Modeling the Eiffel Tower Live in SketchUp!

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hey guys good afternoon good evening good morning good day hope everybody is doing well we made it to friday at the end of the day and for some of us maybe maybe the stateside people we may be looking at a three-day weekend so that's pretty cool you do so much traveling like to the fridge and back yeah does that mean holidays when you're holidays when you're quarantined does not really mean a lot does it it really does it means i'm gonna probably watch movies instead of work that's i think that's my day monday is are those dogs barking does that mean you're getting a delivery right now uh well it's technically someone bringing back our rototiller uh so monster yeah yeah we should bring it in it's it's not an exciting delivery it's a delivery of a thing that was already mine those are those are boring hey now that i know you got a rototiller i'm gonna save myself 20 bucks next year it's it's pretty awesome it's uh it's one of those it's electric but i've learned that electricity is pretty torquey it really chews up our uh our dense clay-like soil you can't see my air quotes but they're there okay awesome well hey hey everybody thanks for thanks for coming and hanging out hello to you wherever you are uh christopher ryan just just pointed out that uh three-day weekend's nothing he's uh he's on the he's in his 60-day weekend still working through it um yeah well let's let's let's get this thing uh let's do something with this thing uh yeah how's it uh how's everybody doing out there is everybody having a good week is everybody feeling it feeling good or bad or i don't know how are you all feeling i i gotta say but i think it was monday that jody mentioned the whole uh quarantine fatigue thing and i think i it hit me this weekend for sure because yeah it's not even a weekend yet more of the weekend this last week i i just i just nothing nothing sounded exciting like all the stuff i normally do is like i don't know yeah you know it's bad when you're like i'm gonna just go play some video oh no not really i don't know i don't feel like playing video games watch a movie [Music] it looks like it's sunny in indoor set again or dorset or that dorset i don't know i don't know i i always heard that uh yeah see it's blustery in wales so i guess you're just in the wrong part of the uk then yeah south france yeah somebody who knows what we're doing and then we got maxine can you can you actually see can you see the eiffel tower from where you're at i have no idea what france is like i i mean well let's when we were modeling the london bridge somebody came out and said they could actually see it from where they were at so i remember that so i'm it's not too ridiculous a question but i don't know uh i know i think of that as soon as you know somebody from a place they're just always that person from that space my wife is from michigan and so if something's happening in michigan she has some friend that's just like did you see what's happening in michigan that's right which she's always like yeah it had nothing to do with me it's the militia the michigan militia my wife's not in the michigan militia well could she tell you if she was i mean i hear they're pretty profitable not anymore anyway yeah that's true those people are not low profile i saw the videos all right uh yeah it's it's it's sunny and blustery all over england that's cool it's we still got a little bit a little bit of sun it's supposed to be pretty rainy this weekend but it's not like i got anywhere to go yeah it's been crazy rain this week right has anybody anybody in michigan getting flooded out or anybody in india getting cycloned typhooned yeah it's not it's not uh it's crazy out there in some places i do i don't know if you guys did this like like speaking going back to fatiguing i i spent time like curating my movies to be watched collection so i added stuff to netflix i put stuff on you know on each of the services that i own i like put stuff in my list and now i go through it and i'm like me uh i realized this week that list is completely pointless and it's like i know i only feel like watching it when i feel like watching it i got like 40 movies that at some point my brain decided i should watch and none of them sound like something i want to watch now it's rough it's rough man stupid brain why couldn't it have known wow hi everybody i'm sorry i wasn't i wasn't meaning to not say hi but these highs come in so fast it's hard to keep up with them and say hi to everybody as it goes by so thank you all for coming uh if we haven't met before my name is aaron i'm here with jody hi erin hi hi everybody yeah that's about it uh we're gonna hang out and do some sketchup stuff with you uh so we did have we've had this question this request actually many many times and that is the eiffel tower um i don't know why we haven't done it before but we just haven't so we're to try to do it today we're going to see how this see how it goes try i like my that was my that was my uh totally committal committed idea i'm going to try to do it we're going to do something it's going to look like the eiffel tower hopefully it's not the awful tower am i right i'm feeling insulted i just got bullied you guys saw it you sound like my daughter every time i tell her tell her anything she's like stop bullying me i know my daughter yells bully at me anytime i ask her to do any take the trash out or anything yeah exactly change the channel all right so christopher ryan just recommended upload on netflix and i will also second that upload that one all the way yeah this is good they're 22 minute episodes so it's oh pretty easy to uh to consume just a little bit yeah this is a i'm definitely seeing a lot of new tv shows i know nothing about showing up on all sorts of streams too so all right let's get this thing rolling let's make it um okay so i'm going to start with i have a let me show you guys oh so i do have i did start a topic over on our forum so if you haven't already gone there and you have any interest in what we're working on uh it's a good spot to kind of keep up with what what we're looking at in this particular model but it's also a great place to get help if you ever need help catch up so our forums are awesome i highly recommend you check them out um so we've already had a couple people go up and and post some additional images some additional reference and andy over here actually already started modeling his so that's pretty cool but yeah we're gonna hop right into it and uh try to model something that looks like an eiffel tower again as noncommittal as i can possibly be all right so i'm gonna start with i i i grabbed and i downloaded two images um and here's what you are that's right so i have this is a drawing but it shows the heights of all the different decks so i figured that was a good drawing to use as a scale to start with i can get my my general my my master dimensions off that and then i also have this blown up detail image that i probably won't import into sketchup but it'll be something i can go look at or maybe i'll drop it in as a watermark just to reference how the pieces go together because as enerot call out on our forum it's kind of cool because they have trusses made of trusses so that'll be kind of fun i so one of the things i'm missing i don't have a whole lot of is all the images i see are two dimensional like plan images so i'm kind of thinking of building this almost facade like where i'm going to build like almost 2d faces that i can then bulk out as i move through here so you'll see what i'm talking about i'm going to come in here now i'm going to grab my heights image and just import it as an image real quick so i'm going to pull it in i'm just going to drop it right on the ground whoa that came in a little looking at the sides of that i'm thinking of i don't know it was one of the despicable me movies where uh grew went and he was going to steal the eiffel tower but turned out he stole like the miniature eiffel tower from las vegas or something oh great little tiny thing this is a big one all right so what i'm going to do here here's so here's what i'm thinking as you guys know i try to uh not do too much pre or prep work here because i want to kind of share the process of design with you all so what i'm thinking is i'm going to scale this up to the proper size and then i think i'll do like a 2d cut out of one half of the front here that's that's how we'll start so i'm going to start by drawing putting a line in here i'm going to start at the bottom of this dimension and pull line straight up to the other side and then i'm going to dimension against that line so i'm going to grab my tape measure tool and go from end to end and tell it that is 1024 feet resize my model yes okay there we go that's a big all right now i'm going to start right up here at the top of this flag i'm going to drop a line straight down to my foundation come across to here and i'm going to start drawing lines i want to try to draw straight lines wherever possible because as far as i can tell as i look at it i think and you guys can correct me obviously i don't know what i'm doing i looked up some facts that i'll sprinkle through about uh but how much do you know about the the eiffel tower jody oh man i know so much stuff okay so you know as much as nothing as i do right well i've got a fun facts about the eiffel power page in front of me so i know at least well i don't know them yet but very quickly i will know wait wow like 25 things wow is it true that the uh the largest crepe ever cooked was cooked at the base of the eiffel tower that may be something i made up is it true they sell more commemorative berets at the eiffel tower than anywhere else in france could also be a lie nice i uh i'm curious i don't i'm not seeing any of these facts air quotes again um how often do people lose their beret from the top of the eiffel tower that's really well good one if european vacation is to be trusted uh teenagers will throw their berets off the top out of uh disgust for their parents thus ends with all the knowledge i have of the eiffel tower what i saw well i'm in european vacation the reason i'm looking at this list of facts is because i wanted to see what to the uh timeline you need to try and beat is and it took them two years let me be more precise two years two months and five days to build the tower so top that so i gotta build at the speed of one year per hour to get this done two years yes okay okay yep see if you can do it uh the law said it's composed of puddling iron well that's it that's a new that's a new phrase for me puzzling i want to call it pudding iron which sounds tasty looks like yeah straight away um all right wait okay so lauren's dropping this one this is weird if you took a cylinder which is the diameter of the base at the same height of the tower the air in the cylinder weighs more than the metal used to build it whoa look at that closed up perfectly that's a very that's a very convoluted fact right there i totally believe it uh did you so did you download andy's example model that he made i did not that felt like cheating i checked it checked i checked it out and it looked a lot like what you just drew that's basically a profile in 3d all right so this is the outside edge i was as i was going and drawing the lines i was kind i was intentionally breaking them as these pieces breaks like i said i think we want all these pieces to be straight so i want to have a straight edge to put them on so i think that profile will work to start i do have to come in now and i have to get this arch right here um i try to draw a circle but this is not actually circular so i'm going to try to i'm going to try a bezier curve and see how i can make that work so i'll go from here down to here start to pull it out this way pull it down and out this way looking good i think i think that's what i'm going to use all right so for right now i'm actually going to stop it right here i'm only going to model this piece is only be this much the cap i'll do as a separate piece all right and i'll come in here and we'll just we'll take out these spaces right now as well i'm going to use the same faces so i'm going to take those across or not that's not going to work so i'm going to draw a line across because i want to align my inside breaks my outside breaks you'll see i'm talking about with this with this material in just a second soon as i get there we go now i don't actually need these lines yet but i do all right cool all right so there is one piece so i'm gonna take oops that and actually you know what i'm going to do i'm going to do this i am going to turn off my x-ray i'm going to explode my image and what that's going to do is that's actually going to project because i exploded my image onto the geometry it's going to use my geometry to actually cut the face of the image so what that means is i will have this going on right now that looks good i'm going to make a copy of that i'm going to scale it to negative 1. we'll throw these two pieces together actually no hold up hold up undo undo undo undo a lot oh i undo too many redo redo redo redo that came in a little quicker than normal uh what that thing is in your in your left hand there this right here is a 3d mouse specifically the space mouse enterprise from 3d connection allows me to move smooth and seamlessly in 3d space without having to touch my standard mouse over here this means that it frees this mouse up to do things like pull up context menus or go up to drop down menus or toolbars while i'm