Live Modeling a Spinning Wheel in SketchUp

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good afternoon everybody or a good day whatever time of day it happens to be happy Friday that's the important part it's Friday we all made it if you're here you made it too so that's awesome we're just gonna give it a couple more minutes lets more people get signed in here and we will get rolling hello Marconi welcome back Manuel we are starting soon jellow charles and a cool today we are gonna model a spinning wheel so some people may not even know what a spinning wheel is but we'll talk about that soon - Thank You Maude welcome back Nerys Wales ooh very wet Wales I'm sorry to hear that well I mean the cities with wet normal Wales should stay wet but the city that's that's a drag we're here in a very very dry Colorado a little bit of snow but that's going away - actually might be gone by now I'm not sure hello will hello coming in from Australia that's awesome once again we got a got international coverage very cool we're going to flip the room do a quick reset here you guys caught it yesterday we did a little bit of a shootout Josh and I did some Halloween modelling in our costumes it was a it was a good time I don't know that it was educational but it was entertaining if nothing else so we are streaming from Boulder Colorado here I didn't I didn't actually say that I just said we were here and you can't see I guess we're you know we're in a windowless room but we're boulders headquarters in Boulder Colorado so having a good time we're gonna do a spinning wheel in just a little bit Abdullah Pham civil engineer from India friend chesco from Italy hey guys just one more minute here and we will get this thing rolling so so excited to have so many people here already this is great makes me think back to the first time we did this I think we're gonna solid two dozen people on there he's where we peaked oh that was fun good times ooh me doesn't be a fun one we're gonna we're gonna learn some things we'll start with what a spinning wheel is it's gonna be good yes I do know where Wales is I was I was making a joke about the animal called Wales as well so alright with that we will we'll get this thing started it hello again everybody welcome back welcome back to Friday welcome to Friday afternoon here it's afternoon I know you guys you guys are all over the globe so it's it's a different time there it's a different time all over the place so we'll just say hey hey so I'm Aaron I'm gonna model some stuff for your day today backing up on the other side of my monitor over here is Eric Eric's back for more so hey Eric hello everyone glad to be here Eric was with us when we did the great haul from the Harry Potter movies so apparently he enjoyed it enough to come back again so that's awesome you guys demanded Eric and we brought him back that's really what happened so we heard the request hey Dave how's it going Colin welcome back guys so yeah so we're gonna just kind of jump in and start modeling this thing but I did want to do I like to do those I like to do a quick shout out before we really get rolling let's want to point out a couple things I just had to I had to call this out on our forum we have a sage who goes by the name box who's in Australia he he's joined us maybe once or twice but it is like literally 12 hours it's literally he's on the opposite side of the earth from where we are right now like almost exactly so he doesn't get to join life she's very alpha but I just wanted to point out his stuff because he's been putting a couple models up in the gallery on our farm if you don't go to our forum of course go check out our forum forum South Sketchup calm and check out he has a stream called out of the box just a little pun planned his name but he's been posting these models where he explains how it makes them and they're really pretty simple it's like a connection of simple components that you just kind of changed together and then use extensions like true bend to just go in and distort them and make shapes out of really fairly simple shapes it's as it's just really cool so he's got a good form but he's he's got tons of images in there there's over 200 entries in that topic alone in his gallery section so yeah check that out box does awesome stuff he's a great artist and he's also very helpful saige so yeah I just wanted to give a shout out to that real quick also while we're here in the forum I did make a topic so I called it spinning wheel livestream it's trying not to be too you know crafty with that name it kept it simple but if you guys want to share a file anybody comes across hey this is a good file you know good image something like that that I could use that's cool there's also links in there for the actual file reference files we'll be working off of as well as a link to the website where I found those plans before we dive into those plans though I just just because just for fun I'd have to call this out because this is something I've been working on for months now and I just today at lunchtime finished the Lego Millennium Falcon something like seven thousand pieces but I've showed it on here before so I figured I would just hop in here and show you guys exactly what this was so yes 7350 one separate pieces coming from 671 different components so that is a thing that I'll be sharing it at some point I want to get some good images maybe a render to might do a video or something with the - but yeah I just wanted to show that I know so many people asked if I could do some live modeling on it and I refused I didn't do it because this was modeled at my the speed of my spare time basically it was fun it was definitely a long-term project and I don't excel at long-term projects I'm more of a sprinter no so anyhow I just wanted to show that because like I said several people have asked about that and I just wanted to show that real quick yeah so I'll be I'll be I'm sure we'll see I don't know maybe the marking people throw that up on a sketchup channel at some point but I'll put it on my own social channels as well I don't have a lot of spare time but that's my point I work on this for like 3040 minutes here and there maybe twice a week so it was not a quick model all right so it's it's that's a thing all right so I mentioned before this website so I found this website craps man space crafts man's craftsman crafts man space crafts man space and they have a lot of cool stuff here I suspect possibly even some Sketchup models in some of these but this was a cool one because like I said I know nothing about spinning wheels like my honest eye to things I can think of one is the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty remember when she pokes her finger and falls asleep that's like 80% of my context for spinning wheels and the other thing I once at a Maker Faire I went to a Maker Faire and there was a lady sitting at a teeny like desktop spinning wheel making wool thread and I watched that couldn't really figure out how it all worked what it was all doing and I was with my kids so we didn't get to sit there very long so that's all my context but it is a really a cool machine I mean it's made of all these parts all these pieces work together it's got stuff to move and the whole thing almost the whole thing is made out of wood so I thought was pretty cool and this page specifically actually had a PDF for download that has dimension drawings of all the pieces and then assembly instructions so I was like this yes this is great this wasn't something I came up with either this is actually somebody a livestream asked if we could look into this so they actually posted a link to a very specific spinning wheel from a specific manufacturer but all I could find out was was pictures so this is a little bit different from the one they were asking for but some of the same concept should work so we'll see how that goes anyhow that is most of what most of what I wanted to call out before we hopped in and started doing it so to look at this I got to clarify because you guys are calling us out the Millennium Falcon that was a passion project that was actually not something I did at work I don't get paid unfortunately to model fun things unless I'm here with you guys so this is the only time I get to like just sit down and model a thing other than that if I am modeling something it's a specific thing for like an image for marketing or a file that's going to be used in a training video something like that if I don't do something fun like that that's when I have to put aside weekends and evenings and that sort of thing so yeah that was I just thought I'd share that because I chaired it before all right so enough disclaiming let's hop in here so I do want to look at this is the PDF so you guys have seen me I have imported PDFs before directly in a Sketchup I'm not going to do that today one of the things that about Sketchup windows versus Mac is on Mac we lean on the natively integrated PDF support which Windows doesn't have so I'm not going to pull the PDF in and one of the reasons is I didn't actually have to so as I roll through this PDF you can see I have a well it looks like it actually could be a Sketchup model right here I don't know about how percent but they do have a sets of plans in here so they actually break so here's this is the entire spinning wheel all put together and then what they have here is it's broken into three main parts which I think the show here the wheel assembly this thing which is the flyer and then the frame so what they do is they take it one piece of time to the wheel assembly and they actually have a bunch of images dimensioned images of that specific piece which is pretty cool so what I figured I'd do is we'll start by just going through and doing each of the pieces so we'll do all these wheel pieces and put the wheel together do the same for the flyer and then move on to the frame and we'll just copy this and then down at the bottom once we get all these pieces made which is quite a bit I mean I'm thinking this this kind of feels like a steam edge and there's a lot of pieces to this we get into the assemblage that's assemblage how would you use assembly but maybe that's a a regional thing or something so the assemblage instructions and this will actually show how all of our pieces go together which I thought would be that'll be kind of cool to follow that and just run through that so yeah so by the time we're all done we should have a complete spinning wheel something that looks like this made with those looks like millimeter accurate and so with that I think we're gonna go ahead and hop right in a couple I didn't get to say hi to Nigeria who else Marconi says his grandmother had a spinning wheel I think that's really what we see nowadays is it's like you know I could see that being something that sits in the corner of somebody's drawing room or something like that I don't know yeah I mean somebody somewhere still uses them because thread and things exist anyhow all right let's do it so what I did sorry excuse me for saying what I did was I actually went through this PDF and just did a bunch of screenshots so I did that beforehand I try not to pre-prepared too much because I like you guys see everything I'm doing but I literally went through here one pages time to the screenshot next page is screenshot and then I saved all of that to my desktop so over here I have eight pictures that is the wheel there behind my head that's these ones right here and then I have another 1/3 of the flyer and then over here I have 21 pictures for the pieces of the base some of these are pretty simple I think the nails have a picture there's like a metal cap it's a piece of bend metal so some of these are going to go real quick but I don't know if you notice from the details to be growing through there too there's gonna be a lot of follow me so we're going to do a lot of fake laying here on this as we go through - all right so let's let's do this thing I'm gonna hop into Sketchup I'm going to close the Falcon get into an empty file here alright and I'm gonna go to file and import and I'm going to go to my desktop and import I'm gonna start with the wheel wiill one can import this as an image alright so this is the first piece and this is actually a collection of a bunch of pieces I'm going to import a couple things go back to import and go to the desktop again and I'm gonna import I think actually think I want to import quite a few so I'm going to import this one so that's the hub import this which is the spindles and import one more which is the these are the wheels section so these these drawings these four drawings will give me this main wheel part then there's a couple extra drawings that have to do with like the axle that go through that sort of thing so this is kind of the sub assemblage documentation whereby we will put together all these other pieces so maybe we'll start with the hub let's start with this piece right here let's start by scaling