Relics of War Uncovered in the Mountains of Vermont | Treasure Hunting Adventure

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right finally made it to the spot I drove my four-wheeler for about a half an hour up into the mountains and I've been looking forward to this spot since maybe October last year this area I don't know if it has to do the way it's situated in the mountains or what but it has been snowed in better part of six months haven't had access to it until now yesterday was a beautiful day today is gonna be even nicer supposed to be in the 80s I think which is crazy for early May the cellar is beautiful it's where it's stone-lined it's super far away from any other home sites I know of so maybe it was like a logging business or maybe it was somebody who just wanted to be by themselves who knows a little stream down the way that we'll go check out in a little while but since this is my first time here I'm going to spend some time right around the hole see what maybe we can identify the age of the place well we finally got our first very nice clean tone here when I saw it 76 [Music] huge colonial Kofun with the shank is missing it's interesting a little dimple here in the rock oh you know what that's a hole that is uh interesting I wonder if it broke out somebody was wearing it and the whole the whole thing broke out don't know it's pretty cool though alright the more I'm staring at it the more I'm unsure what it is I'm still leaning towards a button but it's got an a weird shape to it it's almost like a sand dollar I don't know if you're familiar with what those look like but completely flat on the bottom but the top kind of comes up with a hump in the middle I never seen a button like that actually Sharpe along the edge and thick in the middle not sure seems to be brass all in the middle whatever it is is pretty cool all right well she's got a mid-tone and it seemed very shallow so I didn't film it I thought for sure it was gonna be a shell casing I'm a bullet and it appears to be a two-piece button and I think there's I think there might actually be something on there let's clean it off together here see that's an eagle check it out man you just got here so it looks like it just has a shield in the middle which would designate just a general service button so doesn't look like we're gonna get a back mark so it's gonna be hard to pinpoint the exact age of the thing but so I'm gonna guess mid to late-1800s but that's a good sign see if we can find something else so I was just detecting along and something shiny caught my I would just suspect that is okay that is pretty gross you know I I have to assume that some kind of fungus let's try not to step in it let's keep going [Music] all right well I think we've got another one it popped right out of the hole when I flipped the plug this one has a shank intact it looks like we're gonna get a back mark and it also has a general service eagle on the front that is awesome so now the question arises I'm not too far from the other button well maybe 100 feet did it come off the same uniform and if it did why was he losing so many buttons or was the jacket or shirt or whatever this was on discarded and we're gonna find all the buttons pretty cool alright well it seems like we're in a pretty hot spot right here let's keep I'll keep looking around and go slow and see what else we can find well once again I should have been filming the live dig but the target was just a mid-tone it's like a 60 and I thought for sure it was gonna be another shell casing it's definitely not that is a little round coin and it is an extremely thick I brush it off here that is a United States Indian headset it's not in too bad a shape either really I'm not gonna be able to get a date off out here but that's 18 60s so it's right in the middle of where we were guessing based on those buttons it's a good sign I'm gonna check around just in case there's more you always got to check just in case it's a spill but for the first coin today that's a very good very good start very cool let's keep looking all right we'll see this is where that Indian just came out of the 76 it's a 50 start here that is not a coin that's definitely a splitting all for logging I'm knocking down trees I suspect this with that whole target yeah I don't know it must been fell on a tree drop the coin that's my guess all right move on all right well we're little ways from the home site right now but there's this beautiful little babbling brook down here and I don't know if you can tell from the camera but there's actually like this little drop-off seems like a wonderful place to sit 200 years ago and watch the world go by so we're gonna take our time they'll kind of detect along that little Ridge see the find something all right well we are right down by the river right along this Ridge and I found my first little evidence of people here check it out that is a tiny little thimble and you know I've already spent some time trying to clean it off I'm not entirely sure what that material is thus far in my metal detecting career I've only found brass ones this doesn't seem to be brass notice that I don't think it's silver though because it doesn't shine up and it's pretty crumbly so I'm wondering if this is pewter or some similar alloy because you can see how well it shines up when I scratch it it's pretty promising nonetheless I could be wrong it could be a you know a very low value alloy of silver of some kind but I'm gonna say it's pewter right now so that's quite old it's pretty exciting let's keep going well I just found a thing it is brass quite heavy it looks like it was probably gold-plated at one time judging by that I'm not sure I suspect you to hold it like that whatever was then attached to interesting anyway looks like it's actually kind of broken back here - oh you know what maybe it was like that it's the handle - like a cast iron or something I don't know pretty cool anyway [Music] all right well this was a very faint it started out being a low eighties target but now it's a high eighties target see what it might be here see it holy smokes I think that's a point well nice geez all right you're sure that was gonna be a button all right we've got a pretty old one here it is a Jorge coin you can see the bust facing left and now there is some text over here on the left but I can't exactly make it out and on the back is the Britannia and the date would be down here but it is it's currently obscured by some dirt that's awesome fine it could also be a Connecticut it depends on what the text over here is and I can't quite no no no I can see it now it's definitely a George the second coin says George's on the left side cool George a second so that's mid 1700s that is nearly as old as it gets around here so that's good news see what else we can find you know a hot day like today I only brought two bottles of water it can be awfully tempting to dip one of my water bottles in there and drink it straight out of the stream you would think you know it is