Live Modeling Lightsabers in SketchUp

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how's everybody doing this Friday afternoon we got hopefully you're hearing voice now if you're not if you didn't still not hear anything well you don't know that I'm asking you if you can hear something so hopefully you can hear everything hey Dave yes we did I do have a new new person coming in today so I'll introduce her in just a few minutes maybe more people on for a proper hazing I mean yeah who Iceland just joined in how are things in Iceland I hear despite the name it's not always cold and icy there I've not been there myself though yeah we generally we try to set the mood we try to like soft you know ease ourselves into the process by broadcasting a little black and white you know set up feed kind of thing without sound so I apologize I don't mean to confuse you by not having voice at first maybe we need some nice music to play in the very beginning hey Andy AUSA's says he's working tonight can't watch it with DJing all right spin one for us seven o'clock in the UK you Sketch up almost daily basis for work and leisure I like that using using it for leisure and yeah what I love to see Andy please get some of your projects up on the forum in the gallery and show us show us what you got what you're working on that would be awesome all right Florida hey Marvin hey Bill Turkey Turkey's back for more on Sultan Jorah Simon McKenzie Steve Guzman all right so I guess it's it's officially new at noon yeah it's noon I thought I misspoke there but that's actually what it is so that means we can can actually [Music] get this thing rolling all right so what we're gonna do I I found some cool machine drawings I'm going to show you in just a minute of lightsaber hilts which I thought were super cool they just I mean their detailed dimensions and and good crisp images so I thought that would be a fun one to throw out so we're gonna do that before we get start with that I do want to say hello to my I don't we gotta come up with a good title for this comment moderator to keep Aaron on track physician pamela is racist say hi Pamela hi everyone I'm Pamela so we get to the point where I start getting excited about modeling and head down and forget that not that I forget you guys are there but sometimes you don't speak loud enough for my eyes to hear so when that happens Pamela's gonna remind me that you guys have good questions and input and I'm ignoring you so it's good that she's here glad to be here it'll be fun this is she's fairly new to the sketch up team and her first time in here so we're stringing people through here it seems like the people who are volunteering to come do this commenting thing are newer people maybe that says something about people who know what I'm doing I don't know but anyhow moving on so what we're gonna look at like I said was was light saber Hill so I did as usual I went to our forum if you're not on there it is forums dots ketchup calm and if you go there there is a live modeling lightsabers topic it's towards the top and as we need to pass information images back and forth you can hop in there if there's something you want me to see you can put it on that page and it'll pop up on my monitor and I'll see that on the forum likewise this will be the spot to get the files that we end up with at the end of the live stream so I'll put up on 3d warehouse and put a link right into this forum so with that there's one thing I did want to do a shout out I've been challenging you guys you you know just fun modeling and put it up on the forum and see so we can see what it is always be always be modeling the ABMS of sketchup and i just want to throw out this is a new newer user to the forum ten jello seven I don't know if that is a viewer if it's somebody who's on right now but I just wanted to call it out because he posted really a pretty cool detailed model of this conceptual drawing from the movie aliens for the APC and he ended up subdividing it and he shows all these pictures and it was just turned out to be it looked like something we would do here so I just had to do a call-out because it was the it's one of the most active gallery feeds right now so she wanted to give that a quick shout out and show you guys that it's pretty cool it's one that wanted to keep an eye on in the forums and that is by no means to say anybody else is posting the former's not posting good stuff that one just caught my eye it was towards the top and like I said it seemed to be kind of in line with some of the other stuff we've done awesome so I said a lot of things now I want to hop in here and I need your guys's input so before we get rolling here we oughtta side what we want to actually do I so I found these I can't remember where I literally just did a google search and I found somebody made these awesome like I said just great drawings of I doubt I found there's probably more but I found four that I was excited about Oh 10 gel oh seven hope I'm saying that right showing up on the stream you're doing an awesome job and yeah well done I'm glad you're on the stream that's awesome so I caught you that I caught you on that one hi red red seas back so I have here so images for Darth Vader's lightsaber from Empire Strikes Back those yoo-hoo our severe Star Wars fan severe dedicated source can I say severe like it like being a fan as a rash or something if you're if you're a committed Star Wars person then you know that his Darth Vader's lightsaber hilt did change slightly one movie to the next so this is the one from Empire Strikes Back Luke Skywalker's Empire Strikes Back hilt his Return of the Jedi and then obi-wan from the original New Hope movie so so we have all of those and I gotta be I'm looking through each of them and I had a kid in a candy store moment here I just want to sit here model all of them that's kind of how as I look at this I'm like well the solution is to do every single one of course but I can't guarantee we'll get to all of them and we do want to you know probably not go for too many hours it is Friday so probably stop at some point but I want to throw this out to you which of these five lightsabers I don't have a pole and I didn't even think about doing a pole until it was too late so in the comments let me know which one of these hills would be best so again we have Darth Vader from and pressure Strikes Back we have Luke's Empire Strikes Back hilt the silvery one that's the one that he gets from his father Luke's Return of the Jedi which is the one he builds himself and then obi-wan Kenobi so tell me which one we should start with so we got one vote for obi-wan already while you guys are voting I got to tell the story because it is relevant so I live in a smaller town north of Boulder called Longmont and we have a small theater it's actually they do like community theater that kind of stuff so it's I don't know like maybe a couple hundred seats something like that but the owner of that theater actually purchased the film the original films so the original New Hope in 1977 he actually bought a copy of it the physical film that goes on our projector and they riche owed that last weekend so I got to go in with my kids and on the big screen watch the original 1977 a new hope and that was pretty awesome not to talk down to alter any of the rillette 'its or anything like that but it was really cool to see the original movie from was that almost 40 40 years ago 41 years ago it was cool it was it was pretty fun so they actually showed all three movies one after another Saturday so for Friday Saturday Sunday and that was pretty cool all right I saved that story so you guys could vote for a little bit so oh man we're looking split up but you know what I definitely Vader is definitely up there but I think obi-wan has him one two three four five six Obi Wan's followed by one two three Vader's alright so we'll do obi-wan first know we'll go onto Vader and then if we have time we'll do a Luke I really think these are gonna go fairly quickly so we'll see we'll see how it goes I was looking especially just I was looking at Luke Skywalker's and 90% of this is a single follow me I mean this whole shape is just follows around a circle then there's these cuts down at the hilt a little loop right here and then this thing on the side other than that it's pretty much all just yeah a quick follow me so maybe that'll be will do that right via in the last 10 minutes we'll just whip out that that one alright so right now we will do obi-wan Kenobi so I'm going to take this right here I'll just import this in a Sketchup and figure out how to use this reference I've really decided what to do with that yet but less talky more sketchy so I'm gonna hop in here file and we're just gonna start by importing so I'm gonna come in here and grab my obi-wan lightsaber I'm just gonna oops we don't want to model that as a photo match that's that seems unnecessary so well we'll go ahead and delete that yes I do all right let's try that again let's import again so I just did a video on photo mash that's why my default is right now sets photo match I just want to import this though as an image so go ahead and import it and I'm just a double click to drop it right on the origin here all right so no I didn't even think to like doctor up mark for this thing should have put him holding a lightsaber put a sweet Darth Vader mask on or something man really dropped the ball on that one over pirate mark when we did the pirate ship anyhow bye mark okay so this is I'm trusting that this is the proper dimensions I did not go out and verify we're gonna assume that this is all right I will come back I saw I did mention that photo match somebody asked about photo match we'll do it we'll do another video with photo match in the near future I'll try to try to work that into one of the next ones yeah I blame you for that one Steve come on man where were you so right here so this right now it shows this as two hundred and eighty two millimeters so that's pretty small I would be concerned modeling this to scale that I would run into the small face issue in Sketchup Sketchup is really designed to be an architectural modeling tool so it does have a limit to how small faceook and model it's something like one one thousandth of an inch or something like that but when we get into fractional millimeters we can run into those issues especially if we're gonna do any rounded or smoothed parts so what I think I might do in this case is actually scale this to meters so right here I have my biggest dimension as the full length of the hilt is 282 meters there are millimeters so I think what I'll do is I will just scale that as metres and then we'll just scale it down by a hundred afterwards and have a proper sized hilt so I'm gonna go to window go to my model info and go two units and tell it that I would like to work in decimal millimeters and I'm gonna draw a line on here from here to here and I'm drawing line on top again just so I can verify afterwards because now I can grab my tape measure and with my tape measure tool I'm gonna tell it from here to here is 282 meters do you understand model yes it's gonna be very big but now I can check because I can come along here it'll tell me that's displaying millimeters let's change that the numbers right but I don't need to see it I said I did choose millimeters that one was on me Oh Dave I couldn't hear you that was the problem Dave caught me Dave called me out I wasn't paying attention I had my head down see that's head down again so yeah so there we go so now this drawing is to scale 282 millimeters all right now the things I'm looking at are there's a couple ways I can do these things right now I could actually model this in such a way that I model by dimensions or I could reference the image actually I could kind of do both I think because what I could do is what so what I'm looking at is working my way down the hill and I'm thinking that this part up to here actually all of this maybe I'll make the whole thing a big follow me shape to start with so maybe what I'll do is I'll find a center point so this is a good center line and I will put a line right down the middle right down the middle so that's gonna be my center line so what I want to do now is I want to build so this rectangle what I want to cut out of this rectangle is this shape so I'm going to go in and carve that shape out of it and then I can do a follow me around a shape around a circle and get most of this I'll have to come in and cut out this part of the grip same thing down here I'm a little confused about what this is I don't know if anybody knows exactly what this is detailing but same thing down here I'll take maybe I'll just actually build these pieces on so that's kind of my thought is to start with a big follow me and then make adjustments to pieces from there so to do that first thing I want to do is figure out where I'm going to start right here and what I want to do is come in I don't want to arbitrarily just start drawing this stuff like this I want to actually come in and take advantage of the fact that I have dimensions here and build it properly and to scale so and as I'm sure you guys have noticed because there's been more than one occasion where I've been called out on this but I am usually pretty happy just building arbitrary it's going to look right but this time we have the dimensions so I'm gonna try to use them all right so first thing so this dimension from the middle up here is going to be half of this I think this is the end this is looking into the emitter I believe is the what that thing is and I think if we come out so it should be from here to here is half of 53 which is 25 26 and a half meters see not love math but can do math alright and then if we look at this image right here it shows that this whole thing is about two men years so I'm just gonna go to and then I'm just gonna drop this all the way down right now because it looks like what we have there is one goes like this and I don't have a specific dimension for this one but as soon as I figure out where this is I'll just kind of cut that off at an angle do I have this dimension is 41 why are they odd come on man come on Lucas I'm gonna do that anytime upset with anything that I'm doing I'm blaming George Lucas I decided that's that's how that's how today is gonna go this is 5 meters pull that down and I'll just come right here and I'm kind of thinking we'll just split the difference middle two here and there we go so that's that first piece from there we have another step down to right here which is 38 so half of 38 is 19 they're showing up close on the drawing so I'm assuming my math is right and that's going to be 14 meters drop that down and we have this three meter step and that drops to something no dimension for us so we have to guess that angle you know yeah these are not the they're actually JPEGs they're not PDFs or anything so they're not super high-resolution so yeah as I'm zooming in I am seeing kind of fuzzy that's not your screen that is actually what they look like I didn't I probably could have found vector illustrations if I kept looking but I just grabbed the JPEGs I found when I first looked alright so now we are 29 so half of 29 is 14 point 5 and I'm saying meters because I'm actually drawing in meters 7 meters and drop that down I'm just going to leave these interior lines as I go because I just want that one shape to to route around let's see this is how why is this 17 that's eight and a half 8.5 and then that goes across they have this kind of detailed weird it's a full nine millimeters drop down and then in the middle there's a two millimeter so I'm gonna go right here to the middle come over one drop a line down and I can go here back to the drop a line down and then for the difference here that little cut in I think that's right here so it's one millimeter down 17 overall the 15 overall something to come here drop down one cut that across mm-hmm we're doing it all right yeah at this next ring this one actually is a little curve it's kind of cool I know I know Kai's reminding me I am drawing in millimeters I know but except that I'm not except I'm drawing and I'm just kidding meters make sense I like I like meters here's they actually make a lot we talked about this before two meters make a lot more sense than feet I'm sorry I mean they upset anybody with that either but it's true I just don't I don't get the division though why would you take something and break it into twelfths which is what inches are and then break those inches into arbitrary fractional measurements depending on what you're using them for my problem is I don't know millimeters know what the heck all right and this looks like it's kind of got a 0.5 to work both upset or anything you're good so to come