so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a line on here and then just do this line right here go from here this will be the full length of my hub and I'm gonna grab both the picture and the line and I'm going to make it group I'm a double click to enter that group and I'm gonna scale something okay so here's the whole the whole length I don't know what these numbers mean I guess these could be millimeters two point six millimeters and these are inches yeah there could be something like that here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this whole thing I'm gonna back up a step so based on these dimensions I'm gonna go off of the big dimension the big number not the one in the parentheses and I'm gonna say that these are I'm gonna build them is I'm assuming they're meet millimeters but I'm gonna build larger some of these details start to get a little small so I'm gonna build it as meters I'm gonna go to mile info units and I'm gonna go decimal meters I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to take this and I'm going to actually I'll start by no just just do what you're doing all right so I'm gonna come in here I'm gonna say scale this line from here to here and I'm gonna tell it that is 100 do a scale actor and this is why I put the line inside with the image and made that its own group all these all these images going to be a different size different scale so I'm just gonna do this all at one or just do this once that's big alright so there we go all right so now what I want to do I'm going to take my hundred meter line actually leave it right there and I'm gonna draw half of this shape and then just use follow me to make a circle around it let's see what do we got four dimensions here so this is 35 I can come up here I can say draw a line over 11.5 and then just do a quick arc from that point down to here and then from there I'll come over 14.5 oh I was a narc ever my line under this way 14.5 and then we come down 20 oh here this is a circle so I actually don't want to cut that out that should stay there so we have for pensions also here the center here is 34 I should put the middle I'm gonna come this way 30 point for that puts me right here if I just do a circle like that it's a little bit off so the circles actually 1.2 up is the center of the circle I have a circle radius all right move along here whatever that all right and then right here I come up 65 nope I come up half of 65 that's thirty two point five all right and then we come I thought I'd put a line there I didn't 14.5 and then come over another fifty four I'm here and go circle and that I did actually get radius of six all right bunch of lines but I'm gonna get rid of any extra lines here that I don't need and just end up hopefully with a very Oh still got another line here don't suppose that I would dimension to that nope oh here we go eleven and a half so eleven point five and draw another arc from that point up to I should I want to line this up all right alright so that is whoops undo undo I want to keep that center line so in order to align the circle to alright so that is half of what I'll extrude or follow me to make the hub I do want to think about how many sides I want to put on here it's going to this is a six-sided item if I look at this down here you can see there's actually one two three four five six pieces that make the wheel itself - so whatever I do have my sides I use I want to make sure that it's divisible by six so if I want a nice smooth arc on here maybe this is six so we do six thirty six sides will do that that's gonna be our standard for the wheel is going to be thirty six sides so I'm gonna come in here grab a circle like that oops one I'm gonna go circle right now the sides is set to forty eight I'm going to drop that to thirty six and then go to the end here pull a little circle out like that grab that circle say follow me and then oh I'm not in the group let's hop in there and paste that back in place all right try it again it's like the circle follow me click this and there we go so that right now is our hub I'm not going to punch the holes in it just yet I don't think and make a component I'm gonna call it the wheel - no I'm just gonna call it the hub so I'll put that in a separate component called the wheel hub I'm going I am going to set my axes right the spot that I got rid of so there is one piece like I said I am going to put this the holes into it but I'm gonna do that a little bit later right now oops right now I want to work on getting the wheel made and then I'll line up the wheel with the hub and then we'll make the spindle that goes between them put those in and then we'll just subtract from solids all right so I've got a wheel plank right here I'm gonna do the same thing I did before see work I find dimension not a lot of dimensions on here here make these a group go into said group and to mention that line that I just drew and call it fortune all right now you're back here this is a cool shape I'm this is one that I'm excited about cuz whoops I'm going to just deselect that image there you go I rotate the whole image not just my two lines and rotate that 270 degrees and I'm gonna put an arc then from this point to this point remember I'd make my big circle 36 so that means each of these six pieces I want to put just to align that I'm going to make it six segments so I'm gonna go into arc I'm gonna do a six-sided arc and here to here and then just so it lines up I'm gonna grab that and offset it from here to here that would be a gradient I could line this up with this right here thanks oh I mean taking this to the origin that's smart too I'm gonna do something else first I'm gonna save yes you guys we're all waiting for it I'm gonna call this a spinning wheel all right okay so one of the reasons I think this is cool is because what was a couple reasons one is I just has shapes in all the different directions so it has these notches in here so each piece will fit in with the next it has holes that drilled right down in between it's just a really cool shape so I don't even know how I'm gonna do some of this stuff that's which is part of the fun so let's start with so I'm gonna take this right now and you can see this I have 11 inch 11 or 11 meter 11 meter and then whatever the difference is in between so I'm gonna take this and I'm going to push pull this up 11 like that what is the overall length overall length is 35 so I'm just gonna come over here and I'm going to draw a vertical line 35 with triple click to grab all of that I'm going to option set up like that so that's my two top halves and now I just have to fill in this middle part the middle part I'm gonna go back to my x-ray is at 10 degrees so I'm gonna come right here take that option rotate it 10 and I'm gonna grab both of those lines and rotate them option to copy back to this side all right so now I can take this line I can get the 10 you across here all the way through I'm just trying to break the bottom surface I'm not really too worried about lengthening like that so I'm just holding on shift to lock on that line there we go and I feel like I'm almost immediately with this falling into the territory of you know you could do that a different way and I am aware of that yes there there is a lull that's like I say that's one of the reasons like Sketchup so much is there are so many different ways to do it so I'm going to grab those two those two pieces and the option copy them up to right here actually once I do that I can get rid of these two lines unbreak that surface a little segment there alright and then I can just grab this middle part and pull it straight up there we go nope that's all right I got one of those backwards all right so I'm going to take this option copy that straight up extra geometry in these corners - all right and with that I can yeah they're not quite yet pull this up to here when I grab this I must hit option copy to copy it up bring this up - nope I got rid of my line sometimes when you're making stuff up as you go maybe don't have the cleanest workflow welcome to Friday's huh that's curious in this extra geometry there we go right so what should happen right now and I use that word should is this piece right here which I want to make a component I'm gonna call it a wheel section wheel plank I'm gonna use a pin it says in big bold letters right here might as well use that word right there we go and I'm going to I need on here I lost I had lost my inference but I can get it back so that is the origin point so I should be able to take this right now we'll see if it all lines up that's going the real test option click to hear X 5 or 5 X nope that didn't work it is close that I was a little bit off like way off on this last one so these are just these look like they need a little bit of finagling or motivation to go in the right spot which in real life involves usually a rubber mallet or something but this is obviously not correct why do you suppose that is what do I do it it's 70 degrees right oh that's because 70 degrees oh boy it's cuz Aaron's not reading the plans slowly sheepishly crawl back ok so what I did was I went from here to here with 70 and then back was 60 what I do don't tell me do you use math Morricone I'll do what I want okay let's go from here let's check I just wanna check and see option is this that's sixty point seven degrees all right I don't know how it happened but easy enough to fix right that's what I'm gonna keep telling myself all right so I'm gonna take a line out like this a draw a line back 40 I'm gonna grab this this line and this line I'm going to copy it once to 10 degrees I'm gonna grab all four of those lines and rotate those 60 degrees that should be everything that's everything I need I'm with you you know mark I've been telling people that my thoughts are probably more important than math for years and nobody's buying it I don't know I don't know what to say [Music] so we're start over so this from here so I'm going to go to I'm gonna I'm gonna make my my outer ring a little higher definition as well so I I do want it to align with the inner circles but I'm gonna do twice as many so I'm gonna do an arc of 12 on the sides on the outside which should align with my 36 on the inside what could possibly go wrong all right so having said those things so we do 12 sided arc from here to here so I'm gonna start in the inside let's start from here to here I do this all right in theory I'm good to go all right so I'm gonna take this up 11 and this is going to go up 11 and then all of that it's going to go up top is it 35 some take all of that option copy it vertically right here this piece I'll move to here push that up to there push this up to here it definitely felt smoother than last time no pun intended about doubling the amount of sides on the arcs alright something all right so let's grab that make that a component call that I'm going to name it the same thing wheel plank which of course is going to say you already had that but I'm going to replace it let's try it again so we go from here option to here so far so good 5x what big win let's save nice ok I mean course that's how it's gonna go give me an X PRIZE that everything worked out all right scoot this over just a bit so one of the things I have in here is these this whole four pins and see it is along the the middle and it is what 15 meters in from the edge so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go into one of these I'm gonna go to the middle here I'm gonna go align with this edge right here and I'm gonna say 15 it's gonna put me right there and I'm gonna put a circle that is radius of 6 all right and I'm gonna temporarily hide my similar components I don't want to work on one right now I'm going to take this and I'm going to push pull all the way through to the bottom side no triple-click intersect base with selection and give her that and get that yeah that don't actually keep this one now cut that out all right and now I'm gonna double-click again notice I'm looking at the other end now I'm gonna go to turn off hide similar components I'm going to edit paste in place that's going to take the circle I just I just grabbed it and I hit control X rather than delete paste in place is going to put that circle right back in the same spot and it's gonna allow me to just push pull that down and now I have a hole going all the way through both pieces looks like a little bit of smoothing to do alright I'm gonna do one more thing I come in here and this is my origin so that actually means I can get rid of these extra lines because that origin point is all I really need to place this by no that's not true I'm into one of these I'm gonna draw a single vertical line that's gonna let me to line it up with the hub in just a second I'm gonna jump ahead there there literally is one of these images to show you guys one of these images assembly drawings is this a 35-millimeter wooden pin so I'm not gonna wait or import the image to draw that I'm just going to come over here I'm going to