Live Modeling a Guitar in SketchUp

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hey sketch uppers how's everybody doing this Friday glad you made it live David good to have you here Hollen Colin oh man I just squished your first name and last name together Colin I apologize thank you very much and I want to assure you Colin that I didn't permanently place a sticker on this guitar you loaned me it is just stuck on there with gaff tape so FYI no permanent modifications no guitars were harmed in the making of this live stream we're gonna give this just a couple more minutes guys what's a few more people hop on here and we will get rolling Oh Williams in the rain in Florida we have actually very nice weather here today I'm I'm happy about it it's warm it was actually very very warm in here a few minutes ago and just between all of you and me I broke the rules and I messed with the office thermostat because it was 77 degrees in here with the light on that ended up being warm so totally broke the rules i Nader hey Dwayne welcome back good to see everybody yeah hopefully we can pick up anybody who's sitting in rain and they can enjoy this my sunny disposition instead of actual sunny weather hey John Brock Aiden love this love you guys are here it's awesome appreciate you swinging by and I promise I won't play anything how's that no stairway no nothing I promise not to play that either awesome hey sketch uppers how's everybody doing I do have a little bit of help today Alison is on the other side of the monitor she'll be letting me know when I fall behind so I don't know that that Alison's ever been on before so I'm sure that's right be nice it is it's finally Friday again that's right in it is time to abuse myself and model some things in Sketchup make some mistakes so you don't have to that's kind of that's my concept here all right so you guys probably saw the post you're here you saw something you clicked on something or read something well I'm not gonna put on you to have read something but there were words at a thing you saw that told you that we were going to be modeling a guitar today specifically a Fender Stratocaster the reason I chose that specific guitar was actually twofold one was because I wanted to create I wanted to model a solid body guitar I didn't want to model something with a cavity and model the walls and make an acoustic would be a fun thing to model but honestly it's a pretty easy shape I mean if you have a 2d drawing you trace the top bottom it's the same thing put some thickness follow me with a wall around it and your guitars done so already something a little bit more complex than that because I don't know because I feel like you guys won't love me unless I do that pick something that I'm not sure if I can actually model that's the relationship I think we have so I wanted to pick a solid body guitar and I was looking for plans and I just came across a website that had a bunch of plans for different strategies and heads and necks and everything so pretty cool so and as it happened to turn out my friend and co-worker Colin who was there as we were welcomed or we were all coming in said hey I got a strat you want me to bring it by and I said yeah sure so I'm a little zoom doubt but it says trying to get it so you could just see this in the picture so if anything comes up where the plan isn't obvious because plans can be that way plans cannot always tell you or show you exactly the information you want I know collective gasp on the other side of the camera with that one but if that ever happens if there's any spots where we can't figure out how something supposed to work supposed to look we can defer here I didn't bring calipers or anything like that so my intention is not to actually pull dimensions off of this I'm also not going to disassemble it to get dimensions but it'll be a visual aid in case we need it and as I've seen before this is just stuck on with gaff tape so this will come right off of Collins nice clean black guitar because because Collins a huge Metallica fan and wouldn't settle for anything than an all-black Doubt's Stratocaster so that was a whole bunch of talking out of my system alright moving forward I do want to hop over here let you guys know I did start a topic on the forum I called it live modeling guitar I figured that would be a great way for you guys to find it in the live modeling a guitar section that's where if you guys have some good reference photos image information you want to share beyond which you can just throw up I said throw up again apparently I really want you guys to throw up during the livestream if you want to post any images information that sort of thing you think would be relevant we could do that right there in the Sketchup forum forum SOT Sketchup comm if you're not already on there you should join because it's an awesome place to get information and a bunch of cool Sketchup errs to hang out with so that's there I also wanted to give one shout out it could be blacker Colin just pointed out the head is not actually black the frets could be black it is possible to get blacker than this but this is it's pretty black so which is good it's cool it's a good it's a good color for a guitar I did want to give a thanks to CJ Ryan Christopher's out there he did post me or post a link on the forum to a website that talks about the mathematical calculations of placing the frets which was good because I mean it was math so it wasn't all good but it was a good thing to know and then Colin came by and one-upped what Christopher did by not just giving mathematical information but going and doing the math for me and then I'll see if I can put this up here and then actually printing out on a sheet the distance from the nut down to each fret so that's good so I was there may have been some half a Surrey with the fret placement had Colin not given me that so we're gonna go off that when we when we start putting frets on the neck Thank You Christopher and Thank You Colin you know it's funny I was going somebody just mentioned a spinal tap already and I was gonna wear my volume 211 t-shirt but it was apparently m.i.a which means probably laundry or something like that so I got my my DaVinci Vader shirt on instead so so yeah we are take this livestream to 11 right here let's do this all right so I'm gonna hop right in we're gonna go into Sketchup oh and just to address it we have had a couple requests a couple different platforms actually or a couple different different social platforms of people asking for my Millennium Falcon lego model I will bring up and show you guys the process and maybe talk about a little bit at the end of the stream as I mentioned in the comments I think on the forum I said it it's a personal project it's kind of my fun project it's my what I modeled during lunch or the weekend when I have downtime and I don't want to turn it into work I love you guys but I want to sit here for three hours of work on in front of you it's kind of my put music on settle down model kind of thing so but I'm willing to share it so we'll take a look at it later on today so I think that's all the disclaimers ahead Oh almost there's always more if we take a peek here at the desktop these are the images that I downloaded this one in particular is gonna be a good one lots of dimensions like like the kind of dimensions you need if you were starting with a block of wood and decided you were gonna build this thing kind of dimensions so that's pretty awesome it even gives like the curve of the outside so I could actually be pretty accurate about that so this is going to be exciting this is gonna be a whole lot of things that I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do yet which is I'm finding kind of one of my things again it's just kind of where we've all this how this whole thing has evolved in yeah I think if I walked in and perfectly had it all nailed some of you would be disappointed so with all of that that's a bunch of talking in things so we're going to hop right in there's only 8 minutes of rambling so that's not so bad all right the first thing that we need to talk about is size and scale so my intention was to start off modeling this full size the dimensions seem to be big enough that I shouldn't have too big a problem until maybe I get to where I'm rounding the corners off where I might want a little bit smoother than what the one one-thousandth tolerance will give me but I'm gonna start with this at full size only if I start running into faces not getting created will I hop over and scale up perhaps employ the Dave method mr. Dave Richards and see how that works I also don't have any specific extensions planned my thought is I'll probably end up using round corner from fredo and probably a little bit of lofting maybe because there's a couple spots where curves run into curves and I'm not really sure exactly how I'm going to do that so we'll see I said I don't have a specific plan so I have some thoughts that's that's the best I can do right now all right so I'm going to start by importing I'm gonna go into my Stratocaster folder and I'm gonna grab that first one so these other ones I do have a dimension picture of the pickguard I thought that would be nice to dimension that as a separate piece and then I have a plan here that includes dimensions on the neck and head so the head this is kind of a weird shape I figured I would just actually trace the shape once I got it to scale as opposed to having you know draw the arcs and curves to match it exactly like a will with the body but we'll see I say I'm gonna do things and we just never know how it's going to actually turn out I just imported that as a texture which is incorrect so again me showing you what not to do totally let's let's say that let's say that was an intentional learning opportunity that I exploited all right so I'm gonna great it wasn't that I was talking and clicking without looking so I'm gonna go to use as image import and I'm just gonna double click the first thing on the ground alright so that looks pretty good I like it I am gonna have to put some dimensions on here I like this slot factor I'm a big fan of slop that they have 12 and 3/4 give or take a quarter inch kind of a dimension shrugging so let's go ahead and throw a line on here well I guess we'll use no that says give or take so I don't want to go with something that's exact this right here will be 11 inches so I'm gonna hop in here click start line here and pull that straight up and I'm going to drop that line right there right now that line is 4 feet that's bigger than 11 inches I know that because I'm good at math so what I'm gonna do is scale that it's the proper scale make that 11 inches guitar dude Mark is now standing on my plans all right so we actually only need mark for a minute or two here cuz we can look at mark and say that's about the right size that's really all we need mark 4 we can we can dismiss him at that point all right so we now have our dry scale Hey let's save yeah I don't actually have that that's an extension I believe Dave and I don't think I have that extension installed so in theory yes I could but I don't I don't think I had that all right I'm gonna throw a line right here let's see here I'm thinking what I might do is draw some of these kind of broader dimensions just one piece just just kind of draw them out in blocks and then I can come back in with my bezzie a and round them out so this is six and three-eighths inches right there that comes down to don't have a DeMint out here right here this is my give-or-take dimension big big fan of that one all right I want to try going up let's see we'll go six and five sixteenths all right so that's our maximum vertical dimension fact what I could do do that same thing down here 5.5 here here five alright I'm just looking at what dimensions I have I'm not going to worry about the in the the the cuts on the inside for the pickups and the instruments and the jack and all that stuff not too concerned about that I'm going to go ahead and where do I have a thing to come off of my dimensions are kind of weird because I got to mention pulled off of this horn right here going this way but I can't see where I have this horn dimensioned from anywhere else once I'm missing that let's see what about over here I guess I got to come this direction so all right I'll come this way my 12.75 give or take I'm gonna turn on x-ray so I can see my image through my surfaces as I draw them I'll come this way another five and five sixteenths and here's where I got my this was my concern with trying to draw this this thing is that I ended up with what looks like it's got a sixteenth inch off of the dimension so I'm gonna go ahead and add that sixteenth inch here this says this is plus or minus one sixteen so I'm gonna grab these lines shift them this way one sixteenth of an inch and boom with that we have a line to the top of this horn right here cool that's one thing we got there's not a lot but it's one thing all right so now I'm gonna pull this line back here two and 1/8 and that actually gives me enough information whoops to put in my first curve and I'm gonna use just the native not the native but the Sketchup bezzie a tool to put this curve in I did set a hotkey to that so over here on myspace Mouse I do have my button number 11 is Matt mapped to the W key which I have for Bezier cuz you know W is in bezzie a I guess it was just a good key it was near the left side of my keyboard I think cuz we just picked that so all right I'm used buzzy a to throw that curve in one down just a few dozen to go pretty much there words where it I say it pretty much builds itself now okay so this right here I know that that line is in a specific place it looks like this is an inch and a half so that's 3/4 is an inch this way so 0.75 oh that's the holes those are the holes right there so do I actually have a dimension of this piece yes I do 2.2 inches so going to come down 1.1 take this back this way something I feel kind of like all this can come back to this line right here looks like I don't know why but that dimensions down there this is just a crazy set of dimensions all right right here we have an offset of two point six two five so I'm gonna make that two point six two five that's going to give me this point right here and I might as well put my two inch dimension to this point right here so this is gonna end up looking like a whole bunch of lines but the reason I'm doing this rather than just jumping right in is this is going to make it easier if I have those lines that continue the shapes to grab by bezzie a and pull reference lines off of so I can actually reference a straight line and back to pull my Bezier off of kind of like actually grabbing a huge block of wood and then going in and cutting it up something along those lines or I might just be putting down dimensions because because I'm putting down dimensions that is totally a possibility all right so I'm gonna what was this dimension again a 1.1 that's right 1.1 inches because then I can grab this line well that across to here and pull that