Glastenbury Mtn & The Bennington Triangle | Exploring A Ghost Town & Mysterious Cairns

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[Music] both spread Martin here joined by and today we're doing something a little bit different we don't have our metal detectors so there's no metal detecting in this video and we're not on our four-wheelers today because we are headed up to the blossom very ghost town smack in the middle of the Bennington Triangle is that he call it around here it's a National Forest so there's no detecting a National Forest and there's no four-wheeling allowed on this trail at least so blossom brewery ghost sound is pretty well known you know you look at any of those online websites about New England ghost town always on the list explain a little bit of the history as we go here so we're going to continue walking along this trail which actually used to be a railroad and see along the way so we're just walking along would you just get there Eddie which is fine railroad ties it's pretty cool we find those every once in a while they're just laying here and we also find a ton of this black flag I believe it is it's like a glass see if I can find a piece here and now they use this I believe as ballast for the railroad ties or the railroad that ties the wood wooden things are called ties and from what I understand that's left over from the iron making process pretty cool [Music] so we're almost there this ghost town has pretty interesting history it was a charcoal community really the whole community worked and lived around the tar coal business they logged the tree that we're up in here and cooked him in these giant kiln and shipped him out on the rail line most of the 1800 towards the end of the 1800s they actually clear-cut the mountain so there weren't any trees left and there was no more charcoal to be made so everybody left and it was left for a few years I think it was 1898 somebody down in Bennington got the bright idea to put a whole bunch of money into these buildings up here and make it kind of a tourist attraction kinda like a summer getaway for rich folks and they made like the general store into a casino and the lodging for all the workers and families into a hotel and beefed up the rail tracks so that a trolley could come up in here and they had it open and running for one season and then said in numerous videos of mine at our little streams they don't look like much now but when it rains this little river came up so high that it destroyed all the train tracks and the nobody decided to rebuild - all of these nicely renovated building I just fell into the ground so I'm going to do my best to try to find some of these spots and overlay them with some old pictures all right well we've finally arrived to kind of the first part of the town here at what's called the fort essentially where two rivers converge here but from what I understand this was a swimming hole and they would actually stock this River that catch trout out of here and what does if you see anything just on the shore here well actually right off the bat there's a brick there's another one you'll see as we get further up in I believe it the old school was just completely obliterated by the river so it wouldn't doubt it at a lot of these bricks are from that brought down from the river so let's head up and see if we can find some evidence of the building so I think I lined it up pretty well with the old photo up here would have been what was the general store and then what's converted into casino in the late 1800s and then over here on the other side of the river would have been the lodge and then the hotel I believe so let's go up and check out what the casino looks like now so it's pretty odd how this building set up way up on this hill there's just this kind of very steep pathway to get up there but there isn't a whole lot of flat area in this river valley we've got a pretty good sized pile of bricks I believe that this was kind of a side building and this is all that's left the pile of bricks we've moved up the river away or in the area now that had the schoolhouse and the actual sawmill and it's been overtaken here by the river river split three or four times here and there just kind of like a spiderweb covering this whole area so I believe school is in between one of these branches here it's hard to make out with this stone wall here it's kind of a little hole right here there's not much left beautiful though all right well you can see some stacked stone here and this is one of those iron bands that went around the kiln you can see that there's just brick and charcoal everywhere so you can see there's one here this one over there there's one right here yeah sex don't down there maybe cool all right so now we've left the ghost town lost already ghost town and we're headed up to the summit and Eddie's the one brought this up have his idea we found online that there are some Cairns which are I guess they're like eight foot wide pillars of stone of stacked stone and there have been a couple experts up here geologists and archaeologists to try to date them there's a little bit of debate on how old they are but I think the majority of people agree that they're prehistoric and we're going to go see if we can find them there's a landmark a fire tower which different people at Google Earth we're walking towards that and they're supposed to be around there somewhere so see if we can find them speaking spot soft Squatch on the way maybe some aliens Tata yeah and see anything paranormal [Applause] so there's many aspects to the so-called Bennington triangle that are unrelated to the two ghost towns that are on the mountain they say that the native didn't hunt on the mountain I think it was because they thought that there was a bad presence up here there's actually a real account of the mid-1800s of covered wagon being attacked by large hairy man-like creatures which is pretty amazing and when I was in high school myself and a group of friends heard that and we thought that would be the ideal place to go camping and one very cliche stormy stormy night we actually can't think I topped the mountain and it wasn't raining on top of the mountain but as I drove down to pick up a friend it started raining man I tell ya I was driving down that dirt road