Skyrim Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters

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for today's video four of my friends are going to hunt me down in Skyrim and stop me from eliminating 9 NPCs scattered all around the world I have effectively stolen one of the best Minecraft video Concepts ever created by dream and just brute force it into the janky net code of the Skyrim together mod Legend has it that for each like on this video the mods net code is improved by one micro Mort so without further Ado let's begin and hope it doesn't all Crash and Burn there's nine NPCs you guys have to protect I just have to kill nine of them for me to lose you have to kill me if I get killed by an NPC that's fine but if I get killed by one of you guys you will win if I kill you guys in combat then you guys have to spend at least two minutes outside of combat you can't come straight back in now I'm gonna have a quick two minute Head Start and then one guys will be off too stop counting three stop it right see you guys later bye [Music] foreign why'd you choose Garfield today why are you playing as a Khajiit it's because they have the highest base damage of any like actual weapon like one-handed weapon khajiit's fist is 22 damage now the hunters won't actually ever know where my location is the only kind of updates they'll get to my location is from when I kill an NPC I'll be broadcasting my location which basically gives the hunters a few options they can try and defend the NPCs or they can try and seek me out and maybe level themselves up in the process right can somebody hit me please hit me until I nearly die hit me hit me hit me [Music] oh I'm sorry oh geez I think both strategies have their advantages but their biggest advantage over me is that I'm not allowed to completely destroy the game and there is definitely more of them than there are of me I mean four players just wailing on me eventually I will just simply run out of resources and lose so that means I have to do everything within my power to make that as unlikely as possible fantastic we're in brifton we're already ahead of our Hunters so this is a good start right now sneaking into the ratways we are going to face a few problems and that is that these NPCs are going to be relatively high level in comparison to US uh but luckily we have a few advantages in that we're just going to run around them we can't really beat them in a fight at the moment just due to our character's level so what's the point of actually trying to fight them in the first place so we're just going to lock our way in cheat our way around a bit and kill this skiver no problem and in here is the man we're looking for it's getting the Iron Fist this man is an absolute experience indeed just due to his sheer size and Power up on your own bear trap step on your bear trap you yes yes this is it this is it this is how we defeat him We're not gonna ever be able to beat him with skills so just use the bear traps to our advantage come on again come on step into him step into him there we go right now we get rid of our healing and we we tumble him to death we probably there we go and we'll bear him just like that we've got ourselves the gloves of the pugilist and armed strikes now do more damage than ever this is it this is where we're going to really really do well I've got no bloody clue what's going on in there and we just honestly don't have the time to try and defuse whatever the heck's happening right we're off to a cracking start we have ourselves our gloves to do damage and I guess now we can probably actually go and kill our first NPC just full stop because I doubt anyone's going to be ready for us to be here at this time so I'm gonna go kill grelog of the kind in honor Hall orphanage yep that's right there is no way anyone's going to be here already so we can just simply stealth our way over here and if we get killed by the NPCs it's fine so let's just uh Pummel her to death She's dead and we're just straight on out of here grellog died [Music] now I'm not going to announce to them that grellog is dead until after I've left Riften otherwise they just have the ability to immediately fast travel over here and murder me but hey that is one complete NPC scratched off the lift more bugger off I don't want to talk to you all right sweet I've made my way outside of Riften so we're just going to beeline our way over towards this section here because there is one item that we are looking for and it is hidden away nicely up here although now that I'm off the beaten path no one's able to find me here I will actually sink in a few of my early level UPS all right I've sent them the update the grelog of the kind is dead what ruins my plan to watch him kill her I sent you the message Phil I was gonna say we killed go and get him hide her body so he can't find her ah phone Connor no they don't respawn and he's just basically he's impossible wait that's no but that's our backup right we do that to one of them and they hide the body and then we try our best but then we win no matter what so the next section of the map we're going to head off to is just over here it is a lovely little cave just filled with two witches and those witches hold on to a very very powerful staff indeed that stuff