command the or edit paste in place again it's gonna drop that same circle in there and I'm gonna pull it up to the top here pull it down to the bottom here what's going on there and then I grabbed all that make that a new component and I'm gonna call it but wheel pin sounds like it's right right that sounds like thin alright come on I did that as a group first because real things I can do now is I can just say hide the rest of my model and then I can just come in here soften smooth and reverse spaces there we go and their thing I do is I can grab that pin arm you go the middle here option copy around here x5 I know I'm jumping ahead I'm doing assemblage before complete build egde but but yeah so that's that alright so I'm gonna grab these pieces bring them out of this component and get rid of that and bring this over here get him upright I'm assuming and I know what happens when one assumes I'm thinking no they're not quite the same height I thought maybe that would be an easy one as far as placement but they're not so what I want to do is I want to get this lined up vertically first actually I guess I could just put it move it by the midpoint they're just gonna stick it right on this line and I want to line it up vertically so that I think I know I'm jumping ahead of assemblage but I think that this piece the midpoint is going to align with the midpoint of the circle I'll verify this before we cut anything else out of here so I think that's how it lines up we can tell for sure by hopping back over here this circle is in the middle is lined up with the center the circle on here really knows it looks like it's about centered though just unfortunately not a dimension from here back to here yeah we'll say that's exactly how it's supposed to be cuz I said so all right all these circles cool all right so right now I want to check something solid component not a solid component we're gonna happen to this one oh because my line here now no all right let's check and see why this is an assault component there's straight edges Oh priceless little corner lines I drew all right about this just to be fair yeah all right so a solid component solid component so what this means is at this point I can create my spindles or Ray them around the center again and then just use subtract to cut the spindle out of there I am going to hear Kern come back to the origin with me wheel I'm just gonna create so one things date was talking about which was good advice was to actually build this around the origin so have it at the middle and that's that's a great idea I didn't do it because I had all my my pictures back here but that was kind of a dumb reason to not do it but here we are so I made a fake origin by drawing a line right through the middle of spindle or the middle of the hub can I tell us spindle from a hub come on man that's on you Eric you should come all right well the zoom in here I'm just gonna draw a line so I did before it's gonna help me to scale the drawing take these two group hop in that group and scale it I'm not gonna explain that anymore well maybe well people keep getting on so this is 160 yes all right I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna move it to the center and now I'm gonna draw the other half of this this is gonna be 8 2000 going on here all right come here 260 just drop a line here for my reference and I'm guessing that symmetrical yep okay that's what we got so far it so looks like six and a half six point five two here and then how far up is this Oh from the center the center of that radius is eleven point seven so that gives me a line that I can now go with a circle I can draw a circle straight down that is I'm confused because it says five which is way too big well if that's the diameter that's there because that would put it right about 2.5 feel like I'm missing something here oh this oh oh right here three I was drawing the wrong radius that radius is right here for this middle piece so we'll go this way three it's gonna give me that circle right there I'm gonna come over six point five this way I'll grab this circle bring it over right there awesome and I want to draw this radius this this race of five I don't know where this point is so I'm gonna do this I should tell you I have a motivating factor going on right now I really want to finish this there's a lot of pieces so if I feel like I'm skipping over details forgive me but I've done too many of these where we started into something awesome and I ended up not finishing because cuz of things I don't I don't know I don't even know why oh I totally erased a lot wrong spot an arc from here to here and actually one things it has here too is a dimension here so this is 11.4 so you might be able to even go like this from here to here and actually use that snap point go and I will flip that the other side all right so there's half the spindle yeah thanks for catching that everybody who caught that dimension except for me it's good to have you guys I'm just gonna follow me real quick boom like that spindle out you know what want to keep that peace reverse faces toggle I've been saying spindle this whole time doesn't it toggle me like an on/off switch is there a woodworker out there who can clear me up on this Dave what's what's a toggle what's that is that sometimes I miss type did somebody try to type spindle and type toggle instead is that what happened there somebody help me out here what's a toggle should I call this thing a toggle oh I call spindle all right guys all right the other thing I'm going to do here with this is I'm gonna come in to it and grab my origin or my axes tool and I'm going to align it to the center like that I'm going to X out here it says do you want to change c'mon taxis I do because I want to actually place it by that point and get rid of this and I go over here and I go to my components and grab what I call the spindle and place it right now I'm just gonna place it at the end of this line let's do this let's drop it vertically and I'm just gonna go to so I don't have any guides or anything like this but I know that I could just align this to actually the center of this line would work and I'm gonna rotate it from 90 degrees I made it like this I'm just gonna spin it up 90 degrees so it's right in the center of this one the end is all the way at the center I know that that wasn't correct not a big deal I'm okay with that cuz what I can do now is I can actually move it along the axes and like that and now I'm going to rotate it from here option and rotate it 60 degrees 5x all right we got a wheel leave that there all right now this is a solid this just this should be hold up it's going here what's your problem strange right this is a solid this is a solid this is a solid so what I can do is I can select this spindle I can save I could do it as you did it no big deal I like spoke better yeah I already called it the spindle so we're past that you know I think there's a spot in the the mainframe called a spindle I think that's where I got that name from so it'll probably cause a conflict later on I like spoke better but toggle come on I mean that's rough all right so I saved right and save you have any code of you tool palettes and let's get our solid tools up and running and with solid tools I'm going to use where is it no trim so what should have happened there yeah there's a nice-looking nice grab this one and oh except now I got to get rid of these I got to get inter on solid thing what happened was as soon as I did that it was great to put a hole in it but one of the things solid tools does is it replaces existing geometry with new groups so this is now no longer a solid component it is a new solid group so to replace that existing one what I have to do is that's actually I kind of jumped the gun there what I can do is I can come into this one now so here's my new solid group if I go to look here solid group that's the thing I just created but over here is my existing component and see there's now five of them because the sixth one was replaced by that solid group it could be a little frustrating so here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna come into this group when I select all is caught all this geometry and copy it I'm gonna go into this one now select all this house the easiest way to do this what I'm gonna paste this real quick temporarily isolate this geometry grab this geometry slide it in right here then select that group delete it all right there we go delete that solid group grab this one and then make another copy sixty degrees all right so with that I should now have six of those components again so just grab the geometry and plunked it back inside the component rather than replacing it which would have worked also yeah it would be really cool if that would just happen automatically that'd be that'd be awesome all right so this is going to be simple because there's only one piece here so I can select a spindle and I could say trim trim it from there and I think it's like the neck spindle trim trimming from there I know I could probably group these back together and then do one trim but I have my pieces separate this is this is pretty quick if there's like two dozen spokes or toggles then it would be worth grouping them and doing this subtraction once but six six is pretty simple alright so that is the heart of my spinning wheel I'm gonna grab all these pieces right now I'm gonna say use selection toys to deselect edges because I only want this and I'm going to make a new component called my wheel and unless I my taxis too right I'm not done with my wheel I actually have a couple more pieces to make these pieces in the middle but I'll go drop them I will cut them and paste them into the wheel so right now let's go ahead I'm going to import actually let me let me hop over here maybe get moving quicker because I'm talking too much those are all done the pin we did without the actual drawing and so these are the last three pieces those three pieces connect together and then create the axle and so this will this will be quick actually I don't even know that kind of have a feeling I could just do this without without importing even I think I can just come over here draw a rectangle that is six by six crap big that is and then in that I can put a circle in the center actually we do this first then I put a circle in the center that circle is going to come down 50 the total length of this rod is 215 take this up here I'm gonna circle in the center and these edges here and drop back down 65 and that is my wheel axle no real axle that goes somewhere let's let's skip ahead I might I do some some light assemblage here I know which way it goes it's the only thing it's like the longer end is here so I think it goes like this let's see Oh what's happening there is we got these square corners causing some some friction fitting in the circle in the hub excuse me something like that maybe that might be right who knows obviously not me all right with that I'm gonna get that up right now all right two other pieces we had here which were the the X Center and the rotation pin rotation pin I think I can knock out without importing might have to import that accenture X center rotation pins pretty simple and go come in here put a circle in and I'm saying on axiom I draw these circles but maybe seem haphazard but I'm trying to stay either green or red axes when I draw this and this is diameter five that's going to come up three and then another circle right here with a diameter of 3 and that's gonna go up make that a rotation pin boom and I'm going to import that X enter image because because of curves that's why do have any straight dimensions I can use oh yeah this is six I guess that's the line I'll use because of curves as I was saying right go grab those together make that a group once again hop in the group and dimension that - six okay so now from this center point we literally do this just to hold this point and draw a circle with the radius of 12.5 a second circle with the radius of 22.5 bull's eye x-ray back on so this is straight across it is to have it's a half circle okay that's cool so then over here I'll just draw a circle out the edge there same thing here and then circle three here so we go through here get rid of some extra lines cool yes I was less I was expecting it to be a little more painful and I had a moment there where I wasn't quite sure if I had enough information but geometry is a little easier than I thought it was gonna be all right at that we can now bring this up three making that a new component called the X Center which is pretty much my favorite part at this point bring it out of that group all right mark I apparently rotated mark all right come away this I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go out on a limb right here but I believe what happens is that the Accenture I say with authority as though I have known what this thing is all along goes right here whilst this rotational pin or excuse me rotation pin drops in like that