SketchUp Live Modeling Furniture

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hello everyone how's everybody's Friday going well let's do some chef let's do some locational set shout outs London South Africa yeah Colombia Italy UK whoa all the way from Wisconsin pretty close to you Joan yeah Vancouver ooh where our next 3d base camp Oh it'll be a closed for you easy easy travel easy commute Poland love it it's awesome I was just talking on the forums to box today and boxes in Australia and he apologized I'm sorry I'm dead on any live streams yet but it's 4:00 a.m. when you start and I said totally acceptable I wouldn't stay up til 4:00 a.m. for me so I don't blame anybody else for skip it out all right boy India main Texas Cameroon yeah Wow it's like a little sketch up UN thing going on here yeah great someone from everywhere all right first question can everybody hear does everything sound good I need a I need a thumbs up or a yes from every channel so if I can get a youtuber to say yes and a Facebooker to say yes and a twitcher to say yes that they can hear that will be awesome YouTube yes all right ooh one down two to go ah awesome Green across the board alright cool all right I'm gonna go push some buttons over here and see what happens alright welcome back everybody know if everybody's Friday is going well thanks for coming to hang out with us yeah I was uh I did my best to you guys have been around for a little while know that we snooze with with Matt who is our he's actually on right now so I'm gonna make him blush our our video Superman he would set all this stuff up for us I would just walk in plug my laptop in talked a couple times you could check levels and we'd be going now I think I'm in here two hours before and set up all the stuff Matt did and I I miss Matt yeah and then I managed to actually accidentally break YouTube streaming so I don't know what I did I did something so it stopped stream to YouTube for about an hour but it's back running now so that's the important part awesome so how hope everybody's doing good this is gonna be fun we're gonna do some stuff now today we're gonna talk about furniture it's a pretty broad topic so I'm gonna need your help furniture can be actually so here let me just show you this because this is I did submit I did my research and I went in here and I searched furniture on Google and it turns out there's lots of pictures of furniture up on google apparently beds and couches those are furnitures tables there's lots of things that qualify as being furniture so what I need you guys to give me some input is to what type of furniture we should do my thought was kind of a woodworking thing and I don't think I saw the thumbnails we grabbed some cool shots of some different types of furniture some stuff that was like wardrobe or desk something with some ornamental woodwork and that was kind of the direction I was thinking but I wanted to hear what you guys think honestly my furniture tastes are pretty simple IKEA works fine for me actually most of my furniture I think was handed down and I don't even know when or where it's from I got some particle board in my house though I admit so yeah so I need I need you guys to throw some stuff out there what should we look at and we can do you know we got three hours here three and a half hours so we could actually potentially do a couple different pieces that would not be out of the realm of possibility so we have one recommendation for sofas and cushions it's hard to make them look realistic all right we couldn't that's a something we could look into cabinets all right cabinet Rainer roll-top desk I like I like that that sounds like a fun one that sounds good not that not there's anything wrong with Berta via the sofa and stuff that's good too curved sofa for living room all right so what keep bringing the comments in but what I'm kind of thinking of is maybe we split it or we do some kind of contemporary furniture that's cool [Music] I'm sorry apparently talking and readings beyond me so kind of thinking that helps a lot I'm kind of thing what we end up doing is we go for two pieces maybe we do a furniture like you're saying with a maybe a curve in it maybe an L wing L l-shaped sofa that goes around a turn on the edge something like that would be one thing and then we could also do something like a roll top desk maybe model some drawers as separate pieces that would be kind of fun we got another vote for roll top desk so I mean I assume that that's that's pretty close to hundred percent buy-in from where I'm at okay so we're gonna do that we're gonna do a sofa and a roll-top desk so we'll start there we'll put sofa into the Google and see what happens we're gonna l-shaped right so we'll add L shape yeah these are definitely all sofas I hear what you're saying though he's saying like kind of round it's the thing about a lot of sofas is they're kind of end up being sectional and modular so you can actually take advantage of the components will do that will actually make some pieces and have them repeat on multiple sides so yeah let's go ahead and hop in with that I'm gonna start there I'm gonna yell out some sizes I don't know you know it's one of those things right I probably sit on a sofa about once a day maybe twice a day maybe two three sofas in some days when I'm really lucky but I never really think about how big it is how high off the floor is the sofa seat how deep is it how wide is it so you guys might have to help me out with some sizes here all right so what I would do this would be of course standard Sketchup disclaimer there's a dozen different ways to do anything in Sketchup so I'm gonna do my best to show you a bunch of different techniques on how you could go about making some of these things but it's of course not the only way to do it there's a like I always say there's probably a dozen different ways to do anything in Sketchup this is just what we're going to start with so I'm gonna start by drawing on the ground I'm just gonna kind of draw a shape to kind of rough out what I'm thinking something like this copy this over and rotate it 90 degrees that is a great point Nita we'll do that all right so I'm kind of thinking a sofa in three pieces something along these lines where maybe this will be one these two sections will repeat this will actually be components they'll be the same pieces maybe they'll have two or three cushions each and then they'll be mirrors of each other so it'll be an armrest on this side Armas on this side this section back here will actually turn into an arc put an arc right here and have it be rounded and we'll tie the three pieces together so that's why that's what I'm thinking that's that's where we'll start we'll see how it goes from here so I'm gonna start by getting my arc in here because because and actually I want to get this like I want to get like a perfect circle here so I'm gonna rather than using the standard arc I'm gonna come up here and rather than using the two-point arc which is the default I'm gonna use the standard arc I'm gonna inference this point and just do a perfect arc like that and then I'm use that command again to grab those same points and again do that arc so that's my middle my middle section all right I'm gonna double click right here and I'm gonna start by making that a component I'm gonna double-click over here make this a component as well and I'm gonna call this my side section and cuz I want to try to do things a little different than my standard workflow I'm gonna save so I'm going to come up here and save this to my desktop as think outside the box I'm gonna call it sofa yeah I try all right so I'm going to things I'm going to get rid of this over here I'm gonna take this piece and make a copy now I want to be very conscious of how I make a copy because I will have to rotate 90 degrees there's other things where like I just leave it and show how I'm doing it wrong later and I think maybe that's what I'll do so I just copied this and threw it over here but watch what happens once we start actually putting Jones you render this later I don't actually have a renderer on 2019 right now we've talked about that before somebody actually asked if we would do an entire live session dedicated to rendering and I don't do a whole lot of rendering myself so I'm not a great person to do it I'm all for learning things and and that kind of thing but it'll be okay but sitting and watching a renderer run is just boring there's no reason people outsource this and we could maybe what we'll do is we'll we'll hook up at some point with a live renderer something like epic or twin motion or something like that maybe we'll do something like that and do some live rendering at some point in the future I'll try to get I used to have a seat of a renderer I'll grab that maybe reactivate it 4:19 and do a little bit of just do some quick render or something like that but right now today I'm not gonna offer you that because I don't think my copy of Thea that I have is even licensed on my 2019 so good idea but no No maybe good idea but maybe that's where I'll leave that okay so here are some dimensions and that is what they are they are dimensions I'm not gonna claim anything more than that so this is saying about 16 inches to the the seat I don't know these might be a specific size who are specific so if I or these might be generic I'm gonna go ahead and just use this as a good reference so I must say the the bottom section is about nine and a half inches tall that seems about right so I'm gonna come in here and I'm push this up 9.5 I'm gonna double clicking this one double click whoops bring it up and set it down all right so got our sofa started now I'm going to double click in here and I'm going to double click or triple click this because I'm gonna make this a separate component inside the component as I go through and build this there's actually these separate pieces that make this up so depending on how I put the whole thing together cushions might be separate the arm might be separate from the seat separate from the back I'm gonna want to have control over how that geometry grows and how it because you know Sketchup is going to try to stick together whatever geometry connects so I'm gonna do my best to isolate these until there's such a point where I want them to join together so I'm going to take this one I'm just gonna say make component and I'm gonna call it the bottom of side it's like secret code I know what it means all right so that's what that's going to be for right now let's check my dimensions again overall height up the back is about 28 some inches - an inch and a half or so four legs so I'm just gonna draw a reference line here and I'm gonna go up 28 and I'm gonna draw a rectangle on top of this piece that is oh you know what this isn't it really makes sense because I didn't actually set size for any of this other stuff got a little ahead of myself so if we are gonna look at this so this was I'm gonna call this 30 inches I'm rounding I'm gonna say that this whole thing is 30 inches from here to here so I'm going to scale my whole drawing right now grab a tape measure tell it from here to here is 30 inches yes one resize and see that made this a little bit small the other thing for you so what I actually want this to be so this was supposed to be nine and a half inches so we draw another line nine point five it seemed a little shy of that so come in here and pull that up to that reference point oh scale making things right that's so boring I know I like the Wild West I like winging it alright anyhow alright so there we go so now we got this the right size that way length this way weed again I just kind of arbitrarily made something a certain length so this says it's about six feet I have it at four foot nine let's go ahead and make it an even five foot and I will come in here and pull this out to here by the way Anita says she has a lot of practice in rendering so if we need any help all right I got backup all right so now we want to go here and go up what I say 28 inches there's the that's how big the back work house should be some draw a rectangle now that is 5 feet by well here's well here's a little thing about how deep is a see the seat is about 25 and a half inches I come here and I'm drawing outside my group so I'm actually drawing lines sitting on top of the group right now so I'm just just to kind of have so I have all these reference lines sitting around outside what I can do once it's time to clean up I can just temporarily like hide my actual groups and get rid of all these free-standing lines or I could use something like clean up and get reals lines but I'm intentionally drawing outside of my container because I want to just create these lines for reference so if I make this 25 I already forgot what he said 25 and 1/2 25.5 that's right there all right so if I draw a rectangle like this and bring that straight up to here that's the back of my couch triple-click make that a new component I call that the side back or back up side I say bottom up side before and you said see see your code not even I know are you gonna remember these nobody finish nope I got outliner outliner will back me up so yeah I come in here now I can actually just get rid of my extra lines something's going down lower okay so there's my back one more piece is my arm so how tall is an arm that's about 24 inches so say 4 inches down from here so we come down 4 and then I'll draw a rectangle like this how wide is this this was 4 and a half inches so I'll pull this through 4.5 click they've had a new component and are there's no arms on the middle section so I don't have to save that as part of the side alright so there we go now you can see if I come all the way out here this is the issue I was talking about I just grabbed that rectangle I plopped it over here obviously this is not gonna work real well well I mean actually I've seen stupider looking sofas this could actually work people here face this way people here face this way maybe this is like in a lounge or a public place meant to encourage you know I don't know Steven says please oh dang good call Steven you know me so well all right so we got a float so a couple things have to happen here one is I'm gonna use move when you use move you get these little rotate keys so I'm just grab this Plus right here and flip it around 90 degrees or 180 degrees it'll snap right there and then I'm used scale scale I'm gonna hold down the modifier key option and just scale it to negative 1 now that is the same component so if I come in here and I start moving stuff around and see those two components work together so I'm good there all right now everything's wonderful one more piece here I gotta get it back looks like something's not quite lined up I think that was all that was all me everything else looks good reals lined up yeah alright so here I want to do the same kind of thing but I also want to keep so what what I would what I'm thinking right now is taking this and then offsetting from here to here and then just pulling that up if I do that right now this is monolithic this is all one big piece so what I can do is I can actually double click this that's going to get this surface and the lines around it I could right click and make that a component and I can say that is the back of the middle and I can triple click what's left and make that a new component and call that bottom of I don't know if there's such things as professional sofa makers and terminology first said sofa makers but I'm sure these pieces have real names I like bottom of middle all right so I'm gonna click into this bottom section and get it cleaned up I can see that well maybe I'll go this way that's actually nothing I'm gonna just hide it temporarily come into this group pull it up OOP that offset something happened