Live Modeling Big Ben in SketchUp

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all right guys let's more people come in but I wanted to say hi hello to Scotland Erin how's it going Marcus apparently is a Futurama fan how if we find the center of gravity of an object in Sketchup I believe there is a extension for find center of mass but I don't remember who I think TIG made it there's something out there that does it it's not a native functionality hello Indonesia hello my ideas version yeah that Wales that's easier to say thank you hi guys Spain hello Iceland you know with a name like Thor coming from Iceland that's just since aligns somehow that's cool Denmark Welcome Back gam Borg and math you finally made it live I'm glad you found the time thank you for hanging with us Irish can give about one more minute guys and we'll flip over and start up but hopefully everybody's having a great Friday so far I mean we're hanging out talking about Sketchup so something's going right all right we are it's noon it's it is noon so how's everybody doing how's oh you know what hold on I forgot something I forgot to turn the light on I wait till the very last second because you guys have heard me comment before that I'm not in the coolest of rooms in here when we do this thing I can get a little toasting here so I try to turn the light off light on last thing but I did remember so that's that's think that's good how's everybody doing hey Bri enjoying their Friday so far I am I'm glad glad we're back here this is this is cool I'm excited to be doing this this is my favorite thing to do on a Friday you know I enjoy hanging out with you guys playing with Sketchup good stuff we have something new helping us out today today on the other side of the monitor is Katia say hello Katia hello so that's gonna work you know that's gonna that's gonna be good so Koch is gonna help out with when I get stuck and forget that everybody you guys just don't talk very loud so sometimes I forget you're there no I never forget you're there but if I miss a question or something like that she's gonna help me with that help me monitor the comments but this is gonna be fun hello Spain Minsk Erin Powell's done for the day I know that's one of the nice things about living in the future a lot of time travelers on here some people are already going to bed on here some people are just waking up it's a it's a worldwide event that we have going on here all right so we are going to spend a day working on I'm gonna model Big Ben and I should point this out I am aware I was I was instructed on this before we even started this that Big Ben is in fact the bell that is in the clock tower that we're gonna be modeling but like most Americans I just think that the big tower as being Big Ben but we're gonna model the Clocktower that houses Big Ben so nobody has to yell out that that's what's going on I I know I I know I know but hopefully you guys have some knowledge of Big Ben because mine is very little I've seen it but that's about it so before we hop in here I do there's a couple things I wanna take a look at so we're gonna do those things this is the first thing I got to give a shout out to someone that we found on Instagram and I just started following him like today because his pages asked me should check him out and I'm probably going to kill his name but I'm gonna do my best I believe it's Malad peer Davari I'm sure I'm doing that incorrect my my unintelligent American tongue but what Malad does is I he just has an awesome channel with renderings and Sketchup models it's a great thing to follow but what he just did just recently is he did this thing he's calling the no plug-in challenge and if I just click on some of these so he came up with this shape the idea of it's the you know like a piece of paper folded over itself stripped strip folded at 90 degrees and he challenged his followers to model that in Sketchup with no extensions which is so cool so if you guys want to give it a shot he did so he actually originally posted it I think two days ago and then yesterday posted an animation a gif of his solution how he did it I I did it and I actually did it my steps were very different from the steps he used which is I've mentioned before where my favorite things about Sketchup there's so many ways to do different things in Sketchup so it was very cool though well worth checking out I suggest you check out what he did and see how he did it actually before you do that try to model it yourself no extensions no bezzie a no push line no actually you could just download frado's tools and do some Bend it would be pretty simple to do but you gotta do without all that stuff it's pretty cool it's it's definitely it was a fun challenge and like I said it was really neat to see he did it totally differently from the way I did it it'd be interesting to see both of our models how close they are once once finished so check that out I'll leave his name up here just for his second Malad period Davari i think so yeah go follow him and try to try to do his challenge it's pretty cool alright the other thing to point out of course is I did make another forum topic I'm trying to name these as self-explanatory as possible so you guys don't get lost but live modeling Big Ben is what I chose I like the way it rolled off my tongue it sounded good but in there that's where if you guys have good pictures as we're doing this stream you can throw them up there and then I can actually grab them and inference them refer to them whatever as we start modeling so I was gonna look at one more thing and I totally forgot I was going to try to grab the extension the large lets you know nothing ever goes wrong just grabbing extensions live so I think we'll just start with that let's just go find the large image importer I'm not a hundred percent sure if if Dave's on here you can tell me where to find it I'll look and see if it's in the warehouse because I do have a wrong warehouse Wow so that might be how today goes good thing I can always blame it on it being Friday huh let's see a large image what do we got for large image large image splitter that might be it I think that's it split high resolution into smaller tiles that render sharply let's do it it's from Aurelius and I don't know if you guys have met this guy good guy great guy smart guy knows a lot about Sketchup and he can do things like this that I can do this is a smart developer stuff happy to model things I'm a grunt force designer though not not an elegant programmer like some of these people people are but yeah it really has has some great extensions out there a lot of them that I've used around graphics and that kind of thing images so I'm gonna go ahead and install this one yes I do want to install it okay I don't know how this works so what what I'm gonna work from I got an icon that's good sign so here's what I'm gonna work from I have a couple of images let's let's run through these real quick so this was the first one that I grabbed this I'm guessing is the original set of plans it's pretty faded I don't see any usable dimensions or text on here it's not super high resolution but it's a cool old drawing I respect that I think it's pretty neat so I downloaded this but I don't know how actually useable it will be as soon as we zoom in here it's it's so low resolution I don't know that we could actually get much out of it but I really thought it was a cool image so I downloaded it anyhow from there I grabbed some different screenshots so look at some of these I got this nice big picture of the face of the of the clock that's awesome what I really want to do in here is start with the mass or in it like we usually do is get the mass of the tower in there and then we'll just start building the details I don't know how much we're gonna get to but I want to get as many details as possible in here now we'll just start there we'll start big and just start detailing detailing detailing that's a good one and then I have a couple that are just like this was one of the few pictures I could get with it had the full thing top to bottom but it's pretty well distorted but you can actually see how many levels are on this one not again kind of a reference that we can look at this was less distorted but you can't see the bottom of the tower and then I got this one image which is a huge image but pretty nice I mean this is it's not perfectly orthogonal to the camera but man this is a good one to actually maybe model off of I said the problem is this is an enormous image which is why I wanted to get that extension but I just grabbed so if I hop back in here let's try this out I'm gonna go ahead and hit it we need to have an image and D selected all right so let's import an image you notice how I refuse to actually like read the instructions or anything and just click the button that's how we roll here on Friday afternoons I'm gonna import I think I called it Ben PNG and I'm just gonna throw this in here I have no idea what to do I'm gonna pick it okay well that's pretty cool actually I do this let's let's let's do a test real quick I take two copies this is the original I'll take this one now I'll hit large image splitter say okay I don't know I can't I can't tell all right it may be time to read the instructions or maybe let's try this what happens if I tell it to do two thousand pixels oh that why move down so that's probably lower quality don't want a bigger number let's see what happens when we say something like 300 nope bigger number was better I think oh heck I don't know how to use this thing I apologize I was gonna complaint that beforehand and then I ran out of time somebody booked me for a meeting at 10 o'clock I mean don't they know I got things to do hang a few guys yeah so anyhow we'll work from this this is this is plenty enough detail to get the roughed in dimensions what I don't have the thing that I'm missing that I need from somebody out there is I need a dimension I need to know how big something on here is if you guys can somebody can find me the the height to the top that would be great the width of the clock would work give me a dimension I need something that I can pull off of here and actually scale the whole thing no Mitch I don't think my my pants don't say anything they're just jeans they're my standard wear [Music] [Laughter] yeah so somebody can get me that number who knows how Big Ben Big Ben is how big the Clocktower a big I'm just gonna refer to it as Big Bang you guys I've already told you I know this isn't the Big Ben's to the tower that's in or the Bell that's in here somewhere maybe that's it I'm just gonna call this thing that we're modeling Big Ben 300 feet all I got a discrepancy I got 315 and 322 say 320 the clockface is 23 feet in diameter hmm that's a lot of clock all right so I'm going to take that right now I'm gonna scale that using my I'm assuming I'm going to the top this part right here I don't we'll be close close enough that's gonna be 300 whoops 320 feet Ryan's gonna run out and double-check he's gonna do a quick field measurement make sure we're close thanks Ryan all right there we go whoo okay just have that moment you guys know I have this moment every time where I go what am i doing this is crazy oh this is a lot of stuff tomorrow this is way I thought that the beginning of Hogwarts that turned out okay I just didn't know what I was gonna do all right so here's my thought on this thought number one he is for the most part I know this this connects to the building the main building at the bottom I'm gonna just model as a standalone tower so in this this it's gonna be like this I can worry about where it connects up the four sides as far as I know are pretty much the same so that's nice because I only have to model one quarter of what of the entire thing so you can excuse me just model a quarter of it that's going to make it it's gonna simplify some of the modeling I also think from looking at this it looks like I have some repetition here with the the layers the levels as they work up this right here looks the same as this looks the same as this looks the same as this looks the same as this this this chunk one two they it looks like they're slightly different sizes but I'll probably model this once and then maybe squish them vertically to the different sizes so that's nice because at least initially to get the initial blocking and then was time to go and put details in I can break those apart the bottom measures 39 feet wide excellent so let's see that's about Oh sides of be from here to here it looks like yeah I can verify that my pictures about 39 feet so it looks like what we got here is we got like on the front front section got a little little sections that stick out here in here but if we go if we want to say 39 feet that works for me I'm gonna come here I'm gonna draw a line across 39 foot yeah not quite didn't quite get us there all right so we're slightly out-of-scale but I'm gonna go with the drawing on this one so I'm gonna come across let's see I do want to try and get to a round measurement if possible so I might say I'm gonna say it's 42 feet for for this part of them and then I'm gonna take that up too when I go to this piece right here 66 feet oops 66 foot enter I'm gonna take that across to right here whoops a lot of whoops is this morning or this this afternoon or today all right so there and you guys can imagine how pretty much takes care of itself from there yeah they're doing some work on it right now right and that's there's there's stuff happening there's a when I was looking at I saw a lot of current pictures we had the scaffolding all around it looks like it's wrapped up in a spiderweb kind of thing it's pretty pretty cool looking all right so let's say that this piece is gonna come over and see where's 5 feet at all right I'm gonna say 4 foot 6 I did find interesting maybe you guys are doing this for my benefit but I noticed how everybody's been calling out dimensions in feet rather than meters or centimeters or something meters which I'm assuming is what you work on Big Ben in I'm not gonna do that to you all because that'd be painful for everybody involved it's not that I don't actually I really I think I've says before I really enjoy working in metric is actually pretty easy because everything is nice and evenly divided Orion's back with his measurements 319 7-inch ish hi that's an approximate measurement to some place on the building good where we are in that ish we're solidly entrenched in that ish measurement alright so all I did here was I kind of mocked up the general shape these pieces right here these pieces the point up do come out from the face I have over here I can see the side I can actually kind of get approximate reference to how far they come out it looks like they come out maybe three and a half feet something like that sure says I so I say three point five feet do the same thing here and I'm gonna reverse this face alright so right now I'm going to grab this I'm going