over I'm making this part up come over one here this looks like it steps in a little bit I'll go point five here to here something like that yeah I'm scale I am drawing at scale so I don't lose any small faces let's see with here is 19 so that's gonna be what 14.5 well that didn't work 19 no half of 19 is not 14.5 oh I believe you for that you guys for that one let's go 9.5 much better and that's going to be six millimeters math is hard you know alright so that's gonna come over to I don't know if I have a dimension for that little ring I'll assume it's supposed to be 45 so we'll come down to like that all right almost through the emitter this this part's gonna go back I know only a couple parts of a lightsaber because I 3d printed one before and I remember that some of the different pieces but you guys feel free to hop in and tell me when something is has a name and I'm not using it you better make sense because that's where the beam comes out of other than that I don't know a lot of this stuff is alright how wide is this piece that I'm looking at I don't think I have that dimension it looks like I do have the overall handle depth here is 35 millimeters 35 or 33 do I have youth maximum texercise in here oops yeah I think it's 35 we'll see alright so I'm going to go up I'm gonna do the full-size and we'll cut that back so half of 35 is 16 and 1/2 know is that the that's probably not the first time we told to use the force in this I will I will try to use the force Celt Paulo dear hey you made it so I thought you're gonna have to wait till Saturday morning to watch this I had a huge compliment on the YouTube comments yesterday CELTA Paulo dear I'm saying that right on YouTube commented that he couldn't watch the livestream because he was working but he would watch it Saturday morning is like his new version of Saturday morning cartoons and as a child who pretty much lived for Saturday morning cartoons I took that as an enormous compliment so thank you very much I appreciate that all right so here where was I so oh yes I thought this said 3535 half of 30 is 15 so it should be sixteen point five that's problem so should be 17.5 No that is 35 or if that says 38 what if I can see us any better look what this looks any better in preview that's better it's 30 booted it it looks like it's about the same width as this one that was 38 okay 38 38 it is alright so we're gonna go half of 38 is 17 no 19 there we go laughing all right oh wait I was supposed to save file save desktop and call this alright I'm going to take this all the way back 83 they type wrong 893 that was too long all right we're trying again 83 and then drop that back down like that that gives us this whole piece like I said these cuts I think what I'll do is use solid tools to come in and slice that out six times to kind of give me that thing right there so now continue around so this piece I remember this from the seeing something on lightsabers this is actually like kind of a collar that goes around this handle so it is mostly round and then it has this little box that sticks out and then some cuts into it so I don't have a dimension of what that is looks like it's bigger than this oh right here forty so I mean take him up 20 that's an easy math I could do and I'm gonna come across this way 51 and drop it back down yes I thoroughly enjoy the idea of drawing a 38 meter line grabbing by the midpoint and dropping it on I was trying to look smart for you guys and well obviously that didn't work so that would be a great way to avoid the math problem all right moving along we're just flying through this thing oh we want to be done in like no time all right this is a 41 millimeter so this is point oops point five meters up and then 39 and then drop back down I'm gonna come back and round this off in just a few minutes I'm gonna finish off the whole the profile first and then I can add a couple details before I do the full follow me alright so next thing we have here is this little collar which little step in there we go 33 millimeters so that's sixteen point five it's showing up close enough so I trust it I sometimes trust my math abilities 38 that's the same dimension as we had before so I can actually just reference this dimension right here and then come across for I'm just dropping lines back down again so I have that that solid line to pull off of all right now for this part I guess I'll put as much detail in as I can like I've said I think I don't know in the actual piece if these sections right here if that's actually rounded between these pieces that step up or if that's a flat piece either way we can do this we can we can draw this thing in and then we could smooth that out with the circular face or we could actually keep the curves either way I'll work somebody is asking about tutorials for Sketchup there are so many ways to learn Sketchup what I would highly recommend is checking out learned Sketchup comm and look at our online training it's great it's a self-paced tutorial there's a couple different courses up there now and we'll get you the basics of Sketchup it's a great way to go through and just learn the basics of clicking once you've gotten through that then there's a couple different ways one of the things I recommend is joining our forum and talking to people about using Sketchup getting help from them it's awesome and then check out our YouTube channel I'm biased but I think we've got some pretty good training and Meishan up on youtube that you can go hop on and use any time you want so that's if you want to use Sketchup or learn Sketchup start with learn that Sketchup and then hop onto YouTube that would be my recommendation alright so this thing right here I'm looking for doesn't really have a specific dimension it kinda looks like it no it looks it's smaller than this so I'm gonna assume it's it's this 40 so I'm gonna come up 20 and then this is two millimeters drop that back down this is the one this is where those are my repented not quite sure what to do I guess this is that line maybe all I have to mention to it anywhere though all right let's say let's see what the drawing tells us so if I wanted to go up to here 19 looks a little too short so maybe it actually is right there so it could be the same dimension alright we'll start with it we can always make adjustments right it's never too late all right so we have a two millimeter inset there where it steps steps down does not have a specific dimension but I'm assuming it's like one millimeter clover - I do have a dimension on this end cap I think right here looks like 40 so last five millimeters all right so that is the basic outline now I want to come in and just add just a few details I have just a couple arcs I want to put on here so I come in with an arc right here I'm just gonna drop that same arc no it's not let me do that I'm gonna pull that line straight across like this temporarily delete that No right I'm just gonna recreate that arc real quick acts like thinking it's a two millimeter arc so I just have to draw a line down to draw a line this way to use my arc and it does look like it actually steps in so that's I'm happy with that I have another little mat here just a little short arc right here and then this actually I think I'll use a Bezier on here something to draw a Bezier curves to go from the middle to about here something like that awesome so at that point all so here's another thing I'm kind of thinking about I do want to hold on to this I'm gonna I'm gonna make this a step in I can't see the detail here but I'm going to force that to be a little bit smaller stepped in there and I'm gonna delete all my interior line so I have one surface right there and I'm gonna save because cuz why wouldn't you of course you would save a silly question alright now I got to pick a circle to make that turn on so the difference between bezzie a and arc the standard arced well I say a standard arc till it's actually the 2-point arc tool lets you pick one point and then another point and then drag what it calls the Bulge distance out and the Bulge distance is perpendicular dimension from a line between the two points to the middle of the arc so that that's the bulges since that's how it's always uniform like that when I go to bed a so bezzie a is not technically a native tool it is an extension but it's made by the sketch team so it's actually kind of like a standard tool slash extension on one I don't know I don't know how you call it describe it what this lets you do is pick two points and then I can actually pick the control handles so where is this first arc this bottom point where's that art going to go to and the second one where is that going to pull from so I can create much more flowing arcs and they don't have to always this will always be basically a chunk of a circle so the standard arc is always a piece of circle that's put out there the bezzie a will let you actually make non-standard arc shapes all right that my friends is half a profile of the lightsaber which is what we wanted right now so what I have to figure out at this point is how many pieces how many sides don't want the circle that I copy I know a lot of people just go I'll just go with 100 or just go big just blah blah but what I want to do right here Oh a days call me out on something the notches oh thank you Dave I almost missed it that's close one yeah I want to take these notches out absolutely I don't want to do this is one big thing so I do want to do that what I have to look at here so the notches are four down to do I have a depth on them no don't see any place that it tells me exactly how deep these notches are but I bet I can like draw this so I'd say three and a half millimeters deep and they are four wide so I'm just gonna I'm gonna pick one right here drop down 3.5 I'm gonna come this way to connect that and then go this way too and connect that so that is the piece that I want to repeat through each of these what I was hoping for huh I didn't notice this before it looks like there's actually some asymmetry in the cuts that go this way see that so if I look at it from this side it looks like there's room for six of them three on this side three on the other side if I look at it from the top actually look like they're not or I don't know what the top bottom left right is but if I look at these ones look at that it looks like they're actually not symmetrical that's that's odd so can anybody find good pictures of that I'm gonna throw that out if anybody can find a good solid maybe isometric picture that'll help us figure this out that would be cool I do know that I think again from documentaries I think this is like the handle of a grenade or some I can't remember it's something weird but oh no because it is six sides I'm just looking at it rotated we're good brain just had to had to work through that one never mind let's move on I always appreciate you guys just just let her and talk a little bit he'll figure it out alright so I had to midst across this I think oh it's four so okay so I have to go if I draw a line that is for me grab this in this option copy option copy I'm not doing it array intentionally because I'm actually want to see where this stuff all lines up okay so one more option whoops help I got the picture somehow I guess just one more right here a little off right there so that's where I was wondering if I might need to I don't want to put that one in because that's that's when we're so this was to end up at the end one point I arbitrarily there's that thing I do I kind of arbitrarily started this but I actually want to move everything over one point two five nine three that's wrong to start and then see how this works out did you lock the image I did not that is that is a great hey box is here box made it box who's in Australia which is pretty much the other side of the earth from where I'm talking right now it has a hard time making it which I don't blame him because it's it's like it's just after it's like going on one am there but box is a huge contributor like mr. Dave Rogers himself was also with us appreciate you guys showing up and it's good to see a box glad you made it hey sometimes dimensions are right and smart so the turned out it looks a little bit different I did do it by the dimensions that they call out but my profile ends up looking a little bit different from from this but I did use the dimensions they showed so whose fault is that another request to lock it on a separate layer yeah so what I could do so you guys know what I what I often will do here is grab this reference and I'll throw that on my ref layer that way I can toggle it on as I'm working through here but the other thing I should do is right-click and you can't actually lock an image this is something so I can't select an image and say lock it and what I can do is I can real quick explode make it a new group odd nuts well temporarily group this there we go I'm going to explode make a group and a group I can lock so now if I was to do something dumb like select I wouldn't accidentally move the image so all right back to exploding back to exploding things we say in the Star Wars live stream this kind of does want to go like this or something though doesn't it all right I'm happy okay so this is looking awesome my question still remains how many sides should we put out we want to do something that's divisible by six there I have six things here six things here so it's going to be easiest if whatever I create my final extruded shape ends up divisible by six when I'm other thing I'm thinking about is right here I'm not really sure what these are I assume there's some kind of like cuts into that that rounded off piece one two three four I don't know I don't know how many there are because what would be nice is to come up with a number of sides that is divisible by six for this part in this part and divisible by whatever number this is right here I don't have a good obi-wan image they can tell what how many of these there are one two three four maybe there's three three on each of those six sides there's a picture on the forum just went up looks like they're they're definitely cuts into it pretty sure that's the original movie props I know that was 3d printed just kidding twelve okay twelve happens to be divisible by six as well so I might just go with the standard 24 sided piece the nice thing is I'll do it once we'll look at it if it looks like it's not quite high enough geometry we can always come back and change it so I'm going to start with a circle like click right here and I'm going to hit my red axes because that's the direction I want to draw that circle on let's start with the standard 24 I'm not actually a draw right up against geometry I'm going to pull it over here and pull it out it doesn't matter how big I make it remember the other things happening right now is I do have x-ray still turned on turn that off doesn't matter and now I will select this follow me and click on ándale so that's where we end up with not bad but I want a little more fidelity so I'm gonna select this circle right now and over here in entity information I'm gonna bump that up to 48 if you have an arc or a circle that is unbroken you can always select the the line the edge and then go to entity info and change that property it'll it'll increase it once you start breaking up geometry that doesn't always hold if you push pull that face into a volume then I can't change it but if it's just an uninterrupted arc or circle you can always select it and just change it afterwards so I'm gonna try again follow me boom everybody say ooh that looks good okay I'm pretty happy about that cool I'm gonna do this right now I'm going to triple click and make this into a group it is a solid group so I'll be able to use solid tools to intersect other solids into or out of guru Jimmy you win that's that's good boy he has Simpsons fans I used to watch Simpsons a lot so I get I get Simpsons lines running through my head all the time you got a nod to Oh thanks Marvin all right so that looks pretty good I'm tempted right now to just before adding this additional I really want to stick this thing in here I never really understood what this was but it's on the side of a lot of the original trilogy lightsabers and it's cool-looking so I want to do it but I think I'm gonna finish my volume here I want to go make my cuts here my cuts here and get my little pieces popping out back here so here's what I'm thinking about I think I'm gonna draw a line right here make it a long line and then this cut down what do we decide it was three and a half inches right so I'm just going to draw that same triangle assuming it's the same and we'll see we'll find out right away if that works or not and this was - this was too they're so just drag it up just so I have a Luger piece