down there okay that's that block done all right so do I have any additional so I haven't mentioned dimension to where the strap holder thing all right I could tell you something I'm not a guitar player so I have I've played I play bass I played electric bass for about 22 years or so something like that but I've never got the hang of playing guitars the I guess this the strings are too skinny for me or something like that on top of that despite my Makery nature I've never really gotten into the electronic sir inside of a guitar very much I think when I played it I didn't know how it understood it was kind of magical and I just left what was inside the guitar inside whereas now my first inclination if this were my guitar probably to open it up and see how it works and maybe change some things having said that I don't remember what these little things are called you guys got that what are the little strap strap things what what is this who's got that for me in for me learn me yes Lucas was asking I'm moving around using my space mouse Enterprise this is from 3d connection this is just a whoops don't panic there's just me bumping my HDMI this is how it moves around so by moving this spinning this little puck I can move in 3d very smooth it also keeps me from having to worry about this mouse so I can use this mouse to go grab another command or I can draw while I'm moving I can do that kind of stuff it's kind of an I think it's absolutely not a requirement you don't have to have one of these in order to use Sketchup but it is nice especially if you present a lot which I do so strap nuts strap buttons strap pegs so we agree you guys are backing me up it's called a strap thing yeah that's why I said all right moving on all right let's see um don't have a specific set of dimensions for this horn right here so I'm going to say that there's a small straight section right here and from that straight section I'm going to go ahead and put a curve in oops did that wrong put a curve in I wasn't watching which corner I was pulling off of bought this one here this one here and then right here this ends up being kind of a weird curve because it comes up this way and then immediately shoots back this way so I'm thinking maybe I'll get this curve in here this three sixteenths radius curve in first and then go off of that to pull this as one big Bezier curve let's see if that works I know that's gonna work that might be too so it looks like the curve here and the curve here several pieces but boom John's backing me up it is called a strap thing that's right set CEO and decent industries alright so here I put a line in the three sixteenths and my I could do this two ways I could go put three sixteenths on both sides grab a standard arc and put that in there kind of my natural a lot of times when I have these things I don't know this is probably just me being me or something but I kind of want to go like this and then use the other arc the standard arc to go click click and bring it around I don't know why but when I get the center point I just feel like I want to do that but to be honest it's not it doesn't really save me a whole lot because I still have to get to the inside which means coming from the corner down 1 over 1 so by that time I might as well draw a line down 1 over 1 and use the two point arc but I guess I mean it all gets the same geometry and options that's what that's all about all right so we're at the point we're going to see if this right here is one big arc or not so I'm gonna hit my button click here click here pull this curve off like that come here this curve I did that first part wrong I actually want to this I also came off the wrong spot I pull this one down a little further this time come off that straight line ooh well that was beautiful totally intended that to happen that way okey-dokey we're gonna come up here and we'll do the other horn right now looks like I dimension here up to here of five point five that's this right here I can verify that and from there I come over two and thirteen sixteenths give or take a sixteenth of an inch the kind of precision dimensions I like best let's see how that lines up with the line little off the line is that about a sixteenth off it's about a 32nd off I'm gonna say that's exactly where I want it so in the spirit of this plan I'm going to go to this point instead of this 32nd over point and draw another buzzy a from here up to I'm gonna say that point right there pull it up like that those from back here all right now I got some stuff happening it looks like I got almost a flat section right here reaching over and touching the guitar yeah it does feel like kind of a almost like flat right here it's got a little curve I have a flat curve one direction curve another direction so what I may try to do is do something like this let's say that come on that section there and that section there and go 1 2 3 curves here so I'm gonna grab by za from here to here go reference that flats I'm using that the magenta reference off that flat line right there and then I will use the red reference off of this line here to get that in there and then this is a big curve let's see how this works so again I'm gonna grab my magenta reference here pull it out till it's almost that line come up here grab magenta reference off this line pull it out till it gets on there and I could have actually go back there I could redraw that let's let and do that again not pull this one this magenta line out pulled a little too far last time this is I should point out there is actually I'm using the Sketchup team Bezier curve there is a Bezier tool I think it's frayed oh is that is it frado's bezzie a like a suite of tools and the cool thing about it is you can actually go back and modify the bezier once it's created which is that's pretty neat someone can back me up on that if that's right or not alright so good news everybody's still in plane I'm not getting too close surface let's see what's going up there go alright get in there stuff is happening we're moving around so we've got both our horns in now it's really just the body I was kind of hoping that this plan would actually have like radii drawn out on here but I guess the idea is print this out to scale and slap it on a block of wood and just cut it out I guess that makes sense I hear that that's a great way to deal with wood all right so I'm gonna put another flat line here and put this in his one I'll put a short line right here and that should be able to bring it back to my center line actually not even my Center I come out to right about here before I draw that so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right now I'm going to grab a spot right before this shark takes off right about there then pull that up to there and pull that first line off the vertical like this next one this is a horizontal line there move along here here you go both ways so I'm gonna come this way I'm gonna go a little long this time because my lower curves gonna pull it back down you know didn't do it right but Stevens telling me I can right click and I can edit my curve yeah I told I totally knew that I learned something new today thank you very much Steven Steven is is currently my best friend sorry you're all my best friend that's that's really I don't know how I missed that that's awesome thank you very much it's been a it's been a learning day for me today that's nice oops what'd I do I deleted oh I should probably lock this I'm gonna go ahead and grab this right now yes I should say yeah okay hold up let make this a group and lock it I gotta push it file closed nope save guys are sticklers thank you and Timmy has a question is there a smart tool that would take the image and convert it to actual sketch of lines so there are a couple options there there actually are some different tools that will do something along those lines there's the one that I think of is BMP tracer and it's a little little exaggerated there but I can't talk and do this so BMP tracer is the one that comes to mind I would have to take this which is a PDF file right now convert it into a black and white BMP file and I could bring it in the issue with that is it's going to bring in everything as Sketchup geometry so having all of this as Sketchup geometry I don't know is gonna be a huge time-saver if you could take this image and cut it down to just the geometry you want so if you had a black and white outline of just the stratocaster body you could import that and use BMP tracer to make that a single surface that would work out really well it's actually it's really cool is that spirits this is who else who else knows knows where that is I think it's spirits BMP tracer so it's it's good stuff yep this is Alison is back here answering or reminding me to answer questions or possibly responding to you as Sketchup online and strophe iam asked if it's being dual stream is actually being tri streamed on Facebook YouTube and twitch so however you prefer to intake your Sketchup streaming oh yeah and it's on reddit hey just can't get away from us alright so I just kind of threw that that the last one in there because cuz I'm stoked about this whole I did see I got I got to give a shout out because I know he plays guitar John Brock is still with us right now are you are you a strap man John John is an accomplished rock n'roll er I don't accomplish tours just still rocking and rolling I don't know what the rules are on rock and roll once you get to a certain point in your life you plays music though that's true I also appreciate that you lumped me and you together in the same age bracket house and thanks a lot sure we're closed all right let's let's move along I'm just gonna keep working my way down here let's see again I'm gonna grab another buzzy age just before this splits off click there to come down here right to where it hits the line and same thing use this vertical line to pull this down pull this line out on here horizontal there we go alright so say I'm to do the same exact thing here small line right here just a 1/16 segment is all this is but that's going to break it up when I use use bezzie a like this I don't want to have more than two curves in one spot so in fact it might be they might be going the same way like this I had kind of one direction here and a gentler curve here but this is two curves so that's one Bezier here I have one coming up one coming down so that's a separate one than this so I'm breaking my my body down into chunks what I will do is before I do anything else once I get my outline complete I'll weld all this together so I won't have a bunch of separate pieces so like this little 1/16 won't cause me an issue later on because I'll weld it all together alright so from here get back in here go from here to here and I'm going to pull this is just a horizontal line so I'm going to pull this way come down here pull this out and what I'm really doing is I'm kind of trying to get my Bezier cross right in the middle once that crosses then I can select edit my curve and I can back these curves down just a little bit so they actually hit right on the line that's kind of something I would have probably done more in Illustrator that's how I would have tackled this if I were drawing this in something like illustrator all right one more come into the horn right here and first it's gonna come across perpendicular to the red and then when I come across to the sting on the red axis again there you go and then I can fine tune that line by hitting edit bezzie a nice line backing down just ever so slightly and maybe this one back this way all right with that believe that rectangle right there because I believe that's gonna have something to do with the plate on the back come around here clean up my extra surfaces yeah and I was I was thinking something didn't quite close because see I have this dark line here I do have profiles turned on right now when I do a lot of stuff with curves so profiles can slow down a bigger model it does take a little bit more work for Sketchup too as I'm orbiting identify which edges make up the boundary of what I'm looking at and draw the thicker line on them it does give that specifically very Sketchup look but it can slow it down especially on a bigger model I'm intentionally leaving it on right now because I do want to know what's an edge and what's not so right now I want this to be nice thin lines but it's not it's thick lines so this one right here is is then but this right here is thicker so I'm kind of working my way through the model and see oh that's all took I just had to force it to find edges again and I'm good just had a moment got excited there all right to find these holes real quick I'm just going to go ahead and come up 3/4 of an inch come down 3/4 of an inch and you actually have a call-out point one six six diameter holes draw a circle point one six six that's just over a sixteenth of an inch so I'm gonna put a sixteenth inch hole right there for right now that'll get me my center point and I can come back and modify that if I need to all right basically this right here is really all I'm looking for cool and just to finish this plate up I'm assuming hold up let's look no this plates a little a little different with that I think that I was thinking that had something to do with this plate which I mean it does the holes line up but I think what that actually is is this curve right here where the neck comes and sits into the body that is actually cut in right there so I think that curve is actually going to be important so not that I'm ignoring it right now but I'm going to want to put this in a little more detail and then I believe what's going to happen is once this is pulled up full height that will get pushed down based on a section somewhere come back to that in one sec let me get just get the lines in here first this is kind of fun so do I have a dimension to here though looks like oh is that five right here five inches so what they're actually showing this is kind of cool because this is where I can use my arc so it's showing this arc right here the center of the radius for that arc is five inches back from the end of the plate so that means I like to do is put a five inch line in and come up here and grab my standard arc as opposed to my two-point arc which is my default and click here and I can pull that back that way and grab this here and pull it back this way awesome now what I have to do is there is from that point a to point five arcs let's see I go to here 0.25 excuse me is that from here oh if I come down a quarter-inch this way there we go and then it's probably a quarter inch down from this point yeah now I can draw another arc from this point where intersects there to get that curve yes 8400 right here you're right because this neck tapers as next 10 to so it actually does get narrower excellent point thank you very much all right so I'm going to do a couple things to right this ship this is why I could never have a regular design job because I'd have to get a couple hundred people on line to double-check my work for me so I'm gonna grab this