it broke my geometry so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab everything and then I'm just gonna hit weld on that see if that welds it all together so at this point I'm gonna do this too okay my shortcut key to hide everything else so if I look at this this welded so all the walls are separate or all the lines are connected so if I want to break it I can just redraw over the end lines like this that will actually break didn't didn't work I lied for our lines like this will break it there we go to break that curve because right now it's one continuous curve so I draw those extra lines out there to break it because I do at this point as I pull this up I do want a sharp corner here in here all right so I can unhide everything else and I can pull that up to the same height all right now I can also come in here and edit unhide that bottom piece I just hit alright so now I have my basic section so these are the initial pieces of the sofa so right now is where I'd make the decision decision of how much I want these pieces to be separate or joined together if I wanted this to all be one piece I could come in right now grab all three of these right click and explode them and that's just going to give me one big piece that is the outside of the sofa depending what you're doing with this that might be the ideal solution I might want to actually break it like that if you're actually going to do any kind of fabrication or these parts are actually separate and have to be connected something like that then you want to keep them as separate pieces for what we're doing I'm going to go ahead and do that I'm going to explode it and let it all join together clean it up a little bit like this so it all looks like one piece and I'm actually going to push this back end we have a I'm gonna do this because you know I'll pretend to be a furniture designer I'm pretending to and what I'm doing I'm pushed that back four and a half inches and get kind of that sort of thing that's right the job offers are gonna pour in I can't I did you know all those big furniture manufacturers be like Oh make us a signature sofa exactly right that was good so I'm gonna save beat you to the punch that times to you and now what I need to do so just throw the disclaimer I know everything I got hard edges on everything we're going to talk about using the extension round-cornered around these over in just a few minutes first I'm going to come in and get some cushions in here I'm gonna use a line on this so I'm actually inside my component so again my outer most component is the whole thing so I'm gonna click in there once a triple click this is all my merged geometry I'm going to right click and say make it a new component and I'm gonna call it the side main I guess and now I need to make a base for where my cushions gonna be so I'm gonna say I'm gonna go in the middle I'm gonna draw a line straight back and I'm just gonna make a rectangle like that and pull that up four point seven five inches click make that a component and we call that side cushion one so that's one cushion my other cushion is gonna be a little bit different shape because I'm gonna use again just trace around the existing geometry that is grouped separately like that and push pull pull it up to here triple click I'm gonna make that a new component I'm gonna call that side cushion do you guys probably saw that won't come in huh I know sometimes I get a little overly creative alright that looks okay again we're still blocky but I know you guys have faith we'll get that worked out next thing is to come in here so this is a little bit different it's going to be a little so well I'll do the same thing I did before first I'll merge these two geometries so I'm going to explode boom joins together there and come back here and delete that if I triple click all one piece make that new component middle main and this is a little bit different because it's gonna be hard for me to click to trace this geometry the other one was really easy was a rectangle click click or 4 lines this is totally doable I could grab my arc and copy that I could draw another arc lines are connected back up but instead what I'm do is I'm just gonna grab this surface in ctrl C and then click outside of that container now I can go to edit paste in place and I'll put a copy of that surface outside of the component I was just in and now I can just push pull and drag it up to the cushion height and triple click and make that new component I'll call that my middle cushion just had a question about this video we do every time I make these videos live we do leave them so they will be this it'll be its own video on YouTube it'll be its own live video on Facebook and Twitter will hold on to it for two weeks so if you do have to drop out m'kay music is asking you can come back later and watch this anytime you like whenever is most convenient for you alright so if I didn't know better I'd say that was a sofa that's comfy maybe a little hard yeah a little hard sided right now that is true yes somebody asked about posting their work absolutely check out the forum so our forum forums Sketchup comm is I would call it a vibrant community and a very active community I've been on a lot of software forums where stuff doesn't happen like literally nothing happens that's not our forum our forum is very active lots of people posting things questions answered answers oh look Dave Richards is here speaking of forums he's taking a break from answering every single question in the forum to hang out with us live now I feel and all so you guys should know dave is he makes furniture so I'm just gonna turn it over are you nervous now yeah I just started sweating dates here no making fun Dave yeah so so yeah if you do want to ever post work and share it with community you can put stuff up there we have a gallery section on the forum so you can actually go into Sketchup gallery and you can post your work and people if you want feedback ask for feedback input that sort of thing there's always more to be learned and there's it's a great spot to get input from people so check out our forum Dave promised not to pick on me I'll keep going then Alfredo what's new what plugins are using this is neato right nothing so far so far we've just been doing native tools so yeah nothing yet top left yeah this is all native this one right here is follow me it's not part of the default toolbar but I added it but everything up to here is all native tools so I just customized and added a few that aren't on the native tool or on the default toolbar that I use a lot but so far nothing nothing tricky top right okay it's kind of funny because a lot of times so when I look at the camera I have a little shot of what I'm seeing over here to this side but note that like I actually I tried to clean up I spilled on myself earlier you can see this little light patch right here it's actually some of my breakfast but I've looked up there and looked at the picture and I kept going like this to try to wipe it off so I said all that to say I have sympathy for the left/right thing so yes as I look at it on Sketchup modelers right these are these are the tools that I find myself using a lot so with the way I generally use Sketchup I'm using on Mac so I do have some limitations as far as what information I can show I Mac doesn't have the nice stacking toolbars that Windows has so some people in Windows will have you know three four or five toolbars at the top I can't do that on Mac I only have this one toolbar so what I end up doing is putting in the commands I use a lot which are these are my native commands I use most often and then my view options here and then these are extensions that I use a lot so well most of our extensions actually one of these isn't that is a push line which allows you kind of like a push-pull on line to pull a line into a surface this is just the shadows checking shadows on and off this is vertex tools sub D and solid inspector from TomTom and then I have split donut and split sausage from TIG these are just tools that I end up using a lot my standard workflow where I go up and click on them to be honest a lot of the stuff I do I the shortcuts I have are either mapped to my mouse or over on my 3d mouse so I don't use these a whole lot anyhow most the time that I use them it's because I'm doing a video or something like that and I want to say okay click section I come up here and click you know show what the section icon looks like so that's another thing that is nice about Sketchup is you can tailor it however you want your UI can be whatever works best for you all right let's move on so next thing to get on here is well there's a question of cushions alright so I might have separate cushions on the back here where I might have like it might be part of the back I'm going to say I want to put actual separate cushions on here so I'm going to come in this group and I'm going to start with a four inch cushion here I'll pull that up I'm actually pull it up just past that so I'm gonna go two inches past the back of the couch and I'm gonna right click and you know okay sorry I'm distracted because a comment just came up Cali Draco just said I wish windows would collapse automatically likely to iMac I'm assuming you're talking about these over here it's funny because I think this is one of those you want what you can't have things these little things work okay but I really wish we had the ability to turn on the tab bar in Mac I've used it a couple times on Windows and the way you just you can customize it and collapse it and pull it back out it's so nice and like I said it's probably just a you can't you want what you can't have but yeah I've heard several people say they wish they had the tab bars from Mac who are on Windows and I've heard multiple people out windows wait whatever the opposite of wherever I just said was in vice versa and vice versa there we go and that backwards so yeah it's it's kind of funny all right so I'm gonna triple click here I'm gonna make this new component and I'm gonna call this side back cushion push Oh cushion one or siddhaye and I must save cuz you know I really am good at that come over here use the side of this cushion to just draw the profile my next cushion push pull it out to the arm and just because we're gonna make this extra fancy I'm gonna draw a line right here to break that and pull this out this way all right triple click make component side back cushion so Aaron yes ma'am can you make your own shortcuts customize your shortcuts to your workflow yeah absolutely and that's that's that's something most people so toolbars are great but I think most people end up using shortcuts so it's nice especially when you're when you're learning Sketchup there's nothing that beats an icon that does what you need to do so a lot of times if somebody's just learning I always recommend going to tool palettes get the large tool set on whether your Mac or Windows and have all your commonly used native commands right here once you get used to it buttons are nice and if you have a lot of extensions I've seen a lot of people with buttons turned on but you'll probably get used to shortcuts and that is just assign hotkeys to whatever commands used most often and just click those that's really it's it's hard to be that way of working it's a lot quicker than having to go up and hit buttons all the time so yeah shortcut keys really are probably the way to work once you get past the startup phase the learning phase there is no version of Sketchup for Linux I've had heard several people ask that and we actually did a little bit of outreach to Linux users to find out how much they would pay for a version of Sketchup and the overwhelming majority was they didn't want to pay for it so maintaining entired other version didn't kind of bubble up on maintaining a third build of the software for free wasn't a high priority but having said that I have heard several people who run on Linux in a visualizer or emulator of some sort so I don't know much more than that I can't say anything else about Linux cuz I just told you like twice as much as I actually know all right so I'm gonna take this now again kind of like how I made that the surface to make the the cushion I'm just going to select this ctrl C click out of that cushion edit paste in place and I'm going to grab this backside this back line I'm going to offset it from the back edge to the front edge and I can actually oops grab that pull it up to here I'll triple click and make that a new component I'm gonna call this middle back cushion I keep forgetting my naming scheme as I'm in the middle of making it alright so I'm clicking here and just now get rid of my extra lines alright so at that point in fairly quick order less than half an hour we have our initial cushion and in some cases this might be enough so I know right now it looks like it's made of concrete but let me show you what I mean by you know we can we can kind of cut corner a little bit i'ma save so if I wanted some of this to look sharp but I wanted like the cushions I want to round over the cushion edges what could be good enough is to come in here with your racer and hold down the alt or ctrl key and just soften these edges so in some cases depending what you're using this for cuz it really all depends on that that might be good enough see how I got that kind of rounded edge it's not good enough for us but depending what you're using it for if this cushion is going to be here if this couch is gonna be seen from right here that's probably enough I probably don't have to go go further and add a whole lot more geometry to this if it's gonna be you know the size of a thumbnail on a drawing so I always advocate for modeling for whatever you're actually using I'm gonna undo a couple couple few times and get our edges back and now we're gonna actually go in and talk about some extensions I'm gonna go up here to view tool palettes and I'm gonna turn on row no fredo corner it's called now there it is and fredo corner is an extension from Freight o6 the extension developer and what it does is it takes geometry and well like it says it rounds the corners so natively this is something you'd probably do with like a follow-me tool or something like that where you take a round profile and use it to subtract from the geometry of the cushion and that works but it gets a little more complex when you're looking at things like corners like this right here if I was to do a follow me around this corner I'd cut that top corner off real nice but then bring this corner down and softening that also becomes a little bit more work so you end up having to lead geometry and maybe draw some new geometry or create a bunch of pieces stitching together or even end up lofting the corner together something like that so we're going to keep it simple I'm gonna double click into this cushion I'm gonna hide the rest of my model so I want to work on just this component I'm gonna triple click to grab every edge so with the cushion I want to soften every single edge so with the main couch there may be parts that I want to keep as nice hard corners but the cushion actually went around the whole thing I'm gonna grab it right now and I'm going to click on I believe this top one is the full round corner yes it is I'll click round corner and it's gonna ask me now how far do I want to offset it right now I'm offsetting 9 inches that's too far so I'm gonna try 1 inch offset and see what that looks like and what fredo coroner does now is it lets you visualize what's going to get cut off so my red lines are the actual lines that I selected that's the most outside part and the green line is where when it's rounded that's where it will continue on to the next plane so this is the chunk that's going to get cut off we do have some options in here a number