is going to be very useful in order to kill those witches though we're probably just want to max out our destruction abilities so I'm gonna make it so that casting novice destruction suppose are cheaper and you can just set this wolf on fire and be done with it this is probably how we'll deal with those witches as well oh they are these aren't level one spiders anymore are they nope these are really [ __ ] strong spiders oh my God these are strong spiders I mean this is going to be our biggest limitation the wildlife is going to be so strong because all the other players are going to level up as fast as possible we'll get a cheeky bit of XP there that will also let us level up a little bit but largely speaking we just kind of run off into the distance it feels really strange for me because it's been ages since I've actually felt this week in Skyrim and also this challenge like I don't think I've really had myself tested for quite a while and this definitely can go incredibly wrong for me all it takes is one player positioned in a good location with a bow and wubam I'm dead right I've found the cave snap leg cave hopefully uh this place is fine and relatively friendly there's a chance we're just gonna get absolutely murdered in here and if that's the case then Fair dues but we are here for the staff of paralysis and if we get it and we get out that is an absolute Victory if the witches want to fight me they're gonna have to come over to me oh yes look at them there's one witch oh they want to turn me into a rogue that's very mean foreign oh my goodness now um we are really quite an even match except for when that fireball kicks in and then um then everything goes out the window and they can pretty much one hit me I'm gonna see how strong my my fists are against them the answer is not very and I'm guessing it's in here where it's going to be located yes it is there we go look at it on the stand yep they've all gone on a goose chase to find me but here it is this is the staff of paralysis one of the strongest native items in the game and you can get it at literally any time at any level if you're just sneaky enough it's really really good because when you hit someone with the staff of paralysis they're paralyzed for 10 seconds if we can get a player in a one-on-one fight and hit him with a staff of paralysis they stand absolutely no chance so with the little stuff of paralysis equipped and my lovely claw now doing something like 32 damage we're in a relatively decent spot to start armoring up and then dealing with these NPCs we have our weapons now we just need our defense now one thing I really want to do is first travel over to Dawnstar and loot the merchant chest that exists over there but I know that there's an incredibly High chance one of them has seen my videos and knows about the existence of the chest so for whatever reason isn't going to allow us to access it but I feel like that's just a risk that I have to take besides I have the stuff off of paralysis so if there is only one of them or even just two of them we should be able to absolutely cheese them in a fight right so I'm going to fast travel my way over to the Riften Stables where I know it's safe and from there I'm going to fast travel my way over to Dawnstar all right so it's off to Dawnstar we go where hopefully we can steal some lovely loot from one of the containers right we spawned in don't see a player but you never know so I'm gonna have to be incredibly sneaky here now it is the dead of night so we're not likely to be spotted by any NPCs oh my god I've just found him he's out here he's out here next to the pub oh my God right okay uh as he looks vulnerable I think it's probably in our best interest if we just hit him with a stealth attack so I'm just gonna do a two-handed accent oh my God he actually has a lot of Health right that's it destruction as well it is car we're just gonna have to evaporate you as much as we can with our Fire come on Carl come on burn burn come back come back Cole yes we've got him we've got him we've got him that's the kill animation that's the kill animation right we're out we're out we've just gotta run we've got a thousand Bounty but that's okay and oh my goodness we even got away with it fantastic right we've got a bounty in the pale but it doesn't matter we'll never have to return to Dawn star again so job done all right time to deliver the news okay it's currently two in the morning which means that there's practically nothing we can do at all because there's just no one around to do any trades with probably best that we just try and kill someone in this time and so I think we'll head on over to Winterhold and get that done it's probably going to be one of the easier locations to actually try and take a hold of because if we do run into a player we're in a nice big space of open Wilderness and it should be relatively easy to escape and nonetheless here we are and our Target should be in the pub our Target is randmir oh here's ran made lovely fantastic this is actually going to make it relatively easy for me because the Dude is just standing out in the open right Ren beer my friend I'm afraid it is time for you to die so we're bam we're just going to use all of our lovely fire damage on you and hopefully my friend