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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/001Guy001 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
(dubstep music playing) - Hey guys and welcome to Sidemen Hide-and-Seek. We are on board the MSC Bellissima, a brand new cruise ship. We are the first to be on it, ever. We're gonna Hide-and-Seek on it, on two floors, 16 and 17. The boat is massive, that's why we're only doing two floors. - [Tobi] It's a billion dollar boat. - It's 15 and 16, luckily they told me that. It's a billion dollar boat, as he just said. And yeah, they're gonna go, run away. - You're screwed. I wish you the best of luck brother. - I mean, it's the hardest one, ever. - I'm gonna walk... - So I'll give you a hundred seconds, yeah? - [All] A hundred seconds? - Yeah, exactly. - 1 2 4 - Oh! - [Ethan] I know where I'm going. - [Tobi] Power walk. - [Simon] Power walk. Power walk, bro! Ooh, get that wiggle! Yo! - [Ethan] It's a day of fitness then, so me and Harry... - [Harry] We're going to gym! - We're going gym! (huffing, laughing) - [Simon] Hey, it says "Walkers right"! - [Harry] Give us a power walk, Simon, give us a power walk. Ooh. Ooh! - I'm going to the toilet. - [Vik] Why did you not go to the toilet before? Honestly, this boat is so massive, we can walk around. We can go on a tour. We can tour the whole boat. - So, welcome aboard. We're waiting to go on the first voyage of this boat, ever. We're the first people on it, first people to use everything on the boat. So it's a huge privilege, so shout-out to MSC for doing that for us. And literally invited us to come out to do the Hide-and-Seek on the cruise ship. So big shout-out to them. - What floor are we on right now? - [Tobi] 16. - 16? I'm going down a floor. - (sighs) Why am I so black? - If you hold it higher up. Does that help? - Yeah, yeah, that works, that works. - Anything I have on them, is that I have been on cruise ships like 10, 11 times in my life, and no one else has been on a cruise ship, ever. So, slight advantage. - Oh, yeah. Lovely. Oh, they've got- oh yes. They've got the cross trainers. Yes! - [Simon] So me and Tobi are gonna head down a floor. - [Tobi] We're going down a floor. - Ethan and Harry, they're going to the gym. - Ni-ice. - [Ethan] So here's my work-out so far... - Uh, there's a women's toilet, and disabled. So probably... - [JJ] What are you trying to say? - (Vik laughs) - 61 65 - Look at this...workout. So here's my workout so far, three maps. So let's get this up, get a few maps in. - That's so obvious. Do you know how long? - (chuckles) - [Simon] Bro, I might be good. I might be good. Oh, Look at this. I've got a fan on me, too. - 38... 39 - [Tobi] Okay. We can't... we can't waste a spot on two people. Simon, I'm going to have to love you and leave you. - I feel like someone's gonna just... - [Tobi] Text me if you're battery's low. - Okay, I feel like, I've literally just got- look at this. Look at my set up. - You're winning. Okay. I haven't got time, so bye. - [Simon] Okay. Good luck. - Love you! - Harry and Ethan are probably gonna try and hide in the gym. - (laughs) While working out. - Oh yeah, now that's an angle, that's an angle. I'm in the blue zone. I'm in the blue. I don't think he would come here straight away. No. - 87... 88. - I'm now alone. I can go down a floor. - This is men's toilets around here. - How do you know where everything is? - [Vik] 'Cause I'm a genius. There you go. All right. I'll be around here. - [JJ] I'll see you in a bit. All right. Oh, look at these toilets. Very nice. Let's hope no one's in. Yeah-ha ha! Oh! - 93. Ah, screw it. - [JJ] Look how much space there is! - My worry is someone's going to come in here, that works here or something, that just tells me off. Because I'm kind of behind a machine right now. - My options are limited. It's not looking good. It's not looking good. - Come out, come out, wherever you are. Right, no, let's take this seriously. - So fresh, so clean. All right, let's lock this. Okay. Yeah, nice! Okay. - Oh, no. I'm... This'll be awful. Okay. - [Tobi] Well, I'm going to get found. (music playing, singing along) ♪ If I ain't got you-u-u ♪ - There's this staircase here, I think we'll go up that. Okay, this is the kid's club, I should get out of here. This is not the place to be hanging around. - Honestly, this is actually my favourite Hide-and-Seek video ever, cause it's so impossibly hard for the seeker that I'm not even concerned. The only lines of sight, he has to walk down that side or that side. We could spot him from here and just run. (laughs) - (huffs) Green zone. - So... someone's playing