Sims 4 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - I Speedrun $1,000,000 Simoleons World Record

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The Sims 4 is the world's first video game PSA about the importance of ladders in swimming pools but outside of that core aspect it's also an enjoyable and highly customizable life simulator now when I'm not securing my inheritance I'm enjoying a classical British life and thinking about the most basic of British desires like tea corgis and making lots of money so how fast can you become a millionaire a decade a year what about an hour today ladies and gentlemen I the spiffing Brit want to see how fast I can Speed Run 1 million in The Sims 4. I'll of course be experimenting with many strategies bugs and exploits to see just how fast it can be done so make sure your setback relax with a nice warm cup of Yorkshire Tea in hand and if you're feeling especially Majestic and Jazzy who can even give this video a like now let us begin so we're going to play the making money scenario it's a very simple scenario where you start with nothing and you just have to make one million welcome to strategy number one the trapped artist his strategy this is none other than the wonderful goth family a whole bunch of wonderful people who all love making art and that is it on being depressed and making art that's their entire thing we've got Van Gogh we've got Vin golf we've got Von Goff we've got vitkov we've got vet Goff we've got Vim golf we've got Van Gogh and we've got vacoff oh my goodness I need a breather after that anyway they're all a bunch of siblings and what we're going to do is load them all into the same house and have them just print art until they die or they hit 1 million so with only 34 000 in the bank I need to be very careful in terms of what plot of land I purchase because we quite simply don't have too much money to spend so I'm gonna get this uh 2 500 pound plot here we're just gonna move on in have 31 000 Doula rules left and our job is to somehow turn that into a million right now I have to act as fast as possible as is the rules of a speedrun so effectively what we're going to want is a whole bunch of bedrooms but oh my goodness there is uh not really any good efficient bedrooms here right fine instead we can just have a bathroom where insufficient funds oh we don't have any money at all do we oh beans we really don't have any money right well this is going to make the process of you know being an artist kind of challenging when we don't even have money to uh pay for an easel to actually paint on okay now seeing this painting is effectively the only way that we're going to make any money I'm going to just simply assign everyone to get a job as a painter that's right they're just gonna all go find a job painting because come on we don't even have a house guys everyone's just gonna go work at the same painting Guild so we're bam that means everyone now has a job and uh they're going to work in 24 hours time uh which is you know completely fine and dandy now is there any way where I can send everyone to go and you know get some painting done that's right now I need to just make a little bit of cash there's absolutely nothing in our inventory let's go look for frogs there we go that could make some money and you there you go you go dig the corn if we're lucky we might find some stuff oh we found a capsule what could be in it there we go uh eggplant frog 10 simoleons right we can sell that that's that's money and you found mysterious Time Capsule open it up let's open up this time capsule come on what have we got we've got a a Yuki statue worth 25. there we go this is money we we're profiting now how much to actually buy a painting easel okay we need 350 simoleons to be able to buy a painting easel which is uh yeah a lot more than we actually have access to and a lot more than we're going to have access to so effectively we just need all of these people to um sleep on the ground today okay I think I need to send the family out somewhere just because they're literally going mad right now I'm taking the entire family with me to a bar because effectively um they all need to go to the toilet and we have no money and there's no way for them to sleep so they might as well just sleep with this in it makes the most sense oh my God they're spending money on drinks who just spent 21 bucks on drinks 21. Doula ruse do you think we're made of money oh my gosh guys come on we don't have that kind of money all right now all of my Sims are about to completely run out of energy because you know they're absolutely knackered but that doesn't matter because soon we're gonna be able to send them away to work and then where they go to their job ladies and gentlemen hopefully they're going to be able to you know make us some money now it doesn't matter that most of them are about to fall asleep before you know their job even starts but hopefully it should be fine oh they go look there's um there's our Sims getting quick power naps in by just collapsing on the floor there we go everyone's heading off to their job for the day which is brilliant have a good there we go I think everyone's come home from work we just made our first thousand there we go lovely this is brilliant and with the money we've now just made we're gonna be able to get them set up with painting easels that's right it's only taken us you know one whole day but everyone's home now so we're bound look everyone's brought some money home with them and with that money we can get the easel easel we're about one two three okay that's all we can afford uh we've got enough