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(upbeat pop music) - How's it going, guys, and welcome to Hide and Seek in the Beta Squad House. (clamouring) and the home of the Orks. (laughs) So, have we hit 10 mil now? - Yeah! - Yeah! - Hopefully! - Maybe. - Yes! - So, we're doing a massive give away! (cheering) It's been a tough year for everybody involved, so we wanted to give back as a thank you for hitting 10 million subscribers. We've also donated to Mind charity and we encourage you guys to do the same. The link will be in the description. We will be giving away seven of the following: a brand new PS5, a brand new X-Box series X a whole TV, seven cameras, seven El Gatto game capture devices, seven Sidemen clothing gift cards, and to wrap it up seven airpods. All you have to do, ladies and gentlemen, is followed the link in the description and make sure to get entering. You can get daily entries by visiting All of the instructions will be on the link in the description, so, have a good time, get entering the giveaway and thank you so much for 10 million subscribers! Enjoy the video. I am the seeker. If I find JJ in the first three... (laughs) - The first three? - I didn't make this all up. I didn't make this all up. - I like this. - Okay. - But I'm always seeker! - You're stinky at hiding. - I'm always seeking. - You're so stinky at hiding. - And you are a good seeker. - Where are you going to count? - Uh, well... - In there! - In the utility, behind the door. Shut the door. Shut door. - Look at this. - Shut the door in there. - Look at this. How old are you? - How long you counting to? - A hundred. - A hundred, right? - Yeah, yeah. - All right. I'll see you in a bit, lads. - See you in a bit. (laughs) - I don't know where to go in this place. - Someone help me. - I really want to try to hide right there. - One. Two. Three. - I don't know where to go. - You guys all pressed this, and now we have 10 mil. Thank you. (laughs) - Okay, now, seeing someone hide in this butler fold, could be a shubs, you know? You know what I'm going for this round? Screw it. I'm going to be screwed. - If I lay down here... Oh, it's quite tight. It's quite claustrophobic. Can you help me, Con? - Feels weird, but in like - - I know! I feel like an imposter! - In the Ops. (laughs) - I didn't want to just get one peep of the roof. - I know. Anything good in here? - 25, 26. That's warm! That's, I thought it was going to be cold water. Why is this so warm? - If I lay across these chairs, could you push them in? - Yes. Oh, my god, this is so claustrophobic. - Oh, goodness gracious me. Oh, no. Oh, goodness gracious me, I don't know what to do. - I'm going to hide in the sink. It's wet. All right, let me try to get in and you give me the camera. - I found like a little spot. - I don't know where to hide. - Neither do I. Where am I going? - I'm just going to hide in Niko's room. - Jockey, can you help me? Where is somewhere I can hide? Like a small space I can just hide into and no one would check. Is there like a cupboard or something no one would check? - Yeah. (laughs) - 58. 59. 60. (laughs) Hello! - Casty, can you put more of the cards up against me, please? And then can you push the beanie bag in where it was? It was just a bit more up? Thank you. - A little cupboard. Perfect. It doesn't have a handle either. - The thing is if you open this I'm done. - That's true. - I like the look of it, but it's gotta be somewhere like... 'Cause it's obvious you check the cupboard, isn't it? If you're seeking, you're going to check the cupboard. - That's true, that's true, that'&s true. - I'm worried about my topside, my head. My God, hide the camera. This is the most uncomfortable hiding spot ever. - Gym, they'll never expect me in here. Oh, there's a little cupboard in there. No, I'm not getting locked in there, I'm not doing the Vikk. What's in here? - 81. 82. 83. 