Modeling the Empire State Building in SketchUp

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all right hello guys how are you doing hello France Iraq Dave India you guys are all doing well this Friday I just be honest with you I'm flying solo I'm here I'm by myself so if I get behind on responding or forget to look up I apologize advance got a little of an echo right now is happening there we go all right all right let's let's say hi to a couple more people Gambhir welcome back studio cue Dwayne hey Dwayne how's it going Wow yeah lots of Iceland that's that's oh no authority how are you doing you've been here before Michelle's here somewhere in Boulder South Africa San Antonio Texas have people from all over the place chiming in alright so here's here's the idea whoa su Yosh says it's 11:30 p.m. in India way to go that's commitment that's that's uh that's dedication right there I appreciate that yeah so again just let me know if something doesn't sound good doesn't look good I will well let me acknowledge that there's a problem I can't guarantee I'll be able to fix it but I'll do my best I'll do what I can so we're gonna oh whoa Ivan had to one-up you there he said it's 202 a.m. in the Philippines that he's viewing so he you helped you held that latest title see Josh for a couple minutes and then it got swiped by Ivan so to me brother's likes what I do thank you very much hello in Portugal Fabio Red Sea it's was that 8 p.m. in France 2009 something like that yeah so it's it's night I get it you guys are staying up late I better make this worth it I hear every word you're saying gotcha again I will respond to what you say not necessarily do anything about it no I'm kidding we're gonna have a good time we're add some fun so on that note let's let's make something so I did do something you worked out pretty well last time I got a somebody asked if I could post the marrows I was having a problem with curved aloft and somebody said why don't you post that model in the forum and I did and not only did a lot of people go back to that model that thread after the post but actually during the post a lot of people went and check stuff out and it worked out really well so I got ahead of the curve and I actually created a we can actually take a look at her right here I created a topic beforehand live modeling the Empire State Building so we can actually hand off files and that kind of thing from here so if you guys come up with a good reference photo for a section I'm working on something like that you can go ahead and post it right in this thread and I will be able to take a look at it so with that let's go ahead and hop in here so that the Empire State Building was actually a recommendation somebody asked for it during one of our threads so I went and looked up theirs it is a cool looking building it's got a couple of new parts that the nice thing about is it's not like a lot of size scrapers it's not the exact same profile all the way up but it is symmetrical the left right front back doing more or less mirror each other but I figured rather than just modeling a big clump we can do a little better we can actually go in and maybe 6 moments in there make each floor component repeat them that sort of thing I think that'll be it'll be pretty cool it'll be an interesting model it'd be a big model and that was the other thing let's model a life size let's make this a nice big model the other thing that's really cool is this thing right here this is the mooring mast so the top I can remember how many floors are actually like a stairway and there's a dirigible mooring mast up there so you could you know flyer Zeppelin up and just connect up to the Empire State Building so I don't know if it ever happened or not I'm not sure what the whole timeline on that and the Hindenburg thing was but it's there it's it's what it's for it's actually called the mooring mast in the plans so we're gonna actually throw that on here - and we'll Ambala that's it's cool because like I said it's it's got these cool wing shapes and it's almost octagonal like it's the top suppose being a rectangle most the way up so it'll be a fun model just want to let you guys know we do listen to which you asked about a smiling sometimes like I said we get those general ideas which is awesome those are nice and then when you guys come up with specifics we do listen to those too so hopefully this is gonna be a good one we'll see it really comes down to how well the the plans gonna work for me so speaking of plans let me show you guys what I got so I went and downloaded a bunch of images and I was able to find she's like on a museum website or something like that but these look like these could be the original plans for the Empire State Building so here I have the the ground floor 197 foot 5 inches by four hundred and twenty four foot nine and a half inches so it's big it's a it's a big building so I wanna see how well these plans work out for me well we'll just see what happens and that will start so I'm gonna just with that I am going to hop in so to zoom out a little bit and there's a couple pictures I want to bring in I want to bring in I might bring this first one and I'll see how it looks as a watermark one of the one of the images is the profile so that it shows how many floors between the changes in profile that kind of thing and elevation would be that with movie a thing let me do this let me let me actually hop over here anybody who wants to follow along and I can just upload what I got right here so if you want to copy these just hop on to our forum and I will throw up I'll just throw up everything I got you know how to context that could have come across as not too Pleasant I'm going to upload everything I got all right there you go those are all the images that I have so hop in take a look like I said some of these are old pages that's really cool and then one at one towards the end is more of a modern illustration visualization kind of thing and I can't vouch for how well any of this lines up to the real Empire State Building I've been in the Empire State Building did not have my tape measure on me at the time so I'm assuming this is all gonna line up about proper so with that let's let's assume it's all perfect assumptions are fun all right cool so yeah so I've one of these images I'm gonna go to my Styles and I'm gonna go to my watermark and I'm gonna upload bring one of these images in try Mary which one almost let's try this illustration look like it was fairly clear mmm that's not quite useful I can't really read that so this is where two screens come in very useful so I what I'll probably end up doing is actually just hopping back and forth between reference images or I may import them one at a time and throw them on the ground so I'm gonna do that right now I'm gonna start by importing my floor one import that and slide it over I'm just use it as a reference appreciate that comment on the green screen Jerry actually threw a big hot light in my face and that seems to help with the green screen a little bit fortunately does make it rather warm in this room that is not known for its air conditioning so if I start sweating it's not because I'm nervous it's because I'm hot there we go if John Hagan says in September 1931 a privately-owned dirigible docked for a mere three minutes in a 40 mile per hour wind and there's the history of docking with the Empire State Building and this I'll just throw us out now this is my space mouse from 3d connection this is the space Mouse enterprise not a requirement for Sketchup but if you do a lot of presentation or a lot of modeling it's worth checking out because it is a big time-saver so all right with that I'm gonna scoot mark over you can help us keep scale all right we're gonna start with a rectangle so I'm gonna grab my rectangle tool start this lower left corner and start dragging out like this I'm gonna type in for 24 nine point five wait yeah for 124 feet nine point five comma 197 feet space five cool all right there's our ground floor now what I got to take a look at because if I import the next one this is what I make a joke about how it pretty much built itself from here floors 2 through 5 look like this second to the fifth floor so they are well how about that they're the same good could have saved a page there couldn't yet 1 through 5 my only question is I wonder if I don't know if they're different heights so this is where I do want to I'm gonna hop over here and open up this illustration again I know this is modern this isn't the original plans I get it but here you go so the first five floors account for seventy three foot six and of course you can tell from this picture they don't look like they're all the same height but we're gonna well we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna wing it we're gonna do some stuff all right so this is the important part all right so seventy three point six inch seventy three foot six inches so I'm going to just start with that how to put seventy three points no seventy three point five feet all right and I'm gonna fright now I'm just gonna group that I was thinking about how how best to approach this because like I said it is symmetrical left and right front and back are the same so this is actually a perfect opportunity to model just a quadrant so if I just mount I'm only I'm only gonna worry about the exterior I didn't find interior plans I'm not gonna go and put into your walls and we only have a couple hours so what I was thinking about is starting with a mass so I want to start with just get the shapes in there get the heights get that the profiles in and I build my way up first then maybe come back and actually model the floors as because I could do some arrays of windows that sort of thing and then actually build those as components that would repeat themselves so it'll be a bigger model but if we modeled it all out with components it should be fairly quick and it should stay pretty snappy pretty pretty easy to maneuver through so so I think that's what I'm going to do so I'm going to so this is my first five floors I'm gonna do one more thing I'm gonna double click in here and I'm gonna draw a line at the middle and another line across like that just to indicate where the center is because as this builds up it does all work around the middle so the next floor the sixth floor is going to actually have a different profile but it's going to come off of that middle point so I'll do that I'm gonna go grab plan number four some import oh hey you know what I should do I can't believe that I'm 15 minutes in and I haven't seen the S word come up from you guys what is it come on help me out here it's under file I'm gonna save this this was kind of funny because I was typing Empire State Building as I was I was making plans for this model and we're trying to get ahead on what we're posting so we're actually trying to come up with multiple ideas we'll be a little little ways ahead so it's not a lot of times we come up with the ideas of what we're gonna model on say Monday Tuesday of a week so we try to get ahead of some here and so I was downloading some reference images and put them in a folder that said ESB Empire State Building that's where that came from case you guys couldn't crack the code of my my shortening the name but another thing I was looking at because I found some cool machining I found the site that had these cool machine images or machining images so like plans for machining things and one of the things they had was lightsabers and they had you know plans for machining a lightsaber hilt and I downloaded one of those and it was Luke's ESB lightsaber so immediately my Empire State Building and my lightsaber their names conflicted I thought that was kind of funny of it I was afraid of the two fairly different things to model but they ended up with the same name in my folder I enjoyed that story I don't know if you guys had me enjoyment there but yeah so maybe that's a shadow of things to come anyhow focus I'm gonna go ahead and import my next image and here's where we're actually gonna we're actually see some stuff here this is where we get to floor 6 and alright so now we actually have we got a profile we're doing some things here I think what I might do is I'm going to start with a rectangle that is this bigger shape and then we'll go in and not notch it out yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and grab another rectangle I'm gonna hit the modifier key so I'm gonna draw it from the center I'm gonna line the center up with this point right here I'm gonna pull it out here and remember my numbers this is never gonna work all right 3:09 8 by 1 6 4 8 I can remember that alright so we go 309 foot 8 comma 1 