zooming it also makes a smoother animation in 3d than the standard you know jump and twirl that we get with the orbit and zoom tools all right um so i'm thinking what am i thinking all right i'm thinking that was rhetorical sorry i didn't mean to i know i thought we had a new little party game or something no no no nothing fun like that just boring 3d modeling all right so i'm going to hold on to a copy over here because one thing i want to do right now is i want to get the arc of this shape so i'm kind of feeling like if i push this shape this dave said you you said undo and he hit control z in the sketchup model apparently well done uh you're i i got you i got you trained dave jump that's awesome um yeah i know i need i need to uh i'm here as an employee so i can't actually sell or represent the 3d connection mouse but i really personally i found a lot of benefit in it so that's that's where all that comes from all right i'm going to go ahead and make this into a i'm going to make a copy i'm going to spin that 90 degrees and then i'm going to line it up like this this is how i always do elevations whenever i'm working like with house models [Music] yeah cut it one way cut it the other way and since both ways are the same then i can take hey i should save who said that i know somebody said no no nobody oh wait that's right transom did save dang it i thought i thought nobody said it nobody you only you care about me transom the rest of them they're just they're just here to see me burn i just want to watch me watch the show um all right so once i have this i have two solids so i'm going to go to my solid tools and i want to get the difference between these two it's the second button over here this is really the only time i use this it's the intersect is what it's called so select one i'm gonna hit intersect do not sell do i have bottoms on them i must have extra lines let's check it solid tools check it uh okay yeah you can reverse them i don't really care all right transom said he's your buddy and now i'm wanting to know is is he your buddy am i not your buddy can you have more than one buddy i have multiple buddies i've i'm kind of okay kind of big deal that way all buddied up big deal all right so this is good what i want now is i want to come in here i don't want to build the entire thing i want to build 1 8 of this thing so i'm going to come up here i guess i could do this with a surface but this is as close as i'm going to get to stitching today cut these surfaces in half all the way up so just midpoint to midpoint i said i could have drawn a single plane and just intersected and now that i'm doing so much clicking that does seem like it would have been a wiser thing to do but at this point we're done all right now this is all i care about this should be super fast and easy because i mean 1 8 is just that's right it's hardly anything so what so what that's uh how much time is that that's uh i'm thinking out of the years so what's 1 8th of two years two years and two months i don't know i have to start i have to like cut it in half and cut it in half and then yeah cut it in half i'll just type in two years divide by that's the problem with the math all right so i'm going to copy that and come out of context paste it all right that is my thing that is one quarter of the eiffel tower i got the curve on there i have the spots so i'm going to take that right now and make that into a component i'm going to call this a tower chunk chunk with an h all right now what that means what i can do with this is i can take it and make a copy of it right over here use scale to invert it to negative one move it right here grab those two option copy to right here rotate that 90 degrees grab all of that option copy to right here rotate that 180 degrees i don't want to rush things but i kind of feel like we're done this is boring stuff just just draw some trusses and stuff now um well that's not bad for 10 minutes in right i feel pretty good about that um i say we take a break all right hold on somebody's asking a thing yeah so the top part the top part doesn't really lend itself to this this method of breaking it down into smaller pieces so i think and you guys can correct me i think the top is round right is this actually circular uh somebody has to help me out on that verify somebody could check that out that'd be cool so i don't need this piece anymore that's all the pictures are in 2d so no they're all flat it's all flat all right now to get these lines on here i'm going to oh you're gonna have to save on your own transom's taking off oh wait maybe he's not maybe he's gonna drink beer here oh beer 30. that doesn't mean to leave um i'm gonna take this texture and make it sure it's a projected texture i come in here i'm going to grab all these materials i'm going to pick this and apply it and see how it works that didn't go great did not quite line up so let's take this one texture one corner and uh oh that's why all right i'm gonna take this i'm going to move this so that it lines up with my corner like that so now the projection will take it right through so i think if i come in here and i grab everything if i pick that it should project right onto it awesome super cool so again i kind of feel like we're almost done so in all seriousness though if i was looking for a way to real quick get a just a reference model just a thing that looks like what i'm trying to do done i could be there right now because i could come in here do a quick follow me with the profile of the cap plop that on top and that could you know represent off in the distance the eiffel tower or something like that uh kind of how i would go about doing a photo projection image uh but of course we're gonna do more than that so let's do that we're gonna get in here and uh we're gonna put some little pieces in okay so what i think i want to do is i'm going to come into just this this one chunk one piece at a time and i'll start building actual physical pieces to go in here so right here for example i kind of feel like this becomes its own piece so i'm gonna grab that double click make that into a component bottom corner um bottom outside posted a picture of the top of the tower i don't it didn't look round to me oh really it kind of looks like top of a like a book it's like something out there looks like it should be on a battleship are those are those cell receivers on top of the eiffel tower oh the magic is gone one of the one of the little facts that uh got dropped a little while ago by lawrence was that the eiffel tower wasn't supposed to stay up forever it was sold as was going to be sold as scrap but i kept it because it's useful as a communications tower i mean it looks like a bagel antenna so i'm not surprised i guess not oh well phil i feel a little disillusioned a little lied to but all right so there i have one piece and because it's a component it does go to all the corners automatically um i'm done that so over here i'm gonna do the same thing and do another one this is like a major major beam no i i missed the reference but i'm nodding wait didn't he think major tom wait who's saying that that's the beatles what all right let me grab that piece color i'm using this this kind of greenish color it's not exactly perfect but it's i kind of feel like it's pretty close to what i've seen another space oddity that would stay the bowie not the beatles does it have anything to do with inside beam uh i know that jet fuel will not melt it i've no i don't even know what's going on anymore all right so i'm making these beams uh one foot deep too just to have a a consistent size okay so here's the thing that i wanna i wanna do i wanna have some components that i use and reuse so one piece is i know this is super low resolution but i'm also looking at other images and we have these kind of plates so they're kind of like grab that no they're they're kind of like this kind of these angled plates but they have the corners knocked off so something like kind of like that came back about 1-6 again i don't have a best not only the best drawings but something like this it's it's a these these plates where the trusses intersect at the corners so i'm going to go ahead and just make one make that into a new component there's apparently a lot of a lot of fun facts out there ellis said that the uh the copyright ended in 1993 for like being able to take pictures but they installed lights in in 85 so you can't take pictures of of it at night you can only take pictures in the daytime all right then that's that's that's weird copyrights so once this is an array i wonder if i can actually array this see we'll take it there take it to the top see that's divided by five oh look at that all right she's coming together now uh i have i feel like i have a these pieces right here it's hard i mean you can see that they're not solid but i think what i want to do is kind of come up with a generic piece that i can just use right in these things over and over and over again before i do that though i think i'm going to come to this point take this one straight over like this straight over like this make that into a new component beam i don't know i i don't know i don't know all right i'm gonna go into that and get rid of these fields here i'm going to this one i'm going to actually take and i'm going to move it inside of this piece i'll color it same thing with this and then i will again pull it 12 inches oops and again that 12 inches has no there's no oops there's no actual like structural reason for it to be 12 inches i just want to have something to give it some depth all right that looks good um now for these trusses so what i'm thinking is doing something like this what happened there oh it went vertical that's not right go 90 degrees to get a rectangular shape and now i'm going to grab that make that a new component and i'm going to call this my truss because this is the thing this is the probably the most important piece um i'm gonna go ahead and hide everything else yes johnny's asking what shortcuts you've got installed or set up on your mx on my mx i have draw line and erase on the thumb buttons so line and race the thumb pad straight down is select and then on the gestures so if i hold the thumb button down and push up down left right i get rectangle rotate move or push pull so those are the seven commands i have on my mouse so those are the ones they do still they still show up down there so if i if i click and drag down you'll see how the shortcut key shows up as p so they just they're just keystrokes if i tap the the select button is just sending a space to the computer all right so i believe with these trusses um i don't want to get super detailed because i don't want to bog down the computer too much so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in here and hey let's use some guidelines i haven't done that for all day since since last time we did this that's right so put some guy guidelines six inches in um let's take this guideline at the middle at its midpoint or at the just above this midpoint i guess i'm going to rotate it 45 degrees grab this one rotate it at that intersection 45 degrees and then the same thing up here take this option rotate that 45 grab it again rotate option 45. there's a thing going on i'm thinking about things don't worry don't stress don't freak all right you know what this is this is messy because i've got all the other pieces visible too so i'm going to go up to view component edit and turn hide similar components so now i'm alone with just my one component that's all i want all right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to trace this and [Music] this i'm going to offset this three inches i'm going to offset just these two lines three inches and same thing here all right so what i want of all this stuff i just drew it's basically that i'm going to take that real quick and i can get rid of those lines those lines those lines actually i'll just take that straight up because i'll be copying it i don't need those extra lines um i do need this does seem to go a little close a little smoother than uh the tower of london the london bridge yeah yeah it's not called the london bridge i read that it's right the tower of london no the the tower bridge yeah the tower bridge didn't even say london does it no there's no london i mean there's a london london is actually a real place that's not what i was saying okay now if i take that there we go that's what i want and i can copy it and then i will copy that all right that's that's good enough i'm actually gonna let's see get rid of some of this [Music] end i'll do that all right just get rid of this and all right so now what i can do clean up this end real quick too i want these cuts in the end like this all right so now what i can do is i can come in here get rid of that yeah that's okay wait why are there so many of that little guys oh it's one of the components yeah i didn't component anything inside all right there's only a couple of these pieces and i don't want to ruin where what's that you got some extra left line there on the left side of each of those triangles oh yes yes i do yuck don't you worry don't you worry my friend i got that somebody take that out man i'm gonna make it six deep just to make it a little bit different from the other pieces i'm gonna go ahead and color it all and run solid inspector which get rid of those extra lines it's like magic it is it really is all right and there we have one piece i know it's not the right spot but we're gonna again don't even worry about it i'm gonna take that option and copy it straight across it