to make it a component and I'm just call it this is a side of Ben we're close like that first-name basis oops marks in there let's cut mark out pace mark back in here just for reference is Marissa stand right there alright so I have this right now I'm gonna do something that I recently learned so one of the things I normally do you guys have seen me do this if you've watched before I take my images usually I do it after the fact like you know what I should have done I take my images and I will throw them on a layer called ref and that way I can toggle my ref layer on and off as I'm working through here when I need it Ryan are you being serious right now had a laser measure I don't know I know if I buy it I want I want to think that's true though I really I honestly hope that that you really were able to go laser measure Big Ben my thing is just unless you live across the street I don't think you had the time and I think there's I don't know I don't really know the spot around Big Ben but I'm gonna pretend it's true all right so this is something that somebody on the forum called this out actually if I take my model I'm gonna save it because I'm so I'm good at saving so I say this is Big Ben I'm gonna cup the file and I'm going to add this to a location it doesn't matter where I add it I just have to use the add location on it real quick so I'm just gonna select a region from Boulder little region and say import all right so when that imports hey this is how big Sketchup is this is the the Sketchup building is to Big Ben I mean it's in real life but that's interesting it bends big so once I do this I'm not really concerned with the geolocation I said I can put it anywhere what I'm looking for though is the ability to do this show train so I hit show training toggles on and off I know that in and of itself is not exciting hold on there's more so I can't put a shortcut key on this rough layer so I can't no matter what I do I can't say if I hit the D key toggle reference on and off that's not an option because that's not a command shortcuts tied directly to commands in Sketchup this is the state of the layer so that doesn't help me but what I can do is I can toggle or I can put a shortcut if I look at my preferences preferences is under the windows menu on windows under Sketchup menu on Mac if I look at my shortcuts if I look for geo geo locations show terrain is a shortcut assignable command so I've assigned the D key to it so if I come out here and I tap on my keyboard D it toggles that and look what happens over here these are my two layers layers location snapshot and location train if I click that it toggles those on and off this is a secret behind the scenes there's nothing special about these layers all that happens is when you do geolocation it grabs two things puts them in groups locks them and puts them on those specific layers I can come in here and I can right-click unlock and delete this one it does nothing to my layers I can still hit the D in toggle I come to this one I do the same thing unlock delete and now I can take my image and move it from the ref layer to location snapshot and now if I hit the D key you can actually toggle that image on and off with just one shortcut key so that was actually wo3 Dan on the forum suggested that we have a skill builder coming out in a little bit but you few hundred people watching this will get a sneak peak on that it'll be out it'll be a good video still even if you even if you I gave away the secret here alright hi Marconi welcome to Friday somebody is asking what the thing in my left hand is this right here is what's called a 3d mouse this specific one is from 3d connection it's called the space Mouse Enterprise and what this lets you do is as you move the puck around you actually move the model so lets you navigate in 3d absolutely not a requirement for running Sketchup at all but it is kind of nice if you do a lot of presentation or a lot of modeling it's a quick and easy way to move around inside of Sketchup all right I'm gonna do one thing right now I can get rid of my ref layer actually I'm not using that anymore and I'm going to toggle that back on I'm gonna grab all this my reference image and what I've drawn so far I'm gonna move it vertically so the bottom of my model is at the origin I want to when I toggle this off my tower won't be floating in the air so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to grab this I'm gonna move it I'm gonna grab it by the corner make a copy right here and rotate that 90 degrees I'll grab both of these now option move them to right here rotate again all right there we go so this is Big Ben thus far nice thing is if I toggle that back on right now I don't have to worry about all this stuff because it's just gonna happen by itself it'll be automatic all right so let's see I have a couple pieces here this section [Music] is well we'll call it mmm eleven foot six I'm gonna take that over here it's right there and then down oops I draw that drew that outside of the component that ever happens don't delete and start over grab it I know you called got me Alberto I'm gonna grab it command X or control X to cut and I can go into this and just edit paste in place I do that a lot I'm not isolating geometry just yet I might mom I don't see yeah I know more Arthur gotcha dark gothic arches reverse faces so right now I'm just gonna map out this geometry I'm gonna just get some faces on here to start with go go 59 feet and one of the things you guys are probably already picking up you can already see the distortion happening where I was pretty square at the bottom I'm already starting to come out of square so I'm just going to kind of go off on one side as a reference what did I make that last one so this down here was eleven six this is obviously smaller so we'll say this is six foot six like that this one right here will take up to [Music] 33 foot six it's probably nice perfect round numbers if I was in metric all right this is where we're gonna step out for the clock face so I'm gonna come out three foot here 46 feet over here come out three feet so this is it's overlapping with our other pieces what I'm going to do is I'm going to push pull this this surface right here out three foot right now that's that's good enough I'm gonna clean all this up again I'm just making just massing right now so I want to come in now I'll man there's so much detail on here this is gonna be so fun let's see what come in four feet and then Mike over here same thing come in four feet and we'll take that up 14 feet again I'm getting that photo distortion happening alright so here we got it's not exactly a sudden arch it actually swoops kinda has a little it is an arch it's it's not a straight angle so I was straight pitched roof there's actually a little bit of a arch to it so let's do that let's come up here say 21 foot 6 I'm rounding to the nearest 6 inches I know if you guys caught that I'm gonna come over this way 9 foot 6 apparently I'm not gonna get any even foot dimensions either enjoy that flowing Street all right dude I kicked his wrong spot all right let's go up 22 foot 6 and then come over we'll say nine foot and then just draw an arc from there back to here like that I'm gonna grab that arc and I'm gonna use rotate on the blue axes to just flip it along the midpoint like that like this and I'm gonna leave it like that right now so right now I'm doing that is actually that this volume will actually go into the model so this will actually be going in actually maybe we should just do that no hold on just just finish finish the reference man all right oh thank you thank you for thank you for covering me on that one that's interesting I still I still don't quite get why 44 feet 11 feet more arc I don't know I know our military used I'm not sure if it's still a case but our military used to use whoops that's not gonna work this is the photo distortion as time went before see how long is this thing all right so I'm just gonna take this back one foot draw another arc here there we go then so say I don't if you guys know this maybe buddy has information on this but I believe right and that'll be that'll be a whole nother thing at topper right up there yeah so I had no I agree some people are saying use transparency absolutely I could turn on x-ray I do a lot of tracing and x-ray that works great I'm not really I don't care about details right ii again just roughing in the geometry i did something here that's was not intentional I don't know how I did that go back there okay all right so I'm gonna hit my my key right now awesome that looks cool I can have to fix this fix for these aligned I'm gonna have to put some swoop ease here that's a technical term and what I'm going to do right now to simplify this is I am going to go up to view I'm go to component edit and hide similar components I want to get rid of those other four pieces because I don't need them right now okay so here's one thing that need to do this needs to get pushed in so this is three feet so I'm going to come this way three foot I'm going to do this same thing over here what that'll do is that will give me a nice clean face when I have these others so each each edge will connect together that's all I want is just one scene going all the way up like that these extra lines all right that looks good you can see this one didn't quite this this actually has to go back further so what I'm gonna do again I could I could probably do some math or check some dimensions but instead I'm gonna draw a line here or draw a line here and I'm gonna push this back to that point over here the same thing for that back like that there we go cool that does mean however that all of this needs to move back also so I'm just gonna grab it slide it back simple all right now for this I'm gonna double click and make this into a group I want to do that because I need to position it where it's gonna actually go and I don't want to have it join with geometry so I'm doing a temporary group to isolate it I'm gonna do a rotation at the point swivel it like that awesome and I'm gonna move it back to here and then I can explode that I should probably actually before I do that turn it because it's totally going the wrong direction there we go that's what I want I want that in one group and I'm just gonna take it and push it all the way through like that and now I'm gonna grab this shape make it a group go in and push that through this way all right a lot of lines going on right now I know there's a lot of actually you're this - so what I created was let's do this also turn hydrous model so I created this ooh I like that I'll clean that up real quick just an option to race to smooth that out and then I got this I'm going to take the two of these now two groups both of them are should be solid groups - if I pick here solid group pick here solid group but I can take them and I can go to my solid tools and I can click I always forget the names thus all tools had to wait intersect intersect basically says give me just the spots where these two completely overlap each other so if I click that what I should get is that which works it's not completely what I want because I'm gonna go ahead and explode it I actually want to get rid of this and this oops I delete too much using a fix alright so that is actually what I want there all right so we're working our way in again because we stepped in now I'm gonna grab this section and scoot it back over beauty it's all coming together and I'm gonna do the exact same thing right here I grab this make it a group go in and push pull that through all right so I'm getting those those lines there I'm gonna grab that use my weld extension to make that one smooth line it's the best same thing extension weld now when I push pull smooth all right Beauty same thing too before I actually get rid of this side I don't actually need it I don't need this extra line grab this same thing make this into a group now I can rotate it 90 degrees I was actually the easier way to do it I guess all right you know push that through like that so at the end of the day all I really want is this one surface on the inside but I'm using intersect to break it I could use I could actually just use intersect face they had right click and intersect command you those will work basically whatever gets me whatever isolates this geometry from the rest of the model that's all I'm interested in all right hey we got a little bit of Big Bend all right so some of the things that aren't going to work in this case in this model as we start working through I'm not going to be able to do things like right click and well I could try it actually it might work okay orient faces isn't necessarily going to work perfectly because I'm not really dealing with a solid so you can see down here I have some problems like this I'm actually dealing with kind of a single face try orient face again all right so it's working all right but I'm not actually modeling a full solid water break yeah pretty much done now I just put a put some textures on here and we head out early today no I'm just kidding that's no fun this is when the good stuff starts all right so I'm gonna go ahead and save I know you guys were itching for me to do that Aaron Bowers is asking if we take requests we absolutely love requests in fact I think most of the things we've done have been because people have requested I to make up stuff for the first three or four of them but I would say a majority of what we model here is based on requests so go ahead throw a request so you can actually put them in the comments as we're as we're doing this and we'll try to keep track of that yeah lots of errands the errands errands are outweighing to everyone else's today so just saying better ketchup joseph´s alright so if I go toggle this back on again and let's let's take a peek at x-ray real quick alright so this is what I was talking about before we actually have a repeating pattern right here this thing kind of repeats only do something I'm not going on my styles and edit my styles and look at my x-ray I like that look a little bit I'm not sure well you guys can see it but I do have the ability in my Styles to go to the I don't know what the name of this tab is the salt ii cube tab and i can actually edit my transparency preferences so right here i can change it from between nicer and faster faster is optimized for you know drawing your screen as quick as possible i'm gonna go ahead and click it to nicer one things that nicer does it kind of gives me a fill to my clear materials so in here i can actually come in and actually control just how transparent i want things to be i don't really want it like like you know invisible so i can't see anything i actually wanted pretty close to not not a hundred percent if i go all the way up to eighty this is as opaque as my transparency can get but for what i'm doing right now this is perfect this is exactly what i want i want enough detail on here that I could