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hello and welcome today to another sidemen Sunday and once again we are doing a ten thousand dollar versus a hundred other type challenge now the rules are very simple one team will get a ten thousand dollar Christmas day whilst the other team will get eight $100 Christmas Day normally the teams are decided via a lucky will app well today the teens will be decided via challenges there will be free challenges during the day which would decide the teens for each activity there are free activities during the day there's the morning where you get your presents there is the lunch / to know where you get your food and in there's the evening where you have your fun so there'll be a challenge decide each of those free activities so let's go meet the guys and let's get on with the first challenge the most rings on my head boy people draw on the amount of rings they won I reckon the antlers jumpin you wanna do your own to me and Jay coming in so say like Perry gets one too so I'm against one [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't just go on the Big Dig Vik hello mr. scout for himself [Applause] [Applause] okay Tina decided so you have good team which is the Gold team there you go take the issue one coffee here we go Congrats 49 Chen place SW 3 4 HL it's just an address just address if you weren't aware that one of them bred it was like where all the rich people live like people like us we can't leave them no no no we released we started with unlucky then this sad face collects your keys from bellboy coffee shop Oh God boiler Bo I they will point you in the right direction just that we picked it up we rowdy no we definitely or not oh goodness gracious me Oh don't come on come on it feels good to be a winner you know good team is a good team energy [Music] yeah well it's a nice quiet house or in the blue jeans how much further eat them these are decent LED floods six minutes actually I actually really enjoyed by now [Music] we've made it London Christmas I vote we go to this if there's no Christmas tree joking up friends that we can go to my 104 I'm trying to see if there's no I think I think it's just after this one Oh bellboy b.p l.o.v.e ll Y Q happy all right boy haha let's go what's up we're here to collect some keys super early oh man it's that problem is that goodbye where we going straight straight ahead geez we're almost there oh hi there's means grill yeah we're back on the point maze girls there so I want to know what's worth sending us to West London for I think is their store you reckon I reckon start I can't work it out me I don't know what it is [Music] okay well don't do this ah 49 look what put you mind check place there we go oh wait the dew is on oh so we had to actual address and we just been walking around that we didn't know the address so it's that yeah it says 49 doesn't it yeah we're [ __ ] what happy [ __ ] [Music] yeah oh this is big this is big all right so you read the matter right investment green roads it's up here I told you all going right way you got the key once inside take stairs to the third floor this hole for this disrobe a variety of back in the day what but when I didn't have money yeah say Merry Christmas boys very good oh my god yeah vanilla Josh you know what I did say I'd be mad if that wasn't the Christmas tree it causes a Christmas tree if there's any food in the fridge that means before gonna be there's no food this is like a baby it's a lovely house but what like we've always it our house now to just buy it what for how much you spend there's three presents so it's an office an office is pretty cool obviously fir very very cool office she is chaste okay how many presents are there a friend is there's treads prisons and there's three stockings yeah it is the presence round but if so I'm disappointed with the lack of presence we haven't been spoilin you sound sounds world I just I really am bit creeped out yeah I'm not feel uncomfortable that's day yeah but I'm seeing you but I feel uncomfortable so they're gonna be there and a [ __ ] alright no this is to decorate the tree yeah I am not gonna lie I don't like decorating true so I'm actually kind of happy you know I'm actually kind of happy decorating we can drown it we can give it back I mean we can drown it look let's make the most of it as we always do on the little on the lower budget anything that's nice you can it's very quite so we just chill here I mean we have a blanket oh that's the snow blanket so you can put that we all see on this bed it's Christmas Day not Christmas overnight well we have three crackers right now I mean I say we crack them over why don't we decorate the tree first no I we meant this was meant to happen all right let's decorate the tree come on first things first relaxing enjoying my time in there chill sands behind-the-scenes photo shooting Harry's FERPA featuring you know I do I think this is just how they decorate oh you think this isn't special for us I don't think they've gone through an extreme effort I think they have I could be honest I'm Scott thank you have higher standards because you've always been on the [ __ ] team so you expecting a big team I'm very scarred from what I've been through I would love to come down to this for a Christmas morning I would really enjoy this African go to church in the morning do church yeah and then your house gets filled up with family they're all your cousins come around bear cooking that's like a white Christmas na base