easels for three of you guys to do art today hopefully tomorrow we'll have more money oh my God it costs money to do painting ah it's more classic painting it's more classic painting oh but here we go look there are doing some painting and the painting they're doing is pretty decent this is it this is progress sell to a collective of 42 um I mean that's not the best I think we spend 50 on it but find I guess this is progress there we go we've made our first bit of money Selling paintings which is uh okay all right let's try and make a medium classic painting using our uncomfortable man here and our lovely hero Von Goff here is actually about to level up and in doing so potentially this will allow us to make a greater painting come on come on paint a little bit better come on keep painting don't stop no why are you so uncomfortable you're too tired gosh just go have a nap or something like find a bush to sleep in I don't know okay fine all of the Sims are having problems again which means we need to pick up and move all of our Sims once again into the wider world all right I'm taking the entire family to the gym because logically they're going to be able to you know go to the toilet maybe get a bit of exercise in I don't know have a swim just I don't know they can do whatever they want I don't care just stop complaining there we go look at them this is it this is how we we live we go to the gym we don't pay for anything and we just take whatever we can although I do realize that there's a bunch of people who could potentially just fall asleep in a swimming pool which is not exactly the safest thing ever a few moments later oh my goodness Von Goff is drowning to death Von why did you go in the goddamn pool Von you like the only good one oh Von Goff is dead geez okay here goes our first one he was the one who's about to level up painting and he's dead geez come on Fawn why are they all just floating in the pool to death this is a problem I shouldn't have chosen the swimming pool like sure it was great because it had the food bar but like all they do is they just go here and they die now we've lost a family member for goodness sake oh this is just the worst this is just the worst okay I'm hoping that after today's work uh we will have enough money to pay for a bed right so you guys best will get ready to go to work and make me some money we've got four hours so get your floor in episode or something there we go good tasty happy floor naps oh there we go everyone's gone off to work today this is brilliant they're all very sad because they're mourning the death of a loved one but that's okay that just allows them to work with an extra bit of excitement now what I can do is I can have everyone instead of working hard they can just mope around uh to get rid of their Sadness the sadness might be a great way of inspiring them to paint better you never know anyway many of them are starting to get close to actually leveling up and we're bam we've got some promotions Van Gogh is promoted to art book collector yes also receiving a bonus of 400 Simoleons and oh wow a bunch of them got promoted lovely that's really really good so we now have three thousand to spend brilliant okay uh we can have a couple beds and I think that means that we have to go for the bunk beds there we go bam six beds that's all we've got that's all we can afford we're not having any more all right next up the toilet uh we could go for an actual toilet alternatively we could just have the party Bush which I think is the much more efficient viable strategy and for cleaning we're just gonna have some buckets for baths wonderful then for food all we we need is a big old fridge because everyone knows that's where food comes from wonderful there we go we've even got 700 bucks to spend which I'm hoping means after all of these people go and have themselves a nice big old sleep they're going to be ready to get working on Art tomorrow there we go okay for the first day ever everyone is actually having a proper sleep there we go this is it this is it they're starting to actually get ready to function as human beings this is brilliant they're sleeping they're gonna wake up and then they're gonna eat and then they're gonna start making us money oh my goodness we have a cinnamon they're actually inspired right okay you my boy get classic painting create a large classic painting go get to work get to work get painting you've got to do this okay I know you don't have much energy very hungry and you're not having any fun but I need you to paint so the daddy can have some money to spend and we can eventually have a million simoleons please create a painting yes you've leveled up it's not even finished yet but you've leveled up this is brilliant this is very good it's almost close to finishing and there we go it's done it can be sold for 90 simoleons that's okay right let's sell that sold now you go of your sleep very good and everyone's back from work and they're horrifically messy sad depressed wonderful Prime artist material but everyone got paid for their work which is wonderful so we have 1676 civilians God this is visible okay I thought we'd be able to hit a million a lot faster than this but trapped artists trying to make money painting just doesn't work in this scenario so ladies and gentlemen instead of that Roger's strategy number two with a brand new family I'm sorry goth family but it turns out you're just not cut out to survive in this world I mean you don't even know when to leave a swimming pool for goodness sake welcome back ladies and gentlemen for our second run at the outward speedrun of trying to get 