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- Well, the assignment no, no bound ladies and gentlemen. We are here at wireless doing a hide and seek - That's crane tonight. (laughs) - Oh really come on right now. - Literally as soon as... - We have been here like 20 minutes. All right. So I'm going to count to 50 you guys can hide and I'm going to try and find you. Okay, one, two, five, ten, 15. - Close your eyes. - What the hell. - You gonna look where we are going - All right all right. - Start now, - One, two, three , four, five (laughs) Eight, nine, 10. - I know, I know we gotta be quick too. Cause I need to hide you in the house, - 15 I'm just do it in my head. - I feel like Toby's gonna take my spot. - Me Ethan, inside the house spots be like, but for you, carry on (indistinct) Obviously got to say that a show come out recently on the side, trying to finish your premium. You get a free, free up trial. If you started with your premium here's a teaser on all the episodes enjoy. - Aye, Yo Josh, Toby Panic. - Panic (laughs) - You guys behind the King enough. - JJ says panic bowl. - Josh gets on the floor, roll around and panic. (laughs) (screams) - That's it, that's it. You're doing well, you're doing well. - Is this good. - Toby the eyes behind you are moving. - Nothing! - I can't hear you man, we've got heat in the window. You man we've got, We've actually got heat in the window. - They've got heat in the window. - We got heat. - Now show reflection, is your reflection. (laughs) - Oh my gosh sorry. - You got sorry over. - Pull it off - Okay. - Both teams, both teams use the ghost stuff, (radio tuning) - Hello we've got something on 5.30 - We've got like a song playing. - What is that? (upbeat music) - This is Arron and Ethan we Copy. We can hear the music. - Listen carefully in case there is a clue in there. (upbeat music) - Wait, wait. (upbeat music) (screams) (upbeat music) - With all these people just working, just staring at me like, fuck wat are we doing. If you actually think about what are we doing? - If I fit. (murmurs) - Oh no, if it doesn't work, if it doesn't work. - Me and Harry are looking for a tree that Harry can boost me up into. I mean, we've got a lot of space to play... - What happen when you are on the tree what do I do then? - You have to find somewhere else to hide, or we could share the same tree. We find a good tree and we can do a B tree gang. - But Ethan needs to move, Ethan needs to go. (laughs) - Guys he was on 10. - 41, 42, we've got to 50. Ready we go. - I'm heading on the beanbags. - I didn't fit in the bin. - Ethan the bin. - Oh shit. - You try it, you try it then, you hold you camera I will film you. - Yes. (laughs) No, this is, this is suffocation at its finest. There's a flag. - Oh good. - I can't breath - That true get the bag out of it. - This has to be a good idea. This has to be a great idea (sigh) - Until it was gonna be a rest day. Rest day my ass. - Fam all you can see is my lips. (laughs) - Thing is, we can't even support JJ. Cause he looks like any guy wearing a high vest. - Okay guys, when I say it's hot, it's hot. As in like my black skin is struggling to contain this heat pump. - If a black dude comes over, there's no one here. Like every single person is wearing this. So I'm out here trying to look for people who are also in this. - He is far over there, he is at the bomb analysts. We might have to go see him. - Oh, he's coming this way. - Ola (indistinct) (laughs) - I think so. I think he's coming this way right now. - Matt, trust me, trust me. I spotted a good tree down here. - We might just have to bolt. - Into that way. - Well, what's that a little bit I saw, You can't you can't run from me. I see you get you ass over here, I am the stamina over standing. (laughs) Come here you motherfucker. (sigh) - You got me. - I got you. (sigh) - That one there. - No. Yeah, you see this, has got sticks. - I do, we should both go up the tree. - Look at my head. I am dripping, I'm sweating. - Oh he is coming back. - Okay. I'm gonna go hide with Toby's. - You see the bins? - Yes. - We were gonna hide in them. - Oh my. - We couldn't fit - Bit of a climb, but we'll give it a different angle. - So we'll look out for twins as well because he might, yeah - he might might spring off on Noah. - Hey gus - have you been found. - No, kind of. He saw us - With Mito. I think I'm with - It. Simon. - I'm going to keep going. Keep going. You ready mate? I read up there. - Yeah. Me and Josh were