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- [Josh] My camera stopped working. - [Ethan] Mine's out of battery. (eerie sound) - [Tobi] Fuck that, fuck that. (Sidemen screaming) - [Vik] In this video The Sidemen are going to be exploring the caves and tunnels of Fort Amherst. Constructed in 1755, it is known as one of the most haunted places in the South East of England. During the middle of the night, we will be exploring the labyrinth to see what we can discover. - Welcome to The Sidemen channel. Today we're exploring a haunted place. (Sidemen laugh) - What's it called Behz, where are we? - Fort Amherst? - Wow. - Fort Amherst. - There you go that'll do. - There, banged it. - Alright, we're actually doing this. (Simon laughs) (Sidemen chattering) - [Simon] Go on JJ. - [Harry] I'll go first, I got the ouija board. - [JJ] That's what, that's what I'm talking about. Big man, big man. - [Vik] With the ouija board. - [Simon] Alright, it's chilly. - [Vik] This actually works quite well. (Sidemen chattering) (Simon laughing) - [Simon] Alright, I'm not believing, I'm not believing that they're all mannequins. - [Josh] Left, left, left. - No it's left yeah. - [Harry] (indistinct) - No, that door. - [Vik] Ah, this one. - [Josh] It's restricted. - [Vik] Do it anyway. - [Tobi] Josh we're rebels, go. (Sidemen chattering) - [Simon] Alright, this, this is gonna be - [Ethan] Alright shall I tell you what, it smells like ghosts. - Smells like ghosts? - [Ethan] Smells like ghosts lad. - What does that even mean. - [Josh] Anyone thought how this could be a massive ditch up here? - [Ethan] Well no, that's not alright then. - [JJ] Ah man. - [Ethan] That's not alright. (Sidemen chattering) - [Harry] Oh, it's not locked. - [JJ] Go on. (Sidemen laughing) - [Tobi] Harry move. - [Vik] I swear if one person jumps out we are all gonna scream. - [Simon] I will honestly, I will bite something. This looks like a graveyard. - [Josh] Ha! - [Vik] Ha! (Sidemen laughing) - [Vik] Oh, that wasn't nice. That wasn't a nice one. - [Ethan] I'm not gonna lie lads, this is heavy. - [Tobi] Wanna swap? - [Ethan] Nope, (indistinct). (Sidemen chattering) - [Tobi] Fam! Alright, let's go. - [Josh] That torch is lit. - [Simon] This is me. (Sidemen chattering) [Vik] You could probably see a spirit with that. (Sidemen chattering) - [Tobi] Ooh, Ooh. There's two people in there, bruv. What's going on. - [Simon] X marks the spot. - [JJ] Alright alright, odds on. - [Tobi] Shotgun not. - [Simon] Shotgun not. - [Vik] Shotgun not. - Harry. - [JJ] Smack that, odds on smacking the ass. - [Josh] I'll do it. - Harry, you have to, you have to spank him. - [Josh] Are you really making him do that? - [Simon] Yeah. - [JJ] Go on then. - [Vik] Imagine it's a dude, he just moves. - Bad boy. (Sidemen laughing) - Imagine he just goes, oh. - [Ethan] (indistinct) - Do it again! (JJ laughing) - Ah! You fucking shitting. I think I've pissed. I think I've pissed. I'm not okay, I think I've pissed, I think I've pissed. - [Josh] Wait have you seen how dark it is if you actually turn the lights off? (Sidemen chattering) - [Simon] Right, ready? (Sidemen chattering) - [Vik] Wait wait, let's put the night vision on. - [Simon] Everyone ready? - [Vik] Wait, hold up let me get the night vision. - Three, two, one. (Eerie sounds) - [Ethan] So demons The Sidemen are here, you may have seen our show on YouTube Premium. (Sidemen laughing) Demons, we are The Sidemen and we are strong. Uh, you may have seen our show on YouTube Premium. (indistinct) - [Simon] In fact, Ethan's playing with my hand. (Ethan laughs) - What's your name? (Sidemen laughing) - [Simon] N (Sidemen laughing) - [Tobi] Okay stop. Okay stop. Okay stop. - [Vik] Stop stop stop, that's enough. (Sidemen chattering) (Sidemen laughing) - [Simon] Oh my god, wait what's it gonna spell. - [Tobi] Ai