material alright so I'm gonna take this now make it a group should be solid also I am as usual making this up so if this doesn't work you know we're cool it's cool everything's cool I'm gonna put this right here at the top I think that's the top yep I'm gonna slide actually I want to slide this all the way over to this ring right here and I want to push it down smooth vertically to that same ring so I think this is gonna work I'll push it back to this ring right here oh something's not lined up perfect that tip should just be touching right there oh no this brings different size okay I think we're okay so I could do this a couple different ways I could take this intersected because what I have to remember is this is one single solid this is all one big piece I'm gonna turn off my reference layer while I do this too much too much stuff going on right now was no see those many layers on I couldn't remember how to use layers alright so what I could do right now I have to remember that like I saying this and this are gonna intersect so it doesn't know that this is only supposed to intersect these rings that's why I had to use scale to pull it back so it wasn't offsetting or cutting out of here now that I have this I should be able to save always be saving ABS go solid tools and I want to trim not subtract subtract I'll actually lose my cutting group by using trim it says cut out of one volume but keep my cutter so I think if I hit trim and click on this I'm probably doing this backwards but I didn't date it backwards it worked all right I'm gonna go ahead and rotate it I'm just gonna draw a line right here down the middle I'm gonna take that right now the middle yeah there we go I'm gonna rotate that oh I didn't do it right I had it backwards that's a cool-looking little thing I made I made it an offensive weapon of some source undo undo undo okay let's write again it's like this one trim that from this volume you know it seems like there is a 50% chance that I should probably be able to use solid tools properly just out of random chance but I seem to have regularly proven that if there's a chance to select one I'll do wrong like flip along I always mess up green and red I don't know I just don't know right I can't inference the center of this circle because not actually a circle this is a round follow me shape so I don't actually have the information to circle that's why I'm drawing a line from the top point to the bottom point now I can select this piece grab it rotate it it should be sixty degrees and then I can real quickly trim again so Dave and Ian have figured out how to remember it it is use this to cut that or use this to trim that and that's what I have to do so this will rotate this 60 degrees again and then I will use this to trim that hopefully you guys are teaching me something let's see if this one sticks oh cool now I'm gonna rotate it again another 60 so one of the things I could have done too is most things that I'm thinking about now that I'm actually doing this I could have actually made an array of these cutters first and cut them all you've done all this cutting at once maybe I'll do that for the next the next piece Pamela are you a Star Wars fan I really try hard to be I I guess not for everyone I mean I saw the first one in the theater the original didn't it didn't take though huh I just watch them now to see how how they can put Carrie Fisher into all that yeah that is that would be they'll be interesting okay I'm gonna need another Oh from y'all cuz that that turned out that's pretty slick like the way that looks yep cool alright now I'm gonna turn my reference layer back on real quick oops I made another layer I must have put this on too no I don't know I made a blank layer I hit space at some point and made a new layer anyhow alright so it does look like this first two millimeter cut does line up with this center piece right here oh I got a who in and off for Marvin extra points right there I'm gonna come in here to the top so this is this gets a little bit so this is rounded on both sides so sometimes clicking - so I use the facets of a circle a lot to arrange things and align things which is why I really try to make sure I make circles there on axes in this case everything got rounded so it can be a little harder to use these as reference and that's where I turn on show hidden geometry so I can do here is I can actually come in with a rectangle hit option to snap to the center I'm gonna hit the up arrow to draw from the on the blue Axew so I'm drawing it flat and make it click right here and I'm gonna pull it out and see how far as to here that's 39 millimeters so I want to say 39 comma 2 that gives me that rectangle that rectangle is what I want to cut out of the that grip not really sure how far down to go with this so I'm gonna go that far I maybe should go I'll go I'll go all the way down to where this would intersect this little time like a nice flat hold on haven't I get myself what if I pulled it down too so I'll pull it past this point I'll grab a line push pull that to that point there we go remember to save oh good idea alright so if I make that new group a solid group so it stops right here it should stop at the face here so it shouldn't intersect this piece now what I can do if there's a dozen of those I'm out here that's right all right so there's a dozen of those was that 15 degrees thirty degrees we'll try it text 11 that doesn't seem like enough you guys not arguing with you just saying it doesn't look right so it is dimensioned on here as these pieces are too and then these pieces that are risen are six so if we do this this is 2 and this is 9 so I'm wondering what happens if I take this rather than going 30 degrees if we go 20 degrees I don't know how many copies to make 15 all right let's see how that lets see what that looks like try to mention that this says this is 2 this says this is 5.3 looks closer though let's see from here I can sip I look straight down on it this shows me one two three four five six seven of those cuts one two three four five six ish yep this is where we decide that this is Erin's obi-wan Kenobi live saver we're getting very dangerously close to the point where math is gonna get involved and I just can't do that right now so I'm gonna save this turn off my hidden I'm gonna grab all of my cutters and I'm going to say I don't even need to worry about sorry I try to do things that talk there I don't know I'm gonna cut it oh I'm not worried about losing my cutter since I made copies of the cutter now I can actually just say cut that from this and I did something not right no that's awesome oh I can actually group those two huh looks like 16 in the solid image all right let me see how many I ended up with 21 that doesn't seem right oh I copied some over each other that's why it's also why I got that weird all right tell me now I think I got 18 18 solid groups we're going with 18 all right so now if I was to take one of these I could say just subtract that from this the other thing I think I can do box and Dave already know the answer this and I don't so I'm gonna just do it live because that's kind of my thing go ahead and make these all into a group and say subtract that from no it's not gonna work okay one thing I could do here no I'll just go ahead and I know there's you know it there's extensions out there that simplify the process of doing things like this where I think like and and Dave you can let me know that if I'm right on this or not but I think in erat solid tools will let you do a group select from another so I could actually select like a bunch of cutters and cut them all at once oh yeah that's that's exactly the thing Dave Dave Dave Dave it's just a good thing you're here man all right I'm gonna come in here select all these other groups explode them and now I should go select this cut that from this all at once you know sometimes I don't know I want to be cocky and say did I knew that but I think actually I believe Dave has called me out on doing just that exact same thing in the past but yeah this is this is this is what happened okay anyhow yeah there was there was a measurement for those exact pieces but I don't know how they're being dimension because this is being a mentioned along a round surface so these are actually kind of like ribs standing up on the metal pipe too so they're a little different but what's works for what we're doing right now all right I'm gonna draw one of these teeth there are I don't know they're there they look like gear teeth so um that's what I'm gonna call them so I'm gonna draw the middle of one right here flat on top of the image using this as a reference I'm gonna come out so dimension for how tall these things are all right so I'm just gonna come out this should be showing exactly from the side so I would say comes out five that was T right back to here there we go and let's see how wide should we make that's five that looks good it looks like it's not it doesn't quite come back to like a sharp connection right here there's a little bit of step out so this is five so I'm gonna say at four millimeter slash meters I'm gonna do that and they don't look like they are they're not symmetrical this looks like this one's maybe four yep they're close to but not exactly symmetrical all right as far as how far they how wide they are if I check this dimension right here it's about eleven of course because we couldn't have a nice round dimension on anything on here so eleven means I'll pull this up five point five and then I can also pull it down five point five somebody was asking on the forum about 3d mice and I don't say it was a heated discussion because it wasn't negative it wasn't bad but a lot of people have a lot of opinions I will say that most people who regularly use 3d mice were in favor of doing getting a 3d mouse and I just thought of that because this whole thing or just switch underneath and model it we're coming close upon a push-pull inside a small surface like this - pretty easy with the 3d mouse so just throwing that out there you guys know I'm an advocate for it though so all right I'm gonna make that into a group that should be solid all right this one's easy because there's a total of six of these I know I keep deleting this line on the end this is my this is my midpoint I need a hold onto it all right so I'm gonna grab that and let's see that would be 60 degrees x5 there they are looking good and now what I should be able to do grab all these and make them into a group go into that group and explode them so there is the question did I need to make them a group originally anytime I move geometry around on other geometry I tend to group it yes this is a group this is locked so there's not if there's not a whole lot that I could have accidentally merged with but I do it just out of habit because as soon as your geometry sticks together it's a pain to go in and take it out so take it back apart so I group things anytime I move any geometry all right so this I should be able to just save outer shell with this and there we go oh yeah look at that look at how join together so beautifully on the end oh yeah that's I'm good all right that is most of that detail so the pieces that I want to potentially add right now is the thing that I don't know what it is right here also got to put this little ring in here and then oh we might might do a little bit of work on the emitter it's really hard to tell what's going on here but I think it's just a series of offsets and step downs and then we have a couple of circles that we can push pull in there so that'll be that'll be pretty quick and easy let's go ahead and tackle this control box oh yeah hey check it out it's right here so the emitter is possibly a sink drain the upper part is Luger nade didn't make that up I did remember a thing from somewhere you gotta know what the rest of those words mean though so this is the clamp that came off of a graph flex flash I think is what it is or light something like that so I'm going to again start with here's my reference line this comes out showing set no that's the seven millimeters Super seven ends up well seven might just sevens to here the bottom part of the box all right so come up seven and that's this and then this is actually this is kind of a weird shape how wide is this 17 millimeters again can't go with a nice round number gotta gotta force some dimensions down here all right so and what this actually ends up being is there's kind of a piece of metal that wraps around at one direction and then this array right here with all these little round studs which are like little plastic bulb things are actually held by this piece of metal which you can see in the profile here actually sticks up and grabs on to it like that so I'm not gonna get ridiculously detailed in here but I am gonna put a little bit of this detail in because it's because it's cool all right so I'm gonna leave a three millimeter gap in the middle I'm gonna grab this make it a group oops I have a habit of clicking option but I don't need to so I'm like this and I will put I come down let's see I'll come down four millimeters over 1.5 I'll take that rectangle and copy it over I'll push that through all right so that's gonna give me this kind of shape right here the other thing is this is this face right here is just gonna extend down long oops but first before I do that there you go so this is my placement point when I go in to place this put it back into the model I want to place it by that point right there should go right there I've done that so many times very pulled geometry off model it up and I go to put it back on like I don't know how to put this back in here I don't know where this went the basis of the bumps are wider than the tops that's true let's let's model that detail right now actually yes yes let's so that's gonna go up four millimeters I'm gonna say this is so it's about a millimeter two millimeters and a millimeters so that's how I'll break it up that's all break up the four so this piece that comes up is going to come up like this let's go to here let's go over here whoops it's gonna go up a total of four nice and come back let's see how far that's about about three and then what I had here was look at this a little bit of an arc going on right here here here like that I'm gonna come down one one that might not have been quite big enough of an arc there to close it all up Yuri says you can model separate piece as a copy of a component yeah I could have done it and left it in you're absolutely right I could have left that right where it was and pulled it out as a component that is a good call I didn't because just uh I don't have a good reason for not having done that but you're absolutely right that would have worked perfectly I'm gonna take this I'm gonna make that all into a group I don't mean hearing now because it's bothering me select all and soften and smooth oh yeah it's looking good all right so no let's let's make that bubble piece little little round glass bubbly things all right so that's it's inside there that's what we got so far now we got to put these circles in so one of the things that I remember about this is this they don't actually they're not full circles right next to each other oh I didn't realize I had that this way I got a green screen could do my weatherman thing yeah I still have my saw those are my solid tool commands that are up there burn dog all right so I have one two three four five six seven of these and they are just just a touch smaller than whatever this dimension is so this is 11 millimeters so let's say okay so we're making nine millimeter circles right here so just right over here on the ground I'm gonna draw 4.5 and then I'm gonna put another circle this way and I must like this one whoops just like this one that bottom one and just say follow me to this top art and I get that I can actually delete this bottom part I did it intentionally I left I did everything the same size so my initial circle would cut my spear when I made the second side and then I can reverse faces now I'm gonna take all of this and make it into a group I'm gonna take of that now do two things I'm gonna grab it by this end I said I use these facets a lot on circles so I grab this corner right here I'm gonna put it right at the middle of this face and I'm gonna grab this one it's the the edge edge of the circle here and pull that so it hits the middle point there now some of you think I might be tempted to use math or something here but I'm not gonna I'm gonna fight it there is about I'm gonna say a four millimeter gap between the edge of the end circle and the outside of this flat section so I'm gonna come right here to the middle and I'm gonna say four millimeters now I'm gonna grab this circle grab it with move I'm