I Can't Believe He Found This On Memorial Day!!

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[Music] [Applause] well hey folks today on this beautiful memorial day i'm joined by hey pascucci and way off let's go take a look at this guy over here hi also bought joined by my buddy chris rates yeah and today as i mentioned it's memorial day which if you're not from the us it's a holiday a fairly exciting place and maybe maybe we'll even find some military artifacts we'll have to wait and see so we just got to this place it's a big beautiful cellar hole there's a barn attached as well and this well we already admired it when we got here but it is to the top full of water and i don't know you're probably not gonna be able to see but it's a crazy like bluish green color it goes as far down as i can see really never seen anything quite like that so we're getting our gear out see if there's some things here to find so i'm in the road here the wagon trail and i got a pretty good target i was like oh it's got to be garbage uh but it's not it it's still what in the dirt clump what you got there ready uh this is a rains guide and at first i thought it was busted but i don't think it is i think that that's maybe bent over just a little bit but yeah maybe it was now it's super thick on this side so yeah this would have been on the front of a wagon and you know the rains for the horses the team of horses would have gone through here see what i found what i think it's a walking stick uh bottom do you find this in the road too yeah just on that side this is on the end of uh wagon shafts so if you imagine the front of the wagon had these long shafts that the horse or oxygen whatever would have been tied to this was on the very tip when they would take the horses off or whatever it would drop down and be on the ground and they wear out they wear out right there and a lot of times you find them there's a big hole in them people call them buggy brakes but they weren't really a break at all cool cool stuff in the road uh well it's been about i don't know 20 minutes since i've seen you guys but i heard some hooting and hollering was that of because of the thing that's in your hand yeah a large scent of some type i don't know it's uh it's pretty pretty up it's definitely a coin yeah one cent good for you buddy old coin shabby something at least a few buttons here and there but there's we just discovered another structure over that away so i'm going to head over there where's the barn down here no the barn is up there what are you what are you lost yeah so i can honestly say i've never found anything quite like this before we oftentimes find toys the simplest of toys you can imagine a harmonica being a toy or maybe even a jaw harp occasionally i found copper coins with a couple holes in them and they would put a string and do this it's called like a wizard toy and makes a sound but this is i think an actual play with toy i saw this and i said oh what the heck is just like a piece of weird lead then i flipped it over look at that that's an axe it's a little lead lead axe that is so cool i mean unless i'm mistaken and it's i mean i can't imagine what else it would be other than a toy that's got to be what it is right dad was chopping firewood to keep the house warm in winter and little boy girl wanted one too so cool so cool what'd you find there eddie it appears to be a porcupine should i spray him with some deet looks like he's got a little bug problem there right next to the cellar i assume his head's on the other side you check him out here come and check oh that was his head yeah oh oh there's his tail don't want to be on that end hey buddy he looks like a little one yeah he's pretty small all right we'll leave you alone it must be his den right there see ya [Music] well i just got a target that's not uh not too bad and it's right at the base of this tree and you can see right here just the sharp edge of what i'm thinking is an axe head it's down here it's loose i thought it was gonna be a double bitter that's still cool looks well used they were beaten on the back side of it a little bit bigger than the other one i found today but hey that's cool uh normally i would say maybe if this tree was bigger uh you know a long time ago somebody leaned it up against the tree and forgot about it but this tree most certainly was not here whenever somebody was using that so i don't know if that would be a good candidate for put on a new handle or not but it's in one piece awesome oh hey hi which are rubbing there is a genie going to pop out i gotta watch back nice is there a hinge or no it might be a bridal rosette either way no it might be a pocket watch usually these are filled with like lead if it's um a bridal rosette but uh who knows that's cool anyway it's something round i bet it sounded pretty good on the metal detector too good too good to be true all right well i just got a thing i've got an audience here the target was so deep it didn't register a number on my deus and then chris just came over and checked it on his at pro also didn't register a number so you know i dug it and i'm fairly certain that's a large scent what the heck happened to it to get shot even got plowed once could have been it sounds it's a cooler story if it was shot though chris oh sorry it was a shot definitely shot military memorial day 1840 something large scent oh yeah nice nice that was super deep what was your target you had a good one just now too a bottle cap what the heck geez i'm glad we didn't trade targets so targets have been a little bit slow or so we're doing some exploring and i just came across i'm gonna say definitively the tallest stone wall i've ever seen in the woods pretty much i mean that's just like a you know a field wall we've seen them a little bit taller than this when they're like foundations for barns and stuff but this is not a foundation this is just it just goes and goes and goes that tall that's bonkers perhaps they had some