all right so remember I said I made this into a group orig or this into a Capone this is called the the wheel and now I have these pieces that are not part of that group I'm just gonna grab them right now I'm gonna hit command X to cut go into context edit paste in place and now that is a part of my component all right so that's piece number one so that was less than an hour that's not too bad we're doing okay I think of course the base does consist of two and a half times as many pieces but let's see if we can assemble this flyer in like half an hour I know I've heard that can't be done but we're just so crazy here we might just try it all right um see what's what's going on what did I miss yeah I'm kind of wondering with this assembly I I'm wondering if this connects to other pieces and this is a partial assembly for when the rest goes together Dave saying the illustration is a little confusing I agree but the pieces are there so we can move them around as we need to hi hi hello and hi the crank is at the ik Center the Queen's language I don't know what that means mark but thank you anyhow it's good that you guys are here Evans been modeling the puzzle box from Hellraiser for fun says it's a lot of math than I believe that oh I didn't put the grooves in you're right I got called out Nerys pointed out there's actually supposed to be two grooves in these wheels and I totally spaced it well thanks man let's do that real quick cuz I that would that would be embarrassing all right let's get these groups in here what I'm gonna do I haven't really I don't really know what I'm I'm gonna do this oh I need more though cuz I need 12 times 6 right because that's how many sides I made just 12 times 6 just got that who's got sweet math chops oh no you know what actually let's keep this simple I'm going to try to do this without any math thing I put some grooves in like this Colin says 72 maybe that's really no one could ever really tell ya who knows we'll just never know Colin what I really want I'm gonna hop up here notice I went too far I went to a different piece sorry I'm trying to think and do stuff at the same time doesn't always work so I'm gonna grab this put that here and then put a copy here and put a copy here and put a copy here cuz then I think what I want to do no I can't do that okay I had an idea it's not gonna happen I'm gonna get rid of half of these and I'm just gonna use follow me to run a groove down this one and this one I had a cool idea of using scale to like shrink it similar to how I made the as you saw the video we made a why is that not breaking the surface something's not right here I'm gonna need this to be a continuous line so I'll do a follow me down here with the shape but if that's not gonna connect all right let's view I have my similar components for just a moment draw a circle right here like that what I want to do is I want to follow this path but if this path is broken it's going to cause an issue so sube sube weld that no I'm going to erase that it's fing recopy had some breaks in my geometry I think I know that doesn't go all the way oh just go away down well that's so that one worked but didn't go far enough because I need it to also go right and I'm going to grab all of this including this right here and make that into its own group what there we go that's how it worked all right follow me that's it oops okay so now I don't need any of this and this mess oh I did no I don't need that either all right all I have to do is now I can take this that to here Oh we still good I lost my chat one moment please technical issue all right we're back huh does it can't find any I think I got kicked off the network interesting well when this comes through hey guys sorry you're still here I just can't see you can't see you can't hear from you let me try closing and reopening chat all together hmm nope nope still says a can't work does it work that's weird man says we're online but it just doesn't work okay well yeah I can't see us on that I can still see we're live but I guess we just can't chat I'm in a vacuum one moment if there's a point where you got to go freshen up your drink use the restroom that sort of thing now is the time to do it because uh things just got silly over here oh there we go I got some I got some I got I got a comment from YouTube somebody on Facebook type in a quick message and see how that works I'm gonna keep keep rolling along here I'm gonna take these these pieces I just made and subtract them from the main body here see how this like works out yeah mark we can hear you so that's good no our restream chat just shut off for a second Sears Bacharach alright so it was all on our end you guys did a great job it's not you it's me so yeah that was interesting that's fun never know what you're gonna get alright so I'm just going to completely subtract this from here oh no saying this isn't a solid anymore where's the surface border issue right here carry these extra lines all right so now she feels like this and say subtract that from this there's one groove this subtract from this there's two grooves so we got our two grooves in there and if I leave here there's grooves all the way around I don't those grooves lined up exactly with the other I don't remember I guess I could have pulled the image up but I know there's two grooves we got two grooves because the band goes around it twice oh and I'm in some weird angle there all right now save now we really got a crank on the the next piece all right let's hop down here and I'm gonna go file and I'm going to import from a desktop if the flyer of course one that's an easy one else we got fire too that shouldn't be too bad so fire three looks like an axle all right let's knock these three pieces out real quick same thing you did before let's get a line in here that's gonna be 39 all right in this this parts a circle with a hole in the middle this part is a 2d shape well this is easy so here come right well I'm gonna make up the middle littles gonna be right here and this first outside is eight pull that down three like a new circle right here that is six and then another circle in that same spot which is four this four circles the cavity that goes all the way out like that and then this one goes down 17 and then over here we have from that same I'm gonna use that same center point to draw this out I'm gonna go grab there's the middle of the end I'm gonna pull this down 39 just put this right there goes this way too and then stuff I'm assuming this these are incredibly important arcs or anything because there's no dimensions on them at all so let's do this let's it also looks like they lap inside oh they do look at that they kind of lap inside they're gonna do this I'm going to temporarily group this that way this jump she's not going to get stuck all right so I'm gonna so from here up to haven't even to mention there yeah let's go up to six this looks like it does come straight back for a little bit anyhow an even dimension here yeah four point five and then I'm going to draw a Bezier curve because this doesn't look like it's a normal curve it's a be normal all right I'm going to take that line offset it from here down to here cool oops that's my snap points right there oh I believe to my centerline that's my know some oh it doesn't go the offset didn't quite hide my image temporarily right down here there we go in this shape I'll just grab this shape and mirror it a copy of it and this was four so I'm gonna offset it up to and then down to you know over here I'll just do so this point I'm gonna explode this get rid of this make this into a component wait first flyer bearing of course all right I'm gonna check over solid I have internal faces I know some let let us all inspector fix that all right so that's gonna go right there this guy right here we got four dimension here so 125 that's a good good big dimension I was trying to find the biggest linear dimension I can to use for my reference line and I put on the edge of a cold or what but I keep choked up all you guys hanging out with me that's what it is all right so I'm gonna draw some lines go find my middle point this is symmetrical for the first part these locations of these pins and hooks are a little different looks like one side to the next but the initial geometry does look like it's the same or similar I can't tell what's going on here this is a weird thing I must start with with this though this is 10 so this is 59 so I clip here 59 go here another 10 then [Music] there's 125 and here is 102 and from those two points I'm gonna draw Bezier curves again here here this one will come out like this there are some extra lines now those up that shape and then that tapers that'll be interesting so I'm going to pull that up 22 mirror do that then we got this thing happening right here this comes out some arbitrary dimension okay no from your boobs I didn't round off those corners this is gonna come back 142 there we go [Music] and looks like I get to a little bit of dealer's choice right here this comes over six goes up a little bit and then looks like it just kind of I'm gonna do something I got to do some of these I'm having I'm losing my lines in my drawing so I'm gonna go in here two lines and temporarily change my lines to a bright red color there you go now I can actually see them on top of that thing that I'm drawing on top of why does that close enough you suppose oh right here extra line segment that's all it takes all right I'm gonna grab this make that into its own group and I'm gonna move it vertically to the midpoint of this line and then I'm gonna throw a circle on here doesn't matter how big I draw the circles matter if it's away from the rest of it all it matters is that it's in line with the point I want to rotate around and I can select this and say follow me edit the group and use that geometry I can I can simplify this too I'm actually need because this is gonna get intersected with the rest of geometry so it's not really that important who actually let's go back in here let's get rid of some geometry right here this is this is we got too much got too much again speaking of too much I just want to shave off just this last ring maybe no I don't that actually works that's good I'm just gonna push pull this a little bit so yeah intersects cool now I can grab this make that a group this is already a group and I can just save and somebody's not solid just Union the two and have that one big piece all right don't need this circle anymore so the other thing that's happening here oh I didn't I was going to come in here do this I did not put a little rounded corners on here have I mentioned I know I've mentioned how much I enjoy that's actually not what I wanted to use at all but I still like it so we're playing with Carrick mirror so very much here's burrows I'm gonna use jerk mirror to draw a little flag like that I'm gonna grab this shape and this shape yeah let me use mirror along with option to make a copy and then I can actually just knock these off although of course that would been a lot easier to do of course when it was a 2d shape on the ground but that still works alright so last thing I got to do on here is yes I have to do this tapering I got to bring this this down so right here it's currently 22 tall I need to make it taper in on both sides so that the overall height is only 15 so I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a line up 11 so that gets me to the center that is the middle from there what I'm going to want to do let's do this I'm making things up right now that's why stuff spinning and I don't really know what's going on right now so I'm gonna go from here I'm going to move this straight up half of 15 so 7.5 and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to rotate this green axes so that this back line right here comes up to that point right there see that I'll do it again I'll take this bottom one I'm going to move it straight down so I'm down the vertical axis I'm just make a copy 7.5 and now I can rotate it on the green axis so that this back edge drops - I can actually see it so I'm trying x-ray at this point right here all right so see that's that's what I'll get is those two pieces coming together assuming it all goes as I think it might I'm gonna reverse the face here which is less cleaned up later by having the correct face face out I actually get rid of this one and I'm going to I haven't made this into a component yet so I'm just going to go ahead and explode it and I'm gonna grab that geometry plus this and this and just say intersect face with selection and I can double click and delete that one double click and delete that one and then get rid of these edges I could have taken those two slanted pieces and closed them up and made two solids out of them use solid tools to extract it but that seemed to be the most efficient way doing it this way seems a little bit quicker so my reference image back so the only other thing is those hooks and I'll be honest I'm going to hold on to