64 8 alright there's my next rectangle so I'm actually gonna scale this way up see those those numbers alright again I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna try just drawing a quadrant this time see how that works depends on what my numbers look like so fifteen foot six down we come here fifteen foot six and that is 37 four and that goes up and then it was very apparent that I'm only doing a quarter okay sigh lest I forget all right so from there that comes across 71 six so you come down fifteen foot one that amazes me it's something the size I know sighs skyscrapers or you know big buildings like this or a thing they're not like weird or anything but it surprises me that there's such small increments in them I don't know why I don't know why that surprise to me it probably shouldn't I guess I just think if you're building something as big as a skyscraper a big huge building like this keep everything rounded too big and determine increments right everything a foot or more all right so to flip this to mirror this I'm just gonna hit mirror flip it over like that I'm going to delete that and then grab this shape same thing and go to mirror or I'm sorry rotate flip it over so one of the issues I'm going to run into here working off of the this shape down below it has this X in the middle notes I'm using it intentionally but if I just come in here just swipe across this line to erase it of course I'd erase that group also so what it might do is as I work my way up I'll just lock each of these levels that way I'm not going to worry about messing with them at all so with that and I'll have my shiny let's call it shiny look at that shininess it's so shiny alright I need to push pull that up now so now hop back over here 177 foot six one seventy seven foot six alright and once again before I close this up I'm gonna put my ex in here triple click make it a group and then I'm going to again lock it alright I don't actually need these pages to stay in the model but I'm just gonna hold on to it for the time being in case I I come back in here so next one is a 21st floor file import twenty-one all right so same thing it's got a profile it comes in here you do the same thing I'm gonna scale that way yeah you know it's funny how spoiled you get by the tools you use the fact that you know my normal at my desktop I had my laptop and an external monitor and anytime I do I kind of modeling like this have my reference on one screen and then Sketchup on the other and not having it you can definitely feel it so you got to come up with unique solutions like this skill you're drawing till it's you know a city block wide all right another rectangle gonna start from the middle hit the modifier key to draw from the center and this one's gonna be four twenty four foot nine point five comma what's the height on this thing 164 eight something went not right there oh I use this number undo all right second tries a charm let's do that again 235 comma 164 foot eight third see I had to go and try to make my own thing up there by saying second tries a charm because everybody was the third tries to charm so now I'm on my third try third tries the only chance I get doesn't work I just have to call it a day foot 164 foot 8 yeah all right we did it so with this I'm gonna go ahead and draw my quadrant lines again so I can get rid of all the rest of this stuff all right so this is my quadrant this seems I'm assuming that they're not telling me what this dimension is because it's the same yeah ninety-two feet so I can draw a rectangle right here and just get rid of this piece and then over here I come this way what do we got seventy one foot six that's this that's all the way the outside edge and then it comes down 53 foot two and steps in two foot five inches and I'll bring that down alright so that is my quarter profile so I can real quick copy copy get rid of these lines on the inside and I'm ready to push pull that up Jim I would need a quarter dimensions if I was drawing from the center only drawing quarter which is actually or half dimensions that's what I could do Jim called out that I should use half dimensions if I drew from the center this way then use half and half I drew it from the center out so I didn't need to do the math that's that's really where that all came from all right this is coming up 49 foot six that was a short one all right draw my lines in there to keep it lined up again make that a new group and lock it and then scale this image back down so once again as I'm flying through here doing this this is never the only way to do it this is never there's not only one way to use Sketchup this is just what I think of at the time so if you guys want to yell out a better way to do something or give me a tip like Jim Jimmy just gave me I I love it please please help me alright so here we go that was up to level 24 now we're level 25 to 29 scale that way up bring her up here and one more rectangle not one more one of a few more rectangles let's see if I can get this one on the first try prep myself okay 230 foot 2 comma 134 foot 6 nailed it all right yeah that makes sense like see it lines up right there all right so raise extra lines around the outside and then draw my quadrant so let's see what do we got on this one we got at 22 yep so I'm gonna come over 22 feet and from that point where that point is I'm gonna come down 19 foot 6 almost a square all right so there's there's my quarter profile once again real quick I'm just using the arrow keys to snap to the green axes option key to copy flip it over grab both these red arrow key option key to copy let it snap and there's our next profile all right let's see how tall that one is 63 alright once again oh no our lines first my registration points would you would you buy that sounds my key points I don't know what you'd call that center point origin middle crossing lines all right I want to make that a new group and I am going to again lock it shrink that down and then import 33 at one at a there's a point at which all right it's a three yeah okay there's a point at which I couldn't find any more pages because after a certain height it just turns into a rectangle and goes all the way up so I think that might be after this layer all right so I'm gonna say rectangle again option clicking in the middle start pulling it up and what I do when I draw rectangles I can never there's rules to it but I can never remember which way is going to be which which is the first mention which is a second so usually draw out a long skinny rectangle and look at my dimensions in the lower right corner let's see that'd be right down there and look at what the bigger dimension is so right now it says 166 foot by 41 foot so I know that this is the longer dimension so put my 185 foot 10 in there and make sure to mention of 134 foot 4 second well somehow I drew an arc that's who is paying attention was I was trying to tell you guys something and didn't pay attention to what I was doing I started again 185 foot 10 comma 134 foot for C second choice tries a charm like I said [Music] all right I'm gonna let you down this one given that it only comes in on one side I'm just gonna draw that shape so I'm gonna come this way sixty six foot one draw my line down 19 foot over fifty three foot eight and then back up and then just take that shape from the center point here that over and then I can just delete this extra line on the outside like that and I got my eye shape there alright so that was level thirty thirty to seventy first floor 502 feet six inches 502 foot six you know maybe it's just that I'm not used to working on things of this size but I would like soon as they had a hundreds of feet I get kind of like food you know kind of goose-bumpy that's it's a big number that's a big piece of a building there all right so I happen to have I do have another monitor here with the forum open and the top image on the forum is the elevation imagery and it looks like it has this step here the first couple floors the steps up comes in there's a little teeny step there and this and then it goes all the way up and then it looks like that's where it starts that's where the rectangles at as opposed to H phile probably next time time save I will go ahead and get my little point here registration I'm going to make that into a group and lock that as well all right so we've got a whole bunch of lock geometry right now scale this back down those are the only planned pages I have anyway how big these would be I mean that's like look at mark here it's like the size of a be a big piece of paper laying on the floor alright so there we go [Music] I'm gonna flip back over to my image here zoom out just a touch so that takes us up to the 71st floor all right yeah now it looks like we do have some change in profile but I believe I'm gonna go open another I'm gonna go open another picture because this one right here doesn't have any dimensions on it awesome it looks like I've got eighty six foot ten of a smaller profile well or a hundred and eight you know whatever you feel best about all right I'm gonna throw this out to you guys yeah all right so see that's where that rectangle comes up that was a spot I was thinking of that goes up for well that looks like it shrinks again they may have any good anybody come across any good pictures of that they could throw up on the forum working me dimensions I see know what this floor what the the shape of this floor is I have an inclination I have an idea of what I would like to do there but I'll give an opportunity for the right solution to present itself first but basically so we have a rectangle that comes up here 59 new right here right so a hundred and eight feet my thought is something like this I take if it was to do something like that that would give me that shape which gives me the same dimension around to kind of feel like that's what I want to use there and of course we're just doing the initial massing right now so we can always come back and change that but that goes up I say 108 feet that was unimpressive that didn't seem like a very big push-pull that has 180 feet though all right so from there we have an one more profile East where it shrinks down again no just a group so that goes up to there so we do have there is a smaller section again Oh what if that's on the mooring image that I have haha nope that is just the that's just from here so I still have this 80 no this 81st floor to 85th floor so that 84 floors here like they're smaller well here's what we could do we're going to use the tools that we have available to us I'm going to go ahead and file I'm gonna actually I'm gonna get rid of these pages right now and file in Port and I'm gonna pull in that desktop that I was just looking at the one I was pulling up the vertical dimensions off of and I'm gonna scale it draw a nice big dimension I'm gonna go let me use this 502 foot six just draw a line right on that dimension line come and drag grab a group together that image and the line I just drew make it a group enter that group I don't want to resize anything on the outside so I don't resize the rest of my model I just want to resize what's in here I got in the tape measure I'm clicking from here to here and telling it that is five over two foot six all right so you can see we got two right here and now I could actually see what is this dimension right here we'll say it's six feet and because I don't know any better I'm going to offset symmetrically pull us in six foot and that goes up oh that's why that goes up 59 feet and then another 17th foot 17 foot floor this would be the penthouse I say that's 4 feet don't do the same thing I'm just an put another rectangle right here offset that four feet whoops I didn't lock it didn't lock the last last group locking is a temporary thing - in case you guys have never used that it's not gonna stay locked forever 17 foot I would be the penthouse I believe and then 404 more feet again I just mean that's it's crazy right that is - here I'm gonna take that make that group and lock it and then I'll draw another rectangle and this one's just gonna be a placeholder I'm gonna offset for feet again and then offset push pull that up 404 that was not that was on before that was inches okay there we go and I'm gonna grab this because so we know we'll be doing stuff up there alright so that is are massing that is our initial massing of the entire thing make that a group also alright and I'll just for fun I'll go ahead and lock that too okay so now what we can do now we can start working our way up with a little bit more dimension and I do mean a little bit of dimension we're gonna go in we're going to put some detail in here I'm not going to go crazy with the detail just