Modeling The Burrow from Harry Potter Live in SketchUp

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hey guys happy Friday hope everybody's having a good day out there hello hello hello hello and hello to everybody who already commented hello Puerto Rico hello baby Yoda I'm sorry Mario we will not be doing baby out of this week doesn't mean not on the list just means not yet hello Germany Pascal god it's great to hear that you got addicted to something as healthy as modelling and Sketchup that's of all the things out there you could get addicted to I firmly believe that's the best one hello hola I hope everybody's having a good Friday it's uh I'm glad to have made it here I'm not that there's a chance I wouldn't make it here but I'm glad it's Friday that's that's kind of what I'm trying to say hello Austria and Australia ooh I think I mispronounced Australia as Austria just now but then the next comment came in was hello from Austria so you saved me Thomas and I'm sorry will from Utah hungry welcome back gam Borg over on Twitch holdin it down gambler you got to get more buddies over there on twitch because you are one of two people watching on twitch right now YouTube and Facebook a twitch solidly beat by like 20 times Norway how's it going I were to give everybody one more minute to get signed in and we will get in here and start modeling the Boro not the donkey I did you know I say that jokingly game work but I think I did see you post somewhere about watching this live stream so that's that's pretty cool Hungary Russia Canada there it is our little our Sketchup UN happening again alright welcome back everybody welcome to Friday afternoons of Sketchup our FAS Club yeah with me today as is is getting to be a normal thing is Casey welcome Casey I'm glad to be here again it is I mean this is the best way to end the week right absolutely I mean short of a day off I don't know I'm going to take this over day off because I find if I take Friday off it means I'm either traveling or I've got other stuff to do that is not nearly as fun as hanging out here so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'd rather hang out with you guys than have the day off of work that's commitment I almost let that sink in for a second we'll sit here and just stare at you okay that's not for that let's do some stuff so welcome if you haven't been here before thanks for joining us if you have been here thanks for coming back we are gonna have a fun day today because we're going to model something it's an architectural model but unlike most architectural models there's not a whole lot of straight lines in it so the borough which is the Weasleys homestead from the Harry Potter movies is a very cool looking building and it's going to be a lot of fun to get into before we dive in though couple notes as usual just to to point out one is I did create a topic on our forum if you go to forums at Sketchup comm live modeling the Boro from Harry Potter if we get to a point where you guys want to get me a picture get me something like that go ahead put it on here this is nice because I actually have this on the second monitor which is over there you can't see it so I'll see if notes come in over there files come in but I also have it open here so I can actually you grab file and pull it in or something like that the other thing yeah that's right Chris called it out when I have a day off I get bored yeah cuz I really got nothing going on you guys are all I have this is it this is all I got I don't want to state it quite like that that sounds pretty sad Chris I got other stuff I could do too but this is more fun all right I want to do a quick shout out because I like to do every once a while not everyone is well pretty regularly we see some cool stuff being done with Sketchup and a lot of times we put it on social or we do different ways of calling that out but this is my opportunity is something that I personally really liked and I this came up I had a co-worker send it to me and I just had to share this cuz it was so cool this is on our forum the locomotive for 75 point one noble woman with tender 3d printed by Mickey Mouse that's actually his name and his user name is mi ki and aus so kind of funny uh we call Bros perhaps I'm probably saying his name wrong but this is the man this this is the guy I don't actually know if there's a picture you never know on line so I'm referring to this as a guy because he has a picture as his avatar but maybe that's not true so anyhow Mickey Mouse posted this image which is just it is so awesome this is so this super highly detailed train right here was 3d printed he put 3d printed the whole thing from a Sketchup model so he went into Sketchup dialed in every single part in the model as a solid 3d printed them all assembled every bit of it so it's so here you see actually talks about his time 200 hours of drafting in 300 hours of 3d printing more than 300 parts at 125 125 scale and there's a there's a couple more pictures down here just awesome just an awesome awesome model so I had to give props to Mickey Mouse cuz man that is super cool I'm not even I'm not a trained guy by any means I know some people get into training model trains I like miniature stuff but train something never personally got it into but this this model of me has this model here just beautifully the detail on there super cool cool good job great job if you're on thumbs up to you raise your hand so we can high-five you if you see this later good job then if you never see it still good job but yeah just had to do a shout out because that was a really cool model and it turned into a pretty amazing print that's gorgeous man it's incredible I mean I wouldn't know where to start with some and 200 hours I mean I've done big models before I don't not all of my work can be fit into three hours just so you guys know I do occasionally do stuff bigger or smaller than that and I've done some big models the Millennium Falcon was the recently the biggest one that I did over the span of many months I don't know how many hours it was but man 200 hours takes commitment I'm wondering if he got into about 150 hours and like started questioning if it was really worth that last 50 hours I ended up with something amazing it's just beautiful and then 300 hours of printing that's that's dedication right there I mean granted a lot of times when you print you hit print and walk away and come back but still that's a lot of filament that's a lot of printer time that's like I said yeah that is that's commitment to a project there all right so having said all that let's hop in let's get the Burrow done and I should I should point this out I did this oh this came across this was actually a suggestion we had last week and we actually have had this suggestion before last week as well so this this is a recommendation that the people have sent in a couple times and we're getting to it so we'd like to do the things you guys say they don't always happen right away but this is a cool one that that people suggested we decide we would do it but I have been saying Burroughs and my daughter who's 14 and is read every Harry Potter book twice I think I've been a third time through with the series she corrected me with a scowl it's burrow so if I slip and say Burroughs please forgive me as to my daughter and to all you guys I will try not to do that all right so I do have a couple well I have really I have one reference image that I'm going to use for this I'm having a 3d mouse issue here there we go so I'm going to take let me take a look at that real quick that's so I downloaded this plan and this is kind of the reason I'm doing it is because of this plan and I have to give full props to Matt Donnally at master Sketchup calm because I actually saw he did a video using this image to talk about setting up reference images in Sketchup so what he did was and and we have we have videos on this to where I go in and take an image like this and clip it down inside a Sketchup and set up a reference cage with the four sides around so I did I did want to this is absolutely something that Matt did he did he did I don't think his video didn't go into the actual modeling there's more just how to use this to set up a reference so you can see gonna look at the different images as you move through the model very cool awesome video I don't know if Casey can find it maybe we can can link to it I put Casey on the spot that he wasn't expecting it to go look for that but Master Sketchup did that and very cool so I didn't want to not give him credit for that because he did a good job so this is what we're gonna do so I this is what I saying this is what sold me on this doing this model is because of this image right here because we have all four sides of this building if we're doing this from like just a source image it would be rough because you can see there's so much stuff on here like this almost on plane it's slightly askew same thing here just slightly going back the other way so everything is just there are some horizontal planes like right across here this one goes all the way flat across this doesn't the roof doesn't the ground doesn't either you can see how it actually steps here so it's gonna be it's gonna be fun we're gonna make I plan to make an enormous mess I don't at what I didn't I didn't bother going in and getting pictures of all the finish and that kind of stuff because I assumed in a couple hours we'll get the initial geometry and here start modeling some detail but I didn't get too concerned about like getting photos to project or worry too much more about textures on this one because I think in a couple hours we're gonna get just the a good set of solid geometry I will take this and of course I will post it and you guys can be in charge of putting materials on here because I share that's what I do alright so I did this got a little bit dark so I actually opened it up in in Photoshop and tried to it make a little bit brighter but I don't know because this is a photo of the image of the plans it just got so dark over here as having a hard time cleaning it up but I don't think that'll that'll matter too much I'm not going for architectural precision we're not going to model this to 1/16 of an inch there are a couple of reference images here 50 foot to the top so we'll try to do this in approximate right size but I'm not too terribly worried about getting it perfectly dialed in so with that we'll go ahead and hop in here I've said this before I do like Harry Potter but I never really been bit the way some people have so you guys throw some some deep Harry Potter references at me you'll have to forgive me if I sound like somebody's grandpa or something and I'm like oh yeah that's a that's a good idea time Turner huh or whatever that thing was called see I already already screwed up I should just shut up I'm sorry all right I'm gonna start by importing so we're just gonna go in here let's get that file in here and I was gonna grab the original and the unadjusted and I'm gonna throw it in here scale it up somewhat all right and one of the things you do if you're going to use images as references a good thing to do is always check your preferences preferences under Sketchup on Mac it's under the windows drop-down on windows and go to OpenGL and make sure use maximum texture size is turned on if I don't know if Dave is here but Dave would point out that I should use image splitter because what it will do is actually take big images and scale them up into higher res chunks as it imports which i think is an awesome sounding thing and I think it's totally something I should do but I keep not doing it maybe that'll be my goal for this year I'm a Satan for I'm going to commit what do we got like 200 some people I'm saying to all of you I'm gonna use image splitter in the year 2020 so come back around and December make sure that's happened kay guys I'll put that on the calendar now the the stream that happens on the 20th of December will be Arin using the image splitter okay so what I want to do in here I'm not well let's see let's see how straight stuff is first I'm going to come in here to this dimension I'm gonna pull this down okay so I can already see I'm not very close to straight let's check the ground plane closer alright so what I'm gonna do is what's more important probably the ground is more important so I'm gonna click right here and I'm gonna draw a line like that and now I'm gonna grab just the image I'm gonna go into rotate come down to this end and pull that line up to that line you can see even there so I'm on line here you can see how that line kind of bows down a little bit so we don't have a perfectly orthogonal image so this this like I said this is obviously a picture that was taken of paper so the paper is warping a little bit or moving so it doesn't quite it's aligned to AXYZ properly so like this right here if I bring this up that's not going to be on axes no matter what I do so I could if it was real important so one of the things about the borough or the Weasley house is that it's not straight it's not perfect it's not great so I can use it to my advantage and not stress about that too much if you really wanted to have it right you there are you can use tools like Photoshop or some other image tweaking software to get that stuff lined up better but I'm not gonna worry about it what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take all this I'm going to make a group I'm gonna go into that group I've done this a few dozen times now put a line from here to here a dimension and I'm gonna tell it that is 50 feet you want to reset the size of group yes I do all right and now I can get rid of these and actually explode that group all right so now I have this image now what I want to do there's a couple different ways I could go so I'm gonna I'm going to kind of talk about here we can use a mark as reference right now - lets go we set mark right up here he's facing me on the other side hey Mark yeah looks about about the right size right right right mark all right so what we're gonna do is similar to what Matt Donnally did in his video is set up what I would call a reference image cage so we're gonna actually create a bunch we're gonna split this image into a bunch of images and wrap them around our space so we can actually look at from any given angle what it should look like so I'm gonna do that by first I'm going to explode this when you first pull an image into Sketchup its it is kind of in a group it has a surface and edges around it with the image on as basically as a texture map but it's it's locked it's not a normal group or component it's something special but if you want to edit it you do have to explode it so they're what while it's exploded now it's just a regular image with the texture on there so I can come in here I can grab this line and pull it over like this I'll grab this line and pull it up to here all right like that and now I'm gonna grab that and make it a group and I'm going to take that and I'm gonna move it over did I do something off I did I'm rotated something's not on axes hold on one moment please this looks like it's just off no oh it's this way whoops I had no idea how I did that all right so is this vertical now okay it's too early undo undo lay it back down oh of course sorry stuff got done for a second there I rotated this whole thing so the rectangle is not on plane anymore I rotated to get that flat ground plane so that's how it's gonna be huh Friday all right let's put that back up I want to redo all these things all right so to get a flat rectangle I'm just gonna come on to the surface and I'm gonna draw a rectangle like that and get rid of everything outside of this there you go all right and I'll take that and I'll put that in the corner right here now I see Dave Richards is here he comes in says hi and then what's his first question did you use large image splitter no Dave but I did make a resolution that I'll