Modeling Tower Bridge Live in SketchUp

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welcome we're gonna give everybody as usual just a few more minutes to sign in but good afternoon evening morning whatever whatever you got going hope you're having a good one of those Christopher Morin was the first one to log in so way to go Blue Ribbon then we got Puerto Rico Germany Pakistan was they said hola so I'm assuming that's maybe that's New York I don't know if they say they're la Bonjour oh my was that the most American pronunciation of that term ever my apologies Rafael on Facebook Paul can't make it work sorry Paul can't see the feed on YouTube I'm hearing that's what I'm hearing I got a good feed on YouTube and Facebook maybe just try refreshing if you're still having a problem hello Richard New Jersey Bonjour yeah I know I said jour Bonjour but because not only am I very white I'm also very American so I apologize Dominican Republic nice Paul saying he has no sound yeah just try try here this is the Refresh action hit refresh Paul I don't know if that works not but that's the best I got Sebastian welcome back all right just one more minute guys and we will get this thing rolling hope everybody's having a good week so far you know various Oh Dave Richards is watching on two different for different platforms he's bumping my numbers for me yes thanks Dave yeah I'm for everything I'm seeing says my my volume is about the same as normal I can bump it just a touch but we're in danger of getting into the dreaded yellow so I don't want to I want to do that you know that's that's crazy if I get all excited then we will be in the red that's that's too much all right hey guys welcome back welcome to Friday afternoons with Sketchup actually we don't really have a name for this thing we just kind of call it our live stream maybe we need to spend some time in the next few weeks coming up with a real a proper name for this because it's a thing now it just keeps happening so like it or not we're gonna keep going with it I'm Erin we have met before it's good to meet you if we haven't before welcome back so with me today are changing it up a little bit on the other side of the monitor you can't see him I can't see him I can actually see this much of his head but we got Jody gates back here he's gonna help monitor comments and answer questions how's it going Joey pretty good this is gonna be fun yeah no no it's a promise it's gonna be fun it's a it's actually a job requirement Christopher Morton's says we should call this thing live sketch that's not I'm not opposed to that that's it's on the top list of all the recommendations you've had so far Hungary nice saqib is saying that kerb Bluffs not working I'm sorry to hear that alright so here's what we're gonna do as usual I have our target for today is Tower Bridge I've been told that it's not the Tower Bridge and I know it's not the London Bridge so those are the things that I know about Tower Bridge I just learned that you don't say the this morning actually in the forum I was told that but it's like an hour ago and I know it's not the London Bridge because the London Bridge is a different bridge so yeah that's not good we're gonna bridge it standing up so just throw us out there I did as usual I made a topic on our forum so you can if I if you guys come up with some good images plans whatever we can share them through there and I can I can pull them up directly from there I did as requested I had this request a couple weeks ago somebody said can you share the files you were working off of so I did post all the images that I have to start so we can see I have this this nice image it's it's nice it's a desk image which is something I'm partial to but it does kind of show how everything's laid out how it all works and then I got some drawings here of the profile of the entire bridge and then some elevation and section views of the main towers the big towers in the middle and then the smaller towers outside of the EDS and so this is gonna be fun I think I do see as I look at this - this is kind of cool I see some great opportunities for using components so we're gonna use the heck out of some components this time breaking this thing up into a bunch of small pieces so we don't have to model quite as much it's gonna be neat nope cannot model president Trump's hair because we're not doing organic modeling today maybe in a future episode so if you do come in here you'll have to excuse this we had this big thing here and I learned this is something else I learned today I learned that I suffer with the ability to tell Daylight Time from Standard Time because I typed MDT actually you know what here's I think this is what the problem was I'm gonna defend my actions so originally before I edited this this said join us at noon MDT today and I think the issue is when I type that it was actually last summer last spring so it was MDT when I typed that and I've just been copying that block of text over and over and over again every time I create a new one of these threads so I think the problem was not so much I think I got it right when I originally posted it but I've been copying it wrong ever since so yeah it's Mountain Standard time right now not mountain Daylight Time but the other thing is I'm only off by a week it's gonna be MDT next week yeah the oldest Saturday so by Sunday it'll be daylight time I guess put telling time up there with math for me I guess that kind of falls in the same it's almost I mean time is kind of like math right yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah so this will be how we'll pass information back and forth you guys have some good good images you can stick them on there I also wanted to throw out a couple other things that you know I like to talk about what's going on in the community that kind of stuff generally speaking I try to post something I saw in the forum or something that a users doing but sometimes I just think that we at Sketchup did something cool and I got to show it so I do want to talk about a couple pieces of content we put out in the last few weeks one is this video it's a new series we're calling built in Sketchup which is kind of our new take on user stories so it kind of looks at well I won't tell you about it but go to our YouTube channel check it out it's a pretty cool video looking at how a specific company uses Sketchup and the way they function using it so it was pretty cool and I just I thought it was a neat thing that Trimble Sketchup kind of a forward-looking different way to look at something like a user story so it wasn't a traditional sit down on the desk and let's talk about how you use Sketchup it was actually little bit different and and kind of got into what they were working on so cool video just came out check that out the other thing is we did just start a new season of blocker of blog wrong word of podcasts so this season's me a little different because what we're doing is kind of taking a peek behind the scenes and we're gonna interview employees each every couple of weeks for our podcast so the first one of those went up about a week or two ago but that's worth checking out if so any place you get podcasts or on YouTube the videos up there check out Sketchup talk because that is the best way to take in Sketchup when you don't have like Sketchup or a video in front of you so if you want us to listen to some Sketchup we have a podcast for that and finally then we'll jump back in just wanted to call this out we did put a preliminary list of sessions up for 3d base camp in 2020 so if you guys want to check out if you're thinking about maybe you'd like to go to base camp I'm not sure I want to find out a little bit more about it this is the place to go 3d base camp dot Sketchup comm and we have preliminary sessions you can actually kind of see what's going to be taught see if you like what's going on there we have a bunch of our presenters are up there too so it's gonna be a good time but we just put that initial data up there so you can go check it out and see if there's a session or 20 that you're interested in okay that's enough talking less talky more clicky let's get started on Tower Bridge all right Robert Coolidge on Facebook says he has a tip for anybody using match photo his top tip for match photo is that Sketchup doesn't know about daylight savings time so kind of integrated Sketchup into what I was just saying I struggle with so that's cool okay so let's let's do this let's get some let's get some Tower Bridge eree I'm gonna go to I'd so a lot of times we I end up using images just as watermarks to have the screen and the model from it this one I think we have some decent scaled images so I'm going to actually import as images scale them properly and start modeling off of that so I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna import and from my desktop I'm going to grab I think this one is just no I called it hole bridge go ahead and import that and I'm a thrown on the ground and in the near in a very near future I'm gonna get a question from Dave Richards asking if I use large image splitter yet so cue Dave with there is an extension and I did install it called large image splitter which will take big images and cut it into smaller pieces you end up with higher resolution I actually tested it on this image just to see what happened unfortunately this image is so low resolution that it didn't do anything for me so if i zoom in here like this this is basically what the image looks like if you get close to it in just an image viewing screen also so Chris for more just shared a high-res photo though so that's that's gonna be good on cue Dave thank you so yeah so I did not did not bother with large image because the image is so low res to begin with but it's okay because off of this image right here we just need shapes and dimensions so I just need to figure about where the tower is relative to the size of the whole span so I'm not really very worried at this point right now about having more detail than you know this a little bit so to get this up to scale this line which is the I'm calling these that the small towers and the big towers so from the small tower inside inside says it's 880 feet which I found a little bit interesting because last I checked in London or the UK as a whole feet is not the preferred way to measure things care to explain yourself London works great for me I know exactly how big a foot is alright so I'm gonna come in here I just drew a line right on top there I'm going to use this click click what type 880 feet enter you undersized the model yes all right there we go so I'm sorry Laura I do not need you anymore alright so there that is now to scale so what I think I'm gonna do here let's let's get this let's get this upright don't lie anymore so I'm kind of thinking I want to just we have some more dimensions here so I have this 70-foot here that the big tower sit on and they are 220 feet apart looking from the side so I'm going to start by just roughing in 70 foot and I'm just going to drop those down a dimension all right and then I'm gonna grab draw a line from here 200 feet and I'm gonna take this rectangle move it with my modifier key right there take that whole mess and just there you go something like that all right then from there we're going to go to 70 feet to 70 feet there we go whoo I'm gonna come up and draw another rectangle I don't have a dimension for how wide this is so let's say I'm gonna say 35 feet cuz oh boy 35 feet Oh gonna be one of those days all right have I grabbed that oh I didn't put my line in over here to 70 oh man third tries a charm huh to 70 feet I need to I need to I don't know what I need all right let's try it again what Bob Ross that if that was unintentional all right so the other thing I'm thinking about is I'm gonna just draw some kind of draw a line here representing half the tower I don't know exactly the dimensions but right now I don't actually need that I just need to get something there let me do the same thing over here and then over here same thing I'm just putting lining this up with the middle that's 18 so put that 18 feet this will all make sense momentarily ish 18 feet something line up right they say 18 feet I did so why 37:11 but they should be the same so very McCadden commented that it was built before metric so I just did a little search and it says British imperial system was then committed in 1965 Wow so that's why you're seeing feet that makes a lot of sense thanks Barry thank you very much oh yeah sixteen feet drop that down I snapped not to the middle point that's why I was off there all right try this try this all again that's interesting actually I again I apologize for being naive but I did not know that the UK ever used what we call it Imperial yeah that was yeah that's a normal way to say your weight right yeah how many stone you weigh and isn't stone like 15 pounds or 20 pounds or something like that well I think you'd probably judge your worth by something like that right so I'm drawn in some super high level geometry right here guys not just as kind of a placeholder all right suggesting comm unit that we scaled the entire you scale the entire image not the portion of the measured image mm-hmm when you scale I scaled the entire model so I scaled absolutely everything that was in the model which was just my image so I only have to scale one line and if I'm not inside if it container the entire image scales up so by drawing that line from here to here and telling you that is 880 feet it took my whole model and made it big enough so that that all fit so hopefully that makes sense all right that is what I need for now so I'm gonna take all of this I grab this piece right here and move it down to zero zero whoops I didn't grab all of it try it again grab everything in the model and move this end grab