surface right here and I'm going to go to rotate I'm gonna flip to my red axes and option flip and rate degrees pop that right over all right so this is correct this right here we need to actually rotate this line ever so slightly and then redo our that's interesting that they showed it only on this side I'm looking down the neck of my reference is it straight on one side and only tapered on the other it's kind of what this is showing me let's investigate shall we and pull up this guy right here [Music] nothing as far as I could tell it tapers both directions so we're gonna go ahead and do it on both sides worst case we got to come back and redo it right maybe it's less of an issue because I don't know does anybody know specifically anything about this if so if you know something specific let me know otherwise I'm gonna do what I do I really know what that is but I'm gonna do it all right so I'm going to take this now all right Dave said so I'm gonna rotate it point eight for enter there's my new edge so that so that explains some things I'm going to take this line and continue it up to where it hits the neck you race this and this grab this line oops Oh all right every relax there chill it's cool everything's cool alright let's try all right so that is the corner there we go that's a straight line now so this ends up being 3/16 of an inch so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go I'm gonna go three sixteenths exactly right here gonna come this way exactly three sixteenths of an inch and I'm gonna draw an arc like this here okay take this back to here just off of square and I think we have something thank you for catch that guys I honestly hadn't notice that sweet all right so I believe that is a good spot safe I also believe that is the bulk of the body so what I'm thinking of doing is I said these pickups these pickup troughs where the bridge goes the jack where the electronics the instrument panel is all of this is drop down inside the body I could come in and trace this now but I'm gonna go ahead and just get the body in first and then come back to that so I'm going to grab just this exterior line so what I did that was I double clicked on the inside like I have the whole surface including the lines around here I'm gonna weld right now so I don't want to weld these corners so I'm going to double click right here inside this section and then double click again what that'll do is turn off this surface and everything attached to it which ends up being these lines right here I can also shift click on this surface that gives me just the lines around the body using plus and minus as you double click and shift-click is a great way to thin the geometry you have highlighted all right so with that I could have also used an extension like selection toys to right-click and say edges only I mean eHow alright so I'm going to grab that extension and weld it all right there's one piece I'm gonna do the same thing right here turn off these circles and I'm going to extensions weld that so now I have it's breaking right there but that's okay all right so that's what I want now it says that a body is 1.75 inches so I'm going to grab this pull it down 1.75 seems thick but that's the plan says I guess that could be right no that seemed too big well I'm doing it the plan says I just I can't all right and then it looks like this is a section at center line so I'm cut here looking through it looks like this section for the neck which actually I'll grab and delete my screw holes out right now I'm gonna drag that down the same height I could actually do that Oh hold up what did I do here there we go right-click orient faces to get my face is all white again and now I grab this hit option to make a new face and pull that down to there reverse this face it looks like this face should be down 0.59 four inches so I'm going to grab this hold down point five whoops five nine four alright that's one good alright so here's the thing as nice as clear pdfs seem like they should be I run in this issue a lot where I'm trying to select the side of the guitar right now but I can't because what I'm actually doing is selecting on top of that surface so even though it's see-through it's still selectable at that point what I would probably do my natural instinct would be to take this right here and put on new layer I have to unlock it before I can do that but I'm gonna put it on an RTF layer but reference layer and that way I can just toggle it on and off as I need the dimensions or information alright so with that let's see I'll come in here and I will smooth that and reverse it alright and we got something alright like I said I'm pretty sure this whole thing is not going to be too big a deal and I'm wondering if that's one of the things that will flashback to later on going remember that thing that I said was not going to be too big a deal well we'll fight with that later I'll be an issue for for me in a little bit right now what I would like to do is tackle the rest of the outside here this is all if you look at the shapes in here I got this cut flat where it tips back and then I have this scoop out of the back where rest against your body and then I got around these corners all the way around none of that geometry should interfere with any of this geometry that happens here so it really shouldn't matter which piece I do first or second I just really I'm really feeling the want to go in and shape this body after I save of course all right so I'm gonna turn off my reference image right this second because the other thing I want to do right now is take an interior tour and get rid of these spaces and these extra edges solid block of wood by the time I'm done so that's the inside alright that looks good what they could do as well as I could triple click and make this a group and speaking of solid I could hit solve inspector and realize there's that's it's good to go get 3d print this but I don't know that the resin that woods Nodin or plastic is known for its resonant quality so cutting off what I'm assuming to be a question some point is why don't you 3d print it I mean go ahead feel free to still make that comment alright so there we go that's a thing we do actually I'm gonna do something right now I'm going to turn this on I'm gonna slide a copy over and then put this copy on to reference on to layer zero that way I can pop over here and look at my dimensions without having to have it on top of my drawing so I can look and see okay what is my so it looks like it's a half-inch is is this rounded over edge so that's cool right here let's see so from a draw a couple more lines now that I have gone and deleted them all off here's my center line again here is my endpoint so if I bring this endpoint back I'm looking at this I'm looking to do this cut right here where it folds back that is 12 and 3/8 inches back from the large horn so I'm gonna bring that back 12 and 3/8 drag that line straight down so that's this point right here and it is up 1 give or take an eighth of an inch I come this way 1 and I connect that line that point to this intersection point all right and what I've done now is just figured out where that surface and go so I'm going to make this surface plenty big like that and what I want to do now is I want to take it and rotate it along this line down into the body that's why I made it bigger in both directions because as if I had just traced this surface as soon as I rotated down that curve would be inside the body and I couldn't intersect it so I'm going to do is I'm going to take that and I'm a rotate it huh where's section B section B's right here that's showing this cut section a is showing this cut like it rotates down to 5/8 of an inch I was hoping for a degree alright we'll make this happen though I'm not worried about it don't be worried actually it's kind of hard to tell it kinda looks like it does trying to do this thing but it's not it's a very subtle curve it does I'm just gonna I'm gonna start by grabbing this right here and pushing it up five-eighths of an inch now I'm thinking what I want to do is take this move it perpendicular I'm curious what the farthest out point on this curve is looks like at this point right here so I want to rotate this down till it hits right there I'm making some stuff up right now so please just bear with me I'm gonna reverse this face I'm going to click and drag along this line and by clicking and dragging a one-point line and I have my mouse button still down right now I'm dragging up along this line that's going to set the orientation of my my pivot point as this line right here now I'm gonna come out here and grab that point right there start bringing it down to right there and now what I should be able to do is come in here I give her this line and say selected this surface right click oh and the surface both these surfaces these phases and you use term face as the proper sketch of terminology intersect face with model that didn't it intersected this side piece but did not intersect this right here so I'll go ahead and draw a line there all right and that gives me a cut like that thanks for lying there so it's not nothing's nothing smoothed out yet but that's kind of the cut I got here okay I feel okay with that we have a question from Leo if you select the curved line and then just simply drag it down would that do the trick well I'll see what I did was remember I welded all of this together so if I was to come in and say want to put another arc right here that broke the curve but if I grab it and just drag it down it's just gonna do that same thing if I take that and I try to just rotate that and they grab it like that and rotate it down see what happens is that's no longer it's connected geometry so it's not going to if I grab a surface and move it it's not going to project the surface out along a vertical plane that's why I had to create that other plane to intersect it this will end up bringing in rather than keeping a vertical on the edge like that so that's why I had to do that outside of the initial geometry all right so that's one body cut the other is more complex I will so I will save this sometimes it takes me a couple days guys because I'll be honest after I sit here in model and talk for three to four hours I'm pretty much done for the day and I pack up and leave so he usually it's the start of the next week that I get these models posted up on 3d warehouse I try to get them all up sometimes I forget but I will this will be whatever this ends up being by the time we're done we'll end up on 3d warehouse so you will be able to get it so yeah if you guys take any of these models and do anything with them go to the forum wherever that whichever thread we end up using go to that forum and tell us all about whatever you did because that's awesome I mean if you guys 3d printed that would be cool I would love to see any of these things reprinted if you modify them yourself let us know about it cuz that's just fun that's cool that's that's uh it's it's validating it's gratifying it's good okay so this little scoop out of the back I think so what we can do it looks like I can get one point here and then no easy task talking and chatting while doing work are you talking about me trying to model while talking are you talking about you chatting while you're at work if that's the case then I'll forgive all the caps if that's not you're talking about then don't yell at me just kidding daring age just said for those of you who aren't on YouTube Gary H just checked in with me in all caps and try not to be offended but I am sensitive alright so here's what I got I have a point okay so once again from my tip Gary says both Oh actually I'm at the bottom this time so I'm underneath so a line here that comes back two and 1/8 so two and 1/8 so this what happens to hit at end point two all right so from this point I have this arc with a 7 and 3/4 radius except I don't really see I might be missing this you guys do you see any place it dimensions anywhere else that this arc is on the body because I don't I mean it's not quite at the lowest point lowest points right here so it's just past that it's on this section line which isn't really a thing that's just a cut through the body so I'm not really seeing where this is I'm gonna do something real quick right now while we're while we're talking I'm gonna actually take these plans that I'm looking at and I'm gonna throw them up see just just can't stop talking about throwing up apparently I'm going to place them up on the forum and that way when I asked you guys if you see some dimensions you could actually look at the image rather than trying to just look off my screen as I shuffle it all around searching franticly I'm learning this is probably the way we should start from now on right I'm just gonna grab all three images and upload them right now you can see there's the the pickguard image and the others are PDFs so you won't be able to actually you'll have to download and check those ones out whoo that was messy you'll be okay you'll live you'll get through it I faith in you all right so twelve and three quarters coming across oh you're right Lou that nice good catch you guys all right so I'm gonna come this way 12.75 drop lineup and this is my other line okay so that is where my arc goes so what I would probably try think because if I go like this to this that's not actually going to that's the bulge from this point right here it's not actually the full radius so I think how to best so I need a I'm gonna draw a circle over here that is has a three and a quarter radius just as a point of reference or no it's seven and three-quarter so that is what I got to get on here right yeah that's what I thought Dave but so Dave's saying so if I click here and I click whoops if I click here and I click here and I type seven point seven five I get that because the point of that it's pulling the Bulge from is not center of the circle but the center of the point between the two yeah I think that's so if I do we're in a geometry now remember that oh good stuff and then something else happens all right so that's where the two circles of the same I'm probably doing everything wrong right now whoops too much too much too much leading I really enjoyed geometry that was that was one of the few math classes that I think I did okay in and I really for the most part enjoyed I could do something like this which would give me breathe darn close to the a decent arc right there cuz I believe I probably have a give or take dimension on there yeah give or take quarter-inch I think we nailed it we're good all right but we're not there yet oh no we've only just begun because it's never that simple all right I'm gonna do something else here I draw a line right there I'm gonna go to the middle I'm gonna draw a line perpendicular and I'm gonna delete all of this and I'm gonna draw a higher-quality arc that chunk of a twenty four sided circle was a little light I want this to be fairly smooth so I'm gonna get a full twelve sides right there that's better and what this is going to do so this is is a an