COVID 19 TOOK HER STORAGE UNITS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And GAVE IT BACK

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remember i said i don't have a fork to eat with well thanks to jeremy at least i can make brownies [Music] when this day started i had no idea what the hails was gonna happen but it just so happens we had an opportunity to re-storage the love yet again it's an exciting time it's a fun time to be a blessing to others i want to encourage you make sure you watch from the very beginning to the very end to see exactly what the hails happens encourage others in these uncertain times there's something we can be certain of we can be certain that what the hails is going to continue to restorage the love we can pay it forward we can create an entire movement of paying it forward we will start walking over to the first unit we got six units and we're going to start in the c corridor first she basically signed off and said due to the time she couldn't uh she couldn't pay for a unit so if you buy the unit if you have the kindness to find the photographs please just drop them off at the office thank you the love project let's see what we're up against i think there's alcohol i think i'm i think i'm gonna do it i think we're gonna restore some love it's gonna be expensive but we're gonna do it because it's right like i said just like the ohio lottery can't win if you don't play let's see who wants to play who's gonna give me a hundred dollars i'll give you a hundred dean i got a hundred and one fifty one fifty two two hundred two fifty three four five hundred six right here six hundred seven hundred seven hundred eight eight hundred nine hundred i got eight hundred how about eight twenty five how about eight twenty five one time i got eight hundred and eight twenty five are we done please be done sold eight hundred dollars fifteen fifteen bidder number fifteen twitter number fifteen we're gonna restorage the love this this one might be for you rob actually it's not looking too bad some shake weights up front those weights those weights are money right now that's true this is the last thing some pretty amazing artwork last unit today exercise are you storage uh auction goers september 23rd guardian self storage wednesday september 23rd we start at one o'clock some beautiful we guess we're going to have somewhere between 15 and 25 units always a great time uh solid wood two other units on my uh two other uh auctions coming up we do have uh in strongsville on prime road all kinds of heavy construction stuff good stuff yeah that's it who's gonna give me a hundred dollar bill to get me going who've been a hundred bit hundred but how about 50. anybody give me a 50 dollar bill how about 25 it seriously i gave you 25. i got 25 need 30. i got 25 need 30. better than that i got 25 need 30 anybody else yeah 30 now 35 40. 40 40 now 50 50 and 60. 70. 70 and 80. 80 and 90. yep i got 9900. not 90. need a hundred that ninety need a hundred i got a hundred and 110 yup 110 120. yeah 120 130 yep 130 and 140. 140 and 150. yes 150 160 and 170 yes 170 180 and 190 yes i got 190 now 200 200 and 225 yep 225 250 250 275 275 now 300. no you were doing so well too i got 275 i need 300 anybody else yeah 325 yes 325 350. 350 to you 350 375 yeah 375 now 400 400 sir i got 375 i need 400. anybody else fair war 400 now 425 i'm out i got 400 need 425 how about 410 one time i'm in 410 now 420. oh no oh you're scared of him i got 410 i need 420. are we done last call jennifer 410 good job bought two units today spent almost fifteen hundred dollars now the first unit i bought we were actually told that the previous owner wanted pictures back and as you already saw in the video i said we storage love restoration love i bought a second units right here just found out by the manager the second unit is actually owned by the same person common owner she told me that the lady actually has been renting here for four years went through hard financial hardships owes over twelve hundred dollars so those fees are paid for with what i paid i paid 825 for the first one and four something 410 for this one plus ten percent premium on top of that okay we're giving her a call hello hello is this lori yes it is hi lori my name is jeremy and i actually bought two units that belonged to you yesterday at storage auction and uh and nicole told me yeah i wanted to touch base with you i um i i know i know people people lose units for different reasons and and yeah is that what it was job loss for you yes a couple years ago yeah um you know so it's like my entire life we're in those units um well yeah she they were auctioning off the first one and the auctioneer said hey the the former owner has requested all the pictures be returned and one of the things that that i've done is kind of spearheaded a uh a an internet movement called restoraging the love so people who buy storage units trying to restore the love to people who who owned them previously the benefit and the blessing is is i actually bought both of them and so no nobody else got it you you had the right person on the right day get it i know she said that you do youtube and i mean i've known her forever i've just been karate together back in the day you know for a long time so what happened was i'm a real estate agent and then coveted hit and everything stopped i mean it just stopped um you know so i wasn't making income so i mean for three months i couldn't pay for four months yeah i'd give like 50 here from 100 there and she's a business owner