African food that is this heck it's crazy it's not crazy crazy get more pictures of Harry look office I've got bugs look at all artsy my buggy mad right now I think he's gone all out and died is beard worthless I have your presence oh these are is it we're actually having to use it right yeah that's what our our task is to decorate this trees gonna drown all right we actually just leaving the tree here yeah even mate could you chop me the star what's the top of the tree yeah what aware as a hat oh oh wait no no no no oh oh oh well your own Christmas but I just say that with Harry's ball no no no I said can you get me to start it mean destroy the tree it's gonna get worse DIY Harry how we decorate this well just once we get everything on then we then we made a mess look this might be them this might be the only fun oh oh my god oh I know what gentlemen I come here for a special visit for you oh wow now the thing is I need to know your names for confirmation tell you why in a moment I'm Ethan Ethan yes yes of course you are I have that yeah I'm Harry Harry yeah very good Gary Toby Toby yes well the reason I had to ask because I list you take all right you're an annoying aspire rejected once and then I had to check it again now I'll be honest with you lads it was a bit borderline force add there's always room on the nice list for everyone and I have to say gentlemen to the nice player limbs the staples in it well that's gone well ok this is the level of light there is in the bathroom yeah welcome it's like it's very dark in here yo you guys just disturbing me I'm trying to decorate now now that we're here I don't want to have a little chat with you just for a minute or two and I want to know do you have a favorite thing of Christmas what is your favorite thing even pigs in blanket oh you're not alone in that one that's very sure yeah you both stolen my pigs in blankets and badly cubbies together was yours the looks on people's faces when you give them what no and he left them out here get up get the present goods all we're gonna open them here Josh right here right now here for you okay well I've got some presents here I'd like to give you material beds yes I think we'll just go and order shall we okay yes of course and excellent happy Christmas gentlemen happy Christmas Wow there's this one as well for your present yeah cuz good things come in small packages size doesn't matter gently exactly well I hope you have a wonderful Christmas I know you will okay nice wife happy Christmas thank you seven yeah it's very good Josh yes we want Ethan we want Ethan to suffer you can make that happen hey okay now we're talking a real Christmas tree yeah yeah they were good although that's put the final bauble on that's a good tree is that we used everything it's Christmas let's go all out at least one of everything honestly you know actually not this looks like a shortage Christmas tree it's just a little berries East London outside the box are you put in place first over there turn around turn it keep going keep going I know you need to sit on top of it [Music] okay but I feel like a kid again yes companion speaker what wait yeah whoa you sleep with that immerse you're in deep clear sound flexible calm to the net bun I'll see you sit with around your neck yes actually yeah yours Bonanno yours is bigger that's sick oh my god oh my god that's my that's my that's my oh my god whoa look at the games he's got boozled Grand Theft Auto on it boys got AIDS on the see it's got Ridge Racer bridge race it was my [ __ ] Rayman all right on the trio for the presents how we go through this present is the size of the tree and I can i specify that I don't want this one doesn't celebrate properly you don't do presents presents like you just go like oh yes some money and yeah no but my parents get me give me presents what's you don't get them present you're a selfish no I just give the money what do you get your parents whatever they want that that year like what I got my dad a tour of a vineyard G I got my mom a purse that matches a kind yet and yeah yeah I got my parents 10k each a free get out jail free you gave them a win against Louis sure just you got on the win against Logan you got everyone that was everyone's Christmas present you've sat with the winner over here which one do you want I want the big one [Laughter] arms excites over the whatever you know I think this is what I think it's an awesome car record I think it's an antique heavy Ohanyan that's buying a gas geez Louise that will go quick quick coastal waters what are you man oh my god comes with earphones with wireless earphone the way you wireless earphones they've upped their game yeah how does that whole nice while you're showering you have them in are they waterproof they must be behind your head in the sink I know lie that's kind of gas I mean yeah these not smell good now come on okay thanks this was [ __ ] he's that kid on Christmas Eve I wish I hadn't gotten any back even the kid that won't have a car though something [Music] miracle beer belly reductions my present is and then the primary ingredient in this is water this is 22% water is it just so this sort of imperfect Bihari and this one imperfect the ether okay so this is your this one this is definitely like a shower gel or something in there yes how why I've got my mouth sounds but Toby put you and so closely okay [Music] [Music] is fresh bollocks a fragrant and soothing bullet bomb for men an absolute joy to use you could go for a group session right