Live Modeling Hogwarts Great Hall in SketchUp

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now hey guys and get started in just a couple minutes about a to Mormons people a hop-on here just want to say hi Brian land studio thanks for sharing Dwane SMU hey Nathaniel welcome back I appreciate that I just this is a highlight of my Friday to get to hang out with you guys it's awesome Alejandro how's it going Marvin Brian I should tell you this is uh this is my adultage t-shirt this is what I wear when I'm feeling particularly immature and I don't recall where I got it so I didn't have much but thanks how's everybody Friday going so far and where y'all where's everybody at we're here in Boulder Colorado [Music] Chesterfield England all right it must be let's see what eight hours difference so going on 8 p.m. something like that SMU this is just this is kind of our little teasers is our preview before we blast into full color and start modeling this is our you know like the opening credits kind of thing Aubrey's looking forward to some Harry Potter Ness Marvin's call are watching from Florida that's right Stephen you know it's almost time to go home for the week when you get to hear my voice and see my smiling face 7 p.m. all right Washington just off the beach yeah we don't got the beach thing going on here we got mountains and deserts and that's about it no beaches here Oh Brian's asking about marks t-shirt oh well yeah I guess his okay to the Great Lakes t-shirt our scale figure from the current version of Sketchup all right we're ready to get this thing rolling hey guys I am Aaron if we haven't met before it's good to meet you virtual handshake hope everybody's doing good it is Friday that means we get to hang out and do some live modeling so you know highlight of my week so hopefully you guys like obviously you like it somewhat if you showed up already you're you're right at noon you're probably ready for this on some level unless we got Melbourne Australia Brut Beirut Lebanon Madison Peru Istanbul agar hungry Algeria Dublin man you guys are far more dedicated than I am Philippines what love you to F brain alright so we're gonna kind of hop in here so today I don't know if everybody knows we're working on but we're actually going to do the interior of the Great Hall from Harry Potter so I have to admit something before we go a whole lot further I have seen several Harry Potter movies I think most of them I don't know if I've seen them all I think there's some of towards the end then maybe I haven't haven't seen I read a couple of books I was actually given the first book The Sorcerer's Stone as we call it here in the United States I know that's not where it's called everywhere else because apparently we can't handle what was it philosophers we Americans can't handle the idea of philosophy so we have sorcerers I read that in a couple other books and it was good I just never I never really dove in as deep as some people so to compensate for that here helping me on the other side of the monitor is Eric John say hi Eric hello everyone Eric knows a fair bit more about Harry Potter than I do he was excited to have this not that I wasn't excited I like my own anything in Sketchup but he was excited about this topic so we brought him in and he's gonna help answer questions and when my when my nerd level falls low he's going to help pump it back up so he'll he'll throw out facts or information or you know when I go for crocks he's gonna go yeah stupid this is what is so oh yeah he'll help so hopefully this goes good hope you guys enjoy this whoa Bradley designs right here in Colorado hello Bradley design all right so that's enough mumbling about what we're gonna do let's do some of the things we're gonna do um before we hop in and start modeling though I did want to throw a couple things out here thing number one base camp 2020 has officially launched its website so you can see here this is our beautiful new website go to 3d base camp about Sketchup comm to find all all the information you need about base camp 2020 which is going to be in Vancouver that's gonna be a lot of fun so you can come up here you can you can learn about what it is if you've never been to base camp before let's give you kind of a snapshot as we get information together this is where we'll put it so once we get our speakers signed up we start getting some of our classes that kind of thing we'll put that up here and of course you have the ability to come in here register and buy your tickets right now is actually an early bird special going on now through the beginning of February so you can save little money if you know this is something that you're going to want to go to when September 2020 comes around and if you've been before you already know you do want to go if you haven't been before then you have to come read this website and find out that you also want to go so it's a great time it is the the best place for a Sketchup enthusiast to spend a week in September so I just want to throw that out there because this just went live and a couple are things so before we start I did as usual start a topic on our forum so if you go to Sketchup for excuse me if you go to forums dot Sketchup comm you can actually hop in here there's a live modeling Hogwarts Great Hall topic if you guys have some good reference images or information that can help me with the model go ahead and throw it up here and that way I can grab those images great way to pass information back and forth that sort of thing and as was going through the forums this morning so I always go up here go through the forms most morning if you're not on the forums SketchUp forums it's a great spot to get information see what people are doing Sketch up get help that kind of thing but I just go up there to hang out and see what people are doing my favorite section is the gallery because as you guys know I kind of threw out a challenge to everybody to 3d model everyday model something just for fun keep your keep the juices rolling and and maybe Nadi if you use Sketchup for work try to model something just kind of a fun thing on the side model a car model of whatever and so I always like to hop in the gallery and see what people are modeling and I just had to call this one up because it was so cool oops I lost it but where'd it go right here this corinthian column model for museum al Ahmar I don't know if you're on the floor or if you're on the stream if you are you should say hello so we can recognize you but this was an awesome model I just I'd saw this time like not only do I want to model it but I want to congratulate him because this is an amazing looking oh it's Alejandro I guess I could have worked that no I could not have Alejandro Soriano I don't know what the Mars for Alejandro but great job this is uh this is looking awesome it's super cool so yeah all the hundreds of guy to keep an eye on check out the forum if you don't already spend time there and yeah great job really love this this is it was such a cool thing to see this morning alright so again again I say let's get back to modeling but I mean we're only we're only six minutes in I'm not not dragging my feet too much or anything like that but yeah great job all right I'm gonna leave this up here in case you want to come back to it and I'm gonna come take a peek at some of the reference images I grabbed for this so I I went back and forth I chose to do the I want to do the interior for a couple reasons one is we do a lot of out sides of things we model you know exteriors of objects solid objects that kind of things I don't we haven't really spent time doing terior of anything before I like the Great Hall because it was kind of it's a fun thing to do but it's also it's a nice big open space to work inside of so I started going through and trying to look for some pictures so this is one that I found it I really liked so one of the things I noticed about the Great Hall and Eric can back me up here they use the Great Hall for lots of things because it seems to change so they have pictures where it's used as a dining hall kind of a study place they when classes come in they use that for like the sorting hat thing and everything so it's kind of weird because what's in the hall actually changes one image to the next so some of them they have these really cool I don't know if these are called these statues holding flaming pits basically really high-end wizard candelabra things and there are other ones they'll have like portraits up so it actually changes the same space changes which is you know something you can do if you're a wizard I guess but it did make it hard to get good reference photos because they were all different so I did find a couple that I think works so so one thing I found is I found some people who kind of made their own plans this is good again nothing's to scale anything like that we're gonna have to to kind of figure that out but this is nice because it did show you know where the windows were for windows on either side of the fireplace this stepped-up section in the back that has has this bay window on the door so this is a good we'll use this as kind of a 2d reference for where everything goes and then I found this which is really cool this is actually from the Deathly Hallows and this is a plan of how they actually built the Great Hall so I remember seeing this on a documentary or behind the scenes or something like that in the books they talked about I know isn't like the star outside sky or something visible through the ceiling um it probably changes like everything else that's right I can't nail it down but what they did in the movies is they actually built it it was still big I mean this is this is this is what they actually built and then using CGI they made it look like this so it's actually not as tall as it looks in in the movies the ceiling is actually CG so this actually only gets built to right about here and then they just use computer stuff to computer stuff you know whatever 3d modeling and magic and stuff to build that second half which I thought this is this is kind of a cool image but we can actually use this again not a lot of dimensions on here there's a couple but this this will give us reference to how big everything is and maybe give us a little bit of that profile the building piecing together information for what I could find and then of course I got a couple more reference photos this one is actually from the theme park I think it's like a museum piece where they have a bunch of different I'm sorry I forgot my head's in the way they recreated they recreated it I think so actually show or might be the original set something like that but a couple of these were were shot they're like this incredibly low quality image that'll give us a lot this would be a good one to have but this is the one what if I could find that actually showed the fireplace very well yes and tell I'm dying for some some great reference photos if you happen to have any laying around anybody's been to Harry Potter world and taking pictures of the Great Hall that would be cool this one you can see what I was talking about there's where it actually throws the there's the studio lighting up there you can see where it stops and the imaginary world takes over but yeah so I think we have enough references own this was the only picture I could find of the back so this is the entrance this is where you would enter the Great Hall from really cool door so this will be a fun thing to model even if we just kind of start from this reference and kind build out the detail from there well there's another fire super low-quality fireplace image so that's what we got to work from so we're gonna piece together these kind of separate pieces and we're going to put together a some representation of the Great Hall all right so let's go ahead and we will hop into Sketchup and start doing just that I think what I might start by importing is the section image so the one where we're looking down into the Great Hall so that's the one that actually shows the arches and the heights it does have a couple dimensions in it so I figured I'd mentions we're not very good though and they're and they're really small and really light I don't even know if we can read them but we'll try I have a little little factoid here Elaine mentioned that the dining hall of Hogwarts is the only room of the castle filmed at Oxford University that's cool yeah if you go look up where some of those sets are they're all over the place they they oh good morning Perth in Australia that's cool it's the morning thing for you guys instead of a evening thing for a lot of people that's got to be pretty early morning though so yeah I'm gonna come in here file and we will import that section image I don't remember which one it is so my icons here we go all right so I'm just gonna bring this in nice and big so one of the things I've talked about so for when I import I do want to make sure that under preferences OpenGL I have this box checked use maximum texture size so that means when you pull these images in it's going to be as big as it can make it which is still not super high resolution so it's still hard to read this stuff sometimes just speaking of which that's how many feet wide the Great Hall is it's roughly the burner many feet and move inches let's let's pull up the original image and see if we can see anything any any better than that any more detail let's pull this up here oh man I'm thinking that's about 40 feet or 49 feet can't put 4 Lego scaled lego model there's four there's four big tables placed across there so it's good push I mean they're and they're kind of tight if you look at it it doesn't look very comfy or looks a little maybe too cozy um not a whole lot of extra space anybody have that and who's got who's got details out there who can tell me how wide the Great Hall is how about these vertical dimensions all right well I'm just going to guess I must say it looks like it's 49 feet we'll see what we'll see what that does to our drawing all right we'll hop in so I'm gonna draw a line right here on this terribly low quality image I got we'll do this well scale this to 40 well scale to 40 feet and see how mark measures up to this fella right here so I'd like to draw a line because having I do this a lot but I put a line in there that way I can check a dimension afterwards you can arbitrarily just pick two points and enter the scale for that that distance but by having a line here I can actually make sure I can go back and rescale off that exact same geometry later on so I click from here here I'm gonna say 40 feet and we will resize that put it upright I'm gonna slide it over put this little scale guy right next to mark that might be about the right size all right so I couldn't so I was I was thinking it might be a 4-0 this might be a 49 so just to check let's go ahead and let me scale this to 49 and see how that how mark measures up then nope that wasn't it all right so we will say that that is 40 feet awesome all right so what I wanted to do here primarily was kind of get just the profile basically this this shape right here always call me during live streaming what the heck man come on all right I'm gonna