the image get out my face there we go zero zero I'm gonna take this image I'm gonna start making some tags here I'm gonna create a new tag called whole bridge ref and I'm going to turn that off and I'm going to assign this image to that layer so what that means is as long as I don't move my bridge around this reference image will always be in the right spot and I can just flip it on and off if I deleted it or moved it over to the side or something like that then I would be challenged when it came time to say I need to pull a dimension off of it or see how something lined up I would be able to do that as easily because I would no longer have that that piece there I guess that makes sense somebody saying is that that's where the term Imperial comes from that's why we use Imperial I don't know all right let's move on let's grab another image I'm gonna pull in actually I'm gonna do two more images one image I'm gonna do is gonna be my watermark I do like putting that watermark up there someone to go to my Styles close this stuff up edit my Styles go to my watermarks add a watermark I'm gonna bring in this image I have and I'll actually just put it in as a background image I'm gonna position it in the upper left corner above my upper left corner so we're gonna make a little smaller so it sits up there there we go I'll make sure it's not it's it's a small don't block with my head but that'll be a good reference I can actually just kind of look up there every time I need to see how something lines up it's not a big enough image where I can zoom in and get super fine details but hopefully the details I'll be getting off the plan and not the image anyhow so so that's good so there's my reference carsten country calling it a lair oh did I say the l word and put a dime in the jar I know I'm working on it I'm working on that term I called it the same thing for what 12 years gonna take more than a couple weeks to get rid of that one thanks Carsten let's let's get some more imagery in here so I'm going to import my towers image alright so I know that this pier I have this pier length right here which is this pier let this measurement right here which is 70 feet so what I can do is I can come over here and we're on a blurry image so I'm not going to be absolutely perfect with these dimensions but this will get me in the ballpark so I can model off of this dimension so I'm gonna draw a line right there actually showed up on the other side but I grab both of these together because last time somebody just asked about this last time I did this I use the scale using the tape measure to scale the entire model I don't want to scale the entire model this time because I want to change the size of what I've already modeled I only want us to change the size of this right here so I'm going to do is grab that line and the image and make that a new group so now that's inside of a group so what I can do now is I can double-click to enter the group and then I will use the tape measure on just this line whoops missed it one more try on just that line until it that is 70 feet and now look what it says first time it said you want to scale the entire model this time it just says do you want to resize the active group or component yes and there we go so now what I should be able to do is grab this still grouped my line and by drawing and I can take it from here and take it over and I can drop it right there and that now is what I want to model cool ish cool ish I have an issue I have lots of issues I have a specific issue right now this line is in the center of the pier which is good because this is all lining up pre centered but look what happens as I work my way up the building by the time I get to the top here's the middle and here's where the center of my line is obviously a mistake has been made so what probably happening is this image is just a teeny bit out of alignment so I don't know where this image came from obviously it's not CAD so something's just slightly off so what I'm going to do you can do this without x-ray yeah I'm going to come into this image right now I'm gonna select just the image and I'm going to do this I'm going to come up here and go in the center right like this and pull that over to in line with that line I drew so now it looks like turned x-ray back on looks like that middle line comes pretty close to the middle of all the geometry it's not perfect but it is it's close enough to get me what I need out of this model all right I'm going to start like I'm just gonna create some geometry I'm gonna do this too I'm gonna make a copy of this image and set it over here I'm gonna come into this image right now I'm going to explode it so as soon as you explode an image it changes from being a image to a surface with an image on it so I can do stuff like get rid of that extra profile I don't need that right now I'm gonna take this one rotate 90 degrees and let's see let's get rid of come in here oh you guys with your good ideas I drop a line straight down yeah so that's obviously not straight either yeah let's save why not we'll break up what we're doing now we'll go save tower without of the bridge excellent plan excellent plan guys all right so to find the middle of this opening I'm just going to draw a line right here over to here and grab a line from the middle here I'm going to take that up to the middle of this cross right here best of my ability and I'm going to take grab all of it and rotate this line so it is uh Knox's right then we do the same thing I did before I don't really care about these elevate or these section cuts so much I'm not really concerned about what's going on inside I really only want the outside portion so I'm going to explode this image here and then I'm just gonna draw a rectangle around the piece I want and just get rid of this extra stuff okay so this is what I'm looking for so this will end up creating my my profile over here something like that okay so one of the things I was talking about before was components we have a lot of options or opportunities to make a lot lots of components here so we're going to do that I'm gonna start with this piece right here so this piece let me use push/pull to pull this over to about here I know I'm using exact design terms like about sorry I got rid of my my centerline so I'm gonna come here draw a vertical line right there so I have that to reference to and pull this through to here all right what I just created that little box is one quarter of my big Tower this it's a massing it's not done it's just a mass that's going to represent my big Tower so I'm gonna go grab these two lines or these two pieces I'm gonna put them on a new layer which I'm going to call a tower ref well let's make let's make this clear big Tower ref and I know this is a Mac only thing but I can Mac I can type a new tag in hit enter and it will automatically create a tag down here I know on Windows you got to go make that first where you can apply it but I'm exploiting my shortcuts so now I could turn that on and off as needed I'm gonna leave it offer just a second because what I want to do is get rid of that I'm going to open up one of the sides because I don't want to get confused about that symmetric shape these are the sides I want to keep it I'm gonna grab these pieces oops all right move it again grab all of that make it a component I'm gonna call a component big tower quarter make sense go ahead and create it now I'm going to take a piece of that I'm going to take a copy of that bring it over here you scale yes you could use flip along yes you could use cured mirror which I still haven't installed again no since I moved 2020 all right and then I grab both of those and slide it over here scale that again invert it negative one bring that over here so now that is what I will sculpt sculpt that detail onto and I'll only have to do one quarter because they'll all update by themselves the other thing you do right now is I can take all four of these and I can make a copy bring them over here and actually it's it's all the same right now so I'm just bring that over to right here in line with the center there this now too so that actually gets a good portion of my model is going to be done just with that just to finish just I want to do this real quick I'm gonna grab this line and copy it to right here and then I can push pull this through I'm doing an option push pull to create a new surface to just get that pier in there and then I can take this shape right here option copy over to here push pull option push pull to make a new surface right so that gets me my initial piers I'm not gonna mess with this right this second because there's more detail there than I want to try to put in from just right here so I'm gonna start I'm gonna do the same thing super quick - I'm gonna save that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna save I may have piqued you guys this might be as good as it gets all right so from here now I'm gonna have some fighting with faces because I have stuff connected actually here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab all this I'm gonna delete that because I'm going to make this a new component call this the big pier and I take that and I can slide over this way depending how I build this I might want to actually invert it I'm gonna do that because as I look at it right here this middle piece connects to this face I just copied it over so if I make any changes his face to connect this this portion the bridge they're gonna be on this side so if I take this and I scale it to negative one now this side is looking at itself on the inside so yeah I'm going to do the same thing over here I'm going to just pull this across to here clean that up and I'm gonna make that into a new component this will be the some small here there we go all right and same thing I'm gonna grab it I'm gonna grab by this side option copy to bring it down here and put it over on this side so I can use scale to invert it back to here it's very possible that I won't worry about the detail of of this piece we're really it might just stay that that's square I might not even get into that but just in case I do any kind of details on that again I would like to save time and only have to do that once all right so with that oh yes yeah that was great minds I was actually just thinking that so as I look at this I have this piece right here which repeats itself and it does have trusses and stuff so it's gonna be a little work to put together so this will break in half not just break in half we naturally break this into quarter so let's look at this real quick right now go the mill right here grab that make it a component middle bridge thank you double click this get rid of all that and now I'm going to take it I'm gonna come into it and I'm gonna push pull it across to the middle like that do the same thing I'm gonna get rid of whoops oh I'm gonna get rid of this line right here so it's open and again I don't have to do this I basically do this because it is a symmetrical shape to make sure I don't accidentally put it where it shouldn't be because then what I'll do is I'll option copy it over to here I'll scale and pull it back like this and then do the same thing I can grab both of these option copy over to here you scale from here pull this back like that so now as I come in here to put details in I can just put the detail on one piece and it should show up on all four edges I don't need that circle there that was just for illustrative perspective for citizens first precipitation reasons that's why you're here Jody when my words stop functioning that is true I could have scaled okay yes come back to that I have the same thing will happen here but I want to get I want to get this tower in first real quick before I get to this piece because what will happen is you see this this the reinforcement here the the cable portion of the bridge it comes down to I don't know if it's a third in two thirds but it comes down here and then goes up higher like this so what will happen here is I'll have two components the short side and the long side which will be able to do it side to side but then all four of those so two short sides two long sides will get mirrored back over onto this side I'm gonna get my short towers in there first though after I save all right in Port and I have a small towers dot jpg I'm gonna go ahead and import that and I can just click anywhere to place it I'm gonna scale it immediately so I'm not too stressed about all right so this make that do a group all right and now if I come into the group what did I make this 37 foot 11 okay that seems like a stupid number that I used I think I tried to put 35 and ended up clicking rather than yeah well I'm gonna call 35 because I can't all right so now that I'm in the group when I use scale just like last time click here click here I'm gonna call it 35 foot it's gonna scale just the component so now I can exit grabbed it by this point right here and put it right there all right and this will then come back to that point all right now one of the things that I am seeing right now is that this is not so symmetrical which is not a big deal we can we can work with that but I don't know which way face is which so I'm not sure exactly oh it looks like so this is so you got these two pieces coming out here I think that's this cable truss thing coming off so I'm assumed that I have it facing the right way right now let's let's let's check alignment real quick oh look at that that's that's pretty straight all right so I'm gonna come out like that and it actually looks like most of it is symmetrical except they have this extra tower right here which is this piece right here the rest of it look like symmetrical so what I am inclined to model is model the whole thing once and then come in and make a modification where this this corner Tower