Creating a Deck

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look us like we just started but we're waiting to see it come through I got a youtube notification you got a facebook notification Sketchup is now live and the numbers are climbing oh hi dear Oh yep looks good getting yeah they're everything so now you're sending data hello Barbara from Kenda whoa Adam this video will be available in its entirety wherever you were watching it so it'll live on YouTube forever and ever and ever it'll stay on our Facebook stream for as long as it's in our Facebook stream and it'll be on twitch for about two weeks so we can't send it to you but you can come get it from us all right how's a hello AJ hello zai that's a cooling Adam hello again yabai Brooks giant Lea just using Sketchup now that's awesome that's good one hi Adam huh genku hey what's up it's getting ready to stream doing this thing I'm looking forward to this to AJ Austria that's new I don't know if we've had a hello from Austria yet that's cool Vignesh Vignesh you can know what's gonna happen here this is our weekly livestream Friday afternoons and we're going to I'm going to design a deck in Sketchup so go in with your help design a beautiful-looking deck get a report and the materials that sort of thing so it's gonna be a good time hi from India hi Surya Boren's girl hi over on Twitch and Adnan you are welcome for this my day is going well so far it's been a busy day this is actually the second thing we've project we've had to work on in this room so we've been in here for a while Seattle all right Colin Colin from the coast yes let's create Bruce I agree Madrid welcome Wan salute read what prayer things going well for you guys out there you may notice I should just point this out as we were going to give it just another couple minutes where we get rolling of course as we normally do but I would like to draw your attention right now not to mark marks actually not really there that's a figment of your imagination but our nice new green screen previously some of you guys may have seen we were actually working with a white screen where we had to use software to go in and kind of tweak the white balances so that white disappeared which was tough because you know when you put lights on things they tend to turn white and most of my t-shirts have white writing of some sort on it so I would turn invisible or my coffee cup would turn invisible so we're excited this is our first green stream great Green Street green green screen stream is the world's first green stream oh yeah that one green screen stream whoa I wouldn't okay all right okay Jamaica Rajai JJ house Jamaica right now sounds nice all right we're gonna start in just literally a minute we're gonna give people till noon which is what we said is our start time so as soon as that happens we will go it's not our restream special on Facebook so odd Wow all right what else we got here to make a Italy Nashville Mexico and apparently it's rainy in Jamaica so that's that's a bummer or cool I mean no there's nothing wrong with rain people complain about rainy weather but that's good we actually don't get much rain here Colorado follows you who don't know karo is actually a desert so we have very little rainfall all right we're just fine-tuning a couple of knobs right now we'll get we'll get running oh there we go that Wilbert so we're doing some things new here do you mind dragging it down just a little bit there anyway that's gonna distract me thanks all right so we're uh yeah new stream or new screen oh come on man they're not doing steam in this green screen stream this is a steam room hole baby it's gonna get steamy but it's gonna get Sketchup steamy all right um yeah so we're gonna do some stuff now first stuff we're gonna do it does not check my email we're going to instead we're to close this out and you guys may have noticed if you're new give us one moment okay you can still hang out but just just give me a sec so we started like what five weeks ago on one of our live streams went in and drew this year bus we created this live and then we threw it out to you guys and said take this bus and make it the best bus ever that whatever that means to you so we had some awesome entries we had some just a couple that I want to call out they're really cool this so this was the it's called the camping bus but it's got like treads on it it's shiny green luggage rack on top awesome fun one later dudes and best bus ever up here the the book bus were the first ones that came in very cool very fun I was partial to this four-wheeling off-road bus that was pretty cool and then of course this time and alternate reality travelling bus was good but we can only have one winner and the winner of this competition was not Matt it was instead the dragon bus but whoa this is where this is going guys the dragon best bus ever and well deserve it wind so this was I mean honestly we didn't get anywhere they were not good entries everybody submitted something it was good well done great job you started with pretty much blank I mean it was a white chunk of geometry and we had some awesome textures on there some people put backgrounds in it was really cool but the thing that tipped it over for the dragon bus was it was literally transformed I mean this was the other ones had stuff added on and geometry moved around but this one just kind of kind of won the day with the radical transformation that that bus underwent it was more than meets the eye that's that's right it's not you're not your Grandpa's school bus and it had there's a thing over here this is just a couple Easter eggs over here we have this I don't know this drone fighter thing yeah must be a drone there's nobody in a pilot's seat but the Sketchup logo on top firing missiles at the dragon bus and this is this is a little little fun thing here they're at a school which is the sketch of college at the University of YouTube so nice oh yes one day to get an honorary Doctorate from there you keep posting videos it'll happen right Bryan s if you're on give a shout out so we can graduate you you did it you made it you uh you're draggin bus one the day so congratulations Bryan alright now on to today's effort so what we're gonna do is we are going to create a we are also gonna try to fix your face oh yeah kind of scene you have green screen get some grass coming through here on my face their most embarrassing now work on that if I if I disappear for a second it's because we're messing with the camera don't get scared Constantine Michigan star a couple more call-outs Jacksonville Florida hi Steve Lexington Kentucky somebody else from India I think we that's the second person we saw from India that's awesome from the Pacific Northwest in that a region isn't that just saying like north east west journey or is that a is that a term that's used for a specific location BMW god Johnny Willoughby is asking about rotating or moving objects and Sketchup I would recommend if you're at the beginner going to our website going to the learn tab and taking a look at what we call Sketchup campus it has online tutorials that walk you through all kinds of stuff and it's all guided it's all self-paced you can go through as quickly or as slowly as you want but it'll cover all the basics so if you have issues with moving or rotating that's definitely the best place to go once you get through with that hop on over to youtube and watch our videos to take your education to the next level hi from Maryland Jason Nigeria Jerry that's that's awesome love this Kolkata India all right Surya we will try to pass that node along more Iraq Steve says yay so that's good Florida Southern Athena Montreal Canada Pacific Northwest counts as Washington Idaho Idaho thank you or Oregon you saw that look at my face of and one last hello from South Africa shoutouts to all the countries that are represented we're like a Sketchup UN here we're from everywhere mmm so all right so let's uh let's just hop in here shall we we shall we shall let's let's shall okay so this right here is actually the back of my house so I did model my house and Sketchup it the roof doesn't actually cantilever like that there's some I deleted some stuff out of here too just all I really need is the back of the house but which is something you do when you have Sketchup and you have a house or you're getting a house when you have a have the plans you model it because that's that's the thing that's what we do here that's not here in the building but hear us you me mat us we model we model things the full team together if you move really fast I think you get the green oak oh yeah okay let me drink some coffee that'll help with that yeah no one to help with focus caffeine that's right alright so we're gonna hop right in now um I don't know exact time on a model here but I what can I get you guys input what I do want to do is gonna scoot mark over here you can go stay on the side of the house what I want to do here is outside the sliding door I want to put a deck right here I don't have a whole lot of specific plans yet and that's where I'm kind of open maybe you guys give me some input we'll see a couple hours and modeling see what it looks like we'll start with something pretty simple and we'll add on to it I do want to use generate report to keep track of my materials as I put them in there I have had questions already about using something like estimator or cut list or something like that and those are great extensions I think they have huge value and if this is something you're doing commercially then they're absolutely worth checking out I'm not seasoned enough in using them to make them good and we've already done enough time on our live sessions where Aaron kind of muddles his way through an extension so I'm not gonna subject that to you guys have that today instead we'll just we'll use generate report to just generate a cut list and price list we'll keep it pretty simple so for what we're doing here - I mean honestly with my deck we're gonna have three or four different sizes of lumber maybe a little bit of hardware concrete and that's gonna be about it so I'm not really gonna stress out too much about you know a real complicated report or anything like that this is this is not a commercial deck building guy this is a weekend framer guy I mean designing something on this on this model and with enough information that I could go and put it together myself that's the goal so we'll build off of that all right thank you Andy and he gave a full appraiser always appreciate it yes and he said hey Aaron and Matt no offense none taken my good man sometimes Matt offends events speaking of offense are you gonna oh no no it's not disappearing it's the right chain it's not hmm sorry I'm playing with a green screen pipe it type it in burette this requires a lot of time and money that's correct but today we're gonna build the deck virtually before we build it in reality is that right okay Marconi hello all right I'm gonna hop in here and we're just gonna get started all right so what I'd like to do is bring I wanna bring her right off the face of the house so I'm gonna come right from here and this is a group right now my house and yard everything is grouped and I could even go so far as to right-click and say lock that group that's gonna prevent me from accidentally grabbing the house and moving it when I'm trying to move a board or something like that but I can still come in here and use all the points everything as reference here so that's good the other thing I'll point out is I do have still wrong window I have there we go open so I do need to check material sizes or what I can get ahold of I can come in here if I don't know like somewhere so it's been fairly basic to begin with and I can use proprietary materials or we'll try keep it kind of simple keep off the sound effects you're in luck I don't have any side effects prepared but maybe during the break I'll try to rustle some up just for you what is the deck sound like knocking on wood hmm that's a sound effect let's see game Borg is back from Denmark missed a few last streams but excited to be back yeah haven't seen you for awhile game work welcome watching via twitch it is not blasphemous to be using any other modeling software you can use whatever you want of course we're gonna use Sketchup here but you do your thing you do you yeah we actually and that's a question we get a lot is I have to use this I have to use this never hang your head and chain use what you got to use do your thing um we we agree with a collaborative workflow so we don't we don't ever put people down for : use also lock everything always tough to model if everything's locked that's true generally speaking there's some stuff you're gonna need unlocked but yeah any reference sections of the model that you don't want to move around on accident it's good too especially here's the biggest pot that it bites me you guys is when I'm in like this and I'm working on something where I can't see the rest of model and I don't notice if I do something like move and slide it over a foot and I don't catch that happening because I don't see the rest of model man I'm in tight obviously out here if I was to click on it and drag it this way ten feet I'd pick up on that so if I am working inside a model especially on the inside so if I was coming inside here and I wanted something inside the house that's especially where I want to make sure I lock it because I can't see what I'm doing especially from like like say I have this view I can't no reference at all so unless I move it over so far that the wall comes and hits me in the head as I move it across I have no reference that I'm actually moving anything so if you're inside of a model working then that's where you definitely want to get locking involved and another thing that comes up here so I am in select right now I do have the group selected any time I as soon as I pick another tool it's gonna go away I don't a lot of people get hung up on having this highlighted like that not a big deal all right so we're stopped in I'm gonna start by putting a pretty simple deck we're gonna go like we're gonna work off of and say an 18-foot board so I want to put a ledger board a piece of board up against the side of the house we're gonna say that's I'll say it's 16 feet we'll start there I said we're starting we're gonna make some adjustments that's part of the fun of what we're doing here yeah fun fun fun is great so I'm just gonna pick this middle point and draw a line this way I said 16 feet total someone go 8 feet I'm gonna say for my structural members it's not a huge span but we're building Colorado I'm gonna say that I'm gonna use two by tens now let's go 2 by 8 so I'm gonna go seven point two five because a two by eights not two inches by 8 inches it's an inch and a half by seven and a quarter course I'm gonna bring that back this way 16 feet coming back up I'm just used rather than typing seven and a quarter I'm just gonna use inferencing it's gonna snap to my set in the corner from line I just drew and then draw it all the way back to where I started and that gives me a surface I'm getting a little bit of z-fighting here because I have those two planes you guys ever see this where the materials flicker what's happening is the two materials are arguing so that yellowy siding is fighting with that new face that is created and both of them want to be on infra of each other so as Sketchup draws to the screen is drawing one than the other back and forth and front because they occupy the same space it happens it's not a bad thing it's just a notification if I use it as a notification let me know I have two pieces in front of each other so not a big deal because I'm going to immediately make this into a 3d piece I'm going to use push/pull and just pull it out at 1.5 inches at this point right now I have my first piece as I create these pieces I don't actually need that break there as I create these pieces I'm gonna triple click right click and make this a component and I'm gonna call this my 2 by 8 board I'm not gonna specify exactly what material it is or anything like that because I haven't picked that out yet you could go in you could go with more definition so if I knew this was gonna be redwood or cedar or pressure-treated material I could actually call that out either in the definition or the description also Mike was the first one to say see how do you know I don't know how I'm gonna model without you a couple hundred people looking over my