Can I Survive 100 Days in Hardcore Survival Mode? - Perfectly Balanced Skyrim Challenge #live

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foreign hello hello hello many many moons ago an event started of Epic Proportions on the internet led by Two Loving friends that just wanted to raise money for Oxfam that is the jingle jam ladies and gentlemen today we stand ten years later on the 10th anniversary of the jingle jam this is the Jingle gem 2022 where today we are going to be playing a live game of Skyrim uh For Your Entertainment raising money for charity that's right we're raising money for charity but it's not just any charity fundraising event uh it is an absolutely epic one for your generous donation of 35 pounds to my lovely uh Smith Riggs charity you will get access to a hundred pounds worth of games that you can is there an audio Loop shot [Music] what do I have open what do I have open is there two spiffs detect any other two spiffs I did I didn't beans it did I there's not an audio Loop please or is it just one person that had their audio been stopped a hundred pounds says one thousand pounds uh it's a thousand pounds uh it says a thousand pounds sorry there's a thousand pounds worth of games do I say 100 pounds yeah that's a bit of a that's a bit of a bundle a bundle on my end there's no audio Loop cool that dude just had two tabs open thanks Guy um welcome back to the Epic all of the music's back yes lovely um welcome back ladies and gentlemen so yes with 35 pounds you can get access to 1 000 pounds worth of games is there a list of games uh yes yes there is um if you search jingle jam 2022 games list there's a big list of games I put my favorite ones on my page but I couldn't put um couldn't put all of them in like tiltify limits me to like only having 500 characters which means I can't fit in like all 80 of the games or whatever uh but yes bam today's a great day we get to play a video game we get to play Skyrim uh we get to raise money for charity and yes it will be very good um yeah there's some fun stuff you can yes your money gets split evenly between a whole bunch of Charities I'll have a quick chat about the Charities actually um because it makes sense if we got like a chiller Skyrim song Oh this is Chill Skyrim there we go this is perfect charity talking Skyrim song yeah so there's 12 Charities um I'm not going to go for all of them because there's like there's 12 Charities uh but there's some really fun ones I'm gonna talk about my favorite ones um I could have chosen one individual charity this year instead I just chose like all of them because I felt that was better because otherwise I would just overshoot the fundraising goals which is what happened last year so if you don't know what happened last year um we didn't do a stream but the reason we called the fundraiser spiffbreaks charity is because last year we did a community post and then we've raised so much money they've ran out of game keys for the particular charity we were fundraising for um and like cancer research UK massively overshot their mark it was quite quite entertaining we raised too much money for charity so we then switched to live flights and we helped them smash their goals as well so that was insane um this year luckily at my request they made it so that I could choose to Target not one particular charity but all of the Charities which means all of the Charities benefit which is wonderful it's why it's called Smith breaks charity because yes last year we did break charity it was yes a bit of a mess but it worked out everyone benefited uh this year yeah all of the money is split between the Charities I didn't want to single one out but there's some good ones uh my favorite and the one that I guess this stream is mostly dedicated towards is campaign against living miserably or calm it's a charity that basically helps teenagers and young adults and supports them kind of like in a campaign against living miserably in the way you would because you only get one shot at life and there's a lot of like stigma around being sad and not enjoying your life and not really being able to talk about it and it's a great charity for helping individuals who you know need just a bit of need need someone to talk to and like a com conversation in order to redirect their life and that's that's what that charity is there to provide so that's where some of your money's going to today anyway we need to play some Skyrim today ladies and gentlemen my job is to survive a 102 days in Skyrim um yes it's very useful um very very good indeed this is our goal so um I've modified the game a little bit knowing there as many mods as the last video where we survived 101 days this is 102 days version the only mods I have are a few UI mods and the alternative start mod we are going to be making today ladies and gentlemen a very very special character we're going to be creating none other than that's right not not Rihanna keeps we're going to be making his long-lost cousin that's right Keanu Reeves the OG finally the Mr breathtaking man himself I thought why not let's put him in the game he's he's not been represented yet so the real Keanu Reeves right here live for charity uh and we have to somehow help him survive 102 days which oh God it's gonna be a nightmare um 700 plus sneak equals win yeah we could do that but we gotta get Keanu in um now we do have a few like I I don't necessarily know what restrictions we should have I'm gonna leave it up to you guys basically in chat if you want there to be if you want there to be challenges and restrictions let me know let me know if you want there to be I don't know a limit on the amount of weapons I can use like maybe I can't use heavy armor that's fine maybe I can't use magic that's okay maybe I can't use potions okay don't say that one don't don't you dare say that one no weapons no weapons oh my God no weapons oh no weapons oh weapons as a paint play with only one arm don't think that's possible well I have to alternate between my hand on my mouse and my hand on my keyboard that sounds horrible no weapons no weapons and no potions that would literally be magic only magic only so what you want me to be no potions only food so magic only with no potions Connor Brown suggests the rare concept of no game no game is not an option okay no weapons no weapons no healing magic we can't do no weapons no hilly magic no potions God what if it was food only healing that would be terrible magic only and no what was that no combat magic spells oh that'd be horrible that would actually be horrible staff only staffs only could be fun no moving no moving no no stream challenge no stream yes crossbow is only oh God I hate crossbows stealth only the one HP well we're playing on legendary difficulty in survival mode you practically are playing with one HP um potion only potion only can be fun because you basically make poisons and then put them on your weapons which is actually quite fun kyani most only dual wield staffs John Wick style dual wielding staffs God what if we went for a stuff stealth build could be really fun the staff build could be good oh but I feel like that's not that's not limiting enough I do like stuffs though weapons Only You Can Craft well then it would be way too powerful and I just craft a really good weapon um will this stream be a video later yes it will I'll leave the VOD up because when we leave the Vodka people will see this Rod here and then they can still donate to charity this like the jingle jam runs until the end of December you can donate 35 pounds from here until the end of December and you'll get 1 000 pounds worth of steam keys to do whatever you want with you can keep them all you can give them to your friends you could so so you could do whatever you want with them I'm not going to say what you can do with your tax-free charitable donation because at the end of the day you can expense a charitable donation and um who knows what you do with the keys I'm not saying it's unlimited free money but I love charity and I love this event um no Fortify Restoration Loop well we're not going to do a fortify Waba Jack only oh oh what if we did a Weber check run oh my gosh only crafted stuffs can you even craft stuffs Weber Jack only could be good okay um Connor can you actually I'll make the poll I'll make the poll um it's okay we've got a few choices it's either going to be um Skyrim limitation only which if you don't know is a staff where when it hits an enemy a random effect happens on them um I'll also add shout only could be quite fun and then I'll also add no weapons no weapons and no combat Magic sounds horrible I'm guessing I'm also not allowed clothes in any I'm not allowed clothes with that one okay so no weapons no combat magic no armor that one sounds like hell just have to be a naked man somebody tier one zombies over and over again God what do I sign myself up to this will be good fun Shield bashing only Shield bashing is actually really quite powerful okay Shield bashing's great because that means I'm like I I have a defense which a defensive quite is quite good no fast travel uh we're playing on survival mode so you can't fast travel anyway uh I don't know how many of you guys have ever played survival mode but it's hell you have to eat food and you have to sleep if you don't eat food all of your potions are weaker if you don't sleep you're just massively weaker it's insane like I think it's if you don't sleep every like four hours in game you end up where like the potions you take are 30 less effective which is so horrible to play with it's so bad okay whatever Jack only has has very clearly won okay right um great um oh God oh God right Weber Jack only is you chat you are horrible um right for causing this suffering you're hereby required to uh like the stream you must legally do it I've got uh web check only okay now we have to make Rihanna keeps um skin tone he's quite a quite a light boy um sorry not Rihanna who keeps Keanu Reeves gosh it's so easy to mix them up one's a famous celebrity and the other's just some actor dude um he's a beautiful man though oh gosh Keanu what a handsome handsome boy he's not that bulky in terms of weight so we've got to like slim him down a little bit he's kind of like mid build probably like this yeah like this he hasn't quite got the tree trunky arms um I think that's a good skin tone for him complexion wise he's not that age you know like he doesn't age that much the legendary Keanu um would he have a scar of course you'd have a scar he's fought in the legendary John Wick Wars he has to have this giant scar across oh yes the side of his face that's looking good uh we got to get the color done because that's generally generally what I need done first I need the hair color sorted and the hair color of course has to be black so that is the legendary color of Keanu Reeves um he knows Kung Fu he does know Kung Fu um I'm not gonna do Keanu Reeves impression because he's just like you know American um I can't do that okay what hair can we kind of go for this question it is these are all really quite good this one I think could be could be some of the closest we've got okay I'm oh this one this one is pretty close to how it nope this one yeah this one is very close to how it is in the real life yep pretty happy with this one um I you know sometimes when I look in chat on a live stream I get some really good advice like um uh like hey use this spell this is great and then just sometimes sometimes just YouTube chat just says like a word like someone just said Argentina like I don't understand if you're like just add a keyboard okay and you're watching a live stream of someone plays Skyrim and you're just like hmm yes I make good a good addition to live stream chat Argentina so what is that addict oh damn it now the chat's famming Argentina what have I done no gosh Chad please please this doesn't need to be the Argentina stream okay he's got quite like a H look at these yes tasty he's having a snack he's having a snack guys um it's not going to be a perfect Keanu but it was never going to be that he has big bushy eyebrows though I love him with big bushy eyebrows let's make him big let's make them chunky chunky let's make him actually quite narrow Rihanna sorry Keanu has uh surprisingly like small eyes um so we need relatively small eyes um I feel like that's pretty close his eyes are brown however we can just go for ethereum me after playing Skyrim legendary survival mode for two minutes yeah this uh this is the most realistic one yep that's um that's pretty much it it's it's literally how I feel but I have to record I don't want to play Skyrim again Todd why are you making me please I just want to be free I just Please Release Me From the hell oh gosh oh oh it's amazing nose type um we just need a big long nose like that's quite a good good long nose needs to go down good big long nose lovely big long big long nose lovely nose oh we got our beautiful boy it's looking great oh I'm so proud of him we've done great ladies and gentlemen entering into our world and finishing a naming our character it's none over then oh Keanu Reeves ladies and gentlemen here he is he's ready and I don't want to play the game anymore okay so sorry Keanu but you have to you have to keep flag you've got to keep playing There's No Escape I'm afraid from this fresh hell you're doing this for charity Keanu that's right this is for charity okay next up um it's uh we've got a whole bunch of options so where would you like Keanu to start bearing in mind upon spawning in he's pretty much going to have to drop whatever whatever he's got on him and just pick up a Weber Jack and go uh if he dies that's it literally to stream over that's it surprise me oh gosh seriously surprise me uh oh no oh no I hate to surprise me option but we're gonna have to drop down a save oh we're dropping down to save save new save here we go um ladies and gentlemen I've got to make sure I've got all of my settings on to where they need to be system settings gameplay yep we're on legendary good um Yep this is all fine this is all fine cool so rules of the challenge today ladies and gentlemen we can uh wear whatever armor we like we can't use enchanted equipment so we can't use like an enchanted chest piece to give us a million Health that's kind of cheating uh we can only use Waba Jacks and so we're going to dual wield Weber Jacks and then that does mean I'm gonna have to give myself some like gemstones to start with which should be useful um and then yeah that's the idea gemstones on Connor Brown is from Cornwall Connor Brown is not from Cornwall where is that message coming from my head Advent is not recordable I wouldn't hire someone from Cornwall right ladies and gentlemen in we go here we go oh gosh the things I do for charity where are we if we die this is it by the way game over straight away what what can I hear what can oh oh I don't like this hi harcon uh oh I'm a vampire hi harcon oh gosh oh my goodness what is going on I've become a vampire I knew Keanu Reese was a vampire it made sense why it looks like he never ages um the heck was that noise there was a big old thud outside uh what is this you know what I'm ready to learn about my new powers why not okay do as I instruct lovely harcon what's up with your eyes oh my God my eyes look even worse now oh assume the mantle of vampire lord okay right so I have to go to magic um the UI takes a bit to load okay it looks like my UI modes haven't loaded correctly [Laughter] oh my God foreign ladies and gentlemen um we'll be back in five seconds oh gosh let me put on BRB they put the BRB on okay give me a second chat I've got to close down the game save the cave there we go very nice very nice system quit game lovely quick to desktop don't worry look the technical difficulties are just part of the streaming experience like you don't often get this with other content creators and that's just because they don't care as much as I do I like a good bit of good bit of Broken Live modding that's what I'm all about I properties local files tell me where my skse 64 is um there we go lovely get that bad boy loading up Shutterstock moment this is indeed I had elevator music look elevator music is copyrightable Shutterstock is also copyrightable but before I talk about it all right please what I load in please have the UI work please have the UI work otherwise I'd love to turn off all my UI mods ah Skyrim Todd why does it not work Todd I literally worked five minutes ago like literally