guys were keeping yourselves entertained I apologize for that and let's get rolling let's let's do this thing so all right old story we're gonna model some bathroom fixtures so I'm just gonna hop right into that I did make a little bathroom to work in just because as I was making it I was moving stuff around and just kind of making up the space I didn't think that would be real entertaining to spend the first half hour watching lines get put in and then moved in order to makes it more cramped basically is trying to make a not real sighting place that I have to put pictures into I wanted to make something that was going to be a tight fit like a lot of bathrooms really are and I did that and didn't force you guys to watch one of the cool things I did do so working inside of a shape like this can be rough because it's a little tight so if you're looking straight down from above you can see into it but as soon as you move from the side or try to step inside of course you can get a little cramped so I took all my wall materials and actually made the back halfs of them transparent so the back face materials all see-through so that means I can spin around as I'm doing this and see inside I can't select inside so this if I pick right if I pick right here in the group and say I'm actually picking the wall but the wall material you can see is set to transparent so you can't actually see it if you look at it on the inside you can but the outside is set to be see-through so this is just going to make it easy for us to put these pictures we create into the room and spin around and see inside the room and see how everything looks without having to you know cut sections to see how does the bathtub look to be honest the goal what I actually want to spend time working on today has more to do with creating the fixtures from the specification sheets as opposed to doing interior design on a bathroom so what I created was just this thing where a 60 inch table will fit right here a toilet will fit with code required clearance right here and I have a spot for two sinks to drop into this counter that was kind of what I wanted to establish that's my establishing model so with that we need to actually go create the stuff that's going to go into these spaces so that's what we're going to spend time today I hope that works for everyone because that's what I have planned they also check it out this is a white cup and you can't see through it used to be that wasn't the case you this used to turn me invisible and I can wear any of my shirts that have white on it the green screen did eliminate two of my shirts so now I can't wear because they're green but you know I got more white than I got green so it works alright so having said all of that let's let's hop in here yeah we should actually just have more outlets Dave you're absolutely right I hope you guys I've mentioned this before but we're retrofitting a conference room into our studio so we're actually working with what we got right now it's uh it's it's something all right I'm sorry had a question so just to throw this out here in my left hand is the 3d connection space Mouse enterprise you actually see that name there we'll see you right there no no it is a 3d Mouse so it allows me to move around and 3d in here without touching my regular Mouse oops this mouse is from a different computer we can move that off-screen it also has a bunch of shortcut keys on here it can use to just kind of facilitate and speed up modeling so alright enough of that so here we have our bathroom and we need to put some fixtures in here I figured we'd start with the biggest one we'll put the tub in so over here I just loaded up a bunch of PDFs I downloaded stuff from the Kohler and Mon website so we're just gonna use these as reference okay so here's our first piece that we're going to put in this is a tub specifically a k7 1/6 if you're interested that's all the tub lingo I know is the title at the top other than that is just a tub so we're going to take this and we're going to model this I don't think I'll actually model it in place I think I'll just model it outside and drop it in so I think that this is what will work off of I may actually Wooler that I instinctively grab my 3d mouse to start moving it around and it actually works for zooming and panning inside of illustrator that's very cool foster your Acrobat cool learn something new alright so there's obviously there's a couple ways I could do this if I had two monitors I could just have this up on one screen and then Sketchup in another and model it that way I could do the thing that you guys have seen me do a lot where I just take an image and put it in as a watermark that way I have reference on the screen in this case I'm thinking what I might actually do is screenshot this portion of the spec sheet and import it to scale and actually draw on top of it so all right and then over here I could model inside here but just because it's the way I work I'm going to go ahead and start new model and in this new model I'm gonna say file import and I'm gonna import that image one more time let's say file import and this time we're going to import it as an image that's one and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna dry it large we'll scale it in just a second all right so that looks like it should be enough information for what I have to model all right I'm gonna start by drawing a line on top of the image right here so I'm trying to go from about the center of this line you see when you zoom in compared to what is actually an edge or a line this big blurry mass right here is pretty big so I'm gonna try to go from about center to about center and draw a line right there I'm going to use that line now to scale the drawing to proper size the reason I draw a line first would I mean I could come in here and just say click click and then tell it what size that thing I just drew that dimension or that reference I just drew is by drawing a line first I can always come back and verify so I always create that first edge in the model first and then come in with a tape measure tool and tell it click click that is 60 enter you want to resize the model yes I do all right so there we go that makes sense and that's you look at mark marks if you bent in half would fit in that tub type space I got something weird going on because of the field of view I'm gonna set my appeal of you back to 35 it got changed because I imported that first image as a photo match so it started to distort my field of view to make that photo match happen all right so I'm going to start with a rectangle that rectangles just gonna be the outside shape of my finished tub so I'm gonna come here at this point I'm gonna come up here and I'm actually going to type in thirty point two five I am of course whoops 0.25 I'm working in an architectural template right now so I am inputting in decimal inches alright so that is my initial rectangle one of the things you'll notice or I hope you noticed is that that gave me a surface I have an entire surface right now you know what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull this up 14 inches that's what's specified right here and see it we do have a little bit of a rounded corner we'll come back and round that in just a few minutes right now I just want that space like that Dave wants to know if you could temporarily edit this style and change the edge color to red or something so it would be easier to see sure I could do that anytime I want I need to ask me but I just do it like that is that better is that easier to see give me a thumbs-up thumbs-down what do you think Dave I'm just reading comments as I wait for the response yep looks good that it sounds like a heart we got a heart sounds like there's a little bit of a lag but yeah okay that works sure yeah and one of the other questions was modeling or turning out by axes I actually do this a lot when I model things they're supposed to be on on specific axes I do use that a lot some people get confused by it but I will I'll model with this reddish color fright now that sounds Pleasant that sounds lovely all right I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna hop to a top view and kind of what I want to get now is I just want to trace this shape I don't have a whole lot of dimensions for what this shape is but I do have the shape here so what I'm gonna do let me do this this is this it's not actually centered in the rectangle you see that I'm actually just off axes so I'm going to draw a line to divide that top face and then off that face I'm going to draw some lines here just kind of square up so I can see what is I'm drawing something like that looks like this is actually an arc right here that goes into an arc that goes into a pretty much a straight line straight line and then same thing back here I haven't a big arc that goes into a sharper arc and then I have a couple straight lines so I'm gonna get my straight lines in first whoops missed something like that oh no these are these are arcs they're very very wide art so I'm gonna put them in as arcs makes sense right alright so I'm gonna go here to here put in like that go from here here here to here so this is just the standard art tool I could probably use bezzie a for these but they're all such simple little arcs I don't like to not the bezzie is complicated but I like to keep my workflow as simple as possible and by clicking from one heart to the other you saw that blue line showed up which is showing tangent it's actually just continuing that a smooth arc there so if I get rid of all of this and I turn off my x-ray that's what I got right now and that looks beautiful that's exactly what I want right now to mirror it I'm gonna pick that surface I'm going to use rotate to click and use option to just flip that over to the other side alright so that is the top of my tub now let's talk level of detail um hold on I got to get out of parallel projection for a good headache I'm very sensitive to that so level of detail level of detail is incredibly important when you're modeling something like this especially something that comes off of a real world object like this it is possible and I have some I have very little actual detail here you guys can see this is very simple I know so from the side I have a 30-degree 32 degree angle off of vertical sloping down and then I have unspecified angle here sloping down towards the drain and then almost no information so I'm assuming this is pretty it's pretty close to vertical that's all the information I have right there so with this I can come up I can actually use this this image to kind of get an approximation of the jump tree there but it's not going to be perfect but as far as level of detail goes it's always a good idea to model to the actual usage you're going to do so if all I'm going to do if this is getting dropped in you you know a model where the only intention is to just kind of figure where placements going to be I'm moving pieces around this is just kind of this is meant to just represent a tub all I need is a massive geometry that says tub if that's the case that I could actually take this push this down like 13 inches I may come in here and smooth these edges up a little bit and that might be enough that right there might be what I make into a group which is a low level of detail bathtub so that could be I'm not saying that's what you have to do but not seeing that's your only option I'm saying that isn't a consideration you could do that that way I'm not gonna um we're gonna go a little bit further than that but just again something to consider one of the things I'm going to do right now now that I have this all in here double click and shift click to turn that off and get just the edges and I'm going to weld it welding it assures that when it does come time to push pull like this I'll get a nice smooth side like that rather than those breaks at the end of every curve all right now what I'm gonna do now this line I'm taking a copy of it and I'm gonna put it right here and good thing I set that color to red because I would have been able to see it on top of the drawing it's like Dave knew where I was going with that thanks Dave alright and what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to trace this profile of the inside of the tub cut this profile out also and project that the other way and take these three three different solids I can actually create solids out of it and merge them together to get one tub piece we're doing three different ceramic II type things I think most tubs are made out of fiberglass now but you know what I'm talking about a toilet sink and tub so I'm going to try to do them three different ways so this one I'm going to use solid tools I'm going to use maybe some round corn or something like that I think what the sink maybe will lock that and I think I will model a subdivided toilet we also have a couple pairs of faucet or sets of faucets or hardware to model to there's gonna be Hardware in the tub and there is going to be hardware in the sink so we will have to come back and model that as well so we got lots of things about less talky more modeling okay this says that it's 30 degrees 32 degrees from vertical I don't know what 32 degrees is so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna draw a line like this I'm gonna grab by the bottom and click and I'm gonna drag it to 32 degrees then I'm gonna grab it by the end and just snap it to the end right there oh look at that manufacturers drawings not perfect well I guess we'll just can this live stream and try again some other time all right I'm gonna grab a spot on this line and draw it past this way then trace right back down that line far the other way carry that too quick all right and I'm just again since I don't have an angle here it's not specifically called out I'm just gonna trace that line like that so we got so far you're on x-ray and come in here and throw some arcs like that double-click will automatically really remove the geometry and approximate that since I don't have a solid reference line there but that's about it that's about the size of that tub I'm going to take that and I'm gonna make that into a group and I'm gonna take that group that's sweet vertical just for right now just make sure everything fits I'm going to drop it right in the middle of that tub that looks good alright so that's the right general size I do the same thing here this gets a little weird because what I actually have right here and so you have multiple lines here and here because it actually changes profile right it's wider here than it is or wider here in the middle than it is right here so this line right here that represents this thick part right here this right here I'm assuming since it's the highest point is right here really I'm at this point I'm just trying to think of the