I'm sure you'll be happy to hold me to and I said in the year 2020 I'm gonna use large image splitter I'm realizing this is the perfect opportunity to do it and I realized it when I sit down here and you know my policy on learning how to use extensions for the first time live it doesn't work out well for anybody so so I will I will be back I will use it I promise but it will probably be later at some point in the next calendar year all right so I made a copy once and I'm going to type 3x because I want 3 copies and what I'm gonna do now is with each one of these these are each groups a double click in here I'm going to right click and I'm a safe position texture and I'm going to hmm you know what as I'm doing this I'm thinking I'm not gonna do it this way that would work but what I really want to do is I want to keep everything in line horizontally and using there's no snaps in the image or maybe there is if somebody knows a way to use image texture to snap what I'll do instead is I'll come in here into the group grab this slide it over like this grab this slide over like this and there we go I got the next next piece and then I can just do that for all three sides so I'll take this this option copy and then I can come into this one move this line over to this side this line or to this side and it's basically recreating a plan I didn't come back into this one we go right in the middle that bubble not because I have to but because LCDs real and slide that over and then one more time this is not precision I'm totally just kind of winging this but my the important part is that I get one side of the house on each page so let's go over like this right about middle all right so now I have my four pieces that I want to use as reference so what I'll do with that is take it by Joseph take that and rotate it 90 degrees grab these ones rotate right here rotate 90 degrees and rotate this one again how close might be to being like so that's about my reference images so there's a couple ways just talking about how to set this up there's a couple ways you can go about this and like I said Matt Donnally did this and had some different ways to do it you could set the visibility of each of these planes onto a separate layer and then assign scenes to it so you jump to looking to here jump to looking to here to line up this stuff that would absolutely work you could set up section planes so I could set up a view here at the section plane here turn one here so I'm always looking into the cube there are tricks you can do like setting the back face of a surface to clear so you can see through that's okay the downside about that is if something's see-through you can still select it so that doesn't work real well for actually modeling so much as showing what I'm gonna do for mine this is just my preference is I'm going to grab this lump this one right here and I'm gonna shift it back 50 feet 50 inches 50 feet whatever whatever it takes grab this one right here go this way 50 feet I have this one right here 50 feet and one more time right here 50 feet so I think that's going to give me enough space to come in here and model we'll see though we'll see how this works all right you know what I should do now starts with s and rhymes with shave I'm gonna guess you're gonna save could call Casey nailed it in the first try all right I'm gonna save this as brought I put an S on it see burrow okay so one of the things I didn't do as I as I moved all this stuff around is JDC AMC nailed it starts with s rhymes with shave he said swim yo one of the things I want to do is I want to take this and I do have to line up my pieces horizontally so they're on the right face but they don't align to anything so I need to find some geometry that I can go to all four sides and what I'm thinking is as rickety and all over the place as the borough is this chimney is straight up and down so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put a rectangle right here and I'm gonna pull that shape out to this face right here now I can take that ooh this is interesting maybe it's not swell mm-hmm all right so my ground planes right here go straight across hmm there's a significant discrepancy right here hold up let me pull this image back up huh that's not not quite flat all right now we're in real world where architectural aren't perfect it happens sorry I mean to ruin that for anybody Chad says it might be because of this distortion of the photo that God took yeah that's kinda what I'm thinking is that it could be something along those lines so there's a couple things you could do here the ground plane is close to lining up again remember there is that distortion so maybe I will check something else Mabel go like this oh man nothing just just line up this thing we're nothing straight what else can I see from both sides how about this roof right here all right so I'm going to put a rectangle right here indicating this roof and then I can pull that across to here just to check the vertical so ya see that vertical is significantly different so right here it's about ten foot difference right no 10 inch here's about 8 inch difference so I do think it's just scaled a little off so I might just grab scale and see what happens if I slide this down yeah like that if I if I scale it down it's so closely that it's between 98 and 99 percent so I'm gonna say point nine eight point five nine eight five oh alright try one more time Oh point nine eight five point nine eight point five oh all right so that's that's very good alright so now I'm going to take that image and I'm gonna line it up as best I can this way alright so that's pretty close that gets me some line up pretty well I'm gonna do the same thing over here I'm gonna start with this block right here for the top of the chimney like I said that's kind of the piece that I see on both pieces and I'll take that slide it over man same thing take that so I have to do the same thing over here let's see if it's the same if I scale that down 0.985 all right so we're close all right so we're relatively close with our geometry good enough for what I need to do right now so I was thinking of different ways to do this oh yeah maybe it had something to do with rotating I don't know I say we're good enough nope no Dave much method this time we're modeling this to full-size so what I really wanted to do with this is do like full-on like conceptually modeling this thing so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to model this initially as a set of separate groups so I'm going to make one piece and then model another piece by putting in groups I'm going to be able to maintain the axes for that chunk of geometry so when I have a piece like this one that's just slightly off I'll be able to draw like this window in plane with this because I'll be able take my axes and move my axes over to rather than having to reference everything all the time so I'm gonna see how that works I don't know like I said I'm 100% sure how this is all going to turn out which is uh it's all part that's all part of the fun all right so first thing I'm thinking about drawing is this ground plane cuz I got it I got to have something to start with so if I look at it on this side it goes down to zero no that's on this side it goes down to zero and on this side it kind of goes like that so let's see let's pull this out this way and this way I don't know what I'm doing right now full transparency alright so this one I go okay so that comes angles all the way up to alright so if we were drawing this plane this would push back to right here this plane goes higher so this would push back to there this is going to push back to there and one more this is going to push back to where's my ground oh there it is right there all right so that is the rectangle that I want to see something along those lines I'm gonna use that okay I'm not a hundred percent sure how to emulate the twist enos of what's going on here so I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a little things could get a little weird right now so this side it looks like goes like that that goes from the tall side down this side over here actually goes up a little bit high so if I take this along the green axes see that actually goes up to there I promise we won't spend the whole time just drawing the foundation some of the actual blocks of the house are a lot easier than this so that actually goes up high so that's going to come up or like that and I think that's normal and then it has a little flat section right here and take that across I want the red axes till here so this looks something like that and then this goes up like that which means this side is high - yep so this side goes across so what I can do right now is from back here I can actually hold down shift to hold on the green axes then use the reference image to say it's flat to here and then again I have a flat section from here to here something like that so that's going to come up like that and then over here say that goes to the corner and one more side this looks like a just a nice gentle curve all the way Oh keeping it simple for me thank you Thank You Hollywood all right so we get rid of this and then I just want to kind of start tying this geometry together maybe something like that the problem with trying to do something like this is it's meant to be using magic as part of its architecture which is not a native function in Sketchup alas it's true believe this this is this is very magical there we go i landscaped okay so I'm gonna grab that and make that triple click and make that my first group and yeah I could have actually Dave Dave points out I could have used Auto fold I could I kept my solid there drawing my breaking lines in and used Auto fold to move the lines that would have worked also I did a little squirt shirt there deleted everything and then just put that up that would that would absolutely would worked okay so what I want now is I want something akin to a rectangle so I'm gonna start with this right here let take that rectangle now and I'm going to move it out to that line right there and I'm gonna push pull it across to that line right there note that the deck would go far enough across there so that's going to push pull too right there all right so that's an initial set up for this box on the bottom I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with some basic geometry first and then kind of work some of these distortions in as I work my way up I think I want to get my initial massing in here first so I'm gonna pull this up symmetrical to start with just how big is that roughly two and a half feet give or take come this way go up this way so that is where I should take this an offset to in order to get a block in the middle that's about two and a half feet and then I can that wasn't quite right won't scale from the center we've got a little bit bigger and I'm just gonna connect the corners together again right now all but I got to overhang so actually before I do that I'm gonna offset this out to just you know like there and then I'll pull this vertically up to not much I just I just need a little bit of something a little bit of depth there something like that okay cool I don't want this to be this is not going to be buildable we've already talked about that but well I had try have a little bit of reality in this magic house all right someone take this now I'm just going to move it vertically and again use one of my pictures as reference I want to bring it up to about that height cool and I'm going to push pull this I'm just gonna arbitrarily pull it up because it's going to bury itself into the next mass so I can pull it back and clean it up we can make this try make this all one solid by the time we're done but for right now this is my first block of the house I'm gonna grab all that make it a group and then I'm gonna save it's always a good coal if you take away nothing else save save often save even more often all right so there's gonna be details on there so we got this little this will pop out here a little shed roof here that'll all happen but I'm gonna keep working my way up this building alright so right here we have an interesting situation because I got a line going this way first thing I'm curious of is that this line is parallel to that line yeah it more or less is okay so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw again just a reference box over here and run that long and then I'm gonna pull this one up parallel like that I'm gonna hear so I want that to go through right about here I'm gonna push pull that drag it to right here yeah so that is a pretty narrow gap there that's that looks like what we got going here that's cool and then the face of that box it's gonna push pull back too I need to put a reference so push-pull is kind of interesting because it doesn't you may have have already hit this it doesn't snap the same as everything else stuff doesn't quite always so I can't I can't snap onto the image for some reason so that's why I've been doing this where I'll just click and draw a line across the axes then when I push pull I can just snap to that line like that alright so there we go that's that block sticking out I do want to think for just a second I know that's never it's never a good sign because what I'm thinking about is if this face is right here I'm building this inverted right that makes sense so so if I look at this if I look here I should be modeling this if I look here I should be modeling this looking here should modeled this looking here should model this right is that right is that is that correct it looks right to me just a quick visual inspection I'm worried that I'm modeling it like inverted so if I look at it here I'm seeing this so this face is modeled right here same thing here this face is mall right here I feel good about that this piece would come out right here for some reason looking at it this way I'm a little confused like I think I have this backwards these two need to flip this way right is that what I'm seeing no chat says yes no and maybe thanks guys so it's either I'm right or I'm wrong or no this is this is correct yes so on this side is where this chunk is going to come up like this so that is looking at this so it is backwards but it's okay cuz it's still gonna get me the correct thing I think my concern is the tilt the lean is that going to be they were a cage I took the same picture and I went like this around the original box so I'm kind of feeling like the image these two are need to go backwards you know what actually I can I just go here alright so I took it and I took this image so as you see it on your screen I took this image and I got this one and I folded it this way and it went around like that that was wrong I did that incorrectly it should have folded the other way so yes these two pictures are backwards sometimes I just get so excited to model you guys I just so the question is I can't just flip them I actually have to spin them so if I I don't even work never stopped me from doing something before though huh I do that no that's wrong because this right here oh no that's right so as I look at it if I look at it this way oh man tell you what said this before but some Fridays are just a little more Friday than other Fridays oh absolutely all right so I'm gonna do something like all right I just want to pull this through right here oh dang that was close I go all the way through like that though back here this actually comes out to here and hold this in here so now I have reference now I have an indicator on this side so as I look at this yes I'm seeing this as I'm looking at this I'm seeing this which is now reversed because I spun it around if I'm looking at this I see this mass on this side and this coming out this side okay that will not be the first time or the last time my excitement to model things has potentially put everything I'm trying to do in danger all right yeah so I I set my cage up so