is afterwards it does it looks very much like that Kristopher morons got a run thanks for come by and yeah it's good go go go help your mom that's that's more important will be here it won't be live but it'll still be here alright some of the making component here small Tower I think I called the other 1/4 so we'll try to stick with that naming convention all right I'm gonna do the same thing I did before I'm going to take this whole thing option copy that make a copy come in here explode get rid of that extra or extraneous smart way smart guy way of saying extra that's there and then we can take this one rotate at 90 degrees I'll do the same thing I did oh whoops for Ellen I didn't see the Jason's wondering what control that lost with the scroll wheel [Music] I think so or didn't pan oh I rotated it that was just rotate cube tricky this oops found a great website that I'll put on on the forum but it's got over 70 images of different construction and completed images of this oh those aren't cables on the end so sir those are beams curved beams like it oops all right we're just getting these pieces lined up I'm not sure why how that came out so far but I don't want to go to there all right there you there's my quarter properly placed so the same thing I'm just gonna get rid of that inside just so I can see a little easier I'm going to take both of these pieces put them on a new layer called small Tower ref turn that off right now get rid of all these extra lines I put in here and then take this one go to here this is what Carson was pointing out I can copy it straight over like that and they want to go to scale but hold on the modifier key option or control depending on your operating system I can scale to negative like that then I'll do the same thing grab here slide over here scale again modifier key flip it along the middle all right there we go so that looks good I'm going to take all of that then so by peers aren't quite the same later my small tower reference on it's not quite centered actually it's it's not quite right this is really the issue I'm having so if I I'm gonna draw another reference line so right down the middle here where's it where's my middle okay that's like that so if I grab all of those pieces and turn my x-ray so I can see through that image I slide that this way so it comes to here that's better all right I'm good again again these are just rough outs rough outlines of where geometry is going to go the big thing here is that there's not really good envelope because it does have so many pieces that stick out and come back in that kind of thing so they're just placeholders all right so with that I'm gonna put a line here grab that along with this piece bring it over like this I'm going to invert it just like I did the others and then I can use that line I created to make sure line up boom with the pier all right so there's more component work to be done but I'm itchy to model something so we may have to come back in a bit and work on these bridge pieces that sort of thing out what the heck we'll put some we'll put some placeholders in real quick so I'm gonna turn on my whole bridge real quick I'm gonna say right here is where it splits try it again right here and draw an arc from here to about a plane of the model so let's keep done this will work Freight out this is not our not our final geometry so and we make it work so Kai wanted to make sure you knew the roadway at the lever parts are a little bit lower just don't have to make transman you don't as you drive by it this part I think so maybe all right so then this and this will become a component that component will be called outer bridge small all right and over here draw another arc go from here up to here did he actually type to tonk he type Doug dum-dum oh that works whoops I think that last was that play I mean I made some assumptions there okay that works I'm okay with assumptions put that in again I came out a plan was drawing some 3d arcs there I did confirm that yeah he pointed at the right the dome spot okay been suggested you modeled one just model half and copy and flip the whole thing back over to the components are so much fun when you make a change one place and it magically happened somewhere else outer bridge big okay right let's gray this I come in here I'm gonna pull this across the middle again get rid of that this is actually a little easier to I don't necessarily have to erase this middle piece because you'll be able to tell pretty easy because of this geometry right here I'll take both of these same thing I did before option or control copy scale modifier key is scale about the middle there we go and then I'm gonna take both of those and since it is symmetrical I can actually rotate it rather than copying it and scaling it if there was a left side right side that we're different right there then I'd want to bring it over and use the push/pull thing to do that again alright so that was that was a lot more set up than I usually her I often do but it's going to pay us back as we start to model because like I said we'll have to do one quarter of the modeling but I mean but this is kind of neat I mean this is you know half an hour in and we got a thing that with proper photo textures could come could go pretty far as far as you know a model I just splashed water on my own face I was it was refreshing only my right eyes awake now all right let's uh let's keep wrote let's roll on like let's let's make like deodorant roll on so that's probably not even a thing anymore does anybody even know what role in deodorant is I don't know that's not even stop talking here it's nicely use deodorant so that's good got that going for me okay so now what we got to do is we got to do some isolating because we got to get these details onto these blocks so if I double-click right here a couple things happen so the biggest thing of course is that I can't see it through my reference images also everything disappeared except for the block I'm working on so I have to change some settings here I'm going to go to view component edit I'm going to say hide similar components when I edit one so if I edit just this one everything else goes away the other thing I'm trying to think of how to best it probably makes the most sense to grab these cut them come in context here and paste in place I think that's going to be the best way to do this I'm gonna take this image right here nope just the one oh boy actually I'm gonna hide the whole rest the model okay okay felt bold for a second there thanks guys thanks for thanks again I'm gonna bring that this way put it on the face that'll work cuz then I can model like this that's gonna work all right I'll take do the same thing here I'm gonna grab this one bring that back here like this cool so that is totally an option I don't tend to use it very often which doesn't mean as bad is just not a not a normal workflow that I use because I like maintaining this image as long as possible as soon as I project on here but immediately start going in and cutting stuff off and that kind of thing so I'm gonna lose some detail that I want to hold on to but that's nothing that's not a bad idea all right so what we have here one could actually make the argument that maybe these two are close enough they could be components again but we had enough components going on right now I'm not going to do something silly like that I'm gonna come in here and draw some edges this piece right here all the way up actually sticks out a little bit further than this piece right here that piece pushes in and see right here and actually I believe these towers I looked at that yesterday you can look at the the images of the on the forum - these towers are actually round and they go up right here these from here up our octagons that sit on top of the tower so this is actually going to be a super cool section but this is going to be fun to go in and and we'll get these get the the circles on the outside there and then we'll also have a octagon that inner sex with it that's what these see these cuts right here are that octagon scaling back and dying into the circle which is really cool the question is so I know this piece is further in set then the the round piece on the outside but I don't know how much it is so I'm gonna have to do what looks good because that's really the only thing I see to do so I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna push it back in let's say two feet I'm gonna take that whole line back to foot okay so that's set in right now I'm gonna take this face right here flip it out here so I have it on this other side because then I'll do the same thing here take this up to the same height and I will push that in two foot as well something like that alright now what I'm gonna have to do so this so even though I cut those reference images and put them inside the component they're still on my reference layer so I can still pretty easily toggle them off what I need are you reference what images no you said that's a reference layer ah dang it another diamond the jar I gotta charge myself more a dime in the jars and obviously not enough to stop me from doing it all right five bucks in the in the layer jar or a tag jar figure alright so this is kind of what we got so far and this is just that this is the line that that trim is going around I'll carry that around because because it should be right and down here this is where that circle is going to go so right now I have this in here as a square what I'm gonna do is just draw a line across like this and I'm gonna draw a circle I'm gonna bring that out to somewhere if I bring it out to here that will show right from the sides but that's not where this dies into it right so it's actually bigger than that get rid of these pieces let me grab this I'm gonna scale it because it should come out to there because this is where the lines meet up with it so meets up with it how close am I I was just ballparking there how classic it well I got really close all right but this lets me get rid of this weird this this take that all the way up to here and this is we're going to start to see in just a minute we're gonna see where these components come into their own with with Awesomeness because it seems like I here should look it should look pretty cool alright so this line I made I'm about to get rid of these we're on to put those back in a second because it's multiplying my work and I don't I don't need I don't need more work right now I grab this and that can be slid back and forth so I'm gonna pull it I'm gonna just have it run into the face same thing over here there we go and then I can just grab all that say intersect face with selection that should give me a cut line I should be able to come in here now get rid of that that that extra geometry awesome all right if I exit out of here now I have that look on all four pieces so that's cool I like that that was that was simple simple as good I want to I want to tackle these octagons right now before I have any more geometry in here I'm going to go ahead and pull this down and just chop basically chop it off like that mmm yeah I'm gonna leave this geometry for the roof in just a moment but there there's my that's the center point of my circle good is good for helping spot those holes yeah as opposed this light gray absolutely totally agree I don't know how much you guys would enjoy it would that be too bright if I had some ridiculous neon painful looking stuff all right so I'm gonna come over here and pull this out to here get that line right there and what that line is gonna do is allow me to come in here right now polygon eight sides start right here flat and right now I'm pulling out a corner but I want to actually pull the edge out to perpendicular at this point so I'm gonna hit the modifier key just let me pull the edge out rather than an a corner like that and now you're my reference image back on and I can pull that up to here and down to here and this is where I'm gonna have to do a little bit of I call it guessing or pretending or lying but this dies back into the main portion of the building so what I have to do here I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna hit option push pull to pull this down like that and I'm going to grab that face actually to do this right I have to get this face down here too you there we go laughs if I grab these two faces right now I should be able to I'll just work well so we'll see what happens i scale these about the middle Oh everything's terrible that's what happens okay undo just get out of there pretend never happen I'm gonna grab all of this pull this down to here all right so I grab that chunk right there you should probably work this whole time in x-ray so you can see it so I grab all that chunk and I'm going to make it a new group I'm not worried about component because I'm all I'm going to do this once I'm gonna explode it in just a few minutes so if I go into that group right now a little quick cleanup we don't need these extra edges they're not they're not helping anything they're actually just going to mess with our geometry distortion we're about to do all right cool and I know if somebody's gonna point out I could just use cleanup to get rid of those extra edges I could but I'm already done well I'm sorry to sound defensive all right I'm gonna take that no need to do that but there we go nice and clean I don't like extra geometry if I can help it and now if I take that and turn on the rest of the model and I can just on the bottom scale in the middle see if it gives me the oh I stopped my my round part stopped there rather than lapping through like this let me pull that up into it alright that's not too far off what I had going on before a reference image looks like they're like way more stretched out than that though see how long they go up like that I wonder if they're