Top 3 Tips/Tricks for New Twitch Affiliates

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[Applause] you tube how you doing Chris Murphy here bringing you a video on the top three tips and tricks for new twitch affiliates that can help your stream grow as well as just help it to be the best quality that it can be I'm gonna do this in reverse order because I think number one is going to be the top trick that you can do to enhance your stream and make it a little bit better so we'll get right into it with number three which is leveraging your other social media platforms to gain views and subs this one's kind of a no-brainer in fact if you've googled at all how to grow your twitch channel this is probably the number one thing that comes up but I can't tell you how important it actually is this is something that I kind of put on the back burner I don't really have a huge social media presence or following in the first place so this is something I kind of struggled with but a lot of you are gonna be in a really great position with this because if you've already got a decent Twitter Instagram snapchat Facebook YouTube following whatever it is if you guys are part of a lot of great discord servers this is going to be a little bit easier for you you can leverage those platforms to drive people to your twitch channel by posting to Facebook that you're going live by posting on your Twitter feed that you're going live by sending out a snap by posting to your Instagram stories hey I'm going live in 10 minutes come hang out this is going to let your followers on those specific platforms know that you're on twitch in the first place and that they can come over and hang out with you real time in your stream watch you play games be active and chat whatever it may be there's a reason this is one of the number one things that people tell new streamers to do get active on social media try to grow those social-media followings and then drive those people to your twitch channel my number two tip is to run ads to reduce pre-roll ads pre-roll ads are those ads that when you click on a channel you're presented with an ad instead of that person stream usually lasts about 30 seconds I've had some times I've had two or three ads run in a row before I can even watch the person I was you're watching the first place and you know what people will do that to watch a lot of these top tier streamers because they know what content they're going to be presented with by the time that ads done but when you're just starting out and you're either not an affiliate or you've just recently become affiliated with twitch and you are viewer hungry and you're just trying to get people into your channels so that they can see the content that you're presenting and decide if they want to follow or sub or whatever it is that they want to do it is such a huge turnoff to be presented with a 30-second ad and I've done it myself clicked on a link to go watch a stream or been presented with a 30-second ad and say you know what I'm out I'm gonna go click on somebody else's maybe I won't get an ad or I'm gonna go to somebody I'm sub-2 or I've already followed and I know I'm gonna like their content so I'm gonna sit through an ad if I have to it's not a big deal people being presented with pre-roll ads before they even view your channel is going to drive them away before they're even able to see your content and that's something you don't want fortunately there's a way built into the twitch dashboard that you can prevent this if you come to your twitch dashboard right here in your stream manager on the right-hand side where you can add these different widgets and tabs you're gonna come down here under monetize your stream and you're gonna pick one two or even three of these to add to your panel so that at any given time you can just quickly click it and move on what this does is this runs a certain amount of 30-second ads to the people in your stream who are not subbed or VIPs or moderators okay you can run from 30 seconds all the way up to 180 seconds worth of ads what I would recommend to you is adding the 30 60 and 90 second ad breaks and I'll tell you why in a second once you've got these loaded over here you know have instant access to run an ad at any given time during your stream for every 30 seconds of ads that you run on your channel you're gonna get a little tick box that comes up here that lets you know how long a pre-roll ads are disabled for and for every 30 seconds you're going to get pre-roll ads disabled for ten minutes so a 30-second ad is going to disable pre-roll ads for 10 minutes 60 seconds will disable it for 20 minutes and the most you can do is 90 seconds will disable it for 30 minutes which is why you don't want to add 180 second ad break because frankly that's just gonna irritate people in your stream and you're not gonna get any more benefit because the longest you can disable pre-roll ads is 30 minutes anyways right so once you've got these over here you can run these ads during your stream to disable the pre-roll ads that people are gonna see when they come into your stream now you've got to kind of be a little bit smart with this because you want to time these ads correctly because you might be thinking to yourself well if I've got to run ads either way why not just let people come into my stream see those ads and then come to my content as I said before a lot of people are not even going to stick through that initial ad to see your content in the first place which is why running them in the middle of your stream is much more efficient because the people that are already in your stream and watching you are probably already going to be followers or already be subs and they're gonna be much more willing to sit through a couple of ads then somebody who's not even sure what your content is in the first place and here's the harsh reality if somebody's already watching you in your stream and they haven't followed her subnet and they've been watching your content for a few minutes and they leave because of a 30 or 60 second ad without following they were probably never gonna stay or follow anyways that's just the way that it is so by running these ads in the middle of your stream you're gonna disable those pre-roll ads and people are gonna be able to see your stuff another great time to run these ads is when you first go live within the first couple of minutes go ahead and run a 90 second ad because most people aren't even going to be in your stream anyways even your followers and subs who are alerted that you're going live probably haven't joined in yet so the first two or three minutes of your stream is a