FOUND MURDER UNIT I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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oh I can't believe it I can't believe it George last unit of the day nice and packed guys big unit 10 by 15 all the way up 450 450 475 475 and a 75mm 450 bid 75 475 and a 75 5 5 at a 75 450 bid 75 450 bid 75 at a 75 5 5 into 75 475 I got four and a half need 475 475 in a 75 5 5 into 75 anybody 75 450 last call 475 [Music] it's all boxes and all totes really exciting if I find a couple cool ones I'll open them up and we'll show you but we're gonna be working on this probably for a week for sure I know what you're all thinking what the Hales are they doing today well it's me and stand in George's back and it's freezing in the warehouse is snowing outside in Ohio so bad that we've got to get out of here and we've got to go south but to make sure we stay warm I got a little I got a little secret weapon right here so all you do is you just have to make sure you don't let anything slip out for the whole warehouse could go at any moment at any time you're ready to dig in yeah Anna George all right let's do this [Music] I don't know why but me and standing George always love to get into boxes that say things like what what's that say stand in George yes deeds okay so things like that it's the junk drawer it really gives you a sense of who the person is oh you know your American icons alright whoa whoa okay all right this looks like this is actually all personal items let's see let me just see yeah we definitely we got some personal things going on here oh my god and in George put your hand right there right there this is legal paperwork look at this this is legal paperwork all right up hand up just a little bit external and internal evidence of recent therapy number one I think it says a peg to peg tube I think we have the one-and-only pirates storage unit now we just have to find the parent stand-in George aren't those beautiful so pretty oh she doesn't have dark hair like you though no looks like my daughters that's that's you mean George's oh there you go there's one just like you now we are gonna figure out the mystery of the PEG tube you got to give us some time because there's a ton of personal paperwork in there but we're gonna try and figure it all out and we're gonna try and figure that out to share with you so give us some time we're gonna go through boxes as we do some reading and research as well it's a dry place away from odorous you remember the last time you were playing me cowbell in the bathroom that was awesome all right Kondo that's a good that's a good sign right let's see what do we have I don't know they look like big whatever it was it was big backing products that ones stuck in oh look what I just found this has got to be oh you know what goes after the chickens right all right let's take a look here I want to look under he yell it's made in Portugal all right and the chickens still trying to get after me now he's there's no doubt about that this this piece could be worth a lot of money look at that Egyptian cat right there and the piece that stand in George has there's a bottom to it as well those chicken candy dish then what color was that I bet you that's the bottom oh it's orange alright so he's got his orange dish here so oh no no that's not good that's a bummer yeah that's a bummer well let's see what else we have here oh there's another pretty kitty there is another pretty kitty and if there's one thing there's one thing that Egyptian women love and single women it's cats without a doubt yep oh there there there it's good now it's good you're all set there you go so maybe there's another top - that one you have another chicken look at that you want to play a game stand in George yeah alright guess what's in the box boxes let's find out if you're right and stand in George's absolutely 100% it's your favorite you've got more puzzles and it's boxes it's absolutely boxes do is it brand new or is it well looks like that's open I wonder if the actual puzzle are they hiding money remember people who went through the depression hide money in the craziest places and so we're not sure yet if these people went through the depression we don't know the exact age we know they passed away so we have to actually look through everything even this standing George you're thinking what I'm thinking no it explains the PEG tube it's the pirate ship it's the galleon let's see if the pirate ship is in here you see oh the pirate ship is in here for sure it's stuck here I'll try and grab that out why you now get the galleon Oh somebody actually pirated the pirate ship can you guys see inside there somebody pirated the pirate ship look at this so stand in George you were saying hey would you ever take this to your house and this is the reason why it's all in a warehouse because somebody pirated the pirate ship you know what that is right stowaways you never want mice on the pirate ship so that's that's not good is that one oh look what I found a 1932 Ford three-window coupe let's see we probably don't have aconite doing stand in George's is getting the pirate-ship out and he's clipper the Clipper any stowaways no oh man that is beautiful that is that is absolutely beautiful this this is starting to put the pieces together of the PEG tube the PEG tube leg without a doubt oh by the way it's beyond freezing cold in the warehouse that and my breath still is bad I might brush my teeth one of these days and I don't have I don't have aconite to open this let me grab a cookie I've got actually you know what might open I've got some I've got some ammunition some bullets over here on this Remington okay well yeah I figure if anything it will open right it's just sitting on the desk because we usually won't sell the ammunition look at that look at that explosive explosive opening there stand in George you know the rules safety first okay well that's not working hold a second let me let me get rid of that well maybe now here I got it I got it I got a cookie sure leg all right all right here we go okay and peein I can't I can't look out on this one can I use bullets cookies there it is brand-new brand-new don't worry everybody was safe in the filming of this box except for standing George I thought you loved it apparently it's a back backgammon game of India my daddy used to play with Bobby used to play with me oh great Baba we're just Baba Baba who's your Baba have you