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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Brit a professional exploiter and breaker of your most beloved video games today's Target for Mischief is the Elder Scrolls Oblivion but what is oblivion is it a video game or is it the thing We crave in order to be free from this wretched mortal plane of existence it's a video game Oblivion is a hand-crafted RPG Adventure the developers of perfectly balanced and engineered the most enjoyable fantasy experience ever released that is of course before Todd Howard personally gave birth to Skyrim so is oblivion a perfectly balanced game with no exploits well let's find out but before we begin like a distant father Opera GX has returned after several months with my birthday money one thing about daddy Opera GX that is certain is that it can naturally beat up your dad or whatever browser you happen to be using now I know like most Gamers you're a lazy bugger who struggles with change but it literally takes five nanoseconds to just import all of your useless bookmarks and Guppies from your old browser so there's literally no excuse for not changing what are you waiting for you fool but best of all it's highly customizable for example you can have this Nazi spiff background because those lovely buffins at Opera GX have made their very own browser mod for me simply hop onto the GX Store and search for me and you'll find my very own lovely mod that you can install and you must install it so that way it is the greatest mod on the Opera GX store never before have you been able to browse the internet with typewriter noises as you search for your very own cute corgi pictures glorious and then of course when you close down the browser goodbye for now oh it's perfect it's got all of the noises but best of all by hovering over say YouTube you are reminded to drink tea it's tea time truly groundbreaking technology from the Opera GX poffins you will never now be able to escape the reminder to drink tea drink gee but yes it's very cool and thank your Project X for making it for me so what are you waiting for use the link in the description to become one with the British hive mind thank you operate GX for sponsoring now onwards with the video ladies and gentlemen our hero today is going to be none other than big Susan although um big Susan's gonna need some fixing because uh she's a little bit scarred uh so yeah let's just quickly fix up big Susan's face make it look a little bit more like a human being oh wow yep we're just gonna have a big old big old head on Susan Yep this is fine this is anatomically correct humans can do this oh my gosh I just love the way eyeballs naturally clip through your forehead that's just beautiful great design by Todd Howard to add that in well ladies and gentlemen our Beauty has been created say hello to Big Susan cheers one heck of a specimen my goodness she's going to become the most overpowered character in existence in this universe so effectively you're looking at the face of God ladies and gentlemen you should be in awe right so welcome to the wider world we are playing as the legendary lovely big Susan she's looking fantastic now big Susan is a very special individual they are a Breton now bretons have a few unique advantages to them namely if we look at our current active effects you will see that we have the ability to resist 50 of all magic this is just due to the breton's Natural ability which is pretty Jazzy indeed at the same time I decided to put ourselves under the stone of the Atronach meaning we also absorb 50 of spells that we take and convert it into Mana so ready if you happen to be a Mage and you're shooting Fireballs at our lovely big Susan here you're just going to be absorbing all of that spicy electricity but what makes Susan so special is what we're going to be doing to her you see we're going to be turning her into something absolutely horrifically overpowered in order to do that we actually need to do something that you should never normally do in this game and that is we're just going to be leveling up I know you are never ever ever meant to level up in this game unless you have a good reason but alas big Susan she's got the greatest reason of all in order to make one of the most overpowered builds in this game you've got to be about level 20 and Susan here well she's level one how do you level up well you've got to level up your primary skills and I decide to sync all of those points into things like acrobatics and Athletics what does that mean well it basically just means in order for big Susan to level up I just need to jump up and down repeatedly welcome to the mid-2000s RPGs ladies and gentlemen this is gameplay now we also have some pesky Hooligans up ahead that's right there's some evil Bandits and oh my look they've got a bow and arrow and they are going to try and fight us but it's okay we don't need to fight them look at this yeah you're gonna shoot a bow at me oh nice try that's right you can just dodge arrows if you want and this individual here is going to charge me with an ax uh but luckily I can just punch them now the more they hit me the more I'm going