go there take this up to here I'm gonna find the center point which should be a 20 feet I'm going to take that all the way up to here okay so that is half the profile of my Great Hall so imma take that right now let me use rotate and just flip a copy over here okay so that is I said the profile of my Great Hall I'm not done with this image I do have some other details I want to pull off of it at a later point including these these smaller arches here this relief here for the windows he doesn't just just not just set right up against the inside does set back in so I'll copy this geometry later I'll keep that off to the side and I'm gonna do this I always there's something I always go you know what I should have done when I imported that I'm gonna take this image right here I'm gonna put it back where it was and I'm gonna put that on a layer called ref that way I can just toggle that image on and off as as I work through here and actually may end up with multiple reference images as well so to run through that again Muhammad is asking how I scaled that what I did was I put a line along a known dimension so that found a mensch was 40 feet so I drew a line on top of the image and then I used the tape measure when you first come in a tape measure you're in this mode where it's gonna try to put in those reference lines so to get out of that you just hit looked at the bottom you have a toggle key on Mac it's option I believe it's control and that'll actually toggle that little plus back on and off so I turn it off and then by clicking one point to another you will first tell you what that dimension is immediately before you do anything else just type in the dimension you want it to be and it will rescale the drawing at that point [Music] marconi I think you've said that before can can can other people hear us this would be the test because I can hear myself just fine so I don't know if I don't have to believe you or not can anybody else hear us good nobody else has said anything so I'm assuming it's okay but you know what happens when you make an assumption yeah getting a bunch of feedback that it sounds good so and that is on YouTube so same place you're coming from you may try to close and rejoin or something like that but it sounds like everybody else can hear us so I'll try to talk louder so you can hear it alright so you know Michael I've heard that before people say it's not accurate and it's actually as accurate as you want it to be as long as you're not going like submillimetre sketchup is made for architectural ii initially it's used for all kinds of stuff but as long as you're staying larger than a fraction of a millimeter it's as accurate as you want it to be and of course those as you want to be is what's something you can set in model info under units you can actually choose how you want to see things dimensioned I'm in my architectural template right now so I have architectural turned on at 16th inch accuracy I could be more or less accurate if I like the image yeah that's what we just we just ran through that so hopefully that was ok hopefully that made sense Mohammed sounds like everybody's saying it sounds pretty good I ain't you know BJ baby just pointed out that it's Friday the 13th I ain't even like think about it you know and and I guess I know is that is that like a is that a recognised day in the Harry Potter world Eric they mention it that's a different I just figured there's got to be some sort of like there's black cats and luck something anyhow off topic all right let's get back on this so I'm going to import another image now so I'm going to say import I'm gonna keep it used as image go to my desktop I'm gonna grab this Great Hall plan again I'm not I'm not expecting anything out of any of these nothing specific anyhow I'm just using these as quick reference so we're gonna scale this one again so the dimension I know is from this corner to this corner so I must scale it by drawing that line look at this this this confuse me for a second they got these little blue lines in here I thought that was actually a selected geometry just for half a second my brain went up don't forget to deselect that so what I'm gonna want to do is take this line and I'm gonna turn on x-ray so I can see that line a little better I'm gonna take this line and tell it that I want that to be 40 feet now if I just did that if I did it right now it would rescale my entire drawing so that means this right here would get scaled up along with it I only want to scale this drawing and this line so what I'm gonna do is right click and I'm gonna make it a group now so by making it a group I can double click to enter the group and now I'm gonna go grab my tape measure tool tell it click here click here type in 40 feet hit enter and now rather than resizing the entire model it's gonna ask me do you want to resize the active group and here's I'm gonna say yes and just that portion of the the model gets resized now I can grab this I'm going to grab it by this corner line that corner up with our geometry have right now I'm going to turn off x-rays so in Cecil there use rotate rotate this around here well look at that lines right up so now I could take that and I could pull that all the way down to 132 feet exactly kinda seems like that's something I got something right all right so that doesn't include this this bay window here but I'll select right here and delete and look into our Great Hall looks good my triple click and reverse that because we're actually that's this portion where to work on is the inside not the outside all right I'm gonna do something that I'm really not much of a fan of and I'm gonna save my drawing it's a thing I have learned so we're just gonna call this the Great Hall and with that all rights from here pretty much takes care of itself okay um I'm thinking so I'm gonna come in here actually don't need this line anymore actually I can explode this group and then I can take this image right here and for right now I'm gonna just throw it on the same ref layer cuz I don't need it right this second so now if I turn on ref I'll actually get both pieces which is probably probably good that works right that works I think okay so what I got to figure out next is what to do so I'm thinkin so if I look here you can see these Bay's repeat themselves one two three four here four here and then over here we got one two three four five six seven eight nine so I can model this one of two ways I can the question is basically how to model negative space I'm gonna slide this one back along the green AXYZ so do I come on the inside and push this in to the wall or do I come outside and model this as a solid chunk and just a pendant on the outside I like that I have this shape right here so I think I'm going to start by modeling this as a solid piece that I think I'll push pull all the way up so I'm gonna do I'm gonna do that so let's see about how big this is so I got that right about about five feet so I'm gonna make this as a component I'm gonna I'm trying to think of how to do this because what I want to do here is I want to actually take this make it once and distribute it around the outside of the hall and then after they're all laid in place I want to look and see if that's going to work or if I need to make adjustments by making a component I can go in and make changes later on excuse me I make changes later on and I can actually you know change all of them at once so I think that's what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna make something looks like this how far is that six foot nine that seems like it could be correct I'm gonna come this way 2.5 feet come back this way two and a half feet coming this way you're coming out with a nice round dimensions which I really thoroughly enjoy again based on the fact that we're working off of a low quality image that I downloaded from somewhere all right so the thing that most people call extrude is what we call push-pull and that's where you just grab a surface and you grab it like you have it like there's a handle on it and just pull it into 3d space and that can be used on any closed surface as long as it's a single face if it's a curved face or something like that you have to use an extension and Michael asked does it scale ratio after he was asking when you were yes so I was scaling by a specific dimension but I could have used the scale tool where I could put in a scale number so one being a hundred percent 1.5 being one and a half percent I could have actually scaled that way if I wanted to increase or decrease the size a specific amount based on where it was originally I was scaling everything to a specific dimension so I just used a different tool but that is that's an option as well all right I'm gonna call this two-foot to let me bring that back one foot - I'm looking at my dimensions so down oh that sounds gonna turn on I realized I forgot to turn on my key caster so now you guys can actually see what it is I'm doing and typing alright so there I thought something was selected again with this blue over here all right there is half of my column so I'm gonna grab that right now I'm gonna hit the right arrow key to constrain to the red axis and use rotate to flip this over like that all right now I'm going to take this before I use push/pull oh shoot so right now this is raw geometry if I was to grab push pull and pull this up I would actually be breaking this geometry over here I don't want to do that yet so I'm gonna grab this and right click I'm gonna say make component and I know it's not technically a column but I'm gonna call it a column all right now what I can do I'm gonna hide this one right here I'm gonna take this component well I got weird I wonder what's coming it's not it's not snapping to the face like I was expecting all right I'm gonna grab this by that middle point like I grabbed a weird spot to reference from I'm gonna put this right here all right now I look at what this dimension is here so I'm gonna see what happens if I take this I'm gonna use move so I'm gonna click a point hit option to make a copy and I'm gonna copy it over five feet I'm gonna copy over five nope that's not five feet that is from here to here so we'll try 14 and a half feet this way 1425 feet enter that looks pretty good so right now I'm still in the copy command I haven't done anything or changed anything so I can tell if it I want it to copy that one two three four five six seven eight times so if i just type x8 and hit enter dang that looks that's that's pretty nice I need one more of those columns over here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this one and I'm gonna move it I'm gonna use these columns I put in place like this from here option two here so you can use that same same spacing I know I'm not a big fan Bradley's thank you for reminding everyone that math is a shortcoming of mine appreciate that yeah one point five would be one and a half times whatever is currently scaled so yeah did I say that wrong I may have said that wrong all right I'm gonna take these now I want to put a copy of these in this exact spacing around on the other side of the hall to do this I'm going to use rotate so I'm going to draw a line right down the middle of the hall I'm gonna hit rotate and I'm gonna use the center point the middle point of that line just drew pull my life here for reference option and then just spin it around like that and drop it right there we come look look how nicely all that lines up okay so I'm gonna go with that I'm gonna say that is exactly what I want as of right now and I'm going to enter one of these components doesn't matter which one since their components are all linked together and I'm just gonna pull that up to right here where the arch starts all right I'm gonna triple click on this geometry right here and I'm going to make this into a component and I'm just gonna call this my shell there is no spellcheck in naming a component so let's try sh e ll let's see how that works all right so what that's gonna do when I'm when I'm all done actually there's a good chance that I really won't be using any of the geometry from this original shell this is really put together just use as reference as I build the rest of it out I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna put it on its own layer which I'm the call oh boy shell and now I can actually toggle that on and off so I can actually look and see how how my Hall is looking as I put it together well you think mark yeah mark never tells I'm doing a good job it's sometime I can tell he's proud of me thanks buddy ok so that looks good for right now what to do next let's go let's fill in these windows real quick let's do that I'm gonna make a new component that's going to be one of these windows so I'm going to start by drawing shape just on the ground all right I'm gonna grab that make that a new component and we call this window I'm feeling terribly creative apparently all right I'm going to take that and I'm also going to option click here x7 one lesson nope x8 there you go and I can actually just delete this one actually I want to leave that yet because I want to grab these pieces all these pieces the cool thing in sketchup about selecting is selections are persistent so as long as I don't go select and right-click and/or click off into nowhere they're gonna stay selected so I can do things like turn layers on and off draw a reference geometry all while I have a selection without fear of losing it so I'm gonna go ahead and turn shell on the one thing that I you have to be conscious of in select is selecting doesn't enter the undo stack selecting and deselecting so if I go in and do a bunch of careful selections and then hit escape or something like that and deselect them I can't hit undo and reselect so just something to be conscious of there's a lot of things you can do while something is selected but that is not an undoable it's not an undoable thing deselecting is not undoable so right now I have my window component selected I'm going to put this I don't know why I deleted it and put my reference line for the mill right here and then just like I did before and go to rotate click and make a copy flip it around 180 degrees I'll turn my shell back off again so there I have Windows just to back up a couple we did have a question this always comes up so this one we're used to this right here on my left hand is a 3d mouse it is 3d connection space Mouse enterprise so if you go to 3d connection comm you can see there array of 3d mice this happens to be the one that they sent me and it is awesome so the 3d mouse for one thing is what's doing all this nice smooth animation I was to say as a Sketchup user we get used to this no problem my brain is ready for it not everybody watching is ready for it so that's why this nice smooth 3d connection is nice it also has a programmable button so a lot of my shortcuts are over here so I don't have to the one downside to a 3d mouse is and most of us you Sketch up like this right left hand keyboard right hand the mouse go from there by putting your hand over here on the mouse on the 3d mouse to animate you lose that shortcut key hand by having programmable buttons around the puck I can