sounds like sounds like patrick that's patrickism don't worry straight across yeah let me just tell you not to even worry about it don't even worry about it and actually i can use this as an array i can say 4x and just put that down a bunch of times all right they're not in plane they do have to be shoved back behind these plates that will happen i promise you before i do that though i want to get these other pieces in here so i'm going to take two of these i don't know if this is going to work but we're going to try it let me find the center so 3d model channels commenting on your use of guides and it feels like you guys might be a little bit kindred spirits they said uh they never understood the use of guidelines you could just use the lines rotate them 45 degrees and you wouldn't have to draw you wouldn't have to draw over them all you have to do is delete the excess but with guides you've got to delete guides too right that's it the big thing is that guides don't break geometry so uh i totally agree and i i come from a world that doesn't want to use guides either uh so i'm with you i am trying to get better at using them because uh i don't have to heal geometry if i do that so so that's why i don't disagree that's right all right so i'm going to take this there's so many repeating patterns i feel like you could make a dynamic component that just builds an eiffel tower one may be able to if one had a little time on their hands wanted to make this whole process take a lot longer that's right how do we really stretch this into a multi-year project all right so i'm gonna make that copy that one up i'm gonna say do it 4x that was the wrong thing to do i want to take this one i don't know why i copied the one from below it from here whoa whoa whoa i gotta do my 3d mouse driver still all right there we go and do that one two three four four times four x now i'm gonna grab all of these pieces i just put in vertical and i'm going to rotate them so that they fall more in line with the actual geometry there we go that's the stuff oh yeah buddy all right now take this one from the middle of the plate again i'm just going to take it from 90 degrees i'm going to rotate it to whatever that is oops i didn't copy come on man there we go rotate it this way and i'm gonna rotate it actually can i do just let's see what i have so i just say 2x no that won't work nevermind don't do that oh it's so many stuff so many stuffs in here but it'll get better those ones don't need any work these guys right here i'm kind of feeling inclined to just stretch them a wee bit oh so center negative while he appreciates what you what that you do these things would be pretty neat to bring in an mvp like chris rose warren to do a modeling session sometime i would love that and uh i have actually uh pretended to be chris was worn before well only when always looking that was not the right spot to put that um no i think that would be awesome we have definitely talked about that the the big limitation and this is not uh this is not said to uh you know i'm secure in who i am and what i do the the real limitation is uh contact and uh streaming capability um we've tried to basically the idea of restreaming our our someone else through our stream uh gets a little dicey kind of quick so that's the reason we haven't done guest people on here we would like to get to the point where we can actually bring people in like live have them sit in our studio when we're back in the office and have them you know show us their thing that that's kind of the goal that's where we want to go with it and i think chris would be an awesome person to do that with well and i don't know if we've ever talked about the the new office space that we're moving into whenever we're allowed to go into an office again which hopefully is going to be even better equipped for such things that's right we're excited about that all right so i'm going to take these pieces i'm going to see right now it says that there's 240 of these so i'm going to go select them and then i will move them let's see we'll go we'll go from here are they glued what's going on then like that fine i will cut them i will show you so i'm going to cut them actually here no i'm going to do this i'm going to put where i want that to go first come here come here buddy you like me alejandro soriano he we already know he's got the goods to do it that's right all right there we go i'm just gonna get rid of these ones in front force my hand there we go i'm making noises airplane noises all right so if i temporarily select this surface and delete it i delete it too much whoa undo one over four sort of like it's like eiffel jenga what like how many pieces can you get rid of before collapses all right let's zoom in tighter so when you're when you're deleting stuff sweeping with the the big delete the swinging your eraser around if you're out far you can delete through surfaces that just like textures sometimes bleed through if you're too far away so can you actually push through materials and delete them so if i take this now temporarily delete it all right that's what we got so far it says need even need to be temporary i could actually just delete that right now just uh as as nike would say do it just and i just did it all right i do need i do need something else so i got to get this i don't even know i don't even know what i'm looking at right here to be honest it looks like a big chain link fence with some lines over it which we could do we could do that um let's see if there's any better pictures on the forum yeah so gavin said he goes out there either a couple of times a year or i don't remember what he said now but he posted some pictures of much closer much closer versions yeah this looks like just big girders yeah it just looks like just got a thing all right well heck i'll just do that i don't i don't even i don't even ask permission or anything i just just do that all right do your thing so i'm gonna take this guy right here i'm gonna slide him down this girder until i get near that point and that'll actually put it directly on the corner i'm going to make this unique i'll take that surface and just move it back unhide my hidden there we go and then really it looks like yeah it just looks like a kind of just a kinda looks like a big version of this yeah all right i can do that yeah i can do that i don't even ask permission i can just do that all right um that would be nice permission typical rule follower all right come on take that line and in plane with this surface right here really as i'm looking at this the big thing is going to come down to come to uh 45 is going to is the challenge with all of this is going to be staying in plane the rest of it's really not too hard so let's see what do we got one two three four five six seven or so i'm going to take that let's see if i can use a let's go use push line i really do like that command files or do you just kind of just old west style these days now johnny's johnny suggests you say it i i told him you don't do that save oh my file like as i'm working on it yeah oh i guess i could try it let's see yeah i can cool sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet now we know thanks for asking all right i'm going to double click that make that i'm just going to make it a group right now i'm making a group because i'm just going to nest all the stuff together i'm going to take that one slide it along to here they don't quite look big enough do they all right that's what i was wondering when they cross over twice so i actually want to take this i want to move this across to the midpoint so let's see what happens i don't actually want to use that plane i want to use the flat of this plane at the midpoint to rotate a copy 90 degrees and then take that to right there and i'll take that to here not quite right hold up i want to make those a little bit thicker i'm going to grab that surface i'm not using push pull on purpose because push pull is going to pull it normal to the surface i actually want to slide the face over so i'm inferencing off of this line and going the red axes instead all right so let's take that i'm going to go again on the red axis my midpoint not quite my midpoint i think that was the problem let's try that so the next that's better that looks like it's going to work better i'm going to take that then rotate on this i'll just take it from here around 180 degrees and then slide it back in there here all right that is not perfect but it's what we're going to use for this dang it all right there we go so now our our uh what do you call this shape this is a mesh not no it's not a lattice lettuce lattice i'm going to take what all those and just make a uh outer shell of them no i'm not oh that did not go well did you not like that that did not work let's try that again uh look at that piece all right i'm gonna start by just grouping them together all right oops i got more than i wanted in there start here go across something else i like about the 3d mouse i can move in the midst of a selection window i can shove that geometry around all right there we go make that into a group let's try that again let's go in here and uh if i just outside shell a couple of these guys that's where crosstalk if i grab a handful nope don't do that which is two how about two you feel good about two feel good about two nope got cocky all right someone's working way across here and meld this into one i guess if i was really paying i could have made this the same way i made the truss and just had a flat surface that i kind of joined that with um i guess i don't know i guess i felt like i had to try something different there and build my lattice one piece at a time but yeah that's what works you know sometimes after i do stuff like that i just just say oh well you know that's that was a good refresher that's sometimes it's a way to learn what not to do to return to the fundamentals mental keyword mental all right i'm gonna go trim my excess just by pushing these back all right get rid of that get rid of that [Music] all right i'm gonna fill that in this all right and there we go we're gonna wait up um get rid of this surface here as i'm going through as i'm finishing this these pieces off i'm just gonna try to delete the material the ground so that so i don't have that anymore right here i'm gonna i'm gonna make a solid foot for this to rest on draw a line back like that because it's meeting with another piece i'm just going to take this one right here rotate it to 45 degrees and then oops i'll just make that into i know this is the i know the actual bases look like they're a little bit more uh exciting than what i'm putting right here but oh i made that part of an arc dang it's never as easy as it i want it to be all right so we'll go back to here i think maybe really that's interesting to hear all right and maybe i can just bring this back here let's see if that works so here's going to be my issue oh i don't like this forget it i'm out erasing all of this and oops i want i did want to keep that line that was too much okay getting rid of all this and drawing a single line from here to here and then let's go from here back to here no i'm off because i didn't make that a straight line oh come on man come on me what's your deal right let's use push line push line this thing back from here to here there we go and i'll just have to cut it off do you like that plug-in oh it's super cool there we go all right so if i exit out there that should close up yes beauty okay cool etc etc up the building um sorry this is a complete tangent but every time it seems like whenever i hear someone say etc it reminds me did you see the movie oh golly what was that had professor x in it x-men no no it had the the guy who lit james mcavoy [Music] uh split oh playing this character it's a split personality yeah that was a that was a weird one yeah well he had so one of the personalities he had was uh someone with uh special needs i'm not yeah and he would just say etc whenever he was talking to make himself sound smarter it just sounded funny oh i see i see who you're comparing me to i got it [Laughter] maybe maybe that came out there maybe i went the wrong way all right i'm gonna cheat right here which case i'm just saying you're a kid thanks i'll take that childlike wonder um so um oh you talk talk about sketchup i'm curious about you pretty such colors but you talk about your tracing my colors colors colors i mean why did i choose this baby poop brown doubt you're gonna ask exactly um you know i just i was looking at it and i'm like that's that's kind of the shape i got out of this or kind of the shade the color i got i feel like that was the right color there's really nothing in that because i was looking at it it's brownish and there's because i have a crayon i have a thing for it that's that's the other piece of why oh there you go there you go cause it's there all right it's the color you chose because it's the color you chose that's kind of it yeah all right i'm going to make this piece down here into a new i assume this is concrete or rock or something like that that way usually there's rocks in concrete so both yeah but it could be a big piece of just rock that'd be that be pretty awesome actually and it would make it uh you said it was probably more exciting that would be pretty exciting that would be yeah especially if you're really into concrete or rocks then over the moon that's right all right it looks like what we got here is uh some fanciness that i'm not going to model um because it looks like what we what there is is there's actually like pieces