of segments I want to generate so the more segments I put in there the softer and rounder that corner is going to be right now it's going to four segments that's fine for again for what I am thinking I'm gonna use this this model for that's probably fine if you know for a fact that you're gonna go in and do some high-quality renders if this is like you know product visualization you might want to go for higher than that but but that's your call there's a bunch of other stuff in here honestly that I there's so many options that I have a hard time remembering what everything in here does so if you do want to use fredo corner go ahead and give it a shot and try some of those different buttons and things right now I'm gonna go with just the standard default information in a round corner and I'm gonna hit the check box so you have questions about leather can you add texture like leather - yes absolutely short answer yes you can add a texture of anything you want to add so I always recommend if you can with something like that if you can get a seamless texture it's great because then you can tile it and resize Twitter size you want and if you can't get a seamless texture than getting a texture of an image that is bigger than whatever you want to put it on so here if I if I wanted to make this a leather texture I'd want to make sure that I had a you know a piece that looks good when it's stretched larger than what this piece is right here all right so that rounded the core is good I like that I'm going to go ahead and leave and click out and I can see what my round rounded corners look like that looks pretty nice it did by pulling the corner back it made it a little bit short here you can see that see how I pulled it back there I'm gonna leave it right now but we'll talk about what we what would we do if we wanted to make this hangout a little bit longer or some different ways we could address that I'm gonna click into this cushion I'm gonna same thing I'm just gonna triple click and I'm gonna round corner again and just hit the check box red checkmark oh nope hold on undo something got oh it didn't get ugly it just didn't get pretty it was that was praised as expecting so this is well those things I was talking about manually going through and connecting how these multiple we keep flipping to offline on my screen that's weird Internet is anybody else am i disappearing or is restream just messing with me we're still online everywhere but looks like it restoring keeps telling me we're offline you guys are still talking so I assume it's not too bad according to twitch we are good we are live ok and YouTube alright I'm just gonna keep keep going so this is not the most beautiful here I wish I'm going to look at my hidden geometries to see so that's it's not bad it's not a bad geometry but it's a little bit chunky what it's doing is kind of trying to soften that corner again with all the different sides coming together so I'm gonna leave it let me see how it interacts with this once I soften this too but there we go that's looking good thus far I'm gonna do the same thing to these top cushions triple click round corner good exit click good whoops triple click click click now good all right so I was like alright now I'm gonna come in to this piece right here I probably would be a little bit more selective I don't want to soften everything so remember when if I triple click let's just we're I'm just gonna do it I'm gonna say go for it so what it's gonna do is it's going to all these inside corners it's going to kind of come in them and and soften them cut them together like that my outside corners will all become the outside so the question really is where am I actually going to soften that geometry like that there's some spots I probably don't want to do that inside corners I probably want to pull kind of sharp that's maybe maybe they would actually fold inside so rather than hitting okay here I'm gonna actually be a little bit more selective I'm gonna select everything and I'm going to show you a tool that I use a lot when it comes to selection that's selection toys and I'm going to come down to deselect faces so I'm just gonna get my edges turned on so that's it that's the extensions available on this extension warehouse it's called selection toys it lets you add or delete or filter your selections based on type now I'm gonna hold down the shift key to get my plus minus and I'm going to turn off the inside corners so I don't want any of these oops to get softened ooh we got our best bus ever winner online right now Brian's here celebrity sighting alright so with those turned off so there so I do it I'm not a hundred percent sure here I'm not sure housing look I'm not sure if I want to soften these edge pieces here or not cuz they're gonna that's where they butt up against each other this is all one piece I may actually want to turn these off so it has a nice smooth you know flat connection with the corner piece so I'm going to turn those off and I'm actually turn the bottom off to I want to be totally flat on the bottom I don't know what I'm doing we got another celebrity status online don't get too nervous Erin its Josh oh great all these guys are gonna tell me what to do alright so now that I've filtered my selection I got my inside corners turned off I got my end and bottom turned off now I can hit round corner and I can actually view again so I can see where it's gonna around the corner so this front corner will be rounded this will be rounded up here that looks good I'm gonna go ahead and hit it and then exit and then I'll click out to see how that looks with my cushions so yeah I kind of like that I like the way that looks so the round corner rounded this piece you can see like that but it left it flat on the bottom I think that looks good if I wanted to if I want a little bit of a lip under there on the bottom I could come through click in here and then you know do another round corner with maybe rather than a hole off inch offset maybe I do like a quarter inch or something like that just give a real small little tiny lip something like that could work I'm gonna go ahead and leave mine just flat though again it all comes down to modeling for which you're actually using the model for all right so like that you can see that that that took care of what looked like it looked like our cushions were in from the bottom but by softening that corner you can see they actually come out to flush with the front you need some space underneath for cat toys I was gonna come back and put feet but yeah I did know the technical term was a cat toy storage location so thank you alright these are gonna go pretty much the same way I'm going to double click triple click round corner I'm gonna put my same I set the same one-inch offset here around the whole thing same thing for the back cushion triple-click round corner one-inch leave that and then we go to the geometry here I have these extra lines that we have to bleed out I'm gonna triple actually know what I'm not gonna whoops I'm not gonna triple click because it's actually not that many pieces that are soften on this earth that are gonna be rounded over on this one pink I think that's it it's just those pieces it's time to select them out to do a big group select and deselect ring like that alright what's going on here unless I had some loose geometry somewhere I rounded the corner pulled back and left that piece for me 40 minute sofa so I know one of the questions was materials how to put materials on here so let's let's take Ono what we got a I'm sorry I forgot cat toy and change storage support that's right here aligned here - all right so we'll come on under here and I'm gonna draw just basically it's me pretty simple let's see I'll come across from here I'm across from here to find where those two meet and I'm gonna draw like a three by three inch square which I'll pull down to reference opposed say for that all right so we're say an inch and a half someone with the cat toys at about the right size 1.5 all right that was good but not good enough I want to I want to give a little bit of shape so I'm gonna grab my scale tool and I'm just gonna slide this towards the front something like that that's a good-looking foot all right so I'm gonna grab that and before I actually make this a component I'm gonna add a little bit more geometry just to make it easier to place I'm gonna grab a line and drag it out to the corner here and another line to dry it out to corner here that'll let me place it from the front or the back I'm gonna draw one more line like that these lines will all come off after all these these pieces are placed but like I said Oh need all those lines but this is going to give me a couple options as far as where I want to put this on the other pieces of the sofa so I'm gonna do that I'm a same eight component I call this my foot and I can take that then I'll place option to copy I'll put one right here and then rotate that 90 degrees both of these copy over here there's an R well spots were probably a dozen different ways I could copy over these copies feet over but there's my that's my four feet I'm gonna come in here grab one I have to control see I can't use modify or move key to put it on the other piece on the middle piece because it's out of context so ctrl C to copy then want to click into this then I can hit ctrl V to paste and I can grab it by those handles go stick it right here rotate it there right here and I can take that of course rotate that 90 degrees and one more actually what if we would want a fifth foot on the back here they're gonna be tippy your tip back we'll throw a spare foot in just for fun grab this foot I'll grab it by the outside corner I'll go find middle of this arc and I'll rotate it let's see 90 degrees so there's some foots okay I'm gonna click in here double click into one of these feet and just get rid of my lines I just needed those replacements so once I do that they disappear out all of them and I have there's my sofa geometry I'm gonna save you guys so much change I know so many cat toys and dog toys both now if you get a good small off child you could stick them under there christopher ryan wants to know if you can add some button tufting yeah that's a thing yes we could do that that field that's one of the things that I absolutely yes yes short answer yes I'm going to do it on this sofa because I like the way this one's turning out but we'll go look at some tufting because if I was to do that here's okay here it is I got to talk like I'm not making excuses while I make an excuse absolutely that would be awesome I wouldn't try personally I wouldn't want to try to do it on a round thing like this on the fly I would have to do a little spend a little more time but wool will make a separate Christian will make will make a nice pillow it has a button in the center in testing alright so the other thing I want to talk about real quick is how to put some materials on here there's a couple ways I could do this I'm gonna grab I'm gonna come in here and come in here alright so I'm going to get down to the service level I don't want to apply materials to a container a group on the outside I do when I apply materials want to apply it to the actual surfaces so what I'm saying there is like I can you will let me take the paint bucket and apply materials right here onto this surface but I don't want to operate that way that's not what I want to do what I want to actually do is apply it to the surface here one of the big reasons is we're going to go in and modify and edit the texture you can't do that when the texture is applied to an entire can there's other downstream parts that can come back and bite you but the most upfront way is I can only edit textures if they're on a surface so that's exactly we're talking about right now is editing textures so I'm going to be lazy and I'm gonna use a stock texture I know our stock textures are not beautiful they're not the best but they're going to work for this I'm gonna hit B and I want to go look at my fabric textures and I want this to be a really good looking sofa so we got carpet carpet ooh blue suede blue suede couch I'm gonna ply that there alex has a lot of ideas to make this couch something crazy I like ideas he wants to see a walk ah see some cup holders be a crazy couch maybe we'll do a you can do a rib boat but the couch like the best bus ever maybe we'll make a best couch ever I'll throw this up and black and white and we can Oh looks like we dropped on Facebook or something or is that just me all right why just be my connection all right so I'm gonna take this so this is so you guys will recognize this I'm gonna grab this right now I'm gonna hit Paint Bucket I'm gonna sample off of this material or this surface right here is just the flat surface I put the default material on if I click here you will recognize this so my nice smooth corners become kind of a mess right this is and this is the the issue what's what happens by default when you just grab a bunch of materials or a bunch of surfaces and hit paint bucket and just drop it on there it takes that material it puts it on one surface then it goes the next surface takes the material puts on that surface and it works its way around like the facets like the rounded corner each surface gets another separate one so you up with basically each time it does it that texture starts over moves over starts over from the same spot so you end up with this this jagged looking chunks going down the side not ideal right so what we can do instead is I can take this material right click texture and call it a projected texture so projection projected texture behaves a little bit differently because rather than when I put it onto a curved surface rather than each facet getting its own it like a image on a projector it actually casts it from one direction so watch what happens a triple click again I'm going to hit B for paint bucket I'm going to sample this projected texture and apply it here and this is a double edged sword which we will see right now so you can see it did if I look at like from this it's the same texture all the way what ends up happening is on the vertical side it's stretching it it's projecting it again so it's projecting it vertically down and it ends up stretching down like this so in some cases depending on your texture that might be okay I might have a texture that actually looks alright in that well this texture looks terrible oh that looks horrible couch weird we're gonna keep we're gonna roll with it though alright so I'm gonna keep going here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show hidden and if you have one of these textures that doesn't look good cast that way what you can do is you can select that other surface so I'm gonna select this middle ring like that and I'm gonna go in and apply that exact same texture so it's already selected to the side so I'm going to take this basically and do this and then when I go like that I'm applying it in from the side and see that looks a little bit better over here nope didn't last too long so I could add this to the front and back something like this again this is all in lieu of going and finding the right texture and bring it in grab this one right here yeah well it's a new trend turning this way that's right I'll pick this again and I'll apply that to this side and so you can see when you're done with that turn off my hidden it's better it's ideal this is obviously this is a hack together example but if you really are concerned about getting those nice flowing geometry around what I would recommend is taking a look at some of the UV example or UV extensions out there sketch UV wrapper I'm missing one I don't know I remember the other one it's somebody somebody remembers Dave probably remembers there's there's a third one that