now are you trying to sell us a message that we smell or something does this count a shower gel kind of thing it's almost out if you're bored only I'll try it it's been opened do do not be a [ __ ] sickness there's no residue Josh I would rate you so much if you'd replace it with hair removal cream you screaming [ __ ] you threw that soon you're not very grateful I yeah yeah there you go the kitty wanted more you be a little sport Brad get to present to the person who has everything that's kind of right to be bad that's actually really thoughtful present why'd you play the bloody song mate okay I can't get off me you look like a bloody racer what can I say no don't sound good to me but it's just a bit weird like I quite like it yeah but you're in a movie that's it but can you hear it yeah you're a boxer you just fought in front of millions you can't open this you're breaking nothing [Music] it's just the speaker hairdo unless you want the car instead yes I'll take the speaker you I'll have the speaker right let's go enough oh that's off that is that is a toy and a half I tell you what you should wait a bit you can have a prayer okay cool Ben [ __ ] on that thing you can do an awful jump on that I mean if you keep it you know the crackles you guys attacked it okay so you got a crack a half we've just done some market research that is 200 pounds stop hey in Bernie 100 great british past anything but like we've just had a discussion it's just quite obnoxious I mean who would buy that but josh has bought it it's manageable I said how many sales do these people have wives got a joke what do you call two happy mushrooms fun guys hey there's a stupid where's my joy hope you got it's got a magic trick here oh you have to separate the pieces of now okay now to do it yeah time lapse this bit it could be here it's very excited christmas has come early for me alright that's quick yo there's so far it's not got any battery oh whoa oh oh it's all about true nice little pub listen take it back it has a solution so that so I'll go to the next challenge now I'm sick of it look out off-road ready this thing is you ready jeez no stressed jump from that a bit of this as well okay and it makes it over me it's an absolute weapon now move so much nicer without the GoPro run as well okay so I hope you enjoyed your Christmas morning yeah thank you thank you enjoy discussing each other what you did you know what I got what I want given Paulo cream I've had a ball like since oh I really tried it but I'll show you what he got on his head deodorant Lynx Africa you open the other one nothing exactly beer belly yeah oh how you scrub you a chub chub rub salt does this thing I got an RC car you did and then I swapped it for these amazing game anyway so challenge to and now all we set you're back to normal yeah it'll decide your teams once again yes this is a trivia challenge this funny Christmas Rivia challenge Oh what is the name of the main character in the film elf don't spend it matter done wait so we have to I'll be writing them all down right now under that name it I think this is right yeah no idea okay let's say J Disraeli Jack Jack all right Nick seven Toby buddy buddy okay buddy buddy buddy what Christmas decoration was initially made from silver I can tell you yeah neither I'm just guessing okay Harry show me was it baubles I put bauble i put the star yes what is the main color of Santa's sleigh wait wait wait this is very subjective oh yeah I was about to say I've seen a hell oh there's nothing like there's not a definite website I feel like it's odd did you feel like the main part of it is this color what is the main color brown there's gonna go Brown yes it is brown what Christmas movie Donald Trump yes you know oh oh I know this what I know okay well how are you from your answer okay okay so it's the first part one purse is now going to be guaranteed goes the bad theme oh so there's two of you on two points Oh Toby in silence see you guys all fruit true apples oh good there are free places in America called Santa Claus true or false opinion way to go out these guys are free to one of the show right so free to one is true goodbye red it's gonna get harder now oh good okay what star sign Oh would you be if you have born on Christmas Day there is all wrong is Capricorn what reindeer name starts with B ah this this is you said harder once man they're all dumb how am i out because she picks out the sleighs of brown there's no question no okay what Christmas beverage is also I [Laughter] guess what animated 2004 films is about a train that carries kids to North Pole on Christmas Eve what Christmas Carol became the first song ever broadcast from space in 1965 I've talked to run Christmas Carol Oh jingle bells jingle bells Gilda spot I'm through [ __ ] jingle bells okay so now the right and no one else gets it right you go through what traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant this is Oscar because Vic was here is actually a parasitic plant all right we we wanna see Harry and Toby in a recent Christmas trend what spy hides around the house to report that sound son who has been naughty or nice if you about if you about on Twitter yeah in the past 34 years okay Harry [Laughter] in the early 1800s well the first gingerbread house is reportedly inspired by what fairytale oh I don't know I mean if you get this wrong [Laughter] [Applause] how he also owes me a new whiteboard I couldn't this is a Christmas miracle this really is a crazy okay oh this is it this