because I'm mostly good at time I mean this this would definitely be a fun building to spend some time on to really dig into but right now I'm just gonna focus on just getting a model in the time we got so I'm going to start with the lowest level and I'm going to unlock it and enter the group I don't need to see the rest this model right now so I'm gonna go to component high dress-up model I no longer need these lines alright so first thing I can do is this is let's see 1 2 3 4 or 5 so we have 5 floors here so I'm gonna take this edge and I'm going to divide the edges I wasn't the thing to do divide that into five pieces that was an extension I don't know we know what extension that was you know sometimes when you download a lot of extensions it's kind of like a surprise you Sketch up like oh here's the thing you didn't know you had I think that looked like a Fredo UI so I think I got that from Fredo I'm not sure anybody recognized that little thing that came up then click on it again so I was I was shooting for regular sketch of divide but I had this divided edges in here also yeah so these these colors make me think it's Fredo but I don't know it could be he has a couple things are like tool boxes where you download one thing you get a whole bunch of other stuff so that could be anyhow so these are my these were my floors are gonna be you know I actually jumped the gun there when I deleted those extra lines because really if I'm gonna go do quarters I'm gonna build this as optimally as possible I'm really only going to model well not even this much I'm really only my create a component that is actually this much this component then we'll repeat vertically and mirrored this way mirrored this way so this is actually the piece that I want to put together so what I need now is some kind of reference that tells me a little bit more about what these floors look like so yeah this is kind of what I was thinking okay gets a little bigger so it looks like this is the middle here here's the middle we got some kind of like pillar shapes and then windows inside of them so I figure out how many to do here over here 1 2 3 4 5 6 well you throw my count all off with this fancy it's a fancy detail here like like they had no consideration for the fact that I would be looking at this decades after was built on a screen trying to model in less than 2 hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 it's about 21 divisions hmm so how should we do this okay so divide extensions is part of the fredo toolbox so fredo tools yeah I appreciate that because I did I think I put that I I was actually looking for another thing and I saw that I'm like oh free Oh tools I probably need that I think I downloaded it installed it and obviously forgot about it so anyhow less stalling more talking all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start at a high level of detail I'm going to I'm gonna break this line right here I'm going to divide that into 10 pieces and then I'm just curious I want to see how that increment interacts over here on this side not well not well so when I come up with a single component I could just slap in there and then use all the way around but this is obviously going to be something a little bit different okay so I got this and it kind of looks what happened like what happens is in each of these I have like a column a column a small column between and then - and a window in between each others so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to with these kind of bigger numbers bigger shapes so I'm going to come over this way 3 foot oops I'm gonna come back in one foot and over here same thing three foot go back in 12 inches all right and at the middle come out here and I'm going to come over to foot shape right here I'm gonna come back this way 24 all right and this now is going to be my front elevation thing I'm a stickler for exact names and also I'm pretty sure when they built the Empire State Building front elevation thing was a term they used as well all right and then come here I'm gonna come down 24 inches I'll come up 36 inches copy that over this way and then I will push that in another six inches all right so that now I'm gonna call that my front elevation we know all right now I'm gonna grab that point to offset it once X 9 total and that should give me there's the front of the building I'm just gonna pull that mass on the inside back I want the front of this this I want my out to my elevator my actual dimension to come to the front right there I don't want it going off on the side all right now I want a similar elevation or a similar block component for the side right but it can't be exactly the same because if I take this as well I was looking at before if I just offset that across there five times whatever it ends up not quite in the middle of this one so and again I don't have a solid image of the opposite side I'm gonna make some things up because that's why I'm making things up is because let's see let's see how can we possibly remedy this if I was to grab all of the people here and let's push this back first if I was to grab all of these and was to give a larger that's pretty close like that so I might do that I'm gonna take all of these and I'm gonna offset them to the center and then I'm gonna make this one you and I'm going to call it corner and I'm gonna go into that unique corner and I'm you just push pull pull that out - there we go - this one now make this unique as well and when I call this one half and in the half she's gonna literally just do just that cut it in half and then I'm going to erase shift erase to get rid of the seam line so when we see it on the other half it all looks good all right so that is a quarter of my building I'm just going to delete this mass on the inside I'm gonna grab all of these I'm gonna make that a new component and I'm gonna call this four zero zero one yeah hmm quarter we'll be specific all right and now I'm going to take it option copy it up once I need that I need 1 2 3 4 copy so I'm gonna type x4 and then get rid of my extra lines right here and now one more thing I'm gonna come in here with a rectangle and put a rectangle right there all of that now make into another component that is first floors that's it maybe no I call it floors one through five oh you know what I can almost guarantee you guys right now by the time I've done my naming conventions not going to be the same I can feel it I can already feel it bubbling up it's it's gonna happen all right I didn't call that quarter see told you all right so I'm going to take that right now and I'm going to make a copy just copy over here right click flip along the green axes and then I can grab it and slide it right back here all right and I'll grab both of these option copy it over here flip along the red direction and move that back in line right here okay so at this point I'm gonna save you guys probably knew that though cuz I'm really good that alright so that is the first floor we got a lot of extra lines on here though I don't like so I'm gonna come in here double click double click double click double click and I'm gonna start getting rid of some geometry some of it I can just hide most of it I can just hide so I'm gonna hold down the shift key shift will hide lines and I'm gonna start just getting rid of some of these lines this one this one my vertical lines I gotta think of the best way to do right so let's start with that see that looks I know it's better I definitely read these two lines to you that'll help it's getting better but there's a couple spots I saved so there's a couple spots they're gonna be more of issues than others so right here so if I come in here I'm gonna burrow all the way down to this component if I come in here and shift erase these top lines right like that that looks great down here Oh bingo and I get one more that looks great across here but it ends up potentially losing a little detail like right here see this i my my top line right there so not not a bad thing necessarily but I got to make the call on what exactly I want to do there as far as cleaning up because one thing that I could do is I could come in here I could actually take this I could take this line out to here and then take this line out to here I can select this intersect faces with the model not didn't work I can move this vertically there you go and now you intersect faces the model no I could actually delete these not too bad I mean that's a little a little repetitive cleanup but that's probably the cleanest way to get that bottle I want to just not just repeat geometry I know I could do this build us all once but I do want to keep it the general idea that I'm going for is I have started with a super-high level of detail just a bunch of boxes and then I adding detail now and I want to keep it easy to keep going in and adding more detail so by making each of these window sections its own component it's going to make it way easier for me now if I take that and I move it back up there you go I get my lines back and it actually broke it see I broke it where hit the other components I can clean that up too I can actually come in here I'll use the the cleanup extension to merge faces and that should get rid of my extra lines I can do that again triple click extension cleanup do you race straight edges there we go I have one solid piece there alright so that looks better I'm pretty happy with that I could see I could probably come in a little bit further even so you get rid of this line back here that looks pretty good alright now go over here do the same thing over on this side I didn't clean up this edge remember the side component was a different one because the this end piece was its own piece so I can actually come in here and get rid of some of this geometry and then shift erase to get rid this we get at the top and this is the nice thing about and last one is this guy right here on the corner oops double click to get in first actually don't need this jump tree on the outside at all now my hope is to be able to reuse these components again as I work my way up the building possibly doing a little bit of scaling if necessary scale the component shell to make it different sizes but button there we go alright so that is my my first floor as I work my way up well let's let's go let's save I know you guys already thought of it that looks pretty good as we come up here this doesn't really do me a whole lot of good anymore I'm going to delete it I don't need it right now on the top floor design of blocking between windows clear completely flat as well as the first floor well mom mission to get rid this little dot right here are you talking about the Oh miss corrector our image yeah so right here and here it is a little bit different I agree and that's where I said I'm going to start with the initially I'm going to grab this geometry and reproduce it to get my my massing but I haven't broken apart in such a way that I could actually just keep working way up the building and modify components so right here so this what this lets me do right now is I could come into this group right here and I could actually take just this top level and make it unique then I could come in and just change the profiles you could just grab these ones make them unique and change the profiles of just them so it's kind of a good way to do it but we'll do that we'll we'll get this up here we'll get our these window profiles in the whole building and we'll come back and look at where we could change them at least that's my idea all right I'm gonna grab these not make them a component but I'm just gonna make that a group just so they're all one piece alright next group I'm going to unlock and enter the next floor hide everything else all right this floor is let's see a lot of pictures open right now all right so this is the sixth to 20th floor so 15 floors one two three four yep checks out 15 floors all right so I'm gonna be the same thing I did before I'm gonna grab this line I'm going to divide it and I can actually just type in 15 enter all right so that's one floor right there so I want to do everything I'm about to do there we go all right so this is what I have to recreate and then copy 15 times 15 times then three more times so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start by going into my components browser and I'm gonna grab my front elevation window and just bring it in I'm gonna take it now grab by the corner and put it right there all right so I can tell right off the bat there's a little bit of an issue so at this point I have a couple options I could make a new front elevation window that is I could come into it and you know create a new version of it where I grab this here and