will drop go on Burger off Grammy Remy is the only one I'm looking for come on I just need to see that he is dead on the floor that is him dead we've killed him fantastic job and that's it we'll go straight to jail fantastic stuff one person down oh my god I've already seen Dom has reached level 10. that is um not a good sight at all but fine all right so we found our lovely destruction magic trainer here and she's gonna be quite useful but for us the most important item here is the fact that she can train Us in destruction magic although I don't think we have necessarily enough money to do too much but hey we can go up at least two levels of Destruction that's a good start right so we have a new more powerful spell that I think is going to be a lot stronger in PvP than any of the players expect because we can just paralyze them and then absorb their hit points off them and I think we're probably set to actually go and take the fight a little bit to them so I think now that we've done Dawnstar and Winterhold we should probably do Windhelm but now let us go murder our Target and Windhelm so it's time for a quick little fast travel to Windhelm veilfisk says he's level 49 which is something that I don't quite believe and there's a guard bugging out there and just kind of Waltzing along in a strange manner but you know that's fine that's just Skyrim being Skyrim and now that we're here in Windhelm uh we should be in a good position to kill our Target who is a desert Sandra who we should first find over here yes looking after this boy right there we go we're just going to absorb her health oh look at that that is so effective oh my goodness she's not even responding in time oh my goodness what a murder what an absolute murder well I'll steal her stuff and um I guess this kid doesn't even care fine well away we go I guess I can just open the doors to Skyrim and bounce on out of here yep no one has any idea that I committed a crime lovely all right time to update them on the uh tally that is one more NPC down that's uh win Hell win Hell so he just did win Hell so down and then he's gonna go down I bet sorry you don't think there's an option of him fast traveling to Don's Dad to come to Mortal all right we're headed to more for next where we need to kill uh Jorgen who is a lumberjack which is not going to be difficult at all I imagine he's literally just gonna be standing out in the middle of nowhere so I don't think we're gonna see any aggro from any other NPCs oh look at this okay let's see if they want to go let's see if they want to go oh it's mango [Laughter] he's here with a staff ing stuff where where what what time muscle I might kill Jorgen no no no no no no I am missing my shots though oh my God I'm really missing my shots do you see him yes he's run away from Jorgen he's not killed him yet did you see oh my God he's killed me instantaneously yes he's about to kill lemon mothal and he's teabagging my buck dead body oh God and I think yeah I think I did just kill her oh my goodness yep she did she dead did it easy peasy lemon squeezy I've heard of her fantastic so she was defending Jorgen The Woodcutter uh who I can now just murder oh there we go jorgen's dead oh my God yoga's dead right straight off I go into the distance wee they'll never see me okay so my strategy of paralysis was really really good I did miss most of my shots um but it worked it really did work oh my goodness fantastic right I do feel safe out here I don't think she's gonna be able to spot me the threat of actually being hit by them is now incredibly high and I don't think my strangulation is necessarily going to be worth it in a fight so I think it's actually probably best if we just made the paralysis and our fists over and over again all right after a quick classic Skyrim interlude whereby the game Crash we've got four remaining NPCs and I have told them that I'm leaving the zine for last so that means that they're likely to stack Markov falcrief and Solitude just trying to get me now I think Falkreath is gonna be my next Target just due to um hopefully how easy he is to access so we're about over to Falkreath we go he should be a farmer kind of inner field so it shouldn't be too difficult to kind of locate him now can I see a player lying around in the first place oh that looks to be a dude there it's the name of my dude in folk reef is Mathias oh and here's our man here's our man right let's just punch him let's just kill him there we go he's dead he's dead he's dead right we're out we're out we're out easy peasy 11 squeezy okay right let's load the challenge a little bit my goodness that NPC was really easy right so with three targets remaining and of course one being the final Target that means I have only two locations I can hit either I go attack him for the blacksmith's Apprentice in solitude or I attack Corinne the sick lady in the Warrens now that means that they're going to stack two players on each that's just the logical expectation of what they'll do and as both are likely to be very close encounter situations generally my best chance of doing this is if I have some kind of really strong powerful spell so that's what I'm going to search for now but because I know that all of the players are not actually going to be located in White Run