PART 2 THE MANAGER TOLD US EVERYTHING / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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[Music] but there's something hidden under these sheets oh my oh more meds and now we have the flash drive we're back here in chiefland at a w storage in the 10 by 10 that i got for just a hair pennies under 400 i'm going to get this queen size mattress set out and then oh this is what i can't wait for there is a dresser over here and if anybody knows about dressers that's typically where i find the best stuff thankfully i was actually able to get a unit today she fell off the face of the earth so here i am trying to text her call her send her a letter send her a certified letter and she's nowhere to be found so hopefully she's alive and well somewhere but your stuff's gone you did everything you possibly could i tried for how long has this been here about a year you guys know i love getting in the back corner i got a washer and a dryer in here all reality that's why i bought the unit because we don't have a washer or dryer yet at the ranch so george has been begging for one look at these bonus items back here in the corner though i now have a black and decker what would you call this a weed trimmer weed eater weed whacker and it is in there and it is brand new brand new now that's that's a bonus i'm gonna set it aside over there is it corded uh i think i think you gotta plug that one in so you know 70 acres i'm guessing i need roughly five miles worth of extension cords but don't worry i buy storage units so i'll find it i also have this leaf blower toro it's uh it's electrical as well and if i'm gonna run them both at the same time i need another five miles of extension cords but i saw this out of the corner of my eye i don't think anybody else did this here this here is a torpedo heater this here is probably brand new couple hundred dollars and this will actually during the winter if it does get cold in florida and it can get down into the 30s no snow but into the 30s and even 20s this will actually warm up the entire warehouse so what we're looking at right here is material that we're going to use and need that's why i actually bought the unit right there for the heat for the warmth if we're gonna get to that dresser we gotta get some of the boxes and stuff off of it so let's see what we have here prescriptions for natural cur curves that's how that's how we say it down here in the south we say curves it's natural curves and we've got uncommon curves for women i don't know why they excluded men but it might be a southern thing who goes oh my goodness look at this look at this this is brand new purse i almost i almost hate to actually take it out but i'm going to that is a brand new i don't know what kind but it is it is brand brand new it's never been out of the plastic i moved it back in the plastic there's some money right there put that back over there now let's see anything in the clothing box anything at all we found some other hidden things earlier we found oh yes i'm gonna use these for the pigs as well i can brush their backs with this and their ears i'll do the back with the big one and i'll do their ears and their nose with this one you can actually move the dresser now okay i just want to take a peek oh there's definitely stuff in there oh my goodness and in there and and hand in there every single one of them is full okay what should we do what should we do what should we do we should get all of this stuff out of the way first okay let's see because we want to get this stuff out of the way so we can get into that top spot there's cards repel um some kind of mushroom i don't know i don't know there's some people that really like mushrooms i guess okay all right another random box of just murder she wrote that was a good show i never watched it um let's see what we got in here got some crazy teddy bear crazy teddy bear now this just looks like that looks like junk let's see what's in here life is good at the beach thankfully i only live 10 minutes away from cedar keys and the beach uh this looks like random weird stuff like look at that why in this box random super glue security envelopes any stamps usually the stamps are tucked in here no no stamps i don't know whether to feel good that there's no stamps since i just bought stamps or feel horrible because stamps are money and i didn't buy the huge stamp dispenser unit that went for 3 000 some more boxes lots and lots of boxes wait are these the stamps i've been looking for those are not official stamps okay so we've got some home decor we've got tissue here's a purse here's a purse look at this here's a here's a wolf whoa whoa whoa i know i know i'm getting crazy in here but i saw something i saw something okay there's arch that's for archery right there and i thought i saw honestly i thought it's all cute i really did i thought i saw a piece but there's wood patch archery okay all right let's get back to the purse okay i got a little too excited a little overly excited and let's see what do we got another purse never have enough purses right right substitute george says what do you say you don't want to see my collection you have a purse collection oh absolutely oh my goodness all right uh nothing in there this is just random stuff random stuff but nonetheless stuff let's see what we got here we've got more i think that's just random household here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna dump that out see we got like quick bath i don't even know what some of this stuff is but what i do know i don't even want to look at it because i want to get to the good stuff back here here's more oh yes finally spurs i'm gonna hang these up above my bed just in case i need to kick anybody at night for snoring you know what i'm saying or sticking their fingers up my nose because that happens quite a bit um nothing else in there that is weird isn't that weird okay what this is oh now i'm dropping stuff everywhere nope i don't know that this one's gonna stay sealed this one okay this one is filled with clothing and it's and it's going absolutely everywhere so let me clean this mess up a little something for the squirrel lovers i don't know maybe that'll go outside of the ranch oh did you hear that dude all right here we go what's inside there is money and there is a knife look at that mini knife and nail filer it's like a mini swiss knife all right that's kind of cool that's two canines we have the guitar knife and the mini swiss knife in here see if we have anything else we got this crazy thing there some kind of american family menu planner just a lot of this stuff is weird and random like i don't know this unusual plastic ladybug cute that's not what i was thinking but okay all right just random weird stuff whole box i'm just gonna i'm gonna set this box aside again