will allow you to actually project one surface normally along all those surfaces in this case yes that was actually Dave Dave pointed out to I used a very large texture what I could actually what I probably should have done to start with was take this texture used position to wow it's huge start by just shrinking this way down so it looks less like asphalt and more like actual suede that looks softer see that actually looks kind of nice that that I I can get behind it looks far more comfortable so yeah so when it comes to texture one of the big things and and actually I will give a nod to Dave Richards right now so I appreciate that import input but the the real important thing for that is to have good images so I know dive likes I'm calling out Dave Richards because one of the things he does is he actually imports images of wood for his wood projects and there's nothing that can really be just actually taking a real picture of wood and you know showing it in your in your in your model because picture of a real things will look more like a real thing than a tiling texture that's been edited in photo do you have a couple of good pointers it looks like edit didn't edit the dimension in the model collection oh yeah that is true that would have saved me reapplying that if I come over here to what's in my model I can grab this right here double click and [Music] there we go that was easier yeah that won't things done thanks Dave yeah so that's easier so if those of you who missed that all I did was take the material I double clicked on the material right here and globally throughout the entire model wherever this material is used I scale down how big was me so rather than the swatch being five feet it came down to one foot and it gave me a much more again more suede looking than concrete looking couch so soft ish they turn off hidden and that looks that looks all right I'm good with that yeah so here's a couple tips so I'm trimming the easy quick way to I can't really think of a quick way to reapply that to everything without going through all that so I'm not gonna it is but I do like that idea well we're gonna take this model and and we'll do a couch customization maybe we'll make it even more than that maybe well like challenge you to build a living room or something around this couch this centerpiece yeah that's I mean this is gonna be up to you I'm gonna take this though I'm gonna say sorry mark I go I'm gonna take this sofa as it is right now before I do anything else and I will throw this up on three warehouse and we'll we'll tag it with something something clever and witty and hashtag Abul we have to search for it first because last time I saw Oh best bus ever who's gonna tag that and that guy had that drawing of it like a low poly city that was tagged his best bus ever from like two years ago so gotta do a little research is what I learned right there but we'll turn this up there we'll do a quick competition and see who can make the coolest living room with our our live modeled couch as the centerpiece yeah so let's see what else what else we got small corners yep yep somebody wanted to see a matching table but maybe that's for the contest yeah yeah I see your matching table so you would suit you guys come up with for that alright just because somebody mentioned it I got to throw a cup holder in here because I think it's such a cool idea so if I was to put a cup holder in the arm what I would do I'm come down obviously to the this geometry and I'm gonna show hidden and let's see I'll probably so I want to put it in the middle I'll grab a circle on the blue axes come down the middle when I come down there we go there is little doubt something like that and drop it down a little ways and then in order what I want to probably want to grab just this circle right here and round that off with not a one inch offset that's it that's excessive but maybe we'll go quarter inch there we go hit that whoo that didn't work out like I wanted it to it's just extra geometry I feel clean that up real quick sometimes Fredo corner he gets a little excited with the geometry and you end up with extra stuff that I don't really need I'm not sure why tie everything back together like that like it did but fortunately see s what happens when I decide I'm like hey this would be a fun thing to do let me just do this real quick and then live the whole idea of being live is like that's not what you're supposed to do it reminds me oh I see what happened wait [Music] the problem was grab that again my quarter-inch hit right here see those little blue dots that's where that that edge is actually lapping into the corner going over like that so I could probably just take this down to like Ian says if you reduce the offset yeah work better try 3/16 there we go it does do this when you when you create a circle sometimes where we'll go fill it a sin or something and I had I had to show a cupholder all right there we go all right there that was C quick and easy no problem that would be I would definitely have to throw that in there I don't know how big that is so it's not big enough for uh that's the width of an average two inches that's a little that's little slim I have to it's a shot couch or something all right undo undo undo undo undo undo undo it says the regular size is a diameter of 3.15 inches and 2.25 inches deep that makes sense and my whole arm is only four inches wide so I'll be an issue all right so if you do want to put cupholders in here you're gonna have to make it wider so and actually just to throw out a tip someone thinking about there if I wanted to make my arm wider for example what I could very easily do it's hard when you have jobs like this where everything's hidden because it says this is all one big surface what you can do is turn on hidden though and then you got to get good at your selection but I can select everything is on this face like this and I could pull this over so I'm going to go over two more inches to make that wider to give me a little bit more space there same thing here I go to this cushion grab just this geometry turn hidden on and then slide that over two inches same thing up here then I wanted a that way I have now appeared here it's four and a half inches so I actually have the real estate to put a proper cup holder into that arm so something to think about as you as we launch off into this next effort all right okay so I'm gonna go back this will be this will be again undoing back to the point of our our centerpiece save it again this will be what goes up on warehouse and this is what will be linked to for our competition yet-to-be-named if you keep an eye on the forum will actually make sure to put something up there about it and then next week I will show you where that's at show you where the models at and all that kind of thing so it'll be official er next week all right so that is our sofa that turned out pretty cool that was fun let's go ahead and close that and we're going to come back over here to Google and we're gonna look at roll-top desk ooh that's cool-looking that's a cool-looking desk right there like that one to know a whole lot about rule top desks to be honest guys we have one I have one in my house but it's it's a it's kid sized and it really just kind of sits in the hallway so I guess what we can really do is just kind of take one of these images and use it maybe as a quick photo match just to kind of bulk out the desk and then maybe we'll build the rest of it from inspiration pimp my sofa it's like that old TV show it makes right yeah I think ooh that's fancy all right back it up a little bit all right so something like this I want to get a fairly fairly large image there we go all right so I'm going to I'm gonna save that and I'll come back into the Sketchup start a new model and close round corner I can use that so much on a wood desk and I'm going to start by importing that file I just downloaded oops I wasn't paying attention to what I just did there I'm gonna import that rather than using that as an image I'm use it as a new match photo import that and I'm going to start by sticking my origin right down here at the corner put my red axes on here I'm using my my highest point that and I'm gonna grab this come down here bring my lowest point I lost edge like this and you can as you're doing match photo you can scroll up and down to zoom in and out but you can't do when you're in match photo is orbit because I'll throw you out of there my green AXYZ is gonna be along this side that just up here higher side and again we're not this time be perfect but we're actually that looks pretty good fine tuning if I want to it come in here a little bit tighter like this in some country that's I can't talk and align axes apparently I gotta focus focus hard that's right you see there's a little bit of distortion on this drawing too or this is wood and it's old and it's no longer perfectly straight but this straight line this green axis hits the corner here and look where it is on the inside of the leg here the same thing inside the leg here and then back on the outside corner so it says that the image is maybe a little bit bold like this which could happen but or again this I don't know how new this is you may actually just be a little bit not perfect I'm getting the same kind of thing you can actually see like this this reflection line right here see how it actually kind of comes up and bows up and then comes back so I'm guessing this is a little bit out of plumb they probably didn't take this picture intending for me to use it for this rude but this will be good enough for what we have to do what we have to do is just get the rough geometry of the legs the top get all that in there this is plenty for that so with that done I'm gonna go ahead into match photo and I'm going to say a done it's big as I had done I realized that like a little mark down here well under the King Kong desk that's right it'll it will be good all right so I'm gonna click right here and get one leg in oh actually oh this this was this and I'll do something like this and then pulled that up to bottom there so that's one of my legs I'm gonna just temporarily group it and I know I'm grouping and not component and I know I'm doing that right in front of Dave Richards I can't believe it but this is totally temporary isolation of geometry because I do want all of us to end up going back together in a minute I got a knowing that I'm going to jump in and out of this photo match I am gonna go to animation settings and turn off screen transitions with that often a time I rotate out I can just hit that and just snap right back into it all right I'm gonna grab that group I'm sliding along the green axis till it covers up that second side there we go and I'm gonna come and I'm gonna do this I want to put a line from here to here and that is gonna be my middle line this is absolutely a one of those situations where I don't want to model more than half of this alright so something like that actually I'm gonna probably pull this front out oh this is probably further back so that needs to go up a little bit higher so matches that which means I have to this up a little bit higher I'm not messing with this one over here because what did I do because I'm really not worried about this I just put this in for reference temporarily right there alright now I'm gonna have something like this no I'm just going to again temporarily chop it like that give a little bit of width make that make that a group and then one last chunk on here bring that out to the middle point all right so knowing that I don't know how to design furniture this is where I'm at right now I should probably go in here fairly quickly and get this to the right scale because I drew these pieces again these are just slabs to represent pieces once I actually go and start modeling excuse me I want to model actual material widths so this was just to kind of get my general shape and I grabbed this option bring it over here right click flip along the green axes you can save yourself a lot of work if you model it with closed course totally not gonna Google timber on my phone right now isn't that an instrument circular frame for holding fabric taut while it is being embroidered still don't know that clears things right up Tamra is the roll-top which is right it's it's is it well I guess a fabric or something like that could be the back right is that how that that whole roll top you thinking works yes let's do that let's do just that all right so I'm gonna grab these pieces right here explode them I can get rid of some of this geometry here and this is going to be again like I was saying this is just my reference group so this is just to kind of get me a shape let me make that a group and what's an average desk height who's got a desk height again I know it's 4 inches above my leg when I sit in this particular chair but who knows what the to mention should be right here 29:30 yeah Thomas says 30 so I I tended to trust Thomas and times like these all right so grab this click click call that 30 inches yes that seems Pando just measured his own desk or their own desk for us thank you thank you very much all right so yeah according to mark this is an acceptable size for a desk okay thank you mark that's all I'm going to ask of you today okay so having done all that we can start what time is it um you know I'm going to I'm gonna add some suspense and take a break right now I need to top off my my coffee and yeah so we're gonna take about a five to ten minute break right now so I can do breaks break II stuff and then we'll come back at it and we'll start modeling this desk again what I'm thinking one of the things I think about right now is intention for the desk is how much detail do I want to actually put into this like I'm not gonna build the desk off of this so I'm not too worried about actually going in and having each piece properly cut to you know go together what a more looking for is kind of a overall whole desk that looks good so I'm kind of thinking that that's the direction I'll go for and only go totally monolithic I do want to create my maybe my drawer separate so I could actually slide them in and out or something like that but I'm not gonna actually make this fabric a table I don't think just because of the time we have left just my thoughts so I'm thinking a lot it's the thing I do so anyhow yes five to ten minutes and we will hop right back in here and continue on with our roll top desk so I will see you guys in a few thank you you alright thanks for the thanks for the time off guys couple questions that came up one was about how often we do this this is actually an every Friday thing this is a Friday afternoon start are hanging out Friday afternoons kind of thing you know so if you ever have Friday open or if you're near a computer or just want to have it run the side this is what we do so Friday at noon mountain time not daily I'm sorry I have too many other responsibilities can't do this everyday it'll be fun it would definitely be good time no there is not a native UV mapping function inside of Sketchup that's where rapper WR APR or sketch UV come in handy so they're there extensions that allow you to do UV mapping thank you just like my pants shirt yeah oh and those your thing is my mouse oh there's always questions about it but while we're taking a break well with a like product placement now this is the 3d connection space Mouse Enterprise so this is not a requirement you can run Sketchup without it absolutely 100% I do and Ray the basis but for presentation it's really nice because with this Mouse you end up getting real smooth movements as opposed to you know the scrolling movements that we're all used to in Sketchup so not a requirement but it's nice nice to have thing if you model a lot or you do a lot of presenting when you