actually do most my shortcuts with my pinky thumb other fingers and I don't have to take my hand back over here so cool product not a requirement for Sketchup you do not have to have one by any means but if you do get your hands on one you may actually find yourself inputting quicker and it's great for a presentation so if you ever have to go out and show people your work that kind of thing a 3d mouse is an awesome way to navigate through and I'm just saying that because I've I actually have no connection at 3d connection a company I just really like the products so I'm a big big fan of them I think it shows great - alright so back to modeling I'm going to unhide that drawing I'm going to slide it over so it laps over one of the windows alright so what I want to do is I want to take this window right here and modify its geometry so it kind of matches more like with this this is right here I'm running to a problem because my models in my way I could do a couple things I could grab some of this job like there and hide it what I'm gonna do is I'm going to throw in a section temporarily grab a section tool I'm going to put in section one and I'm gonna move that back so it's just past this column right there and then I'm gonna right click and I'm going to hide my selection what a selection plane is actually visible and active it's clickable so basically you have this kind of translucent film between you and what you're trying to click on every time you click you're just picking the section plane so by turning it off like that I VI will be able to get in here and make the changes I need to this geometry without the section plane being in the way alright so we do a couple things here first thing is I'm going to pull this up to right here I don't want to do this I'm gonna grab this line right here and use the option to offset it to there and then I grab this surface right here I'm gonna move it up oh I'm gonna ruin to an issue because of this this jog right here that's okay I'll fix that yeah I'll just use push/pull so he's asking about extrude earlier that is our extrude so that's the general I grab this line right here and slide it out that all right I'm close with that done let me go to outliner and I'm gonna grab my section plane I'm actually gonna erase it delete it I don't want it right now and I'm going to rehydrate because I got to come in here and I got to do a little cleanup so what I can do come back into this component what I want is this that you go all the way across so what's happening is because it steps inside a little bit I'm getting this extra geometry I'm losing so what I'm gonna do is a draw a line down in this crack right here I'll line up here and there we go so there's lots I could have extruded through I could use solid tools or intersect sometimes just drawing a couple lines is the easy way to do that all right if I come to the outside I have a similar issue I don't have details what the outside looks like so that means anytime we're talking about the outside I get to make up whatever I want so I'm gonna grab right here extend that across like that okay right here I send that cross like that and there we go that's the bottom of our window I think that looks pretty good let's go check a reference image real quick let's save I don't know I don't know how many people here were there for it but I did model a good portion of Notre Dom a solid hour plus before losing it all so you think I'd be better after that having that happen to you but it's still a struggle for me so yeah so this is kind of the thing we got you can see right here see it slopes up and that kind of cuts out I think that's that's good enough that that works for what what we got you can see this though this is this is something that we didn't off of either of our reference plans yeah I know Marvin was there here members and then James laughed at me so do you have an arch arch here so at some point when we come in here we'll actually fill that into you right now I'm just doing the flat stuff we'll work our way up so the next thing is going to be to put some windows in here so I want to see if I have anything that shows the actual window there we got a little bit of one go I do tell this end window that's not gonna be a problem the man these side windows if anybody comes across and has a good whoops just put my computer sleep there anybody has a good picture window and let's throw it up in the forum that would be awesome because this is what I got to work off of which I can make that I can make this work we knew this so it looks like each window is made up of nine sections we need to figure out how high this is I should have that in this drawing right here yeah see this shows one two this shows four sections oh well hey Louie this nevermind I got a sweet detail right here I got this gonna be a piece of cake alright so I actually can trace this right here just to kind of get my initial volume in there and then we'll go in and detail out the windows according to this image right here cool so let's go ahead and unhide that last thing we should this is this should be to scale as well so yep oh man love it when a plan comes together here's what I'm gonna do try remember exactly how big I made this five foot two okay so I'm gonna put a line right here that is five foot two whoops five five foot two you did not know what to do with five : - that's not a number the middle up to here I'm gonna draw some more lines on here this is where the arch starts so actually I'm gonna only draw half of this - so right here come up - here we go I'm gonna turn x-ray one two three four it looks like they're even so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna select this line right here right click and click on divide and I'm gonna have it divided to four and see how close that gets me not really because the top ones are a little bit different size so I'll come to right here in the middle and now if I select this and divide it by that there we go - three points so now I know that each of these sections is exactly the same size that's really what I was getting at right there all right so this arch right here I can't use my standard arc because my standard arc is a uniform arc it's always there's different definitions for it this arc actually has kind of a ah Dave's back asked me if I use a larger bit splitter I didn't again Dave but you know what it's okay because this is an absolutely terrible image to begin with so I'm actually not missing anything by not having pulled it into the larger quality than what large image splitter would have done so we went and looked at the reference image and it is just as bad if not worse than what's already here yes Robert Coolidge mentioned that this is a gothic arch right here sorry I'm gonna drink coffee and read for a second all right back to work hello India Pham civil engineering alright so what I'm gonna do instead so I go say I can't put a standard arc here because it's going to give me that uniform arc I was so instead I'm just gonna use Bezier curves there's a couple different extensions out there for bezzie a I just use the standard one from the sketchup team not because not for any reason other than it's just kind of what I've always used really alright so there we go so bezzie a lets you pick two points and then use control points to shift that around a little bit [Music] are you in Maine Dave is that what you're getting that like I saw that that done some form of social media and then I got growled at by ace right girl oh great work Thanks all right so we got our our reference right here I'm going to take this right here divide it into three and then just take that line all the way up all right so what I have just created is the grid for our large window when I look at this right now I see three pieces we need to develop so this one repeats one two three four five six seven eight nine times this is all the same geometry repeated up here we have two that are the same and then a third one that's different so there's actually only three things I have to create to finish this window I take all of that I'm just gonna slide it over right now and this is where the detail is leaving me wanting but I think if we hop over into this image we can kind of get a better idea of what's going on here and again remember this is what I think this is what we talked about where I don't know this could be because it's a museum piece and it's not fully accurate but we're gonna pretend there's three of these they may be CGI in the real world I don't know it looks like in this one look at that it actually has the same arch across all three and then this higher part is a separate piece I like that idea yeah it looks at oh I'm sorry same thing here so that means what I can actually do it kinda looks like I got something like this going on if I take this piece right here this is cool because this means I only have to actually make two pieces I have to make this window and this window and then I can just copy them which is super cool so what I'll do is I'm going to take this one right here slide it over how far I'm gonna turn on x-ray alright so looks like I'm gonna start by offsetting that much I don't know what I'm doing right now so if I tune out just for a second like I just did literally it's cool we're cool it's cool right it kind of looks like again I jump over here we got a little bit of like a shelf coming out it's not continuous so you see it does look like it breaks at each window so I'm gonna kind of go for that [Music] baaz asking what version I am modeling and I will say this is my standard answer is I'm modeling my version of the Great Hall not to be confused with anything that was actually ever used or created in the real world I'm working off of the images I was able to find so I don't really know exactly what which movie they lined up with so I'm gonna start by putting something like this across I'm gonna pull that in so pull it an inch on your side and then ah Barb's back so I'm gonna go here I'm gonna use my arc to place an arc like this sorry I'm modeling x-ray and that's that's never really a great thing to do I'm going to take that all the way up like that this all the way up like this so much making stuff up okay I'm going to drag this down like this and I think what I'm gonna do pull this out a little bit more maybe a half inch and I think I'll kind of do this that looks fancy I'm gonna hide that line grab this piece and this piece and I guess this piece and this piece I'm going to mirror that use the extension called kirik mirror this is one of many many about many many being three or four mirroring extensions out there it just happens to be the one I started using really enjoy using it and I'm going to just use that to mirror my selected geometry and flip that back over to this side and then I can get rid of my little flag my little reference geometry that I used right there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab all of this right now and I'm gonna make it a component and I'm gonna call this window a I'm gonna grab that window a I'm gonna stick it right here and I'm gonna copy it alt there we go alt X - I'm gonna grab those three nope grab those three components not those three surfaces underneath and then I'm gonna grab them here option copy it up also X - you know what I'm gonna do that right now I want to put another one up here and then I'm gonna grab well actually my can make any changes yet at the point where these designs start to deviate from this design I will make these three into a separate component right now I'm just gonna leave them up there because I may make some changes alright so this is looking all right I'm gonna grab is this a component no this wasn't I grabbed all of this and I'm going to make it into a new component and I'm gonna call this component window assembly because why not all right I'm gonna take this now grab a copy of it and I'm going to throw it in place right here sometimes it's cool you put pieces together and just go mm-hmm sounds good I am gonna do this I'm gonna double click in here double click into one of these I have a shortcut key map to hide rest of model it's normally view component edit Hydra smile like it's rid of everything that's not the component I have you see when I hide rest model I still see all of the copies of this component that I'm working with if I wanted to I could go to view component edit and hide similar components I don't have a shortcut key attached that because I don't use that command very often and most times I'd seen 9 out of 10 times I actually want to see the impact that changed one component has on the rest so I'm going to come in here and I'm going to shift erase this line right here and this line right here what that's going to do is make that look like one complete piece all the way up I'll do the same thing down here shift erase this and shift erase this that's gonna make it look like I have one vertical piece running all the way up I gotta do at the top to shift erase and I am using shift instead of option or control because they don't want to smooth it if you these these lines are representing 90-degree angles of face those two faces are coming together like that and I'm getting that edge if I smooth it I'll end up with weird gray shadows in there so I'm intentionally hiding using shifty race rather than oh it's all coming together so the nice thing is because I made each of these individual components I have to go in here and make my little fancy detail thing that is actually what they call it in Gothic architecture case you guys didn't know this is a fancy detail thingy I only had to do it once now so I can actually build this into one arch and it'll show up in all of them speaking of which I actually don't want well let me go let me go look at some images yeah this is significantly different so I'm going to grab these and I'm going to say make unique so what make unique does it says keep that as a component but separate it from the original component if you do a multiple select so in this case I selected three components and I say make unique actually those three components become a new instance so it's not like so I had window a is what I called it this isn't gonna say window a one window a two window a three they're all going to be called window a one someone say make unique and I would immediately head over here to my entity info and call this window B enter so now I can see you can see I'm talking about here's window a here's window b window b window b so components know what hot components were hot it's good stuff it's something you definitely want to do yeah glad i could throw that out there the actually the word weird a mr. Coolidge go he could probably tell us what what this the actual name is here that's what you get for calling out the type of arch filigree that sounds right all right now I gotta be honest especially wait let's let's let's hop over here especially after looking at this I'm not going to go to this level of detail today I do want to get a good portion of this Great Hall modeled in the next few hours so my filigree may be left lacking when compared to what Alejandro did with this model we're gonna we're gonna sprinkle a little