Todd Todd we had a talk about this you said you wouldn't do this live to me um what I'm missing is Skyy why isn't it Skye you why get that on um enable deploy there we go it deployed fine okay that that is it sorted now lovely right load it back up wolf was there a woof was there a corgi woof it just works look it's Skyrim it's it's a classic um donations made during streamer audit automatically made to charity right no if you make a donation to me uh I will give the money that people have for some reason given to me to charity but don't donate it to YouTube donate it to the charity link that is pinned in the Stream chat or in the description because otherwise YouTube takes a cut um yeah so make the donation also if you donate here you don't get the games you have to donate on the link because I don't know who you are here I don't have your email anyway but i'm load it in press continue come on Sky your way maybe it'll have made my other mod that I wanted to have work work oh yeah that fixed it perfectly bam easy game okay live stream welcome back ladies and gents look oh look I can see my inventory perfect I mean you can't because I put text in front of it but still right assume the form of the vampire lord this is my final form I'm like a Pokemon brap here I am vampire lord an ability I can't use outside of this because of the limitations I've placed upon myself and I can only Waba Jack I can drain life or like an orb and then oh blood magic blood magic blood magic yes yes I can turn into a swarm of bats yes Bats Bats Bats yes the orb I pawn to the orb orb pondering yes should you run out of magic blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah switch between Magic and my like Oh I'm a Beastie Boy now why me I'm sorry vampire cattle but you didn't pre-order cyberpunk you bastard yes yes yes I'm a vampire look at me floating look at me walk on the ground like a goblin yes yes Goblin thank you harcon I can't can you speed up this elevator pitch please challenge failed look this is still the Preamble I've got a oh God vampire lord perk tree I'm a vampire lord oh I like Twilight oh look at me I Sparkle oh I Sparkle cool thank you har gone that's cool how nerdy of you there's much to learn I don't wish to learn it I wish to Waba Jack let me Jack people oh oh wait no I got a second that's got a holy dif holy different meaning like can I untransform now one last thing yes oh wait hang on a second I just realized something I'm a vampire in survival mode which means if I'm out in the daytime I'm going to get sizzled by the Sun which means I have to move around in the night time which in survival mode is horrible it's so difficult oh my gosh we've got a task for me um sure I'm ready to carry out the task I'm I'm not gonna do that I don't care about that anyway ladies and gentlemen it's time it's morbid time it's time for me to turn back to my human human form mobbing to oh wait no that was bat form time bats all right um where is it how do I how do I get out my power how do I get back out of the power is it wait I know I can wait and it just goes away it's morbin time it's not gone away help I don't want to be a vampire anymore B is not it f kill yourself I cocked well that would be a mission but that's expensive hello there vampire people hello there dog q q revert form thank you it's morbin time more bin time yes yes the key I need to press was Argentina you will write chat you were very right okay um it's time for the Weber Jack which means I need to immediately proceed to the weberjet quest upon starting right um so it's time to open up into Skyrim and enable survival mode your vampire blood boils in sunlight survival mode ladies and gentlemen time for an introduction into what survival mode is uh in survival mode you need to eat sleep and stay warm if you don't do those three three things your character becomes a pathetic piece of paper if you don't sleep your potions do nothing if you don't eat you have no energy and you can't do combat if you don't stay warm you will have no health and you will slowly freeze to death you also can't fast travel we have reduced carry weight and leveling up can only happen when we sleep yes it's horrible so of course we're going to enable it and how do I get off of this freezing cold Island do I just use the boat will the boat Let Me Be Free please vote I can't swim back to Skyrim don't you can't make me swim back to Skyrim anything but that anything for swimming um is there anything in this little Tower now oh I can climb up the tower maybe there's a goodie box up here I love goodie boxes please let there be a goodie box no no what is this game design Todd why would you do that to me why would you do that um we need to go quickly you are right we are freezing to death and we have a limited amount of energy in the day um vote yes it does work I can just vote you're cold okay here we go cold reduces your total health represented by the dark region in the health bar yes stand near a fire to warm up you can slow down how quickly you become cold by wearing armor with high warm value eating hot soup and holding a torch um yes so we might need to hold a hold a nice warm torch bam I swore to Jetty we've arrived is that a fox okay fox is fine there's a wolf over there that's not fine I realize I'm I'm meant to be Weber Jack only but I don't have a weapon so I might need to like give myself a weapon um before I immediately died where am I even on the map where's my nearest town oh it's gonna be Solitude oh it's so far away oh my God this is gonna be impossible oh god um you okay so for the recording process of the surviving 100 day series I have to be so careful because anything Canon will kill you like I I can't remember whether it even made the cut of the video but there was a point where a mud crab did 90 damage to me and I was left on like 10 health and there you go the codes just hit and so my maximum health has just dropped I'm now down to like how much health is that that looks like 90 to me 76. 76 health I'm also getting hungry um what items do I have okay I'm gonna permit myself to use the crossbow until I get myself the wapper Jack unless is there a type of magic that maybe is is better no I'll get my Battle Cry set ready oh gosh uh the game hates me you better run yeah try and run when you have no food in your system um and it's not like I can kill that rabbit for food because the rabbit will then give me food poisoning That's just How the game works the developers hate me it's fine um okay so we need to go up this hill which we can't do from this side I don't think no uh that looks like maybe that way we could go I know we may be along the coast we can I think there's a way along the coast so that's what we'll do um how long before Space cheats spiff is not cheating a cheat today is a cheat for charity and cheating charity is 66 help I'm not even gonna make it to Solitude before I freeze to death oh my what is that okay Hawkers Hawkers are fine Hawkers are manageable oh my God oh my God okay we're on the hawk as we go why did it have to be here why did it have to be here why couldn't it have been somewhere warm why Todd lower steep full Borough there could be fire down there but I can't risk it because there's definitely enemies down there maybe there's fire on that wreckage like maybe there's a bit of warmth there if we only encounter Hawkers we're okay because we can ignore them because it's the 9k viewers that's nice you know what you can immediately do chat convert that to 69 000 likes wait I mean 6 900 likes that's how it works um by the way just to let you know uh we're not the only people doing this charity fundraiser there's like the main York's cast fundraiser uh and then there's Community fundraisers off of the side of it and our community fundraiser is doing the best uh by by quite a margin I think the next Community fundraiser after us is raised five thousand maybe seven thousand Pounds but ladies and gentlemen we've raised a hundred and 152 000. which isn't insane amount of money trades for charity like when I when I like dabbled in it last year I was thinking uh maybe we'll get 10 000 pounds maybe we'll get five thousand pounds and then I didn't even do a stream last year and that's a bandit um okay um health potion was necessary health potion was very necessary there's another Arrow coming my way I can see it okay crossbow out oh my God why am I freezing why am I freezing to death I'm literally freezing to death I'm limited to 46 health my God 20 Health okay potion potion potion potion potion potion potion potion potion so dead we are so dead we are so dead don't understand how dead we are oh my God we are soaked this is it this is this is literally day one death wait this is day one death right here this is can I eat an apple like is that gonna help in any way shape or form nope not of course not okay out another potion needed oh my God oh my God ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching today I'm joking I'm joking um well that's our first character dead oh my God literally like 10 minutes of life 10 minutes of life main menu game uh effing traffic Keanu Reeves um now we need to make our next character the deceptor otherwise known as Todd Howard himself we need to make of course classic Todd Howard um just like the most evil looking guy we can find he's looking lovely and evil yes yes lovely it's a bit like a goblin perfect stuff here toad of course has hair this is known he has a beard probably I think he's screwing it out maybe okay this is going to be Todd Howard doing his own challenge Todd Howard go okay whatever Jack only impossible we're now going for no we're now going for no combat magic and no weapons and no armor so we can wear clothes and that's literally it um and of course we're gonna have to kind of surprise me again oh gosh surprise again okay so no weapons no armor just basic clothes uh no damage dealing spells so we can't use like Fireballs we can't use those really strong Elemental spells um let's go chat here we go no exploits oh oh this looks nice survival mode yeah turn it on oh is this an all cold this looks like an all cold to me oh Bandit I'm a bandit of course I am Todd Howard famous Bandit hello there my Bandit brethrens I love oh yes this is good this is good okay so um uh immediately the only spell we can use is healing because these are destructive spells uh and I have to drop all of my clothes because that's that's all armor we can't wear any of that we can wear this pimping gold necklace a ring we're looking baller um but yes no armor um we're in Skyrim as a bandit which I feel like is a safer start than middle of the freezing cold okay we're also not too far from Falkreath um Falkreath isn't exactly the best spot though kind of very cold uh I think there is a I think there's a village over here or like over here I can't remember there's there's one around here somewhere yeah okay it's definitely not here yeah because white runs over here the village I'm thinking of is over here we could make our way up to White Run um because the issue is making our way to Falkreath is useless because they have no they have no like Fast Travel Horse but then again they would have a wizard do they even have a wizard but yeah we're literally stuck to only illusion magic and and uh conjuration magic I think is literally it um now immediately I'm going to need to find myself some clothes um or maybe I need to make myself some clothes I've got some tomatoes and potatoes though that's useful um I can lock pick my own chest why not what have we got in here uh gold lock picks and Soul Gems that are useless yeah that's fundamentally useless there's a helmet there that I can't use a Warhammer that I can't use oh a book that increases my archery well that's great can't use a bow um yeah I mean it's nice that we are a bandit but at the same time they haven't really got anything for me oh Alchemy boy hello Alchemy boy we conversion to fire I'll take that I'll steal this I'll steal all of this magical potion okay that's a little bit better that is a little bit better we we take our wins oh I'm peckish I'm feeling peckish hello you're just having a having a little joke okay that's fine that's fine um right I mean I love my banded reverence but I now need to go into the world of Skyrim and I need to make my way to spells as fast as possible um this are this is there a spell Merchant in folk Reef I think there isn't a court wizard right in folk Reef shouts are okay shouts are okay non-combat shots so you couldn't do like a um you couldn't do like a flame shout I think um what's your Bounty oh I have a bounty don't I have a bounty oh oh no you're probably right crime oh I've got a 1 500 gold bounty in Fall Creek okay scrap code to folk Reef we're going to Whiterun baby where they don't care about extrajudicial oversight either Todd Howard has been selling one too many repeat copies of Skyrim and consequently must now Escape there is a wolf over there that is a wolf um if the wolf sees us the run is over so we are going to get very good at stealth their gods they're Gods wait can I just submit and go to jail I could just submit and go to jail right what the heck is going on are they fighting foulmore what is this storm clogs verse valmore wow what a fight hey at least I get some loot off of this and they don't really care about me they're just kind of like hanging out but I mean I know who wins in this fight and it ain't the Stormcloaks straight to jail would be fun uh but alas no no let me just um loot this have you got some like oh there we go cloves with they'll provide warmth um and a torch a torch will also provide warmth okay we'll take that okay I'll put on some cloves and I can equip a torch or is it they're in like misk aren't they they really should be in weapons because they're so useful oh here we go don't mind me just vibing whilst you kill each other hello there walk away walk away okay yeah I'm walking away don't worry don't worry far more guys don't worry um this is available business yeah just walking into the woods and killing a bunch of people good on you fell more having a grand old time um you've also got another torch I'll take that just in case I need one and you've got nothing of value for me okay right off to Whiterun we go yes I love white run uh place it as a marker I don't think we can drop off of that Cliff there I mean actually maybe we can I feel like I should stick to a road oh this is a road okay right now stick to it take the amulet I can't take the amulet we're not wearing no fur boots the fur boots provide an armor rating chat armor rating you think I can wear armor no no shoes until we find I don't know Merchants shoes or something pathetic like that that doesn't provide an ounce of protection we can't wear fur booties fur booties protect from the warmth yes but they also give us a protection from combat and we are a non-combat boy this looks like a place that isn't immediately hostile Hunter's rest we can make food anyone in here Hunters are in here I'm detected I am hidden I am detected I'm hidden let me read this archery increase lovely skill I can't use lovely steal from chest won't do that wow nice hunting bow cool I will use your cooking spit and then I'll be on my way I can make potato soup tasty potato soup mmm soup delicious let me eat my soup when I'm hungry I'm actually already hungry I can search this elk for food there we go elk food can I make like leather clothing from this no I can just make base leather I mean I guess that's something we'll make make some liver cool um right onwards towards White Run which I guess is this way still yes this way now I've got to be careful when it actually comes to running across the world which is something you don't ever see in the video because we mostly cut out the traveling section um but basically I have to continuously micromanage my stamina because I always need enough stamina to run away from combat encounters and that means you can't ever really run in an area where there is even a slight chance of combat happening because if combat happens you are dead like for example Straight Ahead we can I can clearly see that there is a dude there who will 100 have the intention of robbing me and I would need stamina to run away from him and if I was running I might not necessarily spot him so I just have to give him like a big old birth I mean for all I know maybe he's really friendly and he just normally stands with his knife out in public environments but I can't make