84. - I have nowhere to hide. (laughs) - 90. I can JJ. 91. - Okay, I have an idea. I'm gonna go in this bottom bit there. I'm not leaving the keys, fuck that. As if I'm letting Harry lock me in. Hell no! Hell no. - Look, I'm under a sink. Literally. I think, I think I might be okay. - Out here. No one will see you. - Okay. It's gonna be freezing, though. - I don't know what you want. - I'm considering it. - By this I have nowhere to hide. (laughs) - I've got a hiding spot. - He got a spot. - It's knowledge. Follow me. (laughs) - You gonna show him the same place I showed Vikk? - Okay, that's the place to go, outside. - One hundred! - Oh, I've got to go. I've got to go. I'm going to hide under a bed. - One hundred! I'm coming boys. I can hear the voices which is more than I can say about most of our Hide and Seek videos. So, this should be an easy hunt. - Here we go. - We'll start with a clean sweep of the bottom floor. Ummm, got ya! No? Okay, all right, not under there. I'm in Chance's wardrobe. I'll behind this chair in this corner. This is all I've got. - Now, you've just got to walk out that window and jump... - Oh, my god. - They're never ever going to find you. - Holy shit. That's our shit. - That's pretty cool, it's fair. We've got, I don't know they're branding everywhere, I respect it, you know? This room is sick. This room is sick. All right. Could there be some... (phone Rings) Who hasn't turned the off during a shoot? - Fuck, all right, to run MO. - They'll never get you here. - Safe. Thank you, man. - Peace out. - Yeah, ho. - See you again. - Yeah. (laughs) - That's the door, so I'm behind this chair, in here under this. Actually not terrible. - I think I just heard a camera beep. I think I just heard a camera beep. Oh my god, your camera baited you out. Your camera baited you out so bad. (laughs) - Can I just stay here, man? - No, no, no, no, no. - Can I just stay? - No, no, no, no, no. - Please, bro? Please. Please let me stay here. - You're joining the mission line. - Please, please. Please, let me stay here. Bro, I've been here for 30 seconds, bro. - I know! - Bro, bro. - I'm looking around the room, I just hear beep. (laughs) - House of shambles in here, mate. - He caught Ethan. He caught Ethan. - And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, I have won. I have won. (laughs) - Yo, I had a Monster Energy before this, and my stomach is fucking rumbling. - Up you go. - I don't want to. - If I'm walking around this house, you're walking around with me, come on. - No, but it's not like- bogue, bogue! - Bogue, bogue. I need all the help I can get. Come on. - Bogue! Man. Why didn't you play dumb? Play dumb. - What do you mean "play dumb," bro? The camera beeped! The camera beeped. - He's found Ethan in the room next to me. - Is there anyone else in this room? - Not that I know of, mate, no. Casty helped me hide in here. - Okay, cool. - And then my camera beeped. - Happy days. Did I bring my phone? No. Oh, I didn't bring my phone. How could I've not brought my phone? Shit. - All right, what about this room? - Mate, I only saw myself hide. - Oh, is this the phonographers stage, then? Is someone in here? - Wait, can we fuck up someone's video? Who's is this? Melanie's video? - This is Vinnie's (indistinct). - Oh, is it? - Yeah, you want to ruin it? - Should we fuck it? - Can we put a little, a side Sidemen mousier or something? Sidemen mousier. - Put a little text in the corner, like a one frame. - Yeah, one frame. Just put Sidemen mousier. Like, in the corner. (laughs) - I need to entertain myself, I guess. Yo, can any of you guys do this? All right, so you do that, and then you do- (laughs) "Yo, what's up." "Hey! How's it going?" "Just chilling outside Beta's Squad House" "Wow, that's amazing, bro." - Yeah. - Perfect. Just the frame. - Cheers. (laughs) Reckon I win wherever we go, mate. - Someone walked right by. - I need to stretch. - Have you seen this room, by the way. - No. - This one. - That one, in there. I have. - I hope someone's hidden in here, mate. - Oh, Niko was in here earlier. Niko was in here. I said "Is there a good place to hide?" And he said "no, this one's not really that great." - Okay. - But you never know. - "I think I'm in love with you." "What?" "Yeah, for so many years I've had just deep feeling for you. The amount of time I've touched you." "What're you talking about?" (shouting) Aw, no mate. There's no way. I've just reclubbed my fans. - Wow, wait, wait, wait. These are coming off. - Can we just say we didn't break these? - Yeah. - This is the end of the L room, evidently. Look, I mean, can we ruin anything on this computer? Is there anything we can do on here? - So. (laughs) - What're you doing? - Hide and seek! (laughs) - What the fuck. What. What. What is that? - What is on there? Who's is it? - Oh, no. I