the machine. Someone's actually playing the machine that I'm standing behind. - [Josh] Give me clues. - I don't know, I haven't seen anyone. - [Josh] I said, clues. - Okay. - You do know something. I can see it in your eyes. - I can't say. I'll just say look this way. (grunts) - [Harry] (whispering) Here he comes. He sees us, here we go, here we go. - I don't know how I feel about that. I'm pretty sure I saw Harry, and he's working out. And they just stopped, they just stopped. And I think they're just doing that for their fitness, so we'll leave them for a bit. - [Harry] There he is, there he is. Look at him, I spotted him. So where do we go now? - [Ethan] Um, away from him? - Maybe they'll move. I think instead of playing Hide-and-Seek, they're just working out. Okay. - [Harry] So we're gonna go elsewhere. - Oh, they're running Windows 10. - [Harry] Lovely. - Just sucking at life right now. One of these machines could be my saviour. Yes. Yes, I found my spot. - I'm just here on the lookout. (sighing in relief) (people talking in background) - I don't know what to do. (music playing) - All right, this place has an arcade. It's got a football pitch. We've got that. - [Harry] He almost found us. - Almost saw us. Almost. - Oh my God, Ethan and Harry just walked by. - Oh no, he's coming, he's actually coming. He's actually coming, he's actually coming. He's coming down this hall. Oh, no, no. - I actually just saw him. I've scoped him. I need to text JJ. - [Ethan] That was awful! - [Harry] You didn't see that happen. - [Ethan] Come on then. Oh. Oh! - Oh, I'm kind of trapped here. Oh snap. Shit. JJ's not picking up, he might be found. I should've gone into the toilet. What was I thinking? JJ's my squad member. - Oh, why did I even sign up for this? Of all Hide-and-Seeks. - I think Vik's left me, I mean I was there for quite a while. (laughs) So. Where are we going to go? I do not know. (accented) I do not know where we going to go. (vacuum whirring) - Where could I hide? - Hey, how's it going? - Yeah, good. (laughs) I just need to find a place to hide now. - I don't wanna get caught first. Cause then I have to walk around with him and get triggered and not be able to find anyone else. - Hmm... I've really screwed myself here. - Oh my god, Josh was there, Josh was there, Josh just walked that way, oh my God. That guy opened the door and I just saw Josh walking that way. Oh my God, I thought that was Joshua opening the door. - I don't know where to fricking hide. I could hide in the buffet and just start eating. (JJ laughs) - Oh yeah, JJ wasn't with him, so I assume JJ's fine. Somehow. That was so close. - No one's gonna think I'm there. Plus I get to eat food. - Vaseline. Gotta keep the lips in check. Mini coco butter. Perfect for travelling, cause it's under 100 ml. That's Tobi's guide to Hide-and-Seek. - Jesus, look at the size of these grapes. - Okay, now we'll go to the buffet restaurant. Surely they're not in there. - All right. this is... yeah, help me out man. Thank you, bro. - Surely. - Sweet. - This place is too busy, it'll be easy. (people talking in the background) - Oh, damn! Mm. Ah, thank you. - Well, if they're in there... I don't know, people are eating, I don't wanna be filming people eating, so. I don't know how I'm going to go find them in there. - Wait, wait, wait. I think that's Ethan. Ethan's down the corridor. (tense music playing) - He's right on us. (laughing hysterically) (Ethan screams) - [Josh] You think I don't know cruise ships? - [Harry] How's he done this? - I know my way around cruise ships. You can't be doing this to me, if you don't know where I'm gonna be going. - [Ethan] You said, go to the right! - [Harry] I thought he was gonna come this way! - [Josh] I know my way around, you know. - Goddamn. - Well this is impossible by the way. - Just so you know, now that you found me, Tobi did text me saying we walked past him, however, I don't know where it was. - Where you walked past him? - [Ethan] Yeah. - But like, I went round the buffet. Everyone was eating, so I was like it's a bit awkward. - God, I love my life. (laughing) - [Ethan] Imagine there's a guy with a camera like, "where are they?" - Kind of doing this a lot. - [Tobi] Vik's nearly been got twice. Matters. Oh, and here you can see my most used emoji's. (whispering) I really want a cuddly toy. If they find me, I'm going to get him to try and win me one. - Vik just said that he's going to try and make it. - I just got a text from Simon, he says he's hiding in the arcade behind the last machine. It's through the middle of there. I've gotta be super careful. I'm super, super obvious and vulnerable out