SHE SAID NO MORE MONEY / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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pretty awesome unit you got there jared yeah are you gonna tell me how much of my money you spent um how much do you think i spent any idea what was going on with this person at all passed away oh they passed away they passed away and uh the daughter came by and uh looked through uh jet they had two units and uh daughter came by looked through it took a couple things and said that that was it huh this piece after further investigation investigation it is genuine ivory wow look at that with the 12 karat gold filled that is an ivory that is ivory which one which one do you think first sean this one we found that one first so let's do that one my guess off the top of my head bare minimum two grand easily two grand that's at a minimum we're back now the one thing i haven't shared with everybody is how much i actually paid for this unit and i'll tell you at the very end and then you're going to get to decide was it worth it i'm not only going to tell you what paid i'm going to let you know all my expenses that's with travel i just stay overnight crazy thing is i had to pay 250 dollars for a room last night because it's spring break and because the phillies are in town that was the cheapest room i could find so i'm gonna tell you my whole expenses and you're gonna get to decide after these four videos whether it was worth it or not so let's see right here we've we we've moved a lot of stuff out of the way we're gonna take a peek right here a couple more totes we got well there you go we got more more and more and more and more vhs now i've said this previously i'm gonna say it again one vhs if it's the right vhs it can make us thousands of dollars but it literally is gonna take a lot of time to try and find which one it is i like that we're seeing disney in here though i like that for sure never ending story that one was awesome we've got pocahontas here yeah this one looks like all disney in here this is the disney collection here but we moved most of the totes out because we could tell when we were moving them they were vhs so let's take a peek at some other things what do you say all right we got this left in here sean we've got smart packing how are we doing with the trailer we packing it well it's half full okay half full are we packing it smart yes okay packing this he's having me do it for him so that's the smartest way he could have it done there you go there you go all right but he's going to make me he's going to make me pay for lunch so all right we'll just move these books aside let's let's dig in here really quick more disney but wait wait we got we got some other graphics we have other stuff in here scooby scooby doo where are you dude you know what this is you know what it is it's a little mermaid it's not only the little mermaid it's the band cover are you serious you see it right there yes it is the band cover little mermaid is that bam black diamond oh band cover little mermaid have you sold one of those before yes we have sold them before george has i don't know four or five of them at my house i've never seen one i've only seen it there it is on tv there it is youtube never seen one live band cover you got to see it first and foremost i don't know those are the ones that you're talking about that you have to go through and look for that's the one that is the one look at that little church oh i moved it from you didn't i okay okay it's a couple art pieces okay there's some stuff down here let's see you know what i'm seeing already i see more of that yeah i'm seeing more silver here we go we might still find he bought this second hand the suncoast hospice resale shop huh at least you got that one great collection yeah without a doubt he did incredible bought that piece secondhand doesn't mean everything else this is silver this is academy silver on copper so that's more silver plated okay what do you think spittoon uh trophy made in korea a little planter yeah put a little aloe vera in there or something like that just in case just just in case robbie gets me in a uh you have to come in again fight with an agave plant yeah in case robbie gets me in a little predicament i'll be all right okay this is avon that one's avon gravy bowl right it looks like it wouldn't the gravy i thought you'd be able to lift that up off from one piece though maybe it's just decorative dude i'm feeling it this is gonna have gas yeah i do have gas no nothing new there nothing new there at all okay what we got here we've got that is more butter looks like yep that's butter and that is plated everything's better than butter that looks like silver on maybe it's not no that's silver plated see look look right here you see where the plating actually cracked off so i'm i just pulled back the silver right there so that is definitely silver plated as well it's not marked i was looking but then it's all the foot and if this was solid silver i would be absolutely thrilled it is oneida and i think it's actually silver plated can you see yourself i can see i'm upside down really yep here if you flip that there you go no i'm still upside down that's talent okay here now you better still upside down i think still here try that nope still upside down try that still upside down should i turn the camera upside down how about that i can't see myself now probably best [Laughter] sean wants to hit these boxes sean if out of all these boxes which ones would you want to do i want those three bottom ones in the middle this right there yes that's where you think they were hiding it yeah all right we'll get there that is not the seven inch crystal basket that's something like a juicer i don't know oh it says right there orange juicer okay let's see we got we got we're getting there we're getting to your to your boxes i can see why you want to get in there okay casserole dish more casserole aren't these ones worth something yeah the old anchor yep packing okay that looked like a meatloaf that is that's all casserole dishes in there this box is all casserole so we'll just set that aside you know what i might just use that as a i think i'm going to join you smart man smart man getting his own okay here we go here we go oh this one says japan all right this is the one you wanted to see we've got glass yeah we've got more glass definitely not what i was hoping for we've got [Music] casserole dishes okay more actually this one might be worth something no not what i thought it was i thought that might be old for us to wear okay so we have casserole dishes if anybody wants to bake us up the casserole while we're burning up in here this is normal