that risk um yeah and so we must wiggle around wiggle around wiggle around good boy go Todd what does spiff aim to do if you can't combat I can combat I can do non-combat spells and that means illusion and conjuration now illusion means you can just get your enemies to fight each other which you know many of you might never have done but it's really powerful if you just cast fury on a bandit and then suddenly your banded enemies are fighting each other rather than you meaning you don't need to fight them or if you do they're distracted which makes combat easier and you've basically got another Ally on your side so very good is man friend man is not friend man bad bad man he has knife okay chat if you vote Yes in this poll you need to increase your street smarts okay just a little bit oh dear right down the hill we go being careful not to break my legs because that's the last thing I would want is to break my legs beautiful Skyrim with nice working legs is what I want yes why chat chat please you're in danger to yourself you've got to be careful you can't go up to the man just because he has has working legs and minor weakened nubile um right okay onwards we go we've got a nice brisk jog oh I'm gonna grab some mushrooms because even though I'm not going to really be able to do much with potions today because potions just take too long for a live stream format a version of this um my goal is to hit 102 days which means I do need to you know actually um make enough money where I can afford to stay in an inn for 102 days which I think is somewhere around like the 10 000 gold Mark um which is more money than I I think I've ever made in this 100 day series normally yes that's so we need to make a lot of money um oh there's an orc there I mean he could be friendly I feel like that man could be friendly but once again I can't make that judgment I can't know if he's friendly I also can't know if he's a bounty hunter because then he might just you know arrest me oh [ __ ] wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves nor ignore the Wolves safely away from the Wolves good there we go lovely yes if a wolf finds us now we are dead we die chat that is how it works man not friend yes free hugs are not given by that man oh there's a puzzle over there you can tell because it has a snake on a spinny thing okay we've got enemies of 12 right as well I mean of course we probably do in Skyrim they're everywhere this is like the most hostile landscape the universe has ever seen oh better than that it's a bandit camp it's a banded camp it's a whole bunch of dudes sitting there and drinking do not want to deal with them um that's an elk that seems fine okay we're almost at the Watchtower which is like relative safety so there's the Watchtower up ahead and then we've got white run Beyond it so yes quite good pet dog team wolf give wolf kiss give good scratches air scratches for Wolfie um no wolf eat and then I did it's that simple chat don't trust wild wolf dangerous okay there's a man walking by himself on the road which means that we shouldn't get any more combat encounters on this road so I feel safe having a bit of a jog and he looks like he's not going to engage in combat evening from Australia mate well I'll tell you what this game has in common with Australia all the wildlife wants to kill you and is exceedingly dangerous I reckon they probably have giant frostbite spiders in Australia too like that's probably where Todd got the idea um full frostbite spiders this man definitely is friendly this guy's friendly we I feel fine saying hi to him you're like a traveling Bird right salga The Wanderer there you go knew it he's a Bard lovely um I don't need any bad stuff but good for you bad boy um I also can't deal with those Bandits so I'm not going to I'm going to go around the bandits yes lovely round the bandits we go Hoppity hoppity hop Hoppity hoppity hop oh and there are some guards maybe oh no this is just people having a walk some rich people on their way to a wedding probably yes I think this is the wedding guest party oh and actually there's an abandoned house this abandoned house might have clothes um these cloves uh could be good no it's just a bed well in the very least we have a bed we could sleep in so I guess that's something there's the floor chest with seven gold that's that's not very useful floor chest but thank you hey sneak cool does accessing a chest while sneaking give me sneak skill that's fun um right I wonder if these white orange guards will arrest me if they do that will just teleport me to White run right um probably okay you're a bodyguard you're fine okay um chat do we do we approach the White Run guards because then we'll know if we're hated in this region too um I mean it could be dangerous it could be dangerous Rob them okay I would only Rob them if I have some kind of spell that means they wouldn't immediately chase me down and kill me with a bow and arrow approach the guards okay right here we go let's go say hi to the white ring guards and hopefully they don't immediately aggro hello what do you need what is the death I'm no elf I'm a video game developer um oh there's an angry wolf over there okay we're gonna walk with this bodyguard party because I'm gonna need them to deal with that wolf over there um but yes we're fine we're fine we're at 6 000 likes as well thank you Chad get up to eight thousand you can do it I believe in you why not push for nine thousand dream big dream big oh wait you mean I need to reset my goal okay you're right I do actually need to do that is that just a wild horse there is just a wild horse that is definitely a trap that has trap written all over it that's the biggest trap very trap um that is honestly like a trap remix level of trappage get the horse no what a terrible idea the worst idea ever I would catch some butterflies instead much nicer than a horse horse won't kill me when I try and get it oh right we've made it to Whiterun which means we now need to make enough money so that we can afford to um uh yeah so that we can afford to I don't know uh create well buy enough illusion spells so that we can actually do some combat stuff or I don't know a follower or just a raised dead spell could be used for like Tundra skeleton skeleton could be good we could probably clear out some places with visceli we'll also need to make some food we just need like basic resources and a lot of them um hug a giant that's not a good survival tip chat um if anything I think in the Skyrim manual that Todd Howard himself made um hugging Giants is like strongly advised against not because they're violent they're very misunderstood creatures uh they just you know they've all got really really strong contagious diseases um yes right we made this a white run they're gonna be like stop City closed oh wait no it's not of course not because I'm not the main character of this the quest so it doesn't matter City why would the city be close to lowly Bandit Todd Howard um the goblin Prince um all right I think I need to make some money and I have a whole bunch of like ingredients here so I might just sell my ingredients to Merchants because I'm sure they're worth something right and that extra like few hundred gold might be able to um to make me a bit of cash let me see if we've also got any quests on the uh the little board that maybe some gubbins quests where's the notice board is that a quest forward around here somewhere I swear there's a quest board or is that just is that something that one of my mods added I swear there was a quest board in Whiterun at some point I thought that's part of the anniversary edition oh well I could be completely losing my mind completely losing my mind um oh dear thank you thank you weird bots in chat did you know that you there's private dating chats thank you bought with creepy Bots bambot that's lovely I didn't know that you could have a private chat with an individual crazy it's wild and it only costs you four hundred thousand Bitcoins oh wait that was just stealing that was badge and depressed e very bad weight I am a thief how much theft can I get away with let's give it a go let's give it a go day one baby fevery unlocked look The Cauldron lady doesn't know him in her house right so there's nothing stopping me just from borrowing her cheese no herbalist guide to Skyrim nice cool okay she'll never know okay she will know that's fine hello there got some potions would you like some potions um what do you got for sale I've got some potions uh okay I've got some ale for you you'd like ale baked potatoes no I'm not giving you my baked potatoes butterfly wings and mountain flowers you'll pay literally nothing for but that's honestly still worth it I imagine yeah that seems like it's still worth it lavender's not worth it but Nightshade is we'll sell some Nightshade sell these purple mountain flowers like I just need like maybe a few hundred gold few hundred gold and I can make my way up to the keep make a little bit of extra cash cabbages I can't sell my beloved cabbages or my potato soup I love potato soup oh I saw that aversion to fire thing yeah okay and the rest of this I think I can keep I've got 255 gold I think that should be enough to buy a base level spell don't be suspicious don't be suspicious it turns out it's hard to to not be suspicious we let me go this way just borrow some flowers borrowing some flowers I love flowers mmm flowers lovely maybe Bella Falls is a better location because Bella Falls has wait can I just like still here I feel like I'm detected here definitely that's a bit too obvious Bella Falls let's give Bella Falls a try okay Balfour take a look around um can I just like steal from your house yes there is another way in should let me steal like food but that's not really useful okay you haven't really got anything useful at all I'm sorry Bella four you've got anything like upstairs that's good is that just like your bed this is just this is just your bed okay well you're like living a real Bachelor Life Bella for wow true capitalist Bachelor dream I live in my shop um right let's let's try by that spell I want that spell I want to spell wait I realize bellaful probably also sells the spells that I'd want that's actually a good idea bellaful could have been a good shout to trade with he'll also sell clothes and I will need some shoes maybe even a hat join the Imperials I could actually join the Imperials maybe we just do the Civil War you get paid for doing the Civil War and isn't that lovely who doesn't like paying for Civil War um I know I did I'm not saying which one I funded but it was one of them um right hello there fahrengar I'd like to buy some magic I've got magical skills that I can feel it in my bones okay so we can't use weapons so a conjuration of a weapon is still a weapon so we can't use that calm is a spell we could use um so I hate the sound of your feet slapping please buy some shoes okay fine fine if you donate to charity or buy some shoes if if we get up to uh 100 150 7 069 I will buy shoes for Todd okay but he's a poor man and I'd rather buy conjurations about flame after that could be good whoa also the elemental bolt is so powerful that's the most powerful spell literally in the game full stop it is so good um at all levels it's so much more powerful than all of the other spells uh okay I mean raise zombie not good uh we we just need like a summon rather than a a conjure because it's just reanimation illusion and alteration to actually improve our armor could be useful um no you can't pay me this isn't the charity there's a charity Link in the pinned comment uh pinned sorry pinned live chat and in the description if you donate 35 pounds to charity you get a thousand pounds away for games that's pretty good I I think that's great value I've bought it literally every year and I paid I mean currently I hold the highest amount donated to this uh this fundraiser I've I donated 11 000 pounds um not yesterday the day before yeah first of December 11 000 pounds which is money I got because you guys watch adverts thanks guys allowed me to give to charity and tax deducted against my company's income isn't that wonderful okay Fury is good that will um Fury and calm are a powerful combination creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 30 seconds but I feel like we do need a summon like familiar could be good that's just kind of like summons a rat but a flame after Nike is so much better so let's see if we can get up to 300 gold we're gonna have to sell our necklace and our other necklace but we can do it just by keeping our ring and I'll CL actually we're going to sell the ring as well by keeping our clothes alone we are able to buy summon flame woman it's literally it um what are pounds in real currency I'm not sure but it should tell you on the website what the the quantity you in your National pay needs to be so there we go we've got a country of flame after an expel so we can now do magic um oh my God [Laughter] I don't have enough Magicka to summon my flame wife look at this look at this Magica needed to cast 132 total Magicka 92. [Laughter] oh my God I'm so screwed that was all of my money that was all of my buddy chat oh gosh okay I've got an idea I've got an idea I've got an idea I'm gonna ask to join the companions that I'm gonna steal there uh steal their all their stuff and sell it okay that's my idea I'm gonna join a society and then steal the stuff from the society that's my idea oh also uh just so you know how much survival mode sucks if I want the blessing of Talos I must pay a hundred gold it's just like the real church it's wild oh you want you want to be loved by your creator that's gonna cost you 50 spiff coins for every blessing from our Lord spiff um I wonder if yeah we should be able to just like join the join the companion straight away oh my goodness they're fighting yeah go go go fight fight fight kiss kiss hug hug hug kiss kiss hug hug hug kiss kiss High School um can I join the companions please yes I well I don't I just want to steal your stuff oh code like okay code like where is code luck where's my boy if I remember he might be like is he downstairs I think he studs downstairs um I'll speak to the leader of the companions I just need to join so I can just Thief all of the stuff out of their houses [Music] all right you're down here aren't you coin purse don't mind if I do oh coins any other coin purses purses ah shoes boots these are the boots these are the boots did I just hear a sword being pulled I did okay it's fine these are the boots boots gold we got we got shoes we've got our shoes yes yes the shoes lovely lovely beloved shoes I love shoes hello I'd know how to handle my shelf now that I have shoes on but I might detect it let me just close this door hidden take coin there we go they've let me in I'm just borrowing their coin I promise I'll pay it back one day let me just any other coin in here coin or a book worth 30 gold can I oh I would have to steal that still anything in this case nope Apple cloves more cloves good we love cloves coin good stuff that's another coin pouch stolen we're literally just going through and just borrowing a boring in quotation marks coin um from everyone here go lovely right let me um oh there's another going past there past that point how much gold are we up to 162 gold that's easy chat it's that easy you didn't see me borrow it's not stealing if you shout borrow as you do it [Music] nobody in here there's nobody in here take that coin purse 16 gold take that coin Plus but it is owned can't take the bed can take the gold because it's mine now more gold oh yes that's 20 gold oh yes this is getting so good it's getting so effective why is there a brewery in here is there gold in here gold gold gold yes my gold my gold sense is a tingling right perfect okay now let us join the companion so we can then physically steal the other stuff without being flagged stealing um yes hello I would like to join the companions oh wait are they going to make me do a fight if they're going to make me do a fight then I'm not gonna be able to do it can I buy your channel for 1.2 million um yeah sure uh give me give me the 1.2 million um into my my 100 legitimate business account um and then I'll run away and I'll keep my channel good deal good deal yeah there's a fight isn't there read this nice two-handed skill increased oh I've leveled up I can get 10 more Magicka oh uh how am I in battle I have much to learn steal that go 42 gold unusual gem coin purse okay we're doing