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(upbeat music) - And, welcome, to reverse hide and seek. (cheering) So right now, I'm here with the Sidemen crew, Sidemen crew - [All Together] Mess with us and we'll fuck you up. (cheering) - [JJ] Aight, so.. - You're not the seeker for once, you actually get to hide. - Yeah, I'm actually.. I get to hide. - You're the chosen one - Yes! So I'm going to go round hiding, and someone explain. (laughing) - We all count to 100, and then we'll spin a bottle to see who gets to go seek first. Every 30 seconds, a new seeker will be released. - Ooh. - Okay? And once you find him, you hide in the same room, or within talking distance of him - You know what they say, can't beat 'em, join 'em - And last one to find the group of people, is the loser. - And you're not allowed to tag around with each other. - Yep, you have to all split up. (crosstalk) Yeah, you split up at 30 seconds. And the loser gets a bum slap from everyone. (loud arguing and laughing) - I got it. The last person to find the group, has to then be the seeker for a full game in this house. - Ooh. - That is a forfeit. And it's a big old house. - And nails are getting beats. - Beats - What, no? - He just wants to hurt people - Is it by Dre? Beats by Dre. (crosstalk) - [Simon] But, if we all find you, you get beats. - Wait, what? (laughing) - Well, go hide. - Alright, imma go hide. - [All together] Bye, bye. One, Two, Three - [Simon] Why has he not left the room? - Four, Five, Six, Seven - I know exactly where I'm going (laughter) A certain cheeky little spot. - Forty-Two, Forty-Three. - I guess, yeah, I'll just hide here. Actually, I'll leave it open, so people will think I'm probably not here. Lie here. Oh, what's this? - That was weird, bro. - Sidemen 10 million mansion hide and seek. That's, that's funny. - Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, One hundred! - Let's spin the bottle. - Ah! This is weird hiding. I'm not used to this. - [Simon] Whoever this lands on, gets to go seek JJ first. - This is my life now. Did I bring my phone? Fuck. I just have to sit here with my own thoughts. - [Josh] Ready? - (suspenseful cheering) - [Everyone] Ethan! - I'm coming motherfucker. Right, I'm first. First on the list to try and find the big man, the biggest man in Britain. - Who am I? What am I doing? What's the meaning of life? - Right, he's not in here. There's a 30 second delay on them trying to find me as well. Going to have to be quick. Right, he's not in there. - What if, right, JJ's in a really obvious position, that it's literally just walk out and find him. - Then whoever gets spun last (laughing) it really feels bad, because they are guaranteed defeat. - I'm taking a nap. - Alright, we're going for person number 2. (suspenseful cheering) - They're spinning the bottle again, they're spinning the bottle. - [Sidemen Member] Tobi! - I'm going to go toilet first, and then I'm going to go.. - [Simon] Well, I mean the 30 seconds starts now. - Whatchu, whatchu, whatchu mean? - [Simon] The 30 seconds starts now. - I need to pee! - I think this is conspiracy. The three Nigerians. (laughing) - Definitely upstairs. Upstairs. (whispering) I'm running straight upstairs. - That's this side done. So now, I'm going this side. Ooh, a little server room. Ooh. - Hah! (scream) Hey look, it's the three Nigerians seeking. - Bro, it is. (laughing) Where is my brudda? - Where is my brudda? - Spin, whose next? No, next one, that hit me off the shin. Wait, isn't Josh spinning still until he goes? (dramatic jeering) - That's not fair! Nononononono. - Why? That's (indistinct) - Simon, Simon, Simon. - Peace out nerds. - See, my thought process is he doesn't fit under a bed. Definitely not under a bed. - Can't help each other seek. We all have to seek on our own. I look like an angel right now. - Right, we found a toilet. Aah! Had to get that one out. - He's a big boy. I don't think he's gonna be able to hide like that. - [Tobi] Hey Simon! (laughing) - [Simon] My heart! Why are you here? Leave me alone. - [Tobi] Well, JJ's not in here so.. - Okay, well I'm leaving