best way to go about this really what matters what's consistent is this right here here I need I need a reference line again so I'm gonna go this way this time I'll take these two lines over here turn 90 degrees let's see where's the call that the middle alright so with that I'm looking at something like that so that is about I'm gonna go from the mill here to just about here with an arc - nope that didn't work did it because that's not just try and getting nice gradual slope on the bottom there's a couple of clicks alright so that is the profile and I think so if I look at I'm trying to decide what to do here because I don't want this to be a headache for me that is pretty same to the same profile depending on the width so that angle the side that comes down is the same on all the different sides so I'm just gonna take that make that a separate group bring that vertical and turn this way - I'm gonna stick that for right now right here so right now I gotta be nasty guys kinda I'm kind of feeling an urge to do some lofting because it seems like this would be easier to pull around here but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna loft right now I'm gonna try to do this lossless alright so going back to what I was talking about before let's see how this works I don't actually know if this is gonna work or not just these lines so I take these two groups and I'm gonna make solids out of them click on this one and make it big both directions I want to go past the full geometry of the tub about this one and I dress my model she's the one I'm not quite sure what to do with because this profile changes so much but just to start with and do the same thing here I did not I didn't I didn't weld some broken geometry right there we go same thing over here didn't weld this drop that in that space and then same thing pull it up down and then also clean up around the edges so now I'm curious if I just intersect all of this with itself each of these these pieces I just intersect them all together what am I gonna have so I'm gonna make a copy because this may well be disastrous plot to see let's see this is a group this is a group this is not a solid run surface borders oh what's that I didn't grab the face when I made that group fortunately also an easy fix all right so now I have still not a solid group one day yeah let's let's go ahead and let's do that we're gonna call this tub all right so let's check that still have a surface border all right oh so I must have just grabbed the outside edge when I made that group I don't know how I did that all right now that we have a solid thank you okay so what we're gonna do now is we're just gonna basically come up with the solid that's left just at the overlapping pieces I can already think of one spot that's going to be a little odd here so we might have to back out of this like I said so I'm gonna just start by making copy and setting it aside now let's go in here view and turn on our solid tools with that and then solid to two other solid two and we get this it's something it's not quite what we want though but it's something place it's something all right so we got to work on that that's not gonna work I don't know that looks like it looks like something it does not look like a tub the biggest issues we have so we have this is decent I mean this profile looks okay this kind of looks like what we're looking for this on the other hand is not gonna work so we did get the cut at the middle but it didn't come taper back you can see that so I think what we want to do this is my thought we're just gonna make a lot of copies of things I think I think I grabbed the wrong - I want this and this and bring them over here all right and I'm gonna go ahead and explode these because I actually don't want most of this challenging so what I'm thinking dangerous days dangerous thing to do is that I want to take this profile and trace it around this edge I'm gonna reweld that what if you taper the vertical shape from Dave I could do that too we'll try there are no wrong answers right now except for what I just did that could work too let's we'll try that also that would actually probably that's probably the smarter way to do it but then I'd have to go back and apply the curve which let's see let's do let's do that also there we go now I got one see let's see what this does my concern with doing this the only reason I have pause here why why do you do that I'll show you a little trick here let's blow that alright so what I do is I'm gonna grab this I'm gonna say follow me and my follow me faces in a group right now but I can right-click I can say edit group and then click on the surface that surface will then follow the path even though that path is outside the group and that gives me that which is OK click in here I got some obviously there's some extra geometry here to be cleaned up but overall not too bad problem of course is we're missing this profile so what I wonder for us to take all of that let's run solid tool to see how much that it'll fix not enough just go like this scrub it with the eraser tool I hope I don't create any holes in the mesh looks like I'm okay well nope see as soon as I say something like that it all falls apart kind of like wow I really set up without any problems at all red live stream right now sometimes it's the only way you learn me with when am I gonna stop talking all right let's see you know I'm gonna hop inside of here and I'm gonna start selecting and deleting surfaces we're out there trying to drag and delete lines sometimes it's easier just click in get rid of the surfaces and then let something like clean up or solid tools get rid of those extra lines I think that's ok I'm good looks good this is this should be my intersection line just like this don't too much I was gonna wring clean up the problem what's happening right now is because I took a whole half the tub the biggest possible geometry and did a follow me around what I should have probably done was cut it as small as possible so I had less internal interacting geometry or overlapping geometry excuse me well this is what we're news anyhow so I'm like that's the name work so I could come back through now and take a copy of this this is actually gonna end up getting rid of half the geometry I'll see that that didn't even come low enough anyhow cuz that time is supposed to dip down to here so yeah this was not a good solution will delete it and never speak of it again alright so Dave says I want to get rid of I'm gonna take just these two and get an intersection of those two that looks then what I might be able to do hmm and now here's again where I'm pausing it's like this we just saw this geometry I don't think it's gonna work with the intersection I think I have to back up and do this a step earlier I take that and scale that this direction no I can't do with regular scale but I could do it with tape or potentially fredo scale what I could do this is fun not really it was fun to wing it me maybe not for you guys you're like oh come on man let's see maybe I'll go I'll start using these just as reference so I'll take this to the lowest point right here like that and then maybe what I'll do is not worry so much about these round corners come back to do the round corners later and just use this as here she really just back up is what I had when I started before I started all this nonsense not really not sense but what I really want to do is grab this shape right here copy that here and paste it grab this shape right here push this down to the full height of the tub and I have the bottom height of the tub that's the lowest part take that out here and then for reference make a group because I don't want to merge a geometry I'll take this bring up like this around like this slap this right here hop into x-ray take this and I can scale that to match that shape my only problem right now is that I don't have the slope but I could do that too I think I might have do that want to do the slope first though right am I asking are you asking game I don't know let me grab this paste this in make that a group as well get that vertical move that in too right there I wonder if I could just I think if I rotate this is gonna distort too much but hey try and think the turn out to be bad ideas seems to kind of be my thing so I'm just gonna go ahead and grab that that's right it's called learning from my failures we could rename this whole this whole series did that alright so actually we're pretty good now I can take that same surface come around to this you scale this around the middle green like that pretty darn close right there alright so now next step would be to take this bottom edge save would be the next step trick question tricky oh yeah I knew it I totally knew I was gonna do that and now maybe we'll try rounding that with round corner I'm gonna go to Fredo six Fredo corner it's actually called Freda corner now I called round corner but because the the predecessor was round corner I'm gonna click on Friedel corner so now is a good time to talk about the fact that maybe this is why this is all happening but we actually won't be here next week so I have to get all of my upses and Uno's out now apparently so yeah so I'm getting it out of the way next week's the fifth of July those of you who are in America next Thursday is the fourth of July aka American Independence Day it's a holiday and I won't be coming back to the office after that so um won't be here next Friday just so you guys know right now that I got that out of the way everything else will go perfect let me see [Music] not that one all right let's try a is that is that on I should actually check that first and I can't remember which one of frado's extensions are on the warehouse and which are not let's see if Fredo quarters on the warehouse there is actually has no it's gonna shoot me over to education which is fine don't look guys invalid token so that's how my day is going how's yours Wow so now we're gonna go grab an updated version of Fredo corner apparently I'm not sure I didn't know what your security could expire on a free extension like that that was surprising me or maybe I didn't know that just didn't expect it to happen plug in not found sweet all right let's try that again let's go back over here this is supposed to be the grand finale where I hit a button and the shape just shows up and I'm done and I move on to the sink instead of that happening this is happening all right what try this one more time download go downloaded come on over here got my extension manager reinstall my newly downloaded Fredo corner all right now if I go to Fredo corn it round you know some days it all works some days some days man Fredo Fredo Fredo corner it does not say that that needs to are I'm just gonna uninstall it uninstall uninstall I may have to restart Sketchup after this you guys so bear with aim okay I have saving I did save I've learned that whenever you hit any extension matter how often you hit it it's worthwhile to go ahead and hit why they're still saying it's there all right you're not gonna say overall we haven't had a whole lot of issues like this which is pretty cool it's not cool this is happening just like this right now but alright so I'm gonna go ahead and close Sketchup take my bathroom quit Sketchup restart Sketchup it's gonna go swimmingly from here on in anybody have any big plans for the forth and by doing anything exciting anybody using Sketchup over the holiday yeah I agree it shouldn't have expired that that's why I'm kind of caught off-guard by this I'm wondering if that's I just don't need this open my tub back up I wonder if it's just something I did with Sketchup so let's let's check this right now we're going to go ahead and install over the holiday all right nice something fun hopefully what are you making Dave all right so we should be good now who building furniture from Marvin that sounds fun you have to share those in the forum traitor corner around yay I don't know I don't know what happened there that was weird that was just I don't I don't know what that was all right so I'm gonna take a look at a couple sizes here I'm gonna grab three inches that's too much too so there's a one inch offset or one inch round corner kind of like that I might bump up to six segments a little bit smoother hit the checkmark that makes sense that's about where I'm at error message oh man oh yeah it's pretty cool yeah I know I know Ruby R I got it I got it I understand where I'm at sometimes you get the bar some days the bar eats you all right I'm gonna try to give it a little bit different numbers in there here we go for your corner round corner we're gonna drop back down to four checkmark huh all right let's try reducing our offset ever so slightly if we do not three point four sorry man 3/4 guys ever do that Mac is really smart when it tries to like oh you probably mean this this single character and it kills me cuz uh nothing recognizes that master that it's that good that's not good huh Wow some days man just just something all right so we can't use round corner is what I have just learned reversed my faces I'm gonna start by or continue by putting this back no my main my main hub this is not going the way I had envisioned it to go I wanted to take that oops take that and explode it into the tub so we have this at least we're this close we got this going on for us [Music] my edges are just so small is that my usually when I have a problem around core it ends up being something like my edge is just are so tiny it can't make that's less than a quarter-inch it might have something to do with that not that I have a good solution for fixing that either all right well here's the thing I'm trying to think how far we want to go with just like getting something in there there's a couple ways I could think of doing this right now [Music] we could try yeah we may scale it up and see if round corner likes that one of the things we could do right now again this goes back to level of detail right because I could come in here and grab these lines and I could soften and smooth those lines which will give me a you know soft appearance inside they're based on level of detail that might be good enough unfortunately when I say it that way it totally sounds like a cop-out so we're gonna try a couple things before we throw the towel in there I'm gonna copy this over like this actually no I'm gonna do it like this I'm gonna grab this make it a component yeah I'm gonna call it take my tub option copy over here and scale this up by 100 and now we have a big tub all right come into this tub select just my edges and I'm gonna go to tools Fredo collection Fredo a quarter and round again all right and three inches gonna seem pretty small right now so I'm gonna jump up to 30 inches because we're so much bigger now all right so I'm gonna hit check and just