going along the arcs around the outside but then the uh inside them there's some fancy work that's pictures are you looking at gavin's picture i'm just i'm yeah i'm looking at several pictures on the forum and uh it just looks like inside here so these two parallel pieces and then which these are not parallel so i need i need to fix that again um don't delete everything uh gavin said that's also that area is also the drop zone for elevators it makes sense so i'm presuming you there's elevators in one or all of the corners and you just have to go up those looks like you'd have to go up at an angle and look like there's a way to do an elevator straight up inclinator an inclinator well you're also elevating still a oh there's uh he's posted a different picture a little farther back so i'm going to copy the back face of this arch piece and then paste it in place outside of context and the after concrete plinths plinths it's a great word easy for you to say it is it is so i'm going to take that offset that up to here that's the actual arc that i want to follow [Music] so it's this arc is actually what i want to follow right here so i'm going to go ahead and get rid of the rest of this geometry yeah i know i just kind of came through here like a wrecking ball but uh that's going to be okay let me grab this i'm going to read i'm going to rejoin this too i'm going to grab these pieces right here re-weld them and then take them and offset them here up to here i think i'm something has gone out of plane and cleaned up some stuff not too much stuff minimalism we're looking for some minimalism that's right keep it simple stupid silly thanks almost got self-deprecating there stop hitting yourself stop hating yourself ooh got so deep all right so here building minecraft you need bags to read oops all right what's going on what's your problem man nothing there there's nothing there if i go ahead and just trace this out can i get rid of that then no why why do you why are you so difficult all right well i'm just gonna do this i'm gonna run along i'm gonna turn it back after i'll show you all right so take that put that through 12. color it and then make it a new component and call it the top arch all right so now we have these two pieces um i actually want to take both of them you know i could do right here i could run this up i could run [Music] i'm doing it again where i'm drawing a rectangle by itself rather than using any kind of inferencing so let me actually do that let me use a rectangle from here to well that didn't exactly work the way well it should still work hey it cuts the surface i guess that's really all right so i'm going to take these pieces say intersect face with model that should break it right there there we go come back out delete erase come in here in context close that up you should say aaron saves done command and s all right cool beauty it works i like it get rid of this garbage this steaming pile of messy single lime that i don't like anymore it didn't work for me okay i don't care for that um all right so let me exit out and see just everything that all lined up perfect i like it i like it a lot all right so as i look at it like i said it looks like what we got is like just these pieces coming down at the circle following so following the arch outs they're wider at the top just going like that and then there's some decorative whoopty do's inside of them that's a technical architectural term so i'm just going to go in here [Music] and come in i'm going to grab both of these and make them into no actually grab them and make them into a component i call this my arch all right i'm going to come into this arch and i'm going to make a single divider just make a one foot by one foot square let's see what happens if i push pull that does that line right up kind of not perfectly not what i want exactly so i'm going to come here one foot one foot one foot one foot and then i'm gonna stitch these two pieces together because i said they're not actually oh it's getting it's getting squirrely it's getting dicey like that like that and then we grab all of that and make it a component and call it a arch baluster sure yeah i make stuff up speaking of which speaking of making stuff up uh did you know that uh every french person has to visit the eiffel tower at least once in their life that's true well i thought that's how you get citizenship right you've got to actually get to walk underneath you have to kiss the blarney stone at the top or something the french blarney stone wait now hold on a second uh i'm not i'm not a french can you prove me wrong sure that's good point i'll have to go with you all right so here's something that happens sometimes i want to take this piece and i want to rotate it in line with the arch so i want to take it just make copies of it and kind of do a radial array otherwise i have to take it each time individually copy it stick it right here and then rotate it it's going to be pain in the butt so i would rather have it follow but because i exploded this stuff and it got so crazy i don't have i can't inference the center anymore but it's pretty easy to find that center point because what i can do is i'm going to come to i'm going to connect these two points together and these two points together i'm out of context so i'm not actually breaking geometries on top of the component if i continue align down that line so if i stay parallel like that and run it down like that and then that that did not keep that inference try that again there we go there to there shift to keep that straight run that way long like that and then do the same thing on the second line i drew shift drag it down way long they should cross at some point yep i can delete the ends that means they crossed so now this isn't is that angle so what i can do now is i can grab this piece right here and say rotate it in plane with this surface hover over the edge there click shift and where do i want to rotate from from here oop there we go down arrow to lock that in move it from here option to here and we'll do that like i don't know 12x so pretty good it was good it's not perfect um i really messed with that uh i'll take some responsibility for that uh but easy enough now i should all i should have to do now is maybe just that i don't have to uh rotate them also i'm not sure what i did oh it's because that is actually not a perfect arch or it's not a perfect arc because i actually drew that with uh [Music] uh gestures fishing pole uh bezier hey isn't that french is that french hey i'm actually i heard that he was one of the co-designers of the eiffel tower mr besides mr eiffel and mr bezier huh that sounds that sounds so crazy it has to be true you can't make this stuff up that's good well i mean no you can't no i can't yeah i got a model you got to make stuff up i got a model yeah uh yeah i'll just keep doing it all right okay division of labor folks that's what it's all about i'm going to come in here and just whack these pieces off right here like whoop hey hey what'd i say there we go and oops it's a component don't do it all right these unique make unique make unique my faults are your learning opportunities make unique all right let's come in this little guy this guy said justin had a little joke for you all right you know how to catch a unique rabbit i don't unique up on it you can you can you can use that one it's free it's yours your kids will love it i really i appreciate that if your kids are five yeah they're not doing how to catch a tame rabbit tame way yes ah man too clever oh i might have gotten just slightly out of plane on some of these things this problem with these weird compounding curves and bezier and all that silly stuff yeah out of plane when you're drawing a line from one point to another should that shouldn't be a problem shouldn't not a fan of that word though yeah you're all over the place yep that's right all right mine's gone okay so that one lined up that's odd all right let's see figure out where so it means this point's off oh yeah look at that it's got two points there that was it there we go this one will be easy that one took it easy on me appreciate it all right all right all right there we go that's gonna be that's gonna be enough for uh now for the level of detail that i'm trying to draw i like it i'm gonna get rid of this get this oh i'm going to put one up here though actually i'm going to put a half of one up here because it's split in the middle so what i'll do is i will draw this and then i'll come over only six inches rather than 12 because i only wanted to draw that's half of it that's right i did that math in my head thank you very much nice nice little bit of math in there i should probably probably call it while i'm ahead all right same thing six inches this way six inches drop it drop it i think i think for the next uh next modeling session you should model the blarney stone we've had surprising number of questions about uh uh modeling stones in the past it's it would be an adventurous not herbs especially if you were technically accurate get out there and measure all the the nukes and crannies all right um okay so this is so johnny was everybody's off looking at a little facts and this isn't interesting it's 60 tons of paint and it takes seven years to paint this thing i've heard numbers like that for like uh the golden gate bridge like they painted all year they started one and worked their way down the other when they're done they go back and start i don't know if that's true or not but i've always heard that what do you do what do you do for a living i paint the golden gate bridge i have a job all right that's in the right spot now okay so we got a couple more things here um i think for the time being for right now i'm going to leave the observation deck just kind of as a solid i'm not going to try to model all of the detail on that deck because i think i just spend the next two hours modeling railings so what i'm projecting transom uh did confirm the or at least has heard the same thing he's that he's he is nodding yes to your suggestion that uh takes it it's the golden gate they just finish and start over so crazy to me that's that's like i don't know that's crazy it's crazy it's crazy to me so i'm just gonna for right now i'm gonna make a mass of this observation deck place johnny also said okay everybody's backing you up on this i guess i'm i guess i'll just trust you it's just it's not so crazy after all i think maybe it's still crazy but it's true it's not fake news that's right okay so i'm making this one of the reasons i want to do this this way uh is that i can come back and because the component so they come out here i could come back open this up and just detail this piece out and uh all the rest of it would update also so i don't have to mess with that anymore all right so there's two more pieces on this lower section that we'll call it done one is right here which has these kind of cool hoop shapes uh and then up here we have another zigzaggy fence pattern but this one has vertical bars over it so let's just plug that all in right quick i want to start by creating a work surface right here there's my rectangle to start with and i'm just going to trace segment by segment this arc again remembering that this is actually a bezier rather than a true arc i i want to stay away from trying to make stuff line up perfect with it anymore oops speaking of which that did not work oh this looks like just this end piece probably didn't line up right i'm gonna grab all of it make it a group right now enter that group and then hide everything else all right so two yeah here we go so that's the shape that i want to put this in and i should be able to get my reference image back by sampling here and just paint it right on here that's what i want to get in there so i'm kind of thinking that i'll just come drop some circles in here tricky 2k is recommending you to do the the crazy thing with bajillion really detailed peaks i don't even know what you're talking about is it in italy in spain is this a a building yeah yeah a basilica de la sagrada familia wow it's a big roman catholic church it's in spain the way you laugh when you say that makes me unexcited to try to model it yeah if you looked at it you would uh you would appreciate my my laughter but yeah there's it's a scoff that's not just a laugh it's a scoff that is scaffold that jody yeah it's neat looking but golly i would not want to model that shucks all right there we go so i just threw some lines in there and then what i'll do is i'll just come in here and clean this up oh my arc's broke that's okay i just want to get my initial geometry in there and then what i should be able to do that looks weird i don't like that clean it up all right i'll push pull that into space make it a solid and then use solid inspector to get rid of the rest of that so let's see if i select this piece right here does that go all the way all right i'm just going to nuke that too that's going to take that shape push it back 12 inches triple click make it a component and we will call these the arch arches because they're the arches above the arch it's a common thing all right i color it oops with this and then run solid inspector to get rid of those extra lines and i'll even run uh i'll come in here and run soft and smooth on it right quick get rid of those yes so andy's dropping this this fact after everyone was talking about the the golden gate changes size based on the time of year and the temperature according to the ambient temperature the top of the eiffel tower extends about 18 centimeters due to thermal