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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Brit a professional exploiter and breaker of impossible video games today's willing Target is Crusader Kings free a game that simply asked the question what if the Sims had more war crimes this video is very special though is to celebrate the new DLC of Tours and tournaments Paradox interactive have decided to sponsor me to break the game that's right the developers themselves have asked me to find exploits and have fun now surely this is an impossible challenge the game has been out for nearly three years it has a bunch of updates it's had tons of bug fixes so surely it's perfectly balanced and has no bugs glitches or exploits anyway today we're going to make an immortal God welcome ladies and gents it's the 15th of September 1066 and this is what the world looks like we've got a bunch of powerful Nations like England France Hungary Poland and camania I love a good big car mania don't clip that now in today's video I'm going to be showcasing an absolutely Monumental quantity of x lights because I've been storing them up since I did the last video and guess what there's a lot to show off so we're going to start by creating our own ruler he's going to be the leader of the wonderful Holy Roman Empire ck3 has different modes but one is superior to the others the developer approved mode without mods or cheats that allows you to earn achievements now when making a ruler in tk3 you use a point system positives add points and negatives subtract them the developers use this to say that any character over 400 points is overpowered and consequently not approved but today we're going to make a perfect character with thousands of points and trick the game into thinking it's perfectly balanced simply create a custom character and save them then go into your Paradox documents and find your rulers open up their file and add a easy negative trait like disloyal or Comfort eater then copy those traits hundreds and hundreds of times now for example each time we've added disloyal here our character costs 20 less points going into negative points points that we can then spend turning our character into a god so let's load up our template and see what we've made now our character ladies and gentlemen is going to be Big Dave now Big Dave is going to be absurdly overpowered what I'm going to be doing is basically syncing 100 customization points into all of these skills right so welcome to the game ladies and gentlemen where something magical has happened you see big Davis loaded in and Big Dave you might remember had a whole bunch of disloyalty but here's the thing the game says hey you can only have one trait at a time and that means once you're in the game it removes all of the duplicate traits of disloyalty and we're bam we have just one and as a result our character is perfect my goodness look at this man he receives plus 200 taxes his schemes are always perfect he learned so powerfully and if he wanted to he could probably split a horse in half using just his pinky finger this man is a God now you might be thinking what is the long-term goal of Emperor Big Dave I mean he's an emperor he owns the hre kind of you know pretty high up as far as Society can goes however there is one thing that he desires a holy land so to speak the single most important province in the entirety of this game and Big Dave wanted where is it is it in England is it in Scandinavia no ladies and gentlemen it is the critically important province of cumbum that's right the county of cumbum is over here in the bottom right hand corner of the map and this is exactly what we want this is my holy sight the holy site that I will be getting to hopefully by the end of this video and you are all forcefully strapped in for the ride so in order to do that we need money loads of money now there are a few ways to do that as a Catholic way number one is to very simply scam the pope that's right just go over to the Pope here he is he is looking great with his hat and say hello howdy doodly I have 250 piety can I have all of your money of course the pope will say yes and he will give us all of his money which is very nice indeed but this can only be done a few times because big old puppy boy here is going to want to spend his money and he will eventually not want to give us any of it like the big old greedy bastards he is so consequently we need our own way of scamming people and so we're going to have to probably you know form a cult that's completely fine as don't worry I have a lot of experience with this now next up we actually need to secure Big Dave's Legacy you see Big Dave isn't married so we need to find him someone to marry and it turns out that our lovely Kingdom has The Duchess Matilda of Tuscany this 20 year old is wonderful we've used her in a previous video to show off how you can endlessly Farm divorces for money so we're bam we're going to be recruiting her into our family today and we're going to make it a grand wedding Grand weddings are very special and we'll get to that nice and shortly so we're bam we're going to marry The Duchess Matilda of Tuscany which means any of our children will also inherit all of her land which is a very Jazzy now when it comes to Lifestyles