trying to fit in the bin (laughs) and I thought I was going to suffocate because of the bag - They definitely not gonna be in the toilets because it stinks. - Well, don't where Simon ran though. - I think he ran this way. - Hey Simon. So where can they get a psych member? - Simon much. Yeah, you can get it. - The first 50 people that use the code beanbag - Beanbag get a 20% off. - 20% off the beanbag. - Well, they didn't want me in that big black box. - Yeah. I, I think technically we've been caught. He has to touch you. - Okay. Gang, gang, gang, man, me Harry are here, and Harry got the boost up. We chilling in the tree. This is cosy. Like he's got a full seat. I've got like a seat here but I'm thinking like maybe like that little bit there could be 330. This is a pretty chill. Well I'm I'm coming here. - I'm worried. He's going to jump on my ankle and snap it. - That's what I was worried about being in the bin I thought he may kick it over. - If he gets in here and he starts dashing the things about we're finished. - Then we run. - Hopefully he finds one of us. - But he's not big. - Oh no. - They're just, it's just an Indian person. - And that was gonna be built on a wall. Like it's not quite a distance. A couple of days we went home. - I found a way, if there's a sick one here or you want to go sit there or chill, we're chilling. - We're wearing high vest because of health and safety. - You have never explained that. - These high vest jackets they gotta go. You're like, no one could even see us. No one's gonna come and chat with us in the tree. - Yeah, you're right. - All right. Let's let's get rid of them. - I would advise going back to be up here. - How many people can say that much? - What the hell. - I was with Simon, - You are on my side now - I don't want to ruin it for them. - I don't care. - I know everything about the area. So that's as good enough to report - We got rid of them probably in the pockets. - We're all about the opposite. - I want it to be everyone that finds us but I want every single last one of them to be looking for us and like we'll text them and just be like, nah, - I swear to God. If Harris has climbed up the tree... - You can't climb, but you won't be allowed to no one's going to no, one's getting risky. - This is a good spot. Oh definitely here. - And why did I not go here. Oh, I wish I had done this. I could have run in there and just go. - That's why it really quick. - Simon is call vic - Yeah. What's up Simon. You have you been found? - No. No. Me and Harry are never getting found. - Where are you? - I can't tell you where we all why'd you get caught? - No, don't tell me where you are. - Ethan just calling me... - Wait, I will be back I a second We're on a call to JJ. - Where are you. - Let me, let me do it. - August 25 - Yeah. Take, take, take an August 25th. I'm going to lose you. - Shut the up. (laughs) - Whoa, what is this too big, man. - Hey JJ? - is that you simon? - How are you gonna beat Logan pool with that kind of pace? - I wasn't even chasing you bum. I was chasing Josh and I got him. I mean, I was running with him. You could have caught the both of us, Logan with us. (laughs) - All right. Give me a clue in it. Just get just one little, one little clue. - We are, see it look straight ahead of you right now. I'm that being in front of you? Good luck. - He said he's in the bed in front of me but I think he's just chatting shit. - The thing is now we haven't got high vest anyone that's either like why the is that? - We really don't look right here. - I know Ethan and Simon, that together came back. - It does. Cause he was in here. - Really? - I mean, I can see, you want me to give myself up what do you think? - Don't do it. - It's definitely someone here, surely. - Oh my legs are out. - Walk, walk, pass. - But he says like, Hey, we can see Christ. Could you repeat that up? - I legit, I can't find anyone. I can't be off to do this anymore. - Checking out was bar. - Will I lye down on it (screams) (laughs) - you did it. I scream just to focus. My leg was sideways. Jeez. - Well, I mean I found it when I ran away from you. - Running was not a good idea. Is their anyone else in here? Girl? You pig you have been caught, I can't see you, you can't see me (laughs) - no, I would have suffocated. No, no I did. - I could fit. I think. - But then a bin hit me in the face. Cause I'm fat. - It's a tree update. We got big browse and Tinder. Oh no. (laughs) - I am currently pretty cosy to be honest. - It's