expansion dang that's a growth spurt right there yeah that's a lot of centimeters i don't know what that is in freedom units but probably wrong seven seven inches well yeah it's a lot yeah you probably will have seen the sagrada de familia if you saw it you'd be like oh yeah that looks something about it looks like a bunch of um like anthill looking things to me it's very it's very peculiar okay hey i got nothing as peculiar all right so i just got to model this this up right here real quick i'm going to try to do this real fast i'd like to just have two pieces i have one diagonal piece that i can just flip back and forth and then above it in front of that i'll just have these uh vertical pieces and i'll start those vertical pieces real quick and just try to i'm gonna do this too i'm gonna grab all this all this that's left of this lower piece make it into a group i don't actually want to cut geometry out of it i just want to use it for inferencing or reference not even inferencing i don't want to inference it come um way and i'm using a foot as my my dimension over and over again not because just just because at this at this reference it looks like it's a good number to use all right let's push that back well so this was that before before metric so like all this stuff actually was like when you look in the forum post all the units it's all measured in feet or you're just talking about the fact you're choosing one foot as your magic yeah that's right i i mean i don't obviously this is this is a low-res drawing so i don't want to you know use it for much it won't depend on those those fuzzy lines being the right size so i'm just kind of choosing a dimension to put in here all right so i grab that option move it this way once two three four four x huh not quite let's try it again let's go to the end one divide that by four that's closer okay all right i'll come back and trim that m1 up in just a second oh actually i can take that now bring it over to here huh that's interesting oh look at that that was wrong okay undo everything did you did you see the the tomorrowland movie i did so did is that the one that ended like them going to the eiffel tower and turns out it's a rocket ship or something going on there sounds like that could have happened i'm trying to remember what movie that wasn't it i think maybe it was that one divide that by eight they got all all steam punky at the end or something that sounds like that could that could that could be the case there you go center one on the end and there they are i have two to trim these two pieces right here i will just i'll do it now before i forget let me say make unique and i made them both unique so that means i only have to really open one of them and then just pickpoint there we go all right for the lattice in back i want to find one full length piece looks like if i go from here they they do look like they line up so i'm gonna i'm gonna force this all right let me get rid of this now come around to the back say from here to here is the back of a single lattice let's see go 45 or 90 degrees to that six inches well so kai officially asked so it's probably worth saying out loud is yeah we will not be uh we will not be here on monday that is correct if i remember if i memorial correctly you can't stop him um i'm also thinking that the rest ooh why did that twist like that don't like that nope try that again all right anytime i have this problem i tend to grab my first first piece copy it and we'll bring it back up here the problem with going at 90 degrees to a line is there's actually 360 directions that are 90 degrees from a line perpendicular goes all the way around a single line so that works a lot better on surfaces it doesn't always work out perfectly when you're looking at individual lines all right that's good take that option bring it down pull it through six all right and then i'm going to take that piece let me go from here two two here uh 12x i remember how many times i had to do that and then i will come back here ugh how come when i type aaron making stuff the top result is not your instagram it's not even on the first page i gotta talk to my publicist yeah that i don't know yeah gofly drone was wondering if you do any real modeling with styrene or similar uh i do quite a bit with uh foam and wood styrene's not something i've had readily available so i haven't played with it very much but i do like the idea of doing uh being able to model pretty much anything you want to miniature with a piece of plastic so all right so there we go uh question now is do i bother trying to make it solid well why not why the heck not let's see well turned out better than last time it didn't give me a lot of holes though all right that's not gonna work all right let's grab a couple it's not a good comparison right that's uh could have gone better oops that didn't work either huh uh you know i think i had eneroth's solid shell works a little a little better but i don't know that i still have that they may have been a a casualty in the house cleaning i'm sorry interrupt if she's watching the great purge we call it oh it was it was something you guys you should have seen it but it's something i do recommend you do especially if you uh download and try out a lot of extensions don't forget to get rid of the ones you don't need every once in a while all right got it that's all i need oh holy cow desperate aka lawrence has thrown his model up there and it uh it looks legit awesome so if you if you model this from home and then post your image you can come up here and be as critical as you want of everything that aaron does please do i i i welcome it you're within your rights that's right that's a that's impressive lawrence when did when when or what made you uh decide lawrence that you wanted to model this just curious well yeah maybe maybe it was he was inspired by your post and he did this all in the last hour and a half way to go maybe not i don't know we'll see all right so what would happen oh you know it's the conversion yell file someone else tricky joker in any event that is still an impressive model there we go all right thus lands the base of this model for me except for something's not right here i want it oh i see what happened i sure hope it gets easier after this since we're an hour and 40 minutes into this building i feel like the top section is going to be a little bit quicker because i feel like it does repeat quite a bit so there we go all right say this good thing you're only modeling one-eighth of this pure um all right so here's my thinking here's here's where i'm at again status update on my thoughts i'm going to knock out this right here real quick because it should be easy another observation deck that i'm just going to leave is a big solid 45 being 45. there we go um and then i'm just going to model these other pieces because they should be repeating pieces over and over again going all the way up so i feel like this should go from like like this should go as quick as this did down here so this was only a couple we only spent about maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes at most on that the same thing should happen here in fact i might be able to salvage some of the geometry from here for this then we have a weird we have one spot of lattice and then the rest of it like that it's just all that repeating uh geometry so that's why i'm thinking it's going to go pretty quick i have been wrong once before we'll see a little known fact was that gustav eiffel actually used components in the creation of this original design except he did it all in blender hair tick wait does blender have components i don't know i don't know maybe it has enthusiasts tell you that all right uh so yeah lauren said that that imported stl turned into a 74 meg file and needs a lot of tidying up well maybe we can compare files with the not that i'm trying to be competitive maybe maybe we can compare files at the end so you just see how that's actually yours will be 18 centimeters longer though that's true what's the weather like where you're at all right um you know i need to start doing i need to start taking advantage of this view right here all right i'm going to take that again make component and call this the middle corner i already forgot that my naming convention outside one i don't know always works doing all right i'm gonna take that and i'm just gonna push that through again 12. uh oh i couldn't push pull just that's why okay all right so i can't just push pull this because i have multiple pieces here whoa got some some crazy breaking geometry here too well i'm excited that lawrence use clean up three to try and clean it up and lawrence said he already did that and it took 20 minutes to complete oh geez yikes this is a good question i so i was sort of i was saying 74 meg is huge but barry's wondering what what we would say can constitutes an overly large file 74 meg gets up there as soon as you get past i tend to find that uh if i'm working in the the dozens i'm usually good once i get beyond that it gets a little bit less good um so yeah i would say if you're if you're in in tens or twelves you're good but uh yeah once you get but the problem is it really depends on your computer it depends on a lot of things why it's big is a big piece of that too you know what is the geometries causing it to be oversized all right all right so with this piece this is three pieces so i have a couple options here how i want to do this i'm kind of thinking i'll use joint push pull for this i haven't really used a whole lot of extensions other than bezier and solid inspector but i'm going to go ahead and go to tools go to my fredo 6 collection joint push pull use i'm going to use vector push pull because i want to push this straight back and oops were you part of the the naughty dog conversations or was that was that all uh tyson stuff i do not recall that they used uh according to why the youtube video has math was watching they did all their concept modeling uh her whole areas of uncharted were done in sketchup yeah i i think we had a blog post on that now i gotta look it up i know there's a sperm that is just a concept modeling black was that black something black black aisle i'm going to go ask tyson i believe you are correct i think the things you're saying are true things i love when the things i say are not lies yes all right do the same thing here take this one right here slide it over i think did five feet grab that surface that surface that surface make them to new components he does uh warehouses and large factory drawings uh he didn't say warehouses i made that word up uh how did you make that word up i've heard it before oh okay good good good he uh but he said he ends up with 80 meg files fairly regularly yeah and that's how to say it really depends on what you're using it for and what your system's like uh we'll see how big this ends up being in the end if somebody reminds me to look i'm going to go to tool pallets i think i'm going to do this a couple more times so i'm going to turn joint push pull on use vector again to go along the green axes 12. all right so there's that um it looks like my plates are smaller and my trusses are small hey i wonder if i can just just just let's just get crazy let's i don't let's just let's just do it i'm gonna grab it grab it all i'm gonna grab it uh actually it's not gonna work it's all gonna be all right i'm just gonna grab this piece because my angle is gonna be different up here so i'm gonna have to the first thing i have to do is come up here and orient this thing so i put my have you said lately yes actually i did i did it just before i joined push pull that first time so not a total lie all right so i'm going to take that piece i'm going to rotate it so it's in plane look like it's in plane this way though all right there we go all right now what i got to do i really kind of made this difficult on myself by putting the brakes right there so i'm going to do this i'm going to i'm actually going to change this just a slightly i'm going to make this align it to that face then i can take this i'm gonna actually put this corner piece at the bottom of the break i pro i should have done that i should well it's kind of close i should have put my lines above at the tops of these lines to make it easier to model because putting a flat piece there on the corner then is going to be a problem not a big problem but a problem nonetheless all right so i'm going to come down here draw this slightly longer than it is somebody's celebrating joey's house i don't even i don't even know what's going on i barely hear that it's funny that you hear it yeah other people's kids just annoy the hell out of me i'm just kidding i don't know about the rest of you guys did every did school end for everybody else just recently now uh we're realizing we have to navigate this uh coronavirus lock-in world without the distraction of school work just uh so i heard that like target the local big box stores their above-ground pools are selling like hot cakes which is weird because that's the new for hotcakes i would not be going after a pool you know i've never sold a hot cake in my life but uh i really don't see them as being that that big of a deal to sell i don't know i don't really get that either that's always been a weird one for me all right hot cake salesman as matt said school has been closed since april 15th in the maldives but really my question is all the pictures i've seen of the maldives are like these it's always the resorts you know the hotel rooms that are out in the middle of all the gorgeous water so the