here. - (whispering) Oh, my heart, my chest. My chwest, my chwest! I just realised, I don't know where my passport is. - That leaves Vik, who'd be in somewhere a little small. - [Harry] Who worked with who? - Simon... Simon and Tobi were together. - [Harry] Uh huh. - But I don't know if they're still together. So that's um... that's London Bridge, there. - [Josh] Okay. (laughing) - [Harry] Okay, so... - Can you see in this? - [Harry] Yeah, it's no way how, it's tinted. - I'm not gonna lie, this might be the most impossible Hide-and-Seek we've ever done. - [Josh] Well I've got two, yeah? - You've got two, yeah. - [Harry] The buffet? - They can't be hiding in the buffet. - I might get more pizza, you know? The pizza is quite nice. And I normally don't like pizza, you know? You know, you know, you know, you know? How many times can I say, you know, you know? - I'm such an idiot, I can't believe that my camera just stopped recording. But okay, Josh and Ethan are in there, I walked up to here, so I walked out of there, I walked up to here, and I saw them out there. I turn, I ran, I hid down in this corner here. They walked across that bridge. They were stood over there, literally just over there. - There's people looking at us like we're freaks. - I know, yeah that's exactly what I mean, that's the point I was saying. (chattering) - [Josh] I recon into the gym. I recon someone else is going to the gym. - So Harry, this is where I was going to say look. So see here. - [Harry] What? Oh, that was a great chow. - Yeah. It's a good spot, right? (laughing) - Yeah, but then you look like you're trying to break into the thing. (Ethan laughing) - Shit. (Josh laughs) - People, people, people. - So Ethan just saw me, and he didn't snitch. But he told Harry. - Hiding behind arcades could be a bit... - Be a bit what? A chow? - [Ethan] Yeah, because I was gonna do it. - Yeah I mean, if anyone wants to do it with me, great idea. - It helped me. - Phew. My chwest. - Okay, I need to get to the arcade. I'm coming man. Okay, well, if I'm staying here, I need to hide. - [Simon] What!? You're here? Are you joking? - [Vik] Bro, oh my god you're behind the machine. - Guess what? - Okay. Literally, I have seen Josh and run from him three times. - You've run from him? - Three times. - Uh, am I allowed another pizza? (JJ laughs) Oh my God. Look at this. Jesus! - I'm stressing that literally if you've gone the outdoor walkways. That's so long... - Yeah. - that once you go on them, like there's a 50% chance you're going to see one of them. - Bro, I've been here and people have been playing this machine. - A bit of this. - You cut in front of there , you haven't been there yet. Yeah, it's where I caught you. - [Ethan] No. - [Harry] Yeah, he knows his way around. - Wait where'd he go? Did he just hidden again? - [Josh] He's run off? - I can't believe what he's just done. - I think he'd go back to the gym, surely. - No! - I'm waiting for the right moment to change hiding spots. Because... I don't wanna give any more people a heart attack. - Tobi, I've come to re-hide with you. - Why are you re-hiding? - Because I can't be on seeking, it's long. - I was just gonna change spots. - If he's just running straight to the gym, that was the smoothest thing I've ever seen in my life. Bro, that is wild! - This is the worst! I don't like this one. - We just got muffed up so bad! - I just want friends. - I'm literally just smiling inside man. Why would you check a buffet? No one's going to want to eat while hiding. Meanwhile, there's just me just chilling, like... Om nom nom nom! - So it's me, you, Tobi and JJ. - Yeah, I don't know how JJ. - He's still sound, so he's asleep. He's definitely asleep on the toilet right now. - Where are you, Vik? Where are you? "Almost, me too. Ethan has visited me twice, in two different places." - [Ethan] Who said that? - Vik. Now you're just trolling, surely. (intense music) - [Tobi] Did you see what Ethan said? - No, what'd he say? (both laughing) - This was the worst idea we've ever had by the way. How did Harry do that to us? - [Josh] I assumed he would, that's why I don't even care. - Found me by accident and then Harry ditched them to hide with me when they went. So now, Harry's here next to me and we're going to try and get everyone behind these machines. Because there's space for all of us. - Look, that's where he is. - Is that... Is that in here? - No, I think it's the one next to it. - Should we go and see it? - Toby said he's hiding here. - I'll go and I'll let you know how much space. - Okay, okay. - Are they behind these? Surely not. (Harry screams) - [Tobi] Shh. - [Harry] Jesus Christ! Vik, you