they're readable from the inside so as being readable from the inside what I actually created JDC am see I don't there's probably way too pronounced that is pointing out that what you'd really want is if I looked at the outside the names readable from here would show what I'm looking at what I was actually creating with something thinking this where if I turned on x-ray and then I put my camera to parallel projection I could actually so if I go Oh grab and Alla grab this do I have a service yeah or if I looked at it straight on like this I would be looking at the same thing that was actually kind of my my intention there so not to look at it from the outside and have that all lined up it doesn't really matter either way would actually work you just have to make sure you pull the imagery from the proper side which was that was my whole problem is that was not what I was doing I was doing something different than that all right so this thing right here I'm gonna take I'm gonna make it a group right now and I'm just gonna come in here I'm gonna flip along the red axis no flip a log man again law of averages says I should get that right occasionally so if I look at this I'm looking at that surface this is what should see I should see here all right cool all right so I can go a little further with this piece because right here it looks like these walls continue on through so I'm gonna come here and I'm going to pick a point right here and pull that across to there like that hey what are the odds of that I don't think I actually hit the surface but I came pretty close all right so I'm gonna say that right here straight across or a taxis pull it across Green axes because it does look like a in most places other than the ground the floor is fairly flat so assume that wizards despite using magic do like to have their feet on flat ground all right so I'm going to go in context take this line over on the red axes draw a line straight across the cut and pull that out to this snapping point right so now I got that thing going on I'm gonna put the roof on it right now because I want to that's why I've got to do that all right so I'm gonna grab not all of it I'm just gonna grab these three sides and do an offset to give me a little bit of an overhang again I'm not not stressing out too much about those details and pull that up to give myself a little bit of depth and then what I'm gonna do right now this is that's kind of cool all right so this does look like a symmetric yeah Dave's pointing out that I should probably look at the plan view as well is that is that a hint that I should do that as in I did something wrong already or is that it might help me out kind of thing I believe either case alright let's let's do this real quick let's pull this over so if we look at the section cuts oh man this is angled to nothing straight in this building that's what I signed up for though I guess that's how it's gonna be interesting I changed my mind I want to model a modern townhome no this is actually a higher higher section that goes above because I think what I'm looking at right now yeah see this is the roof so this is this roof up here this is the section I'm working on right now so it does it is move to the side but the nice thing is if I look at this so I'm using this is my little guiding point that a little entryway roof that's right here in the front and this needs to now turn this way I'm still gonna put the roof on first and then yeah what will I do so what we're looking at here I thought this was two stacked roofs this is actually the roof line twisting back so look at this this this face right here is still correct this right here is right and then what happens is as it goes back this way it goes back to is that vertical let's see let's check right here that is wood that makes it significantly easier so as I come back here I actually end up with a vertical plane running down like that I'm gonna come bring that out like this I'll just draw the whole plane just for for fun so what's going to happen is it starts out here that's pretty close so I'm gonna say something all right I'm gonna explode this I'm gonna work try to work in my main context for everything I can so I'm gonna get rid of that I'll add the roof on top afterwards it's still gonna be a flat surface on the roof so not to really worry about trying to maintain that it's actually making more work and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to say this comes straight up like this like that and I'm gonna mirror that using that reference that inference to this line right here come through like that and push that straight no I can't push it straight down because it's not going to be a straight plane it's straight on the end but it's not straight all the way down so I draw a straight line down here just for right now I'm going to do this all right so what I need to do now is back here I gotta go parallel to this line come back so that face is right now I can come to this line right here and I can go parallel to that line and take that you're ready to do hide that I grab that line and go parallel down to here oops quick it there go this line third tried sometimes the fourth tries a charm all right and then doing some subtractive sculpting right now cut in chunks off we all right then this piece goes across there that that's no it doesn't what happens here what it's happening all right so this was to continue down straight down came across that would meet like that oh but this is where the okay I'm trying to make stuff I'm trying to make stuff square I apologize things aren't square all right so what we got here I'm gonna use a command that I almost never use because I never really seem to have a good reason to do it and that is the rotated rectangle I'm gonna create it is a it is a parallelogram you're right so this side is straight this is what we got right now this side is flat that's awesome this side is tilted this way we've maintained that this side over here again square I feel good enough with this to leave this like this this side right here though actually tilts out so what happens is it goes from here to here like that so I have to maintain that face along yeah just bigger so I did was by putting that cutting plane down there I got or by drawing that line there I got a surface and then I just snapped a rectangle to it so now should be able to note that that line was not on that's if we go to this point right here and go parallel ah parallel to this line draw the burro it'll be fun we could time enjoy ourselves is that right no that's parallel again no is it this is nine nine the course is ninety nine a quarter if I look at her from the front okay I kind of buy that right no I don't buy that no it's not what everything I believed was a lie because this line here what about that plane with that plane work it out for us no that's the same plane I'm already on okay if I come straight down I don't know what I'm doing it all anymore all it's all just a horrible horrible mess okay so that plane is gonna come out this way I need to do this piecemeal I'm trying to do everything at once so I'm gonna come up I'm gonna draw an extension on this plane right here so that is the end but what happens is because it twists this is what I got to figure out in my brain I can't just take that straight down I have to do something more like make a group and then take this corner turn towards that corner and then Oh came to learn something I feel for you so yeah exactly that line goes over there and that line goes here out to a thing all right this is why 3d visualization is so important I think I have a couple of the issues of running into sorted that's there this line right here is all the way in here that's okay all right this is my problem I'm trying to get back to this original point which I have which I don't really know where that is so that is what's going to come down here so then I'm going to continue this line straight down just so I can get a box I'll come back and cut that in from the other side after I get the rest of this stuff sorted there we go so that is the twist that happens in that face something along those lines I mean that's that's not the cut I'll leave but that is kind of what I think is happening there some days it's just easier to brain than other days I cut it this way it bulges out but I don't think I can get a single plane across all four points like that I do have this point as being variable though so I could pull that out more but I don't think that's gonna that's not the stuff that's not what I'm looking for so if I was to erase that face that's pretty obviously not not perfect just curious what that ends up looking like okay that kind of gets the twist I'm looking for I go parallel to this I'm afraid if I follow that like if I try to make an actual like parallelogram rectangle kind of shape I think it's going to be so far out yeah I see that I lost I lost that this vertical place where it cuts back that's that's a little too extreme okay I dunno so what I want to do is yeah I've gone too far Greg's got me all figured out I've I've gone too far I'm trying to think of how to get a pleasant single surface across there without bringing this out because I know where this is where this point is I feel like this point all this points in the wrong spot too I think that's because this should be no when I spun those two images I didn't realize auras on aliso everything I'm doing is like nothing and none of it matters so if I got this point right here and I moved this image oh I guess it wasn't that far off after all all right never mind forget everything I said everything is actually bad all right so if I grab this point alright so there that goes really is try and get this wireframe sorted and then it connecting it back up with faces afterwards it's gonna be kind of this is where I say something done that gets me in trouble I want to say that'll be arbitrary but nothing has been so far I'm going to take this I'm gonna follow that face down to here we should go back and look on Don chat and see who was it came up with this idea to do this all right I'm feeling better I'm feeling better now I'm we're coming back we're coming back round this is gonna be good this is going to be solid stuff all right so there is that side now over here on this side again I don't know what there's a we can't make that an in-plane because it actually does it rotates out of plane so what I can do is something like this I could actually lock this together that may actually be the best way to do this because I want a gradual thing there to get that twist because I think that's what we're what we're missing in this so if I look at it from above that top piece is what that looks like this gets me this view right here it's also giving my side views but that actually does twist that's something that's twisting geometry like that's hard to show in a plan I don't think if I come look through any of my sections yeah I'm seeing the foundation this is a high higher level this is the roof I think this is that that change in footprint right there so I'm not I'm not seeing that gradual so I'm going to try this yeah Nathan I was thinking that but it doesn't look that way the left and the right are different because I think well I'll go to shot so close yeah but it doesn't twist back to vertical see right here this roof is running back because it ends up vertical right here so this is cool because I get to try some stuff so I'm gonna grab these four lines and I'll try just lofting this thing real quick give me a real simple loft but I'll go in here Fredo six I will grab a curved loft and just loft this thing No here look at RIT is see what that looks like yeah I don't like that at all chat suggests writing this one down for the shootout Burroughs you have four hours go burrow sorry I did it again all right let me try grabbing these three lines and loft based on that I think that's good I think hmm that's weird yeah only this one real quick okay at that it's not perfect but I'm gonna take it I'm going to explode that and we're gonna move forward okay so back to I was doing on the roof half an hour ago take these three lines I'm going to offset those to get my overhang lines and then I will just whoops I'll just push pull that up just give myself a little bit of something just like I did before and then come up here kill that off here that no extra geometry where I can help it and then this is where it's gonna get funky because I'm gonna draw a line from midpoint to midpoint and then what is this dimension 5 4 and 1/8 so I'm going to come bring a line up here five foot four and one-eighth and then from that point I'm gonna draw a line back here and back here I'm gonna get twisted geometry here also but now I'm going to give me my Ridge point grab this line move it vertically up to here because that's twisted I'm not getting a single plane here I'm actually getting two planes about to come back and smooth that but there we go that is a very twisted roof right there and command s Thank You Toby thank you I'm sorry I can't read you're near Carson called out stitching on this side and I don't know if you're saying that because you know me or if that is the way you would have gone to but I that was my first thought was to break the top on the bottom him to ten pieces and just go like that and then soften the whole thing that was my that was my knee-jerk response but this this turned out pretty cool all right so we do have I don't know if you guys remember but we do have this cutout to deal with because wizard architects just can't keep anything simple and that this is where those two cuts are it's not gonna be as simple as push pulling of course because I have no perpendicular no perpendicular lines anywhere so I'm gonna do is I'm going to use these two lines come out here like this and I'm going to draw a rectangle between those two points and that should be that's my that's where everything should cut I could have made solids but this is so small and simple that my my initial thought is just to do that grab these right here reverse their faces then grab all of this intersect face with selection and then delete delete just clean that out a little bit something along those lines of course you know as always there is so many different ways we could have done that but that is the way I did do that I don't know what's happening right here alright so there we go that's that thing grab that make that into a group let's go unhide everything alright so we're working our way up that's looking it's really looking like something alright so over here we have another Tower coming up which is also not straight oh boy surprised this tower looks like kind of butts up against this tower so let's take a look at how that works out so it looks like I have a beam right here I think that's this beam right here and see in this view how I have it turned like that that means this face is not actually flat to me that is actually turned away so I've learned from the last one to pay attention things like these so I will actually want to make sure that when I pull this out I get it first off turned back the way it's supposed to away from flat so the same thing here I can see that face turn back this way it looks like then that has a little bit of a skew this way so it's not square again it sits at some weird angle so let's let's let's do something I'm going to start my something with some lines I can see right here you can actually see right here that it does the same thing where it twists back to maybe vertical over here so I'm going to start with that face like that pull that through so now there's two spots and pull it through this far side is going to come through this far and then the other side is going to stop right here so if I take that back to here and then it's the best way to do this because I could rotate it I think I'll probably try to start with this so see if this works so I can just draw these lines