a camera hurts me. I'm still feeling that for people, - Thing is Harry's score. You might as well let him win because he's going to wait. - I forgot my phone. - They caught Ethan and Simon. Somehow my ethnicity may have helped me. - I phoned Vic earlier and he was like, yeah, you'll never find us - Guys at the toilets. Yeah. Dang. In spite of whenever you're gone there. I mean, - I think there's like a hundred cubicles. You just get in a cubicle. You locked the door. - I don't know how the I survived that JJ kicked my leg here. I thought he found me. And then he pulled the beanbag off Ethan. - So what actually happened when you looked around that corner, - He was there. - What was it? Well, I've seen his Josh and then I just saw you guys switch off. Like no. (laughs) Oh my God. Cold Vic. Yeah. I phone and Vic when I said, yeah, I said where are you? And he went whenever never being found. Yeah man. How are you, sir? We're good. How are you? Good for it. So do we now, should we split up? I never heard Scott. I'm pretty certain. I saw that. I saw them run up there see scenes when they've got matured, home Thing sound Right. I'll ask you to rate him if he did that fortnight sideman heightened secretive. I'm going to try and move somewhere else. VIP. Maybe. I don't know. I might set up a tree or something. Who knows? I feel like you might need to find them and be like we have a place. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. What's up JJ. Nathan, I'm looking yo what's up bro? How's how's life going? How's the heat in you? Yeah. It's very, very, very. Well I'm I'm with Harry right now. So I found three members. Cause I'm sick. You found three. Have you found? I found Simon. I found Ethan. I found Josh. Okay. What's to make sure. All right. Give me a clue. Just remember to be environmentally friendly environmentally friendly. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Interesting. Yeah. Very understood. I'll see you guys in a bit, Mr. Recycle. Fairly endless. So I hit in the bean bags over there. Can we find you? And even me and Ethan had in the beanbags and then Simon and Josh got chased out of here. And me and Nathan was still heading in the bean bags and then Simon came and joined us and he came over and found Simon and found Ethan. And he didn't find me. I was like, I can't stay here the whole time. So I let them go. Now I'm going to try find something around Intel real quick but I can give you Intel original plan was hide under the bean bags. He didn't go there. And when we were talking about places to hide he said a tree isn't too bad atrophy. So I think he's in a tree. He did it last time, Josh. I told you. I found this a lot of trees. I see BA, okay, so we can hear them. How do we go from a false clear to go to the recycling area over there that you can barely see. Could I be in here? No, no way. Nobody's moving though. Oh my God. JJ, JJ, JJ, this is on you. I can see a magical, quick shot. Should we go have a look and JJ can go. Yeah. Yeah. Greenpeace. Yeah. I can see them in the tree. My eyesight. That is. It is not convincing. It ain't even convincing me. He doesn't realise we're so close with this round him. That quick shot. It would be how it's going to treat the convict but just don't expect it to do it as well. Josh Turner. Sorry. I told you, just call me give the phone to your boy or legit. I'm here. I'm quite nice and relaxed right now. And a very chill environment and a lot of shade. It's a real environment. So they're in a green environment and he's in a chill environment. The toilets Right? Wait, Whoa, Whoa. The other clue is that you found two of the men, them their or bags. Oh my God. way. Yeah. Explain to me. Pass it over. Toby's head. Yeah. So Toby was in the middle of me and him. You guys went through your, my side. I know where they are to come find you. Now, are you coming back? Maybe in a second, we need to find these. Shut the up. What's that noise? No way. Oh wow. No way. stayed there the whole time. We didn't see you for like 10 minutes ago. I spiked your leg from over there. you. From that. Been over there just as her points were pointed at you now. So I could see his legs. It was long. Glad you're here. Cause we don't have we're getting down. You found them. So we're going to go. Well, I guess I know it is. I'm just going to lie down in between YouTube. Yeah. Is it obvious that I'm here? Try and get down the whole place. They're not going to help us. They run off of the field. I