to be leveling up certain skills uh and this individual here is pretty powerful however the perks of fighting with this is that when I hit people I actually absorb some of their stamina and when you have no stamina well you can't really do anything and you just end up falling on the ground now what I'm going to do is also just level up one of my other skills which is restoration so we are just going to be uh immediately cranking out some lovely heels and time to get on with our fight hello there bow person don't worry it doesn't matter if they hit me just Wibble around and then get in their face and oh just punch them a bunch there we go now you're gonna level up my light armor skill for me but you're also going to die and we're bam there goes the Bandit bow woman Splendid stuff we've improved ourselves now one ingenious thing that the Oblivion developers decided to do is that right at the start of the game you can just immediately fast travel to basically anywhere on the map which as you can imagine uh kind of breaks the game a little bit as you just don't need to walk anywhere in this beautiful handmade world that's fine who cares one thing we need to be doing however is improving big Susan there are a few brilliant ways we can improve big Susan so of course big Susan is not a perfect vessel right out of the bat in fact big Susan needs to be improved a little bit one of the many ways in improve big Susan is by uh lock picking this chest here or over pickpocketing the key off of branwin here outside of the lovely Imperial City Arena and the reasoning is very simple inside this chest is a very special item so I'm going to lock pick the chest it's going to probably take me a few attempts but once we do we get something very Jazzy ah fantastic here we have it it is the bands of Quang and low it's just a set of braces but it fortifies your hand-to-hand combat by 20 points which is as you can imagine pretty Jazzy anyway we'll just steal all of that anyway now that we have these lovely stolen items our hand-to-hand combat is now very powerful in fact a lot more powerful than it realistically should be for our level so what we now need to do is power level big Susan as much as humanly possible one of the ways we can do that is just to Simply jump a lot but what we're also going to do is go and punch a bunch of things as I said our goal is level 20 so leveling up as fast as possible is the best thing we can possibly do oh I haven't seen your sons have you I went off into the forest where are your sons ah they're going to fight some creatures of the farm lovely uh yes this is brilliant hour we can go and assist them uh I mean they'll probably die because we're not exactly going to be good at saving them at all but that's okay all right so we got our first quest uh it is to go to a farm and potentially save this Mountain's Sons I mean I'm gonna be honest big Susan is not necessarily the heroic type big Susan is the big smashy type but potentially fighting goblins is a brilliant way of gaining experience so provided it's not completely impossible we're gonna do it right you two the Suns oh yep he's the Suns all right so it's over to the killing field we go right now you two I'm going to keep you alive and it is going to be glorious hopefully all right here they come those pesky goblins uh so yes it's best if we just immediately take the lead and start wailing on these goblins and oh my goodness they do not like the hand-to-hand combat Buffs I just got uh yep it turns out these goblins because I'm only level one are also going to be very low level and that means that uh punching is highly effective maybe these brothers will live get away from the brother get away from the brother you good they can slightly defend themselves quickly they're fighting the brothers don't you dare get away get away from that no they killed one of the boys you killed one of the sons well my hand to hand has increased right there we go relis uh we must return to the terrible as we can I'm sorry about your brother that's a real shame but most importantly we finally unlock our first level up which is a very very good indeed so we're going to get back to town hopefully make a little bit of money have a rest and a bed and level up and then all I've got to do is just repeat that about another 20 times ah here we go we found the dad hello uh it's slightly awkward news saves your farm your son's dead oh he's little to offer me what little money has must now be spent on the burial what has he got for me 150 gold fine that'll do that'll do 150 Golds enough that can buy me a bed all right so we'll ask for a bed there you go it's only 10 gold lovely stuff so fantastic we've got ourselves a bed um it's it's the floor that's wonderful lovely right well we can have our first sleep and in doing so we will get to level up yay we'll go to level up our speed feed and our agility and our strength because that will increase how effective we are at fighting and also how fast we move well that was very successful uh big Susan has completed a first Quest and made her first bit of money however we're going to need a few additional things from here on out we're going to