gonna grab it by that that same endpoint option and drop it right there and then I'm going to divide that by three oops five by three enter and that gives me my offset doesn't quite look right though does it it's like there I don't know I'm going back and forth alright let's let's just do this I'm gonna grab these three I'll turn on my hidden geometry and go from the middle here and just swing those around like that it doesn't look bad let me let me do this let me make all this a group real quick and I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this swinging around like this like that and we grab by that same placement point and drop it right here so I can kind of reference that's actually pretty solid I'm uh I'm alright with that yeah okay nevermind everything's cool alright I do want to make this this geometry and these circles into one piece so I'm gonna start by grabbing all these circles and outer shelling them go that didn't work let's not do that that's I grab two of them and see what happens when I outer shell just two at a time there you go sometimes you got to be progressive I think like as you do something one step at a time not progressive like try to do everything at once it's a different kind of progressive I think all right so I'm going to take that I grab all this make it a group and then grab those two and outer shell those so now I have one two three groups in this little control box sweet looking good alright so there is camera what these are called these little little pin things like clips open and there's like a little bit of a because the deformation a little spring right here it'll actually pop open when you pull up on it one of those my I know my definition made no sense whatsoever but well already said it so I can't take it back I'm going to make this so if we look at the different profiles of this it looks flat right here but I have a dimension here to put it in and then here I have kind of a it's actually a single piece of material that's folded over like that on to this this pin right here I'm going to I think I'm just mmm no I don't know what I'm gonna do I think I'm gonna trace this profile since I have it and then make it a you know give a little push pull and then offset the two pieces and then come in and maybe loft together this end piece will see someone do something like this that and like that let's see if we can just connect this together is that a trigger circle no it kind of just sits on the side nobody actually really it's it's I mean like I said I I know what this is in real life like this is a thing it's like a spring clip or something like that so it's attached in the middle like a hint so it has a hinge point and this pin runs through and is usually a little spring right here and because of this the way it pops out when it's turned vertically this way when this swings around like this this piece of metal is shorter so that spring pulls it back and then we pull it down here puts tension because this this part pops out I don't know that's probably a horrible explanation but it is a real life yeah it's similar to that yeah it doesn't if it's what I'm thinking of it doesn't have a like it's not screwed down but yeah something along those lines all right so we're going to model this with in arbitrary material depth of one millimeter because because one that's all I got there I'm gonna soften up coplanar early and make this into a group right now I am keeping the group on axes with the rest of the drawing I do not have the axes of this group aligned to the geometry inside that's intentional because one of the things I want to do right now is when I go to move it I want to pick this straight up like that if my axes were assigned to any of the geometries actually inside the group that would not have been is that that easy of a process so I'm going to take that and I'm gonna bring it over on to this view right here so we're looking at right there and then just a touch and then we're gonna go from here slide this over this way won't say exactly five millimeters I did something wrong let's try that again let's grab an absolute point let's let's grab this intersection point right here option to copy or bring it over see if five is too far that'll work how big is I think that's I think that's correct if it's too big we can we can make it a little smaller later on all right when I grab both of these and explode them go here I draw it it's a cantilever cantilever that sounds like a correct thing yeah can Locker can leverage yeah that's the one yeah see it's a good thing you guys are here all right so I'm gonna I'm trying I'm trying to think of the best way to do this so we still have so I want to get this you know what actually I need to do is round this off later I'm gonna get rid of these little things right here that around one millimeter no all right so this will get a little messy but that's okay we're okay with that I grabbed all this geometry move it vertically just to touch grab this Plus this arc follow me with this piece right here that comes down close almost closes all this up where's that high reference there so we're really close there I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and say that this does this you guys know what I mean it's like it's a bent-over single piece of metal so it could have actually probably gone in with something like my Fredo's tools and just cleaning that up manually but not intentionally but I'm kind of wondering how much this stuff I could do natively No so far so good all right I'm gonna rather than clean this up by selecting and deleting each of these pieces of the arc I'm just going to triple click go to extensions and use cleanup to erase straight edges didn't work oh I have it's cuz I have faced onion no why why you didn't like that alright guess I'll just swipe to erase all right so that is it's pretty good looking but if we go back to our reference images and see that is rounded off so I'm gonna do is I'm going to extend this out just a little bit longer and group it all hide it for just a second I'm going to draw a five millimeter line well 5 plus 1 is 6 sorry 6 millimeter all right start over just six millimeter line and they draw a half circle arc like that all right so that is what I want to cut out of my shape so I'm just gonna make a temporary this point it's just a cutting tool so I'm gonna make that and now make that into a group now if I turn if I go to the edit unhide all get that back and I can bring this over all right there it's intersecting back in just a little bit so it cuts there we go and as I have learned today I want to cut this from this and it's just that easy guys see that's what I've learned awesome so there is our cam thing I'll soften that again and one thing I didn't do here was I did not put a circle in her a hole in here for the bowl to run through just gonna put a point five circle right there I'm gonna run all the way through grab all this mess intersect face with selection that I'll just break that so I'd like to do the circle once and then I can just go delete delete now I have that which I can put inside that box that was not what I wanted to do all right so to take that just a touch further might come in here I want to make this into a group I'm gonna draw a couple more circles this is this will go this probably go quick inference the center circle pull it up pull that out to this edge I'm gonna pull it out like half a millimeter on both sides and then if I come draw a line along the top of that cylinder I put a circle right here it's a little bit bigger they actually actually I think this is dimension somewhere this is that's this right here it's actually three millimeters so I'm put a circle right go back in context circle from the middle point gathering cream there you go 1.5 oh man there you go hear that alright so that's gonna come up here and it's also going to extend through it's all falling apart alright get rid of all this get just get rid of it there we go I have my circle up here and I just pull a circle down through the other side and then additionally so that gives me this which I can now like grab this I'm actually move I like that point right there put it on my drawing a little little student align it up like that no I know I can grab this one drag it so it comes out like this and now I can take that whole thing make it a group again I am a big fan of nesting groups thank you for asking and I'm gonna flip it 180 degrees and now I can grab this point it's the point they wanted to place it by that point should go right to there all right two small details left one is a d-ring d-ring is going to be super safe simple I'm gonna draw a line well here let's let's do this yeah I'm gonna start what I think is the middle draw that down 22 draw it this way 15 and then why is this is a three millimeter and don't what this this is three millimeters so that means the edge so what I want to do is draw a line here that is half of this shape and then just extrude or push-pull no there tries charm follow me a three millimeters circle all way around that three millimeters circle will be one and a half millimeters in I'll go to point 5 so this is where it will start up here down one point five that's where that end will start and it'll come I'll just offset this line one point five also so there's my constraints that's what I want to draw my shape inside of so I'm gonna go grab an arc I'm still gonna do it with ARC let's see this line comes across like this draw another arc about here to that magenta means I'm under in the right spot basically that means I'm in line with both the start and the end all right so there is half my arc I'm going to grab these one two three four pieces and weld them into one grab that piece option copy option option rotate 180 degrees all right and the last thing is I'm going to come to this middle point right here and draw a circle of 1.5 now I'm actually I'll weld these two together too so I'll grab both of those extension weld grab that distorted D shaped circle follow me click here and we have a d-ring okay triple click make that a new group and I'm using groups and set of components and I just realized I was doing that so so no there's not a good reason for doing that usually my rule of thumb is if it's a thing you should be using a group these are all things but for some reason I'm not making it into or if it's a thing you should use a component I'm not doing that for some reason so I don't know I just I'm disappointed myself all right I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna just flip it over because this right here is where this d-ring goes so I'm gonna start by rotating at 90 degrees just using the regular handles I'm gonna turn on my hidden geometry because I'm gonna grab one of these points on the middle line and I'm gonna line it to this point right here and then I can just use rotate put that in line there I can also now go find the middle point slide this way up here find the middle point of my selected geometry and align that to the middle point of this geometry and now I can slide it I'm gonna do this let me grab that same middle point and bring it this way to hope there was I had it lost it the middle point there yes and now I'm try to figure out how to do this I draw a line perpendicular to that line now I can grab this point and bring it down to the middle at that point and I have centered that piece on that odd geometry the other thing I could have done is I could have realigned my axes and made that whole thing easier but hey inferencing alright that's looking pretty awesome let's do just a little bit more and I'm gonna clean these groups up at some point but right now I really want to just take this and bring it over here so I can copy whatever's going on right here and this is kind of weird because I don't actually have any dimension that shows the relief of these steps but like I said I think it's pretty simple so I think I'm gonna explode this temporarily and let's see from oh no I'm gonna have to really do math so that's two and a half meter offset two point five nope that's obviously not right no I'm cutting in half there's a 5 meter 5 5 meter difference so 5 alright that's that so then this is gonna push in not very much this is only it can only push in about this far and that's where these rings go that's where these circles go and then from that I have 567 offset this seven meters and that can push into that can go all the way down to this or one if it only goes to oh it's too far maybe goes just to here how about that all right so that's this ring right here so now we go from 25 down to 18 Oh something doesn't look right there but I do that wrong hey I did I totally didn't do that last undo undo undo so I get for doing math my head so this is actually not like I'm doing everything wrong undo again undo again okay try this all over again all right so 38 48 is 10 so that's 15 no that's wrong also no it's half of 15 7.5 okay we should do these offsets maybe should just be like this 25 up to 35 is 10 13 6.5 oh man it's too late in the week doing math all right 18 7 3.5 and then one last one eat 11 say 11 yes so that's all there 3.5 I got that got that got bad quick all right so this one will say comes back to here cuz it'll fit now this one will take back to here this one will go back to this guy will go all the way back that looks pretty good where are we at timewise about a half hour and a half in I'm not gonna mess with it well no I can't help myself I got to do the holes it's only take a second three millimeter holes one two three four or five oh there four five six seven eight sixteen of them okay so I'm gonna straw I find the the top of my circle draw a line straight down so on that I want to put a circle of 1.5 oh I didn't draw the flat today that's okay all right and then I can I'm just gonna push pull this in sure five five millimeters all right and now I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab the geometry of the end and job tree there and the circle here so everything that makes up that circle and I'm gonna go again I don't have just gotta remind myself don't have a middle point because it's not a really a circle like this and I'm gonna bring it all the way around to three 16/16 no I don't work 12 12 degrees no 15 / 15 total new it was alright let's try again gonna grab my circle woo that would have been a big problem good thing I didn't hit that one alright so I'm gonna grab these geometry pieces I'm gonna go to the center here now I tell my first one I want to offset let's see so this is 90 degrees 1 2 3 4 90 oh my gosh what is that 22.5 degrees x-15 there we go figure that out again and then I have a little 2 millimeter circle basically same spot do the same thing that wasn't quite there we go one all right and again I will right off face no looks pretty good nope I did want that there all right for some reason why is my circle not closing right here I don't know why but it is now alright someone do the same thing exactly the same thing I just did I'm gonna offset that or not offset I'm going to rotate a copy of that 22.5 x-15 alright and with that our what we want done I'm going to take this make this back into a group I'm going to so I'm going to trim it trim the d-ring oh this is not a solid let's run solid tools and see why not I have one internal face fixed alright so I'm gonna take the d-ring trim out that's gonna give me a hole in this tooth or whatever thing it is there we go that intersects correctly but I do like it as a separate piece if I ever wanted to build this or something I would obviously build that separate trying to sound what to do with this what I think I want to do is explode this group and then intersect I'm gonna explode this group too and I'm going to take this piece and this piece and I'm going to merge them together yes and then this piece is not a solid because that's just got a lot of stuff going outside here yes I could take all of this actually to do this properly I'd probably take this no I can't there we go I take these parts right here oh I know why that's happened oh that is good I could subtract that from this so trim this from this there we go now I have I explode this I have one two three pieces so you take this trim this from this should give me the hole through there and at that point have basically a bunch of pieces of solid chunks that could theoretically be created and assembled or something but I feel pretty good about that I kind of like how that turned out actually yeah I like that I would say that is our our first lightsaber I'm gonna make that into a new group and then slide over near the origin it turned out pretty slick all right you know and here's the thing if I hadn't had to do math on that we probably would have ended 20 minutes earlier but I