start roughing in these shapes of these windows Aaron I'm curious do you ever I dropped the material on to the faces and then reduce the material I have it but that is actually a great way to do it I guess my this is probably this is probably a fundamental thing what do you what do you like to use I didn't realize I'm sorry my my cell tools are behind my head I apologize for that anybody was upset by that one of the things I really like in Sketchup is this look right here this all white solid and I know you can refill textures and I don't know for me I just end up using reference images but you know what I've used reference images a lot so let's let's go ahead and we're going to actually use exactly what Koch is talking about I'm going to turn this on again and I'm just gonna scoot it back I'm just going to straight back like this ooh whatever that's gonna work but now that I use that image splitter let's find out I'm gonna grab it and explode it I erased the lines and oh this this could get this could and my network for this one yeah we'll see I'm committed now okay I miss all of these and I can right-click and I can say combine textures let's see that should get me back to that it did give me lines at the breaks yes not as good as it was before yeah combined tends to really bring down the quality but hey it's gonna it'll it'll work for what I want to do so I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna go to texture and make it a projected texture I'm gonna come in here we'll actually first I'm gonna use my select it's gonna hit the modifier key command to pick this texture I'm gonna come in here and use my paint bucket to fill a couple of these in alright those are the parts that I'm concerned with right now those are parts I wanna model real quick alright so if I look in here I said they're not hot it's not beautiful yeah we'll see what's it this is part of the fun alright so what that did was this this isolated just this section I'm gonna model this section once and then I'm gonna reuse it with scale to fill in this this this and this I know it's not a perfect like percentage scale there's some differences here but it's gonna be good enough to start so this we're having a cake delivery happening right now off camera so sugar and flour just showed up just out of arms reach a big tease Thank You Colin thanks for bringing that by we miss a lot of the social things that happen when we're in here on Friday because when you do a social thing you do it Friday after lunch right and that's when I'm with you guys but see I take you guys over cake that's how that's how much you mean to me possibly I don't know like you guys but I'll wait because you don't want to say that my teeth they'll be my reward for finishing all right so it looks like what we got here we have a repeating thing and I read ok inside this level I guess we have a couple things going on we have these windows we also have this solid parts got some arches inside of arches so it looks like that happens three times in the middle and then on either end it does repeat up to and then between that it looks like we got some columns so what my thought here is gonna be is let's see we got one two three four five six seven but it's not seven equal breaks because we have columns on the outside edge so maybe what we do is break these to the column so that it's one two three four five six seven eight all right I'm gonna do that I'm going to take this line and I'm gonna divide it one two there we go I have an idea about the material if you do a save as and then go back to your picture where you or go back to the other file where you had the picture proportional and standing up you could actually bring that image in and protect it from the original if it's worth the time that is true cuz this quality's pretty rough hey it is not good weighted that wrong I did something very wrong - I do I do pull out all right let's try it again divide so I kind of forgot what I was doing I think so I want the brakes should be at the window sections there we go so that's better and we are gonna have to deal with distortion you're right there they're not round columns they appear I shouldn't say anything like that with authority but based on the incredibly low resolution picture I pulled off the internet and don't know where it came from it does look like they are some fancy shape that's not just half a circle all right so this is where we will be modeling off the spirit of what's there yeah one of the things we could do is we could actually just pull in a separate reference image this was where we've done this before - I'm just gonna go ahead and do it well for one thing at this point I'm gonna fill this back in with our our default material no get back to white and then that's not gonna be right either hold on come back to that one of the other things I do enjoy doing Brian pointed out that the columns are actually concave blueprints are good look blueprints are for the weak let's see let's get this guy bring him in now that image no that's not the one I'll stride again oops wrong button let's just bring in the same one we have right here we're just gonna throw it on the back your background image nice right in front position to the far left big as we can get it all right so now we at least haven't of course it's right behind ahead but looks good on my screen just like that yeah that's gonna work we could probably actually make it work on the other side yeah I'll make that work we'll make it work all right so we've got a little bit of a reference there but if we look at this pull this right over here for close-up examination so it does look like they do come out I agree they look like half a hex I'm even able to go with that but what I can't quite tell is if we have a full column here before this next one starts because if so that throws off what we just tried to do here so what we could do is we could go in here and say one of these is two feet wide so come in here whoops don't race it come in here like this and I'm just gonna come right here on the ground I'm going to draw a polygon with six sides draw on the side for one foot then I'm going to cut it in half I'm going to make this a component and I'm gonna put it right here and come into this and I can pull that up alright so for right now let's see how that works I take that option and copy it over here divided by seven that gets me one two three four five six seven eight it looks like they all match up with the section above it's easier to start with a section above and then just kind of continue it down well as long as we pick a spot I don't know if it matters which one we start with because what we'll do is just take this all of this will end up getting copied up and down it does look like each of these has a little bit of a head at the top so I'm gonna come in here and I'm going to grab this I'm going to offset this out say four inches come down grab this shape it's something like that I'm gonna go into this though I have geometry sticking out the back right now so I'm going to come in here hmm Oh a little squirrel here whoa stuffs happening all right so that oops something's not breaking oh this is not okay we distorted some things we come on guys that's okay we can fix that up easy enough stuff got crazy all right don't need this this don't need this just same thing here let's give these interior lines alright so that is our column to begin with again we can model to one level of detail and we can go in and we can put put more in more detail as we as we keep working through here I do want to grab this plus all of these columns right here and I'm gonna make that into a new component I'm gonna call this a level or something with those letters in it apparently there we go or to call that a level yeah I did see that that is a nice image that you you uploaded we might if I go hop over here whoo that is a good image that look at that's so bright yeah got some bright blue over there and yeah man that looks nothing like what I got off that so it actually looks like and I know somebody said they go in but it looks like what we actually have is this stays almost flat and then steps in steps in steps in multiple times and then the windows inside that that's cool we're all the way down here yeah we're not gonna get this detailed but we're gonna put something in sorry Titus make you wait on that I know I don't if you guys saw at the very beginning I did have a low-quality copy of the original blueprint but we could probably refer to it as being unusable and that would be fair someone's pointing out that the columns are actually triangular yeah they do so I'm going to go back to my original effort and divide this so that I have eight sections one two three four five I think there's other seven windows I think there's seven windows seven four five six seven all right eight tries to charm guys we got this alright let's go to seven section seven divisions I honestly would I get caught up on what I always end up forgetting is that I'm making the number of lines not the number of points all right so that's what we actually want now if we look over here it looks like it's does that make sense alright so I'm gonna do a couple things so one thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come here six inches I'm gonna do both some stuff is gonna go in and some stuff is gonna go out take this that and this was extra this never had that happen where you start to move something for whatever reason your mouse hand just gets tired and goes in slides in the wrong direction all right I'm gonna grab then the Centers of each of these again we're not gonna be as detailed as the real as real been but I'm gonna take those and bring them out yeah six inches sounds good to start with that shape now if I look in here I got three different things going or two different things so this one is kind of a looks like they all kind of have an offset push-pull kind of thing in to get them to this original square shape and then these four have been arched windows inside where these have some additional details so let's do that I'm going to start by doing an offset of that much and yeah I could component this but apparently I'm not gonna and I'm gonna push that in let's say two inches and because just what why are you argue with me huh I was just gonna talk about how nice double-click is but it's choosing to go the other direction all right so there we go oh yeah excellent all right I'll do another do another course like that double click each time alright and for our purposes that's going to be the level of detail we're and go to right now alright that looks that looks alright so if we look at the two different details here so you got this one and it does read it looks like it so there is a little bit of a difference from one to the next these ones these so this one is one style this next course and the one above are a slight variation and then this one above is totally crazy but we'll still use the this the geometry to start off will be the same so what we got in here is two panels divided into three pieces the two bottom pieces are bigger top ones smaller and then we got some arcs in there arches in there so I'm going to make something like that so I'm gonna go offset this I'm using two inches for this for the most part and I'm gonna come in here come down three feet like this drop down two and then middle drop down to and it'll take all of that like that and like that and like that and then i will push pull this back in again now we got some some more stuff happening actually so I'm gonna push pull because I have this going on and I'd put in a single line but I actually obviously whoops I super zoomed all right so I'm using two inches here is this break so I'm gonna come over here come over whoops not two inches but just one inch and drop that line straight down and then same thing come here one inch over take that line straight up I can actually get rid of those extra lines I like make it a window just draw on some mullion kind of things alright so from here this is where we got some arch stuff happening and these are not symmetrical arches so I'm gonna actually use my Bezier curve to come in here and I know we talked about this last week I am aware that we got gothic arches have some very specific dimensions to them I got that apparently I'm blowing it off so I'm gonna take this right here I'm gonna offset it also two inches and this nope just this two inches I can get rid of these extra lines here and then I can grab this and this and copy it to here and grab both of these option copy that up to here take that down here and then I can do some me nothing cleaning up and clean some clean up no need for extra ink at all alright Aaron says it took 13 years to build the tower Christopher says it would have taken last time but they kept stopping 14 but I'm pretty sure that that's how I got the quality to true all right so I'm gonna take that and I'm pushed that back I'm just gonna do everything increments it to just just cuz and six push pulls on each level double click whoops alright so there we go that's that one section what I'll do now is I'll actually so that's going to go here here and here so I'm going to do is I'm just gonna grab that piece that I want I see how good I can get this with that space mouse and a select window boom alright no big deal all right I'm gonna grab that from the corner option to copy it and then I'm gonna just put it here I can actually just type X to the next one should be the same dimension away and we got that cool that'll work for now now I'm gonna save still working on getting that you know web poll device where you guys can smash buttons to make it safe for me automatically just hasn't happened yet all right now we need some windows so let's hop back over to here so what we got here is an old buddy am I gonna simplify this there is some serious detail we could get in here really tight but I'm gonna make an arch and an arch I apologize to the architects who did an amazing job on this but I might go this much deeper and it's not for a bad reason actually doing something like this section right here that might be fun but we could spend probably three hours just doing that detail which maybe that's a fun thing if you guys would be interested in doing that modeling some you know some gothic detail work I don't know somebody would have to somebody who knows they have to come in and actually tell me what that's called but we could actually spend a Friday just doing like a blow-up of this kind of thing that could be kind of cool laughs you guys remember Alejandro's his ordinate column cap that we looked at last time we could do something like that if you want just let me know let me know of the level of interest so for right now for this what we're gonna do is we're going to get in just a couple arches it looks like they pretty much aligned with these ones over here so we'll we'll simplify this because it does look like all right