this reference and maybe go add them back in but well oops I'm conflicted I'm kind of thinking it's gonna be a lot easier to put those in now at least a reference alright here's what I'm gonna do nope whole lot of heaven in arguing with myself right now okay just give me a second guys all right I'm gonna draw a one meter circle and I'm gonna copy it because I don't really even I don't actually it looks like really oh here's where so I have an XY coordinate table of where these holes go so what I'm gonna do instead is I'm gonna just put these circles in 2d onto this piece and then what I'll do is I really should have made this a component beforehand sometimes thinking and doing are not hand-in-hand but at this point I'm doing it and apparently I've committed I'm being obstinate or something I don't know if I do that but apparently I'm even though I know a better way I'm not doing the better thing no plugins whatsoever this is currently just just Sketchup there's double-clicking on each of these to offset the same amount last time and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna grab all this geometry and make it a group right now and I'll put that group in the component and turn it off that way I'll have this geometry if I choose to intersect and place these Barb's or the the hooks and stuff later I can still do that but right now I don't want to spend a bunch of time doing that bunch of repetitive small detail if I can help it oops Vincent is saying is this for manufacturing show us how you would edit the curve Versailles after creating the armature I would just do it right in the first place if you wanted to modify the curve I would suggest going back to 2d it's hard to modify the curve exactly once you've wandered into 3d space right that is solid tools that's just native functionality of Sketchup I'm not sure how I lost that geometry I did what I do I did something at least I'm consistent that's really the important part is it's not necessarily do everything right but when you do it wrong at least do it wrong consistently consistently wrong wait no that's not good all right so there we go all right so I'm gonna I'm going to leave it like this for right now knowing that these are actually their hooks and barbs that's something to do with the wheel and the wall and the stuff last piece is there are holes in to both sides over here we have a 7 meter hole and right here we have a 5 meter hole so I'm gonna come in here lost by circle this is 7 so 3.5 and then over here they have a 5 meter hole so 2.5 and this one's me a little different of course because oops yes do this this is a solid so I'll just do it this way I'll just do my circle on the outside I'll grab that and slide it in there and then I'll use that to just subtract weight got a solid oh I didn't close the other end I bet yeah there we go now I can take this subtract that oh this isn't a solid either because this is has like another group inside of it so I knew as I make this a group bring my cutter command X into the bigger flyer container paste in place and now I can use that to subtract from just straight edges all over the place all right subtract that from that there we go all right that piece is done and then one last piece in this batch man who knew a spinning wheel is so time-consuming I'm not deleting any lines if they create a face I'm just hiding them so it's possible that what you're seeing is something like if I was to come in here and break this but wanted to keep the line you hold on the modifier key Mac or I think it's controlling Windows I can delete that the geometry is still there though if I show my hidden geometry so it doesn't actually go away it's just hidden so I have a shortcut key connected to show hidden the same as I'm about to view hidden geometry and toggle that on and off but that's how I switch between showing the geometry or hiding it all right the flyer axle it's far more complicated in the first appears it's tricky I think I'm gonna need to find another picture of this so I'm gonna hop back over to my PDF I think that's this right here so it's square on the ends round in the middle Oh that'll be fun that'll be cool it was things like this that made me go hey this would be a good one to do so the bulk of it looks like it's well it's threaded right here I'm not gonna I'm not gonna mess with threading I know threading is fun but if you really want to see threading just hit Dave up on the forum and he'll show you some of his beautiful threading I'm gonna start right here with a circle six and then down here and then this is slightly smaller I'm just going to put a circle right here that is 2.5 all right something's off because this is all my dimensions are actually doing half of what I expect them to do oh yeah she's a little break right here the little break is accounting for half the length of the entire axle it's like nothing's working out right now yeah because I'm putting in dimensions I'm like manage showing up half as big as it should so this 194 should actually be way bigger than it is so I'm gonna actually model this over here and not worry about the scale here but just pull the dimensions so I'm going to start with a circle this way and this circle is three pull that some length this way and then put another circle here this is going to be my foe threads at 2.5 all right and this is going to get pulled out 39 at which point this is where it goes to a square section square section comes down to four over nine okay so I'm gonna put a rectangle right in the middle here how big is it here oh it's night so actually I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna just 2.5 this is comes out 9 pull all this out 9 real quick delete these pieces and then this comes to a point that is 4 wide so it's currently 5 wide so I'm going to select it let's get to four meters not four times it's one end the overall length of this thing is 194 so that's that long when I grab this end I'm gonna pull it down to here and now I'm just going to make some shapes here so it's so what I'm going to have is a 4 by 4 square at the end I'm gonna do a rectangle do 4 comma 4 and then that is 19 so at 19 feet this square barely intersects the edges so it at 19 meters back it needs to be a full 6 wide so grab this scale I think I do 6m comma 6m go I'm gonna make that into actual and reverse all my faces first I'm gonna make it a group just to make it easier to place whoa whoa get my head on the bar okay we'll go this way and up like that see that so I just made it basically a tapering Square overlap it here and then what I'll do is I'll explode that I'll grab that intersect faces with selection delete this outside geometry guess I shouldn't have reversed my faces actually that I did that wrong but there we go now we got that round bar tapering down into a square end so a little different from what we did over here down here we actually I'd like a square ending on there this is actually that circle tapering into a bar or into us a square stock down the end cool all right I'm gonna right click and say orient faces to get everything facing the right direction grab this make component flyer axle I'm gonna cut it cuz I can just delete this paste that right here I'm gonna hop in I'm doing pre-assembly again pre assemblage so it looks like this end goes in here and then this thing I'm pretty sure this is magic I still don't understand how this thing functions and I'm really getting a whole lot of answers to any of my wonders yet based on how we're putting this together put this in along the red X is till it hits that and then this guy is gonna go here well I'm inside I'm doing some ghost assemblage go in here and then I'm gonna raise this vertically so it lines a center of this circle spot there okay that's we got thus far kind of cool I mean it's definitely a neat practice the stuff that we're working on is yeah it's probably a time safe it's it's a cool exercise in modeling like I just like modeling from plans like this because it is cool you don't get to make stuff you wouldn't think to normally draw but I don't know how what all is important to what's not that's probably in the assemble it okay so the fibers go into the orifice of this I'm assuming because this is this as a whole all the way through so that goes into there then out the sides and then over the hooks and onto the bobbin yeah I'll be honest I got lost with that description still understand is still magic as of now still magic all right let's import a couple more images we'll keep this thing rolling desktop we got to this guy right no no oh so small okay we did these first three so we're gonna grab this is a square nut and then these are the two hooks so really we have these two to import or two to model I'm go ahead and grab one of those there's the bobbin the app for mentioned Bob and somebody just mentioned this thing all right this has a hole all the way down the middle so my inkling again is to do a follow me with this so let's let's get it scaled make that in a group up in that group make sure there's no brake lines nope we're good this is a full-length 129 all right but there's one end it's gonna go 129 let's see how big is this circle circles 7 so I'm going to go this way three point four and then draw that line down here I'll come this way 17 OOP it's actually for this dimensions from the middle it's gonna go up 28 I'll draw an arc from there to here Oh nope that's the outside dimension so it's 11 the radius that's gonna come across some amount let's run that line long for right now cuz I don't know the full dimension this outside dimension right here is 90 all the way across so I'm gonna just draw a line straight up it is 45 and then I can draw this 20 back down like that so right here 3 and then this has a thing going on here where I got a 2 degree slope so I'm gonna grab this line right here and I'm going to option rotate it to degrees and then I'm gonna option no not from that end grab right here option copy it to this point which is nope today - yes here and now from here and come over three that I'm gonna draw a line along like this same thing here actually these are 24 degree rotation so I'm gonna grab right here rotate at 24 okay this one so my drawings not quite lining up with the dimensions that's okay because rather align two dimensions if I had the option and then at ten point five we would draw a circle I'm gonna draw it perpendicular to that edge till it hits the edge that should intersect and they think this is half half a bobbin I think I got all the pieces I'm looking at the ridges wanting to draw lines there but of course that's what the follow me will do all right so let's draw another circle right here grab that circle follow me with this shape get rid of that geometry there we go and there's that there's that little bit of a 2% angle right there and then comes up and runs flat so I'm gonna make that a new component Bob in that's good looking Bob and right there no of all the bobbins I've seen today all right I think this goes on - oops it wasn't that way oh yeah just spin around like this and I'm gonna start by aligning it to our axle and I'm gonna do that by grabbing at the top of the circle and line the top of the circle up with the middle of our square end here and it'll do the same thing horizontally grab it here and then that goes in there something like that cool it looks like it looks like it I mean definitely looks like a real thing kinda alright so like I said there's a square nut on here which I will probably just grab the dimensions off the PDF real quick twelve by twelve twelve by twelve by ten okay there we go I'll try to draw it in the orientation I need it so no I can't this there you go and then Oh guys gonna hear that slapping noise there's a piece of tape on the ceiling next to the duck that's smacking against the ceiling tile I thought the timer was pressure yesterday that's nothing appear to that annoyance sir we say in there no make that component rectangle nut which I'm going to take then I'm assuming this is like adjustable since this is threaded I mean I really don't understand what's going on at all here so that's what that's gonna be right now that's me right there and now we import one more piece our last piece is this thing this is like a straight-up machine drawing load all these Brady eyes and whatnots whosits and whatsits alright someone draw my line right here once again group them together hop in that group and dimension that as being 80 all right so now what we got here this is down 40 that's the 2032 and this is that apparently where that 12 inch nut goes so this is a six and then it should be ten deep and this is six so this would be three all right now we just got to get some just gotta pour some fanciness over the top I'm gonna turn my x-ray back on look at all the radios okay so I do have some some specific dimensions so this is 20 that's that right there this is in the middle here so I like the spirit of saying that this radius is based off a circle from the center of this