in and tried math instead of just you know having sketchup figured out for me but but sketchup could have figured it out for him if you know the right tools you can get away with doing as little math as possible which something I work pretty hard at avoiding that all right I'm going to save that I'm gonna start a new one okay hello in India Zeon just joined and what time is in India right now is young I'm going to go we said Darth Vader neck so I'm gonna go ahead and import desktop where's my Darth Vader there we go an import Darth Vader oh hold up one last thing here I'm gonna grab this and scale it to point zero one because we want this lightsaber almost forgot that that piece this lightsaber should be with a 200 something millimeters to meters so wait hold up let's go let's jump back two millimeters I draw a line from here to here I got a scale down by 10 one more time I should have done point zero zero one to scale it to the proper size nope I did wrong in told you I just 0.1 that's all gonna do keep it simple me all right that's right now 282 millimeters that is what our original drawing said Obi Wan's lightsaber was so with that that is that now we're now we're there wherever there was that we were trying to go to we got to there so that is done let's go save and hop in here and help Darth Vader out with his I think some of this is gonna go a little bit quicker because the extrusion the initial extrusion is gonna be way easier oh can you print that on a 3d printer right now it it could be you would have to be printed in pieces right now it's not one big model it's it's several smaller pieces okay but yeah that's that's the general idea is you could take that and do just that all right so i'ma scale this to meters again also I thought with this one is to actually build it as modular ly as possible because this is built along there's one shaft right here the main piece and then there's like a collar then there's these t bars or something like that it look like windshield wiper chunks stuck on here J cap screwed in the end then this caller emitter sits on the top I was just thinking maybe I'll try to try to model it exactly like that see if I can do it so 1 2 3 4 5 main pieces we'll see how it goes all right so I scaled it up but now just like before my default template is architectural fractional inches so I'll tell baby just called beyond said it's called a calculator I've heard of them I I know I know it's ridiculous part of me has got this a little bit of shame I'm like why can't I divide 37 in half so I like yeah I could figure that out I could do that but I can't do that I just need to acknowledge Who I am so I'm going to go to decimal meters again and I think a lot of this will be able to actually pull right off of here and not have to worry about tracing too much but we'll see we'll see how that goes all right first thing I have see this this piece is the actual tube so I'm gonna start let go tune over this top view so I can find something that I can align a center line with so I'm gonna go the middle of this screw line and draw a line from here up to the end of the emitter and then I'll draw it back what was it 290 meters so this won't be a little bit different but I still want to have some reference dimensions here so 39 is the actual size of my tube so I'm gonna come to write about sorry hope I'm not getting anybody sick spinning around I'm trying to trying to look at see all my dimensions at once there's not either there's a lot of dimensions on here they're all kind of spread across evenly across the four different views who somebody just Jim just put a beautiful Darth Vader lightsaber image up on the forum you guys should check it out that actually got a couple of really nice little ones up there all right so I'm gonna come right here I'm gonna draw our circle I'll stick with 48 that seemed to work out pretty good last time and I'm going to just pick a spot that's falls within this shroud so I'm gonna go like right here and I'm gonna pull that out half of 39 the only reason I can figure out half of 39 is because half of 40 is 20 and it's one less than that so that is nineteen point five I'd say it's not a big deal but I know that is you know it's something all right and I want to pull this all the way down to the end cap but I gotta figure out where that is looks like it's seven so it's got this unthreaded it's got like this knurled apart right here and then for five meters and then two meters in so this is gonna come in seven meters I'll be that line right there I'll pull this back to here I do want this to be a tube though so I'm gonna come in here and offset just a small obstacle a half half millimeter Network and I'm gonna pull that all the way through and that's going to be the body of my lightsaber so I'm just gonna grab that right now well part of this line there we go there we go I'm gonna make that into a component this time I'll call out the body and now I can build my other pieces out onto that this does have a bunch of cuts in it and holes in it and stuff you can see all these things guess Darth Vader's his lightsaber is uh us be chargeable once I got some yeah actually looks like a USBC port because it's in the future no it's a long time ago I don't know anyhow I can start building up this shroud piece alright so right here I have another circle this actually is not a circle it looks like it's a circle but it's not a circle it's a partial circle but then you can see this part actually kind of comes up like this how wide are these different chunks all right so I don't really have a clearance thing house works but that's never stopped me from modeling something in the past I'll come right here and I will set an establishing line right here draw another circle on the red axes this one I'm going to do the full 20 and that is this piece right here it's gonna be angle cut but then right here it actually steps out to wider I think I just covered up that wider dimension oh 44 so this is 40 right now so that means I want to offset this geometry two more millimeters now I'm going to pull that back let's pull it back the full 14 knowing that I'll have some more helps your modify okay so you guys see what happened there I've left behind this little piece here when I do here his option pull this one out because I want to keep it down here on this end now I can do that alright cool that looks good so far I have that there's an angle that that's cut at I want to make it into component I said it mater is one of the few pieces I know about and that's what that is so let's see what to do now I take this piece what one of the things I'm thinking about now or stressing on a little bit is I want to work on these pieces individually but I always want to be able to snap them back together in the right spot without having a whole lot of inconvenience so what I'm thinking about doing is taking this middle line and just adding it to each of these grooves so if I look at this and just grab that middle point and drag it out to this same point so what that means is if I move this away I should be able to as long as this point doesn't change drag it and drop it right back into the same spot I think that's going to work well because I'm going to want to reference stuff off of each of these images as I go through here and that that should help all right one of the things I want to do is right now this is symmetrical on all sides so I want to get this angle cut on here so I'm just gonna use the image couldn't find the spot that where the actual angle is called out that's okay so there's that and then I can use a DB oh I never said it I don't think I say it right a DB oh push line to pull that straight up did I use components again oh right you're right you're right I could leave Dave's pointing out that I could just leave this here because because of thinking Dave I really blame everything too I'm trying to think about things and it just it's a thing I don't know you're right I will go put this back when I've done cutting this circle and we'll leave it where it's supposed to be thank you sir I'm gonna offset this piece point five which is what I did on the other piece and I'm just gonna push this all the way through to the other side that cut out then should line up with this when I put it back where it was now I'm going to select so I'm gonna do this put this on my reference layer again explode a group lock and turn off now you can actually grab all actually just I just need to grab these two surfaces and say intersect faces with model and that will get rid I'll break that like so whoops almost deleted my reference line all right so I should be able to get rid of that I haven't it'll be open right now because I didn't intersect with a surface to make it fill that but I should be able to come in here and just should be a pretty automatic I do two of these it should close the whole thing there we go awesome now I can take this piece and put it back where it goes and leave it there yeah so that looks pretty sweet now because it's a component I can just grab a copy of it and move it somewhere else and make changes why would I do anything else right Dave all right yes and I I haven't used it very much I'll be honest I haven't used a neuron solids very often but I know hers are kind of like the next level solid tools they're good good tools to have all right so I'm going to do I'm gonna pull this this section out so in the profile as it looks straight at it where this thumb screw is this actually comes up like this you can see real clearly on the image up on the the forum so I'm just gonna go pull a square like that and then another square like that yep and they are rounded off I don't know I refer to these as kind of machine drawings they're not like full-on machine drawings they don't have as much detail as one would probably like it looks like there's a five millimeter circle right here let's say well with lines some say about one inch in or one millimeter in is a five millimeter circle so here's I'm going to do come in here and I'm going to grab this line and move it down one millimeter grab this line right here and this is actually when I should be using not move but probably something more like inference I should use a guidelines and then from there I can go actually that was a whole mess I don't know why I did anything I just did I get some fridays are more friday than other fridays i think i'm really there i'm sob i had less traveling last two Sundays to go different places which was fun i got to go out on if anybody who's on here was at our boot camp roadshow in LA but i got to go to LA for a boot camp roadshow well two Sundays ago that was awesome and then i went to a trade show last weekend left on sunday so basically two weeks in the row I've had six to eight weeks maybe that's my problem maybe this is since this is day week day six of yeah I'm honest I'm there can't even say it I'm so I'm so something about that I don't know I'm gonna go back to a twenty four sided circle and draw my two point five radius circle there we go and now one things I could do is I could actually take this that could offset this up one and that will give me my corner right there so a different way to do it I was just writing of some other way I could actually do that and I can grab that with an option and drag that straight down to where it intersects down here erase that get rid of that get rid of that and there while I was whilst complaining about my schedule I was able to draw in that detail I shouldn't say complaint either I mean I thoroughly enjoyed everything I got to do but I think maybe the shortened weekends are taking their toll on my psyche and we know how fragile that is alright so that is our fourteen millimeter collar piece right there that's not it that's not we're not done because it does kind of do this other thing it steps back I may go ahead and grab a copy of that component I'm not moving it of course because that would be silly right Dave that's a option so you're drying you're drying the you're drying side B but you're working on the bottom image Jimmy wants to know why cuz I started there I drew this tube here and it was out of the way to be honest like if I look at this right now there's not any information I'm pulling off of there so I just left this here I just dropped it and didn't do anything else with it so hopefully that's a good reason hopefully that makes sense no no reason better than that that was it I am noticing that something's not quite perfect here I checked this dimension this is 44 millimeters which is what I had as the width here this show [Music] it says 46 mm something's happening all right I'm moving this stuff off remove all this off I guess I got to see everything let's slide this over 200 meters all right what's the deal light saber okay so it looks like a couple things happen here this collar comes out on the sides here oh but then this actually comes back in so this actually comes around like this and then goes up to this detail you can see that on the looking on the drawing on the forum so we'll have to adjust that not a big deal that's fixable but why am i oh and then this that 44 is across this way not vertically this is actually two millimeters bigger okey doke we got her we got her all figured out here's what I'm gonna do come into this get rid of my reference images and i'ma start by grabbing my arcs and circles on both edges plus this and this and I'm going to take that up two meters that should give me so if I come back out to my reference image that should get me closer yeah there we go see look at that line I like it when stuff lines up that's nice the other thing so right here see this this is the outside of this right here is this line right here this right here is thinner I don't have a solid dimension it doesn't look like I can't find a spot where it dimensions what this actually is but if I look at this ring distance I'll say an inch and a half so it's going to come in an inch and a half on here so I'm gonna do this and hopefully not make too big a mess I'm gonna start by once if I grab all of this and just drop it down 1.5 if I was really going for my own version of lightsaber I might be okay with calm colonists but this is this is Darth Vader we got it got a respect respect the man you know as I was watching your original New Hope and I was there with my kids which which was all I said that was awesome that was really cool but there's a scene I don't know if you guys remember it but there is a scene where the ship gets you know the bad guys the Empire boards Princess Leia ship in the beginning and the two droids get in the escape pod and go down to the the surface of the planet and then they have the scene where the stormtroopers are searching for the droids and I don't know if you've what blessing you watch it but is the most awkward scene in the world because they kind of pan across the sand and show you no stormtroopers in the background and once one sort or stands up and he has like this little silver washer something's like look sir droids and then it cuts to another scene it's just so weird and so awkwardly it's not a conversation he's making this declaration and it's all slow us it's so funny I found way more humor in that but I think I ever have before watching it this time still I was not meant to be disrespectful still loved it the trilogy is awesome but yeah there's a couple spots that I noticed we're a little uh I don't know maybe less intensely awesome now that I'm not before I don't know it's still good no complaints about it so I'm doing here is I'm grabbing that that circle that that arc back here I'm going to grab it by a point an option copy it to another point so this continues the the path of the circle to where it would meet right here and that gives us this section right here to push pull back and then smooth that to give us geometry there we go and option to race here at all these extra lines oh yeah there we go that's pretty cool it's like I said we're still not there yet though because this this piece does carry back a little bit further we need to get our reference image back again yeah it was pretty cool Marvin I was I was actually said going into this thing where I knew the company was going to do it I was excited but I was kind of wondering what I was going to see what was I actually gonna gonna get and I said I gotta say I was I was pretty tickled when they said they were gonna show us the original version all right so this looks like this section extends back another 12 millimeter so here's what I'm gonna do oh no that's this no where's that 12 all right so we got this ring right here something instense you got 12 millimeters here and then this is a separate piece so I'm gonna come in here I'm gonna take this through 12 and now I'm gonna come in