need heavy armor in order to improve Susan's protection and also we need to level up more so that I can start breaking the game in order to get some very special items bam I'm jumping into the midpoint of the video when you least expected me that's right for the first 8 000 people who like this video you're going to receive a glorious offer you're going to be visited whilst you sleep in your dreams by big Susan that's right the beautiful The Majestic the Unstoppable and if you don't manage to like the video then guess what you're going to be visiting your nightmares by big Susan oh my God I am so sorry but there's nothing I can do for you she's an immortal like me so be sure to Worship On You Susan the overlord in the comment section so goodbye onwards with the video right welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've made our first little bit of money is the wonderful and illustrious big Susan but we have a decent way to go most importantly we need to level up as fast as possible now of course there are a few ways to level up we can fight and actually do quests and such uh that's a complete waste of time alternatively the greatest thing we can possibly do is make money now there are three ways to make money in Oblivion way number one is to make it via legitimate means Quest settle all of that wonderful stuff way number two is to find a dude paralyze him and steal him of all of his infinite money and we normally do that in videos it's the fastest but today we're going to be doing something slightly different because it also gives us a bit of experience today ladies and gentlemen we are going to be scroll duping yet it's perfectly balanced indeed I know now when it comes to printing infinite money via Scrolls you're going to want to go over here to the Imperial Market and find yourself kalindle now kalindle is brilliant he sells a whole bunch of spells and he has quite a few of them effectively just gonna want to find these Scrolls which he has the largest quantity of which in our case is the absorb minor Magic Scrolls we're going to buy as many of these as humanly possible we can buy 10 of them for 250 gold wonderful then what we're going to do is quite simply exit this menu and start duplicating items now the way in which we do this is very simple go to your inventory and select the giant stack of Scrolls you have then hover over the actual scroll you want to duplicate or the most valuable item in your inventory in my case it is going to be this chameleon scroll then what you're going to want to do is simply shift-click and drop it on the ground and you'll notice that very interestingly our one chameleon scroll has become uh 10 chameleon Scrolls very Jazzy indeed in order to repeat this we're going to want to drop all bar one of our Scrolls on the floor into one lovely big pile select the absorb minor magical spell again and then drop the chameleon Scrolls and repeat over and over again we now have 20 Scrolls of chameleon ladies and gentlemen in the wise words of Todd Howard it just works right and we're bam we have printed far too many chameleon Scrolls now lovely stuff indeed now most importantly we can take some of our giant stack of 64 chameleon Scrolls and we can try and make some money with them we can go on over to calendar here and sell him some of these gubbins there we go we're going to get 660 gold from this very nice now what we're going to do with all of this gold is we actually want to start leveling up and one of the best ways to level up is to simply be taught so I will simply repeat this process over and over again until I gain enough gold from these lovely twin PCS I'll be back after I've been duplicating for around about a day or two as then we'll have enough gold to effectively power level our way to the Moon one eternity later welcome back ladies and gentlemen can you tell which item I've been duplicating I think this man can he has bought millions and millions of gold worth of the hands of the Atronach from me um or Bugsy sold me one copy and I then turned it into 570 of them right in front of his eyes I effectively had a macro going for quite a few hours and well the money making has gone very very well indeed as you can probably tell by the fact that I have an astronomical 2.2 alien gold in my inventory very nice now with all of this gold we actually need to go and do something and that is to spend it on stuff and we are going to be spending it on stuff in order to level me up so first things first I'm going to need some heavy armor so I'm going to buy an upgraded iron helmet from him there we go that will improve my head armor now Bernardo here is also very special because this man is a trainer and what this means is effectively we can just give him money and in doing so he is going to level up our heavy armor skill now this is brilliant because in doing so this also can level me up as a character there we go I should now rest and meditate on what I've learned this is brilliant now what I will be buying from these lovely gentlemen is going to be a full set of armor so I'm going to be wanting some lovely iron boots and then I'm going to be wanting a lovely steel chest plate