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welcome ladies and gents for a game of civilization the likes of which you've never seen today I tricked three of my friends to join me for a perfectly normal game of Civ 6. we have potato mcwhiskey the world's Premier Civ YouTuber Vale Fisk a designer of multiplayer torture devices and ambiguous amphibian he's uh from Florida anyway they were told to join me for a short multiplayer game of Civ and they had no idea what modifications I'd made to the game so time to reveal my alterations say hello to Civ 6 Extreme Edition it's extreme because I've increased pretty much everything by 10 times this means for example that unique Nation skills have entered into silly mode take Sofia Sofia when building one Cavalry unit now gets 10 additional copies for free wow that's perfectly balanced but it gets better their horse Archer unique unit now gets an additional plus 10 range Turning them into long-distance artillery pieces that simply have no counter exactly as our Lord and savior Sid Meier intended of course going into this because I tested I knew all of the most broken builds that allowed for wins in just 20 turns so naturally I'm here largely to observe and not to win but I will still of course be doing a very very silly build so place your bets on who you think is going to win today's Majestic video in the comment section do it now now I made our players pick their saves ahead of knowing about the actual mods this way they wouldn't have an overpowered advantage that said all three of them picked up certainly broken sieves potato is playing the cree they get 10 free traders that claim the tiles that they move on to this means that his Empire is going to become a nightmarish mess of Border Gore his unique building and trade routes will also make him stupidly rich and his starting unit the Scout is replaced by something that starts with the same power as a musketman that's right this man in the ancient era has a gun Vale Fisk is playing the Zulu who will have the most powerful units in the game with his MPS eventually equaling the power of a giant death robot but he needs to survive long enough to unlock them which brings us to AAA channeling his inner American Dream as Teddy Roosevelt Rough Rider also known as The Purge Lord 5000 for if you're on the same continent as Teddy you're going to get forcefully relocated by his plus 29 combat strength and finally I'll be committing dastardly Shenanigans with mapuchi I get plus 44 combat strength against players in a golden age and defeating a unit in an enemy City lowers its loyalty by 90. so with all of that set up let's begin the game it's gonna be fine there is a turn timer that is dynamic so we're all at the same disadvantage there's a lot of world wanders and such that are very good the statue of Zeus I think gives you 30 spearmen oh my God just be careful of that one wait wait wait so we have the 10x mod but what are the there's five mods right what are the other four mods but so we've got 10 times Pantheon uh civilization traits times 10 scissoring times 10 oh so it makes it makes times ten right we got a lot of times tense uh I'm gonna settle down my Capital just because you want to get going as soon as possible is all I would suggest yeah I think like moving a single turn here actually might be a huge um danger move so I'm gonna go just settle in place good early wonders Stonehenge gives you 10 great profits um a hanging garden 150 growth in all cities ETA monarchy is plus 20 science and 10 production on all Marsh tiles and Temple of Artemis is plus 40 food and 30 housing should you desire the largest city in the world oh my pyramids gives you 10 free builders and 10 extra charges on Builders 10 extra charges you never need to make a build there again yes if five Builders where they just work for their entire life wait what happened uh this is Pangea oh God so we're all in the same place oh great I'm stronger on my own continents so that means everywhere that means every oh wait yeah you're not oh my God he's he's freaking Rough Rider oh God oh I'm gonna get foreign trade and get one extra Trader I'll be up to 11. she don't need it you don't need him all right I'm gonna I'm gonna plant down my first Meek guape here in a moment I'm just beginning to realize how powerful I am okay I'm coming for you guys no no no I ain't discovering he can one hit the barbarians after all why shouldn't this land belong to me I have explored so this is absurd how strong this sieve is actually these are kichitas are like clearing Barb cops solo like in one hit yeah that gives you the money to buy more of them it's brilliant so um AA has actually never played SIV before potato um just so you know so if he wins he will have a 100 win rate right and then you have to uninstall whatever play again oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no thank you I'm leaving you cheers to the left of you I don't know who is laventa is that one of you oh he's found levanta oh no my architar can one shot your scout and take like three damage yep uh do you want that goody Hot Potato you can have it you mean my goodie no I'm gonna I'm gonna go for the mausoleum at Harley carnassus I think that's that's the smart play that's the matter pick it's over that or the statue of Zeus for 30 arches 30 Spearman and 10 battering grounds or I can now make pick my Pantheon uh so this is such a difficult choice I know you guys can't even see this choice but I promise you it's a challenge if I had faster border expansion rate potato and considering my city is getting 37 culture per turn would that be my Capital grew very would grow very fast yes you would probably gobble up a tie like every two to three turns oh that could be useful okay fine we're going for 150 border growth let's go it's objectively not a good one but I just wanted oh I get to pick a Pantheon oh