shoulder it was terrible to try to draw a model by myself today and I didn't do anything ready let's save oh wait I'm in the middle of making let's go file and save Cecil asking how many cards your deck has pretty good cards my deck has about right around 52 usually for still got me I'm gullible today I guess Gaby let's see you need to lower the ledger board to allow for the height of the decking absolutely that will happen I was using this point because this is what I had as a point of reference and also Greg ass if you can do it in metric maybe you can do a metric one and imperial or whatever one at the same time I was actually just talking with somebody we had a new hire from Africa who was spending some time with us spinning up that kind of thing quake ooh and we spent some time talking to him cuz I've done some design work actually some training but back before Sketchup in Canada everything they did was metric and I got to say metric is so easy to use and increments calls inches and then we'll take each inch in will divide it into how about 16 or for some groups let's go to 30 seconds and it's oh it's rough guys so if you don't use imperial units i feel like trying to fall logs rough the problem is my brain doesn't know your metric units well enough to know how BIG's 100 millimeters so i have a frame of reference because i've been designing in imperial units for like 25 years so yeah that's where I'm at right now so I I get where you're coming from you guys not necessarily this one but one yes so yeah so I'm sorry so backing up a step I was going in to make us a component this is my 2 by 8 board actually we'll call it 2 by 8 16 foot board and then just as just a kind of a reference number sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you there but Redwood of course tall trees just wanted to put that in there very important comment by me red would be sometimes you they carve like you know cars can drive through them they make tunnels through them and stuff like that so just in case you didn't know just throw some knowledge out there keeps you new one though alright so well one thing I'm noticing right here is I'm not getting 2 by 8 in 16 footers but 8 foot pieces which is cool this is actually so because one of the things that I want to do as I'm designing this is designed from the materials I can actually get a hold of so that's good to know that I would need to go with eight footers fortunately we have a way we can fix that how much do they pay us if we're gonna use Redwood for the deck hey luckily this is a virtual deck so we could build it out of like platinum if we wanted to you know alright here we go here's a pressure treated less expensive yeah twelve foot still not sixty nope here we go two by six pressure treated oh here we go sixteen foot right there it's got a review I alright so we're gonna say that cost $18 and 88 cents we go to price right here and type in 1888 and I'm gonna try to throw a number into each of these pieces as we go there we go all right and now I gotta come out and bring it out this way I'm gonna say that I want to my initial deck we're gonna make 10 feet wide so I'm gonna come in here right now I'm gonna put a rectangle actually I'm gonna draw a line because that's what I do so 1.5 drop that straight down so I'm just drawing a rectangle right on top of the existing piece and we use push/pull to pull this 10 foot even some of the nice things about making this deck from scratch and I have a big open yard to deal with is I can use just full cut lengths I don't have to go in and say well this is gonna this one they have to be eight foot eight in eight and a half inches something like that I can for the time being we're imaginary designing I can just pull this out as a full size 10 footer and say that's how I the only deck to be all right some of the triple click that make a new component and this is my 2 by 8 10 foot board let's see what that costs 1177 like to repeat numbers and double 1 double 7 in England they say like double like that they don't say 11 semitone I camera boy saw sub 11 double 7 our double 1 double 7 okay can I get it can I get a fact check who's in England or maybe maybe it's more like phone numbers and stuff you know or addresses people would say you know I met only a double a double five or something like that another fact that's I mean you just try to not learn something here you know I'm gonna force for some kind of knowledge down you're like it or don't win your brains all right so at this point I know what I'm gonna need is well here I can actually do this - I'm gonna grab this piece right here and I'm gonna copy it and stick it down here that's what's gonna close up the end of my deck and now I need to put these boards across that 16 foot span so a question now comes up of spacing so I'm gonna grab it with move hit option I'm starting to pull it this way obviously this is going to come down to actual design like what's the on Center spacing a need some of it depends on decking materials if I'm using a thinner materials a composite something like that I need to go a little bit tighter if I'm actually using to buy materials I might be able to get a little way with a little wider I'm gonna say I want a nice solid deck so I'm gonna go 16 inches on center so I'm gonna offset this first board 16 and then without going to any other command I'm just going to type times 10 almost got me there how about times 13 that works extras I can delete all right so I means actually have 12 10-foot pieces there for my deck so I grab this piece and scoop that in like that also somebody asks you about your 3d mouse it's in the YouTube description the link to it but it's a space Mouse enterprise by 3d connection [Music] yep yeah so there's a link just go ahead and head on over there oh yeah Jerry said usually phone numbers stuff like that with measurements it's usually best to call them out as whole figures to prevent double miss double communication miscommunication but wouldn't a miscommunication thing go along with a phone number too like you I know you don't want to get a like a deck measurement wrong but you also don't want to get a phone number wrong like why would you say double it just it throws me off it's like you're saying numbers and then you say double and then it's like that's not a number you just tell me eight eight don't that mean so Matt's got some opinions guys very opinionated about the double if I have to die on one Hill it's this one command this nice so all right yes I know my the top of my structural members are flush with my door I'm gonna push him down don't you worry you guys I hear you I appreciate the backup I got this I got this all right it's floating off the ground how are you gonna do that no get his number everybody just chill all right side of the house this section down here I'm gonna have to support this is actually a 10 foot span which may be a little much so I'll probably put an intermediate support here too so probably put some things in here and some of the stuff I gotta let you guys know I haven't actually run numbers to design anything on here a lot of this I'm doing for the sake of imparting some wisdom so if we're gonna copy some stuff that's our thing all right now right now here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna take this and because it's been mentioned many times already I'm just gonna go ahead and grab it all and again everything back here is locked so I can actually do a group select and not worry about selecting anything else and I can drop it straight down I'm gonna drop it down I'd have to go under the door to allow for my inch-and-a-half material plus a small gap because I actually don't want this to be even flush up against there because I do want waters gonna happen so I do want to push it down so I'm gonna just drop it down to inches right now and then that's going to give me my space there and I can come in and throw my decking materials on top again this thing everything we're talking about is not to be taken as gospel for how you should go make a deck this is more how do you sketch up to enable you to go make the deck you want to make that's what we're looking at looking for here so yeah if you do have to get designs done or you have members to design size like that please do that don't do anything based on the stuff that I say all right so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna put some decking down some some members here and this is this is where this this portion can change a lot depending on what you're actually use if you're using a composite like trex decking or some board like that end up with a much smaller narrower board you can actually put them up closer because they don't swell as much I'm gonna actually put wood down because I would like that was an unintentional pun nice I would like if possible to actually do red wood on here but you know we'll see what this price comes out to so I'm gonna throw some two by sixes on here so I'm going to come up 1.5 I come this way five point five because that's how big a two by six is they didn't call me on the day they did that guy so I can't take responsibility for that all right and what would be great is to then just take that all the way across to here but 16 foot is a long piece of lumber which means it's an expensive piece of lumber and I don't know how easily I can get ahold of a 16 foot piece of two by six so we're gonna hop back over here we're gonna go look at redwood two by six and see what we got so here's a 2x6 eight-foot oh my god you can get a Mendo Gina can you believe it menechino force products the best things knock at the local boy we're doing it alright so here's a couple things I can do right now in here look at a couple different eggs so we do have some 16 foot two by sixes which are $30 a piece if I was to go to eight footers that would mean - you know / it would drop to 11 knowledge so to cover one run you know and to end would be twenty to twenty three dollars versus thirty dollars so this is where I can start playing around with numbers a little bit and optimize my design oh are you are you are you that guy mark that is not code which which piece I'm just curious I'm sure I've broken well I haven't even this isn't even supported yet I'm 16 on center oh my step my gap right here is that way you're talking about also I didn't say anything like a couple minutes ago but mark I could not hold it in laughing you're coming of course the deck was built up to the thing everyone's like you got to move it down you got to do and then he said I figured you're gonna build I figure you gonna build the deck higher than the door see you trip and fall flat on your face carrying your hamburgers out to your grill know what I prefer to do is clean the slider really well you can't see it that's more fun pesto just I saw a guy walk into a glass door on Wednesday this week Wow big week yeah that's awesome alright so mark while mark updates us on our code violations thus far we'll hop in here and figure out what we're gonna do with this thing so this is the fun part of Sketch up this is where I get to design in the computer rather than having material sitting in my backyard and having to cut it up and here's the thing about wood you can cut it shorter but it's really hard to cut longer than what you already have you're gonna plant it fortunately Sketchup it's pretty darn easy so if I if I design something don't like the look of it it's pretty easy to come back and make a change afterwards so we know that we can let's just go ahead yes so Andy's asking about having planks that they sit together again yeah if we were to do something like a composite decking we could actually have pieces that that tongue-and-groove together or actually have gaps in between that's absolutely out there yes I'm not planning on using that in this deck we're just gonna use rectangular shapes but yes that is an option all right so just for fun I'm gonna grab this one right here I'm gonna make a component and I'm gonna call it redwood because that's that is kind of specific to what we're looking at two by six was 16-foot you wrote one 1 by 6 by 6 and well it's just just to keep this in the same format as the others I'll put redwood at the end all right and that was $30 and there's something 3027 just put that in here all right now I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna move it over now here's something to consider this is this is actual I don't want to actually but this up against it I do need a space for water to run and for the the wood to swell so I do have to make this bigger I have to make my spacing bigger than five and a half inches there's some discrepancy on how much of a gap you should put in there quarter and H in sixteenth inch half inch will happen should be a lot but depending where you're at what you're using that's possible I'm gonna go with a nice quarter inch gap so rather than offsetting it five and a half inches I'm going to offset it five point seven five and that's going to give me a quarter inch gap right there because I'm using real wood rather than a composite it is going to swell and shrink depending on how dry it is what or wet all right so that has set my spacing I set my first spacing and now all I have to do is type X 15 whoa I don't know what I just did did you do something in the middle of that apparently I did something between all right let's back it up all right I grabbed this guy again I don't know I also don't know I did I'm gonna offset it straight over 5.75 enter X 15 enter obviously I clicked on something all right 15 is not enough X 2020 one's gonna take me just over the edge all right again right now what I could do at this point what I'm gonna do let's rephrase what I'm gonna do right now is take that just this I know there's no supports underneath here I know it's floating we haven't done any post holes nothing's happened yet but right now before I go any further I just want to see what the impact of the 16-foot redwood pieces would be versus if I was to buy smaller pieces and have brakes obviously there's some cases where I don't care about price I just want it to look nice and that's something that may weigh in you may not really care how much it costs that's cool good for you sorry if that came up bitter alright so I'm gonna go up here to file and I'm just going to go to generate port I mentioned this before because people have asked about using estimator or something like that in case you weren't here for that estimators great cut list to remember the other one from mine site there's a lot of great quantifier great tools out there I'm not versed enough with them to make them look good I would be it pardon me wanted to spend this week trying to learn one and I just unfortunately didn't have a chance so what we're gonna do right now is we are going to make a brand new report in generate report so I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to call this I'm just gonna call this my materials list actually will cause a price list because we're gonna have prices on here and I'm going to edit it alright when I come in here there's a couple things I'm just gonna bait set up this would be a real simple report you guys because like I said I didn't I don't need to go real deep into tracking additional information really the only thing I want is quantities and price I want the quantities because sooner or later I'm going to go to Home Depot and pick this material up I want price because like right now I wanna find out what the most effective way to build the deck is so what I want to put in here is my definition name so all the information that it has in stock for any of the components in my model is listed right here this includes all the default ones so I have stuff in there like description name what layer it's on the X Y Z value and then some other stuff like XYZ location and then those those values that are in the component that I feel that when I created them price size status URL all that information is in there if you create dynamic components and go in and create your own values they'll show up here too so if there's something else you want to take keep track of like who you buy something from by some of us from Lowe's and some of its gonna come from Home Depot you could actually create a value in there to track that too if you wanted for that matter these other values URL status and size can be used however you want also so if if you wanted to say status is actually gonna be what store you're buying from you could fill that in