you. No, no no. We're going the same way. - Oh, shit man! - We need to split up. - [Tobi] This is dark and spooky and probably has asbestos. - Redo, redo! We need to go, man. - Come on! - That's me! Alright, I'm going to take this route. Come on! - Josh mate, you're spinning. - Come on, where are you JJ? - You say things like you know how to do it. Can you spin? No, you can't. I'm gonna be last, and I'm the one whose spinning. - Look at this! This is the life I deserve. - Why are you here now? - Bro, because I've searched one floor bro. - I feel like I've searched as well. - [Ethan] I don't think he'll fit in here. - (laughing) That's what I said! - I have a halo. (high pitched noise) - I can see your halo. - [Harry] Hah! No.. Right, I've got to be quick. - Let's do majority. Let's do majority based on a.. stick. - Okay, right. You can stay there on your own. I need to go. Right, I need to go. Come on! - I didn't kick anything anywhere, I don't know what you mean. Its just an empty box. - I'm still looking bro, I'm still looking. - [Ethan] KSI, KSI? - I don't wanna be a seeker. - Yeah, it's me! I still have to wait like 10 seconds. - I reckon they're upstairs. - I haven't seen a towel chef. So the thing is, right. - Alright, this door's open. - Josh, no! This is my side now. - It is time for me to join the hunt as the last person. Okay, ooh, ooh, I see a lot of people. Okay, it's looking good. - [Harry] This door's open. What? - Intriguing. I think I'm in the attic. - Have you not got anywhere? - I think I'm in the attic. - So we haven't seen this house at all yet, so we have no idea where we're going, so we can get lost. - Intriguing. - [Harry] Alright, so our old hide and seek is on the screen in the cinema room. What the hell? (gasp) - JJ would have double bluffed it. He would have come out of this door, out of the kitchen. Then he would have turned this way back into the house, to disorientate everyone. - [Simon] Is that him? That might be him, it says chub. - Oh my god, I'm so scared I'm gonna be- I think I suck at seeking, man. I really just don't wanna seek. - No way (laughing) You two are in the cinema, but it's got the Sidemen on it. Wait, can I turn the lights off? Hello? Oh no (laughing), well this is going to be interesting. - You see, it's got to be a place where a few people can hide, so I think he's going to have gone for a bigger room, so not a bathroom. Ethan's still on the hunt. - I'm still on the hunt mate. - On the hunt still. Okay, so that's a good sign. - Moving first does not guarantee you a find. - (laughing) How am I supposed to do this then? - [Harry] Put the blinds down! - Oi, yo, what? Ah, shit, ah. - [Harry] Wait, were you actually asleep? - Huh? What's (inaudible) Why are you laughing? - (whispering) I can hear JJ. - [Harry] I didn't know what to do, I just jumped on the (laughing) Oh for fucks sake! Oh we fucked this so bad. - Ssh. You lot are talking so fucking loud. That's how I found you. - Hello, KSI? - [Tobi] Just everyone lie down, man. - [Josh] We're just excited to join you. - Well, just sit down. - [Harry] If anyone comes in here, they're going to find us. - [Tobi] Just shut up, and hide. - Oh, no. I don't have a good feeling about this anymore. I don't hear anyone. - I fucked it, haven't I? (shushing) - [Tobi] JJ, your voice travels hard, man. - I need a poo bro. Surely he's not gone outside. JJ wouldn't go outside if it was wet. - This house is massive! - (groaning and sighing) - Are you sat by the door? - Okay, so we're blocking the door. - It's hot here as well, but nothing wrong with a pump, eh? Might as well. - Why are you in the gym? Bro, this ain't the time! - (groaning and sighing) - [JJ] Fam, I'm actually just invisible. - [Tobi] You are. You're 100 percent invisible. Wait, JJ, smile. (laughter) - It's literally the first place I was (inaudible), because I was like, it was the most comfortable. - Scumbag - These curtains. Seriously? - Oh, I think I've checked on the wrong side of the house. - I'm still here Vik! - Oh, really? - Still here struggling. - I was panicking, that's a reassuring sign. - I