this seems the simplest wakes I'm going to get the least deformation I'd love rotate I use it a lot but rotating is guaranteeing stuff's going to get deformed all right so that is something I'm gonna take that mass and I'm gonna have it stop at this face right here for now part of me wants to just say that's good enough to be done but I know that's not good enough let me look over here again so this is what that looks like can't even keep it simple we got to put a little jog in there too alright so if I look at what I got I flipped around like this alright so that looks pretty good it's like right in about the middle is where that jog is so I'm going to temporarily maybe permanently we'll see actually I should be able to see that on this page right yeah okay there it is right there see that that's where this is the chimney this is where it comes back to the wall so I'm going to come back this way till hungry nine okay let's see the other one that's where I'm at now so that means this one this side is actually gonna come out about there draw start with vertical knowing that I'll probably end up deleting it and redrawing later all right so there we go something like that yeah this comes out bigger on this side it comes almost two in there look at that right there see that I'm actually in plane at some point I having a hard time seeing where these sections are but at some point it looks like these are actually parallel so let's say that was right here oh man I'm gonna be sick so that definitely does come back so I think I want to do something like the heck is this thing I had to get this I gave you this back on the screen what's going on here why do we got why do we have to have that who approved that oh that's a big old deck coming out and that does look like it's parallel to this so we want this to come back and this to be parallel to this face so what would that look like if I just had a parallel face I got a I got a call mat and ask him if this was as painful for him as it seemed to be for me because he modeled it all off screen but this is rough all right so where does that go I'm gonna do is that right notice it doesn't come out far enough alright so I'm gonna say it goes from here to how's that look I should pull a dimension off of here pull a dimension like I say that like it's like a real thing grab a dimension off of this a fairy tale impossible to exist in the real world monstrosity that was pretty close okay so okay so yeah so there something like that I'm going to hide this right now because that flickering is distracting me and this is gonna go like this is anybody buying what I'm what I'm selling right now it's not that same line is it that is all right someone like that that's my my second floor twist yeah somebody asked about having planned some model long if you if you google Harry Potter borough plans there's one image that comes up it comes up like 10 times in the first list on Google so if you guys want to try this I got no pride you you guys come over the bear solution sweet they come in here and let's let's loft this thing again do the same way I did it last time that's something okay stuff is coming together I can pull this back down okay Nathan Edwards buys it and put selling here so we're good we're good all right so this is flat the roof is flat this is flat this is vertical or I mean square to this face and then it slopes out all right whoa all right so here's where we're at the one thing that I feel like oh so this is like sitting on wood or timber as something they call it right down to here so that's that's this gap right here cool we'll deal with that at some point I'm gonna get a roof on here roof roof I've been called out for the way I say that word as well so if you don't like it I apologize I reuse you know what I should actually what I should get on here is the chimney let me just throw Oh so this yeah good thing I just arbitrarily run that thing up there huh okay so something along those lines is what's happening now and now whoa sorry Paul gesture me buddy sick so now I got this deck thing happening right here I'm gonna draw a line for actually here I'm going to draw a rectangle and a cane this is the bottom of the deck so that's gonna it's gonna sit something like that it's going to turn it's gonna be more angled than that but that's how far it's going to come out push this there this line I'm going to make parallel to this line down here go to that uh-huh uh-huh some like that okay yeah I'm talking to myself you know probably that this looks like it dies off into the roof like that it's not parallel of well it actually does look like it's parallel to this so it looks like it is parallel to that one side so it is going to be cocked to the one side like that so I'm gonna take this right here I'll just draw a line right out to that and I can just chop off some of this no I shouldn't do that because that's I'll just push pull this down I don't want to chop anything off yet because I can't guarantee anything that's here is gonna stay oops guess you forgot to group okay I guess this is all part of the same group now it's been officially decided just now yeah that's something to make it alright oh all right so let's make that a group there is our deck actually I don't want that in a group just yet because I want to mess with more things so I can see that this face come back there [Music] it's bothering my sense of just of design that I got this little and I know I know what model I'm working on right now and the idea that it should be designed satisfying whatever but I really want this chimney to fit in here you know but it's straight up doesn't this this is not here so let it go let it go okay so yeah so there's there's the deck right there on top of the roof there we go okay all right so then I've got more or less a hip roof here a full hip so the roof is going to I'm going to temporarily put these lines in here and then I'm going to take these out again get my little overhang there myself a little bit of depth on that overhang and I'm modeling this as though this we're all part of it and then I will chop it off later like this and when you model a real roof like something is going to get built in the real world of course you're gonna be a little more precise in this but for what we're doing this is what this roof does I have to figure out where that goes up to it buries itself in here but if I draw a line like this and draw another line like that I can find this is the point that I should pull up to I was wondering when it was gonna happen we have our first question about your mouse or at least the first one that I've seen it's a 3d space Mouse it's pretty nice it is it's a space Mouse enterprise from a company called 3d connection and I always throw this disclaimer out is absolutely not a requirement you don't have to have a space Mouse to run Sketchup I find that for presentation purposes to show people what I'm doing in Sketchup it's it's a pretty nice option to have so that's why I use it I just posted a link in chat you can check out their website if you're interested in getting one all right so I'm gonna draw this box like that and then I'm gonna grab turn this off real quick hide that grab all that intersect face with selection and now I can get rid of like so this is this is model off of a full peaked roof and that cut actually comes out of all of it like that's what I saw anyhow we've got a question from Facebook what was the tool you used to create the Warped surface so quickly that was curved aloft it is an extension from Fredo six it is available on the sketch ocation website yeah he does incredible work its extensions yeah he's a he's crazy in the best possible way and the stuff that he thinks to add it's just it's awesome and the way he can add it is really interesting too yeah oh man see here's the problem now I'm looking at so many curves now everything looks like it's skewed it turns out this is perfectly planar but I was ready for it to be off at some weird angle I don't trust anything anymore all right so that's going to come out too and the front of the back the front of the back is going to come out to shift here and then it does look like alright so I'm going to do this one a little bit different so this is where it looks like the whole thing kind of racks backwards so I'm gonna grab this surface and I'm going to move it just along the red axis to here it doesn't look like it quite lines up perfectly with that so yeah some little bit off I'm gonna move it there we go and then that has a little pitched roof on there somebody the same thing I'm just take this again I'll set I need a mat I need ad extension to do this gonna be was not there an extension bill that wants to make Aaron's overhang creator we'll just take a surface offset it push pull it up into a solid face like that because I do that anytime I'm drawing any kind of building it seems like I mean I'm sure if you made it it would just be everybody loved it well I would I don't know that all the rest of them would come along at some point okay I'm gonna take this I'm going to do a little bit more detail on this because gonna that's why Oh nothing's simple let's try to push pull what that surface is not parallel to anything of course of course it's not but I think what I might do is just grab this face option copy that slap it over here and then just get rid of this I draw this down the peak it's gonna close that up so that's a solid up there and now all I have to do is select these three lines around the edge move those vertically to where it meets and I'm gonna take this straight up because we'll be the middle point and straight above there all right I think those are the big pieces it's time to start working our way back down with a detail this is a cool little little it's command yes all right it looks like everything's in the right spot all right we've got a question from chat about what tool is placing the four drawings at the two axes and I believe you did that manually just using a import and then the rotate tool that's right move tool of course I am that tool love me a good tool joke yeah that was just manually placed I pulled in an image and I broke the image into four pieces and just manually placed them about the edge it seems like that's one of the things it seems simple enough that I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere made an extension for that I don't know it but it seems like it could exist right okay so this is one of the things that you may like alright you may run into that is and this is one of the reasons that I'm actually modeling specifically the way I am bringing every bringing the current piece out of context is because you lose my reference images when I do that so that's where I'm clicking in to pick each of those so what I'm trying at now is how do I make these pieces that are sticking out that go this way and then I can actually draw a line perpendicular to that like that draw this line parallel to this line and I have this surface I can pull out so I get 90 degree cuts on the end yeah that's easy enough okay so that is this right here and that helps me determine where this roof comes down to this is going to get ugly because what's gonna happen is based on this picture this basically this piece right here has to come down and meet this down here so what I'm gonna do I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna here here's what I'm going to do to start with a draw line like that and line like that that's going to give me a separate surface right here then we use kind of as a sandbox I think what I want to do is have this actually go like that and over here it kind of comes down and then this actually goes up even higher it looks like so where is this point whew that's way up there okay so that means that is where that goes up too all right so that's gonna continue on like that so I'm going to what I want to do is I want to run around the building and create a new Ridgeline and I'm gonna take my existing geometry and use the points to snap to the new Ridgeline I don't want to go in and redraw everything again that's just that's too much work so I want to come out here that'll go there that'll go straight across like that and then see where this one comes up to all right that's that's about the standard so that's what have I done how do I do that was anybody watching me did anybody see what I did okay no I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know we've got a question from someone on Facebook as to what model of knack you're using this is a MacBook Pro 2015 okay and this side comes over and I draw this line and this line I'm going to use a dbo push line to grab that line and bring it straight through on the green axes so those that is where my roof line is going to go to so this line is going to come down like that we push this back here this in line with my fascia that is what's going to run up to here it's going to run across here and on this side I say go back to normal at the top at the bottom at the bottom like that alright and no so these are going to be flat sections this is a flat section over here a little bit of a droop that's obviously not lined up so I'm gonna say come down just just touch like that and then on this side just kind of come back up and then it's flat across okay alright so I'm going to hide this to get out of the way I'm gonna hide this to get out of the way and now I'm going to come in here so this is flat this is flat I'll push this back up oops just back up here and now I'm going to turn on sorry I don't that was a lot of not talking and just clicking things I apologize but I had to get some reference lines in there so I knew what I was going to do next I still don't really know what I'm gonna do next but a thing is gonna happen and stuff is going to I don't something's gonna something well that's for sure alright so there's a line alright so what I'm thinking is this section right here this this needs to come down I think what I'm gonna do I don't know how does it turn out I'm gonna break my face like that and now I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna drop it straight down the vertical and bring it down to there and that's going to deform this is done so that came down comes back up it auto fold it under here that's fine because I'll just ulti race to smooth that that looks good over here I'm gonna break at this point and then I'm gonna run this brake back up to here and same thing over here this this corner just kind of dips down so I'm going in first and I'm telling the geometry where I want to break it and then I'm grabbing the existing geometry in this case the corner I'm just going to move it vertically I do have to constrain him hit the up arrow to constrain vertically and have that droop down like that and again I can come under here and then just alt erase these extra lines to smooth that out and then same thing I can do the same thing up here I can ulti race their race here oh that's on the outside of the group that's why it's not going away I mean I am slowly working my way over here because this is going to be the messiest piece right here so I'm leave that for last same thing here so here is the line this one's be a little different because I'll do the same thing though I'll break right there and then I will break right there break right there and I do have to break this top piece so I'm gonna do the same thing I did before I'm going to run it up to the chimney we're just kind of tying it all together and I do this one at a time so grab just that line and move it vertically down to here and then since this one's at a different spot I got a separately move that one vertically to right there all right use alt eraser smooth those lines and actually this is still in plane so I can actually delete that one and then this is the final one this one has to go all the way up to here so this is going to get weird because the other thing I want to do is I want the the