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- Alright. Yo, what's up? Man's back in the clout house. Plenty of memories. I'm leaving the Sidemen guys. (laughter) Anyway, we're doing hide and seek. These guys are seeking. - No, we're hiding. We're hiding. - I'm seeking. I'm the only one seeking. These guys are hiding in a clout house. This is going to be fucking nuts. Let's go. - How long you giving us? - A long time, please. - It's a big old house. - I'll give you like three minutes. - Three minutes? - All right, three, two, on, go! - What, no. - Yo wait. What the fuck? No. You're with me now. (group laughs) - Don't try and cheat. All right. - JJ, who do you thinks gonna win this? - Ooh, that's a good question. I'll probably say Tobi. - Why? - [JJ] Cause he's black. All right. Three, two, one. (intense music) - Let's go. - [JJ] Yo, guys. - We're going, JJ. - We're going. We're going. - All right. Go, go. Screw it. - Go, go, go go. - Okay go, go, go. - Okay, I know where I'm going. I know where I'm going, but I need help. - [Harry] All right. Me and Ethan, we'll follow Vik, then. - Go on the ledge, and we got the top floor. - That was my plan. I said that to Ethan. - [Vik] Okay, cool. - But I can't do that. We can't both do that. - Let's open the door. OK. - Elevators are closed. - [Simon] I wanna go on the roof. (dance music) - You ain't seen this in a while. Hey. (intense music) - I'll be in the lift. I'm gonna go up and down. - Right you wanted help. - (Harry) I want help. - Where do you wanna go? (dance music) - Oh, you know this one. I know you know this one. - All right, bro. Get in there. - You'll cover it properly? - Do you know this one? Oh! We taking it way back. Way back. - Okay I'm going here. - (Simon) You're going there? - Yeah. - This, and then you wanna climb all the way down here. - [Josh] Wait, I'll climb down there? The fuck! - [Ethan] Where am I going? - [Harry] Do you see what I see? You see that red little puff up there? - Yeah. - [Harry] Underneath it. - All right. - You don't wanna get stuck in there. - Oh. Okay, yeah. Never mind. JJ's gonna be searching for us in two minutes. (group exclaims) - You wanna come up with me? - Let's do it. Let's do it. Fuck it. - [Simon] This will hold my weight, right? - We're chilling on the roof, bro. - Wait. Find me somewhere inside. - Inside? - Yeah. Inside. (dance music) - Yeah. - I can look out through this hole. I've got a lookout hole. - [Ethan] Yeah? - [Harry] Yeah. - [Ethan] Dude, this is fucking lit. - [Harry] Yeah? - [Ethan] Yeah. You're not getting found, bro. - All right. Have a good... Good luck, mate. Good luck. - [Ethan] Bye, lad. - Goodbye. - [Ethan] Goodbye, lad. - Jeez. Okay. Good luck. - Good luck. (groans) - [Simon] Okay. Me and Tobi are together up here. - [Tobi] Yo. We chill. (JJ barking, dog barking back) - [JJ] Yeah, that's what's up. - Harry suggested over here, and if I can get under this. You can't. You can't get under it. He's done me dirty. - [Tobi] Lay it flat. Lay it flat. Slide it down there. - [Simon] Cause when he goes up there away from us. - Oh shit. - When he goes there, we're gonna have to hide here. - All right. Let's go. Let's do this thing. - [Harry] He's coming now. - Okay. - That's not in the zone. That's not an area. (laughter) - It's time. (others shouting) - Oh damn. - Shit. He's coming. He's coming. - Oh my God. - He's here. He's here. - In here. It's kinda sketchy Okay, what the fuck? This is wrong. - [Tobi] Just come here. Jump. - Yo, this is mad. This is mad. - All right. You're good. You're good. - [Vik] All right. Peace. - [JJ] I'm here to find you. Yo, is someone here? - What are you saying? Should we just do a photo shoot? - [Simon] Want a photo shoot? - A photo shoot. - [Harry] There's Ethan. There's Ethan. - Do you think I'm cheating? - You are a little bit out of the zone. - [Harry] So, Ethan's up there. - [Ethan] But it's accessible. - [Harry] I'm in here. - [Tobi] It's accessible. - It's accessible. He's gone. - All right. Here. - [Vik] What the fuck? They put me in a fucking cave. Okay. I think I won. - I found some garden sheers. So, if JJ comes to get me. - If there's rattlesnakes or spiders in here, or something, I'm dead. - I don't really got a phone call, you know? I was just acting it. Money is calling, yeah? - [JJ] Hmm. Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Is there somebody here? - How did you get up there? - There's a ladder right there. - What? There? - [Simon] Oh, we should hide the ladder. - I've just realised I'm sat right in front of the door cause it's kind of scary and I don't trust this area. But if JJ opens this door, which he might do, I'm fully gone. So, I'm going to have to go down this little sketchy bit here, and like sit in here. - [JJ] Yeah. No, no, no. Why would I think someone would be there? - Because even if you opened that door, you can look and be like, No one would go in here. Why the fuck would they? (coughs) - Is it safe here? I don't know. - [JJ] The first floor is done. Time for the second floor. - There's no phone signal down here, so if they guys say the game's over or they try to communicate, I'm not gonna know. - I feel like there's fibreglass in the air and I'm starting to cough. So, I'm covering my mouth. - I'm going to take this pink hoodie off. Stealth. (Vik coughing) - [JJ] Floor two. Thank you very much. Okay. Whoa. Hey Johnny. - Message to all people out there. Make sure you wear suncream when you film your face when you're playing football. - [Ethan] So, you see just through here. - [Harry] I think he's filming me. Son of a gun. There's Ethan. - [Ethan] Harry, row to shore. He's hiding right there. - [Harry] He's trying to hide behind the fence or whatever that is. I wish him the best of luck. - [Ethan] If I walked up there, come through here and come through this gate, which is why I feel like I'm out of bounds. I live with a guilty conscience, you know? Very guilty conscience. - Oh, behind the TV. Surely, oh. That would be a good spot, though. That would've been a good place to hide. - I'm so happy it's not sunny like yesterday. - Yeah, we'd be dying up here. - I'd be burning to shit. I'd look like Josh. - [JJ] Why didn't Simon even get anything like this? Huh? Why's he so boring? - I might go back in bounds. I'm going to go back in bounds. I'm gonna do it. I don't want to feel guilty. There we go. - Floor three. We have landed. Where is everybody? Oh. Oh, snap. Why's that so heavy? Damn. Yo. I mean, I might as well. I might as well. - I have signal. This is great. I can text people. - Someone must be looking at us in one of these houses like the fuck is going on? (dance music) (JJ laughing) - All right. We living. Yo, I might just chill here, bro. Fuck trying to find them. Yo, I might get Postmates as well. You know what I mean? - [Harry] Look how big he is. A sitting duck. Oh, no. He's gone underneath the setting. - I'm a good man, you know? Because prior to this, me and Harry spotted the same spot, and I let him have it and I helped him. - [Harry] I respect that hiding position. But it's not as good as mine. - I'm the real, real world MVP in this. - I haven't got a clue if they've been caught. Can't hear anything. All I can hear is these bloody pumps going (speaking gibberish). So even if he's coming and he's outside, I don't think I'm gonna hear it. - You know what my first idea was? - [Simon] What? - Hiding face down in the pool. - [Simon] That was Harry's idea. He was gonna bring a snorkel. - That's genius. - What were you gonna do? Drown? - [Tobi] Yeah. - [Simon] Fair enough. - I mean views - He may have found you, but he hasn't found you. - [Tobi] Exactly. - [Cameraman] They said following you around would be a job. (JJ laughing) - Just getting some fresh air. - [Producer] You're supposed to be seeking. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're on a break? (laughter) (Vik coughing) (beep) - I'm still too fat. - [Simon] He can't see us. Ethan's there. Ethan's there. Where's Ethan going? - [Tobi] He's on the roof. What's he doing? - It's gonna be a long time. It's gonna be a very, very long time. - Bro, I need a poo. - [Simon] What's Ethan doing, bro? (Ethan farts) - [Harry] We love you, Ethan. We do. Oh, Ethan. We love you. - All right. Let me do my job. Whoop. Whoop. Where you at, bitches? - I think I just realised how many spiders there are in here. So, if you've got arachnophobia, I'm sorry. But can you see this? Can you see the spider? - If this makes the video, I want everyone to tweet your most unattractive angle. Everyone tweet me. #unattractiveangle. - Where is he? (everyone laughing) - Last time, he took a Rona break. He just sat down. - He stopped for a Corona? - Yeah. - Oh you. Oh, I didn't even. Oh, yeah. I'ma get right up in there. Hey yo. What's up? Thought you could hide, huh? You thought you could hide in here? What the fuck is in here fam? There's no one in here. I don't think. And if there is then damn. I don't know why you'd wanna hide in there. Let's try in here. Anybody in here? Again, nothing. But sure is creepy as fuck. That would've been a good hiding spot. - This would be a great hiding spot. Yeah. Yeah, it is. - I've gone on almost all the floors and I've found no one. Yo, I'm terrible at seeking. - Thing is, I know JJ searched all of this floor so I could go and hide somewhere pretty meh on this floor and probably not get found for a long time. Screw it. The air is not good in here. It's time to get out into the society of the world. - I wanna get found now. I'm hot. I'm sunburned and I'm hot. - Fam this. Oh my God. Look how much. There's so much of this house that I haven't even explored yet. - I just heard JJ for the first time so I've stopped laying on here. I've jumped behind here. I want to see him go to the skate park so that my assist comes true. If Harry is good, I'm good. That's my guy. - All right. I'm being careful now. - Vik? Okay. Well, hey, you never know, man. (JJ yells) Oh shit, nigga. Damn. Yo, what the fuck? - [Harry] What just happened? - [JJ] Whoa. Whoa. Yo. Squirrel. Yo, what the fuck is that? What the fuck is that? Yo, holy shit nigga. Damn. (beep) - I just saw him lose his mind. - Jeez. All right. Go back to doing what I was meant to do. - [Tobi] Guess what he was beefing. - Punching bag. - Nope. - What? - A lizard. - He was beefing a lizard. - [JJ] Yo, if you're here, give me a clue. Marco. - They're right behind me. - Yo. Hold up. Someone's saying polo. All right. Marco. - [Harry] Polo. - Yo, you hear that? What the fuck? It sounds like they're up there. Marco. - He saw me. - Marco. (intense music) Marco. - He probably saw me. - Marco. - [Ethan] He saw me. He saw me. - Marco. - He saw me. - Marco. - Polo. - [JJ] Marco. - Polo. - No. No, I saw Ethan. I saw Ethan. He was here. - He said he saw me. - No. No. Yo, this is up the ass. Ethan, you were here. No. No. Yo, did someone come through here? - No No, you're lying. Someone came through. - No. - Yeah. No one came through here? - No. (indistinct conversation) - I don't know where to fucking go. - (indistinct) wouldn't snitch on us would he? - I hope not. But KSI does have more subs. - He's out offering collabs and they start talking. - He's like yo, I'll give you a shout. Good shout out. Tell me where Tobi is. - No, I knew there was someone here, but he just fucking vanished. - [Cameraman] You heard him? Or you saw him? - I saw him. - [Cameraman] Who was it? - Ethan. I'd recognise that big ass head anywhere fam. - Oh man. - Yo, wait. Hold up. Hold up. Surely. Fam. (dance music) Okay. - [Harry] Oh God. There he is. - I'm gonna try and get the WIFI code from one of the people that lives here so I can communicate with the other guys. I