actually like arched or something just slide this over so you look good look at them side-by-side here let me let me intersect that too this is what I got on the image and you can actually see it in the in the other image you see looks okay but not not perfect yeah it does look kind of like they actually went in here intentionally vaulted this up and then pushed it back in all right I'm gonna oh I got a reference image floating above oh they are they're like they're like this you guys get that alright so we can do this super fast I'm gonna have to do it fast we'll do a regular size regular speed I'm going to go in here I'm going to turn off my reference images so what happens is this point where it makes contact there's kind of a kind of goes like this and then that face is pushed back to the cylinder so what I'm going to do I'm going to come into this piece right here I'm going to create exactly that geometry I'm gonna come here to my intersection actually here's well do first I'll triple click intersect this with geometry so I have those even breaks and then I will I'm gonna need that midpoint and I come on like that and then I'm gonna do something else I don't know what next step is all right since this is such a simple shape this this this triangle shape but I'll probably do is turn on x-ray run a line straight back and then run lines back down to the ends like that so I'm making basically that little shed geometry and if I delete that well some didn't something did not close up on the inside your triangle shouldn't have yeah there it is I'm doing across the bottle so because I should now be able to get rid of this you're trying I just know yeah that one I just missed there we go that's what I want because when I come out here that's gonna create that that vault II look alright so I don't wanna do that again and again and again we've already been talking up how much how wonderful in in how attractive using components makes everybody look so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to replace each of these sides with that geometry so I'm gonna come in grab this delete this delete this delete this delete and then I can grab these three pieces of geometry rotate I lost my middle point I've seen the middle point so I just go corner to corner real quick so those are straight lines yeah but if I go like this they look like it you're probably right they're probably just off of yeah yeah they they are a little bit you're right but Dave's gonna try swinging his eyes like that I bet yeah have you squinted at it Dave so yeah they are just slightly rounded but I'm gonna call this one good for now I'm trying to get out of anything I just don't wanna spend the next hour just modeling this piece all right which means I am getting out of something I am sure I absolutely try and get at something all right so I'm gonna explode that up can I do it now sorry exploded grab all that intersect face with selection all right I mean to be fair everybody in London that sees this is seeing it from down at ground level so they can't tell either that's right yeah what Jodi said they took off his glasses he said now they're right oh thanks thank goodness all right so I'm just just cleaning up some whoops extra geometry here on the inside awesome cool so if we look at this yeah how about that okay come in here I'm gonna draw this arch I'm going to draw it right here and just push it back that I don't think this is something I can get solidly with with just a standard arch so I am going to use bezzie a for this I have not installed all right it's time for that that awesome game of can aaron install and use an extension I feel like I need theme music for this fortunately I know where this is grab the Bezier install it yes I wanna install it yes I really want to install it okay it's installed so now I should really go to draw Bezier curve what seriously what's the most remedial simple thing you could possibly do oh no stall Bezier curve Oh [Music] stuff happens it's funny because actually yesterday I spent some time that had a co-worker come over and asked me to help them track down an issue they were seeing which I did save just before that happened so we're not wooden all is not lost asked me to help them track down an issue they were seeing with a specific extension where the next century was installed it was it was bad things were happening it was an extension that it's a great extension but it hadn't been updated for 2020 so it's causing some problems and it occurred to me as I started modeling I did not uninstall that extension I'm not blaming that on that but it's it's it's it's interesting that pretty much a standard extension like bezzie a Just Cause that issue all right so let's see how our tower is looking thus far okay so I'm aware my roads are bigger they need to be we model this to the the biggest most outside estas ID that we're outside ich portion of the pillar so this this is bigger these roads are gonna be closer to this width but yeah that's what got going so far that's not bad okay so I'm gonna throw the roof geometry on here maybe and then we'll come put some additional details and then we'll start working on other pieces where are we at what time what time is it all right so we're said an hour this is good no he just doesn't listen they're all saying right now okay I want to get this octagon I'm gonna actually draw an octagon back in I'm very excited which extension was it you just installed bezzie a likes just the old-school boring have you used anything else yet that's the only extension I've used right you guys tell me if I have have I used something else I think that's the only one only one thus far all right now let's get some let's get a roof up on here okay I'm gonna come in here gonna turn my big tower tag back on so I have a pretty simple octagonal tower roof here so I'll throw that on here and then I got kind of a have some like turd what are these things called you guys know this like the windows no not the window these bricky bricky defendi thingies that maybe that maybe the name is that a criminal ation I totally know what that word means but for maybe some people who don't you could could could share the definition the battlements of a castle or other building is what Google are you Battlement I like Battlement right for what that's worth all right so I'm going to do something like this that's again pull it up some more so I'm just I'm roughing in some geometry folks all right something like that and then from inside that is when the tower goes or that the roof goes up to about there and I'm gonna put a line across something like that to give a width it's basically just pulling a couple of reference geometries off there and then what I can do with that is I can push pull this up to this height grab this modifier scale about the middle so it's about that wide cool all right looking pretty good looking good getting there it's funny because when you start to model something this size it can be daunting to go in and go oh where do I even start but the important thing of course is that you just start it doesn't there's not really a right place to start I don't think and there's there's a so many different ways to model whatever you're gonna model there's there's not really a right way I don't think to model most things there's lots of them there's many ways to model most things so the important thing is you just get in and get going get doing doing it all right I'm gonna say it kind of looks like I thought this came out but it kind of looks like the battlements are back more in line with this this inside wall so I'm gonna actually get rid whoops of these lines right here and then I'm gonna draw some stuff just I'm roughing in shapes right now okay so that's the height I want to go to and now I can actually temporarily turn that off match that height there start coming across here some people actually were bigger fans of reference images than I am have asked for the ability to alone can't talk clicking shortcut key a layer tag that only counts as half of a five dollar bill because I caught it too quick I've never I've never I don't is often as I use tags I've never really wanted a shortcut key on it I don't know just like the idea of that oops screw that up all right so I'm running into issues you guys might be catching this right now I'm working in two different planes I have my reference image here and the geometry I'm working off is is two foot back so a couple things I could do I could grab that plane and push it in I could also this is kind of a fun trick if I want to just align this one piece I can select that and I can say a line view now I'm looking straight at it so it's easier for me now to come in here and trace that Battlement cut out there 2x so that's an option too I'm gonna grab and crenellations alright hey I'm good with either one you guys I mean I'm up for a crenellations or a Battlement okay all right there we go now give that a little bit of depth I'm sure they'll get more depth than that in a moment like I'm Steve again yeah command s why not think Sebastian you do man man okay oops oh boy all right I'm going to I look my reference photos real quick so these pieces right here are like dormers are gonna push back into the bigger roof so I'm going to just grab them and I'm going to push pull them so they come in like that and now I just need to get that bigger roof really so look at that big Tower or that big roof it's hard to tell exactly where it's at it definitely looks like it starts it takes off you know right about the same spot here and then goes up and draw some some lines like this draw a line like this you can see this is there's that Ridge that's where this roof right here pushes back and should see the same thing over here where those are go back so I got to get this this it's not an a-frame it's kind of like an a-frame hip thing I don't know I'm making it making stuff up but you know that's yeah whatever now I'm just making sounds okay here's I'm going to do I'm gonna grab all this existing geometry and make it a group right now because what I don't want to do is accidentally merge as I put this roof shape together I want to merge in with all of this this right here is the reference line that I put in showing where those those pieces all came together so this line right here should be lined up over here with this point and it should come over to here so that's actually the line I want and this roof does have some width to it at that height so I'm going to run this line over here I'm gonna bring it across all right so that I did that wrong I went the wrong way yeah that's okay I can fix this so this should actually be over here hopefully that rambling all made some kind of sense probably not probably not a thing that made any sense this is the flat portion so this is what is from that you know that's that's a quarter of the flat that's the where all that stuff meets at the top that's where the roof is going to cascade down from so what I need to do now is figure out where it cascades to I'm thinking the center of this thing right here so if I was to draw a line like this and then hide that that would be this point up to what I do I put this in the group aw come on man oh yeah it should be in the group all right now we're gonna hide that group I'm in context again everything's good like that this is my theory this is I don't know if this is gonna work or not I'm just trying to figure out how this geometry all lines up and then from there I'm gonna come here along the red axis to here and get rid of that line and then it does come down something something goes down from there it's it is hard to tell what that is but all right so that's that's my theory so let's go ahead and click out so that's how that component would line up I gotta go back in context and unhide you seems feasible it sure looks like everybody takes pictures of this from the bottom alright let's let's verify this then it was good I don't know yeah maybe we need X I think we got some more gooder pictures there's that thing oh okay is it communities this is this though does that oh yeah that works so this is flat in here and then that thing happens so that's this that is that geometry is this so I'm good with it I'm good I'm good I'm good I say reassuring myself more than anyone else I'm going to explode that and go ahead and I should say okay no one is saying that that is terrible so I'm gonna go ahead and explode it oh I'm sorry everybody is saying it's terrible that crap I didn't explode fast enough oh I did alright so intersect face with context and then get rid of extra geometry on the inside I'm not saying there's gonna be a solid model by the time we're done but I'm not saying it's not gonna be a solid model after after the burroughs got 3d printed last time I'm excited about the possibilities oops I deleted too much did I oh no I just had that dragon down there we go whoops all right so that feels good like I like where we're at right now [Music] okay that's cleanup for another time it's boring deleting is boring that was my impersonation of a teenager I'm gonna get a little more depth in here and make it uniform we'll do the same thing over here oops they didn't have a flat there's no no floor inside this diary forgot the word translation Battlement whatever either way all right cool so that looks pretty good just look into that it's great face is bothering me though I got I gotta do something about it this is my sketchup OCD all right that'll work okay so that's looking pretty cool I want to put some more I'm at that point to where we got to figure out how broad the strokes of detail are at this point how much detail do we put in versus how much of everything else do we get modeled so with that in mind let's take a little look right here and see what else we want to put on I'm gonna take this image and