and well bam I am looking fan oh wait I need some trousers don't I uh where are the trousers all right there we go Phantom trousers to uh balance out the look there we go much better right into the end we go all right so velas gonna have a bed there we go 20 gold fantastic my goodness that's a lot of money but to be fair this room is a fair bit nicer to sleep in so bam we've gone to sleep and we've leveled up at level two brilliant stuff time to increase our endurance our strength and our speed wonderful one power level session later welcome back ladies and gentlemen we're up to level 25 and we be lined our way here which means that our statistics are yes a little bit better but our straight attributes are pretty bad indeed oh my goodness sure our speed is maxed out so I can jump really high I mean this is just absurd levels of height I can jump a good two meters in the air from the ground but as I mentioned I want to become a God now in order to become a God I believe the best way to do it is not to do an insane amount of damage no no no no no but what we're about to do is very broken we're going to turn the enemy's power against them in order to do that we need uh this lovely man here to be nice to us now after doing a few lines of Quests for the Jermain family over here in Coral in which we basically retake their Farm very simple you just kill a few trolls this man is going to proposition us with a quest a quest to go and steal an item and this item is very spicy alright so effectively a lovely item was held by this family and it was stole by a whole bunch of ogres who are hiding in a valley somewhere so all I need to do is go to this cave and then logically I should find a very special item inside this cave should be the honor blade of coral a very very special fancy sword however it's not exactly very useful the item we actually seek is of greater value so we're bam we're off to go punch some trolls alright so we've made our way inside of the cave where we just have to fight these ogres of course we use the classic patent-pended running and punch strategy they're also not very good with perception so we can just kind of sneak our way around oh hello there punch oh that was good that was a really good punch and there we go that's another dead troll lovely stuff indeed okay here we go lovely just stealth our way along oh here we go I do believe this is one of the items we're looking for and oh my okay right we found um the chieftain of the yogurt he's gonna be quite a spicy boy indeed now of course we are just two big boys effectively punching each other with our fists which is as you can imagine very effective and he's dead lovely stuff and he drops the honor blade himself lovely stuff all right fantastic the item has been recovered so it is time for me to escape from this lovely cave system now instead of giving the item back to the quest Giver what you actually want to do is head on over to the castle and one of the lovely gentlemen's in here is going to be able to provide us with an item of far greater value than the honor blade itself that's right Leif here is gonna give us something spicy I know I'm gonna say hey here's the sword well bam he's going to be very very happy and in return we are given a glorious gift oh yes oh yes oh yes it is none other than the escoffion of Charles so bam what do I get I get a lovely very special item say hello to the escutcheon uh it is a piece of heavy armor it is a shield and it will reflex 35 of damage on self that's right if you come up to me and you try and punch me 35 of your own damage is gonna get bounced straight back to you which as you can imagine is pretty decent however it's not perfect is it so we need to make it better ladies and gentlemen we need 100 damage reflection now of course we're one third of the way there however we can do better and for that we're going to want to make our way over to leawin where we're going to be getting ourselves a secret villain Lair this lovely location deep scorn Hollow yes it is just off the southern tip of Leia win and it is ours it is effectively this useless piece of land but guess what it's our base and if you're to swim under here we're bam you can get inside of the secret location now this location is pretty good but it needs to be restored to its old former glory and in order to do that um I'm going to need a basically spend a bunch of money to improve the place and don't worry ladies and gentlemen money is something that I have quite a lot of luckily for me I can just immediately fast travel over to the way went in where we're going to locate our lovely friend ah and here we go it's rolly this man is what I need yes here we go got some pretty spicy items that he can sell but most importantly he has the i-core of sifis for 5000 gold and all of the necessary upgrades to our lovely new Abode so we're just going to immediately buy all of them lovely stuff indeed and with that I've purchased everything which is very very important because now when we go back to our super secret base of deep scorn Hollow there will be a special gift waiting for me ah yes not only is it a beautiful lovely base of a whole bunch of ingredients