can't do this. Holy shit. - All right. - Vikk's dark update. Still in the cupboard. I've actually moved this robe in front of me, so you can't see me unless you dig around in here. The lights in here have also switched off, which is good 'cause it makes it seems like there's no one in here. Let's them know should not expect light, so. - Please subscribe to the Sidemen. - There we go. - They are just brilliant. - Perfect, perfect, love it, love it, love it. All right, now we're off. - That was it. - We've completed two room and have caused havoc. (laughs) All right, I think the downstairs is clear. - You think the downstairs is clear? - I feel like the downstairs- - I don't feel like the downstairs is cleared. - You don't- I would have hoped. Unless someone's gone back where I started hiding, I feel like we're clear. - I wouldn't think that it's clear yet, though. Hmm. Right. Harry, have you been outside? - I have not been outside, my friend. - Oh my god, no. No. Don't. Hey, yo, Nick. What the fuck you doing? Hey, Niko, what the fuck. Niko, what the fuck. Niko, what the fuck you doing? Are you mad? This water... This motherfucker just wet me, fam. - I think we save outside till last, I'm not going to lie, mate. - I see that. - All right, are we ascending? (heavy Breathing) - You sure no one's in there, lads? You sure no one's in there? - I've seen no one. - You sure no one's in there? - Thanks for the nice Tweet, though. We really appreciate you Tweeting about us. (laughs) it was a nice Tweet about us. (laughs) - These guys, man. (laughs) - I can hear Ethan. I hear Ethan and Tobi. Surely he hasn't found two already. - Man just told me where to hide and then has come to wet me up. (laughs) - Shockie, I feel bad. - My camera's run out, so. I'm just with you now. - No, you've got a backup. - No, I have one in my pocket, but I don't know how much it's got. Well, I'm going to Shockie's room, bro. - I feel bad in people's rooms, mate. - Is anyone in Shockie's room? If so, it'd be really rude of you to be in here. - How about here? No. - I don't like going through people's rooms, mate. - I know. It feels weird, doesn't it? - It does. - Still out here surviving. - I really hope the mike can't pick up my stomach. I think I'm going to shit myself. - I feel like that could be a bait. Some one could be in there. - During a dump? The light's off. Is there anyone around this toilet? Hey! Oh, there's not, there's not, there's not. - Here we go. Look, you just press this. - Oh, ball, that ball. I will actually just fuck you up. Why, why, fam? Why are you wetting me up? - I'm just showing you love, man. - Is this showing me love? Showing me love? - Listen, KSI's out there. They're just chatting, down there. - Okay, no man. When this is done you are getting it. - JJ. It is JJ. - Should we get out? - Yeah. - Get it. - We have KSI, bro. You're sneaking him in. - We hear KSI. - Oh, you heard him? - Yeah, we heard KSI's voice. - I was doing impressions. - No, no, we know KSI's voice. That's our boy. You just snuck him in, didn't you? 'Cause he was outside. You just snuck him back in, didn't you? We heard him, bro. Your window's open, bro. Your window- we poked it, didn't we? You snuck him in. - I don't know what you're talking about. - What, just 'cause he's a boxer? Where is he? Where have you put him? - At this rate, I don't think I'm seeking. I don't think I'm seeking again. I think this is going to be the first hide and seek where I haven't seeked. I'm always seeking, ladies and gentlemen, I'm always seeking. So, it's nice for once to be hiding. And every time I do hide, it's entertaining. So, it's like, guys, come on. - This one's got one bar of battery. - Let me get a battery for you, mate. Let me get a battery for you, Jesus Christ. - Thanks, bro. (laughs) - I say we go upstairs, I think we go upstairs. Where is Mob? - He's not in his house? - No. - Where is Mob? - My cat allergies come through. I'm itchy. Jesus. - There you go, chief. - Thanks, fella. - It's all right. - Well, that's huge from you. - I'm trying to go, I'm trying to get wavy on holiday. I'm wanting this day. Nice bait when he's wearing that paisley, still great 'cause my living now pays me. - Will KSI just know, just know KSI that we know you've been- - He's not here! - We know you've been snuck back in. - You know where he is? - Go away, go away, go