see what happens that worked so that actually gave us our around corner so that means it was an issue of that geometry I think I'm 90% sure it's this geometry right here was too small so you can see remember before that was less than a quarter-inch now it's just over two feet so my geometry is big enough now it might be big enough that we could actually get a bigger round corner in there too so I'm going to say tools Fredo collection round corner and maybe we'll go up to I do a 4-foot round corner that's too big that's that's ridiculous why would you even ask that right three foot three foots too big so that's what's what it's telling me is when it goes to round the corner it will actually create overlapping geometry it's not going to let me do that so what to drop down 34 inches thirty-two inches ahead before okay 32 inches work to fit eight checkmark get my round corner exit and then what I can actually do is select and delete this big version because I have my original version right down here which now has nice round corners teeny-tiny but they're nice and round so that gives me that little nice soft inside corner there who maybe work for it but we got it all right I'm gonna come in here one other detail was that rounded corner of the front of the tub and to do this I'm just gonna I'm just going through an arc right here a tangent arc push pull that to the other side and then alt erase to soften that all right with that that's my initial tub I could come in here well I'll just go ahead and do it show me this we're going to right here is the surface so I'm just gonna do this to get a quick drain in there maybe I'll select all that geometry too and maybe I'll just throw a nice light silver on there alright so there we go there we have our tub I feel like I fought a lot harder than I shoot him okay breather man alright so if I want to take this now I want to take this piece that I have actually know what else because because I'm a glutton for punishment apparently I don't like this nice sharp corner up here it looks like injury so I want to soften that too since this is currently whoops I just draw that I did I just do that out of context let me grab that come an extra copy double click to enter my component and edit paste in place that drops it into the tub it is still a component so I'm just gonna copy it back over again scale it up by 100 and now I'll come up here and I will get rid of the rest of this now I have just this edge around the outside here and after I saved I will go to photo collection Raoh corner and try it just one more time see let me go a little bit bigger on this one that's three three feet how's the repeat sound well do it then Oh a little weird geometry here but let's we'll check that out something lapped back over know what I don't know what this is that was odd anyhow it's gonna know that is every once while that for your corn will do that we're actually it's kind of interesting because normally what happens in a case like this where you round it over it'll end up creating that surface back over it fills that that gap so it kind of like covers the tub back up so I was kind of surprised that didn't show up just a little edge showed up having said that all right we have the tub I think we were looking for so you delete this I'm gonna come back down here so this is already a component so we have already created this saved it as a component but what I want to do right now is I'm going to right click and i'ma say save as I'm gonna save this to my desktop and I'm gonna call it hardest bathtub ever ridiculously difficult bathtub way more challenging than it should have been on a Friday bathtub I'm gonna call it I'm gonna call it the Friday tub all right so what I just did was created a component in a container separate from the actual skp file I'm using right now you guys have heard us talk about components and to how what they actually are as they are skp files they're actually just sketchup files that are in a separate piece this skp file currently has a copy of the component plus all this geometry plus mark plus my image I don't want to grab this and import it into my bathroom go ahead and close this I'll save it I'll still save it and if I go into my bathroom right now I can say file import and I will go to my Sketchup files and grab my Friday tub and when I import it now all I get is that tub so I don't have all the rest of that geometry so that's a nice option that's something you might want to keep keeping your keep in mind when you go to do something like that is if you just take your Sketchup file you're not gonna be able to directly import on everything else coming in by hitting save as you're taking just that component putting its own component out over here to use so just an FYI alright so I want this to be snapped back to that back corner hey you know for for being what I would potentially refer to as a bit of a nuisance to get going that looks all right looks pretty good I'm pretty happy with that pleasantly surprised with how well that turned out all right time to start the abuse all over again hopefully you guys are yeah learning what not to do I hope so I hope this is helping you guys cuz yeah cuz cuz well you saw I don't have to explain you saw no the rest of its gonna go swimmingly nowhere to go but up that's that's what they say alright let's let's create a sink and drop it in here so I'm gonna save him a bathroom I'm gonna go to file new again and I'm going to hop back over to Adobe see my Mac's doing weird stuff too like every time I switch programs it doesn't show it so there may be something else going on here alright so I selected this sink right here thinking and I was thinking something about something I was thinking about lofting was really my thought here because I thought this would be kind of cool cuz it has multiple ridges basically so I have a kind of a lip up Ridge here so this at all could all be like probably a follow me around here but then when we get down into here you can see I can't do follow me because this top lip right here and this is the bottom of the sink they don't have the same profile so it's not as simple as following it around it's also not rescaling like we did with the tub the tub had a consistent profile so we're able to scale it this way to just bring the edges in like that same with the bottom in this case it's actually going to be a little different Plus this whole bottom section see nothing there's nothing flat this all goes down all slopes downward so this would be good this is gonna be a fun experience he says with a smile on his face always smiling sure always moving forward that's that's the important part all right so I'm gonna take another screenshot pull this in as my reference instil image I don't think I need anything off of that that's all installation so I'm just gonna grab that I'm gonna hop over here file import and we're gonna grab image use as image and I'm gonna grab that newest screenshot I just made and yeah make it nice and big alright so here's my thought my thought is - I'm gonna create the profile initially of this sink and then I'm going to create this profile right here this lip that drops down I look at it so it comes up oh this is actually a slope it kind of slopes back down and then into flat so create that profile here so it slopes up this is actually this sections actually a slope down and then this is flat so create that profile create this and we'll start by just following that and swinging that around and that we can come in from there and fill in the actual basin of the sink so we're do that this may be an opportunity to model half as much because it does look like this sink is symmetric as are most sinks of course say that like it's a unique thing in this particular sink but that's usually sinks are usually the same on the left and the right something like that Blastoise you can use the inbox tools for for this model they might help that is true sandbox tools would work on here too you know I don't use sandbox tools as often as some people and that's not a that's not a knock against it or anything like that might come in and change my house that look on the screen nice orange color because I'm drawing a top of back black lines again I don't end up using sandbox holes berry often I'm not sure why that is I think maybe it was just one of those you know when you start using something whatever that thing is you kind of develop your own workflow and the tools you prefer and those ones kind of leap out at you I think I just never really learned sandbox tools very well so as a result I just don't use it as often as some people do there's nothing bad about them I I think they're awesome tools and I think there's some very cool workflows you can do with them but yeah maybe maybe I need to do that I need to learn myself up on some sandbox tools I'm grabbing this right here because that is the height of this lip so I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna put a small arc on the bottom like that a larger arc right here I'm gonna give the material some depth I'm gonna say her sinks about that deep come over to here something like that I'm just use a couple more arcs to soften these corners all right so with that I am going to take all of this - the image so just those lines now and I'm going to weld them that's why should have one continuous line again I well before following me so I have a nice continuous curve follow me will break at any line breaks so I won't have a continuous nice smooth curve all the way around if I don't weld it first all right so with that path selected follow me and I click right here alright that looks that looks pretty good it sits inside out I think it'll work we did have a little bit of overlap on these these corners not necessarily a bad thing this is actually something that happens a lot oh I was a little bit big this this arc I'm actually going to undo a couple times so this all right so I should be inside I should be more like than that maybe that should be at that line let's try this all right now I'll soften with some arcs there we go let's see how that works so once again come in here select these lines extension weld and I should actually do it over here too because I don't actually want this to break either so I should weld that as well because the same rules go for the followed piece all right select that follow me and click on the surface better just love some overlap like so that's not a big deal because this is something that happens so see what happens there with with follow me the geometry it was too big to cut the corner basically but like I said this is not a huge deal because what I will do is when I get this oh hey I'm safe because I'm good at that sink all right I'm gonna take all this geometry first I'm gonna do is reverse faces so the right side facing out and then while everything selected I'm just gonna right click and say intersect faces with selection and that's gonna give me primarily this cut right here where these two faces these are just these are flat faces if I show this they were just going in and touching each other so because it was such a tight corner it didn't clean that up but now I can actually come in here delete some of these extra lines actually come in and that doing that just any of the surfaces that were created by that overlapping geometry I can now get rid of and I can come in with alt and soften some of these pieces now there are some spots that are weird in that if I flip around on the inside so you do have this additional geometry hanging down I can fortunately just grab it and delete it I should have one on either edge there we go and this is basically there we go and then again I think I actually had a little tiny surface here didn't close up this maybe we may be looking at submillimetre issue here I don't know just it was tiny geometry I guess we may have been able to actually I don't started trying to talk and think at the same time system fell apart had to reboot it again there we go something's too weird so I'm gonna come back to that some grab all of that soft and smooth I think I end up creating geometry on top of geometry better like that better tiny geometry not sure what's going on here sometimes it gets these little tiny pieces gets so small and hard to see it's difficult to clean them oh they're just lines or just select and delete them that's always an option - these are just lines just extra it's extra geometry my pillow just delete it and then re stitch it we've talked about this before I love those problems because it's kind of fun for me to go ahead and manually connect it I know it's not everybody's bad but yeah everyone has some tips for you oh good what what should I have did - that would have that would have helped and then another one is saying why not offset the path line and create inside path and you follow me it will avoid overlapping that's true yeah I could have actually come in in here and done that that was that's a great idea see I just got a it's got to be louder I was head down thinking talking it was all my fault sorry got that no no no don't do it don't do it all right okay so I'm gonna pull this geometry in I'm going to basically finish this top level geometry this is at the top this is this is the bottom so this part is like the flattest part that's this portion right here I have this section which is right here and then all of this looks like this is a rounded sloped over right there so that actually may may have been able to Korea may be able to include that on a follow me and then this will have to be lofted this will have to be lofted and this left me lofted we have lofty goals one more arc right here all right and there we go now let's do this I'm gonna grab that broke not sure why that broke right there oh that's my overlap that's why all right definitely had to weld this well did some of it I've got an explanation on why that happens but I can never quite remember why that is I do know the well behaves differently with connected geometry like this versus okay I'm grabbing it all you go grab that and I'm going to offset that once to here come down to here no that profile doesn't match anymore totally different once we get down there all right so that's as far as I could go just that one and like I said I kind of feel like that's actually just kind of an arc going downward so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do just that Dave says well didn't work because of the fork in the edge remodeling sinks not silverware Dave that's not paying attention because of this this what you're talking about yeah yeah because I told us to do something he couldn't do and then I was irritated that it didn't work sounds like a software user to me alright unhide my image and I come in here around these corners again actually this is gonna be a bit of an issue no I don't want to