This actually gives me an advantage because that's the last place they're gonna look for me where nazim is now I've said I'm going to kill him lost and I'm gonna stick to my promise and I'm not going to kill nazim but that doesn't stop me from actually going into white run and it's inside of white run where I'm going to find some very important things indeed because what I'm looking for is a scroll of Blizzard as well as also a potion of invisibility because if I'm going to enter into a closed confined area and these players are going to be camping me then it's probably best that I enter whilst invisible so that the players aren't going to be aware that I'm actually there potion of brief invisibility that's it it's 659 gold which is more gold than I actually have access to so I need to make some money over to this man here and we and we're bam I've now got my potion of temporary invisibility so next up let's grab that lovely scroll the scroll for us is over in winter so we're probably gonna have to serve a little bit of a sentence here for you know the mass murder we committed all right so upstairs in the Palace of Kings we are there should be a lovely scroll somewhere around here there we go scroll of the blizzard lovely I am actually hidden here and I should be able just to steal the scroll of blizzard and yep no one's actually uh saw me take that so I can just join that and leave for bam okay one Scroll of blizzards and one invisibility potion secured all right this should make the next fight just a little bit cheesy so I'm gonna go to Solitude next and kill him the blacksmith's Apprentice as I think fighting all four players in the Warrens is the easiest because I can just pop the blizzard in the invisibility and they'll never expect it so my aim is to kill heimvar in solitude without having to use any of my new abilities hopefully I'm just fighting two players alright so it's over to Solitude we go let's see what nightmarish characters we have to deal hopefully not too many I swear if they've all stacked this one character we're going to be a little bit buggered but into Solitude we go now I don't think there are multiple entrances to Solitude I think this is legitimately my one entrance actually no there is another entrance to Solitude okay so there's a chance the players are guarding the gate and how do I get behind the gate if I enter it they're just gonna be standing on the other side so what if I don't enter via the gate what if I just punch the guard and then get myself arrested because by getting myself arrested I'll appear by the main Palace rather than the actual front gate ah it's the oldest trick in the book think hopefully using this strategy I'm gonna be in like the least likely to predict location okay so the blacksmith's house is over there so potentially I can position myself above the blacksmith's house and drop on down and kill them oh my goodness I can see them I can see them I can see them I can see them there they are there they are look at them look at them waiting they're really waiting they really don't know where I am oh my goodness they really don't I don't know no someone just popped their head over I'm not so certain about that I think he's he's somehow to pass this door did he see did they see me do they see me here do they know that I can see them I don't think they do oh dear oh dear so I know there's one of them with a bow just over there and I don't I really don't think they expect me to actually arrive from behind so that's exactly what I'm gonna do because the odds that I actually just walk in from behind are just so dumb and slim you can't get in here without unlocking a door maybe he's waiting for us to come through these doors Val because he knows that we're in here and he's just playing the waiting game I reckon they have one at the front gate watching out for me and then the other's over here so they're never going to expect me to actually just walk in around the side no there's the other one okay that looked like mango to me the dark elf running around just with the two-handed weapon God I keep hearing noises God the planet you can hear in my voice every time I breathe [Music] get up get up get up get up he's just paralyzing me he's not killed me he's just being an [ __ ] get him get him get him okay well in the very least I've killed mango here oh my goodness right okay there's another player trying to hit me oh my goodness who is this who's this it's legs it's links oh my goodness I found legs okay right that's fine oh here we go oh there's another play here oh my goodness they've come they have come all of them are here they're here to fight me yeah where's he gone he's run downstairs he's run down he's down there okay well this is fine we can lead him on a merry goose chase around Solitude because they won't be ready the gods are also partially aggro to me but generally speaking hello you hello you what have you got what have you got my friends now they know if they if they fight me I am going to be able to paralyze them which is not opportune not opportune at all luckily for me I can just uh Burger off into the middle of nowhere take a few little laps around okay here we go if one of them comes out here that's it they're a bit buggered I can sleep they are literally running