was going to say it's gone really quiet. - Oh, well good luck summoner. - Whose coming in like hang on, YouTube's on. - [Harry] But you didn't put that on, or did you? - No. - [Harry] Yeah, it must have been the kids watching them. - The kids, yeah. - Another seeker! Ethan, you're on the ropes too.. - Mate, you're on the ropes, 'cause I was out first. - I haven't touched Piano in a while. - [Ethan] We're not meant to seek together, but do something. (classical music plays) Wait, oh, will we get copyrighted? Oh, oh, Yeah, yeah. Just trying to find my mate JJ. (quiet chatter) - I feel like I've checked every room, you know. I feel like I have genuinely checked every room. - Why are these keys broken, man. - Bro, you were smashing it just a minute ago. - Nono, it's playing, I'll change the octave. (laughing) - Ooh, yeah. Trying to find my (laughing) - That looks horrifying. - Wait, I didn't go up those stairs. That's the only place I didn't go, is up those.. nooo... - [Ethan] I haven't found them yet. - Yeah, I know. It's you and the rest of us. - Stop following me, stop following me! - It's the only place I haven't checked! - [Simon] Stop following. - Jeez, there's another house, within a house. - [Simon] It's just an empty room. - [Vik] There's so many cupboards. It doesn't open. - Don't.. They must do. I mean, they're here. They're behind this door. - What the fuck. - This is the only part of the house I haven't looked in. Like, literally the only part of the house. - I've tried every door. - [Simon] Yeah. - [Ethan] I'm just going to do a poop. - [Simon] Do it. - [Ethan] I'm going to do a poop. - [Simon] Go do a poop. - Yeah, we tried that, it doesn't open. - [Ethan] Hmm, that's made me very curious actually. (laughing) Why can I not open it? - Okay, he's in on it Vik. Me and Vik found this, and were trying to leave. - [Vik] Can we leave together? - Well, we almost. I can see one of their torches right now, through the door, and I can see the camera. Whose sat there? That's Josh. I'm literally looking, that's Harry's camera. G7X (inaudible) Wait, look, come here. I can literally see JJ's face lit up in the middle of the door. (laughing) Wait, keep it there, keep it there. Look, look at my camera. - [Ethan] We can hear them laughing. - [Simon] Have a look at my camera. - Who is there? - We're not here. - [Tobi] (laughing) Look at the setup. - [Simon] You have to open the door now - [JJ] We're not here! (crosstalk) (laughing) - How's everyone then? (laughing) Oh, wow, we're watching hide and seek! - [Simon] You were watching hide and seek, for fucks sake. (laughing) - Which means Ethan's last. - [Vik] Yeah, found it (inaudible) clearly. - We were here and we knew it. - Fuck! - Simon, I tried to bait you, and then you were like no, let's bait Ethan. (laughing) - Fuck! Bro, like there's so many places I want to hide in, that I've clocked, and now I have to seek. I'm going to count to 100, whilst I'm watching some entertainment. Shut the door, shut the door, shut the door. - Jesus Christ, Ethan stinks. - [Everyone] Oh my god. - Ethan just had a shit and it stinks. - [Vik] Yeah, go, go, go! - [Simon] I wanna get out of here, and I just wanna hide. - Someone could (inaudible) and hide me in a box. - [Simon] Let's do it. - I found a box. - Where? - Upstairs. - Wait, is it the one with the toys? - Too obvious mate. Too obvious. - When we hit the two minute mark on this video, we'll get ready to leave. What a great video this is. Remember guys, if you want to see more fantastic, amazing content from people such as, go subscribe to the channel. This is your five-second warning to press subscribe, and press the bell. Five, Four, Three, Two, One. - Well, I mean, I think we all know I'm going for the most comfortable spot. - Someone put me in a box. - I'll put you in a box lad, let's go. - We just go, lemme just go far away. And if I'm far away, then, I'm going to be last to get found. - (whispering) Simon, Simon, goodbye. - [Harry] It's just full of teddy bears, that's a bit creepy as well. - Put it in a big cupboard, and then put it upside down. - [Harry] Ah, mate, I'm