good we're doing good we've stolen we've stolen enough gold um we've stolen 300 worth of gold wilcus um I'd love to join you in the in the yard and see if I have what it takes to to fight uh I don't because I can't fight I can only do non-combat um so that's it I'm out uh right I I don't want to fight sorry Lucas a pleasure doing business with you thank you for all of your Luke guys it was really nice to meet all of you I'm sure you have great personalities bye bye perfect right time to go learn country Familia and then we're going to use a wolf to fight the world all right there we go stuff stuff up here we go hello there is older um in two white run we go stealing gold seems a bit Scottish to me wow real civil engineer I can't believe you'd say that in my live stream chat wow where I'll see rce welcome my friend um I'll give you a little bit of a rundown if you want to know what's happening the goal is to survive 102 days in Skyrim our first character lasted about 15 minutes because we're playing on legendary survival difficulty which is insanely difficult we have to eat food let me put it this way um because I haven't eaten food I'm a little bit hungry and that means all of my weapons are 20 slower and a 50 less effective with shields and sneaking because I'm hungry that's right my sneaking is 50 less efficient because the sound of my belly rumbling is like notifying all of the guards then fatigue the fatigue means that I'm drained so total magicker and uh stamina regenerate 25 slower total magickers reduced and Potions are 20 less effective that's insane however because I'm warm pickpocketing is easier and I'm more resistant to Frost isn't that nice and um because of my because I'm a darker if I'm 50 resistant to Fire and 50 or 25 resistant fatigue which is actually huge in this game it means I need like 25 less sleep which is which is good that's really good right uh what do you got for sale um I would like your summon kind of familiar there we go this is like the base level summon spell if I still have money calm could be good um but so could Fury creatures and people up to level six will attack anything nearby that would be good because we can get like Bandits to fight each other yeah we'll grab that okay let's read these two books bam and Bam there we go can I actually use kanja Familia let's see kanja Familia 94 cost 88 Magicka okay so as long as I wake up right before I cast it I will have just enough just enough Magicka to cast my familia yes yes I need to sleep um started streaming 69 minutes ago nice that is nice that is lovely Chad um but yes we're also streaming this for charity so uh you can spend 35 pounds uh give money to like 12 Charities of the jingle jam and receive a thousand pounds worth of games if you donate via the lovely fundraisery link I have there is literally no limit to the amount of times you can do a 35 pound donation you will receive the gift every time so you can I don't know spend 35 pounds and get all the games for yourself then put in your mates email and get them the all of the games and repeat as many times as you need until every single person in your family has a copy of Warhammer 40K Gladius and then what you want to do is host a multiplayer Tournament of 40K Gladius and then beat their asses when you pick the towel because they won't have picked the towel and that is the most overpowered faction in that game and I love it if you don't know what Gladys is it's basically 40K save six and it's really fun I really love it I've always also every time I've played it I'm pretty sure I've won um so maybe my opinions are biased right into the banded banded way we go um I need to sleep I need to sleep uh right you haven't used your poke point I can't use my perk point this is survival mode guys legendary survival mode I can't level up unless I sleep so I'm going to sleep a 10 gold for a room how much gold do I have like 11 11 Gold 17 gold I'm rich um what would you like cabbages would you like my cabbages would you like my POG fish I think I need my poke fish actually you don't want anything I have on me well I'll take a room for you um and also actually have you got any leads um some of the young men came by and left his Bounty letter Nice kill the Bandit leader located the silent Moon camp yeah I'm sure I'll be able to do that uh there have been rumors of suspicious activity around Helgen Legion patrols have been spotted in the area travel to Helgen oh oh that's pretty cool I see I've got a mission to travel to Helgen and then I'm gonna go there and be like oh no there's a dragon attack that's actually quite fun good job alternative starts mod anyway this is my room um I don't even own the cheese in the room that's just for observing apparently right time to sleep um I'm gonna sleep for 11 hours 11 hours wake us up nice and early tomorrow hmm is this on Twitch too no no this is not on Twitch I'm a YouTube only streamer because YouTube is perfectly balanced for several reasons uh number one if you're watching the stream and you like the stream the stream gets pushed to more people which then means the stream grows which creates this nightmare mess equally if you chat fast enough the stream also gets pushed to more people um yes it's a bit silly and a bit overpowered but you can just summon people out of thin air right I'm going to get novice conjuration so my conjuration spells are cheaper yes okay so how how much is it now only 47 to cast country familiar lovely that's fine so we can cast it probably twice my character is now famished so I need to eat some food let's eat some baked potato soup there we go two bits of potato soup lovely good lovely and good there we go just need some soup and I will grab some use the cooking spit tea look at the chat go see look chat faster more people come it's just literally that simple right let's make some cabbage soup and that's it I need more salt that's what I need salt piles so I can make meals oh well God you guys are just everywhere let me out into white run okay so we can now summon um so well bam what do we summon a wolf look at him hello there Georgie who's a good cookie who's a good Corgi who you're like okay yes you are a good kogi what big eyes you have what big nose you have what big teeth you have what big cookie you are your big big Corgi my goodness I'm speaking of Corgi and Georgie I actually even have a Christmas jumper and I decided so that I got to put her on the back of it so yeah my Christmas merch is a giant Corgi on the back of it because you know I feel like when you reach a certain level of YouTube Fame sure you can just slap your logo on a jumper or a T-shirt and sell it to people or you can make merch of your own dog because that's the clothes you would want to wear and I get to get them for free so I'm not saying that the only reason I have merch is because I'm just making the clothes I want to own but I am all right let me just get all of these lovely supplies oh my little conjuration has disappeared so summon it again I think every time I summon I get points into conjuration nope it has to be in combat okay so summoning you there is pretty useless but that's okay that's okay have I got any like iron on me anything I could do like smithing stuff with maybe no I've got absolutely nothing of that value in my inventory um I suppose I've got like tanning I could do which would give me experience maybe I got some leather strips that I can probably sell for like one gold each hello there do you work the forge or day yes yes take this sword up to the farmer father yes I'll do it I'll do it yes or that will give me money yes that will give me money deliver the sword to prevent us I can do that that gives me money um deliver the sword I don't want to train kill the Bandit leader definitely can't do that um okay chat you can stop spamming chat you can stop spamming I need I need access but yes we could make gold from this and gold is good hello there are you always drunk [Laughter] you're fun oh my goodness are you always drunk yes but totally if I could help it but it could bad what a good man um right I'm gonna get a little bit of gold from this and then I think we're gonna do our first combat test quote on quotes um I'm going to go down into the like the graves where I know there are like some skeletons because we should be able to use the wolf to fight the skeletons um because if you don't know how like legendary difficulty works I do I think one I do 25 damage to like NPCs and enemies and they do two times as much damage to me which is of course not good that means that I suck however um summoned creatures that I have don't have such a limitation they just do their normal damage I just think the enemies have like slightly more health or something like that um anyway I have a sword from your daughter there you go oh take some few coins few coins come on give me some coins coins just like 20 coins that's something whoa we are making money we're making money yes for 7500 gold we can buy a house I'm so poor I'm so poor God even afford clothes I'm wearing stolen shoes stolen shoes take plate money money money money money money money money money don't sit don't sit don't sit don't sit they're not gonna notice they're not gonna notice they're not gonna notice look at all of this money they just left lying around [Music] um tables it doesn't matter I've got their goblets I'm the Goblet Goblin there we go thank you oh I've just accidentally opened up the GeForce experience I'm not I don't want the GeForce experience yes I opened White Run look we can't exploit infinite money with the merchant exploit we have to do this legit that's part of the whole surviving in Skyrim for 100 days we have to legitimately survive for a hundred days which means sometimes yes stealing all of the silverware off of the Yards tables Goblin mode okay look I was actually just colonizing their table spread um that that's all it is like I was just making sure that you know the British law of Finders Keepers was in effect which it now is it now is and we can rest easy knowing that it is um but before can you open up your damn shop I have gubbins to sell let me sell my gubbins to you boy thank you any mods uh just UI mods um no actual gameplay stuff what have I got for sale here we go gubbins candlestick oh wait no that's yours oh my God I was about to buy a Candlestick for 72 code take my bowl my bowl my goblets 20 gold worth of goblets simple goblets some jugs some leather strips you'll take my leather strips this Garnet I found this soul gem you'll buy my 14 plates and some platters oh yes 138 gold we're rolling in it ladies and gentlemen we are rolling in it we are minted we are absolutely minted oh my goodness have you got any like cloves for me any like I don't know hats hats to keep my head warm um would be good nope absolutely none no clothing to keep me warm that's fine um you've now owned a large quantity of goblets that I guess you're gonna now have to sell back to the y'all all right we've now unlocked 13 days worth of sleep thanks to all of the goblets that we've just sold however we also have to think that we have to make food as well so our day-to-day running costs aren't just the cost of sleeping in an inn it's also the cost of actually making enough food to survive each day which adds like another like 20 or something into each daily intake because we got to keep eating food we gotta fat up our boy he's got to be nice and uh chunky we can't have taught Howard starve to death right into the next room we go let's go oh my goodness we're up to 161 000 pounds raised for charity guys good job geez why not make potions this this boy has no need for potions he's just too powerful right if I remember correctly you have an amulet in here um do I believe in the god of death um uh sure yeah I know him well okay right so basically uh he wants me to go into here and find an amulet and in there is a bunch of skeletons uh so yes it's a problem however after we do it I'm pretty sure we can steal all of these like skulls from here maybe like in the very least there's some embalming tools we could borrow is there anything I can steal from in here yeah there's some more goblets which I'm sure he'll let me borrow and a coin pouch or coin pouch converge five gold worth it right let's get some sneaking on [Music] right okay so we can summon um we can summon a familiar is what we can do what else can we do we can do Fury I don't I feel like Fury is not really going to help us I think we're going to need summon and heal so we summon our familiar and then we heal all right ladies and gentlemen this our first encounter for combat Cicero has a quest east of Whiterun um directly at the road next to a farm for 500 gold chat I don't trust you for your easy easy quests okay because they're probably a nightmare what day is this this is day two we are on day two and we're doing our first bit of combat and we go skeletons some of that conjure conjure fight skeleton Todd fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight ah I'm dead I'm so dead I'm SWA move move move and they follow they follow they follow they follow oh I know they didn't follow they didn't follow oh they followed oh God oh God oh God okay check those photos check this first joke oh gosh I don't want to die I don't want to die now we just got started with don't Howard uh okay okay um we have a choice do we try and run forward or we do we go back and then through the doors and then go forward I think we have to go back and then and then go forward okay back in back in Hall of Dead Hall of Dead all of dead oh they haven't followed me Devon followed me and followed me here oh they didn't follow me back in failed recover the whoa they followed me back in uh well it's good news that the owner of this area is now dead so we'll just take their gold um they're fighting my conjuration but my conjuration is also fighting back uh I was having another one I was having another one they're running through they're running through they're running through jump jump jump jump jump jump jump out out into white run out into white run and run run run run forward they're gonna follow me they're gonna follow me there's the man who gave me the quest there are the bone boys they're the bone boys the bone boys are here why are they bone boys why are they bold boys white round guard help me with the bone boys help me please with the bone boys okay I'm gonna drink this potion of minor Magicka because it's gonna let me summon another wolf and that wolf will help out with this combat and give me some experience hopefully good job Wolfie how's my conjuration doing uh web 2 level 16. good job oh bone boys are dead four okay let me take your mace and such because I can probably sell it and realistically that's the only thing we're salvaging from this Quest our Quest Giver is dead he's not looking too good Anders I'm sorry I'll take your poke fish and your gold necklace and your lock figures monk boots oh they're probably they're better than our stolen boots okay stolen boots don't need you Monk boots heck yeah gold necklace and pimping silver Garnet ring looking fancy okay um let's Chugga potion of healing oh oh you want to make sure you can take it sure it's yours you're gonna put it on right away they're stolen boots but I mean each to their own I guess hope you enjoy I'm assuming yes you put on those those stolen boots of mine um right okay in we go uh so the dude the dude who was here is now dead so don't really understand how it's stealing because the man who owned all of this ain't alive anymore but that's fine I guess we can't judge look more boots sleep in bed owned uh it's not owned it's it's de-owned or deaded it um I don't think there are any more skeletons in here so I think we are actually safe to enter I love to be careful but I'm 90 certain that's the case um and as that is yeah we should be safe to make it all the way through yep sweet into the Goblet area more goblets yes yes yes yes yes and there's the Amulet of okay which we can sell wonderful uh more goblets to steal more goblets for the Goblet Goblin a bowl you think you can hide a bowl from the Goblet Goblin you cannot lovely stuff there's even a note here Caravan Captain's note cool I will not do that Quest as it is probably dangerous unusual gem located gem located um don't think there's anything up here other than just a room with a book in coin purse 13 gold a block book oh goblet goblet goblet coin goblet and coin the two things that motivate me in life imagine if