stop. - [JJ] Nigel, Nigel. - Nigel, it's gonna be Nigel. - [JJ] Okay. - L, we'll go to L. We'll go to L. It's L, it's L. - [Tobi] Damn! - [Ethan] I'm crying! Ah no, Demons please take us seriously. Yeah, we got a board. Communicate on the board with us please. - [Josh] Say you wanna make some good content so. - [Ethan] Yeah, if you jump scare us it's amazing for views. It's unreal, it's absolutely unreal. - [Simon] We'll put our hand on this. - [Ethan] Oh it's wet man. - [Simon] Okay. - [JJ] Do we ask it a question? - [Simon] Yeah, you ask the question. - [JJ] Um. Uh. - [Simon] Are there any spirits here? (eerie sounds) (Sidemen laughing) (Sidemen chattering) - [Ethan] Okay, demons. Will KSI beat Logan Paul on August 25th? - [Tobi] The big one. (Sidemen laughing) This demon's confused fam. - [Simon] No! Oh my god. (Sidemen laughing) - [Ethan] Wow! - [Simon] Ghost predicts KSI v Logan Paul. - [Josh] You gotta do it properly. - [Ethan] What's the weather like today? (Sidemen laughing) - [Harry] Are ghosts real? (Vik laughing) - [Josh] Take JJ out the circuit. JJ you've been evicted. Please leave. - [Simon] This is like Love Island. This is amazing. - [JJ] JJ please leave. Please leave the tunnel. - Brexit means Brexit. - [Josh] Alright, go that way - I don't think they here. - [Harry] When I was eight, my guinea pig died. Is he in heaven? (Sidemen laughing) - [Josh] That was really sad. (JJ laughing) That was so sad. - Should we stop doing this now? - [Vik] (indistinct) (Sidemen laughing) - [Vik] And somehow JJ managed to lose his torch. So we sent him back on his own to go an look for it as a punishment. - Fantastic okay. Right, is this night vision right now? - [Vik] Yeah. - What the fuck, you can't see shit. (Sidemen chattering) - [Vik] Bye. - [JJ] Cunts. (Ethan laughs) - [Ethan] We've lost the KSI. (Sidemen whispering) - [JJ] Just gotta retrace my steps. (Sidemen footsteps) Yeah, it's a lot more eerie, by myself. But, obviously I don't believe in ghosts so. So yeah that's (indistinct). (eerie noise) (JJ screams) The lights just turned on, rah. That's what happened, the lights just turned on. - [Harry] Shut up. - [Josh] I'm sure that was footsteps. - [Ethan] Fam, it was disgusting. (eerie sound) Fam. - [Tobi] Fam, what the fuck. - [Josh] Is that a blowjob noise? - [Tobi] No No, shut up shut up. - [Simon] Someone getting buck. (Sidemen laughing) - [Tobi] Fam, that's clapped. - [Josh] Hey, my camera stopped working. - [Simon] Mine's out of battery. (eerie noise) - [Tobi] Fuck that, fuck that. Fuck that. - [Simon] Where's JJ? - [Vik] Chill, chill, chill, chill. - [Tobi] Where did we leave him? - [Josh] Where's JJ then? - [Ethan] Where are we going? - [Vik] Back. - [Ethan] JJ's back there. - [Tobi] Josh, do you wanna hold mine? - [Vik] Where is JJ? - [Simon] Who would've thought that us trolling JJ would've ended up with us being touched. (Tobi exclaims) - [Josh] If he's outside. - [Ethan] He's banged it. - [Josh] He hasn't. - [Ethan] Oh, it's hot out here lads. - Well, I was gonna scare them. Now I can't hear them anymore. - [Simon] Fam, we legit just heard a ghost. - [Tobi] Harry doesn't want to go back in. Harry you're good man come on. - [Simon] Yeah, my camera died. - [Vik] Mine went as well bro, it's booky. That's the bit that dodgy. You heard mine shut off and you told me to shut up and it was my camera turning off. - Well, I have no service. - Alright, we're being brave. - [Tobi] Do you wanna put that one in your bag? - Should we go through those doors now? - I need to retrace my steps for my phone. (Sidemen chattering) - [Harry] Oh no. - [Simon] I can't carry it. Can someone carry it? - [Josh] I'm guessing (indistinct). Hang on, I'll try fix this. Harry, Harry's good. - [Simon] I mean Ethan has a free hand. (JJ screaming) (Ethan screaming) - Fam, fam honestly. - [JJ] What? - [Vik] No, you missed it. - You