We found a deserted farm from hundreds of years ago & found stuff metal detecting & its old

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[Music] [Music] good job man yeah it's a match to my other one it's definitely different in here well hey everybody we are doing our thing we're going up we're following this wall it's like it's very shallow and there's rocks right underneath us the ground yeah yeah it's definitely different than our normal terrain and vegetation so as you guys can see we have detectors with us we're following the walls as usual this wall is almost gone compared to what we normally see deep yeah new hampshire is pretty consistent with things but every now and then you find these pockets of land that are just uh just different different feel different different everything pretty limited visibility in here too so as usual we're going to look for old home sites out here no roads no trails just walls hopefully they'll talk to us and tell us where to go oh we have wall boy you're taking the road huh i went the wrong way well as you can see we have landed we found it wonder where they were going to and fro in and out of here that was a crazy hike there's nowhere to go but here this is this is the only livable space yeah all right now hope there's things in the ground all right for a signal for me first rock i got a button already you do yep nice yeah it's a nice little small flat button shank gun but good start like an itty bitty really yeah oh yeah it's about the same size as the one i just dug oh tom back yeah but very very shiny good good well yeah maybe there are there is hope for fine there are hoaxes good [Applause] oh cool there we go that is a little baby pewter spoon handle so judging by this find in the two buttons we're definitely going back a couple hundred years easily so we gotta sell the 5253 oh look at that right under the rock oh yeah button with shank beautiful so it's a really interesting layout really nice just contending with this stuff but that sometimes can benefit us because if anybody's been here in the past metal detecting they probably didn't go in there but so far it doesn't feel like anyone's been here nice see right where i was just pointing to under the tree oh all the way over here that's pewter baby oh look at that shank wait till you see this thing oh yeah so another 1700s button pewter beautiful shank no usa but we'll take it pottery in china under the tree oh whoa that's uh being opportunist yeah let me see look at that oh yeah very nice this has got like little hash marks across the top of the lip yeah but that's not why i called you over nope that ain't it that ain't it that's it i got like the middle section of a knife good handle blade yeah fastener very good while i'm finding with the exception at first button everything has been in and or around the mess so i am moderately hopeful yeah i mean i'm up three buttons in the spoon piece you got a knife a button and shards shirts and things shards and shirts good well i'm gonna keep tickling over there and pickle it up man you do the same now that's different that's definitely pewter and i pulled it out i thought it was a spoon bowl but maybe it is kind of like a strainer it's definitely in the shape of a bowl that's the first and different 47. oh it's just a lead droplet and it was on the surface still easy picking signals 44 boats would be nice to see a cup link oh it is a button yeah just a little thing actually it might be the top of definitely has that button cover kind of look to it so this is right down in the front of the yard where the house was it's beautiful uh damn definitely i just dug three targets here you know that's concentration compared to everything else so give it a swing through chop chop chop nice rocking the strap down that was worth the effort right here oh that's a biggen dame's coming over for the extraction nice nice shoe buckle tongue oh that must have been horse's shoe buckle yeah i was gonna say i was just barely catching that signal and it was peaking at 78. yeah that must have been a big buckle look at that beauty yeah yeah so far pretty good yep so you come off the side of the house here and dame's button came from there tongue was there but i don't know if you guys can see it but in the ground there's a little wall wall wall a little squared in area we just dragged out all the brush dame's going to give it a go yeah there's definitely something here that's the ultimate denial route i had the little strap i guess we'll try the other side what's it a dead bull's eye under the hand yep ah good job man yeah it's a match to my other one very nice so my thoughts on this being where it is the woodshed yeah right next to the the house and that's the chimney stack yep cool he's even got a few feet to go on his on his pass there you shall see all right so we did the tool shed to our best ability and dame is up in the little backyard here which is a lot of swinging space yeah i was heading for the entrance the break in the wall oh yeah and i got the infamous 53 oh i pulled that out and i was like oh it's a you know piece of junk and then i flipped it over and there's the remnants of a shank wow look at how wafer thin that is that's not a dandy button that's a dainty button wow very nice yeah yeah i was gonna i was gonna make my way up the path there is so much space here and it's screaming for larger coils so this is going to be the last signal what a remarkably cool place i am very pleased with i mean the whole layout these folks maximized this lump that out juts with grossness on either side yeah cause you guys saw we walked through to get in here it was like there's nobody out here and then boom all of a sudden we walk in it just goes wild i love what we do man so this is the last target for this trip but we are definitely coming back we're gonna bring reinforcement and we're gonna we're to get all over this place [Music] no way shoebuckle corner awesome yeah shoe buckle corner sounds like a place on sesame street so there you go and easy like cake right on i thought you were gonna say easy like sunday morning that's a lionel richie thing all right everybody thanks for joining us this was uh this was a good time and uh we are definitely coming back like we said i mean there's we are up behind the house behind the field where he just found the button when we say field it's it's a couple hundred feet it's not huge and then right where we're standing we gravitated up here because there's this worn in cart path that goes up to a flat spot where we're guessing and assuming this is where they parked their wagon because it's it's a nice shelf and then i guess we're gonna go back out that way because it's that's what they did that's what they did right we will see you all very soon until next time enjoy you're not thursday [Music]
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 147,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealth diggers, not thursday, new hampshire, metal detecting, Fisher metal detectors, Fisher F19 metal detector, We found a deserted farm from hundreds of years ago & found stuff metal detecting, metal detecting really old places, meta; detecting cellars, metal detecting cellar holes, finding old places, old places in the forest, exploring old deserted farms, 1700s, 1800s, old colonial farms, colonial home sites, abandoned colonial, digging old buried stuff, metal detector
Id: RkysDg3QlWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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