start making another mess in all reality remember when i didn't i didn't see a table for the chairs guess what laura she blows there she is there is an actual table oh my goodness what is this okay all right i gotta i gotta move that toes watch your over yeah and there it looks like somebody just wrapped everything up from a junk drawer oh look at that look at that okay we'll get there we'll get there we'll get there what is this picasso nice okay interesting look at this look at that it's a scorpion knife with everything broken off of it unfortunately george would have loved that okay but it ain't there no more what is in here what is in here petroleum jellies we got aloe vera treatments for skin hot hands another another ladybag oh that smells like that don't smell good that's what that smells like it don't smell good okay let's see what's on this table here i had to go through this to get it out of the way let's move it over paula mess now it looks like a random junk drawer got thrown right in here what is this not even sure i wanna know okay there we go okay here we go wedding ring wedding ring gold silver potentially it's potentially silver with black onyx and what else do we have we got a harmonica there is a harmonica that's probably the first harmonica i've ever found see what we have here nothing there and i got matches that i literally spilled absolutely everywhere don't even know what this is like a pack for a picnic set or something i don't know oh looks like one of them lip balm things that you the evo evola got cleaning supplies here bleach maybe that'll get the blue off of my finger from taking care of the pigs [Music] a little windy still windy there we go need that i always need that and hi miles absolutely need that too okay let's see let's just dump it see what we got we got blankets towels yeah we got blankets and towels i'm gonna set that out there let's see come on over here come on over here let's see we got over here there's something in here there's definitely something in here it is it's a breathing machine yeah that is that's a breathing machine that is natural breathing machine i might need that after being in here what do you think that is let's find out let's find out what is it it is a [Music] found me some gourmet knives george would be happy i'll never use them last time i used a knife i stabbed myself in the hand we moved away a lot of the clothing that we could tell was just straight up clothing now we're back to some boxes don't worry we're gonna get to the dresser that's where all the good stuff always is but check this out check this out now remember whenever you find a set of boots always check them because typically money is hidden in them and also firearms except for this set which is a toilet handle flusher and a gardening i can't even begin to understand this lady okay what else there's something else in here okay that's what it was it was it was a surge protector um you know you you guys try and figure this person out i certainly can't here's a cow holy cow substitute george this thing is filled filled looking cold oh my god holy cow holy cow is that a mammoth tooth that's got to be that's a molar from something maybe a horse there's ammo here is well you know what that is all right here is you remember we saw patches in um in todd's unit something tells me that they might have been a common owner this is this is labeled mexico this is this is probably silver gold-plated right there that is probably silver gold plated yes this is what we needed we needed to find something good and now we're on to something what else is in here oh my god drive by forever we've todd's unit that was on the belt this is a common owner todd's unit we have a common owner so a lot of times what will happen okay here's what happens an individual has does have has more stuff than they have than they can put in in the unit i'm getting excited now because i know what we found in todd's units uh and what they do is they rent multiple units todd got a unit from this individual and i got a unit from this individual without a doubt now sieber here's desert storm here is that's gotta be that's mustang that's gotta be gold-plated we got here's some more coins here's wheaties 1945 wheatie 19 20 something wheatie she paid 15 bucks for something here's a silver nickel 1903 well it's not silver but still an old nickel so this is crazy so we actually have something scorpion so remember we thought there was a firearm in todd's unit you think of what i'm thinking that it might be in there i'm thinking 100 there's turquoise right there i'm thinking 100 100 for sure that it's probably right back in there look at all this crazy stuff we got ammo belt bucket buckles it's just it's it's everywhere look at that look at that snake look at that right there there's turquoise in the snake eye how cool is that oh i think we might have gold right here here's a gold ring i'm looking for a mark okay the ring appears to have been cut off and i don't see a marking and wait there's more stuff in here there's more stuff okay some kind of oils i should probably smell it make sure it's safe i probably should not have smelled it i probably should not have done that i should not have done that okay and some other random things too um i gotta tell you i'm getting really antsy to get in there really really antsy let's do this let's clean some of this stuff up and then let's see if we can get in there we're doing pretty good we're down to the dryer and the washer and we got a box here filled with honestly i don't know what it's filled with but we're about to find out those little angel babies i don't know what it goes to let's see what this is you know this is all making so much sense right now because we found so many indian decor items in todd's unit and we found purses brand new purses jewelry coins this is without a doubt 100 this is the absolute same owner as todd's unit only todd probably got a lot more of the gold and the silver hopefully we got okay um not the most interesting box not bad really what i want to see because george wants me to get a washer and dryer because she doesn't want to come in town anymore and do laundry so oh there's stuff in here there's stuff in here there's definitely stuff in there okay so to me that's a good sign that actually means it probably works now we hooked up to the 220 line to hook the camper up to the house so what i'm probably going to do is take the 220 line in the actual shop in the pole barn now i'll hook the dryer up out there and then that way we don't have to go to town we just got to go to the pole barn to do laundry so that's good we got a couple more things here here let me show you let me show you some of this i did find while we were oh i just dropped some stuff i did find a few things here and there when we were um when we were getting all that