Big Dave's of family men I mean he's big you can fit a lot of family in him so consequently we're going to try and pump out as many kids as possible because we kind of need people to hold on to the land we take next up I'm going to be going down to the true ruler poke which allows us to vassalize people much easier especially when combined with the fact that our lovely Court here that's right the Royal Court of the Holy Roman Empire is a diplomatic Court which means thanks to the developers absolutely destroying this game's balance it means that if we can get right the way up to the end we get an even greater opportunity of vassalizing people which gets yes a little bit cheesy so opening moves we need to have a big wedding we need to make a lot of money and then I probably need to reform the military because right now the military consists of a lot of chaff so without further Ado ladies and Gentlemen let's begin right fantastic Duchess Matilda has chosen to get married to us yes we can begin planning our lovely Grand wedding wonderful this is a new feature effectively if we manage to nail it correctly everyone's going to love us which is a very important now most of these are pretty useless but the very important thing for us to pick up is the Magnificent host Park so yes we are going to host a grand wedding with the goal of diplomacy that's right we probably want to make one nice big friend we are of course going to Target the pope because making the pope happy is always a good idea so we're bam yes we're going to start the planning of a grand wedding whereby basically everyone has to come over it's going to take them like seven months to arrive but yes there are physically characters moving across the world to our wedding look we can even see the path my future wife is taking she's currently here here she is moving across the map it's brilliant and each proven she goes into there's a chance you know things can go wrong maybe she gets attacked you know maybe she eats a mysterious flower whilst Crossing through this mountain pass and she dies these things happen What can you do anyway everything's coming together and everyone's heading over to Big Dave's house oh my God she just died I knew this would happen shades of poisons I called the bloody poisonous now I called the plants Matilda Hal Matilda why did you have to eat the poisonous plant why gee oh my God I don't even have save do I I don't even have a save right that's it Duchess Matilda of Tusk and he's dead there goes my wife God you this game this game is cursed this game is always so cursed right I need to find a new wife um let's go again right so we're gonna marry a Welsh woman her name is Dennis I can I afford a grand wedding this is very expensive you know what I'm not going to have a grand wedding my child is going to have a grand wedding and this is very important because um another grand wedding that would just be far too expensive ladies and gentlemen bam I've jumped into the middle of the video when you least expected me with a glorious opportunity the first 9 000 people to like this video will receive the blessing of Big Dave himself as he will raise your diplomacy stat to 100 now go into the comments and flex your Superior lexicon to those plebs who weren't here first so anyway as I said I need as much money as possible so what I'm going to do is construct myself an additional Castle because the more castles I have the more money I can make so I'm going to build a castle here in the county of Marburg they might be saying look spiff castles cost 400 gold and they take five years to build so for this bad boy to pay itself off it is going to take a millennia luckily for me ladies and gentlemen are we gonna do a little bit of shenanigans you see what we're going to do is make sure the game is paused start building this castle and then just abort it and then just build it again and then abort it and then just build it again now this creates a very interesting thing whereby the game is continuously stacking the fact that we've started the construction of the castle and this means that no building the castle is not going to take five years instead it's going to build as many times faster as the amount of times I selected it to build which by the way costs me absolutely nothing to do so bam I've done it a few times we're now going to start the construction of my castle it does say hey it's going to take five years but uh trust me that's a line oh my goodness another quarter died he died from his wounds can you guys just like stop dying geez now already it's down to four years despite the fact that the bar hasn't even progressed at all and it's just because the UI doesn't really know how to handle what I've done but it's completely fine this Castle is just going to build very fast now of course this doesn't just exist for castles it actually exists for pretty much everything in the game so consequently our lands over here and our Capital where we can build say some nice forestry industry uh that should take three years to build instead we can just cancel that as soon as we've started construction and repeatedly build it over and over again so bam it says it's going to finish on the 25th of September but if we actually on pause you start seeing that uh yes the