livestock that was uh escapees every time in the morning they wake up and you know the ox is out loose you know like we're building it higher building it higher jebediah another course taller [Music] well i'm not sure what it is uh as i was digging it i saw this and i thought oh cool it's like a hinge to a barn door or something i started tugging and tugging and tugging and this is what the other end looks like and this appears to be like brass it's got a kind of a cool green color to it and so now i'm wondering if it's more of like a little shovel or a little scooper clearly broken off on this end but um quite old you know this is very crudely hammered out by a blacksmith maybe a little fire scoop i don't know interesting anyways never seen anything quite like that well i got a little bit of a button tone and as i dug and dug it was deeper and deeper and it turned better and better it appears to be a small scent judging by the depth i have to assume it's older than a modern lincoln penny but you never know looks like it's going to be in great shape there it is can't really make out the date out here is that 1882 maybe some there somewhere around there awesome once i get all that dirt and sand off there i bet it's gonna look great awesome uh so the first time i found one of these i was actually with chris there you are and i never found one before i still i'm not sure what it's for but you know the comment section of the last video was full of ideas so this is a spoon that has been very deliberately folded up and this one appears to be quite a bit older than the one that we found last year chris but you know the comment section people were suggesting anything from like a maple syrup tap to a seed planter i still don't know what the right answer is why folks would curl up a spoon like that but i was clearly for a you know a specific purpose it looks like it has like dimples almost like it was chewed on or something the baby tea there a brass spoon here chew on this i don't know interesting anyways so eddie correct me if i'm wrong you haven't found really anything that you've kept yet today right horseshoes and chris and i were just giving each other heck because i found two coins now and he's only found one and eddie calls over hey guys i think i just found a eagle buckle come on is it iron or brass come on oh my god are you kidding me that is amazing right it has a weird little yeah that is uh that's it man that's the fine of the day on memorial day it's fate so i don't know when that's from we're going to have to do some research on it i feel like you know the things that we're finding here it's got to be i don't know if it's old enough for war of 1812 but civil war maybe that's crazy what a find eddie you're not as excited as i feel like you should be yeah i mean i'm pretty pumped yeah it beats my two coins my special pocket special pocket yeah congratulations buddy that's nuts well it's the end of the day and it's you know it is memorial day so um eddie's actually got a a big barbecue he's got to get to would you what you're cooking tonight you know it's brats yeah it's burgers nice the classics well you had the day i think you only found like a couple things but man that buckle yes the only thing that was really uh exciting awesome it's too crazy here we are memorial day you know it's funny i i started the video by saying oh it's memorial day maybe we'll find something military and everybody's gonna think that i filmed that after he found the buckle as a setup for the video but just fate that wasn't a good eagle that's more like it it's pretty good we had a pretty good day i've got everything here out in the log here that we all found and we'll take a look at it now all right so starting from the back eddie actually found two giant iron ingots i i wouldn't carry them out because they must weigh i made this five pounds a piece or something but uh it's pretty cool chris's pocket watch back chris got three buttons i got three oh no you got four buttons i got three buttons look at this one it's all silver plated i got this thing i didn't show it i don't know what it is um it seems like one of those you know parasol tops or a cane bottom or any number of things it could be but seed planter spoon a little gear my sweet lead axe chris's large scent my large scent my indian head penny and then the star of the show i can't believe first of all i can't believe you found it but i also can't believe you found it on memorial day um absolutely unbelievable as of yet we don't have any cell service so i can't tell you what conflict it may have been from but a wall hanger for sure there eddie tell you one thing yeah it's a symbol yeah america that is true and chris got one axe head oh you know what i've got more stuff in my bag i've got some i got some other stuff i got some spoons and some buckles and some lamp parts that's about it nothing too interesting awesome great stuff well it is not very often that all three of us can get together for one of these metal detecting trips and i'm glad that it was a good one we all found something interesting and it didn't rain on us like we thought it was probably going to we got to come to a cool old place and find some cool old stuff so i hope you enjoyed watching as much as we enjoyed coming out today it's been a while and uh unfortunately i think it'll probably be a while again until we can do it but yeah all the moons will have to align right for everyone's schedule to be able that's right so thanks for watching see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 38,027
Rating: 4.9803162 out of 5
Keywords: 2021, best metal detecting finds, ancient discovery, real treasure, best thing found metal detecting, treasure hunter, gmmd, brad martin, old coins, nova constellatio, colonial america, silver, vermont, new england, metal detector, xp deus, garrett, history
Id: ws-tsPVGAis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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