here going to just make another that was not she stood up even further there we go run these two lines almost past each other and then I can grab an arc and try to find where tangelo there we go all right so now those pieces this where you just like I did on the other one I can take that that will extend up like this like this but take that and smooth it first that way I'm not gonna have to smooth the collar piece afterwards and I can make that into a group and as I've learned today I'm going to cut this I haven't saved yet where are we guys come on man ah later and I'm gonna cut this from this you're inspiring people to pull out the episodes and watch them again oh man do it do do a go do a just a trilogy marathon this weekend it's awesome it's so cool so worth it alright so this piece right here is actually an extension no it's not it's actually laid into this other piece so I'm gonna come in here it was cool like I mean if you're into any kind of sci-fi or anything like that did the original trilogy's of course you know one of those things you know you like you love but I remember the last time went back and like just really watched it and got into it it's it's fun definitely a good time so it looks like this right here this will crescent shape is actually a gap will you know reference pictures because this piece right here is all one solid piece and then this piece right here maybe it's a step down or a gap between the shroud this this emitter shroud and this thingy piece we'll see what happens I'm just gonna stuff that is gonna be my initial shape for this piece that Christmas gonna grab it use rotate along the red axes just grab anywhere option lip 200 degrees and there's that shape and what i'ma do now is I'm just gonna pull it up and down and soften it that circle did not end up being very soft right there but not too soft of a soften shape all right yeah we are we're suffering through a non Sketchup source drawing you're absolutely right I'm gonna take that and make that into a component I'm gonna call this the it does it does look like a coffin I would agree with that all right and I'm gonna slide that so I'm gonna take this guy how should I do this how many will line these things up take this I'll move this one to that one so start by flipping it to 90 degrees and I will slide straight back this way this is assuming all the pieces line up that should be exactly where that goes because it is flush with the top this piece is going to get cut to the surface of the main tube so I'm just gonna leave that exactly the way it is and then this piece right here like I said this has it would actually has some additional detail I didn't put on there but it does look like this little thing cuts out of it but I can't really tell what happens there so I'm not gonna mess with it I'm just going to take this and trim it away from there so these are two separate pieces now alright the other thing that happens on this piece maybe I'll maybe this is where I will bring these guys in I'll grab this rotate it to 90 degrees and bring it back over 200 and this might be a good spot that I can do this okay x-ray how far does this come out it doesn't again dimensions oh maybe this is nope because so this will so what I'm looking at is this little piece right here this actually raises up it's this surface right here this top surface continues out into this little island here that has that a knurled screw that sticks down through it and that's actually the piece that the d-ring connects into I can't tell how far comes out though and can't actually I'll just do the same thing I did before I'll take some of the temporarily Heidi's and I'm just going to draw the line straight across here and then I can actually Paul wants to know what format the blueprint is in JPEG nope this is something I found I did I did not make this I'm not responsible for this thing so yeah this is a reference image that I just found that we're working from Oh No had I done it it would have been something else entirely take that as a good thing or a bad thing I don't know so I'm going to take this now I'm gonna just copy that and now I can edit unhide all and I will paste this I'll grab it right by the middle point here so that's where it's gonna go I can go in context I'm gonna just cut it now double click to enter here and then edit paste in place we'll put it right at that same spot I made this circle big this is actually where the that's actually the top of the knurled circle so it's not actually that big but I guess I just left it there because because this was one of the things that I did because they did so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna go ahead and just keep where my Center is and then push this down into the top like that all right this is a thing that may happen to you one day awesome this is all looking great except so I need to intersect this obviously right here I want this to happen but I don't want this I don't want to intercept the inside I just want to sit down on top so rather than doing solid tools or something like that I can actually just say just intersect these two pieces so I say intersect face with selection you'll just give me a break right here I mean so I can go down here on the inside double click delete that and I can get rid of those X moves extra geometries there we go so we're getting there I was looking good we have let's see wait a minute component solid group I'm unhappy that that is what that is uh here's what I did oh wait hold on I gotta look back at see if Dave caught me on this oh let's see it oh so when I did a solid tool intersection to put this cut right here oh no is this cut when I did this piece right here when you use solid tools it actually doesn't use components it uses groups so though this was a component I started as soon as I did that subtraction to cut that out it saved this then as a group instead of a component so that means even though these two were originally components this has now become something else uh but now I've got changes here and I've got changes here what should I do um I don't know I guess I could just complain I'll do okay so this I'll grab this geometry right here I'll grab the intersected no I'll just grab it I will copy that I will go into this one I will paste oh man this isn't even the right spot yeah that's offset it's all fall apart systems decaying no all right so now that I did that to save this piece I had to go fix it okay oh man it's good they were working on something fun at the very least cuz okay I'm gonna go have a reference image Dave said he was watching thanks Dave hang me out to dry I gotcha oh I shouldn't I have felt a disturbance in the force shouldn't I have felt what the hundred and fifty of you guys shudder or something nobody copy that's right Oh dark side all right I'm just gonna delete this component completely and I'm gonna make this into a component and I'm gonna call this the emitter it's gonna ask me phone overwrite yes I do I do want to replace that okay let's try this again Oh anyhow good stuff okay so this is kind of fun because I had to come in here and clean this up so I'm just going to pretty much do the same thing I did before I'm going to use these these circle chunks to reference I don't know if I have a circle a middle to reference off of so I'm gonna rotate those up that work oh because I have that big because that's not a circle even a little bit all right let's try this one range oh there's this there we go grab that hey I actually had a compliment I'm calling it a compliment somebody went up onto one of these live videos and said how much they appreciated how much my mistakes in my slip-ups taught them I took it as common a how I felt like the best way to take that so here you go learning opportunity ghin at my expense better not look back on this one and remember what not to do alright so by copying those edges I can real quickly and easily make that surface this parts a little bit more work because I'm just gonna I could I could loft or whatever else but really there's only a couple pieces here someone's gonna grow a couple lines stitch that back together and then I can hop in here and just delete my whoops leave my extra geometry and with that get rid of all that now I can move this back in where it's supposed to be and give every reference back and I can pull this back too and again as was supposed to happen before I can trim that from oh this is not a solid tool right now Oh probably because of my my lines right here I think I can actually use those nope alright that means I have to come in here right now I don't want to lose my center point so actually can i oh there we go my circle here still works so I got my center point for my thumb screw later on now I can take this one trim it out of this one and there we go awesome all right I'm having fun with this emitter shroud as I'm calling it so I want to keep going I want to keep putting pieces on here after I save and guess what this turned into again a solid group so I'm gonna right click I'm going to make component and I'm going to call it I'm not going to I'm like I'm not gonna use all tools anymore I'm just kidding that's called difference right now I'm gonna just call it emitter which of course they do under place again alright I want to take care of this because it's nagging me a little bit this little weird offset right here that's this so it's about three millimeters what I'm thinking I can do is I'm wondering if I can just grab this piece right here and scoot it forward to point five I kind of think that's what's going on there again I'm trying to look at the image that's been posted and it looks like that is kind of what's happening there so by pulling that just pulling that circle forward I'm stretching the geometry Auto folding and you know I get that kind of a sloped cut in there I think that I think I'm happy with that all right something else I just noticed that that has happened is I've lost my all my reference that ties where this goes - this not a huge deal I don't think I think right now though I do have it everything still laid out on the drawing so I should be able to just grab this right here is here tube grab it by this and copy it down - yeah the outside or the inside of that that should all line up awesome because what I want to do is I want to cut these two pieces to each other so how do I well this is this is a component right now but I don't really care about it too much so I'm gonna say take this one and subtract that oh it's not a solid right now why is it's not a solid let's find out straight edge somewhere Oh in the middle all right but now I'm going to trim this from this piece and now when I come into this piece I just got here the that geometry and that's the piece of now that sits right on top of that cool excellent all right so we have a couple of screws here one of them is is knurled one of them is not so I'm gonna go ahead and just knock these out real quick so right here I'm gonna say this is the center come up here across by 2 I'm gonna come across here three and put an arc here to here nope I snapped off the surface there that's why the my arc went away there you go I'm going to take that now put a circle in here I'm back to 24 sides for my circle for these little ones I think that's probably good enough we'll see say follow me there we go and get rid of circle now triple click make that into a new component and this will be oh I don't know what these things are called we're gonna call this the smooth screws since the other one's gonna be the knurled screw knurled a weird word knurled stay with me neural it's hot that's knock word word like yogurt it's always been not one for me too Marvin's head now thanks Marvin yeah I'm not sure I'm sure if somebody went and douve deep into the recesses of in all respect I say Star Wars nerd dumb there is probably description of what every one of these pieces does I'm not doing that because I'm modeling that's on you guys so if anybody wants to go dive deep and find out what these screws do I'd be happy to rename them that's what I'm saying I guess so this one actually kind of has a little collar here right so there we go so I'm gonna start the same way I'm gonna come in here with a circle I'm gonna just draw a circle out select it follow me and hit that I haven't knurled yet right now I just want to get that and I'm going to say make that into a component and I'll call that my neuro why does it look so wrong to ours okay and you are Oh L weird word all right minor old screw alright I'm gonna go into my minor old screw now so knurling those of you who don't know is when the metal is pressed into or cut into to kind of give it some roughness so this can be done in like crisscross patterns or squares diamonds in this case it's actually just kind of a vertical knurling it's just these little slips that are gonna raise up I'm going to you got a bottle knurling with native tools and no math I'm gonna do that actually smartypants what I'm gonna do I would this is gonna be pre this is gonna be fairly low definition I don't I don't know if Dave if you know which you had a gallery post that showed some of your close-ups of some of your knurled pieces and they are awesome they have the little to fall off towards the end of the press that is just so cool if you have that you could throw that link into the chat that was awesome really nice high definition super nice and Erling I'm going to do this a little bit lower quality so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take one of these pieces right here and I'm a select an edge and I'm going to divide it into four pieces I'm gonna draw a line down like that and like this one to buy those pork pieces like that and then I'm gonna push pull not by much like that see what I did there you have to break this because I want this channel tree to all stay I won't have to clean it up again and again and again now what I can do is I can take just that geometry those two little parts that popped up and I will get my Center geometry and go to the middle piece right here middle point maybe we go and I'm gonna copy it option copy it to here x-23 and i'll go all the way around like that now if I triple click like this I can actually use cleanup to merge faces that'll get rid of my little breaks right here or not follow try this I might have service there you go I had a bunch of internal faces now I can select this cleanup merge faces there we go now I got a girl dub with no math and the only native tool ok use cleanup I could have manually done that down cleanups really for your sake more than mine cuz nobody want you guys don't want to sit here and watch me delete 48 teeny little lines both sides that's like almost 100 alright that's looking sweet I have to screw holes and then a button so I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to replace this circle which does raise up just ever so slightly thank you thank you all right I'm gonna raise that up just just a touch offset that two more times something like this and then something like this because what we have is this is actually a button that's raised just a teeny bit and then that's inset I'll take that and I was just I just did that all from the reference photo I have on the other screen but that's that's all that is right there all right so we do have a couple of five millimeter screw holes on here also I'm gonna do those I'm going to try to reference I built this off of the center of that screw hole so I should be I'll just go right back to the center pull that up to 2.5 same thing here 2.5 and then I'm gonna do this fairly simple too because I'm just going to offset this a little bit I'm gonna push this in same thing here offset double click push pull double click and then I said they are screw holes and you can actually see the screws that are in here and you know Sith Lords like LARC Darth Vader make sure their screw holes are aligned or there's their flat head screws are aligned so we'll honor that we go just draw a line here and line here I'm just using the middle points and I'm just gonna push that down that far right there right there again push pull double click alright so that is all of that stuff oh except for my d-ring you know what what are the odds that the d-rings are exactly the same size let's go just love it open let's go hop on over to obi-wan said the image of Darth Vader sneaking up behind what we wanted taking the d-ring off of his thanks he was not looking we're gonna steal this from obi-wan because Darth Vader is a bad guy that's why it's funny we're gonna go back over to Vader and I will taste it Oh ooh here's an issue it is 1/100 of the size of Darth Vader than so I'll place it right here and immediately hit scale and grab a corner and just start scaling and scale 100 times