date and time kind of just keeps shifting forwards as we you know just somehow magic this building out of thin air how's my castle doing oh 15 months 13 months 12 months 11 months now it is only three months away 49 days and one day we're bam there we go so we have ourselves a brand new Castle it really is as easy as that now we're going to largely start by expanding our Empire relatively peacefully in the wind which we want to do that is uh via the medium of vassalization as you can see our court Grandeur already impresses many people and this is going to allow us to just vassalize people with relative ease oh my goodness and my first son has been built here's a quick and attractive boy lovely all right your name is going to be bean grow wise my child being right now I think actually a little bit of war is probably a splendid idea and the best way in which to do this is well you know just beat up France a bit because the more we weaken the French easier it is for us to seize it in future consequently we're going to declare war for hopefully this lovely region down here so we're bam hey France I've got this dude here his name is Joe fair or joffret I don't know anyway we're just going to ask for all of this territory and declare war now he does have one friend and that friend is the byzantinian Empire now the byzantines aren't having a very good time at the moment because they're being attacked by the seljuk Turks and the seljuks are going to do very nicely in that war so we don't really need to worry about any byzantinians coming over here and causing a problem right you join us in 1070 is the invasion of France is going very well and by Invasion of France I mean that France decided to raise its military sail the military round the southern tip of Spain and then land it here now um there's a few issues involving that namely that I've been able to effectively catch their army after recently disembarking and the results of that is that effectively their army is going to die although rather than fight me it appears that they've instead decided to flee into the hills well you know good for you Army are you just gonna walk into Spain yep you're just gonna walk into Spain what a splendidly brave move Mr France man oh and look the French have changed their target they go to the land in our back line what the heck is going on here frauds we're gonna try and Siege down this place our lease okay um the French have gone a little bit mad and now they're going to try and run away which is you know a brave move every time they try and run away through our castles they're going to be taking attrition there we go they just lost 200 men there and then when they move again they're going to take even more attrition so once again these poor fools are just going to continuously make mistakes and there we go they're down to 3 100 men oh my goodness are they okay are you okay France is your brain melting or something poor guys and we can this bold French move of running your men around the hills until they die from attrition it's certainly paying off for the French military and I'm afraid I've now determined it is a good time to attack and oh my goodness I have a daughter they want to be called bado she's a giant and she's robust you know what let's call a battle I mean that's like such an intimidating name let's add an exclamation [ __ ] to it oh dear I pity her future husband anyway our army is finally caught up with the French and it goes about as well as you can expect the uh French military is dying and oh no our Lord Commander has been maimed uh I mean that's a shame but there he killed someone so that's great that balance is out and we'll bam the French have lost lovely stuff so here's the thing a war with France is over and we are much richer as a result of it so it is logically time for us to host a glorious event that's right a grand tournament so to speak so I'm going to host myself a grand tournament now Grand tournaments are amazing they are absurdly wonderful events and especially they're brilliant for us because our care character is just a god at everything this man has wonderful stats so when we enter an archery competition or a dual competition you know things are going to go well now the one thing you want to make sure you do whenever you host a grand tournament is very simple select the prizes to be magnificent prizes this is absurdly broken it basically means that the prizes we're going to get for winning this event are absurdly good and because we're very likely to actually win both events you can imagine it's going to get very cheeky anyway bam I've arrived at my lovely Grand tournament this is fantastic and anyway it's time for the archery contest to begin lovely stuff now it's time for me to show the world my skill as a wonderful Archer and I do have the opportunity to technically sabotage someone ahead of time but this is no way to win Big Dave is a noble big being which means he has no need for it and um unfortunately I step up to the line pull an arrow from the barrel and carefully draw my bow however um I accidentally just impaled a random peasant so um let's just uh forget about that the peel poor people of Bamberg will be upset let's not let one freak peasant-based death ruin the fun now here's the thing the wind is