as you create the components but for me the things I'm really concerned with are what they are I'm not really concerned about the the sizes or the lengths or anything because I put those values in the name so my definition name actually includes the size so I don't have to worry about anything else the quantity and then I also want the price so I'm gonna add price to my report attribute I don't have any units so this information my units isn't gonna be a big deal because it's literally a list of part numbers prices and quantities I do have options over here I'm gonna generally speaking I'm gonna try to go with current selection because as I'm going through here I'm gonna pick and say tell me how much this costs so I'm gonna leave current selection turned on and then nesting levels is maybe too much of an issue for this particular job because everything I'm going to do is on the outside nesting level says you know I have a group and a group and a group and a group and I want everything that's on that third level deep I want those parts so if I had my entire yard the whole model was one group and then inside that the deck was in a separate sub group and then inside of that was where all my pieces were then I'd say give me nesting level three in this case I just want everything so if I hit run report right now nothing shows up why does nothing shows up because I never actually selected anything so I'm going to save that priceless report I'm going to come in here and select everything and then I'm going to go to generate report and run that exact report let's see what happens all right with that it's telling me I have 22 red wood boards @ 30.2 7 each and then I have my quantity and I have my price all right let's look at changing some things here oh that's uh actually not really what I was thinking yeah so what I can't really get to here is that final price I was just thinking about well there we go that's just in a different spot so right now I can come in here to my price price times quantity now so total there except but then I think I have to group by I'm a little rusty I totally it got to acknowledge wait wasn't what I didn't want to do well let's just ask want I mean I think originally you had component name or whatever it's called oh that's right op good by definition name and the group by and then price and quantity were in the attributes right I so that's how you were at first I don't know if that's what you know you're right that's sometimes I start doing stuff and then you know if I struggle braining today it's forgive me yeah but stuffs running a little slower to shed oh good thing I had offered to show you how to do that and then forgot how to do that okay so we want to group it by the definition name so the definition aim is the material like we already established and then for price rather than have the list price of one piece I did go into the settings of the price and say give me the subtotal which will then if I run the report tell me right now my 16 foot boards comes out to six hundred and sixty-five dollars all right dangerously close to 666 they're quiet didn't get there all right so that's what I know right now so here's where I could possibly go through and make some changes I'm gonna grab one of these this is kind of a fun thing because I can right-click and I can say instances select all instances that's due to an extension from TomTom that's not actually native Sketchup that's I believe that's the groups and components extension I want to say it's part of solid toys or r-selection toys but I think it's part of group and does can anybody back me up on that I think that's the case so what I can do is I can take that again by selecting all those and I'm gonna create a new layer I'm going to call this 16-foot decking and then I'm gonna apply all of these selected pieces to my 16-foot decking layer and then turn it off it's still in the model it's still right there that all those pieces are still here they exist but they're not coming this way 5.5 drop it down and I'm gonna take this one across eight feet make component again and this is a two by six eight-foot redwood and the price on that is we're here to buy six eight a Russian copy but these two up against each other take both of them and you just bear with me for one second oh you guys are already calling this out but just give me give me one second five point seven five X 20 is that right X 21 all right so that gives us the same coverage as we saw before I know I have this seam right now where they're all getting cut right down the middle and that would be not perfect not awesome that would that would that's ugly I get it but right now I'm just checking what I want to use for materials I can go back later and actually cut pieces so I can stagger the seam so it's not right in the middle but right now I just want to see the impact of using 44 of these pieces versus 22 of the full-length pieces 109 dollars rather than 664 so I just knocked 150 or so dollars off by using smaller pieces so again not saying you have to use smaller pieces but it's something worth considering I'm gonna take that a step further I'll go ahead and grab these boards right here didn't use selection toys that time just just did some careful selection and I'm going to create a thick nut eat eight-foot decking layer I'll take all of those and put that on the 8-foot decking layer and turn the a protectant layer off all right I'm gonna go a step further than that I'm gonna mix it up a little more cuz I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna start with another inch and a half by five and a half inch square I'm going to take that over eight feet again actually I'm not gonna do that because I already have this existing as a component so I'm not gonna recreate something that already exists let me go to my components I'm gonna grab my 8-foot board and I'm gonna bring it in put it right here I'm gonna copy it right there and now I'm gonna come in right here come over my quarter inch gap I'm gonna come straight up come over 5.5 come straight down this is my two by six space my two by six space again and I'm gonna go four feet with that and I'm going to make that into a new component which is my two by six four-foot redwood which costs more foot for 47 am I missing all ready for you yeah but doing 612 it I thought four was out here must have seen that I got crafty with it what can you go to the when you go to the page can't you select the length oh yeah let's see if I can grab anything smaller than 8 foot I was surprised to see poor foot actually that's pretty small all right the one that had that yeah the selection of yeah that's where you found 60 is that the way you're looking for something different no I was actually trying to get crafty and come up with an alternating pattern of materials I'm gonna make something up because I can all right let's say that 8 footer cost let's say it costs five point 42 because these numbers are for suckers apparently mm-hmm all right then come in here and get rid of that extra line don't eat that all right and now I'm gonna take this board option copy it - oops grab a weird spot there right there I'm gonna take this board option copied right here and then I can grab all of that set option copy 2 here plus 1/4 inch whoops close up here plus 1/4 inch is 11 and 1/2 I should be laughs do that 11 times maybe that was too much easy fix all right so if we were to take that now that Dec run that same report ah then we have to do math so 119 plus 381 is precisely $500 so that was actually only a couple dollars savings so maybe that's not the ideal solution but hey that was the thing we were trying right we try our different materials we have available to us so having looked at our options I'm gonna say this isn't what I want to do plus because it was selected too many for many reasons this not least of which is I can't actually buy four-footers I'm gonna go back for my 8-foot decking and knowing that what I could actually do is go in and cut those materials I wouldn't actually lay it out like this the seam goes here I would maybe grab this one cut off two foot stagger across that's something we can lay out later too for the time being just to get my materials in i'ma leave like this so there's something else I want to think about right now as well before I go any further and that is how I want to close up these edges this might be fine if this was all the same material this was all red wood material this might actually look okay you might be ok with this I would want to say maybe we would want to put like a 2 by 6 or something on the edge just to kind of close it up make it look nice plus it's in another material to add plus it's going to add some issues with dimensions we'll see in a second so say I wanted to put a a 2x6 board just right here to kind of close up give me a nice edge right there maybe two by eight we'll see I'm gonna come this way 1.5 drop that down 5.5 inches and pull that I'll actually come out to about here yeah see that looks that's nice issue right now without having done anything else this is a 10 foot 3 board not necessarily a bad thing but it's one of the things we want to think about obviously I'm not be able to drive to Home Depot and pick up a 10 foot three they don't usually stock weird lengths like that I don't even know how many millimeters that is yeah I know maybe we'll come back mark and add a little bit more detail and some angle cuts and that kind of thing on here make it look beautiful he's calling for a nice picture frame finish on there it's always possible hey we can do that alright so right now so there's so so to back up once again there's two different phases I'm thinking of this in one is the kind of pricing page phase where I'm going to go through and figure out what materials I want to use how big I want to make it do I do I want this to be 10 feet versus 12 feet versus you know 16 versus 20 how they don't make it and then what are the materials look like there the second piece is going to be actual construction I've finished my design out now I want to go in and get everything cut to the right length so I'm saying that because this piece right here I said is ten foot three I can't get a ten foot three piece so this would have to a couple things that have to happen either this piece wat to be bought long and then cut which I'm building a deck I probably need to come to terms the fact they'll have to cut something sooner or later or the main joists have to get shortened by three inches so that a 10-foot appearance board on the edge would cover it this is where I can't tell you guys what what you should do this is kind of your call on that a lot this comes down to what you're capable of and what materials you can get ahold of I could do some price comparison there too of what would it be like to you know if I could put this a 10 foot exactly and shortened everything that would mean these whatever it does in joist I have under here would all have to be cut by three inches so what is my time and labor cutting three inches off each of these board versus the time savings I'm buying a 2 foot longer board that's that's your call you you guys can you guys get that right that makes sense Bonjour from Montreal Pierre on Facebook just checked in so alright so right now I'm gonna assume that this piece right here will have to be a 12-foot member so 12-foot member is 2257 and this is this is worth looking at - I didn't even realize I'm looking at that doesn't 14 $14 for a 10-foot piece versus 22 for a piece that's 2 inch to 2 feet longer so again that may weigh in that actually says to me because I'm cheap that two of these boards are going to go from about 15 dollars to twenty three dollars so that's twelve dollars I could save by spending how long would take to chop three inches off this these two by sixes hmm so I'm gonna go ahead and do it mostly the reason I'm doing is because it's a fun opportunity to make some changes in Sketchup so I'm going to take this board right here before we make a component I'm going to push it back three inches and this piece now is 10 feet make that a new component and this is my 2 by 6 10 foot and it is redwood and are you forgot the price this is 1447 well whatever expensive one all right so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna have another one of those Rick watching from Taiwan or it's 3 o'clock in the morning dang I'm tired now it's 1:00 in the afternoon I can't imagine me in a 3 a.m. but thanks for watching right that's impressive that's pretty cool all right so that's gonna take that board down to there and now I'm gonna grab this board right here because it's a component cutting 10 inches off of my 10 foot members is pretty simple because I ought to do is use push/pull we've talked in the past about hiding dice love my shortcut key hooked up idea about hiding rest of model when you're editing component it's a good shortcut to have so you just turn it off if I don't have it on or for something simple like this something you should know is when you're editing component you can only edit the geometry of that component I can't go in and accidentally click on anything else so if I was to go to push-pull and hover over where I know the face to be I can click and push pull that without ever having to actually see it so that can be a little bit of a time-saver so what I'm gonna do is I want to pull it back three inches and do that once something to remember right now since we're just using generate report even though we shortened this material it didn't change the price or the call out of that material so this component is still a 10 foot board this is nice again if I'm doing some cutting right now because I know I'm have to go in and cut that piece so when I create my final cut list later I'll include my length but it is going to be cut out of a two by eight ten foot and grab this piece right now slide it back in like that that looks nice and how can I figure out what to do right here oh man what do we got here I got a half-inch extra material so sand it took the sander out just just just run up and down there 700 times a piece of sandpaper I will do a high grit then we'll do like a hundred so it won't be so bad alright so I'm gonna assume I have the ability to cut a material down so this end board I'm actually gonna go in and I cut down so it fits or I don't know I'll do something there alright so I do need one more board out here on the face I'm actually going to just grab what can't though can I so your something else we got to think of now Oh doing things the right way is rough alright so I'm gonna throw that on there right now that's my 8 footer just to see if I was to put two eight-foot pieces down there to cover that corner I'd end up with a three inch gap in the middle because my inch and a half and you should have on either side so a couple things I can think about here is one if it was to bring this over to here and then push it back in another inch and a half then I'd get a nice even corner there so to do that I'd have to go back into my joists here push that back another I know I was lying up now oh yeah push that back 1.5 so that's actually four and a half inches taken off those boards right now push my support member here on the end back in and now with that I could actually do just a full length piece all around and have my 10-foot pieces right here at lap over the only cutting I might have to do at this point right now is I'm gonna have to cut my choice it's a four and a half inches short and I'm gonna have to run these last joists here through the table saw to shorten them by two inches so I have to actually make them slimmer Bruce said maybe you rip the one at the house not the outside board that's true too yeah if I was to put this if I was to put a have a full piece since this one's going to be halfway under the threshold anyhow I probably push that one up against that side yeah that is an excellent call alright so right now my deck cost me and actually I think I can actually come in here so now I have ten foot boards eight foot boards redwood and then these are my favorite boards so there's my running total currently alright not too bad and this is a pretty simple deck I said we have time we'll make a mess of something I just want to take this a little bit further and actually go support this deck so I have to get my additional materials in there and then we'll start playing with it yeah another another call out Christopher called out editing my spacing so right now I have I forget