they combined them into some kind of coin goblet a goblet that you could put coins into or Todd okay that's an idea for Elder Scrolls six you best added in oh okay look you were doubting my survival skills however I would say that was a sell the block book the book is worth 50 gold Why not pick it up because your logic chat your chat your logic makes too much sense okay you have to remember that when I press go live on a stream okay my brain Smooths into like this fine paste um at my gameplay skills also it's moved into like a nice fine paste as well that's just how it works chop wood for money I do not have an ax so I cannot chop for money also an acts as a weapon and consequently uh I suppose actually maybe we could do some high octane wood chopping but it just doesn't seem like the gripping Skyrim gameplay that you're here for whereas stealing goblets now that's gameplay that's gameplay um I'll tell you what I could definitely do joining the Thieves Guild so that way I could use their fences uh that would be really good wait are you okay man man are you okay see good are you okay see God you're too busy to talk right now see God I've got questions Secret are you fine do I need something um fascinating fascinating fascinating happy anniversary Skyrim ladies and gentlemen 11 years 11 years of gameplay why is this locked Bella for how is this logged Bella for oh fine I can't sell the general good shop uh maybe the drunken Huntsman will take it it just works Todd it just works man anyway drunk announcement hello there let me what would you like to buy from me you'd like my ale I'll give you all of that because I can't really use it you'll take my weapons that I found from the floor this Shield this mace and that's about it um wine you can take the wine good nice right that's good have you got salt piles actually because I can use them to make could use them to make food yes nope no sole Puffs okay useless it's fine who should I talk to you for work it's a quest here Battle of Champions uh oh yeah this is like a fight between two people which is useless um Alfred and special Honey Nut treat oh it's Janessa everyone's favorite I would like to hire you but I've got no money God I love having janasa she'd be so useful so useful uh we just had a terrible donation um Rob surgeon said if I had a sister I'd re-release her 19 times two Todd Howard 2022 famous quote um need any help around the forge yeah maybe we can get a bit of money from this it's making me nine dagger there we go here's everything I need to make one go ahead okay right I'll go make a nine dagger um nice iron dagger bam create job done I can also make nails and an iron fitting I'll make some Nails because maybe I can sell them 10 Nails would be 10 value though which uh I mean I suppose if I can sell them for one gold each that's profit let me give it a go let me give it a go bam here's nine dagger oh sharpen it up use the grindstone oh we're gonna get grinding love a good bit of grinder uh [Laughter] uh I can't sell it Oh I thought I was gonna be able to sell my hinge my hinges all right let me use my oh wait this isn't the grindstone this is the grinder Stone I am looking for a sword in a one mile radius the finest sword craft there we go completed won't sell a 50 book but will sell 10 Nails LOL look you don't understand the Goblet Goblin grind set here's your shop and Dagger there we go let's make some armor yes 10 some lever yes here we go turn some level get some leather tanning bam job done bring the lever back by horsama I don't want to armor my horse so bad to make a height helmet yes it's the rest of what I need for a height helmet uh do I make that hair again I can't remember no I have to make that in the Forge don't I I helmet animal collar oh that looks so cute I'd love to make one of those why do I have to make a boring hide helmet that's so much worse oh that's so much worse it's more expensive too I mean I don't understand why making like a leather helmet's better never Scout helmet's way better as well but fine hide helmet it is oh cork bulb arrows would be good as well camping supplies build a campsite when Outdoors that's so useful in survival mode why didn't they tell me about this this is so good is it in here the survival stuff there we go okay it's in the food section of course it's in the food section I'm uh you're new to this stream okay um we're playing Skyrim we have to survive 102 days Bingo like the stream job done experience complete okay tempura hide helmet nice temperate also known as hit with hammer there we go hammered hit job done job done I have the helmet keep that daggering helmet oh yes fantastic you let me keep it so now I'm going to sell it back to you because I don't need it uh but that was nice that was nice that you gave me the ingredients for this dagger and this helmet that you'll give me literally nobody for you you letting your Thief you I feel robbed by capitalism oh this is evil capitalist wage theft um hello there Armand you've got a quest for me and it sucks if I remember correctly have you got a quest for me no you haven't got one um if I remember you have a quest which is just like stop that annoying man I would know it's not you is it Coletta yes someone giving you trouble here we go so basically the man in the drunken mayor is uh being uh being a bit rambunctious and being like hey lady um and of course we don't like that here Todd Howard he's a ladies man so we need to try and you know intimidate him and luckily we can get the gift of Charity from beirun here and that is going to let us intimidate him hopefully I think uh we're gonna have to find out talk to my Cali's in here yes so the gift of charity for one gold boosts our speech stats by a decent amount if I remember correctly fortified persuasion here we go yes speechcraft increased by 10 points for an hour which as you can imagine really good because we can go um hey you need to leave her alone and there you go he says he put you up to it didn't she I'm sorry but that fiery Widow is mine she just doesn't know it yet whatever kale you've got to type um here we go she's not yours stop this nonsense it's persuade yeah speech check past gift of Charity op gift of Charity op there we go job done there we go oh wait take plate take goblet take cup take Bowl take cup take plate take goblet cup no goblets goblet goblet goblet plate Bowl ah jug pot yes yes [Music] goblet goblet plate plate this is so effective this is so good goblet plate the security white red is terrible you know what's even worse the lack of plates and goblets jeez where'd they all go jug plate oh I can't take that ball that's a special Ball but that that plate I can take iron sword take Tankard take [Music] tank it search cupboard and I can take a child's clothing okay I feel like that one that one's useless pot pot strips good good Mammoth task could be useful but that is a big big Thief I search chest for gold that's not stealing wolf pouts glass wooden Bowl can I take this whole kettle a bit heavy but there isn't anything stopping me they can't stop me if I take it all right I'm happy with the amount of goblets I've gotten my goodness mammoth tusk is for request yes it is if I remember it's for the trading lady Quest or something but yeah it's not a it's not a good question so we won't be doing it anyway okay I won't be bothering you anymore there you go I did I'm good with conversation I hit some coin for your help yes Milady 250 gold 250 gold my God my gosh ladies and gentlemen 250 gold 250 schmack of rooneys oh my goodness that's amazing when is the shop going to open up open up shop I need to sell my goods Bella four let me sell my cupboards fine I'm going back to bed I'm gonna rest until tomorrow oh my God we're rich plus refilled from a stool chat chat you can't you can't that's too good that's good that's way too good food ah garlic infinite garlic ladies and gentlemen yes your pot your pot cheese cheese cheese this is no longer cheese or observation this is forever cheese and cabbages potatoes let me at your potatoes woman yes potatoes please Colette you you love my potatoes I had your baskets and leeks Tomatoes leeks yes perfect oh wonderful I've done great fresh baked loaves still warm from the oven if you got any left I wonder what happened yeah it's attitudes lift the Stream look we vented I I don't want to say that becoming a goblet Goblin has like changed something within me but I do feel different um all right let's sell um let's settle some of our what do we get that we can sell Tomatoes yeah I'm not going to use the tomatoes for cooking let's sell all of them uh we've got any no you literally just want ingredients wow useless all right okay I'm gonna rent a room are you joking you just ran to the room for me oh it's still there cool I'll sleep in it sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep we're gonna sleep for another 12 hours and wake up on day three ladies and gentlemen here we go day three um coin purse on the desk that coin purse is stealing chat we don't steal we peruse and procure goblets goblets why can I still not take the cheese in this room like I don't get it I spend I spend gold to rent the room and there's just like hmm here is some cheese in the corner of your room which you can't eat what is the point of the cheese Todd like what is the purpose of the cheese in this rib and the wine like what am I meant to do with it and like it just doesn't make sense I have an end table in here I can get like gold from it there's another one here I can get like gubbins from like more gold and a wooden Bowl why is the cheese only for observation what's the purpose of observational cheese I just don't understand oh the coin purse is actually acquirable known gold nine gold okay I wonder what else we can find in here oh this isn't thieving lockbox lockbox open sesame open sesame seed 61 gold that isn't taking oh Todd oh this is someone's diary uh Michelle has a secret not a bad one blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah don't know it don't care uh when the cat's away something about cat a cat inspect dragons reach dungeons for Clues on a cat a chest with gold and hides lovely I'll take that oh yes we've coin purse money acquired oh this is so good it's not theft because I have such high persuasion that people love me that people love me I could convince them to buy Skyrim again Skyrim 2 a FIFA virtue that's me that's me you just want to buy another one more Skyrim Skyrim two three four five infinite Skyrim forever Skyrim forever Skyrim rabbit salmon pheasant air more salmon oh almost all that venison that would have been theft right let's use this bit let's make some um food venison stew definitely seems like the most powerful one um stews seemed good and then I'll make some soup I think soup and stews are the most powerful so there we go cabbage soup's done job done fantastic all right let's go see if Bella Falls shop is finally open and ready well they're just leaving the leaving stuff on the side now robbing the boots I've got my boots I've got my monk boots on to remind me of the man that is dead over there that was murdered by the legendary Whiterun skeleton invasion of 2022 oh my goodness doing good it's not much but it's dishonest work yes that's exactly what it is that's what we've managed let's have some food um baked potatoes fine we're not gonna use them for anything else cabbage soup um tasty cabbage soup I feel refreshed and happy how am I looking in terms of magic I'm doing quite good we are look at how good that speech skill is I wonder if you want to go up go up the speech tree intimidation and persuasion is kind of useless bribery is good but what's the point um invest 500 gold of a shopkeeper to increase this available gold permanently converter stolen goods with any Merchant you've invested in good every Merchant in the world gains a thousand gold quite good right we have to wait until I think 10 for Bella four to open up or maybe nine yeah okay probably probably nine it's nine Bella four please open up okay 10. level four please open up there we go we're in how much money have we got we've got 621 gold so we can get janasa but that means we need to sell some stuff and we've still got the prices bonus oh yes the speech bonus which means if I saw by value Bowl horse hide parts parts pots we can just sell all of this really other than um my log picks I'm happy selling all of my goblets yes take my goblets and you want my nails and oh you don't want any of these well I don't want to hold on to them so you can have them anyway um uh do you want this this book that you guys were mad that I needed to get there you go it was worth seven gold in the end Amulet of RK uh yep you can have that I'm not a loud Enchanted clothing iron sword you can have that there we go job done trading gold necklace okay we don't need that either we can sell that um Garnet ring we can show that as well 940 gold good profit ladies and gentlemen Janessa fine we're getting janasa we're getting janasa Janessa is on her way into the party she will help us with the combats and that is useful um right Janessa wow I can't steal these goblets this is such a prude Eller in there why don't you let me steal all of the goblets all right Janessa you're hired lead on yes you'll follow good all right let us go um this is fantastic I'm excited to be with Janessa what are we drinking uh I'm actually drinking iron Brew at the moment um and I have a cup of tea as well but I finished it earlier and I'll need to make myself another one at some point but until then it's Scottish beverage time and Scottish beverages it's Scottish beverage right where would a nearby Quest be it's like a basic Quest I think we have a mission to go kill the Bandit leader of the silent moons camp that seems like way too dangerous so what about we just travel to I don't know like oh maybe just like just a basic questing area okay Chad come up with a good quest to do like maybe some of the question is Solitude are quite fun we've been to Riften so I don't want to go to Riften we've done Riften previously Windhelm uh Dawn star not Winterhold because there's nothing to do in Winterhold uh or Markov I'm happy going to any of those um only no oh yeah we said we joined the legion you're right we've got to join the Imperial Legion yes dog Brotherhood we're not doing the dog prophet um yeah I think joining joining the Civil War is a good idea let's head on over and join the Civil War janasa I don't know if you're like apolitical in this but um we're about to get political it's time to fight the elves I mean technically it's the Nords but really it's the Nords are just a puppet piece for the elves um I wonder if the khajita are out here yet no the Khajiit have not yet arrived well they will do soon um still have gold right yeah I've got loads of God 440 we could afford a hat a hat ladies and gentlemen for my head perfect right bjolum I'd like to hire your Carriage I would like to go to solitude the capital of Skyrim and I'd like to go there so that I can joined a civil war Todd Howard's going to commit war crimes baby let's go you're gonna post the whole VOD spiff yes yes I will but only if you like the stream now but actually doesn't influence it at all but liking the stream now is a nice thing to do uh Blue Palace uh dress Quest is free stuff oh is there oh God I'm cold here and I'm tired and I'm hungry God I'm just such a grumpy boy just so grumpy I made it to Solitude so angry now oh here we go post it at the half the speed I can't post half speed Skyrim votes no one would watch it it's too long an experience like I think the longest we could get away with with like a half Speed video is maybe like a a 10 minute long video it's just not built for YouTube isn't built for watching videos at half speed sadly um right here we go bam are we allowing ourselves to fast travel we can't fast travel we can use the horse and cart and that's it it's the only thing we can manage oh poor Rogue there whilst everyone's here if I remember correctly like there's no one watching their shops if I remember correctly right so I can just go into their shops nope you're still here Janessa out of the way we have a limited time whilst there's an execution going on I need to break into people's homes uh your Tavern are you yeah you're a Tavern so Apothecary there we go there might be out watching the the stuff yes nope she's there uh ah okay back up we go back out we go you can't use fast travel in survival mode indeed exactly that's why