don't have any signal. (beep) What's the WIFI? - You can use mine. - [Vik] Yo, you nearly killed me in that cupboard, bro. - What's in there? - [Vik] Just rocks and shit. - [Producer] You're good, bro. You're good. - I'm here, bro. - [Producer] He's out there. He hasn't come back. Does he ever play hide and seek? - Not on a regular basis. - [Producer] He sucks at it. Yeah. - It's sink or swim. Cause if he thinks someone's on the roof, we're done. - But he can't get up here. - [Cameraman] I think they parkoured from here to- - No, there's no fucking way. If they do, then how am I gonna get to them? Wait. Marco. - No. Don't do it. Don't do it. - Fam it sounds like they're there. - [Ethan] Bro, I can see him right here. (JJ grunting) - Bro, he's a heavy dude. He's a heavy guy. - [Cameraman] Yo, here. Take this. Take this. - Where you gonna run now? I'm on the roof. I'm on the roof, bitch. - Are they on the fucking roof. - That's what's up. - They on the roof. - Let's go. Man's on the roof. I see you. I see you. Goddamn. Are you serious? - [Simon] Yes. Did you climb up here? - [JJ] No. - [Simon] There's a ladder here. - [JJ] Oh man. Well, I had to get help. - You got help? - Yeah. - All right. Who helped? Who snitched on me? - No as in, like, to climb up here. - One down. Five to go? - [JJ] Is that the fucking ladder? - Oh, I forgot to say we lifted it up. - He caught Simon. Can I just chill here from now on? I should be good. - Okay. Simon and Tobi have been found. Josh just said are we being trolled? I don't think so cause there is a lot of hiding places in here. - A little hint. There's two more people outside. - Oh fuck's sake, man. - I know Ethan was there cause he was dancing. - [JJ] Yeah. I saw him there, but he ran. - He said he ran. - [JJ] Oh, a dickhead. - Shall I just help you look for people? - Yes, please. - Did you hear me say polo? - Yeah. - [Simon] I was the high pitched voice. - [JJ] Oh. - Have you looked all up here? Have you looked up here? - [JJ] Yeah. - Everywhere? - [JJ] Yeah. But oh man. Hey oh. I ain't going down there fam. - You gotta check in there. - [JJ] Yo, I opened a box and there was fucking lizards coming out. - I think he should come down here. - No. - [Simon] There's a big hole down there. - [JJ] Oh shit. - [Simon] Yo, I'm just saying. There's a big hole down there. 100%. - You think? - 100%. - But I really don't wanna go down there. - Do you want me to go down there? - Yes, please. - Hold this. - Hmm. Bathroom. I could just sit in the steam room. They're never gonna check the steam room. Okay? Well, I'm asking if the other hiders wanna meet up cause I'm bored. Let's see if I can make it to 21. - [JJ] No. Surely no one's in there. - [Simon] I'ma let you go first, isn't it? You have a torch on the camera. - [JJ] Whoa. That's really scary, man. Oh naw. Oi, come down, man. I see you. Boy, you're a nutter. - I'm stuck. Help. - [JJ] I cannot believe you are actually up there. You're actually insane. - Wow, it's bright up here, isn't it? (JJ laughs) - Jesus Christ. It was dark down there. - I just found out that Tobi's still on the roof and he only found Simon. Then Vik just put any hiders wanna meet up. No. Sounds like bait. Then Harry comes in with a (indistinct) found report. - Where was he? - Simon's in here. - [JJ] Oh man. - There's no one here. Oh, I got someone over there. - [JJ] Yo. Surely there's no one here. Surely no one's here. Marco. - Polo. (laughing) - Fuck. - [JJ] Found you, bitch. I saw you. - Bro, I know you did. - [JJ] I saw you. And I went off and I couldn't find you. - Wait. Ethan's been found. Ethan's been found. - Simon, Josh, and Ethan all captured. Pour one out for the fallen soldiers. - They're gonna look for me on that floor. I'm going back up. - Harry is up there. I saw him up there. - Okay. I need to go and get internet so I can message Harry. Work out where he is. Come on. My camera's low battery. Can