presenting of Sketchup models so alright let's let's hop in and get rolling again so just so you guys know I actually have a separate computer not just monitor but a whole separate computer that's actually running all the streaming stuff which is separate for my laptop which I max working off of right here so I have a separate Mouse over here on the left that I'm using to do stuff over there and I'm not left-handed and this is not going well my I'm moving around a lot so anyhow let's I like to share my pain with you guys apparently this is why I'm stumbling it looked like I don't know what I'm doing all right so yeah I mean the 3d mouse is nice it does I said the big thing is just presentation so everybody who uses Sketchup is used to and I myself you know we do this kind of thing and that's fine there's nothing wrong with that and honestly if you are doing it it's not like shocking or anything like that but somebody who's watching it doesn't know you're about to dart into the drawing it can be a little bit jarring so for a lot of presentations I use a 3d mouse because it lets me do a lot of smoother moves like this it's just a little bit nicer way to present things it looks a little bit better animation just a little bit smoother that sort of thing the other thing so for presentation that's why I use a 3d mouse as far as a tool to help with Sketchup it also has a bunch of programmable buttons on it so it does speed up use of Sketchup so if you're a heavy Sketchup ER or do a lot of presentation it's it's worth checking out a 3d mouse they do have ones that are just the this part just the puck so just the 3d movement and not all the shortcut keys which I said it's great for presentation yeah a question about modeling a car technically we modeled a car last week it was the chitty-chitty-bang-bang which i know if you've seen it before but it has looks like it's made out of what was it a rowing boat and garbage can I don't know so we kind of did that it was kind of a fun example but if you watched last week's stream we do talk about using reference images for cars that sort of thing and then I don't know a couple months back we did a school bus where we actually had the reference images of side top and front and modeled everything off of those reference images so yeah we have have done that a little bit in the past so that's it's out there so you could check that out Ivan Ninja is that your real last name is ninja really your last name that sounds like a stage name that sounds made up all right let's get into this thing I am going to so we did use so we have this still this obviously isn't going to do us a whole lot of good because I'm probably not going to model off of the match photo but as I've done before I'm gonna go into my styles and go to watermark and add that image as a watermark so I'm just going to throw it over here to the side a little smaller Courtney that with my my head there we go all right and I can see everything all right okay so now I'm just gonna kind of use this as basically a reference okay so let's see here I'm gonna start at the top and work my way down I think because I really want to spend time on this top section so I might start with this right here see how big did I make this so it's approximately an inch so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come in here and draw something that's exactly an inch you can see the difference so that is where I want to have that v2 so pull this something snapped - so now it's exactly one inch tall it looks like we have a little bit of a believe the technical term is fanciness going on here where we have a little bit of a router going around the edge there so I'm gonna come on to the end here I'm gonna add two separate reliefs one's gonna cut back kind of like this and then another one I'm just gonna knock this corner off up here something like that I'm gonna do a straight line so I'm gonna grab a simple arc cut that off first like that and then let's see I can't tell exactly what's going on there so I'm gonna make it up I'm gonna say you'd do something like that and then throw an arc something like that so that's the what's the weird isn't it something like that that's that sounds believable right so I'm going to do is start by grabbing these three lines I'm gonna hit follow me and then just start with a little one there you go goes all the way around and now I gotta grab these three lines and then again follow me and click on this little profile and that subtracts some reason did get rid of that original section there that was odd I am going to hit the modifier key on the eraser and get rid of this extra line here I'll leave this one at the top because it's a little bit of an edge intentionally so there's our top and from there the desk basically builds itself looks perfect alright so let's check this it says approximately 5/8 inch let's say we want exactly 5/8 inch let's do it how far over am i right here alright so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna say I want to come over exactly 1.5 inches and from there I want to go some 5/8 inch material grab this shipped it to here and then push pull that out to here and some of you will remember I said I was gonna model half of this and that was my intention so I'm gonna break in half right now hmm question just done some beginning just gonna draw a plane like that there we go let's grab that intersect face with selection I'll break it and then I can just grab this half sweet alright there's there's half of it that's gonna save me a little time I'll probably do some pieces like the roll-top maybe because I want it to all be the one piece I want to have to go in and join stuff together so I might do that separate but for right now this is gonna work alright I want to so for one thing this actually needs to go back quite a bit so temporarily delete this slide this back like this and then what actually happens is I'm going to take this face out like that and I'm just gonna get full size piece of material sticking out no I want it I would do want to create this look right here so a lot of times when I draw arcs this is again this is just me what I'll do is I will rough it in using straight lines so I'm going to say it's gonna do something like this that's and go down like this just come out to here and maybe this last section maybe from here on up it's straight so what I do with that then is I go grab my arc like this maybe again these lines are just kind of referenced or not I don't have to be stick perfectly to them but oops I'm using that to point arc right now so something like that and take that push that through to get rid of it and sometimes this is something else you may hit everyone smile a little bit of a bump coming out here because I have segments and because I can come back in weld afterwards it might just do something like that just knock that corner down a little bit and then I can hit alt and that up the other thing that I could have used there will be something like that thing that I just paste you know the thing I could use bezzie a curve to go through and give mice give me a little bit more control over those rather than using arcs arcs is actually kind of a clunky way to do that and actually ended up with not a very good looking arc right here may actually come in right now and put a new arc right here see how that looks no that looks terrible I don't dislike that though all right I'm gonna hold this out a little bit further pull it out too right here where the arc begins awesome and this is actually rounded I'm gonna see that on here it's actually rounded over on both sides so kind of a whoa shout out to Michael Lynch who's 13 I'm using how to learn you Sketch up that's awesome wow that's very cool asking about extensions there is lots of information out there on extensions that's really cool you could actually look at our YouTube channel we have some videos called extension inspections where we look at some different extensions and how they work we also have a video up there about installing extensions which is a spot that sometimes people trip up on but yeah that's uh that's great that's right time to get off the ten feet up the router tool or the sandpaper tool know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hide some stuff grab all this stuff and temporarily hide it because I want to come underneath here and what I want to do is I want to draw it do a half circle on a pure half circle right up against the edge right here so I'm gonna do I'm gonna come down here a little ways away from the corner and do an arc like this and pull it out till it snaps to half circle then I'm gonna grab that half circle by the endpoint and slide it up boom to where it hits that piece so what I just created was I saw the half circle I'm still gonna subtract but I'm all the way up against the edge you know what guess what I didn't do before break see you oh yeah we're gonna call this the desk and here's what I'm gonna do to select the edge I'm a trip double click here to get the whole surface and then just come back and turn off geometry I see a lot of people spending a lot of time going in and clicking little tiny geometry to make their selection you can do that but if you could select a bigger piece and just turn off the pieces you want with a few clicks that's definitely a better way to do it so just some food for thought the other thing i'ma do is while these lines are selected I'm gonna go into extensions and I'm gonna hit weld that weld gave me all this as one line so now I can actually come back reselect those two pieces grab follow me click right here and there we have geometry there's our nice soft curve alright save not really sure how this melds in up to there but maybe what I'll do is just push pull this all the way back oh that's not straight yeah that's not working okay or I won't that's a little bit angled what I am going to do is I'm going to draw a line from here across to here temporarily because I want to create this inset panel here so I want to actually take that off set that see maybe cut two and a quarter inches that sounds good I think I should wear that would be soon all right so now what happens here it's hard to tell exactly so this is where I'm going to start making up details yeah dave says leave it I trust Dave there's a couple things I could do here this is actually a prime opportunity to use follow me so I'm gonna do a couple different reliefs that I could do here and this is a question people ask about cabinet making doors and windows anytime you have these reliefs so this this isn't just a straight push pull in so this is not what that looks like up close there's actually a little bit of detail here where this was was routed or something to make it just a little bit more you know fancy so what I'm gonna do is go through a couple ways I could do that so one thing you could do is we have five eighths of an inch so say I want to push it in eighth inch and then we'll go offset and pull this in let's say a quarter inch then I could take this piece right here move it along the green axes not that far a little offset like that and create and then come in here I have to do a little bit of cleanup if I did something like this but I could actually go in you know something like that and what do that ends up creating is kind of a so I got a straight piece and then an angled piece kind of happening in there that's an option that is the way you could do it the other option would be to again offset and just push pull to give me a you know a stepped relief in there that works also that's really easy to do we're not going to do either of those what I'm gonna do first thing I'm going to do is do some more welding well if you're looking for a next to start with never use an extension before like Michael just asked go grab weld there's a couple there's actually a couple different there's su weld and I think TIG has a well TIG weld what weld will do is take these disparate so each of these is a separate section right now if I select all of them like this by double clicking on the surface and then shift-click to turn off the surface now I have just these lines I go to extension and hit weld it'll make all those pieces one and that way when I do a push-pull look I get that one nice soft curve all the way rather than what I have before the weld was this right here so I'd have to go in and do a eraser with a modifier tool to smooth that back out so then grab that extension weld well it's also nice because it's easy one button click and the whole extension is finished so what another way to do what I was just talking about is to take this and push it in the full amount so let's go full alright forgot what we did five 16s deep is that what is this five-eighths all right so we're go halfway through let's say sixteen and what we could do then is I can come in here and I can basically build a profile that I want to drag all the way around that shape I am gonna go in and sharpen up a couple corners these actually don't want to be smooth and welded they want to be sharp all right so what I can do is I can come in here right here perpendicular to one of the lines so this is a perfectly vertical line so I'm gonna build my profile here on the wall so I'm gonna come over a couple inches like this and then maybe I will come out like that and let's do fancy like that I just want to take that profile now and trace it all the way around select that and then follow me like that and then I get that that's a nice simple one-click profile in there as you can see that kind of a cord around Leo said when you did well you forgot to deselect the surface that's true I did not deselect the surface it still works when you click well that disregards any surfaces collected and only looks at the line segments I did that for I called out that I was turning it off for clarity the first time and then didn't do it the second time so you got me you're right all right so a couple pieces to clean up right here but you can see and this ooh it's got a little ugly that wasn't quite big enough to make it I'm gonna undo a couple times that wasn't quite big enough to make it around this corner this corner is only 3/8 of an inch so build a new section one that is less than that nice thing about sketchup always undo and try again undo is one of my very favorite commands you guys did not pick up on that need to alright let's try that Oh failed again alright well hey I knew this all day solos alright so this may be a situation where we can talk about an issue and a solution one of the things I'm running into here is the small surface limitation of Sketchup we talked about it a little bit before on some of the previous live streams and touched on in a video or two in the past Sketchup fundamentally was like from the core was created to be an architectural tool so there's some deep roots to have to do with like what's your default unit size or what size materials are you dealing with so Sketchup is really built around our potential size things so we're a sixteenth of an inch is considered very very tiny so when we look at this when we're trying to make these little little pieces one of these segments right here is well it's less than 1/16 of an inch it's it's very very small so what Sketchup stumbles on a little bit is the creation of that very small geometry it can use and maintain very very very very small geometry but when it goes to created anything smaller than point zero zero one inches I think it has a hard time creating that so we have a thing that is referred to as the dave method so dave boy Dave's getting a lot of shoutouts this is this I was just gonna I was gonna tease him a little bit for being really good at modeling woodworking well I was going to hack at it but yeah man so what we can do is I'm gonna take I'm gonna take this surface and this surface