and I saw eight and a half foot tall Eddy smiling could heard the story before sasquatch and they put tall brown shiny because of the rain hairy thing and I stuck I stopped the truck I had a little 410 shotgun with me as if I was going to kill soft glass with a with a 410 birdshot and if the story ended right there I would to this day 100% believe a Bigfoot on Glastonbury Maui but I continue to round the corner of the dirt road and what it ended up being was the backside of a bull moose all I saw was its back leg that's back haunches I thought for sure that thing that's Bigfoot but it was a boost which is actually just as scary but it just kind of mosey too long and disappeared into the woods so that's that's my big historian but along with the Bigfoot that are supposedly on the mountain there's actually several disappearances of people up in camp appearances people just vanished out of sight and then there are some murders up here to big mountain and there aren't more than just a couple trails up here so people are I don't know could be supernatural I suppose or 50 people falling down wells or just not knowing how to survive in the woods I get alright we're getting higher up the mountain and the trail is starting to lose some of its width here and those stinging nettle bushes have got both Eddie and I pretty badly shorts were a bad chili they were well you can clearly see at this stretch of the long trail the Appalachian Trail has not been maintained in very long time judging by the trees growing in the middle of the trail they moved this leg somewhere else but this is the most direct route the Karen's so this is the one we're taking hopefully we don't lose the trail all right well we've officially lost the trail really bad we have been walking on a trail for quite a ways but pre-loaded satellite image of my phone we're walking in the right direction we're just four bushwhack instead of walking a nice trail so hopeful he worked hopefully we'll find one and we're not going to bushwhack the whole way but we'll see so we've been just bushwhacking for I don't know an hour and I just kind of peek through you see that that's a sign what is it to say oh come on a trail how was the second Lawson berry will the nice Creek Mountain National Forest here we are this is a the forks here so we just doesn't even show our trail have you walked on pretty crazy close to Motor Vehicles Nora's equipment hang gliders collector yeah we it's funny because I actually mentioned earlier you should have bought a hang glider to jump off the mountain alright so this can be easy walking now to the fire tower hopefully all right actually on the Appalachian Trail now intersected and we are minutes away from the fire tower finally we've been walking for I don't know three hours maybe you see yeah oh there it is here then I reasoned in my head [Music] let's do it [Music] I can feel myself sauce gripping beef rails a little harder oh my god dude [Music] oh my god we are really really high I [Music] had to switch out cameras because my other one the battery died but I'm fairly confident that this is one of them unfortunately it's right next to this giant modern fire pit but if you look through the woods right here look through I'll give this one good this is definitely them check it so there's one pile of stones there look at this one there's a freaking tree laying on it Wow so it's circular lots of moss on it this is really really cool any treasures in there so from what little information there is about these online is that they are at least as old as as Native American which I think the Native Americans were here for 20,000 years I think 15 or 20 I think is the current estimate kind of amazing that way they're architects documents don't like you look at like a colonial cellar whole like falling apart this is like opening up a new tree felling inna yeah that is ridiculous that's a good point yeah there was no colonial activity up here we walked for two or three hours and we didn't see any stone walls or any remains of any cellars or anything since the ghost count obviously I guess I did some carbon dating and the way you do it is you remove soil from between the stones I believe and you can carbon date that and I think all the tests are unfortunately pretty inconclusive but the general consensus is that they are very old and for unknown purposes I guess they don't know why they're here a local myth at least is that natives didn't come up on the mountain whatever reason so I guess they could be burial mounds they could be something ritualistic they could be just want anything how many of them are there here well there's obviously one here well yeah there was the one by the fire pit there's this one which does look like it has fallen a little bit and then there's the third one over here the big obvious one which i think is the one that we've seen photos of pretty awesome oh yeah yes there's another one number four I mean we see stone stuff all the time metal detecting but to know that like a Native American house the years ago like just yeah that's so crazy some of the Seamus was cleaning up your token for hikers to take apart make fire for it and yeah she ate it god I hope they didn't take one apart to make that fire pit around here the sexy so that was a long hike but these Karen's are pretty sweet definitely worth it fire town was really sweet fire tower was sweet so much ghost town yeah it's pretty sweet it's all right you have it so if you want to do any research or if you want to know more about any of these spots I'll have to type in Glastonbury ghost town or Gothenburg Cairns and there's lots of information on the ghost town not so much on the Karan's just a couple websites talking about them the people have done work up here investigating them alright well we're going to head home now it's going to take us several hours to get there because most of the way there's no trail so I hope that was enjoyable thanks for watching [Music] you you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 85,020
Rating: 4.9219122 out of 5
Keywords: treaure, treasure hunt, treasure hunter, glastenbury, ghost town, mystery, cairn, adventure, ghost, bigfoot
Id: Pdb-1D_Jc8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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