yeah you know when she told me i was like absolutely devastated because i'm like all my baby photos are in there for my kids they're baby books and you just yeah your life that you have in your house yeah your life is in there yeah my life is in there this is extremely generous of you i can't tell you how remarkable i mean it's just wow um you know it kind of restores my faith in humanity it's so funny because we were talking about all those postings on facebook and stuff and just how everybody is just so angry and judgmental yeah and then you come along with your business like oh my gosh i'm here with lori i actually have the opportunity to buy two not only one but two of our storage units lori you got a story do you mind sharing it with us not at all okay um 2013 we were living in a five bedroom house i lost my job okay i had six months saved up that went in six months so we had to sell my house we got a condo i could not find a job that was self-sufficient meaning you know not making and ends weren't me i just i couldn't i mean i was making like 13 at the most and when you had a condo you have hoa fees you have real estate fees you have your i just couldn't make it work so we got foreclosed on um we had like two days to get out before the sheriff was going to come knocking it only two they give you notification i kind of just sat on it you're numb you just you just can't function you just it's horrible so my son and i just came down here we shoved everything and i mean shoved it's a hot mess and all these units everything in within two days i had to take those days off of work i got rode up for it thank you very much because i had to do that um so i paid on it they've been in there for four years so after we left the condo my son and i had to go and live with my parents and that was fine but it still was hard to find a job to be self-sufficient so i was with my folks until last summer then my father died my mother sold the house and now i'm living with my daughter it's not ideal it's it's just i mean i love my daughter i love her fiance but it's just not ideal i basically have my entire life in these storage units at home i have a single bed i didn't have a single bed as a kid a double bed so i have a single bed i have a card table i have my tablet and i use that to watch tv on and a printer and then it's just some clothes everything else is in here everything from your life has been stored for four years 40 years worth of things all of my kids childhood belongings their baby books and i wrote in those baby books until they were teenagers um all of our photographs everything from my husband he died in o4 just everything absolutely everything so to have these back is the most remarkable thing it was so funny because when the owner of the storage unit said hey everything's going to be auctioned off that was just a couple days ago i did not receive the notification i have been sick literally physically sick i just and i didn't have a way out i could not pay the balance of the storage units what happened was covid 19 hit everything stopped no money coming in i mean no money coming in whatsoever so i could only pay like 50 100 here and there in the storage units the balance raised and they got auctioned off so here we are here we are i have the opportunity to actually buy them and now we have the opportunity to re-storage the love okay i have not been in here since last summer so it's been over a year yeah all right let's open it up wow well this bike don't judge but i was a personal trainer wow since all since 2013 i eat my feelings so this is needed now this unit i actually i i bought this unit to resell i had no idea it was actually laurie's they didn't announce that when they were auctioning it off and let laurie let me show you some of the reasons why i've been on it like right here let me sneak past you right here this miller genuine draft sign so this neon sign this would actually have some incredible resale value and i did notice right here the draft and this can be repaired but the draft is actually broken is there anything anything special about that sign well that was my mother's it was she passed away in 04 um it was very unfortunate my kid's dad died in january of 04 he's only 44 years old and my mom had cancer and then she passed away in september so cleaning her house out i found that and probably a lot of other things that we're gonna see so i mean a lot of this stuff is just my husband's or ex-husband i guess i should say um his families or my mother's so it does have an awful lot of emotional attachment to it okay you've got to tell me this here because this i solved this as well and i went a police stick it's a police baton my mother was a cop for richfield township which is um northwest and she had all her weapons when we cleaned out her house she had all these guns okay so i had to call my brother he's my half brother so he's she wasn't his mother i'm like timmy you got to get these guns out of here so he like took like this and we we sold them wow um she also had a grenade it was a stinkin live grenade okay so we called the cops because we didn't know how to dispose of that they had hazmat or not hot the bomb squad the bomb squad and tyga falls up here your mom had a live grenade yeah yeah do you think we'll find a live grenade in here no i know for sure you won't because they took it um laurie i guess i lied this is just a decoy my kids got this in martha's vineyard something oh did they really so this is just this is just a souvenir at the army surplus store