I move it up obviously if I do that now I'm gonna mess with my whole building so I don't want to do that if I wanted to do that I would take this right click make it unique what I'm gonna do instead for this particular one is I'm just going to take the shell the outside and I'm gonna squish it so I'm just going to make it smaller so it fits right there I'm gonna grab that then option copy over to here I don't have any endpoints to snap to it's gonna use the edge or something anything have nothing all right so gonna have show me hidden geometry if I turn hidden geometry now I can option copy over here all right so the same thing happens here this ends up being kind of cut off or something like that so again I the option figure out what I want to do I don't really the problems I don't really have a okay these these do look thinner than what we have got here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take both of these and I'm going to scale them it was to here this one right here flip it around flat like that scale it back to here that one x3 ish that'll work take those three scale them back to here all right no this one fits so I'm just gonna grab it copy use rotate it flips around drop it right there and I'll grab both of these option copy already here it looks like I need a half of one sit here fortunately I happen to have a half right here so take that one flip it along the red and then place that and scale the bottom I need to put some stuff over here too probably alright I'm gonna grab this component option copy stick it right here again option copy x3 pretty close all right I'm gonna take those scale that back just a touch all right so with that now I can actually delete that geometry there's that piece so I can just like I did before I'm gonna grab everything down here and I'm going to make that into component what was this the sixth and then I will take that turn my hidden back on so I some end points to deal with option copy that up once X 14 X 13 you get that next time there we go alright so there's that quarter that's right one more time there we go my lines my lines I drew as a reference it must kind of rid of some of that goes all the way up to there and now I can take this actually here's what I'll do first first thing I will do is create a big rectangle and I'm going to take that rectangle and move it down vertically until it crosses in because I got it I get to the same intersection did before all right they can select that surface intersect face with model and because I pulled it out long like this it's gonna be a lot easier to clean up because I can just easy for me to say something to intersect away was supposed to yeah looks good looks good oh these lines alright let's try that again that through ya see someone's not closing up I didn't get that light colored line I didn't get an obvious geometries broken line like that there we go no I did sometimes you got to coax it a little bit but I was saying is by doing that I can just take this now up here and I won't have as many I want to go through and delete each over each window like I did before I am still with it all selected like this I'm still gonna go to weld or I'm sorry to clean up and say merge face it merge faces and erase straight edges that's just gonna get rid of those extra lines in there that I saw before all right that looks good I can take that whole thing was pretty shape I need I don't know how I did that but that's nice what exactly happened there you think huh I don't know but it doesn't want to do it is supposed to do just take that back that was interesting architectural feature undocumented architectural feature we had right there right take this piece right here option copy it off to the side right click flip along okay so here's the thing flip along I was talking somebody today it this morning about how I still struggle with flip along and I think I figured out my problems I think my problem is that term flip along I think what my brain wants do is pick the axes of reflection flip along so when I go to right here flip along so you're telling it flip it this way so take it and flip it that direction so I'm gonna say flip along the red axis because it runs this this direction you guys probably already figure this out because you're so much smarter than me so but my brain wants to pick the green axes to do that because I want to pick the line that I want to mirror it across like I so I want to pick this which actually isn't a line it would be the red-green surface I wanted to mirror along that so I'm just saying I'm still I'm still struggling you guys but I'm trying to do it because you know growth or maturity or whatever but I'm I'm doing my best I'm getting there alright so there we go that is not looking bad that's that's kind of cool I kind of like that oh I'm gonna come in here and shift erase you to lines oh you know what I didn't do I want to blame you guys but does uh me I did not make it I didn't I made it a group and not a component so floors six through 2020 cuz I didn't yeah so I started I started ranting about flip along there all right stress again right-click likes no big deal flipped along the green axis alright but I will tell you this as we discussed flip along I have been using cure ik mirror I know this I don't use on for telling I know there's other mirror tools out then Oh Teague has once been around forever that's awesome I just happened to download Carrick mirror and if I click cured mirror and I come over here and just hover over this face right here any face I don't have a face mirror long terrible story didn't heaven it at all alright so actually here's what I was doing on another model I was working on I started making these flags I started doing this a lot right draw line out draw it up drop back like that and then I could grab kirik hover over this surface option click and have a mirror and then this flag sticking out here far enough I can just delete it real quick and easy but yeah that's something that that workflow is is a lot I've been doing awesome cool so now I can double click in here and now I can shift erase these lines and they'll go away and it'll look like one big solid pretty piece wrong button okay all right working our way up that's not bad for the mount of time we got into this and it's pretty snappy right now it's still pretty it's still pretty quick it's not getting way down or anything so yeah let's see how quick I can do this next block I'm gonna unlock that let's see how how big is that group that is that that's the one that doesn't this is the image that doesn't help me I just closed it all right next one is let's see 22:24 this is four floors so I'm gonna come in here again boil this all down just what I need I just need actually hold up so this is four floors yeah right math right four five six seven eight nine five floors yeah five floors all right I divide that into five segments so this is how high a floor is on here now now I can get rid of that and I can go grab my window i turn my hidden back on again to do this stuff go copy it option x3 all right so here's one thing I'm kind of wondering about because I think what I would be inclined to do is put three of those blocks in then grab my half block with that and this is what I feel like I want to do I want to bring that back to here but here's my thing if I turn on my hidden stuff I do have something I'm trying to align with and that was not it this was actually it so I'm gonna want to be conscious as I go through these next couple of floors making sure that my lines line up one level to the next so this one right here was a single like that and then like that does that line up nope it doesn't well you know what here's the a wiser man would double-click in here grab this this this and this hit control-c come into this group and paste that right into where it goes as I talked about the time-saving use of components and then attempt to not even use them all right over here's me a little easier I'll do the same thing though I will start ctrl C control V and drop that thing right there and scale it up all right now I can take this option click here times two I guess pretty close we'll take just these two No mmm what to do here look at what goes on next next we got this thing up here I'm gonna grab that by the corner option-click bring that over here first all right so what I got going here so I can get rid of this piece in this piece bring my half half a piece in flip it this way and I will grab both of these and scale that out just ever so slightly and actually this beach guy just brought in it's probably hanging down yeah push that back up right there we go so the only thing I really have to do here is fill this section in right here so I can actually just grab these two and scale them over just slightly to fill that there and then I'm gonna just stick a rectangle right there to fill that cheapen with that I can grab that jumped on the outside get rid of it all right so now I have this which I want to make into a component lure or we on 21 25 20 25 all right and then I'll take that option copy it up once x4 we are to the next level and then here's what I'm gonna do here I'm going to draw that big rectangles talking about go past on all the sides I'd turn off hidden whoo it's amazing how heavy your model will get having hidden I mean I guess it makes a lot of sense actually incredibly logical but how those extra hidden lines on can really slow stuff down all right I'm going to take that and I'm gonna bring it down there you go intersect face with model and then grab that corner right there drag it all the way through same thing here come over here look right there drag that all the way through I'm going to start deleting no no I can't all right I gotta make this into a group cuz I gotta hide some stuff to see what I'm doing all right Oh grab all those right click oops my floors go too far down right here okay triple-click here single click single click single click single click single click right click and make component floors 25 through 29 quarter I'm doing pretty good I'm pretty sure I'm sticking to my name in convention but I don't feel confident enough to actually go look so ignorance is bliss alright I'm gonna double click in here everything else goes away now you can figure out why that didn't break I'm guessing there's a line missing somewhere look around here good looks good that something's not breaking get rid of some of these lines little smart all right let's see you go all right so it's something I've narrowed it down I'm narrowing it down basically I'm chasing the oh oh oh it was that little spot that I didn't ha okay that was on me I drew a little rectangle to fill it in and something something something would not right I'm gonna take that push it back up turn my hitting out so he can snap to it what was the problem oh where did I leave that rectangle they undo or something other spaces and then hide those edges all right there we go yeah that's looking alright okay so I take that piece option copy just throw it over I just and this again this is this is probably my workflow is probably not even ideal but options I just kind of throw it off the side and then I can do something like flip along Green axes and bring it on back and then I take both of these and this is symmetrical front to back so I could actually use rotate here but the reason I'm not going to use rotate is I don't know exactly how this is gonna what's going to end up happening this design the end if say it was to want to come in and do something like a different detail on the front of the building that was on the side or the back or something like that if this was flipped so it was the other way around I would lose the ability to to do that I'd have to go in and explode that group and redo it but you know say what I don't know whatever the windows in the front or different color something like that because it was rotated if I rotated it would give me the geometry right now but it would be the same geometry later so generally speaking you want to copy that over instead all right not looking too bad still pretty good good good good groups good golly all right so now we are at a spot where I should save and we are not quite to the biggest one yet but here we are 25 wait wait a minute what's going on here let's do something weird odds are good all right so here was the 21st through 24th and then 25th through 29th some we probably should have said something about that one two three four five and I'm right here where I go from flora 21 22 23 24 so I actually should have only been four not a big deal that's a that's that's the thing we can easily pretty easily fix so this should have this needs to be one floor shorter but fill