and make it a component and this is a temp component what I'll do then I'll take a copy and just just copy it out you know I'm gonna scale it up by 100 so now I have that exact same geometry it's just way bigger and I scaled the outside of the component not the geometry on the inside but actually the component itself that bigger so it's all the exact same geometries is down here just a hundred times larger what this lets me do hopefully is select this follow me select this and give me a better better nothing didn't fix it up completely let's go bigger let's go let's go we'll go even bigger I don't care I'll do it let's go another ten times bigger and when I broke that out I broke my weld so I am going to reweld that all right now we'll say follow me all right it's pretty close one little spot that didn't quite that's why I was kind of looking it that was a little bit of a a janky corner anyhow ooh Dave said that making it bigger won't fix it that you have to change the path alright so I should tell you about this oh it's that that's just that's that corner okay well it helped a little bit it's turning into the Dave method all right all right I'm gonna modify my path REE well let's see how this goes and view how better all right so this it wants this to be smaller than this piece actually so yeah this goes back to the beginning where I actually I messed with this a little bit - okay back it up back it up all right and of course now that I've gone and done all this there's no I'm gonna do a sense not gonna look too big all right I'm gonna thick stuff I'm gonna make work don't y'all worry you tell you're worried still worried all right oh my go there you go I think that we'll probably it's a problem there we go da but an welded I'm turning off these pieces because I don't want my 90 degree chunks to get welded to right there's just that and then also and reweld that all right now I can select this follow me click this right here we have something that looks good all right so I don't need you anymore we dabbled with the day method but it wasn't what we needed at the time alright so there we got a good looking relief right there now what I want to do is like on the other side shoot that across like that going to grab that take that line weld it like that for some reason turning off more this we just sealing just just get the curves well this is really the only part I'm worried about there you go extension weld that gives me that curve so we're gonna do is take this this and the curve and offset that in because I want to get my I don't you'd call it slot groove I want to call it like a rail but it's actually the opposite it's gonna go in rather than out so [Laughter] see YouTube called it right Dave Richards watching aired model mature ah it's a crazy world YouTube it's a crazy world alright someone grab these three pieces and just follow me with this slot and there we go alright that gonna go edit unhide all to get the rest of money hidden huh oh is it outside the context where is it did I delete it interesting starting from scratch alright well I know where my foot was so that's something sometimes when you start talking about things you lose track of what you're actually doing that's ok Dave we'll keep you on track that's right thank Dave alright so we're close to back I mean it was really all we had we had a leg down there and then something representing our tabletop but it really was a lot more than that I am going to separate this a little bit again primarily because I want to keep geometry from connecting together right now so I'm going to take this and I'm going to temporarily group it and then I'm going to come in here you know what we said that I'm gonna grab this and copy it leave context edit paste in place and I'm just gonna move it just straight down like that because I think I like that profile and use that same profile for my desk what I need to do you need to actually create the profile there I'm just gonna take a chunk of it I'm gonna say go follow those two lines a lot of follow me in this furniture everyone's saying you better save it hahaha I'm living on the edge no you're absolutely right files right Oh YouTube he's got some good jokes all right I'm gonna pull that out a little further no actually I'm gonna like that back the way it was or just end up pulling this back all right something like that and then I can take this just pull that up to the bottom of the desk all right I like that okay so here's a thing I'm thinking modeling this rule top right here is one of the next things we got to do I just flush coffee my own I don't do that then you can't model oh let's try to get out of it I don't know I'm doing no I'm injured gotta leave workers come I'm gonna take this right here and try I think the best way to do this because what a roll-top is made up of is a bunch of small longer pieces so I'm kind of thinking of using extension that I haven't used for a long time and actually I don't really know how to use very well and that is component stringer actually something else that I'm realizing is not right right now is this should actually correct me if I'm wrong should actually turn and lead back here right because this roll-top actually rolls back in and comes back down so let's see so this is 5/16 drop that down there arkhan here take these off set it from here to here and just drop that line straight down something like that okay push pull this back to the same depth as this get raise extra lines push pull that back hey Aaron yes is there an extension to find intersecting solid components in groups intersecting solid components in groups if you have solid yeah well is the question about finding the solid tools yes we're finding the solids I don't like it all right explain yourself sometimes it's funny but when when people ask questions they will ask what they think is the most direct way to ask I need a tool that does this and oftentimes for people who are in you know teaching education support will want to know what the case is because the actual answer may not line up with exactly what you thought the best way that asked the question was [Music] finding intersecting if you know the tools are solid you can use the solid tools and sketch a pro - just intersect them which will you can see the intersecting portion that sort of thing it doesn't just highlight where they overlap but you can actually create a volume of the of the intersection so that would that would work Donald don't don't don't talk trash like that man you know I will work he's mad I I will if I absolutely have to but it's not my it's not my favorite thing to do you guys know that that's that was I know that the that I was actually just thinking about that because what I kinda have to do is look at is look at this total length extension will that nope I'm gonna have to be Matthew right okay some read this down one foot 3 and 1/8 inch plus 2 and 7/8 hey that turns out to be a round number that's one foot six if I am NOT wrong so that's a foot and a half okay it's a foot and half fish this is one foot 11 so that means a desk will have a little bit of overlap here rolls down like that will actually have enough room to slide back here without disappearing forever big win this works I didn't even think about that the fact you have to like think about geometry and stuff when you make a roll top desk yeah all right so I'm going to again I'm trying to figure out how to do this next step so I'm gonna grab this geometry right now I'm gonna copy it I'm gonna leave context and paste it so this is basically if there's a way to get around having to do math I probably got you covered and it's funny because I actually did a lot of design work building design trust design work for a component manufacturer that's our thing and I have to do more than a little bit of math like on the fly but it's never been like a strong suit of mine I've never I will never brag on being good at doing math in my head all right so this is basically the profile we want to make so I'm gonna make that into group real quick it was a lost slide that in right here all right so that's half my roll top I'm definitely going to have to do something up here at the top I have a little bit too much gap there I'm granted it's gonna fill up some of this but I feel like that gaps a little big so let me actually just do something like this YouTube wants to know where those trusses you designed are using math just for future reference no friend even back then I knew computers knew how to make math better than me so I'll let the computer do the math oh that's right you make math I make pictures that's how that was the deal that was our deal yeah all right I'm going to now so I have two groups one is my roll top one is the rest I'm gonna start by creating the handle board oh so this is this okay Dave's tell me that the the half a Surrey I just did was incorrect this should actually be a board dropping down I will I will come back to that in the future thank you Dave I got worried about security like something just get right into my roll top so I'm going to come in here and make a profile out here I'm gonna come across here all right so I'm not realizing as well that this groove right here well I guess this whole thing that whole thing wouldn't ride inside there so it but I'll come back that all right so this is the board that has to lock in it and the little handles will be on there whoops did not realize that this was not grouped go alright so there is our thing that I'm gonna call a handle board that's what it's called probably not but that's gonna be my handle bar alright so the other pieces and this is the spot I was I was trying to figure out what how I could go about this because I don't know if they're half round pieces but this basically ends up being correct me if I'm wrong a piece of fabric or nowadays probably something like cardboard or something like that but a flexible piece of material that those those stretcher pieces are connected to maybe the leather or something like that that's right trademark handle board um so I think what I have to do here is create a series of those like half round pieces so I'm thinking yep Dave agrees with you you are correct fabric yeah I'm just bad a thousand here this is this is great so how deep was my little leg here that's 3/8 of an inch deep so I'm gonna make this what is this gonna look like what's that that's too big alright so I'm gonna take that scale that down I'm hitting the wrong thing you know what let's see well I've only I knew how to do math it's so easy actually this is more geometry that scares me alright let's do this No half-circle close it up take that 2d sheet shape stretch that out ooh so basically I want to do something along lines of that but I need that to repeat itself along this arc so I think what I wanted to is I want to use components stringer to put this component along this line I want to go to maybe say here so I want to come copy that all the way up there so I'm gonna save and I've done this before a couple times where I've went and grabbed an extension and installed it and tried to learn it to myself live I'm not gonna say that it went perfectly I'll leave it there near perfect right what depends on your death yours a relative term so I'm gonna go to extension warehouse and I'm gonna grab component stringer this what's called from Chris Fullmer and I'm gonna watch the little video because we said I'm pretty sure this is what I'm looking for yeah cuz I can actually just take this I can grab a path and grab a thing yeah watch this this is just gonna go perfect if you don't use extension warehouse like somebody's asking earlier you should really check it out spend a little bit of time there every week and just check out some of the extensions up there because there's stuff that does things it always amazed me how I would think that I was trying to do something that nobody had ever done before and I was toughing it out and trying to make geometry and move things around and then it turned out I went up to extension warehouse and found out that like lots of people do that same thing I do and then somebody made an extension in some case two or three extensions that do that thing and it saves a huge amount of time so check that out if you're not an extension warehouse user you owe it to yourself to take a look alright so now I know what I need to do is I need to get a path so I'm gonna break this path a little bit because I want to get this piece this curve and this piece and copy that this whoops trying to clean up my extra geometry as I go nope there we go all right so I'm just doing so over on the side this actually only need to have them touch or anything like that I'll take that and weld it go to extensions and find Chris Palmer tools components stringer alright select an arc or series of lines and the component this so that me think I'll take this make component and this is my half round thing so I should be able to go grab these extensions just pull mark tools bonus stringer no okay [Music] we're closed all right try it again components stringer reverse edges I think I still want no component rotation no scaling think she has I've hidden 90 well that rotated each one night degrees off the next also not what I want to do there's only so many options here so we get this right sooner or later still the one reverse edges scaling uniform rotation zero alright so that was closer Dave Sofia axes are set wrong for them air yeah probably so probably got to do something like that oh then told me to hey you guys taking care of me yes do you beat you to it bin alright component stringer no reversing scaling none go well that's not right either what next yeah there's go for things to try alright who acts he's this way fix all right go stringer it won't fail me now this is gonna be it was either yet no okay Oh son of it so close the first ones not going right why are the rest of them flipping Keenan gave me an idea but I don't understand what he's saying yeah I was gonna repeat it but I'm not sure I know what that is like one or two more tries no one reverse no scaling 90 whoa oh that's cool that's not what I want but it rotated 90 degrees over the length of it that's awesome it's still not what I want well hey like I said pretty much told you this is I was gonna go right alright so here's how it would go you guys keep keep at it so you can figure that out but this is the way I would do it manually I grab this one option click it right here and then I would grab this and drop it down till it hits the line then I grab that one come here rotate bring it down to the line so it's not I mean honestly if I had started doing this when I started the download for the tool I probably would have been done but it's just not very much fun to watch it's much more fun to watch me flail and yeah that's what we're that's what we're here for other people's pain that's that's what entertainments all about so I dunno I said I've played with components trainer just enough to know that it can do it but I use it so infrequently that when it's time to actually do it it's not perfect so sorry just give me one more minute guys almost done all right so while while this is happening let me ask you guys a question let's pretend for a moment it's next week and you all come back here because for some reason you thought maybe you thought you'd be able to see me suffer a little bit more for whatever reason you've come back for more SketchUp live next Friday what would make you happy to see we're always looking for ideas in fact we actually started a thread on our forum called what should we model Friday where we're always taking suggestions so you know I you know recommend the forum a lot but that's because there's just a lot of good information there and it's a great way for us to keep in touch with you you just