I said it uh bits and pieces what's bits and pieces oh Merchant shop right here we go please no Merchant please no Merchant please no Merchant please no Merchant please no Merchant please know child boy damn it boy what are you doing damn it boy I'd beat you up if I was allowed to do combat oh there's nothing I could take here hey boy I found your mum it's a hoe I'm saying your mum's a hoe oh no I found your mum oh dear straight out we go um right let's join the Imperial Legion uh we've got some imperialing to do Imperial Fight time come where armor so can't use the uniform that is a war crime you've got to be easily identifiable else you'll wall climbing disguising yourself as a civilian in times of war is definitely War crime but it doesn't matter I'm here I'm here to join General talius do I have some reason to be here citizen I'm here to fight for the empire there we go I suspect we might have use for someone resourceful like you you see this is the nice thing when you join the Imperial Legion they're nice when you join the storm clerks they're like we have to test to see if you are good enough here we go the first stream ever and it's this look I'm sorry of your expectations of what you'd get from a spiff stream but destroyed but it's fine okay um can handle anything you throw me nice if you survive your purse what does Fort Herald said okay I want to see what you did okay I've got to go clear out of Fort okay um oh dear oh you want a champion loyal to the Empire hey it's me oh no it's not me apparently oh I think what he just phased out of existence oh no here he is just teleporting um anyway now that I've joined the Imperial Legion can I steal their um can I steal their goblets no I guess okay I guess I haven't joined until I've done that Quest fine can important NPCs die um in this mode and legend of difficulty like your companions and NPCs can die yes um and they're actually quite likely to die uh I think some of them are still flagged as essential and so don't but there's not many iron mace just lying around it why are they just leaving this gubbins here for a gubbins goblin to steal but it's all flagged and stolen so I can't even really like oh yeah a bunch of stolen carrots that's gonna help we right okay where is my mission clear up Fort heraldstad is um hopefully not that bad hopefully where is it oh gosh oh it's quite bad it's actually quite bad okay here's why that's bad um that is effectively a bandit fort um okay we're gonna go to dragon's Bridge instead and then once we're done with dragon's Bridge we'll head up but basically that Fort is huge and full of Bandits with archers well with like bows and arrows and that's not easy to do um glad to see spiff you're one of my favorite YouTubers thank you very much for your donation I would uh don't donate to me today though donate to charity uh we have a charity it's great you can spend 35 pounds get a thousand pounds worth of game there's a link in the description and in the pinned comment oh [ __ ] I'm sorry Solitude God I'm so sorry you caught me there you go oh I'm such a melon I'm such a melon you silly melon why did I do that I just saw the clouds and I was like yes I want the plant oh dear well we didn't lose much gold so that's fine that's okay um we can manage that I think we could be friends to re-ride you look like a friend you wouldn't opportunity to make some code I'm your man I love money maybe you're looking to make some easy gold sure what do you have in mind things nobody would miss things from over underground or just left lying around in someone's house I agree uh you and your sister are treasure Hunters you like to collect things okay I'm listening oh okay okay find some ships find some ships oh okay right okay this is quite good um okay setting up a wreck I should turn you into into the guards oh okay okay right that's interesting so he wants us to crash a boat uh of course I can't report him to the guards because that's not possible uh I don't really think I want to come crash a boat I've got to be honest um yes because I imagine working with evil evil scan boys isn't going to go well for me um hello there uh here any rumors lately any quests [Music] oh baroness Junior stopped by and he was worried and I so we can head to the court any other rumors oh yes the Shrine of Azura lovely um okay what is this place called the wicking skeva they were smaller back then nice okay what do you got for sale you got anything for me nope you don't want anything from me I'll buy this room then I'll go to bed and then we'll get ready for day four um my God this happened is huge Stephanie's Giant wow my goodness over and Dorian oh my God there's so many people here this is great is this my bedroom no this is someone else's bedroom excuse me Jada God Skyrim experiences right here um around Janessa we go upstairs we go into a room we go there we go this is it lovely let me guess these books are just for observation yep can't borrow these pots don't you dare touch that Tundra cotton or this draft of strength we put on a table why would you put it here why would you even put it why would you fill this room with expensive extreme magical potions and be like yes you can touch none of it why is this platter so big what is this game it makes no sense to us it makes no sense right tomorrow morning sleep for uh eight hours eight hours should be good decorative potions oh oh yes it's big so you can smash the table it makes sense does make sense when you put it like that what if I just don't get it um right lovely uh we need to eat some food some cabbage soup is that enough nope we're gonna need two cabbage soups for breakfast there we go that's enough okay we're gonna make our way down to uh the big old dragons bridge and get ourselves established unless unless we've got some Quest givvies here you're a Long Way From Home oh I see you're like okay you're just a traveler man you're just on an adventure good bow around how about you oh I see you're a um or a spell-slinging combat man but you're not as good as Janessa anyone else what about you you have no business with me fantastic I think you're like one of the argonians that just gets killed right uh I think we're going to make our way over to over to the castle because we're probably gonna be able to grab a quest that we can do on our way towards dragon's Bridge because there's just leaks on the floor who's growing leaks in this like the main street of a city Wild over here we go two cabbage soups for breakfast he's gonna be such a faulty boy he will Todd Howard loves drinking cabbage there's his two favorite things what's your place in the court okay it was just a dude in the court that's fine you're useless fundamentally useless um hello beerling are you like the y'all I feel like you are the y'all yes you're definitely the old um greetings from traitor territory Mr spiffy hello there American I hope you're having a lovely time uh watching my lovely charity fundraiser yes in Skyrim where I'm surviving I'm stuck on Plants ah okay up we go oh no this is the yard that's just someone with a crown on their head oh yes you're the emperor's cousin or something like that anyway baroness is is sad because um I don't know they're just like scared of Dragon Bridge oh you're trying to speak to you I'm sorry I'm gonna do your quest in a moment baroness I'm sorry if I'm getting in your way is this does this make it difficult to speak to the yo yo speakerer wait no what if I just if I just stand here okay does this make speaking to the oldies yeah is this easier for you there we go yes yes this does make it easy doesn't it wait they said just stuff stuff of the Mage like why is it just in a bin with lavender just doesn't make sense okay um cool let me do this Quest aren't you worried about wolf skull cave yep okay so I'll speak to folk Firebrand to um about the cave and then I'll go deal with the cave folk Firebird let me go deal with this cave right cool I'll go clear up Wolf's gold cave that seems like a really nice easy Quest and perfect for us to like it's probably got wolves in it right do not go to Wolf skill for real no not that Cave the Cave will kill you chat do you just not believe in me because it's called wolf skull it implies wolves okay wolves Waba Jack you're right we are near weberjack land okay we are near wherever Jackal and you're right fine we're doing Rabbit Jack land we're doing Waba Jack Necromancer cave well you see I'm more of a vampire so they call me a neck romancer hahaha funny um if I remember to get in we have to talk to someone right not you it's just like some random blind man and then we can have access to to it um it's not you right here are you the crazy man no not you where's the crazy man do I need to be like a higher level there's like a crazy man who says hey you help people and then he gives you the key for the the crazy wing and then that key allows you to um like he allows you to go on your crazy adventure into the Crazy Land uh is you no definitely not you no oh here we are here's my crazy boy here you are you're looking great um hey have a go peace there you go and hey what do you need your Master's abandoned you okay let me find your master there we go here we go so I'm gonna go get his master um from the Pelagius Wing who if you don't know is um uh he's he's the Mr crazy man he's the Mr crazy Weber Joke Man become a Bard please why'd I become a bard I'm not I'm not going to be bad I'm on an adventure I'm on an adventure ladies and gentlemen an adventure to collect oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm I just can't help myself I just can't help myself from stealing like I just see the plan and I just want the plan it's one of the plant about any percent Speed Run it's speedrun Bard College bad speeder hello there all right oh my gosh I got over 5K likes oh my God I'm at 10K likes uh fine I gotta update the thing let me update the goal update the goal um yes update that goal uh four go four we're gonna make it 13k likes yes that's right the goal posts keep moving it's great all right gopro's moved into the Weber check Quest we go um we're on like day five so we're doing actually pretty good in terms of survival survival time is going well um but the web Project Quest will give us the Weber Jack I think it also gives us some other loot that we can sell and then I think with that money that we've earned from selling stuff we should be able to buy enough food um it requires the key don't I have the key I thought he gave me the key do I have to talk to someone for the key gain access to the Pelagius okay we should just talk to someone um here we go hello I want access to the blood juice ring folk asked me to check it out there we go speech speech past I think I can get another speech check here as well there we go yes you can you literally just talked to all of the we get a speech check it's so good oh gosh okay double speech check has given us a level up uh which is good um so that was could I also sleep on the bed for just a quick level up just like a quick quick cheeky love no it's owned so okay if I killed you it wouldn't be owned and then I could sleep in your bed uh right across here we go over to the pelagious wing yes ah Perfect Right There is gubbins a butterfly and a jar lovely purple butterfly in a jar a door we can't get through some wine a lot of wine some meat um evidently there was a big old party here big old fun party geez super fun part is there money back here I just uh some gubbins nothing good some wine fantastic goblets we love our goblets yes we do all right up we go we're about to get transported into a weird mystical world of absolute craziness um but first time for some goblets lovely right into the wild weird world we go don't go too far ahead I'm afraid Jonathan's literally just going to be me from here on out into a different world we go go Pelagius the mad and our favorite geograph the madman we love him he's good fun he's quite a weird one as well but hey at least he's given us some weird food um anyway we'll have a chat with him hello uh anyway I'm here to deliver a message oh goodness this man be careful um yes I know I know ah there we go basically uh we're going to be given the ability to leave I'm just going to skip all this dialogue come on I've done it before I've done it before that's fine so um yes we have to leave with only the Weber Jack and honestly our clothes have been given an upgrade um which is actually quite good and we got a bunch of food here so take all of this all this lovely food knives and forks everywhere as well good stuff goblets goblets look at all this cheese I love cheese okay and how does this mission use the web eject to escape pelagius's mind okay Waba Jack that's all I got I just got that web check out that was cold I can't even access my inventory so I can't heal here we go oh this is the sad path oh assassins wild dogs how what the heck is this what's this what is this talk to confidence oh no anger is defeating confidence oh [Music] look at this poor little guy look at this poor little guy what his confidence will shrink with every hit must bring the two into back okay the confidence will shrink with every hit so you must bring the two into balance okay let's try shrinking the anger okay that helped and then if we hit confidence confidence is bigger that's balanced baby yes we did it I did it another ghost ing um okay I don't know if that helped in the slightest uh let me see if I can shrink you again can I just shrink both of you down oh my God what is this what is going on experience in a nutshell um maybe if you Shrunk the whole thing down a little first I have shrunk them down I've shrunk them down they're shrunk look at them okay maybe if I up the confidence ego confidence is bigger and what if you what if you were bigger nope you're just the same shortness come on I'd like made your boy bigger have confidence bigger than anger confidence is bigger than anger look confidence up confidence up again oh my God he's huge I see okay you needed to be huge not not even normal okay at least he's better and self-doubt has been defeated yeah die self-doubt good job okay thank you chat sorry apparently I'm bad at puzzles um yeah don't worry that's just me game sound sucks is the game sound bad do I need to up the game sound okay suffered night terror okay path of Dreams here we go okay we've got to wake up Pelagius gotta find a way to kind of find a way to wake him up okay he's tormented can't I mean I suppose we could hit him but I don't feel like that improves the situation maybe this like tree stump hides a secret no no okay you're on a bed you're on a bed you're hit by the web Jack oh that's a wolf that's a wolf that's a wolf oh okay I can just summon a wolf I guess the wolf hits him I guess that that does not count as waking him up the wolf is turned into a goat hello goat you're doing great um wake up grab and brush put on a little makeup you're right turn the game up okay fine I'm turning the game up you've even done this before I haven't done this in quite a while okay um I haven't done this in quite a while game is up here you go you best be happy with it made the goat loud now look at this happy loud goat more mushrooms we like the mushrooms butterfly I'll catch a butterfly do I just have to keep punching him summoning night terrors a bandit Chief yes another Bandit chief then I hit the Bandit Chief and turn him into a child and then I hit Pelagius and then that summons a hag Raven oh gosh that is really dangerous and how Graven has instead been turned into a sultry Maiden Pelagius you dog you dog you naughty dog right let's summon the next one okay okay that's an instant death creature that's an instant death Creature if that hits us we die game is over do not let it hit us do not let it hit us do not let it hit us do not let you hate us do not let her hit us closer yep better good hit good hit what did that get turned into got no idea got no idea okay play just hit play Just again okay dragon priest what dragon priest cease dragon priest oh my goodness oh dear okay well we got a little fireplace in the chest that we can't use okay Pelagius I hope you're happy yeah you're looking better already friend you're looking great um we got a campfire we got a great campfire now we just have to go on to the next PATH and use the Weber Jackie stuff well good for me I find everyone being out to get you so terribly entertaining oh dude this is potentially combat one oh no this seems like a combat one oh no pelagius's