really bad at the moment and I have two options I can either trick count or to go into going first and shooting in the bad wind or alternatively I can shoot across the wind which is what I will do because of my glorious absurdly good prowess well bam I did it I hit the target somehow I basically just neo-matrix that archery contest all right one last knock and there is a good chance I win this tournament come on yes I won lovely stuff of course I did I'm so vastly Superior to everyone else now this gives me a few advantages some injury resistance some money and I receive a prize when the tournament concludes which is exactly what I wanted now oh my goodness hang on a second I can pick up something magnificent oh my goodness this is fantastic one of my vassals has an entire fake replica of the Pope's regalia which I can buy for 290 gold I mean it's going to really annoy my Bishop but who cares it's sold baby I am going to wear a fake Pope clothes oh I'm going to look so good let me take a look at myself I have the fake Tiara this makes all of my nights better I mean sure I've got the rice Stone which is like technically better but who cares alright and it is time for the jewel to take place I will first face off against Juke vratislav and of course with my amazing statistics I'm going to break this man's poor leg oh dear but all I have to do in order to win is very simple I must remember my training yes use your trading's power and progress the victory 100 does this mean I win do I win have I won please tell me yes please tell me I am I am victorious Duke varatus life has been knocked out now it is a jewel so there's many many bouts to be had here my next fight is Count Ludwig a glorious Seducer however he is 58 years old so potentially a strong Breeze is going to kill him now in this Jewel apparently Ludwig is not even bothering to fight me instead he's playing to the crowd however instead I will Flex for the crowd and this is what a real man looks like yes getting some glorious Fame and um yeah in terms of defeating him we should be fine with just a good a bit of remembering my training and were bam hopefully glorious Victory Is Ours yes glorious Victory count Ludwig has been knocked out my final fight is against count fibo here uh it should still be fine he has basically got no prowess and I've injured his leg again and once again just remember my training and it should be an easy Victory Big Dave is an absolute tournament machine my goodness and there we have it I have won the jewel contest I have won both of the contests of my own glorious tournament which means not only do I get a bunch of gold we also pick up gifted duelist and a lovely prize is about to be mine so what a great occasion I have won the prize bowl and the prize ring both of which are absurdly good items my God look at this two additional nights and plus 10 Independence ruler opinion is absurdly good if you want to vassalize people and most of all prize ring plus one domain limit how is that even allowed on an artifact oh my goodness so now if I just go find an independent ruler they just like me more of course they do the wonderful prize Bowl it works every time oh and lovely we finally picked up true ruler which is plus 20 off of vassalization except charts which as you can imagine uh is immediately going to slightly break the game a bit so Ben we've picked that up and now we can vassalize even more neighbors so we can vassalize Duke Raymond barunga the old of Barcelona hang on a second all the way over here Mr Barcelona bad sure why not I was definitely not expecting to just be able to waltz into you know Spain and steal the entire Dutch in Barcelona but hey we managed it oh and what's this my wife wants to come up with a name from my new son that's right my new genius handsome second child you want them to be called Big Dave of course it's Big Dave it's Big Dave the gigason oh my goodness you are the chosen one my boy I will personally educate you oh my goodness wait I can't personally educate you because I can only educate two children right okay first son I'm sorry uh I'm not educating you anymore she's gonna have to find your own way in the world Big Dave is taken priority this child will be mine you my boy are going to be trained in southern Glory something powerful something terrifying right now I've just done something um very sneaky indeed I'm going to migrate my Capital which is something you can only do once per lifetime but basically I'm going to move my Capital over here to Cordoba now Cordoba is probably the most powerful province in the game of course excluding The Majestic cumbum over here but Cordoba has a lot of money and I need money and also it allows us to do something very sneaky you see by moving our Capital here we are going to become involved in the Iberian struggle and by becoming involved in the Iberian struggle suddenly we can now actually start offering vassalage to everyone in the Iberian struggle because hey guess what we're part of it too now guys you can't ignore me so yes we can pick up Aragon that's right they're going to become our vassals we can then move on over to Navara Navara hello my friends I just need you to realize that I'm now literally bordering you and with bam you're going to accept vaselich so effectively we