Relic-Recovery Mission Interrupted by Mountain Wildlife

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[Music] [Music] hey folks well today we are in the middle of Vermont halfway up the side of this mountain walking up this soupy wet trail I've heard that Appalachian Trail through hikers call Vermont vermin for good reason but today we have a bit of a mission the landowner of the piece of property that we're on today is that me an email inviting me up here to try to find this old home site and do some metal detecting because apparently years ago his father gave permission to some guys to come out here in metal detector and they found a bunch of military stuff buttons he thinks maybe a buckle and unfortunately I mean these guys took this stuff with permission from his father but nobody wrote down what it was or took pictures his father's gone now we don't know who these people are and he would really like to know who this person was who lived here and how old these military pieces were whether it was Civil War or older or newer so it's my mission today to try to find something military a coin will probably do the trick give us a date of exactly you know when people were living here but the goal is something military he said I can keep whatever I find just as long as he can know what may have been taken in the past so we've got a ways to go we're on a trail right now but we're gonna break off and go through the woods in a bit I think we're pretty close [Music] [Music] all right well I just bust it out into this big beautiful area with ferns and hardwoods this must be the spot we're gonna do some loops around here as soon as we find the foundation [Music] what an awesome spot butterflies everywhere birds are chirpin been wandering around for a little while I finally just found remnants of her foundation here seller it's hard to tell depth through the camera lens but maybe three foot deep square a lot of stones in the middle which would have been the hearth or chimney or whatever there is a lot of ferns around here it's going to be hard to swing the metal detector but we're gonna do our best let's get our metal detector out I'm already seeing old big holes from people digging here in the past but you never know fine all right got a pretty loud target it wound up being this fragment of oil lamp it's actually a you know pretty common find folks had lots of these back before the light bulb but um this one actually has quite a bit of gold plating still on there thought that was pretty cool there would have been obviously quite a bit more the part with the the spinner would made the wood go off and stuff this is just the kind of the skirt to it but maybe we'll find more of it all right well we just got our first little disc that doesn't appear to be a button all right well it isn't just absolutely terrible shape but you can just make out the end for one cent this is an Indian Head Penny there's no way we're gonna get a date off this but hopefully this isn't a sign for things to come it can you know concerning the soil here that all the coins don't look like this we'll see we'll keep looking that's a good sign dropping their money let's keep going all right I have just got a beautiful target here 91 that is a really nice high target [Music] know what hey yeah there's our iron for whole button this can't be yet let me let me reach a key well that was it you never do know that's bizarre four whole underwear button alright let's keep going alright well we just got our first piece of silver today it isn't much and we can't date it but that is a piece of a spoon no initials on it no engraving but it is not plated and it rings nice and high like silver I'll take that it's not a silver coin but it's definitely something awesome well they clearly had some wealth here let's keep going so I was detecting around staring at the ground as you do and check this out isn't it beautiful yeah there's a turkey feather pretty common finds out here but always very very cool I'm gonna throw this in her back and take it with us we'll have to keep our eyes open see if we can see some more attached to a bird [Music] [Music] alright check this out it's been a long time since I found a full complete one of these I think it's what it is oh yeah for sure look at that what is this down here is this like a well this is a jingle bell or a crow toolbelt a crow toe bell in a jingle bell our two names for the same thing sleigh bell horse Bell it's all the same thing this was on probably a harness for a horse and they jingled you know I'm trying to figure out what's going on with this one it looks like it's full of maybe it's full of just a root or something anyway this is where I would hang and if I can get this cleaned out well maybe a little bit later today don't see if it still jingles it may have some decorative pedals down here and occasionally there would be initials down here and some of the older ones that can tell you where it was made but doesn't look like this one has anything maybe see that we'll see we'll get it cleaned up a little bit later see what we got here beautiful all right I got a it's another really deep target here I think it might actually be Iron Man IV brass just stained red here see that yeah another piece of lamp much different than the hurricane style of the fragment that we found earlier I don't know how accurate it is but I've heard these described as whale oil lamps there would have been two wicks really cool only a fragment and this is always the fragment that I find I never find any other pieces of it pretty cool moving on check this out it has been the season of scissors I have never found this pair of scissors in my entire life metal detecting and here we have another fragment of one but this one rang up pretty good it must have been the circle you know the metal detector will read high on you know silver and and big pieces of brass but also shapes so circles round things even if they're iron often read hi and that's how we found this really really cool let's throw in the bag see what else we can find all right well after that Indian Head cent I was not expecting any large copper coins but I think that we just got one look at that the target was pretty good I should have filmed at a time the nails have just been reading big and beautiful and high tones and maybe you remember that little iron button