the same amount of space so I'm gonna draw a line like this and then I'm gonna delete this right here I'm gonna draw a line straight up to here I'm going to divide this by not five but four floors and I'm gonna grab these three and I'm gonna scoot them down vertically to here now I'm gonna grab just these two floors drop them vertically to here and grab this this last floor drop it vertically to here and now I'm gonna come in here to this one no I'm gonna grab everything and I'm going to scale it vertically there so I can come on I here should do it on this level nope all right I'm grab this whole thing and just scale it vertically down here something scale this one down here grab this one so this right here is components so what I'm doing right now is I'm not actually deforming the components stretching the container that the components reside inside of makes sense right yeah I meant to make that mistake so I could show how easy it would be a change anybody buy that all right so that looks pretty good this section is five stories I'm gonna go check that again right now let's see 25 26 27 28 29 5 stories okay all right how to unlock open this up and grab this line again just like did before divide I'm just gonna type in 5 enter see where's that that's right here yep that's right here I'm gonna push pull this down to this one the rest these I'm just gonna push pull down all the way get rid of them don't eat them don't need this anymore don't need this anymore all right and now I'm gonna go to this floor right here and I'm gonna grab these and these copy and paste them because they line up with those lows below right here now I can just grab this chunk ooh these are actually floors a little bit bigger than the floors below don't tell the guys downstairs that we got an extra good extra three inches of roof of a head space up here I'm going to drag that up and I'm just gonna grab all of them just like I did before you scale the stripes that down to the floor all right I'm gonna take of that x2 this one's a half one so I'm gonna grab that I'm gonna drop that right here I'm just gonna scale back no I am redo let's see what happens with that all right right here same thing option copy it over where am i hitting on got to remember that that's that's not a easy one all right take this one just moving moving components around that's all I'm doing so for these corners all I'm gonna do get rid of this geometry and I'm just gonna throw a couple pieces of geometry in here to close up like that and I'm just going to select those edges not the faces just the edges the surfaces stay and I'm just going to turn them off so I can't see them and then I'll do the same thing over here [Music] all right grab those edges the reason I'm grabbing them and choosing the toggle off visibility instead of swiping with the shifty racer key is shifty eraser if I come across here and do that he's going to catch the edge of this component make it disappear too so selection allows me to actually go pick those pieces then just toggle it over here makes a little better a little cleaner all right there we go that is a quarter of my building so I'm going to take that take that and I'm going to copy it up not one but four times and that should line up yep lines up at the floor above looking good gonna put a roof in again really tired drawing roofs you guys so it was so boring all right got drowned hidden geometry give myself a start point you see I'm just kind of going along and snapping to the axes I'm just kind of drawing a big square to go and intersect with geometry I don't really care about where it falls me like that all right there we go I take this whole surface I'm gonna zoom in from underneath kind of slide right in here and I'm gonna move it down right click intersect face with model I'll see let's see if it comes out clean this time once I draw one across it should break the surface let's see oh I love it when things work out alright so let's get this back to where it needs to actually go right through this way and then zoom in here this guy hears and went through this way and I can start erasing some extra stuff that looks that's nice alright I'm gonna grab my two three four for a second there I thought I only had four floors and I screwed it up again all right so I'm gonna grab my roof actually slide that upwards back where it's supposed to be and I'm gonna run clean up you lace you're a straight edge just ahead some there I'm gonna grab that that roof two three four five floors make a component and this is for 25 through 29 quarter all right and this is probably getting repetitive huh I'm gonna flip along the green ax ease it back on here and then grab both of those slide it over here flip along as I assume as the red direction there we go that's the key to flip along I think is it actually says it a name it says flip along a direction and I think that's why I'm a confused person is because I keep saying axes and I'm thinking axes and it's not it's it's flip in a direction all right this is coming this is really coming together all right this is a big one because we're gonna get a lot done with one level here this is going to be easy all right so this one we're gonna explode or unlock come in here and this is at 29th to the 71st so that's 42 is that 42 I'm totally not checking that on a calculator don't even worry about I'm totally confident in my 42 Flores yeah like I said no big deal all right I'm going to take that line that line I'm going to divide into 42 segments alright so that is my forty second segment I'm going to take this push it all the way down to that point everything else just like did before gets pushed pulled down to nothing all this all this goes away alright in fact now so does this there's the floor I gotta make I know it's weird how often math comes up I think I tempt it by complaining about it [Music] grab excuse me grab that there copy that go in here paste it by this corner to the top and then if I need to do any kind of user get this where you're trying to move something and the thing you're moving gets in the way of the point you're trying to snap - I've been gave this more and more lately because of the kind of model I've been working on and I'm finding like four out of five times they're in this problem if I flip so I'm looking at it from below or the opposite side then I can snap it right into place kind of a weird thing I don't know I don't know why I'm well it's like I said because specifically what I'm modeling is more component moving around geometry but yeah that snap point sometimes you got to just flip your model so you're looking at it from the opposite quadrant I think all right with that I'm going to take all those no oh look what's happening okay I had this this raw geometry merged in with my reference geometry so when I tried to move it it was deforming the reference geometry I just want to take the components scaled just the components up to there and I can actually clip that little piece of geometry off all right take these two I'll just move them straight back like that come over here grab this guy copy it use another half one where's my in geometry as you can tell it's a Friday when something like a stuff you've done six times so far turning the hidden geometry so you can move something become so difficult all of a sudden all right let's kill that guy up and then scale him out just ever so slightly all right take one of these just pull that one out rather than using filler geometry I'm just gonna stretch that one I'll touch right think let's guys come back just a little bit alright that looks like that floor pretty much done cool alright there's another quarter finished so make that a component I had totally agree math is straight-up painful 429 quarter all right and now I'm gonna copy it whoops hold up hit the wall hit whoa what's going on here they bump it something's not right I don't know what I did there but something's not something wasn't what it was supposed to be looks like we're lined up again now section with this right here this guy get out just guy right here it out alright there we go they were good we're back to quarterly happy sounds like a pleasant magazine of some sort quarterly happy we're happy quarterly all right I'm gonna copy this over here once again flip along green that's weird why is my container so big Oh axe is all the way over there that's weird slide this in drop we're supposed to be grab both of these copy again off to the side I got to turn off in geometry just slowing down all right flip along read all right you guys probably already caught on this I totally decided to do this this model so I could show how good I am at flip along now oh so good such good flipping okay now I can take all of this and copy it option of 1x 41 times yes it's 41 plus 1 is 42 all the way that's so skyscraper um I'm at that point live stream where I'm like that turned out better than I was expecting all right so grab all of that yeah I did that wrong didn't I how to make my full full side before I start cocking I got cocky I I got excited that's oddly satisfying all right focus huh huh all right there we go nope now we now there we go I got to put a roof on before I copy the quarters come on man hey you don't I'm gonna save myself a step I'm gonna start drawing my corner or my big plane it's nice any self set couple steps I'm gonna rectangle and I'm gonna draw it from the middle flat from this piece right here I'm just gonna pull it out nice and big like that right click intersect face with the model and then I'm gonna click right here you pull that all the way across on the red axes come right here with that all the way across the green AXYZ something didn't break where's a copy geometry put geometry in right here now looks ok that looks ok happen here all right so somewhere oh oh nope sorry for sitting there all right so we got a hunt down the break so here's my general plan for that draw a line out here on the green ax easy to break it this way so that broke okay well whatever I just did caused everything to break so yeah thought he's just got a nudge it along there you know come on come on break it's what all the cool kids are doing all right there we go so there's that geometry I'm going to grab that and again like I have so many times now scoot it straight up run clean up on it and get rid of my straight edges and then grab that and all these floors below 42 floors make that into a comb component called floors 29 through 71 order and now that is a piece I want to copy over here flip along green axes slide back over that's turn out hidden geometry again in geometry Internet of itself is not a bad thing of course it's a good thing it allows me have geometry on hidden or like snappa bulgy amma tree on hidden geometry but yeah sometimes it does slow things down because it's a lot of extra lines to draw actually what I should be doing I'll get back to that flip along red alright and that will bring that right in here I am getting a teeny bit of a lag right now so one one more things I'm gonna do is come over here to my Stiles and turn off my profiles that makes such a big difference if you guys are ever hitting any light get rid of those profiles I I mean I like profiles I like that that distinctly Sketchup look of the heavier lines around the outside for sure but man if you have a big model to model it's so much quicker when it doesn't have to calculate where those edges are where is the outside edge there's basically what it's doing every time you do that much much quicker all right shift you race yeah we're almost to the top we got two more blocks to do oh this is one floor that'll be easy yeah copying the flip along or just my guys math is energy consuming totally agree I had a question just to back up a few I was in grunt work mode I was getting er done I was just just going head down you know but I get this question quite a bit and just to show you guys my Mac this is what I'm using right now 2.9 gigahertz intel core i7 16 gigabytes of memory and a raid on pro 560 with 4 gigs so it's not a super high level or anything like that piece of hardware by any means it's it's I think just a step above the stock MacBook Pro the big thing that I've found to make a big difference is memory so I think since I started here I've always had that 16 gig as opposed to I think 8 is this the standard they offer all right Jimmy Oh hold up Daryl jails are my Darrell dear Darrell dear well Darrell Hampton is remind me to safe thank you drew and Jimmy paw Chris is saying the next section is not rectangular but 8 shaped half step in of the H floor below okay I believe you but what does that mean do you have an image you throw up on our forum that would be great Jamie cuz I'm not quite