it's cored out it's cored out so your kids have some things in here too oh yeah that's why this is so important i mean all of their memories i mean they lost their father they've lost their grandmother they lost both their grandmothers both their grandfathers my father just died um in 2018 and we were living with them at that time um so i'm very thankful that if things work out funny i mean we got foreclosed on had to move in with my folks so i got to spend some time with them you know and my dad was always a workaholic so i didn't really communicate with him too well i mean we were close but not close so he was very ill so we just sat on the couch and talked and talked and talked you know up to the day diet is that was nice really in all of that chaos living with your parents you actually got to know your parents even more yeah i mean there's a silver lining you know and everything just like now i mean wow this is crazy what about this piece right here okay that that's an antique it's for like cinders it goes next to your fireplace it's not for tassels um you're in a big hurry so that's just for senders next to an old-fashioned fireplace so would would this have been your parents or was this yours wow wow yeah all right i've gotta ask on this one too all right my mother was adopted and later in her life she found out probably ten years before she passed away she found out who her biological parents were and her mother had these collections of these animals and a lot of elephants i guess this was a rhinoceros at one time so i think this is probably ivory this is probably a hot mess this was actually my father's and stepmothers so when i got the house they gave it to me because i didn't have any dining furniture my son actually has the dining room table and chairs in his apartment right now so that's the last beautiful the buffet or yeah the buffet i never know what to call anything it's right this was a birthday present i know it's nothing but when i turned 50 someone gave me that they're shot glasses let's see just miscellaneous do dads i've always been a big collector so this is just part of my china wow yeah this was my grandmother's probably from the 20s oh boy just all kinds of things that i've collected throughout the years [Music] are those old atari games yes these are my mothers oh my goodness those are old atari games most of yours are probably going to be too young but uh oh wow old atari games oh wow i see i didn't even i got to say i've got to see this just for the i want to see okay uh video limps gorf space racers robotron holy cow lori is this is this part of mom's collection yeah there you go there's moms oh bullet shell casings was mom actually uh doing her own doing her own shelling making bullets as well no so i don't know why she has these casings and i just kept them because who knows um from her service revolver wow she wanted to be a cop all her life and she got to later in life said never give up all right so oh look at this i know these are just old pictures i knew my dad's family very well i did not know my mother's especially since she was adopted so these old pictures i never really had a chance to go through them so i mean it's just it's absolutely wonderful that i can go through these and see what's what and try to figure out who these people are in my life and my children's life i mean you just don't find photos like that anymore wow that's remarkable yeah you got your whole family history there i truly do [Music] [Applause] wow we are in such a hurry i just whipped things in oh good god so you have you literally had to run to put everything in storage this is what photographs used to look like in the 70s when you had class pictures i don't know where i am and i don't want to look but there you are [Music] oh my gosh what'd you find my yearbook oh really from high school wow yeah i went to st v so where lebron james went my husband and i got married in 1988 and this is one of the first pieces that we got we didn't have a closet in one of the spare bedrooms so this was just for miscellaneous things i have dragged this piece it's so heavy from house to house to house to house i just i love this piece as a wardrobe i saw this wardrobe and again this wardrobe was another reason why i bid on this is that your wedding dress yes that's my that's my wedding veil i don't know where my wedding dress got off to but i mean those are drapes but my daughter's prom dresses are probably in here we had hers made i don't even know if these are salvageable oh this is my daughter's prom dress i mean she's gonna love having this back she designed this on her own i don't know if you're gonna be able to see your daughter designed her own prom dress yeah and then we had it made for her yeah so i mean do you know how incredible this is she does a lot of um rpd role playing oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so i mean she'll be able to use this it was like a 700 dress i don't know if i want her cutting it up but i mean how cool is that that should we will have that i mean we just we all had remarkable lives and these are all of our memories from it just travels and gatherings there's a ton of clothes in there i'm gonna try to open this let's see what's in there i don't know if these will open in the heat things swell another prom dress homecoming dress i mean my daughter is just going to be absolutely delighted to have the stuff returned to her she was not real thrilled with me that we lost all these memories did you tell your daughter you're getting it