question is is that where as matt lives or does he live like on the island proper i would love to know that i wouldn't mind working from the maldives but i'd be mostly just happy to have a beach and or place to swim right about now you know i love colorado and i brag about it a lot it is it's a great place to live uh i like the fairly temperate weather we don't really have bugs a lot of great things about it but man if you like beaches you are out of luck around here yeah but we got mountains those are those are pretty nice they are but uh you know i don't really feel like jumping in a mountain when it's a hot summer day dave's leaving you're taking too long see dave a crap disappointed dave all right um so here's what i'm i'm thinking i'm not sure this is gonna work i'm gonna grab all this i'm gonna make it a group i'm going to take it by the middle bottom and copy it right here and i'm going to rotate it so that that whole thing comes to in plane with this next section oh it worked oh this is gonna be cake no i didn't say that i'm not tempting fate it's gonna be a lot of work all right so now i should be able to take explode that grab that so how many how many people on the forum are in in the chat here how many do you think actually have forum logins and visit the forum what percentage that would be another great question you still got that pull software oh dang it i don't even remember what it's called now straw try it out what's the worst that could happen um okay so i will admit that there's some messiness with these trusses they're lapping over each other i understand but hey do i'm doing a two and a half hour version of the eiffel tower so uh i won't apologize all right all right so now i'll do the same thing i'll grab all of this make it a group again i'm making a group temporarily just to make it easier to move it um it doesn't actually the group itself isn't even going to stick around very long but it's easier that way i don't have to like if i accidentally deselect or something like that i'm not going to lose geometry all right let's grab that go in the back grab that face and bring it up to flush there we go and then i'm going to draw a line across here and then delete that face so i can just clean these pieces up looks like you've got to grab explode this now another line across here to find the midpoint grab just these two pieces and i can rotate them so that they're closer to inline grab this one down here explode that i got this guy and i'm making sure that as i resize these i'm i'm actually scaling the outside of the component what i don't want to do is get inside the component scale geometry because that's going to cause a mess so i'm staying on the outside just scaling the container yeah see that's coming together it's coming together i love it when a knife when an eiffel tower comes together oh tyson said massive black that's the name of this the concept that's right well our good buddy uh i think rodrigo works at a uh game studio too who does he's a big sketchup strong in the ways of the sketchup that's that's good that's a good thing uh so justin who chimed in from one of his mini logins a little bit ago justin chin i don't know if he is at one now but has done stuff from a game studio oh that'd be fun i've done a lot of work to a couple software companies i thought games would be would be fun that's that's that's like big business though that's that's serious stuff what is wait what working in a game studio video games oh yeah yeah i have a buddy that works at blizzard i'm always always trying to convince him he said there's a couple people on the art team but it's not like a huge part of the workflow there these are not lining up the way i want him to aaron what's going on man i'm under the gun joey told me i was running out of time sorry ah that guy don't listen to that guy that's a little better all right there we go that's looking that's looking like a thing all right one last copy and paste and then take these ones in awesome we are that puts us at two-thirds of the way done all right uh speaking of you know the best time to go to the dentist right you have a cavity not changing my answer [Laughter] actually you should go beforehand preventative dentistry is actually very important i feel like i just gave a public service announcement the more you know remember to spay and neuter your pets oh that's so weird still still so weird bob barker right that's right so weird andy got it andy's right two thirty two 230. you guys bought right you played right into it jody i think everybody else just ignored it so really andy's the only one that's even kind of playing along it's kind of one end loss there andy all right so that's that's right right now so this is getting heavy i can already feel the lag when i come out like this uh let me let me turn off my go to style you named the first component a chunk right i mean that was already setting yourself up all right so if i get rid of my profiles it actually it's not too it's pretty zippy still so it's not too bad profiles do if you guys don't know that keeping profiles on will definitely slow down the redraw of your your model so once your drawing gets bigger you might want to turn profiles off not edges i still have my edges turned on but my profiles the heavy pieces that are calculated to create that outside edge those are kind of heavy so that can actually slow down your redraw you might want to if you're in that situation that's one spot you can speed up your model by getting rid of those all right so i'm going to grab this this and this make a new component i'm going to call this a middle collar collar how many else are in collar here's two looks wrong you can put three you'll be wrong wouldn't be the first time i was mistaken uh monster come back here nope i am experiencing some unusual lag that i don't get we should just troubleshoot that right in the middle of this call yeah that's not that's not gonna happen what could go wrong all right there we go and i'm just going to put one line like that copy it to here and then i'm going to get rid of everything else now try to keep i'm gonna try to keep this fairly light see i'll come this way i'm gonna do this the way i probably should have been doing this up till now that is 2d so i'll take actually no let's let's do that let's keep that let's keep it all let's keep it all open or closed or let's keep this now i can take this shape option copy this way i don't know 10x perfect all right take this one right here move it this way two just to be specific no only need one okay and now i'll take this one right here and rotate it using this as an inference take this piece and flip it around like that that's the stuff all right now i can take these guys right here move them from here oops i missed a piece there you go move that from here to here nope that was not the right spot to move to third trust charm all right let's try again get everything get everything this time there we go move from here to here 12x okay now it's cleanup time there's of course many ways i could do this but uh kind of feeling like this is going to be one of the easier solutions look at all those little it's like you're making a little snake at the bottom there oh that was cool come back and then what i will be able to do is use cleanup to merge these surfaces together alright so i can position this i can come up extensions cleanup merge faces oh but they're all they're all different directions but it's okay they're connected so i should just orient faces on one of these and again grab that extensions clean up merge faces there we go oh you know it didn't do you know it didn't pick it up that little tiny guy at the end just delete that 10 times life's terrible missed it oh how we suffer i know it's it's real it's real my suffering is real all right perfect now i'm going to take that and i'm going to push pull it twice and push pull it once let's see push it through what is it it's one so i'm going to push it back nine and then i'll push this front back oh what what's going on here there we go three and there we go i can orient faces paint the whole thing check it with solid inspector fix all that stuff beauty all right this is a little odd but right now i'm just going to squash this back so is there a difference between squashing something and squishing it yeah the vowel okay thanks thanks oh yeah yeah that's where we're at so jeremiah on facebook is curious about he's wondering if you remove the profiles will it change the render of the animation export we do a lot of animation exports i'm gonna throw this to you or the crowd what you see is what you get with with animation yep so you have any recommendation to make it less jittery got a hole in my i need a thing here um less jittery uh i mean like as you're doing this or yeah he's saying when animating so i'm presuming it's an export but maybe maybe it's that i mean just animating when you're it just means when you orbit then yeah that's yeah that's the video card thing yeah um i guess that's yeah just help us out there tell us exactly what you're talking about because if it if it is uh if you're having a problem just orbiting moving around in 3d space then that that could very well uh be a graphic issue that doesn't seem right how why does it make these oh i think it went six two inches this way oh this roll yeah perpendicular oh no it's not okay i could have done better okay so it is talking about when you export for presentation oh uh increase your fps would be my i thought first person shooter that's what i always think when people say that too nobody else ever means that frames per second um or try to move the camera less in each of your animations because when you export an animation you're gonna move from one scene to another scene in a specific amount of time it doesn't look and go your camera has to move this far so let's do five seconds there and your next move is this short so let's just do two seconds it has one number so it says four seconds to move from here to here so if these two points are far across then it's gonna be a lot of frames to get from or not enough frames to smoothly get from one to another so increase the time between your frame transitions or move your camera so they're closer together that would be the the quick answer you seem to have a lot of tower left most of the yeah yeah but look how since they're just pictures it still looks good yeah i mean i could really be kind of done any time you could actually say the trick to doing moving left between animation is to just create more scenes with each of the basically rather than going 20 feet just go 10 feet into a scene and then 10 feet into another scene yeah something along those lines yeah that's that's uh kind of the idea is to be consistent with the amount of movement you have uh scene to scene i know this it's unfortunately it's not it's not one of those uh exact answer kind of things so hopefully that's helpful if not you know the perfect answer you know what we ought to do um which sounds like a lot of work order pizza oh now what you're saying i'm sorry what do you what do you think we should do i feel that that actually that is that's a better idea than mine okay i was going to say we should go through the forum and and add a tag live stream to all past live streams or at least in the very at the very least in the future start putting that as a tag let's try and find them easily later but if someone wants to find a model you've you just got them all on the only air and on the 3d warehouse yeah yeah okay yeah i try to i try to upload most of them i don't i don't upload like our q a models because they're just they're just kind of messes q a yeah it's just a mess of geometries and sample models that kind of thing so i don't tend to post those but everything else yeah gets posted soon as soon after we finish usually i think once or twice i promised to you know finish out a model before i posted it but generally speaking i don't even do that whatever whatever is at whatever we got at the end of the stream is usually what gets posted package73 wants to know why we're still here whenever it's the beginning of a long weekend well it's only two o'clock here yeah but also i can't go anywhere until you're done that's true my fault got it understand i guess technically you can't go anywhere until you're done either well yeah i'm kind of here until i'm not here that's that is a true statement so lawrence is dropping all kinds of dad jokes back here do you want to hear any of them of course it's okay it's okay if you don't it's fine no we don't have we don't have to uh which part of of course was so confusing so they're all eiffel puns basically i went to went to paris to see a landmark it was quite an eiffel or what happened i lost my balance on paris most famous landmark i fell different pronunciation same word nailed it perfect that was that that was like yeah i don't know how that could have been better i fell that part that one i mean that was that was just that was it huh i liked it that was that was everything i needed out of a out of an eiffel tower pun like that's a standard they met all of your eiffel tower pun needs that was yeah i i feel good i will go to sleep tonight uh satisfied in that with that portion of my life with a with a chuckle on your face in your mouth is the chuckle visible if you do it right all right yes i'll have a i'll have a face full of happiness there are worse things to have in your face that is true these actually cross i wonder how this will work if i just come here and i use this inference this to rotate a copy it's ugly but