not sure about this one. - [Ethan] Go on big man, you can do it. Look at his shorts, why do they look like that? (laughing) Have that! - This hella obvious bro. - Dammit, you know there's nothing! - You know what, I'm going to pretend that I'm here, when I actually am still here. - Oh, no. Oh no. Oh no. - [JJ] Jeez, I'm smart. - [Vik] Floor up. - Is there another floor up? - Yeah - [Harry] Yeah, let's do it, let's do it. - He's gonna bury himself in the duvets. - Nope. I'm going to pretend I'm here, when I'm actually sitting here. - You're creating a diversion, I love that. - Alright, there's cupboards here. Aaah! Oh my god! Oh fucking hell Simon, you can't be doing that to me. Where are you going? (indistinct) - This ain't gonna work. That ain't working, that ain't working. - Ethan's probably going to think I'm here, when actually, I'm going to be chilling here. - [Vik] Aight, top floor, top floor. - Yeah? - Right here. - How? Where? - Boys, we can't all be together, there's not enough hiding spots. - Shut up! Leave us alone then. - [Harry] You had your own place! - Hang on, hang on. - [Harry] Oh, for fucks sake, Josh is here too. - Hang on, look. - [Harry] What? - [Vik] There's a crawls face, yeah. - Come here, come here - I'm not going in. - [Harry] Yeah, what? Are you about to kill me? - Ooh, five, four, three, two, one. It's go time. Off we go. - (indistinct) fucking mad in this toilet. In this toilet. - Sick. And now I can play Dragon Ball Legends (laughing) - (shouting) I'm coming! I'm coming. I feel like people would be very stupid to hide in the first room, however, I can be outsmarted, as proven before. - It's locked! - [Harry] I feel like that's kinda scummy though. It's scummy. You know what it reminds me of? You on Minecraft mate, just done with it. - Where are they? Noone's under there. Well, we're heading now, heading through to the pool. Would anyone go to the gym, realistically? - Why do I always end up in the darkest hiding spots? - JJ, probably should. - Wait, I got an idea, I got an idea. - Yeah, screw it, I'm doing it. I'm just going in the cupboard. I'm very obvious, but I'm hoping this is just the last place he checks, if I'm honest. - Get the box. (inaudible) - That was it, we had it. - [Harry] I could go in here. - [Vik] No. Maybe. - What you doing? - So, I'm going to go in a cupboard upside down, with that on top of me. - [Simon] Okay, good luck with that. Well he's screwed. - [Harry] Is that going to work? Yeah, I actually don't know to be honest. - And then we put the pillows there, so it's not obvious. - [Harry] I mean, that's actually alright. Yeah, I'll give you that. That's alright. - No excuses. - [Harry] I think I'll do this technique mate, yeah. But how do I film myself there? Oh, I'm going to fucking suffocate lad. - Nothing stops the gain train. I'm actually known as the burning calorie champion as well, so.. - I'm not going to lock this. I'm just going to close it. Going to go further into this room. - [Ethan] Anyone in these draws? Can anyone fit in here? - [Vik] I'm going to bed now. - I really don't know if you can see this or not, but this is my current situation. I'm hiding out in some old bedsheets and curtains. It's not very cosy, but it's home for now. - [Ethan] In the toilet? Nope. Nope. Nope. - I kind of hope I'm not last found, because this is not comfortable at all. Shit, I heard door slamming. - [Tobi] Shit. - That's a nice little toilet. Maybe, for someone to hide in (laughing) - Why? (laughing) Why the fuck do I listen (inaudible) - (laughing) That was so smooth. Hello, Sidemen. I have one of you, hahaha! - Can't rely on anyone but yourself, remember that. - Exactly. - Remember that. - Motherfuckers. - [Konstantin] You're not fitting through there. (laughing) - There's a lot of nooks and crannies in this place. - But yeah, you've got to figure out who can fit in a nook and cranny. Realistically, it's just Vik. - Me and Vik. - Harry might be able to fit in something. - Harry will make himself fit. - Ooh, well this is a new development. - [Tobi] I've never been here. - [Ethan] These weren't