around trying to find me oh my goodness look at him go each just hasn't seen me he just hasn't seen me there he is he's right there he just hasn't seen me okay right well that's fine um I guess I could just wander in and just uh just try and hit off a paralysis I guess oh and I go and I go I'm in I mean I mean all right here we go we just have to find my man right there we go there we go round we go around we go we're just running circles around them run the circles run the circle here we go there we go and we'll back on out we're back on out we paralyzed one of them okay we know what we need to do we know what we need to do we need to get my scroll ready but I think it's probably best if I actually leave this place yeah I don't think I can actually fight them so I'll do is I'll leave and I'll just immediately re-enter by flipping around 360. there we go they'll never listen I'll never expect this the old vaten switch it's 5000 IQ it's 5000 IQ oh my goodness here they come look at these little moves they're making this movement have you seen this movement there we go set valve is gone fire that little damage over time a little effect should do absolute wonders here because there's one of them one of them paralyzed there we go we'll torch them up we'll touch him up whiter and God I'm gonna have to sadly waste a shot into all right the man be running away luckily I think he is a bit susceptible to fire a bit more than he expected oh we got another player coming here oh my goodness who is it oh it's very Opus it's veil okay fiery fire it is a potent combination indeed very potent it's really hurt he's really he's at half Health oh my goodness he might do it he might oh but then the paralysis kicks in okay Vale he paralyzed me he paralyzed feelings he's burning me alive oh here comes links oh links won't do it looks might do it he might do it okay we're out of it we have to go we have to go we have to go we're really low really low on health really really really really low we just gotta get out of it we really do I know they're looking for me right I'm just hiding behind the barrels I can see him climbing up the stairs trying to find me oh beans okay one of them seen me oh here we go here we go here we go into the blacksmith so we go okay where's my man where's my man where's he should be in here somewhere links is in it too there he is he's here oh my God look at him they're all here they're all here all right we're out now annoyingly that confrontation ended in just a giant crash which is a shame but you know these things happen so now we need to kind of rethink our strategy because the paralysis stuff is great it's really good but if there's one thing we've learned about fighting players they're relatively hard to hit because unlike normal NPCs and monsters they don't stay still their hitbox is constantly moving when you add in a little bit of lag it makes them nearly impossible to hit unless they're standing still which means we need a spell that doesn't just hit someone who's standing still we know we can dodge all of their arrows and axes but we do also know that we can't Dodge any flame spells so what can we do instead well I think it's time for us to actually start messing about with AOE spells our next Target ladies and gentlemen is going to be a fire spelled is going to do a nice bit of AOE damage to all of our potential opponents I'm of course talking about the legendary flame cloak spelled now in the past we've used this spell and some fortified destruction potions to cause some absolute chaos and create a spell which has an Unstoppable range but this time of course we can't completely and utterly destroy the game so there's not really much we can do to actually buff the spell into Oblivion and thankfully just over there where the Flames are is our lovely Target this right here is sadly Israel who is a mage who went off to practice a bit of a flamey combustion spell however they kind of combusted a little bit too hard and blew themselves up in the process luckily for us that means that on their corpse they've left their magical notebook explaining just how to do exactly what they did so thank you Israel for your glorious donation to the cause so we're bam the spell of flame cloak is now added when cast we're going to have this lovely fire cloak around us doing a decent amount of damage to everyone nearby so next up I think we need something to help with our stealthing and so for that we're gonna have to make our way over to Riften but this time behind the city right so it's often behind Rift and we go where we're going to be able to find ourselves the lovely Thief Stone now the Thief Stone isn't anything too fancy but it allows us to do something very cheesy indeed and that is the ability to go invisible and as we've discovered going invisible is incredibly powerful already the players have enough trouble as it is trying to locate us so imagine how hard it's going to be if they can't see us whilst we're doing it so our brand new strategy is going to be going invisible going inside setting off a flame cloak to do decent amounts of damage and then pummeling our Target whilst with relatively unseen and Bam there we go we now have the Shadow Stone a lovely lovely powerful Burger indeed right fantastic Shadow Stone