all back uh-huh she tried to look you up remember i said i don't have a fork to eat wood well thanks to jeremy at least i can make brownies [Music] [Applause] this isn't anything significant significant words are hard sometimes um but i just love it do you remember where you got it i'm an antique shop that's no longer around anymore um stagecoach used to be on west market street in akron and they went out of business i used to drop my kids off at preschool and then i would hit like antique shops once a week and consignment shops and that's where a lot of this stuff came from now lori this is the first unit i bought 825 i had to pay they were bidding me up big time on this one sorry what do you have in here this is the very first unit that we rented um it's just everyday stuff that if i didn't have this back i would have to re-buy all this stuff i don't know when i'll be able to do that i mean truly i don't know when oh my god my pictures um wow oh my god i was so afraid these wouldn't make it they made it um these are all from naples not all of these but these paintings are from naples florida this one from william henry that we got i would say 30 years ago [Music] i i just i love these i'm so afraid we're gonna lose these this just came from the store but look i mean oh wow you see scrapes all from the same guy that was beautiful and [Music] but look at that i don't know if you can get a picture i just watercolors it's beautiful thanks and that's just this was from my husband's house before we got married so i know one of my kids would like to have that another seascape and that's my favorite my absolute favorite it just it just reminds me of bermuda the colors real tropical i there's no way i'd ever be able to replace any of this ever again because i don't know what's important how do you replace it especially if it's a once in a lifetime it truly is oh my gosh you guys this is from my business and there is personal information about all of my old tenants and things so it's good to have that back because you don't know who's buying your stuff never ever know oh when my kids are little you still love to watch disney movies and i loved sully my son bought this for me you know i was probably 40 years old and i have this big solid stuffed animal but how sweet is that but i have that back i'll be happy too when i decorate for christmas it looks like christmas threw up on our house so i mean i am so grateful to have this bath there's every single year you know we'd go to the store and my kids would pick out their own ornaments so now i can give those back to them but the thing i am crazy for is i think i saw one working in nutcrackers do you see one [Music] no i don't see one yet i collect nutcrackers and like i'm gonna lose all my nutcrackers i don't know where they are but i probably have like 30 of them and most of them were gifts from friends and family nutcracker well that was my mother she used to play softball that was your mom's too yeah that was my mom's your mom was incredible she really was um my parents they were got divorced when i was two but they met because of love of sports both my parents loved softball and baseball in fact um my father got recruited by pittsburgh pirates what yeah your dad was recruited by pittsburgh pirates yeah but he went to law school instead here are some pictures oh wow there's a ton of pictures there i think a lot of these are just yeah you can't replace this stuff you cannot replace this not replace any of this these are actually pictures of friends and that's our old house oh wow and there's the painting we just saw that painting and there it is in the old house on the mantel that's actually after i had surgery um these are personal finances probably from either my ex-husband or my mother so it's good that i have time to shred those here's my daughter's manga she'll be happy to have some of that back is this up is this what i think it is a triangle this is you've got to be kidding me it is it's calling people for dinner i got to know the story on the jacket the jacket is just crying out to me there's got to be a story there this is my mom's you know and after she passed away i wasn't quite sure what to do with it so i just i mean i've got a ton of these back there somewhere so this is this is her officer uniform yeah yeah and i mean it's not like he can just donate to goodwill what's the story well i know it's not my mother's you know both my parents played softball uh my dad was a great pitcher my mother had me play softball also with her at firestone park okay but i know this isn't her mitt because she always put a softball in there and then tied it up so it was the perfect fit when you caught the ball so i'm thinking i mean maybe this was mine at one point i think it was yours i don't think so because she would have put a softball in there so it would have came like this more didn't mean to throw you a curveball but uh you you caught it extremely well lori what an honor what a blessing it is to actually re-storage the love i want to encourage all of you watching make sure you do the same always pay it forward the more you subscribe the more you watch the more we're able to restorage the love as well don't forget to share and encourage others in this national movement restoraging the love thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 45,175
Rating: 4.9581203 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 9_VmnHD478k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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