interesting shape visually so it does actually curve like this and it comes in two actually might be using my trusty finger calipers this dimension right here which was what what was this 5/8 of an inch feels about the same as this 5/8 of an inch so what I actually got to do is kind of come up with a scoop right here that comes down to from this so we have this this line right here I've already established and this is black I know so you can't necessarily get the I get the shine just right oh yeah there we go like that that highlight that line all right but on this side right here it also comes in scoops in so I'm kind of wondering if I can actually just push pull that and then tip it up to 5/8 of an inch kind of like I did with this the flat right here I'm gonna I don't know we're at right I'm just gonna take this shape right now actually before I do that I'm gonna come in here grab this push a copy of this arc up five eighths of an inch I kind of take this push pull it long I'm gonna rotate this Oh knowing what you're doing that's for the weak nope that's not work I need to do is take this line copy it not on the green X's but on that axis out to this point that's where I want to rotate this whole geometry from grab that grab it by my middle surface right here and start swinging it up oh I'm all over the place hey Aaron drink milk and Katya both things that the three-point arc tool with more segments would be referred here well we could do that it just got this where I needed it all right I'm backing up hope you guys are happy I'm happy remember sunny disposition all right we'll go back to the center here pull that out got that line three-point arc oh I see it you're saying to actually get the I struggle with the three-point arc I would put another two point arc back in here with a higher segment count in 12 able do 24 give us some nice smoothness you guys were back at the figuring out what I did wrong with the first part all right I'm going to take that now again I want to rotate it from the middle of this piece right here just off axis it's gonna grab these two lines stick them right there I take all of this Dave's reminding you to man I guess I should look up more often cuz you guys got like all these things figured out after I've already given up thank you guys pull this up I don't know this gonna work you guys might be already be rolling your eyes but because you know this is not gonna be what I want but I'm gonna see what happens right so I think that's what I want I can take this make a group which is solid come in here get rid of this and it should still be a solid all right let go grab my solid tools and subtract this from this all right I'm kind of wondering to be honest no I guess that actually I said it's really hard to see this because it is black and shiny but it actually does look like that it kind of goes up it almost looks like it flattens off before it bumps up and slopes back down that actually got me a lot that's I think that's just gonna work for it now I'm gonna say that I'm reserving judgment until I get some round corners on here because that's right this is this is how many how many times can I use the excuse if it's my own version I'll tell you when when I sit down and do this in a real work environment without a time clock and whatever information I could pull together in the half hour before I start streaming that's when I will say this is exactly what was intended until then yes this is my my custom this is my ATD signature fender body all right let's round some corners in here I will use so it's a half inch round corner so I'm just gonna use round corner I could play around with follow me and do some stuff but for right now I'm just gonna just can use round corner chop the corners off and then I'm gonna have to come back because there is this nice super I mean there's no there's no sharp corners on a strap body everything is nice and smooth so there will be a much larger round corner right here and then there will be a little bit of a round corner down here it actually drops a smaller maybe half like a quarter inch along this portion and this portion and then I will have to figure out at these corners how to get all of that will come together so we're gonna do it right now I'm gonna do this one one section at a time because I want to especially the first one I want to play with it and see how it turns out so I'm gonna go to view tool palettes and I'm gonna go grab Fredo Fredo corner I forgot it's Fredo corner now used to be called round corner now it's called Fredo corner when I grab the round corner option lean back a little bit some aggressive UI right there okay so we are going to offset not three feet but 0.5 inches all set of 1/2 inch is probably too large hmm really and try different segments see what it says I don't think 1/2 inch is too big oh you know what I think it is it might have something to do with this corner right here let me experiment real quick grab this line round corner that thing still saying no huh oh yeah I break off this end No all right I think a things not right here quarter-inch let's see what that is I love that about how your computer goes in and it says now you don't mean 1/4 you mean this weird ASCII character that nothing in the world recognizes that's what you meant to type it doesn't like that either yeah I think the issue is going to be this section right down here so I'm going to break that and see if I can get that to work with round corner all right so here's the part I was talking about where we're gonna scale up undo that undo that all right so make that a component and I'm gonna slide it over here I'm going to scale it up by ten except now I would have to do some math to figure out what 1/2 what's 10 times 1/2 of an inch 6 inches 1/2 a foot [Music] somebody saying there might be an issue on Facebook cuz it's still moving now everything good now try that I'm just curious if I get small enough if it will let me even do any kind of offset on here even one inch is that it which I'm I'm like 90% sure that this is the in the issue right here this is just I mean it goes down to literally nothing so what I'm going to do to remedy this problem is put some fake geometry here try pulling this up I don't want to leave that and take this copy this over here so I still have it for later and now try grabbing it and see there we go so I think all right so there's a four inch offset at ten times scale sounds good to me [Music] smooth alright so I knew this was gonna happen stuffs gonna get funky right here and we're okay with it right now I'll just do this I dunno five inches what did I do here we'll find out right now because I'm about to do it again I may have stuff got a little fast I was moving I was moving kind of quick right there not that that's an excuse but it's my excuse grab that extension weld that again grab line and once again I'm going to hit rock corner I did do four inch I tried five inch and it didn't work so I think that was why I dropped to a four-inch Ephrata see how that goes you're absolutely right so something's still not cool here I think it might be this little weirdness right here so I'm gonna try some things now I'm gonna take all of this whoops this curve this curve and this line I'm gonna weld that together I'm gonna try doing that no four inch still in light a lot of times just to throw us out I found that round corner works best when it terminates into a section like this I'm guessing well hey like bloom peek inside real quick because it might have that's a weird geometry things going on here there we go okay let's try one more time still doesn't like it so at that point I'm guessing it's this point right here let's try and see what happens now oh come on please work smaller work no it doesn't like anything I'm putting in one-inch point five inches just to give me something nothing okay I don't want to do this but you're forcing my hand what I will do then is I'm going to match the four inch so I know I'm just under half an inch but you know these plans are okay with that so I'm going to come here to four inches down four inches over and then draw an arc and do a follow me with that chain so this was probably the issue that it had that corner that I went in and made that was the fake corner was too small for it to get a proper you know that so it yeah so it didn't like that but there we forced it we made we made it happen and the other thing I do is this ended up flat so I could actually take that and option push through so I'll give me at least an intersection to work from there I did something totally different over here we're gonna have some cleaning up to do clean up on aisle Friday all right over here I'm gonna grab these this surface right here no I'm not even gonna bother cleaning that up because here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take these shapes I'm gonna push pull them to no specific depth but bigger than whatever this cut this distance is grab that make it a group I'm gonna actually just do this by select all these and actually I don't even want the screw hole I just want these surfaces out here but take that then reverse my faces grab it plunk it down right there explode it grab these intersect faces with selection and then what I should be able to do is just delete this geometry like this geometry these geometries this alright and then we're good again so even with Fredo corner sometimes you do have to do just a little bit of massaging to make it that's that's a narrow little finger of wood right there I'm pretty sure on the end yeah they come to a point that they stop actually taking it up so we may come knock that well stand that off in just a second all right so the reason I'm not worrying about cleaning up this corner right here is it's all gonna get chopped off by that same thing take this reverse faces I made it a group last time just to place it I'll do that a lot if I'm moving a bunch of geometry I'll group it first before I drag it in because one of the things I worry about is dropping geometry raw geometry having it you know weld together and having a not in the right spot I feel pretty good that I can drop this right here alright I grab I'm just gonna grab all of this right click intersect base with selection and I can start deleting again this will go go go go so much going oh I lost my screw hole that's okay still have a circle on the bottom I can push pull up to the top apparently that's stepping around the edge there all right Steph right now alright so there we got that little cleanup to do down here I'm gonna triple click and smooth this before I go any further and then grab this surface and this surface and you're set well boy easy for me to say intersect with selection and delete this off and I can delete this growth and then reverse face is here and then alt erase to blend this all back together there we get in there hey Aaron we have a question on twitch all right do you have tips for you well if a line defines a face you can't delete it without the adjoining face disappearing so that's where you on either hide which is shift delete or soften which is alt on Mac ctrl on PC delete or you can select them and go to entity info and click on the little eyeball to turn it off or click on soft and smooth to smooth those lines unfortunately a bit like so the biggest answer is you can't just delete a line if it defines the edge of a face you do have to soften it speaking of softening I have some edges here save I did two very different things on this edge than I did on this edge wow how many what wait wait oh man so many edges what happened who was paying attention to what I was doing what time is it all right it's 1:30 I'm kind of feeling like I gotta fix that cuz that's the sort of thing that's gonna drive me nuts look at that this is totally different on different sides I can't have it I can't do it schools rise so many to do is alright it'll go so much faster second time though that's what always happens wonder if I have a hundred undos worth of stuff happen here is this the part where we go hyperspeed that's right those fast see that was fun everybody enjoyed that all right all right let's try this again oh I know why cuz over here I made an arc with four over here I drew an arc which was set to twelve twenty-four for that arc I drew last time okay we're gonna go fast this time down for arc of four sides not 24 all right this is gonna go quick I think why Oaks it didn't end there must be Friday mom like it's Monday here arc for enter there we go so after you enter a different arc sighs you do have to hit the enter key rookie mistake all right there we go that's what I'm looking for right and I'm gonna take this what am I gonna do here I don't know what I'm do I'm gonna come back to this I'm just gonna clean this up super fast just like I did before take this I didn't reverse it this time and you'll see what happens turn off my hidden geometry when I grab these and I right-click intersect faces with selection I can get rid of this I can get rid of this get rid of this and see how it's inside out on the inside that's a function of me not reversing the geometry like I did before not a big deal cuz it's pretty easy to just reverse those couple of phases No there we go so I just grabbed these two faces and reverse them this may end up being drawing the fender body today we'll see how this all goes whereas here I'll do the opposite on this side I didn't really call out I did it but if I hit come here and I say reverse faces now when I drop this in here and I select all this geometry intersect faces with selection now when I come delete it that faces right side out because that was the face it intersected with was the opposite face so you can save a little bit of time in this case I was reversing did a group select and reversed all of it at once as opposed to on the other side I had to go through and grab select two separate faces and then hit reverse it really it's kind of doing that one all right so that wasn't bad does a pretty quick catch up she'll click here that scene right there all right this is looking okay now what I did here was I kind of just carried each of these lines through to the point it hit right here so I carried them through so all I'm doing here is I'm hovering over sign pulling it straight through pulling it up same thing here I only have four this is kind of nice I only have four kind of a high or a low poly corner here so it's pretty easy to do this kind of thing now what happened over here was this ran into a flat and I was able to drop it straight down I don't have the same thing going here so I might pick a point all right making stuff up FYI so what I could do is I could make a plane out here something one something was a straight there oh that's okay you need to go straight out from here you know when you've wandered into that what you doing there exactly buddy that's kind of where I'm at I think all right so I'm going to intersect faces with the selection get rid of this geometry up here get rid of this geometry out here close this up with a single line there that gives me