filigree we're not gonna like fully marinate so we're gonna get the feel the look and feel of some filigree being [Music] you Darrel's on it thank you guys I still looking for there maybe an addition into restream which is our streaming software where I can hook my control s up to like a web service somewhere and if enough people type in save it just automatically happens I'm sure it's out there right that's got to happen it's like voting right all right she already pointed out that the actual technical term is not filigree or a thingy but thing I'm a jig so my bad okay cool let's uh let's crank on here so this is actually the full profile this is sick this is cool because so this upper window is actually just gonna be a half of our lower window right here that will be able to bring back in very cool and then we'll follow the arch up and they'll put the arches this way oh cool all right let's talk you more modeling I still don't have a good idea of what this looks like so any but if anybody has can is able to track down a decent picture of this window that would be cool cuz it kind of looks like we've got a little bit of an arc with maybe some circling things underneath it I'm gonna throw something in there that kind of looks like it maybe but yeah if anybody has any detail we can we can make it better all right so I'm gonna go into one of these I'm going to start by sticking an arc that's just standard arc straight across like this nope didn't make it I'm gonna start the line how about that that's bigger on AXYZ draw an arc straight across pull that up to a half circle and then we grab that half circle I'm gonna move it straight up so touches the top right there I don't I don't ever try to like I guess I could do math I could have taken this dimension divided it in half and then or put a line there in the middle or I don't know I could have done something putting down at the bottom just slapping in place seemed it seemed easier I'm going to take this and I'm gonna pull this out a little ways push pull this out into the side like that and I'll just go ahead right now and intersect that and No missed it oh I missed I missed everything that was all terrible undo undo I'm gonna grab these surfaces and these surfaces I'm going to right click and intersect faces with selection that breaks it I'm coming back here and then I can also just get rid of this extra geometry there we go that's what we got yeah to really just really filigree it up I'd have to get into sub-dean you're right somebody Oh err some guy named Eric found a picture sounds like a great guy yeah so looks like that's still uploading pull it up on pull it up so everybody can see oh I could do that we can do that we can make this happen I'm gonna stop talking about this now I just start to start making it so we're looking at this right here so it actually it is pretty simple it looks like we got an arc right here that arc actually looks like comes out to the face of these column II things and then we got a couple like circular cuttings to what looks like another arc so I will show you how I interpret that all right so first thing is undo a couple more times so looks like this actually more undos right so I actually pull that out to hear this have to hear that out like that which make sense I like that that works and then from alright put an arc here and then it looks like we got something like let's drop straight down I'm gonna take that and rotate it lower that and rotate it 45 degrees and then bring that over 90 degrees all right so you may start disagreeing with me soon as to how I'm interpreting this but yeah but whatever I don't know yeah and then once again that will take that I'm a big fan of using mirror I don't you guys caught that yet but I'm sorry using rotate to mirror 2d geometry so I only have to do things once so it's a little fancier than that but this is gonna work for what we're doing I want to pull that out halfway and that's what we're gonna go with all right to finish clean this up I am I'm a triple click this and soft and smooth right quick and a couple spots where was I didn't like it and then imma do the same thing here to make these go across I'm just gonna say off shift you race here ship to race here it's gonna give us that full bringing all the way across I did so alright so I may have actually over soft and smooth let's bring that down just as just a touch and then I am gonna intersect these alright oh looks like it'll work cool that was that once that looks solidly acceptable gonna work our way up now we got something similar going on here it's a little further down so I'm gonna grab one of these it's down around here is then we have this geometry so I'm gonna copy that geometry I'm gonna click in here and I'm going to paste in place paste in place has put it back into the drawing where it was absolutely XYZ coordinates previously you can't paste in place - actually I'm a big fan of ways to do rework without having to do too much work to do that rework alright so one of the things this seems to do this seems do something like that just like I had that other piece that came out again I'm just looking at the image that that Eric posted and doing my best to make sense of it that kind of like that I'm just gonna since I'm in here I'm gonna all tear a some stuff and and you race you race some stuff and then I'm gonna put in its its same thing looks like a club from from playing cards almost there's probably some significance to this this thing that and you just say it same thing it did down below I just might my reference is going to be a little bit difference by geometry is this like that all right I'm gonna do a couple arcs just like you did before this all up you guys are probably noticing that I'm only building half it I'm actually using the whole thing just as referenced so I can look at it and see how it looks but I really only want half of it because I never want to I mean well it's time-consuming oops I missed it try that again anytime I can only model half of something it's gonna save me time again so alright grab all that I'm going to soften that also extra line extra line and then do a little shifty racy disappearing I have not been great about cleaning up the backside of my model I should point out I'm getting it the wrong too much stuff aren't I yep undo undo work I can do one more adieu let's let's do some intersecting before I start just going going mad with the eraser don't clean up till you're ready to clean up all right intersect that with selection not getting my breaks under there now I should be able to shift your ace here shift race here there we go all right [Music] got extra lines here too and get rid of nope not that one kidding there we go I don't know what happens here what happens to the top oh we got it we got additional detail to add up here that's just giving us the first part of it we had a couple more arcs right here this looks like some some geometries gonna happen right here so brace yourselves all right so if I take this line straight up it looks like this shape right here comes over here then what to mention did i offset this something arbitrary it's about one inch in 1316 sweet I'm gonna take these two offset about 1 in 13 16 I will pull that out to the midpoint actually before I do that I'm gonna take this juncture right here grab it by the peak kind of soften that point a little too much copy that too right I'll bring that out midpoint same thing here and then it looks like sorry looks like the same thing happens again right up here so I'll grab this in this offset that down exactly about one in 1316 I'll push pull that out oops first pull that out midpoint there too all right so that looks about what I got in the image I have over here actually the one thing that happens on here that on my reference image on the form that I'm not getting here is this this looks like it actually comes down to a point and goes back up so I might see what happens they get this archana let's see if I was to go out here taking an arc from here to the center point here just so you see how this all looks do something that definitely looks a bit more like what I got I'm going to take that I drew that on the outside of the component intentionally because if she was messing around but I'm gonna cut it come in come in paste that no paste in place not just paste the other other paste oops and then I can actually rotate that again apparently rotate to copy things is is kind of the thing to happen today over on that side and then we can push that back Robert asks offset from the inside Ark I could have done that as well I did want to make sure it's the problem the the problem the reason that the offset would not have worked is because look at look it's obviously wider here than it is up here no doubt because I did it wrong I'm not not not blaming anybody for that one but me but in order to get that right had ya had to do that come here this option this that okay about ready to be done doing windows I don't do windows alright so there we go so we have a container this is our component in one container in that container we have a series of windows down here and we also have a bunch of loose geometry I'm gonna do this I'm going to temporarily take all my twelve components and I'm going to hide them because I want to get rid of well first thing to clean up I've got some some mess here but I also want to get rid of a lot of this geometry I don't like it when I have geometry and components in the same spot if I don't need them now I can go actually I'll just grab all this to make that a new new component and I'm going to call those arch windows all right and I'm gonna say edit unhide last all my windows back and there we go almost so I'm gonna do this and then we will we'll save it so remember how it went in and I erased because this component had that line and that edge in the middle I erased it so that I had this nice smooth looking column but that means on the edge right now so if I look at this in place I don't get a line to break it may not be a big deal I may not care about that but if I'm going for that full Sketchup look this looks like something's wrong something's overlapping something's incorrect so how do I get that back without having the lines break in the middle what I can do is because this is a bigger component I can come in here to this component and I'll just put a line from that point all the way up to here and I'll do the same thing on the other edge they're straight all the way down it's right there now I want to come look at it you can see have that line like it's breaking and I got to go in I'm gonna turn off profiles I like this look a lot better this is just personal you you may like profiles and that's cool I like this look where all the lines of the same size that's kind of my preferred way to view a Sketchup model suite so that looks awesome I'm gonna take that now I'm gonna grab this whole thing I'm gonna command X to cut it I'm gonna come into one of these things that I called my window a little bit of geometry and clean up inside of here while I'm here I'll throw that out you know this is the kind of cleanup this it's not required I don't have to go in and delete these extra faces but if you are doing any kind of work that's going to end up on the 3d warehouse or something like that your consumers will appreciate if you do that kind of clean up so it's not extra geometry poking through and that kind of thing so good modeling practices all right and I'm going to hit control V oops I'm backwards all right now I'm gonna grab this by that corner there stick it right here and what that's gonna do is actually give that to me all the way down because I stuck it again in the component by adding it that one component I got all my windows in there look in sweet awesome now actually you know what I think I actually want to bring that forward a little bit because it looks like that's should be more like inside there a little bit all right so if we look at our reference image hey save if we look at our reference image these arches here actually come out to full full width above this window so it follows this arch right here with this shape so here's what I'm gonna do I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to this right here I'm going to turn the rest of my lon and I'm gonna drop this down to maybe that point right there I'm gonna break this and now what I want I want this line and this line I'm gonna copy that I'm gonna come out here I'm gonna ding oh I'm pays a place that puts that line right there come in here come on this group again go to this group have this line and this line copy takes it back out this line I'm gonna paste in place again and I'm gonna grab these four lines I just grabbed we use the weld extension to weld them into one piece now I can grab this this is not going to be perfect this is gonna get messy but I'm still visualizing right now so with this selected I'm just gonna say follow me and click this surface again not perfect I know but I can work with this all right the reason so so I don't think eyes have seen this before this is cool and this looks that looks it's awesome but it's obviously got some problems it's not connected down here and it doesn't go too vertical over here the problem is this surface is not perpendicular to any segment of this line right so this line right here it's starting off weird so the first thing that follow me does is it takes the surface and says rotate it up so it's perpendicular to this first line and go from there that's where we get that gap at the bottom we can deal with that though it's all about groups this is Nate the sub name of this is modeling Hogwarts Great Hall interior working with groups in groups in groups so I'm going to grab this surface and this line and I'm going to make them into a group I'm going to go into that group the reason I did this so I can get rid of everything else and now I can work on just what do I need to do to make this work so there's a couple things I can do one what I'm gonna do right now before I do anything I'm gonna just grab this but push pull it straight down I'm gonna get rid of this now I'm gonna go up to this line I'm gonna go to the last segment on this line and I'm just gonna trace it long alright grab this line and the one I just made reweld that grab this line this line it's okay that these are broken because I actually want to transition right here and I'm going to take that and say follow me with this surface and that's what we get so if I come out here that's actually what I want there's a little cleanup to happen there I could take this push pull us back up to here I can get rid of my extra line there that is the volume that I want right now it's not done but we're we're close I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna do the same thing with mirror I'm just gonna draw one of my little mirror flags right here let's a mirror that use kirok mirror to mirror over to here an option that is what we're shooting for right there but I can't actually intersect these two so what I'm gonna do instead I'm just going to create a quick this is a real simple intersection it's actually just a vertical intersection so what I'm gonna