1 million as fast as possible today ladies and gentlemen will be playing as none other than the legendary Karl Marx a wonderful socialite and friend of the world he is on a one-man quest to redistribute all of the wealth in the world from the richest right the way into his bank account and what he does with it nobody knows but that's what we're going to do so let's enter the world with the Marx family and I will explain my strategy and why I've only got one person because trust me one person is all we need all going to do is just slam ourselves down and say this residential slot right here were bam fantastic we have this house wonderful stuff Tada yes it's a lovely flat now of course uh we don't have any money at all which is completely fine uh because we can do a few things for example we can just bulldoze the entire lot well bam this is going to give me a little bit of cash 12 Grand and that is our starting money 12 Grand is very nice starting money but what we're immediately going to do is leave our lot bearing in mind it's only 8 AM and we're going to make our way over to the land grab and wait actually actually no we're not no we're not we're not traveling with Karl Marx because that looks like the lady from the land grab family to me yes it is yes hello Nancy land grab fantastic right now what we're going to do is we're going to make friends with Lancy land grab here of the land grab family they're the richest people in this area so which is going to give them a friendly introduction and say hi to them so now that we've got that nailed down we're going to speedrun making friendships with people now the fastest way to make friendships with people is to Simply take selfies with them uh it is absurd really fast and literally anyone can do it so we're bam we're going to say hey let's take a selfie now of course we don't really know each other we're hardly friends however we get to take five pictures together here so we're bam that's exactly what we're going to do we take those pictures and oh would you look at that our friendship has massively improved now of course we're just going to then immediately repeat this over and over again and ask to take as many photos with her as possible with bam there we go hey Nancy you might be embarrassed but let's just take as many Squad goal photos as we humanly can we're bam looking great guys to a bam already we're immediately uh friends that's right this is our first friend we get to have another friendship picture with her she's not too happy but that's fine let's get a big old smile on that face I mean she looks absolutely miserable to be here but that's okay she's our friend uh and now she wants to continue her job but Nancy I'm afraid I can't do that because we're now friends which means I'm gonna do more choices friendly and click ask to join household that's right Nancy has literally just met Comox about 30 minutes ago taken 15 pictures with him and now he's asking talking to join their household Nancy of course being comox's friend will completely agree this means we're now going to move the entirety of the land grab family into the Marx family and then we're going to sell all of their furnishings and house this is going to make us a tidy nice little bit of money of 300 000 simoleons now that puts us one third of the way towards our goal so that's fantastic Nancy lamgrab it's been wonderful having you in the family however it's probably time we rearrange the family a bit yeah I'm sorry Nancy Nancy land grab uh you guys have been great however this is the Karl Marx household so uh you guys are just ejected into the wider World goodbye peasants it's the Karl Marx show here so we're bam we've just ejected those three people off of the face of the planet and probably send them to a gulag but it matters little because they are gone from this universe and now we're back into the shoes of Karl Marx so Karl Marx we need to go make some more money so I'm gonna make my way over to the Forgotten Hollow and uh cozy on up with count Vlad Von Stroud because this Rich dude's probably got some cash on him so let's go take some selfies with a Vampire hello there you just literally hang out this is brilliant so I'm not even gonna introduce ourselves we're just gonna say hi like hey how are you doing there you don't seem too happy to see us but hey you know like you're a vampire I'm a communist we've probably got a lot in common uh immediately you're not a big fan of me but that's cool beans dude because hey it's time for us just to take as many selfies as possible so we're bam I'm gonna propose we take a selfie then I'm gonna propose we take another selfie then I'm gonna propose we take another selfie there we go three selfies my lovely vampiric Overlord and we should be able to be good friends there you go I mean hey we're both old as heck so we've got kind of a lot in common so we're bam we take a lovely selfie oh yeah look at this squad goals guys Squad goals so that's our first set of pictures taken we're already looking much happier and closer to friendship and we're bam we just do this again oh well you're looking lovely menacing in this one my dude oh let me add a filter to it oh yeah this is good this is friendship lovely stuff the poor dude's kind of burning because he's being outside in the daylight but hey we've just made ourselves a new friend so what are we gonna do you know exactly what we're going to do we're going to ask to join their household hey lovely uh vampire my friend let's just be Chums there we go we're going to move in so yes our lovely cow friend is going to move in with us we're going to sell all of his