away. - No, I don't know. - You don't know where he is? - Okay. - We heard you being snuck back in, KSI. Just know. - Don't cook my chef like Einsley, no knuck tail when I'm sharing my babies, top striker, I'm hardly missing, New Castle we need to christen. - That was so sick. Sorry. I don't know. This is the sickest hide. Can you please sit on that chair there? - I say we go to the top and then work our way down. I think we flush them out, yeah. - All right, okay. Got you. - I feel you on that one, chief. - Okay, they're coming. - A very nice bathroom. - Mate, there are so many nice hiding spots, how people aren't in them? - Okay, now just, one of them is coming upstairs. - Oh, shit. - Oh, lets go. Lets go. - What have you found? Where are you? - Oh, he's just found a gym. Oh, he's just found a gym. - Oh! Oh, shit. - I can't believe I haven't found someone else yet. This looks locked. Oh, wait this is promising. This is promising. Oh! It's promising! How do you fit in there? - I don't know! - How do you fit in there? Did you not want to like, cover yourself up, maybe? - Bro, you think there's room for that? - I would've put some stuff in front. - You think there's room, though? - Yeah, we'd have never have known. - Yeah, see that- that's a hiding spot. - But then I probably would've gone... - Oh, wow. - Yeah. - Well, you're bastards. - We have news. I got baited out by my camera beeping. - The amount of cars passing by looking at the house like "yo, is that KSI?" (laughs) it's like "KSI, on the house, what?" What? - If we don't find KSI next, he's actually- - Dammit man. - I'm not going to lie, the keys were in this door, and I thought there's no chance now I'm letting Harry have the opportunity to lock me in a room. (laughs) I think I know where one person is, so I can't tell you. - Well, that's facts, bro, facts. - No, you can tell us, you can tell us. You could rat. - We've heard KSI be snuck back in, we think. - Hm? - We heard some noise downstair- - Someone downstairs. - Yeah. - I heard Tobi last talking to you. - I didn't speak to Tobi. - Well, I heard Tobi. - Ugh, god, it's slimy. Ugh. One. Two, three, four, five. - It's like a missing person's room. - It is, bro. It's got. Lot's of tissues in this. Bro, why is there a homicide case file? - I will say, this is a top floor look open. - But wait- - There is, there is tissues there. - There's just tissues there. - I feel weird poking around someone's house, all right, here we go, you ready? - Someone's in here. - Someone's in here. - Someone say no. - Single Sidemen. Well, I mean, I'm nearly one. Reveal- oh. It's a bit coin monitor station. How many soros do they have? - I can hear Simon, so I think he's been caught. - 47, 48, 49. 50. - Right, there's no one up here, bro. It's just minter. - All right, so this is the new dance move that I thought of. - The door. - Oh my days. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Well, if someone's got in there, I swear to god. - Vikk's sort of tall. - There no way, bro, you'd get asbestos in there. Climb a torch of something, there's no way. - Look around. Fuck that. - Is there a human in there? - If there's a human in here, they've won 'cause I'm not going in there. Jesus Christ. - Is there a human? - Vikk. - Vikk or Tobi are you in here? This is a statement. - No hands. - There's not a human in here. - Thought I just heard something. - He's not in here. - I call it Riding the Bike. - They're caught, there's no human survivor in here. I feel like I heard someone. - Wait, JJ keeps getting snuck in the windows. - I feel like I just- is that who it is? I just heard someone. - Just so you have a better angle. - I heard him and Vikk laughing downstairs. - I just heard someone say something. - Oh, where are the rest of the Sidemen. - I think we cleared the top floor, yeah. - Yeah, top floor's been, has been wooshed now. - Okay. - Wait, I feel like there's just, okay. - You hear him though? - We're getting bamboozled. - Yeah, it's only- - There's someone, I swear there's still someone. - All right, lets clean this floor through and then we know it's just the bottom floor we got to do. Chunk's room. I feel weird into people's rooms. Let's see. It's a nice room. It's just chunks. - It smells nice. - It smells good. - Oh, this smells amazing. - Chunks. - Sorry, chunks, but I'm in your bathroom. - Chunk