do is I come in here I do want to see the rest of my model and I'm going to basically I'm just going to create a big flat cutting plane right here like that and I'm a select all of this intersect face of a selection that's gonna cut it now I can delete this then grab everything that's on this side aligned like that just missed a couple lines here and there we go actually you read that that's not what I wanted this is what I wanted so I take this now get rid of this surface in there and I can take that and mirror that over here and then we got that arch going all the way across I don't need it as a group I only grouped it to do that work so I can select both copies here and explode them all right so that's gonna put all that together I can take this now and actually if I look at my reference I can take that all the way up to right here that's looking cool I can do this I'm just gonna close this space up right now and push that back here I know sometimes I do excessive cleanup I do more cleanup than I actually need to do but I'm a fan of clean models what can I say that looks good don't need that line and I can do the same thing over here take this straight up to here push pull that back to here and again I know what's going on on the outside I don't really I don't really care to clean that up right this second cool so that let's get rid of our reference line take a peek at this that looks looks like something once again shift your AC's line so everything melds back together all right looking good I know this too don't get that surface flickering I know there's upper windows I'm gonna put those off just for a few moments because I want to get some more detailing down here what time we get ya see we're we're an hour-and-a-half thing we're doing it we're doing all right I can't uh heck I'll just let's just do it let's throw that upper window in real quick cuz like I said that upper window is really just a section of this so I'm gonna grab this window right here which is a copy of the component we used all through the rest of this I'm gonna make this one unique and I'm gonna call that the upper window assembly or assemble luli there we go I'm gonna go into that now that that's unique and I can delete this lower half I just leave these lines out I'm just gonna stick them back in real quick - quick - quick so I can take that now let's see try think of a creative way to do this whole thing when I grab this and let's see start by placing it right in middle there rotate it so it's facing the right direction perfect just like on there all right so now that needs to move up to move it up I'm going to use my reference image over here because so with this highlighted does this is me a little bit of a trick we're in look away and then we look back something's gonna have happen so I'm gonna have it selected right now and I'm gonna move it from where am I connected to top of the arch okay so I'm gonna say I want to move it from right here up to here when I do that I use my reference points over here but because it was selected this is what moved up I'm gonna take it like this I want to get it so that this geometry is intersecting this geometry all right I come in here select this surface right click intersect face with model that should give me a break there it didn't I don't have a surface coming down here so I'm to manually trace that line if I hide it now oh yeah so I got some extra geometry and get rid of all this stuff but what I got there the important part is what I did get not just what I'm getting rid of is this outline of the window yeah that's the stuff so what I want to do is I want to actually take this shape they don't a segment there all right that was cool I'm gonna grab that right now I'm gonna slide it from one side to the other oops all right close it up all right there we go grab that shape I'm gonna slide it from here to here and then flip it over like that all right so there we go so what I can do now I want to emulate the same thing see the same the same offset right here I'm wondering is how far that is check that dimension looks like one foot five and fifteen sixteenths what's called one foot six actually we don't have to call it anything because I can say offset and pull this dimension out to here so one of the things I am doing right now you guys may have caught on to this I am modeling with stuff invisible lines right now I can come in here show hidden so I can actually see where these lines are the probably make a little bit easier to do this same thing hear someone say offset from here to here delete these extra lines alright so why I did that is because what I'm hoping will happen right now I must see what Auto fold does for me I'm gonna try to move that from here actually along the red axis into nope yes blue axis into here it's okay it's not great I'd have to do this actually it's not just that great it's really not good so that's not gonna work actually let me try one one other thing sometimes you can help Auto fold a lot by manually cutting hey it's our our viewer with that my favorite first name of all our viewers how you doing Aaron let's see if I force that cut does that get any better near new not at all that's just not just that's unattractive as what that is alright I'm gonna do this I'm gonna get rid of all that real quick do the same thing here grab this and move it straight back to here OOP that was even worse oh I didn't put that cut line in there we go and now I can move that boom straight back to here that was the easy one one missed we're doing some advice here all right Robert says copy from the one below and Aaron says you split tools these are both great ideas but I do like this it just lines up perfectly actually just take this and option copy boom option copy see this is where my mistake save you time in the long run if you ever have a problem like this just call Robert Coolidge alright so to finish that off this does then go all the way through so as this side what broke some stuff made so I made some ugly geometry right here again I'm gonna get rid of these surfaces so I don't see that flicker on the inside get this line back in here heck yeah good this and this I could have broken this up to a little bit differently than I did that would have helped a little bit clean up my geometry just a touch because I could have changed my component to be from here to here which it would have been just around that window that would have been an option instead of splitting the window like this all right with that I can take this guy and I can slide him right back here I'm gonna slide it forward I remember how far forward it went forward I'm gonna use this as a reference because I know it's this far in all right upper windows in the right spot now I can grab it command X let's see excuse me thanks for telling me of that no window actually I do want to cut it I want to cut it out go into this component and paste in place all right there we go now we have all of our windows that's um alright so oh yeah halfway through ish the big pieces we still got to do we need to finish up the ends so I to put the door here I put that little step thing with the window down at the end here I got a fireplace and I got a ceiling I am in a situation where not everybody's gonna get everything at this point I think I'm going to let's put the ceiling in you guys good with that sound good to everybody that make you all happy tell me what you think about ceilings don't hold back alright Eric's on board yeah alright to do these the ceiling we have these arches which are super cool I mean I honestly just because of the time I'm not going to go in and detail these out all the way because I want to get more of the other pieces in but we're to make these components and throw them in as well I'm gonna start with this reference over here I'm gonna grab a line in the middle I'm gonna take this all the way up to I guess this line right here alright now this portion I was really not in the center this wasn't that far off so this portion right here I'm going to trace a quick profile for like this this is whoa everything's falling apart nope it's cool everything's cool this is where I stop talking I start clicking I don't know if this is right or not I'm tracing shadows right now you know there we go so I'll take that I will come down here below and I'm gonna put a circle in right below here cut that circle in half so I don't actually need this half over here grab this line and I'm gonna say ooh I'm gonna have an issue they're not going to erase it yet because we haven't do instead remember how we had that issue earlier that I was talking about how that piece jumped up on the arch and then started to follow me same thing is gonna happen here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take the circle I'm gonna grab it by the middle of any of the arcs it doesn't matter which one I'm gonna swing that arc around so that is what is right there so I look at my circle closely see how I have this perpendicular line starting that line right now is perpendicular to this surface so by doing that one little quick rotate I'm gonna be able to real easily whoops select this piece right here follow me look right here and get that column done just that easy a triple click reverse spaces all right carrying on I have lots of stuff this is going to go something like that hi and grab a line here pull it straight across to here look that lined up pretty well good job plans alright don't ask me what I'm doing right now and I won't tell you that I don't know I'm trying to figure out I'm trying just basically I'm just trying to make a little reference grid so I go straight up here to this same ID here alright that's the square in which our arcs happen I'm going to just delete it so I'm gonna have one arc that goes from this point this point another arc at this point and another arc that goes from this point to there bring that there rotated out the right direction nope not that way all right I'll take that and I'll slap that right in the middle okay so that is a 2d drawing of my arch something you may notice is that we have this fancy shape right here that's actually a section of what this arch looks like you can see we have all these a lot of there's a lot of fanciness in here what I'm gonna do is again I don't wanna I do not want to spend an insane amount of time on this but I'm going to go ahead and we'll get some small fanciness okay we'll get a little I'm gonna do a little bit of follow me fanciness sometimes when you're tracing on a surface like this you get real close it'll start like seeing surfaces behind you'll lose your line like that if you just hit the arrow keys to constrain to the axes you're trying to draw and then you know it'll come back on surface I'm going to rotate like that grab that right by the middle and option copying don't leave that one where it is here's I'm going to do I'm going to select this profile I'm gonna make it into a group it's in a group now now I'm going to grab off take this line this line right here and I'm gonna extend it long just like I did on my last follow me now I'm gonna select this line this line and this line I'm gonna hit follow me but now I just like to select the group I can't it won't let me follow a group but what I can do is I can right click and I can say edit group I'm still in follow me right now so I can click right here and follow that shape down I come out alright that looks pretty cool what I need now is I need profile for these smaller fancy curves my my minor fanciness and I don't have a section through them like I did oh no here you go here's my my smaller curves these are my lesser fancies I'm just exact same thing so if you didn't catch it the first time pay attention or do it again draw half of it rotate flip it around like that grab that double click and make it group and now bring that out here alright so this I'm going to do this as two separate pieces I'm gonna grab I don't want to mess with this column so I'm gonna grab this column detail I'm gonna make that a group and I'm gonna take that and this piece and I'm going to hide them get rid of them I don't need them right now I also don't need my reference this is all I need so I have this piece right here and I had this I'm gonna do the same thing I did before I take this out straight like that yeah this may actually end up being a little weird but I'll fix it later oh well we'll see we'll see how it turns out I shouldn't say oh I shouldn't offer to fix anything I don't know it's gonna happen who can really tell I should probably be able to alright and I'm gonna take a line straight down here and once again line line line follow me right click at a group click surface all right there's one of our inside fancy mrs. reverse faces and I'm going to grab this face right here copy it come out paste it just wherever make that a new group select and hi this group so exact same thing here take this line out take this line straight down move this guy right here so he is end point this line once again click click click click follow me right click Edit group all right now I'm gonna say I'm gonna go edit unhide all bring it all back that's what we got going on right now it's something this is the only spot that I'm concerned about right here that makes them editing on the fly I'm gonna take this right here and I'm gonna scoot it vertically one thing I'm gonna have to do is I'm gonna have to align these all horizontally as well so I'm gonna grab just one slide it over right back to the middle the same thing with this guy right here actually that all right cool so I'm gonna do this in a couple pieces I'm gonna grab these two first and hmm how do I want to do this I'm gonna go you know every once in a while it occurs to me that I could possibly have a game plan for some of these things but then I think that's no fun you guys wouldn't enjoy that if you would I apologize all right so I'm gonna Union these two we'll see let's see how this works because what I want to get rid of Zhai want to get rid of this chunk out here and this chunk down here I can't think of a simple way to use solid tools to not do that so it's okay because I'm going to come in here and this is actually pretty quick I think because I can just click click there click here and then push pull push pull and then connect this point to this point to this point and then that'll stay this will push pull push pull same thing connect these two points that'll stay so push pull and push pull and maybe done this as one could have done this as one one piece one extrusion I did not do that I did not clean it up enough to make this all just one push pull through so that could have could have saved me a little bit of time energy now comment/question all right that's a pixel or two not sure I understand I'm guessing if you're seeing something like that it it's either your start point not being in the right spot or having your your push-pull face perpendicular to the line at first if if I'm understanding your question which I'm not sure that I am push-pull is great but you do have to invest time into the initial setup I will say that I don't know if that's actually what's happening or not though all right I'm gonna join this