how many of these boards do I have and I have 44 5 22 pieces here with a quarter inch gap right now if I was to add so what's 3 and 1/2 divided by 22 it's math 33 no wait three and a half inches 3.5 divided by 22 so I'd have to add another 0.15 inches to my spacing so that would be a possibility too it really comes down to how big of a gap do I want to tolerate here personally I don't want it big enough that I can get my finger stuck in there and hurt myself so that's my that's my judgment I you know I can't yeah a pinky toe was that's because earlier was mentioned yeah well you're a little toe to stick in there that would be good yeah so those are options too we could actually absolutely do that yeah I'm like Mark pointed out the drawing is right for estimation the spacing really only matters to the customer right now I'm getting a material or a general idea of what it's gonna cost so yeah I'm doing an estimate right now okay and then also Laurens girl over and twitch to us if you make one of those a unique component would it still have the same price so if I was to take this board right here let's make it unique so what I just created was it will be called let's get this over here so we can look at it in real size I actually don't need both of those oh let me do this real quick because I had I had a bunch of junk in my original model so I'm gonna go in and grab my model info and I'm going to purge it so it's going to get rid of all those components or part of the house there's a washing machine and sink and all that stuff so that's gone now alright so when I did that so that was one of my two by six eight footers so that was right here but look right here so now I have this two by six eight-foot redwood number one everything else have its own unique identifier so I can't have two of them called the exact same thing but if I hit edit on there you'll see well actually do anything to edit I said to pick it because I can come over here and drop down that additional information so here is my standard redwood plank and here is my redwood that hurt hashtag one so what I could do is I could replace that hashtag one or number one two may be ripped it's going to have the same price so this is actually a way to get your Cutlass pride or your your full material length prices with your final cut lengths lengths is you can actually just maintain that price the part where it gets tricky is if I get an 8-footer and I chop it into four footers I'm using one here when I'm use one here because if you track both of those as eight footers then you have two eight footers in your list which end up having to do is one of them's the cut piece one of them is the off all the off all gets a price of zero and then you can actually use them both that makes it hopefully that makes sense we can do that once we get in here and start I said start getting into a little more of how to want this to actually end up looking rather than you know what materials am I going to use but hey since we did this already let's go ahead and take our ripped member and push pull that face back to where it needs to be and there we go and again this is still going to show up as a full-price board but it's going to end up with a shorter piece and just because it was a good idea and I liked it I'm gonna draw a line right here down the center of this model she says a reference line because I'm going to select all the interest instances of the main board oops but not these two plus my two ripped boards and I'm gonna rotate them around the middle of this too as was suggested oops I didn't take into account the though thickness that material that way I get my ripped board right up against the edge rather than out here at the face beautiful that really is some all right there is my deck thus far all right before we go into making it bigger or making a step down or something like that let's support this thing I'm gonna go in and well let's do that same thing we saw before or actually I can just drop my my decking layer because it was all on that decking layer and actually we want these two pieces to go onto that decking layer as well oh say if - Marvin says command s Thank You Marvin ready watch the Notre Dom stream so alright let's talk I got somebody asked if I had any models that I looked back at and I was I didn't like her that has a shamed oversee camera what it was it was something something negative in and I was saying about this I've had two things two things I've done on this livestream which still make me cringe and that was not saving and losing an hour of Notre Dom modeling that was not awesome that was not my favorite moment it happens and then I just last week you guys trying to fix that stupid hubcap and make it 3d printable oh man I'm sorry if you guys can't watch that hopefully come back and we can redeem ourselves here with this but well that was rough I was I was really trying and by the time I started thinking that thing's gonna be like it's smaller than a button it's like three layers of things and I spent like yeah I don't know way too much time on it and then the part that was super rough is a prayer went to print it on is actually broken so I could even print this to it yeah I was gonna say you brought it up yeah I was gonna print it on our formlabs printer which is a SLA printer prints laser centers liquid resin so you get super high resolution but unfortunately the tray that the resin sits in broke or something it was sitting in the back and a leak somehow all the resin poured into the inside of the printer so that doesn't sound good no I hit print just to see maybe it's not so bad maybe that's just all drooped past the important stuff and it's just in a corner underneath that's not the case it started doing it once and said motors jammed so what are you gonna do alright anyhow come on work aside for a moment and grab some coffee or anything I'm good I actually have two containers still of coffee so I come prepared not my first rodeo alright while Matt's gone I gotta let you guys know hopefully you stick around to the end because this is actually Matt's last stream with us he's gonna move on so at the end of the stream belts anything now but at the end of the stream you guys to give a big love you Matt I miss you Matt that kind of thing cuz yeah we're gonna see how this ends up without Matt hopefully production value doesn't drop too much but he's the guy who sets all this stuff up and makes it look good so later let's get this thing supported so on this side over here this is actually going to have this ledger board this piece of board will be bolted into the side of the house and then we'll put some hangers on here which we can actually I can model something real quick and we can account for that because that will be price it's I don't know less than a dollar per connection but that will be there that's important this board right here is really just gonna get nailed right into the end of these boards but we do have to put something under here right here something to support it so there's a couple ways we could do this and a lot of this comes down to the materials you use and there is some material sizing to be done here these are what it would do we do two by eights so I don't think I can span all the way out it spots a couple things could happen here I could put an intermediate bearing so something running across here running down to some posts and then a second one out here towards the end depending on this span I might be able to do something like maybe a foot and a half back put a bearing there and let this the deck cantilever out a little bit but again I don't want to tell you guys how that's supposed to be done it's all going to come down to the loads you're designing for where you're designing that that falls under the engineering umbrella which is done by people with letters after their names and things like that so I don't have those so what I'm gonna do for mine and I want to do this intentionally because I want to copy some stuff I'm gonna put a double 2x8 here at the middle to support it and I'm going to create a whole support system there and then I'm going to slide it over and just duplicate it upfront so I'm gonna come to the middle right here find my midpoint drop that down 7.25 bring it is that hitting the hold man yeah that's that's okay so I'll tell you that I actually have quite a bit more space I don't know what the actual tilt of this this the land is but it's a it's a couple feet so it might be something more like that I have space to put that in there right I'll go relock that first I said some landscaping no itself some space mode here that's right yeah and I don't want my lot anymore that's I had children so I don't have to ever worry about that one again nice hopefully they're not watching I mean had children for totally different reasons and then also now I don't have to mow anymore all right so there is this is actually the same board as I'm using from a ledger board so what I should have done delete it's just gone and grab that out of components so if I go to my components right now I can go find my 2 by 8 16 foot board grab it and bring it in and then we I can grab that by this end and just locate that to my middle and I'm gonna assume I need to double up on this so I'm gonna actually put two of them in there then I'll grab those option copy and put that right there alright so there is my deck of thus far mandus alright that looks great but obviously I'm gonna have some issues with support because well because it's still not supported so I had to come up with a couple ways to actually support these pieces what I would probably do is actually post down so put posts with a 16-foot so maybe one two three four five posts dropping down into holes full of concrete that would be the default way to do it there's some other options too that we can talk about especially we talked about support this close to the ground right here what do i how much clearance do I have here three just over three and a half inches so I don't have a whole lot of space there I mean obviously it could still be done I could have a post that runs almost directly into the concrete the other thing I could do well like I said we'll come back to that so I'm going to do this this piece first so I'm going to come under here and let's go check out I'm sure what happened there I got a pop-up or something happen I'm gonna look for treated four-by-fours all right so here's an 8-foot got ground contact treated 4x4 material so this is probably what I'd use this is not gonna be visible so I'm going to be like coming up on the railings ring like that so I don't care this pressure treated as opposed to a nice appearance would if I was to look at this so three point five six by three point two five six is what that piece is so I'm gonna coming here with a rectangle I'm gonna draw from the middle and draw three point five six comma three point five six all right and there that's what my support member is going to look like so something else to look at here is how I'm gonna connect that to the joke okay look that's important stuff quikrete that's we'll have to put into a hole okay so the teaser that's right fortunately the other thing I want to think about is how I'm going to connect that look at a four by four cap sometimes it's it's it's not fun to find things you don't know the exact names of post cap there we go so you can find a structural cap that's not what I'm looking for if those are pretty I don't want that I don't want pretty so what I'm thinking just you guys know I'm thinking of both building materials might just have it something along these lines that I could cover yeah might be maybe anchor anchor so Dave Richards hey Dave happy Friday and he also says do you have to get the footings below the frost line probably so how's that for an answer this is actually what I was thinking of no that's not enough I think it's something along these lines yes there's all kinds of things to consider and I'm I know I'm walking the line guise of being building advice and requirements depending on your region and I don't want to be that guy necessarily but yeah if I pull this piece down let's post down so just where's that let's go six inches with this depending on yes where you're at there's a lot of things to consider on how you anchor these things how you tie these things down if you do put in the concrete base that that does have a depth you have to go to some places depends on the material depends on location can you just screw that into the concrete does it have to submerge in the concrete yeah there's lots of stuff I'd like to ask if you could do a heated floor so that my little toesies team you know like they say it never hurts to ask that's the end of the thing I'm gonna say there 92 inches 92 feet 92 feet well that's oh it says 92 feet Colorado's dad so big post I don't know if they carry that at home if they do carry it it's gonna take a couple guys to carry that's right yeah that's not gonna fit like any bad guys all right it's Susan strong time yeah so Simpson is Simpson materials is what I would always go to I you know what actually I almost worked for Simpson at one point mmm fun story it's over all right so I'm gonna make this a component Colorado in 92 I think was always shooting for was cold now he's just saying oh is 92 right now that's 75 I think he just means yeah frost or something I don't know too many jokes yeah this will think a short circuit itself there yeah right we used metric or would have been it would have been so much easy easy peasy and easy business and risky business for that matter all right I'm putting this in just as its own piece right now I'm not gonna actually attach that to I'm not gonna put a price in for this right now because I'm just modeling trying to figure out what the support system is gonna look like so I'm not going to mess with prices right the second so I'm going to bring this all the way to the end and I'm snapping it from one side to the other sides this is the full 20 feet and I'm just gonna type slash 4 because I don't want to put 5 supports in there all right so that's what I have right now so I'm gonna say that from here what I want to do is I want to put in a form tube that was well as looking for so yeah probably just an 8 inch tube again code Mayberry I'm gonna say I want to put an 8 inch tube in there so I'm gonna put a circle I'm gonna take my circle from the middle of this square and we pull it out 4 inches that's gonna give me my 8 inch I honestly don't know how deep this has to go I'm going to say 2 feet deep and I'm gonna grab that and I'm gonna make that into a component called my concrete and I'm going to move that from to this corner point right here option to this one and I can say X 4 enter and then I'll copy that across that many times now what do we want to do with this as far as pricing goes well what we can do is because this is a solid right now if I look at entity info it's gonna tell me this is exactly one thousand one hundred and ninety two cubic inches that didn't help me a whole lot that tell me what stuff yeah cuz if I come over here and let's just go look remember our foreshadowing quick creat if I look at one of these so if I was to grab a bag of this gives me 80 pounds that's a big that's a big one the math is gonna have to get did we have numbers here that's for sure so this looks like numbers so if I picked a 60 pound bag which is a big bag at 6 inches thick 0.6 cubic feet per 80-pound bag 0.6 cubic that's what the comments or mark comment to that all right point six cubic feet that doesn't seem like very much let's let's do this let's convert 1,000 cubic inches 2 feet do you do rendering live we've done like very rudimentary rendering live but we haven't really had a stream specifically based on rendering or anything usually just takes too long to get a super good looking one so exactly yeah if you've done any rendering yourself you know that the best way to render is to hit the render button and then go do something else walk away yeah so it's a time consuming process we generally stay away from it for a couple reasons one is that it's not a fun thing to watch happen so you can set settings and I know there are some stuff some live live rendering stuff it's great the other thing is talking about what's the best render all the renders work slightly different and we don't really have a preference we like to work with as many renders as possible and but doing that what's the best render is like saying what's better mac or