that seems like that didn't scale properly nope 1000 there we go all right then I'll take that and I'll use the handles to get back over here love those move handles make it so much easier to do this and then I'll do the same thing I did before if I come in here and turn out my hidden geometry and I'll try to grab let's see let's grab let's grab this one grab the middle of this point right here I'm gonna put it right there and then that's gonna slide down this way and then that's gonna slide right is it actually across it's it's pretty much all the way back so yeah it's it's pretty close to the right shape I would I would go for that like that that's right big difference to move handles and love handles Jedi don't do love handles they're fit they jump over buildings and stuff all right the other cool thing is this actually repeats as well looks a little bit different but well we might be able to steal a little bit more from the other the other piece oh but I'm not gonna focus on that just yet because what I want to do is is working our way down here I want to get this collar on right here and then get these grip pieces also so I'm gonna do that let's see I think it goes all the way around and then it actually is this piece right here I think hmm maybe I don't have any idea how this works never stopped me from just modeling before oh you know I think that this right here I think here's what happens I think this piece actually goes down like that and then forms that that thing I think all of that and as it goes out further on the other sides I'm gonna try that I'm gonna see if I can make that happen so if this is 1 millimeter again I'm going to find the middle so I want this right now oops change the set number sides back to 48 so that's nineteen point five so if I do 20 that's now a half millimeter bigger that line is because remember I'm gonna I'm gonna do a follow me with a one millimeter tall piece of material so that goes all the way around and then how wide is this piece don't have that dimension okay grab this bring it over here it's kind of got excited about the possibility doing this no I'm trying to think of what I'm doing why it's important to do that at some point I guess all right so I'm gonna go from here turn at an angle here Ark shooting for the middle lost my heart all right there you go all right that looks good I'm gonna take these three pieces option copy over here right click click click right click flip along the red direction which of course I knew all right and I'm gonna grab all of that and weld that together so I have one profile to follow me that profile will be this so it's 40 millimeters and I want to do a one meter profile all right so grab that I'm gonna make that a group now I'm gonna do this out here in space rather than on top of a drawing no particular reason just cuz I wanna alright I'm gonna go grab this flip this back to vertical and then we grab by the middle cuz again that's where that's where I want to accounted for one half of this offset so now whoops I'm just gonna grab this profile say follow me and I can't follow me with this because it's currently a group put a candidate right click Edit group and then click on it to start that there we go that is a sweet-looking piece what's the accessor you're using with your left hand this is a space Mouse this is something we've been talking a lot about on the forums if you guys have seen it it is basically a three dimensional controller so this will allow me to without using this hand at all I can move this model around in 3d space it saves me from having to I can actually do two things so I can rather than stopping working to orbit I can actually move this piece while I move this piece I use it a lot for things like this for when I do 3d modeling because it's a lot less jarring than doing this all the time so that's that's for you guys just makes it a little bit easier - yeah I know it's it does sound like product placement I honestly I don't get anything if you buy one of these I just I have an advocate for it because I use it a lot and I've seen how it helps me model talk to those guys came back time alright line that up there and I'm going to slide that over to there alright now what that band does you can see once it gets out here it actually gets a little wider and has kind of a lip on there so what I'm thinking to do there is make new geometry like this I'll say one point five out and then that will curled part out bring out two I'm just drawing that a two-dimensional profile on the ground but then I can take this shape and X to copy that I'm gonna come in here edit paste in place and then I need another one over here so I'll just use rotate to grab the middle point here I use I use Road to rotate a lot to move geometry in symmetrical situations like that not everybody does that but I found that that that helps me a lot no John shell broke it did break well I put my thought now was just to grab at the side no inside nope all these broke at some point during that that process I'm just gonna draw a new circle to use as a path to follow of course now these are all broken don't have an easy center point either that's not going to fix that but I can select this I can weld it this hopefully better okay so now that I know how this is gonna turn out you guys we're gonna do it I'm gonna so I got that path selected I'm gonna save and I'm gonna follow me with this right here less than ideal that's how that turned out okay I don't know what that was ooh you know why it's cuz I'm on this I'm not lost here I was gonna copy ground by hand and it's a little bit weird because this is I did something wrong again Davis giggling right now because he knew exactly what I was doing and I didn't do what I was supposed to do these two guys right now are good geometry but they're in a bad place when I do a follow me what I really want to do is I want to put these unselected so these two pieces when I do a follow me I don't want to start with geometry at a corner like this I want to start it on a flat so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go take that and this is not just for afternoon for me what all right so when would you stop and just redo the whole thing never never give up personally yeah that's probably not too far from true I there there's a point there's honestly I mean I can't say that tongue-in-cheek but there's definitely a point where you do end up deciding that it's gonna be easier to start over I'm not there yet plus I want to give you guys as many opportunities to learn from my mistakes as possible all right I'm gonna do this now I'm gonna select all of these pieces all these line segments and I'm going to weld them that gives me all one piece let me show you why that's important so I'm gonna come in here follow me and just follow me right around all the way come on there's something odd going on in my mom right now I'm having some weird inferencing and snapping off the weird spots I don't care for this it may just be this circle for some reason may have something odd going on I assume if there's a problem it's due to something that I did I tried to blame anything like that SketchUp usually does what I wanted to do is just the things I tell to do aren't the smartest things to do alright so follow me again yeah okay you asked I'm telling you I'm jumping ship now alright let's try that again let's let's let's start over I'm gonna come back in here and get rid of this upsetting geometry it's upsetting me it's always making a joke about being triggered last last time we're in here it's pushing my buttons right now alright alright so what I'm gonna do yes let me find a nice flat spot okay there's no that's me my line I draw my profile on that line I'm gonna come in here I come out along the red axis three millimeters come out this way what was this way this way was half of that so 1.5 I'm gonna come parallel to this line right here with my inferencing this is kind of a cool inferencing challenge actually so I grabbed that line right there and inference that out for I think that was just a half a millimeter and then I can draw an arc from there back to here nope I came off of ax he's pretty hard they're close this real quick something's not on accident oh no line there either let me move that copy that to right here then go from here back to here there's my initial shape and now I'll grab my arc there we go no actually what if I do this from out here can I just go follow me no I don't have a back there so I'm gonna copy that I'm going to edit paste in place and now I'm going to try see if I do it just this is one things we actually tell you not to do to just because this is such a weird way to do it you almost always want to pre-select your geometry unless for some reason your geometry won't let you pre select and then I just don't even know us let's let's grab this geometry I'm really wondering if there's like something weird is going on with with this this geometry here I don't know what it is but I'm kind of wondering I want to start over with it or anything like that but I'm kind of feeling like maybe I don't know let's see let's see what happens it's gambling time let's know it's in the path so something is going on with this geometry around here there's something wrong with it let me try to weld it again let me grab all these pieces that make up this section of the path there's these breaks in it and I wonder if there's some small breaks that are preventing me from using it as a follow-me path which could be happening well hop in here in just a second all right that's what I want I want that that's my piece extension weld let's see how far it made it all that went all the way around okay so if I grab that right now follow me click on this all right there when I was about to give up and try something else it works kind of oh no it actually do what I told to do this just they didn't I didn't do it right I'm doing something different I'm cutting this there's one everybody starts leaving because Aaron's talking to himself in the corner I'm going to make a brand new circle and go inference the center of this I don't have a friend so I'm just going to come here going to brand new circle in here grab this cut it come out just come over here paste it go grab this piece right here put that in a weird spot to get straight out like that grab this go straight out also I move my hand rake in so close yeah stay on the red axes and just click it right there all right so that should be perpendicular to that all right now I can just grab this this shape it's broken again I should be able to just grab that and just say follow that whole circle with this piece that ring now make that into a group we should be able to slide that right back to there there we go I don't know what happened I have no clue why whatever happened just happened important part is we got it something figured out so that's a plus what I want to do now is actually break this at this point I'm just gonna come straight across like that the same thing down at the bottom I'm gonna break that like that I know this is this is the way I end up doing it I don't know about you guys but I end up finding some small detail almost indistinguishable and beating my head against the ground repeatedly just to like wrap that one piece up Dave said you could have drawn the circle a little smaller than the opening and used it for a follow me that's true I could have just gone straight around from there wait I'm gonna copy that go into here edit paste in place select actually let's make this a little bigger nope can't do that I'm just creating a couple of cutting planes right now and then I'll cut this ring and then I can actually take it and copy it to both sides so I can just grab all that all that intersect face with selection now I can actually delete that out of there like this man I was like those DUHS wait we're working it didn't needed to be I'm tired clean that up real quick and here I was I was like I will just knock out this lightsaber real quick and then or we'll spend ten minutes on this teeny little ring same thing all right let's let's do this let's go find the very top again at the very middle I'm gonna come in here like this put that flag in there so I'm going to take this piece right here I'm gonna say copy it to the other side with Carrick mirror great extension if you don't use it I know the other copying mirroring tools out there but that's the one I've just seems seem to really like lately all right I'm gonna take these three pieces group them together go in here select all of them explode and I can actually come in here and I can also say solid tools get rid of my interior faces fix straight edges and then I can run cleanup to merge my faces and get rid of those extra pieces all right so there we go that's actually a cool-looking piece I'm okay spend a little bit of time on there but you're right whoever asked when when to jump ship the answer was earlier than I did you called it alright so it does look like maybe there's a little more detail cleanup it looks like that cuts out but I want to finish up some of these other pieces real quick and keep going I'm gonna throw what time we got right now it's just three right now so another 20-30 minutes and we will call this right here we have a rectangle like 40 by 12 which is actually have a depth on here somewhere I remember seeing it it is five millimeters tall it is I'm gonna call this a bumper because I don't know what it is and I'm gonna move that right middle of whatever this piece is and I believe they actually show this as being rounded on both sides so we'll do that come back here to point 5 and put an arc straight down same thing here come back to point 5 put another arc straight down but it's gonna fall this way and then I can just pull these back and I'm gonna triple click soften that and I'll grab one of those from here option and just drop it down straight down the middle over here that's those pieces there might go grab my spring clip or whatever we call that thing off of obi-wan yeah it's good yeah let's let's go pillage it's cool let's go let's go steal stuff from the light side er up in here grab this piece this piece it's a really small now so gotta that clipping plane happening see ya there we go I copy those I'll back over here and I'm going to paste it which is gonna put a super small version of it in there so I'm immediately hit scale and scale it up by 1000 all right and I wonder if this I wonder if I could actually just how much I wonder if I can drop this literally like the whole assembly right in I don't think I want to be this lucky because lucky does not seem to be my deal today differencing whoa right there we go so close but not perfect that's key little editing never hurt anyway one two three four five six there's six circles instead of seven so that's a thing one two three four five six seven so I'm just gonna grab this piece right here delete it grab this I'm gonna actually close the face up - so to mess with that thing grab this piece that's easy it also looks like this actually goes almost right up to the end on this end so come in here and we'll push this to right here take that piece and slide and here I'm just gonna push this back to you not bad no this whole assembly right here is something else that's it's on the other side for one thing that grab this point right here and just put it right here for right now slide it down crap at this point it actually looks like it's a little bit different design - yeah this is totally a different profile so I'll use this temporarily just position this on the surface but I do need to redraw that piece but we're close so it's a placeholder see what all we get to today that oh these pieces [Music] all right I just think people what you guys chat about I agree carry on all right so two more big pieces I want to get on here like I said I'll probably fix this switch maybe we'll do that later but the two big pieces I wanna get on are these for some reason i think the word t-bar comes into mind i don't know why but i want to put these on looks like these are probably 13 wide i'm just gonna make them log 5.5 1.5 yeah I go down here 1.5 arc all right so there's my I always thought I honestly thought that these you know a lot of the stuff on the the props were repurposed like kit bashing that kind of stuff or they took existing things and made them into things I always thought these were windshield wipers because they look like it like that could be a windshield wiper take that and actually no I would actually put it right on here grab this right here drop it it's pretty far down not much of its showing that's actually good and then I'm just gonna push pull that all the way up to end of that like that cool and now I can take this and actually take this and subtract