together try a side if I should just go for it yeah waters great let's jump right in how to show that thing oh yeah I believe this one right here I need you some cleanup let's run follow me straight edges or I'm sorry solid inspector now follow me follow me on the brain all right so one thing I'm seeing right here ye this is ugly I don't like the way this all comes together so I think what I want to do actually want to cut this piece off where it runs into this piece just I'm just I'm just thinking out loud right now guys I don't know what I'm doing cuz this is not gonna this is going to be a mess so one thing I can do is I can come in here and I can push pull this back so it's gonna only go to there same thing here and push pull that back to here see that helps me visualize so that runs the small one into the large one okay dad I feel better about I'm gonna take those two now Union them and see what kind of cleanup I got a bank not too bad this does not look this is not like awesome but it's not too bad all right so just to make this all look kind of nice I'm going to push pull this surface back to here align those two shapes that in this out to here you're sure this is how this is all designed just like the gothic architects used to do snip some stuff off here here this is another spot that I could be doing this symmetrically I could actually have cut this whole thing in half I did not I chose not to do that so I do have to do each of these steps I do I got to do it on both sides but I wasn't so bad all right a couple of quick small cleanups on this thing there's something going on right here which I don't understand thank you mom okay that comes off okay that comes out okay something wrong there though do I have something hidden no nothing's hidden oh yeah no what all right now I know you're just messing with me all right so that might be slightly out of plane I'm not gonna mess anymore though I got it good we got a great haul to build all right I'm what I'm doing is I'm just knocking out some of these summits geometry and then I'll let solid inspector fix the rest all right so that's half our column the one last piece I need to do is I need to have it cut so it'll go flush against the wall I'm gonna do that by creating column from the top or using the column to create a rectangle I'll push pull that out make that a new group you can solid and then I can say trim this or cut this from man what's problem cut this from this there we go top here all right now I grab these two pieces make them into a components search awesome and then rotate that 90 degrees not this requirement but I do want to close this up there we go just cuz all right and we know right now this is at the right height because we trace it right off the image so I'm gonna grab it by any point that's on the surface so any of these points right here and I'm gonna bring it along the red axis to where it meets this base and then I will slide it so that the middle here sticking with green axes goes to the middle of one of these that's one good thing Lawrence needs you to say Thank You Lourdes all right so where do we stick this probably makes sense to grab this command X come in to this one and paste in place good golly I love components oh wait I'm sorry something is not centered oh you know what it is I know what it is this don't think he's in the center nope alright let's check and see this slightly off-center no that wasn't it either I never did my cleanup on the end either so I'll get to that but first want to figure out why these two aren't meeting up perfectly I wonder if I did my components wrong this goes straight across to this doesn't yeah yeah I got nothing else to say but yeah you're right I I did that less than perfectly okay so we got a little kind looks like got hands like this now holding hands alright let's let's get in here and we're going to one of these and I'll do the same thing I did before I'm just gonna grab a point right here I'm going to create a box push/pull that box I'm gonna make that box into a group I'm having a hard time seeing what I'm doing now because I have overlapping components so this is an instance where I'm gonna go to component edit and say hide similar components that's gonna get rid of all the rest of stuff and now what I can do is I can take this is not solid right this second let's figure out why it's not solid fix that is this solid fix that and then again I'm going to subtract this from this sometimes stuff just come together and it's it's cool that looks pretty cool awesome all right let's get some end walls on here so I have I'm gonna save and I'm gonna drink a little coffee you bet never - never a bad time to save actually that's not true there are times where you're doing something but you don't know how it's gonna go [Music] Slayer Darth is axe asking if we are the actual sketch of company yes Erik and I are both Trimble employees and we are broadcasting through the various official Sketchup channels so we are actually I don't say we are Sketchup because we are Sketchup you guys are Sketchup with us but yeah we do actually work for the company that sells the product so we're not just enthusiasts well I am I mean Eric are you enthusiastic about Sketchup oh no way so so we like sketch if we like like it it's good yeah I would be using Sketchup if I didn't work at the company I'll say it that way I don't know that I'd be live-streaming modeling though I only do this because I don't know why I do this I do this for you guys we do this all of us together all right ramble s model more okay so right here I do one question I have is if this arch thing is actually on the end wall I'm guessing not because it looks like this wall run into it but let's go let's go check the reference images shall we there okay so it looks like what ends up happening is just that top section and the arch again this is cut off because this is real world and that magic land but emulate something just like this actually I think I had I feel like I had another picture of that entryway yeah that's the same that's the same picture though I feel like that door is not grand enough look that door should be like twice as high let's look at this image real quick I don't know if it has it it doesn't all right we'll do what we want then won't we okay so we kind of know what's happening there let's back in and let's get a wall down here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these two end pieces and I'm gonna make them unique they're called column right now I'm gonna call them end column and I'm gonna come into these grab this move this and that's how that's gonna look and right at the middle here is where I'm gonna pull this wall out presumably that just goes all the way up to the ceiling so let's do that and as dave already pointed out okay I should have flipped instead of rotating that because this is an issue yeah I over rotated so I'm just gonna grab this whole thing and delete it and then I will just take this whole component and use mirror to mirror it back over all right so there we are with the end and see right right up here ah nuts I did that wrong all right so I'm gonna grab I have to come in here and grab this guy so I have a component inside of a component inside of a component that lowest level component is still its own thing so if it repeats inside of other components I make a change it still represented their being inside of container doesn't protect component from being change of the others so I'm gonna grab this one right here and I'm going to make it unique call it and arch and come back over to one of these guys right here and fix that by putting this right here back down where it goes all right there we go so you saw that geometry flickering as I was clicking in and out that is a functionality of this right here component edit hide similar components so as I go into different layers of the components stuff is disappearing if it's the same thing all right that's looking pretty cool so what we got to do now is we do have to make our doorway do this let's turn on x-ray temporarily I'm going to make a square that represents I'm gonna do this the same way come on inside mark I'm gonna do this the same way we did the windows I think and I'm gonna come to the middle so I know this isn't this isn't centered we're a little bit off but it's gonna be okay I'm going to divide this line into four even segments then remove these segments no I'm gonna divide this line I'm gonna make these I'm trying to make these symmetrical I think absolutely good call yeah we could chop this thing in half so we were only reach that point where I can't talk and do things again alright now I'm going to come in here and I put some arches here I'm going to do this using the regular arch arc rather than the two-point arc or am i I'm going to do it once because I want to put this I'm gonna make this even so I'm going to copy this over here and then put a standard arc the end of that line to here I put that same arc here here here all right that's the shape I want to put in here for my my door I'm gonna make my door big I want to make this this that door looked like it was like maybe 10 feet tall or something I want this door to be grand so I'm gonna take this up to like here is gonna be a big door and I'm gonna have an arc the same thing no actually I won't I'm gonna use bezzie a on this because I want that gothic Archy art doctor got gothic oh boy imma save I want that gothic arc shape oh that was that was a lot more work that need to be all right so I gotta draw up a za curves come here here right and now I'm going to hide both the ends because I'm gonna do the same thing I did before actually no here's I'm gonna do going to take this thing all the way around one blow all right all that weld that and now I can just select here follow me with this cool triple click make that group it's not gonna repeat so I'm not gonna make it at poops I grab too much and you still get extra lines here there we go make that a group I'm gonna come in real quick right there there's my doors really certain there is two of them they do look like pool it's getting worse they do look like pool noodles I'm bringing it way through it's it's it's farther through then needs to be but now I can put this up like this so I made it I made it too big I mean it made larger than needed to be so that I could use this group right here which I'm going to make into a solid and this I saw this is actually a long way from being a solid so change plans I'm gonna come into this group right here I'm gonna take this face I really don't it's a pretty simple push-pull actually on this geometry so I'm just gonna grab this face and copy it ctrl C come in to this face I'm gonna paste in place run button paste in place and just push this through to the opposite side and do some shifty racing right here right here on the outside for fun all right and that our grand entrance saved and we could detail the doors out I might come back to that try to close up the room real quick I'm speaking of closing the room let's hide this down here so down on this end this is where we have kind of a so at this transition I think there's we got the Assam steps up this portion comes up and then we have like a grand what's the word I'm looking for the window thing that goes out Bay the big bay I'm going to get rid of these and I'm gonna grab my end pieces that I created and I'm going to put them a copy of them down on the other end I just used mirror to move them over but I get them lined up right now not that I'm gonna use this but I'm gonna use something like it so I'm gonna take these two right now and make them unique and now I can figure out because I didn't what I wanted to get was this same detail because I think that again pictures are lacking but I think if we come look at some of these save if we look at some of these pictures of that end we have this solid wall and the bay goes back so I can actually do that from what I have already so we have extra detail to put on the door it looks like yep still have extra detail to put on the door give me the other end all right yeah so there you can see that that that window goes up high so this is where it steps inside on either side there are steps up it looks like the windows are all the same height too so that's kind of nice that interior step doesn't affect that window all right let's let us soldier on so if I come into this one right here and hide the rest looks like I'm not gonna take it all the way up let's see how high should we go with this we'll go to the top of like this windows will come up this high here vertically I hit the wrong act guy the wrong acts he's that's gonna go this high okay take that over push you pull that in so we push this back just a touch cool pull this out here and then I'm gonna hit option push pull to create a new surface and then pull that surface over to right there that's gonna create that Bay that initial Bay and we'll work inside that will clean clean that up from there awesome before I get into detail on that I do want to put the floor in because it's gonna break so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna step out of everything all the way to my groups and I'm just gonna put a big rectangle in on the ground from this corner to this corner it's a floor I'm gonna triple click and make that a group so what I'm gonna do to get these cuts in so I mean actually I could I could actually just leave this rectangle by itself if I don't reason put it in there so I can you know come in and apply a tile texture or something like that to it in this case I actually I'm gonna pull my steps up out of this so I want this surface to reflect all this geometry so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take the group I'm gonna slide it up vertically it's just a bit like that then I'm gonna select the surface I'm gonna go in here select the surface intersect face with model and that should give me a break all the way around there by hide the rest of the model now I can see actually kind of gave me a floor plan oops look there's Mark's little feet and I'm gonna come around here and get rid all I'm really gonna look for now I just want really just want this piece right here so if I select the is oops all right take that and I'm like command-c I'm gonna copy it because I don't want to I don't want to cut it and then I can just take this original floor delete it and now command B to place this I want to place it tuck it right in the core sorry volume probably is a little low because I'm looking down and mumbling I apologize I will try to keep my speaking posture up and my projecting volume I apologize all right so now that I got that correctly trimmed floor I'm gonna select it I'm going to make it into a group if I wanted to I could make that into a floor I know Dave right now is probably saying he's probably make that into a group earn to a component that way I could have named it and everything but I didn't sorry all right I'm gonna come into this group and I'm gonna draw a line straight across here and I want these steps to be the same size so I'm going to take it option I'm going to copy it up here x2 enter that's going to give me all my steps then I have