so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna hmm what am I gonna do don't even know it's gonna be something whatever it is that's right we'll do this once and then copy it over say the same thing same way we did last time I grab that and bring it over here oops I don't that's one of things that bugs me got to forgot to erase the line I'm gonna have to run through the whole model and fix that all right so over here I'm gonna pull some of this stuff back out years we're little planning could have saved me some time but hey we're talking about design right they're gonna make up solutions as they go sometimes oh man I missed another one that's right fortunately I has a fix all right so I'm gonna do this and get rid of all this I think I missed a step are you preparing to component no I wasn't really thinking about that it's a short-answer doesn't mean it's not a good idea what I was thinking was something like I got too much stuff yeah I look at all those get rid of these two edges there you go so I want to take this and I want to align this I mean I got something else what geez how thing modeling yeah well you guys know this is a I'm trying to save you from making the same mistakes I made by making my steak mistakes in front of you over and over and over again all right so they're about the same marks that cleave there might be a little wider some a matching the same yeah alright so take that modifier key to scale about the middle all right that's gonna work that's gonna that's gonna be what we're gonna do so whether it works or not save yeah this is uh this parts questionable I might actually just come in here and do away with with these because that's where that that higher level of detail there's some other stuff going on there I'm gonna do is the differentiate I got some work I got I didn't delete the face for a copy or II did something wrong I don't know what I did but what cleaned up awesome yeah all right so now that take but do the same thing I'm gonna delete these back faces out and I can go come in here grab this I'm gonna fight this corner option copy option copy I can't just do an array there because I don't have a full it doesn't go straight across what what not quite sure what happened back here try push pull oh come on man make me look dumb for my friends I have no idea stuff stuff stuff just happened I don't love that all of that just happened the way that did happen so faces when you go try to close up faces if you have any geometry inside it won't close so something like this where I have geometry inside geometry I just got to kind of connect the edges together to make it seal itself up there we go and I'm gonna say orient faces get everything back I don't know why that happened fortunately I have several opportunities here to figure it out No don't delete that one no if I used to delete this bottom piece what would happen what would really happen something became broken I don't know what though I know how how I how I do what I do sometimes I just do it and it's it is what it is okay so yes at this point a very compelling argument could be made to have done this as a component yeah it would not be a challenge to make that argument I thought I was gonna copy this over he can be good but I did not take a look at what I was copying before I copied it so that's probably lesson learned on that one if you're gonna copy a bunch of geometry multiple times check check your source check the check where you're copying from all right and yeah all right we got here we got to this that's something that's kind of cool all right so I'm gonna save that so that's a component right now so this goes multiple times onto this building so once it goes from somewhere there's a point take that straight up it goes right here and then another time he goes right here so this is so this is this course right here this is right here this is right here and then I got one more and then one more below if I don't have anything to snap to there I'm just gonna just to get it in there though I'm gonna take this I'm just gonna drag this down here hmm okie dokie yeah all right so that looks okay what I have to do now how did I miss that I meant totally blew off that so I'm gonna take this I kind of blew off some of these dimensions right here so like this one right here is the bottom of that piece I didn't put that in I didn't put this one in all so I'm just gonna trace these real quick I remember talking about six foot six but I just didn't draw it apparently all right so that's I'm gonna put in there the reason when I go into a group everything else Gray's out so I can't see it so putting those references those reference lines in there allow me to actually come in and put these where they should go here this one pull down to here knowing this can get stretched up all right speaking of stretching that's our next thing here so what I need to do I need to get s I need to get this in there look at this across here and [Music] erase this yes this because this has negative values so that the faces actually go behind the front of Big Ben so I could either go in there and cut those things out or in this case I can just kind of make us make a place for them make us make a space for them and I'm choosing to do that because I think that's gonna be quicker and easier and you know where this goes - oh that one goes straight there beauty right like that back here and grab this face all right so that one's done and now in these ones my real question is what gets stretched because I'm looking at the teeny tiny image but if I look here all right I'm gonna do this come in here I'm gonna grab I'm here up and just move it upward oh you know that wouldn't be nearly as upsetting if I hadn't just done that exact same thing on the Great Hall oh boy all right so I'm gonna grab these two right here and I'm going to make them unique and then try that again grab this section here move it vertically to here I specialize in that like a living breathing undo command all right so that beautiful this one up here is unique as well because this is its own thing this is gonna have its its own detail I'm not using stress I'm intentionally not scaling anybody out there who's wondering because what scale will do is it will destroy my arches so it'll actually make them go from what is supposed to be the perfect ratio arch which I didn't know the numbers to so didn't do and it would actually make them look like more like you know sharp points rather than the arches we have now all right so that's what we got right now all right it's acceptable it's in an acceptable place right now all right so one thing we got to do because this is will driving that immediately is get these corners closed up I don't like this open thing right here so let's take a look at our super high-res image and this actually looks like it rounds so it does I'm guessing this is an octagon because we kind of have a square that comes out and then points to come out on both sides so it's a it's like two squares yeah exactly whatever like the Star of David is with triangles this is the same thing but with squares now if there's a name for that I'll take the posting on the forum and get something something good over there all right so I'm curious how big this is that is five feet alright let's roll with this let's let's let's say five feet so if I was to come out here doolittle dolittle scroll in on the ground here so if I was to draw five feet apparently a semi brain works my brain works I can't use actual tools I have to just draw with lines that's cool I say before can you sketch up how you want right apparently I want to do all right so I'm gonna go the midpoint of this square inference inference grab it option rotate 45 degrees I'm gonna make this a component does anybody know does this have a name this shape it looks like it should it looks like this is not like I'm 90% sure about the first person who's drawn the shape but I feel like this should be a thing octagram that really just make that up well hey that's where we get all of our other reference from as Google so we're gonna assume that's right and I'm gonna call this octagram grab that move it into place right here all right so that looks kind of cool I'm not I'm not unhappy about this alright so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this component and command X to cut it and I'm gonna come in here and what's the best way to do this they're gonna be different heights I'm doing I'm kind of I'm kind of behind the curve ball or I'm behind the ball here so I should probably done this before but we're working at the speed of design again so I'm gonna put one there put one of them here and put one of them here this one is gonna be unique this one if I was to push pull it up to the top let's see like that and you'll notice I only did it at one corner because if I close out of here the component on this side is gonna fill on the opposite corner so I gotta do it once work smarter not dumber no harder work smarter not harder let's see that'll work for right now of course there's detailing here always it looks like we have one of these like arch thingies carved into every single face of that octagram they were drinking a lot of tea at the time man that just gotta be perching then did the arches of lime no they don't that's that's good news for me okay so we head into our octagram clothes everything else take one of these sides will do I'll take these to make them into a component everything else option copy it to one corner times seven all the way around actually we don't even need all of these because we only really need this face this face this face this face this face that's we get rid of half of it we get rid of this piece yeah I'm just gonna put it all the way around in case I forget what's going I could mess that up alright so I'm gonna go into this now and let's see I'm gonna offset this two inches just like we did before push-pull is only in one inch though because I that's one foot only one inch because I don't want to run into the other side that would be disastrous I think we can all agree we're not disastrous but it wouldn't be good alright so it has one one of these little gothic Archy things technical term he's right about there and the other one looks like it splits in half so I'm gonna make this one like this alright and then same thing to before I'm gonna offset this by another two inches two inches two inches and I'm going to take this one and move it up so I haven't even two inches there and then something down here I'll grab this one even two inches there then we just got to throw an arch on here copy the arch copy this side to the other side and then our entire octagram will be done all right so I'm gonna draw another best za za there we go I just hit draw a line fuzzy a third tries to charm there here alright going to offset this copy it with rotate hundred eighty degrees and then again like to before offset this too and I'll set this to and now I'm gonna grab this and this and just copy it option click here option click here and now I can do whatever cleanup I feel is necessary and then last thing I'm just gonna push pull these in I'm gonna do an inch again just for uniformity sake all right so now we have that one side drawn so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take see what's 90 degrees right so I don't have to worry about remembering what that is should be able just take all of this option copy rotate it 90 degrees if we click out we should have awesomeness I said nice all right super cool this one was different we made this different I just put this up here as a placeholder I'm actually gonna delete that grab this one from down here and move it straight up this top section nope hold up yeah oh you guys I was gonna do the stupid thing again but I didn't right click and make unique all right now I'm gonna grab this same thing you did before take the top up I haven't exploded it yet you cheese pieces still separate right now here grab this move this vertically snap here that and then what I think we got going on in here is this geometry right here copy that and move that to like right there because you made that a component I click out that's all done all right we're looking good I want to make a change to my style real quick after I save alright and I'm gonna come in here to my style and I'm gonna get rid of my profiles she's got too many lines it's looking too dark too dense Oh baby that that's looking good all right that's awesome so one of the things we got going here is there's definitely a Ledge have you saved I did I just say thank you thank Chris for a thank BJ thank you everything they good to see you again Vijay welcome back walks in all casually and tells me you to save we think you are pal all right no good have you here and I always appreciate the reminder okay so we do have like a little shelf coming around here and it does go all the way around the building you can see here and it does follow all of these all the shapes so I'm thinking just for the fun of it maybe we'll do this with follow me but I'm gonna have to commit to some geometry to make that work what the heck did I just do here I thought I made it unique I do and do and do and do what did I do err all right nested component time this was made into a unique instance or a unique component so here down here we have octagram right here we have octogram 2 inside of octagram we have octagram side which is the same in every one of our big corner pieces so when I came through here I grabbed it moved it up I I didn't save myself any time at all it was that was dumb so and you grab this make it unique as well then I can take this and I can come in here now I can grab this well it's still easier what we did on note you're down so I'll say that option you know put that up middle and same thing you did before I mean here close the face and then and that's not that's not it's not doing anything wrong I didn't actually select a face here I just liked all the outside I just went copied it up it copied the edges that didn't have a face there because there wasn't one because the face was the whole whole big thing so sure did alright let's exit out here let's grab well this is gonna be fun watch this ready ready for some you're gonna get something to place ninja nests or grab all of these pieces I'm gonna go to my component browser I'm gonna go find this octagram side one and all these that are selected I'm going to right-click on octagram side hashtag one and say replace selected and with that you could hopefully leave feeling like you've learned something today alright what's safe someone suggested that making the lines a light gray I thought about it do you guys saw I did come in here to my styles and I turn my profiles off because that definitely helps it also speeds up the render I don't forget know that but redrawing the lines every time every time I spin this in 3d Sketchup is running and constantly figuring out what do I draw on the screen what do I draw on