do that cuz I can't use this to round I have to use my outside profiled around so I actually get rid of all that because what I want to do is I'm actually gonna have to follow this path when you do something like follow me you can only follow one path so I don't want a path for top and bottom if I was lofting that's what I'd want but in this case I'll just follow me so I'm gonna grab just that top path and then follow me with with this shape to take that around no doubt that I have that same problem intersecting and this is actually another spot where I'll see here's my there's my issue there I might just start laughing now we're not gonna use follow me anymore all right here's what we're gonna do all right so we're gonna start we're gonna start lofting this thing now I'm gonna go put in my arcs right here so I have my two arcs this is going to be the profile I'm gonna try to get that nice rounded corner I want to try to that so I'm actually just I'll just drag this down to here and I'll also take that profile I'll put that edge of this line oops missed it I lost my model how'd that happen I dropped through the floor all right put that like that hold that down as far as it'll go right there so that gives me that now all I have to do is loft a corner I don't want to necessarily loft all this you do actually I could probably do the same thing here I probably just follow me just on this first part let's see only one way to find out and that is to try it live in front of a couple hundred people no pressure Vlad wants to know if offset would work for the first pass um I actually did offset you mean this path right here yes I did offset but offset is a two dimensional tool so it took the line and offset it won't take full geometry and pull it over anything like that so I grabbed that path and then lost some persistent IDs all right follow me just along that path so that looks pretty sweet that's that's nice so to get this portion right here this is where I'm just gonna do some lofting grab this I don't actually need the lines down here I don't need the surface same thing I don't need this or this I do a lot of this where I'll do a group select and grab extra geometry come back and turn it off rather than spending time selecting a bunch of small pieces of geometry just throwing that out there okay somebody's interested all right that looks good I'm gonna go ahead and go to tools gonna go to fraeno collection again and I'm going to use is it not turned on your Loft is disabled is it Friday the 13th a little bit everything here we're just all right curved loft skin contours and there we go all righty that's how I roll that's that is apparently how our days going today you know the problem is that live streaming is a young man's game and I had a birthday yesterday now I'm old maybe that's what it is I have to recruit somebody younger to come in and do this for me oh man now I'm sore and everything's going bad all right one more time with feeling turned off these lines these lines in these lines swinging around all right tools it's not there anymore what if they're more capable oh man it's good it's fun it's it's it's something thanks all here I had that could see here's the thing what's like when you work in an office you're like ah do I mention that it's my birthday do I just keep it quiet yeah we know like this is kind of what you do when you get a certain age I guess like just keep it on the DL nobody wants to admit it and I think when you're when you're gonna even bigger group like this more impulse to keep it quiet maybe I had to unburden that and now that it's out there it will be lifted and everything will go smoothly you ate too much cake yes I have oh my gosh okay so speaking of being mature I had a straight-up sugar hangover today oh man I came here I did not drink any alcohol whatsoever but my daughter made an awesome cake and my wife bought me donuts for breakfast and I came in this morning I had just like some just oh man it was so the nice thing is for all you young people out there one day you get old enough that you don't have to drink alcohol to feel hungover you can do it just by having dessert something to look forward to oh man yeah so good stuff early birthday Oh tomorrow all right happy birthday June is the best month to be born in my opinion in my totally biased opinion yeah I think it's September oh man see my family could agree with that like the whole rest of mine all right so there we go we got our laughs in re reverse them okay but it's all all uphill from here guys I'm gonna come in here and I'm only gonna soften these lines right here and I'm actually softening them but there's still surfaces underneath that I will have to go get rid of so I'm gonna temporarily just hide my picture right there cuz I can zoom in here and just like I should get rid of that line right there as usual solid modeling is absolutely not a requirement but maybe a nice to have I tend to default to trying to create solid models when I can single solid models meaning of course a single manifold shape so all this ends up being one outside edge it makes it easier for stuff if this is ever gonna go to rendering or anything like that it makes it real easy to make sure outside faces are outside not inside that sort of thing all right so we have the top of our sink at this point looks awesome and since everything's going to go perfectly from here on out I'm feeling very good about our future so I'm going to say that I'm going to unhide my image and we're going to talk about these pieces right here so to get this in I'm going to do that actually only the surface I just want that line to work off of I want to work my way out start with a circle right here for the drain so that's where it's going to come down to that's where the sink will will terminate into our drain hardware I'm going to just like it did before I tend to do this where I just kind of draw my lines that I want to reference first and then I'll come back that actually is a straight very close to straight line maybe a little bit of an arc there I grab an arc go from here to here like that no their arc from here to here actually I think this is symmetrical I'm only gonna draw a quarter of this sink I am going to draw a small round corner there I'm going to use the same size arc as I round all corners that's going to make it much easier to go in and loft because it'll be the same number of edges I'll get a nice even loft that way that doesn't make sense hopefully it will in the near future all right so I'm going to do that get rid of that I just create and I got an arc going no not quite I'm guessing where this arcs gonna hit the wall so I'm pulling arc back that's better another one here that another arc here a little insight on this book all right so there are my steps of the sink like I said I think I can't so I will have to I can I can loft this section in this section but this section right here I'm gonna have to do separate as two separate pieces because this Loft is going to be different from this loft because of the curve the front of the sink but that's okay I'm gonna grab these pieces and I'm gonna take them over here now line them up at this point and I'm gonna bring them up like that now what I can do is I can grab these different at different edges and I'll set them up to the right vertical height you guys noticing too how not all this is lining up perfectly nobody said why are you using the mirror plugin that's a good plugin actually I just for the first time used kirik mirror this week if you guys have seen that it's a pretty cool extension it's on the extension warehouse I want a spoiler cuz I did a video on it and you know Kara's in charge of content and I'll get all kinds of trouble but it is a very cool extension I have I like I said a lot of you know I haven't used a whole lot of mirroring extensions in the past but dang so far off but you guys also know that I suffer a lot with getting exceeding man sorry I'll have to come back to talk about Mir apparently because I can't do this so I think what I'm seeing here is this is showing me the outside of the sink that's why I'm so far off because I'm trying to follow where the slope is at and I just I can't miss it's so far off so I think what I'm going to do is top down view look straight down and then just picture where where's the insight where's this arc on the inside of this sink man I'm still so much they can't thinking straight across like that still pretty far off on like this this lip looks like it's so far away from there but in reality this plan so probably I'm gonna believe this but there's a potential that the plan is a little off that's the thing that happens on occasion yeah I just blame the plan I know typical designer all right you take that I'm gonna take all that now rotate it flat and I'm going to drop it now right here this go back to my normal perspective camera and rather than moving this out of the way I'm just gonna hide it I know people don't love the hide functionality but I like doing it to get rid of geometry when I can all right this is looking cool I said now looks really deep doesn't it it's a deep sink that's what it is now I need to get this these are my different layers of angle here so I will want to put a little bit of a pattern on there a little bit of an arc if you will all right that looks cool I'm gonna put a slight arc on here before we start lofting I'm an experiment a little bit I don't know exactly what's gonna happen right now man this one seems low there's a weird sink this is I don't really know I think you know best out of this I'm gonna do it I wouldn't care alright so imma take this and this I think this is my problem this one vertically I don't want to go straight up I just wanna light down like that that's what actually long it's almost flat alright so I'm gonna grab this surface and this surface which is going to be my arc I'm gonna copy it out here like that and then I'm going to just rotate it 90 degrees and see how close that comes that's so close okay I was just checking that all right so apparently this kind of sync is common in high-end market Oh thus the reason I'm not familiar with it is that what you're saying uh go back to Walmart and get yourself your cheap sink Aaron all right I'm gonna save no it is a cool lookin sink that's that's why I grabbed it all right I'm gonna try lofting this piece first all right that looks pretty slick so where did you find this thing somebody's looking for a photo of it on their site um there you go it's a Kohler K two three five six dashboard I honestly I went through the color site and just grabbed a tub a sink and a toilet that looked like they might go together yeah that was that was all the work I put into it so it is a good but I liked it cuz it was a cool-looking sink it had a lot of faceted yet not flat geometry silly mean no I'm just kidding all right so there's our second level of the sink and everything's gone so smoothly so far let's keep it running and we should come clean about the birthday earlier that's pretty simple obviously gonna reverse this one and now I'm going to these so when you when you loft something using Kirby loft they do end up in their own group in their own container I'm gonna leave them in the container for right now while I make the copies and then explode the geometry in just a minute so if you guys are wondering why I have left the way I have there is a method to this I'm gonna copy this over here I'm going to scaled negative one I know I can't help myself it's just how I work already established I'm just too old to change my tricks at this point all right and now one last time I'm going to create whoops I missed mr. tonight and they can find this model on the 3d warehouse after you're finished right odds are good all right at some point I did I did put up last week's just recently so yeah just this hopefully will go up as well all right now they have this copied over here what was that oh I made something not straight because it didn't close undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo undo I want to figure that out before I go any further so here is a vertical plane I do it looks like it's oh no like that I I mess something up had to go talking about how everything went well there again all right so if I pull this over I'm gonna I'm gonna try be reckless and see what happens what could possibly go wrong it's just a teeny tiny bit so I think I think I'll be okay doing this nope all right let's let's do that again I'm not quite sure how I even did that he's a DB oh push line to push this straight up into a surface and then man I just I just when I drew this line for reference I did not do it right leave it on the cake yeah Oh stupid sugar hangover all right Wow all right now that's on surface now I can redraw my arcs real quick this one was an arc this one was no I think it's the orange lines the orange lines are messing with me you guys whatever I have to do to not take responsibility I don't see what I'm willing to do all right let's check that out let's see how that works fortunately said this mr. part turned out just super easy figures and they miss a mr. Jung like select line segment down there there we go skin it all right this is gonna be good all right there we go hopefully hopefully there we go let's copy and see copy these to scale that to negative one again grab that anybody else do this when they're trying to look at something small rather than zooming and move their head closer to the monitor like it's still now I'm overlapping so Claire wants to know why you can't just copy the other and place it on the opposite side that's what I'm doing right now I'm actually copying this one putting it over here but for some reason I'm not getting a clean edge right here it might be okay but I wanna I don't like when stuff doesn't line up when it should so I'm gonna draw another one more one more reference plane here I'm looking for nice and tight sure looks like that's good but what I'm gonna do is I'm going to explode these two I'm going to cut this back to here Kimber says to turn on axe these lines you can pick up errors yeah unfortunately so little this is on axes I don't know how much I'm gonna actually pick up from that and come into my Styles and I can turn that on but all these lofts are off axes so ooh that line so this one this edge is on plane this one for some reason is not that's not what I expected out of haven't all right so this right now tells me that this is a flat edge well check this edge too just to be sure oh yeah okay so I'm good down so now that means I should be able to grab these I'm gonna grab all of them just to make sure I'm gonna copy those over here I don't know what happened to you but I don't even want to look at you all right let me grab this scale it 2-1 stick that right there and that should all line up a nice single