sounded so good so I didn't get the camera and should have look at that a big copper coin looks like it might be in pretty good shape too we have all it's a large sign let me get my toothbrush see if maybe we can get a date all right well didn't clean up as good as I was hoping but you can read the one-cent and then on the front we have Lady Liberty unfortunately it is flaking pretty good here the date is illegible but based on the design we're going to be able to get a pretty narrow range of dates on how old it is you know I was just thinking what a time to have been alive where this was worth a penny a hundred of these made a dollar imagine having a stack of a hundred of these coins and only having it be worth a dollar but then a few years later it it was like a you know probably a quarter this size just a tiny little cent what besides our cents now what a transition that must have been all right I'm more than happy with that it's hard to beat an old copper coin like this from the early years of the United States awesome let's keep going [Music] it's two of them so I suspect over the coyote hey I don't know what they're doing if they're circling me do have my sidearm so I'm not overly worried but I can hear them there's two starting over here and over here they kind of came through crazy Oh hear them now we're out here no joke wild animals everywhere hopefully we don't run into something bigger [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it's hard to judge how old this is but it is a pocketknife it hasn't really interesting curve to it a lot of times when we find knives the blade is extended and broken off this one I don't think is the case maybe there was two blades it probably came out like this one blade here one blade here and then went out straight but um neither side appears to be broken off so this was when likely dropped accidentally pretty cool not much left of it but we can tell what it is see what else we can find here well I just got done saying I've never found the other part to these whale oil lamps check it out I got another one this still has I don't know what you would call those are the wick guides I guess that's really cool they appear to also be brass I don't know where they would have gone how did this one but that's what it would have looked like sat down in a glass jar more than likely over oil really cool like I don't know 100 yards away from the only one funny man I has been a long day and the targets have been pretty scarce but I just got a very junky target it was so deep and did not sound good but it's a button it's silver-plated and there's something on there I didn't really look at it very closely yet we're gonna look at it together as I spray it off oh man all right excited nervous see what do you think it looks like an eagle it does appear to be or kind of a little bit rusty up here I don't want to remove any of that silver plate you work on it with a toothbrush for a couple minutes here alright there it is the eagle with excelsior which to the best of my knowledge means that this is a New York militia we lost their shank and I'm gonna have to really scrub on that to get whatever this is off I don't mean it's not rust the the button is brass but it is really stuck on there so our shank is broken but look at all of that silver wash still on the front of that button that is absolutely incredible he's standing on what looks like a globe the banner Excelsior incredible well that's gonna be a pretty good end to this day I say I I've been walking around for probably an hour without any good targets and we got this we'll check in the immediate vicinity here but there's nothing else we'll head on out of here incredible all right well this place has definitely been metal detected in the past there were some holes that they weren't open dig holes but you know the plug was like not quite out where it started you could tell people have been here and they did pretty good but we found a few things that they missed a couple pretty cool things - we found all right well I didn't show really any of these except the iron four hole button but I did find seven two or three of them are actually made out of Tom Bakk which is quite a bit older than I was expecting to find here but you know there they are we found them a couple spoons we've got an Iron Bowl and a brought little brass Bowl piece of a hurricane lamp and then I actually found three pieces of these again what I've been told are whale oil lamps it's just a different design as two wicks a little pocket knife one piece of some scissors is it a scissor if there's only one our croteau Bell and I really tried to get whatever this is out of here it seems like it's full of iron somehow but I'll get it out at home and get it ringing again there are some initials down here as well I'll take a photo of those once I get it cleaned up and hopefully we can identify who made it and when they're alive and put a little rough date on that our one piece of silver today is a fragment of a spoon but I'll take it and then we have three really pretty exciting things down here we have our large scent our Indian Head cent and our military button which says Excelsior silver-plated with all of its silver plate left which is incredible never find them like this worn by somebody in the New York militia they look pretty incredible all right folks this is just an absolutely beautiful area out here and then you know that being said all day I just couldn't help keep looking over my shoulder thinking I was hearing rustling trees wondering if maybe those coyotes followed me out here you never know so I want to thank you again for coming out here on another trip into the mountains with me metal detecting and I'm really excited to show the landowner that military button I'm gonna take a picture of it for him and obviously he'll have this video maybe it'll shine some light on the buttons that were found here in the past shed some light on the occupant who would have lived here a couple hundred years ago fill in a couple missing pieces of history here so thanks again for watching hopefully I'll see you next Friday for another new video you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 97,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: TNBpfZ335XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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