but if I don't know where this is it really doesn't help me a whole lot I'm just supposed to oh because it's tangent - I got it okay so this is a radius of two so I'm gonna come over here draw a line up to draw a line over to draw a circle like that same thing here to circle okay so we got that which is so No [Music] wait a minute what is this dimension pulling from from this spot out in space this is back 10 I'm gonna make some stuff up now all right so I'm gonna come right here and draw a 1.5 Auto radius of three right three I'm gonna go from here here [Music] that there's actually a couple tangent tools that I know of okay so here's here's something this is three so this is twenty eight point six two here but I don't have dimension this way guess what I could do is I could come over here and then I could draw that circle the radius of five select it bring it back down here until it hits the surface so maybe it's not useless I didn't say useless nice too useless I didn't mean useless nothing's useless here right there we go oops no actually you want to just keep that three so my circle right there and follow me with that thing grab all of that soften it real quick reverse faces and make that a new component and that is that's the flyer world Horrell well duh oh okay so this this is something I have to do now that I've finished that I followed me what needs to be a square opening so I do want to come over here real quick so that's 12 but I want this to go up there you go and then push this I'm just gonna freak like that let saw the speck to get rid of those broken pieces boom alright so extra copy delete ctrl V to paste let's move that thing use x-ray you know never knew what a flier was before today but I gotta say let's break you're looking fly right there that's something I somebody who knows what it is probably like Oh so put wrong get it wrong all right I'm gonna grab all of this make it a component called already have one called flyer I do this is my flyer assemblage all right so now I got my wheel and my flyer it's time to do some speed woodworking we got to fly through some of this stuff I'm gonna I'm gonna clean up my you or modify my UI so that I can do as much of this as possible without having to import because I think a lot of this is gonna require me to import in everybody I'll shut up now that was dumb thing to say yeah this is a very specific step well we'll see by the end of the day maybe we will have a wheel and a flyer and a part of a frame we'll see we'll see what happens maybe we'll have another of a bonus session the middle of week next we can put the rest of the thing together but yeah I thought I was just gonna be able to well maybe I can't hold up this is mostly a rectangle all right let's give it a shot all right so first piece is 430 long and it is 52 okay and that whole thing is 30 tall you may hit out of the way okay so that's that ooh this has some angled holes oh this is so not the piece of cake I was expecting speaking of cake how you doing Colin I don't I want to give you a bloated head or anything but since you have been in the office nobody has brought me cake 26 or 13 there's another circle right here which these two are straight down circles 140 over this circle 18 outer so it's a 9 diameter there is more stuff going on here but I'm gonna come actually I'm doing right now so draw a line down the center this so the center lines with the center of that hole now I can make it's 52 so I'll go this way 26 and it's 26 please and it's 9 something to go up 4.5 I'll copy that copy both of those all right and then I can just push that through the other side grab all that intersect faces and get everything intersect faces with selection and then I can just delete that and then delete that like that all right so that gives me that slot I'm assuming something cool happens in here but it says square that goes all the way through and then these circles alright so from the bottom this first circle the center is a 55 you know that line I'm gonna draw it straight up to begin with now I'll select it and I'm gonna tip it over 15 degrees right because that's what 90 minus 75 is killing it well if they ended up on the forum and I accidentally downloaded I'm nobody's gonna fault me right that's right Eric's good with it yeah fire wait all right so what we need now so this this line is the angle of this piece right here so you see that so I have the line of the center of the circle what I need now is a circle that is 18 wide that goes along that and I could just subtract that or intersect that with a face the issue or it into right now of course is to draw a circle if I draw a circle right here that circle is not perpendicular to that line so I've done actually two or three videos on how to do this in different ways there's there's several different ways to do it in this one that what I'm going to do is temporarily change the axes so I grab my axis tool click it right here click my second line my redline on that that line now I can come up here and draw an in-plane line what was it so they draw it nine I can push pull that down like that and now I can right click on the axes and say reset and that's going to go back where it was now I can take this I'm going to reverse this face of just this piece it's like these three pieces intersect faces with selection and now I can delete delete delete and delete and that gives us our angled thing right there and I believe how nice is this that those are the exact same on both sides it's symmetrical so that means what I can do is I can come in here and I can go to the center I can create one of my little mirroring flags grab this geometry hit like my mirror tool kirik mirror option click right here and that'll copy right over to the other side and we have to force it to intersect so I'm just gonna draw an edge right there leave that same thing down here like that and there we go all right so the thing I was actually most excitable to leave that because I'm gonna copy something else the thing I was actually the most excited about on this was this detail right here at the end the way it rounds it off super cool so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna create like a half of a sphere and we're going to shove it on so it overlaps a portion here and then trim it all off so I'm gonna do that by so what do we have here it's the same we want to maintain okay so it's gonna go right from this point one point four down so I'm gonna do I'm gonna start with that I'm gonna put my circle right here nope that he also says remember these drawings are European and they're using oh I'm so unworthy let's continue here Dave alright these are gonna drop down to 28 from here all right I'm at that point I'll be off of you guys right now I got one of those things where I'm like there's a thing I want to do I don't know exactly how to do it right now so I'm gonna draw some reference lines right now to try to clarify for my brain what I'm trying to do because I think so actually once I just do this what do I get from this this is 30 right so 52 excuse me not 30 so that's 25 26 so if I come this way 26 all right so if I draw a circle right there [Music] and see this works first for to explain what I'm doing because this may be a catastrophic failure I like to prep for the worst and yet I'm an optimist all right someone take that follow me with that not a Harmsen sure how'd it intersected oh you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna do this I'm gonna go that's not big enough though is it it's only coming out to here I'm not thinking still the pain I'm gonna slide it all the way in still not it's not perfect though what I've tried that because this is a lot easier to do if I'm on a square I'm on a piece of square stock but because this is rectangular I'm getting hung up on hitting these things these spots right here but actually they don't have they can vanish so it doesn't have to be exact I can actually just pull this out a little bit bigger oh I think I overlapped some geometry a better intersect this thing now for a loose ball right whoa speaking of losing at all undo all right intersect faces with selection no I should be able to go like that that to leave this like this like this that dang it this I've made a mess because I didn't group that before I started dragging it all over and scaling it so I got these lines where it all pulled and gotten messy whoa whoa so you can clean it up I don't know what's going on right here why it's not closing let's look at some bin geometry all right there we go all right so the general idea there what should be happening so much sure how to align that not sure exactly how that should have aligned with the rectangle I saw this square you can pull it out to the corner we grabbed this geometry right here and I'm gonna use again cute mirror I still have my flag right here sitting just option click there come down here see if this goes let's see if this goes as easy as out oh gosh that me alright all right so now I get rid of this triple click make this a component this is base plank one and I'm gonna run salt inspector get rid of those little little lines I made all the way around there they just just that geometry joined together and then when I scaled it it pinched and made extra geometry so got rid of it pretty easy though okay so that's alright that was okay that was that's like 12 there's only 21 more pieces in the base so keep that speed up Oh put that thing going off to the corner that I wanted to meet it at yeah yeah awesome whoops just closed the forum can you do me a favor Dave and actually post those files right on the forum so I can just grab them just drop them right in here I can just download them right from here that would be awesome instead of I don't want to show my my direct message inbox to everybody now there's anything bad in there it's just it's it's a lot of stuff there's a lot of stuff in there all right let's move on with this Dave's gonna take care of the pillars so we will move on now to base plank - I wonder if I can reuse some of this I'm gonna copy this over the very least I'll use the end again and I'm gonna make this unique I'm gonna rename it not base plank one number one but base plank - and now we're gonna hop into this and the same thing we're just gonna work off of this reference image rather than so this is 55 from the bottom that's the same dimension this was a hundred and five but this says 105 is that 100 in 40 so I need to scoot that over 35 meters and it says it's 26 wide so it's bigger all right moving along this piece going quicker already it looks like it has the same oh it's the opposite so that's 52 this will be fun that's 52 cool so what we'll do is I'm gonna do this just gonna put a rectangle right here push pull that through that's going to cut off cut me off from this piece right here just triple click and delete that I'm gonna take let's see I grab this and ctrl C I'm just gonna make a copy of it over here you know demolition is fun and it's pretty easy it's when you have to actually be careful about what did I what did I do here I did something that's when you have to be careful when you're demolishing that let's say it's less fun but it's definitely not as much fun you know this is like demolition with a ball peen hammer rather than a sledgehammer it's selective destruction minimal destruction I don't I don't know all right so I'm gonna soften that now I don't know for sure but I'm gonna go out on a limb right here and I'm gonna say I assume that this spots into that I feel pretty satisfied right now like I should quit now all right let's hop over to so we're heading into legs now this is gonna be a crazy one because there's some crazy stuff going on with this thing but right now dave has shared his pillars awesome there we go what did you guys do while you were watching me model awesome thank you Dave all right I'm just gonna go ahead copy those and just paste them right in and set them there those are the fastest pieces I did all right I'm gonna give you like four that maybe we should do that would you guys be interested in that community event will do a live model with lots of pieces and people can just go grab pieces and model them and we'll just do do a big assembly maybe we'll do a huge Lego kit that way that becomes one all right this one I'm gonna import this all right so I'm gonna import the leg I just because the curves and stuff it's not quite as easy as this one so I'm gonna go import that wants you going to find it in all of my baby thumbnails that's this one right here all right so again get the biggest piece I can find the biggest dimension right here and then say that that is oops group it first I should shrink a little pull it a little too big I said I look like yeah that's about the right size for a leg all right I'm gonna start with a follow-me extrusion same as I've done before but you can see there's lots of modification to have an off-center circle here or a hole that goes off center and then an angle cut to the