smells great. - Just havin' a look. - Chunk does smell good. - We've got a nice room, a load of craps. - Wow. - Oh, see but here's the giveaway. It's an automatic light, so if someone was in here- - No, if they were... - The light would be off. - They could be hiding behind something. - No, just loads of washing. (laughs) He missed his pen. - I'm not co-signing that. I'm not co-signing that. Mate, his room is clear. - It smells really good. - All right, you clean the bathroom? - Yeah. - Or have you done the classic Ethan where you've seen something and not bait them out? - There's one. There's someone in there. - Where? - I think everyone's outside this time, bro. - They're all outside? All right, here's Niko's. - Cleared success. - There's no handle, so. Ugh, for fuck's sake, Niko. I'm just stuck here. Unless I jump down. That looks pretty high. If I want knees, then I might have to stay here. (laughs) Unless I land on Tobi's car. If I just land on his car, then I might be okay. - I want you guys to know that I have found someone. - What? - Since I've joined you, yes, I have found someone. But I didn't know if to snitch. I don't believe in snitching. - You're part of the team! Bro, it's a team effort. - You want me to really show you? - Where? Where was it? - Give us a clue. - Was it up? Or was it down here? - Was it in here or was it upstairs? It's in here? - Let's look for someone else. - What! - Have you gotten it? - Yeah, we've gone in there. - I can't believe you've seen someone. How have you? Seen you've been with us? - Yeah. - That we haven't seen? - Yeah. - What? - You're all terrible. - What? (laughs) - Where? - But, they're my hiders, so you know, I'm not going to- - What floor? - Let's check downstairs. - Let's check- - Could've been in JJ's room. - Oh, yeah. Nobody's going to want to hide in there. - Hello? Bro. - Just no. No. - Well, I don't trust you now. If you said it before. - Yeah, I don't trust you anymore. - All right, so I'll just go hide with them? (laughs) - No. Nice. Nice, see now I can see through walls. - All right, you want me to tell you where he is? - I know better. It was Simon and David's upstairs, wasn't there? - You want me to tell you what room they're in? - Yeah, what room are they? - Just, Simon! - They are in that room. - Chunk's room. They're in Chunk's room? - Yeah. - Bullocks you've seen someone. - There's no way you've seen someone. - Fuck off, you've seen someone. - Bro, there's no one in Chunk's room. We've swiped it. - He's not, he's throwing us off. - We've swept it. We swept through, bro. - He's not, he's throwing us off. - Do you pinky promise? (laughs) - He's lying! No, he's stupid, he's lying. - You're lying aren't you? - He's fibbing. - You lying? Do you pinky promise there's someone in here? (laughs) Mate, what? - Pinky promise, bro, you ain't seen shit, have you? - Mate, there's no one in there. There's no one here. Oh! No way. - No way. Sideman. Sideman. - Oh my god. - I had to. - Oh my god. - They were never going to find you and I saw your camera. - Bro. - You saw my camera? - I had to, yeah. - Bro, the camera's hard. - I grabbed the wrong thing. - Oh, my god. - That was good. - Bro, that was hide! - I should've won! - That was good, bro. - Bro, that was good. - I would've won. - I thought you were upstairs. - Oh, wow, Vikk. - Now you support hide and seek now that's more numbers of us. Easier to find. - I think we look downstairs. - I think downstairs now. - That's got to be. - Yeah, I think a couple dongs riding around. - So, who's left? Tobi, Josh, and JJ? Josh can't hide in many small spaces. - I thought you didn't find JJ, Simon? - Where is he? - I don't know. - You know 100%. I know you know. - I don't know anything. - We heard you talking to him and having giggle breath. - Who's left? - Tobi, Josh, JJ. - Tobi always wins, though. - Yeah, he's a slippery fellow, that man. - I'm fuming. I thought I was doing well. - Yeah, you're doing amazing. If it wasn't for Igor Miniman. (laughs) Igor Miniman. - Simon, this place was set up like this, right? - Right? - With all the stuff set up against the wall? And I was just hiding behind there then my camera beeped. - If it weren't for those damn meddling miniman. Even playing without Ethan. - Nothing, madness. - Does that open? - No. - Oh, that's the fridge. - What about that one? - What's