it is also a glorious area hello now up these Swanky steps I do believe oh my goodness check out this yes a new Swanky area to relax in my new pimping bed and what we also get to find in this lovely room of ours is in this lovely cabinet you get the Raymond of the Crimson scar that's right it's a piece of light armor and very importantly this special bit of light armor grants 35 of reflect damage this is as you can imagine getting pretty spicy we take a look at our brand new active effects you will notice that reflect damage is up to seventy oh my that's pretty good so let's go and actually test this bad boy out in action I need to find some kind of wildlife to punch I'd rather find some kind of wildlife to punch me and oh my look at that horrible Beastie creature Yep this should do nicely so effectively not only are we going to be taking 70 less damage from this monstrosity it's also going to be receiving 70 of its own damage so yes the Landrew is going to be punching us and you'll notice itself is going down and mine isn't oh my that is indeed a shame oh and it appears to have punched me to death and by punched me to death I mean it's punched itself to death on me so bam that is a very nice spicy creature that has just died yes taking 70 less damage is good but taking 70 less damage and dishing it straight back out to someone else oh now that's just even better now of course this isn't the be-all and end all for example if we were to now run into say a magic Caster if they were to cast spells at us well we can't reflect spell damage but luckily what we can do ladies and gentlemen is just resist the hell out of it that's right we already resist fifty percent of magic and absorb fifty percent as well all we need to do is get this up to a hundred percent and we're immune to Magic get this up to a hundred percent as well and we're immune to physical damage at that point the only thing that can damage us are bows and well bows an oblivion kind of suck this isn't Skyrim okay ladies and gents they're just terrible all right let's see if I can find myself an additional reflect item right I've made my way over to one very special location indeed this is the robbers Glen cave just north of Breville uh this is the easiest location in the game to farm for enchanted items and I am looking for one lovely Ivor Enchanted ring or necklace which hopefully will spawn in here and if it doesn't it's fine we can just immediately reload the game so yep once again we'll just come through here and uh punch you up a bunch you die there we go just punch these imps down lovely stuff and just like that we've killed a bunch of them but we must continue to go deeper luckily for us we have endless healing Spells at our disposal and any imps we run into are easily defeated by the fact that I can just use them magically slingered me to just out heal them right so we've made our way through here and sure there are a few Enchanted items around but unfortunately there's no Enchanted items that I actually want consequently I am just going to uh reload my save yes that's right I will just reload my way to the start of the dungeon and just run through there is literally no point in fighting any of these creatures because they don't matter okay what have we got weak sorcery potion that's useless ring of willpower useless bow of curses once again useless oh right and fantastic we actually found one of the items I was looking for this is one of the two necessary items that can fill this task it is the ring of the Iron Fist and of course this is the best cave system to find one a ring of the Iron Fist pretty decent fortify hand-hand by 25 points on self but most importantly reflect damage by 33 on self very nice indeed so by now equipping this bad boy we're going to have something very spicy so not only is my hand-to-hand fighting skill better but I now can reflect damage like nobody's business how much damage can I reflect oh I can reflect 103 damage that's pretty spicy so yep I'm just going to punch my way out through all of these imps do I need to fight them no but it sends a message to them ah fantastic this is what progress feels like we are more powerful than we have ever been ladies and gentlemen this is the face of a god a true God a powerful deity being one that cannot be defeated by mortal means it's time for me to find myself a living creature to have a little fight with I don't know maybe a bear or something there's a bunch of bears in this Woods I imagine just anything oh look here we go here's a dryad that looks kind of like an evil being hello now Mr spriggan you're probably gonna summon stuff and yep you've summoned some bears to fight me now unfortunately for you um I'm not going to actually take any damage from this and uh your Bear's actually about to die there you go it died punching me and uh you're also going to die punching me right anyway there we go the spriggan's dead and I took absolutely no damage that is very Jazzy oh my goodness look at that there's a Minotaur Lord down there now that is a high level enemy that is a very spicy high level enemy so naturally uh let me just hit him with a flare there you go that'll do