missed, no. Come. - [JJ] Your cameras broken? - I've lost my phone. - [KSI] For real? - I've lost my phone. - [JJ] What the fuck happened? - [Vik] Okay there was this staircase and like Simon was like oh listen do you hear that noise and I was like haha very funny. There's like this drip. (Sidemen chattering) - [Simon] JJ it sounded like this. (imitates sound) - [JJ] What the fuck. - [Vik] Then it sounded like a horse. - And then it goes. (clicking sound) And that's when we ran. - That's a bird. - [Vik] Did you not hear us scream and run? Big yikes from me boys. - [JJ] I mean I got startled a bit I guess, but it was just the lights turning on. - [Tobi] So we sprinted down. - [Ethan] You can get this from - [Tobi] Wait, wait, wait it was up here. - [JJ] Wait, you guys went up? (Sidemen Shushing) - [Tobi] Shh, it's there again it's there again. (eerie sounds) I think it stopped. - [Ethan] If there's any ghosts up the stairs. - [Vik] Just stay there please. - [Ethan] Please make the noise that you was just making. - I think it's worse that it's. (Sidemen chattering) - [Ethan] It's worse that it's stopped 100%. - [Josh] Cause I thought it would be like if (indistinct). - I'm stressed. - [JJ] I think you guys are chatting shit. - Fam, I will show you the footage. (Sidemen chattering) - [Ethan] This isn't a joke, it was disgusting. - [Josh] Back in the swing of things. - [Vik] Alright, onwards boys. - [Tobi] Josh, JJ! Fam, where have the other two gone please. - [Vik] Don't know, don't care. - [Tobi] Fam. (Sidemen screaming) (Tobi laughing) (JJ laughing) - (indistinct) - [Josh] This turned into us jumping. - [Simon] Ah, I don't like that. - [Tobi] Fam, I'm not. - [Simon] I don't like that. (Sidemen chattering) - [JJ] Yeah, that's where we went let's go up the stairs guys. - [Simon] Lead us then. - [JJ] What do you mean lead us? - [Simon] Alright, JJ's going first. - Nah, no no no no. Josh is the big daddy. Josh is the dad. Look at him, I (indistinct). (Sidemen chattering) - [Tobi] Alright, it's humid up here bro. (Sidemen chattering) - [Simon] Alright, everyone lights off. - [JJ] Really? - [Tobi] I can't find. - [Josh] Those stairs is dangerous. (Sidemen chattering) - [Tobi] Oh boy. Oh boy. Ay there's more stairs! - People used to like do shit here. - So do you three wanna go off? You three wanna go off there. Okay, we're splitting up. - [Vik] We're leaving the rest behind. - This is now the house. - [Tobi] Oh for fuck sake. - Who will win. Only three or four of us can survive. - [Tobi] I keep hearing this stamping noise though, which isn't fun. - [Ethan] It's my balls, my big big. Whoa. - [Tobi] Nah, fuck it we're going back down bruv. Nah nah fuck, ey bro. - [Ethan] Wait no let's go, let's go, let's go. - [Tobi] Did you hear that? - [Ethan] Did you lot hear that? - [Tobi] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you lot hear that? Wait there it is again, can you not hear that stomp noise? - [Tobi] Vik you're shook, let's go. Bog. Where does it go? - [Ethan] Ah, there more stairs. - [Tobi] Ay what, how many stairs. One of us is gonna break an ankle today. (Sidemen whispering) (electronic sound) - [Simon] What is that? There's a ghost, there's a ghost. (music playing) (rap music playing) (Sidemen start laughing) (Loud bang) (Tobi laughing) - [Simon] Fam seriously, that was Josh. - [Tobi] It's a dead fucking end Simon. - [Simon] It's what? - [Ethan] Is it, is it the exit? - [Tobi] It's literally just a fire door on top of the thing, it's a fire exit. - [Josh] (indistinct) - [Tobi] You can't go anywhere else. - So are we done it all? - [Tobi] That's it, that's all that was up there. - We completed it. Harry's so, Harry's so keen to get out here. - [Ethan] We got to the fire door and Harry goes, well should should we push it then? (Sidemen chattering) - Yo, I'm just tryna get out of this fucken