windows under forward or I blanked I had I was gonna go somewhere totally inappropriate so I stopped I hit the brakes anyhow so just this is shot here so mark is saying 180 pound bag is about 0.6 cubic feet I did a thousand it's actually what was it 1 1 8 3 something like that 1 1 8 3 so I would guess based on what we're looking at here it's probably a bag of concrete per hole if we went two feet deep a lot of assumptions are happening here so what I could do what that means for us for our estimation is that's an 80 pound bag for each of those things so I could put 485 as the price for this like I said 45 yes all right so that means when I go in and put my run my report on here I'll actually get that as a line item my concrete will show up with 1 2 3 4 5 at 485 each so that's that's that actually true lined up very well so now for someone's not gonna line up quite as well we have these guys right here and they are currently aisle tall this thing again and 1 and 3/4 into 1 foot 3/4 inches who did that was why it's all standard who wasn't watching me who was not paying attention to what I was doing I want to push this back up so they're a foot even and then I can actually grab and grab these guys right here and scoop them up 0.75 all right beauty so now these pieces right here these are 5-1 foot pieces so this is what we were talking about before so this is actually a component I called it a 4 foot by 6 foot post what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab one of them and I'm gonna say make unique and I'm gonna call this my full-length post and on that full-length post I'm going to back up a couple of pages more pages actually this was its cost yeah I'm gonna put the price for the full if 8 foot piece which is 799 977 on this one piece and now these other ones don't have prices so again right now let's let's go ahead and run the report I'm gonna go grab all this stuff boom run it and there's my prices so some of the stuff is showing up as zero pricing oops I didn't turn my boards back on hold up let's get our decking back on there and now if I run that report that's my total right now so you can see I have some zeroed out items and then I have these pieces right here which are actually costing the same as the full cool all right as for this piece right here how are we going to support this and I'm crossing the line again maybe giving advice on something rather than but we do there are concrete bearing blocks that actually just sit on the ground and give support to double to buy material I can't remember what they're called let's see what happens if I type concrete block do the worst that could happen I'm excited there we go that was concrete deck block huh let's go smallest thing ten three quarter by 10 three quarter by 7 and 3/4 tall we do that so I come in here ten point seven five by ten point seven five add a little bit of a taper here I'm gonna get a little fancy with this thing I'm gonna grab this I'm gonna grab come here grab this in scoot it up my crab this right here I'm gonna scale it about the mill by holding a modifier key something like that and then I'm going to draw a rectangle which I know from the middle option key which I know to be 4x4 so I'm going to go middle here and the type for Cal four and then I just do this I could go draw another rectangle again by the middle from this middle point then come out here that's I'm quite as easy as a thousand B so I'm just going to come here one inch down take that copy it up like that so that should be one that should be two inches all right perfect and I can take that and rotate that from the middle of my square option x3 all right there we go and I can actually just take that and push it down something something not great is going to happen right now because it's going to cut in not a huge deal though is there do it does it specify how deep that that cut was one and three-quarter inch deep yes it did 1.75 all right but now of course it needs to notch it to the outside so I'm just going to push this out like this I'll just do that all the way around that's easy enough delete these pieces off of here a lot detail for a concrete block its narrative just model a few thousand dollars of Redwood in a few seconds and now this what five six dollar block is but it's it's something I had to do something more than extrude rectangles today guys come on alright there we go make a new component of that and I will call that our deck block I think that's what it was called concrete deck block 827 a piece create that and we'll go ahead and just go out by the middle so because the - actually we've dropped this down to a single member move that member to the middle of the span and then put this block right on the end and then I can take this same way I did with the with the support columns I can grab this by the middle point right here option pop down here line up with the end right here and then divide that by well I guess we'll do the same number four pieces it seems excessive but alright I don't have affiliate links at Home Depot or anything so I'm not trying to sell you up on anything alright that looks that looks acceptable let's see yeah let's see what that decks gonna cost I select all of it again once again generat report and I'm gonna go ahead and run it and there's my total costs for my deck still feels too simple to me because it's only 1:30 that's why it's feel simple so let's look up I want a hot tub just ignore me there's math hot tub there you go go you know hang out there with mark is that you go oh this is totally slanted - it's on the hillside mark we'll be in the hot tub if you need it all right so let's let's do some stuff here a couple things I think of and I'll throw us out I want you guys input we should throw some stares on here somewhere maybe coming off the front here so we can get down into the yard stairs would be one thing we could throw a railing on here so I actually put some posts and railings around the side somebody talked about doing maybe more of a herringbone design rather than our straight across feature we could also just alternate the planks what do you guys think what would what would what would you what should we do next what should we this was the basic part I figured a little over an hour yeah we would have the the bare minimum deck on here and this is like we showed this is enough to estimate off of now we could take this and what do we do next what would what would be fun would I defer to you y'all's yeah so that's how saying is do we put a who put a railing on here to put some straight you're saying attention no that's you got it all we could put I did a hot tub and it's awesome and marks marks in there he's he's good his pants are all wet it's good railing and stairs all right let's start with railing in stairs or you could put a bench or some kind of what else could you do yeah curved edge and cut the planks with saw tools I made that up that's his game that was day bar of course a curved edge that stares at a 45-degree angle I like that let's do let's do that let's uh let's chop this thing right here and put a 4-foot wide set of stairs like mr. big let's do that let's start with the stairs I'll put a railing on too but obviously the railing is gonna break wherever the stairs are so wait for foot is that excessive big but you know it always happens with stairs especially on decks his ends up being seating sooner or later people sit down on them so with four feet that's a four foot step that's a two but step so I like that idea I like it a lot all right sir let's I'm trying to think of a fun way to put two feet on here no I won't it won't do where's enough flat oh I don't know what I do there anyhow so if I wanted to put four feet exactly cut across here you're talking about hypotenuse that's the one let me introduce you to something called the Pythagorean theorem my friend a squared plus B squared squared so take a four foot piece here oh I rotate that to 45 degrees I got that no need to grab this point and I can pull it straight across to there that's probably the simplest way to do it yeah no math and oh if there's a way to avoid math I got you covered no problem alright so here's the thing I'm gonna do I just thought about this so I'm gonna grab all of this and I'm going to turn to a group and I'm going to copy that group this group is going to go onto its own layer which I'm gonna call my estimating layer that's where that guy goes and I can actually put it then right on top of this layer he here's the thing and and I'm gonna be honest with you guys about this as we go in here I'm going to explode that back out again I did all that estimating with full cut lengths and full materials and I did not give any thought whatsoever to when I cut it up what I'm going to do tracking materials ending like that that was purely for estimating because the way I was doing that estimating with just generate reports and not a solution like estimator or quantify or anything like that as I go through and start chopping pieces up because their components first off often make them unique to cut them and the issue that that's going to end up causing is those people those pieces will be priced the same despite the fact they get cut that's when I'd have to use something more like one of those tools that's going to monitor my X length of material and apply that based on a board foot price or whatever else I have so I just wanted to throw that out for you real quick what I'm going to do right now is now we're getting to the creative part and I may not have something that accurately represents the prices of what it would actually take to build so fair warning that's out there y'all know all right now then let's get the saw out and make a mess I'm gonna go from the top down on this thing so I'm gonna start by cutting my my finished my decking and I'm going to come underneath and support it properly we'll start by grabbing I just just so you know Matt my chat wants you to reload it so I need to make one two three four five six seven eight pieces unique so I want these to go away from what the cut is right now and make it a new cut so what I am often tempted to do at this point is to grab all of these and say make unique that sounds like that's the way it's gonna work that sounds right but what that actually does is if I have multiple instances selected it makes that group into a new component so I'm gonna go ahead and do it right right now so when I hit make unique wear and go take a look at our component list details that's something for so here's my list right now so if I grab all of these right click and make unique watch it happens I don't get 9 new pieces I got one too so right here these two boards if I look at the entity info are the exact same board same with each of these so that means if I was to come into this board for example and cut that down it's cutting all those boards because of that it's not right that's not right so I don't want to do that so I'm gonna undo a couple times what I have to do is take each of these pieces one at a time make unique if I'm worried about the name then I would have to come in here and say this is now going to be called I'm not gonna worry about it too much because I said we're making a mess on a separate layer but I would have to monitor each of these pieces as its own piece so something to keep in mind there all right um right now I'm just gonna pull this one back so I'm gonna I'm gonna go into this group and I'm gonna pull it back oops I didn't I didn't do something right I have my group on here twice I didn't put it on this I created the estimating layer oh and I put it on that dang em layer all right there we go so I pulled that one back same thing here I'm gonna before I slip I'm gonna right click make unique double click and push pull it back there's a reason I'm not cutting this to the angle line I'll touch on that back make unique there actually is a an extension out there which i think is caught it's called make all unique I don't know Dave if you remember that which I think it made everything you had highlighted unique so that would be an option as well something else that is tempting to do that you want to stay away from is after make unique one of the things that you may be tempted to do and depending on the final deliverable just might be okay scale seems like a great way to just pull a board back Nathan the end you're gonna pull dimensions off of it and it's just a rectangle that's okay but in fact I'm not changing length the board I'm deforming the container so it actually if you have things like angled cuts so let's just for fun let's go in here and actually cut this right here so if I was to do that if I use scale now to deform it what's going to happen is a further back I push this see how that angle cut is actually moving that's because I'm deforming the container I'm squishing the container and not actually moving geometry so just something else to keep in mind some shortcuts work some shortcuts don't work so well all right so one more make one more unique you know come in and I'll push that back alright that's that I need a brand new board here because I need my face board at the angle here so I'm gonna start by by drawing that actually so I'm going to drop down 5.5 I'm gonna drag that over I'm going to go parallel to this this line right here bring it up push it 1.5 and [Music] make that into component and this is my I don't like that key tracker when it shows me just how bad I am at typing wow you use delete a lot all right so that's what I actually need there now I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna do some cutting I will start by grabbing this board and pulling it through pull this one through this way and the actual cut line I want is right here and I have to put that cut line on both pieces but there you go so that's a pretty easy way to close up that front right there do the same thing over here pull this one through that way to get my cutting faces this is my cutting face I'm a cord of this one here same thing oh there we go and now I can take my boards I can actually do the same thing I'll just pull them through real quick actually this is a spot where you probably even use solid tools like Dave was saying it'd be fun to do a solid tools to occur the process would be the same if I was to take these and pull these all through well this one's gonna be a little different because it that's gonna have two cuts on it but then what I can do is since each of these is actually a solid component I could select my cutter I could go turn on my solid tools and say well it's me a little it's still gonna be extra part yeah yeah I did this whatever just Rim there we go John's has got to go we'll finish watching later thanks for the vid thanks for going by John use these tips for my everyday building and design from Ontario thanks for watching man yeah so the issue with solid tools is this I ran this board through I used solid tools to trim and now I have basically two pieces so I got to come in here and delete that as opposed to coming in here like this and cutting it all off at once I'm not getting a delete on those things this is not one versus one's better than the other it's really however you want to do it I know there's other things out there like enter on solid tools which will do things like the order selection there's some different ways but I don't know maybe one of you guys have used it I don't know if it will trim off and delete geometry like this I think no matter what we do we'd have to I have to come back in and clean up that extra geometry so if I use any of those other tools and this guy right here is easy to be special because he has two cuts one to here one to here like that alright so there's my angled section so this is what I was saying about working my way down because what I have right now is this is my finish this is what your mark it's just still hanging about tub is it a hot tub time machine there got nothing Hot Tub Time Machine - yeah well obviously was a good movie they made a sequel mm-hmm probably should watch it all right so these boards right now are all on my 8-foot decking layer so I could actually turn these off or the new one I made was not that's actually perfect this one I can put back on eight-foot decking this board since I just created it it's on layer 0 I didn't assign to layer yet which was technically an oops but it was a good because now I know with that layer turned off what I need to trim too over here so what I can do is I'm gonna need basically a board