I take yours? Yeah. All right. This is me now. Switching from this camera to this camera. - We gotta find Harry, okay? - [JJ] All right. Oh, how many are here? - Okay. - I see Tobi. Bro, I see Tobi. - [Cameraman] Sorry man. I'm shaky, I'm mad nervous. Do you need the camera? - Yeah. Cheers. Hi. - [Tobi] Get down away from the window. - [Vik] How did Simon not know you're here? - No, Simon does know I'm here. - Simon knows you're here? - I was hiding- - So, Simon gave himself up. - I expected this from Harry. - What? To like- - He's gassing up his spot for, like, the last hour. - Oh man. - Oh. I've got the sickest one. - [JJ] Well, that means I'll never find him. - But I was actually very confident you wouldn't find me, as well. - They put me in this little, like, ventilation cupboard. It was like a cave. - No. - Vik's little. You gotta check every room here. - It was like a creepy place to hide. Don't know why anyone would be here. - [JJ] Hey, fam are you- - [Ethan] This is Jay Pole's scooter. They stole it. - [JJ] This is Jay Pole's scooter? - [Ethan] Yeah, bro. So, I'm just fucking- - You might have to help, by the way. - [JJ] Yo, why are you playing with it, then? - [Vik] Harry's stuck. I did some nice roaming around, you know? - Jay Pole's they said they stole it. (laughter) - [Ethan] You kicked yourself. (beep) No, no, no, no, no. (beep) You go find people. - Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. - I'm convinced Harry's up here somewhere. I can smell him. - [Ethan] We'll have to go back up there. - Oh man. Am I really gonna have to- Oh, my gosh. - [Ethan] Why don't you just go up there and check? - No, no one's here. - [Ethan] Are you sure? - Yo. Show yourself if you're here. - [Ethan] Oh yeah. Cause that's gonna work Mr. Seeker. (laughter) - Do you know how many times I've had to go up here? (intense music) - All right. You got me. - [JJ] You're a Pagan. Why are you here? - I was chilling man. - [JJ] You weren't here before. - Bro, I was in the, you know, the cupboard with the rocks that you opened that door to. - Fuck off. - Yeah. - You were actually there? - Yeah. And I know where Tobi is. Come. - No. No way. Wait. Is that your- - Fuck. Fuck. (laughing) - [JJ] No, legit. I was like why is there a random hoodie? Did you forget yours? - [JJ] Yes. - [Vik] I tried so hard. - This is what I think of Simon. (laughing) - Simon, you're a little, you're a little dodgy prick. - What do you mean? He's a real G. He's a real G. - You know how much I, like, led you over to that corner? - [JJ] Oh man. - [Vik] All right. Got Harry left. - All right. JJ, somewhere up there. He's up there. - [JJ] Well, I'm not going, I'm not climbing. - He's not over there. He's not. I said to you, "Oh, have you checked here?" You were like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." - Wait. Marco. - [Harry] Polo. - [Simon] Shout Marco. - Marco. - Polo. (laughter) - [Simon] Say it again. - [JJ] Marco. - [Harry] Polo. - [Simon] What have you got here? Well, maybe's he's not there. - No. He's here fam. What? - [Simon] We filmed ourselves saying polo. - No. - [Simon] We filmed Harry saying polo. He ain't here. Marco. Marco. (all laughing) Marco. - [JJ] Oh my God. - I literally went, "Did you check behind that?" You went, "Yeah." - [JJ] Well, I checked it. - [Harry] Mate, you guys came so close. Simon was right there. - Oh my God. Unreal. - [Simon] Harry, the (indistinct). (everyone clapping) - [JJ] Well played, bro. Well played. - [Simon] Was it worth it? - [Harry] No my back fucking hurts. I was tucked in so tight. - [JJ] All right, well. That's that. GG. - [Simon] GG. Thanks to clout. - Thanks clout. Thanks. (dance music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,471,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen
Id: ZsQvNh-YaI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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