made me fucking jump, bro. - [Vik] Chill, chill, chill, chill. I'm friendly, I'm friendly, I'm friendly. - [Ethan] Why did we think of doing a Hide-and-Seek on a cruise? (Ethan laughing) - There's too many people around. - [Vik] Should we do a big SWAT conversion? - I think we should do a big SWAT conversion. - Okay. There's some decent stuff at the front of the boat where I was hiding. - Toby is basically telling me that he's trying to get as many people as possible... in his hiding spot. - [Tobi] Check the coast is clear first. This is going to look so weird. - [Vik] Shit, move in, hold on. - [Tobi] Oh my God. - Shit. (Ethan and Josh talking in the background) (Vik whispering) - Wait, have you looked at him twice? - [Ethan] I've looked at him twice apparently. [Josh] You sure he didn't hide behind the arcade in there? No, are you sure he didn't...Fam! - [Ethan] I want to know why it's me. - You must've been with me at the time. - [Ethan] Huh? - You must have been with me at the time. - [Vik] He's walking out now. - [Simon] Fuck! - [Josh] Hello? - Oh! Wait there's one in here? - Hello! - [Ethan] Oh! (tense music playing) (Tobi laughing) - Hold on, hold on, I got a spot. I got a spot. - Ethan went... - [Josh] It was your job to check in there. - [Simon] and look, honestly... - I didn't think anyone could fit in here! - Ethan comes here, and he goes like this, he goes here like this. Shit, just pulled a wire out. And then he looks and I make eye contact with him here. - No! - [Josh] I mean, it's dark in there. - [Simon] And as soon as I did that, I went...jumped out. - Yo I got a sick spot, come through, come through. - [Harry] All right, so Vik said follow him.. (laughing) - I am stuffed. Yo, I could just sleep, you know? I'll be back in five minutes. - [Simon] It had to be someone here, who was was it? - Huh. Well, just so you know, I saw Toby here earlier and I didn't tell you. (cackles) - [Simon] You realise... Let me just explain what happened to you guys. - Oh there's kids, we gotta stop filming. (people talking in the background) You looked behind here, saw Tobi. - Yes. - [Simon] You didn't know. You then walked off. Harry left you guys and hid with Tobi. - I thought about that. - [Simon] Vik then left me, came and hid with these guys here and now they've all moved. - You're a fucking liability. (all laughing) You're supposed to be on my team. - (recording voice memo) I have been found team. I have been found and they literally have just looked behind the claw machine now and I'm very confused, so. - I did Tobi a good thing. - [Simon] Any little, little hints? (Simon's voice memo playing) - Oh yes boys! - [Vik] We got away by literally milliseconds. - Well played, well played. Well, tell them we're not going to give them a hint and we're being pricks. - Oh. - Yeah. Send that! - Tobi said, "Nope, we're being pricks." (Ethan laughing) That's Harry, Harry said that. - [Harry] Our hiding spot is now in the cacti. - Cacti. (people talking in background) - [Vik] I wonder if JJ has just gone back to his room. - It wouldn't surprise me. If he's messed up like that though... he's seeker forever. - Was there places to hide there? - [Josh] No. You can just go in, trust me. - What about... have we checked these hot tubs? - No. - Just having a quick check. - If you hide in there though, then... - It's also kind of dusty, you know. If they're in there they can stay there because it's dirty. Wait. - (audio coming from phone) "Give us a clue where you are. 'Cause they've already looked behind the thing where you were, so. And Tobi said, 'Nope, we're being pricks.'" - He said... - [Josh] Cactus! Cactus! - He said that's a clue. - Yeah, I know where cactuses are. - So, here? - [Josh] Yep, this is cactus city. - Fuck there they are. Back to the cactus. - [Harry] Okay. This is bad, - No, they're gonna sit there across. Okay they've just come in. (tense music playing) Nope, follow me, follow me boys. Boys, we've gotta do it, boys, boys, follow me. Trust me, trust me, trust me. No, they can't see us, they can't see us. - [Tobi] They're coming, they're coming, they're coming! - Quick, quick, quick! - [Tobi] The boys have left me. The boys have left me, I'm going to get found. - Cactus. - I'm cornered. I'm cornered, it's over for me. (tense music playing) (Ethan laughing) - No! I deserve better than this. (Ethan laughing) - [Tobi] I deserve better than this! - [Josh] What you mean? I found you, I feel you don't. - What you mean you deserve better? - How are you gonna corner me? What is this? - [Josh] What!? One come from this side, one come from that side, one come from the ceiling. - [Josh] Ah-ha! - [Ethan] I