stuff out of the way so that was cool look at this you know i love doodles it's like some kind of it looks like they glued two turtle shells together and made some kind of remember the book the book handmade instruments there it is she made handmade instruments out of turtle shells right there how crazy now it's all making sense it is all making sense now the the goal is just to start making it make dollars about 20 of them in there that's a lot that's a lot right there you know where this is going right everybody knows where that's going that is going on the house come up here come over here okay there's another case here we haven't opened yet let's see what we got how's it even open am i opening that right oh there we go um we have the jolly green giant santy claus okay uh let's see what else is in here some more random stuff oh there you go george okay some random stuff in there put santa claus back in there and here we got another we got another tote here base baku spa shock uh spa care uh water line control this is what interests me somebody obviously had a hot tub right i mean can we agree on that somebody had a hot tub but they didn't how do you afford a hot tub how do you budget your life to afford a hot tub but you don't budget your life to pay for your storage unit now we can all go with the with the go-to of well it's coveted related no no it's not covet related it's habit related and stewardship related because frankly i went through covet as well and and for me because of the way that i've habit and formed my life actually generated more money during coba than i did non-covet it is a personal decision in people's lives how they're gonna live let's see what else was going on all right that's my rant i know some of you are gonna go i can't stand what you just said hey don't complain don't be negative because nobody will ever see what you say look at that that's american choppers right all right we got come on cash no cash but we do have dice definitely have dice in there oh substitute george we're getting close we are getting close substitute george you know what that is oh yeah you do know what that is something's in the something's in stock in the butt check the butt check the butt that's the butt you got the uh you got a screwdriver i don't have a screwdriver either something's in there we'll check that later look at a couple more things we've got stuffed animals i don't even want to look at stuffed animals going on the house that's number two i'm getting excited to see what's in here you know you know i have one of these at home right do you have any clue what's in it at home right now there's nothing in here okay once we get this loaded up we're gonna have to go home and see what i have at home in mine because i have one i want to know you're gonna find out and we're gonna find out right now what's inside the dresser here we go here we go come on maybe open it come on daddy open it up for daddy okay here we go there is there's a jawbone more bones not sure what that was to interesting nonetheless ooh here is your color that is my color that actually i could pull that off i could pull that off okay what do we got what do we got we got nothing nothing there okay dvd vhs combo that's 150 right there 150 if we can find the remote which is probably here somewhere now those who always comment on our videos when we tell you a vhs and dvd combo or 150 and then you go yeah right now number one you have no clue if you're not selling them so please don't tell us what we don't know about them and number two you have an opportunity to make money why we teach you okay so make some money out there they're 150 a piece this is looking good this is looking good drugs nicholas sparks kitty hats oh man stuff falling everywhere there's some kitty cats john hopkins magazine i'm sure that this is gold-plated right there on the edge so that's definitely gold-plated i just it doesn't mean very much to me right now because i'm looking for something else live well live well and prosper look at this i like frogs um another bracelet some cool green in there all right some good stuff love is kind some good stuff just not what i've been hoping for but is it in here it looks like it's in here look at this piggy bank it's already been broke why would i break it again look at that somebody already broke it somebody definitely already broke it nothing in there but there's something hidden under these sheets oh my there is something hidden under these sheets look at this look at that ornate clock check that out there's some other things down here too okay that is let's see what else we got we've got batteries now usually in these in these dressers there are battery operated devices so i wouldn't i wouldn't be shocked if we find one we just got to be a little careful here that's more it's more oh more meds and now we have the flash drive okay we're going to look on this flash drive too definitely going to take a look at this flash drive that might tell us exactly what we need to know this one's jammed it's probably in here all right let's look see what we got we've got we've got okay we got a ton of paperwork let's get back to the house let's find out what's in my cooler and let's find out what's on this flash drive back home i've got the thumb drive right there that's going in the pocket because remember i told you i have an igloo at home you want to see what's inside are you ready are you ready down down down ready ready okay i'll show you i'll show you in just a moment we got to put this in the back of the gator and we got to go take care of some things so just a second we're back out at the creek here we've got this special item that i keep in my cooler i don't know what most people keep in their cooler but for me i keep there we go there is now that is much much smaller than the last one so this is a hybrid rat snake this is robbie's the one that taught me so this is a hybrid what we're gonna do is he's pretty docile right now too what we're gonna do is we're just gonna we're gonna take him out like this now he's probably a good three and a half foot long two and a half feet are you serious i'm six foot tall that's four foot it's literally four foot he's touching the ground this is a four foot this is a four foot beautiful it is a four footer uh so i just measured it against my own body so what we're going to do we're going to let them go right in there we're going to let him hide on her and now we're going to find out what's hidden on that flash drive i'm on it and here's what's in it sandisk secure access back up your files to the cloud sandisk secure access basically there's nothing you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 83,623
Rating: 4.8881769 out of 5
Id: ZKolhtxIbZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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