it's gonna work because that's what i got time to do oh this is a really something really something really something okay moving on up all right uh the rest of these pieces are actually smaller than than what we the rest of of what if i come in here do the same thing on my corner to get my corner piece and then as i work my way up maybe i'll just put my horizontal pieces on first that's a lot um all right pick each of these give them some depth make it make it a piece and then i'm going to come in with a scaled version of that component i'm going to grab that same component and use the scale to shrink it down smaller so it's thinner because it looks like i graduate to smaller trusses as i go up a component go in there use did i close it i open the toolbar and then i close it after i used it oh come on man come on all right back to push pull nope back to push pull green axes 12 triple click color it up why don't you like that color oh because i meant man sometimes sometimes sometimes all right i have another basically set of uh vertical members i don't even know i don't know what any of these pieces are called you guys i'm totally honest with you i don't know what i'm doing but this thing comes up here and then it looks like it continues to run vertically up the middle all the way to the top so if i look here got this and then from there it goes like this now let's have to blend that geometry together like that so i'll take those pieces same thing make those into a quick component i don't know i don't know what i'm what i'm calling things anymore do we ever pull on the uh who's a user and who's a former and who's not uh yeah it was uh this looks like it's kind of about two-thirds our forum forum folk i knew i liked you guys see let's see we had uh only had ten responses and six were yay and four renee and that's that so you guys gonna all become form users now that's really the question it doesn't matter who you were it matters who you choose to be from now on it's only the future matters that's right bygones are bygones egon is the nerdy guy from uh ghostbusters yeah and what is a bygone anyhow i don't know either i think it's like bye gone yeah i guess those don't matter seriously yeah you're right all right here we go all right um where actually i had these i had these at the all the way at the outside okay let's move that one last time to right here all right i'm going to move that from there option whoa whoa whoa whoa this is where it would be really nice if something was the same dimension all the way up but i realize we don't get that so i got to grab one of these cross pieces bring it up each each beam one at a time next transition and then when it's there you got to quickly rotate it in playing with that next piece work my way up to each of these intersections snap the red axes flip it to flat move it to the next one because each one rotates a little bit so each time i gotta just rotate it that was less than a degree for that that that one right there okay sometimes sometimes that's all matters man yeah i guess sometimes i feel like why do we bother 0.03 degrees whatever that one was less than uh a tenth of a degree i guess i need to say it's it's because we care but i looked at some of the way i put some of those girders on down below and i don't know how much you care that's where we transform is watching all of the different streams are you he's transom is bumping our numbers so i would i i'd like to actually have them you know brady bunch style with one like just have a grit of them just to see what the latency how much different it is between uh how much dramatic pause there is between each of them you know i believe that's something you could just do i i actually can even one-up transom because i also have uh a direct hangout that's true i got four videos he's but you have to look at me from below you have to like look up to me on that one yeah you summon your nose dang i leave the sound on transom turns it off i just listen to i listen all of them oh my gosh that oh echo chamber all right there we go so that is one on each section uh now the only thing i really have to do is there's a couple of these that have ah there's a thing going on there i don't know what that's about i'm gonna move this one middle no not really actually it's more like right there this one kind of isn't there that's going to be interesting that ought to mess me up by the time i get to that point all right all right so from here we go option put one here option put one here option put one here option put one here option put one here cool and now i can come through here as these ones start to get a little bit uh hanging out at what point do you start to panic that you're not going to finish when you're doing one of these well see here's the thing whatever i get done is what i have finished so i always finish it's just a question because you're like i'm not working on this anymore that's right before i'm done yeah three day weekend ahead of me i will not be modeling any towers of any kind for the next three days um yeah gavin said he had domino's delivered and he's sitting there eating that and then watching hitman 2 while watching sketchup live he's pretty much got his friday evening mapped out where where do you live you're not in the long run are you well so he goes to the eiffel tower a couple times a year or once a year i i got the impression that he was probably not where you're okay uh that sounds like a wonderful way to start the weekend i want that i am i am getting hungry now we're talking about food yeah me too almost done with this part actually once i can once i get these in i can get rid of that image on the front and i can just start slapping stuff onto the actual i don't even think i need this anymore so i can actually get rid of the image from here down so today i've received several emails from food places that are opening back up so i guess i guess that's a good sign it's a sign of something let's sign up something or maybe it's just that they're now becoming available most specifically i got something from snarf and from yellow belly i would i would go for snarfs right now too i guess i'm just hungry because right now really or maybe maybe no that wouldn't work as you can see maybe i'm hungry for pizza because of the eiffel tower but that's i'm not that bad at geography well when i think pizza i think eiffel tower when i shot power yeah that's that's not the rate that's not the right food all right cool all right so that's the front i do have to pull it up that guy's sticking a little bit bother me get back in there right now like what i can do is because each of these pieces match i can actually grab this one right here i go grab it by the end and it'll stay in plane when i bring it like that i do however have to this this is going to be a repetitive process this is where this is where the jokes come in handy right here what are you doing now i'm just copying and pasting moving and yeah this is array and right says array in it ray raynon no that's not right either raiden like the guy from mortal kombat yeah that's the guy all right so johnny said this all started at eight o'clock so this is this is working well for him okay them cats drop all kinds of french things that you might want to eat like beef bourguignon or croissant yep i already bought those uh or frog's legs that go fly drone can go fly a drone for that one i'm not interested in frog's legs you know i've i i've never had it but i i like frogs i know it's not really the reason you choose to eat their legs but i would give it a shot that was like a whole the whole plot line between the the first muppet movie right yeah doc hopper doc hopper's frogs legs man that's right he was trying to try to get kermit that's right those big old juicy frog legs oh boy okay we we may have to call this this might be this might be dull we i guess really this is the uh this is the opportunity jody for you to shine and really fill time i'm too hungry although we're going to keep talking about food okay so first of all gavin is playing hitman 2 which i guess makes more sense i wasn't sure if there was hitman 2 movie i never actually first one came out and i don't know that it did good enough to merit a sequel yeah i did not go see it and i haven't actually played the hitman series uh not that i have anything against it just so many games in this day i know in this day and age it's hard to keep up if you're more than happy i do gotta i have to ask because we only started taking advantage because of the whole lock-in situation but a lot of people out there who are fans of like the subscription game subscription services i know playstation has it uh steam like originated it right for pc games well they didn't have a subscription service though i mean it's just was wicked cheap to buy stuff their summer sale would come out and all sudden you're like i now own 40 games and i don't have time to play any of them because we just with with all the stuff going on we we i have an xbox and we grab the xbox pass game pass and i've been pretty much downloading a new game like once a week and i found that my standards for what i really want are not that high anymore it's kind of like oh give us a shot and then we'll see if i don't like it i'll uh i'll uninstall it in a day or two yeah i'm curious about the the google one because it's like modern it's like current like the stuff that you'd be paying 60 bucks for so i i'm intrigued by that but i don't i don't need i mean i only have uh so many hours a week switch a switch when i only have switch and a ps4 and i already feel like that's more than enough consoles for my my purposes andy is saying maybe what you could do he's i think he's trying to fast forward i think he's i think literally that's what he just tried to do he said maybe we can skip the beam thing and jump to the top of the tower that sounds good i like this plan i like this plane a lot all right let me finish this this uh chord right here the most tedious part of this is having to find the center dot whenever you're grabbing that thing you have to zoom in wait till you find the perfect red spot yeah it's definitely i was trying to think of a way to do it quicker easier but i don't really i can't think of how to speed that process up because each piece is different each piece is at a different angle so yeah i don't know all right etc etc etc etc all right let's go uh let's let's get this thing all right so we we we saw that picture on the forum that nice big detailed image holy cow that is a big file um so what we got what we got here is this right here is a rectangle and man i can't tell from that image there's so much stuff coming off that that i can't even have we got a better picture of the very top uh well so there's one from i guess depending on the angle there's one in the forum post yeah that's what i'm looking at and unfortunately it is just there's so many like wired ledges and antennas and stuff it just looks like kind of a porcupine's butt there and i don't i can't tell exactly what's going on i'm gonna take these two shapes over here and i'm going to work from these real quick while we see if we can find something better so i'm going to take this and i'm going to rotate it on the blue axis find that middle piece that's not the middle get that one line across there i'm going to take that why is it breaking again there oh this has some hidden geometry now i gotta now i gotta look this up warren said the eiffel tower is just a copy of the blackpool tower never heard of the blackpool tower i mean i'm just inclined to believe that he's he's not pulling my leg but now i want to look yeah why am i whenever i hear the word blackpool i think i'm not swimming in that that's all it really comes to mind yeah valid solid point the black tower looks funner to me i would rather you'd rather swim at blackpool than eiffel is what you're saying no no uh it just looks it's like an interesting small tower a little bitty a little baby eiffel tower but it comes up out of the middle of a building i don't understand this tower of this thing it's not so just it's iconic i don't know i don't understand huh all right i'm gonna make this brace yeah go in here bring that over here rotate a copy of it 90 degrees scoot it over like that all right now i got these two corner pieces and take those slide this one straight back like that and what that lets me do is that so i can take this this line and these two pieces go find the center of the square option rotate that 90 degrees 3x i'm going to explode this square because that'll let me push that up push that up push that up and push that up did we get a better there we go okay all right make that into a group i'll take that over here so this should uh i'm about to do some adjustment here but i'm going to make it line up horizontally by matching midpoints go and bring it down oh so blackpool is like a seaside resort a la coney island kind of thing and it's not a place the sea is apparently not a place you want to swim okay so what we could do now oh colin showed up or he's been notably quiet through this whole session hi colin colin did help me out with my the resolution on my reference images earlier today because i just uh screenshot stuff generally and and uh with his help we were able to get some i know i guess i gotta i gotta take advantage of colin's uh image resizing wizardry on a thing we're actually going to trace at some point give me the point give midpoint so i move those braces to more more properly actually line up with my geometry so i'm just going to re re-cop those around the corners all