broke my collarbone. Once this is off the facets you know what I reckon Toby's moved but not far, but not far. Let me show you. Okay, here. We were just getting to actually help but there's no point risking like Huh? I can handle it. Oh, nobody's behind us. Is that our base camp? Don't worry. He's gone. He's gone. He's moved to our base Heller. We started with our bags off. So if you see that, is it because he's in there. So we've been laughing the two by other guys at know the staff for calling security and we don't really get like, you're gonna get kicked out. It's like, yeah. We're filming with Elvis filming JJ. What'd you mean work clue for me? he might've been that wrong. So the video we're filming is a hide and seek video. So that's the idea of it kind of stuff. Yeah. We saw, we signed everything off ourselves saying like we would be liable. So yeah. We're going to get down and stuff. Yeah. Okay. Wait the base ticket the face. No, wait, why are you calling me? No, no. We're stuck in the tree and they're calling security because it helped they're calling security. That's a big crowd. Yeah. Of people like I'm going to go. I said we can't really get out of the tree without help. Just make sure your camera doesn't turn off. Okay. Wait, where were you guys? that's all right. See you later. Good luck. I love you legitimately. What was our easiest way down? So it's no fault. We just have to wait now. Like if we get kicked out loud, we got the foot. All right. Give me I, my hot, cold, hot cold. Okay. I'll give you a clue. This is a big clue. Okay. He's within this range. This range. Yeah. We polled our stuff here. As The bait. Toby you've already won. You've already won. You don't need to run away. I'm not chasing another blind guy. that. What Did you just say? I'm black Shop. This was a great idea. Up until we got found. And then everyone just kind of starting to get it's kind of gone downhill from here. I was trying to get him down there. Running off. This guy is off. Ooh. I mean, if it's going. Yeah. Great. Imagine having to set up a festival. I mean, you got a phone call. There's two guys in a tree. They're stuck in the tree, JJ. And when there's a crowd the security here, they gang security. That's what they said. They said it was long. And they were like, Oh, so long to get in the street. Yeah. Apologies. I mean, it's crazy. What was that? Let me just quickly ask our assistant. Michelle. Tell us. Yeah. I'll tell you what that there's a guy in an orange dress. Oregon's rest is a bit more sound scarier. Yeah. We've caused a bit of a seat of it. A little bit of a scene straight. We've got a ladder. I bet this one's using today. Was it? Don't laugh. Not for you to get you down. There's a ladder. They go, Oh my God, they got a Lander letter. Oh, I don't think you can see this now they're filming. It's fine. We'll swap. Swap to them. Now That's a rupee looking ladder as well. We'd love it please. Mate. We're in dire. Need not easy. And you got to smack bottom of that one. Yeah. You're going to get a wallet but you just get a big water from somewhere. Come on. How are you boosted man? That's some random guy boosting hiring. So who's the guy that boosted used to Blake Three boys. Three boys. What happened? Yep. Fixed all one, two tree. So I've got, got a ladder and I ask a bit of a Hopi ladder. Well, I guess this is going wrong. Just so you know guys, Toby one. I was in the feedback next, next to me and Ethan. He literally lifted one side up then the other left the middle early. I mentioned that there was one on the second channel constricted to a smaller area. And it's like, I love that idea. I like that idea. There'll be a shorter one. I didn't see the shorter one. We have to stay left side of the road. Why me? Yeah. You're the reason where we can't do more. Take out the second channel. More Seidman. We're going to do one on here as well. So yeah Tom stayed in that. We could stay out till three in the morning by themselves. Pope bone sake, arrive. We can go away. Now. I want to see you.
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,084,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen hide and seek, hide and seek, sidemen house, sidemen mansion, hide and seek challenge, sidemen sundays, sidemen sunday, sidemensunday, sidemen challenge, sidemen wireless festival, sidemen wireless, wireless hide and seek
Id: vr6UKSpuGwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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