slide it back so it hits the inset face there we go so yeah so now I got that I'm gonna say the satellites gonna sound like I'm sarcastic but I got z-fighting which is what I want and what I'm gonna do is I want to go in and put these things I know as an architectural term for this but for life and me a camera or what they're called trim that's something like that I want to come in and put in these rows of trim because they happen over and over again so I have two four six of them right here and there's another one up here so what I want to do is I'm gonna do this by intersecting with a plane so I'm going to create a plane just just a just a big old plane like this just a shape just a rectangle that cuts across the whole thing I'm going to take that I'm gonna triple click and make it a group just so it doesn't accidentally merge with geometry and I'm gonna take it and option copy it down to the next one below we grab both of those option or ctrl copy and I should be able say to X see if these are evenly spaced boom look at that alright get rid of this that's what I was looking for that's so cool there's gonna be easy because now what I can do is I'm going to take all of these I'm going to explode them sweep across all of this I'm gonna say right click intersect faces with selection I'm saying with selection because I don't remember what other geometry I might intersect with outside of here delete delete and there we go now I have those brakes now I need to do is just have that trim and with the trim now all I have to do is do a quick follow me and take it all the way around I don't know exactly what the detail that trim looks like I saved it looks like it has like like maybe 1/2 like - like steps out there so I'm gonna make what I think this relief looks like I'm going to keep it kind of simple because that's kind of guy I am I'm simple let's see want to be even third so I'm gonna take this divide it into three pieces middle here rather than explode you could have also didn't intercept with the model right I'm totally stealing that from box page that's his suggestion no boxes on on Facebook box thought you I thought you were gonna be able to join us I was worried you were gonna be a I mean it is what 3 a.m. there's something like that welcome now here's what I'm gonna do something which might be cool I'm going to take this and I'm gonna make it a component alternatively this might fail miserably alright I'm gonna grab it by the middle point I grab it over here drop it right here and I'm going to stick that here and now I'm realizing I don't really even need these intersections I could have done this once so I don't actually need this geometry here because what I'm going to do that's way fancier what I'm doing something kind of goes out and then up okay we we do that we do well do something like that so maybe I do something more like today put something is that it on the form yeah oh this piece yeah but is that the same trim that's down below that me neither because see if I look here I'm not sure this trim that room looks like it's bigger even in my blown-up I turned this on this piece looks like it's a bigger trim than what this is see that there's more blurry gray pixels here and down there we go I want to go with this for now the point will be the same and actually it'll be pretty easy to redo with if everything fails in anyhow all right I'm gonna grab this and this so that seemed give me that whole run I'm gonna click on follow me then I can't follow me because this is in a component now but what I can do is right-click on this component I can say edit component and then I click on this it follows that around because each of those components repeated down the building they're all done at once I do some cleanup here though it's gonna come in here grab that geometry do a quick soft and smooth there we go that's gonna work all right I gotta change something I'm gonna my styles and turn my profiles off because I'd like that look a little better cool that's gonna work for right now all right we're getting more we're getting more images so the piece that I threw in here can easily be redone that was no that's down here that's this that's there's a line right here that is bigger so it is it's like a shelf so if I look in here I'm looking at something yeah let's do this OOP OOP OOP OOP all right just sell down buddy okay so I know this is kind of behind my head but we're looking at something that's right here so something that kind of looks like I know there's curves in here but I'm going to stay away from curves because I'm drinking my model later maybe something like that so I make that a group also and that will take and hold on let me look at my sari part of that went behind my head as I was doing that I was in the zone that's gonna go that actually comes out all the way around okay but yeah it's really hard to tell what's going on with this gray blob right here there's a lot going on okay I'm gonna trace all the way around cuz cuz cuz I don't need a reason all right so I'm gonna grab this I'm gonna cut it come into context and paste it right here over here flip it out the right direction and now I need a path to follow so I'm gonna do this I could I could go to the intersect thing again grab a plane but I only have a couple surfaces that have to worry about this on and inference they make this this easy because it's going to actually try to snap that flat like that alright at that point I got to get rid of some more geometry back here otherwise and I have wouldn't be I'm gonna be snapping too too much or maybe not you ever feel like you're swinging a wrecking ball around and disappear you shouldn't be I'm just gonna do I'm going to just since there are so few lines here I'm just gonna manually grab them and then same thing follow me right click Edit group click the face click out all right there we go alright that's looking alright alright so we'll do the same thing down here we got kind of a real quick I'm going to do trim here I am going to take this line and extend it and what does whoops missed it misclicked oh actually we got all kinds of stuff going on down here maybe I won't do anything right here right now yeah I like not doing not touching it all right let's get some where we at hour and 40 minutes in looks looks fairly nice I'm gonna throw some quick windows in here and then I'm gonna go spend some time elsewhere and come back if if it's appropriate so for my windows I'm going to I'm gonna draw em right here on the picture draw a line up the middle just applied you give all these at once actually there's my middle line and then I'll come in here draw one window I dislike says I don't want to spend a huge amount of time on this but I do want to you know oh your make your likes and you detail things oh man amazing yes amazing huh I'm going to use as reference I'm gonna use this face right here option copy that up to here they're not quite the same detail but they are the same size it looks like ish so I will take that why not snapping to this line Oh I grabbed it other stuff like a dynamite nope safe that's straight down here I know this is this is getting a little bit less than detailed but I want to get something in here rather than nothing and I just don't feel like I have the time to do everything all of this justice so a little quick frame here I'm realizing as I'm doing this you know sometimes you jump into something you start doing it and the realization happens that there's a better way you use a thing called components instead of just kind of clicking around everywhere instead I'm drawing a bunch of raw geometry like a chump Wow these ones are floating off this what's going on it's all falling apart all right let's get this stuff at least on the surface the other thing I have to do here is cut this window in half because I'm only draw in half the building half the face half half of this all right well that does matter okay I'm gonna take which I'm gonna take this bring that straight up to here yes that was a question because I'm not sure what I'm doing are you doing that really well yeah it's called winging it and I'm kind of good at it yes all right and so want you to do the house of parliament next week and the st. Pancras train station and that's all about like a hospital same pancreas all right that's gonna work for for our purposes but what I have to do now let me get rid of this see if I look straight down some and grab it all of us boxes advising juice you scan back and look at the whole model before you start assigning your components wait but yeah I didn't make anything component that's the problem I spent all rod geometry so I'm gonna grab one of these make this component called a window and I'll be honest I panicked I'm under the gun I didn't do stuff good grab all that oops not really oops this happens sometimes you guys ever see this where you you break some geometry and it all disappears and put a couple lines in it fix itself all right so I think that's gonna work for for what what I want out of this come in here and this time I'm going to do this a little better because I'm going to man the windows here like nothing like there on the side it's so fancy it's also fancy so what I'm gonna do is head over to my components there's no window I'll bring this in throw this on here and hmm John driven up the wall chimed in from the forum was that he could take pictures from his roof but it's too dark right now you know that's that's like that's funny because it's as well as things really like yeah this is this is cuz for for us Americans like I mean have you have you been have you seen this building Jodee yourself that's good movie but I have to remind myself that like this which is like a destination location for for for me is ah crap I just did that didn't I oh but I did make that a component so I'm okay we're still okay after remind myself sometimes that these places are really just where that where people live sometimes which is cool I mean which I get that people say the same thing when they cut they come out here and we have of course our mountains and people go vacationing and it's so cool that you have mountains right there you go skiing all the time or whatever and I just don't really think about it cuz for me it's just what's what's west of here same thing goes with this I guess if you're yeah just I just I just live near that no big deal there's probably a London native that is annoyed with all pedestrian traffic that they have to deal with every time they cross it are you are you making a parallel of being a colorada and having to deal with driving in traffic every time you go in the mountains yeah these windows are not matching I know I know I know I have to admit I already have admitted I have an option here to detail windows or get the rest of the bridge in and I'm totally jumping it up I get it but but look at that that I mean it looks presentable yeah look at that look look look at watch this watch this perfect yeah yeah because I want to do some cool stuff too I want to make some I want to make some bridges on this bridge all right speaking of which whoa I did something here delete that and then save suppose spring-cleaning cut some cobwebs command s okay sue let's come into here let's come to this guy and I'm gonna pull this back - yeah something like that that looks better same thing over here because I can push this back again because the way we set up components I only got to do that once and twice and half the bridge goes three times and we should be good all along there awesome give this okay cool all right all right all right all right all right all right all right okay all right so right here this actually the roadway is just come in here the roadways like this and then pushed in slightly we actually have some trusty stuff so looks like one two three four five six that's the technical term trusty stuff you're not familiar with it as an engineering term Engineers use it all the time all right so Martin's reef is ten minutes up the road from what's your modeling year which Vincent called the ugly cousin of the bridge oh I think you meant that was in a good way like great personality fun to hang out with all right this is not gonna match but it's gonna be good all right so there's a couple ways to create this kind of geometry I'm just gonna use offset to get this kind of thing going on and just do this in each of them there's actually a is it edges to pipe or something like that there's actually an extension that it's actually very cool you draw lines and then you can pick a profile to trace and like I said it's it's a really it's a really neat one I don't I don't have that extension but it is a cool one and that was not that was not perfect lines to tubes lines to tubes that's the one that's exactly what I was thinking of we're gonna do I want to get these pieces tied in here to bring this over bring this over this over all right so I want to use follow me to get the big beams in here the top and bottom round beams one of the issues that we always run into with follow me is at the end making sure that your end surface is going the direction that you want it to go I'm going to say that right down here where these two points meet I'm gonna come draw a line on the red axes like that and I'm gonna force whatever curve I have to die into this flat line so rather than have this because if I did this and I used to follow me my tube would come down that shape and then I'd have something perpendicular right here and I'd have to go through and clean it up so I've met like that so I'm going to plan ahead and say that I'm going to redraw this curve be very close to what it is now but I want to make sure that it starts flat here and then proceeds to you know curve up like that so when I come in here I'm gonna do just that I'm going to come in here click here draw my line like this