place. - Let's go. Left. - [Tobi] We've been right. - We've been right. - [Vik] This is the haunted bit. - [Simon] The scary bit. - [Tobi] That's why it was so scary. - It was the way that Harry wanted to go at the start. - [Vik] There it is, there's the door to the right. - That door to the right that we didn't go in. - [Vik] Yeah, let's go there. - I need to pee. (Sidemen chattering) I wanna go pee. - There's gonna be someone around this corner. - If there's any Sidemen, I'll punch you in the neck. - [Josh] If they go in there we could just close them in. - [JJ] I say let's just lock it. - [Vik] Okay okay, let's hide just around this corner. - [Harry] Just shut the gates and then we'll just (indistinct) (Sidemen chattering) - [Vik] Yeah yeah yeah, this is gas. - [Josh] Explain it. - Okay, so we've just come out. They asked to split up. So we're gonna lock the gates and we're just gonna film from the outside. Cause we thought it was gonna happen to us. Do it real slowly. - [Harry] Oh, oh my god yes. - [Josh] That's so mean. - [Harry] That's the worst. (gate clanking) - [Vik] Okay, the gate's fully locked. (Sidemen whispering) - [Simon] Ew, ew it's like wet clay. - [Ethan] I don't like why the lights went off in there you know, I really don't like that. That makes me uncomfortable. (Sidemen chattering) - [Ethan] Fam. - [Tobi] Fam, is that shut? Why is it shut please. - That's nice. - [Tobi] Why is it shut man? - [Ethan] That's the way out. - [Tobi] Yeah, but why is it shut then. - [Simon] Should we check it? Do you wanna check if it's open? - [Ethan] Yeah. - [Simon] I bet they've locked us in. - [Tobi] Fam. - [Simon] This is a prank. - [Tobi] Fam. - [Ethan] How far is that though bruv. - [Tobi] That's not fun. - [Simon] Yeah they've got them to lock us in. (gate clanking) Oh, I don't like this then. - [Ethan] Well I'm not happy. - [Tobi] Why are we locked in then. - [Ethan] Well I mean we're not getting out so. - [Simon] (indistinct) - [Ethan] What's the contacts name? - [Tobi] Oh boy, oh boy it's gone wrong again. - [Ethan] Something's gone heavily wrong here lads. - I mean on the bright side the sky looks beautiful, this is a great picture. - I ruined it hang on. - See that look, gang. What do we do now? - [Ethan] Cry. - You wanna play some tunes? (music playing) - Ghost riddim. - [Ethan] Speaky song. - Ghost riddim. - [Ethan] You know when you was in school and you put it next to someone to make it louder. - [Simon] Yeah, what ghosts. - What. - [Tobi] Hello, can you let us out now please thank you. - [Ethan] You lost, you lost a friend today you lot. You lot haha. - [Tobi] Hey, big man. - [Ethan] Hey man not doing this (indistinct) ting you know. You lot! Open the fucking gate. - [Simon] You lot ruined it yeah. - [Ethan] Open the gate! (Sidemen laughing) (Sidemen chattering) - [JJ] Let's go back. - [Vik] Should we just let them out, they've gotta be fuming. - [JJ] Yeah, fine fam. (JJ laughing) - [Ethan] Can you let us out I can see you. (Vik Whispering) - [JJ] What's up? - [Ethan] Yeah, you locked the gate lads. - [JJ] I don't know what you guys are on about. Wait, is it, is it locked? (Sidemen chattering) - [Ethan] Well, how'd you get out then? - [Simon] Ah, look at Vik's acting, he's acting. - Open the fucking gate. - [Vik] With what? What's the pin? - [JJ] What's the pin? - We're not recording anymore. - [JJ] Well, I mean. (Sidemen laughing) - [JJ] Yeah. - [Simon] We're free! - [JJ] Come along boys, bring it in. (JJ laughing) - [Ethan] You lost a friend today. You lot lost a friend today. - [JJ] Well, I think that was a great video. (outro music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,402,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, #SidemenSunday
Id: DE8qYM74B2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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