lot furnishings and we're bam that should generate us a nice tidy 348 000 there we go we got a new vampire daddy wonderful all right so out of here we go immediately we just need to find the next richest people so I reckon it's probably the Prescott family over here as they've got a pretty big house so we're just gonna head on over here with our lovely Karl Marx and he's gonna redistribute some of the world there we go fantastic oh and here we go we can immediately make friends with Ty hello Tai Lum I'm Karl Marx and I'm gonna be your friend slash deal all of your property so there we go we've introduced each other as friends and now we can just immediately take a whole bunch of pictures with each other I like that my lovely vampire friend has also turned up here my vampire friend would like to be best friends with Karl Marx of course vampire friend we so could be best friends look a vampire friend please don't kill new potential friend you look like you're either sniffing his ear or you're about to bite off his entire head and also don't be jealous I'm taking selfies with my new best friend well actually this is a powerful selfie wow Carl just staring into his soul we're not even pretending to be friendly with these people anymore we've made it quite clear that we are literally here just to make money with them one last selfie there we go literally just three selfies and that's it you're into someone's heart they want to be your friend okay we have just decided to be friends so you know exactly what that means it means that we get to ask to join their household yay oh wait no Carl died my vampire friend no Vamp friend no this is so sad why did he have to be outside why couldn't you have gone inside vampire friend oh dear well um that's a shame enough for being sad though I need to make money oh dear rest in peace vampire Daddy I mean hey at least we got his entire inheritance so that's pretty good there we go we're gonna unite all of these families move them on over sell all of their furnishings and we're bam ladies and gentlemen 927 000 okay we are one family away one family away ladies and gents out into the wider world we go just need someone little bit of cash okay fantastic we've got the golf family lovely golf family you'll do nicely right I'm heading on over here and see how much money I can get out of here there we go we found Mortimer golf we're just gonna have a friendly introduction with them look Mortimer hey I've just lost my bestest friend in the entire world so you're now my third friend uh hopefully and now that I know you uh let's just take a bunch of selfies together here we go picture picture picture I mean the selfie kind of breaks after a while when you run the game too fast but hey it's very funny there we go fantastic lovely picture taking skills whole bunch of lads just having a good old time living in the moment not a cell phone in sight and well bam it's literally is as easy as this just to be someone's friend we've done it there we go great friend more choices friendly as to join household go look I'm sad that my friend died but it doesn't matter I just want to join your household and you're going to let me yes let's move in together yes family God family join my household sell all of your furnishings and make me a millionaire do it yes we've done it we did it oh and the Ghost of my vampire friend would like to be my best friend of course we've done it we've beat the scenario we did it very very quickly it only took us eight in-game hours that's pretty good but you know what ladies and gentlemen I think I can do it faster okay right I've had enough ladies and gentlemen we've done good we've made a million pounds in quite a fast amount of time however I know I can do better and why stop at one million wanna go even further Beyond push the limits of Sims 4 well ladies and gentlemen that's what I'm about to do so who are we going to be pushing the boundaries of reality with today well it's not other than your average YouTuber who is of course an admired icon who is highly relatable I mean after all they work an honest job like you and I they just happen to have all these Lambos who knows where all the money came from but yes of course they're outgoing and they're self-assured and that's all that matters now part of the YouTuber household is about making as much money as possible so how are we going to make as much money as possible while we're going on to copperdale which is a town filled with students and consequently people we can scam so we're going to evict whoever this dude is from his house and immediately move on in this is going to allow us to get very very cheeky indeed because what we're about to do ladies and gentlemen is uh we need a little bit of cash to actually in order order to make money that's right you need some money to make money and for us that means we have to sell most of the house that we're actually on don't worry we don't need too much cash but the more cash the better so bam yes we have some money now we can switch back to the living mode and all we're going to do is zoom on out of here head on over to the lovely Thrifty Shop and what we need to do is make ourselves a lovely bit of fashion so we're back we're going to go on up to this lovely fashion rack here and we're going to make ourselves a bit of fashion that's right we're gonna we can make fashion I mean of course we could make an outfit or alternatively we could randomize the entire thing which is as you can imagine exactly what I've done wow look at this fashion outfit we can name this look we're of course going to call it scam Chic my personal brand new