and now I'm gonna grab an arc or just get rid of this grab an arc to go from that point up to this point and now I'll set that like that little jarring that Christ moves I want but it's still gonna work I'll do the same thing down here let me get rid of this draw my line over like this a little bit arc from that point to the bottom here I'll sit join the curve with the magenta yes like so yeah I didn't I didn't really follow my can't talk and click seems like she should have developed that ability at this point in my career nobody that talk and press my left mouse button down at the same time I didn't I did not check for tangent or make anything like that so this is this is not the most beautiful transition in the world like that I'm gonna grab that I'm going to weld it say anything here I'm going to triple click here whoop that comes off you know what extension weld it and I don't have a whole lot of details the close up of this but I'm gonna say this is what I'm looking for actually that doesn't fit does it draw it again a little bit smaller this time and then that one will come down here someone dude this would be two different ways of doing this the first one this one is going to follow in the center and say follow me click here there we go that's the first piece this one right here is actually to follow along the bottom see that so I say follow me same thing still works that doesn't look too far off this one did not it did did make it nope and it broke it's broken so maybe following along the bottom wasn't oh my circles broken fortunately just undo away from fixing it oops that one's on me mostly cuz I don't have anybody else here to blame yeah that's true that one's on Jodie alright so as I move that what did I do somehow I dropped that below the surface of the street so that's why that that got they got bad all right so I'm gonna grab these two lines and this line right here I intentionally add another line tangent to the last chunk of that segment going up farther so this will die into the building so when I weld that now I have that one line that goes all the way up and I can once again follow me oh why do I think they're tubes what why do I keep going there okay so that's what you do if they're round but they're not round of course they're like they're like means curvy i-beams got it I can do that I'm gonna start with a rectangle oh man all right so the curvy i-beam might look like I don't know what I'm doing okay well I guess we're just gonna go with an i-beam then but what an i-beam oh yeah I mean that's that's the right type of IV okay cool so I'll take that and then you don't need don't eat this stuff now don't be silly and then that piece can go down here so I can scale it up by about 50% to save all right so we'll take that let's see how see what happens now all right and now we'll grab this watch it watch it go some got weird well that's weird why did the two top flange disappear huh all right but wait oh because of the way they yeah cuz of this stuff got ugly stuff got ugly all right let's see what we can do here to to save this guy kiss is a this is this is some yeah so that could have gone better not sure what to okay follow me with this no kind of alright I'm gonna give myself exactly two minutes to do what I can with this I'm just closing faces right now I'm just trying to get stuff so it's it's not this I don't know I don't know what's happening and I don't questioning so many things about what happened right now oh I keep hitting my head on the tower it's really nothing's going my way right now actually no this reminds me of if we have anybody here members when did the Harry Potter tower something very similar to this happen it was not or the Harry Harry Potter Great Hall yeah that's obvious careful I'm assuming what's actually gonna happen here this is probably I'm just I'm also assuming that as I say this I'm totally wrong but I kind of want to have the detail this is so what I think what I think I want boy wait a minute still I'd I still got my I'm still in my two minutes all right so that more or less closes up I'm sorry I'm not looking at comments at all box I'm they're not nearly as big as that okay well I should have looked up and caught that a lot sooner shouldn't I have sometimes got to be a big enough man to hit undo 20 times and start over which I'm gonna do cuz I like this I like this I like my model so far I don't want to get ugly weirdness for no particular reason there's a reason for ugly weirdness I'm all for it but actual structure right this is better it's a smaller better see what happens we knew that oh I think I might be okay here and follow me something's still linked oh right but it just went it just went not right by a little bit still too horrible for me all right just teeny bit smaller just it make the curve smooth perpendicular yeah you're talking about this right I know I know I know I know all right fine oh I lost my point though it's just eyes in here somewhere so vertex to this point is gonna be like like that which is feels low all right let's try another one just the problem if I go vertex two straight down there then they end up almost parallel but they don't the bottom one droops lower oh but I just got to go higher up here hey clarity is so overrated I mean knowing what you're doing before you do it that's for the weak hey there's a circle there okay so at this point I have fully come to terms the fact that I'm not modeling this correctly and odds are against that happening but I think we can come up with something that still looks good so what actually happens and John driven up the wall is probably like yeah there's a there's it kind of all ties into like a buckle here at the middle and this swoops down and then kind of swoops back up to where it meets I'm not going to have that detail though I look left or right I'm gonna look up come on come on Steve also join the two curves from box or add any other arc to what you had mmm at this point I feel like they need to be in a certain order as they're explained yeah I I kind of just started drawing again anyhow I know guys I know all right this this is what it's going to be apparently because that's not what it is at all I'm sorry I'm sorry box please don't good this isn't normally how it goes it's my fault it was not actually too far from how it goes usually but I respect the fact that it's like 4 a.m. so that's cool thank you for coming though box I appreciate if everybody doesn't know who boxes if he's still there I'm embarrass him a little bit but he is a member of our forum and he is super speedy with replies he gets on there and answers questions sometimes before they're asked so you might be in the middle of typing a question into the forum and the answer might pop up that's probably box or Dave but a great community member he is in Australia though so he does not make it to these it it so you already made it all the way around just go to bed so something happened there but yeah so I appreciate that you got you you took the time to string by box that's that's awesome I very much appreciate you and always appreciate your help so thanks for thank you for swinging by and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm just sorry and Vincent is giving you an out said the original design was just a single arc well apparently once again we are doing errands interpretation of a world renowned landmark so this who designed it better the man who spent his career building it or some guy with Sketchup and two and a half hours live all right so that's what we're gonna do for now I'm gonna take so I know I know I have this weird break here but like I said we're kind of off the reservation this point anyway so I'm gonna grab these two shapes I'm gonna copy them I'm gonna hop in context over here and edit paste in place I wonder if these let's see if these arcs will actually work because oh no but they're just slightly off of nope I'm gonna take it and move that Ark slightly forward like that so I have something to go horizontal on and then let's see if I take those two lines I hit follow me grab this face so this is really all I've been looking for is for these two faces to meet up together they asking me way easier to make work then like I said then having both of them come into a slightly different angle and then I'm going in drawing cutting planes that kind of thing I know it got a little weird right here but I don't have it I really have a butt there but that's what happens oh man come on arcs actually should be parabolas but yeah I know I know I know and I'm sorry I'm sorry to everybody okay I feel like apologizing wow this is this is a way more complex structure than I had originally thought I'm sorry I don't want anybody to have to yell out their screen for this either yeah I did I didn't make this very good I own it but but we got this but we got this this this is what we have right now I'm sorry I know it was it was not perfect it did not it was not ideal it was it was this but box has two segments and a five segment curve that's what he's wanting to see I don't disagree with what box is saying nice thing is you can now go ahead and just throw a big circle up there that joint there we go and nobody will be the wiser watch yeah watch this oh my beer and we had some had some details on it making up details on a well-known landmark again covered covered it is this a new piece too because this feels like it's a new piece actually I need to scale that up just there we go take that I like the term I used before it's probably not right but turnbuckles sure sounds cool okay got both of them make a copy of them from this point option slide down here right there okay so that's gonna work for now see it's not a matter of modeling it right it's a model it's the matter of hiding your crimes afterwards okay boxer there's a perfect fix thank you all right I'm gonna grab these two lines copy them hop over here paste them down bring it over push that in like that and then ooh just like I'm in London except I'm tipping up tip it up nope can't do it that's right I didn't model that two millimeter changing what's going on here by the way it's obviously something I did I've got shadows I don't know I don't have a break in geometry that's Oh something that's moved [Music] this is why we work with components yeah fix it once where is it where is it where's endpoint huh that wasn't it huh just done this in he doesn't understand it's definitely something I just have something I have a feeling something as smooth where it shouldn't be smooth so oh there it is did you show nope I went inside the bridge that would also work if I hide everything else there watch here there we go you have something hidden where it's obviously not supposed to be hidden sometimes it gives you weird shadow lines like that easy to fix kind of okay what time we got two o'clock all right so 22 Thank You Jody so we got some details to throw on this box right here we got a big bridge walkway is it a pair of walkways it kind of looks like two walkways in this image I kind of feel like spend a little bit of time here but this is kind of iconic without the walkway between it doesn't look like the Tower Bridge it looks like something else it's so I'm gonna have so much cash in so many jars that'll be my my my tag and layer jar and then my the Tower Bridge jar I'll be putting money in so I can buy a box and an apology brew at base camp it is two walkways for sure all right definitely two separate pieces all right so I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to start with something like this and I'm gonna bring it out to about to turn all right now here's a problem not really a problem but because the way we made these components all four sides have a bridge sticking out of them obviously not going to work so I'm gonna do is I can grab these four outside edges after the component ization after the modeling is done I can grab those four pieces I can say make unique and now I have two separate pieces 2 4 on the inside and then 4 on the outside so it's still a time-saver to do that because I still don't have to you know I can I can still save time by doing it once but I don't have to keep it after that certain point and it is two separate pieces something like that and then they have kind of a I guess that's pretty that's probably pretty high up right looks like it goes almost the whole story up which also means that probably this isn't here but there's probably more like a door or something all right I'm gonna draw some placeholder geometry real quick I have no clue what this part looks like but it does look like there is some kind of this so it's a it actually closes on the top huh all right so here's my top you guys what you guys aren't catching off camera is Jodi's holding his laptop above my monitor show me reference photos all right and then there's a bunch of X's on either side so what I'm thinking here's here's what I'm thinking see how this works I'm gonna draw a rectangle and I want to get some is it X's or they like is it like a w okay oh that's that is cool okay so I'm gonna put a bunch of X's across here and what I want to do I want to make sure they're evenly spaced so it comes out to the right amount so I'm going to grab this bottom piece right here I'm going to say divide and I don't know I'm going to go this many nine ten let's go even ten and then I'm gonna put one X I'm only gonna do one a thingy every three do this this and this I'm gonna pull that out like that and now and take that geometry whoops a little too much deselect this and I can now just like that I probably would have talked to you now I can take that option copy this way 9x and I'll ripple across like that well see my head on the Tower Bridge that's a fee all right not too too terrible and then the other thing I have to do right here is it's just one-sided right now so