something and I think the easiest way to close this up now is going to be to grab these lines and just lock them together that's gonna give me similar geometry on both edges let's see what happens so I'm gonna grab curve aloft and I'm gonna ask Kerrville off to please lock that together no problem reverse the face explode that and then smooth that out alright so I do still have I'm not issue for you right now I do have a couple things going on one thing is I still have this as a it's not sharp but it's it's a it's not softened at all I can try I suspect curve lofts gonna tell me no to trying to round that corner if I got to uh it has to be a unsoftened edge let's see if I say soften that who believe that something like five inches sometimes stuff just works out Oh had to say something didn't I alright so that was okay it's not I wouldn't say it was beautiful or usable but that's a thing it's actually not too bad I can come in here again because I'm using fairly coarse geometry it's not too bad to come in here real quick I could loft this again but honestly see what that looks like you that does not look good all right I'm just gonna pull all the stops and I'm just use the move key to grab this point and move it vertically like that like that either all right quick soften that and if I look at it like that it looks okay all right opportunity for improvement let's see let's see if I its second time through if it turns out better right here we got the same thing something sticking up I'm kind of wondering if I just go to this line this endpoint and I come over here and I just shoot this through same thing here I'll shoot that one through here I'll shoot this one through I know there's a lot of people out there going just loft it together man cut it out what are you doing and they'd be right that's probably a smarter way to do this but sometimes smarter something something some things guys are smart smart folks I don't know I don't know why I don't autosave more when I was a young boy no I don't have a good story behind that dad actually was a heck of a lot smoother than this right that stuff made over here or this spiderweb let's turn this off and that's better alright um I don't I don't know I don't use use it that often because I think I like to control I guess we had issues I got I got control issues I don't know I it's a smart thing to do but I think sometimes I do end up experimenting and kind of winging it and wandering off a spot that I'm not sure is gonna work SketchUp has a hundred levels of undo so you can hit undo a hundred times it's pretty easy for me to go past 100 steps especially if I'm doing native tools I think I can hit them real fast I can I can pop in and start drawing lines or deleting something so I can go past a hundred steps pretty easy one of the things that Sketchup has under file is revert revert will take your model back to the last saved version automatically I kind of like the option of using revert if I end up in the not so good spot so I think there's some I think that's in there somewhere that's there's a pseudo legitimate reason floating around in that logic maybe so something like that some yeah nothing I don't know don't you guys bought that because I'm undisciplined and don't do what I should is probably the real reason we also decided a Kickstarter I love it is there a way we can hook that up to like social media so people watching can like hit a button and make it fly video driving crazy but that'd be so cool I love that plan let's do it all right in a weld this corner or that piece this piece this piece somehow became unwelded reweld that alright that and I'm gonna grab but to see if I can do this all in one big smooth move control s four inches No all right let's see what happens if I try this corner back here is actually a it's actually a tighter radius from right around these parts it's actually pretty tight like maybe an eighth of an inch or something like that so it is actually a separate piece but what I'm thinking of doing is something like this I was anticlimactic no wait nope this and now grabbing that that knowing that I will have to return and clean up there it won't be too big deal if I can get all of that rounded in one go no no all right that's the way you want to play it let's try just this section will you round no seriously what man pull that out and try rounding that also no all right well now do myself four inches four inches another four segments arc you know I can take this back Christopher Ryan has cautioning that the lower cut out is too thin are you talking about this section right here lower cut out oh this right here this is this is temporary this will come back out after I do something with this if that's what you're talking about this will get fixed in a moment in fact oh this is this part is too thin oh I got you so there's not enough meat right here - all right cool can I do four inches there I'll do this piecemeal do whatever I have to all right get in there we're getting crazy all right so now I can bring this back up to here let go on the inside of this corner no how am I do this I want to look away because this could get kind of messy in fact I'm willing to all but guarantee that this is gonna be messy all right pull that through to there and drop this down straight down to here bring it out to here there that's my surface that I want to cut that into so that end should stop right here I know it's a mess right now but it'll get better really hope it'll get better no I know it'll get better we know it'll get back you guys have have some kind of faith me right a teeny bit I'll take a team go to faith all right there we go and I can get rid of this geometry then because that was the messy geometry I had before and this will happen sometimes the curves will get broken whatever but as long as you have a portion of it that's still fixed you can just erase these pieces between and the smooth section for whatever reason most the time that I've seen ends up overriding the broken section so it's pretty easy to get it to clean up like that I still have some geometry on the inside I will come back to that and clean that up in just a moment first I want to figure out this right here this will carry back into the guitar here like that and then same thing these two surface was for surface surface Wiz are good to intersect with each other and I can get rid of some extra geometry once again like that awesome and same thing over here this broken geometry real quick real easy I could grab all this triple click right click and smooth soft and smooth edges but by doing that all I'm doing is hiding that geometry and it's still in the model so I still have broken geometry if I do that potentially clogging up my model by going through and actually deleting the extra geometry I end up with a much a lighter model in the N because this could be hundreds or in the end thousands of faces to end up you know floating around right here just going to hop inside this maybe I don't know if I've talked about this but this may be one of my favorite features of using a 3d mouse is the navigation is absolute so what I mean by that is when you use orbit or zoom in Sketchup its relative to what you're where your cursor is so when i zoom in on a point I can only get so close close close close closer and it's it slows down as I get closer and closer and closer to a surface and then eventually you do that thing where you pop through the other side and then you're zooming on the next whatever the next point your cursor is on the momentum of the 3d mouse is absolute so it just keeps going regardless of how close I am to something so it makes it real easy to hop inside and do cleanup like that so just I don't know something I felt they need to share it's it's cool I do have cleanup installed and I've been using cleanup a lot lately that is a really cool tool I use it what I've been using it for is things like I used merge phases and erase extra edges I think it's called I use that a lot you know I probably you're right I could I get I get what you're saying I probably could have should have used that on some of those features rather than manually erasing them but I didn't all right so we're getting close we got a thing happening right here where these two edges came in and where this stuff all happens so if I look at this here's where my brain goes I'm just gonna tell you guys what I think I would do at this point well here let's just do this let's take that and then I'm gonna take a line straight out to the side from this point and this point I'm gonna connect them together I'm gonna grab this edge right here and I'm going to option move it inside now grab this line and connect together to make an on plane rectangle when I did that so it's like this surface and this surface intersect face with selection and get that break right there there we go what I'm looking for is this hole in the mesh that's actually exactly what I want because I can grab that hole those sides and I can use curve aloft to just get a real simple fill right there oh so good I can grab that explode it and then I can just go around with my option key and smooth those edges out isn't that nice all right so I know I still got I still got a thing going on here that I'll have to come back and clean that up but I just won one fire at a time right now you know know if that's her Matt speaking of fires like what I did here all right that side smooth that and that all right I don't know what's happened here oh this is part of my my spider web from before I should just get okay I know I'm arguing with myself right now but come on me let's let's show up a little bit huh all right so I'm gonna do that I matter my hidden back off and I be the same thing I'm gonna lock this all together to fix this mess that I've made for myself grab that quick curve aloft elegant simple explode an option erase to put that back together all right so that is how I should be bringing these edges together right here this is the spot christopher ryan called out this is not there's not enough room for a four inch loft right here and I don't think it should be either because I'm pretty sure that that section is actually less than a four inch for a half-inch so our four five inches whatever locked I think what I'm gonna do is grab [Music] of these lines right here I'm going to unsoftened them get my hard edge back and then grab that line around here and I'm gonna double-check to make sure didn't grab anything extra I did grab some extra stuff right here so that I will shift option select to unselect it and now I should have just lines highlighted or match the info go all right just edges 61 of them 61 edges selected right now and I'm going to try to just round those corners with like a half the size so we'll say two inches all right and again as expected I did get some stuff that came a little bit got a little bit off I came a little close to the edge right here so I had some broken geometry there this was the end nothing was tied together over here so I'm not surprised that broke this overlapped with something let's take a look yeah that's not gonna work let's see delete that that all turned out okay this I could probably actually just this is it looks messy but it's actually just a big open a couple of triangles I wouldn't bother and I have admitted this before I have a problem I do enjoy hand stitching geometry but that's actually pretty straightforward see where is our other little hiccup right here how did hiccup bridge that just job needs to be smooth simple solution alright this is a thing get rid of that that whoops too much you do have to be careful when you're going into your deleting geometry with hidden edges on because it's pretty easy to grab the wrong edges all right I'm just gonna erase that's ugly um all right we'll give it a try though see what happens when I grabbed that geometry I'm sure didn't get anything else sorry from my spinnings making you motion sick I apologize when I grab that not so much I have found I have found when you have found what the term would be I would eat geometry like this the stuff doesn't go well with curved lofts specifically because it ends up making that jam tree poke in like we just saw so I may end up just you this this doesn't look good either I go like this rid of those points oh yeah I'm making it all up as I go this time the rulebook has been utterly destroyed and alright I'm not even looking up you guys are probably telling me exactly how to fix this without being a goon like I am right now but I'm not even looking up let's lock that up oh okay there we go we're back alright last piece we have the same same thing going on here for this section where this is a probably like I said half half the radius of our main so we'll do another to introduce on this section hey guys doing I got my world apologized I'm back we're back alright round that over two inches boom as expected stuff is not perfect but again come in here look at what we got that's that's a that's a tough one just like that cut that and then you race that whole chunk same thing over here I'll take it all the way back to here and race that chunk maybe erase that little thing there tubes down what that is back this down there's probably a more disciplined way to go about this rather than round a corner cleaning it up round the corner clean it up there's probably a way to go about this where I don't know maybe should have gone and order one piece to the next lofted next loft it and worked around sequentially rather than hopping back and forth like this but as usual I am making everything I'm doing up and doing my own stunts at the same time so I hope you guys are okay with that got to unhide this line because that won't work otherwise there we go grab that one more big beautiful loft alright explode and reverse explode and reverse and I can in here it's my ulti racer I could triple click and soft and smooth faces here but I don't know it's like that final step you know where you check the box and it's done and yes I'm enjoying manually doing that alright so there we got a thing it's an alright thing I would probably at this point go I learned a lot and hop back in and do it again if I were making this for real but well I mean I am making it real we're really doing this and that was okay there's a couple spots right here I would like this probably a little smoother maybe up here in here these corners this all turned out okay this this looks smooth I like this this half the body's great but these chunks right here I make him in and try to clean that up ever so slightly same thing there I don't like that that's a little too jagged so there's a possibility that I may I would come back and clean that up maybe you guys can get out once I throw it up on warehouse you can show me how I should have done it how that would have been better had had you been in charge instead of me I'm gonna slide this over I'm gonna leave my big component here that I'm gonna come down to my small component because the next thing we got to do is we got to throw these these cuts into the face for everything