the screen so every time it move is asked to redraw everything when profiles is turned on it says okay when you redraw everything find out where the edge of where two pieces meet together an edge is basically the edge of what you can see and if it's the edge or outline what you can see draw it thicker draw a separate line over the existing line to create that profile view so it basically draws everything then checks everything and then draws again so profiles if you have a heavy model with a lot of geometry and a lot of lines and it's starting to lag a little bit when you start spinning in 3d space try turn that off and see if that helps all right that looks pretty good and yeah so so as was suggested if I grab this black and maybe we'll go to like a lighter gray it's like designing in the mist mist is like a thing that they have in UK too that's that's definitely appropriate yeah that's a thing all right so let's figure out what to do now I think what I'm gonna do is I want to draw that little shelf ledge type thing but I'm not quite sure I'm ready to commit to my components just yet so I think what I'm gonna do I don't know I'm so torn alright I'm just gonna do it I am just gonna commit to I'm so scared I'm just gonna all right I'm doing one level of time we're gonna start this top level but take these two pieces and I'm gonna make them into a single component call this the top level or no leash go 1 2 3 4 5 level 5 now I can go into level 5 and I'm gonna grab these two pieces and explode them and then explode them again right now I'm down to G no back up one step I'm not gonna explode all of them because first I'm going to delete these three pieces because I don't need them on the back now I will grab and explode every time I explode I wish Sketch up heads sound effects alright there we go super alright now what I want to do here is I'm gonna create this shelf looking thing comes out goes up something like this I'm gonna draw a working plane so I'm just gonna i like that great line who who suggested that great line that was that was nice alberto Badillo Thank You Alberto I like it or Badillo depending on what language alright I want to say that is my it's hard to tell that with the light it's hard to tell exactly what that that looks like but I'm gonna say that's it alright I want this to trace on part but not all of this if I hide the rest this is what I'm looking at I don't actually want this to go around to the inside because that's unnecessary so I'm gonna grab it like this and you know what I do I am gonna take us a little bit further I'm want this to go a little bit farther this way so what I want my challenge is now is really what I want this to do is start right here and then go around to hear that so I'm actually looking for it to do so I can double click to select the surface I can hold down shift and pick this one and then what I'll do is I'll turn off the surface and turn off these extra edges that I don't want to trace with my follow me I think I'll bring it back here and now with those selected I can say follow me and pick the I'll hold up just in case something goes wrong I'm gonna make this into a group burst and then I'm a double click shift click here here here here and here get my path we selected it follow me and of course if I hover over the group it says it doesn't highlight it doesn't I can't use it but if I right-click I can say edit group and I'm still in the Follow Me command I click right here something went wrong it picked a fake the job sure they didn't have highlighted come on follow me all right let's try that again right turn this this this off this off this on follow me right click edit group all right maybe we'll lose the group see what happens here excellent well that was supposed to be really cool but wasn't try that again all right select my lines again follow me all right I don't think it likes that your end line is attached you'll be on the lines yeah let me try this let's start well let's try starting right here and see what happens what people are saying stuff is somebody saw me straightening me out here click the positive side we'll try that I'll try that too will change a whole bunch of things because that's how the scientific principle works has changes many things as possible and then test again so out of a group on the edge from the right side all right so let's close and see how that lets how that looks with the others this is my question is how is that gonna overlap beautifully is how that overlaps that looks slick so there is cleanup here at our these sections where they overlap we do have some cleanup left to do not a big deal we can make that happen and we want to do it once again cuz we weird it's on the corners I'm gonna undo that undo that I'll do that and I'm gonna do it one more time but this time I am gonna put this in a group because I should be able to grab this same group and just copy down level to level so I'm gonna make it a group I'm going to say anything double click then shift click shift click shift click follow me right click Edit group click oh yeah how better was right again Oh double gold star Matt Alberto came next week Alberto will be Miley save this middleman stuff alright so I'm gonna grab that I'm gonna copy it I'm gonna leave this level I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna grab these make them a component level for going to level 4 paste let's see well grab this and stick it right guys ever get this where where what you're copying covers up what you're trying to deploy you're trying to copy to it can be pretty frustrating really the best solution is just get a new angle on it so in this case I'll come to underneath and click right to it it's frustrating but I try just not to spend time on it just look at it for somewhere else all right make another component working our way down level 3 paste again again we will grab that there we go nice alright so we got down to here that works on those levels I also got to fill in these these middle sections we got to get a move on I just got get clocked face on this thing out here this is gonna be a different profile because it's going to trace around here so let's do this I'm just gonna grab this explode it and I'm gonna get nice like that here and then bring this around just have lines try to do some fancy selection to get my path this time and what I don't have I'm going to paste this right here because what I didn't grab was this face copy that over here like I said should've grabbed that from a different orientation just rotate that whoops no rotate from the blue backsies 90 degrees and we'll make it a group again because I want to copy it down to level below grab it I really get this face done and get myself a solid hour plus to put the or only get this base done so I have a solid hour to put the clock face on all right and look straight at it i'ma try to do a selection of just that path that was precision selection all right follow me right click Edit group pick the face there we go grab that group just take it and we will wait a minute didn't that didn't work Oh Timmy lines all right that's what I get for bragging about my precision selection as I selected too many lines all right try that again select that problem was I had these so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold down both the option and the shift to give myself the minus key and that's gonna make it real quick and easy to just go in and deselect really feel good about myself for about three seconds all right there we go there's my path I want to follow follow me right click edit group click uh-huh there we go that's the stuff all right now I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna move it vertically option to copy drop it straight down to there 90 and save excellent plan how does that look with all of the floor or sighs it's all right all right so it does look like we actually have these shells at the top and bottom that's good I'm gonna copy those real quick that way all we got to fill in is this this and a little detail on our little first try all right I'm gonna make a copy of this straight up here down here yeah yeah right here I'm gonna go grab this and just go he's at the top as well so it's not gonna be the most architecturally accurate but it's gonna have a lot of details of debatable accuracy all right I'm gonna come in here I'm going to make a slight change because I'm gonna take these two right here and I'm just gonna move them vertically they're sticking through the top and by moving just these two phases it's gonna grab all the connected geometry and and pull it up so I don't have to go in and select the face because if the two sides move then the piece and the connects it moves as well all right save that now what I'm thinking for these sections around here what I'm thinking of doing is coming up with a single detail one piece that just fills in this and then I can just array it and then stretch it stretch it I mean because it's honestly it's a bunch of detail that we're I just won't have time to do today so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna start by I'm gonna put a rectangle it might not even in that lets get in at least this far erase this this this won't be a little different all right so this one right here so I'm going to start with a rectangle like that put another rectangle right there in a third rectangle right here all right and offset this also two inches again two inches two inches push it back in one inch one inch just give myself some relief a little bit of texture right in there and then here's what's actually happening so this is what I saying this could make a fun one time this could make a one time for a three hour model just for this detail for what we're doing we might be there maybe I'll do another offset will do another like a three inch offset and push that back in an inch all right that's what we're gonna do for our detail we grab all that make that a component call this mid-level detail all right I'm gonna take that I'm gonna move it option copy it over here Oh something didn't happen alright man X come in here edit it since anybody who's ever made a mistake ever should appreciate Jason place alright 1 2 3 4 or 5 X 5 go nope something didn't go right there I did not copy that Street alright first thing we do is I move this over to the end I'll actually go from here try that again option-click 2 here 2 3 4 5 6 X 6 or 6 X I could call that on that sometimes I don't have a shortcut key assigned to X so when I copy I type X 6 if you have a shortcut key when you hit that X it's going to run the shortcut so the better way to do it the more you're safe no matter what is to type 6 X rather than X 6 but yeah I don't I didn't I didn't do that good all right I'm gonna grab this whole array option copy bring it up right here option copy down here option copy drop right here and get rid of this space and then some stuff happens down here alright so each of these layers is actually a different height these two might be the same these are the same so I can leave those these two I'm actually going to I could grab it right now and I could scale it and just go vertically like this but that's going to end up distorting stuff so right here where this line should or a line I can see that came up because that was that it's distorting it because of scale so what I'm going to do instead is I'm gonna grab this array right here make unique and then go into one of these grab it by the top and then just move that one vertically and then I click out there we go alright same thing here grab all of these whoops grab all of these right click make unique click into one grab the jump tree at the top and move vertically to there alright it's coming together it's all coming to get well the bottom half is coming together alright so that whoops I didn't quite get there and I gotta stop saying definite definitive statements because every time I do I find out I made a mistake all right so the other thing on here is we need to make something to fill in these corner spots I'm just going to do the same thing I'm going to come in make a rectangle from here to here the second rectangle from here to here offset by 2 inches 2 inches push side in 1 inch where's that in 1 inch grab all of that make it a component called corner detail grab it option I'm not gonna do an array because there's only a couple of these and should only take a second to grab these and copy them nice thing about when you start copying things like this every time you do it you should be at copying twice as much geometry oh so close all right because a copy 1 to 2 then I can copy that looks pretty sweet all right so I'm going to come in here grab these make then a group and copy them and then paste it alright having that snap problem again let's try the other side perfect all right here it's still gonna work we're definitely immediately gonna have some intersecting geometry not a bad thing but it is a thing so I'm going to stick this right here I'm going to right click and make it unique actually no I'm not gonna make the group unique because it's a group I'm gonna come in here and grab all of these make unique then go to one of them grab this challenge right here and drop it down vertically right there and that's how that'll go okay we're coming it's all coming together I'm thinking that this is just raw geometry so what I might do here we're past the point over turn I'm gonna grab all of this and I'm going to explode it because much as I love component modeling I just want to get this part done so I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna off do the two inch offset and I'm gonna do that on all of each of these pieces to inch to an inch to inch line where the bottom two inch to inch to inch to inch to inch and then I'm going to just push those in one that's not enough huh we need more detail than that that's not gonna work something didn't happen here oh I didn't explode this one let's back up a little bit it looks like it's almost exact geometries the panel next to it you just copy this idea explode let me explode a couple things because I want to clean up this this chapter right here too so I'm gonna grab this say intersect face with selection that's going to give me lines here also means I can come back here and delete this alright there's lots of cleanup I could do back here I'm gonna skip a lot of it because I want to get to that clock face but know that that would actually be probably what I would do right now is I would spend time doing my my Sketchup ASMR just dragging my eraser tool through back here and getting rid of all this extra geometry so I end up when I'm finally done with one solid shell same thing to do this one over here because I don't have a geometry I can't intersect was selected but if I right-click both of these or click both of these and say intersect face with model even though those other pieces aren't visible it still breaks it so I can just go like this and I get that that