this is normal florida uh winter right yeah 85 to 90 degrees in the middle of winter can't beat it i love it okay come on i saw japan and if it's the right japan we're looking at money [Applause] it's a nice little ornate piece japanese piece there yep made in japan not an older piece though i think this is a more contemporary because they used to etch made engine right not put a sticker on it doesn't mean it's not worth something but i also don't know what it's actually worth right here's well there's more of the same set so those two are probably over here this might be the entire like like there there it's actually yeah that one's embossed in there made in china not japan yeah these ones these ones were japan that one was china and that one is china i'm guessing there's a cat head that goes on there and is that a cat or a rooster it's probably a fish and it's holding a fish okay there's got to be a head in here somewhere now where it is i don't know that one's not labeled that one doesn't have oh there's the top here there's the top there i'm sure this one has a top in here somewhere probably okay i probably just didn't find it yet oh wait i probably shouldn't have [Laughter] probably should not have thrown that these do say fragility no i'm just gonna have to manhandle this there we go let's see what we have here this is another one that sean wanted to see curiosity was getting to him not what i was hoping that's what you wanted sean no actually this was the only one i saw that didn't have any writing on the sides that could be worth something yeah this this one this box doesn't interest me too much let's um what do you think about 22 pieces that one looks like it was marked for something you know what i'm gonna have to stand up let's get in a tote all right we got two more totes i say eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by his toe if it hollers let it go eeny meeny miny moe this is the one how's that sounds good that work okay we've got oh look at that jolly saint nick found uh some good stuff there christmas lights yeah christmas lights and the reality is again george and i can probably use some of this because we have nothing here in florida nothing at all you can decorate the palm trees around your house with them oh that'd be fun that'd be real there's there's the nativities remember this box had nativity on the side we have not opened that box yet but it did say activity right there nativity and i'm starting to find nativity right there maybe there's two of them there might look at this look at that debbie mum those are is that for cake or what do you do oh candy cane oh spreaders so it's like a knife maybe for butter oh cheese and crackers is that what it is she's incredible people do those cheese balls at christmas time oh yeah yeah yeah dude you ate a gummy candy cane from this unit and you're calling cheese balls disgusting listen listen this is what you need i'm just going to give her to you she's yours now on the setter side she's yeah that's what you need after eating that gummy candy cane i can feel it working i'm i'm gonna be eating the rest of them on the way home i got two hour drive all right let's see what we have in here we've got i found santa claus there's santa and who says santa's not real there's santa claus and there's mrs claus down there what else is in here we got oh look at that snowman bell nice that's what george should use for the auctions yep yep right there that's what she do we have too many cowbells as it is yeah little uh little snowman bell because every auction is just like well it's like um it's like christmas there's something for you to sit on here we go i like it already i like this one already okay come on gee whiz look at the patina on that that has not been polished in quite some time okay come on please solid bar of silver okay this is reed and hanton that's electroplated so that's that's silver plated this is reed and i might have read that long wrong last time reading barton that looks plated this is a ghost and let's see what else do we have in here pretty ornate there i like that it doesn't tell us if it's electroplated or not gone with the wind is that that's vhs again isn't it is that a complete set there it is it is more vhs this dude loved silver and he loved vhs and airplanes and airplanes and harleys [Applause] there's another one and it is oneida and it doesn't tell me what it is nothing it's like silver on copper again maybe maybe it might be silver on copper here is international silver company usually that's plated yeah that's usually plated and there's a ton in here [Applause] that one is oneida i mean it's beautiful it's absolutely amazing but that one doesn't tell me what it is george is going to have a field day with it all she's going to be busy this is jorgen or something like that gorham is that what it is gorham gorham that's what it is it's gorham tell me about gorham gorham could be pure silver or 9.925 i'm pretty sure i don't think gorham is plated let's hope it's complete let's hope there's a reason why i remembered that name i don't know why but well the important thing is is that you did this one is silver plate by there actually there's a name on the back okay i don't know if you can focus in on that or not does that say hails probably can't focus in on it can you it sure does look like hails something close to that something kales hails we'll say it's hails we'll say it's hail yes we will but just for the hails of it we're gonna say it's hails okay oh an appreciation this is reed and barton tara hall but we don't have any whether it's silver or not somebody was given that as some kind of reward got another serving platter here we definitely have our fair share of silver silver platters we got another one all right that one is definitely plated you can see the silver plate coming off here found one earlier like that yeah and a ceramic yes type with that same design okay we've got this is from england what do you think silver listen to it it's got that ting it sounds yeah very possible it's got that ting ping england as well i can't tell if it's boy it does i want that noise i want to say those are silver i want to say those are solid [Applause] i want to say it it doesn't make it true i want to say it but without further investigation okay we got oneida and this is probably silver on copper yeah that'd be my guess there we got another one here oneida and then boom interesting i think i think we got it all except for oh you know what this is no hot plate no hop i think this is a cheese slicer isn't it how would that be able to slice cheese you see these wires yeah so you put you put your piece of cheese on here and then you take the