closed. So, heavy man, reveal your- No? No. Okay, heavy man did not reveal yourself, no. Heavy man, reveal yourself. Oh, it's the heavy one as well! Heavy man! - Okay, they've just found JJ. They found JJ. - [Ethan] Bro, bro he's just playing DragonBall. (laughing) - Bro wait, lemme finish - This is why you seek. - I'm almost done, I'm almost done, I'm almost done, I'm almost done. - So, these curtains weren't shut when I was searching before, so.. - All I'm saying is, it's the three. (cheering) - (laughing) Hello. This is fun. - Because if you want to sit there and play DragonBall, you can, but just consider yourself caught. - I am caught, I'm caught. - Right, he's caught. - 100 percent caught. - You are 100 percent caught. Nah, actually motherfucker you're coming with me. - What? Alright, alright. - (laughing) I didn't like your tone. - Yeah, so I tried pretending that I was there. - [Ethan] Aha, clever. - So I was hoping to distract you from wanting to check anywhere else, but clearly it didn't. - Right, that's that room locked. - Lock half, let's go. - Now, realistically, we're looking for how many more? Four. Yeah, four. Four people. - You're looking for Vik still, that's a problem. You need to.. - Vik's tiny bro. Olajide, keep up! - Yeah yeah, keeping up. - Jide. - [JJ] Yes! - We're going upstairs, all three of us. - Or we could run and hide again, Jide. - [Ethan] Stop it! - Couple doors shut, couple doors shut. - And, I have, - [Ethan] Have you won? - Won. Yep, I won - Nice work, Jide. - [JJ] I won, I told you, W's. Man get W's. (screaming) - [Ethan] Well, hello Wroetoshaw, how are you? How are you? - That was Vik! - [Ethan] Hello mate. To be fair, I pulled it off because that looked like a head. - [Harry] I thought I was trying to lean on this the whole time. - [JJ] Oh snap.(indistinct) - Oh, son of a gun. - Yeah, that's three down. - Wait, is there another one? - [Ethan] That's what I was thinking. - [Harry] Three down? Have you just come up here? - [Ethan] Yeah. - [JJ] Wait, have you guys checked here? Have you checked here? - Oh, I don't know. - [JJ] Oh, okay. - What door? No, not in there yet. (scream) - [Ethan] Oh, fucking hell. - [JJ] Fucking hell you piece of shit. - I said if I'm getting caught, I'm scaring someone. - And someone is behind here. Yes. (laughing) - [Tobi] Wait, Ethan's killed it bro. - [Ethan] That's it. Wait, Josh, Josh. Josh has won. - [JJ] Wait, Josh. - Wait, you haven't found Josh yet? - [Tobi] How do you find somewhere to hide as big as him. - [Simon] I don't know where he is. - Wait, he's here. (laughing) Josh! How do we open it? (laughing) - [Vik] It's a tight spot. - [Ethan] A tight spot, I think he might be dying somewhere then. Josh, are you dying, or are you alive mate? - [Simon] He's not here. - [Ethan] (laughing) Oh my god! What the fuck. That was sick. - Look where he is - He's alive. - [Ethan] Bruv, we're not, how many sidemen can you fit in a room. (crosstalk) - [JJ] Yo, that's crazy. - [Ethan] Oi, I think I'm quite good at this. - That was 16 minutes - [Tobi] Yeah, 16 minutes, something like that. Yeah, you smoked it. - I hope you don't find him. - [Josh] Yeah, I only wish you good luck. - I'm pretty sure he's going to find him. (dramatic music) - [Vik] I'm going Behzinga hunting. - (whispering) Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! - [Josh] Why are you sure he's going to find him? - [Tobi] Shut the door man. - Enit, do you live in a barn mate? (sheep noise) - So I can't make those jokes now? Huh? But everyone can make jokes at me? I'm not even fat anymore. - [Josh] I didn't call you fat, you called yourself fat back then. (laughing) - I don't know where to go. Oh poo. My spot's ruined. - After being last released, I'm first released. I called it. - Right, I'm going up here. - Where do I think Ethan? Ethan spent most of his time in this part of the building. - I'm under the spiral steps, but I think it's a bit shit. - Alright, next number is. - [JJ] One. - Yeah! Fuck all of you. Fuck all of you. Good luck boys. - Who do you think will find me first? I'm going to say who, Simon, I think. - That's JJ, this is fake. JJ's fake person is very convincing, look at that. That looks like there's a person there. I got got. - I'll go number one. - So you're three, JJ, right? - It's gonna be JJ. - So what are you? - Two - Four, one - One - Wait, what? - JJ's three. - Four, two, one, three. (fake laughter) Formation thing. I'll give you 10 seconds. Are you checking yourself out? - I feel like he might be in here, but I feel like he's done this. - Go - Next number is three. - Yes! Wait, oh, fuck, JJ. - It's four, two, one three, you're three. - Am I three? - [Harry] Yeah, you're out. (fake laughter) - Could he be, under the stairs? Yes. You know like four of us talked about this hiding spot? - Did you? - Yeah. Fucks sake. - Have you seen a wild Behzinga? - [Camera Crew] Potentially. (laughing) (gasp) - The place I originally wanted to go, I couldn't because it wouldn't support my weight. - [Vik] Oh no. - However, you've now got tired. - [Vik] Under the stairs? - In talking, I don't know where you can get (laughing) I'm very sorry. - [Tobi] 30 seconds is nearly up bro. - [Josh] You've got 30 seconds bro. - [JJ] Fam, I don't know how to get out. - He knows how to, it's JJ. - [JJ] Nah bro, I can't get out! - Yes! - It's me and Harry. Oh my god! (crosstalk) - Oh, nice, thanks buddy. - [JJ] Yeah, no worries, prick. - [Ethan] Well, now this obvious. - [Vik] Ow, my hands! - I don't know how I'm going to get out of here, by the way. (laughter) - Wait, what's the odds - On? - Of Ethan just hiding in the exact same spot that I was. - Let's have a look. - [JJ] No, as in like, at the beginning. - He's been gassing up finding good hiding spots all day, so I think he'll find a sick one. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot - Okay - Rock, paper scissors, shoot Rock, paper scissors, shoot Oooh. - One more, okay. - JJ, there's no one there, stop hitting it. - [JJ] Yeah, noones there. (laughing) - Rock, paper scissors shoot! Rock, paper, scissors shoot! (screaming and cheering) - [Vik] We gave you ages. - [Ethan] I know, I really panicked. - Okay, other side of the house. (humming) - I thought Simon would be the first to find me, but it was you. - Dicks, five, four - Alright, let's keep it down. - Three, two, one, and we're off! - Bro, I wish as I was little as you. - Since it's Ethan, I think he's gone for the fridge. - If someone walks up the stairs without seeing us, we win that. - That's what I mean, that's why I stayed here. - Well, okay. (laughter) - Don't lie to me, is he here? Is he here? - [Camera Crew] I know nothing. - I know nothing. - That's a lie TP, you know something. - [Harry] That's just a prediction. - I reckon he's gone to the gym mate. - Ooh, that's a real shout. - Okay, Josh is back online. My battery died. - [Harry] Where are you, fatty? Where are you? - Does this mean Vik found him? - [Harry] Oh, Ethan. - JJ's still there. People haven't found him yet, I see people running around. - Everyone's following everyone in a line. - [Josh] I trust him. - (laughter) Why is everyone here? - [JJ] Why is everyone just looking? (nervous laughter) - Why is everyone? Where's Vik? - I think Vik's found him. (crosstalk) - That can't be the case. That's not the case. Go upstairs JJ, that's not the case. - [Simon] Come on JJ. - I wonder where they could be then. I'm just going to sit down here. (laughter) I'm just going to sit down here - [Harry] What a fucking retard. (laughter) - [Tobi] No way! No way! - [Everyone] Tobi's last! (laughter) - Where's Vik? - [Simon] Vik's right there. - This is the spot I called, and you like, Harry, you made me say no. - Hey, yo, we should do reverse more often. - [Josh] I filmed for two minutes. (laughter) (crosstalk) - [JJ] Man's out here. - [Vik] I'm alive! Oh, I got it on my T-shirt. - [Simon] Let's see. - Looks like I'll have to get a branded two-tone shirt, from (upbeat metal music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,066,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 0dRvoFfa59w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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