break so want to come out here everything breaks there same thing over here I could grab all this geometry right click intersect face with model that's going to break those panels even though that that other section isn't visible so I could again if my goal was in the fight in the end one big solid mass rather than a bunch of overlapping groups I could do that and then I said when I close out of this group that'll all talk together nice same thing I would do the same thing for these two pieces meeting at the corners but right now moving on all right so look real quick man come on the trim stops right here killing me okay so here's what we're gonna do right do something like this I don't what this is gonna look like we're gonna do it yeah sure that sounds good top over here push this back like this grab let's go straight across that and then we just actually just push it over horizontally easier with it push this all back to the face all this actually no I'm gonna keep this line right here to break that that way when I offset this face I can push this in offset again two inches again something like that and then let's do the same thing over here so push-pull stops you as soon as you did another surface so what you're best off doing is starting with the shortest surface and then pulling the other surfaces in I was not gonna say you know limited to like that until it'll actually gets back to the final face all right there we go easier when you have some idea of what your plan is all right something offset to inches push this in to offset again I'm gonna push that in one the second time so I'm just gonna do some super fast push poles to wrap up this tower offsets and push poles offsets and push poles I didn't want to do that one oops one sometimes delete and Enter key are too close to each other nobody else ever realize that it was like a poor design of a keyboard no I'm not alone in that all right and then I think I did a double offset here yeah so these face ones a second time I'm going to put the arches in here put this in this far alright so that's the base of our big bed frame now and fright now I mean forever because I brought that go back done do anything it down there save alright I do still want my corner pieces my my quarter pieces because I don't want to have to do this from here up more than one so as much exploding as I have done I'm not gonna do any more than that until we get in here and clean this up or finish this up so with that I'm going to step in here to the face and we're going to bring this in so I'm going to grab this this image right now actually it's because it's not an image well I'm not really tracing dimensions anymore and yeah well I'm gonna cut it come in here to context and then I can say edit paste in place again now I can actually see this wall I mean there cuz not grayed out because it's not outside of the group alright so the biggest thing here obviously is this okay I'm gonna bring this forward - I'm gonna move it so it's level with the face members level with the back section but I'll pull it forward I can come here this and then I'll do a rectangle actually first let's go one more line here and then I can do a rectangle from the middle option to go to the center and pull it out in a square till it snaps and that right there is our Big Bend face sounds like an insult to somebody you're a Big Bend face not a good look on a human alright so we have a couple things going on here if I drop this down this we got a lot of detail oh man all right well we know like an hour and a half fish something like that there's so many things going on okay uh I'm gonna point this out tig on the forum called me out that it is not actually called Big Ben he did tell us that it is the Elizabeth Tower which I did not know that but I did know the Bell was the Big Ben so you guys can back me up that I said that at the beginning so next time you see TIG oh well you guys are walking around Big Ben somebody let him know I did kochak covered us and said we we acknowledge that we're stupid Americans basically that's what she said something along those lines all right all right so I'm just gonna draw some reference lines on here these are just straight up giving me an idea of where things are on here and which piece has got to go we're not gonna be able to get in as much detail as I want to get in which is a bummer but we'll get a bunch all right so right here I'm gonna offset this I'll just teeny bit and then I'm gonna it's hard to tell what what's what's positive what's negative on here but I'm gonna take this piece right here and I'm gonna whoops push that in just a little bit just give myself a little relief those those levels that's what makes stuff look like it's real and I'm going to put a circle and I'm gonna bump my sides my circle to 48 just a little bit a little bit higher fidelity and I'm gonna put it at the center and bring it not quite all the way up so all the way up be like that I'm gonna drag it down just a little bit because if you guys saw there's a little bit of detail around the clock so that'll be our actual face I'm going to take that and push it in a touch like that and then here I'm gonna I'm not going to be able to go in and do all the what's it called scrollwork basically so it's it's only gonna look at Austin only looks at that most outside boundary of what you have selected so it's not gonna offset in and out at the same time so thank you Christopher they were joyed that he Christopher odd Warren Christopher Warren on YouTube refer to us as stupid coffee slurping Yanks I know we are RT game is so off here in America it's just it's it's terrible to be fair I have a cup of tea in front of me right now you got that so take that but still yeah but it's pumpkin spice and it's really sweet so I don't think that's really the same thing no that would not probably satisfy most you know so so one things that Americans call themselves something weirds going on right here like this this is uh there we go so Americans refer themselves as Red Bud blooded Americans you guys have all heard that right do British people have something along those lines that they'd like to understand what red-blooded means I mean well I I don't know how anybody is not red-blooded I guess Sonia Mike it's terrible it's an odd it's an odd term T so I don't know if if anybody out there confesses to be blue blooded or anything like well blue bloods is a thing too but anyhow time to stop talking to you spiced tea if you haven't had pumpkin spice tea it just somebody's question that I'm drinking pumpkin teeth pumpkin spice it's a it's a thing that's not made of pumpkins it's pumpkin flavor you know it's a spice that you put in pumpkin pie yeah I'm just I'm throwing arbitrary details at this point but that's something like that in there and then this this is one of those times again where this may have just become Aaron's version of Big Ben I want something else up here just might take it and offset it and then just pull this it's pumpkin spice to you just an American thing oh you know why cuz it's like pumpkin pie Thanksgiving that is definitely an American thing yeah yeah it's definitely not what most people would consider to be a tea flavor that's not our question so in addition to the non red blood that apparently the rest of the world doesn't have everybody else seems to really like tea is its own flavor like that's we seemed like to add flavorings that's a that's a thing I do like girl Grey a little bergamot in it I think burgermeister meisterburger it's a type of a citrus alright alright so I'm again I'm going back to getting some reference lines in here alright so I think that's pretty good my axes are messed with me so I'm gonna turn my taxis off because I don't need that blue line in front of my face alright so we have it looks like so we got something like this and something like this and I'm assuming these things come out again a lot of guessing happen here because because that's that's the why so right here I got the same thing coming out oh it actually doesn't go all the way down this but the same thing here but it kind of looks like it wraps around the corner yeah I think it's this excited well its foresight on my model that's right well that like this go this way six inches and then that'll overlap almost all right so way to grab it okay that make sense take that push that pull this out six inches and that then that detail comes around on both sides well whoa whoa so what I did was I brought this into a quarter side so as soon as I've got a mirror dimension moment they're a little oh alright anyhow let's just stay in here and stop stop with the nonsense all right I was kidding about stopping the nonsense by the way don't worry it doesn't stop all right so I'm gonna take this and push it in I try to do this on both sides again I don't want to really componentize this stuff right now and then down here I got the same kind of thing going on this actually will come down like that this will come down like this no this is not here this is the other clockface oh sure enough I didn't catch that either what beam let's scratch that is over bring this over this over some of these other wines that's that's not a thing that's not a thing that's I think all right that's good this will get pushed in I think it's pushed in this first in and then I'm gonna take this in like that all right and then this is actually looks like a kind of a guardrail thing going around here so let's let's make that happen safety first that's right OSHA I don't know if this is actually a stairway or not I don't know or a walkway or not but just became one in our model that should go all the way around yeah all right it does have one two three four five six points on here so I'm gonna go from the center of here to the center of here I'm going to take this and divide that so I get 1 2 3 6 points and I'm going to bring it up down like that I'll move that to the next point spin around like that I can grab this copy from the center the next point and then I can say X 6 and this n 1 I think actually well here I pull these all out first oops [Music] looks like this thing comes up to here and past but I'm just gonna remove two here for now all right - same thing over here real quick all right it's all coming together kind of that was cool I'm gonna do this real quick offset this ever so slightly push it the key to making things look fancy pretty much awesome it seriously that's offset follow me this is gonna be weird because this doesn't it's cut at an angle so I'm going to grab whoops I grab this push this back to here we can actually come in here and get that off the edge there I'll just trace it very sit there you go we just basically didn't intersect manually to give her that geometry whoops too much all right lots of lots of bonus geometry on here at this at this moment I'm I'm gonna do the same thing here I'm gonna actually so I could have gone in and like got fancy with my selection for offsetting but it's probably easier to look how easy it is to come back in and just do that rather than having to go in there and like fine tune your selection lines a little bit a little bit easier a little bit quicker I should probably the same thing here should I take that across there and that across there one last mess to fix all right all right so just as something to talk about as I'm drawing lines from odd directions above and beneath buildings we just this last week finished up what we were calling our bootcamp Roadshow which is where our staff got to go on-site to a couple cities and do some training it was really cool we just finished it up like I said I don't know I don't know if anybody who's on here was there if so we'd love to hear from you and hear what you thought of it but I love these as a segue because we have at this point announced our next 3d base camp which will be happening Vancouver and you can actually go to our 3d base camp website and get information on that you have any desire to get better at Sketchup which I know you do it is a great spot to take classes from experts I will call them expert sign up they'd there they're all humble and wouldn't call themselves experts but I would it's a great way to learn Sketchup and get to know as much as possible about it so yeah check out 3d base camp if you haven't already got you just through a web address in the comments you guys should you've never heard of it go check it out it's it's a great way to learn and it's everything that is Sketchup all at once it's it's pretty super all right I'm gonna take this right now just copying this out I'm trying to save time this will probably end up as well as times where I'm like I'll just copy something in save time and it'll probably take me 3 times as long to do this but I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna move this down vertically to this height I'm gonna grab the bottom pull it up vertically to this height nope - no that height grab this piece and pull it down to about a third off the ground and then pull this down here and now I'm gonna grab all this and make it a group I'm not really concerned about components at this point I'm kind of beyond the part where I'm worried about components but what I do want to do is I don't want this to immediately connect to my existing geometry so vertically which I should be spot-on work close to it dang not spot-on all right let's grab that let's fix that real quick slide that up all right and then horizontally I'm gonna do form some arches guys I'm sorry I apologize all you all you gothic arch purists look away well if you're a goth card purist you've probably already left cuz I probably insulted you guys sometime at neo neo gothic arch purist I proof I have some extra geometry here something here is causing an issue huh delete there we go all right I'm just the gap and then I'll grab this option copy stick it right here and then get rid of that and I'm just gonna explode both these alright I'm gonna actually I'm gonna steal some more Jam I'm just gonna grab let's see how let's see how clean I can grab this me what is this thing yeah okay try it again grab this option copy bring it right back down here let's see how that looks all right because I didn't I didn't copy the surface so I ended up with some weirdness here let's see what's the best way to do this I'm I'm gonna make him this is dumb no get rid of it just I do just get out all right let's try it again let's go grab there's a small version oh that's good you have the same thing select there we go copy it again come back out here and we're going to beat this and hit ctrl-v to paste this that's spinning back upright again alright and this is just one arch so what I'm actually gonna do is come in here and drag over all of this and get rid of it and down here let's do a group select lead over this and this can create a bunch of geometry back behind here so I'm just gonna do a little bit clean up like this rid of all this and then what I can do is I can grab