didn't rat you out earlier. - [Tobi] Yeah you didn't, I appreciate that, realty. - What- this is not a realty. - Harry and Vik were here like 10 seconds ago. - Which way did they... you're on our team now. - [Tobi] They dashed that way. - Let's go. - [Vik] Yeah, so you want to try and get passed under them, under them and to the front, the back of the boat? - Yeah! (tense music playing) - Freedom. - Literally, we saw you coming through the doors and they ducked out. - I recon they went in the lift. - I've helped you as much as I can without being a snitch. I couldn't even snitch anyway if I wanted to, but I don't have any information to snitch. - How is JJ gonna win this? - Cause he's definitely still on the toilet. - We refuse to film in the toilet, for obvious reasons. - [Ethan] I mean, I could go. - I hope we're the last two. No, JJ wasn't with them. I recon JJ's cheating. I recon JJ's not following the rules. - Apparently, you've nearly found him like three times. - Yeah, He's totally there. - [Simon] How do you know you're way around this cruise ship so well? Really, I still have no idea where we're going. - Clues, clues? - I would say go somewhere there. - Somewhere there? Buffet! (tense music playing) - [Vik] Bro! It's getting a bit hot, running around. - It's a whole buffet. He can be anywhere in here. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Josh, Josh, stop here. Josh, stop here. That desk. - [Josh] Look at me, everyone look at me. He's sleeping. (Ethan laughing) - JJ is asleep on that desk. - He's actually asleep. This kid is something else. - You said he would be asleep. - [Tobi] (whispering) Let's scare him, let's scare him. - Wait Josh, scare him. - [Josh] Well, well, well. Boo! (JJ screams) (all laughing) Well, i think we've caught someone. - [Ethan] In the buffet. Bro, he's been eating bread and cheese. - This is JJ's perception of effort for a Sidemen video. - [Tobi] How is this hiding? How is this hiding? - [JJ] Bro, I thought it'd be a great place to hide. - [Josh] Yes, eating. - Alright, well, you found me, bitches. - [Tobi] Wait, let me message Vik. "Yo, we just found JJ. So Vic, you've officially won. Can you let us know a clue for your hiding place please?" - Hang on, can we just switch on Vik then? - [Tobi] I'm getting a clue from Vik. - [Josh] We could play switch on them and just chill. - What and just forgot about him? - We forget about Vik. - [Simon] We should just get drunk upstairs. - Oh my God. Let's just do that. - Do we go get drinks upstairs? - I say yes. I'm down. - [Simon] Oh my God, he sent a picture of Harry, in front of the crane. - The crane's there, like... - We know where they are. - They're literally just in the back of the boat. Okay, So you guys, Connor and Basset are gonna go tell them... this is really annoying, Connor and Basset are gonna go tell them that we're coming around to find them. So, they need to try and make it to the middle of the pool. You can also tell them that there's a safety thing in 10 minutes. So try and make it to the middle of the pool and we're going to watch them from here. - We're in a rush and be like quick, quick, they're coming. Go to the pool. - So the gym is this way. All right let's go this way. (people talking in the background) (Harry singing) - Why are you guys chilling? They're going to come out. They know where you are because of the pictures. Oh by the way, there's a safety brief alarm that's gonna go off any minute as well. So, run. - We're literally, we're done. What's the point? I've already won! This is.. what's about to happen? What's about to happen? (all laughing) - [Ethan] He's going to pick up his phone. - [Josh] Oh this was too easy. Oh, have they got your phone? - Throwback to my old spot, Harry, over there. - [Harry] Jesus Christ! - [Vik] Oh. - [Josh] Hey! (all laughing) - [Vik] Can you get me a Pina Colada, please? Can I have a celebratory Pina Colada? Well, that was cruise ship, Hide-and-Seek. I think the seekers got a little triggered by the end. - You know what that shows? That they are... Weak! They are weak and they are... - Harry, you betrayed us. - Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. - You can't switch sides. - No, they are weak minded and they are, what's it, not unbothered, what's the word? Lazy! They couldn't even come find us. They sent you to go and get us to go on the bridge. Outrageous! (dubstep music playing)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,558,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen
Id: MN_WT55jaDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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