secure new special power added this bad boy is going to give us invisibility for 60 seconds my goodness okay that is very very powerful indeed so I'm gonna have my fists on one hand fire clerk on the other and invisibility on the Hotbar and this glorious combination should be enough to Massacre our opponents now I think by far the lovely blacksmith is definitely our hardest person to kill so I'm gonna have to give it another go because of the risk of the actual door being completely locked I just need to find a way to get around it uh can I just Walt up here like are they they are here yeah they're just here so I'm just gonna go in oh here's links right bam right time to punch home bro there we go Heinz on fire now all right and there we go come on high bar High bar die is dead right we're out of here I killed home but lovely it really was just as easy as invisibility flame cloak they had no chance out we go out we go easy peasy lemon squeezy squeeze the lemons squeeze all of them lemons oh there's malefisk he's uh getting attacked by guards that's fine out we go there was definitely some kind of like flame bolt spells getting cast after me but um it's fine and there we go we managed to escape we are home free now links practically can't catch up to us especially because all I have to do is get away from any enemies and then I can activate a cheeky fast travel because this boy can't catch me that's right that's right oh crash okay so after that last crash where we escaped Solitude and yes I think that's gonna be a running theme after I kill our targets and Escape because there's so many players in one area the game just kind of breaks itself and dies so of course my final Target is going to be nazim in Whiterun and I feel like that's going to be relatively easy because I can just spawn in a dragon where they don't expect me sit on probably top of a rooftop and maybe snipe him but for Markov with a bit of a kind of harder problem that is that our Target is the wonderful Karine the sick lady in the Warren Kareem sits at the back of the Warrens and doesn't move she is pretty much absolutely useless completely feeble but she sits in the Warrens and that is an incredibly annoying location to get to it is dense it has one way in and one way out alright so it's over to mark off we go for the first time ever to kill Karine who hopefully I think is near the entrance it has been a while and I don't necessarily remember the placement of every NPC in Skyrim if you can actually believe it but into Markov we go the plan is simple cast our Scroll of Blizzard as soon as we enter pop our potion then activate our temporary 60 second invisibility again and job done okay so we just have to enter into the city here we go shouldn't be too difficult one way in one way out as long as there not all just you know slurring on the entrance we should be okay okay right so none of them are actually around here so they are aware that I am here at the Warrens and I'm ready to fight so as soon as I enter through this door all hell is going to break loose it is a single Corridor of chaos that is about to be Unleashed uh so I think it's actually my best interest just to kind of like wait them out a bit maybe see if one of them comes out because if one of them comes out to play that puts us in a great Advantage Plus the longer we make them wait the more untrusting they're going to be that guy's moved foreign all right here we go ladies and gentlemen this I think is gonna be our best time to do it so we're gonna go in cast this spell and get to work here we go in we go in we go in we go just run forwards a bit and cast it come on go oh no move move move get out of the way I've got him top health oh [ __ ] that that bug it up entirely that broke it up entirely okay so they're in there we know they're in there they're a bit grumpy about it but that's fine no he I think he left he was activating a mega spell he had one of the Scrolls from one of the ice storms did mango stop him from casting is that what happened yeah he was at half hell yeah yeah you saved us all I'll go with it I'll go out and spook him no no no legs they've lost our finest Place gathered here today to mourn the passing okay one of them's come out here there we go there's no way they'll expect this he's gonna have to rethink a tactic he's not gonna be able to do that uh fast enough I don't think right we've still got to get this scroll to fire I think potentially it's worth me entering whilst invisible okay I'm just gonna go invisible yeah there's no way they're gonna see me here they haven't seen me he's invisible and I go oh they saw me there okay losing visibility when I enter he's in yeah he is invisible okay right cast it and go go go go go go go he's running past he's run past you I'm dead I'm dead [Music] he ran past all of you you guys don't think we're hitting each other I right um hopefully that has done the damage necessary uh I think our lovely women are all dead oh my God the guards entered uh yeah I think it's safe to say that she died and there we go Karine is dead Gigi easy peasy lemon squeezy Karine died and I can just bugger on out of here no problem okay on to the final thoughts okay so how do we deal with that one uh the answer pretty simple just go in and cast giant Frost