that? - Have you checked outside? - No. - Any shoes missing? Any shoes missing? - That's a good question. (people mumbling) - I will keep my friends safe. - Oh? What? (laughs) Yeah! What brov, why do you keep squirting me, man? This guy and his fucking water gun. - Yeah, he's got big feet. Hey, Tobi's got big feet. - Tobi does have big feet. - Shoes will tell you if someone's outside. - That's what I was trying to figure out. - And they're all there? - Yeah. - Unless she's borrowed shoes and its a ruse. - It could be a ruse. It could be a big ruse. It could be a ruse. - I think we head outside, boys. - You want to look outside? - I think we head outside. Someone's got to be outside at least. - All right. - Hmm. Hmm. - There is a tent up there. It's a nice garden, but not very many hiding spots. - Vikk saw me, but niced 'cause he wasn't filming, 'cause Vikk knows where I am. My hero Vikk. - I really don't trust Niko. - Some scooters. Nice. - Anyone sneak in here? No. That's what I was counting. - I had just heard footsteps upstairs, and they were heavy footsteps. They was heavy footsteps. - What's that door? - That's me, man. I've put a big of weight. - This is what I'm saying bro, 'cause these lot, they've been in here- - I know! I know. - And then I just saw them run back down here and into this room, and they've been giggling, and I heard heavy footsteps. Heavy footsteps. - Hello, anybody home? There's nobody in the tent. Behind the fence however, no. - Here we go, we're going upstairs. - Harold? - Harold? We're going. Someone's up here, man. - Someone heavy is up here. - Yeah, and I think they went right to the top. - Where, I've lost my team. - I'm checking down there. - I've lost, where's Simon and Ethan gone? - I don't know. - I have been bamboozled. Have they run off? - No, no, no I don't think so. Yo, let's go, have you done the top floor properly? - Yes, I think I have, but I'm down for another check. - Yeah, I'll come with. - Oh, wait. Simon. - Is it the one behind the weights? - Yes. - Does it open though? Cause the weights are in the way? - Yeah, but- - No, but they were there when I came up here. - The thing is, it's not like there that many spots. - I heard someone run upstairs, bro. - What, to the very top? - Harry, have you checked out here? - On the front? - Out here. - What do you mean out here? - Out the windows? - What do you mean? What do you mean? How would I check out the- What, have I looked outside? - Yeah. - Yeah, I've looked outside, what, what's out there? - No, I went outside just before. - But have you looked above the door right here? - There's no way he can get there. - How're we doing on this floor? - You can't open that. - Have you checked out here? On the- - What do you mean out there? - Out the window, on the little balcony there? - Well, how do you get out there? (gasp) - Oh my god. - What? - How is he out there? - Who is it? - I don't know, but I could, is that- - Yo, how is he there? - Where? Where is he? - He's right there. - Where is? - Well, we found him. - No, we haven't found him. - No, he's going down. Go, go, go, to the front. - Going to jump. - Where is he? - Above the front door. Get out the front, out the front and look up. - No, I'm going to die. - How's he got out? What the f- (laughs) - Is he on the- - KSI. KSI! - Yeah, he's there. Wait, how did he? Did you boost him up there? Oh, you boost him up there. - You must have done it. You're the only big one. - Nah, nah, nah. - KSI. - We can see your camera, mate. - I'll spit on you. - I knew you knew. - I heard Vikk's a snitch. (laughs) - If anything I'm helping him out, he's got to be cold. He's got to be cold out there. - I've got to go and get him, I've got to go and get him, it's the only option. - Or we can leave him. - Nah, na, nah. I'm going to get this man. - What's happening? - Hold this so it won't move. - This man really didn't want to seek. - This is how they think he up there, by the way. This is how they think we got up there. - Well, how did he get there? - You know that's not how he got there. - I don't, I don't, I don't care. - I don't think they've caught me yet. - He say we're trying get KSI. - Did you put him up there? - There's no one up there. - Yeah, how did you let him up there? - There's no one up there. - Here's right there. (laughs) - How the hell did you get up there? - I just