a beautiful pristine mountain stream no problem drinking it but I know for a fact about five miles that way this stream is fed by a beaver pond which is bad news for drinking water beaver fever Eddy actually carries like a like a filtration device with him in his backpack but I try to I try to travel lightly so I don't have anything like that if I run out of water I just got to be thirsty I guess let's move on [Music] I'm just sitting down having a break drinking some water I get asked a lot in the comments section of my videos why are there so many cellar holes like this where you know people picked up and left you know I don't know for sure I'm sure everybody had their own reasons but I have to assume you know early to late 1800s bigger better things are opening up out west and it is hard to live up here the winter is real long and real hard and not a whole lot grows up here obviously we have the timber but once the timber is gone I don't think they really practiced sustainable forestry back then we could probably grow potatoes and maybe sheep some livestock stuff but it was not a naughty easy way of life so imagine when the big push out west happened you know properties down in town opened up and everybody in the mountains either went west or went back down to town and the only people up here now or our loggers essentially all right well I've strayed away from the whole quite a bit and I got a little mid-tone and it winds up being a little brass thimble another thimble today I mean these were obviously a pretty important part of life but this house seemed to go through them one all right let's keep going you probably can't hear those bunch of crows calling off in the distance Oh yelling at something I just got a beautiful brass target and it ends up being half of a jingle bell Hiroto Bell it appears to be that might be Tom Bakk signed up on that edge the ground here is super saturated with water and muddy so everything's kind of coming out real a dirty but Beauty well I know that there's a certain number of you who watch this channel that are constantly looking over my back shoulder trying to catch sasquatch walking by and you always point out these things right we've got a tree laying this way and then we've got one two and then three trees stacked up like a teepee what do you think I know I know some of you think but uh the rest of you it's that Bigfoot what was that random coincidence or did I just do it we may never know let's keep going all right well I just found something that I thought was a bullet and then I started cleaning it off and I'm not so sure it's got this interesting like slip the vac appears to be hollowed out Oh looks like the hole goes all the way through yeah it does suggestions are welcome I can't tell what it's made out of here looks like it's pewter it's not let at all interesting all right let's keep going all right well it's starting to become more and more likely that we're at the home of the soldier I can't say what war probably Civil War but just found that which I found something similar last year and I was a little bit ignorant as to what it was but this now now that I know is one half of a buckle another piece would have gone in like this I don't know if this particular one would have had an eagle on it or a US or whatever the design would have been but that was a one half of a buckle set actually probably should check the other half here that's it so that's pretty exciting unfortunately I don't have any information names the site isn't even on a map so there's no way I'm gonna be able to do research to try to figure out who it was that lived here but uh I can mark it on my maps as you know my soldier a veteran a lot of people watch my videos and they assume that I'm in like battlefields Vermont I think maybe I had like two altercations I don't even think that there were battles in the Civil War we were too far north for that boat plenty of our people went down south to fight and clearly one of them came home and strewn all of his stuff around his yard or whatever reason but that's pretty cool I'll display all of this stuff together at my home you know that the two Eagle buttons and the buckle and I'll see if we can find some more stuff all right well we're calling it a day a little bit early today just a couple weeks ago I was out detecting and I had to call it a day because it was so cold and today I am so hot it's got to be 85 maybe and I ran out of water I brought two bottles of water and I drank it all already so I gotta head home but like an adventure today it was so nice to go on a nice long drive on the four-wheeler up into the mountains again finally all the snows well most of the snow was gone maybe you saw some of it on the trail I'm actually a seller whole ice and snow one is still but after today I have to do is to most of it will be gone and now we're gonna have access to all those places I've been dreaming up all winter time so today was a pretty good day coin wise we found two cents but they're pretty interesting since we have our King George the second British half penny which is a hundred years older than everything else here from what I can tell I don't know done by the river is where I found that so who knows what was going on down there we have our fat Indian Head cent which gives us a pretty narrow range of dates to Eagle buttons and our buckle which all together have got to be one of the coolest military-related finds I found finding it all at the same home site finding so much of a uniform is really cool I wish we could we could put a name to this place maybe we still will mystery piece of pewter here I don't know it's not lead it's not brass it's got a hole in it I guess is as good as mine another mystery piece we found lots of mystery pieces today with the hole in it two thimbles three other just kind of normal buttons this is a Tom Bakk this is kind of our standard mid-1800s style the spinner to a kerosene or oil lamp probably oil judging by that the age of everything else here are kind of I don't know mug muck handle this is my huge pile of lead I found today half crota bail three spoons and a knife and a pretty blue piece of pottery according to the forecast the next week and a half it just supposed to be nice even 50s and 60s ticks have been out all winter but the black flies and mosquitoes are starting to come out so people could probably smell me a mile away with the amount of bug spray I'm wearing well anyway I have a long drive home and it's gonna be it's gonna be a fun one I don't I didn't show most of it but there's some mud puddles that I was a little bit nervous driving through its hopefully I make it home but I thanks for watching once again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 97,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, civil war, american history, mystery, cellar hole, coins, old coins, great outdoors, relics, garrett, at pro
Id: asbkQ-8NtoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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