have fun oh there's your Capital veil of ass I usually don't reach this level of like not being able to manage my Empire until about 100 turns in and then it's already it's too much no you're gonna get him right now I'm afraid potato enjoy oh that's a nice settler that you have there yeah oh you trapped me I don't believe it I thought you were gonna kill me but you're gonna steal my settler I I was thinking about it I knew it how's everyone doing in terms of Golden Ages uh I have 34 out of 22 Golden Age points I think you might be going into a golden age oh my God that's very bad news it's really bad so rundown of the stats potato has a military strength of 281. oh God he is getting 18 cents per turn and 26 culture per turn uh Veil you have 49 military strengths five sides in free culture I have 20 military strength nine science and 42 culture per turn it's nothing to read into there do I want to build the Colosseum I could be the person to build it what does it give the Colosseum provides 20 of the following culture 20 loyalty per turn 20 amenities to each City within 60 tiles of the Colosseum hey you know what maybe we should go for it oh god oh and then the age is gonna end one turn before I'm done with my wonders so I think I actually am gonna go into a Dark Age you can't see you seriously can't Dark Age in this game mode you say that you say that spiff I'm one point not even possible that can happen that's a thing yeah so look if you just don't Advance enough and if you're particularly bad yeah that'll happen if you look at there should be a little thing that says your error score it should be a number oh no it'll be okay oh no yeah oh we won't be in a golden age thank God what is it we're at 17 out of 22. okay you're also you're gonna normal age then probably I have eight eight eight out of nine yeah I think I could AFK more than that video of course it takes skill to be at this level but you don't understand I should probably attack Veil no get him get him I'll pay you you can just announce it yeah we're gonna have a city right near yours all right Chicago kill him get him get him I think you could I don't have walls I I think I can kill Veil yeah I you might be able to kill me too wouldn't it be ironic if I won this wait did one of you build the a panda yes I just finished it you fracker your Fury feels myself well I can't make everyone happy all the time as long as you're not building the mausoleum at Harley car nasas just leave Mausoleum at Harley car that's just a little God all right I'm just going to start declaring war on everyone because I'm worried because everyone else seems to have a plan Yes except me though except me right you can leave me out of this I'm not involved actually you were the first one I was going to declare war on no no no no please at least I Becky I mean you happen to be it's nothing personal but I'm hoping that your level of procrastination will meet my level of inability that um we'll have sort of a fair fight after maybe a couple hours oh damn I declared the wrong War you declared war on me I think oh I'm so sorry can I take that back sure I think we have to wait 10 turns or something to wait nine turns yeah never mind no you're not all right bail I'm gonna declare our war on you in a few minutes I'm just gonna finish exploring the rest of your honestly psychologically questionably named uh civilization it was have you saw therapy yet I don't think I'm gonna live long enough to see a therapist at this rate yeah I don't want you around here either uh potato sorry oh that's okay I'm just gonna start spamming up kitchen towels and something about you I'm just going to go you should find him he's slow you all down because I'm worried I'm just worried about what's gonna happen I'm a little bit paranoid American civilization didn't exist at this time honestly we'll just keep sending presents to the AI I have a question potato why are you making 178 culture per turn don't worry about it wait stop looking at the stats were you how are you painting a Target on me how so I made friends with Nan madal and I recently discovered something Smith did you know that wonders count as districts for Nan madol's ability so I put a bunch of Wonders on the coastline and now I'm getting 20 culture per Wonder I've seen something horrible potato I can see where you set a trailer to my city because it's just a worm extended from your Empire coming towards me and I know it's gonna steal my borders your borders are not safe I have to buy up lands extending towards it so that's an act of War if you buy land that's an act of War fine it's your land I'm sorry this land is my life I finally found spiff oh god I've been searching all over the world hello Mr Teddy Roosevelt I forgot to say there is actually a prize for the winner of this game there is this is one of my prizes where I pulled the Rook out at the last minute now there is an actual problem uh which I will give myself if I win but if you guys win you get this prize okay you can have the book wait what is that book of thought oh wait this is gonna get rid of all of Jeb Bush's Faith isn't it that is the price for peace okay you know I'll give you my book of Thoth for peace but I want 30 gold to turn done 30 gold for third is nothing to him okay let's say a hundred gold a turn 50. 70. 