just moved our Capital over that's going to allow us to get very sneaky and just effectively gain all of Spain which as you can imagine pretty powerful indeed very useful now here's the thing there will always be a few holdouts like for example this guy here who now hates us because he desires all of the nearby land that we've just stolen uh but one of the best ways to get around this is to just quite simply befriend people you see by befriending this man over here if we succeed to make him our friend we're going to be given a bonus and that's going to allow us to effectively vassalize him right welcome back ladies and gentlemen you might be wondering what on Earth we're doing what we're currently on a grand tour which basically means we go from duke to Duke meeting them all and generally trying to find ways to get money off of them is this is a lovely taxation tour now the joyous thing about a taxation tour is that every time we visit someone we get many opportunities to gain hooks on them as well as also gain a reason to imprison them because every time we leave a castle the local king or Duke has to pay us money and if they refuse to pay us money we can imprison them legally now this gets very spicy because effectively I have free imprisonment rights on almost all of the Dukes of my land now as I have no idea why but the AI never seems to pay the money despite the fact that they definitely can they choose not to which means I can just arrest them for free alright so fantastic that's my lovely tour over I gained 450 renowned 2400 Prestige and I gained magnificent liege which means I get loads and loads of money and everybody loves me let's not forget the fact that now a whole bunch of people can potentially just be imprisoned by me this is very important anyway uh the next thing I have to do is I have to go to pilgrimage because I need as much piety as possible so if we're going on a Pious pilgrimage let's go all the way to Cologne we're going to reduce our travel speed by 20 just to try and max out as much party as possible alright so we're bam let us begin 900 gold on this pilgrimage but it's very important I need piety in order to create my fake religion and my goal is to make the pilgrimage as Pious as possible make it basically perfect and if I can do this the piety reward should be absurd thirdly high oh my goodness I'm about to pick up something absolutely absurd oh my goodness I gained spread religion for five years which is plus five piety per month which is then increased by modifiers okay so we're going from 19 party per month to just 29. that's an extra 10 party Bubba for five years what the heck game that is not balanced all right I'll then uh pick up this as well in order to gain accepting so my party game per month isn't up to 32. there we go that's fine oh fantastic I found St Joseph's firm this is the end of my pilgrimage I gained 2 000 piety that is obscene okay right I guess I I'll probably be able to stop forming my own religion now wonderful and my true son that I really want to inherit he's grown up look at him he is absurdly good he is maximum Diplo education oh my goodness this boy is fantastic right the time has come ladies and gentlemen the time for me to create my very own religion a new formation of the Christian faith it has of course come bum uh single follower is a [ __ ] bummer many followers are comers and of course we must reclaim the combo this video is definitely getting demonetized oh God uh go to the comment section to say nice happy things I mean family friendly terms that'll make everyone happy anyway our lovely religion is almost ready Let's go for a bright lovely pink on the map now the reason of course we want to make religion is very simple this lovely thing here called communion characters May seek indulgences from their head of Faith basically they pay gold and in return they receive piety now this is a very very very very very powerful what this basically means is when characters have issues they give us money for piety which as you can imagine is very powerful anyway in addition to this uh 89 of my vassals will convert to this new Faith so we're bam this sounds brilliant to a bam the new religion is upon us the Glorious religion of kanbum now of course it's very useful to have your very own religion because what you can do is you can just you know declare war on literally anything that borders you like say the entire Kingdom of Croatia or the entire Kingdom of Hungary Heck if you're feeling spicy you can even go for England right I've decided that uh in order to continue our glorious Journey we need more land more land for who more land for my brilliant children to inherit that's right big Dave here he doesn't have any land of his own so he deserves some kind of kingdom and I'm thinking you know just the kingdom of France so that's exactly what I'm going to do we're going to declare war on King Hues of the kingdom of France it's going to be a kingdom War for the entirety of the northern kingdom uh he might be assisted by the English but you know probably not anyway well bam declare our war we're going to Simply raise up our lovely armies near the border all right let's raise up all of our armies right here's the main stack 16 000 men and a hundred catapults we are now going to