spell of death which has instantly killed all of the enemies now of course they couldn't re-engage me for another two minutes so going in there and just casting a one-hit spell of death uh that was effective as heck although we did learn that we can't go invisible and enter a room we have to go inside of a room and then go invisible that is of course very critical nice useful information indeed I'm actually gonna have a chat with them now just to see how they feel about that didn't chat that he got it how was how was that you didn't I don't know how you didn't die I don't know how you did not you've not killed her have you I did she died I punched it yeah she's not dead she's dead I punched her to death oh you got you gotta come over here and kill her on our screens too yeah I literally punched her to death did you guys like my strategy that time I call that the nuclear yield strategy so can I ask why you're talking to us now I just I just felt like it just to really see how you feel I I am upset I feel like yes but oh we've got one last challenge it's nazim uh put you back into it guys and let's see uh let's see if I'll be honest naughty we're nazimus right okay final Target nazim Whiterun it's gonna be um an interesting one to try and do but I think the best strategy we can probably do is potentially just you know shooting me in the back of the head with an arrow generally speaking that does nullify most opponents in this game I mean come on look I'm spiff there's there's a million ways to play this game but the cheesiest way of all is always going to be stealth archery to the back of the head of course we can arrive in Whiterun in the standard fashion or we can arrive in the slightly cheeky away now they might be aware that I can spawn in a dragon's reach but they'd never expect me to actually spawn in the prison itself so that's exactly what I'm going to try and do today I'm going to get myself arrested by the guards once more spawn inside the lovely prison and then make my way outside of the prison to beat them up right so it's over to these white run guards we go give them a quick bop to the back of the head get myself arrested by them and then they'll never expect this I think I can see the players running around down there yeah I can definitely see the players running around down there I think I can even see one of them running up here so I'm just gonna stay in the water because there's absolutely no way they'd ever see me down here do we activate the play I don't want to get here everyone get here he's at the front he's at the front of white run like right should we dump him in the water up by the by the hold that's deep enough you wouldn't notice no right by the entrance there's a little bridge that you enter right as you get in yeah over there all right I'm I'm on him right now you guys get to me I'm gonna kill him while you guys what if what all right let's go let's kill him go go I'm not gonna do anything aggro all right he's dead okay he's dead take to the body all right how do we take them oh there he goes you got him I think that is mango going South is going to be sleeping at the moment which basically just means all I have to do is wait until the daytime before I actually commit my attack so all we must do is wait and naturally I think it's time to soak them out there we go just gonna tell them that nazim's already dead I mean of course he's not but it's gonna psych them out a bit what's this what what does he mean his name's already dead yeah nazim is already dead well no but he doesn't know that no way because fate was like oh no he doesn't he doesn't he doesn't he's being dramatic we're fine okay yes he because he had a plan for nazim that's why he wanted to do nazim last and we Brew it now what I can hear is I can definitely hit plays chugging potions that's an incredibly powerful thing indeed now one thing the players might expect from me is that I could you know shoot nazim and that's all great that's all hunky dory but what they probably won't be able to expect from me is my ability to go actually completely utterly under the map now there is a chance that mango comes up behind me whilst I do this but the odds of that are relatively slim so I'm just gonna walk around as if I actually belong in the place and get ready to position myself in a uh slightly cheesy spot I guess I don't know if I can actually kill nazim from it but in the very least I can be an absolute unexpected nuisance so if memory serves me correctly just by running into this wall here I will be able to um just glitch my way under white Runnin yep there we go right sweet we're in White Run now actually inside of it and this is going to give me a little bit of a distinct advantage over them because I can use it to just hop out underneath them in locations where they don't expect me and potentially although I'm not certain I think I can actually shoot people through the floor okay no I can't right that's fine but I can in the very least hopefully pop out of the terrain I'm gonna really psych them out now by saying I can smell you they'll never expect it I can smell you that's a bit creepy okay this strategy this strategy is gonna be very Jazzy indeed I'm gonna try going down here okay right I'm making my way back over here and I think