I'm gonna come in add some depth to it and then and grab all of that I'm going to just copy it over on the other side try think how to copy what I just did yeah no kidding there's there's things that could have happened it would have made this easier all right so this is brute force modeling this is this is when elegance has the opportunity for elegance has been missed if you really get to a point where precision selection is always an option I could go in here and start deselecting that sort of thing but what I'm gonna do instead is I'm just gonna make a copy of this off to the side because I only want this section in the middle so it's actually in this specific case gonna be a little quicker for me to just grab this stuff and get rid of all the extra rather than going and doing a cleanup of of that selection of that geometry so with that I can go ahead and not sure why I'm closing that up really but I'm gonna grab all of that scale it to negative one that way and lap that geometry over that geometry and there we go all right we have our walkways it's definitely looking more Tower bridgie Nothe all right next piece right here nope this piece down here because that's where my reference images are we'll go in and slap this geometry on here okay not too bad this is like a miniature version of the rest I know I heard they're glass but none of my other glasses see through why should this one be so special I'm gonna come in here do one more thing because they do go all the way through I'm gonna delete this surface on the end okay look I made a glass that was an accident is that a Star Trek reference yes okay just checking I knew a side I caught it as a reference my eraser with shift and just get rid of all these lines on the end and this is probably what I would do we'll see maybe we'll have time any place that multiple components come together at the edges what this is going to do is this will get rid of when I come out of that component now it looks like it's all one piece it's the exact same geometry it's just hidden so even though it's separate pieces they look like they go together just by deleting those or not deleting hiding those those pieces where they connect well good because I'm gonna post this the 3d warehouse the view yes you can't put whatever kind of floors you want in there here see I'm gonna look at it from this side there look see glass oh all right all right all right I'm not saying no I'm just not saying yes yet let me let me get my let me get my end Tower in here first all right so I'm gonna grab the same thing grab both these command X come in context paste in place and we'll start by sliding this back huh that's interesting I guess the opening could be smaller be bigger on this one what was the key you held down when you're hiding lines shift shift shift erase allows you to hide hide rather than erase thank you my pleasure all right take that through so I had a question those of you who are on the live stream I show of hands who is I'm not saying not not asking if you bought your ticket but who intends to come to base camp and hang out with us I'm curious I see a thumbs up that came up two quid though that might have been the last question what was the last question what did I say before this yeah I know I wasn't either a lot of times words just starts spilling it has that ever happened to anyone else well let's do one question time yeah who's who's gonna base camp Carson's gonna be there of course who else we got I know Dave's and be here I know de salón or not Dave and I think box are both gonna be there that'll be that'll be fun too Gary wants to go Lucas wants to go you can still come from you still coming from your nose Steve Guzman is going yeah that's what he thinks of course we'd love to have you Steve we're excited that you'll be there Lars how's it going Lars sorry sometimes you guys may have been here the whole time and I don't catch it because drone muggles or whatever and it's gonna be awesome okay well let's well here's the question so we gotta we have a handful enough to make this very important decision an idea I have been playing with just just toying around really is the idea that maybe we should do some live modeling from base camp how's that strike everybody would you guys come to a session that was a live model Trice I hope that would be if that'd be a fun thing to do it sounds like it sounds like there is interest all right that's all I can ask for I can't see hands but I'm getting the general impression that they would be raised hands I I'm realizing right now that I've got some serious scale problems between these two drawings I don't maybe not we can heckle and throw peanuts if you bring your own peanuts I'm okay with that cool well maybe we'll maybe we'll make that happen so here's the next question would be be fun to do with some some live input Joey's an excellent heckler all right I gotta give you this for a second I gotta fix some things cool well maybe we'll make that happen so question number two imagine if you will you at base camp is this a thing that you would feel like would this be in place of a regular session would this be in the evening after sessions are done what do you guys think about that how does that feel I'm gonna suggest it's a bad idea to make it a regular session because then every other session happening at that time will be completely ignored and that's why Jodi's here just so good about myself right now do it [Music] all right unfortunately the lag means I'm not quite sure when they're responding to your question well it was it was I'm oh well see not now were there Christopher Moore and commented on how you're using your brain to think a bad thing definitely happened here I'm gonna the the correct solution right now would be to come in here and know would be to come in here and rescale and redraw all of this but my two drawings are not scaled to each other they're totally different so a lot of stuffs not lining up the way it should but I'm gonna make something of a hybrid here to make things be better than they are so you've done the other one I'm trying to figure out where the middle of this roof piece is going to be it's going to be about here and then I got to figure out I'm gonna grab all this and goes like that this one angles like that just using inferencing to copy the angles of these things and then I'm running them long that's not okay okay so that's how battle look something like that this one over here meanwhile will run walking parallel there you go run that long I'm gonna hide this temporarily of course well be fun because I've been trying to figure out what to do because no matter what we do we're gonna have a problem with doing all of the we will miss a session one way or another because we'll be setting up on Friday so that's not going to happen anybody who's coming to base camps probably be traveling if they're coming to boot camp so all right there we go so we'll have to figure out exactly that didn't quite make it over did it man you think I was doing math with how hard I'm concentrating right now so like I say and because this is a Friday's one will actually be setting up for boot camp which starts on Saturday so we won't that week we won't have a live stream on Friday no matter what I could make a case for maybe bringing all the gear with and you know saying oh sorry guys I can't set up I got to go do a live stream but I think that probably wouldn't go over real well with rust the team oh no I think we would I think we would do something during the show I'm just saying I don't think that Friday then the actual live stream that would probably be on Monday Tuesday Wednesday maybe evening I don't know but that's the part of a lot to figure out was when when we do it maybe it's a lunchtime thing like you go grab your food and no that's probably gets the rules in the convention center okay well it's the good part is that it's good to hear there's interest like it's not stupid idea the stupid will happen later all right I'm just basically I'm doing the exact same thing again the other side getting my tall roof there my tower up there intersecting it with the lower roof and then doing a little bit of cleanup let's click out that's looking whoa I don't know you guys so I know there's a couple other 3d mouse users out there I don't know if you went through the process that I did where I just took my 2019 extension and copied over 2020 which I know you're not supposed to do but there's not a 20/20 installer for from three connection yet so I did that to get it up and running and for the most part it's working pretty good but there's definitely some times where my zooming seems to be a little bit off enough anybody else is hitting that all right let's turn that on so try to throw that out there because I'm definitely finding issues with it hey cool part is I don't see a whole lot of windows on here so that's a plus that's right so I have trim at that height and it looks like that height so there's a couple votes for you to model so there was a mistakenly autocorrect change to base camp to Space Camp I want to go and so they would suggested that maybe that's what your modeling is is okay I'm not opposed to that idea that could be kind of fun I think I have plans next week just so you guys know we we do listen to your ideas and as you come up with them we generally write them down and keep track what to keep track of the things you guys come up with you think would be cool ideas to model and then I guess I don't really need to intersect this is insanely simple I could just draw two lines that's that's better we have for quite a while now gotten our ideas for live models from your guys's comments so we keep a running tally running list of the ideas that you guys have and then we come in here and there so I had pointed me to there's an existing threat of what do you in a model next that's awesome no it's a lot of times what we end up doing is we actually ask people at the end of this stream hey what's remodel next and we get a lot of great ideas I was saying all that to say we are actually a couple weeks ahead now you guys came up with some awesome ideas the last few times we came together and we have some good models ahead of us so I was kind of explaining why I sarcastically said I had plans already for last idea you had the model but yeah this is but this it's awesome I love here and the ideas you guys have and we really do end up using them for what we what we model sometimes we have our own stuff that we think would be fun to do or there's a reason we come up with something but for the most part it's it's your ideas I see that box actually went over the forum and posted a gif of what he was trying to explain with curves earlier oh thank you that one didn't go red did it I did a little offset here's to put a little you know little little spice on the arch here it's but they didn't quite the opposite didn't quite reach the outside edge so got a little little cleanup there take these two in and then pull this one out I can't remember what we have on on the docket for next week though I have to check in and look into that we have a meeting every Monday where we talk about content and that's usually when I find out what I'm doing related to that maybe a vehicle of some sort I don't know it's gonna be awesome no man is the Space Station of vehicle yeah okay it's like a motor home basically yeah or a caravan that's that's what I've heard it called that's right I only know that because I watched the movie snatch with Brad Pitt all right Cerre throwing a little detail in here still import a tree huh so that sounds a little little wacky Marik Oni so he I think he's answering you have questions one else asked about okay how those requests now someone is modeling someone was asking about at bringing trees into their outside models then I accept that okay Christopher said the ISS is a vehicle and it's currently going the 17,000 miles per hour so you'd have to put motion blur for sure housing hold still long enough uses a reference model there's your problem all right now I'm throwing on the superfluous details oh crap remember what we did here I mean oh yeah golly we made two separate halves none of this is bad nothing nothing is wrong but I'm gonna grab all of this and control see it actually I'm gonna grab this to copy that and we'll come over here and then get rid of this paste this in like that so yes components are awesome but sometimes you got a copy geometry not a big deal all right so this is looking pretty tower bridgie right now what are we missing what's what's not here this is killing me I got to fix this because this is like painfully obviously not right well there's rails on the road probably probably true probably I've seen pictures mm-hmm and you think that just because it's on the internet it's true under yeah yes okay I believe this I believe this is probably true there's also I'm gonna do this because these are and this is this is probably not perfect but these are rounded they're not they're not rectangles there's a lot more detail to them but this is at least a temporary direction we knew that all right so we will go through he just soften the whole thing lately I have it it's been a while excellent plan all right so let's get some handrails on here or some guardrails hopefully not handrails cuz there shouldn't be too many hands this close to a road tynus did say to not forget the crosses which are at the top of every single pointy thing I did notice that that was a thing that happened in abundance I think that they just got a really good deal on crosses when they were building this okay that's good ma if your government can be thrifty like that and should be proud of it alright I'm thinking of how to do this because what it looks like is it looks like there's actually panels kind of like this that just repeat on down let's