wall to follow it up also because if you look over here well I'll do that I'll do that separate nope I'm gonna pull it up right now so if I go what I want to do is I want to move this line up so it meets up here but also bring the top of the wall the top of the wall is just a point so if I use move right now with nothing selected I can grab the top of that wall and move it wherever I want but I can't move a point I can't shift select a point I can't grab this point and this surface so I'm gonna do instead is I'm going to come draw a little line right on top of there and I can select this line and this line and now I can move those together on the vertical axis to bring that up alright and now a little more smoothing so I'm gonna alt erase here [Music] then I can straight-up erase these lines because they're still in playing there's going a little worried I don't like that anything is in playing I feel like everything should be way messier than that all right so we'll exit out and I can triple click to get whoops this line that's that's all the reference line I drew around there and I can just delete that all right so there we go that's the not-so-nice edge going all the way around the roof there so this is one of the things that's happening here is this doesn't just raise up it actually kicks out like that so I have to figure out is it on both sides no of course not so this side it straightens up by the time it gets here so that means oh because look at this I got there's something breaking this right here so we're gonna have this I want to pick a spot I don't see how far out is this like a laser I'm shooting lasers around on here alright so right here so I'm going to come into this group and at this point I'm going to break it and then grab that piece and angle it out now of course I can't see my reference line and that doesn't work very well I actually have a shortcut map to this but my shortcut names aren't showing on my mouse right now for some reason I don't know it's a weird problem I don't know what's going on alright so like that and now I'm thinking if I just grab this point and I pull it over it's gonna be weird yeah let me do this right now and to pull this line this way a little bit and I will unhide the rest of my looks I don't know exactly how far out yeah this is just all kind Oh like that though you can see where returns back so I have this coming this way and it does cut back so I have the same thing as I had upstairs on the main floor right here so here is where it comes back to so I think what I really have to do is grab this line right here put horizontally all right I like it's it's a terrible mess right now but give me a second something like that let's see yeah cuz then here's that triangle of that wall going back okay so I'm gonna grab that and do a little more little sculpting right there and then I'm gonna do the same thing I'm just used loft again I'm gonna actually this this I drew that and a bunch of segments right there I don't want that's not what I want hold up deleted everything a little too quick there all right there we go that's where that is I was talking to somebody the other day and I posed a question to them what is the one thing you see new Sketchup users do that you want to tell them not to do actually asked a bunch of different people this question and I got all kinds of good answers quick quick release click rather than click and drag that was a big one but the one that I heard that I really liked the most was don't be afraid and I really like that because it's amazing how often when teaching somebody something will say something like you know click on this button well why what's gonna happen you know and getting it questions like that and in software when you're doing software whatever 3d modeling software drawing software word processor most of the time you're a command Z from undoing any mistakes you make so it it's it's funny to me because it is it's true is if you teach software if you've ever taught any software you've probably run in that person who is afraid to go ahead and just do the thing because they're worried about what's going to happen it's a it's a thing you go you shouldn't have to worry about you shouldn't have to especially they said especially when you're learning software because and software is just it's it's unlike life life you don't get an undo you also get no extra lives you get I mean there's some things about things that happen in videos and video games that would be pretty cool all right I'm gonna just just sort of coming back around to that topic on most modern operating systems there's nothing you can type on your computer that will ruin everything you lose some data but that's it that you're not gonna break the hardware you can just set it up and try again just go for it yeah so your whole don't be afraid thing rings very true to me if I'm not picking on anybody but I thought I just ruined everything there for a second it's I'm not picking up heal but I've done quite a bit of training at this point for lots of different software and I've just always always were into people who were well here's an interesting thing that I have learned that is that children are much easier to teach than adults I'm sorry I do legally I am obligated to refer to myself as an adult as well but when you go up to a kid and you try to teach him something you say hey do me a favor grab that mouse button and click on this button he'll go okay you know click on it and they'll go ooh this happened or why did I do that and that is such a much easier way to learn then what we do as adults because when adults are starting to learn something there's just a natural distrust I guess and again I'm not trying to pick on anybody because it happens to all of us where it's like click on this and you go why what's gonna happen why would I do that what's the purpose for that what are my other options and it immediately becomes like this thing we're sorry sorry guys stop and think for a second we're adults just they can't just you know go with it it's kind of funny so yeah that's a lot I think there's something in our brains that like stops after a certain age where we stop accepting things I don't know if it's cynicism I don't know I'm not really sure what it is that happens but yeah kids kids learn stuff so much easier than adults I also find when I'm working with students as part of project spectrum that they're not afraid of being wrong about something they will raise their hand and they'll ask that question that they know is stupid but they're gonna ask it anyways because they need the answer which is awesome I think that's agree it's a good thing I always always said in my classes there there are no stupid questions only stupid people now we get a chuckle but really the stupid people are the ones who won't ask the question indeed the kids aren't afraid to be wrong they'll just ask the question yeah about them because I have a fear of being wrong and right yeah well I think that's I think that's kind of what we all do is we get to a point where we're adults and we're yeah fraid of being looked at as not knowing what we're doing or especially in professional situations I think there's this drive to always be right and always get things perfect and and I feel like if you can accept it that's not real you're probably probably a lot better better spot alright so I know I'm doing a little bit of a freeform sculpting here some I'm probably making a little bit of a mess inside but this is getting me to where be alright so there is my there's my little shed roof right there I probably could wood it I actually should have saved myself a lot of time there and modeled that separately and just stuck it in they'll do it on this side actually now that I've done it let's pull it out here and see how bad this really looks that's not terrible I've done worse all right because I actually need this on both sides I'm gonna stick it just copy it exactly as it is and stick it on the other side I'm just going to do this the extension reason right now is a dbo push line a debbie oh I did a debate oh I don't know how you say that the name but it's a super super simple extension and all all it does is grab a line and make it make it so you can use it just like push-pull wood which is very sweet all right like that and I'm gonna take this straight up yeah how are things going in the chat sorry I didn't mean that like I got distracted ever since I ranted about learning and hopefully didn't lose anybody things are looking good we're getting a call to save but consider myself a 3d modeling superhero and save is my nemesis I'd really consider myself any kind of superhero that was totally a joke just to use the term nemesis nemesis is one of those words that I don't think we use in the professional world that we probably should get back in the habit of using yeah that's a good word it's very satisfying of course it's it's also quite negative so maybe that's why we don't use it too much all right so I'm gonna grab that make it a group and I'm gonna slide that right back into there and then I'm just pull it just just out past there all right I'm gonna take that and make a copy on the other side oops an option and I'm gonna bring it over I'm I'm again I'm gonna be silly right now and assume that those are supposed to line up so I'm gonna just use that first one to reference where the second one goes and then slide it back so again just just like I just did up against here and then just pull it out just a touch there we go there's those two window boxes again I'm trying to incrementally add detail so I'm not going to spend a bunch of time putting the mullions and stuff into the windows I want to try to get my mass forms in there and keep working my way up that's only two o'clock we got so much time all right so let's see what's going on here oh we got another so a question came in why am i doing them in groups like this the the real reason this kind of has proved out already is that there are so many odd angles that if I was working in just one mass of sticky geometry I'd be in a lot of pain right now so this way as I'm working my way up to separate pieces I can just overlap them and then come back afterwards and join these solid groups back together and I do think for the most part well not actually have not been watching real well but see why this isn't solid fix fix solid that one's solid that one's solid solid no one's already solid so yeah so I'm actually I'm doing doing pretty good here so I should be able to when I'm done use solid tools Union or outer shell to actually make all this stuff come together that'll be that will be satisfying all right so I really don't have the detail on this entry way to know exactly how it works so I'm going to make this up a little bit and that's that's what I have here I do have some framing comes out right here and I have some post dropping down so I'm going to go ahead and do that I'm going to put like some pieces in here have them drop down to the ground and then put that little this little frame thing up here I'm gonna do that in context I'll do this like this put rectangle like that pull that out like that I grabbed this right now right here that there are you much of a Harry Potter fan yourself Casey I have read all the books and I've been to Universal Studios and that was my one of my favorite sections at Universal just because of all the interactivity in detail they put into it don't end up with like like wands and you can click on stuff or yep if you buy a wand there as a souvenir you can pay five dollars extra and they'll give you one that has these abilities to interact with various props in the shop windows and trigger various things around the park which is pretty cool that's very cool so I wouldn't call myself a mega fan but I would definitely say that I am a fan of Harry Potter it's a neat series it is that it's definitely and it's still it's still going I mean I mm-hmm it's not going quite as well as it was I don't think the last movie was quite as well-received I don't think as previously but it's definitely definitely still very popular yeah it the Wizarding World of Harry Potter actually was designed in Sketchup I got to meet the architect who did the Hogwarts castle at 3d base camp once oh wow yeah he did the whole thing in Sketchup that's awesome so Sketchup and Harry Potter go back a long way as I suppose I gotta say he did a great job some of the rights there are incredible yeah that is uh I have not been but I've heard nothing but awesome things alright so I'm gonna break that like that and then I'm gonna solve inspector delete those pieces off the inside we've got a request for a lesson about rendering someday I would love that would you do that for me I'm I'm sorry I didn't mean to make fun mama but Muhammad Ali thought that Shane was really Muhammad so for that one I I will totally confess that I am not much of a renderer it is something that has has always kind of been on my list is something I needed to to get into but just still not really something I've I've gotten to yet I'm decent at it but I'm not great I've messed with a few different rendering programs Twilight lumion and the new one from epic that I can never remember what it's called but there are some really good renderers out there and it's always been on my list to learn how to use one really well mm-hmm I mean I can do some basic renders with them but not anything the photorealistic yeah that's I think kind of where I'm I've been using Thea render for a while which is it's a it's a great renderer the reason I like it so much is because it'll it'll take Sketchup swirled light the Sun and it would just throwing some details on here whoops you know too much it'll take that that world light that we have and it will use that to make air as the light in the render which is really cool because it's simple you know that you don't to add other lights or anything like that yeah that's a good function there's more vendors would support that yeah it's and but that's unfortunately it's handicapped me because I have not learned nearly as much as I probably could or should about rendering in general all right over here I'm just gonna grab this and I'm gonna draw this of course it's not straight I'd just just I know broken record all right I'm gonna do this let go like that and then I'm gonna grab this line and slide it over roof on here but yeah so to answer your question we've had quite a few requests for rendering and the reason we haven't gotten into it is multiple reasons one is we generally what with the exception of maybe a few extensions we try to show our own product here and we don't have a rendering engine and the second thing is the rendering I have done ends up being a whole lot of waiting which you know not super exciting so ya know that you can pain reasons you can kind of bypass that if you use a real-time renderer but those are a little expensive and hard to get to work on a MacBook for sure they tend to require a full tower PC in order to really function effectively I would know I have one at home that runs rendering programs really well but it's not exactly what you call lightweight all right take that now cool it's all coming together alright this is actually part that I've been kind of excited about doing that's this this super janky framing it's that's holding up the second floor right here I'm gonna come in here I'm going to draw a part of this as so the the one thing they have here is there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten but I love ten or eleven joists basically exposed under here so what I'm gonna do and of course once again nothing's parallel I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna offset this that much I'm gonna take both these lines then run them well long like that I'm gonna grab these lines and take them option copy oh man that's painful because of that Genki you say okay so man that's that's that's rough I thought