is it yeah what's this for yeah this worries me oh no this really worried it's not it's not quite what we were in before where's my bullet Bob there look geez man we have to wear these art about we're actually above oh my god I want this one oh man Oh oh my god Larry look at our Christmas tree why don't you reverse it Harry look old Christmas tree oh nice one nice one once I see that he only cares about himself what - your tree and you're proud of that what's the meaning praise a stinker oh my god well there's our trees on a on the way back to the boozy little spot for but what I think it's probably at ninety meals that's why I proclaiming its he's coming to eat good I'm so excited like yeah it's gotta be food that has to be you know what I'm getting flashbacks to their last time I was at Josh's mercy in London right on the block it was almost a bit cheese and pickle cheese and pickle cheese with the water crisps so this is gonna be the flip side that I'm excited and that we cannot use I will forcefully get that in me so he cannot succeed because he's hungry can you just tell us what we're doing for anyway Christmas dinner time and stuff what I get you saying it's an outfit she wants to go first to an outfit lower jaw okay so I want to go first the son wanted this one we're gonna give him the blue one avoid the blue one we wanted the blue I wanted this one you didn't give me it okay what you think whoa Christmas cracker you brought me to the good life actually feels like Christmas wait till you go to the highs wait till you go might go to the house I mean Christmas come on back we're back we're back number four nine i'ma drink some mulled wine oh I'm gonna eat some turkey ain't just you try and murk me oh hey no you got a big head yes well I'm a good piece of bread Oh off Bieber goes into - shut the [ __ ] doors cranberry all of a sudden I appreciate it so much more what is this what's this well if this goes up in your head I think you're supposed to go home are you free mate broke holiday welcome welcome there was a people live I want to see them suffer I hope they have somewhere slightly acceptable for their for their little dinner listen when I buy my own house I want it to look like this I think this one would suit J shade the mode I honestly that's the one I didn't want I didn't want to say out loud this one's better hey we have got a guy just won a fight in front of millions this is like it's not gonna fool it's a tight fit but it's a fit what you mean it'll be his arms up here hey bow go look grab it pull yeah you attract it through now you have the elf bottoms also what so are you to combine them then there's no reason they would mix car what's the reason one tell us what the reason is this is literally no reason okay now what would you want next yeah [ __ ] you for that what's the point you have to be too hot bro come on yeah I'm so hot you're an outfit above I'm so hot we have any food some ponies come on I don't know what we doing with this Mike okay right here table oh we are upset he's lying he's lying he's lying off it's fine okay it's a Miss weeks they're sweet so sweet so sweet so sweet oh I love to I don't know where I wanna sit being surveyed you know I guess you have to start as if you want [ __ ] today [ __ ] is this that's not filling me ah shut up the main course could still save us I think he's taking a piss because there's no way I have not Ivan eaten tonight how many he has on him he has nothing it can't be bigger than his pocket oh the tree in the calendar is destroyed mem Oh miss Brenda let's get a spread if I were doing if I were doing like meals right now I know what they have valiums actual Christmas me now believe built-in when they come like well playing if we're here again oh it's got hair on it this is really poor from what's really important wow I thought at least we're gonna eat honestly I'll join you on that money money [ __ ] you in my now why are you doing right now soken you better [ __ ] talk to your problem a turkey my own that's it team you never get good where do you see to get a turkey from right you need to we need nutrition we need something Wow Oh Santa see what kind of asunder say pigs in blankets you can't say that I had the feeling I just got in my belly oh yes mr. Margaret where's the bar at there's a flowers oh there is there is there has to be food oh say you destroyed a lot of mine I've been a pretty sight with the common man they all the same one turkey I'm trimming no Turkey no eat it because I haven't eaten all day no no no no sage and onion no one this I want dessert go do that what is that oh you're finished I mean first I don't want the main yeah no I've said no to the main I said we saw some sprouts which I haven't quickly remaining we have carrots we have potatoes we have stuffing when we are Turkey and we have winter blankets stop saying that I related letters been just the bread and bar is amazing what do you think the other thing though both I hope they're legitimately having noodles if they having pot noodle thank you I could end up being religious after today yeah they could it could have been worse no this is worse this is grim this is I'm not even going to touch it I don't want to attempt it Trigon no buy out of it I want the dessert it's rude that dessert before we finished our name I'll wait I'll wait to you guys for this you get up some more everyone a person would really hold out for that I think you can it be that please a bit you've really killed the vibe of this day I was