jumped up. - But the thing is you haven't won. - I haven't won? - We saw you through the thing. You haven't won. (laughs) Josh and Tobi are still out there somewhere. - Are you serious? - You haven't won. - Oh, you popped it. - Hello there. - That's how it's done. - Is that it? - Nice one. (everyone mumbling) - Okay, bye. - You're not seeking next time, though. Or the fourth. - Yes! - So, come join us. - Success! - Come back to reality. - Is that how it's done? - Yeah. - Tobi and Josh, we just need to find one of them and then we're done. - That makes sense. - How did I not win? - You bastard. - How did I not win? - You bastard. (laughs) That was a spot for someone though. - Fucking hell. (man mumbling) Fucking hell. - Oy, Lance? That's moved. - What? - That's moved. - What, the tent? I moved the tent. - The tent moved. - I moved it, I moved it. - Why would you move the tent? - 'cause I was pulling it to see who was in it then I looked inside. - So, we need Tobi and Josh. - I don't know about that one, mate. I don't know about that one. - You can go. - I don't trust Vikk. - Yeah. I mean, you can go and check. There's no one in there. - Harry, 500 quid if there's someone in there. - 500 quid if someone's in there? - Yeah. - Damn. - What, I'll give you 500 quid if there's someone in there. - I'll take that bet. Well, I'll just take the 500. - I really hope there's no one in there. There really shouldn't be. - If Tobi fucking snuck out there. - Tobi's just spitting it out there. - Come on Tobi, be in there. Win me 500 quid, lad. Win me 500. - I'm pretty confident. - All right. That was wack, bro. - Tobi, if you're in here, you've won me 500 smacka-roos. - I really hope there's no one in there. - Yeah, you're right Vikk, there's no one in here. - Where would those bastards be? - We're missing two. Just two of the Sidemen. - How is it taking this long, bro? 'cause this actually got long. - This is a very long time. I have a feeling where on of them is. - Do you? - Yeah. - I don't want split off from the guys 'cause they're gonna find him and it's going to mess with my head. - Why am I checking behind here? - I find myself doing that, but I lifted a teddy earlier that a child can hide there. - How is Josh in this big yet? - Yeah. I don't know. - He has to be downstairs somewhere. - Oh my god. - Come. - Oh god. - Oh, no. He's doing- - Oh, no. You're gone, bro. - Run! - I don't know when. - To be fair, they didn't see Vikk either. He was like really well hidden. - Vikk spot you, Vikk was only- - I only saw- - I wouldn't have ratted you out, but I got ratted out, so. - Oh, fair enough. - Bro, the blinds, we saw you through the blinds. - Oh, mad. - Could they have moved? - Yes, Tobi would 100% have moved. - Mad. - Tobi's got pays, bro, like of course. - I'm going upstairs, I'm going upstairs again. I'm going upstairs again. - Are we just splitting up and see who can find them? - Can we, before we split up, can we make a pact? If you find them, find them, don't like see them and be like, oh, come back for you later. (laughs) - Well, what if I've already done that? - What? Oh, no. - Is that from like now on? - From now on. - No, who have you seen? - Who have you seen? - No, no man. You ratted me out. - When? - I went into the room for you. You have to rat them out, 'cause it continues to change. Simon ratted me out, I ratted you out. - But I don't know where they are. - I'll show you. - Okay, fine. - All right, show us then. - Well, no, 'cause he's just going to tell us. Just tell us what room? - Tell us. Give us a clue. Give us a clue. Give us a clue. - Let's find Tobi, I don't want to- - Upper floor or here? - Where's Josh? Are you recommending we stay on this floor or we up a floor, what would you say? - I think we should off a floor and go and find Tobi. - That means Josh is on this floor. - So, Josh is on this floor then? - I'm just going to stay on this floor then. - Josh is fucking here. - Josh is here. - I'm trying to pull up football. It's been 40 minutes. - Hey, (murmurs). - Hey, (murmurs). - No, not in the fridge. In here? (murmurs) - Do you know where he is? - Where would Vikk have seen him? Where would Vikk have seen him? - It's a very good hiding spot. - Really? - Everyone that's been found, has been found by someone else. I found Ethan. - That's why I'm not giving up Josh. - Jesus. - This is why