some damage and punch me Minotaur wow okay that was a big hit that was another big hit in fact these hits are so big uh technically some of it counts as magical damage and you'll notice that particular bit of magical damage does in fact go through our block but when he does his melee punches uh nothing goes through so yes this man is about to die Rest In Pieces oh dear nice try Mr middle tool nice try oh and look crabs hello there mud crab punch me punch me again mud crab do it oh you died what about you Mr Bud crab no your friend he's also dead oh crabby why Mr Krabs why all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen so we're in a pretty decent stead we have the ability to reflect 100 of melee damage however we are missing something the ability to negate magic entirely you see currently the two ways we can take damage are archery and magic and of course our our trees meaningless so what we need to do is find a way to resist magic now there's one item we are looking for the mundane ring the mundane ring allows you to resist fifty percent of magic which when combined with our natural Bretton abilities means we will resist 100 of magic there's just one minor issue that item appears on a character that would require us to do the main quest and whilst I might be level 25 and the Oblivion crisis is ongoing I am definitely not going to save the emperor instead I'm going to find this weird door that's right we found the strange door and with this strange door we're just gonna go through it oh my goodness yes another mad one yes lovely uh so effectively anyone who goes into the store goes crazy uh unfortunately for them I'm going into this door very hey her skill so effectively we've been let into uh the Shivering Isles of Madness which is very good indeed and as you can see uh it's a little bit of a funky place a little bit strange and we're here for one very specific reason and that is to find ourselves a shop now effectively in order to find these lovely items they're best way in which to do it is to head on over to the very large settlement on the other side of this island because in that settlement we will find ourselves a very very special shop which sells very very special items right so I have finally arrived in a new shegor which is the lovely capital city of the Shivering Isles it is a wonderful place full of Madness and lunatics and general just Good Vibes so when you arrive at the eo's Mysteries here we are going to be able to successfully barter with irel here to um hopefully get something very Jazzy now this man sells all kinds of special governs and what has he got here base ring of alchemy base ring of Frost shield and Grand Ring Of Shadows okay now this Grand Ring Of Shadows absurdly overpowered if you're doing a chameleon build but we are not so consequently we are going to have to wait as time passes which is completely fine all we have to do is stand outside and wait for three days so obviously you're in three days time right it finally happened ladies and gentlemen the mundane ring we found it it only took about like four reloads of the shop but here we are the mundane ring this is a very very special item it will reflect 35 of spells but also resist 50 of magic which is brilliant because we can now take that and equip it of course it does cost 33 Grand but hey I mean I'm literally made of money so now when we take a look at our magical effects we will see that we resist 100 of magic and we reflect 100 of damage and 35 of spells basically we are now immune to all normal means of combat alright so I've just fast traveled my way back and well I've basically become a God now in fact I don't think I can die so what's the best way to test this well it's to go to Kovach baby let's go save this city now of course I am level 25 which means that the Kovach attack is actually going to be very different to the normal one that you might have actually played uh because basically the way Oblivion works is it scales the enemies based off of your level which is pretty normal for games the only issue is it doesn't scale it based off of your stats which means if you level up in the fashion I did by just b-lining levels as fast as possible you're actually incredibly understated for the actual event luckily it doesn't matter but hey look there's actually a pretty meaty dude here uh this man he looks pretty spicy but uh luckily for me uh he can't do anything to me I can just punch him over and over again and he is going to die right I've got these uh these really big store Matrix to deal with uh but yeah turns out quite easy quite easy to actually fight them I'm just gonna pop some heels there we go I am completely resistant to all of your garbage there we go easy peasy lemon squeezy ladies and gentlemen we are Immortal anyway apparently they want me to go in and close the uh the gate uh I mean you don't need to we can just walk around it and go straight into converge there you go let's save everyone oh my goodness look at this look at how high level this error is they're summoning spiderlings spiderlings for goodness sake and they're trying to paralyze me little do they know paralyzing has no effect on me um