that was going to be fun and easy but it's not it's not going to be fun or easy let's bring this down a half way and that one down too all right so now what I got to do I'm laughing at my pain I'll bring this in like this push this through to here I need that magic one now all right I'm trying to think of how to best do this I almost want to this is some kind of a radial array but I don't see an easy way to figure out where or how that would go on here hey hold on I'm processing and processing right now all right I'm gonna take this and make that a group okay and then I'm going to take all right here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this line I can't do that so I have to do this all right so I'm going to take this this line between those two joists the right click and I'm going to divide that into nine segments I'm gonna grab this line right here I can't use this line because this line is actually broken because remember that jog in that top section so I can't use that line use this line just drew a little line in front of it I'm going to divide that also into nine segments and then what I can do then is I can actually come through here and I can hook those nine pieces together and that's gonna account for I don't know I may be totally off my geometry might be too dumb at this point to farfel was originally intended but I don't know I'm going with what I got so I'm going to take this now I'm gonna go from here option to here and what I can do is these will be evenly spaced all right we're long so I should be able to say 9x nope they're not evenly spaced because I'm going out of plane I'm sorry I that is totally not true because they're not because nothing's straight I'm just gonna option copy this over nine times and then what I will do is okay so now I think what I could do then grab this right here and move it what's that this is gonna ruin my entire plan why is that broken right there I had a plan but because what happened to my geometry all right slide it back even further grab that right now it's gonna let me bring that out new plan get rid of all of these I'm going to take this one I had a break in the edge there so it was it was only letting me put that piece to move the face back a certain amount and that was that was ruining my day so this is gonna work better there we go so now I can use then come into each of these grab this face move it to that next point and this will give me a real nice fan so what what I could have done I thought this was gonna be quicker and now it's probably debatable is I could have traced where these two perpendicular lines would have gone back to in met and use that as a central point for a fan to put these pieces in this I mean this isn't painful but this works too there you go cool good yeah all right so now I do want to grab all these I'm going to explode them I want them to be part of my full so now what I have is like this beam underneath here so I'm going to use my rotated rectangle again so if I try to just draw a rectangle right now a flat rectangle I'm going to get up underneath here I try to draw a flat rectangle between these two points I'm going to get this this is exactly where rotated rectangle comes into play because what I want to do is I want to create something parallel to that line so what I'll do is rotate it rectangle it go get flat underneath here and then go to stop being silly at that point and that point and now hold up hold up hold up all right having a hard time with zooming right now you guys probably picked up on that because your smart girl all right change of plans when I grab this line and I'm gonna copy it to right here yeah and I'm gonna connect the ends together and that's how I would make a rectangle oh dang it oh that's the work all right don't push that through like that I'm gonna bring it down a little more all right so there is that beam underneath and now I got to bring it down a little more we need that to be structurally sound after all I got two beams or two columns on this end it kind of post down too middle the roof here so it's something like from here to here and then another one from here back to about there then same thing over here something like that okay so there's a couple ways I could think to do this I want to do this the easiest way possible and so what I'm thinking is make a small square on the ground I'm able to 4x4 and then I'm going to pull it up long like this and make it a group then let's see I'm going to grab that by this corner right here I'm going to put this right there and now I'm just going to use rotate so I'm coming in here rotated this way like that and then I come over here rotate this way like that and there we go that's the easiest way I could think of to do that so if if this was exact if these these pieces posting down were exact this is exactly where I needed them then I would probably go into that that line and create a surface perpendicular to the end of the line and then do a push-pull down it but since I'm you know kind of not really worried about reality this is a much easier way to do that put it back like this and then I'm going to do this option rotate to get another one back here like that and these these are both running long and I know that and then I'll come up here and then on the red X YZ I'll swing it this way and there we go looks cool I'll grab this one option copy that over here I'm gonna scoot it I'm going to move it so that this corner lines up with this corner and then same thing I'm not snapping to the face to rotate either I'm actually gonna force it to go on the red axes by hitting the arrow key and then I will tip it back like that and then come over here green axes and bring it forward like that and then again once more I'll come right here get on the green axes option copy this one back like that come in here to the end red axes to throw that thing back like that alright so with that I'm going to turn on x-ray and get rid of my extra lines here whoops too much and then the other thing I want to do is come in here and make sure that I bury all of these into the roof a little more they're not sticking out like that all right the rest of them look like they're good I'm like really good do this thank you [Music] yeah Falls fails I got a potential job as a wizarding contractor mm-hmm make this work I bury that nope get back get back there all right because it's got to look good of course all right so working our way up that that was a part that stuck out to me when I first saw the image I'm like ooh that's gonna be fun all right we got another little window box right here I'm gonna grab this again make it copy rotate it yeah where throw it right up here this is I realize there's something some things are gonna have to change here so I got to get it in plane with this face so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move it so that this corner contacts the face and with it's still selected I can switch to rotate snap to blue axes and then I can go a slide over here to grab there's the green axes and pull the green axes out to this face then I can just scoot it out like that and this whole thing it does come out a little it does come out a little he's right I've heard about does it yeah it sticks out quite a bit go ahead and slide that out like that it looks like it actually does frame down underneath there too so we'll we'll add that but it does also need to be shifted parallel to this so I'm gonna save there's a couple ways that I could do something like that if I was to come in here and grab everything on the top like that and just slide it along the red axis that actually might be good enough in this case so just gonna deform so I see how these brakes here so I might have to come in here and multi-race to clean that up I think for we're doing that's good enough I was thinking about using another fredo tool because he has a thing where I can box or deform stuff like that but I think for this one that would be good enough yeah okay I'm gonna come in here and I'm just gonna do something like this which I'm gonna ops fold down push it back like that and then for these braces that kick back like this I think what I'm gonna do here you go let's go hide the rest of the model real quick I think what I want to do is something like this come on the back and I'm gonna draw a shape like this two of them and then I'm gonna push pull it out when I push pull enough I just normal push pull that's gonna give me this I'm gonna hit option and push pull because that creates a whole new surface and the important thing what I'm going to do is I want this this right here to break I'll do the same thing here option and double-click to push pull and then I'm going to grab these two squares on the end and move them vertically like that and that's going to give us those braces looks like they need to go down a little bit more so they're still selected even though I clicked out so I should know they're not selected anymore because I'm out of the group of course pull those down vertically so they are deforming slightly but I think we've already established that that's pretty much okay on the Weasley household all right so I'm gonna grab all of that then and I'm gonna slide it straight down like that okay it looks great it is coming along all right still working my way up on these major details I got on this side I got a little balcony popping out and on this side I have that air-conditioning unit I don't know what that is yeah I think I look over here no over here all right so I got a big old window coming out of this side I'm gonna start with this same actually I'm gonna grab this one and recycle this so I'm gonna grab it by this point right here nope I'm gonna grab it by this point right here option copy two right here and then just like I did before I'm gonna go to flat I'm gonna rotate I'm gonna turn on x-ray so I can grab this face and bring it around a lot of people have a hot key for x-ray I don't seem to spend enough time and x-ray to justify it but maybe I should because that seems to be pretty helpful right and then I'm gonna take that and rotate it so it's closer being in plane like that and this window box is definitely bigger than this window box so I'm gonna grab it I'm gonna move it up because it looks like it's a floor up and the roofs also different it looks like I have like a no maybe not I don't I I'm honestly I'm struggling okay there's the roof they just have some weird window things going on here I don't I didn't window so I'm not worried about it all right oops I forgot we we did that so I I don't really need that in this one so I can go back a little closer just straight and then I'm gonna take that and I'm just gonna move it all right there we go and actually it's wider to see that it fills up almost this whole wall so I'm gonna turn rest of model back on I'm gonna grab all of this slide it over this way and then all of this and slide it over this way okay cool yeah a little discussion in the in the comments on YouTube going on about shortcut keys shortcut keys are the way that is there's really nothing you can do for yourself if you don't already use shortcut keys there's nothing you can do for yourself that would be better or more helpful in long run than learning to use shortcut keys alright so I'm going to grab some geometry over here pulled that out like that and then those surprised have this little a little leg kicking back here so I'm gonna go grab both of these I'm gonna push pull that down like that so one of the things you guys saw on this on this other one right here was it did deform and get kind of skinny as I pulled it back so in this case I actually made more of a rectangle shape than a square shape and then I can take those and when I scoot them back they'll still deform but when they deform they end up more as as square so you can't plan ahead to remedy some of that stuff is this or if this is on any plan I wonder if this is is this like a round balcony or square I can't tell so I'm gonna make it just a rectangular box coming out of here and I'm gonna do it like this I'm gonna save myself a little bit of time by modeling this all together draw one rectangle across the top another one at the bottom I come all the way across like that divide that by three and then I'll pull this out that I like that far and then come out to here to here out to here and for the guardrail I'm going to put a little bit of a curve on here we're trying to model quick but we're not total savages wouldn't want to short the Weasleys on that alright and now a little rectangle back here we go and there's that circle right there all right like that and go it over here then I'll take this one put that right here option copy that over to here 1 2 3 4 5 so mmm by 7 sure so it's great each of those down here like this well this this looks like this maybe OSHA proved these are fairly close together yeah that's gonna work let me grab all that make it a group and then I'm gonna grab it by this center point that's flush against the wall right there bring it over here cuz flush is not going to be a thing we got to worry about once we get over here but I'll take that there and then we'll just slide this we'll slide this on the green axis till it's in the wall and now I can come and do a little bit of cleanup I can get rid of this I do want these to end up as solid so I do have to get rid of some of that kind of stuff I'll leave it up this out a little bit further and let's see where it faces I do have some stuff going on here so I tend to manually erase these kinds of things you can use extensions like clean up to do it and if there's a lot that would definitely where I'd go but with a small thing like that it's not too big deal to to clean it up my bigger concern is this right here for whatever reason my circles are split in half and they're not joining on one side I don't know why that is mMmmm interesting see what happens if I grab all of them no that's not gonna work I'll just grab one I know I'm not gonna spend too much time on this I promise I grab pull it up and then drop it back well that's being weird that joint it did okay so yeah something prevented these from joining they're very strange it is it's only half of the circle so that's super odd look it see it's stuck to the back half at the top the front half isn't I don't know what's going on with that I don't know why that that happens but I do know that if I spend the next 20 minutes troubleshooting it's not gonna make any difference so here's what I'm gonna do I just noticed that when I I just deleted this this line is breaking it for whatever reason then I could actually grab this move it no whoa okay stuff just got even weirder now we're getting some real weirdness here stupid wizard house it's although I'm just gonna admit we're ending up with something that's really neat it is it is it is something yeah so generally if I have a surface like this that doesn't weld together yeah there we go so you can just pick it up and then drop it back down snap to the face I still didn't snap it still didn't weld huh oh something's broken over here all right I'm doing it again I'm getting lost slow down just just get back to work you need a whip you can crack over there Casey get to work all right right here let's go in and finish this deck off at a couple more boxes around here but the core geometry is we're getting close all right I'm going to come in here and looks like what we got is a column at the midpoint a column at the corner same thing over here going up all right so we grabbed this surface right here gonna copy it vertically up to about there that's what'll make our roof actually now I'll just go ahead and put a little bit of depth on it right now looks like it was just a simple gable roof so just grab that take that vertically not quite square but that's okay all right not quite square is kind of the name of the game on this one agreed all right so now I'm going to come in here and I'm going to