here's my thought I'm thinking what I'll do is draw this as 2d drag it over drop it on the guitar merge it then push-pull it on in hopefully that makes sense that and you guys are okay with that so what it looks like is happening is we have a couple holes here we have this this shape so so he's asking Chris was asking the difference between soften and hide with the eraser tool shift is hide lines and then option or ctrl on Windows is smooth or softened softener there's actually differencing soft and smooth I won't go into it here did a video a few years back on it though in case you're really interested in the exact terminology and what it all means right now so what I'm gonna do I'm going to start with I'm going to create this shape this kind of repeating arrow shape down here this is pushed in one level you can see this is 0.563 in then there is kind of a trough that drops quarter inch trough that drops below that that connects to this section right here this section drops in it looks like that section is so there's there's a section on the back that comes up too and see this this dotted line right here that's actually comes up on the back and then I'm trying to figure out what this is right here is that the Jack the jack comes in anyhow there's another box here I gotta figure out how deep in that sits it's like a comes across there see cuts through it there's a BD o centerline the seen no he's got a separate cut right here about Section C control pocket comes in inch and a half that goes in real deep okay cool all right so I'm gonna start by making this shape right here so it looks like the overall height is 1.75 [Music] don't I have an offset dimension here where that is I guess I'll use that two point eight one three ceases why fabrication guys got even tougher than eight one three and construction because o to point one three is this hole this is point four eight four point four eight four inches because I have that dimension on my tape measure all right so from there come this way to point eight one three and that's my next shape did I actually all right so this will be half of it half of this pick up pocket I like that that's what I'm calling it I don't care all right so my pick up pocket has a radius of point zero four six inches so do the same thing did before gonna come down point zero no point four zero six I'm gonna come across point four zero six and draw a circle of 0.4 zero six and then I have a line that is at 15 degrees so I'm gonna come over here and I draw a line there grab it option rotate 15 degrees this is where it's going to intersect on this for this out point so I'm gonna grab that option drag it over to right there so that is half of my pocket shape grab it option flip it over delete the middle line and now I can take it put it right there Oh point two six six for this little shape right there like that mm-hmm I'm good all right that's gonna continue I'm just gonna carry that long into the next shape because this one looks a little different I think it's pretty similar though so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this shape right here I'm gonna make it a group I'm going to copy it looks like this dimension is pretty important move it to right here rotate that 10 degrees and I'm close to the shape it looks like well that's actually that's pretty darn close I don't have a whole lot of very specific dimensions here them seen move it along this line which is weird to me that there's not better dimensions on this pocket since this is the one that's odd alright but I'm going to take that and that and explode it because what I want now the only real the only thing I really want is this and this because this is going to get copied now right to the middle point there because the middle point yes bird all right so I'm gonna take I don't need that line anymore take that surface command X to cut it I'm going to enter context go into the body and I'm going to edit paste in place paste in place says paste it same XYZ coordinates but in whatever context I'm currently in I'm going to drop it point five six three inches push pull down ooh all right undo grab that and we will weld it all right now I'm gonna push it down 0.563 all right so so cool all right just come up here get rid of well everything I guess what's the next pocket we should stick in here I'm a little confused I'll be totally honest believe it or not with all this like stuff so the bridge does have this section the bottom that's the bridge is screwed in right here all these screws go into the body and then there's a cutout where the bottom of the bridge goes in gives it the ability to flex the bridge I'm really having a hard time with this drawing telling how deep this is I don't know if that's this it's not in the right spot so it wouldn't be that it'd be like right here can anybody out there grab those plans I post up on the forum and I'm gonna get the shape traced out and get it on the body if anybody can find out how far I have to push this thing in [Music] that would be awesome cuz I don't know I can't I can't figure out what that is see if you guys can you know I'm going to undo a couple times because I do want to keep some of this geometry I want to keep the location that this dimension is pulled from which is the end of the neck right here so I will get rid of all this geometry but I will keep this because I know that this is seven point three one three to the center of this thing all right and this thing happens to be for this pocket it goes all the way through okay so it does actually go oh you're right okay could have just lift it up the visual aid there it is right there well that's easy I don't even need a number for that one that's my kind of push pull push push till you hit the other side I like that one point seven five hey also got easy dimensions everything's coming up millhouse all right point six eight seven and then back down to here and just to keep this simple you got quarter-inch arcs here so I'm going to drop down 0.25 0.25 a click here to here double click and then core this corner right here double click here knock that off and then grab that shape read AXYZ option flip it over wait a minute it's not symmetrical oh this probably is the carrying through of that oh no it's because the the the bar actually attaches up here so this portion that bridge is actually a little longer interesting okay well we can make that happen to know that wants me to do math what's 3.125 - 1.75 go okay fine I'll do it myself sorry you guys probably about time to get my calculator pulled up below already figured it out I did I say three point one two five minus one point seven five three point three seven five so three point three seven five no one point three seven five Wow yeah obviously so to crap all of this and then shift it up to here all right now we grab this I'm gonna grab it again by this same point hit option to move it I'm gonna drop it right back at the middle point should be right there trace the line command X double click to enter context edit paste in place push pull that's looking pretty sweet a little bump that little grater guitar goiter it's killing me not to come back to it yeah I gotta let it go I brush it off oh man this is looking pretty cool all right I had a couple more pockets here so the control pocket is an equally weird looking shape all right but this is it's giving me this is cool because it's giving me the center of a bunch of circles so what I all I have to do here is come in and figure out where the center of the circles are draw the circles in and then I can just connect the edges so here my first one is four point four four and then it's up three point two five and from right there ought to do is draw a circle with the radius of 0.4 three days so I'll do that point four three eight and another one let's see the next one over is gonna be there's so many lines it's gonna use this one oh there it is all right I'm going to come over five point eight five and then go up one point eight one three and draw another circle this one being three point seven five point three seven five yes the decimal point does make a difference for so I've heard next one is at five point seven one eight and that one comes up four point two five and that circle is half an inch that is thinking some of these somebody's on the ball out there let's do that let's go to styles let's go to edit and go to edges and change from all the same and I leave it all the same and we'll just change it to I don't like that red color it's gonna be a bright red this is rock and roll we're talking about you have a subtle color there we go oh I'm in context right now I'm drawing in the group currently that's okay because you know living on the edge that kind of thing Aerosmith you with it this one's up five point three one zero enter and this circle is 0.625 radius all right we got one more circle one more circle to draw and then we actually have a point which looks like it's actually just a break right here not actually a circle something like that all right this one's seven point eight over its up four point you know whoever drew this these plants are they're awesome they're really cool plants but they wanted to make you work for it you want a dimension on here you're gonna have to invest some time and energy it's not just going to give itself to you point five six three all right and then my one my one point which is where I'll start my drawing from is over oh right here it's using 7.08 and it's up 3.3 all right and from there I shall start and what I'm doing here is I'm grabbing the outside most point that was not the right one so I'm just just grabbing the corner that's closest to the furthest on the outside oh now be honest this was more like the thing that I was expecting the body to be I've told you that guys that I don't always spend as much time digging these plans as it probably could but I was kind of expecting that to be how the Oh didn't draw on face nice work man all right try again so I was kind of expecting that that would be sort of what a lot of this would be like but that's cool it's so good it's so good all right so I'm gonna grab this and because I'm in context I don't have to copy I can just grab it right from this this reference point pull it straight over and drop it right there and it does overlap with this so that's that's cool and that the whole thing drops in an inch and a half that's a deep pocket one grab that weld it real quick now push it down 1.5 all right so right here where we have the overlap I'm gonna drop this down to the face that's the spot I could use cleanup reverse that face and pull that down to the edge oops equity bar [Music] something happened here have my thick line there so somes not lined up right and I just can't just tell it to merge just go on the inside oh well a little crack there they're cracking my guitar all right undo I'm back in the top back it all the way up alright so something happened right here first here's my first issue I think that looks better now if I drop this down right there it's like a little gap there hmm I'm in trouble shoot something got off axes or something all right I'm back in it I'm back in a way up let's go back to here all right so I'm gonna take this and that push pull but move it vertically straight down to there I'm gonna get rid of this I'm gonna push pull this down to right here erase that what are you doing to me make me look bad in front of my friends I'm doing it again I'm leaning close to the screen so you'd see better something's out of plane here and I don't know how or why this is odd alright so I know that I push pull this the same height see well match that to that corner right there yes I'm just pushed pulling vertically I'm snapping to the X well that's a weird thing snapping to X and push pulling none of those shifted this one right here did though that was enough now I have an issue here push pull this guy vertically everything just got horrible alright back it up back it up keep going alright alright alright alright let's try it again let's do it the way we did the first ones because they worked ok now put this right in the middle get rid of our extra placement geometry command X how you know what I'm gonna do this I'm gonna I want to increase our chances of success because I'm tired of this I don't want to play with this anymore I'm gonna bring this up like this now edit paste in place grab that drop it 1.5 inches now I'll take this over here this over here drop that down to here and there we go alt erase a couple of these smooth these pieces out yeah that's the stuff alright we are getting so close to finishing this body alright dude last piece two pieces so there's the piece on the back and then the hole for the jack I'm trying to tell how deep this jack pocket goes I'm assuming it goes pretty deep because that the quarter inch jack has to slide in there so I'm assuming it goes down pretty far is that what this is or is this the same control pocket yeah a nice always to Asif I wished I had picked a simpler style guitar to model as this is what it's all about right like I said I suffer so you don't have to Merry Christmas all right can somebody look on the thing that our technical term and see if they can track down where how deep this jack puck is I'm inclined to think it's an inch and a half the same as the main pocket but I don't know if you guys could if anybody can track that down that'd be cool I'm going to put in this first circle at eight point eight seven five over and I'm going to come up three inches and put in a circle 0.375 all right now what we got is a line from here 1.75 a circle with a radius of two point six six or 0.0 point two six six and then that whole mess rotates thirty seven point five degrees love it make a good made good team all right now I have a three inch radius sides so is this where I would use my three-point arc to go from here to here and then type three inches oops I forgot to make that only going to talk about six sides here here three inches okay oh I probably hit enter again six enter it's kind of my thing it's the thing I do take that to here type three inches I don't think I don't think I have a fault right now well I mean I'm obviously doing something incorrect but is this where to type three-inch are okay read the comments you guys got me so many things are doing Sketchup it's just impossible to be on top of all of it and I'm gonna say three inch radius boom all right one more actually I'm not gonna do my work as what I'm gonna do instead is I'm going to get rid oh something bad happen here you know what I did I did a dumb thing I have a bad habit and here's what my bad habit is when I go to rotate for some reason I tend to hit option and it makes a copy and that's what I just did is I made two copies on top of each other because instead of just typing 37.5 I typed option 37.5 and ended up with that thing so that was not what I wanted that's what I want now I can just take em excuse me a simple two-point arc three inch radius Enter to point arc click click three inch radius enter now I can grab this shape right