favorite style of clothing it's slightly preppy in design but that's completely fine so we're bam we can make this bad boy only cost us about 130 simoleons to do that's completely fine no worries at all so now that we have this item of clothing we're going to uh wear this item yes that's right now that we're wearing this item we are going to do our best to Hype the heck out of this how do we do that well we just have to go into trendy here and just promote our current look every time we do this over and over again this is going to generate us followers the more followers we have the more we can control the market the more we can influence so to speak ladies and gentlemen and so this is exactly what we need to do as much as possible the more we hype up our own look the more we're going to be able to control reality itself so yes just Spam all of these promote current looks as many times as possible and increase the hype for our outfit as well as also increasing the amount of followers we have now only 50 minutes has passed and yet we're already doing quite good in terms of the hype surrounding our outfit we've gained an average of oh wow 34 followers very nice more followers is more good just promote over and over again Farm the endless hype doesn't matter what you're promoting that's the thing with YouTube doesn't matter what you're actually promoting as long as you sound very excited to promote it don't even need to read into the background of the brand you're promoting just go wild promote whatever you like so yeah we're just gonna spend effectively two hours straight hyping up the heck out of our outfit over and over again all right so a bam there we go we've gained some followers here there we go I have 486 followers okay that's pretty good but we can do better promote the look more I need more hype around my look when we get to 11 that's when we actually sell this bad boy all right bam promote promote promote keep promoting look as long as we can create the most hype humanly possible that's all that matters more hype is more good and more followers which is more hype in total that's just how it works it's this endless snowball of hype and as you can see hype is very hot so what we're going to do is we're gonna sell this item and we're gonna list it on the market now of course items like this are selling for 175 000 that's really good however we're actually going to list it for uh 9.9 million uh this is effectively a stupendous amount of money and the reason we're listing it for this amount of money is because well the kind of world is a little bit busted and the AI doesn't really know how to truly quantify wealth so about a bit of time has passed up to 1 pm this is very very good indeed time for me to check my photos on trendy see how we're doing oh and there we go fantastic oh lovely uh Alexander Goff would like to purchase scam Chic on trendy there we go we've sold it ladies and gentlemen to Alexander Goff it really is as easy as that so how do we sell it we simply have to travel all the way back home to our house and uh post it through the letterbox that's literally it that's right ladies and gentlemen some poor dude has just been scammed into buying a 9.9 million outfit so we're bam yes we arrive home and then all we have to do is say hey ship to buyer wander on over here and there we go ladies and gentlemen it's just that easy 9.9 million achievement completed how long did that take ladies and gentlemen oh just six hours now this exploit is absurdly good it's incredibly fast fluff you can pull it off in as little as three hours in fact I once or twice managed to get it down to two but it requires an immense amount of luck and speed and clicking but yes this is the true speediest way to get 1 million simoleons in The Sims 4 when starting with effectively absolutely nothing anyway ladies and gentlemen this has been a perfectly balanced Adventures into the wonderful world of Sims 4. I absolutely love this game I think it's brilliant the entire Sim Series has been going on for years the first Sims overplayed was Sims 2 and I mean and that game was utterly mad and now that Sims 4 is actually so old there's a good chance we're going to be getting Sims 5 eventually which would be very very interesting I mean I wonder how much DLC EA can manage to fit into it because truly the fastest way to make a million from Sims 4 is not to play The Sims 4. it's to sell DLC for The Sims 4. and on that bombshell ladies and gentlemen I see each and every one of you in the next one thank you very much to all of our patrons and YouTube channel members and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next but don't worry I've got you covered take a look at this bad boy on screen now trust me you're gonna absolutely love it anyway ladies and gentlemen I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a glorious day you Majestic sausages and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,466,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, gameplay, memes, money exploit, exploit, funny, sims 4, sims, the sims 4, spiffing brit, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 challenge, rag to riches, simoleons, sims cheat, the sims, game exploit, sims 4 cc, sims 4 mods, sims 3, sims 4 rags to riches, sims 4 too easy, break, lets break it, sims 4 easy, sims 5, easy, game, sims 1 million, 100 babies, challenge, sims challenge, the spiffing brit, sims 4 challenges, ts4, glitch, Sims 4 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits
Id: SINKoD9zPgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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