ever watched anything by May is that what it is you know they say the way to z culture is through the arts some music movies let's find out exactly who May was are you ready yeah make my day May and what was she watching oh she loved come foo huh look right there yeah right there and yes there is is that him yeah this is older David isn't it David huh well the good news is it's in there this younger yeah that might be young I don't know I don't know so she's like kung-fu oh man on the ledge man on the ledge yeah that one is a good one that's it it all takes place let me let me share the plot of the movie with you there's a man he's on a Ledge so there you go no spoilers though oh wow you guys all know that that George grew up in Cleveland so she knows this stuff so I wanted to build Noah's Ark as a hotel conference center but I never got the chance to do it that was part of my ten-year plan but I'm not doing that anymore now I'm building a YouTube channel and hit and it houses way more animals do you see what I see baby look who's your mommy and your Baba see these people definitely loved Egyptian Egyptian art and Michael Jackson there you go remember it doesn't matter if you're black or white George George's favorite TV series he always wanted to be a doctor really I thought he always wanted to be a YouTube comedian oh we all have dreams I would prefer the comedian over the doctor and fortress Jack Benny all right so basically in a nutshell we'd probably have Oh Titanic look at that one voyage one we're on untold story I don't I don't either but the beautiful part is is the movies are actually all in there let me know in the comments what's your favorite movie your all-time go-to favorite movie that you have to watch you have to have you know is it is it Columbo because Mae here seemed to love her Columbo or is it something more like CSI because they also love CSI let us know in the comments we still have the unsolved mystery of who is the stand-in George Staunton George remember when we found the turtle yesterday yeah do you think we have another one um I'm still struggling with reading does that say Tiffany or is this a Thai fan why okay could be Thai Fanny let's see man if we have a Tiffany turtle in here or would it be okay definitely not this that's the towel bar okay we'll set that aside oh I'm starting to see something I'm starting to see some of us is figured with that this first but oh I see something down at the bottom I think everybody's gonna be excited oh I think everybody's gonna be excited look at this I've got the porcelain Dutch shoe all right and I do see another one in there there's a set be some serious money standard George what'd you find hey I have two of the Dutch shoes this is I can't believe it I can't believe it are you guys seeing what I'm seeing okay we're gonna save it for last Oh what Oh that is you know what that means they bought this at a thrift store that's an oil pen marker so that was a thrift store find and that who knows where they got that but you can still find incredible things at thrift stores we teach you how to do that all the time look at this more Dutch shoes I think I got a set in here thanks oh yeah these are a petite Egyptian size these aren't bunch anymore we're just gonna say these are Egyptian so that's that's four that's four standing George right there okay I've heard that I've heard that isn't that where the whole dance like an Egyptian song came from yeah oh I can't believe it I can't believe it George I was just looking this up oh no it's broke this was the hundred dollar one on eBay no it's broke this is the hundred dollar one ah this is a lamp it's another snail lamp I'm gonna see if I can fix that so this lamp this is an easy hundred dollars on eBay I'm gonna try and glue it and fix it that's cool here we'll put that over here and I think I thought George broke broke the Tiffany I know what this is actually I thought that I thought the the actual bullets went off I know what this is just like yesterday this is the more expensive one and if this one isn't broken this is awesome these are the little lamps I put these in the camper and I leave them on all through the night I love it look it's brand-new it's never even been plugged in this is easy hundred dollars right here this is a lamp you can see the actual bulb right there Tiffany style shell these are incredible little lamps I love it this is going in the camper too with the other one so this would be two turtles that we found in this unit the first one was about a $10 turtle this is about $100 turtle with this style and then the snail that you just saw that was an easy hundred dollars as well but the shell is broken I'm gonna try and fix it this is awesome whoa what kind of what kind of connive do you call that this is a killing connive a Sakina can I okay all right standing Jorge is going for it here I don't know real Jorge Jorge handles a canipe Oh Oh a bit better with a capital dangerous this is whoa downright dangerous with that thing okay Safety's what did you do that was safe with that all right so we have here look at what we have here babe all right you know somebody was just asking me for yeah do you remember when somebody was asking me for a fly that's true so George was actually asking me do we have any flags at the warehouse and she particularly mentioned sewn-on stars and she said this is where the money is these can sell upwards to $400 $400 Wow this looks like I'll flag no stripes I mean all although there's a stripe okay I was gonna say all stars and no stripes okay so we're gonna put that nicely back in the bag there we're gonna make sure this flag gets a good good home this was part of Gary's stuff right do you think is in here is it yep sure is yep all right let's find out who Gary was : wait I don't even know how to power this thing it's their way to power on turn on a k13 - is this like a robot phone look how sticky that thing it is so sticky that's how sticky it is that's gross don't worry I'll wash my gloves later if you haven't found a stand in Georgia laughs at your boobs you don't know what you're missing this is an old courting trouble so we'll just set that aside there oh is this what you were just standing georgians standing George you gotta be lonely for a long time excuse me [Music] that's gotta be a Tigers are mm-hmm I thought you liked giraffes what about this look at this another another train here's a desktop locomotive train