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over the last little while you put a lot of effort into your stream you finally hit three average viewers you hit your 50 followers and the easy part of having eight hours of streaming over seven days piece of cake you finally get that email or that notification you fit affiliate status congratulations you rush to complete your onboarding process and then you think what do I do now what's up everybody I'm Dimitri welcome to the Canada Games channel today's video is going to be focused on what you should do now that you fail affiliate status focusing mainly on the affiliate tab within the Creator dashboard but we're also gonna go into what kind of direction you should take going forward if you end up having any questions about today's video or you just want to talk about stuff I stream Friday to Tuesday on Twitch so feel free to hop in my chat and say hello link in the video description below let's just hop right into the video all right so first what you're what you're gonna want to do obviously you're gonna go Twitter on TV and just like before we're gonna go to our profile picture we're gonna go to creator dashboard okay once you're in here we're gonna put hitting the little hamburger button up here and you're going to go to preferences and you're gonna go to affiliate so once you get affiliate status this will become available if you hit partner then you'll hit you'll have partner here instead of affiliate so once you complete your affiliate onboarding this is actually relatively recent twitch has allowed you to change your payout method so if you're in a country other than United States of America you can change your currency so here I could change the Canadian dollars or I can change to Australian dollars or I can change P euros they allow you to get paid out and whatever currency you walk down which is pretty great and here you can just always check your affiliate agreement so one of the first things you're gonna end up seeing is your subscription names a lot of people don't really focus on subscription names because most people don't end up really seeing them but they are a fun way for you to identify who your subscribers are so you know like summit has his onesie squad and Tim the tap man has his group and like everybody has their own names so I just threw some names in there you can do the same you can just leave it as tier 1 subscriber if you want have fun with it you know it's it's not a big deal these aren't like the end of the world you can change them whenever you like just make sure they're appropriate obviously so emotes emotes are a really good way to not only express yourself as a personality but it allows your viewers to express themselves so try to choose emotes and create emotes that apply to your streams but you also think your viewers would enjoy using elsewhere if they want to so for example when you hit affiliate status for the first time you'll only have one tier one one tier two and one two or three tier one can be used by anybody who's a subscriber at any tier level whether it's twitch prime tier 1 2 or 2 3 or 3 or yourself so this is the one that you want to focus on making something that people are gonna use right something that people would use the most so for example my first one was this whiffed icon I played lots of rocket League and lots of FPS games when you miss a shot you lift it and people would just spam this in the chat and they have lots of fun with it once you get to a certain subscriber level so it's 15 subscribers you get a second slot at 25 subscribers you get a third slot and if you drop below that subscriber count afterwards you don't lose the slot so as long as you achieve that for at least a moment you'll get the extra slot which is pretty great so I chose and added to other emotes that I feel like people would use and enjoy using so I have a little T icon here and then one that says rage engage because sometimes I get upset when I play games and people like making fun of me for it so that's there these two twos and two threes are a lot less likely to be used because most people will subscribe at a tier 1 or tier 2 tier 1 or twitch prime level so at the beginning you can kind of make these whatever you'd like maybe emotes that you'd like to use but have fun you know do little cuts to cut outs of your face if you want draw a little picture if you want to really this is a really good way for you to express yourself and get creative like a good emote can be a really great tool for your for your stream I know people that subscribe to people just for their emotes so just keep that in mind the prefix is usually gonna be your your user name your stream name and then this unlock proc progress here this is what I personally use as my goals for stream so you know a lot of people have sub goal you know 60 right but they're at 2 of 60 that's a really large stretch for Apple and using the progress that they keep they give you here is usually a really great way to give yourself a goal to it to aim for so like I said originally it's gonna be 15 once you have the 15 it's gonna be 25 once the other 25 it'll be 35 and it constantly goes up and they'll give you more and more slots for your tier 1 which is pretty great loyalty badges so loyalty badges are that little subscription icon that appears next to people's names in your chat if they're subscribed to you so again you can be fun with it you know enjoy like for example this bass one I actually had a friend to make this for me it's a little bacon giving thumbs up right and then I have a problem where I like making really disgusting faces or cropping my my face and - really disgusting little crops and putting it everywhere so my two month three month and six months are all ugly crops in my face which is really funny when you see it appear in chat and then my 9-month is my new logo and my 1 year is my old logo because if you've been subscribed for a year you were around when the old logo existed so I thought it'd be fun but again you get to have fun you get to you know kind of be a little bit more creative and just enjoy yourself when you when you create these use something free like or there's tons of online tools you can use you can use canva if you really want to paint on that is basically just like an online version of Photoshop so great tool to use I used to use it a lot but I have Photoshop on here so I don't really need it and now we get to a couple of the other settings here real quick I like giving my subscribers after reviewing why not you know they can enter my channel and be right to the stream right away they don't have to watch ahead first ignoring slow mode which I never enable anyways I don't really have subscriber only chats and anybody can watch my broadcasts I I encourage people to go and look at broadcasts and find things to clip if they want them minimum bits and minimum bits to emote I think these are the default at ten I would recommend just putting them at ten ten bits is like one set so keep that in mind you can also create a whole bunch of like bit amount badges I haven't really gone through and edited many of these bits are the least common way of being tipped because it costs people more to tip you in bits so it