end now we got this little slot cut in the end down here so lots of good stuff stuff is happening this right here do we have dimensions that's the big question I suppose like this right here he's going to are these the holes that this goes into you seem too small no this is this is nine okay cool nine come this way 39 one of the dimensions that we have here okay so this we come this way 75 up 20 half of 27 13.5 just put the circles together yeah Lauren says to just eyeball the curves artistic oh I love it I got permission to happen I mean half way this thing all right let's say let's go from this point to this point call that boom do the same thing here here to the same spot if I came awesome pretty up those curves a little bit awesome I like it it's gonna work get rid of these extra lines isn't closed oh he's good right Circle again one more follow well if not one last follow me but another follow me where's my face is soft and smooth and then a couple things I got to do is wear take this chunk out of it first over nine takes me to the center I'm just going to draw that all the way top to bottom I need that there so that is one wide someone draw a line 0.5 this way drop it all the way down the same thing point five all the way up no over there are these extra lines up here get the line the middle and then I can push that in all the way back it does goes back 25 that's easy now on to less easier things lesser useless less easy all right make this a group because I didn't do I didn't do that with the circle and it ended up making things harder than they had to be so all I'm gonna do right now is get a rectangle like that I don't know that it's not a specific angle here so I'm just going to take it and their rotate this end so I got straight down from above I have a feeling at that we can clean that up once we put it in there and make it level with the ground but right now the reverse spaces explode that group intersect these two that was the easier of the two things and this guy right here I'd really don't know what to do I might come back and drilled that hole so it looks like I rotate that 50 degrees and then okay let's try it I would I would try I'm gonna make this group temporarily so section a that's this section right here is at 50 degrees from vertical so fight from I don't have a little point anymore this doesn't feel like a Friday activity at all so I take that and I rotate it well that's that's far less off than I thought it was going to be yeah I think I'm exactly what that's exactly how this thing Dave I was trying I was trying to just show off a little bit but I'm kind of thinking that yeah we put the legs in the base and then come back and put the holes in once we have the pieces to go there so that's what's going to happen all right all right so I'm going to take this without the hole make it a component call it leg cut it delete paste and now what we can do this whole assemblies upside down that's okay anybody remember angle it was 75 degrees from flat so that should mean from here I go down there 1590 plus 15 so 105 minus 105 oh because prior to believe this but the math thing is not my strong suit despite the repeat performance I had in high school algebra liked it so much went back for more despite that I can't say that math is the thing I'm best at wonder how far that should go through all right I'm gonna just make a copy that real quick then we'll get back to doing some more things it's actually kind of cool we rotate this one 90 degrees and then I'm going to line it up like so all right so right now Oh legs up here oh boy okay so I might have to rotate those a little bit so that cool so all I'm doing to rotate them I don't actually have a good center point right here so I was drawing a temporary line like that and then I can inference this face and hold down shift it lock into that face because not nothing's on taxis anymore this is very unintentional but you don't have a whole lot of on AXYZ geometry here bring that around to 270 all right one more we'll have a base of the base at the very least right well I have Dave Dave's pillars Dave's pillars are just going to save us we're going to just lock this thing in see if this goes to 270 also it's pretty sweet that's pretty cool yeah so we could come in here magnifico sweet that's pretty cool I don't know how far these go in they may have to slide anymore but but yeah but I don't know all right let's see how long should this take boom done let's see where do the pillars go done it done it done it did it done it oh here's the thing that's important here we go so the big pillar goes in the middle point and the small pillar goes got it let's see how good Dave is did you model these Dave so that they're the right dimension apart so they'll just slide right in oh I'm not really giving you a hard time I really appreciate you doing it oops oh no this upside down hold up alright I'm gonna slide down here real quick and then I grab this whole assembly there we go cut that down on there did you stick through a little bit you think that's short somebody saying somebody thinks that plank - Dave things plank - is off I'm not gonna argue instead I'm gonna go look he's ever had that happen where you're like get some resistance from like skin on table and then for whatever reason the slips free yeah hey how come heart Telkom powder my four hours before I start modeling for real like this all right so I have my whole length here being 290 so let's see what we have currently 241 okay all right so that's not right it should go oops nope I got and I'll slide those over while all those are selected okay that's could be better I mean I mean that is better than it was I think I don't really know what I'm making still so some of that is you know really knows it's the other piece that I'm trying to BA there's so many pieces this piece right here the truth no way this is a treadle pedal I don't buy it it looks like that's the next piece I need in the scene yeah yeah oh no I need this thing across here and the treadle pedal it's this assembly right here oh this is gonna actually so this piece is actually what's going to set where my holes go to but first I need this treadle axle and the treadle pedal yep I will say that as often as I possibly can so for this one I just have a tapering pin so I'm just going to go throw a circle on the ground make it's 4.5 I'm going to push it up to 80 let's select that top circle its scale [Music] scale uniformly around the center to 6 no three nope six meters there we go axel pin yeah we have to import that one all right I'm gonna get the treadle pedal and the treadle axle built and installed on the base and that's uh that's that's my goal for today that's where I'm gonna get to well that's pretty good I was kind of thinking this was an ambitious attempt but it was such a cool opportunity you know it was just a cool cool thing to try so let's get the treadle axle in here this is the treadle axle in which piece was the I was next one you're sixteen and right after that are you lost it so tiny that is not it that's a treadle bar you liar okay maybe I didn't do a screenshot of this one I missed the treadle pedal yes I am saying treadle pedal as often as I can because I really enjoy it all right I don't know if I didn't screenshot it or if it's in it's out of order but I'm gonna just go ahead and screenshot it again and then I can just import it all right let's get this thing built first thing again get my line segment in here keep saying Mike I say it anymore and then I see it all right so this section right up to here is round and then this part in here is square so I think what I'll do is just kind of do this as a big bulbous piece turn the whole thing and then just come back and chop this off where I want it to be square so I'm gonna start here go this way - I see 83 how big is this hole here six so I'm going to go up three and that's our overall overall dimension I'm only gonna model model 1/4 this actually in flip it so 26 is 13 that's our rectangle here back to here is 86 that's one piece this is 35 25 so let's this looks like let's see no just just throw a narc in there stop thinking about things I do that I guess so I'd playing there given those divots in there awesome awesome awesome looks good that's 10.25 drawn art from there to here alright then this is a hole so this actually as I was thinking for whatever reason I was thinking this was a slot like we had on the other one but it's not it is actually awesome so that piece is all we need follow me there grab all of that that too all right there we go and now we need to do is we need this the same mentioned 26 so let's go just like your great okay up 1313 is half of 26 go this way 26 down try 626 and then I can go back up here I take that and extend it I actually don't have to go the whole way I only need to extend into this block right here and get rid of this and I can get rid of this and I can grab this it's facing the right direction right now alright this and explode it intersect face with selection that go all right that's cool almost there we have a slot in here that is 10 inches deep 48 inches at the top it's actually not enough information here no thing to model this exactly right in the right spot but we can get it we can we can put the geometry and shift it once we actually make the pedal and put the pedal in there that'll be the treadle pedal in case you guys were lost what that was so when you go to play 24 come this way 48 and then draw a line down from both ends like this and I'm gonna take that and rotate it 30 degrees and rotate this 130 degrees as well and I'll use my my depth gauge here my 10 right there get that like that explode that going to hide that actually I think I do have enough information here it says that this angles at 30 or at 69 degrees so 90 minus 69 is 21 degrees this I believe that's close Somnath I don't love it but I draw the line from here to here and I grab those at the middle of the line and align that to the middle of this line that puts that centered I don't know what's supposed to be centered it looks like it supposed to be centered according to this somebody's asking why I don't use guides I don't think it's a bad habit to get into it's just never a habit I got into I'm like many users self-taught and as I was teaching myself I just didn't use guides so it's not a I think guides are great and they're a nice nice thing to use the nice thing about guides is they don't break your geometry which is something that lions do to draw a line you're going to threaten to break another line or a surface so guides are kinda nice because they don't do that I just never really gotten a habit of using them so I never really use them just because I never made a habit out of it if I wanted to break something or find a dimension I just drew a line over the top of it so it's just kind of kind of how I learned to you Sketchup whew this is gonna be a fun one okay drop this down no symmetry here baby all right there's that line this line comes down 56 back trying to go just off the dimensions I have take this 21 degrees again I can grab that line straight across from here pull it back to the hits and that puts that line right there no math Inge that's right I refuse to take that over 245 no actually when we go to 18 but that's okay that can stay there to 18 right here just draw a line to reference where I'm at 25 draw some circles all I'm doing is I'm just whatever the radius is I'm drawing a line down from the dimension and drawing a circle back up to the point I can't just came from just to give me that that arc to work off of there is there are tools out there like Tigs tangent tools make it awful easy to do this kind of stuff and pull those tangent lines off I'm being a little more relaxed due to time it's especially important to get get a hold of tools like that if you're gonna do something like machining work because then you end up with a lot more you know important as far as I can tell this is a foot pedal and most the details on here fairly superficial but you do have something like you're exporting for a CNC or something like that where your arcs and tangents have to be right there are tools to do that I played with a couple of them and they're definitely uh it's pretty cool it's cool the geometry in motion 2.5 2.5 lead all this extra geometry so yeah I get it I mean I could have definitely grabbed the tape measure and pulled guides off there I try you know I mean hey I I save a lot more than I normally do so I'm learning still I do have to just get better at that I need to be a little better at how thick is this thing Oh 10 using guides because they are they really are cool tools I didn't realize for the longest time what a big time-saver guides can actually be 62 degrees from flat let's go take this this rotate them up to 62 degrees and I think what I'll do just grab this one make a copy back here to 116 this one I can't start I have to start it past the end so I'm just going to drag line from here 1/16 back to