the bottom right here slide that vertically now I get rid of all these little guys who are close by I don't want to select these on accident when I copy it they're not copy if Italy select it and stick it in the model delete give all that pleat alright now just take this by in this corner this is actually doing the other one someone be uniformly uniformly incorrect with this but I'll slide this up some along those lines I wasn't in closing in right I'm gonna cheat just a little bit and rather than doing her fancy detail I'm just gonna pull these out no you know what let's do it let's let's get the same same profile we use down below and stick those and stick it right in here I mean here and just click in and just grab his face and copy it and then there's that overabundance of reference imagery slapping me in the face drop it shortcut D that's right it is on the same layer now isn't it and she's push/pull since we're basically just going along wine I gotta come back to that just a second how to fix that that's actually not here at all kiddo that's Kingsley that looks like there's actually a bunch of words underneath the Big Ben I can't read it though yeah there's definitely words there and they say some things but I could not make out any of those details so I didn't I didn't try I really didn't oh it's in Latin that's why I can't read it that makes sense getting those a little touches of details on there we do slap some a lot of arches here we've got one two three four five six seven arches so we'll do the same thing we did before just grab this line divide so hey Vince the words under the clock face read I'm not going to try to pronounce that month but it means oh Lord keep safe our Queen Victoria the first make sense I think she lived a really long time so hey it worked yeah Aaron Powell says I love Sketchup that's what it says we should make our own like Latin I love Sketchup and put them 3d text underneath there I don't know but we already drive on the wrong side of the road so it'd be par for the course yeah I always thought that like America was the only place that drove on the right side of the road but it turns out there's actually there's a couple couple spots yeah all right there we go I'm gonna grab that geometry again and when we do is on the community here and I'm going to deselect some of this geometry just do a big sweep select and then come in afterwards and see if there's anything you have to unselect and then once that's done I'm going to grab it with move option copy it over actually for something to rid of this there we go now and do a big group select then come in here do my fine-tuning I'm getting to really enjoy using the deselect window let's maybe just as sloppy with deflecting as I am with selecting x6 there we go that gives us all those all right this is looking all right alright alright alright alright you know what now that I did this I did this nice little shortcut and it turns out I just thought I only kind of half-assed it but I big big half-assed it all of this has twice as much detail as I put in here so I'm kind of thinking a lot of times it now that's twenty thirty the blade time I'm gonna grab this I'm operating under this impression that I'm like running out of time like crazy but it's not so bad I'm gonna I'm gonna wreckingball this thing I'm getting rid of all of it turns out the Latin for I love Sketchup is just almost ketchup it's not long enough so guess we can do that guess that's how I work alright go back to that you know which there's a way to componentize deletion you know there's an easy way to go delete that same geometry anywhere else you see it it works well whose geometry though fortunately what I can do I'm just now realizing if I just delete these edges to disconnect this geometry from the rest of the model and I can just triple click although more components might help yeah I know I was trying to cut cut corners by just speed and putting but now realizing and I done when I was in 10th in attending in initially that's was trying to say this is an easy one things go get rid of that that all right I know I could have left that alone and kept working my way up the tower but man I really want wait what do I have going on here it's just that first lip and that have these my uniform right all the way out to here oh I couldn't delete it a lot more all right that's where it was sorry I confuse myself but we had a discussion that we worked it all out all right so with that there we go now I got had stuff gone out of the way only that extra line is not an extra line I'll see if I have this as a component so anywhere I think I pretty much that's all right challenger all right so gonna come in here very carefully grab that control C control V and then I'm gonna grab all of it put it next to itself do some initial cleanup because I actually have a spot I can drop this into you know it's funny it's something I learned I've learned from a boss many many years ago he told me that design works always easier the second time he was referring of course to losing work and then having to redo it but the point still remains I think it pretty well it's a whole lot easier to do something the second time then is the first time my sketch of classes and people ask me how to make anything a lamppost or anything I say well first I say don't you go on a 3d warehouse because someone else has already made it and then I say you do it wrong three times and that's how you learn how to do it right it's totally normal it's just part of the process first get your finger hover and over control Z there we go oh oh that's better all right that down all right unfortunately I'm gonna do this again if I can simplify this I just beat these guys this is a self-healing geometry right here Sketchup goes back and make sure those surfaces are all and I'm gonna grab this right here and slide it down to the bottom is that what I can do is I can just grab all of this and delete that it's really all I want to do is I want to get these lines and bring them up right there then I can just pull these back down - all right beauty I grabbed that option stick it right here it's got a difference of opinion here between my windows Wow some crazy zooming going on I apologize if anybody's getting motion sick those okey-doke all right that's gonna be that I'm gonna grab one of those basically set that same thing Alberto recommends changing her field of view to five degrees you can't do it I can't do it all Berto I know some people like it I can't I can't design like that does that change how you use the space mouse if you do think that like that no not really it's it's really just it has more to do with let's go here let's go let's go do it feel the view yeah we type in five mm-hmm it's too flat for me my brain doesn't accept the depth all I see is a 2d drawing I can't nope can't whoa seriously just my eyes just did this thing where it like my eyelids spasmed that's what you do to me that's what you did Alberto I appreciate all the help you give me but you just gave me eyelid spasms no I know some people like that that's that's perfectly cool that's again I say it's all time Sketchup is cool because everybody uses it differently and that's awesome I have been working at I mean for years when I first started using Sketchup I didn't know you could change the field of view so I kind of got used to just using it always with the 35 degree field of view and honestly I just have used it so long that way I have a hard time changing it to anything else so old dog new trick kind of thing I don't know but I have a hard time I have a hard time changing the field of view from 35 degrees to something else I like that I like that vanishing point not everybody does and that's cool but that's that's what works for me I tried it betrayed some new today yes uh I of course I said I yell bow and immediately gave up but I did try it it's that's right and that's cool go for it I mean that's why we gave you shortcut keys and cameras and ability to do all that stuff all right I'm trying to recycle here again I grabbed this group from down below because there's the same number of arches as I have up here so I'm gonna try to stick this in here almost the same size - I'm gonna scale it oops wrong wrong scale handle actually we grab all three of these I'm gonna scale it down just because it looks like we have a little bit of a layer right here of some significant amount of detail yeah now we're getting ornate and now is when I'm gonna be very blatant about blowing off some more daintiness I'm sorry I wanna I want to do it but I also want to have at least a finished finished ish shell of Victoria Tower which houses Big Ben that was for you take I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna slide it forward I'm gonna close that up because [Music] what I have is some pieces that are not quite right my corners are lapping through each other so I need to give it a little bit more space out here there we go that's better and then I can how long is this six inches so I'll just pull one side out six inches and then that should close up there we go that looks good that was good I didn't pull this side out I just pulled that other edge out so I grabbed this one same thing I'll pull it out the green AXYZ and pull it out the same distance like that and then I'm gonna put a rectangle right here to close it this side another rectangle here close up that side reverse the faces there so that looks I still got some oddness here so I'm gonna go ahead how far is this pull this out six inches oops all right and that should cover me nice corner there nice quarter there all right I think we're in good shape now got one more row of some level of detail this gilded cage it does I'm guessing and please correct me if I'm wrong because you're you're smarter and know this thing I think this is Big Ben I think that's actually the belt itself I think so but I think so I think that that is where the bells at and the detailed picture I see a bunch of cables and stuff yeah I've I have read in my exhaustive research I did for this the minutes I spent prepping that Big Ben is actually not it doesn't swing with a clapper like a lot of bells do it's actually sit still and is whacked with a hammer so yeah less moving parts I guess all right so I'm just I'm offsetting this so that the coroner's will meet correctly yeah yeah and then again I'll just exit out draw a line you raced the wrong lines what they did that's not if I hit escape there we go so that's meeting up all the way around come back in and here we can man there is so much ornate detail up here it's hard to tell what's what even it's so cool [Music] even our are super let's go let's go hop back over to our high def image I'm still not a hundred percent sure what I'm looking at I because it looks like this is basically a wall of vertical members and I can't tell if this thing is out on the corners or if this is the side that's just wall on the other side there's so much stuff Lawrence just showed up uh will forgive you Lawrence thanks for coming you should try Lawrence yeah we're making hot well Katya is making a lot of tea jokes oh I won't take full yeah well you missed the whole Captain Picard conversation Wow apparently and I don't even recall it so no one is making fun of me for like your Earl Grey I said if it's good enough for Captain Picard it's good enough for me because the script said he had to Theodore is asking about the eraser key the default mapping is on the letter e but of course it's customizable so you can you can change that if you like alright so it looks like we got five arches here so I'm gonna do this right now so those are our one two three four five arches all right so they just got thing a weird detail man it's so hard to I'm just trying to think of what to do here I'm gonna do this I'm gonna grab this and turn off the bottom oops wrong button I'll set that down copy that cross times four I don't know I don't know what I have no idea what I'm doing right now it's like there's that Archer that just kicked in there's like another Archer I think what's happening is a lot there is a lot of a lot of detail there's a it looks like I mean if you look at this if we look at the big picture there is just stuff on top of stuff on top of stuff and I mean this is an arch broken by three arches and then I have multiple arches inside there like I said it's I'm laughing because it is it's it's beautiful and I mean this like I said this detail right here gets been our just modeling that thing if I had a good enough picture so I'm laughing not not in a negative way but like oh my gosh what what am I gonna how can I possibly make this look anything like that so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do another desi a it is it isn't it is an incredible looking piece of architecture it was just so cool I'm gonna do the same thing I did down below it's almost like they spent a really long time on it yeah like 11 years or so I'm surprised it was that quick actually well I'm just saying it's you know not that I'm trying to make this into a contest or anything but we did talk about how long it took to build notre damn it was that was a while I have no vested interest in either one not not competing but just saying of course this was me in the 1800s I think that things were easier 1800 man I bet you had to use like AutoCAD to design back then all right that that unfortunately not being dismissive but that's weird you for this right now up here yes group all right so if we oh it is square cool look at this thing oh my gosh I was just gonna say I bet there's a specific number of leaves up there too that's it's probably fair all intentional well here's what I'm gonna do with it all right actually my good thing with you yet I'm going to save and I'm gonna create one of these things right here one of these dormers and take this right there I'm gonna make it a 3d space shape a 3d shape real quick random fact every hour Big Ben strikes an emote he is an Earl Grey all right I'm gonna make that into component I would call us the dormers is there a different term that lets straight across do you guys would use over there I know who I don't know who this expert on all things British is that I am I'm referring to but I'm just I don't we have people on from all over the world so I'm assuming we got someone oh we lost Ryan a UK it's getting dark so those three like that and then I'm gonna take like this and make a line in the middle of this and then that line I'm going to take vertically up to here I grab one of these right here two times alright and it made this a component and one of the reasons I made a component is well actually doesn't matter now grab these three slide them straight back to where it hits these three and they're just slide back to the bottom hits just actually gonna end up giving them a slightly different profile when we're done so these three I'm gonna say make unique and I'm gonna grab this one this should be the same