I can probably get under white run very nicely here found him I found him yeah he's over here and everything is up there right there he's up here here he is in the river in the river what no he's got a bow and arrow is the outside of white runner in White Run wait he just glitched through a [ __ ] what he just glitched through a house what he came all the way up here before and he went up here to this dead end and tried to jump over this wall yeah so he's not actually he must not actually be in Whiterun he's still and then he jumped down like this got stuck on this like this and I went ah and then went over here directly into here and glitched through this house should I hear arrows someone shooting arrows yes that's him he's got the arrows Evelyn leading the Zim is somewhere because like he's not in his room he's not in the market which makes me feel like they've somehow picked him up and moved him like I don't know how they would how they'd actually do that like I have absolutely no bloody clue where nazim is even located but he's in no location where he should actually be so yes I am mightily confused but hey I think it's time that we do our best just to scout Whiterun whilst getting chased around by those Hooligans and hopefully we'll find him so I'm gonna stop by the gates and work my way back to the city okay I'm in and we're off so I've got to find a nazim somewhere mango just ran past me uh okay now she spotted me oh yeah see him they know where I am okay okay I've got to find where nazim is located I need to find where they've like stashed them away somewhere he's over here he's on the road over here he's jumping over oh I see him I see him I'm resistant to fire I hit him up in the area no you idiot can I is there a way out here I got a second maybe he doesn't see him it might not I've got a second there's not a way out here but there's a there's a problem here there's a there's a real problem here I got a second wait why are you invincible Mr Garfield why can't you take that hold on a minute I can't take damage I'm just really really strong that's not true I'm taking damage I want half health I'm about to die die [Music] thank you for joining my challenge today I really appreciate all of you showing up today thank you for coming to another spiffing dog video we'll catch you all next time I have I have a question are you telling me that in order to stop me from winning because my goal was to kill all nine NPCs you just killed the final NPC correct I've had this idea before it even started he came over the idea we were waiting to start like the full match like we were just waiting for everyone to finish I messaged Phil and said let's go kill gorilla the kind and hide her body so the whole time that body has just been there Connor can you spawn in like 50 nazims in the Market Square please as far as I'm concerned we won the challenge yeah that's a win right there where did the like exploiter so I think we win I don't understand why you stripped him of his clothing though like no oh hey how's it going oh it is there he is oh okay he's got something today I did at least get to kill Wonder seem today so that's something I've killed about 15 that seems so there we have it folks clearly I have all of the skill and knowledge to overpower not one but four experienced hunters in Skyrim if any of them even came close to me I could evaporate them I could turn them to ice I could turn them to Stone I could paralyze them and I could Pummel them I was a god of combat in comparison however there was one thing I couldn't have exactly planned for and that was that the Protectors of the NPCs themselves would just kill one of the NPCs honestly to be exploited by my own friends and spend seven hours in the world of Skyrim effectively trying to find the Zim's corpse I think it's safe to say that nobody won today's video and there we have it I really do hope you enjoyed today's video it was really really fun and something completely different that I don't think anyone's ever tried before hop on down to the comment section and give us some more ideas tell us any way we could improve and seriously a huge thank you to each and every one of the YouTube members and patrons because their money effectively allows us to do silly giant projects like this rather than just you know pumping out a video every day that's not very good so they have it thank you very much for watching all of you lovely sausages and all of you glorious subscribers anyway I will see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely riveting day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 4,811,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, skyrim together, skyrim multiplayer, skyrim together reborn, skyrim special edition, skyrim multiplayer mod, skyrim mods, skyrim speedrunner, skyrim speedrunner VS 4 hunters, hunters, skyrim hunter, skyrim challenge, challenge, game, video game, minecraft, dream, speedrunner, speedrun, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim mod, skyrim together reborn install, memes, gaming, gameplay, multiplayer, manhunt, together, nazeem, valefisk, skyrim modding, skyrim co-op, funny, face
Id: hDJFsBbtqmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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