sure she mean by half-step I did see so it did look like it stepped in this way in this way what I didn't see is if it does it step in here just like this go in also that what you mean by half step let me let me return to the reference photo so this one's great vertical dimensions but it doesn't tell me much about the profile the building same thing here so we're talking about this section right here I can't really tell unless that's this [Music] these are all yes if you got a little example of what that is we'll we'll run with it but here let's retry this we track last-ditch effort actual photo reference okay there you go see it does actually step in based on this this drawing from what appears to be a hand printed poster yeah there's a can in construction drawing so it does keep that up or looks like it that H does continue up this one actually almost yeah it does look like it steps in so what I did here was this this step was correct so we had to do is maybe we'll just do something like something like this and push this back ha some was wrong on that last I came out of plane or something on that last level if that something got pushed around I don't really understand what or how I'm gonna do this I'm gonna to copy this the other side I'm gonna come up here use that to copy it over so I have to draw this twice and it looks like what happens is this pushes in to this face because it looks like this this set of windows actually carries up through here so I'm gonna assume something like that we'll see how that goes we'll give it a shot Ian just threw up a picture like from a helicopter or something that's basically what it looks like so we're gonna pretend that that is perfect pretend with me now all right so what we'll do is we'll carry this up to here pull the outside floors out or you're saying this this step is less so something more like that yeah sure by that good Jimmy do do I get a that look good I know after after I picked this I started thinking about what were you a fun thing to model if I had extra time and King Kong was the first thing that came to mind on my idea though I'm just yeah that's probably not gonna happen all right anyhow we go get back on track focus because that's what we're known for talking right here this is 72nd to the 84th right something doesn't right there no it's a idiot Oh 72nd to the 80th okay they have this at symbol in here and I'm very confused so 72 through the 80th so nine floors so I'm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 floors I just confirmed it with my mathur's all right so 9 floors I'm gonna come in here and take this guy right here divided by 9 and there's the height we want to go to all right these guys down okay so that's what I got I got a make I'm gonna see here I'd like to maybe whatever I want on this one under them everything to follow but I will probably come in and grab a bunch of this geometry just to save myself some time I can copy that in here put that right there delete this one and grab my half for my half window in here right there actually before I mess of this anymore I gotta get these the right height because it looks like they're very very very close but not exactly the same height look in here just slightly off probably due to the lack of Trimble technology available at the time that the Empire State Building was built all right slide that in this guy right here [Music] and make some narrow windows here like that I'm architecting all right that'll looks good down here you read that one pull that out a little bit further all right that close that up hide those extra lines again yeah yeah I like it a little more a little more filling in right here hide that all right we got got that oops I drew a little line in there to use to flip that around with that all right we take that right there option copy x8 give us total nine floors beautiful all right I'm gonna do the same thing I did last time that draw a rectangle from the middle right about here nice and big reverse it intersect face with the model straight line across there there drag line across there you can just force it to the spots I drew in my my extra gap-filler seat that causes an issue no all right so I'm just gonna try snap it to make it break try to force it to break somewhere something still no oh no there we go I did it awesome cool take that again slide it up and use cleanup to erase the straight edges and I'm gonna grab all that you've got a new component floors 72 through 80 all right awesome option copy we're almost there guys I'm going to flip a long way down there to the distance to see where the axes are Green slap that right there both these option copy over here right click along the red and then I can grab it and slide it into place right where it's supposed to go quick shifty race get rid of extra lines there block of floors is done all right one more this top section has has some floors to it five floors to be exact I'm going to say almost there almost there divide that by five you oh and I didn't divide this I'm gonna I'm gonna do it I'm gonna I'm just gonna do a quarter again it's been working for me so far I'm just gonna stick with what works the only reason is because I want to make sure that these windows line up one side to the other this one right here is on its own so so I'll come in here copy those two I mean here paste this I'm far enough in this that I'm just gonna do that you get a little extra space there if you live on that that section that building didn't scale that straight height all right almost there cool x4 copies I'm so gonna cut a corner right now that's the first thing I to do manually close up this section right here and then just draw a rectangle from here to here hide the edges call that a new component oh man never ceases to amaze me how quickly I can forget information you ever do that thing where you'd like you go look at something and you're like okay I've seen it now and then it occurs to you as you leave that even though you saw it you didn't absorb the information that you actually required from it just flipped over to see what floors it was that I copied saw the numbers came back without actually you know retaining or even making any kind of mental note of what those numbers were all right all right sick looking building that is really cool that turned out pretty cool all right to the spire no to the mooring dock this is a a Ron math right here this is when I use my calculators all right how best to do this so I do have a reference image I'm going to let's start by pulling that in morning mist all right so ooh and this picture has tiny numbers what does that say 15-foot oh all right I'm gonna pick a number I'm gonna say this is 21 foot 7 right here and I'm gonna scale the model to that and just pull dimensions off of the geometry after that so make that a group and then I will dimension click click tell it that is 21 foot 7 rescale the group all right that's it guys that is that's the scale working on them I'm gonna start by just creating a 2d profile the whole thing so I'm gonna come to here no that's actually the observation deck starts right there come here that trying to side how much detail throw in here I'm gonna start with too much we can always scale back it's Friday biting off more than you can chew seems appropriate good way to end the way to end the day this this little relief or this profile seems to repeat itself it probably done well to copy that or something you guys have been to the Empire State Building but it is it is a pretty cool experience it's not as big as some their bigger buildings out there but it's pretty neat that's pretty cool all right I'm gonna start well I'm gonna keep that as a chunk let's keep this profile right now all right this parts can be a little different I actually want to get this spire because I think that what this does is these these wings actually kind of go in like this so this rectangle here is further inset then these pieces kind of come out from the corners so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the middle piece right there that's what that inside square is gonna look like cuz that's the middle of this angled piece coming over so those those pieces that come out should go into where that square is I think that's gonna work I got I got a thing I'm trying here but we'll have to see all right the rest of this then this section up here is actually octagonal I believe all right so I'm having a hard time seeing the line on top of here there's a couple things you could do one thing if you're drawing over a reference image and lose the lines on the black lines you can always go into style and change your line color that's a good way to do it something else you do for just a little bit like I just have this little section of trace out so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to turn on x-ray and what x-ray does is see it makes your your drawing a lot easier to see through so you can kind of see your lines as you trace that's nice if you have if it's just a temporary thing like this it does if you have a bunch of stuff hanging out behind you you can definitely add more click potential misclick spots more spots you can click too but in this case I got nothing behind me it's wide open so I can just kind of go for it all right cool all right so this portion first I'm gonna take that copy it I gotta figure out where this goes now I'm gonna grab a rectangle so this is is is in the center right now I'm grab a rectangle from this point right here and drop down here till it becomes square let's just write at that edge this grab that and you follow me with that profile all right that'll work again I still have to come in and I gotta wasn't quite square was it actually too far I do something lied to me let's try that again all right so put that in the center and so I'm trying to rectangular step I probably didn't come in here close enough to get my square snap to show up I think the problem is it's close to that edge but not quite here's what I'll do instead I'll just take this point right here option copy to 90 degrees and then draw a line across that's a square yeah my my shortcuts don't only apply to doing math but figuring out geometry as well all right there we go so now try that again select all that follow me all right reversed face this wise do have to put my my corner geometry on here still but that's looking pretty cool I'm gonna grab come in here and grab my octagon profile draw a line across here bring this in she'll great by that corner way off in the distance there and put it right here is that centered in the spire and now and again I'm going off of what I pieced together from looking at these images you guys but it looks like this isn't octagon eight sided shape here I'm gonna make this a group temporarily and here I believe let's see yeah we're actually looking this is a face not an edge so I actually want to hit my modifier key to switch the polygon so I'm drawing by the edge rather than a corner so I should be able to select just the outside edges again I'm going to hit follow me and this is still a group but I can right click Edit group pic that didn't work did something wrong I'm gonna double click all these don't click turn that off double click turn that after this also I have my path selected right click hmm guess they don't work anymore all right I'm gonna grab oh did I have all of that selected - that'll do it all right follow me right click Edit group click that doesn't seem like the profile I wanted to have all right I'm quickly approaching those at that point we're spending way more time on this then I need to so I'm gonna explode this I want to pick this follow me and like that guy gets me up to here all right that looks looks pretty good did I do something wrong you just call me back to this last thing I put the wrong number of floors one two three four or five and my 81 through 84 yep yep sure did and you guys just know that I can't ignore that right I have to go back and fix that hey Rodrigo how's it going and haven't I seen your name flash up before in case you guys don't know mr. Rodrigo is a low poly sketch up artist as really cool stuff with the low poly maybe we'll have to do a low poly poly modeling sometime you couldn't watch of course Rodrigo because I would just destroy what you call art and make it a thing that happens on accident all right let's bring it down to four floors instead of three because you guys are picky all right I'm just gonna verify this real quick two three four okay I'm gonna grab the bottom one and delete it grab these three slide them down vertically and slide it down vertical what it's round I don't hold up now all right suppose like this scale oh that's the wrong handle there we