set listen is it in here it is it is it's all in here wow this is a train to go on your desk who's that Wow that's kind of nice Gary had good taste there we go all right so I dropped it stand in Georgia oops lost the caboose actually I think that just goes right on should be magnetic right apparently not oh there we go all right do we have in here we've got oh these are believe it or not these are pretty collectible on eBay they'll hold so anytime you can find like in a in a thrift store or anything like that any comic books old cartoons and comics this actually goes for a decent price so one by decent I mean by ten bucks and ten bucks and maybe you know seven bucks but the bigger ones can go for fifty some seventy-five and even some for a hundred this is where Jeremy gets all his jokes from 500 clean jokes and humorous stories and how to tell them verbally Staunton George I had no idea you would put on such relaxing music for the unboxing well it's about time for you to go Kampf you on this box are you ready standing George oh oh well you stand in George what do you have it looks like you have a pirate hook there a pirate hatchet hand yep just to go along with our pirate theme here all right let's see what we have are you ready in 3 2 there's a syringe what would that be for that's a turkey baster Oh does that make sense right there turkey baster small Turkey they can't all be big turkeys sorry people what is this what I think it is is that a catheter is that oh man look at all this medical stuff there's a ton of it look at this what would what sodium sodium chloride injection what would what was all this before any idea I just sold I would think so maybe I could just save this for when the snow comes and the ice comes and I can just pour this I can pour this on the on the porch and the steps and everything right when that just smelled everything what's this oh man oh man these are IVs what the Hales are we getting ourselves into look at this these are IVs these are full IVs look at this have no idea this is wild okay you know what I'm thinking I I bet the story is in the box with all the legal paperwork why don't we dig into that let's dig into the box with all the legal paperwork let's figure this story out once and for all the story of the pirate with the peg tube which the tubes are now let's hope let's hope the PEG tube wasn't in reference to what this is using going through that box we found multitudes of paperwork and lawsuits and all kinds of things but here here's something I want you to see look at this so there were some pretty big deal things in this in regards to paperwork and there we go this is actually evidence this is evidence in some lawsuits with housing look at that have it how do you even live like that so this is all kinds of mold and things like that we're gonna set that aside bankruptcy was a huge issue as a matter of fact the thing that I found is that Gary was married before and he and his ex-wife actually filed for bankruptcy and Mae was married before and they did the exact same thing both of them lost their spouses and then they remarried but as they remarried one second here one second here they got into financial issues as well now my only guest could be a couple of different things number one medical what you're going to see real soon stay tuned but number two spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on craft supplies pretty good way to go into debt fast and not only that got the gas shutoff and back behind in rent this is 860 dollars and they then filed for chapter 11 as well so it kind of just went on and on and on debt collectors see that last line right there actually the first slide debt collectors yes so it was a spiraling out of control issue which then unfortunately they got kicked out of their home and then that's not even the most surprising thing of it all stand in George we need you to tell us the rest of the story okay it's me stay and enjoy well some of them did actually the vast majority 99 percent thought it was you and the other 1% thought it was suburban beard and mani I thought you were doing really good alright so what we've learned about Gary is that he was the son of Mike who passed away at the st. Augustine Manor and this is the entire loss huge lawsuit episodes that he had to appear in court and that they were fighting for because they believed that his father was I'm gonna say in a sense murdered by the hospital by the hospital by the acting physician that was there at the time so what ended happened what ended up happening is that the physician that found him dead which he was actually found by the nursing staff in his bed passed away the doctor that was on staff that day took it upon himself to send straight to the funeral home for embalming without a coroner being there to put the cause of death in he he put his own cause of death and as the acting physician so what ended up happening was he never notified the next of kin that their father had died so they took that as malpractice and they attempted to sue for no less than $250,000 which we can't find the actual verdict but according to this the physicians lawyers came back and said that Gary who was doing the suing had no no case no laws were broken he had no evidence the point that the physician actually did any wrongdoing so according to that we're gonna go ahead and assume that he probably did not win but the weird part about it is is the physician did send him straight to the nurse the funeral home for embalming without actually finding out the cause of death so when that was found out the family the next of kin Gary sent his father back to the coroner's office to get a final and unapproved because they thought it was a cover-up they thought it was a cover-up they thought something was a malpractice the doctor did something wrong and he was trying to cover up what he did according to the physician who they were suing the cause of death was deterioration of the heart which the coroner later confirmed to be heart disease so he wasn't too far off so that little bit of a scandal going on and we don't know if there was an official payout or not we do not but what a long and lengthy thing was going on Wow you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 161,913
Rating: 4.7065673 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: CikHLudjMlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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