probably know we have a handful like quite a large handful lots of customers out there that we love y'all but it's hard to keep in touch with everybody so the ones that we hear from the most are the ones who reach out to us and you can do that during via the forum so that's why I push it so much just because it's I really like talking you guys and that's the easiest way for me to keep in touch with you but having said all that to say we do have a spot on there where you can recommend what you think would be a good thing to to model but does anybody else have any options or any thoughts while we're here what would be a cool thing tomorrow because usually we pick what's gonna get modeled on Mondays so if you guys have an idea now we can actually take that into our meeting where we talk about content and we can say here's what everybody wants to see modeled on Friday and then we can plan accordingly with something iconic for July 4th all right fitting a rollercoaster as long as we can ride on it I definitely had to figure out component stringer by then then huh cuz that's that's like the epitome of great repeating geometry even asked we never tried copy a long path extension that that's that would be a great idea real versions of childhood toys who like like what go go further with that that sounds exciting nothing like Chucky alright so now that I got these all copied up here I'm just gonna go into one of them they are components so I can grab one of these I can push pull through hit the inside and there is our roll top I'm actually gonna get rid of this I just need this for reference thing delete that and then this and this can go into a group together and while I'm here I'm gonna hop up here and get my my security board also trademarked turn that's it yeah we'll say three-quarter inch material what did I just do ask yourself a weird half inch material there we go drop that don't like that left here and pull that all the way across all right there is the top of our roll-top desk sweet alright at this point I'm actually take this section right here put it on its own layer call it something crafty like roll top and that way you actually turn it on and off and a little bit easier to work on the inside here alright that's pretty cool I like that a lot let's go ahead and throw in some of this stuff this is the kind of stuff that I think is cool and furnitures like little chunks that are like little tiny drawers and stuff I think that's neat so we're gonna do that we're just gonna do basically what they have here we've got a little little shelf hanging down I'm sure there's a piece of material that goes across like that I'm assuming that there is something like and Dave can tell me if I'm right or wrong here I'm assuming that there's the back of the desk is like right in here so assuming it goes something like like this and that section is what that shelf is all built on that sound about about right to anybody who knows about desks and stuff dude that's a quick enough I'm assume yes okay so I'm just gonna oh there will indeed be a panel to hide the roll top right all right so Cara's Wyatt is monitoring the comments on the channels I am actually seeing them through our restream app so I get them a little later so she's uh she's beat me to the punch on these alright like this Oh so apparently the panel is a part of the gallery inside good to know all right thanks Dave this is something like that which is going to give us this little nook here for our drawers how tall is this now how time I make that seven and a half ish so if we go three three note to here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use a chart or a command people don't use a lot just because they don't know about it but I'm just gonna divide this into three piece so I'm gonna divide I'm gonna slide my mouse down like that and that's gonna give me two divisions right there I made this out of quarter-inch material so I'm gonna stick with that I'm gonna come up 0.2 five I don't if you guys ever do that where you start to model and it draws the face on top anything I draw along this surface is gonna close the surface in so if I want to draw lines like I was just doing the best way to draw them on the back because that's already closed out to worry about that obscuring my view over pull this over and I'm gonna do again I'm gonna take this right click and I'm gonna do this one a little bit different no yes no yeah yeah YouTube wants you to animate this like this the roll-top open and close yes one could you know I'm still it's still on my list of things to do to use like frado's animator or something like that I just have not got to it yet I want to just don't don't really have seem to have the time that I need or somebody could download it from 3d warehouse animated for us boom Kara's got it sorted looking at you you do see what you done did all right so they're just making kind of the sure all right so that's this section I didn't put the drawers in yet but just the geometry for all that one last piece of a throw in here is this little mail sorter type thing what you call a stay of a gallery that's the collection of things I just left context that's okay kind of I should love you there all right so I'm gonna make this looks like it's a little bit bigger so I make this a half-inch piece for this shelf right here it does look like it comes out a little bit past actually what it looks like it does it kind of looks like it's actually rounded this way like this hmm something like this maybe it's kind of small but i'ma say that's exactly what it looks like I did a perfect job of getting it yep I do what I want exactly alright that looks pretty cool to just finish this up we want these kind of sorting things one two three four five six so I'm gonna actually create those out of context because I want to create one that's a component I can put it in here they're gonna come out to about here and you go all the way up to here actually I should this this lid should be like that grouping same things we do whoo that's gonna go vertically up towards that and then it's gonna have I don't want to do this shape let's say comes down three quarters of an inch comes up three bars an inch just put an arc right here something like that and I always make that quarter inch thick let's make that a component excellent this right here see if I go I offset a two times two it's gonna give me that so in order for that to line up on the next one I need a one inch gap here so I'm gonna draw a one inch line grab this this and this and move it from here back to there something like that all right last thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a drawer and just slap those in here real quick and again I am absolutely cut in a corner here because I know drawers are made of a bunch of pieces of material and I'm going to cut corners like I said because they're not gonna be I'm not gonna actually draw the pieces that you know connect together that's her thing I'm gonna absolutely shortcut this thing I'm gonna draw the front of the drawer by drawing a rectangle out here offsetting it to 1/8 of an inch same thing here get an inch and then I'm gonna grab all of that and pull it out here to work on it all right so this piece right now this is going to come out a little bit just want to give it some depth something like that that's the front beauty and then I'm just going to grab these three sides offset those in yeah that's a bit I'll press that down an option offset to offset to create a new face and push that up quarter-inch also so again not not something to build off of but enough to well I know it's a drawer so I'm gonna do this - I'm gonna take this do an option offset another eighth inch then grab the face scale gonna scale about the middle just pull that in a little bit there we go and I'm not gonna go with these fancy poles right here I'm gonna just create a standard round up it's what I was raised on it's good enough for me some bring it out and then offset it I said again deep says no dovetails not this time Dave not this time I mean I'm absolutely I think knows well say is that this and say what do I have something's not beautiful I don't like that all right place is here so I got an issue here and we're gonna fix it you have this extra surface right here they don't need I also don't need this service oh I don't need this service all right so now I can get rid of my section sections can be used temporarily like that make that a component I'm gonna call this my small drawer and I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna slide it in I want to put it all the way to the back so we use an x-ray just snap it back in nope at the bottom I snap to the bottom because that's where I drew it from here we go grab that option copy times two close a little bit of an overlap here I look at my x-ray the issue and I kind of had a feeling I was gonna run into this these outside cars are actually just slightly bigger than the middle drawer because I evenly divided and then I added material to that division what I should have done is I had the middle line of the divider and then I added half the material to both sides I should have added two thirds to one side one-third to the other side that would have given me the proper dimension there so what I could do let's see what is this this is a quarter inches I could offset that one-third of a quarter of an inch which is which is the m-word so the other thing I could do which I'm gonna is make this middle drawer unique math free grab this chair right here and shift it over like that and then re Center my knob and then I can just grab this drawer and slide it over here and everybody's happy again Ian says quick win right there oh yeah yeah a section plane that's a good way to keep yourself from getting lost and having to dig around to find stuff too much all right I'm gonna grab this drawer make a copy stick it down here again make it unique and then what I'll do is I'll just grab all the geometry on this side grab here slide it over snap it into that corner and then I can grab all this top section move it straight up there and there we go and I can take this knob when I move this knob I want to move it by the top of this circle that's me centered and bring it over here and I can actually just align it even with with this center piece right here all right so there we go that's looking pretty cool and I'm gonna go so far as to call that done oh not done yet hold on I'm gonna copy that knob cuz I like it so much and I'm gonna stick that onto a roll-top geometry Hale scale it up a little bit less though looks a little puny let's enter it vertically by grabbing the edge and align that to the middle snap point there well actually a little bit deeper - all right something like that alright so that half of the top looks pretty solid what I might do is I might before I copy it over I might come into these different pieces and delete the end geometry because it's gonna make it easier for me to join that geometry together once I actually copy that that half and put it over where the other pieces so if I do that now I can delete the lines but it'll be a little bit easier to clean up there if I go you have to delete in most cases I can just select and soften but there I'm gonna take all of this oops these are totally out of context oops all right so I'm gonna grab my drawers my sorters cut them double click in here oops this should all be and edit paste in place because I do them outside of context but now I come in here I can grab just this top section make a copy scale it to negative one or flip the longer it axis because that's the thing I've learned how to do now and I'll take that from this point right here snap to this point right here that's where I am but I could do now is actually well this is up to you this is depends on how much I want to actually keep everything separate I probably do is come in here and grab these one piece of time so maybe I'll take both my role tops merge those together into a group and then go inside here explode these two groups actually take these two making to a group go into that take these two explode and that's when I can clean up that geometry there here really at this point it comes down to how much you want to keep those pieces separate or if you're okay with merging stuff together right now since this is all out in its own group this the roll-top piece which is actually on its own visibility layer rather than individually taking these two pieces these two pieces and putting them together I'm just gonna take both of these make a group of them go in here explode those and then Oh No here's what I'm gonna do waste got excited take that get rid of it and I'm just gonna grab all these you scale pull those through to there oh that's better than having emerged all geometry together yeah baby that's good alright so if I look at this one right here same thing here basically these two pieces up joined together grab them put them into a separate group go into that group then explode these two and when you explode it the geometry comes the same context and joins together so that's a question of just deleting like this in a lot of cases you can do something like me I'll grab this geometry go to extensions and he's clean up and click on merge phases what that'll do is anytime it seems that sees a collinear plane to two planes that occupy the same or go in same direction just gets rid of lines between them so easy clean up there there's our whole top and I grab these to make route go into that group same thing it's like these two pieces explode them grab the overlapping geometry I'll do it to all of it I could but cleanups going to run this on whatever geometry selected so to speed the process up I'm just selecting the overlapping geometry merging faces alright so there we go there's our roll top looks animating you blink at the right time you can actually see it move there you go you do I did it all right okeydoke let's let's go ahead and three o'clock all right so we got by half an hour left we can get this bottom section looking looking like something that's not a big promise I don't know what it is all right so I'm gonna come up I'm gonna put a foot on here that's I'll say three inches tall I'll pull it out quarter-inch that actually I'm assuming we're to take that around this side too so pull that up also and then over here this is kind of cool cuz it looks like what we got is a little bit of offset thing here so I'm gonna offset this yeah we'll do one-inch the same thing here now those of you who are astute at noticing huge differences in geometry will notice that there's a two inch piece here as opposed to a one-inch piece here because what I did is just I cut it in half and then offset both sides so what I can do now is I can just take this I can scoot it over 0.5 and then grab this one screwed it over 0.5 and that gives me the same geometry there I can just take that I'm gonna set that in quarter inch or inch and give me that that look I could I guess I could actually grab this profile easy place to grab that from I grab that profile actually put that in here let's do that I'll be I'll be a fun thing to do it's actually offset that 5/16 so I'll do that same exact offset alright here's something I did I don't actually have the profile for this anymore so what I'm gonna do real quick is just draw a plane to intersect with that everything you better save don't forget you guys are so scared all the time responsible thanks for being adults I'm gonna intersect just this plane intersect faces with model and then what that does don't look quick click cut that and you know in come out here into this context paste it back in and I've got my little profile there it looks like some of our top fans may have already started happy hour whoo good job guys way to get ahead of it all right