put a rectangle that's so that's where I'm not not Square from I'm gonna draw this a little bit big bigger than what I want to actually draw because it's gonna lap inside like that and then I'm gonna come in and draw another square using that square snap line like that that's gonna give me a square that I can use to create that post right there I'm going to grab it before I do anything else option copy it along this length to the middle ish like that and then it's hard to tell how many you got let's take both of these then I'm not gonna bother putting one back there just gonna take this one all right so now I want this to go both up and down so I'm gonna start by grabbing this one and option copying to create a new surface and take that one down in whoop something's not right okay looking good and then figure out what's going on in the second option copy that down and then then I can take this one actually I'll reverse it first reverse phases and then just pull that up until it hits that surface pull that up hits that surface so what happened here what did we what did what did I did wrong of course I think that this deck just needs to be smaller so what I'll do is I'll come in here and I will grab let's see how to do this I'm gonna grab this all of this and this face right here and let's scoot it in like what's stretching with me okay I'm not gonna grab this face I'm just gonna grab these columns slide them in like that and then i will push pull this now I can't push pull because that's part of the problem I'm gonna draw a line right here parallel to this line there we go then we'll drop that down you can't push pull one direction there's a chance you might be able to push pulling different we happen to have a straight surface over there right and I'll bring these up there this one will take up to the roof all right and now I need a little railing here I'm gonna draw this out of context because it's gonna be a bunch of pieces and it's going to get it's going to get weird pretty quick because again nothing is playing so I pull this straight across ends up over here if I grab that I can move those pieces to there grab all of that option copy it straight up and I'm gonna do this here take that guy option here divide that by nine seven that works grab all that then make that a group and then I can move a copy option to here it's not going to be right I know this like we write but while it's in the group I'm gonna deform it so I'm going to say scale pull it whoops wrong one wrong right handle pull it back to here and then see I'll rotate it like like that and then scale it again so it goes into the face boom alright and then I can take that one and move it over here and I'll just do the same thing I'll scale it and pull that back into the wall and then one more time whoa again dizzy alright one more time and pull that over here I must start by rotating before I do anything else I'm just gonna rotate it 90 degrees I don't think I'm at 90 degrees but it'll be a start and then I will grab I do want to be at the same height I try to be conscious of that that because I made these groups I have made a single component you guys might have noticed that is not on accident that is totally intentional I don't plan on having didn't really plan on having any repeating geometry if you're if anything happened to repeat it's good but like in this one I'll just grab these two delete them then I can come in here and right there push that back you know off to trace that all the way around and delete it trace where it intersects whoops that's all right all right cool then get rid of everything runs into the column select and delete and there's that piece coming back down over here we have some weird stuff because I see things popping out over here all right so as I look at it here looks like this is another window box right here off the much shallower roof that's easy to do I cannot tell what this thing is it looks like it's just a triangular window poking out likewise this right here I'm struggling with what is it looks like it's a just a big window box alright so I'm gonna do it I'm just gonna do those things neither these have framing underneath it so I'm gonna grab this one right here and I'm gonna grab it by a point like that option copy it and stick it right here for right now so come over a little bit it's real close to the edge like that and then I'll rotate it on this face so that it sticks out like that and then I'll take the whole thing just as it is I'll change anything else and just make it taller not that tall too tall I don't know why I hit that button yeah it was type of thing I was looking for at all so that's more like that it's hard to tell so that's that but here it looks like it comes out oh no that's that's this yes no I don't know we're going over here oh yeah it looks like it does come out quite that actually looks like it's square - undo undo undo let's pull that out like this and then go into it rather than scaling it I'm just going to push this roof straight up alright that looks more like what we got going on there actually pull it out a little more we used I'm just can you scale to deform it stretch it out cuz let's be honest at this point deformation whatever no problem there's no rules anymore there's no rules very very true and this thing like I said I I feel like we're looking at a right or not necessarily the right angle because you know right angles but it feels like something's kind of coming out like this so rather than have a square box that we've had it feel like we're getting it actually that may be what's happening here - yeah well I'm going to look at the let's look down from above and see if there's it is like that right there and right here ooh and right here so these three windows are all actually the angle the nine th degrees so after that we're just going to get rid of it and I'm going to do this draw a rectangle on the ground draw a square on the ground and pull it up and I'm gonna make a group and then I'm gonna rotate it 45 degrees grab it by this corner right here stick it right there and I'm gonna move it back into the wall like that use scale to bring the bottom up to about there slide over this way that looks good but it does look like it needs to lean out a little bit command s good call good call Nerys got me all right I want to try to tilt it out a little bit just see what happens all right that'll work just moving geometry around all right I'm gonna grab that one and I want to make this next one - right here someone's going to grab it option copy it up to here and now I can use scale again because I'm not messing with components on this particular model I can make it pretty easy to deform this stuff all right so that's something like that and then we got one more sticking out right here on the back this one ends up being a little different because it does look like it has some framing underneath it it almost looks like there's a little roof on there but no there's not all right this one's also deformed quite a bit pull this back to square ish oh that's not squarish that's squarish ish all right and I'm going to rotate it back like so a lot of times when I end up doing these kind of deformations I don't end up using snapping because she's a little too odd so bring my handle way out here away from where I can snap and I can choose how far into the building I want to push that it's gonna come in just so it disappears into the face all right and this is going to I'm actually gonna slide it back a little bit more ice it's just about in the center it is a little bit longer down like that it's bigger than this one over here and it is so I'm pretty close to actually being in the right direction here but the tops and bottoms are back to being flat so what I'll do is I'm trying to think of how to do this without being totally destructive actually here's what I'll do I'll take this whole thing and bring it back to flat on the green axes this is way this would be way easier and then I'll just come in here grab that bottom surface and slide it over something something got a little weird there hold on Oh cuz because I rotated I wasn't moving it on the world green axes I was moving at her red actually I was moving on this axis so pushed in rather than just moving straight across so what I can do is if I want to just move just that bottom rather than using axes I can use a line so I'm gonna use this line up here and slide it according to that line like that there we go so now we got that and it looks like it has some kind of framing coming down say it might just be one I don't know I can't see it on there so I would that it right there oh these plans man oh you don't get anything you can't tell me where that is so you're done all right so what's this and this I feel like there's not enough decoration right here this looks like another triangular window I like the one on the other side and this looks like just a regular bump out just a box sticking out I'm not intersecting with model intentionally I don't intend to hurt you I apologize for hurting because I'm still moving so much stuff around I still I don't really feel good about where a lot of this stuff is just yet so I have I do plan to come back what time we're we at right now we're at 251 so I'm out for 10 more minutes and then we'll go do cleanup we will intersect with model I'll get rid of these white lines will have nice black lines and hopefully one big solid but I'm not quite to that point where I want to commit just yet good question though it is a good question because you're right it's it doesn't it doesn't look nice right now not nice enough we'll get there that's right very soon stuff will happen I'm gonna flatten just just flatten the roof out on this piece there we go and then I'm gonna take this guy right here I copy him over a green axis all right get that out more like that no I was right before we need to move it out we do want to rotate that to flat maybe it looks like it's flattened into one profile but let's see how that looks yeah I don't really can have it square and no I think it was right before it was it is tilted back right like that and this one is not that's flat there okay anything on the ground that we need to get in here I got that thing I know like I said before we didn't do the actual windows on here but I'll just try and get the big geometry will merge this down into one piece and then using offset to tie windows together that should be much easier all right so that Oh hold up all right so I want to get can't I can't leave this is like one of those details that got to happen all right so I'm going to push pull this back down to here offset that out like that push whoops push pull that up to here this up to here and then got like a circle here in the middle all right that is our rough boro boro geometry did not call it burrows that time I'm learning all right Sebastian I am using a couple a handful of extensions so far was there anything in particular you were thinking would have would have helped what I just did I'm gonna go to solid tools and I'm just gonna start joining the big pieces together I'll work my way up adding these together I don't think this is solid right now some of these might need a little bit more cleanup than others to get them solid wood that worked I keep saying things like that and then up see now this is not let's see that was inside here real quick alright oops let's keep we're gonna weigh up here's another big chunk and a solid tool that back to the base this is not currently solid so will run solid inspector some internal phases in a reverse face and we're solid I'm gonna say because I don't this is going way too smooth I don't know may have already I just I put my time in a fix fix fix solid group just working my way up here joining one group to the mess after another [Music] this is assigning a group that'll do it no it's a group all right this is not solid so we're in solid inspector again I'll let this guy up here fix fix whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa undo not cool solid inspector so sometimes just throw us out there you guys may find this with solid inspector it is an awesome tool I would call it an indispensable tool I use it all the time even for stuff that doesn't need to be solid I like to try to make it solid but I will say that sometimes it makes a decision that maybe I don't always wanted to do like this this right here it's solution for this was to delete all of this which I get how it came to that decision but yeah you do have to watch it don't just assume that hitting makes solid is going to fix everything it's a possibility that making stuff solid will make things worse all right I don't think yeah this doesn't quite come inside so I'm going to click onto this make this shade piece bigger I think everything else comes inside doesn't it yeah make that a group that's solid I'm gonna make all of this a group which I think this is gonna be my problem child I'm guessing yeah yeah all right so we still have problems with this little little monster so again the the issue had to do with how these tied down I think is because my original geometry is broken up I don't know I'm gonna do the quickest possible solution I think of which is to grab all of these and delete them we've talked about this I've talked about this many times how far do you go to to fix a problem and maybe it's because I have a background in software testing I don't just let things go when they don't perform the way I want I have a habit of chasing things that I should probably just leave alone but sometimes it is quicker to just get rid of something that's not working rather than try to fix it and if you've watched this show before you may know that I'm saying that right now fully aware that that is still something I to have to work on all right so I'm gonna get rid of these extra lines underneath and then what I'll do is I'll hop up top and turn those circles empty circles into full circles I'm just gonna just trace just a teeny bit of each corner or each edge and that's going to close that circle and once it circles closed then I can use push/pull to pull that down and I'll make sure each one absolutely connects with the other I think I did I use copy on that rather than push pulling each one individually I think that may have been where it all started to fall apart and actually I don't need this last one it's buried inside all right take that down to the edge and that loo that see that meets perfectly so I should be able to double click the same thing there double click double click click well I was a long way around looks good okay so I'm just going to continue across here and close all of that and once I'm done with that I want to push this being in just a bit a little bit like that and same thing over here so I have a little bit of a detail on the shelf right there same there alright and now I'm gonna click on it run solid inspector there we go so rather than trying to clean all that up so right now I have these as two solids inside another group I will need to explode that out four solid tools to work and then I can say grab this one and union that with this with this awesome with this it may seem like I'm not going after these on purpose and that is true I don't have a lot of confidence in these either these got a little weird so let's let's see yeah I think I have the same problem leave this none of these join up if I come in here and just connect them I might get lucky yeah so they are joining now I rushed I totally rushed through this piece this one's on me alright so if I do that now is that enough to make that solid so there's still faces inside there so it's not a solid yet but if I click this and all it has internal faces nope not that lucky there's still more stuff going on let's see I got same thing going at the top it's at the top I also don't how do i oh I copied that yeah I get some more oldest story here's if you're new something like this copy the