right here that goes from this support here to another support over here and yeah that should be good so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna I'm gonna do just that I'm gonna create a new board that goes from here to here I'm gonna make it the same way I did before one of the things you will run into potentially as you create Java tree especially at angles like this is remember a piece of material 2x4 is the same same size whether it's turned this way or turn this way so I really like to try to use push/pull to push my materials through that way I can be assured that I'm actually pushing that through an exact distance I don't want to you know have this be a weird length because I drew it at an angle push-pull always pushes 90 degrees so if they get one face created I can push pull the width and it'll be exact just pull that through I'm gonna pull that through so then I can take this board and reassign layer is supposed to go on which is my 8-foot decking all right now I know I have this and this is what I want to cut everything to alright so this board I don't have any group or anything yet so I'm actually get this exactly the way I want it and Christopher was asking if you had any idea why this bottom face is not getting deleted with the pushball I was just gonna ask you Christopher if you had any idea was anybody in the chat why am I not losing my faces it's not going away saving face joke inserted here I don't know why it's not not I'm not losing it I should it should disappear do some of the same stuff here I'm gonna make this unique hmm I would tend to think that an issue like whoops couldn't make unique I would tend to think something like that has to do with the geometry not being square or on axes or something like that but we're going to check real quick of styles and color my lines by axes which everything is lined up on an axis right now so I don't quite get why that's not happening it's weird it's also did you just leave a straight line out like a tear nope looks like okay so I'm good on that one nice and this one I would probably do something like this unique come in and pull this back to here something like that although it disappeared hmm freaky you know we lost the software engineers yeah yeah go upstairs of Engineers and demand answers question all right so I grabbed these two guys right here and make unique because remember this board is actually this board over here too and I come into here and because I made both of them unique at the same time I can push them back together too actually I'll probably come all the way out something like that so I have a full seat for that piece what should be I should be fighting alright and now another thing I'd probably do here then is maybe move this a12 here and then I probably come in leave these ones because I'll take this right here scoot it out to here and then redo this because I want them evenly spaced so put over there and then divide that by three so I have my even number of posts they're super duper they do make us a Capone still and this is my two by eight angled all right so let's see how that looks when I turn my decking back on I have to pull this piece back I just kind of mess in there that we need to be cleaned up oh and I did not pull it in I put it at the same spot everything's horrible all right this needs to be an inch and a half in so not too big a deal and worship me so if I go from here 1.5 just take this piece skewed it and now I can know that one didn't know mm-hmm because my parents board is gonna come here so I might actually take this one make it unique push it back so it intersects there whoops just just get out my way buddy all right now let's take this push this through I just take this one over here decide who's gonna be who's gonna be holding who I think this one will actually have a little more width on the column so I might do something like that and then I'm gonna take this guy right here and maybe something like that I'll have to get a connector plate there to connect those two pieces together but that's that's not a big deal I'm actually I probably the same thing here this is probable fancier I really have to be but unfortunately my the members that I have covering on the outside aren't full-length they don't hang down past so these structural boards will actually be visible so I'm a hook f2 someone like that something like that my work all right I'm gonna have to have some additional connectors in there to support some of the stuff but yeah it's tarnished decking out again everything laps heavily and now I can throw some stairs down all right so control s anyone it's always a good time to save so we're about two o'clock right now call it halfway through what do you want to take a break shall we all right fetch a beverage whatever you like best go ahead and grab it we're going to step away for just a moment and yeah we'll get back at this we'll throw some stairs down here throw some railing on here hi mark and yeah we'll wrap this thing up so awesome all right so I'll see you guys in just a couple few minutes we'll be back soon we'll be back you for I want to try to use this green screen here I like ah [Music] whoo now we're talking whoo baby walking on the moon yeah oh yeah we got the green-screen that had the white one for too long there's too much of a hassle to set up finally sprung to the green itself play some golf on there your your desk on the moon oh my gosh I'm off the moon now I'm inside we came into the moon base yes we got a green screen you're finally just bit the bullet and went for it so all right excellent all right let's uh maybe at the end we can green screen you on to your own deck we'll get you a lawn chair yeah since we can't find some sounds we'll have to abuse the green-screen hey I tried to make a sauce out in fact earlier but didn't happen that works basically yeah is there a sketchup is Nikhil Chris president Q maybe presenting there's nothing in California that I know of but the Rhode show the nearest Roadshow is here oh la no that's August yeah it is yes yes we're doing a Feliz you don't know something we're calling the boot camp Rhode show where our Sketchup team is traveling around to a couple US cities over the summer once one per month and doing basics training so yes in August we will be in LA and as of now I believe it is sold out but keep an eye out because we have had people returning tickets oh nice StubHub check stub hub for some time yeah that's it's possible that's you know kind of big deal could be it could be happenin there alright so now we have is this right here this face is exactly four feet this guy back a little bit that made require a cath what's up sorry all right so what I'm gonna do is design a four foot set of stairs and I'm probably just sign it off to the side and then come slide it in afterwards yeah this right here you're talking about the funky corner something's got to hold up something somewhere so I mean I guess I could always angle cut these guys too so these could come out and then I could make each of these unique and I could angle cut but you know what realistically it doesn't do a whole lot for me but as far as I as far as I remember from engineering this this little little thing from here to here has no structural value so maybe something like that just make it look nice I don't know the important thing here is going to end up being the connectors this connected to this connected to this all that stuff connected together resting on top of here yeah I don't say that's what I'm thinking all right so we'll make a 4-foot set of stairs I'm gonna do this I'm gonna come in here and grab this face right here control see that and I'm just gonna come off to the side control V and I'm gonna build this because I don't so there's a couple ways I could do this I could actually make this into a group and then put that group on axes but I'm just gonna do this I'm gonna create a face that's on AXYZ it's facing towards me I don't like designing at an angle if I can help it because all the snaps all the inferencing inside Sketchup is based on that XYZ straight up down left right quadrant system so as soon as I turn to 45 degrees then I have to think does I mean oh sorry about that little interruption alright so what I'm gonna do is I want to start by making this a component and I'm gonna call this my riser and I'm going to take it put the copy on its side and call that my tread alright so one thing I'm gonna do is my treads are actually I'm gonna make them kinda big so I'm gonna come over this way I treasuring me two steps deep and I'm have a little bit of an overhang on them so grab this option stick it right here and slide it back won't have it it still got a ton but maybe say half inch so that's what my stairs look like right now that works undo that a couple of times so I'm gonna say go from here to here so I'm just gonna run I'm just making a big long set of stairs I know I'm gonna have to cut this it's gonna hit the ground at an angle so some stuffs gonna have to happen when I hit the ground but right now I'm just laying out this is what my steps to look like I could have made these three pieces into a group together so it was easier to copy but you guys were smart enough to follow that you got it alright so that looks that looks ok that's what I want my stairs to look like I may actually come back and maybe on my risers I'll actually push them in a half an inch on either end also just kind of match that the tread overlap aesthetic I don't know that look that's good that's a good lookin set of stairs so now what I need to do is I need to put some stringers in here I'll probably with with these are 4-foot wide stairs so I'll probably put one you know maybe just inside of here on either side and then another one in the center I'm gonna do this by first thing I need is I need a reference line a construction or a line that indicates this path so I'm going to go like that maybe yeah by that so now what I do is I'm get a piece of material and put it in there and then cut it for the the steps so I'm going to do this by I'm gonna go draw a piece so totally separate and bring it back in and put it in and cut it again there's so many different ways to do this particular how do you put this thing together that's it's kind of your call I'm gonna assume that I need at least let's see like I go right here go give me this it's not perpendicular having ballpark all right so that's about four inches right there so I'm gonna say I wanna use a two two by tens for my stringers just to be safe so mixer is enough material I leave me some options to rearrange those treads and risers a little bit if I don't like the spacing on those steps also so I'm just going to come I'm going to draw a 10-foot line and it's gonna be speed 2 by 10 so 1.5 inches wide there you go and then I'll push that up 9.25 and we'll make that a new component and I'm just gonna call that my stringer all right so this is my metier that I'm cutting from I'm gonna take that I'm gonna start by lining it up right here I'm gonna grab it by where it hits this some use this intersection point as my handle to grab and then slide it straight up to there I don't need this anymore now all right now I can come into this piece and I can do some cutting cut like that and then that triangle can be copied pasted right here x4 nice shot and then I just double-click each of these surfaces that's what that gives me is that so there's my stringer thus far it's probably not going to be I'm not going to save that like that someone probably cut this like this and then same thing down here just for the time being I'd like I said I realized that I'm gonna have to do something interesting to get this to line up on the ground but for right now that's what I got that's that works for me I'm going to take that make a copy of it option slide it right over to here bye-bye to to get my middle stringer and I got a set of stairs won't let yours do this let's copy this to there looks pretty good I can actually get rid of this piece too because that's actually the board that's already up there I'm gonna grab that then and make that a group not a component this is not going to be a repeating thing if I'm the only time I worry about making a container like that around other pieces of component is if I'm going to use this again and potentially going to move where those pieces are on the inside this is personal Dave Dave is on here dave has some different design ideas on how to use Hughes's components all the time and that's cool I I don't know force a habit if it's a container just holding pieces I call it a group but I'm gonna take my group now I grab it and I'm gonna install it so I'm gonna stick it right here and then I'm that arbitrarily grab a point and rotate it 45 degrees I know this is exactly 45 so I'm not really worried about using an exact number - whoa I was about perfect I mean I was about perfect no surprises here exactly how you drew it all right slide this back onto this line for right now I'm just gonna take a look at some stuff see how some stuff lines up sure WR a design thanks again for some great lessons keeps me working late on Friday from the East Coast Oh high praise I need anybody anything that gets you to stay after works over especially on the start of the weekend that's that's something yeah that's impressive so yeah thanks for sticking around and watch it yeah that's cool yeah and Marvin said he would not have thought to copy the triangles to remove the stringer pieces so interesting to see how people think and that that is one things I really like about Sketchup or I mean most drawing programs work this way where you get handed a group of tools and everybody uses them a little bit differently and makes things work a little differently so it's fun to watch other people model for that reason exactly and John joining us from Israel from Israel all right appreciate having you thanks for watching all right so a thing is happening right now here's the thing because the way we set this up this step does not include the inch and a half of our treads here so we have a weird short step and then a full step let's see how - how tall are these steps five and a half inches they're not terribly tall steps to begin with this one is 4 inches so that's probably going to be noticeable so what I would probably do at that point then is we'll just push this thing try that again all right if we drop that down an inch and a half now we at least have similar size steps there now we're gonna have an issue potentially I temporarily hide this top step who saved last I don't know it is heaven all right let's hop back in and see where I save last nothing if not an adventure all right let's go open our deck back up now this is cool so it did it did have a recovery version open the recovered version yes please all right pretty good pretty good all right so we'll go back in here drop this back down vertically grab a head into this group grab these three pieces hide them temporarily turn that on all right so this is what we're dealing with right now so really the big thing that we're concerned with right now is a solid connection between these stringers and this board back here there's a little bit of overlap there but not a ton try think what what would be the thing to do here because one things we could do this isn't going to give much structural not gonna give a whole lot of strength here but that could actually not be cut off that's not going to do much to hold the stairs up though the other thing let's see we could do something like oops hi from Istanbul hello and yes as Dave pointed out should always send your bug splats write down what you were doing when it's splatted put in your email there be a responsible Sketchup user interest of time Aaron didn't do that of course but I don't do that because the developers make fun of me yeah so I mean in case you guys see that bug splat is a third party product or a third party product we use to report when so when a software is running and it ends catastrophic ly like that the software doesn't know to do something so bugs plots actually something runs on top of Sketchup that goes oh Sketchup did someone wasn't supposed to let's report upon that and then it can send that back in to us typing your name and information in there doesn't assure that somebody's going to call you and go hey so I'll be ahead of Splatt let's let's figure that out for you what that does is if it happens regularly for one thing telling us what it did we may see a pattern