right so there we go we're at that point and now i'm going to come over here and trace some of this geometry actually so i kind of got it so i'm just going to come up like this all right i'll take that which looks like could be round i don't know i'm gonna make a round grab that thing right there that was just not solid and there's actually a good guardrail right here yeah something like that was what i would do at the top let's if if in fact i ever got there darker all right so that's two and a half hours that's not too bad considering uh two years and two months oh i beat the hell out of their time yeah oh save you guys got it it's been a minute since you did that yeah that's uh i coulda that could have been disastrous said to add the rivets now yeah you know what you do with your rivets all right um i want to see if i can get these i better do some about this about five minutes of work five minutes work all right so and starting now okay hit me with some more uh information about the tower de i fell do you hear that i don't know if that sounded fancy yeah i don't know actually how you say tower in french though in fact i don't know if that was even french i don't know anything about languages i barely can get through english most days that's fair that's fair yeah uh i've since closed up i've got a fact sheet about blackpool but nothing about wait a minute we've given up we've given up on the eiffel tower at this point for scientists still working on it i had like 14 tabs open so i started closing stuff and apparently okay here we are fun facts i wonder who the judge is of whether or not these are actually fun i think we'll be the judge of that okay that didn't land that that totally caused silence i feel like i should apologize yeah you should i'm sorry okay so there are three platforms versus 57 meters high the second is 115 meters high the last one is at 276 meters it can be left reached by lift only that's that's not true i'm sure you could reach it by helicopter i don't know helicopter pilots according to all movies i've seen don't like to fly near towers or something like that no well they just have to you have to be high enough above it that you can climb down a ladder that's true sounds good is that a thing they allow is that a uh i'm pretty sure i mean again based on movies like oh wait you're from the u.s sure yeah go ahead just go well which movie is this from okay how many visitors climb the eifel tower each year oh man it's got to be like millions so do you have the option of like climbing oh like climbing like we're talking about the outside like illegally zero people climb the outside of that that's a trick question oh okay that's fair uh it says twice they've welcomed more than seven million people in a year 2011 and 2014 it exceeded seven million those two years dang it's a lot of people that is a lot of people especially to see one thing that's cool yes well but you would have to see one thing right because when you get down then you can go to the arc de triomphe you have to pronounce that like that i think right you have to drive you have to drive past that to get to to the tower you almost said the z tower didn't you no no i did not bite your tongue kind of sounded like you slipped so yeah in paris you also have the notre dame cathedral oh i don't know i'm doing this yeah what did that distract you away from actually no these these all of these trusses that i'm doing are in the same plane so i don't have to like move each do each one i can just bring it up and then adjust if necessary yeah i think that didn't work so well so that's okay that was only fun fact number six let's see how many visitors can the tower hold at the same time uh those platforms are big that was i don't know how many meters but that is a big platform so let's hold on 57 meters i could tell you that it is eight times 600 or 6800 square feet so that's i'm pretty sure a big number well uh this the the second platform is half will hold half as many people as the bottom one is this one of those word problems like if you boarded a train at the bottom of the eiffel tower uh five thousand more than five thousand what was that was there actually ever a purpose to it like was it made to do a thing uh who built the eiffel tower and why that's question number ten you're jumping right on ahead i'm sorry gustav eiffel uh was the guy that i was the architect um it was built for the paris world fair eight times world fair or the uh universal exposition of barcelona is what andy says oh cool during its completion only one worker died that's it you'd think more right hey take it it's a when's a win man tragically he fell from the first floor wait which was 57 meters oh right right right right i was like aren't stories like around nine feet 10 feet i could i could fall 10 feet easy i've done it before all right i'm going to get crafty here i'm going to do some do some weird things let me get a little weird here uh because i don't want to hey george is on the same page as me he's about to he's asking where the iron came from i know because i'm looking i'm looking at the same answer as him but i'll let him say it uh and as math said you missed a horizontal bar up there did i i don't know [Laughter] i'm trying to figure out how to how to repurpose the materials i already have and not have to draw anything new there we go this is not going to look perfect oh yeah there's some some fact on here some weird fact about a guy that franz reichelt jumped off of it apparently thought he had invented a parachute but he invented a bad parachute yeah didn't work out well then i'm sounding like australian-born tailor inventor and parachuting pioneer known as the flying tailor is a wearable parachute and apparently also an effective death shroud wow yeah grim that is it got dark just to get dark in here yeah i don't i feel good about stuff the guy that designed this also designed the frame for the statue of liberty makes sense yeah all right so i wonder if you can see the curvature of the earth from the top of it if you could shut down those naysay and flat earthers it's got political in here oh sorry i'm i apologize to any flat earthers in the audience how much does the flat or it is that how much does a flat earth weigh how much does eiffel tower weight uh all of them all the pounds yeah well so i'm not sure if these are real tons or what because they're spelled funny t-o-n-n-e-s 11 000 tons holy cow that's a lot of times that is that's a significant amount of things yeah well there's apparently the le joules vern on the second platform is a very good restaurant if you're if you're hungry you just go up there eat i am hungry ah i'm coloring the wrong color i'll do it all again it's all fall apart all right there is my infrastructure and now i gotta zigzag some pieces and we're there i'm gonna do the same thing whoa it's getting squirrely zooming is getting squirrely there we go like that grab a line right here option copy it to 45 same thing down here option copy 45 and move that up to the midpoint try drawing my my mesh in 2d first see if this helps me kill joyce options yeah there's so many so many facts flying around in the in the chat about this i don't i don't know what's real it seems like we're changing topics it's very confusing sounds like the internet to me the internet is confusing all right i'm gonna do that and now i'm gonna take each of these i'm just gonna do an offset of i don't know two inches i think there's i think there's an offset mesh something like that obviously i don't have it uh not sure what happened here okay now just gonna pop through here we may have arrived at the brute force modeling portion of the day where the timer starts ticking a little louder and the clicking gets a little more frantic but it'll get done that's the important part well done is uh is all as you pointed out earlier is subjective done is literally just hearing ain't working on this elmo that's true that i i know we'll get there cool that's beauty all right i'll delete these pieces right here and then i will just push that back through why are you being weird boy so jumpy so so so jumpy all right maybe with a 3d weekend i could actually did you say 3d weekend i did i said 3d weekend three day weekend maybe with an actual three day weekend i could get my driver updated it seems like something could do in that many days all right unless you decide to actually just enjoy your three-day weekend doing something not work related we'll see we will see all right last piece i got some criss-crosses happening right here i'm going to make a single line let's select that line well you know what criss-cross will make you do that's right that's right all right i'm gonna go i'm just gonna do it all as one piece all right so now i got rectangle just pulled a line there delete that pull that out i don't know six inches oop i'd pull it down too right nope that'll work remove that down to whoops i got some extra geometry in that group i have to get rid of that there sure oh that was the line i drew to divide it so i could see where to put it that makes sense all right so there's that now i've seen a couple of crisscrosses in there that's what i want i take that piece rotate a copy there down in there and then scale that back up scale this back down actually rotate that too let me get try again now i will go draw a line right in the middle of that piece and i should be able to go like this option flip it this way there we go nope that wasn't perfect that was not the middle obviously but i got it here so now i can just take it put you over here spend a little more time on that so that i can just take it now copy option stick it over here now grab both these option all right that is oh dang it just when i thought i was out they pulled me back in okay okay very funny real cool all right um all right this is gonna this i'm going to have to do differently um i'm going to oh i'm going to copy this man i'm going to do this i'm gonna take these pieces and copy them i'll leave context edit paste in place and slide those over like that i'm going to make them into a component i'm going to rotate that component 90 degrees 3x because i can't just run it halfway like everything else i've run right up to middle and stop but these trusses won't lap through writes if i do that so now i can come into context that one looks good this one will have to scale it's not scale this one i'll have to move horizontally and scale and a little more a little more more scale all right and then quick rotate again as the final push man we're here yeah i'm not even paying attention anymore oh thanks i'm playing hitman 2. well at least it's relevant uh that didn't work paste in place and just slide that across there we go cool all right then it's this one actually has to go up that was where i ran into my problem but we know i could do twice as many of these in less than five minutes so this should go pretty quick so you know who hates trusses um wait who everyone on this stream oh actually i shouldn't judge how many people have thumbs and i don't care if you don't have thumbs you're cool and whether you have them or not you're cool okay yeah oh most stay on target that's what i feel like right now stay on target it yeah i was i was kind of feeling like it was kind of getting warm in here and figured my eyes just just under 80 degrees see you christopher he's leaving now okay ryan all right just about there just just four more trusses to go and i'm done um there she is save save push to the cloud oh it's three hours but there it is let's check it out it was worth it right i maybe somewhere to someone i hope okay get away from my head i like to think that the various people have been entertained are you not entertained what else could you really ask for oh yeah look at that look at that baby i like it looks like the real deal it does so there it is they're so plenty how big are they how much plinth do we got down here i mean like that's yeah so that's like as tall as a building just right there i get it they're holding up a lot of space how big is that file once you once you save it what is the uh let's look first statistics let's see some statistics let me let me i don't think i got anything that unused but i'll purge real quick but yeah there we go so i got about just under 10 000 faces 1400 that's that's that's not bad with the the desktop and get info on this thing let's see it is i'd say that's the beginning of an eiffel tower model there's there's a lot more detail to be added and there's some some corners projected model in in 10 minutes we if if we had gone make for the last three hours of my life you'll go take a day off for every hour i spent on this model well that is it folks uh i'm going to save that i will get that up uh it's been a lot of fun hanging out with you hopefully you guys have a if not a three-day weekend at least a good two-day weekend enjoy some time not here i don't know i that started i started saying things like it was going to be meaningful and it wasn't do something memorial yeah that's that's what we'll be doing memorialing which usually means what grilling unfortunately yeah i think so yeah i'm not sure if that's what i'll be doing or not probably it's gonna happen but anyhow thank you very much we will see you next time don't come back monday because we won't be here we will be here we'll see you next wednesday yes so you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 11,188
Rating: 4.9390864 out of 5
Id: B_iicXMmeC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 13sec (11593 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.