here pull along the axes option this time because I actually do want to flip it and there we go alright that shape now I'm gonna grab from here option copied over position it out of context and X double-click in context paste in place pull that down alright and then you do a little little cleanup since I didn't weld before that time super sweet one more the one on the back hole in the back then we have a couple holes to drill and this body is done alright this shape starts with this shape which we can come over here and save this grab this and I copy that and undo a couple times get rid of that come over here paste it to bring it back put it back where it was and I'm that much closer all right time saved now as far as dimensions they seem to be pretty light on this back piece like nothing really seems to be okay here's a dimension here I don't see anything pulling horizontally this way though so I'm going to you do not need to grab those lines go there and I'm gonna do this how YouTube how are you doing welcome and let's see what's this all right I'm gonna call it 0.25 all right take that sheet flop it over here again and there oh but here's the thing well we still make it work I'm gonna grab that shape I will move it from here but I'll do my initial placement here but I will have to take this and move it vertically to the back of the guitar and now I can man X hop in in context edit paste in place and that goes up 0.625 oops all right yeah that was painless that all went dead all went fairly well oops reversed my face is their smooth that corner delete whoops had to say something about it going painless game painless didn't I shut up dude hey my edges did not align perfectly on this side I don't know what I did but something wasn't right so I'm gonna see if I can just pull these back down no that's the problem okay easy fix thanks - oh yeah like that see there's a thing a thing happened so I'm gonna draw a line from here to here to get a surface and then I'm gonna grab this line and this line and I'm going to use push line to drag that straight down oops through that there we go all right now grab that and that use push line to drag that straight down to the surface there whoops a lot of whoops in here let's begin towards in the model there we go that looks better no so I'm still unbeaten up right right there body's done I think oh so no there was a there was two channels he should only take a second one of my favorite word's especially when you're designing something should be good there's a little channel right here it goes between these two looks like quarter-inch let's just do this let's take this this all makes your geometry I'm gonna grab this cylinder just made I'm going to why am i walking to that axis Oh cuz I wanna I'm on a surface I'm on keep forgetting that bring that up now I'm gonna grab it bring it over here that and now I'm gonna put it right Wow sometimes you guys may find this if you ever use 3d mouse but there's a point where this what's throwing off my mind three my three deenis my 3d animation is the this big guitar out here because it's swinging stuff around the center of that big model so having that big monstrous thing behind me swinging around cause a little bit of an issue alright so that looks like it goes through I didn't quite make that long enough but I can fix that pull out through there through there alright and now I have this which I can say subtract that from this oh just tell me saw a solid why is this isn't a solid fix tab what's now can I flee my head closed for this one all right there's one issue oh my back panel thing closed up again all right now check you now I'll try to grab this I do I know we chose the color red but I'm feeling like I've always got a problem with solid inspector Eno because everything's red all the time all right let's subtract that mm-hmm look at that there's a little little spot nobody will ever care about having that in the model and we did it all right I think we're good awesome well that is the body of our Stratocaster so I'm gonna throw us out to you guys now what do we do it's not quite three o'clock so we got a little more time we got like 40 minutes or so to play with do you guys want to go forward there's a couple things we good to do we could do the pickguard which I think would be fun and beat that'd be pretty quick and be a shape that we trace excuse me we could work on the neck and the head try to get that in real quickly we could also hop into if you guys do want to look at the Millennium Falcon model we could hop in there and tour that for a little while I'll give you guys a moment to give me feedback what do you want to do pickguard neck and head I think if it probably finished most of that in the time we have or do you want to hop out and look at the other model yes I think you were right Martin I do believe that that cable hole I think that that's this right here it actually does go at an angle I put it in straight because I'm a terrible terrible human being it's the only thing I can come up with all right so we got finished the guitar we got a alright so we got we got one vote for screw holes I'm sorry Alec I don't think you're gonna get a lot back up on that one got four five Millennium Falcon votes finished one for finish the guitar one for a pick guard what is the winner with all the colored pencils or while you guys keep voting that is just on Mac that is one of the color Pickers so we have the this the window here sliders this swatch panel I guess I'm picking the spectrum you can actually change the perspective orders I think on Windows it's crayons is that true Alison's on Windows I think it's Kranz instead of so it's just it's just the Mac UI color picker window nothing nothing special no extension nothing fancy like that I'm sure I'm sure that Dave you do have some beautiful screws that I could drop into this thing I've seen Dave Dave's uh I'm gonna give her the big one get back - there we go that's better I've seen some of Dave's screw models and they're nice [Music] okay well you know it is Friday and I'll be honest with you I'm going on vacation as soon as I wrap up here so I'm gonna take that path of least resistance it goes I'm gonna go the easy way let's uh let's hop in and we'll take a tour I'll give you guys a tour of the Falcon I will a cup one of a couple things will happen either when I post this and that will give you guys the opportunity to work on it also I may throw together the neck and pickguard on the side sometime I don't know we'll see how that goes I don't you guys have expressed in the past they're not huge fans of models that take multiple sessions so we did that to start with and it wasn't real well-received rather mix it up a little bit so I don't know that we'll come back and finish this live unless we'll keep it in the back I think what what do we what are we doing next week where do you have something planned Alison can look on the calendar and oh yeah yeah next week we're gonna come back and celebrate the fact that Tom Cruise is Peter Pan and never grows old and we're gonna we're in a model his fighter jet from Top Gun - so we got we got to come back and do that so if that goes extremely well and we pound that out in like two hours then maybe we'll come back and spend a little more time on the guitar we can always have it as a backup model to spend more time on but that'll be that'll be fun but yeah so I will get this which is as far as I know this is a solid group so this is right now 3d printable the little channel for the cables is not correct but what are you gonna do I think the issue is the the quarter inch Jack comes in a kind of an angle so I have a feeling the wiring is actually supposed to be down real low and then come up into into this section something like that I also it's hard to tell again from the drawings but it kind of looks like maybe there's an additional channel right here see this little this little space I don't know what it is I'm wondering if it looks like it's actually like a little wiring notch like that's dropped yeah right here at quarter-inch so there's a couple pieces yet to be done so it'll be fun I'll throw that up on three warehouse and you guys can model up and let me know over here in the in here so you guys can actually fill me in I missed it had I been paying attention to form Ian would have told me sooner how to actually use the arc okay so with that I think that I will save this then I said I haven't had a jury sell out I may spend a little more time on this before I put it up maybe we'll hold on to it we'll see what happens that looks looks uh looks pretty cool I like that that was that was fun I had a feeling this is gonna take a little bit longer than I initially thought I didn't know we would hang up so much on getting these a little course we like so this is still this is still getting to me so before I posted this may end up getting real often I'm doing it right now apparently I can't I can't this is this is like yeah I had to put my signature I had put my oh yeah it still pops up a little bit there so oh man I'm gonna do this like that then I'm gonna have to delete that all right yeah I got issues all right I'm just gonna loft this again real quick and then maybe I'll be able to leave this model did that go good or did that no that went inward that's right I won't I select it from this side have anything to do with what side you select the geometry from no there's a way I remember how to do this all right this is this is how I'm being told to stop it all right so we will be posted posted as as it shows here so anyhow thank you for indulging me even though you had no choice in the matter so now I'll go ahead and save that and I will go open my name Falcon and while that opens just a second so those who don't know this I've been working this has been kind of a private model off on the side Lego has this model this this model which is Star Wars ultimate collector series kit number 7 v 192 which is enormous the Box doesn't say what is it's something like 8,000 pieces or something like that it is enormous that the the instruction manual so if you guys don't know if you can go to Lego comm and download a PDF of almost any Lego kit that's ever existed which is super cool there's actually a couple of extensions out there and some collections on 3d warehouse of Lego parts that is really neat because you could actually go out there you go grab a kit that you really like and you go put it together in Sketchup I know there's lego Digital Designer and bricks something or other there's there's a bunch of other tools to do it but but we're on the Sketchup channel talking about Sketchup so this is this is melding like three things that I think are cool into one Sketchup Lego in Star Wars so this is like an $800 Lego kit which kind of blows my mind that that people spend $800 on this I mean it's awesome that's not to sell it short but it's it's a lot for for Legos so anyhow what this kit does is it actually what this instruction manual does the instruction manual is something like hundreds of pages but it goes through each kit of course comes through there's a section of Legos in different bag so you can see here as you click through here there's actually 17 different bags of Legos to make the entire thing which is also nuts the whole thing's kind of nuts but you can actually come through here and just one piece at a time you can actually see how it goes together so what I decided to do as it's unlikely that I will get to go ahead to spend $800 at home on this particular Legos I decided to instead just build it in Sketchup so here's where I'm at this is just having finished bag number 11 so we can actually tour through here if I back it up back it up so this was a bag number one this is basically the frame the structural frame of the entire Millennium Falcon so these are all the pieces that went on the frame so what I started doing was with this PDF I went through and started modeling each piece as it was required so this this red brick right here was piece number one that I modeled and I created it and saved it now I didn't know this about Lego but Lego is a it's a collective thing Lego is built on a very specific set of dimensions so if I look at this a Lego is eight millimeters this width right here is 1.6 a stud height is 1.6 stud depth being 4.8 millimeters I do everything in meters rather than millimeters because this was definitely an opportunity to run into an issue with a small face but everything is built around this Lego unit of one point six millimeters which is really cool because I don't know if you guys picked up on this but pulling dimensions off of this here let's let's zoom in let's zoom in real tight and you can see so this is what a piece looks like so that's how much information there is so constructing a piece off of that would be rough but knowing that each of these pegs is a saint or each of these studs is the same side size and each one is 8 millimeters from the next makes it real easy to actually take a piece and stretch it and copy the studs that kind of thing so what I ended up doing was as I came through here I just every time I need a new piece I made it and then saved it into my pile so this is kind of like when you're a kid and this is all the piles laying on the carpet these are all the pieces of a carpet and this is the spot where I'm actually working and putting it together I ended up opting for a visual pile rather than using the components window for a couple reasons one was I don't know exactly what this thing is it's round it has a cross shaped hole in the middle so I probably named it something like round thing with cross shaped hole but two weeks from now and I need it again I might be looking for a 2 by 2 disc with axle hole so rather than try to use the components browser to remember what all these pieces are called it's easy for some of them if it's a 1 by 2 plate one stud verses by 2 studs it's easy to find but the rest of them can be kind of rough so my naming convention is probably not consistent having this visual pile made it really easy to go grab a piece and pull it pull it over the other thing that I ended up doing yeah mark is anybody else having audio issues I'm just wondering Marconi showed up and said he couldn't hear me but I figure we did this for three hours you guys must have heard something just to throw it the other thing was this I ended up ditching the geometry I originally had you know the underside of Lego has the holes that did help you connect things to it I end up getting rid of it because it was literally hundreds of thousands of faces in my model that I got rid of just optimized to keep my model light enough the other issue I said I dropped the components were you know I did this instead of the components window was because I found that once I had this many components and I can't remember I can look at how many different components instances there are in a second but once I had this many components having the browser here started to slow down my model so keeping it closed everything was actually real snappy I'm I'm still