and I can just maintain a block and that is going to do enough to um kill everyone there we go just let me stay here oh you foolish being you think you can hit move your sword and everything will go fine you are dead oh dear the store matronites just blew themselves up on me all right well there is one spider Daedra left so I can just simply uh defeat them job done and there we go Bonk they're dead fantastic stuff we pretty much saved the day there right into this Chapel we go now of course hiding inside this Chapel we have the greatest hero of our time it is of course none other than the wonderful Brother Martin hi Sean beam big fan oh you lovely Yorkshire Tea glorious bastard so yes of course even though we're very high level and we're now facing a very dangerous enemies it matters little for I am a God and how can you kill a God right now in order to basically uh truly see how powerful big Susan has become I've decided to spawn in free copies of umaril here umaru being an incredibly high level nightmare being um that effectively uh just can destroy worlds now interestingly here umaril is going to try and fight big Susan and in doing so umaru is is going to kill themselves um that was an absolute walk of the [ __ ] I thought that would take like longer than five seconds big Susan is not a woman who is easily satisfied and unfortunately for big Susan most men can't last more than 10 seconds around her but that's it that's fine even these weird nightmarish Daedric Gods can't oh my goodness right big Susan what if we spawned in like 20 of them would that help would 20 umaros fix it alright here we go 10 umarils all fighting big Susan one-on-one come on big Susan you've got it keep it up big Susan you're doing great just stand around right in the middle of them you're doing amazing Vic Susan this is gameplay oh my goodness oh my this is just an absolute shambolic mess oh all of the umaros are dead what a shame welcome back ladies and gentlemen we are going to actually face a uh slightly Superior challenge today I've decided to sport in none other than the final boss for the game say hello to mayron's day gone now fortunately I do feel a little bit small all in comparison to mayroom's day gone I mean big Susan uh you know I've decided to make her bigger by increasing her size by two so she's taller than the average human now which is great it means she runs faster now mayron's Dagon has one thousand Health one thousand Magicka and uh does 100 points of melee damage every time they hit which means he has to hit me a whole bunch of times in order to kill himself because he has a huge amount of resistances he is level 100 as well so yes he is a quite the meaty potato indeed now he can't defeat me because I'm an immortal and eventually he will just simply punch himself to death so until that happens I'm going to have to sit here and wait a whole bunch of time oh there we go it's happened it's happened the day gone has died he is um he's doing great guys he's just having a grand old sink into the floor like a giant weird Play-Doh creature yes exactly as Todd intended perfectly balanced and beautiful I mean this dude doesn't even drop any loot he's useless absolutely useless but hey we defeated the boss of Oblivion that's the game over folks we managed it big Susan has done it what a hero what a glorious hero and there we have it ladies and gentlemen big Susan has conquered Oblivion by standing still and doing absolutely nothing and just watching as enemies beat themselves off okay no we can't say beat themselves off uh the enemies just trip over themselves anyway that's all for today's video If you enjoyed it then make sure to give it a like and hop on down to the comment section and tell me what your most overpowered Oblivion build was and if you want to see The Adventures of big Susan continue then why not let's make it so because there's even more we can do to make her overpowered anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of the amazing Majestic sausages who fund these videos I'm of course talking about our YouTube channel members and patrons which you can be for just one dollar slash pound a month you get a whole bunch of remotes it's glorious you can Flex on plebs in comment sections you even get members only videos I know very spicy and hey if you're sat there wondering what video to watch next look no further than this lovely video on screen now chosen by myself Majestic for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,904,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, oblivion, reflect damage, exploit, oblivion exploit, game exploit, game, elder scrolls oblivion, gameplay, money exploit, skyrim, oblivion game, rpg exploit, game glitch, the elder scrolls iv oblivion, OBLIVION IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, 100% Reflect Damage, ELDER SCROLLS OBLIVION IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, unlimited stats, balanced game, elder scrolls, oblivion challenge, oblivion perfect, morrowind, scrolls, funny clips, rt game, spiffing brit
Id: Wx_DlW1kf8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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