55 60. done you got a deal the yard of the deal okay we're gonna have a surprise war with Veil yeah surprise yeah it really it really I still have trying to figure out to find the wheel here potato where abouts are you on oh wait I can see you're in the Renaissance Era for culture that's right you can be up to having the enlightenment already yes I'm getting the indictment in two turns meanwhile two of our players are still in these still in the ancient era I guess poor culture I did just finish a Petra and I'm gonna start laying down alcazarus which give 20 God 20 culture at 15 sides 20 food 20 production 20 gold 20 culture 20 signs you know well maybe I shouldn't have declared war on you yeah sorry I I'll make uh I'll accept the apology I own you your land now this I'm sorry a fair trade well you know I mean I could I could give you our whole civilization but by the sound of it should we make it Alliance now against them we'll be like I think this is a good idea yeah we should do the alliance okay good good I'm sorry that famous historical long-running alliance between Jeb Bush and Shaka Zulu now that we're probably about halfway into the game how do you feel about this experience this is great I I yeah this has gone really well I feel a sense of power and dominance that I've never felt before in terms of a tear list would you rate this above or below sidmars beyond Earth you know how like the temperature scale works like you know zero Kelvin is like the absolute zero of the universe like that's how we measure against everything in the world beyond Earth is the zero Kelvin of is a game good so I'm gonna go ahead and say this is better I I think I have to disagree I mean as far as I'm concerned the only thing I would place above beyond Earth is the DS edition of Civilization Revolution and nothing I loved that one wait are we saying that it was bad ironically or unironically I thought it was actually pretty good I really love that game I think I played more of that than the main games which is quite struggling right now oh I forgot I'm going to eBay right now I gotta buy that hey potato hi whoa why my tiles he's pillaging me oh he actually is really strong uh killing me with Scouts what do I do oh no except for the wrath of my loyalty damage oh no he's so I forgot about the whole thing he kills pretty man at Arms Will Survive against my Slinger that can do more damage than the field Cannon oh my God you're Spearman kills my modern arms in two hits uh so guys we need to deal with spiff this is bad the only person who can deal with me is Veil because he's not in a golden era oh oh that's right I'm not for now I am above the threshold for the next one so sorry I'm just I'm trying to figure out what I do against this well I'm sorry Mr 400 culture and 100 science Empire with a bajillion gold and Faith doesn't have a solution oh look at him building up walls and I'm gonna plink you for like three damage look at that oh my scalp felt that oh why did I build such a big amp this is safe regressive regret this is just Why do they do this to myself so like every unit in the game does a minimum amount of damage so here's my strategy I will just drown him in crossbows and as long as I'm doing a non-zero amount of damage eventually his unit will die um there's logic to that I don't think we ever got a Pantheon I had one before I don't know what happened to it though I thought that was a statue or a character in League of Legends oh no the volcano erupted right next to our why did I build my civilization next to a volcano oh my God he's killing my Capital that's not good sucks to be you yeah look at you you're rolling to the hills now aren't you yeah you build a wall you that's right how dare you that's illegal what how much do I have to give you to make you go away what what do you want um a thousand gold per turn I I have 600. okay that'll do no no that's all of the money all of them you can have some you can't have all okay let's negotiate 700 um that's higher isn't it more than I make more than you make for now you can't just strip me dry no no peace I reject your peace offer that I proposed okay oh he's still running around with all those pyramid Builders yes because they had 14 charges oh yeah right I was like oh but they'll surely they'll go around go away fairly quickly every time it is Empire is pretty much improved do you know the level of micro I've had to do every turn for the last hour to achieve this level of improvement figures I invited the rest of you because I knew you'd have a fun time I invited potato because I knew this would actually hurt him crossbowman Army that's right an army that's right are you every day since potato you're now in the industrial era I'm in the modern era actually and I'm about to research fascism no oh no that one gives funny bonuses all units get plus five plus 50 production towards it wow your crossbowmen are doing one damage to that scale how is he so tanky he has a 141 combat threat he's getting 60 defense from standing on that Fortress I'm just gonna I'm Gonna Keep My Scout there for fun he's gonna have a grand old time oh I need to shoot him five times a turn just to overcome his passive healing our volcano is no longer active why did I build this civilization I'm gonna know the next time we play not to build my civilization next to a volcano I think I only feel safe because I've still not met you and so I cannot see the numbers that would be next to your name would you like to guess how many digits my culture is now before is it before it's up to four oh God potato has a score of 1171 which is ten times more than everyone else his military is 1159 and that's after deleting a bunch of it he has 334 signs per turn as well as 1 600 culture per turn oh oh let's give recon units plus five combat strength so that my Scout can never die I think Recon is going to be useful for this one no my point and great Admirals ooh we could all use some Admirals I only have one point total yeah I only have I don't think I have much of a say in it I don't think so either I have six six diplomatic favor 110 diplomatic favor not as much as potato yes he was very nice to me that's true how is it that Veil is only out of one we declared war on him and then changed our minds and said sorry I'm pretty sure that's never happened in the history of the world we did it we won we Recon everyone did Recon everyone voted Recon they lose weight lose that was an option how could you okay let's