another one so I'm just gonna grab that same line and copy that back actually no no I'm just gonna they're right there alright so there are my steps what I believe to be my steps so I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna offset it up what 7 inches 7 sound good 7 great 7 this is this one will come up another 7 I left here go up another 7 hook up to here and go up another 7 so there and my great hall if I wanted to I wanted to get a little little fancy here I could do something like take this line and this line and this line I don't think it fancy because I get the feeling that Wizards are fancier than normal people and I could take that and maybe drop that down 1 inch and put a little bulldoze here an inch hey there so you do something like that no that's it's it's it's entry-level fancy but it's a little fancy I don't know why I'm hung up on making things fancy but the Wizarding World smacks of fanciers to me I don't I don't know alright that looks good let's save it and let's address this window down here we're gonna have to get creative because like I said I don't have the full I don't have a full image of what that looks like but if we look here I'm going to say that these window details are the same as the ones on the side so we're gonna grab these components and we're to reuse them what happens at the top we're gonna make up now-ish so this looks like 1 2 3 of those windows so let's go ahead and grab one come in here double click grab that control see and then I'm gonna totally out of context all on its own I'm gonna drop one in here let's get it facing the right direction and let's just plug this in the corner and see where see where it how it looks okay if I was to take the other one so let's take this one right now right there option and copied it straight across to here and then said divide that by two that's where those exact windows put in here would sit obviously there's a huge gap right here this is this is not ideal because this leaves me with a one foot three gap between them it does have a gap so there is actually some geometry here let's see Bradley's Bradley Designs heading out thanks for coming by yes Christian is asking if this will end up on the warehouse it will end up on the warehouse and I will post a link on our forum in the topic about this live model alright so a couple things are happening one thing is it does look like it steps up it has a little bit of a sill like the other ones so we'll copy the geometry from over there and then we'll actually fill this in and use the exact same windows all the way up which means actually want to get rid of that because I'm gonna grab a full window knowing that I'm going to change it let's take this right here pull it in always and I'm gonna take this one right now I'm gonna make it unique and I'm gonna call this do I have an end window that's other thing yet let's find out nope we're good alright so I'm gonna come in here and let's see okay here's here's what I think I want to I want to gonna do I'm gonna get rid of this I would take all of all of this take that and I'm gonna shift it up here for the time being because I think what we'll do give her these lines on the sides right now let's take all of this make a copy of it and put it on top of itself and then put all this then up on top of that Oh big big window all right you missed two steps is it say and book cuz I normally do but I miss I did that recently let me know what I miss parcel I'm gonna take this real quick and I'm just gonna get rid of it make an open space this right now this is what you're referring to this right now this has been cleaned up I do need to do that so I may come in here hide the rest of the model push that back there same thing here I get rid of these or so let me know what I did wrong no I'm not disagreeing with you Marcel I like to make mistakes so you don't have to that's it's a service we offer here on Friday afternoons all right so there we go that's that and actually that will then slide all the way up its wall and just like that before I take this option and copy it against that wall / - that's gonna give me my three windows that's a that's a big window but it's okay you can do that kind of thing when you know you're governed by magic and not science and gravity and stuff I'm gonna take take this copy it I'm going to paste in place pull that across to fill the gap and then I'm gonna pull this all the way up to right here and now I'm gonna trip look like that I'm gonna make that into a new component and I want to call it the end window spacer because I don't know what it's called in real life much less the world of wizards okay again to clean up I can come in here and I can shift erase these end lines ship trees these end lines delete my surfaces on the inside because otherwise those services will show up and then I can do the same thing on here shift you race these two these two oops Italy too much I do actually want just one this gone this gun there we go looks like one big happy peace through the grand your good tip up oh I'm fighting not to crane my actual neck okay so this is good scale stretch yeah if I if I scaled the windows well the thing is the windows look like they are the same exact component oh you know what all of these though would probably match the same exterior window height so I probably me to drop those two right here so now my windows would all line up on the outside too I said that like it was a big whoa hey hold on it really wasn't cool so there's not a default shortcut for paste in place but I assigned option V to it so you can change your shortcuts by just going to preferences click on shortcuts type the shortcut you want to use so paste and there's paste in place so I have option B assigned to it so command V is regular paste and then I just changed it to option B all right so I want to get some kind of an arch in here an overarching arch if you will I may I may cut a corner to here for this to be honest because we're coming up on the three o'clock time so here's what I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this push this down just just a touch and then I'm gonna come in here I'm gonna grab same thing I did on the other one paste in place they're dropping straight down there come in here come in here come in here just like this line and this line and I'm gonna copy that come all the way out okay some place again I'm gonna hide this I'm gonna say this this this this and this well done follow me with this what's the problem here Oh follow me any component that's gonna get me that all right that's gonna work okay actually I want to go in here I'm gonna grab this rectangle right here and just copy it over that's gonna break this all this geometry so I can go like this and use option I know I used I used rotate again this time I think it was was the correct thing to do get all that up there because no debating with how fancy I want to make things still there I'm just caught up on the fancy I'm just gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna not I'm just gonna take this straight up straight over I pleaded the edge that was that was absolutely incorrect thank you for correcting me Sketch up you did it wrong here actually this is pretty much a solid so I could probably clean this up a lot quicker and easier by just tools I'll say that solid tools kind of gets a rap for being a tool you use when you're 3d printing but man I use solid tools all the time so that looks yeah that's gonna work okay all right so all I'm gonna do is I'm going to come in here I'm gonna grab that shape right there copy it paste in place again oops I did not hit paste in place whether they hit alright try again copy that control C exit out paste in place and then I will flip that pull that we've got some comments about the difference between rotating and mirroring there is a difference so here's the thing mirroring let me show it let me show you an example real quick that's the best way all right so here is I'm going to put all this into one group in just one second but first let me show you the difference between mirror and rotate in one of the spots were had no context they know what I was doing alright so here I have this little shape line now okay so I'm looking straight at it at a straightforward on the ground plane so if I was to take this and mirrored let's see flip along right so zoom all the way out red axises run this way so if I was to right-click on it right now and say flip along the red direction I'll get that so it takes and flips it if I was to grab that same thing and use use rotate ended up with this so rotate actually spins it but I can do something very similar to what flip along does by being careful of how it rotates so if I wanted that same thing that flipped along does I could do that the faces are reversed but the geometry is in the same spot but as Dave was saying so here let's let's make two copies of this or let's yeah so we make two copies and take this and make it into component eight one make this into component a two and now I'm gonna grab both of these and copy them over this one right here I'm going to say flip along red axis this one right here I'm going to rotate now here's where the big difference comes in all right so if I grab this one and I push pull see what happen they both went the same way okay this one right here push pull they go towards each other so flipping is actually even if I'm grabbing a 2d surface and moving it it has a front to back it is a 3d entity even though it's only a 2d in 2d space at that time you do have to be conscious of that because that's this is exactly what bit me when I did the second half of this front wall when I when I push pulled it one pushed in the room the other pushed out of the room so there is a difference depending on what you work in you might get the exact same result from it but they are two different things all right here I'm gonna take all of this make it into one group and then I'm going to explode it all and I'm going to solve inspector to fix it up make it a group go into the group there we go now explode them I just made a grouping that immediately exploded afterwards doesn't have the same effect doesn't doesn't do the same thing for me there we go alright I always have one piece representing that arch that's that looks pretty nice pretty sweet I'm going to turn my reference off right now because I don't know that I needed a whole lot more I am assuming talking sorry there yeah actually no you know what let's let's get rid of that all together let's take whoops we'll take this one up and I'm assuming because this place is so very Archie that this right here is going to have some kind drop it drop it down just a bit but I know there's rules with Gothic arches about how everything is supposed to line up but I'm winging it I'm going to draw a Bezier curve I'm here down to about here try to kinda oops I engage us in the wrong group I didn't think either group all right someone assumed that this comes out like this all right something like that probably has it actually know what in the in the plans no longer really referencing but it does have this little step thing so I'm going to go ahead and assume that that is something like like that I'm gonna grab this Oh arc actually I'm gonna do this now I'm gonna take these two pieces and I'm gonna make them one group go into that group select these two and explode them because I want this to all be one piece it's enough that come in here select this this this and this I can say follow me with this that looks better that gives me that whole oh yeah that's good stuff all right Alberto if you can throw your reference up on I did again there we go up on our forum I could look at it right now yeah a third that's what it was yeah you're right our nice Rose window would look good up there wouldn't it somebody saying that needs like that to fill in oh yeah right up there that would be good it would be I'm not gonna do it I'm trying to close this thing up all right so a couple things to want to do right down here I'm the same thing because I think I have this as two separate pieces I'm gonna make them into a group go into that group and explode these two pieces they can join together from there I'm going to come up to the top here grab all of that offset that ever so slightly drop that straight down here I'm gonna pull this out a little bit all this was separate was broken before I'm doing a high level of detail to emulate what we got going on other places and actually in this one too we actually offset this all as well something like this is that oops roadside Oh oops that was wrong and then I'm gonna just pull these out a little bit you've got some I got some stuff to smooth here yeah it's cool how much like just did a little bit of relief like that it really adds a lot to the look I've been another level in there but because I broke this apart into a separate piece now I got to do this again and say offset it again from here this is gonna be tricky where can I pull this - oh here we go that up - yeah that's a reference little giving the same same dimensions here up here and what am I do now is I'm actually gonna grab oops I don't want that to go to the corner either so I'm gonna grab this right here and this right here and copy it before I push pull push pull these out and of course thing do the same thing I can clean that up with soft and smooth and then I'm going to hop down to this side over here come into this group maybe I'll take that and spin around put that in date undo undo is one of my favorite commands I forgot that the the floor is not in the same spot here as it is on the other half of the building there we go now we can pull that out that out quick go and unfortunately because again everything is ungrouped uncompounded I do have to do this awesome do this four times to get it in here but unfortunately it's a quick enough processing just drop this in here triple click soft and smooth and then one more right down here so I flipped it the same way this is gonna go quicker because I can just all right boom good awesome one more thing that I definitely want to make sure I do is something about that well I don't know you're supposed to be able to see the sky and the ceiling of the Great Hall right so maybe I'm done no that's a cop-out fortunately what I can do is I still have my shell so if I turn my shell on look at that that's pretty good but I don't eat all of it I only need a portion of it so I think I might be able to grab this delete it let's see let's see how that looks it's not quite that's fine man it might be their fireplace just when I thought it was out I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna scale it out to the outsides of my end walls I'm gonna come into it I'm gonna do this I'm gonna use an extension called a dbo push line just pull these little wings out like this and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use that geometry to cut these other groups check on the inside make sure that looks okay that's just I that worked out pretty well man I just I just traced some stuff in that everything lined up great all right so I'm gonna do is how could you I know what I'll do I'll make this into a solid