go there's our handle drop that down there put that down there that down there that down there bleh math for that but we're good to go all right this is actually round because here's here's why I say that because these obviously are not round the rest of it could be round but this parts obviously a this parts obviously got these panels so I think this is octagon but the rest of this could could well be round alright Jimmy here's what I'm gonna do I will take this section make it round but I feel pretty confident in saying that this right here is an octagon so I'm going to grab this stuff yes all right so we've got this make that a group grab this make it the group and then and paste this into the middle again and then I'll put a circle up here first phases to start with close the bottom up this is also like I think so the deck isn't it like this is actually going to be pushed down on the inside actually take this you buy that alright let's come in here so you said this is gonna offset a little bit and then push down a little ways something like that cuz I think that's like a guardrail type thing up there I think we got the same thing something like that's happening out here too but I don't know right now I'm gonna do is try to figure out how to do this thing is this cool-looking detail right here now that I did it I'm kind of thinking I should have done it totally differently and get back to here because I kind of think we got something like this going on this alright so let me grab these two pieces for a second copy them and then come out over here because I believe if this is at 45 degrees I turn this like this this is actually what we're looking at right there so and more believe I'm more believe I'm pretty sure that's that's where accurate statement I believe and I'm more believe I think we're looking at is something like that so I'm gonna take I'll take that and make that a group temporarily come in here and delete that come in here taste that whoa what are ya it's no I don't think that snapped exactly right but horizontally snapped midpoint there snap here good point there we go so I think that is what we got going on as opposed to that skinny rectangle just there now what happens I stopped doing that exploded so if we look at who would they do they kind of angle out these winged things I have no idea what I'm doing right now my ways guys so so that's what I'm not explaining because I don't know what's happening please don't be offended that I'm just clicking in silence all right and then these guys come back I don't know something like that all right so I just needed some I need some reference here I'm gonna copy that out slap that oh yeah I don't even know what to do with this freaking out man all right so it seems like it makes most sense to come down so this this top section comes down I'll make this a group and then use that as a reference on this said this angled section right here is right here and it looks like kind of what I feel like is an arbitrary angle coming out like it goes back this way I don't know exactly what that that angle dimension is so what I'm going to do is and do we half of that oops alright so I'm going to take that right there take that all the way up and then I'm just gonna grab this point right here and drop it vertically to here I that gets me kind of this actually looks like it does push down just it's in a bit something like that and then for these next pieces that a group temporarily it looks like they kind of come out on either side so it looks like they're almost like a push-pull shape so I'll just trace the rectangle on either side push pull it out Oh go with the foot see what happens I'm just gonna block it off like that right something like that and then and then we get open to interpretation I'm gonna go I'm going to go to my draw tools and I'm going to grab my Bezier curve come a little ways back here drop all the way to them no it's like like partway down go halfway all right something like that step back in let me take the that line continue this line out continue this line out and then you take this shape right here and copy it with rotate to the other side push this back in I got that first one up here now I'm trying to figure if I make that a group can I reuse that let's see what happens so if I grab it and I'm just gonna start by dropping it down here okay those a little much and you need to pull it out quite that far but let's let's try half that so I'm gonna go from the mill point here pull it out to here little point here and pull it out to here yeah kind of like that all right I'm gonna close this up rid of this all right one more and drag that down option vertical to here and same thing I'm gonna use the same reference points right here pull that out this way pull it out this way like that they do look like they come out a little bit further than that huh I won't actually pull him out where they were before yeah Google Earth would be would be not a bad thing a reference ian's throw on some more pictures up here for me yeah that doesn't that's actually not too terribly far off it does look like they come out a little bit like they come out a lot farther than they look like they do in this 2d 2d version they actually look like they stick out even further than that I'm happy with what that is though so this is this is round two that's that's interesting alright well we will we'll round that up so we grab these these pieces right here actually nope hold up I'm not gonna copy them yet because I gotta do something about this stuff that falls on the inside let me do this let's just make this a solid we can just chop it off what goes up past that evening all right just trying to get these above above ground or well above floor really what I'm shooting for something push that up there now with this one you can grab just this surface and pull it down to the face here this one because it actually goes past the arc and cuts it off I'm gonna actually take all that geometry intersect face with model and then I can grab that and delete it all right so now I can grab III P so and make that a separate group and then I can come up here option copy 90 degrees x3 I don't look stubbier or something something is making leaving me unsatisfied about that but that's why yes you know no I'm saying all right um right here let's see I'm just gonna draw a line straight down and straight over that a someplace and I can grab the circle so let's weld that first and now I can grab a circle follow me in that around I don't need this channel trained work alright so there is our Empire State Building mostly I know they're different but I'm gonna throw just these same windows right in here because I want something here I can't that that bare white strip just doesn't work for me so I'm just gonna grab our our standard front elevation window I'm going to align it to this point right here scale it vertically copy x5 all right so I can actually grab a nose that's pretty closely that out there and I'm going to I don't want to bother with quarters but I am going to take these five pieces and I'm just going to rotate them from middle around the other side and then I'll grab another one of these oops can snap to 90 everytime I snaps in 98 move my hand a little bit to snap it off there all right there we go scale down again skill down here take that option copy over mmm a turquoise close but scale it back in I'll take those and same thing I'll use the same middle line copy option rotate there we go and triple click rid of that and then I'm just like I did before it kind of cheat again and I don't eat it it's not following a weird H shape it's just a rectangle on the inside reverse that face it's like just the edges and turn them off I did I did a bad thing I copied that over I did not copy it straight because it it's not there we go you know you get that last that last run that last bit you got to get done and you just start kind of a maybe not being quite as precise as you know you should be I think I think that's what happened right there yay no more windows to copy and I got excited and I got a little sloppy there all right let's try it again turn that off just hide those edges not too bad and there is this goes up another I don't know somebody looked that up and figure out how long is the actual spire on the offset that's somewhat it's it's big I mean this this is like another bunch of feet tall anybody has that information let me know what that is there we go alright pull that yeah I'll get right on that interior I'll post on three warehouse and you can you knock that out for me how's that that sound sounds it sounds better to me yeah yeah yeah a 3d print oh the 3d print could be kind of fun that could be not too bad yeah that's that's very good looking he yeah how's a pets people saying hi so I apologize I was I was in the zone there especially with that top mooring section of a boy hot corners just started my screen saver and we're back okay missed a couple of hellos fill it Greenslade asked about purchasing yeah I would suggest our website for that sort of thing we don't really talk about we don't sell much during the livestream so check out Sketchup common you find more about purchasing a copy of Sketchup there middle section of the mass three windows each side 45 degrees oh okay that's that's we could do something like that saputra is coming from Indonesia how's it going man well I think is from Brazil and posted a question in what looks to be Portuguese perhaps but I don't speak that so all I could say is hey thanks for coming by thanks for the comment I made we're modeling everything in Sketchup mr. dog when somebody actually asked early on what about doing a photo projection and that is something that absolutely we could do there are extensions mr. dog was asking specifically about UV mapping there are tools out there to let you do UV mapping I haven't spent much time with UV mapping to be totally honest I know a lot of people do it I'm not one of those people though so it is possible to UV map but not something that that I could do right this second yeah so we could see gam Berg asked how many windows so just for fun so you can see like I said this is there's a pretty snappy model I'm actually not feeling with everything visible right now I'm not feeling any lag or any any yes Bradley thank you I'm not feeling any lag or delay as I'm zooming around and that's not really seeing that let's see if I turn on hidden nope looks like it's a teeny bit slower on the 3d mouse but yeah there's there's really nothing there so if we go to model info let's take a look at what makes up what it takes to make an Empire State Building so we got this not too big about seventy thousand faces two hundred and sixteen thousand edges there were four thousand come opponent instances so I'm guessing right around there around 4,000 of those we can actually go check specifics because we only had so you're down at the end right we had we had this one which was a special or no did we make an end one I can't remember if we made one on the end or if we know front elevation window corner we did so there's this one there are 20 of those we have this half one which used 800 of and then the standard window ended up being 3132 so yeah shy of around 4000 windows not including anything from the above the penthouse all right Bradley did check and said that the real building is fourteen hundred and fifty four feet so let's let's drop a line right here and see how close we came to the real height so that was fourteen thousand forty two well man I can pretty much just add another ten foot to that spirals let's get some more antenna going here let's make this look a little more realistic we'll take actually here just do this first come over here we'll go straight up what was it one four five four try it again one four five four eat right so that is the full height I'm gonna do this because it looks like you look at the picture of it this this thing right here maybe just something like like this changes changes size a couple times there we go is now officially the proper height more or less maybe we copied a picture I found on the Internet so we're working off the best possible references our vertical references may have been a little bit dubious I don't know where that illustration came from I feel pretty good about the profiles of the floors though from the original drawings that was kind of cool what would have been really neat would have been to find any full set of the original drawing to work off of those that would have been super cool but that's not what happened that is that is not what we did yeah that looks pretty pretty cool awesome so yeah thank you for that bradley design that helped rendering would be