see what happens if I just arbitrarily draw a shape and then hit times 100 good times 150 whoa all right 175 200 that's way too many that's ridiculous why would I do why would I even type that 165 be perfect all right yeah so just experiencing some of that that weirdness that 3d mouse weirdness that I was talking about now it's fine again I don't know I'm not sure what's going on there all right so what I'm going to do to get this on to the other side I'm going to select one of those components 166 in the entire model good to know I'm going to go to selection toys and say select all instances which will give me all of those I'm going to turn on my hidden geometry so I can get the center of my bridge point and I'll use rotate to copy that entire array to the other side thought handrails gonna take longer than that huh that looks good all right I think it's bugged me right now is this big old line right at the middle so I'm gonna go select this I'm gonna hide everything except for this one component all right and I'm going to align my view directly to the front I'm going to set my camera to parallel perspective and I'm gonna do a selection that should just grab the edges I grab this garbage on the inside I don't actually need any of this so this thing this could actually be deleted alright I'm gonna try it again a line view let's zoom out and then just like I said just like that grab that that gives me all the lines that make up that edge and now I can go over here to entities and just turn visibility off so it disappears so before I was using the modifier key which I mean works as well but this is the modifier key with erase this is going to give me the same result because I can just select it hide it and I'm gonna come out it's all hidden here it's not hidden here because remember these are separate pieces then because we had to do front and back of the of the tower but I can do the same thing let me give her this real quick not because I have to just cuz it bugs me all right and then again a line view just select that slice hide oh oh clipping hop back into perspective then go back to parallel again a line view there you go now if I click out there we go got rid of it I just have to do it once on this one because I didn't do a front and back I didn't do two separate ones for this this piece the other thing I didn't do check this out this right here the nice thing about this one this would be easy to clean up because it's a component remember I say this is a component before I did this so I'll be able to come in here you race that you race that you're as fat those interior faces we don't need them and then I can just grab these end lines visible toggle visible and then when I click out all of it got cleaned up this one up here of course is a different one so I got to do this one separately but same thing rid of this extra geometry I don't need whoops too much too much all right and then you just grab these end pieces again toggle visible toggle visible click out click out so there's still cleanup to be done but for three hours I feel I feel pretty pretty ok about how that turned out I didn't put the I didn't put the fanciness on you know I did not have my fancy it fancier and Nader you're droopy trusting should be bright blue your room should be yeah I also didn't put in there and also there's an interior sort of fence next to the road so that people don't walk into traffic yeah that makes sense like right here that's the nice thing about putting it on the warehouse is everyone can continue to expand that's right you know this wouldn't be too hard actually another thing about this I'm just just saying it could be fairly easy to grab that oak tractor buckle there's all of my fence pieces so what I could do oops yes I could come right here say this is the center of the bridge that come right here like this and go copy that like that and then from that one I could take that set right there and rotate that oh it's definitely it's starting to look it's starting to lag a little bit with all my hidden lines turned on I could take that off of this one option copy that over and now we have a walkway granted that walkway goes into the side of the building but you know what that's okay because like our walkways up here going to the side of the building too so at least I'm consistent well again there's let's take it on the train yeah I'm not sure that they use Harry Potter is the standard for how they design real buildings but maybe I don't know you're not English that's true and we've degraded back to that cool so yeah what do you think how's that looking doesn't like getting really what's the cross is on there people really want to cross this okay we can put crosses on I'm okay with that again it's not too painful because of our components oh you know what else happened this because I deleted all lines at the middle where they intersect it means I lost all my ridge lines it's okay all right [Music] which way so it looks that he goes this way so I'm gonna grab a rectangle come to the middle draw it from the center we go up like this Oh grab all of that option copy 3x return on my well that's that's obviously not going to work so what come in here push pull this in to there and then just do the same on all three sides and if I like I can commit that's gonna cause an issue because it's not intersected so no we could delete these extra lines whoa whoa whoa easy that's the jumpiness I was talking about exciting well good I'm glad you enjoyed it I'm gonna grab that in this piece X I'm gonna grab all of it and that piece copy that copy that when IX out that goes there but if I come into this one hit paste and then I can use that octagon I copied to make that easy to place all right so there's eight crosses we're starting that's where we're beginning and then this big Tower let me see it looks like they have so many crosses okay well you're gonna dig fancy thing on the top of the tallest roof there yeah and it also looks like I kind of got well I think that's if as I'm looking at it like these ones up here are multi-layered where it looks like they do kind of do something like that I'm going to copy this over here real quick I'm gonna put a line up the middle push pull this back because there's a cross right in the middle of that above the window as well the same thing I'm going to do that I'm gonna take this right here slide it back just to nope I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna place it not slide it back because it's merging with geometry good thing we're towards the end Ruki mistake rookie mistake nope just this line there you go then I grab all of that all not some all of that there we go copy that bring that over here there we go put that then right here missed oh I don't have a turn my hidden lines have something snap - there you go and then I got to take that one copy it again come over here paste that nice now we have our half crosses oops put the other half over here I guess I didn't have to put a half I could have put a full one on one side and that would worked just as well but that's still up that still went well Oh sometimes all right get in there now click out a lot of crosses some crosses up here we've got a big like super cross with some smaller crosses below I'm gonna go grab this guy again I'm gonna say that searching for Tower Bridge cross all I'm really finding out is the river that happens to be sitting on which is do you remember it I believe it was pronounced Thames Oh we tried guys we work for like half an hour on that one yeah that's the crab I didn't get it all again just stick this right here and then let's see let's grab all of this this is gonna be that well what'd I just do there we go so this is going to be big I'm gonna scale this up and also make it taller and then I'm gonna make it half as wide as it is I'm going to hide all the lines on this side no I'm not gonna do that because I'm actually just going to just going to cut it in half like I did the other ones because I'm not going to bother because the to the front in the back half again I'm not going to mess with that I'll just put half of it up here grab all those alright and then throw that I'm gonna go by the middle point put that right here is this a lot of crosses I don't this Ram my crosses but it's a lot o didn't didn't quite make it all right there we go and there are some crosses over here too so I'll grab all this nope not quite that much copy that pop in here do a little cleanup once I get this in here but all right miss La Crosse's I've never drawn crosses for 10 minutes before that's first safe to say Chris pursue the bridge oh good I have to think I seen you think when I went to London we went to anybody who's still on in the UK if you go to the London Bridge you can see the Tower Bridge from there is that right isn't that just like the next bridge or two up the Thames because I remember I saw this I didn't actually go on it but I saw it like it looked like this from where I was maybe like that so it's a cool looking bridge for sure but can he get to go stand on it ah we made we made great and British great alright so you know sometimes as you proceed through your week you start and everything's just you're nailing it Monday morning and then you get to like Thursday and all of a sudden something you've been doing your entire life like speaking in your native language starts to become difficult that's my week this week I don't know what it was but I don't fight used it up I just I speak more than normal Jodi Jodi has Jodi has it's actually funny if I turn this way this is how Joey and I actually sit in our cubicles he's right there so lucky guy gets to listen to me well I didn't you signed up for more he's in here now I don't know what's weird is how much you just talk while you're modeling even when nobody's watching yes they practiced yeah that's probably true just sitting in my guys talking to modeling Vincent Oh Reagan saying he thinks that those crosses are gothic finals I think that's I say video finials and not so much cross looking it's possible anything is possible I don't know I was I was modeling off of some less-than-perfect oh look at that Wow I really should put that kind of detail in there yeah this is what this is what box was saying about getting a nice so yes absolutely now that you with just I don't know box still on or not he's saying so I have my have the two pieces coming in and then put a five ark segment between the two with five ark segment asurs is if you're coming in from both sides that the middle segment of the Ark will be perpendicular to the ground so you'll still have the two pieces come together like that so this was this was a great idea this is what he should have what I should have done so yeah that that would have been that would been great because that would have got me ass much smoother solution but I just covered mine up so I still feel pretty good about that okay well I kind of feel like we're there like we're we're not we're nothing's moving forward at this point it's all just spinning silently so this right here folks is what we got for Tower Bridge hopefully you guys enjoyed that and I'm really hoping everybody to learned something I did well hey and Jodi's like hates learning so if we snuck something in there big win the rivers in the UK tightest the Thames as they call it yeah so there we go that was pretty cool I really I like it's it's fun to model this kind of stuff but every time we get into something that has this level of detail I I called this out before I just want to get in and like yeah just do a close-up of just this and model that so one of the things that's actually on our list is modeling a Gothic column with all the details and all the cool stuff all the filigree or whatever they got up there still none Architects still in other words but you know all those little pieces and actually go into town of just like a single column and getting a ton of detail into it so that's actually on the list that'll happen at some point in the future but I feel pretty good when we go in to do something like this the getting a fair representation of that model in just a couple hours I still I feel like that turned out pretty cool I like I like what we came up with it by the end so hopefully you guys enjoyed that as well and I said learned a little something somewhere maybe there's a sabia mouse-click or something like that with with something we did but most of all just just thank you for coming by and I appreciate you guys spend a Friday with us if you do have more ideas for models as I said we we love getting those we're trying to do as long as we keep getting ideas from you guys we'll just keep making them you know the it's only we all like to fill in the gaps if we don't have enough ideas for content so if you guys do have an idea go ahead leave it in the chat right now we're gonna wrap up I will will stop streaming at this point but I will leave the chat running for about five or ten minutes so you guys can type as they come to you the next few minutes otherwise if that's it then I want to say thank you very much Jody it was great to be here it was a lot of fun and thank you guys for hanging out thank you for doing this this was a blast and we will see you next week when we model something I'm gonna try to get better at knowing what happens next week this week because that I can tell you guys and you can decide how excited you are to come back and come back regardless of what it is that's my plan so thank you very much we will see you guys next time bye everybody you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 11,973
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model
Id: TUDC_Gjn9Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 46sec (12166 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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