no because these are solid so there's no point let's go in here I'm a triple click and copy this geometry then I come in here and I'm going to paste in place I grab this geometry this geometry in this channel tree this channel tree in this geometry let's say intersect faces with selection it should cut chop everything off where it meets this so I should be able to do that and I can also get rid of all that I think do the same thing down here paste in place and then same thing shift select all this alt select these pieces alt is just add it's not subtract if you do a shift select across selected and unselected geometry you'll turn things off I don't want to turn anything off here and same thing intersect faces with selection I'm doing with selection because I don't there's some Jam trade don't want to break that's just gonna break the stuff that laps over that to leave that leave that leave that alright it's coming together once again I started into this not having any idea what was gonna come out the other side but thus far alright so I'm gonna grab one of these I'm going to paste in place and I'm just gonna select I'm gonna do this and the view height similar components too much stuff going on there and I'm just gonna select shift select just that work intersect faces with selection and I can get rid this of everything else I think that's good let's see nice now what I will have to do is I will have to come in here and I'm just going to do got specialized all right there we go that's the exterior of the interior of the Great Hall so now if we look in here oh yeah I'll come together that line awesome last piece is a fireplace to do this I'm going to throw a section plane on so I'm not going to try to I'm gonna try to sneak inside and see see that I'm just going to go like that chopped in half and then I can right click and say hide by section plane all right now if we look at to my reference back on temporarily this middle bay becomes a fireplace so that's one two three four one two three four that's this one right here assume it goes all the way you can't you can't you can't have a fireplace of the window where the chimney is right so it's safe to delete these I'm gonna have to take these two now and they will have to go into a group and then let's go to that group I'll have to yeah it's fine I'm cutting some quarters now I'll be honest grab all this actually not all that much let's grab some of this this figure out how to non-destructively there we go this'll work non-destructively or as with little destruction as possible get rid of this all right nice oops trance delete that boundary up there there you go well that same thing here you always wonder if break this right here break this right here and say I wonder if I was really good about welding like all the time if I was constantly going in and making sure every arc was welded what if that would save me time in this kinds of cleanup varies because right now the issue is these arcs got broken somewhere so I got to come back in and clean them all up see look at all these little pieces what I did to break them but I but it broke them I was wondering if I was if I was diligent about that I know diligence not really my thing but can't help but wonder all right I guess I really don't need to clean up the backside here this doesn't really matter all right so now I have this open space where I can where I can put my fireplace and I do have a reference image have a reference image of what is going on here it is what one of one of the images that did turn out it turned out pretty good it's probably still it's still low quality but you can at least there you go yeah we do that all right it's gonna go it's gonna be whatever size I see it's gonna be that's exactly how big it's gonna be oh actually that was these are brought up at these ones so I grabbed this these to make them unique I'll pull it up I grabbed it by the bottom point right here constrain it to vertical by hitting the blue or the down arrow key and then I'll go reference this point right here so they're at the same size no this back so you all the way back for now and now toss in a fireplace it's not the full length it's not the full width of it we'll say it's that big oh there we go sorry every time I grab my mouse I've pulled down the corner I got a hot corner set up to turn something alright so this is kind of cool so this is gonna be almost up to the top of the window so we go out there there this comes out a little bit like say like that this is gonna come out give me more and then I grab this line right here and just move that forward to d4 like that just those pieces offset that too we got Paul trying to warn you about the side windows these ones why's that this this geometry is actually not a part of the window it's a part of this group so I don't have to worry about I can pull this across my trim over to here again without actually affecting the window I had that same thought too but I'm actually I'm actually fairly safe right there I'm gonna grab this this this if that's what you're talking about if not if not Paul let me know if there's still something wrong it is totally possible that something else is going on there all right so that's a good decent representation of that I'm not going to go and there's actually like a coat of arms and I'm guessing the sig signals sigils the symbols for each of the four houses are on here too but that's not going to happen just just being honest you guys you know that all right so one more fanciness a little more fancy has happened right here and I am those things there's actually this I want to call the chair rail wood paneling I don't know what she call it going all the way around here I did not I didn't do that but it does we do have this thing going on what you want to do something like oops twitch going back there all right fireplaces in yeah save wainscoting thank you that is that is the thing which I could actually do fairly easily all I have to do is come in grab this guy move him up a little ways and I don't know if this is one of those is this one of those magic things that changes depending on how the rooms being used I don't know oh yeah oh yeah that sounds like a thing I buy it right so I'm just gonna do this is gonna be there's me quick and dirty wainscoting but here let's do this divide this this stick some lines in here offset each of these squares just a teeny bit double-click after you offset once offsets the exact same amount as long as you don't drag your mouse between the clicks which is entirely possible and they do it a lot all it takes that little little bump just enough to give it a little bitter leaf that looks it's gonna work use a texture and said Alberto says no exercise is a great idea textures are awesome ways to put in quick and dirty detail unfortunately that would mean me going to Google and looking for pictures or importing them or something I just figured this would be this would be a quick and I said a quick and easy way to do or right we're right after 3 o'clock so we're we're at wrap it up time anyhow ok let's look at this let's look at this thing without I'm going to go to outliner dear that and we'll go as if we were just walking in the front door actually know what I'm gonna do this since I didn't put any detail on this door I'm just going to make this a doorway that we can just step right into nice actually let's do this let's drop a camera right here in the middle of this front entryway that's what a five foot six student walking into Hogwarts the first time would see if they decide to paint absolutely everything white and let's let's let's use look around it's already in there yeah turned out pretty sweet I am I am NOT disappointed in that at all oh no I did something so dumb Oh remember when I did this and I made this thing here look at the look what the name of this is right here end window that's good this one right here is window I go into window look what I got going on right here see all that stuff that happened so this is still called window assembly if I come into this end window I click into it and I click again look what I have window assembly so what I did again I nested and I even called it out oh you have to be careful about this I had a component in a component and I wasn't conscious of that so I gotta take this now make this unique and call it and Paul yeah I got what you're saying that Paul when you said that and yeah Paul's right alright so now that's n window assembly fortunately it's not too painful to fix because I can just come in here and I can go into this right here and delete my extra three pieces out grab this and Paul called it out I thought you were talking about that little piece of trim right there all right still big still fairly big but not as big as before okay there we go hey come on wizards magic it right all right so one more thing we could do and just because I'm interested to see what this looks like I want to come into one of these and I'm gonna put a glass texture in here no actually no I'm just gonna make it fully transparent well I'll use glass and I'll just drop it to like 15% probably save two solid solid idea drop that really translucently 15% after the same thing up here right those all look the same that should be all like to do because they're all the same thing I want to do that save because what I want to do so I want turn on shadows see where's my shadow settings let's get around to the Sun all right there's coming through to there yeah oh I was hoping to be able to go in and have time to put in furniture and stuff like that but what I'm gonna do instead is I'm gonna share this up on three warehouse so I'm gonna let me put my mic put my little little standing point right inside that French way again position my camera right here look up alright you've been good mark but it's you're not wearing a wizard robes it's time to go I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna share this up to the 3d warehouse and that's where I want you guys to go grab it and put in textures put in props put in some candles floating around put the night sky on the ceiling whatever you want to do you don't put that rose window on the end that I skipped go for it put a fire in the fireplace whatever you want to do go ahead grab it take care of that and share it on our forum so it on our forum we have that live modeling Hogwarts Great Hall you guys take this and get it across the finish line and share it and let me see what you do with it kay so I got the modeling done but now you get to do the good part make it pop make the whole thing awesome actually I shouldn't say got the modeling done I got it started there's plenty more that could be done with this this is just what I was able to do while rambling at you for three hours so there's more to be done feel free to change anything and everything in here and let me see what you can come up with so I will do that as soon as we're doing this I will put it up on three warehouse and I will share the link on our forum but that's it for now so this is this is where we're going to this is the the good stopping point this is where we're ending let us know what you thought of that if that was a good idea and what we want to hear more than anything else is what else should we model we have a list of ideas that you guys have given us but we're always trying to add to it so we will if you can throw it up right now if you want say what would be what would be a good thing throw your ideas up we will leave the chat open as usual we'll just leave the chat running for about 5-10 minutes after we conclude this stream you guys can leave in the comments what you think would be good or if you want throw in the forum go into any of these live modeling topics and say hey you'll be cool if you did this or this that would be awesome I like doing these but it's it's so much more fun when it's something you guys are excited about too having said all that there will not be a Friday afternoon live next week I'll be in Denver well Westminster oh but I'll be in Colorado doing our final boot camp so we'll actually be doing some training and maybe something out here is in there somebody was from Colorado I made a comment we're gonna be training some more people up to you Sketchup and that's what we'll be focusing on next Friday next Friday I'll be in the middle of the second day of class teaching some Sketchup but we'll be back here the week after and the week after to be kind of fun because I have a face me component you know the 2d scale component like we saw mark it's a you know you see my guide and gray shorts red shirt it's been my scale figure for four years now it's time for a new one so I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to take some pictures I'm gonna have some some reference pictures of me a couple poses but I'm gonna need your guys's help to pick the pose which pose is right and then that's when we start to have some fun because I like to use the reference photo just to kind of get the body and the shapes right that you know the right thing but then we go from there and we can do anything we want so I want you guys to come with lots of ideas for what my new scale figure should look like if we want to put some things on him around him whatever I have lots of tips and tricks for how to do scale figures I usually do scale figures realistically about 20 minutes or so but we'll slow it down and we'll we'll spend some time on this and we'll talk about what makes a good scale figure image but also what tools to use to actually get a good solid scale not solid because they're not solid they're just they're paper thin you know throw 2d that's what I call 2d figures there's a lots of name for scale figures base means 2d components I don't know you know what I'm talking about a little flat guy so come back come with your ideas and help me make the best possible scale figure something that I could be proud of and you guys could be proud of or maybe I'll end up roasting myself but this is probably stupid thing to invite you to but yeah somebody already recommended that I put little t-rex arms on it so let's see where that goes anyhow that's it for today you guys have any final questions comments really throw it out throw those questions out and we'll hang out for another couple minutes and then I said then we'll wrap it up so thank you so much this whole thing this live stream wouldn't be anything it worked for you guys it would just be as I always say it be me modeling alone in the room I couldn't even get Eric to come out and hang out if that were the case it's he's only here because of you guys so thank you very much thank you Eric thanks for helping out every time you saw Sketchup come up in the comments that was urgh that was not me yeah this was great but yeah thanks so we'll see you not next week but the week after talking about 2d scale figures thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 85,567
Rating: 4.9367089 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, harry potter, hogwarts
Id: mM9q4v50P4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 19sec (12979 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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