so we may find out that oh some new video card is causing issues with Sketchup and causing splatting because we're seeing these reports come in with that that same information in the system the other thing that happens is if you're having the same problem on you reach out to like the support desk or something like that they can actually go talk to our developers and track down your specific splats and get a little more information on it if you do what I did where I just hit okay left then it's a little harder for them to look it up because there's nothing indicating that that came from my system so yes that was improper Dave Cotten again that's why good that's that's why we keep love Dave keep him around because he catches me all right I'm gonna do something here I want to push pull this face back and I'm gonna cut this off here and my face are disappearing now that's a plus then I grab this entire group and slide it back this way I doesn't work either cuz then i hit my my pieces here alright what that plan didn't work nobody said it was gonna be easy to relax in your backyard on a would support device that's right really just don't use the stairs third their superficial they're not for for walk you know a show please just jump off right all right so I'm gonna unhide everything no I have to go into the group sorry its context edit unhide everything give me my step back so that pushed that under there which actually made this step small so I don't wanna do that either lots I Do's all right so here's what I actually want to do yeah man I'm trying to figure out how to work that better I can't really think of anything great you guys got you know what you guys think in the chat what's the best way to get these stairs structurally sound so they don't collapse under anybody who's trying to walk down hi Eduardo thanks for watching yeah all right so wanted that you know the bleacher seating thing hey I got that all right nice wide steps I mean sure we'll practice sit here on the steps and watch marking hot tub they work at a 2 by 8 8 on top of the stringer that would butt against the rim board so right here crossed like this oh I see you're saying so put something here and then run it across then connect it that way and then connect it this way that makes that makes some sense let's do that other people said change the angle to by six to two by eight or ten oh this one right here yeah the only problem is it's sitting on top of my columns so if I drop that bigger then I have to support just that and have this stuff tie in there which is also possible that's also totally doable this would work too though cuz this would give me a little bit more connection I think yeah I think your horizontal beam on the deck that's between the post that looks like what your that'll actually I mean well that doesn't really give me much more connection that gives me a couple inches of connection so I could put a row another row of screws here and then end screw these pieces in Simpson makes a hanger well of course simply makes a hanger for everything yeah I could actually get fancy with some straps on here too and get this whole thing connected together but yeah that's true because the I believe there is a thing that I could actually loop over this that would hang underneath this angled piece and back up to that would hold that yeah have the stringers but into the two by eight and back screw into this yeah that's well that's I'm just I'm thinking there's not enough because if maybe this right here is just under two inches so I can structural screw I could put 2 well 2 in there 1 2 1 2 1 2 she's not a whole ton to hold up this whole thing but there's also three of them reality's probably okay what the possibility of raising the whole thing straight up so that top step is just like an extension of the deck and then having your step down or something that's why we keep Matt around how about that guy I'm a woodsman not a wordsmith never says what's meant oh I think you're using that right alright let's let's simplify this there we go look at that with that hey Zeus what's up what is that cardboard cutout looking thing how about mark no could be that's Park he's in the hot tub yeah he's just chillin every talking about me he's heating up alright that kind of did it thank you I will take my cut I will bill you later who are the consulting another wood thing make sure you put that in the receipt buddy wood thing consulting fee I'm spurt in my field alright so another question would come down of course how is this gonna actually sit down here this would require some landscaping hopefully just stepped into some patio area maybe we build it up so maybe we would do something like end my that's because the the axes were built off the original rectangle that you've made for this thing right so now yeah that's why I'm getting weird lines here I seen an inference off of this line snapped the wrong line that's the problem you yeah not sure why I haven't scooted that overall okay now I can come in here and inference to that here delete thank you to the chat for all the high praise I certainly deserve I will take anything you have yes so then probably at that point we would do something along the lines of some didn't go right there [Music] there's your problem okay let's work off of this happen again this one and I can't draw right I'll rotate it there we go now all you need is a grill and some chairs that's right Oh baby and a cold drink you're choosing summertime summer summer summertime summertime and top that that's maybe maybe this comes out on tour a little tattoo oh we're getting more than we bargained for here yeah [Music] yeah anyhow something like that let's talk about railing so railings a pain cuz it's so much repetitive stuff you know it just it's like the same thing over and over again that's profile builder yeah actually a profile build if for the sake of modelling profile builders great I was talking about actually assembling but yeah but that is a good idea I'm gonna do some posts that my post will come this posts gonna come up exactly three foot three inches that's as high as I can go I'm gonna make that into a new component I'm gonna call that my railing post and I'm gonna deposit that at various spots throughout my model and yes Valley architects looks like it has a scripted fence and posts extension or something like that yes yeah they do and like you said profile builder would be great I do too I'm just realizing I did not make this unique oh when you caught it on the other side for the stairs yeah this is how you're reminded that you didn't make something unique you've end up with this sort of thing I need deck on the last piece you did I don't know exactly sure what you mean can you clarify decking on the last piece are we talk about that spot that was missing right there yeah that was it all right yeah no hi ducks have you guys designed a car yet Aaron did a school bus on one of these live streams so that a vehicle certainly that's another elongated car with plenty of chairs for school children yeah that was fun yeah all right I'm thinking I don't like this 4x4 post anymore see what happens if I do something like this real I'm trying to think of how what how this is all gonna go together is really the question you should do a cop car yeah certainly could do it how many fun we throw that on the list I've been using both Valley and profile builder for rails can't which decide which I like better both work great cool yeah that great problem apples which which one to use everything just worked so well oh the white rectangle after the stairs I think that is just like a concrete slab patio yeah this was just actually a slab landing something like that okay mark oh hi mark it was so dang it oh hi mark I did not hit her oh hi mark referring of course to one of the best movies worst movies ever made the room you could throw a football around on this deck as well that could happen they like to throw the football around in that film cuz that's what you do when your casual do is just hanging it yes it's a couple of guys oh hi MA all right I'm trying to get some decide exactly I'm making stuff up I'm designing here alright that looks like it worked so from there I would probably do something like I can't remember what the numbers are there's there's numbers limitations with railing how big something can be so if I have something like I don't want if I don't want to take this all the way down so I don't want my vertical members to go all the way down past the end if I want put a horizontal piece across there and have a space there's a limit to how big that can be I can wear if it's to three inches something like that same thing with the vertical members there's a maximum distance apart those can be I don't remember what those numbers are but I realized they exist so please forgive me if I do anything you know decking faux pas let's come up three inches and I'm going to use three-quarter inch material for all right I'm within I'm legal now saying no I should probably just it was due to buy for material safety is our number-one priority in this backyard deck we don't want anybody falling off that's right cuz that's a solid foot and a half the ground and we don't want any twisted ankles nothing can ruin a good backyard deck day and having a little twist on that ankle all right so I grabbed these two members right now and I'm gonna make them unique together making them uni together makes them a whole new instance so I can grab one of these now and I can pull that across like that and both of them come and I have a little extra geometry there and same thing I'll grab these to do basically the same thing I'll copy that over [Music] Sharan x-ray to get my snap point right there right now while they're selected make unique again I'm gonna step in get rid of that extra line and push pull this back Christopher said since you've left color by axis on it's quite festive it is hey would you hang out as deck and do some fun deck alright let's let's say we're gonna throw a couple two by twos on here as railing what's my railing distance who had that Christopher Christopher Christopher is a guy who had all of our ship information oh really yeah he was a Christopher berserk ship guy what's up what's the minimum or maximum spacing between verticals on a deck is that in the UK that's me singing that was you singing oh it is four inches also okay so let's go over four inches which is just a few millimeters more than hundred millimetres in case you're wondering do you make these streams into videos yeah I mean it'll just be the full stream will be up on YouTube afterwards and I guess Facebook and Twitter for two weeks all right so this is just gonna be a simple what are those vertical things called we have this balusters polished ball roosters roosters wait really yeah we talked about this last time they were on the pirate ship so we talked about it barristers ah yes you think in a defense attorney that's the one no I don't know what I have no idea the vertical members in a railing I wasn't here for the ship thing new vertical slats sales style yes maybe balusters was right ba last year balloons to Bala year picket yeah a white picket fence all right this is a white picket I thought that's what it is says I'm using all right I'm gonna take that then option move that 5.5 inches because that includes my four inch gap plus my inch half material I'm gonna say to you that times let's start with 12 times 20 that works my gosh there's so many words for this thing it's like if you look it up in the thesaurus it's the number one most synonymous word in English Wow I don't know apparently they we knew it started with an ad is this over than s starts with a be a stick stick is good yeah would a would item the thingy yeah Stefan big fan yeah that's a kind of a catch-all in my my my talking things it's it's looking good guys it's all come together actually I'm going to do this so that lines up with the other side I'm going to start it on this end so if someone was to look through this way he would look symmetrical good thinking yeah all right that's looking pretty super right I'm gonna go ahead and put something on the top here so I'll just put a 2x6 pull that through a little long what's a railing ket what's that called Henry that was an easy one okay probably should have had that that was a I was not complicated all right I'm gonna grab that one copy it to right here use rotates playing around 90 degrees make it unique and that end and I grabbed this guy put it put it up against that there we go I guess it's called a beer holder that's it yeah all right so I'm going to put that flush and I'm actually gonna how far out does this stick on this side so this see so it sticks out 2 inches I kind of like it flush to the inside one things I think about doing is it was splitting the difference so it hung over on both sides but I kind of like this looks nice when it's flush up like that so I'm just gonna pull it this way to match the overhang from the other side I'll do the same thing here well this 2 inches this way and then this one actually cut this cut this at 45 oops God drop cutting line big guy there we go did it so out of that that's a nice little deck I like it alright I do gotta say much as I like actually I already said I don't like this this seam right here I we should go in and we should do a herringbone thing there we'll go what we do a little back and forth will actually well let's match you here we'll start here and come this way we'll come the other way on the other side and then in the middle we'll get a nice this that's the technical term I trust you hope you know what you're talking about but I trust you guys guys you know what I'm talking about all right one of the things I'm gonna do is because I'm gonna want to use solid because I'm gonna draw in a whole bunch of solid pieces and I want to use solid tools then to trim it save Vendrell saved me with the save I want to use solid tools to go back and cut some pieces like we saw before one of the issues that can come with solid tools if you're cutting up against two overlapping pieces is by cutting that piece you end up with a piece on either side of the other one so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create basically a 3d mask that says this is where all this is where pieces don't go so I can cut I can trim a whole bunch of stuff at once you'll see what I'm what I'm talking about in just one second alright so I'm gonna just draw the shape of this is what the deck looks like it's inside of these edge boards all the way around this I'll go up to the house all the way back to here and then to here alright so that right now I can turn off my 8-foot decking this shape is where I'm just gonna I'm gonna come out here to work as you set up your model you may be more to have more control over when you have visibility to turn stuff on and off that kind of thing I didn't do that very much well I did but I didn't put the railings together so I'm just kind of hop off to the side to do this this editing or this creation alright so I'm going to make this into a group right now and I'm going to make a single board here I'm gonna run run well long of what I need to do here okay I'm gonna grab that and slide it up actually I need to go way up right and I'll pull that up 1.5 and I will make that into actually make this one a group not a component because I don't want to compete come I don't want it to repeat everything I do here right now is going to actually be its own separate piece because everyone's going to have a different cut length fortunately it is pretty easy to come back afterwards and say make component so I'm going to make it a group to have that geometry in there if I want to come back as I'm designing here I can actually come back and make them components again after they've been cut but what I don't want to do is make them a component because the first one I cut then they're all going to get cut or I have to put them all in place and then one at a time right click make you need to make unique make unique so I want to make them just groups right now I'm going to mark the center because I make sure my board needs to run this board needs to run past here on this side and past here on this side alright so now I'm going to take this one and move it this way five point seven five inches that gives me my quarter inch gap again and then what I'm going to do is I want to move this over because right now it's going to end up happening oops what I just did what's