surprised how well Sketchup functions with this big of a model as this is but I think that's because of my layering and components well we can take a look at that a little bit deeper right now so if I look at what this model is made of we go to window model info and I can look at statistics all right so this model currently has 3.5 million edges 1.2 million faces five and a half 550 500 components right now that is made up of 517 different components so I'm really being strict on myself about making sure everything is a component even it's something I think that only gets used once it still gets named component put into the model that way I have actually found out as I'm going through here again like I said I'm modeling a stuff based on these teeny tiny little images so some of this this is terrible example this is pretty obvious what this is supposed to be but some of these other ones like this peg is a perfect example I couldn't pull exact dimensions off so I kind of built it to fit the hole at the width of a standard brick and some of these I've modeled and then found out as I move forward that they weren't modeled right the first time but I didn't know that until the third or fourth time they were used because their components I can make adjustments and all the other ones will adjust to so I started this I'd have to go look on Instagram to see the exact date that I posted the first but I think it's like three four weeks ago and this has been like I said this is I what I try to generally do just myself is have a model going that's my personal model that I hop into at lunchtime or on the weekend something like that just to kind of keep keep it going it's funny but when you work at Sketchup you're not don't always end up working on Sketchup so sometimes I have like other work to do so days weeks can go by where I don't get to model something so I got in this habit of always having a model going that I could work on in my lunch hour this happens to be the one I'm working on now so I probably I would estimate that I have I don't know maybe 30 40 hours into this right now and like I said that's intentionally relaxation time it's fun time if it starts to get the point where I'm sweating when I'm working out or getting frustrated I just kind of put it down and walk away it's supposed to be enjoyable but yeah this is so this is this is it as it's broken up and somebody asked what the final models supposed to be I think it's eight thousand total once it's done and yeah there's a couple neat things new thing is this this lego database will end up being quite large I'll post this once it's done on the warehouse you guys can can play with it and take a look at it but just to show you how this all builds up layer by layer so this was bag one bag two was this landing gear pieces bag three what kind of bulk not the frame and this was where I got happy and geeked down a little bit but like these kind of things so there's two things that came up here so Ian sand I started the thread on the forum 23 days ago on the forum I tried to every time I finish a bag I post a couple of pictures just to show what that looks like so there's a couple instances here of things I did this chess what are they caught I figure what the name of this is who's got the name of the that it's not chess it's something else I came round what's called but this board's actually painted so this these these faces actually have black white and dark grey on them so I actually painted this one these ones right here actually ended up I found an image so these these are actually printed with the no holo chess is Star Trek this has a different name [Music] so I found I found the image you see it's kind of low quality but these these are actually printed onto the silkscreen onto the Lego so this actually ended up being saved as a piece this right here is actually a sticker so I actually made a separate piece that was just a surface and I got a found a somebody uploaded the image of the stickers that come with the kit and I just put that on there so this rectangle is actually floating just one one point one meter off of this shape behind it so grab these slide it up just so you can see so it looks like that but this is actually just a separate piece look at x-ray and you can see it's floating just off the back to prevent the z-fighting so whoops you got everything back so what I did as I finish a layer or a bag I just group it together and put it on its own layer some stuff that's a bad example actually my process is changing as I go through here to any time I had a group of no oh there we go there's an example so anytime I had a group of pieces that were kind of taken over and put into the larger model I ended up grouping that so you can see if you saw that but in my model info my statistics I have something like a hundred and five groups and those groups are just collections of components to make placement easier I could explode them once they're finally in place but I figured it might be fun to move some stuff around I'll probably do some animations or something like that once this is all done so moving along bag number five was a pain this is the looks it'll look really cool this curved part in the back but some stuff you take for granted when you're building a physical thing like just put this hinge together and roll it up or rotate it up until it hits this other piece that's great in the real world when you have a bunch of 3d surfaces that don't recognize each other and don't have collision it means you have to manually align the peg inside the hinge and then rotate from the center of the hinge and eyeball where the surface hits that other surface because you can actually just kind of obviously rotate back and forth right through it so yeah that's a that was something that was a little bit of back and forth and maybe one of those times where I put the put the Lego down walked away for a few minutes and then came back this of course is a flexible piece in the real Lego in Sketchup it's a follow me working our way forward is when the mandible started coming together that was kind of cool these are actually different on both sides so they look similar but the actual groobly pieces out here on the outside are different one side to another so I was able to copy a portion of this group over here to use over here but then I had to wipe everything off the top and there's actually a hole in this side that's not in this side so there's not as much symmetry on the outside that I found as I was kind of hoping there would be but it'll look cooler in the end so you know I rolled it like seven was the underside you can see here this is something so the underside this was actually Lego flipped upside down so my studs facedown whereas this portion back here is where I should have those circles underneath so they end up as plain pieces what I may end up doing is I may come back and make a group or a component that is just that raised circle and make a raise of them to fill in these sections because it looks like something's wrong when you look at it from on your side on your side once I get done we'll see I also noticed that Lego uses these bright colored pieces on the inside of their structure outside of course the lake the Millennium Falcon's all grays and a little bit of tan and some dark red here and there but on the inside they use these bright colored pieces and this yellow green blue I guess those are extra pieces you know we've got too much green shove it on the inside of the structure working my way up so these little these little pieces these pieces kind of started closing up the shell these are kind of cool these are those circles on the face you look into and you see like I don't know engine parts I guess on the inside came back up there we go closed up the tops the mandibles so cool isn't I talked about this a long time ago I just think that the Millea Falcons the coolest spaceship ever I'm sorry I know that upsets like Doctor Who or Star Trek fans but that's my opinion you guys get yours that's my bag ten what was back to oh bag 10 was where these centerpieces docking things escape huh I don't know exactly what these are called but the bottoms came on and then bag 11 was the tops of those pieces so that's where I'm at right now [Music] and it I mean it's awesome I don't know if you guys have ever done anything like this found instructions for building something totally different that's that's actually you know not intended to be a 3d model and try to do it but it's it's really been a blast likes it especially if you like the subject matter and you enjoy Lego I think there's a cemetry between what Sketchup is and what Lego is it's that building tool it's that imagination it's 3d obviously Legos physical in your hands whereas Sketchup is kind of limitless but yeah pretty pretty cool ball and the turret sorry distracted I got to build the turret that was those three fun too but yeah it's worth doing if you haven't if you're ever looking for like a fun model and like I said I absolutely advocate for this you should be modeling something if you model at work and you you model you know whatever houses buildings that's awesome if you want to keep developing your Sketchup skills though maybe go model like a tree on your lunch hour or go you know download plants for a Corvette if you like Corvettes and try to model the body of it it's gonna do so much for your modeling abilities and your model skills to keep that going and modeling different things than what you're used to modeling so absolutely do that as far as this model goes I'm gonna keep going I'm one way or another I will finish this it may take me another 23 days we'll see I'm on bag 11 out of 17 so I'm on the tail end of this project I will I will maybe well pop it up again live stream if you guys do want to keep an eye on it as it comes together it is on the forum if I'm allowed to do it or not but you can also follow me on Instagram I have a chat or a stream there Aaron making stuff all in word and I post updates there so yeah it's a fun model but like I said really I'm more than happy you following me but I would love to see you guys doing this kind of thing and then show your models so will actually probably do something like that in the not-too-distant future one of these live models will include some time of show me what you guys are working on so I'm gonna throw that challenge out right now over the next couple weeks maybe maybe September or so I'll do a call to you guys to show me what your your fun model is what are you modeling for fun works awesome love work but what are you modeling to push your modeling capabilities a little bit further I personally learn a lot every time I come on here on Friday afternoons as we've seen because I didn't know how to use the arc tool apparently anyhow I love coming on here though getting tips and and input from you guys because I think there's so much to learn all the time in Sketchup I think there's so many things that that I have left yet to learn and the only way I get to really learn that stuff is by by keep going keep pushing keep trying new things and that's kind of what this is this is just a different way to model so yeah so that's kind of that's kind of where I wanted to get to hopefully you guys enjoyed all of that as we modeled our way through building guitar and you guys a quick look at my my personal model I believe Allison is two L's and and I is that correct yeah Allen listen it's okay redundant letters and names are cool so he's good didn't catch that but yeah so that's that's kind of where we're at so I said next week come back and we are going to model the the Super Hornet which is the fighter jet in the new Tom Cruise Top Gun movie Top Gun 2 or they call Top Gun maverick I don't know it's something like that but it's it's Tom Cruise never giving up he's good he's going to be a rebel right up to the end him care that's what it's all about they can't promote him because you know cuz he's a maverick you can't move up so yeah it's gonna be fun that's gonna be yep Top Gun maverick Thank You Marvin that's that will be a fun time so hopefully you guys can come back and check that out that'll be a good time yeah but between now and then go model stuff like I said well I'll make an official we'll come up with something a little more official but I want to see you guys start thinking about this maybe start working on it a model that pushes you something that like if you don't do a whole lot of curve smooth modeling organic modeling maybe picking a model that that's something that's a little different from what you normal do do do something curved if you don't you don't do if everything you do is like single rooms and you want to branch out and model entire house go for it do that if you do houses but you never mess with the landscape go ahead and try to in the landscape push yourself a little bit further it's the best way to learn something and frankly in Sketchup it's usually something that's enjoyable as long as you have that caveat oh if you know like I said start and get frustrating step away as long as you can do that give yourself that ability but yeah go ahead and and set yourself a time you know give yourself half an hour at lunch to do a model every day or an hour on the weekend something like that that's that's what I got no not Lego camp for vacation nothing like that just a little bit of camping it'll be good yeah so I look like this like I get to check it out I'm working on my green-screen skills so [Laughter] all right thank you guys we'll wrap it up as usual if there's ideas of cool things you guys could want to come up with what we're doing we're doing a little bit different we're trying to kind of come up with a calendar so we have an idea of I can tell you right now what we're gonna build next that doesn't mean we're not still loving your ideas if you want to we'll leave the stream running for a few minutes afterwards if you want to throw ideas up or if you want to hop into one of the threads that we have going on in the forum go ahead and do that and let us know if there's a thought something you think that would be good to model in the future so thank you guys so much thank you Alison for helping out but it's all about you guys thank you for coming by thank you for spending so much time with us I can't believe every week we have people popping in here at what I mean what - who's here who's 2:00 a.m. right now I know somebody's somebody's watching this at 2 a.m. which is grazing me but people all over the world tuning in and spending you know an hour two hours even three hours that's so cool it really means a lot so hopefully you guys all enjoyed it learn something and really I hope we see you again next week so thank you very much and we'll see you next Friday you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 19,135
Rating: 4.8744392 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, guitar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 23sec (12623 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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