usually doesn't happen very often but you're more than welcome to take the time and go through and play around with all those badges the hype train doesn't really get utilized all that much for a small streamer once you get bigger it might but what it is is basically it helps keep the momentum of events going and promote people to keep that momentum going throughout your stream and yeah you know you kind of get a whole bunch of stuff that you get to use for it I've never had a hype train get activated in my streams but if you do congratulations and you can choose emotes for it you can choose a whole bunch of stuff and you know if people are into it and they're trying to get that hype train keep like constantly going then you can have a really successful stream if people like you know buy into that momentum so set it up however you like I haven't really changed any of these settings I I think I had to change the e mode at one point and I changed it back as I like pogchamp and then leaderboards are basically what appears on your channel on your chat so and we'll mutineer so you know man kills as gifted eight people on my stream but this is all time you know tips all time bits and then so as a small streamer I would suggest you change these to all-time but if you get lots of people gifting subs and lots people donating bits and stuff you can change it to monthly and then if you get way more than that you can change it to weekly and if you every stream you're getting people doing both of those things you can do daily but all time allows it so that it's never really empty and it kind of showcases the people who have supported me no matter what day it is kind of thing so that's what I like doing that and that's really it for the settings I disable pre-roll ads and I get notifications yeah when pre-roll ads are unable to be disabled so I think that's a default setting that's pretty much it so like I said have fun with setting up your emotes and your loyalty badges and your subscription names don't think of it like a job right now enjoy streaming you don't enjoy streaming you shouldn't be streaming at all so kind of use these things like I said to like express yourself as a person as a streamer as a personality and use it to help you with branding so the next thing you're going to want to do is start to kind of figure out what kind of direction you want to take your stream and one of the first steps in that if you haven't done so already is choosing a platform something like stream elements or stream labs those are the two big ones I personally use stream elements I really like their layouts I like their modules I like how they don't push any kind of premium plans on you and I like the way that they update their stuff I've been using I originally started with stream labs then I switched over to stream elements and I'm really happy with them but you can go either way and I'll have a video coming up soon on setting up stream elements and going through a whole bunch of the settings it'll be a couple of videos actually and a lot of those things will work with gene labs as well so feel free to subscribe and you'll be able to be notified when those videos come out the other big thing is working on building your community so ways you can build your community is have social media accounts you know have a Twitter an Instagram account you can start a discord if you'd like a discourse a really great way to get people together have them posting stuff you know means and jokes and all that kind of stuff but it's also a place for you to talk have voice chat and you can set it up so that it automatically look to people when you go live so they don't have to do it on their phones if they don't want to be a twitch app always try to improve the quality of your stream the way you can do that is you can learn from others so I'm not a big streamer I don't have a perfect stream or anything so I'm always learning and adapting and changing my stream to try to make it better for my viewers so for example I just picked up a new microphone you know I've changed my overlays a lot made them more simple more simplified sorry I'm not feeling too great and you know kind of look at other streamers that are within maybe the same categories you target the same kind of people play the same kind of games kind of look at what they do what you like from them and like you can kind of pick things from streamers that you like so you know maybe you want to have like a similar simple overlay as this streamer but you really like the way that this streamer has their channel points that set up for example so kind of like learn from other people and talk to other people and talk about their streamers and the discord is another great way to do that you know if you have a bunch of English in your discord and you guys can talk about things and like have an issue something you ask them a great way to do it I personally have my own disc or channel and I like helping other people in there and I like it when other people give me feedback and advice for my streams and my videos and all that kind of stuff so a great way to do that and like I said the most important thing enjoy yourself if you don't enjoy streaming you shouldn't be doing it you shouldn't think of streaming as like a dreadful thing that you have to do because you want to make it into a career it should be something that you enjoy first and if you can create a career out of it great wonderful and if you can't it's not a big deal and you know I've been streaming for four or five years now and for most of that time I just streamed because I purely enjoyed having people you know hop into my chat and talk to me while I play games even now I do it because I enjoy it it's nice that I make a little bit of money off of it but I just reinvest that money back into the stream so enjoy yourself congratulations living in Affiliate have any questions about today's video feel free to leave a comment in the section below or you can come and check out my discord channel tons of people are in there lots of knowledgeable people lots of folks that stream different kinds of content we got DJs we got myself we gots a few artists in there as well and we have lots of people that put that stream games come in there you can ask questions you can give advice you can get feedback you can enjoy the means and you can chat with everybody it's really great place also as I mentioned I stream from Friday until Tuesday in the evenings so feel free to follow me on Twitch link in the video description below and I hope to see you guys in the next video I have a special sound I just I just set up for it but there's there's three min by the way
Channel: Caddac Tech
Views: 62,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creator dashboard, creator, dashboard, settings, profile, affiliate, badge, emote, loyalty, subscriber, twitch, caddac, gaming, twitch affiliate, twitch affiliate program, twitch affiliate setup, twitch affiliate payout, twitch affiliate settings, setting up twitch affiliate, twitch affiliate setup 2020, twitch affiliate ad revenue, twitch affiliate requirements, twitch partner
Id: 9t6hz57Lotw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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