peace out here I will I will make peace with you and I will send you for your troubles ten thousand gold accepted yes you paid him money yes give me 10. and I also have some spices and marble oh and tea you can can I have tea have all my love you take them all the greatest peace deal ever proposed I love this you invaded me and like I took pity upon you and gave you what you wanted yay Victory uh okay my Wonder has stopped working why is it stopping who writes the best haiku in chat gets 10 000 gold every turn that goes by the Bounty goes up by two and a half thousand gold cheerful a forest a glorious frog wallows under the dolphin I like it I it's very I'm a big fan of nature walk so I like it there will be no pain when the game comes to an end Swift total complete probably yeah I have my Haiku are you ready to hear it I am ready to hear it the more beats I eat Vale potatoes Biff friends all enter the red wee-wee hahaha okay what do I win now 20 000 goals check your trade deal that's what you win yeah um Potato Mr I ate some beats and I was panicking because I thought I had a health scare and I was gonna die your gift has been sent oh thank you for the twenty thousand gold we'll use this to maybe get some of the people back no no is it a different gift I sent you a new deal oh he sent me a new gift thank you so much you must accept oh yeah I did I was really nice to you before and I helped out a lot Oh that's oh that's so nice he's you've got to accept it you can't decline whatever the gift is he's giving me his entire civilization oh Jesus Christ what have you been building over here now I understand why I couldn't see any of this for the last two hours wow honestly that was kind of worth it yeah potato is still making 687 culture per turn mildly wearing his Capital it's not it's not about Darling anymore for a while yeah no I was never starting to catch up in this situation I was thinking it was maybe three cities that were very large okay no no it's a it's a whole ass Empire finally Jeb Bush is President how long you can manage this Empire for before you lose your sanity and trade it back to me nah you could have it back uh here we go I could just refuse your gift trapped in an endless well why don't I I'm gonna give you my cities oh we're trading most Trading Places I mean you really don't want to live in my civilization there we go okay you have it back so what we're we're two turns away from a tourism Victory from you potato possibly one turn if the way the overlap work okay possibly one turn here we go this could be the last turn in the game which would mean potato you could potentially win the grand prize I forgot there was a prize yeah oh I'm defeated yeah we've defeated congratulations potato thank you how come is showing a ruined modern city yeah we've never got there we could have never gone this is what it could have been oh my god well really we can take a look at the graphs the culture that's a good that is a good I like that one layer Faith that's also good player gold now I like player gold oh my God look at his culture compared to ours Jesus you guys are like a rounding error at the bottom of the graph so are you ready for your special Pros you have won a lifetime of happiness in the form of the greatest game ever created that isn't Sid Myers beyond Earth I am of course talking about Sid Meier's Starships oh my God's admire Starships I remember that no I invited all of you here today because you're creators and that means that in the agreement you signed up by joining the stipulation was that if you won you had to play the prize so potatoes you now have to make a sid my Starships video and I'll put this in my video to guarantee that you don't this is going to follow you around forever just do it just do it it's not worth it it's not worth it to have this follow you around forever you gotta just please fight the bullet and play place it by Starships I really want to click decline gift you can't I'll keep sending it you can't stop me yeah you definitely you can never go back on a public promise that you've made to play something right spiff well you could never go back home I didn't you no you made the promise for me oh no no no no no no there's no proof there's no video proof of that there's video proof of me saying I did though and that's basically the same as a legally binding contract of course congratulations to potato mcwhiskey he may now claim his prize it's important to mention that he himself said he is legally obligated to make a video on Sid my Starships provided this video achieves 40 000 likes so get to work my friends I a British person must continue to find new innovative ways for the Irish to suffer and only you can assist me on this quest of course a massive thank you to you for watching today's video I hope you all enjoyed it and hey why not consider joining the community of addicted tea drinkers by subscribing a majestic thank you to each other one of our lovely patrons and channel members and have you sat there wondering what to watch next look no further than this video on screen now chosen by myself to be perfect for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 977,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, civilization, civilization 6, civ, civ 6, π˜Ύπ™„π™‘π™„π™‡π™„π™•π˜Όπ™π™„π™Šπ™‰ π™€π™“π™π™π™€π™ˆπ™€ π™€π˜Ώπ™„π™π™„π™Šπ™‰ β„’, Civilization extreme edition, civilization vi, civ vi, civ 6 tips, valefisk, potatomcwhiskey, ambiguousamphibian, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, multiplayer, civ multiplayer, civ 6 multiplayer, civilization mod, civ x10, civ 6 x10, civilization x10, minecraft, skyrim, british humor, civs, civ 5, game, funny, wonder, gameplay, gaming, ck3, dlc, civilization 7, strategy, civ6, civ 7, civilization v
Id: 0jd833sF13A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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