wire straight oh right through that little slot okay this is for um this is for uh sophisticated sophisticated people do you think grapevine so i'm not sure how i actually knew that but um you know my people my people are the ketchup people my people are not the uh cheese slices do you put ketchup on your cheese uh yeah if it's on if it's on any macaroni and cheese pepperoni and cheese i put ketchup on macaroni and cheese too all good people do yeah it's the right thing to do yep two days down to the last box here we go we're gonna open her up let's see what we got we've got uh more casserole dishes mini casserole dishes you got a woman in your life that's uh that's making any casseroles for you i do not have a woman in my life i cook for myself i clean for myself i do my own laundry thank you well my woman doesn't use these either so not sure what we're gonna do with it i could say something about that but we're not gonna go she just she takes me to barbecues and there you go and that's that's the way that goes what more could you ask for okay check this out we've got uh these are actually kind of cool porky pig casper bugs bunny there's old popeye oh we got some records here we got records whipped cream and other delights what all right right next to the candlelight varieties gaslight varieties oh gaslight i can't read right side or upside so all right we got we got superman we got daffy duck are those vhs oh there's the three stooges yep definitely vhs and betty boop all right i'll tell you about classics you and i you and i need to go hit lunch and then i'll get all this stuff back to george and we'll get her reaction we'll see what she says since i haven't seen her a couple days but before that we gotta see if we can find some barbecues and i ain't bringing none back for george she's got that she got that emerald necklace that'll be they'll be more than enough shawn and i are eating good even though george isn't here no barbecues right there is no barbecues around this area did you bring something in with you yeah what do we got i brought this for jeremy and george because i don't think they have one at their ranch it might come in handy oh nice this is a drone okay unfolds like this [Music] very cool it has a 4k camera on the bottom yeah another 4k camera in the front okay um lights remote control it'll work with an app on your phone also very cool how long do you think it'll take george to crash that into a three uh what do you call it command okay to where you can automatically have it returned back it'll fly by itself all right we're going to try it we're going to see how long it takes george to crash it welcome back to the right hand you want to see what's inside yeah all right open it up you're never gonna believe what i found in this unit tons of treasure i bet um definitely tons of totes look at all that okay well you do love totes mcgoats yeah it's not bad it's number one first um how about two layers back all the way forward all these totes is that not incredible that's pretty awesome okay but look here first look here i i set aside some of the most amazing stuff okay all right check that out all right and oh tricky isn't it that's real ivory that's genuine genuine ivory is this illegal to be holding right now you know buying and selling is illegal holding breaking the law look at you lawbreaker okay now i found this is this bakelite that is not that's alabaster actually what did you call me exactly what you are okay so this was really cool now sean and i went through a lot of this stuff so some of it got mixed up now there is there is a necklace in here let's see if you can it's not a shiny quarter but it's still cool but there's a necklace there's a necklace in here see if you can find it there's a necklace now in the video i said it was two thousand dollars it's probably closer to three to four this one which one is this what you're thinking of right there yeah that emerald this is a necklace which one this one yeah that one right there the emerald wow i think that is a three to four thousand dollar it's a beauty it's um it's beyond the beauty it's amazing it's gorgeous we'll hold on to this there's an opal ring in here too there's there's a bunch of gold where's that florida barking frogs um there's a bunch of gold pieces in there so right there look how gorgeous that's the let's see if it fits my pinky or my ring finger look at that there's the star opal on black onyx so that's gold as well don't mind my ashy elbows everyone and then there's other gold pieces did you see this piece of marble i found or not marble piece of glass remember the glass blowing class i took you to for your birthday yeah was a year ago or two years ago two years ago so i want to keep that for sure what is that supposed to be just abstract art apparently but you want to see one of the coolest things sure a key a random key king arthur's round table that could hold there could be something in this unit i think so yeah exactly hold on this could literally be the national treasure held right now at king arthur's round table could be amazing other cool stuff in there too silver bar or that gold bar you've been chasing oh next to the 1940s look at this this is all harley davidson diecast bikes for real but open this open this that's a gift from sean for real that is a gift from sean otherwise known as john goodman because everyone says he sounds like john they all think he's do you see what that is i don't think he sounds like sean goodman i think he sounds did you just call him sean goodman i thought it was john goodman yes you should change this sean goodman what is this this i see a remote is a drone no you know what i think you need to do you are going to try and fly this and try and get an aerial view of our entire property oh my gosh that's awesome um thank you sean goodman what are you gonna do if you crash it instead of fly it well i'm gonna practice practice makes perfect no there is no practice in flying there's only flying and crashing it's no one and done we practice uh we're doing it now pretty awesome unit you got there jared yeah are you gonna tell me how much of my money you spent um how much do you think i spent 325 higher 8.75 higher 1100 higher more than 1100 higher i am deducting that from your allowance i don't get an allowance uh all expenses taxes expenses i had to get lodging i'm probably in on this unit two thousand dollars but we got a drone out of it that's priceless we did get a drone thank you sean goodman [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 60,361
Rating: 4.9329009 out of 5
Id: h2mL72iOnWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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