for every one of these and come in here and I can say grab this grab this grab this and grab this and then right click and intersect face with model then I can come back here get rid of all this back here now I can come in here actually I just do this now no I'll do I'll fix all these first do the same thing up here I'm just like on these slight ear select here here and here right-click intersect face with model come on the inside that all right and now I guess like this face right here and say intersect face with model again and then I'm gonna I also have brown this side this because you ready do it this this lead it and then actually basically we just made a a hole in that curved roof so you could triple click that or double clicked on that surface delete it I am leaving straight lines around us I was thinking I'll probably just run cleanup when I'm done to get rid of as long as I break these lines I have to worry about those little edges because I can run cleanup and I'll get rid of those extra pieces for me so that's good enough cleanup will get rid of these little little chunks are left over wasn't christopher ryan our our boat expert back in the day as well and man's got some knowledge I guess all right so grab just do another arch arch I just read the first the first Big Ben Bell cracked when they first tried to use it something replaced it and that one broke too whoops this is actually the third one it's been repaired a couple times but seems like a really big heavy thing to put really high up in there yeah that's like a Liberty Bell thing too right didn't the Liberty Bell the first time they used it it did cracked and so now it just sits there all right I'm just making a another window here I'm pretty sure my geometries off on this window but it's gonna work right now make that component bring that across looks like right over the middle of this thing so like that grab it by the center I'm gonna bring it right to midpoint there and there's three of those on the bottom so I'll use this point right here I'll move that option shift to the middle point of that 1/2 will give me a total of 3 all right so same thing I did before I was gonna do both them this time I'm gonna have one year all right Lawrence says that the Bell was so heavy they couldn't get up to the towers they had the Lord in using a helicopter in 1800s little DaVinci helicopter yeah hey there are four smaller bells beneath Big Ben that ring on the quarter and strike the notes G sharp F sharp E and B I did not know that I didn't know any of this stuff I actually have to admit I knew almost nothing about Big Ben or I hate keep having looking over here Elizabeth tower but now I feel like I know some things all right there we go so all I did was I used I aligned that stuff horizontally here and then vertically against each other or vertically here and then horizontally I gets each other so I'm going to grab this first one this first row is going to go back into this like that and then these two go back like that the Carn it's a dormer on the slope of a gothic spire usually slender and gable fronted this is from that Nathaniel Wilkerson who says that this is called a look horn I I believe Nathaniel he's been spending a lot of time looking at roofs lately how is that coming along you guys who don't know Nathaniel represents the MIDI cux tensions which are awesome and can't talk and click at the same time I think Nathaniel curving wrong right now you're working on a roof geometry engine right while we're waiting for him to answer he says he would just call them dormers though how are we it's probably that more commonly used so when I run intersect with model on this one it intersects with everything else out there including copies of itself so I end up with some extra geometry not a big deal it's a little extra clean up but still probably the easiest way to do this and again I get to hung out here I'll just go ahead and run this right now nathaniel says complex roofs it's a nightmare I recall that was something I spent a lot of time on extension cleanup and you race straight edges all right yeah I tend to use clean-up on whole models but I forget about just using it on the spot for little groups better as we go down it's gonna be even easier extinct grab this one this one shouldn't hit anything else oh I lied the liar whoops too much I bleed too much right up against the edge awesome alright so maybe these ones won't run into anything else well apparently that was all untrue all right so I'm gonna grab these yes I should come in here delete that delete that delete that tells us but depending on the number of notes played it tells you if it's the quarter hour half hour or 3/4 hour or on the hour I didn't know that that's awesome so I should done last one double-click the surface to get all the edges there we go alright super sweet right here I'm gonna do a thing and that's exactly all I'm expecting of myself it's gonna be something right so this seems to have alright so it does something like just up and out and then and then it's like it has a crown it comes out like a little bit or something yeah we're off the reservation a little bit right now but stuff is still happening you know maybe it this is where leaves and stuffs all right you gonna spend five minutes on this clock face I was actually you know what you guys I was looking at the clock face and there was a time where I was like maybe we just do that because yeah just this clock is so cool so it's got that it's got the minute marks in here it's got like then Roman numerals for each number but it's all one big piece of metal over glass it's it's really insanely cool looking [Music] but you know compliments oh thanks yes looking really nice hats off for even attempting this ornate beast you've got more patients that work ethic than I have that is for sure yeah let's call it patience and work I think that's something related to a lack of intelligence or stubbornness or oh there's so other words I could come up with j-bone GW says great job so far thanks guys I will be posting this on warehouse so you guys will have an opportunity to step up and modified however you see fit how's that sound and someone named fight says they used to have a cat named pants what's your shirt brought up I don't dislike that name for a pet that's actually kind of cool it's all they keep naming kittens like mitten socks yeah of a friend of the cat named cake that came from our - all right I'm gonna take that mark and I'm gonna rotate it 30 degrees times 11 or 11 X as I probably should have done all right and I can just whoops it wasn't intersecting I grabbed two little alright put that of 30 degrees times a little 11x right now that's interesting it's forcing my hand but I don't dislike this all right is it committed on the end now I started I can't stop doing this like mashes just left it I didn't left it this is good I guess this is like precision work a good thing to be good at you know slide in here these things trying to remember so I've been then in London twice I'm trying to remember if I've ever heard Big Ben all right these guys all popping out one inch I certainly didn't know that if I had heard it that the chimes were different for the different times half-hour versus hour or whatever that's that's that's some pretty cool information all right that was cool I'm gonna come over here I just rather those hands were originally blue but the smoke in London eventually made them black and then they just painted they just gave up and painted it black but they just recently repainted them blue to kind of restore it back to the original design all right apparently after the picture that we're looking at this all got just didn't work out it the way I wanted it to try again hold up everybody pretend that didn't happen Bob Lee I don't undo a bit all right you don't have a perfectly up-and-down hand that's my problem just trying to make that with that that looked like something that did not look like there we go nope there we don't go yeah who's in charge of me all right let's let's try that all again we've all been there yeah but most of you don't do that in front of hundreds of people live that's that's my special thing I get to do screw up asking you about the extra buttons on the connection mouse yeah so there they're all programmable you can actually make this do an insane amount of crazy amount of functionality sorry there we go I think the minute hat is actually straight all the way down oh is it not straight we did gently tapers but it doesn't have a thingy at the end okay that's okay this is an interpretive clock no that's that's cool we can make that happen it just looked like I couldn't tell like a little nice little round end not my mind sharp neo neo gothic see me only thing on here that's not nine x-ray mode right now is where I'm at I don't remember doing that alright so I'm going to grab this by the center and align it with the center nope pull it out to the point that it hits one of those there we go and then over here this is why I had x-ray on that's right I remember X right now put a new circle in here no that was that's not good oh this I'd set the circle to 48 because I made some o the clockface that one one more fidelity I don't know if the word is I'm looking for and it's something like that awesome that's all too pointy that's like poke you in the eye queen all right there we go that was super pointy but it's pointy oh come here we're gonna show you something I'm gonna take this and I'm going to rotate it vertical that way I can use something's not quite out of not quite in plane now not sure what some troubleshooting model troubleshooting so we're gonna weigh down model oh that's too bad alright so what we'll be doing here well well too much you're that almost there almost there here that that there we go thank you all right go from the center to this corner right here oops I pulled the wrong corner it wasn't centered oh well OB it'll work it'll be close ish it'll be exactly what it is because right this guy by the middle as well oh no where's everything man I just why so many issues come on our hand work with me oh right now you're just mess with me all right there we go sooner good x-ray give me senpai give me something give me another point there we go we have a sieve request yeah I did not quite make these sorry about Alberto but there's a delay so I mean we didn't hear your advice to do what he did until it was too late we got three Christopher Maureen says the hour hand is under the minute hand of course it is alright that makes sense because the our hand is within this little cage kind of thing many hands on the outside we are right about and that is now [Music] now edges off those great lines I feel like it'd be even nicer do you know I might have to like make that a thing yeah all right I'm gonna save this like over here turn our edges off turn our shadows on yeah that's pretty that's Purdy's American for lovely Abdullah says great job 100 Chris's perfection that's good awesome save that's cool that was a fun one I like I said I was really thinking to get to more detail than that but I'm not gonna complain whatsoever okay I'm gonna check termit edges on and go to even the lighter color it's like yeah 10 antique brick kind of thing going on yeah I never stand sandy did standard work that'll work for now awesome well there we are that is our three hours or so modeling the the Elizabeth tower which houses Big Ben so hopefully you guys enjoyed that hopefully everybody learned something that's really one of the big things that we try to make this enjoyable to watch on some level but hopefully ended up learning something we really try to accidentally if nothing else squeeze some education in there but yeah hopefully that's something that that you guys everybody picked up a thing or two new I know I did I had a couple things come out thank you guys for always helping me learn something new I learned probably more on Friday afternoons than I do the rest of the week because I have so many people out there with so many unique ways of doing stuff it's awesome but that is it for today thank you all for coming I always say if it wasn't for you guys being here just be sitting alone in a room modeling and and nobody gets anything out of that so it's well actually I do that's those are called the skill builder videos I released that's basically when I'm in a room alone rather hang out with you guys though and yeah special thanks Alberto thanks for helping us out Christopher thank you very much you guys are awesome I love when you guys can chime in and give us some information help us out with the models that's it for today so we're gonna wrap this thing up to next week we will be doing it we will be here again I know it's we've kind of been a week on week off kind of thing but next week we will absolutely be here we'll be doing this again and I think we're gonna be doing face me components next week so I have had the same 2d figure since I started because are probably seeing it before and I'm just feeling like for years I've been working here it's time for a new face me component so I want you guys to give me a hand we're gonna talk a lot about what makes a good picture for a 2d component we're going to talk about some methods of actually creating them what's good what's bad that sort of thing but I want you guys's help because I haven't actually decided what I'm gonna do on my picture I don't know what it's going to be me doing so we'll strop with some options well we'll use the Google I'm sure but come with your ideas help me out and hopefully again hopefully some learning will happen well see but that's it for this week next week come on back and and we'll leave I'll leave the stream up and running for a little while so if you guys have ideas of things you think would make good live models go ahead and throw that out there I will warn I know sometimes you had work in an industry where you have maybe a name for something that makes perfect sense to you but typing in that you want us to do a you know a powder-coated l75 we've had a couple requests that I just I don't even know what they are so but again also you gotta find that sweet spot don't be generic and go house car you know give us a little bit more than that so somewhere between there's the sweet spot and most likely to get picked if we can come up with some level of detail but we can actually find what the thing is so yeah we leave a note let us know what you want to do and thank you guys for showing up thanks for hanging out with us and we'll see you next week thank you to Katja see if I got you bye everybody thank you guys you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 17,448
Rating: 4.9212599 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, live model, big ben
Id: gjY1jP8dhIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 6sec (12966 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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