so then I can take that there's I'm going for it with that right here and because I got two of them option copy over to here and now I can click this surface follow me my profile whoops Oh guess what came in welded reweld that there you go now follow me click there same profile that really really ties the desk together all right grab those lines extension and weld oops too much deleting follow me with that all right that's that what was this clean my desk off real quick all right it's looking good all right keep going here oops throw some drawers in here it does look like this is offset and inset so I'm going to take this and start by offsetting that half-inch and I'm going to push that back in a half-inch something like that and then I can actually put my drawers inside of there one two three four drawers so I'm going to divide that into four pieces right I was - that's what I got right now only evenly spaced T's this time all right so what I would do here so all my drawers to line up right I'm gonna offset this a half-inch there's quite a bit of space between me so not so much the top so I kind of feel like that's what I want to do pull those back that and I'm going to repurpose one of these drawers put this right now we'll line it up right here and we are going to significantly distort this geometry now I do need to see the rest of the model grab this section right here push that into the inside here are you nuts nothing no I'm going to I did something wrong not sure what I did wrong I'm gonna go back to the source I'm gonna grab the first one I made all right I'm gonna take that one that's the one I want I picked the wrong one last time this is what I needed all right I'm gonna go into this one I grabbed this section on the side pull that over to the corner and then I'm going to bring so I figure out how much that's this overlap here this is an eighth of an inch so I go here up eighth of an inch that's where I want the top of this line to be so I'm going to do the face of the drawer first grab just a top geometry and move it upward to have some snapping issues what's the deal with this snappy all right why are you why are you being like this it's because Friday afternoon SketchUp is done there we go and then I'm just gonna push pull this up shy at the top all right and now I'm sticking with the knob I know it's gonna look a little odd on this again no I'm gonna do it okay thank you anyways this okay gonna move it lining up horizontally line it up vertically another thing we could do actually is probably make this a little bit deeper all right and now we can take that and slide it back to here everyone's saying to scale it and that there's a extension for that yeah I'm definitely noticing too that this is not the job here's a little small for those tiny drawers so we're gonna do something about that I'm not gonna just monolithically scale though because I wanna didn't grab my butt take these pieces that are on the the bevel space and outwards and scoop them out a little bit a little bit up there and now I'm gonna take these pieces off and use move to slide this out a little bit further like that a little bigger yeah scale the knob up that back recenter or center at right there centered up vertically right there that looks better nice alright I'll take that then and I'm gonna turn on x-ray and use my okay so these could end up getting a little bit deeper alright so there's my three drawers alright and we need one more drawer that's here on the inside I'm gonna go ahead and copy this over since that middle drawer spans the whole outside I'm gonna take all of this and all of these copy them over and Verte that snap it back together alright and then I can take these two pieces make them into a new group again like I did before go to that group and explode those two so right now there actually is a surface between these two so when it when it has two pieces like that it doesn't get rid of that when it joins it it just joins the geometry so I have an interior surface deleting one of these lines will get rid of that surface but obviously I still have to go in and get rid of these other lines and this is where like seconds of all these pieces right here I would use cleanup to march faces all right our desk is all how come nobody told me I was doing something stupid this right here was a component so was it a component Keenan says yes it was all right so I'm not sure if all of you are aware but Sketchup houses 100 undo steps so the question right now is did we do more than a hundred steps since we copied the component down and didn't hit make unique I'm gonna select one of these drawers and I'm gonna copy it trol see now I'm gonna start undoing geometry disappears geometry modifies geometry goes back to normal all right get out of here and now I can say edit paste in place to stick that drawer I created back in there good times see this is where hopefully my pain helps you learn all right let's go ahead while we're here I'm just gonna go ahead and grab this geometry and make this drawer a little deeper that's super deep drawer all right and now I can grab this drawer look how quick that was that was such a all right and because I learned it last time I did it I can just delete this surface out first and I can grab all of this option copy right-click flip a long green direction then go grab a by an endpoint right there just like I did before select make group click into the group explode and then just to make it simple will grab this and basis how about that that was that was really something very stressful no that's not what I'm I'm not going for stress total enjoyment alright last couple steps here I do need a back on here so I'm going to come in here and how deep I made this little quarter-inch I'll pull that out another queer inch all right got that in there now I have basically a little search term for this little shell thing I assume it's some kind of reinforcement or maybe it's just for where you can rest your feet but this little little shelf thing in here apparently it's called a save oh no I should save say does anybody notice like for real what is this thing forward what is this I did not make it high enough but I had a desk that had one of these ones and honest I didn't care for it as far as I could tell us primarily for putting character features into your shins because I injured myself on it a lot again it's for cats guys I don't have cats so this helps me not all right one last drawer all right actually drop that down another half inch all right so there's where my center drawer is gonna go I'm gonna copy this one I'm gonna make it unique before I edit it because that sounds like a let's thing a smart person would do that's what Dave said boy sometimes I like to blame that sort of thing on it being Friday because it is Friday but I can't always say that's that's what's going on sometimes stupid happens all right I'm gonna grab this face and this face and I'm gonna bring them across - no I'm not first I'm gonna get the face the drawer where needs to be because that way the inside drawer is connected to face the drawer so if I just get this where needs to be first I'm good so if I come this way are you forgotten eighth of an inch help eighth inch okay so I need this to come out too eighth of an inch pull it out here right here scrub this face in this face is really the only pieces I got to move there and then at the top this piece and this piece gonna drop alright I get rid of these lines I've put in just for temporary dimensions and this is where people ask all the time about putting guides in absolute guides are great because they're actually non-destructive and they won't wreck your geometry like what I just did I just don't I've never been a big guide user I'm trying I mean I'm trying to add that to my repertoire of things along with like flip along you don't have to always scale to minus one you can't use foot belong but like I said I just I don't know I've never just never used it used guides there's definitely a de part of them that's nice though all right now I'm gonna grab this put this in the middle where's the middle vertically to the metal as well and then I can take this drawer and push it in I think I'm there oh let's just close the top I think we did a roll-top desk guys yeah that's uh that's that's most of it those turned out pretty pretty alright that's it's definitely a roll-top desk I could totally tell ya I'm telling I can I can totally tell I can see the animation happening so something to point out we do still have this match let's let's do it let's let's compare this to the match photo real quick I don't feel so bad about that's not good again there was some distortion in the original image we we always able to identify that but yeah that's not too bad if you do have a job where you do a match photo at the beginning the way to get rid of it I just points out because many people have asked is just to delete this scene so right here if we come in to match photo in our UI it's gonna tell us that we do have a 1 in there right now we go to it we can actually maybe like that but if I just right click and I delete that scene our match vote was gone so when it comes time to get rid of it that's that's how I take care of it same with our our little reference photo in the upper left corner I can just go to styles watermarks select it hit - and we're back to just a nice clean Sketchup model of our roll-top desk roll-top awesome yeah I saw that you're right it did actually have kind of a panel in here on the inside I'm wondering what I was thinking might be kind of cool to do I'm gonna do something like this click there how do I select all this easily like this a whole bunch of extra stuff all with you the building or through the model here's what I'm gonna do what I want to try to do is grab just this one panel all of these around and then copy it from this corner and drop it right here to see if I do just one inset panel on the inside the problem is I can't do something simple like this and grab because I get into context if I do that all the stuff on the back side lights up right same thing I can't grab it just this way because if I grab it like this in context nope I get too much actually this is probably easier way to do it I'll grab it from that side and then I will come in with my shift alt button turned on which is a minus key and just come in and - select everything narrowed down my selection now the way to check you almost snuck away from me you almost you almost trick me the way to check and see if you have everything in a non-destructive way is it going to move commute move command it's your modifier key to copy and make a copy of it then you can actually pull the way for the miles T if you're dragging extra geometry in this case it looks like I got away clean so I'm gonna put it right here because I don't wanna have to copy it again I want to pull it out of the model again so now they have my one copy I can just take that copy it in here drop it right like that oops I need to leave this panel and I have that in there oh it goes to undo undo all right so let's make a modification real quick put this right here I'm gonna take this jump to at the top drop it down inside like that now I can take it option copy stick right there I don't force that cut there we go that's always this and then take this I can flip along the green direction put it on the other side of the inside like that again reason jump tree didn't cut but I can trace one side of it to force that cut and there we go I know it look like there's two panels but I I got I got thing going on here with this my cat drawer cat shelf so well you know input in inset once one section air alright so with that kind of think we're done this week yeah so hopefully you guys enjoyed that learn something hopefully it was worth your investment of your Friday afternoon evening in some cases early Saturday mornings but yeah we did it we made some furniture we made this and here let's save it and I'm gonna go import our other model here's what we actually did we did we did more than just one thing we did it are very productive that is what our our afternoon of furniture modeling looks like so I said hopefully that was good worth your time worth your investment thank you guys for swinging by and hanging out it means a ton that everybody keeps coming back and not just coming back we're growing I'm if you guys know this but we're we're getting to be more and more people are showing up for this every week so we got to keep keep the ideas coming keep letting us know of things you think we should make we can throw them on here throw comments up we'll leave the stream we'll stop the stream here in a few minutes but we'll we'll keep it running so you can leave comments still so if you have some ideas of cool things you'd like to see model us know otherwise like I said hop over to the forums and let us know in that what should we model on Friday thread if you have some good ideas of some cool stuff to show and it can be specific workflows it can be exact models you want to see whatever you guys want to see tell us tell us what you think would be good but other than that yeah you guys have a great weekend I'll run through see if there's any last-minute questions that are coming up mostly tell me what I did wrong when it did wrong good health I'm kidding yeah so what field of view does is very similar to a camera as part of the camera tools it lets you you know warp how distorted that field of view is generally speaking so the default for perspective view is about thirty five degrees and this is usually gives a good fading off into the distance kind of thing if you drop down closer to zero then you're getting closer to that parallel projection view one is as low as you can go while you're in perspective parallel projection is actually zero but you can see as you as you increase or decrease that view you can actually go you know pretty far and seriously distort your models field of view is a great tool for matching the look of the photo so if I created a model of this desk I want to look just like it did in the photo I can use my field of view to kind of match up there the other place the place that I see feel of you being the most useful is if you have to do images of inside buildings 35 kind of being kind of narrow where like if you're standing inside of a room looking across the room you can all you can see is the opposite corner but with field of view you can actually play with that and distort it so you can see more of the room from that same vantage point because sometimes you can't move farther back in a room you hit the back wall and you're there but field of view will let you kind of see more from the same location yes one is as low as you can go unless you go to zero that's true but if you're in here in perspective view one is the far as one you can go down to go to perspective that's when it actually drops to zero and see field of view doesn't actually change when you're in parallel projection go back to 35 because make me nauseous awesome well thank you all for swinging by like I said leave a comment if you think of something cool or join us in the forums and we'll talk about stuff and keep an eye out because I think we're gonna do something fun a contest or something like that with this couch and maybe the roll-top too we'll just have to see I don't know making this up as we go so something will happen somewhere maybe alright well thanks guys and I will see you next Friday you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 224,393
Rating: 4.8844385 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, furniture
Id: TjPxVHggYwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 9sec (13089 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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