possible actually rendering wouldn't be too bad because one of the things we could actually do because these are components I actually come in here and I could grab like a concrete texture something like that and I could actually come in here and fill in these faces with that concrete texture and then if I had a reflective glass material the only the only renderer I have right now by the way is Thea which isn't isn't working in my installation right the second but here let's do this for fun let's go grab glass and we'll throw in a the sky will throw the sky but that concrete in here and because we only used three components I only got a I only got a paint three components we didn't I didn't get under siding that last one one more which is my half and then the window and that is like 90 some percent of that that building the only things I have to come in here with to paint would be these pieces right here and I'm painting date I'm painting outside this is not the proper procedure I'm off I'm off plan right now look away awesome and then of course up here I don't know all kinds of stuff happens up here it looks like there's even like gold or brass or I don't know it's been like these these pictures that Ian just threw up just posted why do I keep saying throw up oh boy any bigger nope that's not much bigger there's no kind looks like they're like metallic looks like this bottom section maybe this is all kind of kind of creepy looking but this all of these pieces look more like they're kind of silvery Wow and then just all kinds of things happen from there on up we're gonna throw a silver on the whole thing but yeah there we go I'm okay with that looks nice Chris looks terrible against our art and our hour off gray background doesn't look as impressive so there there we go get some sky behind that helps yes oh and look this doesn't happen very often but Marc hung out through the entire project usually mark leaves pretty close to starting this thing up but yeah this time he yeah I know you know what you you you my friend it's the observation deck for you and I offer blimps there we go yeah cool so thought we do have one piece right here Oh all those little those little placeholders that I put in there are gonna have I didn't make them components so they're gonna they're gonna stick out like sore thumbs but since I made these components I should only have to do one side on this side over here this is finished also because again because it's a component yeah that turned out all right yeah see we got Marc Kong up here so yeah that's uh that's good yeah so there we go man hot dog cart does sound pretty good right now oh did I not make these components I might not have made the bottom section of component oh I didn't I made a group oh come on man all right well that's easy to fix delete delete delete make component there we go see that it just happened again even though I'm working so hard I'm getting better at using flip along when I don't think about it I just scale the negative one it's just it's just a thing I do all right this time I'm being tensional right click flip a long red direction all right and then I can drag that road right there boom all right now we're good to go so like I said the big thing here was really it's the Empire State Building that's why I need man here at the gym but the the big thing though is that component modeling because it's a component I could come in at any point at additional detail anything like that because the way I went through and scaled real quickly I was able to build it up very quick the whole the bulk of the building was you know around 2 hours but you could come back at any point now if you wanted to if I do did want to put additional detail in or or say this top course you know you wanted to go put those the cap details that they had in the in the on the building you could just take just this section right here and grab just these and make them unique right across just that one one component or take this one back up take this component make it unique and then go in and make those components inside unique and then you can put that cap detailing around you would go all the way around there then you could actually take that cap detailing less talking more do we let's let's just do it real quick so I take this make unique come in here grab all of these right click make unique again now I could go in to do something like let's do something like this I don't know what that detail looks like but I'm gonna do something like that copy it over like that and then pull this out something like that and see it's all the way across they're the ones that weren't changed were the ones that were the exception so there's one that I had guy called corner I didn't stick to that that method very long the only place I put Corazon was the first floor and this one called the end didn't get that same detail but you do that and then what you could do then is you come into the next one and take that top one again make unique come in here grab them right click make unique and now I could come in here and select these components now I could come in here and right click so in my component browser find that one with the arch right click and hit replace selected and what it will do is it will put that geometry in there and because I scaled the outside of the component rather than going in and creating special geometry it's gonna grab that same geometry it's gonna scale it so it'll it'll squish it or stretch it depending on the size there but then I get that same top detail that I have down here so again because it's components with that make unique you can actually go through and I did that wrong I should have just sent it to these two and not these ones over here yeah but simple enough right cuz I come back in here select these ones and we re replace them with front elevation window which I'll go back to square now the only ones that held that are the ones on the end so ya components are pretty cool opponents can save you a lot of time this workflow obviously this was a weird one because I'm making something that is already exists and is probably pretty well-documented though they probably don't share and these probably security reasons to not share your plans for a big commercial building you know so that makes sense to me not argue with that but where this would work a lot is if you're actually doing that design the initial concept model might just be those blocks that we started with matter we started with just push pulling some shapes bringing them in make them symmetrical pull them up and then going in and adding detail and add another so people use the term level of detail that could actually get involved here we're versus the the blocks then we're going to put pieces for the windows and then go in more and more detail eventually these components might not repeat they may actually become you know I don't know what how many different sized windows are on the Empire State Building but I might have a different component for each one each component that might be broken down into glass versus the header versus the columns all that could happen inside the components so how much do you tell you want to go from here that's kind of up to you news is as little as you want as you start to build that out and put more detailing so hopefully that you guys like that that was a that was a fun one be honest I didn't really think about this too much until this morning I grabbed some I grabbed some drawings some a couple of the the elevation drawings I pulled those down and that was pretty cool but it didn't occur to me that I needed a lot more information than what I had until this morning around 9 o'clock so yeah it turned out pretty well considering the may not have been quite as prepared as I have been for some of the others but yeah that turned out - that turned out all right that's a good Empire State Building yeah let me know again we're kind of at the point where we're done we're about three hours in which is about where we're at it is it is generally pretty surprising I don't keep a good eye on the clock I'll be honest I start modeling and I kind of stopped thinking it's one or the other so it kind of surprises me how often we're right around 3:00 3:30 we're wrapping up so yeah that was actually quicker than some of the 3d modeling sessions we've had you know Bradley designed just asked it but what if the originals I would have changed much the architect it had Sketchup in his toolbox I wanted that about classic design because you know or even going further further than that like if you go back to like real classic architecture you know like Roman or Greek architecture and look at that kind of stuff it blows my mind to think that they drew on a piece of paper and to make decisions on how stuff was gonna go which I get and that's what we do now right we draw we draw 3d models whatever but they were making decisions on where they're gonna put like thousand-pound chunks of marble so personally if I'm gonna go have some people move around some thousand pound chunks of marble I'd like to have a 3d model of that rather than just 2d drawings just saying you know maybe they were more gifted I don't know but yeah once you get into that hole you're building materials could kill people I like to head double-check with 3d models at that point so anyhow yeah that was a yeah lawrence wants me to says we got time for Maliki and Kong I'm gonna let it go I'm gonna call them early was Friday I'll post this up 3d warehouse though so Lawrence you are more than welcome to download and get your King Kong on yourself I would be I would love to see it so again hopefully you guys enjoy that that was a blast thank you all so much for hanging out with me this Friday this was great it was just you and me this time we had nobody else no Matt no Michelle no Kara it was just us so it was an intimate time and I appreciate that next week so we are trying like as mentioned we're trying to get a little bit ahead I still want you guys ideas I still gonna we can chat a little bit you guys can throw out some ideas and we'll leave the chat running for a while after we sign off a lot of snow of other ideas in the forum hop on the forum there's a bunch of threads already going about what we should model on on on Fridays but if you had specific issues questions comments whatever go ahead and throw them up on the Empire State Building thread if not if there's other ones like I said there's two going right now what should we model Friday that you could throw your ideas up there like so we're trying to get ahead a little bit so I can actually tell you now what we're gonna model next week so this is where we're evolving we're getting better at this thing so next week you come back I found some awesome plans for a Fender Stratocaster so we're gonna actually model 3d model and Sketch up an entire guitar which would be I think will be pretty cool there'll be a lot of fun that'll be a good one it's it's got some compound shape some curves but everything's very precise well like I said we have actual the actual plans for for the entire body and all the parts so that'll be a fun one so come back next Friday noon right here and we'll start modeling a guitar in 3d until then we can hang out chat for a little bit may have a couple more minutes and then Alette release you all to your whatever you're doing so hopefully how know if everybody has any fun plans this weekend but otherwise yeah like say if you have ideas go ahead and throw them up throw again throw up again I don't know why soon go ahead and post them go ahead and put them in the comments I don't have to keep saying throw up I don't know why that happens hopefully that's not like if we're telling the future or something like that that's that bad all right well thank you guys if appreciate you coming by I'll tell thank you very much Lawrence Thank You Bradley design appreciate you coming by especially like I said it's awesome you guys who were tuning it at 2:00 a.m. that's crazy that's awesome thank you very much for the most part you know I think we wrapped up so gonna head out I've never feel fully satisfied saying goodbye on these things I always want to kind of hang out and like I don't know like stand at the door and shake everybody's hand as they leave kind of thing I don't know but hopefully you guys had a good time and I'll see you next week thanks a lot you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 13,669
Rating: 4.8632479 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, empire state building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 27sec (12087 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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