great time to run this 90 second ad break because that's going to disable pre-roll ads for the first 30 minutes of your stream and nobody's even gonna see him anyway and my number one tip to new twitch affiliates is how to get encoder settings 98% of the time most people who are watching this video are already familiar with what transcoding options are for the small percentage of you who don't getting transcoder options and encoder settings is what allows people to lower the resolution of your stream to save 360p or 480p or 720p for those people with either slow internet connections at home or for people who are on mobile connections and don't have that great of a connection where they're at if you don't get transcoding options very often then what you typically have to do is lower the bitrate of your stream so that more people can even watch your content without it lagging or skipping the problem with that is lowering the bit rate obviously lowers the quality so if you want to stream at the max bitrate of 6000 so that your stream looks the best it can look and you don't have transcoding options people with slower internet or people on mobile connections probably aren't even going to be able to watch your channel because as soon as they come in it's going to be lagging buffering stuff like that and they're just gonna leave and that's really unfortunate because one of the perks of becoming a twitch affiliate in the first place is getting better access to those transcoder options because partners automatically get transcoder options a hundred percent of the time it's in their contract affiliates don't always get transcoding options but they do get kind of preferential treatment over people who are not partners or affiliates they're given priority and if you're not a twitch affiliate you can still get transcoding options but it's very very rare that you actually do before I was a twitch affiliate maybe once every week or two and this is streaming every single night maybe once every week or two I might luck out and get some transcoding options but even once I got affiliate I was only getting transcoding options maybe two or three nights a week and that's really unfortunate because other than being able to take subscribers there were really only two big things that I was really looking forward to for becoming a twitch affiliate one emotes and two transcoding options and the fact that I was never getting transcoding options once I picked up affiliate that was really kind of bumming me out a little bit fortunately I've got a little bit of a way around that okay are you guys ready for this tip it's gonna blow your minds restart your stream that's it restarting your stream puts you back into that queue to get transcoding options a lot of people don't realize that and surprisingly enough I don't even really hear that being talked about as a tip or a trick to help twitch affiliates grow their stream if you restart your stream you're put back into that queue and I'm actually going to show you live exactly what I'm talking about it's what we're gonna do here is go live and we're gonna go to show player settings quality and here you can see we have transcoding options because it shows what I'm streaming at which is 1080p 60 and then it shows all the different options that people can choose from or if they have it under auto it'll automatically select one of these based on their current bandwidth situation now if I didn't have transcoder options the only thing it would show here is auto and 1080p 60 all these other options would be gone and if that happens the only thing you would have to do is come back over here in your stream and then you would just restart your stream again and you would do that until yours looks like this and you have encoder options now you may have to do this several times but eventually you're gonna get those transcoding options a perk to doing this one of the things I was afraid of was that you know if I restarted my stream five or six times then people with my alerts would be notified multiple times that I was going live and nothing's gonna get people to turn off alerts on your channel more than being told five times in a span of like two minutes that you're going live fortunately this doesn't seem to be an issue I've asked people who have my alerts turned on if they get - five multiple times and almost always they've told me no there's been one or two people that have been like you had said it twice which is still good because on that occasion when he said that I had actually restarted my stream like six times so the fact that he only got it twice was great but I've only had that happen once where somebody was notified more than once that I was going live now there may come a time when twitch kind of patches this workaround I don't know but for the moment that works I've been doing it for the past month or two and it's worked every single time and frankly I don't think twitch is gonna fix it because I don't think they care it's an automatic algorithm built into their website for who gets transcoding options and as long as there's a spot available they're gonna give it to an affiliate before they give it to anybody else other than partners so as long as your timing is good you're probably gonna get those transcoding options and since I've been doing this workaround I've never not had this work for me it's worked every single time I might have to restart my stream five or six or seven times but it's gonna work I'm gonna get those transcoding options which is the important part and that's it guys that's the top three tips and tricks that I can tell a new twitch affiliate to help grow their stream and help their stream look as good as possible at all times if you guys found this video useful hit that thumbs up button if you want to see other content like this hit the subscribe button down below also shameless plug as always come on over to my twitch channel if you would like if you want to come hang out watch some gameplay ask me any questions about my reviews if you need help setting up your streams or have questions in general I can help you over there in real-time or if you just want to come hang out and chat and tell me how garbage I am at the game that I'm playing you can do that too I'll talk to anybody you know what I'm saying I hope you guys found this video useful YouTube will catch you later [Music]
Views: 5,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slobs, obs, twitch, affiliate, affiliates, new, transcoding, beginner, stream, streaming
Id: qokeYLCNtaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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