trim that from this and this one I can just double-click this bottom part get rid of it and now I can take this infants off the middle here option copy that 260 degrees X 5 that was easy that was that was pleasant like when things go easy it's so much so much easier when things go easy there's a little bit of knowledge and wisdom from you for for me it's easy when things are easy all right I'm gonna make the end cap here again going to the end I'm going to stick with 48 sides for this one and this one actually comes out a little bit past say it's 40 offset to here once and then I'm going to actually I'm gonna make that a group and then separate from that two millimeters I'm going to Ark right there and I'll throw one more circle in here this is what Dave was talking about earlier I could have just drawn a circle off to the side and use that to follow me but apparently I was really invested all right so we got knurling on this piece here so I would do the exact same thing I did before I'm gonna break one segment out of my 48 and I'm going to divide that maybe select the line and divide edges oh no that's the tool where's just on this side that's hot like unified edges instead I'm getting the frito tools to bite edges which is awesome because that lets me actually just type it in also and click okay you guys we're just talking about fredo tools radio tools are there beautiful I will love those tools it's hard to it's hard to use Sketchup a ton and not sooner or later find something you need out of Fredo about that big I will take that hide everything else for a second because again I don't want to have to intersect to get these faces to show up grab all of that I'm gonna go to the center I copied from this corner option this corner X 47 here's my knurling triple click would use a solid inspector because every place I copied one of those little nerd girls are they called knurls when you actually make them those pieces every time they are copied they're copying on to existing geometry so it doesn't automatically delete the geometry on the inside that's where solid inspector comes in I know a lot of people thinks all inspector or something you only want to use if you're doing like 3d printing or something like that but it's also a good tool to use just to keep your model like clean so to get extra geometry out of there if it's solid you know you have just the minimum amount of geometry needed just the outside so I'm gonna say fix and then I'm gonna triple click and we go to clean up and say merge faces that's going to get rid of extra lines there now I can take these two pieces oops this piece actually isn't and make that into a group grab these two groups I've smashed your jam with your foot on there I want to make those into one group come in here select both pieces and explode and I'll do the same thing I'll do a solid inspector again I'll just get rid of my in side piece there between the two there's that extra piece floating around there and I don't want alright so there's my end cap my grip kind of thingies that's technical term you get too technical with grip thingies but that's what they are do have a couple pieces here that I might it looks like these two right here actually look like they go straight through from a certain angle which might be kind of cool to just pierce those through I'm gonna take this and make it one big group that's my whole lightsaber and I'm gonna turn it so that the other thing too is that on these plans this whole center ring piece is orthogonal it's at night agrees it's actually not it's it's actually more in line this piece is in line with this grip right here so it's whatever that is fifteen thirty degrees up from there so that's something we'd have to fix I'll have to fix - speaking of fixing I will just do that how about let me grab all of it I'm gonna go see if I have a don't have a good lime here to use make one I'm just going to make a line there that I can rotate that whole piece grab it and just rotate it yeah 30 degrees that's actually how that piece sits on there looking at that no wait it's 30 degrees the other way I'm sorry I lied so now I got to drop it 60 degrees there we go that is how I'm aligning to the image on the forum that's how it looks that's perfect alright so on the plan there are these holes and these holes you can see there's two sets of holes right there so they actually look like they pierced through kind of perpendicular to this grip right here I'm going to take my whole lightsaber and rotate it like that and then how wide is this that's about five so I'm going to I'm going to come here I want to put a circle right here that is 2.5 diameter I'm going to move it 13 and I'm just gonna make a couple of rods real quick whoa oh that's that's excessive so long big guy alright let's try it again let's grab this surface in there and I'm gonna take that now and I'm going to take all of those and make a new group I'm going to rotate to 90 degrees and I'm going to move it over here and then drop it vertically till it laps through like that I believe that's kind of the thing that's going on here it could be totally wrong odds are probably good that I am I don't know looking at both the images here actually know what they don't look like that they do kind of look like I can still work with this because it looks like what I actually got is something more like this oops come straight over and drop this right down and that actually looks like what might be cutting in here I don't know we'll see we'll do it and then if it's wrong and then we'll be not right all right bold statement here's what I'm gonna do here I don't want to again I like having my component we did that solid tools and we ended up with masses and that kind of thing so whatever with groups instead so what I do is I'm going to come in here want take all this geometry I'm gonna start by reversing it so that it backwards and then I'm going to cut it now I'm going to go into this group I'm going to edit and paste in place so what that did now is if I come out here see that put some reversed rot so the outsides are facing out into that face so now I'm going to grab all this geometry right-click intersect faces with selection and now I can grab these end pieces delete and pieces delete and that's pretty much the shape that I see on this drawing and delete that delete that delete that grab those faces delete that or delete more delete and actually I can I do this all once by going here there you go and now I just punctured the outside there to give me those good-looking holes pretty easy and I did all four of them in one move so that was that was nice that's the time say open looking and almost that's not lined up correctly that's this guy right here though alright so if I take this now we go back to vertical that's this on this side I have another hole somewhere right here there's three of them I think there might actually be another set of holes so if I take this one take my whole lightsaber and flip it up 90 degrees okay from the bottom this set of holes yeah it looks like that as actually these are probably actually all I did this maybe not the best way because because we never want to stop learning I'm gonna actually undo what I just did oops here I will literally just go undo what I just did I thought that's how it looked but now that I'm looking at it it actually looks a little bit different than that I think what I actually got going on here here on the back of even more I think what's actually happening I'm just gonna trace this shape right here this actually looks like it may actually be on all four sides it's just not know cuz not quite centered there you can see it's here it's here and it's actually here so it's on it's on three sides they're just not quite so I grabbed all this smooth it I almost said smoothing which I've gotten harassed for using that term before cuz it turns out smooth in is not actually a word case you guys were curious about that I'm gonna make that a group I'm gonna take it right now lay it down flat like this and then I'm gonna drag that oops with move along the green axes so the end of this is right at the middle of the light saber because then I'm trying to work this out it looks like I got something like this I think this is that it's not quite at ninety degrees maybe it's at sixty degrees let's put it sixty and then do the same thing drop that this way sixty degrees that's gonna give me this hole right on the bottom and then these holes either direction I think so let me try it here let's let's just do it reverse faces reverse faces reverse spaces all right let me grab all of these cut it come in context paste in place explode I'll grab all of it intersect faces with selection now I can go delete delete she always forget I would actually have a delete button over here on my mouse my 3d mouse I forget about it a lot though and same thing here and go just bore through each of these nope I lost my internal face there that was bad and I'm gonna have some loose faces but fortunately since my group is a solid I can just hit solid inspector and say fix that mmm that's definitely not right [Music] it's in the wrong spot completely it's supposed to beat that whole thing there we go that whole thing alright so first off rotate rotate this back to flat now I can grab these three rotate them 90 degrees alright so that will give me this one for sure this one which looks like it's the same size I think this hole right here looks like it might actually be smaller so I might come in here grab all of this scale there's something more like that Oh what's your sevens sorry Siri so I'm gonna cut it come in context again edit paste in place grab all this explode it intersect faces with selection delete delete delete and now bore my holster that looks closer to what I think I might think I want this one right here will actually get a wire through it I cannot lie cleaner to and these ones actually have like something back there's something actually back behind them but I'm not gonna miss that right now I'm kind of feeling pretty good about that as far as lightsabers that I've modeled today go this is in the top two people are upping the game they want to do the Death Star's now haven't I done my Death Star for you guys or I'll do right now okay brace yourself grab this follow me boo Deathstar finished it's slightly off axis well let me let me rotate real quick there we go there we go I hear there's a higher level of detail in some models but that's how I do it okay so I didn't I didn't throw an emitter in there it is kind of a empty tube but maybe I'll do well let's hear let me just do something real quick how big was the inside of this tube we end up with 38 so I'm just gonna make a thing that will fill that 38 is so here's 15 like what one okay another circle right here for this this thing that looks suspiciously like a hex nut but is probably not because it's in a galaxy far far far away where they don't know what those are I'll go ahead and throw one of those in there those in sets that's how we do it here on earth one more circle right here in the middle of one millimeter all right so this quick emitter and we will call it and someone say this thing's like this right here we got something similar to what we we had on the knurling I'm gonna do something like that am I am I gonna do that no cuz if I go down then that's that's more work for me do that grab all of this and say go from here here X 47 times delete that alright and that I'm gonna call art emitter it's actually the real emitter the other was the emitter shroud but I have to call it something different I let's leave it as a group right now Dave can fix that and re-upload it in the contacts and paste that in place all right now it's looking like a lightsaber so looking upside down to cool that's Darth Vader's lightsaber more or less get in there close close to it oh that oh hey that's good idea I take this a little bit longer actually cover up those holes you can't see into him awesome there we go that's uh that's two lightsabers in about three hours so I'm gonna I want to lose the Death Star hope you guys enjoyed that that'll go away that will not be part of the upload and I may depending on how much it bothers me this weekend I may come fix this little clip yeah I probably know most say for sure I'm going to because that's not what's supposed to look like all finished so we have two lightsabers so let's see if we can get it both up on screen with the room for everything except for solid tools I give her that there's Darth Vader and then over here I feel like I'm at a weird to feel the view on this one I am I don't know how that happened I did I did not do that okay obviously I did do that but yeah I don't know how or when I did that all right there we oh I left a lot of room for my head there more than I really needed probably yeah let's get bigger and come on over all right oh one more hold up just when you think you're done this well I'm gonna make changes to this parabola I'm gonna fix that little little switch there but yeah there we go two light sabers Darth Vader and obi-wan it's like the original trilogy battle right there the in front of the in front of poor impressionable Luke interesting move to keep your your your junior Jedi from turning the dark side you let him watch you get killed right in front of him it's a bold move obi-wan worked out all right though so I hope you guys enjoyed that that was a lot of fun sorry for getting wandering off a couple times there sometimes I forget what I'm doing and then things just get done so I will I will put these up on the warehouse and I'll link to them in the forum I'll also upload the the reference images that I had I'll put all four of those up on to the forum as well so if you don't follow the forum and you follow this I highly recommend hopping over and check out the forum I saw people put in a couple ideas for things we could model in the future that's awesome that's a great start keep it going keep telling us what you think would be fun I think I actually we actually won't be here next week she probably point that out next week I will be backpacking and far far away from computers and and Internet and live-streaming so nothing next week take the week off have fun do it everyone and I think we're coming back and I think we're doing like a bridge next week possibly a couple multiple bridgie things things that span things somebody asked for like a japanese-style bridge like an architectural pretty thing so we're gonna do that so we will hop back in here two weeks from today and we'll be bridge modeling so hopefully we see you guys all come back then but we do like to hear what you have to say what your thoughts are so you do want to stick around and upload some things or upload some ideas post some ideas of things we could mild that'd be awesome there's things you think we should do different let us know that - I know I was thinking about that and and it was awesome thank you very much for being here Pamela it was it was fun we we of course missed Matt but it's great to have all these new people coming down we're gonna keep circulating people through here because maybe did something wrong that's how you ended up on the list i what the thing was we need to send out some some reference packets of what to watch beforehand I do think you know Amy just commented that vader's is cooler I do like it I mean you know obi-wan had his thing but I've always thought that Darth Vader really had one of the coolest lightsabers ever so are you gonna color it in before you upload it I'll probably upload it like this but so you guys feel free to download color render whatever you like to make this look better different whatever whatever you like so it'll probably just go up like this I said I'm gonna have to it's it's bugging me now that I know that this is different it's killing me but I'm not gonna mess with it now so right now I'm gonna say thank you I said we like doing these streams but of course it doesn't mean anything if we're just streaming to ourselves the fact that you guys come and watch it is why we keep doing this so thank you all for coming by hopefully you guys have a great weekend good week next week and we'll see you in two weeks I'll leave the stream live so if you guys want to throw some comments up for us or ideas for things we can model the future go ahead and type that in otherwise I will see you in about two weeks so thank you Thank You Pamela thanks alright see you guys you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 258,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, lightsabers
Id: -h9ucbyUJyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 29sec (13769 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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