line okay all right actually leave those there right now all right last step in the sink another arc right here that now I should be able to grab all this leo says quick win quick win oh hey all right take these and explode them and and see if something still didn't something still not quite perfect right here I don't know what it is though looks like it's happy I'm actually getting a profile here rather than a nice clean edge it is possible it's what's happening is as the geometry is going together it's just not merging it's not joining so a lot of times what I can what you can do with that is select those piece that should join right click intersect with selection and well there goes so it was just that was the issue was that it just didn't join after I copied it all right and grab all this option and copy it over see I'll just do flip along cuz I'm really good at it oh no check out this news extension when I grab all of this and I'm gonna go to actually don't know where it where it is in the keurig mirror tool and I'll just hover over this surface right and option to copy and one-click this is actually a pretty dense model all right whoo all right the same thing here is gonna be an issue though I'm gonna grab these surfaces intersect with selection that should get this middle line to mostly merge together I'll probably have to do a little bit of cleanup though and maybe just come in here and this one can be deleted it's actually along a straight surface so can this on this side to delete delete delete all this can be deleted and this because it's a dark actually no no actually I just have to resit get rid of this this followers love flip along and mirror and follow me those are all shouting those out for this OOP boom right so that's most of our sink we did have a couple of holes that are probably a standard size that I don't know those 1 inch holes they may know someone knows that I know there's someone and someone somewhere knows something I'm gonna pull a reference line in from the back of the sink not to scale so I can't do that all right here's what I'm gonna do instead 1.25 says Christopher Ryan Christopher I trust you I'm gonna do this that's the line front to back and that should be 19 and 7/16 inches I've got my tape measure click here click here 19 and 7/16 resize them all yes now now I can come in and actually use the dimensions that I have on the drawing come in two and a quarter first 2.25 there you go and I'll drop the line straight down to the surface that's the center one and then two inches over two inches over a circle right here 1.25 mm mm that was radius I typed the wrong number which would be 1/2 plus 1/8 so yeah five-eighths you guys buy that you know where I'm at with Matt we're not on speaking terms all right so I'm going to take that show you that oops I got to the bottom double click whoops Dave did the math for you is there a 5/8 inch 5/8 yeah whoo count that as a win I'm gonna do the same thing you did in the other one and I'm just going to offset and I'm gonna give that that our nice silver finish alright so one of the things I didn't do I'm gonna save I probably lost another persistent ID whoops didn't like that that was weird wanted to fix my model and drew a face all over everything that just happened I think that was that was fixed model which I did not care for no I don't want that to happen something is weird with a surface somewhere I was trying to fix it and I didn't like the way it fixed it so I don't want that one of the things I'm saying is that this right here is just a single face deep this is not active does not actually have thickness right now one of the things I could do I could try is I could try selecting these three surfaces and saving and I could come into my tools and joint push-pull thickener to try to thicken this surface this is actually probably something I want to do at a larger scale well we'll see joint push-pull want me to take interconnected geometry like this like smooth geometry and actually push pull it all as one so actually that worked not so badly that actually gives me so x-ray agency actually have some depth to that sink rather than having it just be one empty face more than just an empty face alright so yeah I'm gonna do the same thing to before I'm gonna select all this make it a component this is my sink and then I'm going to take it and save as on my desktop I'm just gonna call this my Friday sink and that way I can import it into my bathroom before you that I want to take a quick break we're gonna go a window we're gonna take a quick break and we're gonna come back and we're gonna subdivide a toilet I think we should actually have time to create some hardware to we'll create some faucets and that kind of stuff but right now I'm going to take a quick break and we will get back at this in just a few minutes so I'm bring lost my mouse I had too many computers at once it's it's it's a hassle all right come on come on mark there we go in my face okay so I will see you guys in just about 5-10 minutes and we'll get back at this bathroom thank you you all right let's get back in here I just gotta address the metric thing I totally agree metric makes so much sense like I really I mean I've been using imperial units to do design of all kinds for well my whole life so because that's what was taught to me but it's it's weird right or take a thing that we call a foot and break it into 12 pieces okay I guess that that's a thing but then we'll take those 12 pieces and we'll break them down into different fractions depending on what use case I mean that's always got me so I don't you know a lot of architectural type building designs we did everything in 16 and some people do 30 seconds and it just it's weird bad like the nice thing about you know metric is everything's 10 you take a big thing and you break it into 10 and then you break that into 10 smaller pieces and there's a lot of logic there I really like it it's a lot easier to do the math in your head that's for sure my biggest problem is I just don't have any context for how big those things are you know you talk about a meter and like three feet ish so then how BIG's a millimeter I I don't know like 30 millimeters I don't know where that is so if I ever say I can't do metric it's not out of a lack of respect for the system it's because I spent decades thank myself think in foot inches and 16 so it's it's it's rough it's it's silly it's it's life it's just the way it is it's was you can complain about it but mm-hmm you know all right I'm gonna drop this sink in now I'm going to come in here file import it's all scale to the right size so be as simple as going in here and telling you to import skp file grab my Friday sync import and I should be able to that's a big thing I'm tiny my tiny inexpensive countertop all right I'm gonna drop it vertically and we grab by the bottom drop it right down to the top turn it like that and I'm gonna slide it back something like that that's good looking sink I'll probably grab it by the mill here and bring that to mill those two cabinets well that's pretty good I'm not quite sure where are why this safety cover showed up again apparently Sketchup re-fixed my drawing again somewhere around here there's a break in my geometry that's good it's a straight straight across here that's better all right just just run around the edges and trying to figure out why it decided to weld all this together I think that's some do these little teeny corners right here but I'm just guessing yeah these are pretty small pieces of geometry right here same thing over here actually wish you probably do is Dave method this thing all right so all right so there that's what I would expect I'm gonna grab this corner option copy it drop it right there and of course you'll notice that I did not cut a hole into my countertop so the sink is just going right through it so what I would generally do is I'll double click to come into this context and here's how I would go about this whether this was a circle or a oval or whatever usually what I'm doing is just kind of cutting a big square like this grab that line right there slide it back under the sink I've this right here slide it over and there we go we got a hole for the sink and what I could probably do it probably hide the rest of my model grab this shape right now option copy it stick it right here and then when the Resta sink shows up all right so there we go we got a tub and we got two sinks suite getting there all right this is the fun this is what I've been looking forward to the most is creating a sub D toilet I haven't done this before has always been one of those shapes that thought would be kind of cool to do but I've never done it I'm gonna save this and actually close this one it'll take a peek at this toilet all right so that's it that's what it looks like I don't quite get this front of bowl thing is this the footprint I'm assuming this is the bottom what this is supposed to say says it's labeled as frontal Bowl but I don't think that's right all right so I'm going to zoom out just a little bit so I can get all this in one screenshot grab this information I don't need to stuff in the corner up there or up there but I do want to get that bottom section all right so I'm gonna grab that and I'm gonna go back into Sketchup file new and what file import go back to images grab my screenshot import it as an image make it nice and big just like when you're when you're dealing with we talked about scaling up we talked about the Dave method that kind of stuff we read to make stuff bigger to work so we don't run into this small edge issue that is especially apparent when you're dealing with smooth geometry so when you are dealing with lofting follow up me around curves subdivision that kind of stuff the bigger you can work in the less issues you'll run into so in this case I'm just scaling my toilet way up it's going to be well over 6 feet tall and that's that's cool that'll that'll be OK for what we want to use it report now all right I'm going to come in here and I'm gonna start with a rectangle I'm gonna use like I said we're going to do subdivision so I'm going to use vertex tools a lot I actually have a shortcut key for vertex tools which is assigned to the letter V on my keywords also my mouse that hops in and activates vertex tools for whatever selected I'm also gonna come up here and tool palettes and turn on quad face tools there we go so this is going to give me a bunch of its kind of cut off I I know but if I go anything below this one nope I won't actually use these two down here it's a draw a line and live mesh analysis so good you I did not get cut off unless I raise this arm too much it'll hide you I I'll try not to do that no promises sometimes I do just raise this arm I don't know all right so I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna start with a rectangle that seems like a good place to start all right so something like that now when I start thinking about how to break a model down into quads I immediately I basically start by looking at one side of the model so I'm gonna start by looking at this side right here I'm gonna take this image and I'm gonna copy it and I'm gonna take my image now flip it this way flip it this way I'm gonna grab that edge right there put it in the middle of my rectangle all right so why not already see that this is not exactly to scale this this bottom is not the same size so again go figure not a perfect to scale drawing it's nice to see that other industries have that's not just an architectural thing that the images aren't always perfect all right now what I'm going to do I'm sorry hopefully I didn't offend anybody by saying the images aren't always perfect I make images like that so I make drawings I'm I'm saying we all have room for improvement all right I'm gonna take this now and what I want to do is I'm going to use push/pull and I'm gonna every place that I think I'm gonna want to resize my mesh I'm going to create a new surface so I'm gonna step up once so this little break here so have a little kind of coming in like that I'll bring it up to here maybe maybe one place in the middle of this then here then here then here then here I'll do the seat separate so maybe I'll just do the base as one mesh will do the tank is a separate mesh and Twitty is a third so I'm just gonna any place I would want to break this for geometry I'm gonna create a new push-pull I'm not gonna use the regular push-pull though because I'll pull this first one up so that's my first break I can hit option to create a new one cuz I do I want to keep this line that's the whole point of what I'm doing the problem with a standard push-pull is it actually leaves a surface in here if I delete this out you can see this piece surfaces in here and what happens when you subdivide a surface like that it's gonna try it's gonna basically keep tension on that joint so it doesn't end up smooth they'll actually end up like sharp because of that surface back behind it so what I'll do instead is if I go to back to my tools and I pull up my sub D toolbar and these are both toolbars our extensions from TomTom he has a special push-pull and his push-pull works the same way but if you do option and copy something up like this I look in here and delete it doesn't keep that inside surface so I'm gonna try to remember again getting training your brain on all this stuff I'm gonna try to remember to hit his push-pull rather than the standard push-pull as I work my way through here I'm a create new surface up part way up that that's gonna go to about there probably have a break in between here come up to here one more like that all right so again what I would probably do at this point this is probably I would triple click and make this into a group and now in this group I will probably go select like this and start using vertex tools to reshape this so I'll go V and then maybe bring this in that's that little Littlefoot type thing there come right here a little bit like that and then actually back here I'll probably drop this down to there this one I'm all the front in the back kind of independent of each other I still have enough divisions to do it I think so basically the idea behind subdividing as you create these broad sweeping geometries that are used as basically a template to then afterwards go in and create smoother geometries so maybe something like that so I'm gonna take that right now turn off x-ray just looking at that here's what happens if I subdivide that this guy's liked it okay see see we're getting the general smooth over look of our toilet obviously I only did one I only did one dimension right there and there's a whole lot that's left to be added but that's the general idea that's the direction we're going right now [Music] I'm gonna undo that and there's a couple axes I want to add some geometry to first