shape on the flat and just double click to push pull the pieces together alright saw inspector now I can just delete those pieces rather than doing that well so I got to figure out what's quicker now I'm just going to delete these to re place this one rotate that line again let go and I'll copy that one I'm here to here like wait long enough so I'm just gonna scale that get it into the wall this one end up being different is when I had to delete stuff out it so I'm gonna actually open up that one who like that got some ugly geometry in here like that and then just real quick force the intersection between these surfaces and then that will also I'll also have to do that on the top because did just the bottom just run through the top super fast and then let's solid inspector wipe out all my internal faces okay there we go looking good Oh believe this when I I can't back up but when I joined all this together yet my post that came down it pulled him up so what solid inspector did was it saw I had a rectangle here I had a rectangle inside this rectangle and another one coming out the bottom so its decision was to pull that all the way up interesting yeah so we'll have to do is grab that Square and this Square and go from top to bottom that should break that surface and now I can grab that and pull that down into the roof I can't use merge tools now because I'm inside of a single solid so it'll have to do is grab just these faces right here right-click intersect face with selection hop inside and then delete delete delete delete and then erase these pieces this this business all right all right stuff eggs back out I should have these solids ready to merge with this guy with this with this with this alright and we got one big solid I want to say solid but it really is a solid I mean it's it's crazy it's it's perhaps unattractive to some but it's solid alright um what do we got what time is it 306 all right I'm gonna throw in I'm gonna put Windows on here that's the end of that statement put some windows on here and I'm gonna do this fairly I'm going to try to keep this as simple as possible so where I can I'm gonna try grab shapes like this I'm gonna offset like that and then Windows actually just a square right here and then I'm going to that's what I'm doing right there I'm gonna go oops come in here do that double-click so I've I have mentioned this in the past as well that's fine that looks great as a window but if I was it'd take us anywhere render it 3d print it anything like that of course I would end up with nothing there because I got no there's no depth to it so what I would like to do is probably only be this pull this one out a little bit and maybe push the windows in just a touch so it's a teeny bit of offset like that gives it some depth and it looks more like a window than just some lines drawn on the face this is this rectangles going the wrong way take that the whole thing like that some windows right here these are gonna be rough because what they do is they actually they're not perpendicular to the axes they're off axes that's right all right yeah same thing over on this side so I think well that's got two sets so there is some cool detail I wanted to put on here but if I might have time for it all today so my line is disappearing in here I think I have a break in my geometry so if I go to view hidden geometry yeah I got a couple breaks on my geometry I got it I got this true - so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna just gonna right now I'm gonna put that line on there knowing that stuff gets broken I'm gonna be okay with that I'm gonna I'm gonna be okay with that all right what I'm gonna do then is I'm gonna come in here and delete all that beautifulness I put in there and then I'm going to stitch this back together what's going on down here Oh got a break there - here we go pull that up - there and then I can actually just in here - so any places breaks is gonna be a break in the surface so I do have to come in and do Oh nuts I did not click to the face there you go and then I can just option erase these lines it'll smooth that back out again but I'll still have the ability to take this now that's going to be a single piece that I can then work on it's not quite as simple because it's a little out of plane so I can't just offset it to put my window in but speaking of somebody's asking about extensions one of my favorite extensions is vertex tools which actually I've mapped to the V key and one of the things that we have in vertex tool is the ability to make planar so if I click this button it actually pushes stuff around so this is a single plane it caused a little bit of an issue there because it did break these other surfaces so I'm gonna undo real quick I'm gonna isolate that just ever so slightly by doing this I'm gonna offset this first because this does have to get offsets as a window frame here I'm gonna do this I'm gonna put the same window detail ID on the other one offset both of these and actually I think that's all it is just one vertical window yeah like this hold this out a little bit push these in a little bit and once I've done that then I'm going to select these and use vertex tools to make them planar because it's going to have to when you take something and move it out of or take two surfaces and make them planar they're going to pull something else out of plane so what I was doing before when I did that originally it pulled this one out of planes so then I had the same problem on the other side this I'm okay with so we do the same thing here I'm just gonna offset oops I'll sit up to here draw a line in the middle middle point to middle point I'll take this one offset it I'm gonna click here and then I'm gonna use vertical image to use this this line over here I can double-click on this surface to do the same thing alright and then I'll pull that I'll pull this out a little I'll push these in give her that line there we go now I'd get rid of my hidden geometry there we go I might there's a little bit of cleanup that I I feel like I want to do but I'm not too worried about it to clean up this corner right here but yeah it's something I could do one could all right so this over here looks ugly but this is actually going to be pretty simple because these lines are actually straight so what I got is a window that comes across and then the bottom starts to angle down this is kind of cool because what's happening here is I guess this would be an optical illusion I'm gonna take a line across like that find the middle and then before I do anything else I'm just gonna pull this one straight down like that and then I'll put those same window details in here I'll offset I could actually I wanted to I could actually reference that same geometry but I'm just gonna do this vertical line in there again offset that again three times four times here's that erase that and actually I want to get a little bit of a break again like we're talking about just relief between this geometry so I'm going to do that now when I pulled this out and this out it'll be obvious separate geometry there is the front maybe I'll work on that let me let's get all the windows into the front of the burro so that means I need a window here a window here right don't have anything and then some serious windows up here so eight windows here I master apparently something I said sounded like hey Siri cuz be my phone just started looking up Windows she's always listening man it's kind of creepy if you ask me I cannot argue with that [Music] it's all the time always listening try to be helpful mm-hmm I just don't know alright so yeah eight windows going on up here so I'm following because I have that Distortion I'm just following the distorted faces already have and I'm take these windows in just one at a time double-click each one to offset the same mount and then I will get rid of these lines in the middle there you go so now again I have the outside frame I can pull in and the inside windows I can push wait pull pull the frame out push the windows in that's how shooting for right so there you go so that's something like that right here I got just a double window that offset that like that I'm just going to middle points again because it's not as straightforward as you know straight lines there's because no straight lines all right so the last one this is actually this one's in plane with this thing and then I got what one two three four five six seven eight nine twelve windows there so I'm gonna come in here I'm a draw a line from this point parallel to that line and again or some of that to go along with that though Oh kill me man what darling Jelena redline and pull that longer area alright something's not oh well there's your problem let's try that again draw perpendicular to that line turns out Sketchup was right all along I can't play a lot of this line how's that would you would you do that for me there we go okay and now it's simple no we get that in there and offset that there's 12 windows and here if I draw that down so you only give me eight I need three across I'm going to select the line right click divided to three to do the same thing on the bottom because I'm not going to try to inference that weird line you know it's it's funny because lines are way easier to inference if they are way the further they are away from a normal inferencing point the easier they are to do if they're real close it can get rough can mess with you alright alright I'll take that pull that out push these each of these windows in real quick nice I mean in a weird not nice way there's a little bit of a sill on this one so not that I've been worried about this kind of detail but grab this right here option and pull it down send out this way stand up this way up this way there you go man that is that's something that's horrible that's awesome I mean it's a really cool thing but man was painful at the start but just look at this now it's amazing there's a little bit of a struggle so yeah I'm not gonna do all of the rest of windows not that I don't want to it's just it's coming up on 3:30 and yeah and that's that's my reason why but pretty cool and that that definitely that turned out pretty neat I'm a normally I want to get the things so that I'm ready it's ready to post right now and give it to you guys that's what I've generally been doing is not a whole lot of post work so once I turn the camera off not much happens I usually just save it and upload to warehouse but I think I'm gonna set this aside maybe over the weekend three-day weekend I might actually spend some time adding the rest of Windows and adding a little detail but if I do that I will be honest with you guys and I will put how much time I spent to do that before I posted it so if it takes me another hour to do that I will in the comments say one hour after cameras turned off to get that in there but yeah I think this is this is definitely this is the non straightest building I've ever modeled and it was a little more challenging I was expecting when I started it I looked at these images and I'm like Oh like this that goes that way this is all straight from this side a little bit of a tilt this went like it has no big deal and then actually it was I think it was yesterday morning I went what am I most going on here I don't like this but yeah you really really turned out as a thing so there we go that is that is the borough thus far I'll spend a little time I'll post it and like I said if you guys want to go in and put materials on there or whatever you like that will be your prerogative once I get that up there on the warehouse until then so we do have a couple more of these planned right now we will be back here next week we will be because it was demanded actually was one of the first comments on here to we're gonna shoot for a subdivided baby Yoda so there's all those things I agreed to in a moment of weakness I'm like whoa baby Yoda yeah he's fun let's do that I'm gonna do my best to not turn the cutest thing out there into a monster that's gonna be my goal I don't know because we've done some subdivision characters and some of them turned out okay I think Olaf was alright we did some Toy Story stuff and I'd say that was marginal that was not terrible one of the first things we did was that that dudes face we pulled off of Google and that was downright horrifying yeah that's right that's true it is an upward arc so maybe it is now is the time to actually touch something that is it is dear to many people so yes come back next week and Titus is happy about seeing sub D not necessarily Yoda well this will please multiple people will get will get make Yoda people happy and will make subdue people happy will have everybody Lenny is saying that we may need another set of posts under this this this porch here yeah I I believe that that is probably fairly true in more than one place I'm pretty sure this is like a tube hate right here that's the strong strong stuff there is actually a little tie back here so that'll help and it looks like you know what actually I think is going on right here I think this section right here actually angles back it's hard to tell but you know anyway yeah look at that oh yeah you're right that's actually a pretty easy thing to do with where we have them all right now let me oh no I don't want to undo cuz edit edit redo what that would consist of is that really wouldn't be that bad could because this is in plane and put this back and put this back and put this back and let you race all this all I would have to do is let's say I'm going to do it right here to right here I'm gonna connect at that point to that point and look like this point to this point and delete this it's not so bad no totally totally knew that wasn't me so bad totally felt covent about that alright and then I could I'll set that again alright then pull that out a little ways push these in little ways cool so yeah that was C no big deal NBD because looking it does have this like this curved piece going from here up to here which I thought was odd that I have a thing like that and it's not just straight either it's it's actually kind of arcing like that there we go alright I guess stop modeling it's time it's time to be done me I'm just not listening to myself very well today alright so yeah there we go I can't stop that was not what I wanted to do that's what I wanted to do something like that whoops that's not right either because it kind of goes at an angle exciting speed over here but anyhow yeah so I'll throw some windows in here I'll spend a little bit more time on it but not a whole lot and then we will come back next week next Friday and we will try to keep baby Yoda cute and model him in 3d the two challenges not just not just modeling a green thing with big ears and I have a theory that I think is gonna prove out about baby Yoda and the Mogwai I got a I got a subtle theory that I think modeling baby Yoda in white might might shed some light on some other cute little creatures so we will be back here at noon Mountain time so adjust for wherever in the world you are for what time that'll be and we will get started promptly and we will get modeling so once again thank you all for showing up thank you Casey for helping out happy to be here as always not much for me to do today but it was a fun process to watch all the same I appreciate that I mean there's you guys are you guys are so good out there yes that's it so thank you thank you for watching appreciate your time appreciate you hanging out with us it's the best way to end the week in my opinion if you are in the u.s. happy MLK Day on Monday and we will see you all next week thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 15,156
Rating: 4.8761063 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model
Id: 4vyqtNX5sZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 13sec (13093 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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