begin the grand invasion of frauds oh my goodness and the English have indeed joined the world look at this they've sent over some troops and they're trying to besiege the Netherlands lovely I mean it doesn't really make much of a difference as you can see we've got a breach in this wall so I can just send in my men and well bam that's the first Siege complete right time to detach the Catapult there we go and send off the Army to go and attack the English lovely jubbly meanwhile you two can just group up and begin The Siege process oh and here we go the English have just realized that they probably are not going to beat me in a fight and uh it's too late I've arrived and oh my the armored Horsemen I have are powerful 162 damage each yep I think that's uh an easy stomping in fact it was so fast they all died oh and there we have it our war against France is over so wabam this is all of my new land oh my God right let me find my son all right I'm gonna give all of this land to my genius son uh peon uh he is quite good he's genius this is perfect well bam he gets all of this land and he gains 1480 opinion of me what a glorious man he's going to become right the time has come to actually start moving towards our goal of actually reaching our holy lands now in order to do that I've decided to call the First Crusade The Crusade for the kingdom of Arabia which has um caused a little bit of a stir to say the least uh there are 56 000 soldiers standing against us that's right 56 000 men that's all that stands in between us and our glorious total Victory now in order to actually do this all we are going to need to launch quite the mighty Crusader Army so we are going to first assemble here in the boot of Sicily here we go it is time to raise my Army my glorious Battle Force hopefully we are able to win because certainly uh the numbers are not on our side there are a lot of very very angry people about to try and murder us but don't worry I'm feeling very brave indeed we're going to amass all of our armies into one giant Doom stack of 30 000 men 21 Knights 110 catapults 600 archers 28 000 peasants right man let us first sail and deploy ourselves over in Beirut and it looks like the pope is going for a crusade who is the Pope's Crusade against the Pope's Crusade against is against me okay uh launches in 16 months all right man looks like you've got to go and win this Crusade relatively fast because there's some angry Pope guy who really isn't happy with us all right here we go we've arrived the 30 000 men deployed upon the shores of Beirut how long does it take us to Siege this bad boy down just three months okay this should be nice and fast alright and if we assault and lose a few hundred men okay that was more a few thousand men uh we can have the siege done very quickly there we go that is Beirut occupied straight on to the capital region we go oh look there's our first Army that we should hopefully be able to attack yes there we go decisive Victory yes it is just 600 men but we're bam wrong place wrong time that's a successful start to the holy war right well the double Crusade is actually going relatively well um we've managed to accumulate our 30k stack of men and I think this should be the nice decisive battle for the kingdom of Arabia they've got a few Stacks here that we're going to be able to catch out meanwhile if we flash on over back to Italy our vassals have swarmed up really nicely around the city of Rome and so yes this is entire city should fall for us in fact if we do a quick little assault the uh the city of Rome should fall very fast and if we manage to actually capture the Pope I think that's basically War over so please come on Pope because please Pope because no we get 57 gold but no poke that's fine and uh we do have this lovely battle going on here where our glorious Big Dave is absolutely smashing it oh my goodness wonderful oh and you send in some reinforcements you fools you fools you think you can reinforce this no you cannot but I don't know what the AI is doing now they do just appear to be suiciding their men into me but that's completely fine uh we should hopefully have this Kingdom for Arabia wrapped up shortly and as soon as that's done we can actually focus on the city of Rome which now has been unseaged by the Pope's armies but this was fine it was to be expected by allowing this to happen we've been able to distract the Pope's forces and kind of stop them from consolidating a bit which is ultimately what we want so that I can keep focusing on my fight down here well um the paper AI did something amazing they decided to attack attack me in mountains which um it's a bold move and it's safe to say it didn't pay off for them oh God sadly uh my core physician has been killed that's fine but hey once again the pope we're about to see John Rome and our Crusade for the kingdom of Arabia that started three years ago is now over we're bam say George is with us and the Holy Roman Empire has expanded yes the kingdom of Arabia's title is now ours all right there we go one holy war complete time to finish off the Crusade against the pope alright and Rome is about to be Siege which is going to be the end of the Pope's first attempt at a crusade uh so rest in peace that's puppy Wars over what do we get for this oh