one being oops look at it this way it's kind of it's monolithic right here whoops I made a mistake here bring it back up it still looks not right bring it back far enough either not that I'm blaming anybody for anything it's cool it's cool so I'm using a couple of them I'm actually using vertex tools that's how I was doing all that editing and moving stuff around I'm using quad face tools that's this tool set right here I haven't actually used anything on quad face tools yet but I will and then of course sub D is the big one that I'm using right now because that's that is the subdivision tool all right so the other thing I was saying I want to get some more detail here I want the bowl to go you know not just be straight across so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to use subdivision two or I'm sorry quad face tools to add a loop and a loop just says there's one things about this is the way quad quad geometry works is because it's interconnected four-sided pieces it can really find chains of geometry so right here if I look around this whole model all the way around this is a bunch of rectangles connecting so I select one edge on here and say insert a loop right there it's going to put that basically break all those rectangles right in half all the way around so it's a nice way to to model because it's real easy to do that kind of thing same thing going this way I'm obviously going to need more breaks in I can't just have this monolithic chunk right here because I'm gonna have you know it's gonna go in at the back of the bowl it's gonna kind of curve back so I'm gonna have to come in here and add a couple loops here also so I'll go add one here and for right now I'm going to add another one here so that's my basic geometry for the bowl so I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna copy this image again copy it to here and then swinging around degrees and from here now and start editing some of this geometry so I grab this chunk right here and vertex tools gives you this widget the widget has these move tools so I can grab these and just scoop pieces wherever I want to or if I grab the other end it'll actually scale so I can do stuff like scale like that it's the top section and this is cool the reason I like this step so much is it's kind of like well it is it's sculpting so rather than you know precision modeling I'm actually into doing like kind of sculpting together the geometry I want to see as I do this specifically one of the things I should point out is it's not always super easy to get exact geometry when you start talking about subdivision modeling what you're going to do is get approximated locations of points like this and then when you actually select and subdivide it it's going to go in and round your geometry based on those points so we're to touch on a couple other things that make that a little bit easier but just something to note it's not always a quick and easy process to get exact models exactly the way you want them sometimes I have to go back and overcompensate one way or the other before you subdivide to get the final smooth geometry that lines up with what you're actually looking for at the end all right this has come along this is all right I'm going to I'm actually gonna have to do this as a couple separate pieces so when I come in here I'm gonna grab these lines right here I'm gonna move them vertically in line with this same thing here oops nope redo this point right here right here in this point right here times right here same thing on this side line that back up back up looking good alright I want to take this whole corner right here all these lines and I'm gonna bring them backwards start to get my bowl shape same thing right here grab too many I can fortunately add subtract from selection just like I do actually should it done those I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right I should have taken both those lines back together so I'm gonna select one side and I'm also gonna select the other side there you go and now use vertex tools to both those edges back together so they are uniform awesome I'm gonna grab this line right here in this line right here for text tools pulls back a little bit yeah that's good stuff right there okay these lines right here all of these lines starting to look kind of toilet II in a good way [Music] so I already have some spots that I know I'm gonna want to kind of sharpen so this top this line right here I don't want to extreme actually I know I do I do undo this I don't want to be too extreme of a bed I don't want to turn over too far so I'm gonna crease it I want to crease it to about now let's see what 65-percent looks like solid inspector instead of sub D yeah so that's okay I'm dealing in that I am right now I'm subdividing to the lowest the the coarsest subdivision level I can hit the plus key actually go a little bit deeper but yeah I think that's kind of what I'm looking for there I want to keep a little bit of a rim there I actually want to do the same thing to this right here this is where quad face tools comes in rather than coming around and clicking one side of time I can grab this line right here and tell it to select the entire loop so those lines as they go all the way around they can take those and I can say crease that will do about the same how about 55% save and we haven't even say this once yet good call somebody that would about a drag have you been using shift for all those moves no I have not there you go Christopher Ryan should I be alright the other thing I do is I'm gonna grab this loop right here grab it all the way around I think quite work the same on faces like this the loops kind of work better when you're working on the 3d portions of geometry I'm gonna grab all of this is the portion sits flat on the ground I'm gonna crease this as well let's take it all the way up to hundred percent alright alright looking good so this portion right here so it goes back to about here and then it gets narrower it it sinks in so I'm gonna grab that whole block front and back yep I'm gonna did vertex tools and with scale it this way vertex tools by default when you scale scales about the middle see that how it's it's scaling the same on both sides so it does that it scales on both sides it pulls that together grab this section right here pull it forward so how are you referencing the other lines with vertex tools I'm not actually referencing anything right now that's the answer I'm I'm sculpting I am full on winging this right now hey alright gonna grab these overhanging pieces right here the other thing to watch when you're using vertex tools is it will tell you in the upper left corner how many vertices are selected because you have to be careful just like in Sketchup when you go and grab a bunch of stuff yet to make sure you don't have geometry in the backside selected because whether you select and then click Edit vertices or you're editing the vertices selecting them right from inside you guys be carefully don't grab a point that's on the back of the model and start moving that around because that can really mess with you geometry so I was keep an eye up here for vertices selected awesome that's all I wanted want to pull in alright so that's looking pretty sure this vertice right here has a problem all right so if I do get to that at that point right so we're talking about I want this to be pushed back exactly the same as this point a lot of times that's where I'll use move and just snap to an axe sees the green axes in tell it to line up again so if I have that situation I do tend to fall back onto regular move tools that's nice thing about using tom-toms tools is you're never locked into you can it's never like oh you started using this you can't go back that never actually happens you can always come back in and do it make changes with regular sketchup I'm gonna pull the back of this bowl together just a little bit something like that you grab these two points it's looking looking nice alright so one of the things that I'm definitely noticing I got a maybe well not actually that looks like kind of it so I have a sharp cut here there is a point where this the bowl under here I really need is a topical hello all right so what I need to do is this first so this is going to come back and then cut back like that that means I need more geometry I don't have enough geometry right now so this point is at the widest spot then it's going to come back to another spot here and then run back so I have here 2 3 1 2 3 actually do have enough right now so if I grab that's an error message from vertex tools I make those a lot actually grab all of this right here no I have 17 vertices so that means I got something extra I want to have should have an even number connected sliced right now oh we've not one two looks right well let's try scaling it and see if something bad happens all right and we're getting toilet bully that's one one person not enough let me get one on either side there you go to feel like the count on Sesame Street one one vertices all right two vertices yeah yep that's getting better all right so we don't quite have this sharp point right here the reason for that is we're subdividing I'm gonna grab these lines right these pieces right here and slide them forward like that these points are pulling more back in the line and I'm gonna grab I want to see I just have to experiment with this to be honest oh my grab these two lines on both sides and try to crease those just a little bit and see if that holds that shape a little bit better we'll say like 40% see that was like closer that's closer that shade you can actually add creases while you're in subdivision like this but it does definitely slow the game down a little bit but pull it in so we might need a pretty severe number in there to get it to pull back the way I want a hundred percent seems to look very good but I think that's gonna cause too much of a crease elsewhere yeah that's a little that's a little harsh right there that cut so I'm gonna actually pull that back down just a little bit there we go all right you know wanna brag or something but it's pretty obvious that's a toilet bowl the me said hurry up they need to use it just for display purposes only not fully functional all right um looking good I think what I run button again just this one I think what I do want to do is I want to pull this back in tighter in like that same thing up here and my whoops only got one you gotta go you're my way you mid-semester I made a mistake and pull this back where it should be there we go back to symmetrical yes yes I could be doing half of this toilet bowl and saved myself some time that is totally possible that is so much something I could be doing that's right and borings not something we've been flirting with today this is has been it's really been a thing it's been a day all right I'm gonna take these I'm gonna add a little bit of crease here too if you guys saw this this particular toilet has kind of a kind of like sharp not super sharp but a defined break right there that's good that's better yeah we're coming close I do think though it does look like there's kind of a sharp cut under the toilet right here where it goes back into the plumbing and I want to I want to kind of come up with that look so I'm gonna unsub divided and I think that's gonna be all about this geometry right here bring this up further just under like that there we go getting that undercut for sure I think we want to pinch this in ever so slightly as well that we're gonna do the same thing here pull these in there too far too far out pull those in all right let's subdivide that that's closer I might have to actually crease that a little bit as well as hold these two points even further in sometimes when you're doing subdivision modeling when you're creating your control mesh you end up over compensating so I pulled that in pretty far that's pretty skinny back there you can go a little more because I know that when I hit subdivide it's gonna kind of smooth outwards just something you have to kinda get used to I guess if you're you see if you're doing this I may grab though these three lines and these three lines and do a little more creasing let me go up to like 50% see if that holds my full shape a little better I don't like that very much if they go to a higher level high resolutions that look a little better yeah that's getting they're getting closer all the way that was probably silly thing to do so every time you hit the increased resolution button you multiply the amount of polygons in your model by four so it by to increase that to make it a finer model it well yeah it takes those pieces and really multiplies every surface by four cuts it into quads again I'm going to maybe if I increase this line see this helps those a little weird looking and really love that alright that's better all right so we're getting close getting this is getting to look kind of like what it looks like on subdivide this so this edge around here is definitely creased I do have a definite lip right here not like a nine net not a ninety percent but definitely something like that I'm gonna grab these two lines and pulled them in as well as these two do you button said the V button shortcut-keys can't always save yet all right vertex tools pull those in little ways start look pretty good hide the lines I could spend all day on this I'm and I'm gonna come in here and we're going to just create an indent for the actual bowl itself I'm gonna grab these lines unsub divide I grab these surfaces right here and do something with this is but you can just barely see over there connect edges tool one that was our three tool YouTube said did you just say you could spend all day on the toilet man got you got it you got it alright I'm just gonna do this real quick I can't remember how to how to do this I come in here and cut my geometry again everything has to stay four-sided so when you break geometry is very specifically you have to break it all right back to vertex tools have these two points dang man I really can't believe I opened myself up like that that's yeah you're getting kind of slammed on YouTube over here I did I deserve it obviously cuz I would expect no less so something like that I know I do because this is still a flat surface so what I can actually do it's kind of nice is I can just pull this straight down obviously once I get too much further I can't just just do that this becomes a little bit more work but in this case that's kind of nice and grab that those edges right there I'll crease them 165 on the outside and match that now hey you didn't know better so I will know whoops see this is the so here's the different vertex tools and regular moving if I move in plane I got no issues here but if I grab this right now and I try and move it out of plane it's gonna Auto