having a great time exactly why is that dear lord thank you for the food that you've given us today even has to get here last challenge people will cry can I sacrifice myself can I say like whoever the last challenges before we even do it I'm taking him down how's that work I just want even to come here mm-hmm is it mad it's not that much it's not matter yeah yeah I'm pissed they've got harrybo blocks of harrybo's all they've been given I'm done you know join our advent calendars chocolate bars I can't be bothered it's Christmas Day it's not Christmas eh I say if you're filming me but really spread this isn't our you didn't send that bottle back Merson the bar back yeah honestly you're abusing it is on their back this is how we roll you wanna sign an extension denoting our planets plate I think I was preparing for the worst until I've experienced probe that was on the real top here we have a oh my god no no that Eaton is that year sound all know that in there in the room no this is what I never wanted for them [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I mean it's gonna be you just go take this is Charlie and he said burn just gave them water oh nothing still tastes like [ __ ] what [ __ ] it's like the meal that's the meal no I don't buy I don't buy istick meal fantastic meal I thoroughly enjoyed that mirror yeah yeah fantastic I'll buy you a dessert if we can go out of uveitis oh wait wait how long how long we out where for how long a good need to walk a bit how long how long can use water near us like give us five minutes that's the doesn't cost er yeah I'll buy you something constant I don't deal [ __ ] [ __ ] deal okay yeah of love and understanding Chris I'm living I'm very happy sweet nice see that yeah Oh everyone's good bye ruff I swear you wanna fight my sweat you wanna fight what are you doing it shouldn't you be living it large Hawaii and you'll hear [ __ ] oh I'm so upset this is outrageous this is just to eat well as well that's it this is just to eat good not even good you literally get one thing from Kosta honestly this this could probably be all three good yes I'm gonna pass out this is why this is all Harry wanted say you know I hate public things I like kids our kids are laughing our lot we're being bullied bullied by kids having a good time we're talking this is what dreams are made of are you for playing with your food mr. lucky egg lucky visit yeah I'm I'm getting something like this is uh yeah item by item you're mad me I'm getting food deserts down here as well as loads of it you an item then why item yeah this yup it no you go pick one item God not let me eat like a desert chill up Sotomayor you know this is I don't know why I've got a gingerbread man who's gonna walk me through I lost on the gingerbread question this yeah that's what it is is one of those what it's not on his I'm taught to be them in the chapel I said to picture the dirt and said can't finish it forget it off now yes done this food has its different rooms well welcome home hope you enjoyed a nice food so does it change now because it's all luck basis final challenge luck today so far we've had something based on skill and knowledge and I've passed both of those when it comes to luck ok just pass the parcel in each layer you open it carefully please I mean the whole thing over oh it's even know Lenny hands alright nice and tender music playing I will pause the music come it stops on has to open it and it would say good or bad natural team I'm not gonna be facing you either who wants to start how's that there you go your hands your hands I can't walk out [Music] his hands in mid-flight but now I'm Cristin var said it's in Vic's hands it's really my thing is gonna be bad luck to you too this could be like the old tot worse and the older best or it could be a mix that walks leav attention when should I pause them [Music] [Applause] [Music] so no no no oh my god you're [ __ ] mad it's hard to clean up in it the task is to clean it up it [Music] first activity we've got dude you're gonna play a bit bingo for a little prize I actually really wanted to play this I'm happy that's not you know crazy we will rebuild we will rebuild look look we're actually on the effort to play you want to play yeah yeah on the ball take take a listen Ethan let's play one round a big round coming straight away mr. sharp bro don't do this don't do this each let me smile Ethan's a tenant no progress just in what I could tell Ethan was in screwed red because you didn't bring a Santa hat okay oh my god oh my god and the whole room smells like a toilet stinks you chew your are you a real friend bird [Music] hey it feels nearly as hot as it's fun no what we've already gone past the top this thing just keeps going we're getting off now okay try to Awful's why we know having dude where's the foods to get a show me the good team we've got me we've got me in the bin alright calm so you get three numbers three numbers could be long for us to get to know we're playing with you all right listen if I don't get any I'll be very upset I've got nothing I've got one play to five I've got 1600 yo I'm sick well I'm gonna play this professionally because yes three three four okay you could come a late game coming game late game pad I'll go ten oh my god is four four wait so I've got a fort I know what nothing right now number winner it's the next number twenty-two by the way we tire oh oh what are you mad we blew tide we both spoke pedicure cards hm we said birth to five one man you called it as