my goodness we get 1 200 piety and five thousand Prestige why not oh dear oh dear the poor broken cross yep it's gonna be a while before the pope can attempt to pull off something like that again So Glorious stuff for us all right and here we go it's finally time for operation get rid of the Pope and by that I mean we've just started in the duchy of Rome which is very important actually because I have big plans for the place because what I've decided we're going to do after achieving our glorious goal of annexing our holy side is to restore the entirety of the Roman Empire now we only need a handful of more locations for it we need Palestine Antioch phrase Alexandria Athens Croatia and thessalonica but once we've stolen all of those that's fantastic now unfortunately I can't quite interact with these lovely Indian people over here just yet but I can interact with this child so what I can do is technically Crusade for his kingdom although that does seem a little bit extreme is there anyone yep I can do this holy war for this Kingdom which I have a border with and then kind of work my way around the coast right and also we are fabricating our claim on the critical County of cumber we are getting very close to actually annexing it which is very nice indeed right ladies and gentlemen hello hello hello it is finally time on the 17th of November 111 AED it's time for us to declare war on the kingdom of Andra in order to claim our glorious holy site that is right the county of cumbum shall be ours let us simply declare the war now I must prepare my Army for this arduous task you won't charge in with a giant stack it seems completely unfair instead are completely and perfectly skilled execution Force led by Big Dave himself will handle this alright here we go we've arrived and well would you look at that their army doesn't even want to fight us the first Army of cumber oh you shall be the last Army it is going to be our land soon and yes of course Very successfully we've managed to um seize the capital oh and we even capture the King which means uh the war is over however I would still like a fight so men charge of those poorly defended peasants yes glorious success okay how did that fight go uh we lost 24 men to their 3500 yep that seems fair to me anyway this land is mine thank you ah we did it oh glorious territory the County of cumber is now ours this is by far the most desired County in all of Crusader Kings free in terms of territories we need in order to form the Roman Empire we are quite simply missing phrase Antioch Palestine Alexandria and Athens which should all not be too complicated at all right and here it is ladies and gentlemen 1120 A.D our lovely Lord hope Big Dave king of beauty noblies of the come papacy is here and tears ready to declare the creation of the Roman Empire not only can we immediately mend the Schism between the Orthodoxy and our religion but we can also simultaneously form the mighty Roman Empire here it is ladies and gentlemen oh it is magnificent oh let me change this here it is ladies and gentlemen the Big Dave Empire stretching from the Far Western reaches of Europe all the way over to our Mighty holy site of the county of cumbum this is my glorious Empire which we built today in just 53 years using only features the game developers have personally approved to be put in the game as you can see achievements are still enabled no cheats have been used this is perfectly fine oh my God what a nightmare I've created what a glorious glorious beautiful nightmare it's fantastic and I love it and there we have it ladies and gentlemen this has been ck3 is perfectly balanced we started as just a humble emperor of the hre and grew to becoming the absolute overarching lord of the entire world thanks to us converting most of Europe we have infinite money we have infinite troops and we are unstoppable the Journey of Big Dave is over for now but if you want to see more glorious Crusader Kings 3 maybe even a live stream then hop on down to the comment section and let me know of course a massive thank you to each and all of you who liked the video and hey maybe some of you even subscribed if you want to check out the CK free DLC yourself there's a link in the description and comment section no pressure and of course there's always a massive thank you to each and every one of the lovely YouTube and channel members for funding these glorious videos you Majestic sausages and hey if you're looking for a video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now chosen by myself to be lovely for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a glorious day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,468,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, ck3, crusader kings 3, crusader kings, ck 3, perfectly balanced game, tours and tournaments, ck3 tours and tournaments, crusader kings 3 gameplay, crusader kings iii, the spiffing brit, ck3 gameplay, exploit, ck3 exploit, ign, glitch, bug, ck3 tall, infinite money, 100 stat, memes, gameplay, game, sims 4, cities skylines, project zomboid, CRUSADER KINGS 3 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, everything is broken, CRUSADER KINGS 3 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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