fold so it'll let me move it by creasing the geometry but when I'm done I have a bunch of triangles and they're not symmetric triangles look what's going on over here rather than my nice 4-sided shapes if I grab vertex tools and do the same thing those same two lines I just move vertically it maintains my quad geometry doesn't always do it perfectly but it does prevent it that's my geometry from getting not good all right something I don't have well you can see this but if I look at my hidden geometry it does still break the geometry what it does is it takes the inside pieces and it breaks them and it hides and smooths this edge automatically is basically what it does this looks pretty good but you can see there's some inconsistencies it's cutting them the same direction every side rather than cutting them opposite because I'd like them to actually go left on the right to be mirrors of each other so fortunately Claude pace tools has this little button you can click to just flip the axes real quick and easy to get symmetrical geometry so there we go that's that's going to be the base of my toilet I'm going to do this next part complete quickly I can't YouTube said I can't spend all day on the toilet so I'm gonna spend some time on some other parts I'm going to do something here all right so this time take this section right here vertex tools bring that out this right here vertex tools bring that out the top a little further and then I'm going to do is I'm going to grab this loop right here actually we need to clean this up first grab this loop so let's say it's like that all the way around I mean use vertex tools to kind of pull it back in and then I grab this loop right here all the way around use vertex tools to bring that in both directions fairly significantly but that's gonna do now is when I hit subdivide oops I didn't group it yet when I hit subdivide that's gonna give me kind of a scene there so where the lid and the bottom part I want to model it separately where those are gonna meet you can also see on this we have a whole lot of creasing to do because that basically turned into a ball so we have a whole lot of geometry that we need to grab I'm going to start by using the top and the bottom and this we've got those all real quick crease those to like 80% of something almost be a 90 degree angle did you save not recently let's save Thank You Tube and alright that looks better and I'm also gonna grab this line here and this line here and crease that to like almost hundred percent that's the flat against the wall part me would be like 95 percent and we have pretty close to that kind of thing it looks like it goes straight and then an arc so what I might do is take this whole section scoot it out grab this right here and insert a loop and now subdivide and see what's or solid Inspectorate there we go there that see that by adding I don't have to change geometry at all I just added that loop so that extra geometry caused my art to be little bit smaller but increase that that looks pretty good I'm pretty pretty happy with that where we at three o'clock let's think about how much more time span on this particular model all right I'm gonna do the seat pretty quick because the seat what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come in unsub divide here grab all of that copy come out of context edit paste in place give it all some depth we'll make it a group and just for fun just gonna hit that's pretty close to what we want already obviously got its got some geometry to it well that's good to know I've got some geometry need to clean up like this back section we want to take back like that and then we're gonna probably want to take both these rings so that loop and that loop and use vertex tools to bring it in a little narrower here little narrower here and then maybe subdivide that that's a pretty good seat right there right so one of the things that's happening right now look inside you don't seem to have a bottom so I'm gonna hide the rest of my model take a peek underneath yep that's an issue so I will have to let's do this if I draw lines right now it's going to create surfaces in between each of the segments so I'm just gonna grab this whole top surface copy it down click on the white portion and hit orient faces to flip it all back I'm gonna grab two loops real quick I'm gonna grab this loop right here on the outside and this loop right here on the inside with shift held down to get both those turned on and I'm gonna give them a little crease yeah sixty-five sounds good I'm gonna come to the top grab those two loops that's a 65 right now some of them are I'm gonna set those down to something more like maybe 35 let's see how that looks yeah looks that even that might be a little high but it's gonna work for what we're doing alright so there's our toilet seat there's some subdivide this real quick so we're good solid look all right unsub to buy this one last time I'm gonna come in here grab these surfaces control see out of context edit paste in place make the data group come in here and actually seriously simplify this geometry get rid of all these interior faces I'm just gonna make this super simple I do need to keep it qua 'td so I do have to put all these lines in but that's really all I need so go ahead and give that some depth and once that's done I'll do the same thing I'll just grab this geometry so I don't want to have to create a bunch of internal faces if you do ever use push/pull or copy or draw lines and accidentally draw into your geometry that is a spot where solve inspectors great because it will with one click fairly easily let you you know clean it all up all right I'm gonna orient faces again I'm gonna grab my exterior loop right here same thing I did before I'm gonna crease that to higher maybe eighty degrees or eighty percent this has it does that's a 34 I'll pull it even lower alright that increase that that looks good so divide that that's a pretty good-looking toilet right there alright so one of the things I'm gonna do real quick so this is actually consists of four groups I'll make a copy Dover of it over here I'm gonna make this into a single group triangles alright let's talk about triangles so the triangles triangles on the sides oh these right here well here let's check this out you're right I actually did that I could actually I've kept it simple like this this each of these now is four-sided so that will actually work just fine so I had extra geometry in there yes I mean short answer is the subdivision engine and sub D will subdivide triangulated geometry if it is as far as I know I'm not sure I haven't seen TomTom on here but as far as I know it's okay with some triangles you wouldn't want to hand it a complete triangulated mesh and tell it to subdivide but I believe if it's a triangle so what's surrounded by quads excuse me that'll be okay what it can't do is go the other way I don't want to have a five-sided polygon or more an end gone because that will actually cause problems and you'll end up with some weird-looking geometry if you do that so yes so good call thank you very much that was extra I had some spare geometry in there which is always what I'd like to challenge myself with when I go into model with subdivision is what's the fewest number of polygons I can have in here and get the geometry want it's real easy to go and make a bunch of small little quads and then have it smooth over but use increasing and smart geometry what's the fewest you can actually put in there right so I have all this in one group I'm actually gonna go in here right now and right now it is still quad or is still subdivided geometry so I could actually come in here and now and toggle this on and off before I export it out though I can come in here and I can actually grab all these and I can say explode I'm gonna save save and then I can say explode so now it's no longer subdivided geometry it's now it's just geometry so I can grab all of it and I can do things like soft and smooth to get rid of those extra lines yeah and I can take this now make it a component and just like I did with the other pieces I can save as to export this as my Friday to it that makes it so like I got a toilet for every day of the week I don't that's right we could we could actually just make an array times six and I'll just rename them Oh No err those to eat woods and I feel like I'm at Lowe's all right so all right so here we are back in our bathroom we got a good question yes what's the benefit of geometry versus D geometry so the subdivide there isn't one truth is the so some of the things is with the subdivided geometry it keeps those extra lines in there and then it smooths everything that's in outside of the quad geometry so it looks kind of weird so smoothing it over as easy if it's exploded geometry the other thing is if I was ever to go in there and accidentally unsub divided it would look ugly or weird so by dropping it back in as it is now so if I come in here and import it grab my Friday toilet guess who forgot to scale me at all oh there we go 31 inches it's big blue that look at mark compare the toilet 31 all right 31 1 8 inches its that did not do what I was expecting it to do let's go into here no go scale it in context should ask me if I want to resize just this group of component yes there we go that's what I was hoping for now save as variety toilet replace it let's see if this works better import nope good good we're ending like we started I appreciate that that it's we've come full circle you know what I'm just gonna do this I know how big it is all right monster toilet whatever you do don't put mark in the giant toilet he fit scale the definition alright that looks better there we go grab this by the front and line up with the middle of that space there by the back back here then I can remember how far you pull it out fit that far and with that we have a toilet so there we go toilet sinks tub different ways to draw a smooth geometry some presented smoother than others but yeah that was fun that was that was interesting that's good question so let's let's go in here select everything in here so this is 9000 entities so that includes every surface and edge is around there we go 21,000 221 edges and surfaces it's a very sink is 52,000 the big difference 21,000 and 52,000 so the big difference here is this little tiny geometry see all these little teeny tiny surfaces this surface is triangle right here it's the same amount of data as you know this triangle right here so when we talk about some people talk about that a big file versus a small file that really doesn't matter to to a computer it's really about the data that's in there so every triangle has data about where it is in you know reference to the whole model so a whole bunch of teeny teeny tiny triangles like this will end up causing a small model to be bigger than what's a bigger model and this is one of the nice things about subdivision is with subdivision you create an ordered mesh so you end up with fewer of those who as we look at it it gets a little denser right here where I had a ring where I have this indent right here it's a little denser but the rest of it is fairly I don't know consistent as far as the size of the geometry so that's one of the advantages of subdivision modeling versus lofting or over here we got follow me let's see how big the tub is so I grabbed everything in the tub that's only six thousand that's that's tiny oh yeah that's a good question because that that is very important that's good thing to know about a model and you pull it in say I would have off the top my head looking at these two pieces side-by-side I would generally assume that a toilet is going to have more geometry and thus be a bigger file than what's in something like a sink turns out that I would be wrong in this particular instance but generally if you go look at like three warehouse where you have stuff up there you can have some Reesie huge files especially when it gets into stuff like this we start looking at toilets and fixtures and sinks some of those models are created in other software SolidWorks something like that where they're actually create these really dense high polygon meshes that they're just enormous and they just take up a ton of ton of space so it is that's a good question if you are bringing in geometry from somewhere else it's something you want to take a look at and keep an eye on because those dense dense meshes those dense models can definitely way down your model slowdown sketchup if you get too much of them in there all right so it's still kind of early it's three laughter three Dave well then you fix that ever again believe that's in preferences I'm not gonna have you check my models anymore make me feel bad about myself self-esteem issues Oh YouTube cool so is there do you guys have specific question actually doesn't have to be specific questions are there questions we can touch on this is kind of be got to that free portion where we got done with the pun centered and it's also not quite big enough to actually be at either sync so scale it up - sure we can big magic you know the only thing I know about Teflon I remember hearing about is it had something to do with the heat shielding they were creating for the Space Shuttle of this true or not but I heard that it was one of the materials they were testing for heat shielding and they found it wasn't as good a heat shield as they wanted but they found out it was nonstick and that's where Teflon came from I know I need a little the more you know yeah let's throw some textures on here unfortunately these are going to be stock textures because I don't have a library of good-looking wood and tile textures like some of you out there have so I'm just gonna come in here I'm gonna hit B let's let's see let's see what we got for tile flooring we'll start there start at the ground and work our way up leathers textiles is in here nope there's tile so many choices tile various tan limestone tile linen large Brown was that like alright work with that yeah that'll work okay maybe we'll do something to like maybe we'll put up a backsplash I'm off script right now guys so if this looks horrible it's on you kidding that's not good yeah from Canada hey ray from Canada you have to know how you can pull something out of a group and place it on a different layer or group where it doesn't identify with the original group or layer that can absolutely be done what I would recommend is selecting it cutting it and then pasting it in place paste in place will put it at the same XYZ coordinate it was originally at and but you can switch contexts so I'm inside of a group right now so if I wanted to take this little surround I just put on the tub and cut it I could leave the context in fact I can even hide this entire thing and if I hit edit paste in place you'll go to the same XYZ coordinate but in the context I'm currently in so that works on layers groups whatever going from one context to another if you copy it and then paste in place it'll go same absolute location but it will stay in the context that you're currently in so where these textures that you're using where they stored these are actually the default textures are stored in the installation of Sketchup Christopher is having a hard time finding them yeah they're actually the sks km is how sketchup keeps Sketchup material files skm that's what it means the skm are actually stored somewhere inside the installation I can't even tell you exactly where and it's different for Windows than it is for Mac too so generally speaking I usually recommend using these particular materials just to get your feet wet and as quickly as possible get some your own high-resolution imagery and use that instead because like I said this this is good stuff to get started but it's definitely not it's not very extensive I mean it's a handful of samples is really what we give you and they're not super high rezident you want to do super high resolutions when you do it but they're not the the highest resolution you could get you could probably find something that looks even better I want to put a faux reflective surface on too much little too big all right to fix that put my mirror on us just slightly the image is just slightly too small for the big mirror I created some hit position texture not too big it just was too far away we're gonna slide it over there's my mirror let's see let's come up with something for my counter top go look into what do I got for tile so much let's see what I have here for you like it work last year's metal patterns roofing stone synthetic surfaces he was stoned we got excessive let's come back in here ever tell you guys I'm not an interior designer have I mentioned that in the past oh yeah good thing - yeah let's get some wood in here so I'll teach you guys to ask me to show you something like this Bechet that's so bad so this is what this is I mean so this is an example of this texture looks alright if used in a small quantity in a controlled environment oh it's not so good when you throw it in in mass quantities like that hey that's looking good look I'm sorry I can't lie to you guys all right let's go let's throw some beige on the wall too just to really really tie it all together somebody asked a question earlier about this UI about this this is not a plugin or an extension this is just the Mac color picker Mac and Windows we leverage the native color selection tools that are offered to us by the operating system so you'll see different tools depending on which operating system you're in and yeah that's why somebody asked why they didn't have that it's not something extra that I have installed it's just because I happened to be on Mac the crowds are so much more fun than the Windows version they are it is it's pretty it's pretty fun so yes to answer your question I can throw some colors on here real question is should I assume our shelves inside are painted white oops wow this is a very beachy it really is assuming this is a standard or spec built house with the default paint the holy seems to be like an off-white Daisy kind of color you know it's really something get this all the way all right so I don't know if you guys have ever had this issue oh no oh man apparently we didn't have enough plastic what do you call that you so gross it's so bad all right you guys ever had this issue but a lot of times small rooms like this it can be hard to get a good look at so we're just go throw this out real quick one thing I like to do in this situation here into a position camera and pick where you want to put it I'm standing right inside the door maybe just over from inside the door and this is what we get right looking around you can't really see everything this is where so I'm gonna pick a spot to look at and look down towards the toilet and this is where field-of-view comes in spy out a camera and click field of view now I can actually use my click and drag anymore screen to include more or less by going back and forth with my field of view sometimes you're kinda out of luck I think this entire let's let's let me picked out the floor and see how many square feet this bathroom is oops don't want to short myself I grab all this that is at the info 77 square feet so we're not looking at a whole lot here you're not gonna be able to see a whole lot no matter what I do but let's let's drop the camera a little more inside the room maybe right here next to this there we go see how much we can do if we play with field of view from here there we go so we actually get back and see a little bit more but that's the spot where you may want to take advantage of field of view there you go leave that so now I can actually see the whole bathroom from here the other thing like I showed originally is I am actually looking through the walls too so that's a nice option though because that lets me if I if this wall had been painted eventually field of view will even pull me back outside of the wall so kind of a nice thing to consider if you especially likes it as you have these small models something else to look at or think about is this right here as I'm looking in here first my white ceiling there we go as I'm looking at like this down there what was it saying I got distracted I was going to show you something else so when you export a video from Sketchup the textures form large flat faces and there they are flickering and you'll be interesting to see what you're seeing I'm guessing when you talk about flickering faces I what comes to mind is z-fighting where if you have multiple layers in the same spot so if I put a rectangle over this I get that kind of thing so I'm guessing maybe you have surfaces on top of surfaces and what that is is that's two surfaces that look different fighting to be in front of each other so so it looks fine from this view right here but as I start moving around the white of that square I just drew shows up instead so I'm guessing that's what it sounds it is I don't know for sure the best solution would be to head over to our forum and upload a video that's having that problem and we can diagnose it there and tell you for sure if it's z-fighting or if it's something else I mean I'm not saying it's not an issue with potentially an issue with your OpenGL I could be a video card thing but I don't know off the top my head without seeing it so head over to the forum and in fact I'll throw out top to anybody if you have specific questions head to the forum Dave Richards will fee over there ready to answer your questions as soon as you show up I'm kidding dave is one of our sages one of the many many users on the forum who will be excited to give you an answer to any questions you have all right and just see if there's any other questions kind of here that random a was wrong yeah and there are no dumb questions this is this this is so here's here's if you take one thing away remember a situation like this there are no dumb questions only dumb people those dumb people aren't here tuned in that's why they're dumb so you guys are smart guy so you can ask any question it's never a dumb question oh what I was going to say is shadows so one of the nice things of course that Sketchup does it gives us shadows when you're inside a room like this it can actually cause a little bit of a problem because you know I have no light now but you can actually select individual surfaces so I could come in here and I can say grab the ceiling for example and don't cast shadows that will allow light to fall in I can actually do the same thing with things like my walls and turn off cast shadows I do the back of the walls too which will actually let light in not that you'd want this specific thing but if I really want to know what kind of a shadow my toilet casts you can't do that so you don't have to have you can cast shadows even if you have surfaces covering up so just something I wanted to throw out there I don't know why I felt felt to tell you that but there you go that looks really weird all right what else you guys got trouble well-lit bathroom like that Christopher's having issues with transparent materials not looking the same like not looking the same as when you work on them now like an older model coming in looks different it looked different even though the same material what could be happening remember every surface every everything that exists has a front face and a back face so depending on what's going especially if you're doing if you're talking about something like a piece of glass where you have faced face like that the front and back faces can have an impact on what it actually looks like so if I take actually I want to keep that cube so if I come in here and I'll just go to my stock materials and I'll go to glass glass and mirrors I'll just grab my blue here so look at this surface right now this blue material that I applied is on the front and the back so when you see any time you pick up material it's going to give you the front and the back it is possible with this to have a different color material on one side than the other and that can give you some weird appearances depending on how you look at it what direction you look at it from so I don't know again this isn't our spot where your specific model post to the forum would help me or a sage or somebody else specifically diagnose what the issue is but it's possible with something like this where you have an inside face has a material on that's why it looks different but again I'm just guessing I don't know there was you mentioned that some of your one or more of your models is from an older version we did change how transparencies were handled so if you're saying you know when I run in 2016 it looks different from when I run it in 2019 that's probably true we changed how transparencies are displayed to the screen so an older model transparency won't look the same if you're saying it take a model from here and I bring it in here it should look the same because the transparencies are rendered the same but it's possible that something is incorrect so same thing not to throw it all into the forum but when it comes to troubleshooting a very specific issue in a specific model there's really no better solution than actually getting the model and trying to fix it there so so yeah I would say bring your model up to the forum and share it and I bet we could get it figured out you bet I'm or is that yes thank you somebody else I'll take that thank you you're welcome awesome well guys we're at 3:30 which is usually when we start talking about wrapping up but just to throw out hi so we just join in said hi again thank you all for coming we had a ton of people on again that's awesome especially considering so many of you are like it's nighttime that means a lot in this day and age that's like that's really saying something but yeah like I said we like doing this because you guys are here otherwise you know wouldn't it wouldn't be quite as much fun just sitting the loner doing it but we do rely on you guys for input so we loved like to hear what you think we should model what you want to see let us know leave comments we're gonna we're gonna sign off here in a few minutes but we'll leave the the chat running for another 10 minutes or so so if you have some good ideas of things you'd like to see like to see us model specific workflows or specific models if you have specific questions go ahead and let us know that you know we're always looking for good ideas of fun stuff we could model so let us know what you have also I just have to acknowledge it now I didn't notice it happy because I was a little head down especially in the beginning the video where things weren't going quite as smoothly as I probably would have liked them to go but Kara was saying that we had another blender attack which is a shame I'm sorry I missed it but yeah just so you guys know my boss does know I'm doing this endorses this and this is actually my job I'm not in trouble for sneaking off and doing this or they were commenting on you guys watching this instead of doing your job I don't know what it was but yeah it was it was creative at least I was I was a little let down but that we that we got trolled I thought that was kind of a big thing you know he's always trolling us we've made it and then they kept attacking Boulder talking about IP a on Pearl Street and you know legalization of marijuana and nobody who's ever worked on this live stream lives in Boulder so most of the jokes you're making were they were making we're kind of funny a while ago I don't know kinda YouTube didn't even know we worked for Sketchup well I don't buy that yeah a curvy building we could do something like that plugins we could talk about plugins I usually so I don't you guys noticed this but there is usually some intention to the way I go about doing things I usually try to as much as possible show native modeling for the first part of whatever we're doing and then usually end up going off onto some extensions so not always iron man's helmet was pretty much straight into curved loft when we did the one called organic modeling I think we talked about soft and smooth a little bit but that was straight in there but yeah we really try to cover extensions every every one of these episodes too so yeah I'm gonna try to stay away from actually installing and learning extensions live though unless if you guys really enjoyed that for some reason because you're sick let us know and maybe you can pick out an extension and I won't look at it beforehand just install it and try to use it but I have a feeling that's not the best use of your time I bet you guys want more than that yeah yeah I know that what that didn't that didn't always go super awesome so anyhow we're gonna wrap it up here it's after 3:30 and we are gonna go enjoy some time off some weekend time and like I said we won't be back here next week but we will be back the week after possibly with a special guest I'm not gonna guarantee anything but we might have somebody special on the podcast that's right we're on another podcast the live stream so at that we're gonna sign off so thank you guys very much for come by again leave comments let us know if there's something we should do different do better do more of do less of whatever you think and we will see you in two weeks so not next Friday but the Friday after so thank you very much guys I'll see ya you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 65,678
Rating: 4.8731709 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, bathroom, fixtures
Id: LyTqiQMgyh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 36sec (13416 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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