mother oh fear like a clean oh no Cleaver and make people afraid oh no they have to beat pelagius's brother oh no okay use the Weber Jack to defeat the enemy while they do the same okay who is my enemy though is my enemy an enemy in a combat Arena it's my energy enemy Pelagius himself so I just have to combat turn my rock boy into something different rockboy becomes something different convert that dude into something different oh yes yes I did it oh yes lovely yes there we go lovely we're that much closer to home there we go we've done it oh I've completed the puzzles I'm so good at puzzling so puzzling indeed we did it we've done the weberjack quest which I guess is the only other weapon we're now allowed to use other than the magic hello there show graph hey the guy fixed his mind so there we go we've been invited to go can you let me leave now let me leave I'll take the mammoth Stout it's not in the Sweet Roll and the Goblet let me leave let me leave let me go sugar please let me leave stop talking about the symptoms stop there's something about the symptoms let me leave let me go there we go there we go chat I don't care if you can't hit Daddy Shake graph I don't care I'm going for my portal oh there we go we brought him back oh daryovanian is so happy he's going home keep the Waba check lovely wonderful oh he's definitely the best of the Gods got sugar if it's literally just just the best right good job completed Madness in the minds and there we go back out we go easy peasy lemon squeezy do I get to keep all of the Sweet Rose and goblets yes I think I do pelagius's head bone 250 gold okay sure yeah we got to keep everything we picked up which meant I got pelagius's hip bone and the Weber Jack okay we are on what the youths would say a role a sausage roll perhaps yes into the dungeon we go into the skull lovely oh and a comfy little bedroom to sleep in FIFA virtue we do like the FIFA virtue I can have a little nap here I guess I is the nap the only way I can leave oh my God I just got hit by a pot dangling from the ceiling and I took 52 damage off of me that pot is dangerous Janessa watch out for that port steer clear of it let me grab some Mead Mead is valuable more meat and tankled right to bed okay four that was a dangerous part of death I'm gonna level up my magicker again because I kind of need it um conjuration maybe or Illusion those are my choices illusion could be good for the mass calm yeah let's go for it let's go for illusion okay and we slept in the bedroom and it did not let us leave okay do I just have to go back the way I came I think I did okay okay back the way I came I go wee the quest has been solved we helped everybody we solved some parental issues and everyone is happy back to the Blue Palace we go perfect there we go everyone's happy now I've got my wiper Jack and I can now go to the general Goods Merchant and disperse my gubbins to him yes disperse my gubbins yes fine we'll sound more happy gotcha you are so so demanding you guys so demanding like oh I need more sound I need more volume look at me I my ears aren't as powerful as yours spiff because I don't drink as much tea so my audible hearing devices are weaker and I'm more nubile and I'm oh just so vulnerable and I need protection I need someone to control the sound volume for you oh yes the sound volume I need that assistance I don't have that assistance please Slide the audio slider for me please I need it I need the assistance to slide the audio yes are you happy now chat are you happy no you just talk too loud spiff I'm sorry if that's a problem I don't bite doesn't seem like a problem to me are you saying I talk too loud you saying I talk are you saying I talk too loud are you chat are you saying I talk to you like is there a problem with my microphones my microphone too loud future is my microphone too oh is it fine now it's [Laughter] uh creatively sure if it sounds good for you chat it sounds great let me show some cupboards um Forks they could all be sold goblets goblets jokes knives the hip bone the plates butterfly and a jar I want to keep the job butterfly um one moment oh my God yes oh thank you so much uh Connor Brown just came in and gave me a a cup of tea um he's been staying at the house to look after Georgie whilst uh on the days that I'm away for the jingle champ so big thank you to Conor Brown in the chat guys thank you so much he is a very nice man oh we got all these fine clothes to keep us warm as well good that is good all right what do you sell slash do you have a like spell book Fury spell okay so we know this one um this is an illusion spell a novice illusion spell I think right if I remember correctly which consequently for us is now cheaper um yes only 29 Magic good that is very good okay perfect right now we're going to go to that cave can't I get any exp uh no he gets he doesn't get experience for making tea um he actually gets exposure books um it's a very rare currency uh if you guys want to work for me as well you can also get exposure books um I need more sound I'm not turning off the volume again I will just rub to your eardrums if I do so uh right there we go country country familiar and fury I think are the two spells we're going to need now we need to go clear out a cave oh the Cave's up there I thought it'd be like here in like a nice location that's not a nice location at all uh uh God I might as well go to the Fort if that's the case okay how much money have I got 530 gold okay we're gonna rack up some days we're gonna progress some time chat we're going to progress some time speak louder please yes I'll speak clearly and loudly yes hello hello ladies and gentlemen you've tuned into so we've turned up the footsteps I can't hear the footsteps no I'll simulate the footsteps for you chat there you go look at that wet slap of feet is that better it's better isn't it I know this um okay right I'm now going to speak to where's where's the uh where's the vendor oh there you are hello I'd like a room oh yeah I've already rented the room right okay we're gonna sleep for 24 hours and then we're gonna repeat this process in order to rack up days and overtake our previous characters because this is the live stream version so it doesn't matter if it's not opportunity I just need to survive 102 days that's just how it works what was that fat sound that was that was footsteps chat that was footsteps um Christy says I'm doing the exact same play through right now and it's bloody difficult how many times you've been embarrassed so far Krusty do you not watch the videos on the channel I've been doing this challenge for like months it's been a nightmare it's been an absolute nightmare I've not been allowing myself to use weapons because I fought the fresh hell of that would be fun how wrong I was how Virgo was you've got a big ax Tower dungeon can break wow you're the one who executed that man wow when's your next execution oh it's gonna be Jarry yeah yeah Oh I thought I like you you're great even if oh actually I don't like who you are racist towards lizard people what a man right 10 gold for the room lovely straight back in we go let's go okay up we go we go just need sultry's bit with those footsteps okay I'll make the footsteps sound whilst we sleep just oh yes this is um sleeping you've tuned into spiff footstep ASMR this is the sound a feet moving and you're burning you're running in your dream running in your dream you're going slowly you're going slowly now you're running again you're running and you're slowing down you're slowing down in your dream of running uh there you go can I turn the game audio down I can a bit yes oh wow I'm getting hungry I'm famished okay I'll have some baked potatoes some bread and some soup there we go lovely and I'd like another room please another date another day in the room another day here in the room and uh of a day another day in the room there we go got my cup of tea got my cup of tea hmm high octane Skyrim survival right here ladies and gentlemen all for charity by the way a shout out to one caller guy for a day one of the charity fundraiser going live just immediately donating 420 pounds and 69 Pence dude is a Nutter oh hello I'd like a room for another tango please why they have just so many dudes in my room like why is the execution of watching me whilst I sleep and when will I unlock the ability to use the potions please oh you've got a rumor or two you've got any more rumors bards college looking for help okay maybe we could do some bar to college or Bounty work Bounty work Bounty work it's all in this note oh yes Bounty for Crow's tooth wait if I've done this one oh dear I think I've done this Mission before and it's if I remember correctly it's like over here okay no it's not crows too thank God still clear up wolves skull cage which sounds terrible oh wait no I need to read the Bounty letter I got it if this is the fourth one Rebellion one I hope not I hope not yeah it is oh I hate this one it's so difficult I'm not doing it you have to find like four hag Ravens uh it is the worst Jess Stewart said their dream had you falling off of a cliff no just you don't run towards the cliff Jess Slow Down slow down slowing down slowing down there we go and going faster no just now and slowing down there we go lovely right now is just like the average YouTuber life you're watching you wake up you spend 10 gold to continue to sleep in your bed and then you go back to sleep POV you record Minecraft Let's Plays you you sleep you wake up you sit down on your gaming chair what up gamer Nation welcome back to another episode one of Minecraft today we're gonna be speedrunning and uh on a perfectly legitimate version of Minecraft I promise the spawn rates are normal you've got no way of checking what do you mean you won't accept my speedrun when you have no way of checking it's normal I trust me oh dear okay I want to enjoy the birds college actually because they're singing and singing is fun who doesn't like making noise all right I'm going to join the bars college so you're a member of the bards college yes only in only in that I'm a graduate I see does being a bod pay well oh no okay it doesn't pay well that's fine it will make people happy and it makes friends and let's be real Todd is never necessarily known known the love of friends so let's go join the birth College let's go why does the tiltify website keep saying my card is declined I think you need to speak to your bank my friend that sounds like a sounds like a bank problem oh dear to be fair I did have that um on the first night when I tried to follow up from my 11 my 11 000 pound donation with another 10 000 pound donation and Lloyd's Bank was like um no you will not be making another donation to charity we believe your business is uh given enough to charity this year yes please cease being charitable oh but it's College boards College here we are this is it if I remember correctly hello there what do you do you're bad at the birds college I wonder it's like you should consider applying are you saying I look homeless are you saying this man looks hopeless look at my fine hat this hat does not say homelessness it wibbles in the wind yes step back from my Majestic hat yes yes I am yes so if how do I claim the jingle Jump games uh you get an email with the keys might be in your spam folder and then you activate all the keys on Steam uh it takes a while because there's so many of them um right VR remote I want to apply just be aware that we accept very few people oh I see I see when possible we ask applicants to perform random tasks tasks to normally just give us all of your money do the cleaning for a few years standard code stuff okay you want me to get King Olaf okay retrieve the poem retrieve the poem of King Olaf but there's just a bunch of people great fight okay so I want to join the birds college and I should I should now have effectively joined it's just a case of um go find that verse so let's go do that go to dungeon find find reverse of a poem um where is this verse of poem that I'm looking for King Olaf's verse it is by morphle okay right fine I can travel to morphle and then we'll walk from there That's How we'll have to do it I think there is an in more full as well so we can stay over in more full have a sleep we'll travel there sleep up get ready for a quest actually maybe I think we are quite well rested hello there I was there at rockvig's execution yes it was nasty business it was quite nasty but necessary my cousin Fury is somewhere out there in Skyrim right now fighting he doesn't have to be there at all is an evil man yes he let the gate open not my brother you're here to talk about my brother well you two have got very polarizing opinions yes especially my boy go chop some sausages this is not something this is not it it's better if you sleep 100 days in a row you'll beat the challenge quite easily yes but my morals will be will be in question yes I think it as a morally fibrous being it makes sense for me to actually live those Hundred Days part of living is more than just sleeping and also it's kind of difficult to sleep when you're not tired so I think fundamentally that is a challenge um you'll probably die in the case I'm I am a glorious Warrior Todd Todd Warrior yes Warrior that is what they call me the great torture Warrior I would like to hire your Carriage take me to morphle please 50 gold so much money oh dear I can't believe Conor traveled from Cornwall to be I'm joking right um food potato and cabbage soup soup again another Jewel soup day lovely here we are in awful it's freezing cold it is so cold my health is immediately my maximum health has dropped to 76. this is the worst this is the worst location right we're gonna wait until the morning and then maybe give it a go or maybe yeah we'll wait in the tavern is there a Tavern even in here is there a Tavern in this God forsaken Pond town the worst location in all of Skyrim yeah well yes we've got an alchemist and a hut which has heating yes the heating Hut we love the heating Hut gorm lives in there we love gorm all right oh hello there hello book such a welcome sight he's nice hello book it's nice but no best warrior morphle huh 100 gold you can beat me bare-handed in a fight uh yeah I bet you probably could I'm a I'm a noodle I would like a room thank you what's with the orc yes he's a little awkward I love the sound of that go walkboard go let me hear your org songs such a great Strummer what a guy does he sing oh hello there you should spend some time together should we hello there Alva you're definitely an evil vampire aren't you definitely evil my friend devil evil besides I don't need you I have Janessa much better than you evil person these people like cattle all they do is work sleep and eat oh yep you're a vampire you're definitely a vampire right bed oh look how big and comfy this bed is it's the meat for observation yes it is it's still observation meat is this is ow pot did so much damage why did the pots do 50 damage that's so much physics damage that is unfair right good good oh all right bam nice sleeping we awake feel well rested we'll probably get hungry as soon as we step outside but that's okay we go um look chat I know you're debating whether she's a vampire or not but anyone who refers to human being as cattle in the universe of Skyrim is instantaneously of Empire that is it was big vampire energy there is no other way to describe how big a vampire energy that is see people are cattle all they do is sleep and work sleep in it there you go but she don't do any work but she just bite people's necks and suck off of them suck them off um okay I'm not going to question what she does uh maybe she does that it's Skyrim it's a dubious game oh Nightshade we love some Nightshade that sells for money and I like money um all right over towards the lovely cavernous Adventure we're going on um I hope this is a friendly a friendly Expedition I hope like we go in there and there's just like a whole bunch of people like yo you're here for a poem cool yeah I mean this is Skyrim so you can play it in whatever way you like so even if you haven't made a combat stat that's okay um you can use your speech skill and we'll just give you the poem right Todd that's possible Right right Todd Skyrim wouldn't just be effectively a combat only game with no speech skill right Todd yes oh dear right up we go up we go up we go bounce bounce good bouncing good bouncing good boy look at the boinging on this boy so much boinking on this boy he just like he sees