I'm not giving up Josh. - You shock me up mate. - I want to find Tobi, really. - Tobi, is impossible to find, mate. Tobi is always impossible to find. - Okay, he's not in there. - That's open but that's been open for time. - Josh! (laughs) - I don't think that's going to get him. - Marco! - Marco. - Polo. - Pussies. - Oh, no. Wait. - Marco. - Polo! - Vikk, was that you? - It's Vikk. (laughs) - Vikk! You think you're funny, bro. - You know where one of them is. - I'm an imposter. - We need more manpower. We drew them. - Vikk! - Oh, mate. - We had been cool for so long man. - The video's fucking two hours bro. - You lot know where someone is, right? - You don't been bear protected out this room, isn't it, our constant this is your, this is your- this is where you keep coming back to though, I've seen it. - Listen. - I'm listening. - I know where Tobi is, yeah, but I can't snitch. - But you just got back! - Wait, you saw what? - I saw stuff. - You saw stuff. That's all I'm saying, I got paid a big sum. - All right, there's no cash, there's no cash. - JJ is here. - If some got cash we can start speaking. - You've got money. - I didn't bring any cash. - But you paid him like a k just a while back- - Yeah, yeah. - Come on, PayPal him. - All right, how much PayPal. - I'm saying two fifty. - All right, two fifty. Call him. - JJ would do that. (laughs) - Where's my phone? - Are we paying? - Is it going to PayPal? - I have no cash. - No, JJ phone. - JJ's PayPalling. What if he's just here? - Have we checked these cupboards? - No, mate. (men chattering) - They're blocking them off. - Hey, JJ. - Yo, JJ hurry up man. - Yeah, I don't know where my phone is, fam. - He's lost his phone. - Waiting time. - Fam, look how he's sitting, look how he's sitting, bro. Look how he's sitting. He's sitting like a boss. Like you're sat, man. (laughs) - What you is you times that by two. (laughs) - JJ, just so you know it's going up every minute you can't find your phone. Inflation rate, inflation rate. - 17 seconds. Now it's disrespect. He just walked past me. - Oh, I think I know where it is. When I tried hiding under the fucking duvet. - I want to find one of them, man. - Flattenware, flattenware, flattenware, flattenware. - What? - 'cause Josh is in there. Yeah. You're a lucky guy, you know? Just leave him there. Let them move, let them move. - You're trying to secure his bag without knowing where he is? - Chance, where you at? - All right, 1k for the fun. - All right, Chunks, Chunks, Chunks! You're about to get your bag. - Chunks, do you want your bag? - How is he turning into a bag now? How's it turned into a bag? - You're disrespecting my guy right here. - You owe me money. - It's descended to chaos now. - No, how much. - I'm saying, look, I'm going to be nice to you. Five bills. - All right. Calm. All right, bet. Five bills. (cheering) - Yo, yo, yo. - Bank five. - I tried so hard. - When someone says money... - Oh, dear. - Oh, my... - You were there there whole time? - For 45 minutes. - I'd been there earlier. - Oh, my days. (screaming) - I was like trying to pick- - I saw you check this one as a fridge, and I'm like, yeah that's probably a freezer. (laughs) - Five bills. - I can't move. - My five bills. Five! - You paid me off. - Hey, Tobi, you won! - Marco. - Oh, wait. I heard polo. - Oh, here we go. Here we go. - Marco. - Polo. - You're baiting me out? - Marco. - Polo. - What? - That's the one I've been saying it for 45 minutes. - Wait, what? - Marco. - Polo. What? - No. What? - He's lying across the chairs. - What? (men cheering) (men chattering) - Hey, yo. Hey yo. - You just won the whole table, man. - The whole time? - Wait, wait, wait. Poker comes in, pulls this chair away and turns my camera away from my face, goes into this bag looking for a battery for Ethan. I'm staring at him, and he's just standing there going like this. You must have passed a million times, oh my god. Well, that was longer than I was- (men chattering) - That was insane. - That was a good hide and seek. I'm so sore. - Bro, that's a good hide and seek. - Our discount code is 10MIL. - All right, now. (upbeat pop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 19,723,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: m5Z4D2kzwao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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