gonna start if I if I offset this direction of course my ends going to come in here so what I actually want to do is slide this one down to oops there you go so I want to put this board right here I drew some stuff I don't know what happened there all right that's not aboard this is what's a word all right so that's where it is so I spent a little extra time doing that first move but what that means is right now I can take this one right here and I can say move it from the end of this one modifier key to the end of this one and now I can say x20 lost pretty close perfect perfect works all right that looks pretty cool so now I can get rid of those extra lines because I don't want to copy them and I'll take these ones - this space slide it over here flip along flip long flip a lot cuz yeah cuz it duh what else would you do first so oh I could have screwed that up so easily all right let's see let's that is what we're shooting for I'm wondering is can i grab all of these you actually want that selected I'm trying forgot the easiest way to line this up so don't have to go cut the ends because there are this this is what I actually want so if I slide this back along the green axes again again underneath this thing I slide that along the green X he still hits here then I slide it to the middle just off so what I have to do is then grab this piece right here slide it back up Stu there there we go all right so now I need to fill my gaps so it looks like I need one more board right here so I can grab this guy and we used my existing ones option move that down to that's not right oh I I got you alright that'll work and then same thing over here I'm going to grab a handful of these and move them from here option to here alright so so far those two extra there we go so now I have set up enough solid pieces covering the 2d shape that I need so now is the the fun part so now I'm gonna grab this shape there's a handle into this group and I'm gonna offset this shape out so it's big enough to cover all those pieces and I'm going to push pull it up and push pull it down and then get rid of my inside volume I need those extra lines then either so what I just did like I said is basically made a 3d mask so what I could do now is with this I'm sure a solid solid group I could grab this and do is backwards I always I always still most the first time I do it but I want to come in and I want to I trim yes trim trim trim trim trim let's turn on x-rays you can see exactly what's happening as I trim each of these they're just getting cut back to that three mask oh yeah satisfying so just cut each of these back that go both directions here look at this is this is what exactly what I was talking about is if I had just had my end board here and I use the cut it would have created three three sections I'd have a section on this side of the board this section the middle of this section on the outside so it means I'd have to go into that group then triple-click geometry Glee triple-click geometry neatly because I create a bigger volume on the outside it lapse into a completely so I can just click to get rid of it and I realize this is this is straight-up throwaway geometry but it makes it pretty easy to go through and do that all right when I'm done there now I can actually just select this piece delete it and now I just have this decking before I put in place let's turn our 8-foot decking back on and delete our boards because that's the old stuff we got new hotness to move in place all right grab that I'm gonna grab it by a quarter I know I can place by and we grab by this top corner right here fly on in here and stick it oh thanks ready right there looking good let's see this is aesthetically pleasing look how I carry that down into the stairs awesome so let's catch up on some let's talk comments real quick you never added cost to your handrails right I did create these as components so I could actually come in here and say my ballast are costs I don't know I'd have to go through and figure out what this costs on the length I honestly kind of gave up on the I didn't give up I ignored I ignored it in order to get everything modeled but it can all desta nice thing about groups or I'm sorry components is there always editable so you can always come back and add that information afterwards so I could actually figure out so what was this what was this length this length was this is two foot six and a half inches so say I was willing to cut it to two foot six even so maybe I took this and I moved it up point five so if I had a ten foot two by two I could get four of those out of there so I could figure out what a price of a 10 foot material would be and divided by four and put in for each of these I can work backwards into putting a pricing on there pretty easily and this does show that the one of the reasons you may want to look into something like estimator or something like that especially if you're going to be constantly changing and redoing that final design is I would make it easier to have a running price when you're making drastic design changes like I just did is there no official polygon limit to Sketchup environments or do you frequently use game engines to offset this there's no official polygon limit but if you get you know a billion polygons your models gonna move very slowly right so if you do come in here to windows model info here we can see the edges and faces there's not a number that says you know it caps out you can stop drawing geometry at blank number of faces that's it really depends on on your machine is how much it's gonna be there's obviously an upper limit where you start to get too much as far as game engines and that kind of stuff those take the models and render them later on and that's that's that's all on them Sketchup SRIA Lee just about creating geometry so that's that said there is definitely workflows that help your model be more efficient and more snappy as you get to bigger and bigger models so that is doing things like putting things on layers using groups and components scenes just setting visibility so you're only working with what you need to so this might this house right here if i unlock and go in here and will select everything this is this counts for five thousand six hundred and seventy five entities so there-there are surfaces and faces five just or 5500 of them if I was to take it and if I didn't need it I could hide it and now Sketchup has to draw fifty five hundred less things every time I animate because this is where where Sketchup ends up getting slowed down is this so I'm animating every time I animate it it has to you know figure out what to show on the screen what not to show on the screen what's in front of what that sort of thing so the more pieces you get on the screen then the longer takes to redraw and that's where that lag ends up coming from so when we talk about having a snappy model versus a not snappy model it comes down to those sorts of things nice I love these in the skillbuilders but absolutely hate the new thumbnails you guys came out with one with the burgundy we will pass that along how do you use groups for tile and grout so what I would recommend is one of two things and this is going to be a crude example but I will draw a square right here and then offset it the grout amount and I'm gonna make I said I'm just make this isn't be super simple but you'll you'll see what I'm talking about so let's say this is my gray tile and this is my white grout if I make that into a group or component and then I offset it this can be modeled one of two ways one way is like this so that I put the cut in the middle of the grout line this is a phat grout line but you get the idea and what I can do then is I can come in an option shift erase these lines so if I shift erase these when you're done you have these components that meet at the edge but you don't see it because those lines are erased the other way to do it is to do it like this okay I think that's all right let's see I'm sorry and make this a group roommate component there we go so I just put it on two sides and then when I copy it and then copy it lined up with the same grout but I only have to do it and then same thing if I come in here and I shift erase these two outside lines actually four outside lines then I end up what looks like a seamless texture but is actually a series of components so that's that's how I would go about that I'm only just so you know Matt I only see YouTube comments anymore oh really yeah so it's weird don't worry but during about fixing if you can tell me what their things say I did have did have a question asking about how Sketchup does with mechanical design yes I'd say architecture and woodworking are the big places where where Sketchup has presence Sketchup was originally designed for creating architectural models so a lot of the tools are based around things that are architectural sized having said that we do have people who use it for mechanical design and that sort of thing there are certain limitations Sketchup doesn't Nate naturally deal with true curves it does segmented curves - that's just how it does the curves but having said that those segmented curves can be exported as true curves through DXF files so it really depends on the workflow you have as to how well that works and then a couple questions right outliner yeah when do you use it and what is it useful for yes outliner is something I use a lot the nice thing about outliner is and I was not I started off real careful when we did the first half of this model real careful naming everything putting in prices so you can see here's the part of the outliner where oh look at that that's beautiful and then I went now let's just make some stuff and then now I have all of this kind thing where have these differences and there's a group well those my stairs the nice place where so I if I carried this through and started just go further and further where I started oh I put in hardware I put in you know if I put it in bolts or something like that they want to account for I would start grouping a lot more everything ended up kind of loose out here I didn't really group stuff together I used layers a little bit to control my visibility but I would probably start grouping stuff together I would group all of my structural elements me personally not saying this is what you have to it I would probably end up grouping all my structural elements together making that a group my decking would go into a group my railings are going to a group and I would have those separate pieces just to control them outliner is great because as I want to go into those different groups I can actually just find the group click on it so if I double click it it'll select it and I can actually go directly to an item so if I want to pick this tread I can double click and I'm editing that tread right now so the outliner is awesome I use it all the time especially when I get deeper into a model these these even though they are tend to be three hour sessions were remodeled it's still not as lengthy as doing an entire house where it's a multiple days or a week of a model or something like that so I tend to maybe not go as stress as as much organization as I would if it was my own model but yeah outliners key to staying organized outliner is a boss his first man matt says Spurs made Matt oh yeah and then and then Caden was saying sorry to jump on that but cabinetry indoors is a big spot where you use outliner too and he was asking what can I do to make changes in size without changing order size height depth etc what you would end up doing in that case is making the different pieces their own components so rather than resizing so for example right here if to take these four pieces and make them into a group if I want to resize this if I just use that it's going to distort everything that doesn't that doesn't work so what you would end up wanting to actually do is come in here and make changes to those individual pieces rather than trying to resize containers containers are something you have to think about when you're when you go to pick on something to resize it what are you resizing you very rarely do you want to is being should be intention be to resize a container what you want to do is resize the geometry it's on the inside so that's most times people have that the other thing to look into is dynamic components because dynamic components are how I've made doors before how a lot of the the cabinets that I've seen used are created because then you can actually put the size on the container and tell the dynamic components to jump in size and manually go or automatically go resize the pieces what should i make in sketchup what do you want to make in sketchup um bradley bowling says bacon piece of bacon go for it yes I would recommend a organic modeling tool like artisan or sub D but you go for it you make a low poly bacon eating it would be a challenge all right well at this poor pretty close to wrapping up as last comments come in I do want to point out that we won't be here next weekend or next week next Friday we're talking about the road shows going on I will actually be there so I'll be in Boston at University of Massachusetts Amherst next week so I'll be there teaching an intro to sketchup class should be a lot of fun and make some twenty new friends hang out with them for a couple days and then maybe they'll join us a week after we'll see so we'll be back regular regularly scheduled program the week after next so hopefully you guys enjoyed that the other thing just have to point it out our good buddy Matt is leaving us so true everybody tell Matt how much you like and he's moving which it's it's understandable he's moving to be closer to family so he's heading back to Michigan yeah the first person ever who's moved to Colorado and then went back to Michigan that's true yeah a lot of Michiganders here not too many it just doesn't go that way yeah so yeah we're gonna wish him the best of luck and I just don't know what's gonna happen we'll see if if we come back in two weeks and there's just static or there's like blood on the green-screen it's because Matt left and we couldn't take it so I'll join in on the comments and there you go give you a couple inside giddy the cameras and focus and perfect yeah so yeah so say thanks to Matt guys cuz honestly when we started doing this I don't think we would have done it if we didn't have Matt cuz cuz I still don't fully understand what he does so which is bad because I'm supposed to know what play now but did the ship without me you can continue sailing forward without me yeah I mean we certainly like doing these kind of streams and we wouldn't do it without you guys so yeah it'll hopefully continue on it'll be my legacy you know what I mean you guys as long as you guys keep showing up on Fridays then I'll be happy you'll be happy I'll be in disguise big glasses and a fake no thanks everybody thanks appreciate all your comments and love certainly yeah that's a lot of great feedback how to model a crime scene in Sketchup that's a good that could be fun what computer you recommend for modeling rendering the demands of Sketchup are really pretty light the biggest issue that people have a Sketchup is making sure that you have a video card that supports OpenGL three-three is important OpenGL 2 is the old graphics language so make sure that is the case as far as anything else processor that's going to be more controlled by your rendering software so what what Sketchup needs as far as like RAM or CPU anything like that's pretty limited compared to what would be advised for rendering so if you're using a specific renderer I would pick a machine up based on that requirement rather than what Sketchup would like awesome well thank you all very very very much as always this is great we love doing this and we're going to keep doing it as long as you guys keep showing up and giving us an ideas and we will be doing something not next weekend but the weekend after so hopefully you guys enjoy the week off and we will get back to this in June so one last thank you to Matt everybody say bye Matt and we will talk to you guys later yeah thank you have a good weekend guys thanks you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 12,148
Rating: 4.8627453 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, deck
Id: -ND4KcCl8d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 36sec (12336 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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