a hill and we go up to the hill and look at him go he's like summon my wolf my wolf is amazing it fights your weird angry spider watch out for the angry spider angry spider's dead everyone's happy I take your Venom angry spider yes there you go if combat goes like that we've got this game in the bag or in the shoe in the foot the game is a foot or a hand uh are there any enemies in the run-up to this area because that's a good way of gauging the evilness of a location um there's a few wolves over there they're low level so one would infer that this location is low level a low level area guarded by low-level enemies and yes this is the location we need to go perfect right what do we got here embalming tools and it's not thieving which means nobody lives in this place so there won't be anyone here to be like Oh I'm abandoned I you can't have this right okay uh so I'm gonna be summoning my Conjuring companions and then using Weber Jack I think is going to be the Tactical way here so Janessa does a lot of the fighting conjure my minion what is that there's a dude there's a bard hello there oh are you friendly you look friendly to me oh a claw on a pressure plate that is clearly gonna come alive that is clearly gonna come alive oh boy I wonder I wonder what I wonder what these lootable enemies could be hidden hidden detected hidden can I train sneak here I reckon I can train sneak right here let me check a bit like here yeah hidden and then if I just do this because you're asleep right you are an enemy but you are asleep does this give sneak okay we're 22 we're like there wiggling we're all back and forth weibble back and forth scale again it does train sneak curious right conjure Familia and then Weber Jack oops that missed okay whatever Jack there you go they got murdered murderized thank you I'll take your gubbins I won't take your bow uh so you're gonna probably wake up when I pick up this claw so I'll do that and there you go you wake up and then my familiars and stuff can do the fighting and I will stay hidden over here fight fight for me wolf oh there's an old chip definitely don't want to deal with that oh oh okay there's another one over there as well ah Janessa why aren't you doing Jess you're not really assisting much um and you're really not assisting much you're kind of like really quite useless in this encounter you know web eject you got turned into a chicken lovely a chicken is useful you can't be much as a chicken right bam another my wolf then comes in for the assist yes good stuff good stuff look at this combat combat armor spells it's useless what could I do um gameplay gameplay look janas is doing great she's actually doing great chicken boys back that wolf don't ignore the one on the ground don't ignore the one on the grounds back up again because you ignored it okay you're doing great guys you doing great you're doing great combat the combat guys yes Jonas are right in the butt good job all right country again go wolf go well my wolf is so useless this is so bad this is so bad courage spell would be useful um I guess it could be quite good hey we killed all these guys good job you've got five gold on you you've got six gold on you I love me some gold oh cheers treasure room treasure room healing potion and a sword in a rock started an embalming tool useless useless other than a health potion but that's fine okay now I just need to get out of here oh coin purse oh yes this is perfect yes right onwards we go good so that was a good um uh can your own fire electronic explode you on death no uh you're on fire attronic does not deal combat damage to you um another example of this is the like Elemental bolt spells which are really really powerful where the where the hair ah those Spears somewhere okay I'm one I'm on a stone I'm on a stone okay let me get off that stone okay that stone is a bad Stone we don't like that stone is fine that stone is dangerous oh my gosh we almost died right there um so one thing you need to know is that if we set off like a single landmine or pressure plate we die uh that's the level of difficulty we're playing on our health is not big enough to survive traps in the slightest so from here on out we are aware of the floor we are aware of the floor okay this opens that and I don't think there's any Arrow traps okay yep yep it did the boys in here who want to fight me any fight boys nope just sleepy boys good any fight boys in here you fight boys in here okay no fight boys that's a door that opens um so it's ah frostbite spiders crossed by spiders okay right conjuration go Janessa Wolfie go fight them I am not assisting you oh my goodness oh oh we got a hundred dollar donation I completely missed that my goodness thank you so much that's stupidly generous uh it doesn't go to charity though donations does YouTube don't give you the bundle of games and they go to me and then I have to give them to charity um oh wait they're fighting back there what the heck are you fighting oh Todd um am I the moral support class yes I am yes I assist with all matters of intense moral questioning um if I create this chain does that open the door back to where I was yes it does and it also opens up that fight good shot good shot that's good oh wait there's another Archer back there uh uh right my Wolf's about to die so let's just lock that up again there we go okay so we lock that door back up lovely and then we just redeploy the wolf and then we reopen the door 5000 IQ strategy there we go there we go now I just make sure I don't get shot by that arrow man and then all is good in the world look this is just this is true Skyrim combat you might not like it but this is exactly how Todd Howard intended the game to be played can I recharge my weberjack yes I can okay I'm gonna probably need like more soul gems for that because I only have none I've no soul gems actually okay well I'm not sure how I would charge up oh there's clearly a trap there okay good that we saw Janessa activate it um I've just heard that trap move okay it's a big old log swing you are clearly an evil boy who's about to wake up there's also a gem back there I won that gem but I can't trust the janasa won't activate the log trap on me that's a really big boy right you need to get turned into a chicken or just have lightning attack you that works too well that really is going to speed up this combat you are so powerful right you're dead you're dead there we go you're dead oh we did it we did it we killed we killed good okay um right good combat I want this but Janessa might come near me and set off the traps of Janessa um wait here please wait here do not follow me do not follow me Janessa jump good Dodge good Dodge coin purse Magicka soul gem book good Todd you thought you could kill me and I'm gonna take the book with me that's right chat I can hear you spamming away now on your keyboards take that box beef why did you take the book to sell it for 10 gold but it's Biff spiff but now I took the book I took the book now I just need to take this as well and this okay and now yup good world class jump up right Follow Me Now okay this room looks like a whole bunch of Arrow traps to me but that's okay that looks like a trap to me Janessa don't know about you that is definitely why did I activate it I am so lucky to be alive oh my goodness [Laughter] did I said why are you walking for oh so which way how if we're going to use a health potion gotta use a health potion right back up to full health yes we are progress chat progress right where's my where's my conjuration why is it back there what are you doing Wolfie boy you're not helping you're useless there we go you're doing good now doing good fight fight combat combat yes go yeah wow oh yeah hit him yeah wow oh good job job done job done fantastic all right let me steal their venom for potion purposes that's a gem I love the gem Magicka book that is a man in the floor cool this looks like some kind of trap oh we can open it to go down oh and I think that's what we have to do we have to go down in the floor the floor oh the floor fine open it up floor is open into the floor I go floor is safe it does not feel safe in the floor I am not personally a fan of the floor world um oh that is clearly a skiver that is clearly a skeever the skeever can do one third of my life instantly that is unfair but what can you do there's actually multiple skivers and Janessa has not followed me down Janessa please Jen I said please I could use some assistance any assistance and ounce of assistance would go a long way right now oh my goodness my wolf just got evaporated by some kind of mage some kind of weird mage out this keeper just hit me out bit me oh I'm getting like rock joint or something like that okay into the water just give a can't follow in the water please please give a cold follow the water yes you can't okay we're fine never guide me down this bloody hole is when everyone needs to guide you all right here we go in we go Wolfie goes in Wolfie fights let's give her trying to head towards me no skip a no skiver no skiver no ski for bad skeever good good oh is this character named todia this is Todd Howard um the Todd Howard assisting today why is my why is my boy so bad let me let me use the web check on on this one there we go it died it just got exploded good that worked okay now if I wait somewhere Janessa should teleport over to me right if I just there you are Janessa fantastic I moved far enough away to you teleported either that or you just fell in of your own accord after a while that is clearly a big powerful boy so you are getting oh my God you're gonna turn into a demon no black to what you were please oh my gosh no thank you I do not want to find a giant level 70 tomorrow no thank you no bueno no bueno that is indeed a big nobuena what if I hit you again what do you turn into oh there's another boy there's another boy help he dead the boy dead good job okay the boys are dead we did it we killed the boys oh my goodness this place is so dangerous why isn't this place chill Ah that's a Restless one that's a Restless one that's a really we don't like the Restless ones we really don't like the Restless ones turn it into a chicken turn it into a chicken turn it into a chicken turn it into a chicken turn it into a chicken turn it into don't kill me it's dead it's dead gosh I'm on low Health as well right switch to Healing spells healing spells heal oh there we go oh we did it we're doing it chat we are doing it I actually want this on the other hand please please just this hand please yes and weather Jack on the other perfect okay right we killed the Restless the Restless boy okay um I've got to be honest this challenge it's not looking too good uh it would involve me running through all of these axes and pulling the lever on the other side and judging from the success rate of previous attempties uh it's not that not that viable so instead we I have a new revolutionary strategy Janessa I need you to do something for me um I need you to activate that chain will do goja NASA go so that's a yes there we go look at this gojadassa victory walk Janessa [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my health uh oh I've lost so much health that almost killed me I'm amazed that didn't kill me did 90 damage 90 damage oh my gosh that was almost the end right there how am I meant to get past you how can I get past you if I just like jump here is there a way to park all around maybe no because it's wrapped in a cage it is in a kicked gold coin okay I'll take that gold coin oh my gosh I could like jump to this ledge and then maybe along okay that's how we'll have to do it I have to ledge jump okay so when you go down go to the left side I'll jump jump there we go made it okay now now can we jump from here to there hopefully I'll wait until this ax goes over it's no no oh no no [Music] ladies and gentlemen rest in peace told Howard Todd Howard tried he tried his best God damn it he did his best oh let's go for his stats let's go for his General stats hours slept 136 gold found 2 000 most gold carried 900 we discovered nine locations eight days we survived eight days this was day nine we got to day nine of the game is that a record is day nine a record is that the furthest we've ever gotten oh my gosh do I have to do surviving Skyrim 103 days now let that be a bad College uh let there be a lesson the bad college is terrible The Bard College is terrible okay I spoke to the board and they and I said does it pay well and they're just like no but you make friends and then first mission of Bard College go to the suicide cave with the giant spinny blades and stand next to the giant spinny blades yes we're the parts College go do what we say [ __ ] you buds College your ideas are dumb I think speech is useless in this game oh God Todd Howard died because of the bugs College Todd Howard died he could have lived so if it's my birthday can I get a happy birthday happy birthday paper missed hope you have a happy birthday oh my goodness this is the worst cave this is literally the worst Parts College it's so bad it is so bad go get a poem we've lost this page of a poem it's in a cave yes just like all of the quests in this game oh hello we're searching for gobin you can find gabin inside of gubbin cave but be warned gerbin cave is defended by gubbin monsters that's literally 99 of the gay games quests and yet I love the game so much God damn it God damn it Todd why didn't you have to make it so good and yet so frustrating at the same time I love you Todd I love you so much right okay um how long we've been streaming for we've been streaming for three hours right I've been streaming for three hours correct I think almost exactly three hours uh which means I need to raid into someone that's right um I lost I can't believe I actually lost the game but we get to braid into another jingle jam stream where they're watching memes they're watching memes chat live memes that's right if you guys remember what the yolks cast are basically these are my lovely friends currently in Bristol and I'm going to be driving over in a few minutes to see them as well um and they're gonna watch the memes tonight and raise money for charity that's it um I've raised some money for charity so we're going to go say hi to them um go watch their memes they're very funny actually alternatively you can stay here and watch the Vaude you can donate to charity thank you very much to all of you who did um I might give this another attempt in a few days time because I really want to but yes I hope you uh hope you enjoyed today's video um but yes I'll give you a link I want you to go to that link and spam spiffrayed just say spiffrayed over and over again they'll get it and they'll know that Smith freed was here um there we go here is uh here is your link go have some fun I'll see you all in the next one ladies and gentlemen it's a charity event so be nice to them you're representing the kind spiff people so be Jazzy be cool be smiley faces just spiffrayed and smiley face give them lovely smiley faces it's what they want they love smiley faces spiff rate with smiley faces yes there we go let's be afraid smiley face there we go lovely fantastic let's boost up their viewers get get them some views oh they're watching a Skyrim meme at the moment it's perfect it couldn't be better anyway I'll see all of you in the next one have a lovely day if you enjoyed today's stream give it a like whatever I'll do more I love this this is such a fun Challenge and also I like hanging out with you guys hope you had a fantastic day thank you for donating to charity go raid into that other stream I will see you all in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now but that is it from me today goodbye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,875,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brit, skyrim, skyrim 100 days, skyrim live, live, livestream, 100, 100 days, can I survive 100 days, Can I Survive 100 Days in Hardcore Survival Mode, 100 days of skyrim, 100 days skyrim, survive, survive 100 days, exploit, funny, game, elder scrolls, the spiffing brit, skyrim anniversary edition, 100 days hardcore, 100 DAYS OF HARDCORE, gameplay, i survived 100 days, skyrim special edition, skyrim ae, memes, skyrim survival mode, skyrim gameplay, skyrim 2022, ign, minecraft 100 days
Id: I8xb0kjeoJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 36sec (11016 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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