a bit boring came out just before it came out destiny hey so we're both winners so we shouted right there's like a shirt so because you're both won you can give it to is that what he says what we card that Ethan has to clean up it be losers what if it has to clean up if he loses feed us dad's pizza I had pizza well he's over there woodfire pizza I'm gonna go get pizza yeah this is the best day ever best evening about yeah the day sucked I mean that was great did that was [Music] there's a prize actually for the loser of the bingo so the person who loses bingo but I didn't play yeah but we both dramatically yeah but guess what a little flecks me oh don't worry I'll go in the bathroom put you up there Alison you're up there yeah what was that what the [ __ ] is this and I'm not doing karaoke so this the challenge bit so what you've got to do is each and every single one of you you've got to take the microphone yeah yep take that and you go to sing one Christmas Carol song age I was I know I know I know about you I hit it I hit my head on this is not the most Asian he's ever sounded it's the most beautiful time of the year lights fill the streets spreading so much I should be playing in the winter snow I'm gonna be younger than mistletoe [Laughter] come on missus says it's mango which is harder Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] next thing you boys have got those we're gonna get bit festive oh you got some crackers to put yeah a bit more but you will do that doing trios as well one each why did the turkey join the band I'm sure the turkeys actually good at drumming what do you call a cat in the desert I know you're on a Sandy Claws that's what does that have any Andes I'm just happy to have anything what did Santa Tecla smoke a cigarette nicotine is dogs tonight Wow oh we're right I don't know where we're going I like yellow confused what the [ __ ] is your next activity you guys are next to us this is free against today you want to do this are you ready holding down [Laughter] [Music] alright boys your last activity is you have to give your most festive drawing of you and your friends with Santa you say that but no Lud's are not you not drawing you and your friends take off the package review there's a reason myself und Fred and I want to make a mockery of you guys oh for [ __ ] sake I'm mugging myself off in front of everyone he's not gonna be done by the time I finish the Christmas tree slide or pole in you're going Pole I beg you don't [ __ ] up for ease of a hospital in summary slide deductr straightforward I'm Harry old fun this is ksi I call this piece of art XIX mus stick edition ready and the mandem identify who's who come on I who is this that's you that's me I'm the one I'm the one with things in the Burrow like you got extra bone in your arm thanks somehow I know what happened there that's Josh that's daddy's girl at work why Simon picking up Harry no it's just this perspective Harry lanky slamming Rick down there and bears with the Flex you thank you there's seven Christmas presents for all of us and a snit Christmas tree I'm very proud of it thank you thank you for coming to my TED talk your eye man how the [ __ ] he supposed to get through that sit on it howdy what do you do sitting it a so you look cramped and that but a masterpiece so can you guess movies yeah Josh on the left well this is Josh it says NRK bro yeah yeah that that's that's even with the Flex he's got Dumbo yeah Harry sat on the ground saying kick down and this is top says care because a coffee brown you know we've got case I'm gonna are punching to me flying this why my legs so fat bro yeah that says your vision I love that I love that yeah yeah hey for Big Brother I'll ask ACA you just not blowing they use can you saw a man and set up on eBay - yeah can you sign mine thank you that's a Christmas image for you guys I reckon we put down the t-shirts we call this all right maybe it would be better than the hide-and-seek teacher I reckon if we're back on a t-shirt we sell at least a hundred Lots they're working there with this okay wait wait is that [Music] any points not threes a big prize oh yeah what nobody ever seen is done by one person again full full fries [Applause] about this is I sat out and I'm like you know what I'm going to try and do a good drawing I'm going to try and draw a realistic Christmas myself so just you you just drug this out yeah so you did and the reason no the reason the reason I didn't okay it's because not because I don't have any friends because I didn't want to offend him when I realized how bad it was when I started drawing myself I could not draw any of you guys because it would look at my drawing look at our drawing again later so what you're not ready how badly could you - no you don't the perspective your brain is computed - your hand to make that you produced that into the environment really good I tried again my shadow is a stick world is a stickler the furniture it's like I'm holding up a mug shot no it's not do yourself some justice there's not why you taking it home you order a stinky dad but oh no no thank you I got a fever I was here [Music] crazy how inside here we go [Music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,215,008
Rating: 4.9439583 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, $10000, sidemen $10000, sidemen $100, christmas, sidemen holiday, sidemen road trip
Id: LLumNtcSePs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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