here that gives me with the points to copy this too and this one I want to reverse I'm reversing it so the the Giambi is left over is facing outwards I want to flip it afterwards in your sex face with selection and then I'm just going right now just put some geometry in there to close it up and I'll come back to that in just one second and know that was looks pretty good it does have a little bit of a angle here and see that that kind of cut back I'll emulate something like that maybe just by that that would be easy enough to loft but it's already 3:15 ooh geometry the bottom got ugly all right let's this is my treadle pedal I honestly can't say why I'm enjoying that so very much but I assure him okay so if you ever have this happen you're lonely get out of the group phone to copy it or cut it get it back out here so what happened was at some point I moved something and it broke the geometry I'm guessing this is actually all still planar so these are all just extra lines you can go through and delete it like that the other thing you can do is you can actually use the extension clean up and just say merge faces and it'll put all that back together a lot of times if you do something like import certain geometry like STL's where there it's a triangulated mesh so you end up with a lot of triangles sometimes like it's a flat surface like this will be broken down into the triangles because of holes that's a great spot to use clean up as well because that's exactly what clean up does it gets rid of that extra geometry all right I'm gonna throw this in here cuz I'm excited about this for a reason I still don't fully understand rotate it 90 degrees also 90 degrees that's why I mean try it again hmm that's close it's close but it's not exact well I'm gonna delete this file and quit I want it to be so much better than that but it still is pretty cool it was close it was close this is probably a spot where what I would end up doing is probably modifying the knotch actually what what I would probably do would be this this makes the most sense to me go like this this is not making sense because everything's out of plane you guys give her I'm going all right I would do this and then make sure that this geometry is vertically exactly the same and then horizontally same thing all right and then assuming these are both solids this is not a solid assumptions wrong there we go now what I could do is I can actually just use this as a cutter go grab my solid tools again and trim that one I'm gonna lose my components nests though so let's see yeah so that gives me ah that piece exactly will fit inside there but like I said one of the problems is this is fine you can actually use a cutter and it will rename it but because this head is the piece that was cut it's not called solid group so I want to do is gonna say make component I'm gonna call it the treadle axle that crap that was wrong what was this thing called that was oh I miss I called it a the original one I call the tree a ttle axle so we'd have to worry about that one so here's a tree a ttle axle which is now solid also okay yeah probably good time save absolutely right Toby all right so now I think what happens let's go let's go take a quick peek at the plan hmm that was an odd thing to do nice we hop all the way down here we're way down way down so it looks like those axles these are pounded into those holes and then those holes are what make our actually treadle bar is that what that was where's this gwizdo singer here that's an axle pin that's different from a treadle bar that almost got messy right there let's go find a quick picture of a treadle bar axle pin messing with me pindy aids well now I don't believe this exists Oh there it is it's a 6 meter circle of 90 meters long all right so I'm gonna grab that I'm going to place that using x-ray into here all the way down the end make a copy of that all right I'm gonna grab this whole assembly now and make it into a temporary group like that don't think it goes between those two goes somewhere else you too far apart ah yeah okay so if looking like this this whole thing turns to some obscure angle okay so what I could do here to find the angle is maybe go a line like here to here and then I can go to grab my protractor 52 point three degrees from horizontal so start by spinning the whole thing like this fifty two point three and that quake all right so I'm gonna rotate it from the top of the pin right back over oh look at that it doesn't actually make it all the way through guess that makes sense that's cool just gonna draw a line right here so I can slide it in plane as soon as you go to slide geometry that you're actually moving as soon as you move your reference moves so you kind of lose it but by drawing a line over the top I can actually slide along that line like that so close whenever working this half a screen that's where I'm at that's where I'm at right now half a screen in I'm wondering oh no it's not quite gonna fit okay anyhow it doesn't matter now I'm just doing stuff there's that pedal in place so what I could do at this point I'm actually not it's not perfectly aligned I think how I would line that up I'd put some reference geometry and based off the center of these guys right here or the circles at the top right now I mostly feel okay just kind of doing that what if this is all the way inside yes no pins picking poking out right there pointing out you guys understand what I'm talking about peaking peaking out all right so that's kind of how that all happens I'm pretty sure this thing rotate 90 degrees goes something like here maybe manhood we've already except for this or not I don't know maybe it doesn't go there I have no idea actually seems like it makes less sense and then this guy probably goes somewhere up here or something I'm not I'm not looking at the assemblage instructions at this point so stuff some way that I don't know yeah it's I mean it's definitely more of a spinning wheel than a thing that it's not take that for your daily dose of that inspiration the crank goes on the other side Dave's actually paying attention to what's going on right now okay see it's not it's not quite wide enough to make it all the way with got interference I'm failing the interference check but anyhow yeah we're we're stepping towards something this is the thing this is the thing we built it's really something so guys much fun as this is I think I think we're there for right now we could goof around for another half an hour but can't see any major steps happening going forward but it's pretty cool I mean this is the I had the same problem when I did the steam engine if you guys remember it was it was an awesome model it was super cool it was a lot of fun but it was I can't remember 100 plus pieces it was a lot of pieces and I just couldn't get them all done in three hours three and a half hours same thing here a lot of very specific pieces going together weird angles so yeah this is this is a start I'm a I'm not gonna post it like this I may be in all the free time now that the Millennium Falcon's done I'll just whip together the rest of this thing so maybe next week if I if I have some time I'll I'll wrap this up and post it but yeah I'm not probably going to post it well we'll see if I don't get a chance I'll put it up it's better to have something up there than nothing but we'll see how that goes turn the flyer 90 degrees Oh does it go in here when why but it goes like this huh now the funny thing is I'm speculating on how this all goes together and I have actual reference imagery not-not-not more than a click away so I'm like something like that is that my clothes line up with the holes in the treadle is that so this thing down here oh so this is probably this probably connects up to here and as you step it does the thing where you've yeah yeah this Madhwani on youtubes reminded me that this is this kind of feels like putting together a something for my kia and I got this little guy over here just just push that behind the couch pretend you didn't have that piece oh yeah this is uh this is definitely cool thank you for I don't remember who had the original idea it was it was on a live stream and somebody suggested this like I said they actually suggested a very specific piece from another from a specific manufacturer which I was not able to get good information on but yeah good idea this was this was great [Music] maybe what I'll do is I'll post this with the WIP on the end and a link to those instructions and I'll put it up well I'll just I'll save this and I'll throw it up on the forum that's what I'll do this will go to the forum the final I won't put on two three warehouse until it's actually done so that's what it'll work so because I know somebody out there is waiting to say something about using m/s physics to make it actually move and you can go for it that's that's all you guys turn the fire another 180 degrees oh man so as it go on the other side of this vertical part is this over here oh yeah that seems to make more sense no that's in the middle of a thing now all right I'll look at the image hold on arguing with myself so close I just go to the very top oh so yeah so this see that's that's pretty cool that's oh no it's on the wrong so I got you rotate 180 degrees that goes something like that that goes higher up and over a bit there we go we're getting there guys something like that so this there's another bar that goes across here that that connects up - that's pretty cool you know and as I was looking this I didn't look through the final assemble edge instructions but see this stick right here I'm pretty sure that's just a walking stick that sling he gets bingo cuz I couldn't find a way to actually connect that I couldn't actually just kind of seems to be leaning out here but it's a cool looking thing and that'll be it that would be a fun follow me too but so that's what I'll do I will I will take this put it on the forum so anybody who wants to play with what has been created so far is more than welcome to try to take this across the finish line if I get a chance I'll try to wrap it up and post it on warehouse in the course if I do that I will try to remember to put a link in to the forum as well special thanks this week to Dave Richards who modeled these two pieces if let me show you what look like a day wasn't here less impressive good day so thank you very much Dave that was awesome I appreciate you watching out for us Nerys said they were the one who originally asks for it I'm hope you liked the model hopefully this gives you enough information to tackle the specific model you were looking at and that thing was dis staff so yeah so sometimes I take dis staff and I leaned his staff against this spinning wheel that how works anyhow yeah I think we're there so thank you guys so much for for coming and hanging out I know some of you were here yesterday and today so that's that's a whole lot of Sketchup live you guys are awesome appreciate that a lot and we had we actually had some quite a few people watching today that was pretty cool and sorry for that we had that a little hiccup in the middle where all of our all of you went away I was I felt like I was alone so thank you very much if you guys have ideas for things you think would make cool models fun models go ahead post those something with maybe say 15 fewer parts and what we just did right now that would be cool we're also looking for a topic for an organic model we tried I tried to organic modeling every every I don't know six six or so times anything what would make a cool organic model if you guys can think of something cool thy swooping shapes some subdivision or artisan kind of stuff leave comments down below on what you think will be cool otherwise thank you very much you guys have an awesome weekend have a great week next week we will be right back here on Friday modeling something watch for social media that's it that's how I find out what a modeling tool I go look on Facebook and figure out what I got to figure out for Friday's well we modeling something else I just don't remember what it is off the top of my head so thanks for joining us we'll see you next week I'll leave the chat live so if you guys do have an idea what make a cool model go ahead leave it there otherwise you can hit us up on on social media you can head into the forum you can comment on YouTube video we appreciate ideas anyway they come in so thank you guys very much have an awesome weekend thank you to Eric Eric thank you for for watching the comments for us that there's all those links all those times has said Sketchup that was actually so thank you guys have an awesome weekend we will see you next week you
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Views: 34,204
Rating: 4.9276018 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model
Id: 1LF-lQ_X7so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 22sec (13522 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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